The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 14, 1876, Image 2

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Mlllia IITO.V, .i
MtwiJiLiuAx iiokitt.
IV 'Minimi.
rorrrcslrtent-BuiiiKiiroitD 1). lUvrn.
fur Vlpe-JTpjl()ciit-Vitl.lAM A. WlUMLin,
rou arheiii:i.t.
W.M. .M. liAUKllBtt,
t S. 11. HUDSON.
ron AcsortATP. juixik
TltOMASI.. I'oSl'KIt,
ron riiOTiioNnTAtir.
rou 'nrmcF.
JonN i;AimTiit.
11. scorr.
1 1
F,or President Samuki. J lit.nnjt.
For Vlce-I'iru Jont-TiioitAs Ubmiiuckv
i ;v
It. MXlNAltll. '
. -' Joqiu'irFisisT.
, - ' J, W. 1(AII)MNI!US1I.
,, 13..H. ki:i.u;ii,
f Ucail This!
Wo would call the attention nf the
penjilo'to tint fact, that we hnvo uimli;
arrangements with the N'lttiminl Art
&., of Cliiclnnntl, OI1I11, to fuinMi our
siibscnbeis with a number of choice en-
Rravlngs, as p linns to subscribers to
the Carbon Advocate, nt tlm nninlnnl
price of 23 cents each, 5 Tor n dollar, or
tlfo series of nine for $1.73, this platvs
iii, Hie reach of the people a good newsy
local paper ami a very handsome lot of
engravings (9) for $2.73. Call at our
.office and See samples of the engravings
Agents wanted In all the townships to
canvass, to whom a liberal comiiih-dnii
will be allowed. To the first lady who
Will procure for 123 subscribers to
the Advocate at $1.00 eia-h, paying us
cash, wo will piesent a m-aily new y,S5
Wheeler anil Wilson Son ins Machine,
in firt'claas working order. Who takes
this valuable, prize V
CongrvKsjoiifil Convontlon.
The Ueninciafic (.ongreisiomil Con
ventlon of the Eleventh District met at
the ofllce of 'jiriin D. llidds, In Jllllord,
Oct. 4th, 187(1, at 3 o'clock P. sr.
The list of confeiees nelng called by
.counties, the following gentlemen ans
wered :
Carbon Jolm Tnylor, L. F. Ivsuti n. B
Columbia- lavll Lowenbery. Jacob Terwllll,
get, W. ll.juvi)iT.
Liizomo Duvl 1 llaitou. Bernard Mr
Ifnuns. s. V. Ki.j..r
Mimioe Liiuoi'i Slnreli, eltueon llanr. I. a.
Uabu. '
Mimtonr-U K. Slower, A. v. llrandon, D.
Pike-John M Vi Axln. 1). M. Van AtiKcn
ulitltaled forUeoruo Aniloy.i John 1). t!iMi.
Sir. Snyder nominated II. F. 'Jang-'
er for Temporary President, which was
agieed to.
'Mr. Uidds nominated L. K Slower
ci', of Slontoiir, as Chairman of tlu
Convention,' which was agteod lo.
Sir. Ganger nominatvd V. II. Sny
der, of Columbia, iind .dr. Hnrton
iioininated Iiei;iard .Mc.Uanus, of Im
zerlie", as Secretary, both of which nom
inations were agreed to.
Nominations for Member of Congress
being .declared in order, the following
names were presented :
JtT Mr Tiylor, lloliett Klou Onrbnp.
Co'tuinbia lj,'K'"W1-' Uiiwioi II- llrockwny,
i-i- iii ?,n'dt'r A' MPKarsell. Columbia
I'roiioia J). Co Una. Luzmio.
Jiv .nr. uai, a. (), Oiuouvr-ilu, Mou.ou.
nv llr. llfanilom, H p. Moiranielou Montour.
UV Mr. JIuMa Ororjro Jr. Uowlutul, l'.ks.
On moiior. tho nominations closed.
U'wum, on motion, agreed that con
fcrees have the rlglit to change their
voles before the result Is a'lriiuunecd bv
the'Chalrman". ''
Mr. Van Aukcn pimcd tint all pel
pons wliodeslio to-attend the conven
tion beadudtted ; which was amended
by Mr. Snyder by the addition of Mun
tlPM) decfiltf'fo ncl'ud theui," and as
thin ainenileS ns'Vii agreed to.
iye ballots werotcikeii',i' as follows :
Klot,..!,. .1 3 3 3 3
O A.MegargHU...... '. i t 5
VrjjtlHaAO.)IUllAi ..3 3 3 3 3
A O. l.rnoilwaUI..., 3 3 3 3 3
il TMmiluRtnn..... 3 3333
lleoreo il. itowlanil t 3333
Mr.'TerwHlcfer was the oscillating
conferee, vibrating between Jlrockway
and Mcgart;i)l. '
At 4:U0,on ijiotlnn of Mr. Iowenbcrg,
the conveiitlomifljourneil till "7 o'clock.
AfUm: ovuiilng session Jen ballots
wore. ta:)u without nmtnilal cliange,
nnd-t .the convention adjourned till
'J'hlursday at 7:1)0 o'clock a. 111.
The convention adjourned 011 Friday,
Cth lust, about 1 o'clock, to meet in
StrmijUburg, on' Tuesday, Oct. 17.
Thoie who we're' present represent that
the indicatiolls-aro in favor of tho final
nomination or Col. It. Klotz.
Boys in blue,your old lighting geU
crai's, McOJellad, Hancock, Ilooker,
Slgol, Palmer Knipo, Iieed, Manson,
pibl?y,'Gloveri FurUBworth, Parkhurst,
Franklin. Ilartlett Iluell. Bpraguo,
Jlradbury, Kosencranz.Mllford.Coulter,
Ewing, Corse, flurbln, Ward.Wllllauis,
Newton. Warren, Slooua, Mott, llragg
(of WlsconsliO, lllalr and Walker are
fur Tilden and Hendricks. They will
vote as they fought, for peace.
Official returns of the election In
in the State, of Maine, give Counor,
Kepublican, a majority of 15,037, pver
Talhot, Democrat, or a Republican
majority of a little more than 11,000
over iapt j taf,
II. V. MOimil.MKIl, . .
Oiirriilldilelphln Letter.
nilLA., I'a.. Oct. 11,117a.
Duau Auvocate : "Ooiiu over to
the majority" was "Tint" head,
lug to IH obituary list of Tuesday last.
Kvcry exhllltor seems to havo the
best medal ami the first awaid.
1 hope the school teachers of Carbon
county will have a good time on Trie,
day next, as I understand they Intend
visiting thu Centennial on that day.
The vale of bear ought to be put
down," tald a Granger tho other day
at ttio Centennial. A few moments
iltorwaids he was seeu"puttlng down"
Severn! glasses.
The season for stuffing turkles anil
ballot boxes Is near at hand.
This has been New Knglard's week
at the exhibition. The consumption
of. porli and beans has been enormous.
Ntuv's Ihw lime to examiiH tour
guilts ; that l., If juu wish to go out in
the teeth oi' wintry storms and have drv
Our warmest friend -tho stove-Is
here iigalu and ready to be gorged with
Whrn tho election In otrr,
'rno uiunorH vjii iiyo iuo oroi t
B it tlte loera, tho wil' riv
"Jli:ttinj4 011 pit'cllunB ilieVnt pay."
"I'at, jou can't vote," observed a
politician to a sou of tile Enielald Isle,
the other day. "Why V" asked Put.
Jh'caiiie you're not lialuiallzed "
"llegorra I said Pat, with a whoop,
'I'll show yees that I'm natural eyed
wueu election nay comes round."
On Thuihday, 12th Inst., Governor
llartranlt will unveil ChilMopher Co
lumbus, I mean the monument, of
eouise, for Sir. Columbus has been
gathered to Ida fathers for several
J en is.
Tile International exhibition of sheep
and Mtvlnit began on Tuesday la-t. The
entries of sheep are 778 Ameiicaii, 00
iCugll8h and 51) Canadian. Those of
swine aru UUU American, CO Kuglisli
and 40 Canadian. All these animals
1110 ot supeiior bteeds and are well
worth seeing. This exhibit closes Oct.
The exhibition will positively close
on November 10th, So says the thu
United States Centennial Coiiimieslnti In
the following preamble and resolution;
Whereas, Several cominuiilo'.itlons,
verbal as well as writtei, have been
presented to commissioner) asking lor
Information as to whether or Hot the
time for closliiL' thu Exhibition tdiould
not be extended beyond the 10th day ot
November, theretoie be it
Itcsolved, That, In accordance with
our pluvious action, wo hereby declaio
that the oeiiteiinial Exhibition shall be
closed 011 the 10th day of November
The Centennial exhibit of poultry will
commence on the 20th lust., and it, is
bald the display will be attractive In
every respect.
The Philadelphia and Heading ltail
road will build Hi locomotives alter
this with brass trimmings or orna
ments. Tint agony In Ohio and Indiana being
over, the people will breath more fie.ely.
Doth panics had the victory last
night. Ho the clubs of both partits
turned out and paraded the stitets with
bands ot music and plenty of toiches.
As nothing really delinite was known
by cither ot the clubs at the time It
would have been well if a third party
had marched the streets and displayed
a transparency with the following de
vice ' Oon't count your chickens un
til they are hatched."
Another giand display of fireworks
will be made at thu Centennial on the
evening of thu lUth inst.
Yours, Ilricfly,
P. S. I would say something abnut
your candidates lor Sheriff lint 1 hav'nt
all the points I'd wish. I understand
the' name of one Is Han Den Tree and
that tho other is a Painter (or "lioss
Painter" I've heard him called). Now
post me on both. What are tho "lloss
Painter's principlal works- I Judge ho
Is a good artist anyway. .
A letter from fcavaunah slates that
up to last week there had been over 1,
SOU Interments in the city sinco August
21st. four-lilths of which wero yellow
fever cases. Very few people remain
In tho city who have not had tho fever.
Tho letter states llint "not 0110 of tin
full-blooded blacks-has ytt been attack,
ed with any symptoms, 'hero there
is tho slightest taint or mixture of blood
however, tho ravages of the epidemic
are apparent. Justly appreciating their
happy immunity, the colored men and
women havo banded together in a littlo
army of their own, and havo perforin,
ed n most efficient service from the very
beginning of thu disaster. They are to
bo found fn every hnuso where tho
disease Is raging at its utmost, and their
attention has something poetic in tho
sacrltices whjch surround it." The
number of victims of the fever is now
diminishing, and it Is hoped that frost
will miou put an end to It.
The subscribers to the stock of tho
great Centenulal Exhibition, it is now
Mild, will receive a dividend on their
shares of at least fiO, and, perhaps, 75
per cent. This Is largely more than
was eipected, as probably not 0110 sub
scriber in a hundred over supposed it
would pay back a ceut ; iudeed, In
mauy iuetances the scrip has been
framed aud hung up as an heir-loom
for future generations of tho family
bow possessing it.
The project of keeping up the Phila
delphia exhibition by tho purchase of
tho main bullding.which was entertain,
ed by eowo wealthy citizens of Phila
delphia, has been frustrated Dy the de
termination of the park commissioners
that the main building most be rotuov
The latest returns from Indiana
Indlcalo tho election ot Wllllams,Domo
crat, for Governor, by 0 majority of
from 0,000 to 8,000 and tho election ot
tho entire State ticket. In Ohio tho
Hepubilcans have carried the Stato by
nn estimated majority of between 3,000
and 0,000. The voto for Governor In
West Virginia Is estimated at 10,000
mnjoilty for .Matthews, Democrat. It
Is Impossible to give anything like ex
act Ilgurea until tho olUclat figures nre
At Deavcr, Utah, Tuesday) Judco
Iloreman passed sentence on John D.
Lee, convicted nt participation In the
Mountain Meadow massacre, nineteen
years ago. Tim laws of the Tetrltory,
allowing him tu choose hanging, shoot
ing, or beheading as the mode of his
death, hu chooso shotitlim. He was
theiefnru sentenced to be shot on the
20lh or January next. The Judge said
that others, equally guilty, might here
after expect punishment
8 CliritH Iii li Srini-nte i:Ihk-A.
11IB .1li-unf;ri'lr mill (Jriilul Mil-
cum Two IlnthN Unmix I
One JUIIe of Clitii'lnl and
Palace Animal Cihh!
Tho loim-heralded and world-famed
show of John O'lJiien Is to exhibit here
011 Saturday, October 21t. Every
where Indorsed as the greatest aud
giandest tented exhibition over organi
zed j wo append tile following couinieii
datory notice :
John o'Jlrioii'H cioat conblimtlonniadoa otib.
lioi).ii:iiu yoti'iuar. lli'yoiM uueHiioa it was
lliotluestxlioiv inuoo-sloii over ho. n In lliUcili.
a,..t(iavoaiiailiiiiutultlitt ot tlio aicat imiusi)
inuut ontoiiuUu t lnun .il r, o lino i has Ijuu.
iliii. Tlio coniu.imt on Is Ills most nieilioi loin
uxlil'iluo'i now traveiliu. Au Hoar mwut loat.
liiK-it thulmtUnml oj.itttu Hi Gicatuioiuiaer.e
tvuica ho lias uoli oloo will tcacii a jmimhi mom
ot llio wonilcraiir iiutiie, ou.l will nioio vividly
imii(wi iho iniiul wun Hi" mstlooi o. ntu ciea
to , lbati 0 iy-4 ot netoiibii t, runl.ii; Tli ro l-i
bcaicu.y a c.ass of aniaiuts, howovor t.'iul and
H.40 th a ho li is not its rtp.edi.nta ivos la
one or niutlni- o. tlio loiiv-suton iiumtitully
inintud cigos. Iuo ououuoailaiiuraiidcxiiL'iise
iievomiir, t'liiuuu mch n rmleuuuii, tun vu it
iil'ianoeit tout miuy oi thu uiilniu s luivo to lio
DlOU'Ilt, Iho BlVtliO II lit l U lot.' IOII4 lountrv
wiioieunly liny uteloundniid a limidr. U olhor
Inmedtuiouts, vrouit vwt iml.uni., men Irotn
at.o.i.inuis tuRul ,o?u.. rBiub i Ricatsoowas
.hut tins titoo in our eity. 'thoo.ii.
seam mosoms iurite vntlely ol cuiio.llles
in in v oil hum altiaot.HKtliooioso soruuoyol
Ktotrnlolks lis v.tll us ilia vitnoly oi luccaam
ca oonliitauoes tor iho noeil u utnullt oi llio
'li i.reula illijilay li elvou In two sopainlo
11 gi, and wltn two lull ,1 ruiftviiu is
iioupus. Uiiuva-i visit u'Ui-l.ui'8 tl.untiotoii.
6U1U.U10U, uml buhouajuiootlii ultrctioui
pusjULiii (u toatoil oxlilliitioii... It
shoual bo bo.uo In omul, inji one . ku laauit-j
lotho eutlio luliiinlicii.. Inn eottT.i.-.oo Uttii
iiuliv.uuji 000. 111M uuMiu.utn iu 1.1 tlio Ui.itutl
,-tl'Mos basai maun nioii jy Livdsteil In mis
btiMiiisi aih'is Jolm O'Uiioti. Hiuoj lotlu H u
loeolioii 111 uoiail of the couipjuv, wlucu
la U'l ttuaMUiiv gin i iiuu.
The body of an unknown man,
suppo-ed to he a tramp was found 011
the track ot the I,. &- S Itailroail, near
the gas house, at Mauch Chunk, 011
Tue-day iniinlng, wltli the head fever
ed ti inn tlio body and otherwise niiitu
lated. Ho had been seen the previous
day visiting tint different saloons and
ililnking hhops, and IsMinposed to have
lay down on the track to sleep he did
effectually. Ho was taken to tho poor
house fur Initial.
.M:iitvt-N J' Jtili'rosf . '
tirfiia-lionso thiovoj !s one of WDiitro'tmrr
county's trnub v.
Tlltwo who eotno to l oo tn 1 1 1- iilmtr nthprn
iiri) llio ones who (jo 10 otlieis lo mlk ubu it "it.
1'0'utfcii Imml el ctlicol tliilaren n'.iook
hauls Willi Proa ileut (Ira it a., Ins rojopuou iu
Itliitt-a. N Y.. llio other day.
llioJo'-cy ulty cieoiicrs uro nrplnitiom
l'io aiitiiorltini inn nsirnliil,tv oi n-.ii i ir.
plni.ojfripiiH befoio burliil of a 1 otiioojinzsil
U-ail i olios
Mr. J. K. Fcolt colored, n? t ho Illotripf nt
("oltin.bla wuh iitlmiti il to nrrcllio lull.nsu-
'rnuo o iii'i oi mo Btaio of l'oiuisyivaiiu In
Conrjil Denrlnff lirntfrril. v-ht'n lntnTli.nlnrl,
In Ciiltitaha?, Ohio, thai 12 tearsao ho lit ,cu n
lieirio. WhOU hn irnt. nnlifn Iih rmtiiil lnm.nlr m
J"li, with tbo chances In favor of his belnR
Tun eeiu ch for the snnkon trwinm rr nmri.tnt-
ine In fSJmvwi. which went ilown on boartl the
iiuiiHii iiiino iiusar, near nw voik. (luring;
rovoliiutloitarv boini.. viiHmuii' t,rn.,
Slnco tlio ni.nRO 0f tho bnnkrnpt net. In
Match VOL t hero havo boon puiMrmi r,ii-fii,i,.
on ion In tlio Uultert Matos el. ota v, oi ilii
iiniin-i hwioi conn loi-iiid W oitem mstilctof
roiinvivanin MfKriiMH.iAiiir nt, t. .,.-
R.nnothltii: livs tbrn lli-co liain'ic:1 p-r nminai.
oronocnclnvorkiUKiljy. lliiitiet llnilfirton
fix n until eiblniK on Ojiobor tut, Hint llioio weio
lint 127 eafOi. anil fora Hanllnrporinn eiiilii"
April lal,lsT0, there were via cia s, Inllri'tea t'.o
fiKluoiny Willi wli.cb cdv.intaKo wi tiiten of
tlm law when it was not n -w. It will banot M
tint tlie-owimaialll'iiroirof 73iJWOsin tholan
half of tho nisi twelve in c an pan J with
th 3 111 lit hull.
Unrivaled success is attending tlio large sale of
fall & Wiato Wtsff roi
Dress Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths,
Groceries, Provisions, Wooden and Willow-Waro, &c,
Which haiju t becu received at tho
All owing to the IMMElfbE nEDUCTIONon OLD PltlCES."
Also, jusfc recoived, sovoral casos of CALICOES Good
styles, at G COIltS per yard.
Ladies' and Gents' UNDERWEAR at Bottom Prices.
We havo alao lntrodooed a new leature la addition to our Btock. namely.
Cents' Fine Dress Shirts,, at tho following low Prices :
Partly made 1.25, coraploto 1.50 per shirt. Made
in olegant stylos, Warasutta Muslm and best Irish
itinon. Warranted to fit.
Cidl early and eurerjeuff,n,. OOUNTIIV PRODUOE Keeeivodla Exch.nKo.
. j. t. arusBAUM & soar,
Original Cheap Cash Store, lolu'glitoo, Po,
Now Aclvoriisomonts.
-f-T" 1 WAT1U.X ALi HA NIC,
at l.olilKlitoii, In tho Blolo of rrnnsylvaiila, at
thooioseof baslncss, Oct. Smt, 1370. '
Iannml Dl.&nunls 41
J!.'.?,Jln"''"l""m."."lc"nt'" 60.HII(0
..,u i,f,,ii,.i-, jiooiro iPCIItS..
Duo Ir 111 otl er National llaoka
lltio frpm Mato 11 nil s nnil li,)tncrrn ..
Ileal Jl-toto iHinliit.-p, mil fixture
Ciirrent Mxpcin ntal Taxes I'alil ...
rrenilinn I'api
lliiinet other limits '.
Wrnli'i') " KaM 'l're"8Uly co1"
I.0B1I 'it!nVrNoVoi.,.'.'.,.'.'.,'.'i' '.',','
lleiloniptioii I'nnil with IJ. h. Timsnr.
or 13 per cout. of Ulrtuljttoul ,
B07 2
I,CK 0 1
1H 17
8 810 114
1,0 il tn
m 00
3,!'J3 00
1 2V) CO
l0,nl .,ti2J,u:o 70
II ilivldc-il I'rollls
tatimis. Monk Kotos uutstsintluR ...
Divlilendt imp nd.
1 ;ivi(loalDeoo lts mbji-ct to clie'eit"
J us 111 oilier Nutlaiial liniua
Una loi5tato liaiikjuiKlliaukcrs
ir.i 10
1 ir:o (7
svo 0 01
iim v.
20,0 is 711
W7 S
3'J 49
staff ot lSitmtyhania, thuntu ot Carbon, it
..,i1'i1T;.iV-.7!"w"""1' Uis'dor ot llioo'iovi-.naio.
oiut beiiri. """"" -VKiiowaiiKO
W. W. UOWMAN, l-nplilor.
K)tlmfM. .....
(Uv or oit .'ig-c." 10 ue'arB a,'
'rims, h nnnir -vn.-t,..,.,.-
Cirf.ctr,tMt' 1'. Ilcffuid. A. J. Durllnir.
Ott. M, 1MJ.
Forsoiifil Property,
H10 irad.r'-lTiicd will tell nt l-ub io Snlo. on
tt U'6."1.8,';?.1.!1""'".08 ,hn fOJ.U btAl)t:,i.
flinir'iVUJ61- '". DOftOUUU Oi' l.U.
1UOII1 OX, near :ho pur Oroaniif, 011
SATURDAY, NOV. 11 th, 1870,
rrninniuniR nt tJiHo'cbclr I' M .the followlnc
vnluatiiit nitidis ol l'op. ttv. towlti ' llict
etio.i ln lrilitniciibnut'.S) tts 2 li .M.i5Clilel;o n.
1 veiicolbnnow 1 fhlMa, o.riliito, 2lul-tonili
wltli lledilliifr, 1 Lotimro, 1 dozjn I'lian H,a ItocU.
mi! ( lmiw, 1 ' oouiiii' stov.', with pipo and
UoiifeiiirfUicnsl'f.S'lables 2QinlH. I Oiii'boaitl
!t,1,,l'h8J,"".,;? nine"". ' ia luv stand, I
Wash M ind, t licit t nttor. 1 Stm uyo. Sniffer.
Laid rn. (.'nipotg. Biicneis Clmin, Jars, una
oilier nitlrlai of IvotuelioM furnltu o t.oim
tiieiuiM to incntinn. Terms will Uo m ado known
nt time m.u placo ot sale i.y
Oot. 7, 1870. iMtA.NK MAUIIEU.
ivottro li hereby given, that William A. Zieg.
Olllil.s nl.d till wif , ot Fllillitilli To tn"li'p, IMr
0011 Connie, I',;., nv 11 voln.usiy do"ii of n"lz 1.
input, bealtK! lUtotho Mil divot Sipt'liiber.
H70 aiHliiml nil their property rial,
noil tol(d to tlio 1111 leiHiKtiud. lor tho uei.eilt
of their eiosiiurf, nil pert-'im-. iln-ioroio indolit
eil to s tl imitv, will matto pnymciit within l
wei'lts from t'to ilnio beieol to ilioH-iidns''iIti!oe,
and t'lino having loaal elaiais will pieaso 1)1 tscnl
Hum for settloinuut lo
II 1'. LBVAN-, Askance.
Franklin twp., Sept 23 trfO-we
murlarre-lllo-111.0 Slcel
FireHvliies ot lli Pi-ral-
til i-ill I nl Unmllilnleu K.-ll
(Ht'ldlv. fend tor t-lrcol.-ir. .
JV. Kiisrsthu Co., 85 Wall St.,
JL K!ate ot l'risril'a Beers and Solomon
A. Ueots, for tho oeneilt of creditors.
Is hereby Riven that Itinmas Kempt rr.nvlpico ilued ot ;issIui:imCiiI .10111 l'rlnenla II. tin
and S0I1110011 A liners, of I.elilslilon, C'lirbon
coiintv, of all their picjieitrual, p(r.oiiliind
itilxtd-ior toe lieneilt of nediMrs, has flio-i In
Hi stand nnal aeeoant iiseuih UH-umtre 111 this
oluoo. mid that i'io wit will be lires ntniat
tho next I ti (till ir Trim nf tho Com t ot Common
i'leaiot Cirbou ''ountv. to bo l.e.d at .Munch
Chunk, 1111 the Thiol Motility t.r Uttobei. IS7U.
KJeioboi 10. 18'0,l atSii'v'iiL-k 1'. if., for allow
ance aud CuUllttnutliu. ,
rrntlionot'ityXJflicc, 1
tlnitcn C.iuim ,j pi. 22d li76 -It 5
s i.'ii:li.iu!:nt hoy,
il about 10 voir', residing 111 I'lil'itdPlplila, n
nesirotisof le.iiiiuiB 11 tiado. and wou'il hlto It,
0 1110 lo ihe cimntiy. Fur Imt'icr puliciilars
apply lit tbo CAkiios auvocaie oldce.
MMihuttfin OIL Company,
Lubricating and IlliiniinaUnj,' Oils.
VM. N 1UAU0U8, Ilooma.', Morclinals'Ki
rlwtiRO, Tilllll) and WAliA'Ur Btnots, l'l I n
dol'ilm. l'i. Nov. in, 11)76.
FRANK INK3IANN, 1'rop'r.
.Fiosli riillnilMpttis Laitor Drier alwavH on tan.
Clfe'iiNOI Ohicesi tluorx, and nil oilier 1-inflj
oi Itoirelinieuls ti bo foun I In a inst-cl'iiss
Saloon. PitHe; I.VNOII ovuty Jlni nlnu ni 10
o cons. 1 a 1 whou you co to Jlaucli Chunk.
July It. ihftf.yi
w ',5,T.?.D n PUrcf 'ef for.a Wheoler Wibnti
Worth Miles of
A New Era in Public Aimisements ! Will Exhibit, AfteF
nopu and Evening, at,
LeliigSUoo, Saturday, October 21
All Consolidated. Tho Largpst, and Finest
On the Continelit. Eight 'Centre Pole Tents all Combined,
and holding 1O,O0'O Spectators 1 Oho Mile 'of'
Gilded Chariot Cages ! Two Powerful ' ' "
' BnmTs ! A Great Circus in 2
Separate .Rings!
A Universe of Wonders! Mooter Liying. Sea LiOIlB t
Performing Elephants ! The Largest Living
African Eland ever in Captivity. Tho
beautiful Lioness " EinprCES,"
and her 3 Lovely Babies.
Beautifully Pluinaged Birds.
Sister Clreiis in Separate Rings!
woFisll and Complete Circus Troupes! with Two
Distinct Exhibitions going on at tho samq time,
in full view of tho entire audiehcoi (Seo
catalogues and programmes-' '
ror lull
Thousands of startling curiosities. f A, Fou'lltailh of Real
"Water sends forth a refreshing coolness in the. Main-
m'otiv Menagerio and iluseum Ten.t.w. Jj is, pro-
'.duced, and all the Automatic Wonders) in the"? ' -Museum
tiro operated, by an improved a
Slaliuniirv. Steam TCiisrinrt !
I$'05& l?aFtid swdl. Mevlew t
On tlfe morning of tho Exhibition d.ay. Ono miloif Pala
tial'Cars. Two splondid Bands.ikeoitediiu theCaivot
Liborty and Chariot of tho 'yil. aA.. ijeginieufcof i
Mon and Horses. Two- resplendent Golden -
Chariots. Nothing like if has ever bp
fore been attempted. '' '
Wo aim to plpnso hie Ptoplo, and glvo the Best and Largest Show, fortegg-.
Sloney, than any Manager In America, AND WE 'DO. JT! ' a - 9s
Admission to all, ONLY SO ' CENTS..
Children under Nine Years, 2"5 Cents.
OpeUS at 1 and 1 P. M. Commences one nour later
Never Divides. Does not travel by rail, but moves over
the highways with an army of men and horses. LooM at it
as it "goes marching on,'-' and judgo for yourselves of the
magnitude and merit of this vast consolidation. Extra
Trains and reduced fares on all railroads. Good order al
ways maintained inside and outsido the pavilions. Courte
ous Ushers in attendance.
Travel to Behold !
trl ?