The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 25, 1876, Image 3

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Society IUcctlng.
iltirtntTn No.TS. A, 0. K. OF Tim M. 0,
Slid nnil 4th Monday o( carh mnntli, In Ilo.
ber's llall.' Lehlghtonj nt 7;30 o'clock r. M.
It. J. II misickcr, H. K. 0. 8. 11, Ullhain,
S. K. n. H.
lOxadkk ltunnit Lopor, No. es, l. o, o. f..
meets eyiu t Tnesdav evening, at 8 o'clock,
In Honoris Hull. Alfred ncck.W.U. N,
II. Ilobtr, Secretary.
poiio Pool Tbjiib. Mo. 111. lmn. 0. II. M.. meet
on Wednesday evening of each week, at 7:30
o'clock, in ruuiw bciiooi jiau. weisspnri)
1). Y, MlCki'irt, H. H. It. Ullhnm, C. of It
'LllllotlTOK LOIMIR, Nn. 214. K. of V., meets
on Friday evonlites, In lteber's unit, at 7:30
O'clock. .1, W. AaildflllbUSll, U. O. T. It.
Ratcll(T,'K nf it. anil H.
AlvcrllHlnff ItntPN.
AVdelroit 4n ho distinctly understood tliat
tio anvcriisouionis win no inscrtou lit mo col
umns ot Tit Cannon Advocate that mar lis
-ojelved from unknown parties r Arms iiiiIpm
atconipsntrd with tbo CASH. TlWollowlngare
turoNLY terms.
Adve ttlsemetila for t yctr, per Inch each
lnsrllon 10 Cts.
' Hlx Months, per Inch each insertion III eta.
Three Months. ' 30 Cts.
" Less than three months, flrst Inser
tion CI. each subsequent Insertion 2Gts.
,oeal notices 10 tenia ner line.
II. V.'HonTIHMRR, rnbllehcr.
11. SllCW.OHS,
' ' AT LAW.
Ornci, Ko. t, ManMou Home,
nettling Kslales, mini Accounts and Orphans
Conn Practice a specialty.
Trlalof t'nnsrs earclullv attended to. Legal
transactions tn JCngllsb. and Uerman, Jan 9.
Local and Personal.
IS?" Parties receiving tho Apvocatk
with a cross marked alter tholr uamc3
will please remit Uio amount duo for
Bubicrlptlon, or tho extra 50 gouts will
60 ndded to pay tbo oxponsos of col Ice.
Hon. Ja
TI10 Northampton couuty Jail at
,prMut holds CU prisoners.
Oranges and lemons havo put In
.an appearance. GO cents per dozen Is
the price.
Horses and carriages can bit obtain
ed at tho livery of David Ebbcrt on
very low terms.
Who Is to bo tlio noxt President ?
It will be decided next Fabruary . All
must wait Til-den,
Paris bonnets nro trimmed with
marabout feathers tipped with mother-of-pearl
or punt Is.
Aftho Hethlehcm depot 11,523 ex
cursion tickets were sold for tho Cen
tennial silica May 10th.
Tho most prominent question Is :
Have you got your Thanksgiving tur
nkey " Next Thursday will bo the day.
Now orgnnUo rcllof societies for
tho assistance of the deserving poor of
your neighborhood during the coming
Thero will be scrvloea In tho Pros
bj terlan Church, of H1I1 place, next,
.Sabbath, Nov. 20th, at 10:30 a. m. aud
7p, n,
No stagnation In business at tho
Original Cheap Cash Store, and why Is
It ? simply becausu thoy glvo you tho
.best goods for the least money.
Have you seen tho beautiful styles
of ladies tall and winter dress goods
at Tllchtnan Arnet's cheap cash store,
opposite tho L. & S. depot ?
Our old frlond, Wendell Schwartz,
butchered a fifteen months old hog last
week, which tipped tho beam, when
dressed, at 470 lbs. Nest ?
Mr. F. P. Laury, of this place, in
company with a party of thrco others,
killed a buck, weighing 240 lbs, In tho
.neighborhood of Penn Haven last weok.
Tito property of tho Koystono
Iron company at Easton was told at
sheriff's sale on Friday for $77,000.
Three years ago thosamo property cost
--Only 70.00Q ions of Plttston coal
was sold at New York Tuesday by tho
Pennsylvania Coal Company. Tho
prices showed a .decline, of 22!4 to 52
per cent,
The First National Bank of Bethle
hem .declares a semi-annual dividend
.of ,45 per cent., and the Lehigh Valley
National Hank, of the Barac place, ono
.of i per. cent.
A state- jaw makes It tho duty of
foad supervisors to erect sign boards at
jthe section of all roads In tholr respec
tive townships. Tbo penalty for ne
glect Is ten dollars and costs.
Mothors, do not let your darlings
suffer with tho Whooping Cough, If
you have a remedy so near at hand,
line Dr. Hull's .Cough Syrup, and tho
little sufferers will soon nd relief,
trice, 25 cents.
Revival Services. On Sunjjny
evening, Kov. J. K. Kuerr jrtH begin
revival services In his church in Weiss
port. Tbey will be conducted in Ger
man and English. All who are anxr
ous to save their souls are invited fo
participate In these meetings.
J.'K. RIckert has still a few of those
eligible lots In Rlckertstown to dispose
pt. If you feel like securing a good
home call and see him He is also sqp-
f dying flour.feed, lumber and coal at tho
owest rates.
cures rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous
knd kidney diseases. Djt. Fittlers
Pectoral Spjdp, infallible for coqgfts,
colds and bronchitis. Dn. Fit? iftjf a
Cordial, Clisaya, Luiimehc find
-Vegetable Liveu Pills sold by C.
W. Lentz, sole agent for Jebfgbton and
Welssport. g-Jy
" Hold the Fort, for we are
coming," with the cheapest stoves. In
market. ' We sell largo Cook Stoves for
.920.00 with alf the waro. Fancy self
feeding Parlor Stoves as low as $9,00,
pon't forget It. D.F, Rickeet,
East We'lssport.
N. W. Ayer $ Son, tho well-known
Philadelphia advertising agents, have
peeo c impelled to move to more spacl
pus quarters, to accommodate t)e de
mands of their growfng bualness. Du
Iug the montji ' December, M)ey wilt
e ready to receive their friends In the
new Tjmes building, Chestnut and
Eighth street, where they will have
unusually flue offices.
Ladles aro now wearing standing
collars, and tlio phllai.tliroplst will havo
a gratified feeling ns ho Bees a'glrl
scratch her car on her collar, nud not
havo to take off her glove.
Don't fall to sen the large and
bcattlirut stock of Dress (Jonds nnd
Shawls at Nusbattm'B. PI aids tit 12H
ctfl, worth 18cts. Splendid shawls re
duced from M.25 to 7G cents.
It was rumored at Scrantoti, that the
Delawaio, Lackawanna and Westorn
Company will suspend operations In Its
mines and workshops In thu middle of
Dcccmbor, Tho Company omploys
about four thousand tne n and boys.
Owing to tho Inoreaied Salct at the
Original Cheap Cash Storo. J. T. Nus
baum A' Son havo again been obliged to
lay In another largo stock of dry goods
and woolens to meet tho wants of tho
Tho auction sain nf 100.0D0 tons of
Scrantoncoal In Now York Wednosday,
for account of tlio Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western Railroad, brought
an average of twenty cents per ton less
-than the prices obtalnod at the October
Mr. W. M. DuFour, for a number
of years resident nt this place, removed
his family to Wllllamsport on Wednos
day last, following them himself on
Thursday. Ho proposes hereafter mak
ing that otty Ills home. Mr. DuFour
aud his amiable wifo will bo missed by
a largo nambor of friends here, whoso
beet wishes they havo for their futuro
success nnd happiness In llfo.
Tho other day Mecsrs. William
Scott and John Drown, employees on
the No. 0 furnaco of the Orano Iron
Works at Catasauqua,were badly burn
ed about their hands, heads and faces
by being scattered over with molten
metal from tho mouth of tho stack in
cousoqunce of tho tapping plug being
unexpectedly blown out of Its place.
Makowskl the convicted wife-klller,
says the Minors' Journal, has nothing
to glvo his counsel except thanks. Ho
could not bo vory profuse In tho latter,
owlug to that little unpleasantness at
tho Tower of Babel. So he thanked
them by kissing each on tho left sleevo.
Tills Is fact. Makowskl ha been sen
tenced to confinement ll' years In tho
An exchange says that pumpkin
socds, eaton raw, roasted, boiled, caton
In bread, eatnn In vegetables, at ovory
meal and bctwoen meals, made, In fact.
a standard artlclo of diet, will cure
tape-worm. A case Is cited of a Pitts-
ton man who had becomo so reduced by
debility from the parasite as to look liko
one In tho last stages of pulmonary de
cline, but after a fow weeks persevering
trial found nltnsolf absolutely ana per
manently freo from tho hunting demon
which was thoroughly exorcised and
dispossessed by this harmloss and sim
ple remeuy.
William C. Dlotrlob, cashier of the saving bank, which suspend
ed Nov. 21, shot himself at noon on
that day. lie was found dead In the
bank with a pistol wound In his breast
nnd head. It was stated that, tlin pro.
posed suspension, or tno unnk nan a
very depressing effect upon tlio deceas
ed, who for somo time had been labor
ing under considerable mental anxiety
owing to thu fluancial troubles of the In
stil utlon. It was also roported that
the deceased was to have been married
this fall to a lady of Lehlrjh county,
who died soveral days ago, and that
this had also an additional depressing
effect upon him. Mr. Dietrich was a
young mau of excellent character, and
was highly esteemed by tho citizous of
Kutztown and vicinity. Ex.
Tho Ecranton UfiMiMlcan aya the stilklnn
mechnntca laiolv In tticeiuplm nf tho Dolawaic.
Lacrtnivauna aud Wcatern railroad aro Kradu.
nlly Kulimlttlng to the redaction andgoltiK back
to worlc.
Tho freight bronclit to tho Lchlch railroad
over tho Wurcrly lino has doubled up this
year as compared with laat.
Full ami Winter Stylei.
T. D. Clauss announces to his frioiub
that ho has just returned from the city,
and Is now opening his full and winter
goods, comprising cloths, cassltneres
and vestings of the latest designs and
tho best manufacture, which ho Is pro
pared to raako up In tho most fashion
able and durable manner, at prices ful
ly as low as tho same material nnd
workmanship oan bo obtained for In
any other town In the State. Also, a
full lino of gent's furnishing goods, hats,
caps, boots, shoes and gaiters suitable
for tho wear of this section, nnd manu
factured exprcssley to his older, Tho
entire stock has becii purchased on an
entirely cash basis, aud as he Is selling
for cash only he is ablo to sell at such
prices as will astonish purchasers. Call
aud examlno goods and prices beforo
purchasing elsewhere.
The Gprr Sljootlng at Conlilnle.
The caso of tho commonwealth
against Rosso and Thomas, of Ashtou,
Carbon county, charged with tho mur
dor, on the 10th of Juno of this year.of
Joseph Corr, of Coaldale, was called
Monday morning, in the court at Potts
rifle. Out of thirty -five Jurors examin
ed tlip following twelve were sworn and
impaneled ; Jeremiah Kline, Schuylkill
Haven ; John Pollock, St Clar ; Clias.
R. F9solt, Pottsvlllo ; Qcorgo M.
JJeadJe, Treuiont ; Benjamin Haiuptou,
Xsblsnd Eoujamln ICauffman, 'f ro
mont ; William F. Grcssang, Pottsvllle!
fjeorgo W. Bec)f, Poftsvllle ; Qeorgo
Render, Pottsvllle ; I). F. Iiannan,
Pottsvllle : Jacob Kuebler, Pottsvlllo j
Harvey $cot Pottsvllle.
M. 1J L'Vollo, Esq., who assists tho
district Attorney in this case, made (ho
opening for the commonwealth. Ho
related bow the shooting occured, (pub.
lsbed In the Advocate at the time) ;
referred to the disturbed state of (he
coal reglqa at present and during tho
past, and closed by asking the Jury to
acquit or conylct as the evidence war'
ranted. The defence was conducted by
Qen. Albright and F. W, Hughes.
The Jury, after being out about three
hours, came Into Court wlb a verdict
of " Not Guilty."
Wentlierly Itmi.
Mil. Editoh, News Is at a low ebb
hero i nevertheless, I will endeavor to
tlnd PoinethliiR that may, perhaps, In
terest ynur readers. In thn flrnt placo
I would Mate that one of nur young
townsmen, Hubert Nichnl, formerly of
Mauch Chunk, has Invented a machine
for catching eels, and It has been tested
and Jiroved to he n success. Wo hopo
tho Inventor may do well,
On Saturday, Nov. 18th, Gcorgo
Hnrtz, of this placo, shot a Blx-prongod
buck, weighing 300 pounds, tlio largest
that has been shot In this vicinity for
soveral years. Thora havo been quite
u number seen nont town, but this ono
Is thu first that has been killed.
Daniel Smith and Patrick Qulgley
havo opened nn umbrella factory. They
seem determined and no doubt will
mako It pay, ns thoy aro both cuergctlo
men. Ono thing Is certain, umbrellas
aro scarce hero my own was scarce a
fow ovonlugs ogo.
Henry Uriel, our worthy butcher,
has In his possession ten turkeys J tho
heaviest weighs 20 pounds, tlio second
20, tho remainder over 20 pounds. Who
can beat this ? Ho killed a beef weigh"
lng 1000, dressod, a fow days ngo.
Any young man who can furnish a
good recommendation can find n posi
tion ns bar-tender ntChas, Roxiueyor's.
Salary twenty dollars per month nud
board. He must be handy with the
pen as thero Is somo book keeping to
bo done.
Wo brng over one of our shoemakers,
who can half solo a pair of boots and en
tirely Unlsh them In seventeen minutes.
Ho 13 nono other than Benjamin Wetz
el. Who can beat this 7
Win. MoUrldo has a hog weighing
700 pounds, aud Rllly Is very proud of
Gcorgo Booser has left town vory un
ceremoniously. I wonder if Knty
won't follow him 7 Her big brother,
Pete, says "By Jlmmony, Ifotch him!"
Jerry Klluo has started wost for tho
purposo of procutlng poultry foi tho
hollidays. Ho says "Money will do
anything." We wish him luck.
Yours Respectfully,
Nov. 20, 1870.
How to Onrvo a Tlinnkaglvlng Tur
Next Thursday being Thanksgiving
day, the following article, from oio of
our exchanges, on carving a turkey will
Do appreciable ; Thero is nothing n
young unmarried man likes better than
to go to a dinner at tho house of a
friend and to bo asked to carvo a tur
key. Ho never carved a turkoy In his
llfo, and with an old maid on ono sldo
of him watching him closely j and on
tho other side a fair girl for whom he
has a tenderness, ho feels embarrassed
when he begins. First ho pushes tlio
knlfo down toward ono of tho thigh
joins. He can't find the joint, nnd ho
plunges tlio knife nround In search of it
until ho makes mlnce meat of the whole
quarter of tho fowl ' Thon he sharpens
the knlfo and tackles it again. At last,
while making a terrible dig, ho hits tho
joint suddonly,ntid tho leg Hies Into tho
maiden lady's lap, wlillo her dress front
is covered with a shower of stuffing.
Thon he goes for the other log, and
when tho young lady tolls mm ho looks
warm, tho weather seems to him sud
denly to become four hundred degrees
warmer. This leg ho finally pulls iooso
with his fingers. Ho lays It on tho
edgo of tho plato, and while ho Is hack
ing at tho wing ho gradually pushes
the leg over on tho clean tablecloth, and
when ho ploks It up It slips from his
hand Into tho gravy dish aud splashes
thu gravy around tor six: square yards.
Just as ho has made up his mind that
the turkey has no joints to its wings,
tho host asks him If ho thinks tho In
dians can really be civilized. Tho girl
next to him laughs, nnd ho says he will
explain his views upon tho subject after
dinner. Then ho sops his brow with
bis handkerchief and presses tlio turkoy
so hard with tlio fork that It slides off
the dish and upsets a goblet of water on
tho girl noxt to him. Nearly frautic be
gouges away again at tho wings, gets
them off In a mutilated condition, and
digs Into the breast. Before ho can, out
any off, tho host asks him why ho don't
help out tho tuikey. Bewildered, ho
puts both legs on a plate and hands
thorn to the maiden lady, and then helps
the vou'ng girl to a plateful of stuffing,
and while taking her plate in return,
knocki over a gravy dish. Then no
sits down with tho calmness of despair,
and fans himself with a napkin, while
the servant cleans the table. lie dosen't
discuss thu Indian question that day.
Ho goes home rlk'lit after dlnucr and
spends the night trying to decide
whether to commit luicidu or to take
ics&Qus q parvlug.
Torn to Plcpec.
A auaoge aud ahock lug aecldtut ocenrred at
he upper rolling null ot tnp Lrckawanna lion
and Coal Company, In Bcrantoq, Tuesday, by
which an old workman natped Patrick McNally
wtatoru to pieces by a iniunlyolly whael that
wJi involving with lightning-like rapidity. It
wis In tho dim twlllgl.t ot dawu wuin the hor
rible affair ocean oil. und McNally woo had oo-
caalou to go from one porton ot tho works to
another where lie had to pass closo by tno
wheel; doubtless did not aoo It owing to It awl ft
luotjcn aud the fact that ho was iioar-slKhted.
and so t walke J riylit Into It. aud lu an instant
lita mutilated body was hurled In fragments
about the mill, among the bewl dered workmen.
The sight of an una or leg descending among
those who did not see the accident thrilled then)
with fear and wonder. The shocking affair
soon became known, aud when the terrible
wheel atooa atlu Its apuesranco told a feaifiil
story. The trunk of the old man's body lay he
aide the pit. aud the difficult task ot collecting
bla scattered rejiaiua was eutered upon. The
head was uusalng and uowhore to be found un
til alter several hours, when it was nuully dis
covered in the pit beneath tho whel. MoNanr
wasovursixiy yearsur ago and lotreiawllo
aud child to mount hl feartui falu. iboiit u
tear ago u small Iki whi np.uylur in the riclu
Ity of this uuguarded wheel was killed in n
similar uiuuuor.
Lcltcr rrom TUnucli Clmiik.
Messrs. T. F. Wnltcr nnd Wra. D.
Zchnor, who for somo tlmo havo Ween
proepnctlng for coal on their property
In tho lllghlacd Basin, havo recently
struck an 18 feet vein.
Messrs. Snlkrld & Co, nre nbout fnr
ntshlng n tnlne-putnp fnr tlio Honey
Brook colliery, which they claim to bo
tho largest pump over turned out in
these parts.
From nnd after January 1st, 1877,
tho Democrat will bo furnished on pre
payment of subscription prtco.
"Jocko," Malor Klotz's body-servant,
is luxuriating among tho colored folks
of Rending, on n two months' leavo.
Letters from him by parties in town
acquaint us with tho whereabouts of
Geo. Clark, tho well known typo. When
last heard from ho wns at Now Orleans.
But for proportlos being changing
hands, business at tho Recorder's odlco
Is rather slack, while on the other
hand, law-suits bplng plenty, tlw Pro
thotiiitary nud his deputy nro kept
busily engaged.
Mr. Frank Inkman being about to
relinquish tho sa'oonbuslness, Leopold
Rels will, on Monday next, tnnkohM
bow as proprietor of tho "Centennial,"
whllo Sam. Iloehlcr will run the placo
to bo vacnted by Mr. Rcls.
Switch Back traffic will to-day bo
suspended for tho season.
Persons contemplating a Western
trip should avail themselves of tho
present low faro offered by the Central
R. It., which nro : to Chicago J11.75,
Cincinnati 0.75, Cleveland 0.80, Wheel
lug 7.00, nnd Omaha 27.75.
Mr. W. H. Plumb is now construct
ing a number of coal jigs which, at ono
third the cost of thoso hitherto In use,
nro claimed to beat anything of the
kind thus fnr produced. Honco it may
bo said of him that Plumb id plumb
Rev. G. A. Struntz, until last spring
pastor of St. John's (German) Lutheran
Congregation of Mauch Chunk, on
Thursday of this weok removed to a
farm recently purchased by him in
Heidelberg twp., Luhlgh county.
Passenger traffic over tho L. A S,
R. R. is now represented as duller than
It lias boen for years.
The Borough Town Council have at
Inst concluded to purchaso a sufficient
quantity of hose for tho uso of tho
Marlon Hose Company.
Thn number of anxious Inquirers af
ter election-returns Is rapidly diminish
ing on side-walks aud street corners.
Mr. A. M. Struthers, formerly of E.
Mauch Chunk, Is now preaching the
gospel somewhero In Allegheny Co.
Thero nre 23 election precincts In tills
county, and tlio cost of holding an elec
tion is nbout (20 per precinct.
District Attornoy Slowers, who loft
town to day (Thutsdny) two weeks
ago for Philadelphia, lias not yet return
ed. Curious in such matters, wo inquir
ed, nnd learnt that "Jocko's" proper
name is Samuel Do Butz Bully.
Salkeld & Co. '8 Machlno Shops will
Boon receive a new water-wheel 20 fcot
In diameter.
lillllard-playcrs will bo pleased to
learn that tlio billiard tables of tho
American havo recontly received a com
plete overhauling.
A fow dnys ago tho widow of tho
late Sheriff Breneiser was paid by
Messrs. Tobias & Son tho $2,000 for
which her deceased husband's llfo had
been Insured In tho Penn Mutual, on
which a total of $1,000 had buen paid
in premiums.
A new fenco now guards tho grounds
of tho Evengellcal church of Upper
Mauch Chunk.
On Tuesday aftornoon Inst, nn un
known trnmp, who for somo days pre
vious had been enjoying tho hospitali
ties of tho Miucr's .lintel, Nolquehon
Ing, died suddenly in tho bar-room ot
that house No clue to his Identity be
ing obtained, tho corpse was, on tho
following day, forwarded to tho Dist
rict Poor Houses for burial.
A literary society, of which Dr. B.
S. Erwin was chosen prosldent, Doug
las Salkeld first nnd Miss C. Leonard
second vice-presidents, and tho Misses
Webster nnd Lou. Sayro, secretaries,
has been Inaugurated, and will hereaf
ter meet regularly every Tuesday even
ing, beginning on Tuesday, Dec. 6th,
when the first regular meeting is to be
held, nt the residenco of Mrs. Polk.
Miss Charlotte McAllister, of Upper
Mauch Chunk, for Bomo time prostra
ted with typhoid fover, succumbed to
that disease on Saturday last. Her
funeral, which took placo Monday, was
largely attonded. Deceased, aged 17
years, was a young woman of excellent
parts, a universal favorito nmong all
that know her, and her early demlso is
sorely regretted.
Owing to the Inability of tho lending
spirits of tho enterprise to agree, the
getting up of a surlfs of sociables, simi
lar to those which cieated such furore
in Mauch Chunk society lasj wiuter,
has been nbaudoued.
Alzler, the colored barber, who for
snmo years followed his vocation In tlio
basoment under Sehwclblnz's saloon,
contemplating u removal to Philadel
phia, will dispose ot his sto:k and fix
tures at public vendue this evening.
Mr., C. W. Bradley, for tt.o last two
years 'employed ns book-keeper at tho nbcut to leavo for Norwalk,
Ohio, where he contemplates to remain
for somo time.
Mr. E. T. Booth, proprietor of the
"Manslou," who has lately had n ten
ant houso constructed on the top ot the
mountain south ot tho hotel, Is now
employing a number ot hands at clear
ing the farm land adjacent with a view
of parceling it out Into lots. The land
Is of a very superior quality, and the
location all that can be desired for a
Mrs. habella Konnedy, of E. Mauch
Chunk, has rocently been despoiled of
the greater number of a very promising
Oock of geese.
At a sociable, hold at the residence
of, K. W. Lelsenrltig on Tuesday eve
ning, a lino time was had by all In at
lendnnce. In pltu nf well devlspd and well mean
ing law upon the subject of record, tho
number of thoso who flcomlngly prefer
tincnlled for risks to n timely ondt riding
Investment, Is by no moans smnll. Now
wo havo never hoard of tho party who,
nftcr advaiiclng money on mortgage,
failed to havo the latter properly ro
cordt'd. Thoy do It to Rve themselves,
to mnko assurance doubly suro, nml In
tills thoy nru right. And yet, the loss
which may arise from n neglect to hnve
n deed reenrded within tho time fixed
by law, though equnlly Imminent, Is
senrccly over taken Ipto consideration.1
A conviction which a recent call at the
Recorder's Ofilco was only too well
calculated to confirm for on that occa
sion wo not only found Rccordor Phil
lips engaged In entering an Indentuie
mndo In 1814, but, on Inquiring, learnt
that n number of previous deeds tho
original dating back to tho yenr 1818,
hnd also but recently been recorded.
On tho 10th day of March In that year,
as appeared from tlio original beforo
us, Peter Andreas had bargained, sold,
aliened, enfeoffed, conveyed and' con
firmed unty Juo. Andreas, a tract ot
land in East Penn township, then In
Northampton county. On tho 27th of
Ndv. 1810 Jno. Andreas, by Indenture,
conveyed It unto Geo. Andreas, by
whom, lu May, 1824, It was sold to
Jnc. Andreas, which latter, In May,
1811, deeded It to Jacob Dlukoy,whn,nf
ter holding it 8 years, disposed of It to
the present owner, Joe. Andreas. In
other words the transactions of half n
century hnd never oefore beon legaliz
ed, and during nil this time the succes
sive owners probably noer thought
for n moment of tho risks they were
running py neglect. Have your deeds
recorded by nil means, nnd bo suro to
have It dono within tho tlmo prescribed
by law, which is six mouths from tho
dnto of Its execution.
An autograph lettor, received by him
a few days ago from the President of
tlio United States, causes Squiro Bcck
hardt to feel confident of ills succession
to tlio postmnsterehlp of East Mauch
Chunk which is soon to be vacated by
tho presout Incumbent. Well, merit
should have its roward, and there is
certainly no getting bver tho fact that
our worthy squiro Is a power In the Re
publican ranks, and more eminently
fitted for office than any of the many
small fry politicians hereabouts. In his
answer to the President Mr. B. resolv
ed unto himself tho right to nccopt
either tho proffered postmnstershlp or
n mall agency. Were I in bis place,
I'd take tho latter, sure. Besldos,
Hughes, nlthougha good, clever fellow,
has held it long enough, and there
should bo rotation out of as well as In
On Wednesday of this week, a lad,
aged 15, whoso name did not transpire,
In tho emply of Captain Chas. Rone
mus, was accidentally drowned nt lock
No. 4. Tlio body was recovered short
ly after and nn inquest held resulting
in a verdict nf "accidental death by
Dig Creek Item,,
What has becomo of tbo democratic
The weather on Sunday through
out the outlro day was very disagree
able. Our roads ore In a very bad condi
tion for travel at the present writing,
on nccount of the recent rains.
Our schools aro well attended.
Now lay In your winter coal.
When you visit Lelilghton call on
Kioch & Bro., totiaconlsts.
Measels still prevail throughout
these parts.
Monoy at present continues very
Tho crows have commenced to emi
grate to a warmer clime.
The hen roost of Mr. Panl Buck, of
this place, wns visited by a sneak thief
ono night last weok, and ono of his
Inrgest turkey goblcr's carried off.
Tho gentleman undotibedly wanted
him for a Thanksgiving dinner.
Mr. R. F. Hofford, C. S., visited
tho Pino Run school on Monday of last
Winter is steadily working in upon
Wo had quite a cool tain on Wed
nesday of last week.
A serios of protracted meetings wcro
hold in the church at Solt's, during the
wliolo of last weok, with (as usual)
good resdlts.
Mr. Isaac Levan, of this placo, has
Improved tho appearance of his grist
mill by giving it a coat of Prince's
Mutallc paint.
- Tho Big Creek has rison consider
ably from tbo lato rains.
Mr. H. T. Smawley, teacher of
Solt's school, has fifty-eight scholars
on the roll and will still havo a few
more ere long.
All of our schools aro well attend
ed this year.
The bam of Jacob Graver, of this
place, Is under roof, and will bo finish
ed this week. It presents a very neat
appearance. Ho reports tho cost at $1,
000. nayes and Wheeler stock has been
at a premium the past few days.
The electiou of Komerer and Rap
slier meets with entire' satisfaction of
both Republicans nnd Democrats.
The Allentown Herald sajs (which
may also be applied to this locality),
that petty thefts of poultry are commit
cd almost every night throughout the
couuty. Farmers are becoming very
much annoyed nt It, and are fast los
ing patience. Some of these nights
somebody will be treated to a dose of
cold lead, and will be served oxactly
right. This Is just what will befall
some of our Big Creek thieves If they
do not quit their pilfering.
Mr. Editor, allow me to say that
Trochsvilo Is not in Monroe, as stated
Id last week's Advocato, but In Carbon
county, within nbout one-halt a mile of
tho county line,
When will the presidential question
bo settled leave her come Hayes or
Tldeu letshave peace,
In such democratlo stronghold as
Monroe Countywe think the democrats
should at least have one good news
paper. -
We find somo persons who havo
an idea that thero Is nothing well done
unless done by themselves, unfortu
nately this place, Is blessed with a num
ber nf persons who aro of tliat opln-
Inn tint unit miit at nnfin set down
such persons ns riot nmouiitlng to much,
thoy aroiikean empty unrm, roiniiR
down hill matio a deal ot nolso but
creato no music. 'Nttf enld.
Big Crook, Nov. 22d, Revere.
Pnekertnn Olirlatlnn Association.
This Association met on Friday eve
ning as usual. Select readings by
Alex, Bowman, Esq. ; debate, subject:
"which has the greatest Inlluenco over
man, woman or wealth 7" Tho sub
ject was discussed by' Messrs. Trythall,
ICoons, Delhi, Stlics, Bond, McMurtrle,
and Ball. iAt the next meeting, Deo.
1st, soleet readings by Alox. Bowman,
Esq. j debate, subject : "which prompts
most to action, fear orlovo?" Allaro
cordially invited to attend nnd take an
active part.
The Conl Trnile.
About tho only lidpo far nny revival of the
coal tr.ide lu thn near fumre Is n week or two of
sharp winter weither That would stir domes,
tic ennsnniera as nothing olio will. Thnrels
not mnoi prnanect nf any mntorlnlly Incrensod
ilemund from thoso who consnmn tnoi lurgoly
of real in ninniifsctmes nnd in thostenui marine
of thn country. And vet wn nliservn n stale
mem, si'ld to bo fnrnlshed by tho president of
tho Central Itallroad of Now Jersey, to IhoottVct
that tho coal earnings of that road for tho ton
months of tho current vear to tlio end of Octob.
or worn hb great as they w, ro In correpondlng
tlmo last year, nnd that Its conl traffic Is now
fnlly nmf sustilnlng, nnd will prove so far the
wholo year, wltti tho Info reduction in ltsoporat
lne oipenses.whlle the claimed anportorttyof its
coal, it Is stntod. has ennb'ed it to Keep all Its
mluis in operation bIuco tho break In the com
bination, with tho prospect of keeping them
rumilir all winter to supply their trade. So far,
It Is said, there has boon no accumulation of
coal, tho demand having been np to production,
whlfothe company has contiacts ahead with
blastfurnaces. In addition to this ftvorablo
coal traiio of tho company thero has beon n new
and very considerable sonron of revenue to tho
Central, namely, the business of tho new Hound
Ilrook line, from which nbont n quarter nf a
million has beon recelvod. from tho Incroaxed
travol during tho Centennial Exhibition, wnlob
is claimed ns largely clear profits. It Is also
claimed In favor ot thotindeof the Central that
the contract between It nnd the Lehlcli and
Wllkosbnrro Conl Company glyos Iho road about
onahnlf the prlco of tho coal at tide water for
carrying. Hence the cotnpjrlson of the coal
business of this voar over this road Is not nn.
favorable as compared with last year. There
lations of the Ceutml to luhlgh Navigation and
Its liability ou account ot tho latter, the proHl.
dent of tho Central said, had beon llttlo under
stood. The Central pays the Navigation one
third nf the gross earnings of Iho latter, together
with Its leasod lines, and 200,000 per annnm for
rent of tho ciual. With these the liability of the
Central to tho Navigation Company censes ex
cept Tor repairs, while alt Improvements aro
ohaigcdtotho Navigation Company. Tho li
abilities of the Central as endorser on the Coal
Company's paper Is f900,00i, and on that ol no
other company or Individual. Ltdger, 20th.
The followlngtabln snows the quantity ot coa
shipped over tho Lehigh Valley llailroadfortba
weea ending Nov. IS, 1873 nnd for tho yearas
compared w.tli tho same tlmo last year t
Heglons From, Week. 'Year
Wyoming 19,911 on 1.010,909 id
UntlotOU 00,460 03 1,M3,S83 01
Upper Lehigh 27 IS 2,434 So
Heaver Meadow 20U7 01 M3.WS C4
Mahanoy 17,801 18 493.R.V) is
Mauch Chauk.. 22,863 II
TOtdl II8.S9907" S.7W,i:lTs
Last Year Ill, .'.27 OS 3.151 C51 14
Increase 0,671 19 6S5,tZ5 11
REPORT OP COAL transported oyer Lehigh
A Busqnrhanna Division. Contra! R It. of
New Jersey weekending Not. I7tb, I87S.
Total week. To date.
Shipped from tons. cwt. tons, cwu
Wyoming 33 39S 10 1,179,790 tiS
Upper Lehigh 0.312 12 216 540 IS
Heaver Meadow 13.752 05 418,409 17
Ilnzleton 8140 OS 144,837 OS
Mauch IChnnk 17,662 12 640,113 17
Ilnzardrllla 23.433 09
Hmith and Jndd
Total KI2SHM 2,521,215 09
Previously i cportefJ,44 1,949 M
Total to date 2!s20,2is 'ft
Kametlme last year 2,210.392 06
Increase 815,823 (8
Decrease.. ,
Closing Prices of bHaviin & Tow
sknd, Stock, Government nnd Gold
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
Nov. 23d, 1875.
tl. H.G's. 1881..... I7H bid 18 ask4
IT. S. 5-2u's. 1805 10 bid 10 Id asked
U. H. 5-20's, l'65-J. A J.... I2I bid 13 asked
TJ. B. 5.20's. 1867 15 U bid 15k asked
U.H. 5.20's, 1$C3 17H bid 17 S asked
V. H. 10-4t8 14H bid 14i asked
C. H. Currency, 6's 23 S bid 24 asked
U. 8. 5's 1831, now 12H bid 12 asked
V. 8. 4k's. new.. 1 210 bid 2104 asked
Pennsylvania It. It 4rH bid Mi asked
rials. A Heading R.R..... 22 bid 22 H asked
Lnhlgn Valley IL It 49k bid 49i asked
I.ehlgtt Coal A'Nnv. Co.... 26i bid 27 asked
United Companies of N. J.13A bid 138 asked
Oil Creek A All. Val. 11. It. 8-j bid 9 asked
Phlla. & Krtn It. It liH bid 14 asked
NoithBTti Central It. It.... 27 bid 27 k asked
Ilostonvlllo Pass. R.It. Co. 36 bid 37 asked
OcJd DH bid 9H asked
SCUM ALE DF.CKKR. On Oct 21sf, by Rdr.
O. Hecker, at tho parsonage In Welsspott,
Mr. P. Schmale, and Miss Maria Decker, ootb
of Mnnroo Co.
MAYKR-ZniClENFUSB.-On Nov. 19th. by
the same. Mr. Francis Mayer, and Miss Cath
arine Zelgenfnss, both of Carbon Co,
Special Notices.
If you want to h i Stong, Healthy
and vlgorons. take 11. F. Kunkel's Hitter Wins
of Iron. No lananage. oan convey an adequate
Idea of the Immediate and almost marvelons
change prodncod by taking E. I'. Kunkel's Bit
ter Wlno of Iron In the dlsoased. debilitated
and shattered nerrona system. Whether broken
down bv eioess, weak by nature, or lmpared by
eickcess, the relaxed and unstrung organliatlon
Is restored to perfect bealtb and vigor. Bold
only In tl bottles. Hold by all druggists and
dealers evcrywhei e.
Xcrvous Debility. Nervous Debility.
Debility a depressed. Irritable state of mind a
weak, nervous exhausted feeling no energy or
animation, confnsed bead, weak memory, and
ennseqnonces ot excess, meat si overwork. Tbls
nervous denlllty finds a soverlgn cure Ui E. F.
K tinkers Hitter Wlno ol Iron. It tones the sya
tem.dtapcls tho mental gloom and despondency,
nnd I etuvlnates the entire system. Bold only In
3i boitles. del the genuine. Take only h. P.
Kunkel's, It has a yellow wrapper around It. his
photograph on ontstile. Sold by your drua-gtst.
K. F. Knnkel Proprletnr, No. a Nortn Ninth
btreet, Philadelphia. Pa. Send fnr clrcalar. or
ndvlceiree. Try my great remodr. Oat Itof
your druggist, six bottles forflJM. It cannot
lath It U guaranteed to do as fa recommended
Worms I Worms ! Worms 1
E. F. Kunkel's Worm Syrup never falls to I s.
more all kinds ot worms Heat. Pin, andBfom.
ache Worms are readily removed bv Kunkel's
Worm Syrup. Or, Knnkel i the only success,
ful physician In tho country lor its removal ot
Tape worms. lie remavrs them in S 3 hours,
with head aud allcompteto aitre. and no fe
until head la passed, tunmon sense teaches if
Tape Worm con bo removed, all other worms
can bttreadllv destroied. Ask your druggist
for a. botthi of Kuukel's Worm Syrup, Price
$1.00 per bottle It never falls. If he has it not,
have him get It. or send to Proprietor. K. K.
Knnkel 250 North Ninth btreet. Philadelphia,
pa. (Advice at ofuoe tree, or by mall.) Nov. It.
SANDALWOOD possess much grentei
power lu restoring tea healthy state the mcr
eus membrane of the urethra than either Cubeba,
or copaiba. It never produces sickness, is eor
taln and speedy tu ltd action. It is fast aper
seding every other rrghedy, 81xtv Quwuljea,
cure iii six or elgnt tlavs. No other uituisfflo
candothla. Dunrtaa Ulok A Co. "a Soft Capsules oontalulng
OilolHmdalwood.snldatali Drugstores Ask
tor circular, or soud to 35 end 37 wooster street.
Now York, for one. ap29 mQ
,.i; PAULUP. t'lCl'UUK, printed Pi ten
I I colors I Pocket Knife wh
V nisnk Vlsttluir Cards. 12 Sheets Wrttlni
vhlte lundle). 13
Paper, 13 White Kuvelono. I Rubber, S Pens
thn lot seut post paid for 21 cents. II. J.
KURTZ. 407 Canal St.. let Ward, Philadelphia.
Circulars sent tree. Aua. tt.
WANTED, the business men to know that tier
can got 10 11 PRINTING done cheaper at
OiuBOit Adycoatb Offlco than at any other
plaoe tu the ooanty. Try ua.