" 1 - tit - M H. Y. Mouthimku, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Livs and Let Live." 51.00 a Year if Paid in Advanco. LKH1U1ITON, OARHON COUNTY, VENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMllER 18. 170. Subscribers out of County, $i.20 vol. iv., wo. OARD.S Vnrnlture Warehouse. T. gekvirti, Utnk tret, nVofcrfa all kindi 0 yParaiturc, Ctjfint mnitt It order. Root and Sitae flickers. .Cllaton Brtnj, m L'ran't building, ll.ink treat JLUerdtrt vmptly Mledvmrk warranted. JAB. It. STKUTI1KIIS, ATTOnNKT AT LAW, AST Office t 21 floor of IlhiMd'a iuii, Naach Olinnlc, Pa. All bailneu entruated to him will be promptly May 27, ly. -pNIKL, KA.I.BPCS, ATTORNKY At(D COUNSELLOR AT LAW, HlByjsh Chunk, Pa. ,tVOSe, abpy. p.ton'a Jewelry Store, Broadway jT A, DBRIUNBn.M.n., PHYSICIAN AND SUM1K0X fascial alUatloa paid to Chronic Disease. CBc": Soul flafrtpn, Pa. vficn: South Eaat corner Iron ana! 2nd sta.,Le April j, isio. PR'ACTIOIVO PHYSICIAN AND STJIuTKON. ,OfHr., Buk Strsrt, next door above the Postofflrpj pjvuiKuion, viacsi uoura rarryvme pirn uay i 10 izo-ei.w; remainder or day at ouiruin L.hlthtea Nov- 23. '72 ffO.fi. Dm OLSjt'B. Jl$. 8. LOOSE B1 IBUVObKTTIC V L.OOSK, ATTORNKYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, $9tiM Coraef '0 P.uaquehanna and Broadway. MAUC CHUNK, PiKXi. Caa be eoasnltaf In Oermta. tJalv 24 1R7 jp'l. M KB It fir, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NeXtDoorto Flnt National Bank, MAUCH CnUNK, PA CJ-Csw K nnanlte In flerman. TJanS. j A.. DBUTZ, f uencK OP THE PBACE, Olml's BslliMni-, BANK-St., LFnioUTQit. ,ConveyaTieln:, OolleeUng artf all other bnsl joeai oon'nMW'wiUt the offlco'promptlv attend r te. Also, Agent for taernrchaseanfl Sale o geal Batata. April lvl rjlljpMAS a. RECK, inSTIOB OP THE PEACR, BAIJK Street, LKHIQnTON, Pa. Coa.Vyandnt, Collectlnir ami all hualnera con aaeted with the offie. pramptly attended to. 9-Av.at for flnt-els Insurance Companies .tad Rl.ka ef alt klnda taken on the most Mhcrrtl farms Jan. 9, 1676. "JTJ K.KAPinGR, ATTORNEY ANU OOONSt,LOR T LAW. Banc Scaur, Lini.irroH, Pi. Real Kttateana Celleetlen Agency. Will Ray and js.li R.al Eatate. tony.yane ing neatly done Onl. atloaa proajptly nade,. 'Settllna; Eatates of D- daaU a aaeelalty. May be conanlted in Knxllsb ad German. yif. 22. a"! STOMAS KEMGRER, CONVEYAlfOER, AND WRERAL IH6URA1TCE AGENT The llowlar Coaaptalea are Represented : i1'!! I M1TCAI. FIBK, .RKA01J.Q MUTUAL FIHB, OKINa PIHB. rOTTMV'lLLK FIBK. LEUIGH FIRB, andthTRAV KLERV ACCIDENT IN8UKANCK, Ala renaarWaata and Mstaal Uarw Thief BatMllr and-lBHarantw Cnrapanr. Xarcn 39, H7. THOa. gEMEREIt. T IT. BELTIj P PHOTOnRAPHER, Upper Mnln atrect, V ,. hLATINOTON, PA., In the OiLMur reoently oocnpicil lr S. S. DCVdLIK JPKTUIin TAKICN IN ANY WEATHER. OmLDjjus.,, LIKENES8EB Apeellty. PATROKAOK SOLICITED, And Kitlf-tl(m . (iaarantcod. JnJel7tyl EJJBEItT'S Livery & Sale Stables VANK STRBBT.'LUIIIOHTON, ta F4T TROTTIty.Q nOUSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES. JLBd aitTelr LOWER PRI0E8 than any other Liver; la the Opantr. tara-sana handaamo Oarrlajrea for Faneral pafpaaeaaad Weddlnra, DAVID EltBEUT. ITOTf 2X .iwi. . . rjlO CAPITALISTS! A LIOTTltD NUMBER OF SHARES pp BR OAFITAP'flt OCK O TUB UBigUtori.Gas' 'Light Co. WI1 remain nndlapoaed of. Rharea FITTT DOLLARS. Snbaenptiona trt tlleatock Kill cfje?, e! "J1 In'ormalion fnruiahoa on np- t .v.-v. . . n-v- MonTniMEii. Lehlirhton, A onl a. I67e. jTJBtlTISNNIAb SALOON, pUSOUEUAJIjrA 87., MAUCII onuK. FEAKK INKMANN, rroji'r. Freh PhlladerphlalARer. Beer alwnra on tan, ff?..0' Pno'c.M. and au other l-inAa W Itetruahinenta to be. found In a Uiet-claaa 5lo- FHKIS LUN0U every Mora In" li !"";. t ail wbenV&o, ko to Afauch chunk. J my 15. 1 87a-yt Manhattan OIL Company, OF MKW YORK. JiUbrleatlnsr atijj Illuminating Oils. Wt. iW.-M-AncUB.Iiooni in, Merchanta' Bx fif 1ininI na WALNUT Htreeie, FhUi delnhu. Fa. Nov. S.I. two. Mft ?. W.eJr Whoe'er Wllaon Railroad Guide. N OUT II IMl.W A. It AlLltO Al) . Pnssentera for Plil'ndclplila will lenvo Loblch tnn as followai 3:IS ft. m rii, L. V. nnive nt I'hlln. nt rMI a m. i:tin. 111. vfi I V. firriro at I'll I In. nt V: 0 a. m. 7:1" n. In. via U it " " 11:00 11. 111. M12fl. 111. vifl L. V. " ' llli'On. 111. Iliii? i. in. vit L ,t x, ' " Simp. tn. 10: 7 p. ra. vin U V. " " 2 ox p. in. 2:rp. m. vJi L. H. " " rK 1 1 11. 111. 4it7 p. m. via L. A s. ' " 8:i5ii.ni. f:!4 p. m. vw li, V. " " t::p. m. 6 3- p. 111. via L. V. " " P:-1 p in. Ri tiirntnir.lea.vr1 depot nt I'erka find Ainerl rnn st., I'hlln., at7tW 8:tJnnd 0:15 a 111. i 2:10, 3:16' and 6:11 i. ni. I'arc finm Lehlch'on to I'hlln., 52.55, KtrnrMon Tli keta, Sl 0(1 April 17 18H lll.LI" C'LAltK. Agent, nKM'll A I. U. II. OP Jf. .T. - LI'.IIKill A SlISCJIiKM aX DIVISION. All Hnll llnulr to l.ouai: lli-nltrli. isi:mii:u sTtriuss in nkw voiik foot 01' l.llll'.ItTV ST., AMI FOOT OF CiARKSON ST., UP TOWV. Time T&lilo nf Oet. 2il, 1870. Trilna leive I.f Iilulitoii nefollcu: For Now York, l.-islon, Ac, nt 7.17, 1107 a. ni., 1.47 p. m. For rhljdelphh, 7 17, 11.07 a. m., 2.2(5. 1 or Mnueh Chunk nt 10.20 n.ni.,1 US. H.3S.8 4f . in KorWIIki-llnrro and Scranton at 10.20 n. iu.,1.09, o.os p. in. JtfturniTig l.rnvo Xew York, foot of 1,11 crty St.. at.1.10, s.lf) i.m., 1.00, and 4 00 p. m 1.,'ivo fiu.t of Ckrkaou St. at 12. ,'.(), ainl 3.20 p. m. Leavo I'hlln lelplili, from Depot Nnith Penn'a H It., Thlid and Delks St., nt 7J)11, 0.IB a. m.,2.19. 6.15 p. in. Leave llaMon nt KM, 11.40 n.ln,, 3.53, 1.00 p ni. Leaie Maurh t'hunk nt7.40, 11.00 a. m., 2.20 4.40. n, in. Fo: further particulars, see Time Tables at the niuuona. PASSKNOIillS FOR LONG UKAXOJI CHANOM CARS AT hi, I. MIKTII. II. P. IIALUWIN, Gen. Passenger Agent. Jnly4. 1874. plIII.A. A; RRADINQ 11 AI I, HO A I). Arrangcnient of Passenger Trnlii3. SEPT. 181 II IS7G. Tralna lenvo ALLK.N.TO ',s n follows: (VIA riiUMOHEN unwell.) For PlHInilelphia. ni 4.1 1, u.jo. j.50, a.m., '12.00 nooy. 6.C5 iitid n.;'5 n. ni. -UXI).VY. For Philadelphli at I 30 a. m. 12.0O noon and 3.10 p.m. IMA KASV lTXXl. TlltANCII.) For Ro lOInu, t 2.J0. .i.5, .',-, a in., 12..0, 2 10. 1.S0 a i19 00ii.ui For H lllitl)i,lK. ) 2 3), 8 03, 8.53 a. 111.. 12.20, 4 30 Qud 0 Ok p.m. Fur Lcncniter and Ooliinibn, i 30, S.ii a.ui. ami 4 3'i p m t L'oe not ran on Monilny fU.VDAYS. For Re.idlnir. 2 30 a m. 2,45 mid 9 00 ji ra, I-01 II irrKdiurg, '.'.Mr. 111, and t) 14)11.111. Tjalii.'i FOR ALLIJ.VIOWN leave an follows: (VIA l'KUKIOSIKN BUANC11.) Leayn Phi aiielnhin, e.a). S. h. 111., 2.i, a.23, !3 2o and 7.00 v. ni. SUNDAYS. Loavo Philadelphia, 8.15, s.2) a. m and 4.10 p. ni. (VIA BA6T TFNNA T1KASCU ) Leave Re.uuiB. 7.4 . ;.4 V 10. 3.5 11 in., 4 00. .10 ml liUO d m Leave Haiilbar(r, 5 2), 6.05, fj.to a. m., :.oo. S.J7 and 7.V5 n.m. Loayo Lauraiter.4.40 7.45 n.ra., 12.55 and i5 p.m. Leave Columbia 5.30 7.J1 a.m., l.uOaud 333 p.m. n u ija i r.. Leave Roadlncr. 7 Si and 7.41 a m. Lcavo II ui'Kiimi', 3 a.m. Trailia UiaikOd tlilia l1 inn fo ond rrom rtennt 0th and Oieeii streets, I'lilhi'lfliidil.i. other trains ton d trom llioad -treit den it. '1 lie 8.20 a. 111 tinln from Phi aiielnhia nod n p. in. tr.1111 fiom Alleiitnwn Hiive throuah VaiH toaud imm K inu.i, .N y. loe 1. 13 11. m tl'llll from Pill silelnlilo on.l CO noon train notu Aileuluwu navo tliroufrn taia IV n,,M null, I ilini' I 1 ho 5.21 p m. Hum from I'hlladclphli ami 8 .0 a. m train from A.leiilowu h.ivu throuKh cms to and (Him Munch (Chunk. J. 10. wnriTi rev Sept, 23. 187'. Omeraluiiertnte nilei.t. pUNXHYIjVANIA HAII.IIOAI), PHILADKLPIIIA KlilU Hit. DIVISION. Summer Time Table. On nnH nir,,, htivnu. aui, .hi ,c IralnHun tholMnliaeliihi.i.t iviii lialuoad Di. vision will iuu hs follows: ERIE EXTRICbs leaves Nw York 9.2 a m J iiil .delpuiu 12 S3 11.111. II .llllnoi o l.-'Onin. tlnn-jsburK Mioimn. arr. at illlntnsDcirt s.35 i,m ijocziiavon 10.3'j ji.ih ERIE MAILlcaies Ni w York 85 i!'U ' l'hilailpiuiiia li.5iii.iu. U.1I11111010 u.io p.m. lliiiil-biira.- 4,:5nm. Willi'inupoit 8 3',ii.in. Iick Unen 0.40 u. 111. Rei.uv.i 10,55 a.m. arr, ati-.no 7.fio 11 111 .NIAGARA EX. leavos PMlndelphia 7.V0 11,111. llaltlmoio 7.3"o!ni. Iluirikburs 10.45 n.iii. nrr. nt Villiaiuport l.&o p.in. I.oc: llven 3.1511.U1. Renova 4 la p.m. iV'frTio L'K HAVEN AO. I've Philadelphia 6.00 a 111. lialtlmoie - 8.30 n.m. . llMinsiburB 1.25p.m. arr. at Willlumaport o.lnp.iu, t .- , Lock llllTCU J.SOn.m. feUXDAY EX. leavos ow York 8.25 11 m l'htliKiFlpina 11 5 11.111. Jtiiltinioio 610 p.m. llniuaLurL- 4.1 n in. nrr, at illlauikpurt 7 40 u in EASTWARD. ('" rillLAD'A EX.ltavte lino 7.00pm LmcI; llnvon oair.iu. yilllnm-iiort 7.55a.m. arr. nt llainibuie 11.4i1a.tn. Unltimore uiin Philadelphia 3.: 11 m. DAY EiTRESS leaves Kane " Vu) a.m Uenovn 10.10 a.m. Lock 1 1 aven 1 1 :n a m. VNlUiainsport 12.40 a.m. arr. at llnrmbura; 4.mii.in. I'hllarteii.hia 7.20 p.m. NcwYiik 10.15 p.m. Baltimore 7.35 11.n1. ERIE leayea Erie 11.20 a m llcnpva 8.55 p.m. Lock Haven 10.WS p ra. W.IIiamsport 11. 15p.m. IIiiirltbutB 2 45 am. aitniiore 7,:).-, tt ,, Philadelphia, 7.00 a.m. FAST LINE loavca V.'ilMaapr-rt 'a.m. air. at llaiiUbiug 3.53a.m. lal iii pre 7.35 a in. PhUadelphl.i 7.31 a.m. 8UNI0AY EX. lcavna Wnltainapoi t 813 a!m! ... Ul. HilKIBIfUlK jiajit.m, I'hilaHelphla 3.1a p.m. New Yojk B.45 p. 1.. llnlllii.oin 7.33 p.m. ...... ... Um XAiClt Union A (coin. Viet mid Lay E'xirei- Kant uiunu hu.ij ..utiiift-iiitii ill ('! IJlUllllieri -I1U 5V,tll L.itll.ltH. trmafoi WUki'tbaiio and Kcihuioii, Erie Mall Went. Nlnei ra Expiesa West. Kilo KxpriBH Wuat ami Ixick It. von Auommodntion Won mnkopiOKo eoiinoittou at Wlllianianoit wllh N U. It. W. 1 1 hi 11.1 north. Urle Mall Vot, Niacin 11 Kxpresa Wept and Day Express Kat lunKo cloao cuuuecUuu at Look Haven with 11. 10. V. Hit. traina. Urto Mall UttBtand WeeteourtoctatlCHowlth trains 1111 L. B, ot M. H. ltlt., nt Coiry with O. U. & A. V. Hit., at l.inporlum with 11. N. Y. ,fe p. ltlt., nnd nt Drlltwood with A. V. ltlt, 1'ailor Cars will run Between Philadelphia and Wllllaiueiioit mNiaaaia Hxprnss We.t, File Express Woat, Phlladolnhla IJsprcsa East, Day Exprosa East and Kululuy Express East. Bleeping Cars on all nlfrht trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, Oen'l Hup'i Carbon Co.'s Sous Carbon o.'sC Sons Carbon Co.'s Sons Carbon Co.'s Sons W.LCOMri W t'l.l ovu WI'.l.' OMM W i:i,l UMI 1 WEI,' OMEI WELf'02'l-l wi.i coMr.i KLOOMRI W I. LCI) Mr I WIII.CO.MU WUI.COM HI WELfOMH EL' llMEl WEI.L'OMEI WEI.f OMI1 WE LI D.Uhl AELCOJll-l WI.Lt'O VI M ;vi:lcomi:i WEI.CO.VI El WICLCO Ul'l ELI OMEI WEI COM hi Wi I I'OMEI Whl.COUhl Wl. I.IX) .M hi WKLCO.MI,! WHLCO MTI WKLCOMfcl WF.t.COJthl WELCOMHI WEI.COM hi WHI.CO.MI I WEI.COMH WI'.L' OM1 I V EI.COM hi V K LCI I. Ml' I Wl'LCO lhl WFL.'OMII V KI.CO..IEI WEI.COM hi WKI.CCJIEI WMl.COMf'l WEI.COM II Wl- LCO.MEl Wl I,( 'O Ml I V I I, O.MI.I Whl.i Wl M 10 LU'RY A PI5TRRS' HUllY it l'liHEHr-' LAtlltY .t I'lnKUW LAUUY A PETERS' Posl-Oilleo HlilliHin,, l'ot Olllce It I'd wt. Post omvo llul'diiii:. l'osOllh'" lliilldiuir, TO SIX THE NEWERI' SUITINOS, 1'IIIi M' EVP SIT I I I.VOi. Tlth NEWI SI' SUITINQS. Tin: s'uwiisr huitinos. Cli tliH. C iss meios und Vo tinea whun we iiiiikc up In ( inIiIoii 11I1 1 nnd Duiii 11I0 htjles nt Low est Pr ee for 1 llh. 11ii1)es oloi'iiino iii:sidi:h oloi hino Visitors cell aeo Meek of Ilo". orv, Piles if Uinhi'Menr Hun dieilsot White Mhn is, II 'its enps, Boots ami - boos hv the di zens, '1 1 link", sntchels and riavelnir linps tfmlin-llas inn) otner aiti eies for tlio wear and 110 of MAN tMi lllir KIM). II N AM) 110V KIM). Welcome also to LAUUY l'Ell.RS' LAW KY it PErEllH,t LAUUY ,t PFTHIth'. LAURY ,t PETEHs,', li.VNMC STREET, BANK S I'Rh'ET, Lonillhtoii, I. eh Kht(,ll, whrro (bo atodi of Oenta lutn. isIiIiil- (loods eomurlse the eholc it uu iltv eoiiii.ined with the one i.owhst rmoH, OSV. l05VFf.TPi:lUR. ONE lMlll'E TO ALL, ON II I'lUCK TO ALL, The rimer re eivlnrj theprlvl ejre of 1 eiuruinir cooes or 1 ecelv nx In Ins iiiniieyil not eon teul with bis b.iruain. Laury &, Peters Laury & Peters Laury & Peters Laury & Peters ONE PRICE CApill KTOPfE, ONE PRICE CASH STORE, Post Office llmldinr, Po-t.Ouice IlalhlniK, BANK ST., LEHIUInON. BANK BT, LI3UIUUTON. Sept. ro in3 WIvl.i'OMI I U EI.CO.Mhl Whl.COM I I wi:i.comii Wl- !.( O .1 I ! Wl.l.COMI ! Whl, OMi I Wi.l.l'OM 1:! W KI.COM I I W hl.O.M h! W.'.l.' O.MI I 'V hl.COM ICI SVEL OMhl Wl'l COMM WLCO.M El WEL( 0 51 hi VVKLCOMH1 WEI.COM hi WIJl.l DM l l WKL''OMI.t WKI.I OM1CI WW t'OMEl W.OI.CoM l. WI'LCO IIi WELCOME. WEI, COMIC. WELCOME. BRADY'S CENTENNIAL CIOAR AND TOBACCO EMPORIUM AND BILLIARD 110051, 0110 door above Hauk's Bakery. Ksstik .si.. I.chlglilnn. Alio, (1ENERAL NEWS AGENCY. Dally and Weekly Papers and Lakc-ide Llhrarv regu arly HiipplloJ. Apill I, 18J3. $1,200 PROFIT ON $100 Mnde this month by 1-utt anil ial(. Invest no enrdHiir to vom- me ins, Jio. (51 or iici. In STOCK l'RIVILEOSH, has briiiU'lii. a annul 'ortimo to tho careful lnves'or. e advNn when 1111(1 IlilW tOOflUIATl! 8AKHLT. BdOkawllh full Inloiipntlon ten lieo. Addreeaoiders by mall and tiU'k'rnoh to IIAXTKIl &. CO., Bankers uud Brokers 17 Wail ft. N. A X INTEM.KJKXT HOY, nc d at ont 10 year', rcnldlnp; in Phrndelphln, is desirous of learning a tiado, and would like In omio to i ho count i y. For fnither p.iiticuliiia apply at the ( AKIiON ADV0CA1K otflco. ion oooii job printi.no, call at THE OAHHON ADVOCATE OFFICE. (irk renity when rrnmli-Qd. and nt city prices. Be enro to call-It will piv toiUiBo, A Good Family Medicine SWAIMJ'S Tar and Savsaparilla Pills. 3- UK ADACHK., i.nnour and 5Iehn cholv pLiieri(lly hpiI l' trem a diaonletcl atom neh, eosiiveno-aor a Ion Id liver. Each may ho si endilv remove! hv Dr Bw yne's Tar i uls which Mt 1 in ii In t o the liver find stoninrh to a bo nhf aetion In reuiovlmrnll bid onaness. and pioduclnc regular evacuations of tho tones. LIVS It COMPLAINT, that dreaded dlsesso fiom which so many par nous ufii'i-. Is ficqjeutlr tliocaiiwof Hrnilnclip, liidlgpstlon anil Dyspopsla, Is fpeodily lelleved and are oflen periiinnoniij cuied oy their ii"0. Feversnipoituii pievcuted by the usoot ihe-o Saisip.irnla Pills, as they carr olT, thioiiKli ll'o blood, tho HepuillleH from whn.li thuy aile, For COSriVENESrl theie Is not ti 111 u so iffcctuai as Swayuo's Tar ami Sarsaparllla rill9. They lire puiclv vegetable, and act epcciallv iin the Llier as Blua Mass or calomel, without auv bad tesu'is Iroui takluir. DOK'iiho symptoms In a'l cmnmuulcatlonp, nnd addrofs letters to Dlt. H WAYNE it BON, Philadelphia. No cliaruo for advn e. Hew by mill ou receipt of pi Ice. Prlce25 ceutaa haxi Ave boxes for l, ASK YOUtt DUUOOIST FOR TIllL "76." Now Advert iseinonts. THE LUNGS! COff SUm'TlOM I Tht dlstre?s1np nnd ilntRf roil" t-nmplalnt nnd Us pre)iioi ltnlv vmii oina. pc'decled eoituh. iitg' t swenis, bnrenesa, wa'ilnc 11 all. lever in rmnneutly cured by' Dr. Swuyiio'sCoiiipuuni Syr'iti nf W'ld Che rv " PRONC1I1ITS--A m-inniiltnr of I'!mona'.v Consumption is c'lnnett rlfd Mr e.ilnrtb or in 11'iliiinniioii of the inucous lueintir ue or the nil i asiaes. with ennuh nnd exilO"toi,ition, short brcntti, aoaipenoss pains in Iho chei-t. Torn 1 I loiicu nl nllo- t.oiia, toro llno.it. loss ot lOlce, coughs, DR. SWAYNI'.'S COMPOUND Sy nip o Wild Cherry II A ROVFRr.ION REMiEDY". fcmcri hntte, or apflm? Momt, inav proceed from the lannx, lisihm bronchia or limps, and niise from various rnttos nsiuutiio olivtcni excnlnn, pu tlior.i, or fulli'es ol Iho vessels, wo ik 'iiin;i, over'triilnun: nttho vnleo aiipptess edomcuallon, olMlimllonof the spl, ea or Iv or, elc. Dr. Swiync's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ptiikfiiit t'K- root of il'Rfwn hv puilfvintr lio bio (1 n Mo ivx tlm livo unit kltlnrvRto healtliv nmon. InvlK'nntl'icr Ihc w rvous Rj'strni. Tim nuiv fitnndiird li'tuoilv for lictnorr'iaro. Inunuhinl nil all u!tuointy cninpninti. Con FtimptlriH ortJiosf niedivopiUn wetl; mp, fhnuM not fall tonsalhh mint vtyotabtorom ItinaMCou'i pnwor.ni t nlv over crn'iimp tion Imt t.ci fvt'tv ulironlc illi'an rr err i crmlirn ttlUt:tlio nct.iui is iiceHiiJ. TJtntrl Jtn hsi' the rou-h Is niieciicii. tlio nllit FWHit-- ill in illicit no ii'iln fuh-iip tlit iml-c retnm lo lta im'iii'1 1 :itt1. i f f , tin "Inmnrli lmpinvrd ill It- powtT todipi Bt mill stilUto tliPtnod. uml o'.ciy ipui tin1 a puit himi 1h-Iici qt!iliry I Inni! MiMi l dtn i out ol vrSiii-li new recte;i Uve ni t fla-tic luaitstril i& hiucp. SAVED LILS LIFE. Wii tint of Ktlwaril H. HamF-oit, rjnplt rrr nt CfoiKi- wt'eu'i I'ntteiv. 13 H Hldcft Aenup, rhl.m.eipliia. Il hid violent u uh, nlirltt MWCDtM Hdie tlllOtt, UTTflt WeilkllOHH. nt lllf fm-nt lime n otnt "t t lnoi, cant up nil bnp nf it"Vhv, 1 tinmpli tIip u-so f " Jtr. Stcanne's II 1t,l'Virrst;rl,,, ttcrnme oriiidnnil lipiiltliy niin, r.ml r mo ifim to tl i- ('aw nltPoiiRli ovei lWfiil yV.iiM h:iP Pi:i BfO Plnro hi- wn cnieil. IJtHi; O.Nfc DtiLLAlt. ulx tioltles 15. If vom- ill iKfrlt nr uto'ekpi'ppr iloe nut sell It, we furwun) Jin I ill zon fiiit'ht pnid. lo any ud dieHH, tu UTeipt ot mn-o. PIM'PAKEP ONLY BT OH. SWiVSl c SOW, 330 N. Sixth Strict, Plit I pilr 1 ph In buhl hv l Prominent JJiuists. Itchiug Piles! PITiKS, 1TLES, ITCHING PILES, Positively ( ureil by Iho use of SWAYNK'S OINTMENT. Home Testimony : I wri Bnrplv nfllip'od with onoof tin rnnt an tehliiff of h'I iii-ritRcs I'ruritM or I ninpo. or nuuo romniMtlv rfiinwn us ltrliiuir IMNs iho Itchiim Ht t linos win a!thiik mti lornhlp Iiipio:is. rt' ny sdntcliliif?. nun not nnfrpiiuputly bpcmno quite foi t I hotittht ft box of " RwMio's Ointment lis UhP t'nvi' quick .Pilot, nnd In n Iioit limn nift'ln n ppifi-rt t nip. I cm now Plrcp niiiliHtinPril. ana I Mount nilvlp Ml who nrt piiir nnK with thl illRtnFlnjji otiipl'tlnt ioprornr' Swuviip'b Olnnncn " nt oncp. I Iih.1 tneil piccrip on almo'-t InnumcrcitlP. w tlmut lI uMntr nnv noun. Hiietit rcllpf. JOs (MlltlVP. i n nt f luoitpl tt chrlxt. Bool find ylioo IToinp. 311 Noiib SiTfiniUtreet, l'lilliiilrlJlilu. SKIN DISEASES. RU'AYN ICS ALL HI'A LINO OINTM KMT Isal n a (.peclfle lor 'I ETTLIt, ITi II. SALT Rill I'M, KMLII HEAD. ERYHIPKLAH BAItBER'S IICI1. X 1 1 -1 1 BLOTCHES, ALL KOAI.Y, CRUSTY. CUTANEOUS EIIUP TltiNs, peuc( tlv -afo and luu micas, even on iho moat ten ler InTant. Pi ico 50 cent a. 3 boxes forli.25. sent bv m il to nn address on lecelpt of price fiold by ail tho loadlne Dniscists. Prounied only by it. sw ivxi: & sov, aOQ North Sixth-8t Plillmlelphln, UflB IAD0RN: LONDON I YOUR iMnn : nan ijUiui nu&iui ui i HAIR, i roil r.r.sTouixo ; GRAY HAIR To Its Natural Vitality antl Color. un e is "the proof Of its Snpprlor Kscrllencp. Rrad this Home Cfrttflcnto tPatldcd to by Kdwnlil 11. Oairiaues. ouu of the moat enmio tent Diufrif sis and Clo-mlats In Philadelphia, a man whose veiacltv nonocmi dnnbti I am happy in add myteslimonv to the proat vnlumif the " Loudon Hair Co or llestorer," which if aifrod my ha,r lo Its original dark eol or, and Iho hnnapiieiirs to be permnuenl I am tatialleil Hint this prepaiation is nothinir like n die, but opoiates iipmi the recrotloiis. It is also a tie.iutiful hr.ir ilretiia. and promotes tho fTiowlh, 1 purch mil lb" llrt brJtle Irom Eo. li. (laula-iies, itiucir.at Tcnlli and Contoi-sls who can abo testllv mv lull' wus vo y pray when I commet.cn I Its use. MRS. MILLER. No '30 N. Nlnlli.st., l'hliiidelphln. Dlt SVfAYNIt it so.N.-ROfpcctod Fileml'i I have tan nlensuro to Inform ou Hint a limy of my in finnlntnnco, Mrs Ml ler, lsdellifhtod wltn Iho fcuictBsn! your Isuidou Color II air ltosioi. er " Her hnlr was lalluig rapidly and ipu n play. The color bus bu"ii nwlored, and iho (.ill lna out entirely htoppod liv its ll; e. V.. 11. O MtltlC.UHS. DniKRls: Cor. Tenth ami Coates sts.. Phlla. All that ait cull accomplish In bnau'lti loir, atreut: Iienlnu', IhlekciiliKriiiiil'Kioiiiliigtlionalr Is eff. oled liv liflnir -'iiiidou Hair Color Renter er." It sifinulutosnud forces a now crowth i It inav restores Its lutuinl color, and lenders It sllkvuna bnaiitltul i curia aiuidtutlt keeps the K-nlii clonii, cool and hea thv. All druiralsts elllt. Price 75 cents; six bottles, 14, Bent by express tu any addieas. 8WAYNIJ ft SON, 830 N. Sixth at., Philad'a, BOLE PROPRIETORS. For Sain by all DriigKlNtN. July IS. WH.Tl Mr. Dinkie's Esvenge. A DISASTI10U3 DINNER. Naturally, tny iHar, a lindy moots with many sliiuiilur pcnplo In tho cotirto nf Id'OiilliR tmnr.lt'! . I Ihlnlt the tjut'pr est ftilttH tliat ever wpib, havo conmanil Imaiilt'il wllh tun slnco Mr., I ilitisuii lutt iiic wltli tliri'o little chllilrcn, tn turn my llvlni; liy the mnt uiiriratt'ful tittle that etur wns put upon n wnnian's shnuliltTs j for them nro people that think you ran nrvcr do elinnuli for 'em, a:nl peoplo tliat haven't it t . y e(iiis(lern tion for ynttr feelings, and If a turkey happens lo he totiuh, nsk If it wns ever known for certain what liccamn nf Iho pnir Hint went into Noah'.mrk, and Iho like nf that, you know ; and there are people thnt, lmvo whimsies, ami people that want raw meat nr t"ciirehed cinders, and peoplo that can't hear nnjlhlnu ftffil, and pioplo that wioi't touch pork, and people that Inke airs and don't pay, and people that are so far from what they pretend to ho that you have to mention to them that their rooms nie wonted, and n'l torts of peo ple who do all soils of queer thlnes. One of the queered thlnps I ever knew to ho dime hy any hoarder was done, 1 must say, hy Mr. Ulnkle : He came lo bosid with mo about (lvn years hjj.0, Just at Christmas timo. Ho was a bachelor, nhout 50 years old, I shntild juiltiH, and his face was smooth Miaved, and ho wore a mahogany rehir ed wlilo;, and he wns lather particular in dtess, He'd just met with a dlsap polntii'ent not in love, iniiid you, hut ill money. II ii had made himself a slave to a rich old uncle for twenty years, expectlni! to lie his heir ; put up with a'l sorts of treatment ; hoo'i cuffed and scolded ii ml Mieered at innrnlni!, noon antl night ; never said a won! j hut Jtt-t went tin i-i inning and rubbing lis hands speaking about his '.'dear tP'ole," until tho old man diul, whon ho left liim m.ly a htindicd a year for Ids life. Af. ter that he catue to board with mo. 'Ilieio was boarding with me at tho same time a mnldon lady named Swit iles. She was about as old as Mr. Din kle, nnd rIIh was very rich. She wore ilUuiiinds in her ears so big and shiny that I wontleied tlm thieves let h"r cntno hoiiie alivo with 'em on. And she had the same kind of diamonds on her fingers. She had three pets, a dog with cm ly wool, and a kitten all white except a black nose, and a green and red parrot. Day tlmca "ho bad thorn In her room, Imt she hired an exra room for theui, ami they slept In that, and It wns comical to t-eo them, I'oll In her cage, and the dog ami the kitten In a sort of basket eradle, with refreshments eet hi 'em, in case they should he hun gry in the night. Everybody Is'nt so careful of children. She had white, quilted covers for tho two animals. It was peculiar, and she was curious in a good many things. felie was'nt very handsome, but she was of a very good family ; mid though she wanted extras, she pdil for 'em. I remember asking her onco why she liad'ut married, and she said she always lelt that Hie male sex wns beneath her, and thnt she could'iit prolulse to obey any or 'em. Shu asked mo If I dld'nt let 1 to dli-plse 'em myself ; ami I said some of 'cm I did, and some again I dld'nt. She had written a lecture I think, for the pt.rpose of putting thiin down, and she was going to deliver it in my parlor one night ; only 1 says to her, says I, "Miss Kwlilli'9," sajB I, "I'm only n poor widow, depending on my boarders for a living, and as most of 'em are nf tho male sex It might give 'em ofTeii-o lo tell 'oiii all them dieadful things about themselves, and how yoil despis ed 'em so, Misi Swlllles." So sho gavo up tho Idea, nr.d I was thankful. Well, after Mr. Dinklo eame, Inn tlced Miss SwifllesHtid housed to arguo together a un'm deal. Sometimes, too, he used to son her to church and to lectures. I had my eyea about me, and I noticed she used todresi herself up very smart indeed after lie came. Then he enme and asked mo how much I reckoned rIio had a year. And she asked what I caljulated lie owned. I told III in thnt I'd heard she hud ton thousand pounds, antl I told her what he had and how he got it I could'iit tell what she thought, but I made up my mind thent'd lie n match between 'em, for I've always noticed the more a lady talks against thu gentlemen, tho inoru apt she is to lmvo tho first ono that makes her nn offer. Yes, I'd mnde up my mind that way, when, one day, I was sitting on the p'nrcli outside the hack window, stoning cherries for If the girl does it she puts mnro in her mouth than slio does in the pan when I heard Miss Swiflles come Into the par lor, and nhout three minutes alter Mr. Dlnkle ho cauiH In. I'd I'ko to remark, tut liPro, that far fiom being llstenlii);, I'm above It j hut I was'nt called upon to tinny, and I rould'nt help hearing, and tills Is wknt I did hear : "Miss Swflles," said Mr. Dinklo, "I'm rejoiced to tiud you nlone." "Ah I" said Miss Swiflles. "1 have long wished tor such an op portunlty." "Indeed," said Miss Swiflles. "You can guess why 7" asked Mr. Dinklo. "No, sir, I can't," answered Miss Swiflles, "Is ,thls'tho coquetry of your sex 7" naked 'Mr. Dinklo. "Hayo you not Been thnt I adoro you ?" "No," said MUs SwIlTles.. ,t-r "I hnve hidden my emotions better than I supposed I could," said Mr. Dlnkle. "My dear Miss Swlfllos, here on my knees, allow mo to ouer you my, hand nnd heart, nnd beg you to accept' them nnd tho llfo nnd devotion of" "Get up, Mr, Dlnkle," sahl slio "Don't niakrt n gnosn of yourself, I iindorstnnd thnt you ask me to marrjj you 7" "Adorable creature." said Mr. DlnfcJ le, "you put the question I would hava asked In tio most concise form." "I'll put. the answer Into tho snmo form," said she. "tfo." "You cannot expect inn to relinquish; my hopes at ono,','' ai:l Mr. Dinklo. "Mny I ask why you nre no" disposed to consider my proposition 7 , VII you, nnt rnitflder It, nnd nnswer It tuoro at' leisure 7" "I have considered," said MISS Swif lles. "tint why 7"sp.td Mr. Dlnkle. "Well, if you want to know why," cnld Miss Swiflles, "because I llkoto bo my own mistress. 1 have plenty of money, as you know, nnd three charm ing pets, who nre worth more than any six men I ever met. I dld'nt marry when I wns a good locking gltl, be cause even then I could'iit ho sttro any mnii wanted me or my property ; nud now I'm nn ugly old woman, I shan't throw myself Into the arms of tho first fortuno hunter who has calculated 'thnt an old mnld will marry any ono who nsks her. You waited for dead men's shoes twenty years, I understand. Now, probably, you .wish to wait for mlno 7 That's why I say 'No,' Mr. Dinklo." Next thing I heard was tho door slam, Mr. Dinklo wns gone, and Miss Swiflles was laughing to herself on tho sofa. I could'iit help It. I Just peep ed Into the window and says I : "Hurrah, Miss Swiflles, tlireocheersl It was ns good as a play." " "1'ls'nt tho first mnn I've served so," snld Miss Swlffles, rubbing lier nose. "O, they are a mran set, thesu men,', and away sho walked, witli her diamonds glittering. We dld'nt see much of 5Ir. Dinklo for some days, and then he told me bo wns going nbrond with nn invnlld gen tleman So, of course, I know I was going to lose a boaider. Hut I was surprised whon, ono afternoon, I received tills note : "livilearMidami Upon theeveof my flrpir. lure npnu a Journey whence I mny never r. tuin, 1 oesirn tufool myself in harmony with all with whom I have any allgnt differeures.There. foi e, will yon allow ine to cive n little auppei to several memhers of vouresta ilishmeiitl Y'oa yonrself, nf course Miss swinics. Mr Honors, and n friend ot my own, who will join u-. Time, to-morrow evening. An answer will onitao, Yuuis truly, Bexjamix Dinkik." Of cnurso I ngreed, and when I saw Miss Swiflles sho said tho man had a better temper than sho thought. And so thnt very eveoing wo nil walked Into Mr. Dlnkid's room. IIo had hnd tho bedstead put away, and hire I an exten sion table. And thero was Mr. Dlnkle, with a dark complexioned gentleman and two waiters. Mr. Dinkledld the honors beautifully. Ho mnde ns a llttlo speech, nnd ho said all soits of fine things. And such a supper all hot, and very curious ; pie with queer crusts, all ornamented, and ragouts and dear knows what, and wines and things. Wo all nto heartlv, and Miss Swiflles hemtlest of all. Wo enjoyed ourselves, I tell you, nnd tlm dark gentleman, Mr. Mosler, sang tu songs nfterwards. At twelve o'clock Mr, Dinklo arose. " Ladies nnd gentleman,"' he snld, " tlio time for parting has come. I must be on board tlio steamer in two hours. Mosler tho same obligations lies on you, We part perhaps forever. Ail'eo." He shook binds nil arnlind. When ho catno to Miss Swiflles ho gavo her n llttlo note. " Read It alone In your own apart ment, dear madam," he said, " It u ay mnko vou nltet your opinion of mm who will ever remember you." " Mr Dlnkle," said Miss Swlftl-s, " Wo all do wrong sometimes, l'rob.i bly I was mistaken in you. I wish you a very pleasant journuy." Then ha was off. " IIo ain't such a bad fellow after all." said Mr. lingers. " No, he ain't," aild I. Miss iSwllhVs went up stairs very slowly. I saw her wipe iv tear away ni sho went, and I stopped to put out tho hall lamp. I had done It and bolted tho front door, all of a sudden tlio house was till cd with shrieks. It was Miss Svylllles's voice, I know, and sho was screaming fur help. " Sho'- found n burglar In her room to murder her for her diamonds at lust," I said to myself, and away I rushed and iip.canie all tho boarders, and wo stood In the room where sho stood, holding a letter in iter hand antl skrieklng liko mad. " O I V hero Is ho 7" I asked ' Where's the (lingular ?" " Go after him I" she r.rled. " O.itell hlm-bring blir. b.iak .Mr. Dinklo, Mr. Dlnkle, Mr. Dlnklt 1" " He's told her hu'd commit suicide on her account," I cried. " O, dear t O, dear 1" " O I I'm so 111," cried Miss Swiflles " so 111 I Open tho window I I'm poisoned 10 1 Ah I" " Poisoned I" says I " O 1 O t Oh." " Head that, says she, falling over upon the sofn,very sick, indeed. "Head that I" " Mr. Rogers," says I, " I haven't got my specks." Mr. Rodgers took tho letter and read It aloud : ' 1 CONTINUED ON FOURTH PAOK.