The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 13, 1877, Image 2

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    It. V. MORTIIlMi:it,
LIMIIUll'iON, l'A.i
iSou. W. 31. lUp.iher nt Work.
Sluppltg Into tliu olTlco'of Hon. V.
HnjislitT on Monday last, wo fouml
III in busily pngaRcd In tlio prcprtrntlon
of a number of bills to bo roiul In placo
by hlui In llio House of Itctni'seiitnilvcs,
ninrnf Ihem tlio following, wlilch wo
tlilnk ovlilpnres comtttcrnblo tact and
I'neVpy on tha part of n gentleman des--IgDulcd
by an opposiilon party organ as
a "fourtli-rato lawyer." The bill to
provlilu for tho relief of certain counties
which have sustained such heavy ex
penses In tho prosecution of Molllo Mr
pulro crluilnnls, and which wo publish,
by permission, In full, If It should pan
aud become a law, will certainly bo
highly satisfactory to and bo appreciated
by all our people, whether Duiuocratlii
or Republican :
Am Acr toirulntlni: the piactlcn of tlio sovora'
Couita ol this Coiiiinoiiwci.Hh fur obtaining
Judgment by default nnd for wrml nf nlrldi
Tits of defenco, nnd in all actions at liw what'
AN ACT to provldo for tho revlow of criminal
cases In tte HupromoCouit.
A SurTLKilEKT to an Act, entitled an Act " To
authorize ohaltcl niirtgagcs lu this Common
wealth npon lumber, Iron and coal In butki
OLd upon Iron tanks, tank cars. Iron 010 min
ed and prepared for uso, rauuOficlTlrtd slate,
and canal boots," approved lhth Way, A. D,
1 (78, enicairroa; tho ptovlslons of sold Act so as
to lucluao other chattels.
A burrUsiENT to an Act, entitled "An Act to
prcsctlbo the manner by wLtch tho Courts of
Quarter Beslons may change tho boundaries
of Election District and TowmOiips," anprov.
od tho ISlh day of May, A. D. ItslO. altotleg
certain sections of 'old act.
AM ACT to establish a more efficient system of
clTil authority, to enable tho Sheriff.! of tho
swurol uounttoa of this Couiuiomvimtu to In
voke tho pout eomttatua to quoil lrrwloaancaa
and maintain the pubUo peace
AN Act to rrovlde for tho ro!ut of'ccitaln
counuoa of tills ConimouwoJllb who liao
uustuluod unusual and onerous expenses In
uppicssln and brlniflua to Justice certain
uicuibc. s of a secret orjs:uIz.islon known as
tho "Anclijit Older of Hibernians," or Molllo
WI1EEHA8. There has oxtsted fi r n number of
yean, lu ibo Ambriicito coal rontons of this
C'onitJonwcnlth.uwichcd and mtuderous teciet
borittr, coinjitioly known ns Iho "MtllloMa.
j-uuea." who Old, bv their flaunt bobbies end
ttio.ouitli orpnn zation, eieato a reun ef tenor
throughout thuso iciriona uetyluc law aud aa.
tbonty, uud Coslrolutr hcmuti liloaud piopur.
ty wltli lupuiuty, and eotiuuftly airline; tho
busicesN inierpnsos of tho poiplo t
ANO WilLUtHs, 'Dm peauo and dignity ot u
treat Common oaltli demand tnnt Iho luws
shall bo executed and tho citizens Ihuolnsn.
crtdly guard, u in their Uvea, liberties nnd In tho
jiui nut of happiness lu every part tuei cot, with,
out an onerous or uubenrablu bauleu upon suoli
nufortumto section. Tueiefote,
biernoN l. no It cniiclod by too denato and
llansoot itcproccntatiTcsof tho Commonwealth
of J'uiinsyuanlii lu Ucutral Asntmbly met, aud
It Is hereby enacted by Iho nuthenty ol tho
anuier That tlio sum ot City thousiiLd dollars
bo aud ihosMuois horcby niproniiatodoutof
any moneys lu tho Treasury, not olherwisonp.
prupilateu, to tho soveiai coautles ol this Com.
o.oi.woalth who havo BUstuluM unusual and
bardonsoine cxptusos In restoring law nail or
ie i aud brtna.lng ftalil clahs of tlx-.ut'ersto Jua
tic e, to be palil pio i ata upen thu to) al cipcucs
sustained by suolt oountles respectively in tliat
behalf, as hereinafter provided for.
81 c i Iho Judges of tho Cou-t ot Common
I'loaa of each and every oounty tntorestod lu tho
pioMslonsot this act. sbail, after lti passage,
nnjn Miiiuiuauvii, eu uu uiruu 1,3 uio uouiib
Commlealonfra thereof, annolnt two lnteiliirout
(.'ommleBloners thoreol appoint two Intelligent
and competent persons as appraisers, who shall
(having beer Urstsworuoranlrmcdtodlsehorgo
their uutlcs with tldolity) meet at Bueh times
uiiu p'ueesns iriey may uesunaio, gtwug uot'co
theieotto the Ceuuty CommWalonors ol tholr
reitiH etlvo counties, who shall present snern
mid certified statements of cults and nxnensni
lucurrea as otorctalil wltbiu their respective
couuties, aud tho taid appraisers shall uiako pro
lata aw.irds accordiugi, and inako return
thereof to tho Auditor (Jeuoral, w lib the amount
that eucu county having a claim under this not
shall bo entitled lu t and when tucti awaril has
boon tiled with tho Auditor uuneial, bo shall Is
sue Us warrants lor tho sums suverollvlawurdcd
upon tno stii to '1 rcaiurer lu tavor ot tlio County
'1 roHsurer of sucn ceiunttesas huve a ards made
to Ihem, n ho shall put such proceeds Into tho
Ki ni'inl fund of tho County Ireasur ot their
1 e-spoctlvo oouu ties.
bU. 3. Tho suld appraisers shall bs paid tho
sum ot lourHldollors per doy,when actually ami
neoestiaiUy employid lu thu lUschargeot tlioir
outios. with uii.uagoat tho rate ot ten (10) cents
pir mile for each mile r-ecessilly IravoleMlm
die-hartrlug tbe dullos alurorald. to bo paid by
U10 Coujjiy L'emnilsfilouora ot their respective
couuties. Aud a mnl jrlly ot tho uppvsl-ers up.
p. luted as aforesaid snail coustitutuatiuoruin
lor tho transaction ot business, with puwer to
Uerldoall Questions anting ucfoio them In tho
discharge of their said duties 1 provided, how
cxer, that tbe distributive awaids which they
ctiull uiako must bo slguod by tho whole buaid.
The auuual auction ot the pows lu
Plymouth church Tuesday night was at
tended by a largo company of tho faith
ful followers ot Henry Ward Uecchcr,
who were studying tho diagram of tho
house with a view to competing for sit
tings. The auctioneer, E. K. Hoyt, was
staudlug beside tho paster, when at 7
o'clock the salo was begun, and closed
at ten. Tho total premium? realized
were S35.G88.50, which, with the fixed
rental, makes tho total receipts 48,421
CO. Tbis'l8 $15,258.59 less than last
year's recclpts.and $21,803 lets than lu
1875, on the evo ot thu scandal trial
Tho brethern, says tho Suu, wen
amazed at tho great decline.
The rival Governors of Louisiana
were inaugurated Momiiy without dls
turbance. The inauguration of Pack
ard took placo In the Stale House, to
which none were admitted except tlio.-o
who had paisus. Nlclmlls was inuugu
rated on the balcouy of St. Patrick's
Hall, In the presence or an assemblage
estimated at from ton to 11 Icon thou-
aud persons.
Kepreseutatlvos Springer aud Wll
lard, the sub-comiultteu of tho House
Commute on Counting tho Electoral
vote, havo compiled a volume of 850
printed pages, giving an account of
ovarythltig heretofore doue In regard
to the counllug ot that vote, with tho
views of leading men urun thu subject.
According to u New Oi leans tele
gram tu the Now York Herald, General
Longstreet has "expressed Ills linn cou
vlction that the Nlcholls Govetnmeut
has becu fairly elected.
-Tho Washington correspondent of
tho New Yorlc l'ost gives what ho saya
11 ny bo regarded as a semi-official state
ment In regard to tho course to bo pur
sued by Senator Ferry In tho counting
ot tlio Eloetorlal vote "although1 not
authorized by Mr. Ferry or published
with his knowledge." Ho rays that If
the Seii.ite nnd IIouso ngrtu upon tho
courso to hu pursued, Mr. Ferry will
net strictly In accordance with that
agreement, bo It what it may. If no
Bgteetnctit 13 reached by the second
Wrdneiday In February, Mr. Ferry
will open nnd count thu votes of all the
Stntes excepting those (rout Oregon,
Ijoulslana, South Carolina and Florida.
Tho question of counting tho votes of
tlioio four States wilt bo submitted to
tho two Houses, and Mr. Ferry will
abldo'by their decision asjio which cer
tificates shall be counted or rejected. If
by Mnreh 'M the Senate nnd Houe do
not ngieo lu legard to the (our States,
Mr Ferry will then proceed, to count
the votes of said Utatos aud declare the
result, "acting lu accordance with the
Constitution an ho Interprets It."
One Ilm-r foh Uaud Time?. To
increa3o tho product of ono's labor, or
business, and then to inako tho bust use
of what is obtained, will certainly be
helpful in these hard times, or in any
other. Tlio hints and fuggestlona of
half a dozen Intelligent, practical men
and woman, who devote themselves to
studying and observation, on Just this
topic, must certainly bo of great utility
to every one. Wo shall, therefore, do
our readers a favor by directing their
attention to that most valuable practl
cul Journal, tho American Agricultur
ist, which Is Just now entering upon Its
5Ulh year. It Is packed full of useful
Information, that cannot fail to bo very
helpful to every family, and to overy
man whatever hi3 calling, and wluthcr
residing In City, Village, or Country.
Each Voluiuo gives COO to 700 fine
original engravings, that arc both picas
Ing and instructive to Housekeepers
and Children, to Farmers, Mechanics,
Merchants, Professional Men, indeed to
all classes. Its IIouso Plans utid lui
provemcnt.', with full particulars of
cost, etc., with engravings, Ms fearless
exposuro ot humbugs and quackery,
Indeed Its wholo uiako up and its
thoroughly rellablo character, render It
worthy of ft placo in every household,
and wo Btrougly advlso overy one to
havo it. An Immense circulation en
ables the Publishers to cupply it at tho
low ccst of $1.00 a year, post paid, or
four copies for $5.40. Take our advice
and scud now for volume 36, to the
Publishers, Orange Judd Company,
215 Jlroadway, Now York City. The
Aoiucuii'UiusT and and Cahuon Ad
Vooatc ouo year for only 53 23.
Our PiiiLiUelplila Letter.
I'hila.. Ta., Jan. Kth, 1S77.
DBB ADVOCATE. Tho now year opens np as
bluo as tho contents of a bug of ludlfto, and tho
times arojust about aa dull ns an abandoned
Jack knifo.
At present politics aro a ilttig m mo martct,
Heirs (1) ot Vanderbllt will won bo sprlnslni;
up all over tlio land, and nono of them will
want to bo "countetl out."
Tho summer sweet-hoax t,
Cf tho lro-man cay,
Deserted Mm basely
Tlio other ilay.
A correspondent wlshos to know who were
tho candidates who ran for President last year.
Tho theatres aLd other p'aces of amusement
aro doing poorly. Tho Ilrooklyn calamity has
had much to do with It, to toy nothing cl tuo
bard times.
flalendars nnd almanacs nro not sonlontltul
this year. Tho I'ubllo lAlor Almauuo Is out
us usual, but wo ur ays expoct tuat-
Thn lmot.lilachs wiU havo to i!0 Into bank.
luptcy If this kind of weather luta muc'i long.
er. n o ouo says suino em up, uuy uiu-v,
l.'iiF lintirn from rdillndelnlila 10 Camden.
ThU was tho ttuio ot ouo ot utir ferry beats Dm
uthuruny. It has been many years slucotho
Ico lias boon so troublesome m tuo Delaware.
Kouio of our florists perfanio their bouquets
Willi cologne.
Had h.ivs aro thev who bark and mew In at
tho windows ot the mlnco moat facwiy.
Vhn thnw come and lonnv nersoua resld lie on
Uip ttoors bad involuntary showet baths.
"Thou art so near and yet soiar." 't nisis
whe Amiinlla ami,- as sho looked acruuattm
stree t and was unable to cut over on account ot
tuo eicplh of tuo moiling eiusu.
How a young man's dlnry Is.
Nino times imt ot ten this h tho entry tor all
tuoxuudav men's luthovoan Went to too
Auryjuio. look aiaryjnno iiit-uurcu. ouw
llurv Jane homo, bat up with Mry Jono unill
11 unlock, then went homo and drtauit ol Alary
TJisro wero eoveral hnudred balll In town last
week. I mean snow balls.
"ltcpresent me ns I appeared at tto buttlo of
Anne tarn." bo said. -Weio .ou there!" skod
tho nhotocranher. "2To sii. I wos not. bat Met
of the matter Is, T wish to upp3ar as If 1 wat."
'Ibeu tho crlikt banded lilta itpiomia uiowtntT
a roar vlow ot u pair of heels.
The eobb'o stones aru agulu la sight.
Ueuuet tuts ha-1 sallslaetloii (!) fioin stay aud
now Juktlootlenisnds s.ttls(acUou Irom both
llennet and Mav
TboiKdcoof Itaaduig havo not receHedanr
pay lor six months, and yet tl.ey arooxpectod
10 uso Iho club us vigorously as over.
Itnt little leu will bo broiuU from Maine tbis
lieebtier lectaieshero to.iuorroweveulug, on
"'1 h iiimlnrv of worfltn." Smiu will go to see
tho preacher than to near tlio hD'orc,
'thousands werofrosen to iteutli out at tho
OoutBut-ial diinog tiioieoent cold weather as
thoio wsro but lew fires tu any of tho bulldiuss.
I nioau thousands i f tuts.
Thero is talk of uitl'siug slag lu tho mauufso
tuio of bottles. Then how fuuuy it wuuld sound
to bcur that i
llo took a guod swag
Vrom his buttto of s'ag,
Jauuarr, l'elirunry, March I J to ths White
Hons, llut wtw I
Weak IhU soon gtt stroug it you keep thaai
in a wuiki room.
baru up your pouuts for ducktos vsleutluo.
Yours, sotue, MAittoilo.
Mm. SI'DoiuiM, a rwlilNit ot Wilklnhuit,
ou Thurxlay liwt, uavo ulit.i lo qoulrupleia.
The Jatur la a eol uiiuer au.l tho bietlux
ai. ut tnraty.four jiiu of age. Onool l he
e'hlldliln lle.l ..hum. w,. .iia.,
tbioo noura oinr una, mi l ehehi.t Usui uui.l
our y ka'.uiitjy iMinuui:, when it illol auw.
All lour wtii pafpotly toruiwl awl aluoMt iti
11 w huu, Mommitrr luiiuitaat Dieut.
A Meuiliu K tllof uu ttluuy idjciu, atu ou
juiuti.t. ifhe . ou rieati a ouAa aud a iop
AVnBliIuslon Letter.
from our Special Correspondent.
Washington, I). C, Jan. fth, IS77.
I)EAn Silt : Immediately upon the re
turn, from their holiday visits home, tit
n sufficient number nfCoticressmcn to
constitute a quorum, both Houses foam)
an elephant on their hands In tho slppo
of contumacy cases. Mr. Dames, tlio
obdurate, manager of telegraphic affairs
In New Oilcans, was Arraigned before I
tlio bar of tho House on Wednesday,
but, at the request of hU counsel, was
granted tilt Friday p. ni. to innkj his
nnswvr, which, at tha time appnlited,
ho did in so ablo and forelbio a manner
as to calls" the IIouso, tacitly, nt least,
to yield its point by refertlug tho whole
matter to tho Judiciary Committee.
Tho Sonato, at tho same time, was deal
ing with V. U. Turner, the Ortgou
operator, who, steadfastly refusli to
milieu piunio leicgrapu messages that
passed through lily otllco ddrlnc the
election concerning electors and elector
al voting, was ordered beforo tho Son
ate to answer to thochargo of contempt.
Tho uffalr elicited n good deal or dektlo
in relation to tho privacy and publltlty
i luiegrnins in geuerai.nnu ill Hie ITUrt
f its last discussion, tho Senate ulnn
without n quorum, tho question Ivas
no' filially disposed of but nllowcd to go
over till Monday.
llio committee for Uccidlnc unon n
means of counting tho Electoral vote
havo come to no decision ns vet. Es.h
committee has had icveral meeDnus
but no Joint session has been held. It
1 s thought they will soon come togtier,
having obtained all necessary authori
ties and precedents, at once up
on Dome course and present such u re
port as snail, in Its porloctlju, require
little or no revision by Concres.
Should a nuw election tako place an
mca mat seems to bo fast gaining
ground, among thinking mon, ns tho
burest nnd speediest way out of the bre-
sent Presidential dlBlt-utty tho etforts
of ths committee have not been In vain
but will prove a safo-guard against an-
ouicr sucn political dilemma.
Notwithstanding the fact that this Id
Inauguration year, the season is far less
gay than Is usually the case in Wash-
iniiton during tho winter. It Is nro-
bablv owing partly to the absonce of
soveral very socially Inclined families
of Congressmen who havo been hero for
years, ami partly to mo stringency of
the times, which obliges even tho
wealthiest to economise The only
agitation the city has experienced since
election woek s that caused by tho sud
den clo-.Ing of the gambling homes iu
tho District, whlcli was Drought ubout
somo three weeks since by a thorough
showing up they received from one of
the leading dally newspapers ot tho
city. Tho commotion that has ensued
and the Importance the affair lias as
sumed proves how very much such an
investigation., as is now going forward,
was needed. It has been found that
nearly nil thu prominent officers of thu
police boatd. including Mayor Klchards,
Chief of Pollco, have, for years past,
been holding; thu most iutlmato rela
tlons with proprietors of these gambling
Hells, many of thorn receiving uionoy
iu payment for Insuring these unlawful
resorts from molestation. So hot a tire
lias been kept up upon theso disgrace
ful parties, for the fortnight past, aud
so many facts, uncomfortable in tno
oxtremo fur them, liuo been brought
to the tight of day, that President
Grant has requested the resignation of
tha outlre boaid. This request was ac
ceded to on Friday last, and, ci course,
a new board will Uo at ouce appointed,
to whom It is to be Hoped tlio present
shameful ntfalr will uo a warning.
Washington has seeu no such wlnter
ish weather, for a score or two ot years,
as we have been experiencing lately.
The ground has not' been visible for
morn than two weeks, as before tho
heavy fall ot mow ou New Year's day,
the ground had, for many days, boen
covered with a thick coating ot Ice and
sleety snow.
Driving partios have mado tho most
of tho sleighing, reaching u culmina
tion on Saturday nftoruroii by holding
a slelshlug carnival on Pennsylvania
Aveauu. Vehicles of every conceivable
description wero used, from really liuo
alelghs to dty goods boxes aud beer bar
rels ou runucrs, faucy coUutncs und
masks worn, and real fun enjoyed. Tho
wcathor to day and yesterday, however.
has been very warm and Que, tho snow
is rapidly melting and, fur us, evident
ly, the wluter weather Is over.
W. W. M.
Commoiloie Vanderbllt.
After n protracted Btrucclo with tils
ease, in which he bhoweel nstonlshint;
vitality timl enilurance, thin powerful
ana successful mini uicil iliursiluy
uiornlnt; ot last week. Ills death lay
low ouo ot tho ablest executive heads
that httve found their opportunity
modern entorprhjo, The railroad and
the teleeraph have evuked a uow or
der of tteulus : nud the development ot
corporatd action consequent upon the
utilization of these new machines ot
progress,', lias inviteei me emitta ot llio
best ornaiilzlnu minds. Among these
Cornelius vauderhllt Jield a hiiih place.
Startlni; In lite jioor mid unlntluentlal,
he srew to bo perhaps tho richest man
lu America ; and certainly lie was lirst
auioui; our lailuay mauatters. ml
vauco from poverly to wealth was not
imp-hazard, nut regular nnu steady
Km in tho day whou by cleyt-r stratetiy
no earned ins periuuger, until mat
when be got control ot the New York
Central ltallroau, lie steadily and lu
dusttlously pursued the path to fortune.
Ilo did not loug couteut himself with
the little two-wasted sail boat which
rati between Statsu Island and New
York. Iu 1817, when the bteamboat
was still a novelty, Mr. Vauderbllt se
emed the command of the '.theory little
boat which piled between Nuw York
and New Uruuswlat. Fiom this tliuo
forward he made the new motor sub
servient to his ambltou. lie hud the
furoslght to percoive that there wuu for
tune lu the development of this new
menus of power.
Throughout ho showed the dualre aud
the will to make other people's etluru,
abortlvo or successful, contribute to his
proll t. lie gave uo quarter and asked
none. Uy establishing uu opposition
steamship lino to California in 1840 hu
proOtcd directly, and frightened and
harassed his competitors. Here ho Jalil
the Ion of his Immense acqui
sition!!. Uut Vanderbllt dies as a great railroad
magnate, having transferee! hi ener
gies from the sea tn the land. Uo
went into rnllroadlni: at tho nick of
lime, In 1804, when that business was
In its most nourishing period. Before
that time however, he had invested
millions In railroads, through his osten
sible business was on the sea. Ills le
gal fight with the Now York and Now
Haven Jtallroad, about the bchuvier
over-Issue of stock tu 1851, by which
lie sought to rorco a corporation into re
sponslullity for tlio acts of Its agent, is
familiar to everybody who has reached
iu ud e life. Vantlerollt succeeded, anil
ho obtained from the 6oinp:my the lull
value of tils targe amount of stock,
thus getting ns hu always insisted ou
getting, a handsome return for hid in
Vauderbllt's greatest business sagao-
Ity was shown In his dealings with the
Uarlnm, Hudson, nud tlio -New i orK
the lirst ot theso roads, he proceeded to
make advances upon tha others. He
saw that the Hudson Itlver was a con
nection vital to tho Central, nnd ho so
used tho control ho gained over tho for
mer road as to bring tho latter to terms
when that astute politician and able
manager, Dean Klchmond, died. Van
derbllt, though then n comparatively
small stockholder lu llio corporation,
was wisely put in his placo us President
ot tuo .Now low Central Kallroaa.
Central Itallroads. Getting full power of
Then hu formed tho suceoisful combi
nation between tho Harlem, Hudson
Klvex, and Now York Ceutrul, nnd
made himself the foremost railway man
of the country. Uo at ouco proceeded
tu run these roads on strictly business
princlnles. Ue stopped the p-orceous
display of locomotives on which the en
gineers wasted so much labor, and Is
sued a decreo that thoy should nil be
made black. Vanderbllt didn't believe
in show ; and under his management
tho stocks of his consolidated roads
came to the stand among the best in
vestments of tho Stock lioard, and lie
showed a commendable pride In main
taining their credit utuier the stress of
financial disaster.
Measuring him with ordinary people,
wo put Mr. Vanderbllt In a very high
placo. Ho was a great man, and more
than Unit, wo call him a very useful
man. He worked for himself, but In
so doing ho served thu public as well as
himself as every powerful Individual
ity must always do by honestly and
ably managing the varied concerns out
of whose prolits ho gathered tho great
fortuuo which death now compels him
to transfer to others. Ills vast railroad
property, it Is well understood, will
not bo divided.
Though oot a man of education In
the collegiate fcuso, and liable somo
tlmes to play havoc with our common
tongue, Commodore Vamlorbllt was au
exceedingly courteous man. Ilo had
a craco. dlenitv. and elei;auco of bear
ing nnd an easy command of himself
wli c i witnessed i s duality as a supcrt
or character. Wo shall long miss tho
gallant, self-willed, large-inludeil, nnu
strong-handed old Commodore. ouu.
& bevy ot tramps In tho Krlo lockup on bo
tng invited to ehovol the srow fro.n tho court
house pavement respectfully deeilnoft. '1'lwy
said tho weather wiu too lucloweut to shovol
snow in tho winter season.
l?imJ5D M0TICK.
At nmeetlns of tho Wrectora of Ihe First la.
tlonal liank of f.eUlchton. hepl ou tho 01 li inn.,
n Beml-Aunnnl Uivldeiul of Threo per cent, waa
lieclorce, payahle on tho r.tli luat
W. W. BOWMAN, Cashier.
January 13, 1677-W3
Railroad Guide.
jq-OUTH l'K N N A. K A1I.KO AD .
rasseni-era for I'lillailelphU volt leavo Lclileh-
ton na follows i
3:17a. n via. Ij. v. nrnvent j'uua.aiBii'i a. m.
s 12 a. ui. via L. V. " ll:i5a. m.
11KI7 p. iu. via L. V. " " Mop.m.
!:M p. m. via L. A B. " " 6: 10 o. m.
6:'.p.m. VIL.V. " " :Wp.m.
iteiurninir, leaveoopne in i-e-m. unu uien
cau M.. l'hlla., at 6:ls unit l:3 a. ni.; ::1F. p. m.
Jan. 1, 1877. it.Liis uiiana, Aseue.
nGSTUAIi n. U. Ol-' N. J.
All Hull Heiute to Long Ilrnncli.
ST., Ill1 TOWN.
Time Table of January 10, 1877.
Trains Leave LKIIIUIITON aa follom :
lor llaeton, Jew xoiK, rniuioelpnia ana an
Intermediate Stations at 2:-G p. ui.
For &tauch Chunk, Wllkes-llArre, tieraoton and
II Interuiedlfttf Stations at 1.11 O. UI.
IMurning Leaf e New York, foot ofLllorty
SlrMAt .1H1W.1II.
Leai o Philadelphia, from Depot North l'enn'a
Jt. H., inira ana norus oi., a. u.-eoa. uu
Learo rlaflton at ll'to a. 01.
Lmui a iliueh Chunk at 2:20 n. zn.
Foi further particulars, sea Time Tulles at tho
OAKS AT J.Ll.AllKlll.
II. P. 11ALDW1N, Cm. ftuungtr Agent
July 4, 1671.
Arrangement of I'assenger Trains,
nr.c. mil. 1870.
Trains leavo AI.Lli-STO'A ua follows i
Foi I'hlladelptda, at C.W, li.tu, a.m-, 'i.V and
oaf p. tu.
For 1'hiladelphU at 3.10 o. m.
IVIA lCASr 1TJINA. llltAVril.l
Vat llondlna, t 2.30, i.ii u IU 12.15, 2.10. 4.30
I'urlliiiUuirt'.tlW.S.Kl.SAla. mn 1115, 430
nud U 00 TkUI.
Vor Laucasler and columhla, 6 &3, 8.&3 o-iu. aud
4 so ii ui
tDooir not run on Mnndayn.
l'or Uoadtnir. 2.30 a.ui. aud u oo p.m.
r.,r ll.irriAbiira'. 2.30 a.iu. and u no
'Iralus Wll Al.I.H.N l OWN leave aa follows!
Leavo I'tnlaaolphia, 7.3 1 a. ui 1.00, 1.39 and MS
u. in.
Loaro l'hllailelphla, S.15 u. ra.
Leava Uoadiug, 7.4), 7.4), 10.13 u iu.. 4.0). S.10 and
tnaVe HorilsburK, 3.23, 0.10 a. lu., 2.00. 3.37 aud
7.. p. ui.
Leave Lancaster, S.10 a.m., 12.U and 8.IS p.m.
JLoaeo Columbia. S.U0 a. iu . 1.0D aad 3-33 p.ui,
Lettto Headline. 7.'Ju a.iu.
I-smvo ILnrrUuur. 3. lti
TntttwuiaikiidTliUs t) not o and freu depot
Mfc aud Urej utrnoli. PUlttdeilphla, other
train, to and I nnu aruaa at iImmh.
1'fto,o0s.i(i aal aji u, m. Inlat fruoi Alien
town, aud tu7.:)0 a.m. aud o.U p.m. tisuw
froai Pin liw ou, have Uirouch cum to uud
UMiu I'nuiumiMui.
Doc 3J. isra '4e.srar dupjrinfWrulsrU
In order to reduce our Lirgo stock, which was rccontly
bought for oash, wo will offer our entire assortment of
Woolens, Fancy Dress Goods Slmivls, &c, fcc,at it
Great Sacrillce ! A few of tho Gigantic Bargains :
Job I.otof Caliroes nt.1. n't and UK rents per yard.
Kiogsut Lino ot llest L'nlteoes at 8 cents por nnl.
Lot of Uinfrtiams J-'sstcntois, nt Sceuln perynid.
Muslins at f root 4 cents pet vnrd tip anK
lie t Value eeilton Viannrl nl.8 cents iieryirel.
ie-thinl iigutS6eiiiisiiernitt, prleo 33 cents.
FANCY Dllltss pr.AIU.s at Inernis, worth 18 c uts.
III.AI'IC and cor.OltKO AM'AUAB at ;0 routs per yard.
l'OI'MN AM'ACAS at 82 cents por yard usual price 45 ocnt.-
lllack Cspmnere at 73 cents, wot lb gi.on.
Hlncx 0,ihtiioieiit it 00 tier vard. worth f I.3C.
ItADI I'M' UK AVKH HACQUKIKO at $2.50 i-r yard.-worth t J 25.
lliaT COltS KTB at 33 ei ni s
hplcndlil WHITE ULANKHTS at3.o0 por pair, nsnatprico t3.8i.
Oonl's Underwoir nt from H cents per pair upwards.
MUX'S W OOI.KN JACKKTtt at very low figures.
(lentN Otiloted Chlnla Shuts at 75 cemts each.
1IANDMOMU DUUULH Hit AWXS nt 10.75, wotthfS.73.
Btnulc Shawls na low as 7" cents.
N.B--Speclal In 'ocemonts in HOUSE FnitSiaillNQ GOODS, suou-aa QUEEBWAHK.
CAItl'HTM, Oil. CLOTH, 4c., &c
If you would savo time and monoyycall on-rly anct
securo best Bargains.
J. T. NrsiiAUM &,Son, "Original Cheap Cash Store,"'
Sommel's Block. LEHIGIITON, PA,
Fcm ntK LAniKs.
i'oh 'nil': i,ADii:a,
mit Tiirc oknt Ms si n n,
Tor tho Children.
For the Children.
I havo boucht lar;;elv for cash soeli lota as must
onnnltl., n,,,1 tnuf tl-IiH. tha ma.I. nn. I..Mn.t ...
i-oaiiiveiy, ejonipnruiivriv,
Storo In Sommel'a New Block, opposite
Lehlghton, Fa.
Notlco la Uoreby plvcn, thnt tho utidersipttefl:
aoiointotl AiuUtcr by tho Orptinus' Con it ot
O.irbon County to examluo and rcttlo tlio no
count ot Ucortcojl. Newton nnt Wlillr.tu' Heo1,
Administrators, Ac., of John O, Cletivor, tlcCil,
nmi uiako tUcuibation ot tlio funj rmuatuiug in
their hands, wilt nttwid to tlio dutH of tiU np
polntmoiit on MouJt.r, JANUAItr.aoih, 177,
ot Ton oclnc A.M., at MhuCIco lu tlio lirronau
oritaufhCimut, l a., when and whoro alt per
Hons let rested mav apponr,
AL'iiCN CIIAKJ, Auditor.
Mftuch Chuuk, Deo 2J, IVG-vl
Notice ta hereby plvcn that the Exechtors,
Ailmtutfttrntorfl and tinardions herolnafternam
(Mt, havo riled their rest active nccouDtx ot tho
fcltowiiiff en tat os In tho Iteirlat('i-d Olhce. at
K fturu Chunk, In and for the Coctity of Uurbon,
which accounts h&a neon allowed tiv tho Hoc
later, wilt ho preeented to the Jmuces of tho
un'unna' uourion juonunv, uo Jviuuav oueu
nary tiext, at 10 o'clock A-M-, for comti-ioationt
First ond final ncconnt of Thomoa Huch, admin
istrator ot theeatntoot Uanine ltnch, late of
Kast ronn Townamp, carbon ejounty, rcnus,
deceaaeil. Filed Deneoibcr lrt.,l&70.
Acconntof Tt. Leonard. aeimlnlBtrator of eBtato
of W. 11. Leonard, lato of Stanch C'hunfc Hor.
oavti, Carbon County, 1'enna., dbscaaed. Filed
ncce'inuer iut 19,0.
Tint and partial acconntof Tnmnas D. Koaa,
exeentr or tho last will and testament of Jno.
W. lllnk, late of Itast Munch chnnlc, Carbou
ejounir, a, eiuou. Lie-ibiiu- tioeuiu iuv em
ber liCth, 1S78.
x irat ami mini uremiui u. i iiimiwb .umu.
Emj , irnatdlanof Uebccca rink, minor child
ot JA'Tl iiuk. talo ot trio rownanip 01 .-huuuu.
luir, carbon Cunnly. l'a., dco'U, Alloa jjooem.
bcr 13th, 1870.
UEttNAUD PIIILLirS, Rocoriter.
Mancti Chuulr, Deo. 23, 1676.
Low Prices l'or Everyone.
Rcady-mado Clothing Store
I.KHIGII Street, 2nd door from tho Corner of
iron etroot, LililieiitTUN. l'a., an eicgaul
Htockot W1NTBU BTYLKa of
Mon's Suits,
Youths' Suits,
Boys' Suits,
Overcoats, &,c.
ToFFthcr trtth a large assoitmcnt of QKNTLE.
CAl'S, 0L0VE3, HOOTS, BllOIiS and
JlOItSi; BLANKKTt), all ot which
belsaelltnff very Lowest Prices,
ratronaeo rcspocttully aoltcltetL
Don't forget the place : Socond door
from Iron street, on the West side ot
Lehigh street, Lehlghton, Fa.
BANK STEF.ET, Lehlghton, Pa.,
itlLLElta aud Dealer. In
XllKiu.liof (HtAIN noUdllTanrt BOLD at
ltUUUVll MAltKUT ltATBa.
Wo would, also, losoectlully Inform oarrltU
smis lluit wouro uow fully preparoil Ui HUT
1'l.y Uitui witlt
Yrom any Miuo dodiod at VK11Y
July IS
sell qnlckly, becanso they are frosN end 1.A.....I u. rl.m. i-n an
nui'criniiveiv lajw rnw. s.u.
LOW rutoBii.
P. A. GEKiyrAN,.
tho PcbHs- Stjoare, B'ANK Sf&ETt 1
Wlilc& mfijr'lio dono irtlh onfl-foxlrth tb
uacal exfeuso, bv nsliix oar
I'Iro-rroof, Wafpr-rrcof, Porablcy
Keonoinlcal, nnd OrnamcntAL
A rooJ tn&Y bo covered wtth a very chunk"
pliUifrlo, and by application o th a law bo niM
to Ust fruin 20 to vrtra. Olt ruofa can bo
IiittcJic anil coatcil. lookinfi;Diacti better, nd
asticv louijcrthau new bliliiglcn wltboul the
One-TLird tlio Cost of fleshing! In?.-
Tlieoxvenftn of al a tin it notr Ahlnrleali ontr
About tho cost ot si rap 1 r laying them. Ihe palntil
uiay bo easily tcstod bf&ny one.
and for tig or iron lias no equal. & It expands
uy item, cooLrsL'ts uy coiu, nnu pstkji uucu'
noreca'e. Itouts covered witH Tar HheaLhlnjr
iWt can bd iiiaiTo water-tJeht at a amsll expend
anl prcftcrrMl for mrmr jturn.
This Elatd I'&lnt Is
Two fralloua will cover a hundred' aqnaro fpet1
ot Umlo roof, wlilto o.i tin. Iron, felt, matched
boanu, or any sniooth turfaco, from two quart,
to ontj gallon aro rtq aired in 100 aotlaro foot ot
surfitco, and aithoatli tbe l'nlnt nasabeavy
body it Is easily apitllod with o bruih.
Xo Tar is used In this Composition
thcrctoi o it neither cracks In Winter nor runa
lu Hummer.
Ou decayed ahlDjrton It fills up tbe boles and
poron. aud glrcs a new substantial roof that will
tan for years. CUMJtDor wjl&fko sblna-lesU
brti. ks to their places, and keeps tnom there.
It nils up all bole lu Yvlt roar. teta tbe leaks
aud athouKh' a alow Crver.raln dors not at-
ftci It a few noura after apylylnff. As' nearly
ail paints that aieblact coutatnTAU. bfl sort
yon obtalu our CVJULMi artlclo, wutcli (tor
suingiu ruuiaj u
when first applioJ, cbanrtnirin about a month
td a unltof m aiato color, and Is to all lntonto aud
porpobca SLATE. Uu
tin Hoofs:
got red color Id nsusllt' prefon-ed, as ono ooal U'
equui w live 01 nojr oruiuarr pamt.
our ubiCiit keu U the onty rellablo Blata Patbi
ever introduced that will o fleet nail y prevent
darapuoaa from pone tra tine wid discoloring they
Theso patnts are a so larjrely uacd on ont
hoxsoj and fences, or as a prtuutic coat on lino
our only colors are cuooolatb, uioi BRiairr
5 Oallone, can aud box U to'
10 ' Lcc 9 60
00 " ualt barrel It 00
40 " ouo barrel to 00
Wo bare in stock, of our own manufacture,
roonnaj materials, tto.. at too following low
price, i
loou roll extra Rubber Roofing at I cents
per square foot.
Or we will furnish Ilubber Rooting, Nalla,
Caps, and flat 1'atnt for ail entiro new roof, at
4H cent, per square footl
1O0O IIAltltclLtl SLATE L0UIt,perDM.3.
ax rolls Z-plr Tarrod RooOug Felt, at Ik ctt
per rqnoro foot.
3000 rolli s ply Tarred RooDnjr Felt, at lit eta,
per square foot.
au rolls Turod sbeaihlns, at 4 cent per
aquaro toot.
auo eallona flue Koatoel I'slnt, mliol readr
for use, on inside or ouulde woik, at 2por ral
Ion. bond for aauiolocanl of ooloia.
All orders must bo acoomtunled with the'
inouey or aatltfactorr citr reforencoa. rio
Kuoum stilpped C. o. D., uule&a exircaa ebarsoa
bauiolo orders solicited.
10! 1M M AIDKJJ INE, New York,
Not. II, am.
Broadway, Iilaucli Chunk,
II aa lust opened a aulenilld stock of HATS and
aud CAVa. of tbe Lateat, Kli lea. llo has
also ou band a lull Hue ot
Males an JAS HhLVOnn,