The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 04, 1876, Image 3

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Of Mauch Clinnfc
-t i ' : r
Society McclliiBN.
STtfCIIKN Tmnit, SM. Iran. O. of R. M., meets
in ltelev' Hiill.nvey Saturday evmil"rtat
0 o'clock. Hacheni, Harry B. Kroidieri It., Gco.W Dlohl.
' HFtNlTe' CAHTLI, No. T9, A. O. K. OF TllR M. , C.
5ml and 4th slondavot each month, In lle
ber'a llnll. Lehlghton. al ;7iJ0 o'clock r.
'ill. J. Hensickcr, 8. K,,0.i S. n.,ailuain,
.ivd& 11,14.
SAtlEH I1UTTRK U)10!!. No. SW. I. O. O. t.
' iio(s every Tuesday evening, at 8 o clock,
I 'tn'ier'a Hull. Alfioil Beck, N. O. I N.
i Urbor, Secretary.
"v a PocATruw(No. 171. Imp. O. B, M., meet
n Wednesday evening of encn week, Ht 7::I
o'clock tn Public Bcliool Hull, Welsspnrt
Fa. ,D. F, Mckert, B., 8 B. Ollham, C. of H
EllOilTOM Lmott. No. Ml K. of P.. meets
iuton Friday ecnli'gA in Beiier1 ns.ll, at 7:50
o'clccu. .1. W. Hattdeubusli, O. 0. T. it.
BatclifT, K. of IV, and H.
v ylttVcvUNlnpr Itntos.
' 'ivW'I'Ire rt trl 6e distinctly understood thnt
u ndveuisemeuls will, he Inserted in the col
lam of Till UAMioN AnvocATB Hint rony he
delved from unknown parties or firms tinlosa
sc-iturintcd with tbe Gash, The following are
r omr,tina.
VMVsBinentS Mr lyeir, per Inch each
lns-rtlon . . V!0'
' H(i Months, per Inch each insertion 15 cts.
" ThteA Months, " " ' W CM.
Lena Than three month, first inser-
IIm. II aanh lllhaan I, ff llianrtlfin i-SHIS-
is! natters li orintR ner lino,
' II. "Vi MOBTIIIMER, Publisher.
11. S1KWER8,
Omen, Ko. 2, Mansion Home,
SVfl'mt Estates, Filing Accoanta and Orphans
O mri i in-tico a specialty.
Trial of Ct.ii'es carolnllv attended to. Legtl
ani'&otlona In English and German. Jan .
Local and Personal.
9" Tattles receiving, the Advocate
.with a'Cross marked after their names
D'H please remit the amount due for
nbscrjptlou, or the extra 50 cents will
.io added to pay the expenses of collec
tion, gj
Th Buck MountalP Coal Company
announces n dividend of three per ceut,
payable Novemher'l.
Bead Nusbaum's popular an
tiouncement in another column, and
.consult, ynur bosv interests.
How Is K ? Potatoes retail Inrhlla
(."lphla at 00 cents per pusbel, heio
tbey atptl .00tbtl.10.
Great Inducements in Bilks and
black dress goods, at the.Orlglnal Cheap
Cash Store, ot J. T. Nusbaum & Son.
At Eastern .Monday, .Allen C Laros,
convicted of poisoning his father, on
the Slat of May last, was sentenced to
1.0 banged.
Governor Hartranft has Issued a
proclamation desip;iiating ,Tliui?day,
Not&uber 80tlias a tliy of'thanksgW
ing In this State.
-Th'lmmeiise fall In the prices of
c'ry good, woolens, &c, at the Original
Oheap Cash Store, meets with puWIc
fiivr 1
David Ebbert Is still ahead of all
others lu the livery business. Ills teams
.are all A.Xo. 1. and his prices are down
to mlt the times. Stables on North St.
Mr. C. W. Lentx will be In tho city
shottly for the puipose of purchasing a
new and handsome, stock of wall papers,
f ancyjatflclesj'&p. (Look out for novel
ties'. 4'
A Everybody scorns to appreclste'tho
f plendld bargains offered them at the
Original Cheap Cash Store. At least
we Infer so by observing the bundles of
dry goods being carried away daily.
IC-O.d Wednesday the Lehigh Valley
(Railroad '-Co. commenced paying the
coupons due July, 1875, and January
and July, 1870, 'on the first mortgage
bonds of the Ithaca and Athens Hall
road Co.. '4 ,
On Wednesday morning Colonel
.James Moore, of Elizabeth, N. J., was
fcimcrally installed as General Super-
i ntendent of the Central ltallroad of
New 'Jersey, vice Colonel It. E. Kicker,
Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup should
Vent In nvnrv famllv. . A ullnht cnubli.
it not cnccKeu, is mien ine torcruuner
of Consumption, and- a timely dose of
this, wonderful medicine has rescued
many frpiU v4n early grajo.
If you are suffering from coughs,
'bronchitis',-or pcrofnloas diseases, get
a bottle of Osmuri's' Cod Liver Oil and
Lluie. at Durllng's" drug store, It Is
vAiy highly rucommebded by those who
huvo used-It. r
. .-r-J..K. liiclcerthas still a few of those
eligible lots In Klckertgtown to dispose
oU If you feel like securing -a good
home call and see him He-Is also sap
plying U6ur,feed, lumber and coal at the
lqwest rates.
j F. P. Semmeroffersiit private sale,
on i very reasonable, terms, seventeen
very pleasantly located building lots on
tiro old.iair grounds, in this borough.
'This offers a rare opportunity for per
sons desiring to build thernselves a
holuo. .For further particulars apply
-tQT. P. Serumelat bis hardware store,
og Baqk'Street.
sums rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous
and kidney diseases. Da. jiTltElt's
PECToaiL Syitcpj-lufallible for coughs,
colds aud bronchitis. I)n. Fittlkks
CoKDiA't, Caluata, Liniubst and
VEOirrAitLB LiyjBB Pills sold by C.
Sf. Lientz, sole agent for Leblghton and
WelssporL JMy
A telegram from Scrantoo gives a
list oi (wo persons Kiuea aua twenty
v6 Injured by the collision on the Dels
ware, Lackawanna arid Western Ball
road atiGoJdsboro', on Tuesday nlcht.
Four of the injured were not expected
to, recover, I no pusseuger train was
two. hours behind time, and was taking
water ut tho Summit when tho coal
train dasuud into IU rear.
Of Wclssport.
The country roads are In lino con
dition for traveling.
The 143d Pennsylvania ItPKtment
Veteran Volunteer held Its annual ru
union at Wllkesbarre Thursday.
The General Passonger A gent of
tho Lehigh Valley ltallroad was In To
ronto Tuesday, arranging for an 'xciir
slon to the Centennial Exhibition to-day
(Saturday,) which will Include all the
teachers In the Province of Ontario.
A grand Bopubllcan rally Is " bill
ed'' to take placo lu East Welssporl;
this (Saturilav) evening. The speak
ers announced for the occasion are Hon.
0. Albright, of Mauch Chunk, and V.
M. Bapshrr, Esq,, of this boiough.
" Hold the Fott, for wo aro
coming," with the cheap! stoves In
market. We sell largo Cook Stoves for
20.00 with all the warn. Fnucy self
feeding Parlor Stoves as low as t9.00.
Don't forget It. D. F. Kickkht,
East Welssport.
NianT Scnooi. To open Wednes
day evening, Nov. 8, at 7 o'clock, In
the High School room. Terms : $1.23
per month. School open three nights
a week. Parties desiring to attend please
call on W. E Smith, teacher, at the
Exchange Hotel, before Wednesday.
Ton will of course be at the ball of
Lehigh Hook & Ladder Co., on Friday
evening next, the 10th Inst. The balls
of thU company ate always well enn
ducted, rendering It pleasant and agree
able for all who patronize them with
their piesence. Tickets only $1 each.
Tho nine o'clock train from Scran-
Ion, on the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Ballroad, consisting or seven
teen cars, was run Into by a coal train,
near Goldtboro' station, Monday night.
Ono of the cars was burned and two
telescoped. Five persons wero killed
and about thliteen Injured.
Tho financial article of the Now
York Times of Tuesday says, "the. up
ward movement In coal stocks seems to
have been due to a report that Edward
W. Clark, nresldent of tho Lehigh Oual
and Navigation Company, Is possibly to
succeed Mr. Knight as president of the
Now Jersey Central."
Anton Binder, residing nearLe.
high Gap, was out gunning on Wed
nesday, and In getting over a fence
with his gun in ins naiui, muzzle up,
It accidentally "went off," the content
entering his head, killing him Instantly.
He leave a wlfo and four children.
The funeral will take place to-day (Sat
Tho Lehigh Valley railroad brought
down in forty-eight working hours.en
dlng at Boven o'clock on Wednesday
morning, of last week, 5,295 cars of
coal, 'llie Lehigh and Susquehanna
rallraod brought down, in twenty-four
working hours, ending at seven u'clock
Tuesday morning, of last week, 1,881
cars of coal.
A large and enthusiastic Democra
tic meeting was held at Steinlersvllle,
on Wednesday evening. The speakers
on the occasion wereK. K. Slewers and
P. J. Median, Esqs., of Mauch Chunk.
They epoko neatly and effectively, If
wo may so Judge from the frequent and
hearty shouts of applause with Which
tlielr remarks were greeted.
Three "sleepers" and a passenger
coach of the Buffalo express train bound
north on tho North l'ennsylvauia Kail
road, Wednesday night, were thrown
from the track at Centre Valley by the
breaking of ar axle. A brakeman aud
a porter were killed and several persons
wero Injured. Tho latter were cared
for by surgeons sent on a roUef train
from Zfcthlehon.. Tho track was ob
structed for several hours.
D. F. Bickerl, stovo and tin ware
dealer ot East Weistiport, a few days
ago presented us with a newly patented
frying pan. This pan Is so arranged
that the odor arising from anything
cooking is conveyed downwards to to
wards the lire and passes off up the
flue, thus preventing the offensive and
disagreeable odor passing through the
house. It Is a capital Invention. Try
one, they are as cheap as the common
frying pan.
Messrs. Durllng, Kreamer, Felst
and Baudenbush, visited Summit II 11 1
on Filday of last week, and while so
journing at the Eaglo Hotel were hand
somely serenaded by the Cornet Band
of that town. For which compliment
tho Dr. and his friends desire us to re
turn tlielr sluceru thanks. Dr. Krea
mer is working with all tho energy he
is possessed of to secure his election.
dnd what with his own efforts and those
ot his friends, we are decidedly ot the
opinion that be will be one of the Sue
cessful candidates next Tuesday.
The Bepubllcans held a meetins
Beltz's tavern, In, Franklin townshlon
Tuesday evening. The principal speak
er was II. F. J.Brown, a clerk from
one ot the departments of the govern
ment. IHs " heavy" point was that
Joseph Feist, the Demociatic candidate
for Protbouotary, is a poor man and
that his parents are also poor.aod there
fore he should not be elected. Most of
our honest men are poor just now, Mr.
B.,and especially Is this the case among
Democrats who have generally been
unfortunate in not being olUciaU under
tho Grant Administration.
The committee appointed to open
and count the votes polled for the
officers of the Statu Council ot Pennsyl
vanla, United Order ot Americans.
have performed that duty, and report
ed the following gentlomen have been
elected to serve until May, 1877: S. C,
Wm. A. Piper, of 30; 8. V. O., Max
uress, of 13: B.V. Seo.. John 1'. liatt,
of 80; S. 0. Treas., John Krlder, of
175l S. C. Ind.. Walter Graham, ot
109; S. O. Ex., Chas. E. Howitz, of
1: o. u. i'ro., L. u. Kemercr, ot zzu.
Mr, Henry U. Keim, the chairman of the
deroocmuo commute of IWrks comity. of
toe i-ipitcO doinociatio inajunti ll.ero; "am
for tlio urtibub e democrat, u ujulonlr In tho
county, f tnli'k ibe Ultima cuu bo mfciy put
down at als tbouiuuiu Uvi liuudrai. 1'bo uiu
Jorttr may oela.ger, aud It may nut, I would
uottulriao an uojyio banc tlielr coloulallona
on auy more fur Urrlu county."
Of Lchtghton.
ttlp; Greek ltemt.
Big Crci k lleraa were amnwrit the mining
for ii number of wocka on account of the br
acaeon, but isfarmwoik has been done away
mlh. I will now linvo a little more lelaure time,
ao hero icoea t
--G'ime tn aenflon.
-Uualnesa brlchmlnir.
bnow on tjatnrday morning.
Sanday quite leaant.
A t arete winter uredlcte d bv many.
Pheasant tradn Is quite ItTelr.
Fpgn are no' line at 24 eta. per dnien.
Sheltlmrka acarcn In t'lla vicinity.
Coin haa been done away with.
Potato crop abort this year.
Mr. J, J. Kemercr. of this place, arrived
horn e on Thm aday of last week, from a visit to
the Certnnninl.
Our friend 11 It. Drake, of Akron, Ohlo.who
left this section fonr years bru, visited on Bun
day, lils numerous f rlenda ot this place.
Ttev. J Bnyder, of Parryvllla spent several
daya In the valley, visiting fl lends.
' Pap" Painter, of Mauch Chunk, wis at
tbla place last week, looking up hla chances.
A number from tbla place have been to
Bnmmlt Till! for coal tfie past week,
We are continually being informed that
chlrken thieves are plvlnir at their tiade
tlironrhout theje parts. Why la not a atop
put to this by ten el Ine out the guilty ones and
m iklugau example of Ihetn.
The Bclioola of Towatnenslng will open on
tliectb of November, with a full and efficient
corps of tencaeia, tor a term of five months.
The Big Creek Is very low at the present
The bam of Jacob driver, of this place, la
making prozresa to vard completion, lta site
last by U foet.
A nwmaer of our farmers received, last week,
a variety of fruit trees from Mont mdou. North
umberland connty.
The candidates of both patties are woiklng
most e irnost.y altlioufth each one for hla own
I learn that Dr. J. C. Kreamer, ot Millport,
and J. W. nindenbosh, of Leblghton, were at
Snmintt Kill, on Friday of last week, looking
np their chances for election.
-Our friend, Harry hnider, of thla place, re
eelved, on Saturday last, Hiimi dt Hamlin
Organ from noston, Mass. Price, (200. It pre
acuta the finest appearance of any organ In the
valley and la Indeed an ornament to any room.
He has also secured the aervlocs of an excellent
teacher, who will shortly commence to glvo In
tractions to hla oldest aaaguter, (Marvl.
Lei every friend of honesty end reform In
the administration of our slate Government
tutu out anil rote for Dr. J, c. Kreamer and
W.,M. lUpsher. Thcir-rharsctera for arlty
anu honesty have nnvet been Questioned.
I kavo been Informed Vast oar County fair
was a success, financially, notwithstanding the
hard times, which I am very much pleased to
Humor has it that the Bass M1U, of this
place, u to start up again lor the winter.
Chester A. Boot, of Dnnlelsville, North.
aaipionconntr, will take charge of Pine Itun
Hcbool, which opens on the Ch of Novembor.
Thla 1? hla second toira at 1'iueUun,
A number ot our farmers Intend toplsnt a
largo amsont ot corn next year, for which they
now are bnaily employed at plowing.
The road from tho Paint Mill to German.
townJunetion wnuUto bo attended to bo fore
the winter ads In.
In the neit Issue of the Advocate. Its lead.
era will be inlonned thnt Dr. J. c. Kieamer and
W M. llapsnor aietho two gentlemen v. ho will
go to tho Leglalatn re. So mote 1 1 bo. RavElts.
BUc Cleek, Oct. 31, I87K.
Murder of John Doaaliee.
On Saturday night last, another dis
graceful murder was perpetrated near
Locust Dale, lu Schuylkill county, the
viaim being a German, named John
Boschee, and his murderers three brutes
nmed respectively John Lennen, James
Lochlin aud Michael Corgan, who
knocked Boschee down, bit him with
stones, kicked him and otherwlso as
saulted him so brutally that he died at-
most instantly.
'I ho circumnaucea of the terrible affair are aa
follows; Jouu Boschee, a Geimsn imd amariied
man nlth four chi.dreu, worked at Locust Dale.
tie win iiurtyiaree vrsxa tx age, auout six feet
u height and rather tlaihi. lie had lived In
Loouel Dole for the past seven veara. anu bad
always been respected. On Uaiurdav evenlnr.
after lie had washed himself aud eaten bis sun-
ier, no reiuarceu u ma wite that ha le.t tired,
iutr thus he wouid go ont for a masa or beer.
He leoaited to Youug'a hotel, oniv ashortdia.
tsncefioiu hla house, wherehe remained several
hoars, Dut did nut drink auvthlng of coo to
quenco. About hklf paet eleven o'clock in the
ttvcnlug, wiil.e he wae asslallnga man t vthe
nuuie ut lvohcrt Benny to take his bruther. Tim.
Benny, who was tiitoxlouied, i.onie. theyweie uy laree men, who aiugieu oui Jjoacnee aud
murdered him.
It la believed that the throe mnrdrera knew
that fie was absent from home, and that tney
waited for hitu in an uulrtqueuted lootUlty, aLd
ati.icke.i buu attbovodeacnbeil.Uneof ih men
namoa rogieeon, wno accompanied ine murder
d man, attempted 10 Interfere in hla behalf,
when one ot the aasasetae told him to goon
about his business, or he would shuol hnn. An
other one of tho tuuideieia then remarked let
him (uieanlnir Fogcl-mn) alone, wo don't want
u uivo huvmuiK iouo wituniui. wuutwaatne
motive for tor the murder Is not positively
known, but it Is thonaht that It wiu an nhl
splie, which wlU be developed, as the case is in
quired into.
iiiu uueo muruorers aiieriney naa nuisnea
then tlendlah work (wita tbe ohhet ol throwiue
off suupicion. it ia iuppust-d,) wietl intoAsii.
isiiu auu ruuseu (je uepuiy corouar, 'ejquire
:tuiujtivi, uub ui uou uiu luioruieu mm mat a
uu had been murdered at Loeust lialo. and
aald that he ahoulil go out and hold an inquest.
The coroner eunnetiiuit that all wsa not right,
scdimed tuo fucea of the men carefully, whooi
ue recuunoj. lie men accuieu uuicei But
Homo, of the coui aud Iron no lice, a on isoba
of citiseua and pioceeded u Locust Uaie. uu
the wuy they iuet nererul Oernuua who gave
lucni tuo parii.-uura oi ine anir iir. jLem
merer.uuou rescuing the home of the muroered
mau. tuuiu t he body in toe boose, where it had
bven temorea by rout) persons who thought
they couid probaoly resnsittate the Inatnluale
foim. He. afer viewlnirthe bodr. inmutilMt a
jn,y and he.d an Inquest lu the meantime ar-
iituKuiiiruts si ru maun 10 arresb Liennau, lxicn
nn unit Curgan. Lochllu and I Leuuuu werear
rvsunlibont three u'cluck au.ia morning ou a
bridge near wbeia the murder was committea.
and i.ppj,eutiy wire making preparations to
cear uut Corgua was arresied ut home lu bed.
They weretaaeu to the Aslilaud lock.up. wheie
ihey remained uaul Muucl.iy moruing, When
they wire taxea to Pottsvl.le.
After bear. n tor evideuce the Coroner's Jury
returned the following verdict i
Thai Joan Boscbeovuma to his death by being
aaasulUm with a biuni iuiruiueut lu the hands
of John Leuuan, Jamea Lochlin aud Michael
James Locbliu teaches a school at Loeust
Bate, and when arreaiedi turned palo and evi
denced great alarm; He is of Jrisu parent age.
about twnu ty.Uii eo yeai a ot age, ond la numar
rled. He boro an indifferent reputation but hla
parents aie very inspoetahte people. In appear
auce be la gentlemanly. Ho haa oari balr,Ught
complexion, and la of the ordinary build.
John Lehnau Is about twenty-eight yearaof
age. Nothing can be aald to bia credit, lie Is a
reputed Mulile" aud was always a ttrst-cluts
Michael Corgsn Is an Irishman of thirty two
yeara efaaeaudls a married man He naa a
rough, rowitun appearance gineally,and uever
bore a very good reimtitlon.
Tlc murder occurrod in Columbia county, not
more than ion yaiua fiom .tho bcliuy.klil linn.
ub44 wi.lhmam for (be aUthoiltles at Potts
vli e to decide w limner the o iso w.ll be turd in
Columtiluoi Behunki.l count v. As Ine unities
ullllvodln Behiiil.ul c.iuuty huweyer, IV la
suppoxxl Uiu ta WIU tii tiled Ihe.e,
Of Lchighton.
Full ntul Winter Htylea,
T. Di Clauss announces to his friends
thnt he has just returned from the ctty,
and Is now opening his fall and winter
goods, comprising cloths, ensslnieres
ntul vest lugs of tho latest designs and
the best manufacture, which hn is pre
pared to tnakn up In the most fashion
able and durable manner, at prices ful
ly as low as the same material and
workmanship enn hn obtained for In
any other town In thn Stnto. Also, a
full line of gent's furnlshi tg goods, hats,
caps, boots, shoes and gaiters suitable
for the wear of this section, and manu
factured expressley to hlsjordcr, The
entire stock has been purchased on an
entirely cash basis, and as he Is selling
for cashonly he is able to sell at such
prices as will astonish purchasers. Call
and examine 'goods and prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
1,1st of Letters
Bemelnlnr nncslled for In the Leblghton
Post Office Nov. 1. 1878t
Beck. Daniel
BenninieT. W. H.
Carp-r, J. W
Carter, A. Mrs.
rvchera", Twla
Dies, Rebecca
oebher, Emms
Dw'shler, John
Eddni hansee. Fred
F.onndsr, Theo Mri
Onurer V K.
Ooe berg Frante
Hancock. Wllllom
Mauser, Adam
Jenkins, w. n. A Bon
'mbody Bavid
Miller. John
Mix. Hnrry,2
Kein, Franklin
Kiwi, w, II.
Both Lucy C
nieger. Haver
llabennld ChasB
inner Jnlia
Ita'ter. N.
Rex. Marv Afra.
i-'hovrr, Daniel
weston, Alice
Weidner, Thomas
Peiaoia calling for any of tbe above letters
will say advertised.' It. II, Petkbs, p. U.
'vlnltorH or intcrcNf.
A rellBlnnsngltitlon haa been begun in Mo.
rocco which threatens to end In an out break.
Bnillon to the amount nf 79 -.00 was shlppe-l
from Ensland to the Unite Slates to pay for
The yaloe of the Centennial grounds, bnlld-Im-a.
anil contents have been estimated at SiOJ,.
The Cenienntsl Commla-lnn nnl Board of
Finance will on the evening of tbe 8th, give a
formal dinner In honor ot the Foreign Couimis
The Penn Fire Insnranoe Company of Phlla.
delphtahnsdlsKolved.being declared Insolvent,
end WMIsm MoMlchael has been appointed re
ceiver The jury In the McKay-rfmsi libel ease
were dlschatg-d on Sa'nrdsy nfterhavlng been
locked no a week. Tuey tailed to aureB
William Lewis, Rnperfntendent of Ilansch
Creek Oolli"ry. In Lebanon csnnty. Pa., was kill
ed by a trsln of cars in tbe slope .Monday.
The terra of Imprisonment of Edwsrd 9.
Stones for the i-hootlng of James Flsr, Jr., ex.
rlred on Saturday, and he was released from the
Auburn Penlientiary
Three hnnsos were burned at Mahanoy plane
on Tardi.y of isst week and live families turn
ed nut of flnora. The loss on the buildings wss
tJ.SOO and tbo insuiauce H iX)
Dr. Lemovns haa tried hla cremating fur
nace upon two sheep with a satisfactory result.
Tie carcasses went into the Inrnaos st three o".
clock mutton snd at ten o'clock were ashes.
The Ilrlti-h Arrtin expedition under Captain
Nires las tetoinrd to Vnlenlla, having fill lid
todlsroveranv land north wird of the hlghe-t
latltute reached, 80 degri es io minute a.
There Is a suspicion that that the numerous
cbirses of theft uieferiedby VI iiorlsb and Turk
ish peodleis sgnlnst ret peel nbk) persons, are
not enttrele freofrom bUckmalX.
A terrible oiclnne passetl over tho Central
American Btatesou the Id and sttls nit., blowing
dowu hiiuilri'daot houses and dreitoying inaiiv
Uvea. Tho total damage Is evtimutoil at several
millions of Ue'lnia.
The Lei anon Tlmoa Is authority for the
statement that Mr. P U Weluier, nf thai tilaco
has Just made an eiauiluatinu of the Henry
Clay lamacesor the Mestrs, Kk ken. tn Head
ing, "preparatory to tholr being blown In."
Mlsa Kmms Otden has gone from Pittsburg
to India tn loot after tbe heathen. This is brave
business; but Mlsa Emm i will leave ninny un
converted heathens behind her aud pass by
many more ou h-r way.
Tho wife of William Meyers, of Weat Man
heim township Lauca-tei county, though somo
what of a de.irate woman. Is the motlier of
twentv-flve children, the last having beeu boru
last weef.
Allen necbtel, a piomlnent clllxenof Bead.
Ing. commtttml suicide 'luesday lnorntnr by
shooting liim-eKtnrough the head. It Is said
he was temporarily Insane.
An exploJon of tiro damp In the Wadesville
shaft, at t, Clair, icbuyUlll County, on Mon.
day night, aeverely bumcd three men and
blocked up the mine so tbst work canaot be re
sumed fur several days.
William Hawthorn, aged 71, waa killed by
hie eun.iu.iaw. 'ihos. titerens, at Jlageicown,
Md.. on Hunday. Btevens was quarrelling
with bia wife. and. wbtle attempting to elect
him, Hawthorne received a fatal wound,
The Allentown CArontefs aayai Diptherlala
prevailing to au alarming extent In that city
snd many a child haa fallen a victim to lta mallg.
nkv. The disease attacka children sudilonly
aud In a mo-t violent forms and parents are lu
a great dread ot the malady.
A telegram from 0 ildwell, Ohio, saya "th?
attorney fur the McCune, Hagen aud llogton
hoire to Tloyi, Pennsylvania, coal lauos, aald to
be worth $"..U0,JU, annouuoe that he tlnda the
olalm utterly burred by the statute ofllmlta
tious and Deyoud all power of recovery.
A Wagon was driven into Pitt aburgou Hnn
day by a shockingly bronzed aLd grtzxled in
dividual who la on hla vrv Is thA rAiilAnnlil.
He started from California, two years ago ajd
has bunted by tuo way, Hn wagon was l-.aded
with peltry, some of the sxlus being quite vala
In the ease of Harriot N. Nlssley ys Andrew
M Qarber, miller, Kast nempdeid township,
Lancaster county, au acUon to tecover iho sum
ot tlO.UUU from pialnUff, as damage fur bleach of
promise ot inarrlago tried before Judge Lit lug
stou. tbe jury on Haturdav retnrneii a yerdict in
favor of plaintiff lu the sum of I0,.
w. It. Hastings kiHed himself with a pistol
on Saturday at Lea go. e island, Phtiude.pbia.
Thsdeceaa-d was ou visit to the centennial
from Jackson county, Ohio, and was subject to
flts ol aberatioo ciused by political dlitaj. point,
ment. He waa a common pleas Judge snd hla
defeat for a aecond term preyed upon bia mind
nntil he became insane,
At Ban Francisco on Monday night, a panto
waa created lu the Chines theatre hi a (ale
alarm of fire. In tbe rush to get out of the bnlld.
log n umbel a were tampled on, and the police
dragged out twenty dead bodies and about
twenty lnjuied persons. Tbe Chinese refused
to give any assistance and the actora coolly
continued tbe peiformance until they wero
atopped by tbe police.
A horrible . outrage waa perpetrated In
Philadelphia, upon a little girl six teats old
named Theresa Ilotbeniick. Aftoi suffering In.
descitbauie ornta'itv tbe poor child was I brown
into a privy vaait, from watch she was rescued
alive by her father, but tn auch an exhausted
Oi.nulitou as to be unable to apeak, A man
named Ishmael Jonea haa benn ai tested charved
with the crime aud idenUUed by the girl as the
fui.ty pai ty. Ue la a man sixty years old and
aa beeu put in Jail to awiit las trial
All the wtnuow glats ' houaos In Pittsburg
areataitii g up th. tr works lu whole or in part
wbe.e there are moro than one or two furnaces
-though tuo season la so far gone aud trade so
dull that thet e la utile disposition to make up
atock Jtfoie the beginning of another seasou.
The first glsta house in Pitlsnurg waalnopsr
Uonin i;tT7, now she has within her limits and
vicimty JS tacioites, containing 80 furnaces, hay.
ing 747 pou: tbe buildings cover an areaofjio
acrea. atvlng empioyuieut to over t.430 hanua,
and producing annually articles to the value ot
nearly tl.ooguxi.
A despatch to the Bt- Paul Jenasr Prws
ears that Oeneral Mile-, alter unssccessful
council with Sitting Bull, had a sacoettnl fight
with him on the list aud Kd nit., on Cedsr
Creokt, Many ot the Indians ware kilted and
wounded, but only two ot the soldiers were
wounded. The enemy were chased sixty miles,
wneu they divided. One portion went towards
the agency, tbe other, headed by Bitting Hull,
towards Fort Peck. Oeneral Miles following
bitting Bull crosswl tbe river below lortPeo
on tho uu Ho sent word to tae agent that he
"was coining in anil would be fucpdiy, but
wsnted ammuuitioiu" Genet alllatui hasgimo
to Fort Peck lib tour tompaule.4 oluifuutry
and taUoua lor i.Ue.
Of Lchighton.
Correspondence of the N. V. Sim.
Is Clinrlio Boss Alive 1
rnrtiurs a clue to roup, of nik xibmrrrtris at
PtlilAnrt.riltA. Oct. ll There appears lltt'n
reason tu douht Dial three of the persons inter
ested lu the abilucllnn of Ctiarllo Hess are at
length 111 the hands of Justice, and th it the evl.
deni e ngnlnst them Is nf such n character as bids
lair to secure their rnnvlctlon. n Thursday
last Banniel Beimr, aiaa Geo Yotishllnir.alias
A, K. Babh. alias Geo. Bhaw, alias George
Wilglit, alias llisppert James 1-leiet, alias 'lr
Holiert K. Bi II. aud arah Brown, a colored vo
man, known for some unexnliilued toa-ouas
"Hutch Bal," weroatraiiied bomro I'nllee Mag.
I train Wm B. Coilina on a eti rgenf being con
cerned lu tho iibductlmt and concenhng of Chur
he Boss, son nf Christian 1C, Itoss of this city.
The lather snd brother of the missing child had
untiling to tell nn tne wltne-a stand, beyond
wlist lias alreadr been given tn the public, re
spectlng the mysterious disappearance of tbe
fnlileu.haircd little fellow. Tbo tesUmnur nf
nllce Lieut, Given however, gave a newnnil
vividly sens illnnai character to the late navel.
opemenls In thisoxtrooidlnary care He testi
fied I hat he had received inlnrmatlou from n
colored man named Nelson I'trker, otherwise
kuoirn as Williams, to thu ('fleet that iheie waa
a well-orgunlzod gnni-of burglars dnli'g bust,
ness between New Jersey and central Pennsyl.
vanla that Mo .bor and Douglass (who were
killed lu the perpelr-itlon of a nurulary near
New York some eighteen or twenty monfbsngo)
wei o members of this league, and that Bennnrs
and Picket under iheir villous aliases and the
coloieu womun, " Butch Sal."were alsomem.
tiera nf the gang, making tnlr headquaiters -it
Harrlahurg, Pa. Ou the 2ldh of September he
airestml Ibe woman, and un the ;h of October
the two men, acting tu each Instance on Itifor.
mattnn received from Parker. 1 lie men were
suspected of complicity lu a burg nry perpotra.
ted in Philadelphia, but the evidence In ibat
caso was Insufficient to convict, and ibey
would have been set at llbertr but for further
Information, then voluntarily given by PatLer,
that Ihev were concerned In (Ue nos nndncttou,
upon which charge they were then held.
of the letters produced st the examinatlon,the
following wete the most significant 1
llABnitnUBO, Ana. 14, 1874
A'trt I hnvojust returned from tho city yes
terday. I made some lime there. I have got a
jowel worth at least 15,0.0 and tbo owner mu-t
cn'iio tn time or loose it t and I feel I will come
off right anyhow, IleftWilghtt he would not
c me 10 time, Mnsher and Douclas are running
the puwder wagon now. and I am running a
book called " Things You Ought to Know"
published by Msrtlu, Button & Co. Yours with
lespect, CI Ko ita ii Yousiilino.
NEW YOKK, Nov. 4, IS7C.
Jong. Yon can believe ill 1 have said to be
true and I wilt do it. I saw Bsllle (Snah
Brown) lat veek wheu In llarrisuurg. Rvniy
thing la quiet, and her f ilka have the clothes of
the 11. I wish you was fiee I will have a par
don for vou It money can do It, Did vou get the
thluirs the Doccoi sent vou 1 I will write soon
again. Don't forget to destroy all iny letters. I
am golniE to Hnrrisburg soon again and will see
your wife. I have done well with the books and
medicine Keep quiet aod b good heart.
Yotus lu faith, GKOHOB VOUSHLIKO.
ItAnatSBURO Oct, 4,18711.
Nelson Suit All l wrong somehow, Hal la
gouo aud I hear you weie lu town. I hope
you aieuot playing no tilcka onus, I have
wronged jou, I know, but It la worth your life
to do ko. for tbe B. case would Involvo aome of
tbe highest men in the country, by which I am
paid f trust vou as a friend, sndlfvou
ate trearborous you win mine me Well, I am
going a few ml esoutof town, and then I wont
leave uutll I hear more. Ne one can tell more
than that thiee men took Bal and dantrhter out
of town, but when I cannot teil 1 but what vou
were doing there la what puzzles cue. If looking
forme, all light I am suie 1 offered you money.
If I am short auv limn Iran cet ft. Did you
bear anytblug nf Ball Joau, tbete Is but three
of us iliut know anything about the' Jewell"
U. K case, and nf them you are next 10 me. f
told yoa wulle 111 prison. Oreo use M. was with
me. but he Is hushed forevernow. Hn tod all
hecouid.but ail Is quite now. .Money' nil spent,
but' Jewell's" He : but debtor's til beat, so
there Is no trouble. ' Do I" is married, so I
hear. Onr goods will be sold on Saturday. I
am on the lookout for these fioni New Jer
sey. D m't write till I tell you I have went. I
ro Lo Wllliniuspoit to MKht. 1 spoke or money
for"Bewell." 1 don't want no rewatd. lean
m.ike more from It In A very short time, for It is
a good Bucket- aud diaws well. I expect it to
night. '1 his Is all right, and it I was caught or
betraveii no l.w couhi reucli me, for I wl I tree
ruu all some day and flx It all tuat If I wss to
die or bo killed that yon can make 150.000 easy,
for you come next to me. It yon hear a
sound iet me know. Yonis tiuly,
lu care Abram K. Jlabb. OKo. Youaiiixso.
Ibe 4 Jewel worth st least tt.'SiO." Is supposed
to mcau Chailev Boss, 'ibat, Paikei avers
positively, is Ita meaning, and thla Interprets,
tlou u farther strengthened by two other let
ters, one handed to Parker for transmission to a
thud person, but never dclivorea by him, snd
tbe other a fragmentary poition of a bair.ourned
letter found by accident In arah Browu'a
bonse. The first of tlieso. addressed to Clare
Knockev. a d.iuirbterol arah uriiwn. renncsr.
ed her 10 give to her mother a sealed euclosed
note, read
pniLADELrinX. Bept. 1871.
Sadie 1 Go home and burn and destroy every
hit ot tne clothing. One suing is htoke aud we
may bo lost. Bo silent Meet me at Wtl.iams.
port. Itauiiolph lscauant and may squeal 011
all, "Wo had four tans," and the boat waa
aone. We'll itop In tsliamokin. Get the hair
from under tho hearth floor. Uo home at ouce.
Oh, God, I am nervous. 3, Y or Shaw,
The aeoond was found by witness and Officer
Tait on Borah Brown's mantel, with a ferrotype
of a colored man upon tbe hark of which were
scratched the names Thomas Parker, Georgo
Yonshlivg, Mosber, and Douglass. Part hod
been destioyed, but the portions remaining
read 1
Yon shan't lose a cent. Snowden will see von
next week sure. Bend letter 10 A. C. Babb. See
Bal Tell her all I said to you. " Iho bird la
still siok at home. Wrstervelt got ten years,
but all is safe. Ho would uie before he would
give us away, and I trust yon as far. Have
sold load, and got out of ll tl.l S7S. ,1 send you
f5'J. It you see John tthe witness) let me know
soon. Ue Is sound. Don't write in my name.
Direct, tn X. C. Babb. If yoa seo anything
wrong let roe know soon. It la a nice "Jewel."
- Move nothing unless yon aae it put to
ashes. " Yonis In fldelpy. O. Y,orA.C.B.
Parker then went on to tUfy that he was re
leased from prison ou the Sd of July following,
and that tie saw YonshdngsoouafirrnnUarket
street, and at Beddy Diunian's saloon, where he
said thst lie had not given np the "Jewel." as he
could not get his price; that he had Jurt had four
"taps." meaning four robberies, and that Kan
dolph was shot In cue; Parker went to Harris
burtr. and upon bis return to Philadelphia le
eelved the letter irom ousnilng. which said
sinoutr other things that there ara "only three
persons who know anything about the Jewel
Mosber waa with me, but he la hushed lotever
now; I don't wan't uuy reward for tbe Jewel it
a a good sucker, end draws well. If I should die
or be silled, yon co all maze fifty thousand dol.
laraeaavi keep still"
The witness said, on cross-examination, that
be bsd seen but did not know Mosber snd Doug
ins. sua that bebolleved one ot them to nave coeu
George Wright mentioned, as he had not teen
him flnco Ihey were killed.
Tbe magistrate committed tbe three defend
anu for trial, retoalug to accept ball fur either
of them.
The colored man, Parker, or Williams, who
figures' as informer in the case, seems 10 have
beeu a victim ol circumstances, and to nave auf.
terodDPdevorvedly tbe impilaoument to which,
he referred in his leaumsny. Bach Is at lest the
belief of the officers whu investigated thorough
ly the clicometaucea attehdius It. He had in
1B71 a good aituauon and a happy home In Uar
tisbura. II was a married man, und not only
sober and steady, baa a of religious assoclaUon.
and durinir bis shortly previous residence lu
Delaware had oeen noognized by the Confer,
ence of the Colored Methodist Church aa a local
preacher. Hewaaenguged to a flour and reod
sluio, and. by hla attention to btusaess and ac
knowledged integrity, gave entire satisfaction
to ma employers. Another ot tke ooloied resi
dents of Uarrebtug at the time was a mau
named Oo.e who bad been for niaur years town
dojetcuer, aud whose wUe, tncu a cither
aright, oomeiy mulatto woinau, known aa
"DuicufSal." partly supported heraeif and bus
bind by washing. One ol I ha men for waom she
washed belonged to a party ot tiMveillngdins
pedd era who did bualuess oa a novel snd rather
Luk.iw clan. They had a tain iid a wanon.
both of which looked as it they belonged to a
circus campuuy. 'the "travelling saiiwman'
drove sometimes four h6rsea m front of their
medicine wagon. Whenever they stop pod
one ot them v. paid play the banjo and sing
songs uutlt a crowd waa gathered, amaugwhom
his associates would circalate, selling "lustan
taneoua Beliefs." ' Patent Deu trifle." and oth
er specifics. One of theso men. the one who had
Ms washing dona by Mrs. Cola, made acquaint. seems, thioucti her husband or
from calling at tho atom with Williams. By
this time Williams had so tar made Ids way lu
the wornl that r.e was the owuer ol Imdsa and
at-ut, a horse aud wnuou, with which he b:gin
to'ioa little rudlug on bis owu uccouut. Ha
w aamUiliiiUa, and woiknJ hard and uomnlly,
early und lav, to utseliiiuseU aud tdaupprt
lu ovuifott hu wife, between whom UJ aiuiac,;
Dr. J. 0. KREAMER,
Of Millport.
a strong Attachment existed. Ho was doing
well, If hecnnld but get a little capital he
wonlddn liettct ailll. To whom should he apply
but tn his friend, tho medicine man I He did
apti y to blin. The medicine man was short of
nctitsl cash, but he bad n unto tn bis possession
on which anpnred thn name of a prominent citi
zens of that neighborhood Williams ws known
In tho town anu At the bank. He had his wa
rnn, h's horse, and his house The medicine
man waa a comparative stranger. H. too,
wot Id like n little ready motiet. They wonld
illvldo After the note was discounted. Thenis
count was obtained ihn division was made. The
lion's slisro and a percentage besides fell tn the
peddler, and oft lie went, leaving a little money
in Williams's possession and trie note In too
bank. WllUimswaa anesred. and tonnd him
self In duo course nl time In Ihe Eastern Peni
tentiary, while the bank seized his ptoperty and
tu-ned hla wile aCrltt While, he waa lu prison
hn received snmo 343 letters, many of them from
tho man who had betrayed him. promis
ing to obtan his llbeiatlon. promi-lng to
make amends to him lor his undeserved Ircar.
eorntifit, ami fftiiieavnrinir In everv wav to se
cure his silence. II 0 believed tho "Jowoii" Irt be
Charlie noss.and sought to make his suspicions
knoitn to Ihe warden ot thePenlitutiarv.bat
was never allowed to see him. He mentioned
them to the chaplain, and to at letst one other
person, hut at that time there were sbnn lanco
of criminals in every puson In the land pictend.
trig to possess valuable liiformstlnti about the
Unas case which they were willing to give aa
thoprleonf th It llberty.and nls story wss look
cd upon as one of iho 11-ual Inventions. At all
ovciiis, no attention was paid to him, Aftc be
was liberated, at Ihe expiration ot hlsteimot
Sentence, the gnng made haste to get him un.
dor their Ipflu-noe, but happily, In vain. He
had a grod sdvlser. and surcerded In obtaining
n tmsiltou as prlv ite enachrain in this cltr.held
himself aloof from the rascal who had once
worked linn woe At length, seemingly bv ne
tlclrnt, he was placed in communication with
Lieut. Given, who waa woiklno- an tbe Rosa
case with r re j atlence and Intelligence, To
result has been made known.
The Coal Trade.
I he following table shows the quantity of ensA
shlptied over the Lehigh Valley Ballroad for th
wees ending Oct. 28, I87S and for tho year a
compared theaame time lastyeart
Keglons From. Week. Year.
Wyoming IS 151 1 6, 0S4.I8S no
llilzleton 62.742 IS 1.4C5.IS1 lO
Upper liehlgh S 1J 2.40S II
Benver Meadow 18 810 14 8M.M4 10
Mahanoy 15.608 18 4n,4ll CS
llauon Chunk 63 1 to n.QM is
TntSl 117 228 14 4Vt.70ll (O
Last Year 1I9.CII IS 2.8-2 5C5 01
Increase 630.134 10
Decrease 2.3S4 CI
P.EPOBT OF COAL transported over Lehigh
fe Susquehanna Division. Centrsl It it. of
New Jersey week ending Oct.27ib, 1876.
Total week. Tottate.
Shipped from tons. cwt. tons, cwt.
Wyoming 58,672 00 1.06J ir 11
Upper Ihlgh...., 6,911 09 IM.4S3 1
Ueriver Meadow 14.14111 ISO 683 01
llazleton 7.U5 17 121.056 DO
Manch Chunk,... 15,281 11 601891 14
Uszardvllle 29 413 0
Bniith and Jndd
Total r.V22 17 2,t91.S t
Previously 1 eported 2,224.715 15
Total to date 2,M3(ti 11
Bome tune last year ,5S,14 l
Increase S35.45S IS
A negro aimed John hyan Isst week at"
tempted to outrage Annie Flowerstock. of
Adams connty, on tke road from Duniontown to
New Windsor. He dragged her into the woods,
and threatened her with a knlle. There was a
desperate struggle, when her screams at'ractea
the attention of passers bv snd thamlscrsant
fled. Brie m-tde complaint before a magistrate
at Uniontown. and ou 'Ihursdav night the negro
waa arrested at New WInd-or and lodged In Jail.
Thevounr women is about 25 yeara of age, and
peddlea bruahea for a living. Ityan had a hear
ing on Wednesday and eonimltted to Jail in de
fault of 0 bill.
bMlnyiTrlcefrot "DbHaven ATown-sf-nd,
Stock, Government and God
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
Nov. 1st, 1875.
IT. B.S's. isst I8I4 bid lilt asked
17. R. 5-2.1's, 18S.1 10 bid I0H asked
U. M. 6-2HN, 1S65-J. 4J.... I1H hid ISK aaaed
TJ, B. s-'-'O's 1S7 ,. ., 16 bid 1H ssked
TJ.H. 3-20's, 1808 17 bid I7at asked
17. H. lO-ti's 15 bid 15k asked
V. H. currency, S's 74 H bid 54 asked
17 B. S's 1881, pew 13 bid 134 asked
Pennsylvania It. B 46H bid IH asked
Pinla Heading It. It 12 bid I2J asked
Lehigh Valley K. It 491 bid 49J( asked
IxhlghCotl 4Nav, Co.... 21 bid 21 4 asked
TlnOul IVHnn.nla.fil N J ATT hill 127k SSlTfd
Oil Creek all. Vat. K. It. bid Sli asked
Phlla. A Kile It. K US bid 14 asked
Nmtherii.Centrel It. B.... 24 btd 28H asked
Hettonvllle Paas. n.Il.Co. 25 bid 2Slt aased
Cniawlssa B. It, preferred, to bid as ssked
Oold H bid sv. assed
NDBHADM LON'O. On the list ef October
by Itev. O. A. Bruegel, Mr. George W. Nns
baum. nf Lehighton to Miss Mary A. Long
danghter of James Long, of Psckertop.
Special Notices.
The Great Discovery !
e. f. kunkel3 bittbr Wine of
IUON. For tbe cure ot weak stomncn. general
debility. indigestion diseaseol the nervona sya.
tem, constipation, acidity of the stomach, aod
alt cosesr requlrln"' a tonic
The wine includes the most sgreeable and ef
ficient salt ot Hnn wo possess, citrate of Mug
netio Oxide, combined with tbe most, eneigatio
of vegetable, tonics Yellow Peruvian Bark.
Thn effect In many caaes of debility Jobs of ao
petite und general prostration, of au efficient
Bait of Iron combined with valuable Nerve
tome, is most hapoy. It augments the appe.
Lite, raises the pulse, takes on: muscular flabut
neiis, removes the parlor ol debility, and gives a
florid vigor to the countenance.
Do you want something to strengthen yon t
Do you want a good appetite I Do you want to
build up your constitution t Do yoa want to
feet well I Do you want to gel rid of, nervous,
ness 1 Do yon want eucrgv I Do yon; want to
sleep welll Do you want brisk and vigorous
feehnrs t It you do, try Knnkei's Wine of Iron,
This truly valuable tonic baa been thoroughly
tAsted by all classes of the community, that it la
now deemed ludlapenaitblu as a Tonio meriictue.
It costs but little, purifies the blood and gives
tone to the stomacn, renovates the system and
prolongs life.
f uow only ask a trial of this valuable Toole,
Price ti Pr buttle. E F. KUNKM,, dole Pio
prletor. Philadelphia. Pa. Ask your druggist
for Knnkei's Bitter Wine ot Iron, and Use uo
oilier make. Bold only lu tl bottles All others
aro counterfeit, so beware ft them. Buy six
Worms .Removed Alive.
. F. Kunket's worm syrup never tails to de
stroy Pin. tteat and stoiuaca Worms. Dr Kan-k-M
u tbe only succossfui physician In this coun
try for th removal of worms. E removes rspo
worm with beaa and ad complete, alive lu 1
hours, and no foe unidiemoied Bend fur cir
cular, or call on your druggist, anil get a bottle
of Knnkei's Worm Byrnp. It never
taiU. Oct. 7. Un.
SANDALWOOD possesuis much greater
power lu restoring lo a healthy state the mu
cus membrane of tne urethra than either Cube ha
or Copaiba. It never produces sickness, is cer
tain snd speedy in Its action, it ra last super
seding every other remedy, fslxtv capsules
oure In six or eight days. No other uiediclao
can do this.
Dnndaa Dick & Co.'a Boft Capaulee contatutng
OU ot Sandalwood, sold at all Drug Store. Ask
for circular, or send to U aud 37 Wooster strest.
New Yerk, for oue. apta ml
NEPAttLOU PICTURE, printed la ten
eniors i rocket jLuue iwnus a.naioi. is
lllsnk Vlaltlua; cards, ll Sheets Writing
Puner it White EaveloDea. I Jtnbber. i Peus
the lor sent post paid for f, cents, u. J,
K.U11TZ. 407 Canal St., la Ward, Phtladelphla.
CircuUua sent free. An. It,
GIVE 08 A TIllAL XhD Bli
I ,i 1 i '
WANTED- the busipaaa men to know that they
cangvt JO 11 PHtNTINO dene cheaper at
CAUttO.t Atit 'OVTH Offlco tlianat say other
place tn tbe county. Iryua.
WANTED, everytiody to know that 11 00 cash
will pay n tear's ubscnpllo'i fur taoCAH.