I, 1 Jlir JJr'rfB!2 LIIIISiaMSSaSSSJCMa ll fWB INDEPENDENT Live and Let Live." $1.00 u Year if Paid in Advauce. H. V. MoUTUiMEli, Proprietor. LEUIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY tt, 1877. Subscribers out of County, SI. 2d Vol. v., Wo. o. -GAUDS': Varnltnre Wareliouae. , . V. Beawsrts, Rank street, dealer in all Hndi af Wniturt. Coffintmadeto order IToot an Shoe Makers. ', ' Vltaton Bretuey, in Leran't building, HnK street, JUoritrl pnixpttyJlUedviork warranted. ft P. LONGSTKEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next.doortotho "Carton Htmso" BANK STREET, LEIIIQIITON. PA. December is-6m. M. RAPBIlIStt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ' BlKl8lIT,LsHIaHTO!(,PA. Seal Kstate and Collection Agency. Will Bur and Bell Real Estate. ConTcyanclnit nealy done Col, Isstlons promptly mule. fettling- Kstates tf De eeileuU i specialty. May be consulted in KnlUh mud Barman. "". 22. J AS. R. STItUTIIElIlS, f " ATT.ORN KYi AT LAW, , ji-0race! 2i floorof Knoad'a ITall, Jtlnuch .Cliunk, Pa. . Alt business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. MsyJ7, lr. -JJAMIEI.TiCAl.npU8, . i ATTORNHY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Munch Cliunk, Pa. -0fJlce, above Dolon's Jeuelry Store, Bnndway JBO. D. BER10LSTTS. J1S. S. LOOSS jgEIlTOLKTTK ds LOOSE!, ATTORNEYS AND C0UNSKLL0I18 AT LAW, Owes Corner of Susquehanna and Broadway UAUCU CHUNK, Pxxiti. Can be eonsulted In Oennaa. July i 187 JJ M, MEEH API, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next Door to First National Ban, MiDOU CHUNK, PA JtJ-Can be ronaulted In flerman. fjanO. A. DELTZ,' JUSTICE OF THE PIUClS, Oberf BalldUis;, BANlC-8t., Lbhiohto:, Conveyancing, ColleeUug and all other busi ness connected with tho ofllco(proinpUy attobd ed to. Also, Agent lor tbernfcbaseandSaU) of Beat Estate. April ryl JUIGMAS B. HEClt, i josrioe or ruis peach, ' DANK Street, LKIITarJTOtf, Pa. Conveyancing, OolloctinC and all business eon. ftectea vrtththseulee promptly attended to,. 42a-Seut for first-class Insurance Companies', ui Risks of aU kinds taken on the most liberal terns ' 1 ' Jan, 9. 1876. rj- A. DEllllAM Elt, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N pedal alUaUon paU to Chroule Disrates, OrJs.; South lilt earner Iron ami tai sts.. 1.0 Ighton, Ta. April 8, 1873. J)U. K. U.ItKBEU, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND BUTtOCON, OOcc, Bmx Street, next door aboto the Postofflre, Lehlzhton, Pai Office Hours Parryvllls each day rom 19 to 12 o'clock; remainder of day ntofllculu Lehltaton. Not-23.172. TITO MAS KEIUEKGIi CONVEYANCER; AND GENERAL INBUBAJTOE AOBNT T Mowing Companies arettepresebted: BBA'DINO MUTUAL FlllB, ' ' .WYOMtNa FIRE. POTTSVILLE FIBE, LElIiau FIllE.andtheTBAV BLERSACOIDKNT INSURANCE. AUo Pcnisvlvanla Bud Mataal Horse. Thief BtteaUra and IdMuaoos Company. Marafe.187L THOU. KKimilEB, BRADY'S CENTENNIAL CIQAH ANT) TODACCO KUPOIUUM AND )II'LIAltD ItOOU, one door ajwvo XUnk'a Bakery, Donk Bt., aLolilglKon. Alao, GENERAL JiEWS. AGENCY. Dally and Weekly Papers and Lakeside Library rego rly aoppllel. Apfll.l.. Uio. liivory & Sale Stables BAPCKSTllISKT.tKHiailTON, Pa FAST TJROTTING UORSE8, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. And moalriTAlv Tlurnn iiii iro .1 . other Li very In tho County, Larraant handsome Carriawa tar Fnneral pnrpMea and Weddlnts. DA VI D KUUEItT. Mar. tt. ir?. T O CAPITALISTS! A LIUrTKD NUMBER OF HIT A HITS OF TH CAPITAL STOCK OF TUB LehigHton Gafe Light Oo'f , safll remain undisposed of. Rhares fifty DOLLARS. SubeotlpUona totlje titoekt irill e retain and Infonaalion fnruishcd on'aiv' pllaatlon at Ula ollloo, r,aWguuhi,.Xpnm..lfi.v'M0BT,,,UB"-' ; "76." Railroad Guide. JJORTH PENNA, RAlLItO A . 1 iVnssenzere for Pbilod'clphia will leave Lehlr'h. ton us follows : ' t113 n. m vln. L. V. arrive ot Phlla. nt an a in. 5:12 a. m. ria L. V. nrrlvo at Pblla, at DIM a. m. fii7a.iu.viai.. s. " ' 11.00a. ni. IhOTp.m.VinfL ' 2i0fip.m. 1W7 p. nt. via L. V. " ". 2-Oi V.in. 2:21 p. in. via L. &H. " 614Jo.rn. 17p. m.TlaL.a " " 8: 5 p.m. 4il4p.ra.TiaX V. " " 8ii i. m. 6.32 p. m vln L. V. " f12;'!"'11;- Hetunilii, loarn depot at r.rrka and Amerl. can St., Plilla., otiioO; 8:43 and o;43 a. ill.) 2:10, 3:15 nnil Klsti. m. , ... rare from Lonlchton to rwla., ?2.58, Uxcnrsion Tickets, $4lX) April 17, 1870 ELLIS CLAUK. AKCnt. o1 ENTIUL It. Itl OP N. i. Lr.llinil SUSllUi:iIANNA DIVISION. All ltail Home lo Lnup urniicn. PASSKNIlr.U STATIONS IN NI'.W YORK POOT 01' LIBERTY ST., AND FOOT OF CLARKSON ST., UP TOWN. ,; , 'Time TublP, of Oct. 2il, 1S70. Trains leave Leblgbton as follows: r?or New York, Baston, Jtcj at 7,47, 11.07 a. m., 2.24, 4.47 p. in. For Philadelphia, 7.47, 11.07 a. m., 2.20, 4.47, For Maucli Chunk at 10.20 a. m.,1.09, 6.J8.S 48 p.m. PorMllkes-Barreand Scranton at 10.20 a. ui.,1.09, 6.SSp. in. J " 1 Iteiurnina UaTO New York, -foot of Liberty St., atS.40, 8.15 a.m., 1,00, and 4 00 p. in. Loire foot of Clarksou St. at VZ.iO, and , , 8.20 pj m. ' teavo Philadelfhia, from Depot North Tenn'a R It., Third Mid Berks tit., at 7.t0, 0.13 a. m.,2.13, 5.15 p.m. Leave tton at f.1.',,ll.l0 a.m., .1-65, 7X p m. Leave nuuch Chunk at 7.40, 11.00 a.m., 2.20 4.40, p, m. Fot further particulars, soe Time Tables at the Stntions. PASSENUKItS FOR L0NQ BRANCH C1IANOK CAIW AT hLIZAllKTll. II. P. BALDWIN, Ctn-rauenger Agent. July 4. IS74. pIULA. &, KHADING IlAlLROAD. ArraDgument of Passcoger Trains. DEC. 18Tn. 1876. . 1 "Cna leave ALLE1STO WN ni follows! (VIA rKRKrOilE.V MHA.NCH.l For Philadelphia-, nt C.50, li.oc). ii.m 3.15 and o53 p.m. . .SUNDAYS.' 'For Philadelphia at 3.10 a. in. . (VIA EAST l'PN.VA, UHAKCIt.) For lie idlnc, t 2.30, 3.50, e.'A a m 12.15. 2.10. 4.30 ftt.dOO0p.ui. For llairisDiirg. t 2 30, 5 30, 8.33 n. m 12.15, 4 30 and u ou p.m. For Lancaatpr, and Columbia, a 39. 8.53 a.m. and 4 30 p in tDUea not run on Mondays. MJNDAYB, For Heading, 130 a.m.' nnd 0 00 p m. Foi llurrlaburft, 2.30 n.m, and o oo n.m; . Trains FOIt AI.LENTOWNloavo as follows: (MA l'KllKIOHEN' niiANCll.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.3-) ii. mi, l.uo, 1.30 jnd 6.15 p. m. KUNDAYH. Leavo Philadelphia, 8.15 a.m. (VIA EAST PENMA. BIlANClI.) Iave Itcaurns, 7.1''. 7,43, 11.33 a lu., 4.00, A.10 and 10.30 pm Leave Ilariisburg, 5.23, 8.10 a. ur, 2.00. 3.37 and 7,5j p.,m. Leave Lnutastcr, 8.10 n.m., 12.53 ai'd 8.45 p,m. Leavo Columbia, 8.00 a. ui.. 1.00 oilO 3-35 p.m. , . SUNDAYS. Lcaro Reading, 7.20 a.m. Leave IlarrlsourMi 5.20 o.m. Trains maikoil thtta C) run to and from depot tin and Ureen etrccts, I'liltailelplita. other tralni to and Jrom Broad street depot. Tno 0.30 a. m and 5.33 1. ol. tiahia from Allen, town, and tbe7.30 a.m. and 6.15 p. in, tmuii from Philadelphia, have through cars to oud trow PhUadelphlOt J. R. WOOTl'EN, Deo. 24. 1870, General Superintendent. Akron advocate ClIEAt1 JOB PRINTING 0IMCI2, LKIXIQIITON, PA. Every description of Pcntlng.'from a Visiting Ciii'd to a Poster. CARDS, l BILL IIEADU, i ' LETTE R .HEADS J NOTE HEADS, , ' " BrATE&fENTS." ,roSElta, FBOUKAJJIIES, 1 , . . IlANDBlLta, DODOEItS; CIRCULARS", S;fIPPl'Q TAG, ENVELOPES, M. i . . PAMPHLETS, BY-LAWS, AC., 4C Done In the best manner, at vof y lowest Prtcoa. We nrD rrepared to do work at ni cheap ratea aatiny offlce In the State that deals honestly with lui customers. ' ' "'w , ouftMOtoia Cheap, Prompt . & lieliablo. tVOrdefa by malt recolvo prompt attention. A Good Family Medicine SWAVWU'S Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. 3- 111: AnACIIIO, Lanjtour and Melan choly Buenilly sprlmr trom a disordered Mom. nch, caiiivrne or a torpid liver. Each may be speedily removed bvl)r. Bwiiyue's Tar I'llla. yvlilch slimnUte the liver nnd stomach to a benlihy action lu removlnK all bliluiusnesa, nnd producinR reculnr evacuations ol tho t owels, liver Complaint, that dreaded dlfoase from which ao many per. ,aon MiScr. la fri-queutly llio canto ot Hcadacbe, Indigestion nnd Dyspepsia, Is speedily relieved, and are often permanently cpred by their me. Fevers are oiten inevented by the use ot llie.e Harsapanlla 1111s, asther cam-loff, TUrouKti tho blood, the Impuiltiea from which tuey arise. For COS PIVENEss there la potnlni? ao eirectual oa Swayno's Tar.'nd Sarsaparilla fills, they are puielv TcaeUble. ond act specially on the Liter na Blue Slaasor valonitl, without any bad rrauna from taklnr. Doacnttn syiuiitoma la a'l eommnnIiatlnu, and Addrma letfera to Dil. hV AVN1I .6 WIN. PMIiklelphla. No cltarKO for orivlto- Sent by mall oa mlpt ol puce. Frier, SJ conla a boxi nrti boxes lor l, ASK YOUR HUUOOI'iT FOR TILEM. Now Advortisemciits. THS lxjngsi This dlstrceaine and dangerous complaint ond If a premonitory sympionis, noslcctod conch, night swrats, boar.eness, wasllnR fli'sti. lever permanently cirrcd by )'Dr. Sv ayne'sCouiponnd Bympof wildCherrv" IlllONCIllTIS A premonltor ot 1'iilmonary Consumption, is characterized hy catarrh or In. flammation of the mncoua meinurnnoo! tho air uassaite, with cough and expectoration, ahort breath, lunrfipnes pains in the chest. For all broncmal aBoctious, soro throat. loss of vbice, coughs, tin. SWAYNE'S COltPOUND Syrup sWild Cherry ie A SOVEIipiaK hemedt. HemorrJiage, or spitting blodd, mar' proceed from the lnrypx trsfhia Dronchla or luwrS, ond nrlsri Trom varions cnnRe, na undue phyFical exertion, pletlwti. or fullness ot.tho vensels, Treakluuprx, overstrain Inpoftlip voire unppresg. ed ovneuation, obstruction of the epleca or Uv cr, otCi Dr. Swayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ptrtkeq at tho root of tltecaao bv purlfrmK tho blood, rcetormff tho Iiveraml fcldneyato healthy anton, lnvlsratl!iff tho ihtvous 8ytem. Tho only standard remedy , for heinorrlnee, bronchial and all pulmonary conVp aint?. Con. jumptlvea. or thoao uredinposed to wcik tunRa, should not fail to nsd this great vegetablo rem etlv Its marvelous power, not iintj over conmmp. tion hot over every chioulo dleao vrterea irrailuil alte.rut.vo nctlnu la neeIoil. Under Its ubo the conah Is loonened, the night sweats di ni in lull the pain ftnbMdte, tho pnl-o returns to its nalurnl htantVird, tho ntomacli la improved In it power to ftlprnt and ammilate thelood. nnd every oran has a purer ntirt better quality blood mippihdto it, out of which new lecrea tlve and plastio material la made. SAVED HIS LIFE. A REMAUKAR.L13 CURB! Wan that of Kdward H. Ilamsion, Koplneer ot Oeorgo mtcohv's Pottery. 13H Hidtto Avenue, Philadelphia, lie h.td a violent ClupIi, nlpht tweats. eoro throat, crrat weakiiepa, spit at dlf fcrent time, a pint of Mood, gave up all hepe of reeovery. Hirouprh the use of " Jr, bwavne's WtlttCfterrvSvntii" became abound and healthy man, and remains po to this day, although ovor twenty years have clapseii elnce h" was enrod, P1UOK ONK DOLLAIt. HtX bottlOR f5. If voiu drnirprist or storekeeper does not sell It, we will forwaid halt dozen, ficiui.t paid, to any ad dress, on leceipt ot pneo. paEPAUED ONLY BT mi. SWAYIV.E & fiOPf, 330 N. Sixth Street. Plillaflelplila. Bold by al Frumiuent Druggists. Itchmg Piles! tiles, tiles, itciiing piles, 'Positively Cured by the uso of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT, Home Testimony: t was sorelv afflicted with oneol the most dis tressing ot all diseases Pruritus or Prurigo, Or mole commonly known tin ItchirJK Flies lbo ltciitng at tlmos was almost Intolerable. Increas ed iiy scratching, anil not unfrcnucutly become quite sorcH I boiluht n lifA of ' Hwnrtio'a nhilTriAn. ... ii. ubo pavo liulok relief, and In a short time made a Iieifcct enro. I can now Mcep midistorbed, and I would advlbO all who uro snnVnng with this lletrci.sinffcouiplal!it toprocure' Swavno's Ointment" nt onco. I had tried preschpitons almost Innumerable, .without flnilinir ony perm anent relief. JOM. w. CIIUI8T, . . Firm ot ltredel Jfc Christ. Boot and Shoo House, 344 North Keconrt street, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. SWAYNE'S ALL II MA LING OINTMENT Isal-o n speclflo lor TKTTKlt, ITOII, HALT ItllP.UM, SCALD HEAD: EllYHIPELAS BAUBER'S ITCH. I'lCll Hi.nTdllKH at.i. ,StJAI;Y,. CRUSTY, CUTANEOUS ERUP. Anj.-xn. rtrietiiv .aie anu Harmless, even on the most tender Intent. Price 30 cents. 3 boxes fort 1.25. fccut byin.ill to any address on lecolot of price ' Sold by all the leading; Drucjrlsts. Prepared only by n. SWATKE & SOX, 830 North BUth-st., Plilladelplila. tsil IAD0RN LONDON j your' ; u!oi n..A 1 HAIR, I : nan uuiur nusiu'rj1 rOB HESTOSIKO : 5 GRAY HAIR To Its Natural Vitality and Color. HERE IS "THE PROOF Or its Superior Excellence. Ttrad this Home Certificate, testified to by Kdward B. Garrtgnoa. ouo oX the must compe tent imipirista and Cm mists in Philadelphia, a man rthnse velocity nouecan doubt! I am happy to add my testimony to the treat valuo ol tno " lnidou Hair Color Hest'irer," which restored my hair to Ha original dark col or, enilltidhtieappearatobopermanrnt. lam satisfied that this preparation is nothing like a dvc, bnt operates' upon the secretions. It is also a beautiful hair dresaluo:, and promotes the ?'ruwth. 1 purchased the Una boitle Irom Ku, I. Uaulcurs, dluiiRtat Tenth and Cuates-sts who can also testltv my hAlr was veiy array when I commenced Its use. MRS. S1ILLKR. No. 730 N. Nlnth-SL, Philadelphia. Dn. SWAVKi! A sos. liesiiected Friends i I have tho i.leasuro to luhirm on that a laay of my acqunlniance, JJre Jll:lef, lsdellehicd wiui tho surer as ol your "Loudon Color Hair lleauu. er." Her hair was tailing rapidly and nuuo ray. Tho color has ben lestored, and Hie 111. if: out entirely stopped by its ne. n E. 11. OAllllIOUES. DrngRlot. Cor. Tenth and Coateasts.. Phila. All that art can accomplish In beantltylnff. atrenitihenlnir, thlckruliiirundadorningthenalr Is effi-eteil by nsimr "ixindon Hair Uolor llestr. er." It stimulated and forces a new growth , if pi av. restores Its nutnral dor. and renderalt allky and beautllul i curis dandruff) keeps the calii c'oan, cool and hea.thv. All drunglaU e'lllt. .'nee 75 cents; alx botlea,ll. sent by expi-e8i to ouy address. SWAYNK & SON, 310 N. Plxth st., Philad'a, (OLE PRO PR I ETO R8. For Sale Ijy nil Uruglsts. July Us ltrs-yi How She Came to have Him- BY MARY REED CROV7ELL. '('So you won't have me, Nellie? xou are eure you won't marry me i l'retty' little Mrs. Wllllard loolted meditatively oafof the window Into tho quiet flllngo street, aa if among the lemmas trees auu un tuu uusb-uuuuu landscape she shduld Mud the answer to Horace Levlson's question. Then, after a moment, she turned her face toward him a face as fresh and fair in Its peachy bloom as many a young girl's ten years Her junior. "I 1 am afraid I can't, Mr. Levi son." Mr, Levlson looked her straight In her bright blue eyes, such lovely blue eyes, soft as velvet, and the color ot a violet mat lias bloomed in the snaae. "You are 'afraid' vou can't. Mrs, Wlllard ? Answer me another ques tion yes or no do you love mo 1" She blushed and smiled, and looked belwltchlngly. "Why, Jr. Lovison, I mean Harry, of course I lo llku you! I always did, ever since X first know you, years and years ago." "When Will WHIard won the prise all we fellows were strlvli.g for I So you liked ma then, Nellie, nnd you like mo now ? Then why won't you mar. ry me ? You've been a widow for three years now. Is'nt that long enough to mourn the virtues of the do rai ted ?" " You wicked- man I As If throo hundred yeurs could teach me to forget poor dear Wilson." Her bright eyes reproved him sharp' ly, and ho accepted with good graco. "Granting the truth,Ncllie, that your deceased husband was a good fellow aud a loving partner, I still cannot see why you refuse me. That is tho sub ject under consideration at' present, Nellie I Why won't you marry me ?" Then Mrs. Wlllard's face grew a little paler, and her plump, fair ba,nds trembled. ."Because, Harry, because "Wilson WHIard made me promise ucvor to mar ry again." 'Stuff and nonsense I What If ho did ? A bad promise Is better broken than kept." Mrs. WHIard twisted herring uneasi ly, and looked at tho lllumluated wiold of the stone. 1' I know It Is," she said, slowly, "but" Mr. Lovison looked earnestly at her. "Yes 'but' what, Nellie? In all respect I say It poor Will Is dead and gone, and you've been true to his mem ory all these long years, aud what has ho to do with you now ?" "I know," she said agnlni meditative ly, "but but, Harry, ho made me solemnly promise never to marry again under penalty of his everlasting dis pleasure. And don't be angry with ine, Harry, w'll you ? But I almost knuw he would appear to me I" The lovely blue oyes wero lifted In such pi' ius appeal to his, and the pretty little widow mAde such a nerv ous little nestling nearer to' him, that it was the most human thing In tho world for Mr. L'evlson to put his arm protectlugly around her and assuro her he was not augry wlth.her. "So you believe ho would haunt you, Nellie, If you broke your promise ? A sensible little woyiau like vou to verit ably believe in Buch superstitious foi. de-rol I And after having waited for you ten years of your mat tied life, aud three of your widowhood, you condemn me to hoplessness foi the sake of Btitih a chimera for the sake of such a shad ow of your hu9baud's ghost I" And Nellie looked Imploringly at him a.;ain, and her lips quivered, and the tears stood In great crystals o'u her long lashes. , "Oh. narry. how cruel vou arel You know I love you better than all the world, only I daro not marry again I Don't be angry please don't be angry with me I" Aud Mr. Levlson looked down at her lovely face, aud assured her he nover could be angry with her, and then went away, heaping silent maledictions on the head of the defunct husband who had been tyrant euough to burden his lovely young wlfo with such a promise. The last suuset lays were flinging their goldon and scarlet pennons on the palo, blue-gray sky sitting-room when Mr. Levlson opened the door of his cozy sitting-room, at home, to be met by the laughing face and gay welcome of a young gentleman, who had evidently been making himself at home while he waited. "Helgho, Levlson I Surprised to see me ? How are you, old fellow how are you 1" Mr. Levlson stared a second, theu greeted him warmly. "Fred WHIard I Where, In the uaioe of goodness, did you spring from ? Why, I thought you were not to sail from England for a good six months yet, Old boy, bless you, I'm glad lo see you, although, for the Instant, I confess I was started you are the liv ing Image your brother Wilsons We've been discussing ghosts, you kuow " Young Wlllard's eyes gleamed mis chievously, as ho Interrupted Irrever ently. " 'Wo' Is good, Lev. You mean my pretty little slstdt-lu-law, of course ? 1 know sho rellgloifsly believes In 'em, and now I am Impatient to see het for the first time since Will's funeral." Mr. Levlson had been looking thoughtfully at tho embers glowing, like melted rubles, behind the silver bars of the grato j now he turned sud denly to Fred, and laid his hand per suasively on his shoulder. "Seo here, Fred 1 you are a friend of mine, and I am about to put your friendship to tho test. I want you to do me n very great favor, will you 1" Fred laughed. "Will I ? Of courso I will. What's up?" And Mr. Levlson turned the Keys of the doors, aud the consultation lasted uhtll the bouse-keeborrune the dinner bell. tflvo hours later tho moon was just Crossing over the tops of the trees, making a perfect flood of silver-gold glory on the quiet sceno, ' and Mri. WHIard, with a fleecy white- zephyr shawl and her crepe brown hair, was standing at the kitchen door, on ber re turn from a tour of Inspection to the snug little barn nhd carriage-house, which she had personally seen' was se cure for the night ever since her bus-' band's death. ner cheeks were flushed to the tint of an oleander flower by the keen kiss of the fiosty air, and her eyes were Cowing like blue fires as she stood there ono moment In the broad band of white moonlight that lay athwart the floor llko a silent blessing. Then, with a little In voluntary exclamation at tho perfect beauty of the night, she went in, locked tho door after her,',' for her three servants were all retired for the night, and thn gave llUltshrlokifor, standing In self-same accustomed place ho was wont to'occupy, and looking as natural as If It were himself In the flesh, was her husband. She stifled her shriek, and tried bravely to feel brave, but her heart was tearing around very undlsclpllnedly as she realized that she was looking upon a bona fide ghost a veritable Inhabitant of the land of eter nal shadows. " Will I" sho said, faintly, with hot hand tight on the handle of tho door. "Will, is It you?" His voice was precisely as It had been In the old days mollow, musical, a little domineering Will's, undeniably, unmlstabably. "Who should it bo but I, Nellie, and come on purpose to communicate with you." " Yes I" sho gasped j " but what for ? I have tried I have doue every thing that I thought you would wish. Thero is nothing wrong, Will ?" Tho pale, moonlighted face, the speck less black suit, tho spotless llnnri, the very same in which ho had been burled, the low, familiar voice it almost para lyzed Nellie, nnd yet, aided by tho very material contact of the door-knob, sho stood her ground, and listened, "Nothing Is wroh'g with you, Nellie, but vs It li me. I can't rest in my grave knowlug tho wrong I unintentionally committed in binding you to perpotual widowhood for my sake. I come to ro yoko tny decision, lo give you my full permission to uiary again, arid my ad vice to marry Horace Levlson. Prumlso mo you will do It, and I will rest peace fully forever." " Oh, Will I If you say so If you think It best yes I yes, I will I" Her face pale enough now to liavo passed for a ghost herself. "Go Ibok at the big clock In tho dining-room, Nellie, and seo If it is near the stroke of twelve." She went dumbly, mechanically at ins bcuest ;and whon she came back, he was gone, and the moonliulit streamed in ou au empty room. men tue reactlou followed, ana Nellie flew un to her bedroom, and locked the door, and covered her head with a shawl, and sobbed- and cried hysterically, until her ovor-wrought nerves found relief In sleep. The next dav Mr. Levlson sent a lit tle note bver'apologlzlug for his sooui- incr (tiscourtosy In not coming to bid her good-by onjils sudden departure for an Indefinite time, and telliug her that her cruel doclslun never to marry again had been the cause of it, and that they migut never meet again, &c, C To which Nellie, all pale, alarmed and crimson with coufUslou, penciled an answer, assuring him she bad chang ed her mind, and begging hlin to come over to lunch, to see her and meet her Drotlier-ln-law, who had only Just ar rived from abioaii. Of courso Mr. Levlson came, and It didn't take two minutes to settle it, nor did ho laugh at her when she solemnly related ber experience of tho previous night. "For It was his ghost, Harry, Just as truo as I am allvo and speaking to you." "A jolly old I mean, a thoughtful, palustaking spirit, Nellie I Bless his ghostshlp, we'll hold hlui in oterual re membrance. Nor did bis countenance change a featuro, eveu when he aud Nellie anj Fred Willard discussed the marvelously obliging kindness of the departed. Nor did pretty, bloomlug, blushing Mrs. Nellie ever for a moment dream that her visitant was Fred himself, as sisted by a wig and false whiskers nor was there auy need sho should know, for her happiness was secured, ber con science at ease. Sat, Journal. By sta'Mlcs It Is shown that within the limits of the Island of Java every year about 800 people are eaten by car nivore, 200 by the crocodiles, 100 killed by the rhliiooeros, S00 killed by light ning, while 100 die bj snake bites, and a varying number by earthquakes And volcanic action. If you wlh to learn German, never commence with the tlute. Boarding bouses have been broken up, rtnd back stair lodgers blown to pale shadows thro' this melancholy Instrument. VARIETIES. The. most fashionablo gaiters nowa-' days Investigators. , --Oil wells recently struck in Ken tucky are yleldln fair returns. What nation produces tho most marriages? Fascination. Latge deposits of copperas havo been discovered vlri 'Cherokee! county, Georgia. The new wily to avoid 'suffering from corns Is to have bay Wlbdowa on 'your boots. I . Western Massachusetts farmers, to n. 'considerable number, Ulk of sotUldg In North Carolina. A recently discovered gold mine near Jimtown, Colorado, has been christened "Spotted Tall." Kentucky distilleries are resuming' operations, and Bourbon Is flowing In unprecedented quantles. Iowa's statictlclans have) figured It out that l7;000 Iowans visited the Cen tennial Exhibition aud spent At It $3, 000,000. According to a Boston exchange the "mince pie season" baa caused ai i brisk advance In the spice market ot that city. Tho University of Syracuse, New York, has just received from ono ot Its alumni the gift' of a sliver watch ovor COO years eld. The whalo fisheries are ldokldg ur). It fs reported that uioro new whale ships are to bo built for enterprising' merchants of Now Bedford. - Mr. John Eliot, the preacher to tho Indians, Is to havo a monument built on the spot whero tie gav the red man his first discourse. ' Durlbg the year Just closed, nearly forty lives havo been lost In the 1'enn sylvnnfn oil regions through earcless handling ot nltro-glyccriue. Time to put on our best patty man hers again, for rumor has It that Grand Duke Alexia is about to revisit this great and glorious dountry. A des'pondlbg New York paper sadly sums Up the business situation by saying "The pawnbrokers are the only people who are doing a big business." A Kansas paper plaintively exv claims, "One might as well attempt an aerial voyage without a balloon or wings as to attempt to secure a freight car in Atcheson," "Here, John," said an Irate moth er, "that's twice you havo come homo and forgotten that lardi" "Law, moth er," explained tho young dutiful, "it is so greasy that it slipped my mind." The Lord Chamberlain of Lortdon has refused to allow the "Passion Play" to be given in that city noSt year. Tho representation is promised in Paris in, 1878. Confederate bonds sell at 34 Cents on the dollar in the London market;, or about yA conts higher than some Wes tern railroad bonds also quoted In the samo market. One of the New York passengef railway companies Is trying the experi ment of ruuning Its cars without con ductors, depending upou aturnstlloat the rear ond to collect and register tho fares. Chicago has a most danceroua ; counterfeit stiver half dollar. This bogus com: is composed or uiock tin and otner lngrcdlouts, has the rim; of the genuine' metal, and s not affected by acids. The success of the 100-ton gun raanafacturcd by Sir William Arm strong, for the Italian Goverrtmen, has led tho King to create thd eminent gun maker grand oflicer ot tho Order of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus. a . Ea-Qovernor, Horatio Seymour has been chosen President of a now Histori cal Association, which Is to bo called 'The Oneida Historical Association of Utisa." SenttorsConkllng and Kernan are also offllcers of the association. Iiy a modification just made in the German peual codo, it Is provided that no ono connected with a newspaper shall be compelled to give evidence In court when the responsible editor holds himself ready to answer for an alleged offense. A wolf which had devastod tba counties of Irwin and Coffee, la Geor gia, having in. two years destroyed over five hundred sheep, was lately killed by J. Fennell, for this service he will receive a reward of $200 from the State, The Superintendent of theSoutb Carolina Lunatic Asylum has given do tlco to the regents that unless something ls.immedlately doue for their mainten ance, be will be compelled to dfschargo all patients. Whllo SXl.OOO is duo from the State, only $1000 has been paid since last spring. A Mrs. Hays, of West BloomQsld, N. J., accompanied by ber Infant child, went to visit some friends near Pater son, the other evinlng, and on getting out of ibb slolgb she found that hef child had ceasod to breathe. It Is sup. posed that In wrapping the little one In tho buffalo robe all air was excluded and tho little one was suffocated. Among the abundant vecetabla productions of California the olive la beginning ta claim' attention as a pro fitable crop. The manufacture ot tho oil costs about $1 per gallon, and Its nt valuo Is $2 per gallon, being $800 to tho acre. The San Francsco Alta en courages emigration to California, by remarking that there Is how a good opening In that State for one million will to men with very scanty capital, In) the cultivation of tho olive, almond arii fruits fur drying.