jillllUlffll'l HUH WlllMIIHHMlljllg Society BIoollhkH. MurucnRi Timiit. 532, Imp. O. of It. M. meets In ltcbrr'o Hall, ooty baturdsy evening at jVlUVi . . . it nf it.. f)nm. 1L OUhnra. t..,..i-Vi in.ii v Hn ?. A. o. rc. or Tltlt M. 0, slid and 4th Monday of each month, In no. bor's Hull, i,onignion, uv u o oo; i. . 11. j. Hunsicker. H. k. 0.1 ;J. 1U Ullnam, , s; Ki . a. . i4V iiut Lrtnnie. Vn. nsfl. 1. O. O. f meets every Tuesday cvonmg, at 8 o'clock. In lioners nan. a w. .cacuu. is. w. i a. I), llobor, Secretary. rono 1N3M Tbihii, No; 171. Imp. O. It. M meet i tin Wtshtosdiy evening ot mien work, at 7:30 u'clock In Public firhool Hull. Welaapt tt l'a. 13. r. tilckert, s. 8. 11. (Ilitum. t'. of It Liniauros Lonait, No. Ml K. of P.. meets on I'rldav eienlr gs. In Roller's Hall, ntViLO oxloOH. J. w. nniiiienunsii, u. a. n Ratclltr, K of 11.. and . AdvcrtlfiliiR KatRN. Vn licit it. tn ho rilfttlnrtlv understood tliat n o advertisements will ho Inserted In the Col umns Ol THIS UA1I1IUS AUVUUAllfi mill 1U1IV uc eieivcd front unknown parties or firms unless a jenmpnmed with tho Cash, The following are AiStroitLmnpn tn fnr 1 vnitr. ner Inch each tin rtlon 10 Ct. ' Six Month!, per Inch rnch Insertion nits. Tnreo -nonius. aviis, I.Batlhnn tlirpAmnnth. first Inser. , .tlqn l, each subsequent Insertion 25 Cts. ijocai nonces in coins iter imiu. II. V. MORTIUMER, Publisher. E n. SIKWKItS, DISTRICT ATTORNEY A COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OFTICE, No. 2, Mansion llouso, MAncil CHUNK. PA. Sottllng Estates. Filing Accoanti and Orphans uonrr rncuco a specialty. Trill of l'aoes rarelnllv attended to. Lcgil transactions m Engnsn ann uerraan, jan , SATUltDAY MOllNlN'd, SEPT. 10, 1816. Local and Personal. tSJ- Parties receiving the Advocate with a cross marked alter their names Will please remit the amount due for Subscription, or me extra ou cents win ba added to pay the expenses of collec tion. JBEi Slatlngton is moving for the or ganization of a fire company. The Allentown Female College open ed the fall session with eighty pupils. Quite a number of men tvsre sus pended from Packerton last week. At the Lehigh Gap ono morning lait week the ground was covered with froit. 2t sheets of paper and 24 envel opes for 80 cents, at Lentz's Drug Stote. Heart, Stndy and Reflect .1. T. ,-Nusbauni & Son's popular announce ment, In another column. Friday, October Oth, is tho last day to pay taxes If you want to vote for .President tins year. A full stock of pocket books and pen knives nt Lentz's Drug More chea; for cash only. Nothinc has been done on the new Tube Works at Ferndale. It Is believed that the enterprise will ba altogether abandoned. There are over a hundred prisoners In tho Luzerne county Jail, Included In the number being tlghteen women, aDd one Infant. if ynn want a nice glove go to T. D. Clauss' and select frpiu his new and adegant steck of kid and Lisle thread gloves, just opened. All tho latent novelties of the sea son, In ladles' dress goods and shawl, to be seen at the Original i;hcw Cash Store, beautiful plaids at ISHcts. per yard. Whlto and tinted note paper and envelopes, In boxes, latest styles, for ladles and gentlemen, an Immense stock, just received at the Central I)ruf Stote of C. V. Lentz, and selling at lowest prices for cash. J. K. Rlcket t has still a few of thoso eligible lots In Klckertstown to dispose of. If you feel like securing a good home call and see him He Is also sup plying ftour.fecd, lumber and coal at the lowest rates. T. D. Clauss lias Just returned from the city with a beautiful stock of C'entonnlal and other btyles of neck ties. Also, a full stock of geut's fur nlthlng Roods of tho choicest quality. Call and seo them. J. T. Nusbaum & Son, at the Ori ginal Cheap Cash Store, have Just re turned from Now York with their Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods and Dress Goods, and are offering great In ducement to cash buyers. There was a girl In our town and she' was wonderous lame, she ran a heavy sowing machine from which the trouble came, but when tl.u saw how lame blio was with all her might and main, she bought a now " Domestic" .and was soon all right again. J,. W. O'Nell, at tho LehlghUm Bakery, has newly and tastily fitted up hlsjcu cream saloon and opened up bU soda fountain, and Is now prepared to supply our citizens with the finest llft vors of Ice cream and soda water day and evening. Fr P. Seramel offers at private sale, on very reasonable terms, sevcnrtVn very pleasantly located building lots on the olil fair grounds, In this borough inn oners a rare opportunity for per. eons desiring to uulid themselves home. For further particulars an to F. P. Seramel, at his hardware etofe, os tiank btreet. Dr. Fittlgr's Rheumatic Remedy eurea rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous aid kidney diseases. Dk. Fittlkh's Pectoral Syiiop, Infallible for eoughn, tolds and bronchitis. Dr. Fittleu s Cordial, Camsata, Liniment aud Veoetablb Liveb Pills sold by C. W. Lente, sole agent for Lehlgbton and Welssport. 2-ly T. D, Clauss has jut returned from the city with a beautiful assortment of cloths, oasslmeres and vesting, which he U, ujvr Niahing up at price lar below aity other house la the Valley, while the btyle of fit and workmanship it unsurpassed. Call and me hla coods before you purchase elsewhere. There it no charge for showing goods. AUo, a full lino of ladles' and gentlemen's satchels. llnndrlck 11. Wrlaht has been no mliiRtort'for Congress by the Democrats' of tu 12lh Congressional uiHtriti, lltobert Sweetly, Oliver Olansi and n nu.nhcr of other of our young men l.avo been spending tho past week nt tho Centennial, Patrick Gnllnnhcr was killed by a fall of rock while working In tho llenr llldga Colliery, nt Mahnnoy Plane, on Monday evening, John Lapp, of Pleasant Comer, Is n my engaged getting up a club for tho American Agriculturist, atinscripuim $1.10 a year. Send In your names early. Dama rumor hath It that ono of our " nlco vonnc men," will shortly lead a dashing bellu to the hynienlnl alter. We are requested not to mention names. The Governor, on Tuesdty last, !? sued his warrant for tho execution of Alexander Campbell, convicted of the murder of John l Jones, on tne inn of November. The Jewish New Year Is at hand, and on the lOtlt of this month, Isiael- Ites throuuhout tho world will Innugu rnto with every solmulty tho advent of the year Buy7. Patrick Kleinan, on Wednoday last, was accidentally killed In the mines nt Jeansville, and 'thus. Jones, was badly injuied at the Scotch Valley mines on Tuesday. The Quarry of the Germanla Slate Co., near Slate Dale, has just passed to the ownership of a party of New ark capitalists who purpose to carry on tho business on a larue scale. The Welssport public school open ed on Monday last, Mr. J. F. Bach wan, of Unnielsvllle, Pa., has been ap pointed principal, and Miss Sue E. Zern has charge of the primary classes. Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany announces aiiuarter'y dividend of two per cent, payable on tho 10th Inst. This Is equal to an annual decllno of 2 per cent, or lrom 10 per cent to 8 per cunt. Adam Smith says " man Is an ani mal that makes bargains." Aud this reminds us that, Da.vid Kbbert is about tho best man iu this section to make bar gains with for a carriage ride. Try It aud he convinced. There Is some talk of reducing the dividend of the Delaware and Lack awauua Railroad to I'i per cent quar terly. A suspension of dividends by the Central ot New Jersey Is accepted as ono of the contingencies of business. On and after next Wednesday, the 20th hist., Helm & German, the popu lar boot and shoe dealers will sell only lor the "ready John," and for that pur pose they are now marking down the price of made up leather to the lowest dot." A young man named John Brobst, brother of Peter llrobst, residing near Steinlersville, fell down stairs Tuesday nlgbt,and Injured himself so badly, that ho died about 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Ills funeral will take place to day (Satuiday.) William A. Kuutz, an old resident of Lehigh township, Noithampton Co., and (or some jears past one of tho pro prietors of the Exchange Hotel, an Wulnulpoit, died at that placeon Tue day mottling of last week. His age was 71 years, 0 months aud 7 days. A lariio number of our citizens propose visiting the Centennial during the coming week. A largo delegation of the members of Gnaden liutleu Lodge, 033, I. O. O. F., of this place will also go to Philadelphia to paiticl pato in tile craud paradn of the order on Wednesday next. A strike of tho boatmen and team sters of the Lehigh Valley Coal Com pany, lessees of tho Morris Canal, against a reduction of 15 cents pi r ton, is thieateued. Tho company employs about 800 men between Jersey City and Port Delaware. At a large meeting of the employes the majority avowed a de termination to resist. Every citizen who changes his reel lenco removes fiom one borough or townshlp to another, between the 0th day of September and the 7th day of Novenmor, loses ins vote voluntarily disfranchises himself. Tne Constitu tion requires every voter to reside at least sixty days In tho election district where ho offers to vote. Tho nineteenth annual meeting of tho National Local Preachers' Associa tion of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be held In Philadelphia, commenc- inc Saturday morning, Sent, 1)0. 1870. and closing tho following Tuesday night. Local prenchers pioperly ac credited, where no regular conference or local organization exists, will be re ceived as delegates. " Where do you get tno?e elegantly flavored cigars you aro smoking?" asked a friend of another on Bank Street, a day or so ago, and came the answer at "Koch Brothers, who are tho manufacturers of this celebrated brand of cigars tlie ltoyal Seal ; where you cm also obtain every description of chewing and smoking tobaccos and cigar, at wholesale and retail, fully as cheap as you can get the tame article for in the city." On Friday last, a young man nam- d Stetlcr, was passing along the old road leading ttiiough the (arm occupied by Daniel Eastman, In Franklin town ship, a black make, about lour fetH In length, attacked him trou behind, pass ing Its head between his legs aud coil lug Itstlf around the youui: man's legs, threw its head up towaids his fare, holding him In this position nntll Jamos Eastman, who was plowing iu a a field close by, came to his rescue with a club aud killed his snakeship; Ilst of L.etler Itouiaining uncalled for In tho Lehlghton Voxt oBiiv, September 13Ui, 1870 1 Ueck, Daniel (!) Duuntr, Bcuiuel Droucr, Miu Ague Duuauue. Jluu Fom r, Charlos Fisurr. mum o. it . Mai r Ji. Doid. r, A.tltsl Krumii, Willie in Ebons, onen I j.hj, n.uuici a. li.u.m.m .v Kubna yilrson, William. Persons calling fur any ot tlin above letters, will plenke say Adyenlo.1." IX. II. Peters, p. m. The ilepnb leans of Wayne county hare nomibaieu Ge. rgu U. Wullor. ot Hunendi la, for coQfie.s from Uie e.uTcn;h district. Letter from Mniieli Chunk. Mnuch Chunk, Sept. 14, 1870. Jnstlco Veneer Is said to ho rapidly falling, with no prospects of a possible recovear. Tho genial C. T. Zicgenftus, of the UothUiheni Dally Times, visited Maucli UliuiiK nti'i vicinity on Baturuay last. Now that Iho Republican egg is hatched, tho merits and demeilU of the dliierent enndldates are being actively (U8CU8eil. The Hayes nnd Wheeler Club of East Mnuch Chunk have established their head quarters In a cellar In the "lihetto." Pnsnenger traffic over tho L. V. R R. has been unusually heavy during ton week, nd Maucli Uhunk tilled with strangers. Tho able manner In which Fred. Bertoletle, Fsq presided over tho de liberations of tho Into Republican Coun ty Con vint Ion, Is highly commended by all. Tho Dublin University Crew, con sisting ot the three Harringtons, u. nun E. Hlckson, and O. N Ferguson were among the guests of the "Mansion House" on Tuesday of thU week. Great uneasiness Is said to exist among Packerton shop hands domiciled here, list a further reduction of the working fnrco should consign them to Involuntaiy rest. Free drinks, torch-light processions, polltlral clap traps, etc , will he In or der lo lire tho patriotic heatt of the aver age Ameilean. Glory I Tho Rescue Hook nnd Ltdder Com pany of this plaro contemplate holding a plc-nlc on the 20th Inst., In Moxhelm er's garden. The trustees of Evergreen Cemetery, East Mnuch Chunk, having at last obtained a deed for the ground occupied by them, extensive transactions In burial plots may be anticipated. Among the vlslto-s of Mauch Chunk en Monday weie the members of the Lin-ta (J. B. of Towanda. They were then on theit return from Philadelphia, where they had participated In last week's firemen's parade. In loaning their Hoso Carriage to the defunct of Philadelphia, the Marlon Hose Company, of this place, appear lo have done very well, the borrowers had evidently devoted a considerable amount to the Improvement of Its ap pearance. That pap'' Painter, with a lair pros pect of being elected, at this particular time, feela particularly happy, who can oouut 7 A look at the aged veteran will satisfy any one that what we've asserted is a fact, for ls'nt lie smiling an over ? The flour and feed firm of Dodson & Province, lus, as we learn, been dis solved not by mutual consent, but by I he mysterious abnuatulatlon ot the senior partner Hence all Is quiet about the olil mill, and the doors of the Hour and feed market are closed. The great "shbeech" which Balaam's r.s "shhoke," we are cndilahly Informed will eoon appear In pamphlet form. Tho price per copy we have not yet learnt, but are sure that, as a cam paign document, it cannot fall to prove of almost inestimable value. "Was will Er? r,liiR Rede hnllen Venn Er was halten will dann halt Er Beln Maul I The above, which wo extract fiom a German faice entitled "Der Weltnmsegler wider Wlllen" would no doubt, eave many an aspiring orator's reputation were he but to ap preciate it. A party of tho Bachelor Barge Club of Philadelphia, composed of Messrs. John H:zzard, Thos. L. Hnzzard, Geo. D. Mccreary, S. B. T. Howell, and Harry C. Miller, who were " toting" the. Dublin University Club through the Switzerland, stayed at the Mansion on Tuesday. From Prof. Moran, whoso pleasant , countenance Illumined Mauch Chunk on Wednesday last, wo gleaned that he still follows the calling of music teacher, nnd Is at present teaching ten bands 4 In Carbon, 2 In Lehigh, 1 in Northampton, and threo In Monroe county. He must have his haudu full, wo think. Saturday evening's Republican cau cus meeting, at which 1). K. Manow, Joslah Smith, arid Chas. Sigfrled were elected delegstes to represent East Mauch Chunk In tho County-Convention, was inoro largely attended than anv of Its predecessors, and when the voting was over, ana Kalaam's ass had ceased "shbeaking" much merriment Is said to have existed. Squire Bcckhardt's great "shbeech" still contluescthe all-absorbing topic ot conversation, aud though the ' Shbeak er" slipped up on the expected Con gressional nomination, he has establish ed bucli a reputation as a finished ora tor, as will henceforth, nnd for all tlmo to conio, cause htm to be considered one nf the luminaries in the Republican "baity." What, Indeed, would East Mauch Chunk do without a Ileckhardt? A Republican meeting having been Improvised at tho Court House on Mon day evening, It devolved upon Messrs. Ashmun, of Philadelphia, aud W. G. Freyman, ot tills place, to address the audience, but neither ol the two gentle men being a "ciack" speaker, the af fair Is represented as having been a complete fiasco, partictliirly with regard to the latter, who, although univerually acknowledged to be a.clever oIlW law yer, la anything but un attractive speak er. Vhlle wo sympathize with Mr. F , we hope he may never again make a faux pas by btepplug out ot his latitude Mr. Chas. Kline's chance for the Democratic nomination for the sher iffalty are represented as dally Increas ing. In view ot the tact that Mr. K. Is ono of East Mauch Chunk's u ust valued citizens, we should'ntbesurprls ed were this gentleman to prove a "pow-f-r" In tho coming convention. Ex Conimlssloner Belnouian being our au thority for the above, IC may be accept ed as reliable. To be prepared for all emergencies, we would advise Sir. Kline to purchase a fvw bushels of on ions as being best calculated to increase ; his strength. A hlnzlng, but nevertheless harmless lire tho miming nf an oil shed connect, ed with the Mansion House gas-'sorlrs although It caused 'pillo an excitement nt the tlr.ie. fottiinnti v tenn Hinted without any further danger than the burning of the shed In question Our fire ili'i"1 rtment were seasonably on nami, nnd their extrtlons, or course, nnturnlly assisted In preventing the sprenil of tho ilevouilng eminent. A collision between a large trnln of empty passenger cars, northward bound, and a freight eimtnn, caused quite" n smash un on the L V. It. It., near Mud Run. nn Tliursdnv mnrnlticr of this week. Damnge estimated nt rsii.OOO-Rond blockaded for 7 hours, but nobody hurt. Mr. Dan. Knlbfnss,thesllvrritongued orator of this place, will set out on a stumping. tour Ihiough Indiana the lore part or next week. Tllilr.ii, llemlrlclcs mill Ilcform. In accordance with tho announcement made In our last Issue, the Democracy held a mass meeting In Semmel's Hall, this borough, on Wednesday evening last. The meeting was called to order by Hon. 7,. H. Long, and, on motion, Harty V. Morthlnier was appointed President ; Frank Slocker and Josep), Obert, Vice Presidents ; Jacob Brong and F. P. Semmel, Seeretailcs. Tho object of the meeting having been stated by the chair, J. S. Lentz moved that a committee on Rules and Regulations be appointed. The motion having been put and carried, J. S. Lentz, F. P. Lent and Dr. J. G. Zern were appoin ted said committee; D.Graver.movcd for a Committee on Permanent Organiza tion, and Dan. Graver, A. J. Durling and Andrew Graver, jr., were appoin ted said committee. Hon. A lien Ctalg, of Mauch Chunk, was then Introduced, and made one of the most eloquent nud telling speeches It has been our good fortune to listen to In a long time. The lion, gentleman confined himself entire ly to the questions of the day, explain ing them in clear and forcible langu age, entirely free from vituperation. Mr. Craig spoke for about one hour and was frequently Interrupted by the plau dits of the assembly. He was followed by E. R. Slewers, Esq., our popular District Attorney, In a very neat llttlo speech of about 15 minutes, In which he made popular " hits" which brought down the house. At '.ho conclusion of Mr. S.'b address, the meeting proceeded to the organization ot a Tllden, Heu- dricks and Reform Club. The Commit tee on Rules and Regulations presented tho following report, which was unaul mously adopted : Itl'IESAXD IIHODLATIONS. RLtE 1ST. 'I Ills ororanl ration ah-.ll ho ,nnvn br hi" name of 'lild-n, ii ndrlrlis and Ri fonu jiun or j.taimnn. i;rion ( nanty, ra. JtL'LR .'NO TIs oRleerh fthiill Iia, l,tMnt fiveVicx V e-.idents.two Itreonllnciserratarlex. ono Uniio-imndine Sf-cretirr and an Eiicnttto Conimuteeof len. mid a Tieannier. RULE Ian Tim reculai- nieotlaffs nf the 'Inb shall be Hell on Thur.'dsv eveninc: of micb wcik, nd ItHfpccja! meotlncn when duly called by .uu.'i.iut i.i iimnrn ui'llb. RULE na.nit President (hill nresldn tit tt meeil'ies. In his nb'iice, one ot the Vice. rresiaents fiuii preside. HULK tTU Tl:o "erirtarlos (.hull Hen rn. coin ol tlm nrnceed'nRi of Ihn Club, and a Bell, alplisl etlculy arriinced iubJj ch i-hill b.- re. ci'idi d tbo names tf nil thn taBiiliri..wllli mil. cfllae. address and slcdi enftnvmtcRte to ine State Centiat (luiinlttee. or In ihe State Ccn tnlllldin Reform Clnb, nml to the National Commute Box !M3T New York City tho nmne and pi t.oBlco andress of the President and offl. let sui me iiuD.aim iroin time to tin e lha meiii. bets eniol ed. and a lenait of thu coiiilltlnn nf. nnd the woik boinc done by, tbn Cub. uulis si ii. - xne lTotsurcr i.naii receivo, snp ily end disbnree. on tho order of the Exeeutlro -'otumlttco Mich miinf.ru lis KliR tl Iia rnnlnhniMl to pav il a eipensos of the Club. RULE "Til. The Kxecntive Committee, which shall coi slst of tne President and ten metnbors, shall 1'iofhlo a room fur the meetnas of the Clnb, anil procure suitable smnkers toiiddiens lueouiiKHi prucn e ana (meet llie illsrnim. t'on ol reading matter aid documents among lis members and Voiera of iho UistilC, who may bn favoran e lntlu-iiccd ilieroby aud per. form auoii duties in conuectinu with the oijeets and purposes nf the Club as ahnll n linear pioper and necessiiy to promote lis uieluineRS. RULE sill. A Committee to be kl.own as the Cauymsmg Cmuraitlee, may be appointed by the Executive Committee, who shall proceed at un . 1st To obtMn the sifmatnres to the Artlolcs of Membership nf the Club ol all Voters who ap prove of the same. 2d. TomuknuthmouehcanTasnf tho Voteis, clainlfviu" them as Democrats. Ltberl, and Re runs Republicans and Donbtful, reporting tbo same to tho Kxeruttve Committee. 3d. lheyehal, w.oklv revise such list and repert any changes to the Canvassing CommiU tco. 4th. They shall report the names and post oflh e artdrcs or othei a In their district to whom doo.imcuts may bo anvantiiKoouslr malted. The Committee on Permanent Organ!. zation made the following report, which was adopted by the meetirg : President P. T. Rradt. Vloe Proa'dente J. W. naudenbuih. D. Graver Kara Newhard, John l'oters, llau'i Krock. fieoietartes Peter at. Vun Llew, F, P. tiemmel. Cor. Kcoii'tiiry F. P. Lentc. Treaiuicr T. D. Clams. J..xecuilH Committee Frank Btocker. Jss. H. Myria. J K. 11111. Harry I). IlalclliT, John CJnurua, Win. a. Qraier, John Obert John Miler, tour.. Jnbn fechwarii. aenr., William Waterbor. Upwards of ono hundred persons signed the club roll during the evening, and tho meeting then adjourned. The Club will hold'fts next meeting In Som mel'a Hall, on Thursday evening next, Sept. 21st, when it Is hoped every mem ber will be present, each one accom panied with a friend. Centennial Christian Homw, This arrangement to provide for Cen tennial visitors good accommodation at low tales In prlvato families, Is proving quite a success. By letter or In per-on, fiom five hundred to one thousand per sons nre dally seeking fur assignment to a home. As accommodations am thus offered for twenty thousand peo ple, chuiches,Sunday.schools,and other large parties are being provided for In houses adjacent to each other. Near one thousand uf these homes are along the steam car routes by which the Ex position is reached in from ten to twenty minutes fur about eight cents, ' As prices for board lango from $D to $14 a week, and from tl to 3.fi0 a day, all classes ore suited, and the comforts and conveniences of a home enjoyed. Rev, Edwiu M. Long superintends the movement. Apply In letter or In per son at his office, S. E. corner of Twellth and Berks Street, Philadelphia, Penna. The Office Is directly east of thu lit 111 bltlon Is open dny nnd night, nnd enn bo easily renched by street-Cars from any Depot. Dentil tVnrrnnts llrn.il. The following Iu relation to tho read IngjJ the death wnrrnnlo, by Sheriff ncsoer, or scnnyiKin county, to the condemned "Mollies," Carroll, Ruarlty, Boyle, McGeghnn and Muiiley,on Mon day Inst, wo take from tho Pottsvlllo correspohdenceof thcSheiiniidoah Even ing Herald of tho 12th Instant : T!w warden's oQlc6 wna omtnrtably flth d wita n silent company as.eiilbted Inoro to heir sheila H crocr rend no death wairunt to James Rovle. Tho convicted nia,i. dressed In a blno and whlto chckod shin nnd brown ennvns pants, fat In a chair tw.rilriff his loiif-snndv miKtach'!. but lo ikmrr cotitnoieil and free from all tremor. Wtiontlio.Iirlirindcoiic uilrd.and Ilnylo wis Intnimoil that the tie ilh pennlty wns to be inflicted upon litm on tbo 31st i t UciobT, between tho hours of ten a. m., nnd three p. m., ho exclaimed, " AluchobticPd- nro you through with mo now V yes, sir." lenllotl tho slictilT, whereupon lloylo stood up nnd walltod o.it of the ro'iin saylnp.wtth a lauRh.as ho els ippearcd from view, '"rnat'a tho last," and ho rabbotl his hands tOKother. Uuku Wctleghan wrs tl.on sent lor. As ho entered tho louus he betraved n llttlo ncrvnn. H"s, but upon encinu InusncrilThn smiled ami said. " Woil, sir." to the " how aio vou IIiik.,1" of that gent cman He elso n. iltlod to tliu octn panr. but at once directed bis attention t tan iiaporln Hie iSlioiUTs hands as tbo Hitler wild, f'vo received and am directed tormdtnts, yourdoath warrant, to you. Hugh." Al. rlirlit, sir," answered .McQerrhan, folding his arms ntitl biaclng himself up. While the warrant wns io. ins read Mcaothan never took lilsoyesoirtt, and wnen.atthe conclusion, Mr. Wcrnor ro marked. referring to tho last act in tho tragedy, "It's an unploanibt italv, but I wlllhavotu do tt," tho convicted man said, with n pioisiut smiln. " h, that's nothing i If you il'Ou't sumo nue elio would havo to do li," Taking ono rnoro Iook at the warrant na it was boinc foltlod. bo turned on his heel and gavo way tojnmcalto. arty. 1 he man convicted of mnrdor In tho first do yrse, of conspiracy to murder, and of asmnt and battery with Intent to till, waited Into ttio room with a quick, nervous troad lnokmr about htm with a doaottul all, aa one who exp-cts ho knows not what, ilo smiled neryouslv. and In du'gcd in Ins old Inu.lt of cbewlutc wl h his front teetb aa tire shoilr-aio, " llowiiroyou Jmnosl" " Mow aro yout sir I" ho answered j and when the sheriff nddotl, "Jamoi, ttio gorernor has scut mo tour death wtrriani," tho convict ro. pllott. Iu a yolco that slightlr trembled, "All right sir," Like McUeghan, Ruarty rievoral lowed bis eyes to movo from the waintut wliiro It was being road, and at the Uiiish ho musteiod uu hrs energies and renarkd. with a sicnly at. tempt at a enrile, 'Well that's the last of it" " I liono not," aald the nht r.lt. " Well," con. tinned Roarty, It can't bo helped." Then looking about blm wrtn tne samo perplexed oir ho woio wf.ou entering the loom, ho csoied ba beeper, who motioned to turn and put him bacu to bn cell. Aa Carroll entered the loom dressed in tho prison garb, wo thought that he novel appeared to bettur advantage. Iu bu face there wa no perca. tible emotion and not u qirlver could ba detected in his voice.ua he smilingly said. "How aro you, en t" to sheriff Worn. r. Thu larttr answuretl How aro you, Jimoil" and continu ed. " I havo an uuprtasaut ilaiy to perform." "All rlsht,-lr," anawerotl Carroll, who Immedia tely fjsteued his oyeg upon tho warrant, seem-in-ly knowing well wbut It wa?. It was lead; aud wheu ut tbn conclusion tbo bherlff looked at tho dtomed man. tue latl-r looted bliu stpraroly in iho eio and ab i " When yoti'ro doing that, 'squirt-, you can know that you're bunging nu lunocant man " To this retnarc 1'. r. Werner cuuld make no reply. nnd he was not the only one In tho rnmn astonished ut Iho I, anil, hood of the in'in wLa was c. early nrovod to have boeu one of the nun wbo Otu-cd thu deih of l'u lcem.in Ynat at Tamcqua on rbe Cth ot July. 1375 your ileatir wnriiis had been read, but one -rut remained. " Brim down Thomas Muuley," was the or der given and executoJ. Mujiloy, drtisoUlna check tbirt looks a much la ger men thin the .Vun, ey who bioto diwu mi cried Uke a calid when H'ute need to ileirUa fewshurr feeksngn. Theuho vraan.tired inbroidcloth, which though cofteuliig in Htniie rer ects tun apparent ooar-e mias uf tbo m1 n,iuoth)rn mao tt more strilrlug, and iu our opioiua Ibo lu'in Jeoks much oetter nnJ more oko a mm i.i h s pn-ou uniform tnan when ilggcd out In cloih-t wn.ch mauilesrly 111.11I0 hint feel unoomfirtab'o 110 trembled slightly us tho bin riffs ,td, ' JIow aro you.ilun ley I 1 hue recflvid your deaib warrant." "Woli, It's welcome," ald the murdnrcrot Ihoiuta na'iver. as ho turned u BUiftiuir ores fioiu tne sheriff ro the warrant, and from that tn the nl.vtt spectator- of the awful -ceue. for itw.nl 11 w.is When tat) wairjittbad beerrread i ami Muriltty know triht Clio :it of uctooei' bad been Uxed an bis last upon caith hu sJld with a tremor tr, bra Vlm:l,, " rirat's the uisr.I sappose." and tiirmi g away. ' but I'm Innocent" It wa- tier aud SheilA Werner heaved a sigh r.a be folded np the Ian wnrrant and knnw that 0110 uirt ul his unp ets-int dntv wusacooinplish. oil, ctutllt wis itcooiiipt shed well, for Mr. Wei uerprnveo, nrmsolf lobe ooses-ed of will as well as teellux lrom the manner lu winch be passed tbronih the trying ordeal, that Is onto, essary adjunct of his otUco. Railroad Pcrciiases by tiie Le- niou Vallet Railroad Company. On tho first instant two railroad in the State of New York, connecting with the Lehigh Valley Kallroad by the way of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Railroad, were sold at auction, Judge Packer, President of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, being the purchaser of both for his company, 'ihe first was the Ithaca nnd Athens Railroad, exten ding fiom Athens to Ithaca, thirty-six miles, the sale being under foreclosure of a second mortgage and subject to the lien of a 7 per cei.t. first mortgage of GOO,000 and Its three unpaid semi-annual coupons. The price at which It was bid off was JbO.UOO. fhe second rood sold the next day, on the second of the month, was the Geneva and Itha ca, forty miles long. This road was sold under a first mortgage, anil, without competition, was knocked down upon the single bid of $su,uuu. The price nt which these respective properties were sold affoid little Idea or the actual worth, as, for instance, the Irou on the Genevn and Ithaca is, Of itself, said to be worth $250,000. The Ithaca and Athens Road has paid In capital of $080,000 and a funded debt of $000,000. Tho Geneva and Ithaca has a funded debt of SSUU.UUU, the two roads being represented by $2,833,050 of debt, and capital and cost In con struction and appurtenances 12,407,282. The Lehigh valley uaiiroaa company has held a controlling Interest In tho two roads named for some time, and the sales noted were more matters of form than of substance Indicating values of property passing under sale. The sales above noted it Is expected will be ap proved 011 the 18th Instant, ana ine ti tles they convey at once thereafter be passed. The unpaid coupons will be paid by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, ai.d regularly hereafter as they mature, Easlon Express. Counterfeiter's Trial. - Edwin German, of Slatlngton, lately arrested aud bound over to answer before the U. a. Distiict CourUn Philadelphia for pass Ing counteifeit hills on the New Bed ford (Mass.) Hank, was called up for trial week before last, but for Borne reason the case was postponed until the middle of October. A bill was however found against him by the Grand Jury. It Is hard to say at this time wnetoer he can be convicted, Inasmuch as he expresses his ability to prove that he hud some fiauu paid to nun a snort time previous to the paying out of the counteifeit Pills, anrt he lurther alleges that tho bogus bills thus came uiikuuw. ingly Into his possession, and that he passed them upon his haHds thiuklng them to be genuine, all of vth'lch, takuu In cnnnectlnti wl h the fact that at the recent calling of the cuseaii expett call ed on the side of the government testi fied that no ordinary business man could distinguish betwoen the bogus nnd tho genuine of thu New llctlford bills, inny possibly result In his acquit tal. A llentovwi Democrat. ltesnlll tlons of Condolence. Tu the O. C f. C. OJJictri and Mrmbcrs nf ton Latpr, jVn 231 K. nf '., of I'd. Sins and llKOTlinr.B.-Tiio Special Commltfre appointed for Iho ptrrnoso of dialling rooln tloriB npieislve ol the foe )ns ot this Lndgo nt tho loss tbydotli)of llrolherO. P. WiNtLlNO, lcsptcttrrlly snbralt tho following ! W1IEHEAS, It hasp'eaiott tbo Crest Ruler of tho lliiiversi..wholu Ills grout prnvr eicodonl'i alt tilings well, lo remove ram niirmdst llrotlr irti, P. UI.NTLINO. amoit worthy ami riwimct eit tiiombor 01 this Order aud this Lodgsi Therctoro, bn It IlMoirert, Thit. whllo the momb-rs of this Lottgo d jenly teel and deplore tho loss of Broth er U. P WI.iTLtxo, they humbly bow n (ho do oieo of I'rovldenen mid Ihn will nf rilm whn dooth all things wtllj they sincerely hope tint t-uun .-( tutu jiiuiiiur 11119 t'fuii iMimillt'U rnu that tsuutt'ine In Ice where no legislative labors aro required wnere nil is paco. RMjreftt That wo do most sincerely condoto with the family of tho doceintI ur this tiro hour Of IllOir crent tllh.lllHnn. MlAir Imvlutrln ,h a loving husband tintl a fond ami Indulgent fath- lleiolvcil. That a eonr nf fhnqt, resolutions ba sent to tho t nillyof our deceas ed Brother, us a s mht oxorovuonof tho friend ship 'Which we hell lorlitm and oursorrovat his drcoaso, anil tnat tho same bo pdli'Miei In tho t'tlroon Advocate, nn.t nUn enteral iin.111 tbn mmatos. Frirtornall?. WM. M. DUFOUB, N. B. RKDIta. TII08. II, IUTCLIF1. The Coal Trnile. ..4U i iuunmu luuin nuims iuu yuHlimy nr Coal .miivuii.iiu ,uu j.uiiit;i! vunuy iiniiiuouiorina woek ending Hept Uth, IS7.I nnd ft.r tho yoira comp.ned w.th the samo timo last year : .... ..I..,. mar Wyoming 52 IB!) It Slona 03 lluzlcton...... 4i'.DS 12 1,112,3 1 11 Upper Lehigh H2 10 2 217 11 nujivur itLenuow 8,0U7 112 422(117 08 Mtihitnnv . it an 11 . ... . MauoaCbnnk ' 22 01 15.910 13 Totol.... Last Yoar... lrroroiso 79,812 13 113.914 14 Oocrease 31 072 01 REPORT OF COAL transported over Lehigh ni.r,.. uauiiu aiviHn,u. icmrai it ri. or New Jersey weekending Hept etli, IS73. a, , .m Total week. To date. Rhlnned from tnn. rwt. tnna p, Uuoer Lehlirb .vyuttuug... 05 1KIT.812 05 Kniver Meadow, llazlutou Mauch rbmilr.. d.tOJ 13 I49.5S9 11 2SS3I7 14 72,392 05 330,199 12 211 431 00 15,341 Id 3,SHi) 10 22,2.9 C9 Uazrrdvilln Bmith and Jadd, S.UiO ID To'al 81.0'a 0 I,TJJ,S05 Previously 1 oportod 1,6-I,749 00 09 Total to dato I.7J,805 08 Home tlmo last yoir 1,270,5.3 18 Iucreaso 40V-73 tS Decreaio .llaftci-H of Interest. The nail factnrv of thn Pnitstuwn r panv. wh'ch has been idle tnr eiirht. mnn,h h.. rtsumedoperanons. 4 llenrv H Ilrown ilrnTrnA,! hltnnnlf In ,1... cauatitt Hcsdlngou Thursday ilnriog temporary lunacr occasloued by bulness troablos. In Lancaster they have a ono-lei'ged soldier who walks a rope tuspendon across the streot, using bis wooden log with as much apparent facility as thn other ono. Abont eighty new students hvn anniteii tnr aUmlSMOU tO LafHTflLtA (?nllec-A. A nnmWnl tne old etadeuu will not return this ttcaiion. Reason, hanl tunes. A bor named TrnTan w,h rhnVai tn min i Cherry Rrdjo, Wayne coauty, on Thuiaaiy by a bean which iodced tn his throat. The pulpit nsed by W'hllflcld in his open-alr meetlngs.ownM by tae American tract sieloty. has been sent to the Philadelphia oxhlbllton. Tha Willramsport Oaifffsavstfccrenrelogs enough iu tho snisriuehanna boo-n andabiveit m tue nyer to make 2',0n0.003 feet of lumber. A mologlcal eaiden monkey snatched tho spectasles from thn nose of a near-sighted cril. seuot Vortr, who was stndvlng bis pccnlantles the other day. and made off with hit prlzs. Tbo grand Jury In Philadelphia havo pressn ted tho varlou-sheds snti tiffmf,.n!iniw uhni in tho arlirbborbood of tho ceutenrdal grounda as nuisnnces nud legal stops wnl be taxen at once for therr reuroyal. A man named Robert Tolley stabbed Sam uel lliolor on Saturday ovenlng In Alloehenr city, bceai-o he dltl not " set up tho nrmks." Ills kuile pentmed the lungs of his victim. Tolley wis arrosto I aud will probably setup bouse keeping In thejieiiitontlary. Closing Prices of DeHaven & Tovfir send, Stock, Government and Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Sept. 14th, 1875. U. m.i,-. istl 18S bid IS asked IT. S. 5.2J-8. 186,5 I2t bid 13 askf V. i. s-20's, rG5-j. & j.. Mil 13H asked U. 0. 5-JO's I8ti7 164 bid 18' aske4 U.S. !, isds is bid I8'i asked U. S. 10.41's 1514 bid I64 asked U. S. I'nrreney, 8's 2SH bid 25H asked U. B. 6'n 1831. now 161, bid 15H asked Pennsylvania R, R 43 bid 48Jj asked Plnla & Reading R. It 44V, bid 44 d asked Lehigh Vlley R. It 52 bid 52rt asked Lehigh Coal it Nav. Co ... 31 'j bid 32 asked United Companies of N. J,13Sk. bid I3SS ssked Oil Creek li. Val. R.R. 10 bid in i asked Phila. & Erie It. R 16!, bid ui, asked Knit hern Central It. R.... 30 bid 31 asked Koittinvllle Pass. It. It. Co. 28 bid 28W nsieil Calawrsaa R. R, prefer red. 41 1 bid 42s asked Oo'd 10 nld luij asked DIED, RTJROE?S. In Welssport, nn tho 8th Instant, Albert V . fon f Kd. U and Jolio V. Burgess, aecil 3 months an I 9 days, Romania were In terred in Laurel Hill, Philadelphia. Special Noticefs. Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia t Dyspepsia isthemostperplexlngof nil human alimems Its symptoms are almost lufinlte In theit variety andtl'O forlorn and despondent victims of the cnceiiso often fancy theuuelves tne prey. In torn, of every known malady. This is due. in part to the 1 lose symputhv which ex ists between tho aumiat h and the brain and In part also to the fact that any dlstnrlmnee ot the digestive function in'ca-taurly dt orders lha liver, and bowlos and the nervous svstem. and effects to seme extent, the quality of the blond. 1;. P. Kunke 's Jl'tler Wine nf Iron a sura enre. this is not a new preparation, to be tried artdfoupd wantmr. if has been procrlo'd darly lor many yeara m the practloeofeminenLTibyii. cians with nnp-rallelod success It la not expect ed or lntond.ti to euro nil the dl-eases to which human flmilvis subject, but a w irranwd to euro Dyrpepsia Initsinimtoostliiiitoform. Kun. k.e's liltror Wine of Iron never falls to euro, -ymptomaof dyspep 1, are loss of appet to.wmd anil raising of the leod drrne-s of t'te month, heartburn.dlstenslon of the stomach and oowel", coTiiiipitinu, head iche dizzlneaa. Hleep essneas and low spirits. Try the grest lemedy nnd ba convinced of its merits, net ih genmns. Tmko oniy Knnie a.whi'h Is put only In si hotVlea Depot. 2o9 North rttntb ft . Pbllatwliitius. Pa, It never fails. For sale by all druggists and dealers evervwhei o. Ask fnr E. V KunkeJ'i Rltter Wine or Iron and take no othtr, 011 tjoltlna Jo'' 15.00, or II per Lottio. Worms I Worms I Worm ! K. V. Kaukcl's w nn &ynip nver t ills to de stroy Plu neat and Stomach warms. Dr. Kim net, the enlv successful Phvsrrjlau w ho remit es Tspe worm lu 2 hours, alive with head, ami no fin till remo od. i.'immoa sene ivachesl!Tap wO'in be removed all other worms can be reaau ivde-tioyed. Send for olrcular to M. F Kuukiit 2 19 North Ninth Btrenf, Phlladelpnia Vi. nr cal on yonrdruggi-t lor a bntlle of lCnrike.'s Worm Syrap price 61. It never f ills. jsept.a. l-tn CA1VDAI1WOOO pnttresstis much greater ptiwtr In rustrrltiu to a hmiltliy state tho mu cus membrane of the urethra thau either Cnbebs ur copaiba. It never produces sickness. Is cer. tain and fpeody In itn action. It m last -upv'r-sedrng every other remedy, sixty c-pnlea euro In six or eight days. 1-1 0 oihur uodivlne can do this. Dunilns Dick A Co.'a Soil Capsules rontalalng Oil of ts.tndalwoito, sold at al. Drag Hlorea Ask for circular, or Bend Ui 36 ami 37 Woostor slieet. New York, fnr one. ap28 ma ONE PARLOR PIOT'TJRE, printed in ten colors 1 Pooket Knlfo (whits handle), 13 Blank Visiting cards, 12 sheets '.Veiling Papu. iS White Eu ekpos. 1 Rubber, 5 Pons ttre 10' sent (tost ptil-t for 2 cents. II. J. KURIZ.407 Uiinal at., let Ward, PbUadelphla. Citcaibissuuttree. Ans.'Ji. 0