FANATICS IN VllKJlONT. Tit 1797-8 n sot of pcoplo Bprmift up In IjUJ'iIhii, Mass,, ntul sprea'l into Vrr. ninnt, Ihho founder 'vas n IlritMl ro (itgco friim HurKoynn's Briny, by tlio tuuno of Doriill. Ho ptnlniiMl to bo etiperliuninn, ntul tolmvo power tu lvo ( mmortrttlly to nil who hrllovi'tt In lilm. They1 lived on vcKotMilos, rejected oil liiwiiof Q nil or innn, mid followed the illctaten of their own pas'lons. Thoy met nncn a weok to cut, drink, hear DnnlU'B exhortations, fulillo ami rivicc At one of those, meetings a spectator. Onptnln Foster, n innn of Blunt frnmn, heard Don 111 asuerlltip: Hint "no nun of Itinli linn hurt me." Tim Oapt. siimr il off, and knor.ked the linpniter heeU over head j and as tlio fellow picked lilniKclf up, Foster knocked him down "gain, and beat lilm till ho renounced Ii'.k nonsense, and hi followers, illsjjim led, lied ftoin him, and that una tlio last of Dorrim-tin In Veruiont In 1817, Isaan llullmd caum from Ascot, Canada, and set up lo bn a pro phet. With a leathern nil ilia about his loins, ho traroised (ho country, ami a ilock of fools followed lilm and hecamn his disciples. A CliilMluu minister, named Joseph Hell, believed In Itullnld, unit a Methodist minister Ilolincu also joined the sect. They all put their property Into common stock, and Dull ard gave to each what ho pleased. They were married and unmarried, were re warded and punished, just as ho direct ed. Fllthlness was their cardinal vir tue,, ntul old and yoiinn, male, and fo male, rolled In the. dirt of tho street. 1'llgrlma they called themselves, anil they dually migrated to tlio West In a body. At Cincinnati they were rein forced by new members. When they reached Now Madrid they mado a halt, and theio broke up, dispersed and most of them perished. In 1837 one Hildfimnn, who had been a Unlvcrsallst, becoming partially do ranged, claimed to bo divinely Inspired, llu gathered up a lot of half-cracked peoplo llko himself, and they began a mission of disturbing religious meetings by screams and yells, pretending they wore acting under tho power of the spirit. They got possession of a meet ing house In Hardwlck and held service there, barking like dogs and imitating, tlio noises of beast. Hut their chief worship was rolling on tho floor, and they got tliu namo of "Holy Hollers." A very setislblo clctgyman, tho llov. Chester Wright, exposed tliein In a plain sermon; some of them wcro put In jail for disturbing public worship and thoy subsided Hev. Dr. S. I. Prime, in the Observer, VARSETIE3. Tho cold yield of California this year Is estimated at 20,000,000. A Blgn In a Now York storo readB: "Sewing machines bought, sold, runted and taught." Atlanta's mammoth cotton factory will soon bo started, and tlio city will colobrate tho event. There are no less than ono hundred and sixty different religious denomina tions In tlio United States. A milk dealer of Cuiurin township, Lancaster county, tills State, has been indicted four times for diluting milk with w.vter. At Hansboro Miss., fifteen at tempts havo been made to kill a certain man, and tho last shot tired in his di rection killed a hoy instead. The Warden of Eaton Jail says Lnros, the condemned prisoner, is rap idly brenkiug down under his frequent spasmodic attaaks. Ho lias a spasm nearly overy day. -Tlio report of tho Nevada and Cali fornia silver mines for November repre sents them as not only continuing to yield their usual returns of treasure, but as revealing richer deposits of ore. An ex-Mlnister In Franco has brought an action against a wino mer chant, who nearly poisoned him and his wife by soiling him wlnu in tlio manufacture of which coloring poison had been used. Lato San Francisco Journals men tion tlio sale of 18.000 to-is of wheat, equal to about 4G0.O00 centals, which is probably tho largest single transac tion ever mado. in California. The prico was $1 80 per central. Williams College has graduated thirty members of Congress, fivo United States Senators, eight Governors, six teen Judges of tlio Supremo Court, thirty-two Piesldonts of colleges and 89 i clergymen. -A. few days ago, at Delphi, Indi ana, a man named Grist attempted sui cide bv titling his mouth with gunpnw der and applying a lighted match to it. He only succeeded In blowing out a fow teeth and burning himself badly, Alas, I it 1b not till timo with reck less liaud'has torn out half tho leaves from tlio book of human Ufa that man begins to sco that tlio leaves which ro ninln are fow In number, and to remem ber faintly at first and then more clear ly, that upon tho early pages of that book was written a story which 1 would fain read over again. Longfel low. The third river in Scotland Is tho Forth. Down East they call the tramps "Turnpike sailors." A motto for young layers : So-fa and no father. It Is not pleasant to hear the Infuri ated Democrats talk of the toskin of war. Parliament at its last session cut John Queeu Victoria's allowance to $8,370 per day, and now the poor old girl spends hours sitting with a fashion magazine, wondering how she can con trive to make one new ono out of tho two. Heaven help the poor. Tho Graphic has begun this sort of thing : "Children, can you transpose. the letters as to make a good word 01 chesty' 1' and can you make ono word of 'doonrow' ?" That's been done to death In private circles, and experts can guesa them Just as fast as you can sot 'em up. "Scythe" and "one word" oh. bother I Do you circulate much In Infant schools ? Philadelphia Bulletin. n:NSYIiVANIA DUTCH. Itonnashtettle, Doo. 7th, 1870. Lkaiirk DllUCKKIt, Dear Sin. Ich hob g'sana dea lecht woch In dar Advocate dns du wldder dl brief garo cclved husht fun dime correspondent fun Flldelfy 1111 dar hut don in nlmn brief kot dos dar Mr. S-nidonlcl war g'strrvah, Ich hub inlc larschtauned tin holt 7.ii dar lint?, g'salit dos cs war dnch slinwd dos soiiq Alrwartlcher mon fun dar welt mist. Well, sauclit do Hctz, os Is so ovver mecr wlssa dos rlcha wo nrinn mi8ca schtarva un deer warts aw net nus III i vn ovver Ich hub balinpt dos ich I ict stino gute recht do wo o, 1111 dos sea an ucht on mulish Is hob Ich uenra nu forkolta, lull hob ganotlccd shun otllelia mnlo dos In dl tseltung til gadrucked wor dos dea lite eara Hhiilda uazawla sulla wos sen, druclta Itissa. bell is wos icti eawk. Henna barls missa dea shulda uf do oicla hnnka so schwnro oU wo a sock full soud won se nous sclitarta uf a longa race. Dar Philip ICicker mant es warra ar rets fnula fish in dar lexshlon un so long dos sea do net Anna, kenna do warra dea returns net true rl kumina sea hen shines eara fish net guto g'sotsa kotta won sea fin fault sin odder farlicht aw fnrfault wo Ich deer g'suhriva hob dea lcclit woch. Ich hob de expression g'lmrt do da onra dog dos sell "Lcabes Leabes" dos Ich deer g'schriva hob doa onner wocli war gute gawest un Ich glaub dos dea llto des poetry glicha un won ich guto foel dea wocli don will deer ans shlcka es nacht mole, dollar will Ich my brief kortz mocha des mnlo devllo ich bissy bin 0111 compossa far sell leed uf zu greah, meor wolla a mole sana wos dar 1)111 dort dafun dankt. Mecr lion shuu kolt wetter kot dan winter. Dea llto gana bol ons darcshah un buchwatza kucha essa. Meer sin gaplcased zu sar.a dos cm Hen si farshuuna aug wldder gutu is. A dale fun unsra yuuga manner lussa eara burnsldos kumma. Gute, schtlck darzu, lift moles wons net far liiifning war date's hartz brecha, Ar- llchkelt und rosa hen i turner dorna init slch. War nix hut dar waso nix und war nix waso dar Is nemoud. Yours truly, Hans Konnamaucher, WAR 035T HIGH PIKES TIIiCiBOffABT AJKNMR, Successor lo D. Book & Co., At tine " MajBOffia5tk toi'j55 Opposite tho L. & S Depot, BiVNK Street, Respectfully nimounces to liis customers and friends that lie is daily receiving additions to his stock of LADIES' DRlSSS and DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARI5, &c, &c, &c. Also, just received a car load of LIVKRPOOL SALT, which I sun selling at Bottom Prices. SALT FISH a Specialty. IfSIf3 If you really desiro to know how largo an amount ot Goods you can got ior a small sum of Ready Money, you should not fail to give mo a call before making your purchases elsewhero. Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.& S.Denot, May 0, 1870-yl LEII1GHTON, PKNN'A Wcissport Planing Mill & Lnmbcr Co., ltnnPCtftiUp tmtmincn to rflrnriilrr. Ilnl'.ilrrs. nnntrnrtnra ntul nllipra. tint linrlnf? nninntatrtl tlioir NKW AIILl.H. t:icy uro now prepnteil to Hupjily them, nt VKItV LOWKST rillOJSS, Willi ovury (lourlntiuu ot Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut ters, Moldings, Brackots, Cabinot Ware, &c, &c, On the "borlest Notice. Our Itnohlncry Is nil Now anil of the Moat Approved Kind, po that wo liivo 1111 lioxtlntlun In (lunrniitrlns Perfect Hatlifactlun to nil who may lavor us Willi tlii'lr omnia. II Ton hnro not limn tit mil nnd peioPtwhat ou want im'Ih! your older ntul tlicy will be tilled pumnitlv mm nt ns low prices na tlnmuli von weio piimonL uivo us a 1 rial, ami you will bo convinced or wuat wo say. SOLOMON TEAKKIi, 1). H. AlilJItlGHT, WM. IUEFtY, JOHN UIKIIY. Ofllco and Mill, nearly opposlto tlio Fort Alien Houso, WEISSl'OIlT, Carbon uouitty, retina. June ju, jaiu-gi S Oppoalto tlio I'nlilloPqtiar, BOUTH 8THEET LH1I1011TON, fa., lliiniifncturcr ot Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Donler in nil kind VtT ItOOFINO, Ri'OUTINd nnd JOnnlNO proniptlv nltended to nt reasnnsliln clinrees. Not. SO. SA MUJ'.l. OnAVJJ II. QUA uLi:s riioiniucii Annoiincc to tlio clttrein of I.clnirliton nnd VI Clulty that lie lins pnrclinscd the Stock ot John IiOokliam, on Hccotul ht.,nnd removed tho Ttno to his rcftldcnco on tho corner of Second and In n Hts.. nnd Hint ho will bo tiloiRcd to mtpply lila Irlcnds with tlio choicest Ilrnnda ot Family Flour, Feed, &c., At ptlcen n low a oleewheio. Cuas. rnonnLicti. Fell. 6, 1870,0m llio nii'lcrelgned reipeetrnlly ,tnfoftm ih eltlr.cnaot Carbon and adjoining coantlei,tkat ho la nualn pt6pnrt to aupply them with Dressed or Live Hogs at prices l nllr as low a they can bo bootkt tec elacwhcro. Alao, Bmoked Itnmi. Bolotnt n Bniingo, nt Wholeanlo ana ttetali. n?" Orders will be promptly Ailed, and Htft snipped to any point at the tborteit notic. JOEPH OBERT, Bank etreet, Lehlthtoi, Tm PAIlAOItAI'IlIC. As ono of tlio atratiRe events of the day a Nowfounilland family recently had a marriage, birtu ami ueatu in 0110 week. A Berks county man took up tlio plpo which supplies Ills buildings with water fruui a spring and found therein eighteen frogs and sotno lizards. Two shooniakers have been sen tenced to six and tiireo months' linprls oninent respectively at Lyons for try Ini; lo induce their fellow-workers to strike for an iucieasc of wages. It is stated that Mrs. Pamela Drown, wife of General Jacob Drown, thti'victor with Scott ot Lundy's Lane, in tlio war of 1812. is still living, blio is now ninety-eight years of ag, and resides with her (laugher, Mrs. Kvatte, at Uye, New York. The numbor of Inmates In tho Berks county almshouse Is B35. Two persons havo been In tho institution tlftyono years Mary Drown, who wna born thero, and Samuel Gordon. Last year thero wero fifty-six deaths; to far this year twenty-eight. The custom among elderly gentlo mon of making a common carrier of their plug lints has become so common, that tho bpectaclu of a respectable elder In church with a red silk handkerchief. two letters, a postal card, and a corner of pltij tobaeco 011 his lioad no longer raises tho ghost of a smilo in tho con gregation. Washington Nation . Llttlo Charles has beon misbehav ing at boarding school, and tho stern muster forbids him, as a punishment, to write more than five lines to his moth er, who will expect a long opistlo on her birthday. Tho Ingenious youth buys a roll of wallpapur and writes his letter thereon. Thero are juet five lines but each one is 83 feet long. Boston Transcript. Last April a pair of horses ran away at Green, It. I ., with the neck yoke hanging between tlio. No ono could find them. The other day their skoiotons wero found In a wood seven miles from where they started. The (torsos, harness and neck-yoke showed that they were caught fast in the brush, and had starved after eating every thing within their reach. Shakespeare, Scott, Dickons, Har riet Deecher Stowe, tho Arabian Nights, and other people and books are to be represented in a queer "Carnival of Authors," which Is to bo held In Baltlmoro In February, it is to be a sort of fair In which each feminine manager will have a booth fitted up to represent some scene in some work ot whatever author sue ehoosos, tier assist ants being appropriately arrayed after the fashion ot the book's character. A funny case has arisen In Eng land. The Supervisor ot Excise sum moned a gentleman named Henry Mai come Itatnsay, residing at Twickenham, for keeping a carralgo without a license. Mr. Itamsay wrote an explanation to tho Supervisor, and used a seal to fas ten the envelope; thereupon the Super visor brought a second action against him for Illegally using armorial bear ing, putting in the evelopo as evidence. Mr. Itamsay explalued that the seal was an old one belonging to bis father, and that ho did not know he was doing any harm by using it, but was fined $25. Change Your Surroundings. All wnntlni? FltUIT FARMR. e'nerlnllv minuted to tho erowth of tho VINIl.wliprn lt,h nn established aiuceit mill my I. ltd IS IMUJFITS Tho land t nlnn nilniitcd to tho growth ot i'enelio-i, I'rnrs mm sninu inn I ; nifo, liinill. wrnni Him v rKuuimea, I.tnm-liunilriila of nicnnctu VINH1 Alius. Ottl'lt Vitus nnd FAJtMH. enn now bo seen. TUB iiOUA'lIOS Himlvsl nilicHH'nilliof l'hll idnlphln, by Itnllioait, In n miiil, delightful pit ninto. ami fti fie vfiy uooiBoi ancw lorKiuni rniiuuoipinn iunrKcin. xiioioer jiniiromi ruuaci riM't, lo New YorK. TIIH lM.A.cKianlreadvLA.lUJB. BlICCIiaaFUr, AND rnOHPKUOU. Churches, Schools, nnd otner ptiviloiies mo niienilv eslniriKliu'l. Also, lunnuinctoileii ot Shoes, ('lnUiing, UlnKB, Htinw rinod. a -hi otlir thlnir. nr which il liferent menibeis of it lnmilr run tiiocuro etiinlorment, It hat been a IIIJAI, I'll ltlOHT for sonio yems pn"t tor peoplo sufferlnc from piilmnnary at' rnrtiiuiM. A Ftliiii.i. cnt.itrli. Amie. nnd ilehl Itv : iintliv tlioiHnndi Iinve entlrolr rrrnvriMl. A new llrlek Hotel bus luat been entiipleled. luifeet flout, wllb back I)iu1i1iih,m. four storie bleb lilcliidliiK 1'ieiK'h 10111 end nil inndprn Ininrovenieiiti lor tlio nccoiiiniod'itiou of visliois. 1'ltll HOP PAIIM LAND PElt AOJIK, pnynblo by nistnllinenti. within tho jierl'il of fmir veiirs. In thin cbniito. plunteil out to vines. 20 ncrea count mom thnn KOacrei further Ul'ei amis unncnunlnteii with Fruit Growing, enn become fmnlllnr with it In a short time on ac onimr. nt niirpiillnillllifl, FIVE AOllBH, ONUAOniJ. AND TOWN LOTrf, lu Ihotownof I.anillsvlllo nnd VInelnnd, nlnn rnr snio. u'lnUI. viiltliinr Ibo Centenn'nl KTblhlllon. Vlnilnnd can bo visited nt nmnll eTnenn. A pnoer eniiteinlni; frill Infui lint li.n, will bo sent upon npiillontlon to C'lIA KLKS K. IjANDIS T. TNIi'.I.AXII. N.J . fi-cn or nut. Tlio IiiUowInu' U nu extract from n description of Vlnclmd, publlshod In tho Nnw YOUK Till. HUNK, ey ine wen kiiowii Ariicuiinrisi, Mimn iioniiibiiu: All tlio tariuei'H wero oftho'-well to do" i-ort, ntul tomoof them, who hnvo tnrned ihelrntten tlon m lr"l und lr. irket KiiileniiiK, have ciowu rich. Tho koII is loam, vnrviiirt from sandy lonlnvfir. nnd i-urf'teo renttv utuiillntlnir Intorsecteil with mnll streams nnd otcniiloiinl wet niendow., In which deposits of nn it or inuck nio sti.ieil, aiiflklctit to fortlllzo tho wholo upland nnifnro hint it bus b conio extin.tstul of IIh n itnrnl tertllitv. h it ctrtitinlij nn of tir nnslrxtetuireftrtiU. tract, in m nliimlL Uvel pnsilinn.ttnil tuilahU mntliUnn fur ftUntntt farmitiff, that vie Liwwofthis li'lr tf tht W'esfrrn prnlrics, 11V jnund $omr uf Iht uldril farm aiirtnltyjuil ui jmfUaUy productive at when firtt chartd of foretl fifty or ahun'drtd yeart aao. Tim nonliiirlst would so m dlsciver thnoiusonf thiq continued fertility. 'Ibo wholo eonntri In a murine depo-lt, ami nil thuiiiKh tho soil wo loiinil cvldencs ol calcareous subtmico, Benerally In lliofurm nt liiilurnted enlonreoui marl, showtiiu ninny illstlnot tnuniof suclent shelH, of tho tertlnrv foruintlnu ; unit this ninrly substance Is ernttcrett a I throjeh too soil, inn verr comml. nuteu inim, nnu in mo exact conauion aim most nssimnaieu vy aucn piarus as tne inriner uesircj Not, 0, vl JEHIOHTOX UAKIIUY. 'I ho uniicrslcned nnnoiiDcos to tho cltizenn ol IOhiirliton, Welsport nnd tho sntrontidluK nctntiboi hooa. that ho Is now fully prepared to iipplrthftn with riliMi; in-air Bread, Gnlics & Pretzels Werv Mnniltur at wholesa'e nnd Iletall, at tho lowest prices. JIo make a cpoclnity of Wedding; nnil Fniicy (Jakes. lc-Nlos nnd nil other rartleo Bupplled with the Olioiccsfc Madd Tco Orcam, In lnrae or small qanntlllo. on nhort notice nnd n reasonnnio ncnien. Also, always on nauuu lnrRO mook of nil klias ot CANDIHS, NUTS, FJIUITS, Ac, at Wholesaio and Itotnll. I'ntronnge solicitod. J. V. O'NEIL. april 8yl Hmlc Rfoet, I.clilghton.Pa. c3 0J CO CD U o 4- bO 3 C3 4-1 OT eJ O J3 ri 3" cj 'o 0 V - OT 00 00 OT o bO Cj a O Zrii in d O. 0 X rM0 O 1 & OT i -sU I1 O . -3 i-m " K in 3 5 o ps( r- &h a uu - ot "r'-ti-i ot a vri pi m o-2 s oj nQ tps! g d . w 03 fjllli: SLATINOTON PLANING MIIL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINOTON. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, llnnla In I1 Vln.l. ma mm.m . TM.. -n.1.k. Uak nn1 JIaM Wood Lumber, and is novr pre pared to exocuto any ar-aoant of ordera let BressoD LamboR OF AUj KINDS. Doors, Snslies, Illlnds, fihntitrv, Mouldings, Cnhlnot TVnrc, With FroinptaeM. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery li all new and of Kit as a moat ImprnTorl kinds. I employ none bai tk best workmen, nse well seunnerl and toti m teriai, nnuaminoreroroaDioioirnariinie tnnrv tntisfnctlon to all who may favor mewltb (ill. Orders by mail piompily attended to. Mr charct'S nro moderate 1 terms aah, or laUnrt charged alter thirty days. ' 01VB ME A CALU rrr Those cnrnKed In Dnllillne will in II ft their ndvnntnao to hsre Hldlnf, Floor Board, Doors, snshes, bbutlers, &t.t Ap., maae m UlI J'actorr, Zlny IDyl JUILN BAIililBT. J jT EX & IIOMj AnnvnnM M UlKsf Car. bonand a(nla log CtnntlM that they ar aowsreparitt BBBSSK9 noOB. at the tOWEST MAHKET mlCBS. Ordera solicited, and Hogs delixeret a Hktn nonce, taiii' sno uejrjuH. eppMlte " Northwestern House," BAKK uTBSBT. liblllOUTON, Tenn'a. Jan. IS-tt BEX SOV. tocultlvnto. Jnno 17, 1870. A W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LUIIIGHTOS, PKNN'A. SMaiiH ami Hpccincafloiis FO AI.I KINDS OF nTJII.DINOS MADE AT 'HIE BUOUTESr NOTICI5. NO CHARGES Mnde for n.ANB nnd srr-.ririCATIONH wiien the conlrnct 19 awnrueu 10 1110 unuer-elgnod. June 14, 1873-yl. A, AV. EACIIE.S. rpiIOMAS K001V9 Itespectf oily annonneen t h tltlMn bf Oa. lion nnd adlnlnlnir Counties, that he ruM nr he1 the entire Interoat an stock tt'H. 9. liEVAN WAV In the LEUIOUTON Corn Broeai Manufactory, located In the noronh of Aehightan, Crb Comity. I'n , and that he is prepared M fill all ordira entrusted to him with tho Ycrjr Best Quality f Brerais at tho EOWKBT rOSSTBUt LIVTNO FRICB. A trial is ro.peetfnlly twllelted mil ttf m4 lsfartlon gnaractend, ninnuriicinry in rno nneroeni or ine vancy oiiposita tno i.enicn vauey jtrt. aaveK THE CHEAPEST & BEST! T. D. CLAUSS, BANK ST11EET, LEIIIGHTON, PA. CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. Yon can soled from tlio vory best ol Goods nnd getj your Garnionts wade to lit like a glovo in tho Latest lasulon. Ready mado Clotlilnc Ladles'. Misses', Gents', nnd Chlldron's Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gentlemen's Fnrnlslilne Goods In great variety and at Knnck-Uown Prices FOR CASH. tSf Call and examine. Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhem. T. D. OLAUS&, Merchant Tailor, 2nd door above tho TunUo Snuaro, BA.NK STREET, Lehlghton 'cnsjH's,)icoiiivir.fiii.&ucTo. fnOSrnUri!U!lK..Ttarerorri.alipir.' I U, C)Cfln. Criodllli A- all Srrolulonj 1 llftawi. Xikyeordrnr rivuorOninn JC? 11 tit tjiret rtt It, I mil, to receipt jrl is4SMinti.c.i.03aii x-irw IJ.Jtilic.J.l. For salo only by A. J. DTTULINO, Dragiriat, llank Btroet, Lehlghton, Va. Oct. 21, 1875,wM. ADYERTISINGr ! H.J-W.ll worth at apicA In varlotu newirapers tliatrlbuted thyougb thirty Biates. , will hotoid lor;oicasn. Accurate insertions iruaranteea. A llt ot the paper, Ktnnic daily aud wekly circulation and urmted achedulaot ratea, nent freo on appllcatioa to OEO, 1'. llOWULli t lO.. Newspaper Advfrilslng Agents, Nn. 41 'arif low, New YorK Nov. II, in. rpiIOS. S. BECK CO., Real Estate Agents, BANK STREET, LEItlCJIITON. Vo have Instructions to Pell the following Fro. nertlcn. and ncrsnna deelroua of Pm-chaaluir.ttell. ng or Uxcl.anging Heal Estate, will do well to glvonaacnlli Ilouite and Lot, near Olenlne's Tannery, In the llorouRb ot Lehlrhtou. House ICxX!, Btable 10x12 and lot 57 front ai.d 2 S feet deen. well planted with fruit treen A never-taltlng well in tne vara, rnce, inuo, nan casu, Dai. nnceon Installments DwelllBg House ana Ix)t, on Fnnith street. Lo uicnion. floir rents ior Bi5.uopor montu. rrlco low tor cash. Trouso nnd Iit. on Mshnnlnir ntrpr. I.htchton I'nce i&o. rents for W per mouth, one-half IIouso awl Lot an fine street. Leblrhton, Fa. l'i Ice tlto). Keata for 19 per month. 10O Acres of Timber Land In Mahoning town. hip. Hi miles from Leblghton. Chean. iSi Acres of Land Id 1'enu Forest Township. Carbon countv. Atasnecia. barsaln. Boven Lots lu the lloroach of Lehlghtou. Oood locations and price low. Frame Building, nuitnble fur a photograph gab lt-ry or other light business, cheap. Jan. 1, 1 671. T. S. HECK CO VANTBD, everybody to know that flOOcnsti vnn puy a yrari" nDScnpilQU tot tne UA"' JION ADVOCATE. THE HATTER, Broadway, Hnuch Chunk, IlnsJnstopenelasrleniHl stock of HATS and auu u.iriii 01 100 imii-pm 01,1m iioium also on hand u lull line of at riuCEH Lowi;n than Even. Mntouii.Ti JA8. ntiLFonn, -jyj- & CO., BANK STREET. Lchighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In AllKindof ORAIN llOUdtlTand WOLD at 1U.UU I.Alt MAUhCT Honse, Feb. S8, 167. THOMAS SOOKS. Wo wonld. also, lcsoectfully Inform, our ml. 1 sUF- sens that we are now fully preparci FLY lacm witn From any Mlqs desired at VliRV LOWKST PRICES. M, nEILMAN & CO. July M. JJK. UICKKI1T, , Opposite L. A S. Depot, On the East WeissTjort. Canal BuniiJ Respectfully informs the Itlsfns f this t1i. . ty that he keeps constantly on hand and BULL" nt the LOWEST MAHKKT FRICSS, Trr JIEoTIlRAHpaof ALSO DEALKU IN FORiOrLDINO AND OTttETt PtTSPOkM which he gnsrsntees to M ThoroHghly Seasjppe, and wmcn he la now' at tOD ViiliT1 LOWEST RATE. Cal ! Coal t WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at 1M loTMt CASH FRIOBf. Ho has a a number ot yery ellnbly hulls In niCKERTSTOWN. Franklia' ImAtf which ho will Sell on vary Easy Tnia. ana. 0. J. K, ItlCKEBT. DI6EAE3ES ODt? , r nAPPY RELIEF to Vonng OBSTACLES Men trom the ellects of Errors and Abuses In erly bfe. .Man, hood restored. Imoedimeuts 'ill t. Murrliiirn removed. New method of treatment. Ne,r n.nnriim and rcmaikabio remeiiios JlAlllUAli t.. Rooks and circulars sent flee In soabYl'enveloDea. Addross HOWARD AS80t.TT10N. 413 Ninth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. An luUIIutlon having a nigh repUtHUOU lOr UUUUIUUIU tUUUUV, HU ij.uiuq. sional skill, bept. I,ly. A N INTELLIGENT BOY, aged about 18 year", residing in Philadelphia, Is desirous 01 learning a irauw. iui wumu un iu oonie to the country. For farther particulars apply at the cabdo.i advocate omce. TX)R OOOU JOR PRINTING, CALL AT x TM! OARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Work ready when promised, and at city prloea. Be sure to call It will pay o 00 no. -jyRS. C. do TSClIIRSCnKY,; BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, P, Calls the attention ot tho Ladles ot Leblghton and viclnitv to the fact that she kotos a full assortment ol Berlin & Gorraanto"vvn Wool, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EUBROID, ERIES, NOTIONS, RIBBONS, Ladies' and Children's Hose, GERMAN FRUITS, LIMBEIIQER A SWITZER CILKZIE. CANDIES. CONFECTIONS and a variety 0 other articles not usually kept lu any ether sua? lu Lehlghton. A share of publlo patronage Is sollolted, ana. satutactton guarantee. Jan, 1,-nil. OR S.tXU OR TO LET. AONE STORV VRAMR BUILDIWfl, bulH expressly for a FliOTOunAPHKR,or woaldi Suit a ClOAlt-MAKEB. SHOEMAKER r TAILOR. Will be sold very Chsap for Cash on short time with approved aurUy. Applr at TlUB OFFICE, JandUi