Society SIcctingH KiKlrnniiTfl Wn. M. A.O. it. or THE M. C. 2nd an 4th Monday ot each month, In Re. b6r'a Hull. Lehlghton, nl 7131 o'clock II. X. Ilnnslcker, B. K. C. I A s. k. R. a, OXIDES nUTII.1 LOPOS, No. W. 1. O, r, I. ailbam n meets every Tuesday evening, at Stfelock, in neoor a imii Aurcu iiecx, xi w i ii. lteoer, oeoreiary. Mrrucnxst Ttufi,.Ro. ai. .imp. o. nl j.w, m.A. In Tt(kttaVa T T .1 1 lAAfV ftnlnnlllT. II n. icreidler, eacheii i B. R. rjilharo, c. ol iu roiio roci tbise, Ha. i7i, ifip. o. iu M:, mmi on woanesaay evening pi escji wwk, at o'clock. In Pnhlle Kchool llnll. WHssnort ra. C. W. Bchwab, ti.t Jac. Urong, v. of R. LiuianTOii liOnaic, Nr. tSt. K. of. P., meets issuers uau, at 7:m afcnWi. o. O. T. Ik RatcluT.SCof R. and B. on Frldsr evenlnes. In Ret o'clock. J. W. HandenbuMi, Advcrtlslncr Itaten. We dMre It to be Distinctly nrMerstSAi Vint bo advertisements will be Inserted In the ..col umns of Tur. Caktio Advocate that maybe eielved from unknown parties or flrma nriless aseompanledwIthtbeCASU. Tho following aro nr uklt terms. Adreitlsoments for 1 Tear, per loch caea Inat-rtlon 10 Cta. " Kir Months, per Inch each Insertion I . cta. 'rnreo aiontna. " m um, " T.eA than three months, first Inser tion.!, each subsequent lneertion 23 Cts.. j,osai uoucea iu cents nor line. IT, V. MORTIUUER, Publisher. Jf! 11. B1EWE1U, OISTRICr ATTORNEY ft COUNSELLOR AT liAW. Ornca, Mo. 1, Mansion llonse, MAUCH CHUNK. PA. Bettlrng Estates. Finns Acoointa and Orpliana CnnTf taprifn a .nM-1nltv Trialot Causes careinlly attended to. transactions In English anil German, Legal jan 9. SATURDAY J10BNINO, JAN. 0. 1877. Local and Personal. --Clean toe snow and Ico from your sidewalks. Only two deaths occurred In Na zarain m tne year ioio. 60 lb. lard can best tin only 75 centj at D. F. Rlckert's. Bast Weiss- UU1L. A Mat Tho Bethlehem Gas Co. lias redno The Lehtffb Valley railroad for the in iv Mm rr ai Tim Lehigh Slate. Co., n? Slating- Hon, W. M. Ramiher will Dleaso sf C af " i HAvarnnr'a mootntt rru. b iiabiMHtB ri rr.ui j Hoo., Gendrlck B. Wright maden mo noor Dcoma or wiiKniiarrn. contract has been lot for grading , t-i - .: . i m a ? e druu v uun orancn or luh i in tan in rmirnnn in iinnrinnnAii nniinrtf a m a a a a ummiiuwii buuuvjt uur carriers return tueir nearly - . v uwu Lucui uu l (iw iraifl mnrnmp. ThoslldlDffscala of wages In vogue AnnlA4 arm rilnrtlv In th A llati S.uo per oarrei,nccorqing to quality rri.. u ..n. I I ..M ui .. . i o nours oi sione oreaeini; from eaeli eaktast rV T n T7w.. l - - i , J. II. Oslerstock, of Slatlncton, to i cbarco of hu oructlce durlne his lenco qi iiarrisourg. ttu mine a penny dally In that town. 00 llyOU'll DUSt I Comalsalonort have been tttiDoInt- a take testimony In the contested iiemuera or inn leniaiattirp. -Att. Ohatles )?atHsli has resigned presidency ot the Lehigh A Willies '4 Coal Company, and has bedh eeoded by E. W Clarke, Esq, r tw n xr cji. a. nt.ii.j ... uiaWl mja. 4 uiinubl nve uotel, In thmboroudh. And will ikhmivi iji m'Hivn inn nnirnnin rr people. 1 nJtii. ...ll. la. A. iiav KVU HVUIVU ntOIIIUM tfU ilge in the luxury ot a dish of io oysters, snouia paironue llie Isotne Mioon of J. W. O'NuIl at Lehlghton Bakery, opposite the 1st onal Dank atewed, fried, or on half shell. Families supplied at si prices. Welssport, will supply you with lamny nour, reed, candles, ap- pota tots', tobacco and clgarw, at r nnse n A nMH a Wnm 1 a srs? ba cont need. d Welssport, keeps always on hand HOOK 0( GOtlDM and a ni n har- horsotjollars, hone blankets, c., i h Is cHetlngto the public at reasonable prices. Call and ex- ror yourself. , K. IUckerthas still afewf thou a tnra In IT IMrnWrlnw t .1 1 . ... ti u w utivao f yon feel like securing a good call and see him Ho is also sap- uuur,iccu,iu:nier ana coal at the rates. i's Sautonlue Worm SyruD. It is deiislitful to the taste. giving to children; but death to rrioa 90 cU. For sale at A. Ifltr'a rlnir inrn OQ ra curea iiiooMDas or ziopeioM cmm other ramodli hav fallM ihi ijia Uir Of tii harrkP lval At xahJ Knrtwre bei-ole medloaJ UMtzaML lltcy are armjr ox aootra. IT7 taein uid For by all Drncdju. ICE. I dMiro to aay to my ell- w xsuia ui kLin 111111HH f 1 1 1 1 h 11 r (A aw me to be at borne to attend to smess on every eaiurday, nltli- PersonB desiring to see me will e please call at my office on that n aiimuay morninc. W. M. nArsilKlt. Pure spices of nil kinds at Lentz's drug store, Leuckel's Dlock. Tho Slato quarries and shops In Lehleh county are employing all tbo slate-workers they can get and are pay. Ing from to per day, A number of clerks end Idling men employed at rackcrton were sus punded on Monday and Tuesday last, A. poor beginning for the new xear, A. cood way to start' tho printer on a broad Kiln early In 1877, and keop Film Cheerful throughout the year, is to fork over one year's subscription right bow. "Happy New Tear" card of the 'Orlcllti Boat Club, of Catasauqua, re ceived. Thanks, gentlemen, for the compliment, and tbo same wish to you, one ftnn all To-morrow (Sunday) a. m. there will bo breaching In the German, and at 7, p. m, in the English language at tho "Evangelical church" ot tills place J. (j. illlcm pastor. udv. Uartranft has Issued a war rant for ,lhe execution, on March 8th of Johh DonohUB. alias "yellow Jack,' convicted of tho. murder ot Morgan l'oweii, or ttummit inn. It Is stated, toml-officlally, that there will be no dividend this month on Lackawanna. Thero U said to bo a net profit over all expenses of IK per cent, which will go to the "surplusi' account. To-morrow (Sunday) morning thero will be preaching In the German language, and at 7 p. rh. In the English language, in the Evangelical eh:ircb, comer 8d and South streets) by the pastor, iter. J, C. liiiem. Dr. Bull's Couch SvruDls fist tak Ing the place of alt the old-fashioned cough roruedies. It never falls to re lieve the most violent cold, and for throat diseases it is Invaluable. Price, 25 cents, On Wednesday afternoon last week, the Catawlssa train ran over and killed an old man named Samuel Watklns, of Torktown, between liarnesvlllo and Tamaqua. Watklns was walking on the (rack. He lived but a few minutes after the accident. A crroat sacrifice in woolens, fancy dro"Bs goods, shawls, &c, at Nusbaum & Son s Original Cheap Cash store, Lehlghton. On Tuesday last n number of our prominent citizens sat down to a most excellent dinner gotten up by " mlno host" of the Carbon Uouee, in this bor ough, on tho oceaulon of his taking pos session, vice J W. iaudenbusl),wlio as the newly elected sheriff removed to Mauch Chunk, At Sotftb. Bethlehem, tho Bessemer steel works aro running with full force on oiders which will keep them busy uuiu next sprinor. Their rail ana mer chant Iron department Is but moderate ly encaged. The brass works, thu shovel and all the lotser manufacturing concerns at Bethlehem are moderately busy. The Pottsvllle Miner's JoOrnal savs one evidence ot the bard times was tho appearance of old silver, coin, doubtless from treasured hoards, on Christinas day. One merchant took In on Satur day eleven French five franc pieces, which passed for a dollar each, Some trade dollars wero also spent, paa-dne at pur. The Christinas influence, kiud ly and loving, Is forcibly Illustrated in this drawing from thu old stockings of lie long treasured silver. As a mall train for Easton was . ' -- . 7 -i u, w Minn nam iUl bttaiUU TU3 - . " " . I fT.lflllllK lIUU(5 UDITIWU IOUU UHTCI1 ana uaucn uimnk, on the Lehigh Val ley railroad, Chauucy Freeman, ot isaston, aged 10, newsboy on tho train, who was In tho first oassoucer car. heard a peculiar rumbling nolso under tho car. lie Instantlv snrano tn thn cord which piles tho Westlughouse nlr Drake, and hUug to It until the train was stopped. Upon examination a broken flange and loose wheel was found under the car. which must short ly have wrecked the whole train. Tho Grand Clearance Salo of "Winter Dry Goods, advertised in another column, ia daily attracting very largo Crowds at tho Original Cheap uasn otore ot d. Ti iNusbaura & Son, Lehighton, On hext Wednosdav. .Tfth. inih. t coy o ciock p. m. uisnop i nomas liow- man, win preacn a special eermon on 'Holiness' at tho 'Evangelical church of this placo, In the German language, and will probably add a few remarks in the English language for the edification ot the young A collection will be taken up for the benefit ot thu Sundav School. We expect a rich feast from the able and-eloquent Bishop. All are cordially Invited to participate on tbo occasion. TlmMtuehllland Schuylkill Havon Railroad Company announces a divi dend ot ono dollar and seventy .flyo cents per share, payable on demand. Tho East Mahanoy Railroad Com pany announces n dividend of one dol lar and forty cents per share, payable January 15. Caustic soda In large quantities, at Lentz's drug store The Little Schuylkill Navigation Railroad and Coal Company announces a dividend of three ana a nair per.cent, payable on demand. 0. W. Lentz desires ns to stato that he Is now closing out the balance of his holiday coods. comprising fancy arti cles, vases, toilette and smoking sets at cost. New crop malarom; coriander seed, pure pepper, Ac, for sauroge making at Lentz's doug store. Tbo Reading Railroad Company Tuesday disappointed somo ot tho "bears" In its stock by meeting fully, ana in casn, not oniy an matured inter est on Its own bonds but also all Inter est on tho bonds of Its leased linos, Thero wero Quite a goodly number ot creditors present,- and tho payments went on fully and promptly. It Is hoped this great company has passed the crisis in Its crddlt. Tho price of its mares aavnneed. Among a party or Hasqueraaers ilng the rounds ot Mauch Chunk on aw Tear's eve, was ono Morris Schmidt, dressed as an Indian, after tho party had visited a number of their friends, tbey went Into a saloon, and all were most hugely enloVlns: them. selres.when the landlord of the saloon. In a.nnlrlt ot high glce.sot fire to the tow wig or scumidt. liefore the nre could be put but Schmidt was bad It burned abodt the head and face. Dr. boTou&g was Inlmed'ately sent tor arid dressed the poor fellows lujurles, arid hopes are tfhtertalriod that no serious cohse quencus Will lesult. Ddli't play with u ro. Pat Hester will be tried at Blooms- burg, early In February.for the murder of Alexander lies. The commonwealth will be represented by Hon. Charles It. Buckalew, of Bloomsburg; Hon. 1 W Hughes, of Pottsvllle: (ion. Albrleht. of Mauch Chunk, Warren J. Bucka lew, Esq, of Bloomsburg, and District Attorney Clark, of Columbia county. The defendant will be riipresented by ucn. joiin uyon, oirousvllle; lion. J. G. Frcexe. ot Bloomsburg; Hon. 8. P. Wolvertoa. of Sunburv: Hon. Mrer Strouse, of Pottsvllle, and Captain C. u. uroexway, ot Uloomsburg. "The Man Wittiout a Coon- try." No. OH of "Tub Lakbmce Li brary" contains the above splendid story by E. E. Hale ; "They Saw a ureat Light," by same author : "Faml of Sovereigns "The Parson's Pupil," by S.J . McKenna; "Our Two Squires," etc., etc. This excellent number Is profusely Illustrated with over fifty on gravlngs. Prlee only 10 cents; by mall, 13 cents. Sold by all Newsdealers, or Sfcot postpold by Donnelly, Loyd Co., Publishers, Chicago. Lecture on Sldm. Rev. J. Carribgton proposes to deliv er a iecturo In this borough on "Slam," Its people, their customs, manners, re ligion, dec., on Tuesday evening, Janu ary 10, 1877, (the place ot tecturo will be announced In our next Issue) . Mr. C. was a missionary In Slam for a per iod of about C years, and Is consequent ly qualified to speak Intelligently of the these people and their country. Ha Is a fluent and easy speaker, and this lecture, will undoubtedly, prove a rich treat to our people. Tha price ot ad mission has been fixed at the very low est possible price, 25 cents. The Week ofPrayer. The week of prayer appointed bv the Evangelical Alliance will be duly ob served by some of our churches this year. Union services will be held every week day nlfcht, commenclnc at 7 1 2 o'clock, as follows : On Monday and Tuosday nights In the M. E. Church : on Wednesday and Thursday night Io the Evangelical church, and on Friday and Saturday ulglits In the Presbyterian church. On Wednesday night Bishop Bowman will preach In the Evangelical church, and the pastors of the churches mentioned will officiate on tho other ulghts. Lot the Christians of Lehlgh ton, Irrespective of denomination, meet lor united prayer during the coming week. Tbo public are cordlallV InvlL-.a to be present at all the meetings. Accidental Shooting. One of the most shocking acdldents that has occurred In this vicinity for a nunlber of years, writes a corresnond. ent of the Evening Herald, happened in u jimca canea jionni neasant, about three miles from Uazleton. on Mnnrfnv night, the 1st Inst. A party of young vua uiusseu ia uisguise, as is custom ary for them to. do on New Tear's night, entered the store ot Pardee & Co. While colne In the door ono of tho cioms oy mo name of Mlnnlck seued a gun, not knowing It to be loaded, and pointed It at the bovs. and at the anmn time said, "Cloar out, or I will shoot yon," when the gun accidentally went off, the charge taking effect In the body of one of tho boys named Boyle, kill Ihg him Instantly. The affair has cre ated intense excitement. Mlnnlck has given himself op to the authorities. tlnty Three In lOO.OOOi Bead, pause and reflect over the following: Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Sencka has proved beyond all doubt to be the best and most wonderful remedy over prepared for the speedy relief and euro of all coughs, colds, whooping cough, asthma, hoarseness, weak lungs, Incipient consumption, and that terrible malady-cfoup. Have you delayed try Ing It so long T If so, get a bottle cost Ing 50 cta. and uso two thirds of It ; It hot satls&od return the balance and get your- money back. Can anything bo fairer? This offer has been accepted by over 100,000 persona using this delight ful remedy, and only three bottles have pVet been returned. Sold in Lehighton by A. J. Durllngand O. W. Lentx. Largo bottles 00 cents; small slae 85 cls PdsHlttnaiblc Winter Clotlilntf. T D. Clauss, the merchant talldf, is almost dally receiving additions to his large and elegant stock of winter goods, comprising cloths, casslmeres, and vestlngs of the latest designs and the best manufacture, which be Is pre pared to make up In tbe most fashion able and durable mannsr, at prices ful ly as low as the same material and workmanship oan bo obtained for in any othor town in the State. Also, a full Hue of cent's furnishing izoods.hata. caps, boots, shoes and gaiters suitable lor trio wear or this section, and manu factured expressley to his order, The entire stock has been purchased on an entirely cash basis, and as be Is selling for cash only he is able to sell at such prtcos as will astonish purchasers. Call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. The total Dumber ol death In the city ol Iiea41uir Online tli nant rnr I, inn mln. creaao ol Tsj aa couirarwl with the jircvMUnjc From Mattel! Chnnk. The Misses Polk have returned from their recent visit to Waterloo, N. T. Now that winter with all Its rigor and hardships Is upon us, romember the poor. Nine entire tralncrews worponMon day temporarily suspended by the L. V. K. it. (JO. The employees of tho Central R. R, were paid the wages duo them for Nov, last Saturday afternoon. Hon. James Houston was on tuosday appointed Commissioners ' clerk tn place or Air. Jtranic linipe who retired from omce. On the 15th Inst, next Monday week, tne regular term or uuartor sessional to last one, or probably two weeks will commence. Mri n. $. F. Brown will return to his post In the Ordnance Department, at Washington, D. C, either to-day or uonaay next. Tbe Central R. R. Co's time-table Is likely id undergo another change In no far as the branches bf tho L. & B. di vision are concerned. uiea at upper iiaucn uminlc, on Tuesday 20th ulL, Mr. Arnold Ratke. a native of Germany, and a man of somo prominence in uerman circles. MP. O. B. Reiser, of th Ttrnnrl House, on Tuesday last toll for Weath- eriy, where he will romaln at bis fath er's Until completely recuperated. Mr. Louis Armbrnstor, the Clover host ot tho Hazard House, on New Toar's day treated bis fr ends and ens. tomers very handsomely to egg-nog anil aougn-nuts. E, Miller, the grocer, while being led out to die one evening of last week, had to bo shot in front Ot Udd Ifellows' Hall for tbe reason that It could travel no further. Hon. John Lclsenrlng and family have returnod to Mauch Chunk ; bat as tho family are stopping at the Mansion Instead of bceunvlnc their realrlr.nen. their visit is not likely to bo of long du ration. A ball, given by the Royal Club (mostly niotriDcrs of the Marlon Hose Co.,) ot M. Chunk, at Butz's Hall on Monday evening, is conceded to bave been a splendid success, financially as well as otherwise. Although some of the Molly Mnculre cases aro to come before the March sob- slon ot tho Supreme Court, counsel on caged are not vet taking steps towards the getting out of tbo necessary paper- books, ur, is tins supreme Court busl ncss only a hoax 7 Mining operations In the Summit Hill region wero suspoddod last SatuiUay ovcning. now long mis suspension Is to continue has not transpired, some being of opinion that it will be of bnt short duration, wnno otners contend that It will last until spring. Tlmo will show who's right. In absence of tbe leader and some of the members of tho Presbyterian choir at last Sunday's services, outside talent had to be called In to do tho singing, wnicn nnwevor tnoy urn so wen tnat tue change was scarcely noticed by tho con. gregation. With excellent sleighing to eutltla them to better expectations, our llvorv men are complaining ot excessive dull" ness. A sign that tho sporting fratei- nlty are affected by the stringency of mo times as wen as tna rest or mankind, A series of meetings, for the conver sion of sin tick souls, are now being conducted at St. Paul's M. E. Church. Though Interestlng.tbese meetings have as yet been unsuccessful, but strong hopes are entertained bv tbe " brother- Ing" that tbe Lord will yet bless their euorts. Ana " so moto It be." In stating In Its last Issue that tbe trial list for Carbon County bad not been called within a year, tbe Democrat told llttlo more than halt the truth, as wo aro now Informed that the said list has not been called since June term, 1875. Wnlckavllle Hems. Wo nail anoiner rati of anowhera Toesday, and a number or onr roads are badlv drifted ac ranch, ae, that teams aro corn pelted to go thro' me neiaa in aen o piaeea. The wire of onr friend Mr. Notomon Walca was taken suddenly Ul ou Tnexlay. Sho Is at tendu by Dr. Zern, nndr whose care we hope mui u, aeo a cuaugo lor me uglier. A little entrd of Mi. Thomas z-lnenfnas. Is iTinir in a onucaj condition wnn aipni a o hopes are entertained of her recovery. It was rnmored that the Herman Pnnriar school Sere wonld bp discontinued during; the miner, untnpou iiwairyoi ino oxueors we una such Is not tbo use. The school will bo kepi open as usual. -Onr school had an average attendanco ot 33 pupua ine pass monm. . Tho school at Upper riile nn tS very poor ly attended. Why Is Ihla thnsl Tft. wraftf. YtmA Iwmi mM lh. U.nt f-w UTB A IO D (ICRS. UOIOW HTO . , i au- . i-. ana vv . lllg fareek Items, slelahlnc la cood. The tlmo for the snooting of ph'eaaanls his now expired. 41111 a few oases ot dlbtherla and scarlet Srer remain to pe reported again ay it soon dlsaimear. .The saw mUli are mien 'rip. No sawing in On Thursday morntns; ol last week the tier, xnomnter stood at A risirr-FeA tielnw Knrn. The Ice harrest baa not yet bocn done away with i but the crop clrea promise of being ex- ouiiou, auu jiiouuiui. Do not forget the meeting of tho Towamon- aing norseTMciueteetite company attttem icrsTiuo, UMisy isataraay,) as 1 p. ra. The holldaya are over for another year, What has become of Xjstxxxb I Ills friends are anxious so snow, necanae or nia anaoen dis. mytmen win. The snow Is a great drawback to the onor: atlons of ehleken InleTca. who heattatA rnnnr. sue their avocation for tear they will be success- A bttra-nlarrald was rriadaHn rha dwnllinv of J. K. tucker I, tit East Weisspsrt, on Snnday nurbt While he was absent at church. However tney ootainoo. net wnst tney sought, and only took A tew lead nenolla and left for narta nn. known: A warning to others to be on the alert. A dana-nter ef Mr. Anthenlr. .ffuhilinir At Mod Furnace; aged about f years died of dlpn. U..1I IMI I-,. Rev. J. K. Knstt, ot WelwrSbrt, bfflblatea In Place of Rev- Mr. Zimmerman. In thn nhnrah at. Sol t's ou Thursday evening pt last week. We suooia do picaaoa in nave nun Tiaitns occasion, any. A daughter ef Mra..Rebetsca Storrta la lylni jr. qun I, ifinortl. 1 todxi; eUr. In a critical eonalUon ot dropsy. I 1, vis. by. Dr. J; O. Zern, may soon recover. . , Big Creak. Jan, St. 7h or attend I hoye lES RiVtait, Echoes from mahonlng. More snow. Feed your horses well. Sleighing parties are numerous. Over ono hundtod euosts sunned at tbo Pleasant Corner Hotel, since last -uinrsday. ah connected With eloign ing parties. We were fortnnato ehouch to learn. that ihe subject to be discussed In the Excelsior Literary Society, at Pleasant Coraor, reads as follows : Resulted; "That Rutherford B. Hayes shodld bo Inaugurated as president dt tbe United States." Another cbdnce for politic-, lans. If we are id ludrt from tho appear ance of "Old John," the proprietor of the Pleasant Corner Hotel, wo cannot say otherwise, but that he la doing a fair business at present. For fair and square dealing. John Is not to be ont done, and It appears as If people know it. Last Monday ovenlng a cnest con nected w.lth a eloigning party from Ashton, stopping at Pleasant Corner; whllo In the act of coins out for fresh air, as Is supposed, landed ''topsy-tur-vey" In tho streot; and after coming to Investlgato thlnge, ho found ho had just stsppod out from tho second story. lours, from abovo, HoMd. Messrs. Booth and Esser have placed oue bf their patent gas-saving apparatus aboard ono of a line of sound steamers for trial. Should the latter prove satis factorily cacn ot the company's steam ers will be furnished with one of the firm's regenerators. Being a reliable man, and, probably too, in acKQowieagmeni ot services ren dered the Democratic nartv. Mr. Wm. DeFrehn, of East Mauch Chunk, was. on Wedbesday of last week, appointed by the Board of Connty Commissioners Mercantile Appraiser of this county tor tne present year. Ex-Sheriff Randenbdsh, Sheriff elect of Carbon w dwells In limbo. and since his accession to office Is being nearly ooreu to aeatn oy numerous in dividuals, ambitious and anxious en ough to serve him In the capacity ot turn-key, some of them offering their services at the extremely low figure of tiiu per tuomn, . In this most perSohs RIB annarentlv agreed : that lb all this region Mauch Ubunic is tee most expensive placo to live in, audi unable to discern the rea son, tbey wonder why Lehlghton, Wea therlri Summit Hill and Tatnaaua met- cTlahta should be able to undersell d'irs. And yet the reason Is obvious. It Js all owing to tbe notl-exlstence here ot that competition whldb Is said to be " the life business.'1 A Mauch Chunker In sists oh his price, and gets It j of coutse. The late taking off of most of the down pacsenger grains on the L. &S. Division, anu cnango or scneduie on the L. V. R. It. appear to occasion consid erable inconvenience to our traveling public, and will coutlnue to do so until our "people shall bave become used to tbe new order ot things. As at present arranged, it Is probably the bost the management ot both roa,ds could have done with Justice to themselves, and but for the fact that we have hitherto been to greatly favored with rall-coad facilities, nobody would probably find fault. Items from Wclaaport. There soems to provall a general svm. patny ior ur. unipo. wno was not re elected by the Commissioners on Mon. day. Why his successor Is privileged to budsisi always on mo countv Is a rava-. very iu sumu ot our nest citizens. Our young toVnsman. Mr. Afnlnn llaudenbush, lately moved Into Mr. A. Uraver's bouse, where be intends to manufacture cigars. We wish him suc cess. Rev. Mr. Fryman recently ehanrrnd his residence. On Christmas he became tno recipient of a profitable surprise party. The fine and eleeant brick house of Mr. W. Knccht Is gradually irotrig on to completion; Having resolved to visit tho East welssport public schools, I started and, after exhausting mv Physical strength tn climbing tbe steep hill and passing the quiet city ot the dead, I arrived at tbe school house, which Is drel stock aut dem bodon nan's, and at a very lone some and Inconvenient spot. I firat visited the high school, which Is taught by Mr. J. Z. Bagenstose, who has also tne supervision or all tne schools in East Welssport. Tbe schools are well graded and arranged . Mr. Bagdhstosa is wen naoa yea conducts nil scllool in a systematlo and efficient manner. The secondary school Is In charge of Mri Bolt, who is a promising young man. Ills teaching Is practical and thorouch. Judging from his loud, round voice. I concluded he might make a Demosthenes Dy a little practice. Success to bis fu ture career. Uls school Is well ooverrl. ed. Miss Scboffleld teaches the primary department. Her cood and excellent order In thd school) her klnddess to her scnoiars, her winning way and her apt ness to teach Desoeak distinction for her. Bast Welssport has reason to be ttsawaaansBBiiisHBi j,j 1 'Imiijwsijsiiiis ipai,v sf Onr riilijdclphl.i Letter. rhlla.. lVjen.lti, 1S7 A DxArt Advocatx. Happy New Tear, to yon your staff and your roidera. Onr streets are filled with mountains of snow and Ice. . .. . , Home of onr merchants are baying the beautl ftlt snow carted away In coal rarta. Usyejuat returned from New York and New Year's rails! Themornlng after New Year's mani ofthe New xorkers lemlndod roe of pins becanse they liad beads pn. . Ttiouninds of rood resolutions ham been broken allMdy. 1 hope those who resolved to subscribe to the Advocate, and topty Inaa,. yance hare itepbea opto Cept. wort tamer's office and. paid up. , . It Is supposed that when winter comes round, the Indiana go In sl?MbB when they go t taymg. There Is qmle K lull In polities. , We have evidently, heard from thn North Pole and II seoma as If ttid lloreas had been return ed wl Hi a large malerlyr: . Tne derao-rate or5 The, pr!K- for Oovernor,ln Florida, and It la coticceuott tb bo aileain re am?. , "Old Proba" la now YonnK IrMlcitlone." tihchowoloff la tho Russian Ambasserdor to England, but we bars ahorel off here snow I mean abovel off the sidewalks. lisyea show which way tbe Wlpdblows 1 .A business man who had advertised for a " at loot partner," was much surprised at receiving aylaitrrorn anoldladrwbo was as numb as a paMetaent Is the hard est," lie aalr) an he limped away arwr a tilL ,, Watered mllkirM watered stocks areqaVa trons wMcb con'tyiru Cows and men and pumps ana bulla and Stialrs. .... Tbey ire plowing in tint streets, I mean snow plowing. , Will we have any snowl- Oet your boat lea-ly for ttb thaw. Always after holldaya there If an epldemlo ot headaches and a great dosire forJco water and cooling bererager. Yours 1877 by ..MiBCUTlO. Work nail been resumed In the Edgar Thom son steel works at Bladdock'aFteldK This will give employment to SCO men. ana boys who bare been on a atrlke alnco November 71b, They accept tbe terms of their employers. -.8, Cary Ball the defaulting 'cashier of the llaiboro'. Montgomery couney bank naa reinrfl. 5d to tbe aoone or bis dishonesty and surrender; dhlmaultto the authorities. He wss Short 4000(120,000. Ecary Ran , a good name fbf niriL -Hrr. Mary Ctloti a Venerable lady, idled la i Lpck Haven, on tbdstb Inst, at the remarkable ' age bf IS years 1 monm ant IS days, Mia was born ni PbliadelpblA. Oct n. 1777. and with hir purents removed M Nortaantberland county In The arat cast.was made on Saturday nlrht" last from the new furnace of the Cambria tran company, at Johnstown, and IJie prodnct wea sixteen tons or Beesemer Iron. Other casta liave since been made and the product pronoauceel No. I Ueesemsr. The new furnace IS consider ia toe nneat ana largest la the United Btatesr Lndlt&bi-esent worklna- alvea enttra aftttstatw tlou'. jus constructed upon an original planet ' Qoorire tU2. deceased, baa a capacity of izft tons, and Is now making about 70 tons Io tvren-ty-tour hour. Patriot. The Coal TraUel The.filhovrtniruble shows the auantttr nrcoal , thlyprrl over tho Lehigh Valley Railroad for the weeA.endlnic Deo. so, i87s,nntl tor tho years, compared withtbeaame tltiie last year i nugiona i-roni. wees? Year. Wyoming 13,(33 11 li,K7 IS Uatlbton ;,. 11,007 13 149,582 OS Upper iblgh.. Mil Ueaver Meadow 10 E7.iit na Mahanoy 6,0,' l 11 41,453 09 iiuuuvaBui., j Total 49.CA1 04 annASlia Last Year tv,V 09 85a:4 is , Increase xi oo Seereaas 10,815 et Oloalng Prices at DEliAVfiN & TpWN- sekd; block, Government and Gold 40 South Third Street; Phllidylplilai Jan; 4th. 1877. a.H.6s, isst....;t mil bid uiVutM V. 8. t-Tu's. isru.::.ii ioqu hid inns, ..vj U. H. 6.20's, ISG5 J.rtl J.;..ll0li bid 1104 tsted u.ra.o-ioa. 1807 ....iu", ma I fiti asked u. h. S.-2VI. isss i lis bid lisi; asked II. . IMo'a , 1IIH bid 1IIV aakrd U. Hi Currencr. S'a 121k l,l,i - u.B.S'aissi. new illij bid 111 asked U. B.44'. new lost, bid lOSH aakea rennsylvania R. R iss bid 41H aakrd rhila. 4 Reading 1UR..... if bid IS l Rakes Lehigh Valley if 11 13 bid 4Sk asked lbighCoAl&Nav. Co.... SIM bid S3 asked United Comnanlea of N. J:13SII hiil ifttk aawaA Oil Greek ft All. R. sit bid 81, asked Pblla. k Irle R. It 14 bid 14 aaked Nntthern Central It. It.:.. bid .2S aaked lloitonvlllo l'ass. Co. nk bid 21 S aaked Gold 7 bid 1H aaked SMITH-RECKENDOIIP.-On the 23d Deo,l ll llAO It A llMn.-l r . I.I a , . .- - . .-vituia, uiiiuNlli .-UII ailllUl, OI Ailentown, and Miss Harriet Ooekendorf. of Lehlghton. KTJ IXN B RIB ftKL. On the 25th Inat, by Rer. - v. ..inui, ,ua uuu-o ot, Mr. irum, in tna Rorough of Welssport, Francis H. Kuhns, ot Lehlghton, and Mtsa Alice D. Rishei.ot Potta vllls. Fa. ORAVEII-WAI.OK. On Tieoember Srd, by Autui. Aiiuiuoiuinew, w -it u. u rarer and Mlsa Alice Walck: llblii ot KrankUn, MOSER-OOMDBUT. dn Dok loth, by same, - ... . MvwiAuujHiH n.abu uomiwru oota ot Maboalnsr. Hir.L-aOMBE'RT.n Dee. 5.iih, by same. .Mr. iTanituu Ltlll.r .west PBnn; Schuylkill county, and Mlsa A. Vis. Ovmbert, of East l'enn, this county", Special Noticed. E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron. The areat sneeafta and dellorht nf thA In fact nothing ot the kind bus ever been oder. od to the American people which has so quick ly found its Way Into their goo-l favor and hear ty approval aa B. F. Ku.iiti.-s Hlma Wu,g oy Au.i. iy uvea an it proposed, ana tnus glrea universal aailataction. It is guarenteea to cure the Worst case of dyspep-ia Or Indigestion, kid ney or liver,, disease weaknna-i, nervousness, constipation, acidity of the stomach. Ac. CI el tna genuine, only sold In ft bottles. Depot andorheetas North Ninth BU Philaeipkla.i Ask tot Kunkel's, and take Ho otuer: Bold by all druggtata. Dyspepsias Dyspepsia. HjsrJspsla. E. F. XUiULI Brrrtir Wk m ruH i. . sure core for thU disease. It has been presenb. ed daily for fdany yeara la the practice ot emu nent physicians with, unparalleled auoeeas. wj.wu. wuita v. u-biLO winuHaarisinsr I food, aiyness In mouth, headscbe. dlizlnaaaL sleeplessness and tow n,lnts. n ot auiu in uuis druggists. Ask 1... -..I., ,n I. , ,' . ... - .. V . . . , vv ouu. (M VUij iu ft WIUH. DQIO VT all 00 for K. V. miMKKTa Rm.. Wise or lliOM. All 1 ask is a inal of the valu. able medicine. A trial win coniituu. oncei Worms. Worms. "Worms; E. P. KmgkL'a Wnnu Km in. tJlii I. remove ail kinds ,,t wnnn. u.... - 5i?m,fS "" are readily removed bt JCun. ancceaaful physician in this cmiHtry la it can remove Tape Worm in f ro.u tyTtto font nouri, Ue has no lee unui tb head and an patfoVaUvo rejn8TbXsu5?her 1 redi Ask your dr and in this iimmiii tin,-. if Tape Worm oan be rel vma rei-Aiiiy oaatra1 Worms your drnralst I.1 00 per botus. Itr never r.dla: or soud to thd 5,7. 9-t f North Ninth BU. fttjladelphU; Advice rtod, Jan. S. probd to possess ellcM good corpse ot I rnjJOSi rk BERK A TOu teachers. The three schools enroll 157 J. TO 1 Heal Estate Agents. pupils, which ate enough to make tour schools. The people should Insist to have tbemi Tbe East Welssp jrt people are entitled to havo a luore suitable ecuooi uouse wnicn IS hAtinr Itv-aljul Why not bave It? On Sunday oven'.nu rnvlkal will begin In Ktxne7er church. Tbe WelsS'.tfirtnra hugely, rank aTnErfr1. rlEiUniil-rtM We hare Instructions to Hell the Ibllowing Proi rvt uo, uii innuiu iitsuntua tu urcnasing,Beil ng or Excl-anaing Real Eslste. will do well to aivA its a mill . uouse ana lot, near oiewine'S Tannery, in that jwmiun ti uouiKuwu, uouse isxss, atablo bujoy sleighing AMIOOS, 10x11 and Jt 17 front i-d s feet deep, well Suee on Installments piantea wild iruit troea, A oever-talltnr well In the yard, tlvA, 11400, half cash, baj. -Daniel Bcbrelner. 17 yeara aid. died last nsialnhla. from week Iroiu hydrophobia. In Phil uianue received nlnq weeks ago. Tn t,fxf Dee- "I terrier, which Uittha CSyl was killed a fuvi inlmiiu -i,-.u , . .! ly stwrwaru vuwiq, wuivow auorn Ssvin of the sloven blast furuscus In puts, burg are biowluv, laur being ldli. TLeyeany capacity of thoaom blast ia anoat ITSOOuuet one, and thoae oat, aamo osxeo ue( tons. -' ."wortkoi. rMian has mmed and ahln ped S.4D7 Sit tuus oi coal last yoar aa against ft.. M0.SO ton in IS7f tbe coalgolur over tno Itesd 'ux mala line aad uhameltlu ana Lytens Valley reads. MtAi Rnsan n. nikinaAn .u M , ADnj-.baa taken tin lha hmlnAu ahiiMbi .. the Utter. ho wi 1 deliver a obur-e of twelve octurts at WUkeabarre this Wlatir dii the auo Ject of EngUsh literature. A new lndnitrr ha 4 annm n at wn,. A Hweaa nsmntl a. imiuun v. . . ,. , .Lr.t ... , . ,.' bat'CO DIDO With foldinff .tnnl -lilrh..n nn. ,.. U.I4 MIC 1-TSIIH J1C Dwaiilsg House and LaUon.Wib street. Lo. hishtou. Now reuls fox 18.00poc month. Prlua low f nr lafth. House and Lot; pn MahHdlnRatreet, lehlghton. iTki ' Jo'-f3 P?r monUl. ono-half House and Juoi nn bun straet Lehlhtoo, Pa. 1- icetim .lteatsturis per moo th. iui Aoroa or -ximnet- int in u.tmnin -.-,-1 ii irwa ,.iugtiuiD. IMAcrVs bf Laud to I'jnn l-'area iNLTbch OOUDtV. AtaStwaMK haMtn Serbn U In um JBoreogh ot Lealibvoa. QooH loeaLuins and nrtA. lnvr Frame BaUduur. suitable fo lery nr other ugbt bualoeaa. Cheap. eheaa. ores! Township. Jan. I, 7. r a photograph gat. T. B. BKUK Ctf lltC. raasuluotunn at that WANTED, everybody to know, that fioocaatl wUlpay a yi ar" iilitenMtlou tor the CAR. llu JN Auvoovrn