The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 11, 1876, Image 3

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    Society Meetings.
n mtihito No. 78, A. CI. K. OF TUB M. 0.
hir'J llnll. Lehlghton, nt 7slO o'e ock, r. l.
it J. litli.icktF. a. k. at n. n. aiiusin.
M. K. II. S
UKAtiiix Hurrrx txino. No.s. l.p. q. t.
meets eveir Tncsidav evening, (it 8 o'clock,
in -ll'ner'a Hi"- Alfred B, i. O. t N.
n. IMber, Secretary.
'OHO Tocx TRIliR, No. 171. Imp. O. II. M meet
on Wednesday evening of e icii week, lit 7iwi
ivelock m Public fvhool 1 lull, Wejssp'rt,
- r. u. p. nickrrt, rt. s it. uiimim.i:. m n
J.KUialtTO LOlWIt. No. Ml K. nf P.. meets
on Krldsv evenlncs, lu ltcher-a Unll, t7:M
'o'clock. 1. W. Uaitdenhush. O. O. T. It.
r IhstclifT, K. of IV and H.
Ailvcrtlfiltiff RntPN.
We rlridre it to tm distinctly understood that
no ndverllsetnciits-rlll lie Inserted In thn col
li ran bf TilKOMtnon AliTocar thst rosy lie
- ,.3fiTpl 1mm unknown partie; nr Arms utiles
a trrnnpsnlcd with ao Hill. The following are
JHT'OSt-T irrms.
Adveitlsementsfor 1 ye", P" ,neh .
insertion ... . . 10 Ct.
" Six Months, per Inch each Insertion IS cts.
" Three Months. " " '" 20t.ts
" Lees than threertnntaa. fltst Inser.
tton 11. each eubscnueni!. Insertion 28 Cts.
Looal notices 10 cents per line.
11. y. MOIlTiHtlI5.riili"hcr.
Orncs, No. 2, Msn-lon llonse,
sttllng Estate. Filing Anuonnts and Orphans
Court practice spocmlty.
Trial ol Crmes carefully tvrtraAet! lo. I.egsl
trirtsaertrmstrt Kiigltfli Unfl Ocrmnn Jntm.
BATI'MIAY MOttNINO, N0V.11, 1876.
Local and Personal.
Patties recelvlnp; the Advocatr
Mriiii ii ,-rnsQ idm-kml after their names
will please remit the amount duo for
Subscription,, or, 1110 cents win
ue auuea ui pay iuu capciiseo
tion. St
Parents should visit the schools
We arc having clear, bright, cool
autumn weather.
'Jntasauqua has had eighteen In
cendiary fires in two years.
In Reading 34 new cases of small
pox were reported last week.
Turkeys will soon be dlecueslng
thti dancers of Thanksgiving day.
Now that vou have been to th
Centennial call around and pay Ufa
"Hold the fort" nnd "Sweet bye
and bye," arc the most popular airs oa
the streets,
The "hog committees" have named
Sunday as proper days for making a
tour of the netguoornooa.
Ttaari Nnshaum's rionubtr au
nouncement la another column, and
consult your beet interests.
The second stack o f the Lehigh
Yalli-y Iron Wotks, atCoplay, Is being
filled 'preparatory to blowing in.
It Is no longer the style to affect
the "Idiot fringe." Ladles may now
show. all' the forehead they may have.
-Great induonmentn In ellke and
black dress goods, nt'tho Original Cheap
Cash .Store, of J. T. Nuebaum & Son.
'A. Special faRt stock train Is now
running, daily over the Lehigh Valley
Railroad between Buffalo and Philadel
phia. We were pleased to meet Mr. W.
M. DuFour on the street Thursday
juorulug.after his severe attack of sick.
-The Immense fall in the prices of
dry jjoods, woolens, &c, nt the Original
Cheap (Cath Store, meets with public
Some six or eight Welsh families
within .the.past week pulled up stakes
nt Slatlngton and went back to their
.native' landi
L.ltf.le Kramer's new residence
and store building is rapidly approach
ing completion. It is located on the
corner of Hank street and Bank way.
- KituaiQce. 0n Sunday evening
PiCv. J.- C. B I lorn, of this place, and
Rev. J . . Kne.rr, .of Welssport, will
.exchange pulplte, both will preach En
glish. The fcnnsyjyaola ron works,
Danville, Pa.,, phave "lighted up sixteen
puddling furnaces and sUrAed the rail
jnill with a prospect of rannlng all
Tho" North Bangor slats company,
Northampton county, Pa., is shipping
.all thelatn lt can produce to England.
The demaud Is largely In excess of the
Everybody seems to appreciate the
sptendld bargains offered them at the
.Original Aheap Cash Store. At least
we Infer so by observing the bandies of
dry goods being' carried away daily.
On Thursday evening, Nor. 23,
Rev. M. DJsslnger, will delivers lect
ure In tne Ebenexer church, Welssport.
Subject: "TUeDevil's Gospel." Ad
mlsslob adults. 1$ cents, children 10
Ji.Iiichect has still a few of those
.eligible lots in Rickertstowu to dispose
of. If you feel like securing a good
home call and see fcija He Is also sp
plying Hour.feed, lumber and coal at the
lowest rates.
Gotlelb Nesley, an old and respi
ted citizen of Beaver Run, died very
suddenly, un -Tuesday last. lie had
breu in Leiilgliton on Monday, and ap
peared Wbe tn his unusual health. IJa
was in hid 72d year. The funeral touk
ylace Thursday, at Lehlghton, and was
largely attetidwl.
Uil Fjxtl?ii'8 Euecuitio Remed?
cures rheumatam, neuralgia, nervous
md kidney diseases. Dit. Kitvlku's
Pectoiji;, SvhDP, lufalllble for coughs,
colds apd bronchlijs. Du. Fittluu s
CouniA. CLisiy., Lixiukut and
Vboutaulb Liveu Pji,ls sold by C.
XV Leutz, sola egent for XUIghton acd
Welssport. 2-Iy
" Hold U Fort, for we ars
coming," with the cheapest stoves la
market. We sell large Cook Stoves for
20.00 with all Uie wuro. Fancy eelf
feudlng'Parlor Htores as low as 19.00.
Don't forget It D. 'T. Uiokkiit,
JCsat WeiwporL
A woman, llnally Idi-ntlflpd as Mrs.
James M'Fm'ilcn, of llydn Park, wns
found drowned In the Lackawanna
river oppoiltn Nay Aug Urnve, Pntk
Place, Luzerna county, on Tuesday
The Scrntiton llrpuhlloan says the
Inte terrlhlo cnllNlon on the Delaware
and Lnekawntina rnll'imd Is the llrt
fatal necldent Hint ever occurred on It
The brakeuian on the rear nf the pas.
senuer train failed lo signal the ap
proaching freight train, as he should
have dune. lie has not been seen since
the accident.
-Nntwithstamllne the fact that Sam.
.T Tllclen has been chosen as the next
President nf the United States, David
Ebliert will continue to let horses at his
livery on North street, on very reason
able terms tn al who apply,
Dr. Bull's Syrup Is a purely
Vegetable Compound, Innocent In na
ture and wonderful In effect. For chit
dren it is invaluable, curing Croup,
Whopping Couch, etc., In a few hours.
Prlee 23 cents per bottle, or flto for
A little child, aced three years,
named EIIIr, was fatally burned at.
Mahanny City, Friday of Inst week.
He blew nut n kerosene lamp which ex
ploded, setting his clothing on fire.
An attempt wus made tn burn the
town of Sugar Notch, near Wllkesharre,
on Filthiy night of laf t week. About
a dozen dwellings and stores weie filed.
Joseph Unwonsky has been arrested on
A. W Mnrsh, formerly connected
ivlth the Lehigh Valley Emery Wheel
Co., has leai-cii thn Welssport hotel,
(Fenner'e).nnd took possession. Uuess,
Amos, kntive how to keep n hotel, If
you go to Wel-sport drop In.
Rev. William C. Helcliel, prnfesaflr
in the Moravian Female Seminary at
Bethlehem, and a historian of consider
able prominence, died last Thursday,
after nil Illness of about two weeks.
On Saturday night a week the main
quarry nf the Helmbach Slate Co , nt
Slatlngton, caved In, precipitating
thousands of tons of rubbish into the
pit, the rcinoral of which will require
the labor of many men for flvo or six
weeks. Fortunately the disaster oc
curred at night when none nf the em
ployees worn about Had It occuraed
in day time It might have resulted in
loss of life.
We have been requested to deny
ho report circulated that a " Republi
can presented II. A. Beltz, Esq., with a
black eye at the election polls on Tues
day last." That gentleman certainly
has had an "eye put on," but until the
political standing of tho Gool Man can
be designated, 'twill be difficulty for
any one to say positively whether It in a
Republican or Democratic " eye,'' not
withstanding that It resulted from an
immense boil. lie didn't tumble from
a horse or run Into a rlnthes line I
The Mauch Chunk Coal Gaietffl
relates the following wonderful cure
" Some years ago John Curran, of this
borough, was sunstruck white working
in Phllndeldhia. It was thought for
i-omo time that he would not recover,
but he lived, though he lost his speech
Slid hearing. For years l.e has made
bis living selling cigars about town, and
during all this time he carried a slate
and wrote whatever he wished to com
municate lo his friends. Some month
ago he went to the Poor lluuse. On
last Monday he suddenly recoveii'd his
speech and hearing, an.l on Tuesday lie
came to town and was able to converse
with his friends. John Is extremely
pleaded at his wonderful recovery, and
well ho may be."
The Devil's Goipel."
Rev. M. DIssinger, the eloquent and
amusing orator, will deliver a lecture
on the above named theme, In the Ebe
nezer church, Welssport, Nov 23, at
7.30 p. m. This lectuie will be deliver
ed for the benefit of the Sunday- school
In tho above named church, which has
In consideration the repairing of its
room, and therefore pray the patronage
of the community. Admission, adults
is cents, cnuareu iu cunts.
Packertoa Chrlatlaia Asauclallnn.
On Friday evening lmt, Nov. 8d,
this association met as usual. Select
readings by Alex. Bowman, Esq. De
bale, subject : "Which Is the most de
structive, fire or waier?" The sub
ject was discuseed by Messrs. Stiles,
Delhi, Koone. Trytliall and McUurtlre.
Singing under direction of Prof. Delhi.
At. the the next meeting, Nov. 17th,
there will be select reading by Alex.
Bowman, Eq,, and a debat", subject ;
" V hichhas the greatest Influence over
man, woman or wealth ?" All are
cordially invited to attend.
From Weatlierly.
After the able speeches of Hons. Al
len Craig and A. 6. Brodhead, at this
place, on Friaay night of last week,
Bill Smith jumped out In front of the
burning tar barrels and relening to
Diteriine's dog, asked what kind of
of times have we now ? But was stop
ped at this point by Bob, who request
ed him to give the entire dog story or
make a speech, when Walter chinned
lu and proposed that they should go
for ale, which settled the matter.
Charley Spanglerand Henry Heeee
were out gunning a few days ago aud
brought home 08 rabbits, which they
sold to Sol. Smith fur $40, mure or less.
Walter wa down to Welssport a
(Uy or so ago, Hnd told the people he
bad a dog with eleven legs, Well,
Walt, .keeps a boarding house, you
know. S.Nijps.
Lehlghton, Pa., Nov. 0, 1870.
To the Editor ol the Cannon advocate.
After compUtely exhausting them
selves during the entire po'itical cam.
paign, Mr. Lynn of the "Democrat,"
and his "nlmcumpoop" edltorlnl stall,
made a big discovery at the eleventh
hour. They concluded that W. M.
Rupsher, Ea , the scholar aud orator,
whs "a fouith-iute lawyer." This was
a wonderful discovery, and l In becoiu
iugaoco7d with the judgment uud pop
ularity cf the late would-be cundlddte
for Associate Judge.
Mr. Lynn and bis staff forcibly re
mind us of a lot of little puppies bark
ing at the heels of au elephant.
Mart Citizens.
Wnlckavllle llrmi,
School at this, place opened under
tho tutorship of W. E. Kemerer on
Monday of last week, for a term of
five months. The nttendftlire so far
hns not been very large on neciuint nf
sumo not being through with their
tvnilt j but 1lll It. Is dully Inrreiulng in
numbers, and In a week nr mi the
grenter port nf tho children will attend
The German Snndny school Rt this
place Is In a flourishing rnmlltlnn. 'Ibis
Sut'day school was organized on the
Oth of June, 1"C0, and Its olllcers have
ever since kept It open, summer ami
winter, nnd you may rest assured that
Ihey will not lenve It get the winter
illjeasn this lime, but will keep It open
for nil who may wish to come. They
lime nt present upwards of 70 mem
bers mi roll. They have In their room
tliren banners bearing tho following In
scrlptlnns, In large nnd beautiful letters,
the first contains the following s
'Waleksvllle Sunday school, organized
Juno Oth. 1809," 2. "Watch nnd pray,"
"Feed my Lnmbs."8.The Sunday school
has also lately purchased n large and
splendid clock for their own use. The
singing is taught by note from a large
black board made expressly for
Mr. Nnthan Zlegenfiiss, of this
plnc, niovt il Intn his new resldenco on
the Hat, on Tuenlay of Inst week.
Still we Olid a Tew of thnse always
behind hand farmers who havo not as
yet done away with their coin When
will they learn to keep up with the
times ? EHm, says never I
The board of directors nf this town
ship have dono a wlso thing In adnpt-
ifu nn entire new series or text hooks,
uhlished by Harper & Brothels, New
York Tills Is a ureat lahir saving to
the teacher, for our schools contained
entirely too many dlffeient kinds of
bonks, so much so that the teacher was
unablo to attend properly to ttie many
classes which he had to meet during a
day. The books for this school were
delivered to our teacher on Tuesday
morning of last week, by Mr. Abraham
Uenry, Secietary of tli board, to whom
the teachers are" most Indebted for this
move, which was In the right direction,
is establishing a uniformity In .text
Rumor has it that a marriage Is to
come off at this place, shortly.
Mr. Uenry will please accept our
thanks for favors shown on Tuesday
of last week, while at this place.
Walck llle, Nov. 7. p. w.
flare M olllea1' Jugged.
A teUgram to the Shenandoah Herald
from Shamokln, dated the 7th In-t.,
say : Put. Hester aud Michael Gra
ham have been nrrented. They are
charged with complicity in the murder
f A. W. Hca. Ttieso arre-is nave uecn
in contemplation for some time, but
everything wasn't, lu readiness until to
day when the birds were caught with
out trouble. Hester was arrested at his
bouse at Locust Gap and was horribly
astonUhed when told of the charge
against him.
Every ono In the coal region has
heard of or remembers the awful mur
der of poor Rea how tin was Btopped
upon the road within a short distance
of hit house bysovernl parties, ho told
hi m to prepare for death j of how he
offered all ho had In thn world If his life
would only be spared to his wife and
little one, and finally ho was shot down
in cold blood while beseeching Ills mur
derers to spare his life. Rao was not
only murdered but robbed, and from
that time up to the present his assas
sins havo escaped justlcs.
Hester and Graham were given a
hearing before 'Squire Reed, In Potts
ville. Daniel Kelley, one of the per
petrators, turned state's evldenw, mak
ing out such a case aualnst Hester that
the latter wa committed without bail
and Graham was remanded for five
thousand dollars ball. Another dis
patch states that Peter Mcllugh, county
delegate of the AncleutOrder of Hilmr
nians, when Rea was murdered, was
also arrested at Frenchtown, Luzerni
county. Tuesday afternoon, and taken
to Pottsvllle. He Is also captured as omi
of the parties Interested In tho murder
of Rea.
The Week of Prayer.
The following is ths programme for
tho Week of Prayer, commencing. Janu
ary 1, 1877, adopted by the British
branch of tho Evangelical Alllance,aud
commended to Christians of other couu
tiles ;
8DKTUT, Jan. 7. Sermons: Christian Fellow,
ship I. John I. 7.
110KDAY, Jan. 8 ThankailTlne and Contri
tion in the review nt the part yoar.
Tuesday, Jaa. . ITajeri For the floly
Spirit on the TJnlveraal Church, Jutl n 18 1 for
Is deliverance from eriorand oomintlon, and
lta incrra'.e ol faith, activity, hobnea., and
Ghilmlan chanty.
Wednesday, Jn. 13. Prayer for famtlles
for the tincouvertel i (or tons and daughters at
achsol and college, and (or thoie abroad i lor
any in alcknes, trouble, or temptation i ami for
those who have been recently " added t the
Thursday. Jan. 11. Prayer (or natlonafor
rnlera, musUtiatra, and btateamoni for philan
thropic ant benevment Institution t (or pure
llterntnte. the apread ot auund i dacation ar.ouft
the pecplr, and the maintenance of peace.
Fkiuay, Jan. li. Prayer (or Chr.atlan mla
elona to the Jews aud Oentllea, Luke xxlv. 17
(or Sandfly -clioois uud lor thucouveieiouct the
wor d to L'HUIVT.
HATUiiUAY.Jau. i: .-Prayer (or the obtervanoo
ot tho ChiUtan babbath i (or the piuuioUou ot
teinpennce, and for the tafetr o( those "who fro
down lu to the aea tn hps, that do nslneaa in
Cieat waters."
BUxpAY. Jan. R Sermons Odo Loud, ono
laitti, one baptism, one Goo ant father o( all.
UpUps. lv. s, .
In the Supreme Court o( the United Stales
MuuiUy, the ui'plicatl n ol Mf. llclva A. Lou.
wood lov ucnniou to prctlutu uii ut.oiuey
id mill Court, was icdieed, on
BUtcd by thud lc(Juatice,thai.bylheunllorui
prurticu ot ihe Ojuh iioiu its organization una
th'jlaircuustri'CUon m Its rules, uouu a e ad
mitted to piaoace befoioll umuiea. Tim Court
uoe-t uut (sol ullud a ion to ujaltencnamro until
such chjniie ia reir Jliod bv at Utu oramoiu
extended u tue blfrber Court ot the
The Cambria Frutnnn aara i Bhlrlevsbnrg,
HautluKUoucoauty, uuu cutry on tho palm tor
eloiieuie.iU, not less itun ihiee lrum that placo
having occurrnl wltuui a very abort time. Uie
last two ol which were participated in bv
faiher add dsuahter, the (ormer of wboin ore.
daddlbd with bll emef-ln-law. aid toe latter
"lit out" with a married man residing In the
Our Philadelphia Letter.
IMIII.A., Pa., Nnv. 8, 1870.
Dkaii Advocatk : Well, the agony
and suspense. Is over at last, nnd Tlldeu
ntul Hendricks nrn tho lucky men.
Now, let us .settle right down to busi
ness, lu earnest, nnd drop politics fur
another four yenrs nt least. Let us
take down the rani which so lotii hns.
borne the inserlplliiu, "No Political
DIm'imiIoih AIIowimI," mid cast It Into
the tire, fur It hns grown dlity nnd
dusty In Its well performed service, nml
its davs nf usefulness nte o'er. Now
that the contents of the political rnldron
hnvo simmered down, let us give tnnro
attention tn nur duties at home let lint
tho children lenger bo disappointed, ns
nt evening Hour they press their little
inees 'gnlnst me window pane nnd look,
and look In vain for the coming of pa
pa Let not the good wife find fault
nny more nt the lateness of our coming
home, our Irregularity of step or our
ineniierency or speech. Let us reform
Indeo l. Let us ho morn considerate tn
the neighbors with whom we may hnve
differed on political points If their
choice has been successful, good I If
ours, better I At any rntn let us sny
"Willi malice toward none, witli clmrlty
for all, with firmess In the right, ns
God gives us to seethe right, let us
unisn tun worn we are in,"
The New York Herald says, "Ho-
turns troni 111) districts In llrooklvn
give Peter Cooper la votes, and lu this
o'ty (New lork), he comes out with
the solid vote of 202, resolute support
ers." Peter will now, It Is presumed,
stick to his glue.
Tho Philadelphia Inquirer of to-dny
says, "The election of Mr Tllden, if It
has occurred, menns thn repeal of the
Resumption law of 1870, nnd under
that repenl there Is hope that business
confidence will be restoted nnd trade
revived "
Tho Philadelphia Press of to-dny
says, "The voice of the people has been
heard, nnd It Is the duty of every good
citizen to give his support to nil Admin
istration In conformity with the Con
stitutional safeguards of tho Republic."
The man who said "Did'ut I tell you
so ?" Is to be found on most everycor
tier. How wlso we are and how know
ing we become when we know every
thing I
They say the source of the Salt River
commences In a "pool," which mny bo
so, but I fear there are many who will
not wish to Investigate any further in
"pools" for many long years to come.
"Raw, raw, lor vlctoiy I" he said,
so they gave him a half dozen on the
half shell at.d put him to bed.
"We have a glorious victory," say
many who did not vote for the wiunlng
side any.
"Bind up my wounds, give me an
other hoes I" say thoss who are anx
ious to repair the lots.
And he wheeled th victor In an old
wheelbarrow, whilst tho wln'ry winds
chilled him through to the marrow.
He hunt; his boots upon the hat rack
and attempted to take off his hat with
the boot jack. His better-bait hurried
from her bed and these wero the words
she said : "Augustus, I'm glad the
election is over, and I hope you'll not
dabble In politics any more." Augus
tus simply said, "II lo. Iilc, hlc, no use
talking darling, I'm sick, sick, sick I"
A few days since a visitor to tho Cen
tennial handed the conductor of ono nf
our street curs a flvo dollar bill to
change, and to take out the faru for
himself anil companions, Now it so
happened the conductor at that moment
had to get off at a slenm railway cross
ing to see If all was clear belorn signal
ing tho driver to come on. Imagine
his BurprUe at being overtaken and
collared by our guest to the big show,
who said "eo hero young mini, I'm
from the country, I know, but I'm
datned If you get away with my Cve
dollars In that way."
She had been shopping, bIio was just
crettlne out of the cars, elio held n
satchel and a bundle in her right
hand and In her Jeft she held a glass
globe filled with water, and fish swim
ming timidly In It. The car stopped
suddenly. Oh, horrors I tho sntcliel
and bundle went one way and sho and
the glnbo and the gold fish thd other I
Sho was exceedingly angry, she picked
up herself, she wus assisted in recover
ing what she could from tho wreck, aud
as sho marched out of the car with her
satchel, her bundle nnd the globe with
the poor gold fish squirming and gasp
ing for water, she said "I'll be glad
when this old Centennial Is over."
Wo are to have another steamship
1'nc between this port and Liverpool.
The first steamer Is to leave the other
side on the 11th of this month. How
haudy this will be for me, should I bo
commissioned to report tho Paris Expo
sition of 1878 for tho Advocatb. You
see tt would give me the chance to select
either of the lines I might perfer, or
perhaps we may have flvo or six lines
beforo that time for me to select from,
who. knows ?
There was a city of 10,000 or more
Inhabitants which did not cast a single
vote for Tllclen, and many bets wero
won on the same by the knowing ones,
Washington, D. C. was the city. Hayes
did not receive any votes there either.
The attendance lessened considerably
at the Centennial last week, and the
voting trains wero filled with voters
who were hurrying homo to save the
count! y by casting their ballots for the
man of their choice.
Lots of huts were won and lost on
the election, but in many cases bricks
were can led In the hats of both win
ners and losers.
Yours, peacefully,
P. A. FitiRersld, aged ta, a Philadelphia
actor, huuK muiselt ou Friday at his resilience
lu that city, lie was lu pecuniary difficulty,
Charles Stallord. of Mesdvlile, foroutrating
a tclil, ha been aenleuced tothetftiuteutMiy lu
AileKheuy lorflltemi yeaia and to payal.uoo
flue llielu.l oxluut.
(Jen. Da Id JllclJncoffuled at Hhipnensburtr
on 'I uoadav last, aieea HI. Us wasu luemoeruf
the statu Legislature lu IS&s and a native of Ad
ams ouuuly,
OolJ.milh llalil trotted a mile In Milt at
llelieunt l'uik ou Saturd .y. The trarlt waa 111
a guod voudl.lou, but there was a brisk north
wind wblon doubtless luteiroiud with tue stride
ol the jrame old mure.
A valuable mine ot bsrytea hat been dlscov.
ered near Fort Littleton. Fulton couutv. Pa.
There are thousands ol tons ot this valuable
mlnsraluaed annually tn the United btatesln
the inaoataotnre oi paluta, etc., which baye
been, supplied principally from Oeim&ny.
Fnll nml Winter Styles.
T. I). Clnuss announces to his friends
that ho hns Just returned from the rlty,
and Is now opening his fall and winter
goods, comprising cloths, c.nsslineres
nnd vesiingsof the latest designs ami
thn best tiiMinfnctnre, which he Is pre
paid! to uinko up In thn mn-t fashion
nhle nml durable manner, at. prices ml
ly ns low as the sncie material nml
wiirkiuniishlp can he obtained for hi
any other town In the State Also, n
lull Hue nf gent's furiilshl.ig goods, tints.
l enps, boots, slioes and gniters sultnhle
for the wear of this section, nnd inniiii
fncturetl exprtwley lu his of tier, The
entire stock hns been purchased on nn
entirely cash basis, nnd ns ho Is selling
for cn'h only hn is nhle to sell at such
prices ns will astonish purchasers. Call
nnd examine goods and prices before
purchasing elsewhere,
The Coal 'Pratle.
Ihe liiliomuclabl" shows tho quantity otcnnl
hlpiKid nvci tho l.ehlijli Vnllcv joiilioncl for ill?
wei- emlliiK Nov. i, 187.1 nnd firtho yO'irfs
comnnird r th the same time last yenrt
Keglonn l'roni, tvrrk. Year
VVymulllj? 19.418 0 1 1.W3.G9I (K
Itltzlelou 69 MJ IS l,5.'8.'-l'.', (0
Upper J.i'lllRh 2,400 13
llwvvcr Meadow 18910 08 662,(37 Oi
Mllhanoy 14,2t a 7 451,614 18
Jlftuoi Chunk ;to 11 13803 U
TnlDl 112:91 03 8S04 (3
t.nst Year U7,(u2 04 2.V.9 277 0
lncreiso 6,tti 19 C.H8I3 is
HISI'OIIT OP COAT, tranported over Lehigh
fe Mii"u Jiannn Division, central It It. ot
New Jersey week eudlne Nov. 3d, If78
Total week. Tndnto.
Shipped (roiu ton", cwt tons, cwi
WyotllinK 33,P1 10 1101,219 18
Upoer l.ehlgli 7.017 18 2 3..U1 17
lluiver Meadow 11.477 10 3li2,is'j t7
llai'cton 7,74105 129,s(i0 15
Mntich chiuiK O.C'J 17 S1.V1I8 11
Unznrdvllle 2d 433 U0
Smith and Jtidil
Total 7?.m-,01 2 3G5.73! 18
Previously tenoned 2.293 13) 12
Total to date 2,S", 7.13 18
Heme lime last ye tr 2,033 677 19
Increase 334,756 09
The Election.
Tho following tnblo shows the ofrl
clnl vote of Lehlghton, Welssport nnd
Franklin township, as polled on Tues
day last for tho soveral candidates :
W'port. Frnklln. L'ton
Preldent, Tllden, 62 ISO 222
" Hares, Si 101 191
Alio. JuJxh, Leonard, 64 163 'til
" " Foster, 30 1113 18!
Congress, Collln, 63 101 220
" Waller, 3) 1C1 li
State Senator, Burnett, 63 101 220
" " Sehoch, 31 lot 197
Assembly, Krsainsr, 63 172 22.1
" Sweeney, 41 116 132
" Kaphr, 34 1S 27e
" Hudson, 85 153 102
rrothonolary, IVIst, 67 101 2;h
" Kemerer, 25 103 135
Sheriff, Itsudeobush, 67 171 138
" Painter, 27 151 270
Jary Com., Keller, 62 101 222
" " Soott, SI 101 US
(Jen. Miles' Fight with Sitting' Dull.
The correspondent of the Now York
Herald, writing from Cabin Creek, M.
T., October 21, thus describes the fight
of General Miles with Sitting Bull's
command :
" On the prectpitons rise !mmd!atolv bo'ore
n, compered of nlah (travollr knolls, were Ihe
mila bodf of Sioux. The ruvino of the stream
divided lo the neht ; one portion running far to
the ncltt. the other extending: to theuoiihand
hit alone the line of the advance. On the left
it tin. branch was a very hlzh llclt'C command
Ins the wholoplatt of thn field nml distant from
tne ravine a low hundred ynrds. This waa
corercd br Indian.. The praltie beroml the
ht'lirhlH. ou which the main Imdy ot tboM'onx
had tslten up position, w.ts 10. Hair, a-,'h
hw"II ilelng lusher for st-veiat nulf. Ihe
gioutid nn tho rlEhlot therltrht brant h nf the
Httoum vtas similar to that on the left but 1101 so
" The plan of the Indians, it appeared now,
wan te Kt the fifth ieimerji to paa the main
force .nt) thus becuuio entatifrled In tho ravines
and low around. while lit crowning the snrruun.
dine heifthie they would be entbleto pour a
concentrated lite 011 the ma and tenet the
Custer butchery. Oeneral Miles waa not the
tnau to be thus cntraoped and bv Captains
Ui Mr (.ml Coney's moves uefei'od thelirst pai t
ol thlnprofrrauune. Ills plan was ns petluctaa
Its execution was complete
" The line wna now inovtua onl of the ravine
ami up the precipitous, the Indians ulv
in wav Kradnaliy and easily In front, not vet
fhnng a snor, tue atmtstlo apparently restrain
ing both lorces. The .iub now out of the
ravinua aud up the pieclpttoua frravil bitt'es
As the tine atproachetl the summit of tho he crht
the loux fiogan their wild wurdano.) lit our
front. Tins waa tho first hostile demonstration
Maur might have been killed now b. the Hod.
mm mm, but that tho dtslUe 10 be 11 ret. to break
tho arinlHice prevailed with Oinoral Miles. The
Hodman gun was pushed (orward on tho nirbt
gad was moving furward In good order when 11
ahot from tne rear passed through Lieutenant
Pope's company, and was at once returned by
the eairei men, who were tired ot Halting This
company was at once ordered to clear thera.
vines and the knolls whence the shots uiime.
At tho same time the main line adrauci'd rapid
it. the tua 11 (toi.t o( the cioax dished In clrolns
along the front dtlivering a rapid fit e ar.d then
disappearing behind tho sw9i,s. Their riding
wus inaRiiitlceut, but the dre was quito incfftw
"Meanwhile tho gallant Kosseati worthy o(
bll great brother's reputation, moved straurht
up ths lolly height under a rapid 'tire until he
reached thj summit and securul the aey o( the
neld. It was handsomely done, and without
loss of life, aided by the booming of tho Hod
man. The Sioux now onven from every Im
portant point flanked aud (oiled, made wide
ctrciea. and many came arout.d to the rear or
(link and rear of Companv K. which had beeu the train unal It was
out ol danger. These Indians in the rear took
possesslou of each height, aud dismnuniingdld
some close nrlua. Here Borveant MoPhenn,
C'omiuiuy K. was wounded severely (rom uahot.
I'np Indians now tired the prairies in (rout, and
amid tho flimos tho Ught ooutlnuod unill no
Sioux remained to oouoso the edvauee. Of the
number actually engaged or the lo. Incurred
on tho elite o( the Indians it Is Impossible .0
apeak with any certainty. The Fifth bad three
haudreiand uluetj-vight all told, and the In
diana ceitaiuly aitatiy outnumuered these,
hittlug Hull's torces ate etuuaid at six hun
dred on tie Held, hat many did not take part m
tue ugni.
"It usa sluoe been bestd that there were three
bands, 1 1 all dftoea liuud.ea warriors, ot wbloli
only lew took part. Uix dead Indiana were
seen lylug on tho floloj but as they had lull op
poituuity lo carry off their detd brtorethey
could be reached by the tioopi It Is reasonable
tn betlovo a ereat number were filled. What
ever ineir loa In illkl may hnvu been, more
sevete was tue loss 01 sevetat ions 01 urieu onr
falo mo it and a lariro amouut oteatup equipage.
For this I hey had fought, aud bv the loss ot the
flht tho nr(.atizu o( cutting Hull was diminish.
ed. Uis punlsuuieut (or the destructl in of a
raiiantnanu oicavuiry was acoumoustieu uy
nfnutrv alone, not ' oivalry soldier or officer
being ou the Held In this engagement."
This Is a good season (or beats. Six were
recently killed in Tloa-t county, one ol them
weighing S1.0 ponudi.
The estate of tho deceased Pittsburg coal
king, W II, llrown, foots up over S3.25J.oou. in
eariy II fo he dug coal at one and a halt ceuta per
Edward 8. btokea has rented apartment! in
Cnestnnt street, aud la to spend some tlmo in
Pht.adulphla, bla native city, belore going Into
business ag In.
A life nn statne of William Ponn In
vices oi the (ounuer ot Pennsylvania. Is to he
treated 111 Fairmont Paik, m pruxltuUy to
l..Mna ... Ammamn. ut,..,. nt Ihi. Hta arirl ,.r.
siemotiai nan
-Mr.. Kather Alsdurt. the oldest Inhabitant
ot Malta township. Crawlord icuuty. died last
Saturday ut the aae ot nluoty.oight. Horn dur
lug the revolutlou, she h id 011, lived her own
eucNUou. bae. wttu net nusoann, w as among
tin earllnat uAttlera In that Dart nf the euuutrv.
bh l-avea a great mauy deseendania there ami
at Union.
William Follls. a man who waa la the battle
of Waterloo, ujiler We.hnxcaa. dtet a low diys
ago, at n icnoiaaviue, uy.
Tho death of Cnrdlnal'Antonelll Is
nnnouncudiby Atlantic cable. He was
Intiio 71st'year of his ago, and, owing
to sovero Illness, Ills death had beon ex
pected for somo lime. Glacomo An
toiielll was borne In Somlno, tn Italy,
or parents belonging to tho middle claits,
nnd wns educated for tho Church. His
nblllties soon beenmo evident, nnd after
holding several positions under I'opo
Gregory XVI, ho wns, In June 1874,
rnlsed to the dignity of Cardinal Dencon
by Pius IX. Cardinal Atitonnelll was
Secrelnry of State to the Pope, Presi
dent ot thu Council of Ministers. Pin
feet of the Sacred Apostolic Palaces, of
tho sncred coHgregntlon of Lorettn, and
of the Cousultn, nml was for twenty
eight years thn agent In nil matters ro
latlng to the diplomatic Intercourse of
tho Itomait Court with the rest of the
.llattciN of Intercut.
Jnliu llalitwln, r3r riled Taridav moinlngla
New York from blows received from hla -.on.
Tho latter s tys Ins father's eituU was (laetured
by nn atcldeutal (all,
Ilrnce Dickson a heavy onerntor In the oil
region, died on isunilay morniug last.
Judge Wcav.r. of Texts, dto.l ntOaliisvll ,
lu that -'t'ltp ou the 4th Inst. He was n terse
writer and A fluent spealter.
Arthur F. ench died recently nf stnrvatton,
In laimloi. Ills gtunlfather was niddeoiuip
tn the lather ot Queen Victoria, nml his uuc.o
comtnsndeJ the until Dingouu-.
Theie was a sei lona not lu Chnrlston, 8. G,
We luesilav evening llrouu street was crowded
Willi Ii. neks uud whites, excited nndntixioui
over the election returns A dispute b.ttweeu
u itepjblic-tn unit lieuiocrnt was fol, owed by
Ihe blocks, who wet e In themrjority, opouiuu a
eeucia tlto upon the whites and diiving them
fioji the street (or 11 lime Thn whites somral
lied nnd a shnro t-onfl'Ct ensued, which was
speedily stopped by tho U. IS. tioops, who ar
rived qiucltly 011 the scene end dlspeised the
mob. Two men one while in.l ore black
wero killed, aud several blacks and about a
doseu whiles were wounded.
A. P. IlO'lin, ot Ilradlilg, has been present
ed by a u.itud arcluo ilomt ot (re.uud, and a
member ut tho lt"yal Irish noid 1 ny, with bl
specimens ot ancient stone luipioutouti, boiong
inu lo t.10 Neollt'ilo or Polisne.t Sone Age.
'1 ho collection Is nn interesting one.
At tho meeting nt ths Itoforuted Synod at
Heading the topoi t of the snptiuito lent ot iu
Men sho a a th..t there nre f jrty missions under
the onto of the missionary bosnl tout receive
assistance. Uf this nu uber sovouteen are lu
tho o. stern sj-ikkI, two vo lit the I'll tabu g
synod and tlreo under thn euro of the mission
ary superintendent. Tno amounts expended
ny the il'tfjicut svnods tor missions are as fol
lows: Kasleru synod, t150: Pittsburg synod,
t:2i8 -ynod of Potomao. 81770. The total
smount contributed ftom 11 sources for the
cause of missions is 410,651.8'), It is suggested
b. thn treasurer of tho .illusion board, lu Older
to siiDnly the wants til the missionary work,
that Sli.oO 1 will bi required to defray the ex
penses ol tho current year.
A large number nf repeatersand fraudulent
voter were uireslod in Philadelphia Tuesday.
Mr. Bott the (risky Oaptlst preacher In
Philadelphia has tin. n dismissed hy the church
couferenco having his cae under examination.
A new 800ft suspension bndgo has been
thrown neioss tho Mouongahelu at Ptttabnrg.
Chain cables are used lutead of tho ordinary
A visitor at Philadelphia being ask-d
whetuer he preteired Dictates to stacutry, sala
ho 1 prefei red tho latter, as "you kin go all
ronuti the starxios, bat you ciu't seo only one
side or the p.cters."
Closing Prices of DeIIaven & Town
sknd, Stock, Government and Gold
40 South Third Stteet, Philadelphia,
Nov. S)th, 1875.
t7. s.d's. if-cl 7k bid 17I4 asks
11. S. 8-7. 's. 1803 p 14 bid 10 ask
U. s. 5.20's, 1(JJ. & J.... im Md 13 askt.
V. 8. S-:u's 1867 liii bid 18 aslut
It. s. ,-.20'h, 180S 10H hid I7! aslu.
V. S. 1U-4.H 14 bid u ask
tl. H. 1 tirrency, 8's 24 bid 24 1, ai.kt.Ml
U 8. 6's I85I. new 12 bid 12 H asked
I'ei nsvlvunia It. It 46 bid 10 1, asked
riiiln .V Itonillug 11. It 2h bid 21 H atkel
Lehigh Vlley II. It 50 bid 50) asked
I eMgn Coal ,tfc Jsnv. Co ... SJ'i tad 3t asked
United Ceiiip.tnies of N. J.I3n, bid 137 asked
oil creek A ll. Val. it. It. sli hid 81, asked
Phils, .t l.i 113 11 it 131, bid 14 asked
rtnithoni Ctntral it. It.... 2II uid 20 1, asked
Iletinnvtllo Pass. It. It. Co 21 bid 24V asked
ca nwissa It it. prciei rod. 3914 bid 4" asked
Oolil us, md 9(, nea
Special Notices.
ir jon tvaut to b Stong, Health
and vigorous taker,. P Knnkel's Hitter Wp
of Iron. No lanenoge can convey an adeqnM
idea of the Immediate nnd nlmosr marvelot
change produced by taking E. F. Knnkel'a B.
ter wine of Iron in the dtseaswl, riebllltstx
and shattered nervous system, Whetherbrokri
down bv exceas, wesk by nature, or linpared bi
e.ckuess. the relaxed an unsti nngorgaulzatioi
Istestoredto perfect health nml vigor. Sob
only lit $1 bottles. Sold by all druggists am
dealers every whs, e.
Xenons Debility. Nervous Debility
Debility a depressed, irritable state ot mind
weaa", nervous exhuntcd feeling no energy or
animation, cutifnscd head, weak memoiy, and
consequences of excess, men si overwork. This
nervous tleuilliy hods a soverlgn cure In E. F.
Knnkel's mttcr Wlua ol Irou. Ir tone the ava.
trin, dispels the mental gloom and despondency,
nnd t ejuvlnstes the entiio system. Sold oul v in
1 bottles. Get the genulue. Take only hi. "
Knnkel's, It I as n yellow wrapper around It, fcli
photograph on outside. Bold by vnur drnirgtsi.
Ii 1" Ktlhkel Proprietor, .No io9 Nortn Nluth
Btreet, Phllai'.tlnhin. ra. fiend (or circular or
advice iree. I'ry inv groat reiimny. Oat It of
yourdrusg:st, alx bottle for 11.01. It cannot
lull. It is guaranteed to do as (s recommended.
Worms t Worms I Worms J
E. P. Kunkel's Worm 8yrnp never (alls to re
move ali klpds ot worms 8eat, Pin. and Stotu.
uehe Worms aro icndlly removed bv Knnket'a
Worm syrup, nr Knnkei 1- the only succa.s.
lul pliystciun In the country (or Ihe removal nf
Tape worms. He removes them lu 2 to 3 ho.irs,
wlta head and allootuploio nilve. and no fee
until head Is passed. Common ense teaches 1(
Tab a Worm can be removed, all other wmms
can bereadilv ileatroted. Ask your
for a bottle or Kunkel's Worm Syrup, Price
11.00 per oottl'j It never (at's. K he has tt net.
havo btin get It. or send to Proprietor. K. P.
Kunkel 29 North Ninilt btiee. Philadelphia,
Pa. (Advice at offloe tree, or by mail.) Nor. 11.
Q AND AI, WOOD much grestsr
power In restoring to a huslthy ststetbe mu
cus membrane ot tne urethra thanelthei Cubeba
or l opaiba. It never produces sickness. Is cer
tain and -needy tu Its action, it ta last -uper.
aeding every other remedy, Hlxty cpules
cure In six or eight days. Mo other medicine
can do this.
Dundaa Hick it Co.'s Hot I Capsules eontamlng
OUo(8iudalwoKi, sold at ah Drug Stores Ask
(or circular, or scud to Si nnd 37 Wooster street,
JJew Vork, for oue. p2B ma
OSK PA It LOU PIUTURE, printed In ten
colors 1 Pocket Knlle (white handle). 18
Blank Vbdtlug Cards, IS sheets Writing
Paper. 12 White Envelopes 1 Itabher, 8 Pens
the lot sent post paid (or 21 cents. U. J.
KUHTZ, 407 Canal tit,, 1st Ward, Philadelphia.
Circulate snt (roe. Aug.Ss.
WANTP.D the bnslness men to know that laey
can get JOB PitINTI.NO done cheaper ae
CAtinoN ADVocatu Ofllce than at any other
plaoe In the county. Try us.
Manhattan OIL Company,
Lubricating and lUiiuiloatiiig- Oils.
wm. mawjub. nooma;. veohouta' Ex
change, TUIltU and WAl-VUT StrettSj Phl.a
uoiifittt, t . HOV. SO, 1S70.
fresh Philadelphia Lager Beer tl wars on tap.
Cigars o( (Jbicest tlators. and sU other Hilda
el ftofresbuiente to ne (ound In a utat-eldaa1
Stloon. PitKiC LUNCH tvery ilomlna 11 lu
o'elook. f.l whoa you ajo to ifauch Olmuk,
July 18, l78-yl