I "PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. llounasliUttli), Oct. l ltli, MTO. Lea nun DiiucKKii, DiiXn Sin. M g'daut don Icelit wocli, vum Ich my geld coKccta con don dank Ich pay Ich tin den Ucti amnio noch rlliU-Uy.fnr dar Mr. Sondonlol r.u Bnun, uu gatlnuk ffmuiitellcll tlwr (lit) ai tleular- zu uuvti won Ich zuilck kum.itoii sut can niciich fala my brief r.u Insa, nr wail farllclit a blssel long ril ovvcr mar colli ni't on lender oxiecta Wuus no oil Ink In wo den llto fcHwa, tin wile Icli don gailauk ilei-r en longer lu Iff zupclitha mi will lull dan do korU mocha. Icli will deer BDiolu so a, glany lilstry geva fun inline rnork vlsft. WVs woir, Icli tin do HeU lien 'do oil Mointng iiiurjiih lice, etihel, bera, zlvla, redid), rev it, tin imcli tinner ftocli uf galnda uu uln nlver In I II 111. '-t Vllle gotiga, tin Icli imw sawa do Ich Mileclit g'sntlfificd wor, fat ik-M dank draw ; we Ich In ilea sclitnt kiiinniii bin, lien dca krut.lciia lioltivcxlclia Vuva t.Ia B'eaut Ich But my Jacket imner zeali. well Icli hob en ls iiiiiiuer giunwali oil a mole dos sea 'khiiI hen, un we Ich liante kuinnia bin hob ich ungui-keil dim hob Ich w gawia don ullrs my stianer blower jacket oil tariiim kot mit inline liu oner zeuli. Now des Is can wag, es la inluer ball wons net zu orrlck Is, tin des la'ucht gatiunk, du llto aula be.-ser wlssa, un a nion no Ich reepecta, now Icli date (lleh ndvUa Mr. Drucker, dos du sutcht's ft'iiolo publl.ilnt In den "Ad vocate" doB ilea lite earn klnner bes.ier zcach sutta, dos una olla lite mit free'da lussa sutta won bo ebbes uf dnr inaiilck brlngali.un dai.im tlitot lite gut wolla. " Es is amole a nion zum Lowver cumma farn advise no lint ar een gn'froked war een g'ahlcked hut no hut nr g'saut'dos ar liet dnr Judgo g'froked un ar liet g'saut ar sut zuui divel ga No liar zura lowy;r." En gute gawlasa is en gute koppa-Itlssa. A klnt muss groddle blss es larnt laufa. Olla llto sutta nrsht uunlcli era achna dara dor dreck week katu, before so onra erar week kara. So we Icli g'saut hob we ich ofonga hob Bchrlva, Ich will dan brief korU lnaucha, far ich gadauk noch Fildelfy ku ga (providing ich con my geld col lecta,) no gadnuk Ich deer en dinger biief zu Bchriva, s'nacht mole. So will Ich shllesa far dos mole, uu uoch awah dos ilea Uetzg'sund In un lustdich greasn, providing du lineht di achner speck. Yours truly, Hans Konnamaucmkm. Now- Advertisements. . ' i.: 1 , . i i TtlKnr. AIIE MAnlVliS tn licmlflchn who tnlrcht IjO cured iiy n.itig 'IniTiUil'rt Seltzer Aperient. 1 he a'nmncn, nvcrlip.nicncil until itirrensma t.voimivn 1h w. nkcnetl iiVi'iutes Itself iiKn the Tnnr hc-'d which it mikm lo iiehn nnd tu-. tuiA ttic ntr.'iiilri" Ttitiit-ont tlinaii im-1 wl ciirrv nil n itmnlly .nd 111 H lii'pcicen tlily, t ntrMiii!iiKc(m"i Tli disia 11 rociovul nnd Ihu l.eiu ren-ici tn cclie. HOLD 11Y AM. DltUOaiSTd. A FARM and HOME OF YOl'lt OWN'. Now Is tun Tlnio lo Secure II ! The tictt nn.1 ftieinnt 1 lidqln the mnrl-pf nm Kasthhn .Nrmmm tlio line nf tim umox PACIFIC HAILItDAII TIlO III 'Ht 'OVJ libit) OI'II.Kt vfirv m.v rjilei'I faro nntl f.Ti3r:ii M pcillori, Tiif ncn m iikpIh. Kirn jriee loin a havrr. Viiim rt' 'Tl'tiopimphrt, new eilltlun nf the "non!'it" .Mitt In,-) evprpwhorn. Ariitnft . I'' DAVIx, I, mill Cnmmliiiioiier, V. I'. It. II., Omnliii, .i-li. 00 k) i a Augusin, Mutno. 1 a WtvU ti A"'tnt'. n'lin c I HUE. I". O. VICKIIIIY. WESTERN LAN DS was oiHici-H raois.r Successor (o D. Book & Co., Opposite the L. & S Depot, BANK Street,, IcRpeotftilly announces to Ins customers, iviul friends Unit le is daily receiving additions lo his stock of , ADIES' D1U0SS and BUY GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, QUEENS WARE, &c, &o,, &o. lso, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT, which I rim sollmiic at liottom I'nces. SALT FISH a Specialty. you really desire to know how lame an amount of Goods you can get for a Small sum of Ready Money, you should not fail to give mo a call before making your nircliasos elsewhere. Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.& S. Deot, May 0, 187i) yl LEHK5HTON, PENN'A. HOMESTEADS. If you wntil vi'linlili! lnloinmt'011. vtiorr anft linw tn prt n ehtvip FA11M, ir Ki'veintni t iimiMNri'jAJi tree, iomi innr mnim in m. .1 CUI.MOKK. Ijinl Commissioner. Hwrcnco, Knn-ni. mill rueivn Hmll a cone or 'I UK K4N. sas I'ACino JlnMK.iri'.All. TO AGUSTS of nnjr ivlio null work. I II K Tohn 1)N Dp. Quii.i.k'r now book Willi Introilne- tlimlir miiik 1WAIN U lil-t lci.lv. It Ik the lichen Iniextmnl lllii"tialIonB tt-on lorn Ions time. An you nut nt work nr Aiairfcinir A'mu; on eornu 111111 iiuok 1 liw lor uim itwiuu.i vinir vocl.o.n sure 1 ).ti.t i''l:iv una lofto ten 1 tority vnu n-.mt 1 rriul (or cheimr t oun. It eo'-tH uillimie to eo iliein A'fnro-it AMUIU. OAN rUUIiI-JlIMI CO., llnrtl.nl, Coun.. or r. c iijjisici u. riOTTiiri:. jn j. 111 aun.i ia ui .. iMf iiiiuiiri u 11111 TlioEigBoiijiiiza VI-ITINtl OA'UjS.w'.tliTouriiamolltn- iitiien, nr-ni ior -.ao we uavezv AtJIONTS WANTI. ), 0 sainiues Kent Inrmnmit. All. I u 1,1.1:11 t CO. Brockton Mmii. MIXBO CAHIIS. th nm. iirlr. 2! f.T lll.'l. A.Trois A Co., N. Cnlhim. N.Y 50 f 5 NEW USE FOK A UUSTLE. Cell Lozan'n Cor. San Frnucisco CM. Calling on a fihiiid tlie oilier ilny 1 fonn'il'lier ennaeil in uinkiiig n Iiukh bag , of courso linen, huin-liieil. " VVhafs tliatT" I nskoil. "It's to hold my liaKK'iK." li" said ; " I'm giXng lo the CVutennlul." ' V liit a queer thing to hold bnugagi ; why don't you catry a trunk V" " Oh, It.s tint worth whilu ; I'm only ciilui! to be khiiu two or three days, anil as 1 don't wnnt to be bothered to carry even a hand bag, I bhall put all my tuggagu on my bank." "How? 1 don't umk-rMHtid." "There, it's done now, "Shu bald shak ing it out. " Wait and see me uack up," She began by putting into the oddly-shaped iMg toilet neve:arie.s, comb, face powder, hairpins, bottle of pt-rtume and handkerchiefs, etc., until It was packed tight, aud was lust the size of an ordinary ham, only the neck was long enough to reach fioin the vaisl to below the end of the knee. She 1ut on this pack Instead of a bustle. Bustles, I must tell you, In this clly.uro worn very largo below Ilia knee, with very little rise at the waist, hence the enormous neck. My friend, then took n tape, and strung on it one nightgown, one ahem I one ditto for the lower extremities, and two pahs of stockings; then, idin tied over the bag, put on her nklrts and dressed, mid behold sue had it fashionable bustlo of usual size, con taining all she had needed for two or three dayt, at tint Centennial " What n fearful weight to carry P' I exclaim d,'" and It' you should get an unlucky jolt or knock, the bottle of scent will be emptied over your heels, and the plus be jammed into your ankles " "It's not much heavier than an ordinary bus tie, and dou I wobble, which is an ad vantage, aud as for getting things hro lull, a Hide caru will avoid Hint. Ta,ta to off in tr.o 2 o'clock truiu." And yet li. en say mat women can never trave without a dozen parcels and several trunks. My Irlend carried nothing In her hand but a sun umbiella, which is very- light marching order indeed. 1376. fall. 1876. MRS. M, GUTH TlMOfCtfiillr nnnomicon tn tlio LADtFA Of WKISSPOKT him, vicinity thnt fho hnn Jmt return A troia linw Yi-k mt rhl'itrttOph a. und is now reccivniK one or mo largest mocks oi FallMilliiicryGoods COMPIltBINO Hats, Bonnets, and Trimmings, evrrlirmifrlit Into tliln rcctinn nnil that sbo r pu'imrca to oo tiictu up in uie Very Latest Fashion, AT l'lUCKi TtFMl'V ANY OTI1KTI r.STAIi. I.IILMK I 1' 1 111 r. UU U .N 11. Aim. a n hsiI nln.r.int tne'e i SWITCIIKS 111 It-ill nnil Imilnti hi Jlnir, MITIO.N", una nil olhrr Uooil!, usi.al,rke;jl lu a l-'irbt c-uas Millm. eiy Store. Ladies' own Hair m.tdo r.p (o Older. Call nnil Inspect f!oi Isnnrt Icnin rrlccsborore purcliftaing ulai'W liere. Mits. M. GUTH, Weisspoit, Pa. Kept, !, iva. 1I13 JIUMOUOUS. It was George I). Pi entice who de clined to discuss the question of woman sullruae because ho had considered woman, from the creation, ns a side i (.ue. A colored minister, wishing to un. tify his congregation that toe Sunday niter noon services would be ulscontinu ed, said : " Hereafter In the afternoon there will be no preaching In the after noon hervafter." The Oral time Jerrold eaw a cele united song writer, the latter said to lilm, ' " ,Ycmiigi.tor, have you sultieleiil toiilluence in me to lend me a guinea?' Oh, yes," said Jeriold, " I've all the toutluence, but 1 haven't the guinea." Ailaburer of Hibernian extraction was yot'long since lameiiling the hard nines ami mawimr jor a conirasi blight picture uf his homo lu Hie old country. ", Ah, "said lie, finally, "av 1 was only back again lu my luthcr'i tiallls." A lolly felluw-workniau tqujnted Ids eye aud replied, " Sliuro, au'.uv ve wore there ye moightKhtau on the grouu' an' eacli your ban' down uie cuiuiuey uu- opeu me uoor ay It Optmalto tlio ltitillaflquarcROti'lil BTHEKT' iilitlllllTON, i'a., " it o 1 . .1 Mnnutiictiircr ol Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer ill I'll kind Vcissport Planing Mill k Lumber Co., ItCMDpetfiillr ;iinrniico to Cnrtirntpvj. Iltii'.drrs. Conlrnctorn nml nthrrs. tli t linvlrir poinnlcictl cvciy tlolciiptiou Of Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet "Ware, &c, &c, On the shortcut Xot'eo. Our Jlnchlnary 1 altNcw anil ot Iho Miwi Anprovril Kinil, ho that we hi vn no healinilou In anaiiintiiinr Perfect Hatiilnctl m tu all who tna lavor ua with Ihilr omo a. it vnu iiavn mil lime mean ana ie.e.;t what von wnnt eiin yoiruiucr.' unn uioy Uii noiiiicu pKiTnmlv nml nr. low price R8 tlnmitli vnu ucrn pieno'it. Uivo us a trial, and you will be convinced of wliat wn saw SOLOMON-TEAKEL, 1). 11. ALIIK1GUT, WM. HIKHY. JOHN' IIIEItV. Offlcc and Mill, nearly opposite the Fort Allen House, WEIWSI'OHT, Cnrhnn County, Penna. June 10, 1870-gl rpilK 8LAT1NUT0H JL. PLANING Mllili And Cabinet Ware Factory AT SLATINGTOJf. JOHN BALLfET, Proprietor, puu.1 to oxocuto .ny .Nouut o"racrM P " DrcsseD Liimbolt , Junius, nnnitrrv, Mouldings, Cnbluet Wnre, Ac, Wrth Prsinptnew. tT llOoriXtl. Pt'llUTTNtl nnil JdlllttNII inuiitlv iittumleil tout lenniiintileehiirce'. iuv.U.i. .IILUl;il IlllAVijU. Ji:VST()SE l'KINTINII INK CO., JIANUFAOTUIIKIISOF OF Atiij KINDS. PHINTINO INKS. h- "d J r....f.ll r (Hook nn it News Itlack a Specialty,) Ko.1T North nth Street, riiiuMnriiK. va. Our lnk nre nf n ,iu,ertorMUlltv. lielnj m.rl ""w,'w M-M.W WW WiUB. froiil theliint Ingreiltiint nml under Hie nernr-n. nt Mie-en Iflni nf a pmclicnl printer finil prvsuitin lliereforn o nil! oi'nANTri ITr.nr rovsr. oriik InWr n Snnerli.r .Irl Illne.U. Q,nlk bent rnirinni, ne well e-,, rr..rt i.J. , I lerin i. nun nm in a muh ahli. i.n. a...nn a...ihI i " " nK"wn,viaYnriiip.wttii a awl. U mii uiosipiij iitenaed to. Mr ciiiirrM nre iinnleratni teruii ch, or UlUMI t-uuigeu iier nunj niivii Ttin Krnehtnerf 1 m(1 naw r .k. t.... iiimov iiiiiiiiTen mniiK. i rinninr uorra bui IIib Ili'S Iiir, nml t'liilrrly Pirr from I llntj-OIT. Our prleen nre from. 30 lo 50 percent Inti rr th.m nuj other lukA manufactured In the United Statin. A trial i,f a simple ken wltl convlneenny printer Hut lie hnn Imen pijllitf neirly doulilewhat he ithouldrurhlAlnka In tltneH pafit. AddreM, Kcyslone I'rlndni; Ink Co., Mo. 17 North Otli Street, I'im.AiiKt.riiiA, pa liLKs i itoi:iiucu lily MBaaG&y I MaM Tlms. line iT A'l wiintliii: KtlUIT I'AIIMS, eincrl'illv ml niteil to tho irrowth nt th"i VIN'K. whero It ! an psUbllslicrt eueeeii mil' imiv I. Ml1. H PltOITM The mini i uien ntlapteil lo the vruwtli ot IViiclic, I'eari, Apn e nml Kin nil f rut 1 1 ln, Oniln. (Inian ami Veretnb'es. Mbiiv liunilreil nt eicenen- Vl2li AHU-. o:iUH Vitus nml KMlUtt, ran nnT tin porn. TI1K LOUAIIDJ miulrill ml'ei eiutii nf Pull ilnlphla, by lt.illru.ul, in mild. ilellKiitlul ell mnte .iiiil ai the viyiloo. nut New Yoifc unit l'liilaileiphia Mnri;eti Auuthur ltuilroml ruuxdi. leet to New Yn k. THI'. PJjAt'K'nlroiilvIAUHK. HUrcHHSFUri AN I) VltOSrKllOU . Clmrc'ie', Retinoid nml ntner pnv luae aru aieiiiv entnb lul ol. Alrn lunuutn toile ol nho"!!. I'luihuik. HI.ih, htiuw rsuodi. a ni otlier thinir, nt wlito:i intT'-rent nieniltei-. nt a tinrlv imii timctirn entiiliirmnnt. It l.ai lieen a IfKAI. I'll ltroil 1' Inr emn ve.ne pn't (o- nenpln nutroniiK firm puininuary at fceli'iiH. AetUinii. nt urli, Amic. mm oem Itv imiur lho'i.iml li'iV" entlio'y r ciiTeieil. Anew linen Hotel hii Jiut been inmpleie I Ml I ft fiiml. with Inelt li'iillmi. Jour stoi lei hieh tilclmtiiiK Fioneh inoi nml nil modern Imprnvn iio'iti forttm ncn innniltlniii in viM'ms I'JIICHO;'' J'AUM J,AN1 8M.0 1'Klt AOiil!. tinjalno by nit l inm'.. w thin t'm perl il of four vchm. In thla climito planted mil in Tines 30 acres co int morn Hum l'Oucles further rerflonnunncqiintiiteii with Fiuit (itowlinr, c m bi come fnmll nr with it Inn short llmo on r.c. ciuintr.i aiirrnutiuiiffs . . . VIVIS AUUFM, O.K ACUH AND TOWN LOTH, In the town of I amllsvll'o nnil Vlunland, nlHof'iria!e. . . , . Wlnlkt visltlnir ihe reiiienntnl Mtlilhliloi. Vlnil.ind can no vlaltcd nt anan.l eeiie. A eanerennt.iminK full Inlm in illnn, "ill bo ent npnu niii'ijuti.iti lo ClfA ULtiS K. LaNMS, INUIiANI1, N.J fti-n nf rnt. , , rue lo lowing ! n extract i oni n Te&eriniinn in viuennu, uuunimi in mo abiy loiiKini. Iitl.NK, y ibo well iiiimii Afitenlii n-t. Mil m liuii'iueiii All tue larmeM w.'ie nr mo Men in un" ion. oun . mru di ineni. ivnn nnvn t irnen 'neirnucn- ili n to fr 'iih mid ir. irket sirdemnf!. Imvi jtiowi ilo.i. Tho nnil n enn. vnrv iit frniu nimly lo c'pyer. em1 inifice Kentli ui 'inlatitiK ir.tenr ctel w tti ninall atieniiAnud oi'caionn, wet ineuiV.w , In which ilenonlls nf pn 1 1 r muck rro rtmeit, urRtlent to fcrtll zj tho nho.o uplnud nuit.ieu utter it hnsh cuinocx'iii.int ilnf Han tuial leitilttv. It tu crrl'iimv onr ol llii' innt extrusive ftrlxlf fr-ian, in -in tiimnxr irvt-i tvmnov, ana ituil Vile cfW'itlion f.. ..r.rt..,l r.ir.N.n., .i,.ui .i,l,i. tiU nf the U7?en iirm'rifs. IIV f.miut mm ttf IKt eihlext 'farms apinrtnUy just ut imitaily jnmuclnc as when lint elrarrd of Jtimtjij'tt or o hundred yean ni7". 'The co"osM wnulrt so n ittc ver th"Ciueof tfiH continued ferlllitr 'llm while emmtry la a miriimd jpn It, aim nil tnin.i!li the ami wn Inuuil evI.lene.'H ut ciilunteona puiiianccii. (jjnerillv lu lliernrni nt Innuritea cnlcnrcoin man. annwiuu maiir inunri iiemmi nnciont neiM, i r inn trliiiri fot tii: ll.ni ; nnl this innrlv enbstanei'l" eenltereil a 1 lliio.ioli l lie ami, inn verv eoininl. timed fonn, mid lu tho exact condition and most neahulhited by uuch ulanta n tiie fnnner it' ilroa tocuUlvnte. J lino 17, 1870. Altnnnncra to tho cltlzcna qi I,ehtc!tt nnil Tl clulty ttint he Ins pnrche.si'il the !tock of John LficKhnin on Kecend t.,nml lomnved tho anno tn his rojildenno on Iho comer of second end lr n sta.. nml that ho wl'l be plcaant to nupply tils trleuda with Iho clioloijet Jllnud j ct Family Flour, Feed, &c, At ptces aa low a cliewhere. cuas. rnoKHLiuii. feb. 5. 1570.8m -KS. C. de TSCHUtSCIIKT, Next to Debordo'B Jewelry Store, HANK 3TKEET, iiEIIIGHTON, Pn. Cults the ntteutlon nt 111" Lndleint I.ehljhlon nml Ticl iltv in the tact that she keeps tall iiHtnrimenioi Berlin & Germantown Wool, IMI'OUTEl) AND DOMESTIC KHBItOID. niticj, oIo8. kiubonh, Ladies' ;md Children's Hoso, LIM11KUOHH HWllZKll CHEESE. CANDirH. nNHCTIONB and a Tarletr of other nil cies nuiuuaur hepv inanj otnorhruei 111 LelllirllWll , A eli limit siiblio pntronnire Is inllcltfd, and eatiituetiiiii puniuittecu. Jul1, s, ml GIVE MK A CAf.L.' tV Thne rnvnpert In rtn,M. tti i their afl rentage to hr Rldlur. Hoer Board Doors, as.ics, bhutieri, e., Av., aide ! tkl May lOy I JOHN B A LI.I KT. jex & iion, Annonnr. , , etttirnanf Car. bon and artjnl ms Ing f'vnntte. tl at Her r now preartl mpply 1ITK AiWi r, tinr.eBBD Hons, at the iowwt Mahket rnicjcu. Orders solicited, and lines delivered en atari force, vajiii nno oi'rjt'K. r.ppoit- the "Ni'HIiweslern Ilonse," BANK sTBlTKT. JihlllOHTON, rienn'a. - 7 Jan. 1511 nEX IIOM. rpHOMAS KOOKS -A- , i.b-yiviiini. aununm iff im iiiiva.f i.i.m. nnn nnil affloiane connlle. inal he aa m ehaed the entire I ate rent an lock el lC l.tVABWAl In inOLiEUIUUTUM 3 o m to s o O CJ 'S 5 u o -a te Wl m , 13 r I rs o Ph ci -i rl 5 o 0) o o u -u xn T3 a a "li "3 n o O w o u n3 a c3 CO O -a EH o CS is to BA 0)H O -P o r--l , tn ,-tr ri 7 em f- o S o 43 bo s a o t-t o 3 C5 U3 O Oh . u CD a o m Zfl a a .-2 U CO 13 P3 P o CJ o u o s s o o r rd o; Hi a a u m eW c3 w a; o - CO u 3 o JUESSKI) AND LIVE The underaljtnod respectfully Informs the cittieus of Carbon and adjolmui; coautiea, that no is uxuiu picpared to enpply tneui with Dressed or Live Hogs at prions fully us low ns tticy can be bought for elsowhere. Also, Smoked Hams. Ilologue and tiiussage, at WIioUm.iIo mm Uetall. CiT Orders will bn promptly Oiled, und Uegt ahlppod toauy point at tlieajol te.t notice. JOSEPH OBERT, lnk btrvet, LehlgUton, Pa. .Nor. 6, yl Corn Broom Manufactory. Incited In tbe nnrnnch of f.rhirMm, Carbtm Cnnnty. Pn., and tbil ke is prepared te all ajt urd rs entrnnlea ! bin with the Terjr llrtt Qcallty of BrMMf atthei,owT)sTrfaniMi.inNi rnieit. A trial is ref Beetfnllr Mlltltad maA taiba aat- Isfaetlnn (ararfeed. - Mannr ctnry in ta ns-eBtenl ariae Taut? Ilnuae," opposite the Leblth Valley Jilt. Feb. :, IMS. THOMAS XOnS. k. rickf.ht; Opposite h. A 9. Brpnl, L EHIUIITO.I HAKEUY. 6i 39 And In older tn do ao, thn uni'erlp;ii. .,1kTn' 2r7f?,:iSLt' cunavn mareeu iiown inn mm m li&Z&flX 'WWyMSs. vervttin.l of I.ADII.a- OKNTLB L'fca.lft,!lviJ tftrf: AX V'lMfRi'i; X M.;.Ns.iiul!iiir.i-iiti.'.is tinnis & 'KttZ'tlh J&lW !W'VWWiV Ml'tKi alio (I MTHUSt o vorv WXSis: lsAc''V SW'tffWiV loWBt poannio IIviiik luollt, ami on tTl?W.i i 7v'MtoW niidHcrHKI'TBMli".lt2i. 1870 will TwRS' Vjl fT'fw . s .Vu vSWy Ji tin" iiniuiuiierment to Ihoir pairons SpWIiWC W??tftT A'twrtKi, S) "A thn public, th?y neiil only etnto V SfK-i-" jXfri&fa-'$Wv!'-'' rH jW M Hint there are In cverTcominiinitv a E "M if nl'b.li' i it.V'tV,' J iminlii fof peieon? whnoii nl ject Is to r r&JS Jm'whlvVm. ' ' X-' V?' liHliMIni of tin ir nei.-liboi s. A'-rAS'SfS'ffM '$ Vl I v celtliiKired.twhiriTirlheyenunnil Wl(Ll'-r' ii(i ' ill never iinyu.K lor what they get-In 4i Wp'rdSSiAsi' 7 f I"'" mnlini it Is ibaietilt todiecnmt. -.li ift"lMi5Saff7 1,JS. ' XTVS'P ,ialc' '"''l tnerclnrn huvo wn detenu SHrStiSitm&te1 Ar-?;wpXVM' Inod tn ol for OAhll ONI. Y. nnil lliii underslaneil nnnnunreH tn tho rlnzenn ol I.M.lTlitmi. Vrlpnrt nnd I tin euiimtiiding lieiUhbniliDna that ue i uow tnlly vrcpareil to nippiv them with piMMf. ji-iikhu Bread, (.'afces & Prclzcls I'.reri Mornln'at Who'es i'e and lletal., at tbo luwcnt prices.. lie ma te a epcis'ty ol ViViltlliii; ami Fancy Cukes. I'lo-Niciiind nl other rnrtleo eupn'iert with the Choicest Ma do Icq Cream, n l.n.A nr mult nnantl tlft I nil Short nntlCR and a trasiiiriuin fUiiiiw. A'eo. ulrays on hand a lare siocs ot an uruis ot CANDIKS, NU'1'8, FilUI TS, Ac, nt Wholosiionnd lletnll. Pntrua ifte enliclted. J. W. O'NHIIi. nprll 8rl H'm t Sfcet. Lcnlghtnn Ta. W. EACHE5, Contractor & Builder, LKIIiailTON, rKNN'A. IMans nnd SpcrlflcnUnnfi KOtt ALT. KIND.-, OF UTJILDINOS MADK at ims siroiiTEsr notick. NO CHARGES Made for n.ANK and SIT.riPICATIONS wiiru thn coutract Is awarded to Uie under. nlgnoil. June 14, IS73-yl. A, W. EAGUK4, J Ob the East Weistport Cnl liak He.Dtf itallT lnferns tat1 tttlienn if lain TtOasV ty thaa lie keeaei aDsrsntlr an hand and nKLletl ni inn r.rj wnr naukj.! riiii;ei. r tatt iii:.vr niiANDSot LU1BDB rORBUII.DINO AND i-TnEII I'TJItfOtlW which he rnraatea ta b Tlioronghly Scnsnc, AND WItlCJt HE JH NOW tlfcM.ISO A THE VEIIT JX)WBB-l t.ATC.3. CJsaI I Coal I WHOLESALE and ItETAIUat the LOWaoT CASH PHICU1. lie has a a number cf very elleibly ) In ni''Kr.HTSTOWN, Franklin TawMatat which he wll. Hell on very Kaay Terma. Aug. . j. k. uiCKrnr. fnr ttin nnuili' Unnn. mouse ctocK of fa 1,1. nnd Wl.".' 1 J'.H tlut pito nur cuttuniers and the pub. lie Itin In nrO,. .it n r.nlntl.in In .win In thl coneccilm wo toko n'c.isuro in t ivilinjt un lnMioctiuu oi our lm. BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS, nuidenppsiirclallv for Ihe trade nf this tectum, feeling confldont flint tlio newnrlca 'it wilch wo are eellimr will be as antlsfactory ns Ihe imter al ami viir-ninm-lilp i riinrantred tn no. OllDElt WOUK fur Ijidios and Ocnlltnicu, jiroinutli attenrtrd lo, m lowest CakH Puces. HEIM & GEltMAN, St"ro In Semmel's Nw Block, opposite tliu l'ubllc Siiuaru, UANIC STREET, Lehigh too, Va. nmr.ll-yl THE HATTER, Broadwny; Manch Chunk, Ilnnjuet niienrdas lenr'ld stock nf HATS nnd I ami CA1'!. of tne Lntes", Stiles He bus nmo on iinnu u inn tine ot r7 H fMlTll "2 TWnT1TBGJ AT rlllCES LOWEft THAN KVfSn. .MClOlll.Vl JAS. HELFOnD. THE CHEAPEST & BEST! T. D. CLAUSS, BANK STREET, LEHIGHTON, PA, GXJSJ'.OIC aVTA-XDE CLOrHING, You cat! select from the very' best ,of, Goods ftud get your Qnrmonts mnde lo pi lute a giove in tnu latest tnanun. ,. Keady mndo Clotlilnb Ladles', MIbbi's. Geiitg', and Children's Gaiters, Hats, ' Caps, arid Ue'ntfeinru's FuruUhlnir Guilds In jurat variety and at , ,fl Ktinpk-tWWii Trices 'VOW OA8U. OT'Call add exnuilnu Goods nnil Prices before purchasing elsewlietn, ""' ' . " ,Tf Df CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor, , 2nd tlooratoirq Uie.u'tillc Square, IJANK STItBET, J.elilghton. t -of -m a i n (i vmma UUI SI 1! V M JJ WTly D O O S5 Sibil's 1.135 ill -jr iauiL.ni an &. to., BANK BTEEET. Lebighton, Pa., Mil. LEXIS and Dealers In All Kind i of OI1AIN BOIIOHTand SOLD at KKOUlVH MAltKET HATBS. We would, also, tespectlullr Inform onrcltl. tens that weaio now fully prepared to all P I'LV tueni with Mest of sil From rny Mine doslied at VEI1Y il. HEILMAN & CO. Jut2f. DISEASES OT ivIEIST, !,.. . HAPPY niJLIEPto Younsr 0 IISTA CL ES M en tn im t he ellccUi uf lirrnrs nml Abuses In c..l ly life. MAu linml restated, liiiuwiiuienta 1U to ilsrrliigo ie moved. New rue-hod of treatment. New Kiiiniinr '"l temarkabie iciuciue, .UAUUIaul.. Hooka ami cirenUraaent. t e In sealiit epvelones.' Addreaa UOWA1ID ARSOjIaTION. 4UI N. Ninth Hi., I'lillsilel'ilila. Pi. An Inxtiintlnn haTluu a li'ah ieiutiUon: for (bougmule touiluot and nxaJea tiuual aktl. tiept. H.iy. IaiTX u 3 o i i fH r-l O m p .2 a o P IJtOB SALK Oil TO LET. AONHSTOnY FltAME llUir.Dlrtfi.batlt expressly fnr a PlIOTOOItAPHKll, or'wonl unit a ClOAK-MAKHlt. BHOEMAKER an TAILOI!. Will bo enld Terr :hep for Clan r on short time with apiirored security. Apvlr nt TUlH OFFICK.. Jnnelilt HusiNFa mIsn and oTnKiw IN WANT OF JOB P1UNTINO OF ANY -OESCJIIPTION. WILL UMlTHKCAlmON ADVOCAl'K OFFICK Till. BUT and CIIKAP. KT PLACK IN THK COUNTY. GIVE DS A. TlUAI. AD Jl I'ONVINCKU c. A. SliVMOlVR, M. O., TKUNilLand UltOW.S Streets, rhllad'ilpw. la uiorn than usually successful nt tne treatment nt Uiood, haun aiut.Uniiarr Affeetiiin.tiUeaseai, arlslnn through imprudence nr earlv Indiscre tions, or nhoie'tho aartlta afU etrd du not eai to apMrto ihiir regular physician, Chr, nioderato. Two.thirilat ttia IXk tor's plleiiia have employed nlm aplely through tha recon inendatlimolnthenft-; 1nlrM-yl WANTliD the holiness wen to kanv thai tjr van not JOII I'JIINTINO done cheaper at Oiitnos ApvucATM O nice than at any other plnoulnthu county, 'iry.ns. WANTKU, evrrylaidr w knuw tna. Il, ( aasb, will pay a year's. WDSpnnllon for trie CAB. Oioif ADVOUATK. 11 ,: ' u I.IIKi.li.j n' i,i , i, .... ion rUNTINCl atLthe. very ,Uett prU