I jconci.uiikd fiiom riusr imoi:. i ..Ami nillonlnis old iuij-ilW you lielleto Hint a man could lorniroMtrli.insnlts s jmi i.eapni Inpon him I 1 hive Hurt mv revcneo upon von ni flupoii ili.it puppy, lionet a. 1 nm owy sou- Mr Jiilimou. Yon 1 11 u j 1 your i uppi r, didn't i i . I"BI' B oiuaimi, Ini't Mo-leMsaUnoVook. l'nruii imifi jn odlo and kitten tniroiit am ipnst dixies. Wo tcokraru j.hii i iiupo u, ainjgi miu l vl joyed inn COnK. hot 111 Ant MlAm. I...I a.n l.n, a l.n.1 n. Ail la. lluiiod yorpivs npaitnipiit at Hutu nnd had Iheni Holon and hoi upon tno tuljiu at elivi-n. ilo.lor baa upt a huicl, and kiowau thine or two. " I wlah you Joy of ye.nr supper, tula Rdfil nlubt'H ret. un weie light about mjr lniii In irorai-iiiKto)ou. I'mnaliv vial louiad HO. lty.bje IIR.VJAJIIM DlkKIK." Well, my Ji'iiH, It wits til tun-. Tim pets tvi-ru gone.' anil I've 'iui tfmilit wo liail Imil onr 111,1. "U Mr IMnkl'c slil, of parrot pate mill puudle plu ami kitten tniihr; ntnl Mr. lingers nml Miss ivIlilH!) ero very slrk, nml 1 Imil lo 'joint fur the diictiir, anil that's the way 'jJr, Dlnkle hail his revetmn, l'ENXSYI.VAMA DUTCH. Brmnnshti ltli, Nov. lltlt, 187(J. XEAllElt DiltlCKEtt, Dbau Silt. According zu new 3 hut's anidln snkroch ed In dar lojcsliluti icturns, wo ell zi-l-blng Rasaut hut ili a letclit jvncli sols dar Undo Gntiuii-I TUitt-ii nl RVtlinetl warr'a far ilur l'r-Uletit zu (-1 in chir ,UnUed Sclittites far ilea nnchU fere voro. Now so wllo wo'niy politics con cerned Is. wo ilu wacht no hob loll liooli nix zn sj vja !ot ; ovver wllo now ilea oxshlon feiby'i" so will Ich deer aiuule aawya woa (ill in, tin we n'eer es gon ga k oni letclita Ulnclitdng. Ich wnr Jruiiisr en Demncrot gawest un hub ga mant dar Democrotlch dlcked zu vota, ovver en gawi.ssa frow hut inich rum gablaudered knt so dos Ich dar Kepub. llcan dicked gavote het won dea Bet 7. net dar zu kumnia war. Now uch't dank drow dea frow hut tneer gSaut itos Ich iiate In do " hell ' kuniiiM won Ich dar Ilepub'llcan dlcked net vota date, now hucht in dlnif lava sone fardlhanki'red expression g'liart fun a g'si'villzeda raarish, far lite danua wag rum 7.11 slmf fa ich inii&9 confessa dos es mevr a bis. sell bong warra is, un hut faijlclit rum gavote wons net far dea lietz gawest 'war, ovver do hut no g'saut do Ich wist selver wo liocli dea doxa un oil des dings war, wona uoch wile so foit gti date don wist sea niiuny fort 711 hum ma don mlata mere ins ormahouse ga. well no hob Ich wldder gadanked icli biB Ivvel ob, now won Ich dar Republi can dlcket net vote don kum Ich in dea ' hell,' un won icli dar Demucrotich decked voto don kum ich ins Ormahouse jch con deer sawya do Is mar in 'ra petz Icli hob by meer selver gadanked dos Ich wot sellem nocli lever dar Republi can dicked vota un ins Ormahouse ga ols wedarrjcmocrotlcb un In dea "hell," ga. Jell dea lietz hut meer don g'saut dos selly frow het mlch net noch dar '" hell" zu yawah un es date se aw nix ow pa we Ich vota date, well Ich hob admit dos es so war, ijn bin zu iar con elusion kumnia dos ich ilHrTjeinocrotlch dlcked vote. Oin letclita Dinehtog sin meer araoje ob un nivver 011 dea lh lon, well gy is amole a karl kumnia un Jiut thickens kot un hut meer ancr geva un hut g'saut dos Ich suton nar polega un sut vot un wllo icli can pole sunt jiob Uepna don hob ich een noch a mole g'fio'kpd wo don dar pole uf g'stelled fcvar, don hut ar meers explaned dos es war can polo uf g'stalled dos mar date sell dar pole hasa wo dea karls drln hucka un niltna de diekons ob. Well jc bin he un hob dar Democrotich dlckn.I gavoto no wor dea Betz g'satls ed un sunst gates ncmond nix ow. Tours truly, IIaNS KONNAMAtJCnEtt. THE ST. GOTHAltl) Trj'XEL. The foreign correspondent of Ihft Bos foil Herald writing from I."lpslc, savs : ; Wlllle'at GnL'sch'enVn I Had an ifppnr timlty 'of seeing the St. Gothanl tunnel, whic h Is now being bored through the motrjfq'ins from Goeselienrn Itnvard SfalV. and from Ariolo toward Germany, 'he approach to the tunnel on the One schenet bliffi (s in the mliUt of (.he wild est and' most pie.turesquo scenery A numbef of workshops, sheds, cantines, and various small buildings cluster ahrnf ho mouth, and gave to the other wfs'n wild ffyot the busy hum and noise of enterprise, for the clicking of njachi tiery, whittling of the engine, and 'ham mering from tho blackBiiiithin Is luces iant, as the work Is con'inued day and jilglit by gangs of 2,000 workmen, who. under M. Favre'a dirertlnn, prosecute the Wort. These men have been a work In varying numbers, however, usl Toilr1 years the present month, and t wl tnl:e'ull ihvt eufrgles. united to he wurl! bt tliosi on the (tallan side, to finish the undertaking by 18S0. This, bf couree, if the'mouey does rjot gve out, and there Is a good deal of double III net'u'ring nil that U needed. At prej f nt Ibe entire route Is surveyed from Lucerne and Zuricn to Milan, and parU of it cut. In'the tunnel ' a 'i kilometers have "beep bouipleted o'n 'tho (SernraVi side, and 'about i'i on thb Italian. Thri tunnel will tie 10 miles long. The work men employed are almost all Italian, and work eight hours out of twenty four. Dynamite is u.-ed fur the purpoiH of blasting, und all the drills are the ordinary chilled steel, the diamond diiil being 'unemployed. The usual machine (or driving the drill is euiplujed, and works utii'ery"by means of compressed air; 'which is' brbught from the reser voirs liy means' of 'a large iron pIpe.Tliu reservoirs are supplied by a number uf condensing engipea, turned by water, fof'wlilch'-purposa a uiouiitalu stream is tquit' wiij'1 above' tho north of the tunnel', diverted Into a sluiceway. A etieuglh of 10 to 12 atmosplieren is al ways maintained. Compressed Hir is also ued' to work the engine, which curries Its .reservoir belli ud, like a'tuu-1 iler on .in ordinary engine, only It Is (nlumt sixty tM bip "and of the bj Un der holler shnp, It run'i easily and smoothly, and beng wlilumt any heat, Is ninch pleusanter to woik. It Is main ly for hauling the stone from the Inter lor to a shin ttnek, after It is brought rttvay from the Immediate vicinity to the bloVt by means of horses, Aithmigh this tunnel and route will tnkb a long time to complete, It wll) uninostlonably he 'of the gieatest s"ivlco when time Is cnnsldeieil.as (lie route Is finm Kngland to Coloem-, along the lUilue lo Frank foil, then Basel, Luycrur, ami St Go tlmrd's nut! ou nu In Italy The engi neers In ehaige pmved sullleleutly that ijie hlgli grade to which the road attains before pus-lug Intnthe tunnel will In no way Impede the hauling of fielglit, and that with liood speed. It will, iimpies tlonahly, he n pa it of the direct route to India ft nui England, and decidedly the slioitest to Itniy. A competitive finite through the Rhone valley nnd by the Hmpluti pass to Italy Is projected in Kiaiiee to keep the travel through France, but Is s III In embryo It would have the advantage of having the rail read finished as fur as Hidsi-o and built as fur as the ftvit of the piss. II A It K TWAIN A.S A IlIM'OItTIUT. I reported on a nioinlng newspaper three )eais, and It was pretty h.uil woik. lint I enjoyed Us attiaetlous. Heioitllig Is the best school 111 the woild to get a knowledge of human hid gs, human nature ami human ways. A nice, gentlemanly, reporter I uialio no dllTereni'cs is well tieated by every body, du-t think of the wide njiigeof Reiuaintauceshlp, his experience ol life and MK'li ty No other occupation brings a man into such familiar shclal lelathms with all the gr.ides and classes of peo ple. The last thing at night midnight he goes browsing around af'er Items among the pnllt'e and jail birds in the lockup, (iiestionlng the prUtmers, and making pleasant and lasting friendships among some of the win at people in the world. And the very iixt evening ho gets himself up leg irdU'sa uf expense, puts on nil the goml clothes Ids friends liavo gfit, goes apil tikes dinner with the governor or conimander-iii chief of tile Dlstiict, tile United Senator, and some of the upporV-rust of society. He is 011 good terms with nil of them, anil Is present at every gathering, and has easy aeeess to every variety of people Why I breakfasted P.lmost every inorh (jig with the governor, dined witfi tlnj principal clergyman, and slept in the station house. A repoi ter has to lie a little, of conre e, or they would discharge him. Tint is why 1 left it. I am dillereut from Washington; I have a higher and gran der standard of pilnclpal. Washington could not lie. 1 can lie, but I won't. Reporting is fascinating, but then It is bo distressing to hnve to lie no. Iylng is bad lying is very bad. Every Indi vidual knows that by experience. I think that for a man to tell n le, when lie cannot make anything by It.ls wrong. HLlOROUsi A beer-brewer has patented a new beverace called "Jew isli lager." He brews it himself, you know. A lad from Ridgo was In town Sat urday to iniiiiie when the fall term ilpcned at the cemetery. France Is prqipl of hpr new postage stamps, to is a mother' proud of her new b.iby. Aim yet both lick '0111. Tho Goodyear India rubber Coins pany have just received orders from Long Island for two tons of cUm chowder. According to tho Central Falls (R 1.1 Visitor, they have 'a stove out them which will bake, broil, fry and heat flat Irons.' A fried flat iron would be a nice diet for iiot weather. Italy has shook off one great burden of shaniH that bowed her to the dust ; she has shifted the lespousihility for the Invention 0' the fiddle upin Eng land. Now if Italy can only get rid of tho organ grinders she will bo a nation indeed. The old and close-fisted fellow in a class meeting roso up nnd said : "Brethren and sisters, for four and for ty years I havo tven a rue inner of the Methodist Episcopal Qhurch, and I thank God my rellglon'has novor cost mo a cent." .V Virginia farmer, vhllo plowing In his field, turned up what he suppos ed lo on an old iron pot. 'Ho struck It with a rock and immediately disappear ed. His wife lias not seen him since, and she thinks maybe he has gone to the Centennial Exhibition. ' 1 The man for a dilemma Homo Tooke. Boston Transcript. The name of tho Main Building Is to tie changed to tbu Remain lliiilding if It stays where It Is. Philadelphia Uulie tin. Dlo Lewis is in Boston again, and will forthwith liHiin his campaign against baked beans on Sunday. Rochester Democrat. It Is a singular fact that when men bet hats on the election tho wiuner al ways understands that it was a $!) silk hit. while the loser Is e-iually confident that a $3 felt hat was implied. -Uur-liugton Hawkeyh. What becomes of all Beecher's money ? is still the ques'lon. He earns thousands up-m thousands per year. and yet hU homo Is mortgaged, and bo is al- ways on the ragg'od edge of poverty. Is hn being gpieezed, In the colander of blackmail,' or tossed in the sieve of " hiish uioney" ? Chlcftgo Journal. -As that old blind Mexican was groping his way past one of our saloons tlds morning, a' practical humorist punched him in the luck with a cano The back' hand lick the old fellow sud denly let fly with his stick struck three majors and two colonels, and If It had ben three Inches louger it would havo crippled two professors and a dog. Yesterdty an enthusiastic Irishman, Hayes to the vtry nails In his brogaus anil the oils in his brogue, coming in on the Ohlc.igo,Iiurlli)gton and Qulnny, set the car in k roar by shouting, " !! gorra, thayre's foivo Sthates for Hayes on' Wheoler sure, Mendoty, Peory, Aurory.Tchlcagy, an' Illlnlse,wboopl" war m mm mwm WJLOTISIAEJ' A1EB3131B, Successor to D. Bock & Co., Opposite tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street, Respectfully announces to his customers ami friends that ho is dajlly receiving additions to his stpdk of LADIES' DRESS and DIIY GOODS, GROCERIES nnd PROVISIONS, QUEENS WARK, &(,., &'c. Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT, which I anuselling at Bpttonr Priioesk SALT FISH a Specialty. IT you really dos'iro to know how largo nil amount of Goods you can gqt for a small slim of' 'Ready Money,' you should not fail to givo.nio a cull befpre making your purchases elsewhere. Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.&.S. Detot, MayC, 1870-yt LlOHiailTOX, l'KNN'A. Wclssport Planing ii,V .r'syV'.VCf 'i !'T1"u.I'cn rurprntTis nulMi rs. oveiySo cilitfoVl of' ' " )1'1!'"UCl1 10 Sudh as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Slmt .rs, Moldings, Buckets, Cabinet Ware, Ac, &p., ter On the Miorlost Nolloo. Our Mnchlnory Is nil Now anil of tho Must Approvnl Kind, ra Dint we i'i v,' v "1 , ", '?!! 'i.1 ""','"'1"' I't''' !'i9'setl..ii t,i all who ni.v tVvor lis wnn iK."r mZ. It von lint, nut tliiint.ii.iil nnd Hr.ei-I what vim' wnnt m'Iu yuar unlets mid lliey wi.l boillkil lni'mnilv nne r.l as low pnres as tlmmh ou worn inpsimt. y v Give us a Tilal, and you will ho cuuvluped of what we say. SOLOMON VEATCEL, I). B. ALBKIUHT, WM. Ill Kit Y, JOHV BIKItY. 1 Oniee and Mill, nearly opposite the Fort Allen House, WEISSI'OUT, nnrhnn County, I'entia. juho i0( 1870-1 mm A'lwnntlne TIIUIT l'AHMS, opoti illyniIuilid 10 ilio irrnwtli nr tlin VIM:, whprn It U nn estnlilKied nnfcvm am' i.ir l. xlti.U IMIOKITS Tim land is iileri niiapteil to ilii rovrtli ul lVnclio., ivars, Aip ns nnd sinsll frnil 1 u,i, Htnln. Uinstaml Vi totnliloa. ,-',lu u Jlaur iiiimlrwls nt cTcolirm VINK AHUs, illicit Vltles nnd' f'AltM.sj, can now lie r pon Till! M)CAlIO liinilv.'ll iiilips.smlh nt I'nll iliilita liy U1II10.nl; 111 -mild. ii?IMilinl ell mam hmiI ai tlm vry don. a iif New Yolk and rinladfj.Uiu Mnrkit,. Anotlior HuilromT musiii. rcrl t" Nrw Y.ii V. Till- 1M.AI K already LAIKIM, RITCrTCSSFUt, AND PIUlSPKIinUi. churches School" and ntner intv lnui's am n ieaily cslnb Isl.e 1. Also, niaiiutaiturles ot tjliops, rnlumr filnss' htiaw (IihhIs, s hi oIIiit ttilnirs, nt. irhlcli ciiir.'ri'iit iiioiiiIm'Is nt 11 tmli'lr "un iiMinir'i runilonnoni ' It lmi liciMi a HHALl'll ItKMJHrfiir pinno rcnia pat lo noniil atiffiMihtf firm tntlinnnarv at fcrlioiis, Aathnia. 1'iiturh, Airni-. nnd drm'lty ninny thousand liaye iitlia!r rmiveieil A new HHi'.k IIoIbI liis Jint I10111 ioniili'lol I.Hifi'lt fintit. with liiclt InilMuies, four atniles hieh tililiidliiK Ficiiih nun nml nil inodorn Imnrmonimits tor the acciMnheift 1I1011 111 risl'ma I'llRKOt' t'AUM l.ANI) Sam I'KII AUlti;, iwyiiblo by mat I 1111 nta. within tiu ncrl ni of fimr year. In this clunslo planted out to vines. Ml ncros count more liiun HOncies further ninth, rcranns linncq'inlnti'it with Fruit (Ironiin-, can become fanilt ar with it Inn short time on ac count ot surriiiiiiLt lira V1VIJ ACItl-'H, U.NUACItM. ANDTOW.V LOTS, In lliotownof I nndiaTll o nnd Vineland also fir salc Wiiilst Msltinir ilin Onienntnl Klillililon, Vlmlnnil can I10 visited at Binall oxiionso A raucrmixunms fiitliiifniiiviilon, will lie sent upon ap,ilioitlon to UUA ULi;s K. L.vr.'DIS I N 101, AND, N .1. freil of eo't. ' Tho lo lowioii 1 . 1111 extract I om a 'let.erlnt'oii of Viuelinil, milmliol In tho New York Trit lil'.M'., 1 y ih.' will miown Ai'ilciilturtt. Miiop Ilnblnti 111 All tho farmers wio i f tho ' noll'to ilo" o!t, nml 1 nino of (tiain. who have t uned 'liolrnttrn linn 111 Ir 'lis .mil it. irket (fiileninc. haiT prowii lion.. Tho noil is main, vnry.ii" from a inilv (oolevey, and i-urfico cintlv ulnlnlatinpr Inters'Cto I w'th amnlt atio.msiind oici'lonii. wiii mend'iw", In whlc'i dfiiinlt.s of iot it mink art) Ktued, stiltlcleut to fcrlllzolho who e unlniid aiuf.ico 1. Iter d has 1, como oxtia.iat d of its 11 iturnl Ipitltlty. It in crrtainly nnr nplht mndriltmirr frrhlt (rncii. in nn nlmiut Unljiitttinn, nw( tkituhtr rnnilltion for- pleitmnt 'irmin.7, that we Irwwtifthit nvlr. f the WeUrn pmtriet. Il fintitd unrnr nflhe iltileH nrins apparently just at prnfitaUy pmlnetive at when fllft fhured uf forest jit'tij or a hundred veMri ago. The gcn'ORlst wnnld sonn ill0"vnr the cnnn of 'Ids continued fpiillily. Tlia wlirtluconntrr Is a marine .lJim lt, nmt nil tluuiiKh tho snil weAouud ovUteucH nt ualcuicpus sulitanoos. cncially In Ihoforni ot tuilui'.itpil cnlcnroeiK mail aliowlmt nnthv nlstliict lo nis'ol nnclont ahelli' nttlio terllnr. tot 11 in ti. .11 ; and this umrit Hiih&mito Is neatteioil n I (Inn 1 "h tho anil, inn vary coinml. inn oil tmni, and In tho exact coiijillon And Most nralnillatPd by audi lilants un top fnisncr Uislroa tuculllyate. u 1 " , Juno 17, 1870. THE imm T-D' !T.S'l'l You can select from tho very best of Goods and grtj your Garments mndo to Ct like glove In the Latest Fasulon. Heady made ClothliiR T.ndles'. MIssfs', Gents, nnd Chlldrep's Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gentlemen's FtimWiInu Goods In preat variety and at Knock-Down Prices FOB CASH, taj Call and examine Goods nnd Prices before purchasing elsewheio. T. D. CLAUSS, Jerchanfc Tailor, 2nd dooraboyo tho Public. Sqnaro, BANK- STKIJPT, Lehltrhton. fan li rnrril livllia Mnltnn.4 n.? 'efCSni'J'SCOBLHKEfilLiLlCTO.N rnosrniTEtttlXE. atari torCon.nmp.V I U01, Cocfbi. BrearUtU X- ill Krrofalioi I aut(3. ii jcirJrnjphtfirOiiiiiui'i ; me Ml net fot 1 1, 1 HI, rceclpt j . ijttnoi,uouiti.n.ii53Ul, IJ,,iiilte.s,l. For Sale only by A. J i.HULtNO, nrnmlst, Hani Blrcol, Lohiehtou. I'u. Oi'U 21, 18:5,w30. HU8INKS3 M12N AND OTIfK'tS IN WANT OF JOll 1'IIINTINO OF A.N Y DKi501lflT10N, WII.Ii FINUTIIHOAItllON AJIVOOA I K OFFIOK Till'. UhHl' and CIIHAP. JJslI' I'l.AOU IN THIS COUN1Y. OIVE U8 A TltlAI. AKB UK t'ONVINOEl). ,iriii,'vrryi,,"r,r'i"f'iiso teri k. HUJJll XO-rnvliig 01 Ilia I'rr.l Idrlillul Gniiilliliitm (all MAKK IrapWIy. Hand lor circular, N. . V. Knirrflni Co., S3 Wall St., 81 8 A llAY.llox 8ilt). N. Y. ' roil I'UINTINO at the very luwrtt rrlca y TIIEUAHBON ADVOCUr OFF1C.K. Mill" & Lumber i1., Cnnlrnctor.s nmt nlhcrs. th t linrli c completed ;"". VUIfJ LOWUSI I'UlCF.sVjiItu a 3. CHEAPEST & BESTI clai?ss rp!I9S. S. BECK & CO., Real Estate Agents, BANK STREET, LEIHOITroir. We havo Instructions n Sell tun following pro. peitlps. Hid iKWitis desirous ,, I'liieliulnir Hell. filBor Uxoi nnJiUK ltoul Estt0, will do woll tir fivo us 11 o-itls ilmise nmt J.ot, near O'ewlno's Tunnery. lu tha lloroimli ot T-nhtditun. Hoiiso lOxaj.ataliia luxi'innd lots; limit ai.il 2 S teet deep. .well planted Willi riult troe. A never Millne woll In tHoyiini: 1'rlco, Jltoo, half cash, baR nncooii liihlal.menis uwollNi; Jlnuannua l.ot,on Fouitti street. Lo. Idtihton.- Now leuts for $18.00 nor month, 1'rU'o low lor cash. Ilounoaml Lot. on Mahonlne street. I ehlchtnn. l'lice tssu. lonta for II per month, ouo-half caah. balance liy lntaluient Houan anil f,ot on I'lno street r.eht"hton. Ta. 1'. tee 14). Itents for 19 per month. ' 100 Acres or Timbei Ijind In Mahoumii town. Hhlp, IH miles from Lehlghtoa. Cliean. 405 Aires of land lu I'tim Forest Township, 1 'anion county. Atosppoia barvaln. Boven 1a)1 in Iho llnrouBh ol Lelilitlitou. Oood iai Ions and prices low. Frame HuildliiK, mutable tor n pliotoirraiili ml. lery or other Uifbt busliioas. Ulieaii. Jan. 1, IQ74. T. 8. UKtJK A CO WANTKl), everybody to know that tl 00 rash noYiJvtJOATi?.beor,,'t,oa ,or W oak! rl AfTTrT Opuoaltd the rilbtldHimnro. SOU I'll 8TIU5KT MUttOllTON, l'a., , ' Manufacturer, ot , Tin & Sheet ttbn Ware And Donler in nil kind nr tiqoPiNn, Pl'tinTiNo ami jonniitp liromptly latendeil toptleaonililocliiiec. N"y, a'l. 8AfUEl, HIIAVOU. JKVSTONE lMtINTIS(nXK"cor, MANUfACTUllK.nsoy . PBINTING 1$K8, .(Book and Kews Black a Spcclajly,) tc.i7 N'nrlli fth Street, ritil.tirtriii, pa. t Our Inks are of a attporlf r quality. Mm n;ile from llmlimi Inmnllanta ami under the person al MlpprrlMPll of li practlAl printer ami prca'lhnn ilicrefore o will nmntiTK tvrm Wuin ofk to Iip of a Suprior Hlnci, Unlet! 1)1 ylliK, nml eiiiliHy Free front Set-(IlifiT-on.. "' Ilur prle'es are from no to 50 percent In we r thurt anjrojher Iul:a ufai.ufa'ilu'red In the United' Ptatia. ' 1 A,traJ'tf a asmpla kpj will convlnranny prlnlet lliatin hs Wen pirlnK nearly douhlayhat he tuuuldfbrlilalnki id tluipa rj,$t, 1 '' Addremi, ' Keystone l'rlnHnir Ink Co., Nil. 17 Ninth Silt Slyeet, l'llIt.'AIHILI'llU, I'A' Annonncps o ho cittipns 0 I.Phi!lil9u And vl clnljy Hint lie hnsp'iirchflseh'ihpfXoeV Of sohii Lofjuhairl on Second i-t.,aliil lomoyeil theaame to bis iiwiilt nc6 on tho corner of fecund am) jii 11 riia.. nmi rum ne. win ue pirnwin 10 8iippi Ida (fiends with Iho cbolcoat Jllntuln'of Family Flour, Feed, &c.. At ptlcea as low as elsewhere. OlIAS. I'ltOEHLIflTr. Fell. 6, 1876,0m - ,,!' JJMisrc.le TSCHlRSCHKrT Next to Iiohorde's Jowclry Store,. BANK STftEET, LEHIGIfTON, Ta, Culls the attention ot the Iidloant Lehlshton nml nclnlty lo tho (net that alio lieopa n fifll ns-ortmeut of ' Berlin & Gormtintown Wool, IM POUTED ANlJ DOStnSTIO EStnitOID- EiiiE.s, unriONs, ninuoN, Ladies' and Children's Hose, LijiiiEnfjun a avvrrzEit ciikf.is. CANDIEH, CONFECTIONS and ti varletTOf olhpi 1.1 t.t'tpH nut UBiiallr aenL to anr oilier Ktoer nu LPhtalitou Aahiirenr pohlio pstronago la in'lcitrd. and aaiHlactioii triintantecil. Jan. a. 1113 -J-KllIUHTON I1AKEUY. I ho nnderalAneil nunounces to the citizens ot LehWhton. Wetiport nnd the mriiinuiu neifhlioiliocn Hint ue Is now lullv prepared 10 n.ipiv them with 1'liIMH FltKHU Urciid, Cakes & rrclzels Eveti .Mornlii" at Who'esa e and I:etnl;,al the loweat price?. Ilo uin'io a t pooin ty ot U'eddlnir nnd Fnnej Ciihes. I'lo-NIcs nnd nl other I'nrtlco oupp'IM will) the Choicest Mado lco Cream,- in l.irtp nr ainall (lunmliln' tin shor) notice and n ipnaon bio flames A 'so, nlvays 011 hand a largo biock ol nil liluila of ' CANDIES. N UTS, FltCJtTH, Ac., at Wholesale nnd ltotnll. I'ntron ipe anliolted. J. W. O'NEHa nprll Sy I Ilm'c M'cel, I.entKhton rn. Contractor & Builder, LKIItClllTON, PF.NN'A. 1'IaiiK and Spcclflcallons FOIl AM. JCINDti OF 5DII,DIN08 MADE a",, titjj HuojtTEsr i;pric-E. SO CHAUGES Mndo for PLANS nnd SPTXIUCATIONS wtieh tho toutrnct Is awaided to Iho under. alined. June 11. IST3 yl. A. W. EACIfE.s. ME THE HATTER, Broadway, Mauch Chunk, lias Just opened ft aileni'ld atnrk of HATS nnd and CAVH, 'Of the Latest, Sfvlea II has ni.fco on hand 11 full Imp, ot AT ritlCKS LOWER THAN EVBIl. Maifnll-vl ' JA9. I1ELFOHD. -jy isi:iE.u;i.v & qo, BANK STEEET, Lhightop, Pa., , MIMjEH and calora in AltKlndof nitAIN noyflHTimd 80MJat ItEOULAIl JIAltKET KATES. Wo wonlil, nlao, icsoeetlully Inform onrcltT. r.eus lhat woaiu uuw fully pn.-pi.rid to tVV i'ltY tucin with From any Mine dcalred at VEUV Lowi:sTninici:s. M. IIEILMAN A CO. Julv is. mtslT W'f l-c J'Al'l'y ItEMEPto Youriar sin, u-piu lueencoiaoirrora nun kuuntis 111 onriy me. .iian. irn lll'ni' reatpred. Impedimenta to MnrrlxKo remoyed. Now moilipd of 1 treatment. New MtlJIITtrp 5"a. temarkabio icmonies .iuill.lil,. j)(iol,Raiid oircuMraeeot fiea, ,, . In aealed envolopea. Address KWP, AfSOi'lATION. llll Ninth (St., I'lilladelptifo. l'a. An lustltiilliui havlug a nlah lepntaUiuii (or houoraul comluet and proioa iona aklll. eDt, ia,ir. rfi Tj p n n n Will nndeptlrnni respectfnlfy Irifoiinli' it'i' citlfeua of Carbon andnljolnlnir cbunilOi,.'ttt ha la Qsraln piepareti to anpply thorn with :1 Dressdd or Life liogg t Price folly tojy n they tan-be hoohl"ftr elacwherd. Alao.Bnioked Tltmi. jlsl'ogap. anl Saiiiage. at Wholalo n'nn Itetall. IV Orderylllbn ptoqnpy fflled. Bd Hofi ahipped to (iny, pojol at tiie ahortoat notice. fJO -flPjBt OBEiRT; ., Siiik'Street, t,h)Khlori''Ji. Nor, e. yl ' T 'pHE SLATINUT0N planing Miaj fP,l nil 1 r;j Cabinet Warp Factory, AT StATLNhTPN. ' JOHN BALLIET, Pfoprii'topI llftlfl In nil Vtnrl4an1 h! .9 Mi T-f V ?" Hr.l Wooo LurnbcV an.ll. Towpit pored to execute any anonnt of orjler tei y l)ro3seI) LiimJ)eR OP AM. KJND3. ' Doors, Sfishcs, Ililnd j8frnttrtft Mouldings, Cabinet "Ware, Ac, With Prodiptnias; Brackets Mae to Or Jer, Tho Machinery It nil new and of the be t,ai moat Imprnrert kinds. I employ none htik the beat workmen, n.p well aeaanneil nnd (rood tn , ttrlsl.andnmtheieforeahlotojnivanteeentlrai aatn-tnctloD toallwhomayfarnrropwlth ll. (irrtcrs tit raail piompily attended to. MV that pes are mnileratai terma cash, or UtWMt charged alter thjrtjoaya. 7 OIVE ME A OAfiL. Tim io enraged In llnildinB will fln II nptnee to.haye.siillnj, Floer BoaVd. anes, bhutters, Ae., dr., made at (hla their advnptage lionra, .aaneBi laetorr. May lffyl JOnN DAM.IltT. ' r' -.AiiamM fp and liafll , ft C.inllJi at thy rS iiyiiitB , HHE!3B. HOOS. at the I.OTF.ST MAIIKBT PTtIC. Orrlere aeliclted. and Hoys dehyereij id Ami 1 ot.ee. yjiW) ami OFFICC oppriu""? Nirtt-wf stern Honae." B AWK tiTltaUT ' liKWIOIlTON. Pena'o. ' . oi-T. '-Jamis-ifd -r- wytHQif. rjHOMAS KO05l ; Ttepect(ally Monnrr to the ettljena of Car. bonann atoluine Connlkis. that heluM aW Corn BrooM Mnnfaptr located In the Horonrt' ol 'f.eUiRhton. Carbai. CWnnly. Pa., end th-VKe is prepawa to fill JIf ,ord. raeiitrntPd tohlrafwith tho ' Tcrj- IWst tynamy of Brtft " , at the LOWEST rosSTUMI MTNOTJUCS. A trial 1a reapcetlnlly wllelted oatl eallr oat-. Isfnctlon gnararteod. r ' 1 Mannfictnrrlmthe'Ila.ement 'alley. IIoiiso," opposite the Lehlth Valley ln. dep. . Feb. M, 197a. TnOMA3 JCOONS. ' Jfi. BICEIIH't1, Opposite L. f& S. Iep6, On the East Weissport Canal Bant P.eapeetfnllr lnfotraa tke'altlaena ef thla Tlakai, ty thai l.e keeps eenrtanlly en hanit andSKLLW AL80. PAIEI IR FOR BCILDINO AND nTnUR PUItrObSQ which he maraateaa Is ha Thoroughly Seasoned, and wmcn ia: is now belmno i THE VERT X.OWEBT RATES. WnoLESAMtand BKTAXL,at the lOVTXit, CASH PRICES.' Ilo has a annrober of ttj alltibly kxaiort'. . ' In nirKERT8ToWlT; Frahkltji Tewitht which he wlti'Seli on Terr EaayTonaa. Anjij.0, ," .Z.RICKERT. 8 P. ' ct ta2?.A 1 Mill's O HI B ' ai u -t W' mm 1 so JpOK SAIiK Oil yo A ON'E BTOIIY' FRAMTji' nUII,DINr, built cxi.rcaaly for a PUOTOCsitAl'lIEIt, or would suit a CIClAlt.MAXElt, HlIOEAf AKGit r TAILO B. Will be ooM T'ry Cbea" for Ciii of on ijiiort tlroe wlth approved' ato-jrlly. Apply atlltlH OFFICM. .."I Jit jaialVU 1 t