Society Meetings. ilgnicnr? Tmni. in. Imp, 0. pt It.' t. meets itt HAhAp llnll. nvmv tiso o'iiii.iKi. Hnchclu. : inn, nvoir nniuniiT evening Bachem, Harry v.Morttumerl o.of It.. Ham. 11. Ollhain. XllFINlTO OASTLtt, No. 78, A. b. K. OF TUB M. O. Jndand 4t!i Monday of each month, In Ho. bar's llnll. Lolllghton, nt 7:3) o'o'ock :i u. Jl. J. Hiinslckor, H. K. O.r 8. It. Ulkam, P. K. R. B. BuJinM llUTTr..1 Umnti, No. can', l.b. o. F meets ovory Tncadnv evening, nt 8 o'clnck, In nebor's Hall. Alhod Deck, A. a. i IX. II. llebdr, Secretary. lono ImcA'trimi, No. 171. Imn. 0. It. M.. meet on Wednesday evening of eieh week, at 7:30 'clock ini'iiouo school linn, Wetsspirt Vh. D.F, hickert, 8. 8 It. llllhain. C. of It Ltuioilfox I.OPait, No. 23 1 K. of r meets on (Tinny ovcni(ig,.in iiencrs nan, at 7;co o'oioc.i.. ,1, w, Bondenbu&b, ,C. O.i T. It. itatijiirj, K ot It. frud a. " AtlvcrtlNingr Itntns. "We deidre It to be distinctly understood that no advertisements will lis Inserted in tlio col umns ot Tils Cahbos Advocate that ro.iv he "ojoivch) from unknown partioir llrms unless a jenmpimled with the Cash. Tho following aro ear oslt terms. Advei tlseracnts for 1 ye ir, per Inch encb Inn rllon 10 Cts. " Btx Month, per Inch each Insertion 15 'te. " Three Months.' , ' t 20 Cts. " - TiM than three months, first incr. tlon (I, each snbseo;iient lnaertlou 23 Cts. Local notices 10 cent nor lino. II. V. MOHTIlIMntt, rubllshor. . sucwisns, CISTnlOr ATTOJtNKY COUNSKLLOn AT LAW. OFFici, No. :, Mansion House, MAUCH ml UNK. PA Settling Estates, Flllne Accoanta and Orptiana Court Prsctice n apocialtv. Trial of ciuses porctnliv attended to. I.rgil trnnaotlona In English and derm m. Jin 0. SATURDAY MOItNlNO, OCT. 14, 187G. Local and Personal. tST Parties receiving tlio Advocate wlllfa crosS Marked after tlielr names will pleas? remit tho amount duo for Subscription, or the'cxtia 50. cents will bo.added ,to pay Ibo expenses of collec tion. ' " i 'I mm - n. Important to Tenchcrs. The Carbon County -Teachers Institute will bo hold at Mauch Chunk: dh 'Monday, Octobqr lGth,. at. o'clock prin., and on Tuesday morn ing proee.d- in a, body to . Philadelphia to visit tbo Centennial Grounds, and a, few bf tlitf Philadelphia pub lic Schools; Couit convenm pn Jlouday uiorn ing next, at Maueh Chunk., , It l.. lawful. In kill, deer now If vou can get close enough to tlieu'i. The Pbttsvlll IUiers4 Journal is offered for sale hy Mrs. Kamsey. We havo been "lilessed" by the pro sericH of any quantity of traiups, during the pait week. Hn vq y oti' heardf rom India naand UliW'lia lieen ilni p'rtfnlu'eiit'Vjui'stlou of tbo past fow days. The banking house of L. Meyers, ut Wilkesjjltaire, -was robbed of $500 on Friday evening Of last wecki Still on tbo go The handi-ouie teams of 'David Ebbeil. Ills livery Is on North Street, and' hl terms aro very low. , , On and after October 1st a full sup ply of Dr. IJull's Cough .Syrup can be found In every drug nore. Price, 25 cents pur bottle : Sve fortl. Our young friends, A. It. Itaudon bush and Samuel McMurtrle, of Pck erton, left (for, a,, visit to tho Ceuteuulal oa Wednesday' morning. ' . S. IJ, JIudson, Dr Kranier and other of the candidates have been doing the fair this week for recreation and electioneciing purpose-, of course. Richard finikin, of. this county, th(ew; la. bitter. for you fiii the Kaston po'sto'fflce", he'ld-for postage. Send a three cent postage stamp and get It. Improvements are M In order In our borough. .Tlios. Keinerer Is laying a handsome Hag blde-nnlk iu front of Ills dwelling on Uauk street. Next ? J. K. Itlckertlms still a (ew of those eligible lotH In Itlckeitstowri tq dispose of. -If you, feel like eecurlug a good home call and see him Uo Is also jup. plying Hour, feed, lumber and coal at the lowest rates. , , ', . Tho djrectors .of tho Central Kail road ot New .lersey have accepted tlio resignation of ColotiM H. K. Uickert us Superintendent of .the road,. to take effect' on November 1. CoJ. James Moore, at present consulting 'Engineer ot the line; will be his Miccrssor, ThoSargA.Saio still continues at the Original t heap Cash 8 lore, and J. T. Nusbaum it Son take the lead In gtv iug tho best' bargains in dry 'goods, ftuicy dress goods, &c. Beautiful fibawls at 85c, worth'11.25. F. P. Semmel offers at private sale, on', very roaBouable terms, seventeen very pleasantly located building lots ou the'0ldi'atr grounds, In thlB borough. This offers a rare opportunity for per sons desiring tp build themselves a Juime. For further particulars apply -,to F. Pi Setuiael, at blsliardwai e store, f fen Batik Street. Win, Andreas, a brakesman, on the L. V. II. It. a single man residing at Weatherly, was passing pver an empty coal train, In Ibe vicinity of the Pack erton shops, on Tbursday'evenlug, about t.ov o cioqn wueu ub uiismki ins looting and fell alongside tbo track, severely Injuring bis shoulder by the fall, and being otherwise scraped and bruised die moving train. . lie was sent ilauch Chunk for mcdloAl treatinen DB. FlTTLKtVS KllEUUATI.O HE surea rheuuiatlsm, neuralgia, nervous and kidney diseases. Du. Fit j leu's PECTonAL Svltop, lufalllUlo for coughi, tolds and bronchitis. Du". Fiitieji s Cordial, Calisaya, Liniment and Veoetabl Litkb Pilm sold by C. W. Lentz, 'sole agent for LehlgUtou and WtUsport. 2-Jy w ThePhoonlx Malicb Chunk, furnished tbo music on the Fair Qiounds, on Wedneoilay and Thursday. They are rapidly becoming the band of tho county. Tlios. Kcmcrer, Esq., has been confined to the housu several days dur ing lliu past week with a severe coli. We are ploased to see blin out again. " Pap" Painter, tho Hupiibllcai: nominee for sheriff, was In town Wed. nesday, nnd called into sen us. lie re ports that his prospects for election are favorable. The length of tbo track of tho Philadelphia and Heading Eallroad, liu Chiding leai-ed lines nnd Bldlngs, Is 1, 552 miles. The main Hue of the road Is only DO miles lung. Our friend, J. W. Rauilenbush, tho Democratic candidate for Sheriff, Is stirring things up lively In the canvass lie will evhientally make ' Old I'up" scratch gravel to beat him In the nice The funeral of William W. Mc Daniel, on Sunday afternoon last, was very largely attended. The services weie conducted by Uev. G. A, Bruegel, of the Lutheran church. Jos. Fiest, the Democratic candi date tor working lllin a beaver to make his election. It bo falls It will not be because hu liusnotlabotcd tor success. Hon. Charlton Ilurnett, of Montne, was reiiominaled by tlio Deniocintlc conferees of Monroe, Carbon and Pike counties, for State Senator by ucclaina' tlon on Friday last. The day of October Is reformation day among the Lutherans. The synod t Its late session at Colum bia resolved that a Centennial Sermon he preached fioin eiuh pulpit. The reso lution to celchruto reinitiation day by a ualherliig ot the Ceuteuulal was voted uuwu. On Monday tnornli.g wIiIIh three loaded coal cars were being hoisted f i om the slope of the Middle Lehigh colliery, at New Huston, Schuylkill con nly, tho rope broko and the ears ran to the bottom. Four uiiiuei.s were killed, viz : Ed. Knauss, Win. Hach us, Jos. Becker and Thomas Jones. A fieluht train Coming down the L. V. Hullroad on Monday fore noon, when near Mud Huu, collided with the rear end of a coal tiuln, top pling the engine and four box cars uver and down the river bank the engine turning two complete somersaults in her descent We are pleased to statu that no on) was butt by the accident. Tho Kaston Express says : There is a possibility that at no very distant day the North Peun inilroad will be consolidated with, or placed under the control of the Central railroad of New Jersey. This would bo a thorn in the side of Judge Packer, and would tie the means ot a coalition between the Lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania rail road companies. Sentence has been deferred in Ihu Motile Magulie case at Pottsvllln until Monday next In order to give the eouit time tor con I erf nee ami mature con s.ueration. The argument ,lor a i.ow trial in the case of Thomas Duffy Is al so (ixed for that date. There ate 18 persons convicted and waiting sentence. Our County Kitlr. The second annual exhibition of Car bon County Industrial Society com menced on thelrgrounds In this borough, on Tuesday last. On Wednesday mom iug we took a glancu at the various de partments of tho " show," and found the display to be superior in quality to anything before placed on exhibition In this county. Am ing the most attrac tive was the display of Mrs. E. H. Sny der comprising a very hniidsoino silk dress and satin undeiskirts, which at tracted much attention from the Indies ; on the next stand was a beautiful dls play of fancy needlework by Mrs. J. V . Haudcubush, nnd other ladies whoso names, wo did not learn. F. P. Seminel exhibits a case of splendid articles in tho cutlery and silver-waio lino. T. D. j Clans., the merchant tailor, exhibits a very large and magnificent lot of cloths, cassimers and vestiugs, together with hats, caps, boots, shoes, gent's furnish ing goods, Ac. This display Is very at tractive. The exhibit of fruits Is very fine and large, John Lopp, alone, hav ing a display of 08 d.ffer"nt varieties of apples. Tlio exhibit of agricultural Im plements is fully equal to that of pro ceeding years. The vegetable depart inentcontainssoinevery fine specimens. Tlio exhibit of horses Is full, and con tains some fine and valuable stock. Tho display of poultry is the largest and finest wo ever saw In this county, while the exhibits in cattlo, hogs and sheep are perhaps not as largo as on other oc casions, tho stock is superior Ju quality to that of former years. Taken In all the fair of the present year Is fully up with, if not superior to auy, hitheitn held in this county. Thursday was the greatest day over known on the Lehigh ton Fair Grounds. The throng in at tendance was simply Immense. Revival Hervlcei A series of extra services commenced In the M. E. church, of this place, on Sunday evening last, and will probably continue for several weeks. Services commence at 7:30 o'clock on week day veilings-, ana i u ciock on ounnay eve (Ingsi Preaching Is announced to take see as follows : Monday. ItUi. by Uev. Win. 11. Wood. Prosldme Klilei uf lh Ulntrt't. Tuesday, mu, by llov. B. T. Vincent, of Manch Uliuut. Wednesday. Utli, by Hoy, U B. Hoffman, of l'ariyvllle. Thuraday mli, bjr Itey. D. young, of E. MaucU Cbuiilr. .Friday, tutb, by tho I'otnr. On Tuesday and Wcdntaday evening. 7(1 h and IHU, Hev.J. T. Bwindella.M former pastor will preach. The public are cordially Invltod to be present and participate In all these meetings. Letter from Mauch Cliimk. Mr. ('. O. Skeer'a residence will soon bo lu trim for reoccupaucy. Messrs. Ell Sensliigeranil Alex. Hen tr.en,two of Mauch Chunk best singers, have rciently Joined St. Mink's choir. Miss Annie Calvin, the ecconipllsh ed organist or the First Presbytetlan Church contemplates spending several necks at Philadelphia. Mr. John Dinkey, clerk In the canal department's olllco of tho Cenlrnl H. H. Co., Is lying seriously 111 with itlptberla at his mothers residence In Kaston. The Orpheus Singing Society of this place Is progressing satisfactorily, and nre said to design the giving of a concert eie long. Mrs. Jos. Brown, of Fast Mauch Chunk, having rented her residence on Center street, contemplates making the residence of Mrs. Judge Bel fold her home (lining the coining winter. Woik nt the Summit Hill water-works Is progressing uipldly, nnd ere many weeks the residents of that rising bor mull on tho summit will sip the pure nectar of Hluumlugditle Valley. The uoild moves. Thus. MeNealls, for snmo years n resident of Summit Hill, fearing (It Is said) that he might be wanted by the authorities, for uasoti no doubt satis taetoiy to himself, mysteriously dlsap. peared on Saturday lat. Knowing ones nesert that Mr. MeNealls has lelt for the old sod. How ho cm afford It, I don't know, hut let one Invest G cents In Milwaukee (beer I mean, of cotuse), and they'll I lent lil tu to 10 cents worth of soup In the haignln. Such, nt lent HppMars to bo the rule at 'illg Simon Andes tier's, " at Summit Hill. Fioin what your Informant learnt. It seenif- as If the Choral Union of S. Hill (n creation of Heiishaw's, and atone time the best and most nourishing uiusl cal society iu this legion) has been ab soibed by the Episcopal choir of that place. To mention aught concerning the impending trial of the Powell murder ers, suHIcos to light up the couh-onan-ce of every publican and talerer lu I Maiii-li Chunk. And why should'nt ! it, since minder trials are always sure to I draw a crowd, and the Ponell' tragedy, being a bran new affair, to nt 1 tuict an extraordinarily large number i of attendants ? Hard up for a place of rest, somo weary wnndeier, having chosen the L. &0. llallioad track for his "little bod" and a rail lor a pillow, on Monday night, on Tuesday moining was found In that state of which Indicates rest everlasting, lh-ing but a pauper, and the evidence of a w rong Choice con clusive, the customary coroner's inquest was dispensed with, Hon, Chas. Albright is burily engag ed preparing tor the pending Molly trials. His recent frequent visits to the locality ol the Powell murder, were, no doubt, made lor the purpose of familiar izini! himself with i be locality Zell uer, tlia Mauch Chunk artist, has also been about the Summit lately, taking stereoscopic views, which will, no doubt, bo brought forward in time to assist the jury in forming a moio cor rect opinion ot the atlalr. On Friday of lust week, a young man named Jl rtln McCrneken, a resl ; dent of Suinuiit Hill, while attempting lo board a locomotive near Linsf'ird tunnel, slipped, Ml. mid will now spent the remainder of his days will) one foot less than ho had when (list launched upon this sea of trouble. Let others take heed, lest they should inro like wise. Hut will they ? It Is thousands of j ears since mother Eve slipped in the garden of Eden, and lor thotisiimls of j ears tho evil consequence of that little unpleasantness huve been hold up as it perpetual warning to mankind, and yt they continue to slip and lull to this day I And the cry Is "still theycome," and they did eoiiiu on Monday evening, all the way from Pottsvllle, nnd aro now snugly stowed away lu Cailr n County Jill, ami their names are: Thomas P, Fisher, Pal McKemia, John Mulloy, and Pat O'Doiiuoll, members of the stock company who nre expected short ly to appear before the public lu "The Powell JAnderers," tragedy lu one uct by Yellow Jack Donohuu, f ho scene of which I, laid lu fiout of Hurry Wil liamsons' store, Summit Hill. The com pany's first performance ol this favorite tragedy, at Summit Hill, now nearly six years ago, cuiscd considerable stir at the time, and ns on the coming oc casion nduilssion will be free to all parts of the house, una large audiences may be expected, It will be advisable for hII desiring to enjoy tlio play tocomeeaily ."Judgu" Slattery and oilier celebrities lmvliu kindly offered their assistance. The affair promises to be a grand suc cess. So come, one and all, to sue "The Powell .Murderers." Tlie irrstorlou dlsannearnnco of one Hiiiumvi, iiiiuui'iruin liucK Moun.alu. who was kuiiwu 10 luvo bton 1iit un l li3 day of tut) uiei'tiuir of ilio IJomocr.itto Coiinlv Couveulluu Oct. Hud Bluett wuicu tlins .til traces of lion hail been io. and whicli emu ri30 to vari ous auouootioiei ot foul play wm lully eipialu od by ihe Undiu? ol ihu uultr of deceased, in tno lower nam, on wounisuy atiernoou I'totu wbativeiojldleiriiu uni-oir ttiut hisfriin la and ftiinliv, liubui-d with uio lUea onvMiiv en. to:ta!ncd, had uuidfor a mluiito vximlimliou of the liver uoii. mid hardly hud te ihatf uud (MipulltiK irons, fainv o.iio.od npon tudr om o rj.juua, Hmu tho body was moukt tf tho sur. lace by Ml. Jomnh ilurun. An inqient nnd tboiou' a pot mortem examination tttuesubeo (ju inly h d, but nothiug wia e.uitod luuutlnu ine tiieoryof f jul puy, 'lhemone sumefjriy odd ami uk he was Known lo nave had iwout hliunnmeda bowasitfet eeu nllvo,sua louud muct lu one ot his poolers '1 ho uiuvaiiuu be. ilef is ttiab ilcceaio.1. havlug h'd occasloa to retire, strayed mui the river ailhoiigu tneio art froiui w ho still udheio to the tuooiy of vio. fence, und it w.i piujuuiv lu uiffe ouco to their kppeuu mat warrants for tno urrest ot two m divtduils.with wiio.u acce'iacdisjEuown to have had soiub 1111 word ou convention dij', were Issued, but a far ns tno uubmoi majiily aro coucuniu 1, mey can't seo it" lu that lltrht, be in f jUy sjtlsUad that detensol onino to nts death by uccltlent. Alter (he lmincV, tho oorpsj was furwaruod to Iluolf: M.u itaiu tor burlul. DdCS4-ed louves a widow ai.d four cbl dieu to mouin his sad and sudden taLunrou. Mr. Ed IKenu, biolhvr lu-:aw of our frtsud Oliver Ui 1 1 ley. bewails the lo-a of a very prjuiU Uijt tijiid a boy iu bU fourth your, wb j died, st ail early hour, on Wounos'ioy mjrulur Potatoes by thouiiiniity aro aalllor hera at lroin uinuty ceuui to one dollar per bustniL AtAllentown fair a inanwho was smoitlns bought u toy bi:oou, whieU oiplodM from a cparlc from his Uaar and blew up the wuoio lot ol b noons, leaving notn the peddler's bind, sad natulan but tue strings la burning me amozers A Strnnge Cnlt. Under the nhove caption, tho Enston Expiess, of laet Snturday, gives tho following particulars of the dcnlb of Mary Yetter. A few of our citizens have for some 1 1 mo wondered at tho sud denness of the girl's death ; but tho mystery, now seems to be thoroughly explained, through the untiring exer tions of Detective Johnson, of Enston, nsslted by our Indefatigable constable, Jos. S Webb, and two or three other of our citizens : Tho readers of the Fxpress will re member an account published In this paper of tho sudden death of a girl aged nineteen years, named Mary Yolter, which occurred nt the Cenlrnl Hotel, Kaston, on, tho Olh of September last. The girl arrived nt the hotel nbout 11 o'clock In ihu morning of the 01 li Irom Lehlghton, Carrion County, accompani ed by a Mrs. W. D. Labar, for whom she had been woiklug ns n servant. The girl had been sick for several ilnys, stid as Mrs. I.almr Intended to visit some lelatlves near A'tigm, this county, she concluded to take charge of the sick girl and lake her to the home of her pa rents near Stioudstinrg, or nt least nc. company her ns far us llntigor. Ar riving at Kaston the girl's Illness seem ed to Increase, and her companion thought It ndvlsnblu to slop here, nml accordingly took n room at the Cenlrnl Hotel. During the trip Irom Lehlgh ton to Fasten thu girl hnd several at tacks or vomiting which so much lu created in violence after her arrival at Ihe hotel that physicians: were called In lo nttend her, hut she grew rapidly worse, nml died nt 5 o'clock that alter noon. Her remains were taken lo Moil loe County and Interred The physicians, nlthoiigh expressing the opinion that the sickness was chol eia morbus, vicre inclined to the belief that the vomiting was too violent forthat disease, and this, taken Into considera tion with the fact that considerable blood was ejected, roused their suspi cions that poison might have been nil ministered, nnd they accordingly saved somo of the matter ejected I mm thu stomach of deceased lor nnalyzatlon. The inmates of the hotel, notblng this action of tlio physicians, an I from their own observations while lu Ihe room he lore Ihe girl's death, started the report that there was some mystery connected with her death. The newspaper repoit ers of Easton, ever on tho wnleh for in formation, gained possession of the tacts, so far as known, befoio the re moval of the body, and, ns there was suspicion of foul play, refialned from publishing the snmo nt tho request of District Attorney Meirlll and the physi cians, who feared that giving publicity to the suspicions might possibly pie vent the nriest of paities whom future Investigation wjiuld implicate. In the meaiillme Dr. Slue nnd Mr. W. S. Sweeney, Assistant Chemist at Lafayette College, each took a portion of the matter ejected from the stomach (saved by Dr. Slue), and aiiiialyzed the same separately, Ihe result of which showed the piescnee of arsenic In largo qiianity. This discovery gave the Dis trict Attorney grounds to work on, nod the case was placed In Ihe hands of Detective Johnson, who immediately went to work to nscei'.aln who adiniti.s tered the poi-oii. He a number of dips to Lehigliloii. ami liiqulied Into the standing of Ihe Libnr family, with whom Ihe girl lived ; also ns to the ac tions of the decensid while In serileo of tho ianilly nod the roinpniiy she kept. All this he had to accomplish without exciting the suspicions of any one. On nirlvlug nt Lchlghtiiii, how over, he found that nn opinion prevail' ed thertt that the girl had died from pol-on, and this rumor necessitated still moie delicacy In Mr. Jonnsoirs invcsii gallons. licpeatcd visits failed to elicit anything that tended to Implicate any person iu the affair, finding nil at- teiupls to ptobe the matter through out side Investigation fullle.DetejIlve Johir son resolved to Inlervlew the Labar family, and for this purposoan Expre.-s repmter accompanied mm to .Lchigii ton. Tho Interview took place yesterday morning. 'Ihe present servant girl at the Labar house, Miss . orueliu Shin -gler; was accidentally met nt a neigh boring house, and, to thu questions of the reporter, answered thus : " I knew the gli! Mary Yetter I look l er place nt Mrs. Labar's house. 1 went there two days before she left to go home. I slept with her two nights. The nlulit before she left wo stayed up veiy late, getting tilings ready for breakfast, for she was going to start for home early In tho morning. Shu oilen, nnd said she did not want to go home, because she did not like Stroudsburg. Wo talked in bed until about 2 o'clock In the morn ing." It was somo time before. Miss Shlugler would tell what the conversa tion was that took place lu bed, but ou being informed that It might havo somo bearlugou thecause of Mary's death, she replied : " Weil, she asked mo If I knew what arsenlc wus,! told her It was poison. She said ' Mrs. Labar had some t-i kill ittU will it kill people.' I said yes. Then she asked how much it took to kill a person, and I said 1 thought a very little. We did not sleep long. Shu also asked what arsenic was while wo vero psellng potatoes, before we went to bed. Wo got up very early. Both went In the yard for chips. I saw her go down to the barn. A short timo af ter we were up she said bhe was awful sick. I saw her go to the out-house three times. She came back crying each time. I heard Mrs. Labar say, the rea sou she nent Mary away was: because she could not do the work, 1 heaid Mary say sbo had the dropsy and I saw her limbs swollen very much. Shs ulu but a few potatoes for breakfast and drank a little water ; bho drank no tea or coffee. She appeared to b,e very blck, and Mrs. Labar sild I guess you better not go home to-day, and Mary said " yes, 1 aln's sick, I will go." A young man named Patterson, who Is not altogether rlglit came to see Mary twice, bat Mrs. Labar would ma let lum come any more. I asked Mrs. Labar what Mary died of, and she said chol-' era morbus, I fouud a paper contain ing sugir uf lead uuveral daysafter Mary died, lu it button basket. I told Mm. Labar ond she said It belonged to her, Hint she bought It for her children. Mary dl.l not want til go home, sho cried when tho stnge come, and we had to help her Into It. I don't think she had any trouble with any one. Sho told me that Mrs. Labar tcohled her, but she liked the place mid did nut waul to leave. The Labar linuso was next visited, It Is surrounded by a truck garden. Mr. Labar U a gardner by timid. Ills barn Is only about thlity ynrds Irom the house. Mts. Labar met the report er at tho door, nnd when he made known his mission, sho cheerfully re plied ns follows: "The day M.iry start ed (or home sho had been living here Just six mouths and six days. I know there Is a reort that Mary died by poi son. I bought poison to kill rats about two months since. I used it hu some cheese. 1 don't think Mary hnd sense enough to know what arsenic was. She was not a bright girl. 1 concluded lo send her homo because she was Incap able of doing the work, ns I was sick. I heard the girls talking very late the night before Mnry started for home. 1 noticed that she ate only n little pota toes and ih nn It water at breakfast. She wns shk and crying. I nindu her mint lea, hut she did not touch It.. She ap peared to be sick I told her we would not go, when Mary said no, I ain't sick, I must go anyhow. 1 went with her lo take her home, she vnmlled nearly nil the way to En-ton III the enrs, I heird the doctor ask her If sho took anything, ami she said no. A half-wilted fellow come to see her n couple of times nn 1 I drove him off. Her folks told me I should allow no boys to visit her. Sho dreaded going home; while shn wns here she Joined the Methodist Church, when she camo here she was a Luther an, nnd bho was afraid her people would nbue her for going to the Meth odist Chu'ch. While the conversation was going on Mr. Labar camo lu from the barn nnd he said that somo of the arsenic bought two months ago was left; that hu wrap ped it up and placed It on n beam in tlio barn wheio It still remains, "I don't know If Mary knew whether It was theie. It don't look as If it had been tampered wlih I recleved a tele gram from Easton stating that Mary was dead, nnd went down. When I camo back 1 henid of the rumor nbout Ihe poison, nnd went immediately to the barn ami found the arsenic where 1 left It. It might havo been opened though." Mrs. Labar said sho was sure Mary was not pregnant; that she never had any money, because her folks oidercd that her money should be kept. Thus the matter Manila. Officer Johnson has performed his part In In vestigating the ense as economically nnd thoroughly as possible. Although he was pressed to have tbo Coroner dis inter the body of deceased at the start, he refused, Imping to prove his suspl clons that the girl had committed sui cide. There Is n strong suspicion en tertained by some, however, that Mary Yetter was pregnant, and Hint the poi son wns given her to get her out of the way. A post mortem examination would piove the gill's condition, hut the qiuvtlon arises, which county will proceed to have it done, tho girl having been taken sick In Carbon, died In Northampton nnd is hurled In Monroe? We give to day tho above particulars of the case, as wo no longer deem it necessary to keep them from tho public, inn much as the facts, so far ns known, have become the town talk, and injus tice Is being done to certain paities seemingly innocent. The Labar family are well spoken of by their neighbors, and it Is evident tliey knew nothing of the cause of Miss Yetter's sickness. It seems altogether probable that the girl, who Is represented as "weak minded," secretly paitook of the poison for some Imaginary or ret I cause, entirely with out the knowledge or connivance of any other person or persons. Fnll ami Wlnlrr Styles. T. I), Chiuss announces to his friends that be has just returned from the city, nnd Is now opening his fall ni.d whiter goods, comprising cloths, casslmeres and vesliugsof the latest designs and tho best mMiilfnrturc, which he is pre pared to make up in tlio most fashion able and durable manner, at prices ful ly as low as the sacio material nnd workmanship can bo obtained for in nny other town in the State, Also, a lull lino of gent's furnishldg goods, lulls, caps, boots, shoos nnd gaiters suitable for the wear of this section, and manu factured expressley to ids order, Tho entire stock lias been purchased on an entirely cash basis, and as he is kcIIIiil. for ea-li only he is able to sell at such prices as will astonish purchasers. Call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. The I'lreiiitn's I'urnde. Tho ktc ind annual pcrudo of I.eliltrh Hook & Lulrtcr Company, of this borough, took plice onThnradav. The lino was fionied In front of their ti nek-house, on Northampton i.trect, at 0:M o'clock a. iu.. nod moved over ll.n f.iliowlnir route: Down Third to Iron, down Imu to Sec ond, up M-coJ l to lutciscctlon with name down I! ink to KIid, up Kim to faccond. down Hccuiid to Booth, down Bouili t j 11 kntr, wnero tho sevo ral companies participating weie nmwiil in (tout ot tho KxchtUKO IIoli'l, and were address ed lu a mat and appropriate speech by Wm. HI. Itapuher, lixq. The pjlud i wai then dismissed lor dinner, walch was served up in stip?rb style by J. W Randeubneh U the " Carbon Uouio," and Thomi s Uautz of the " Exchange IIocoL" At u little utter 13 o'clock the hue was fonucd and procoodod to the Fair Grounds, where ttrer marched J round Hie track, and then dismissed for general amusement. Tho Invi oJ guests hero NisSy IIoo'x & .Ladder Co., of Bethieheiii, whoanvedon the 7:15 a. m. train, accoauanled by Fountain mil Osruct Band of thm place, uuoei' tho leadership ot Mr. Wm. Siegfried i tills company and the band attracted much at. tentloa by thnlr neat and gentlemanly bearing uudthn excellent musio discoursed,; tbol'dca nlx Baud and JloaeCo., ot Mauch Chunk, were ulo In line, having arrived ou Uio ": II I 4 8. U. I.., and each pi eaoutid a uett and huu.Uouie ap pearanco, The Nlsy and tbo Band left by tbo through froight tialn at (ill p. m., amid thu cheers ot the Lehigh boys, and Iba I'tcouixou tbo IM for Mauch Chunk.' via: h & a It. U. 'Hie day was nuo and all in Joyed tnouuelvcs to the fullest ineasuto A correspondent ot ihnLondou lima wains Ibo BnUsb pubhu ot thd it inger ol a potato bus: lava iou,ba,lu thai ho sjw two creeping aciojs tbn unci oi a stoanur in waica he rooejlly Kit tor IJvtrpu.l. Thr Cnnl Trmle. I ho fol,nwlni labl shows the quantity ol coal ship; oil ovci tlin l.i hlgli VAllcr ltailrood for the wtieit ( inline Oct. 7. I87H nnd f, r tho year a compni ed w III tlio aamo timo last year I It glons l'rom. Weel:. Year Wyoming... , ,, 1X374 17 0.?,S8l IS Uiizluton i 40 61110 l.S'Jl.lM 14 Upprr li' high.. V.J5 17 llMlvnrMCKliiW 13,177 01 480 377 1(1 Mllhuliny 13.8 HOI 8UV.87 CJ Matio.1 Chunk I,u8 10 ld.oSi W Tnlbi irco-il? sm,n- 18 I. nst Year 115,3:5 10 24)8021) OS Incrn so 033.127 04 Orcicnio (1,(111 03 lllll'LMtr OP COAIi tr imported or Lehigh & Minj'i hann:i Division. Central It It. of New Jcrso.i week ending Oct.Cih, 1870 Total week. To (Into. Mopped fiom tons, cwt tons, cwt, Wyoming 20.74.1 00 mi.VW It Upper l.illllgh 5171 13 170,00' 01 Ho iver Menilnw 1I.49S 18 n9124 11 llnz'etnu 0.135 m 00,10'! 19 Mauch I'llllUK 14,010 13 452.371 10 Uiolllltvlllo 1 2(1 411 OS Smith nnd Judd 6 040 10 Total f4,l8!l M 2 M5,2 10 I'l cvlouslv i epm toil 1.5 10 Total to dale 2,015,311 IS isumo tunc last yn ir 1"4,775 no Increase SJ7.C47 10 Decrenso Religions, llov. S. Neltz.of Heading, will preach a Centennial seimon In tho Ebenezer church, of Welsspurt, on Sunday at 10 n. in. Thl. ( will, no doubt, be an In struction and edifying discourse. At 2 -15 ho will preach In tho same church after which the sacrament of tho Lord's Supper will be administered. At 7 p. p. m., he will pieach English On Mon day evening Hev. J. K. Knert will bo cln a protracted meetjog In North Welssport, (LeuekePs School Houee.) All christians nre invited to participate In this meeting. ' Services will open nt 7 lit) and will be conducted In the Ger man and English languages. To-morrow (Sunday, Oct. 15 ) thpre will bo preaching In the Evangel ical chinch In the Uerninu language nt 10 o'clock a. in., and at 7 p. m. In the English language, by J. G Bllem, pas tor. John I.. Rwaney. a hicmbernttheMnaonla Older l-ir nnnilv sevo'tty yenr., died rrntiy nt his home, lu Uuiuner comity, Tcnn,, aged 07 oat a , S'iniortimins recently sflnrd tho soldier's monument a' I'ltuflo'd, Jlass.,wlth rotten egg?, nnd tliTi einiu had lo be clnscliod down to eradi cate Ihu marks Closing Prices of DullAVliN & Town siiND, Stock, Government nnd Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Oct. 12th, 187.). U. S.fl's. I8sl I75i b'd ITH as'ted U. S. 5-'Vs. 1815 ll4 bid 12 nsked U. h. 5-20'ri, iscs-1. cfc j.,.. ut, nid nn osafcd'M 13 J7 IS bid 154 asked U.S. VJO's, I35S i IBS bid I04 asked II. ft. IMi's , I4S bid 1IH asked tr. s. rnrreney, 8's 23S bid 23li asked U a. 5'missi, now HH bid 14 aseed Pennsylvania it. IT 474 bid 47h asked I'bila A 2I bid 21 "t asked r.eblgh Valley 11. II 4itf bid 4Si asked I.oblub Coal ,t ;.nv. Co.... 31 bid 32 asked United Companies of J.I31 bid I3i5 assed 011 creek & ill. Val. It. It. 0(j but 0."t asked I'hlln. .4 Kilo It, li li bid is asked isntlhorii central It. It.... 2IH old V8H asked lloitnnvllln Pais. II. It. Co 2th bid 28 nsed ( mawiesa It it, prele rod. 31 bid 41 asked Cold 84 bid 8 , passed jiruitiKi), HUIPPITna-WILLrAMS -At tho rsldenco ot I), P. II uithca. Ksq., at Kast Mnuo'.i Chunk, by itey, 1). u, Hughes, of Coal Da'o, Mr. Day. Ill II. (JrllDth, ot ,Ahlon, to Miss Leah Wll hnns, ot ihe snmp ace. MEfr McDANIBL.-On the. 4th Inst., William W k in of l.vinau I) McD.miHl, of this boiongh, bf accidental shooting, r ged 19 years, 2 root,, mid 0 days. Death has beon hero and borne away, ' A brother fio.n our sido: ; A Just in the morning of his life, As young as wo he died. One wo loved his left our number. For tho dark nnd Bfcnt tomb, Closed Lis eyes In deathless slumber, ' Fiulou n ins early bloom. i l'rom our o'rn!o, d,oarot brother. Early hast thou iiassed a .yay j ' ll'it the nnsels say "Anothsr Jolus our holy song io-diiy." I)') irost William, thou host left us. . Hole thv loss wo deeply feel ; ISut 't's Ood that hath bereft us. , Ho ad our sorrow! heal. Yet agnln wo hops to meot Ihoo, When iho nay uf Itfo Is fled, Then, In hoavoa. with J v to greet theo, Whero no farowell teari aro shed. I'e.-.ccful Ln thy silent nlnmbor. roieoful m tho gruvo s'i lowi Thou no mora w.ltjoln onr number. Thou no morn onr tongs shalt know. LrMghton, Oct 11. 1370. B.M0M. ZEr.I.srKu At Tlowmansvll'o. Iho 7ih Inst, Ililen ..elner. consort of Kauinl Zelluer, of typhorl fawr of widen sho satYired only ltf na s. A'icd 31 yeirs, S) mottbs ajd 7days Special Notices. Tho (Hreat Discovery J e. v. Kuxicur.'s nirrK'n wiste op I HON. Yur tbo cure of wsakstomioh general nebl It', lndlgoMttoa ilnea ,ool tu U'irvoni ys tem, coustiiation, acidity of the stomich, and ail cases leguleian h tonic. The wino nirlndoi tho moit agrjn ible and cf llclcnc salt ot Imn wa pos.tvu. climto of Mug nulio Otnle, emnbiaeil wiJi too most eneigollo oi tevciunl tunics Yellow Peruvian Bark. Tlio (ffuet In in my eases ol d.iblllty,lis of no pallia generil prostration, ot u efficient Mjlt of Iron ombiuod wii.i valuable Nervo tui.c U most h'ip'iy. It auffmontn tho appe tite, raises tbo pulse, takes off mosoulur a uVbt. nest, removes I he pa.'Ior ot debility, and glyas it fluid yleorlo thu coumenmca. Im vo l want something to strong'Jien yoal Do you want n good auetlte I D.) vou wajt lo build up y.iur cousittutio I Do you want? to feel well I Do you waut t got rid of nervous nessl Do vou want eneigi-l Do you wantUI sleep well I I)j you want brisk und vigorous fBHlimrs I II you Uu, try Kituitei's W,ino of Iron. Tills truly valuable foniohas been thjrouguly tested by nil clasnes of ilia uommu'iity, that it Is now deemed lutllspeuNablo us a Tomo meilleuio. Itrostsbut little, pinnies tho blood and gives tone to tbo htoniacb, renovates tho aystoiu and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this va'nab'e Tonto, PricoSl n-r b tt'o. K K ICU.'JKI-.r., rtols Pi-o-prletor, i'oii i.i.opDiii. l'a. AsX yourarugrlst for Kupkol'. lllttur ot Iron, aniltaso no oibcrmuke. Ho doulv tntl bottle.! All otuers are oouuicrle;t. so beware uf tbeui. Bay six buttles for j.C0. Worim Itemoved Alive. E. P. Kankel'swnrm svrtap' nevertalls Hds stroy I'm, seat aud dto'imuu Worms. Ur ICUn k"l Is tue on'y snooassful l'liysiomu 1 1 this coin, try lor ti e removal of worms. II . roinoves'IHips worm w.tb neau and nd oouiocui. oliva loj hours ami not o un.iItemoej. uead furclr cubir. or cm ou your uruggist and got-o bottla o( Kmuicl' Wowi ayruu. l' Ji.o It never f i's. Oct. 7 lm. rjAMIALWUOU pokiosssa much greater r-1 puwi.r lu rentorloK In a bnsllhy state (be ma ens inombruneot too urethra tb' Cubjbs ur opaioo. It never prauaces sleltuuss. Is ours talnsiid "peeJy i,i Its iietlou. It is last sbjer aeding every other remody. tdxiy oapsales euro lu six or olgut days. Wo oihor luoaicloa can do this. Duuuui pick JS Co.'sSbft Capsules containing Oil ol sj mdaiwo m. sold ut an jJrug morea. Ask fan tlro'iiar, or stmd to a mid 87 iVojster stiroet. f.ow York, tor ouo. "p2-mtl "KE v iiiD.) ilT'l H'U hp:,' pr'intoa in tea colors ; Pocket lCufi (wiutjo handle), 13 Bijn.i Vbdtiug cards, is dheeU Writing 1'uper i3 hi(u Kncelcpji, I itubber, S Pons tno im sett iKX't p im for u cents. H. J. KUItlZ 4'jvcau-l st.,c aid. fulitvlelprib) LUviiaiSncuilio". Aug, 24