r IUTOIl I.KIIIOIITO.V, PA.! SATL'UDAV MOKNIMl, Slll'T. 10. 176. UJU'UHI.tOAN- HOKKT. .Nnllmtnl. I'ori'rcslarat-ltUTiiEiironi) II. Haves. J-'or VlcC-rroldcit- II LIASI A. WIIBKI.EB. Count y. rOR ASSKMliLT. WH, M. HAUHIIKR. S. II. HUDstiitf. FOR ASSOCIATR JUI'OR. THOMAS h. F031HH. ron I'ROTiioNoTAnr. TliOMAH KKMKUElt. IOKMIKRIFP JOHN FAT.XTBII. ron jusir coMsitssioNka, W.M, H.BCQTI', DEMCUHATIO TICKET, J-'or Preatdent-SAMUKi.J IH.dkn, For VlCC-l'ICBldollt-TllOMAS IIKNOHICKA. To carry on tlio Governmental! the bIx New England States pay less than 3,000,000 a year, ami threw Southern States togethe r pay $20,000,000 n year. Tlii.s,nuincrlcally at least, la not equita ble. Gen. henj. liutler, was, on Wed nesclHy last, nominated for (Jongrnss by the Republicans of the Seventh Massa chusetts District. 8-t out of the 100 delegates voting for him. A motion to make his nomination unanimous was lost. The Governor na Issued a procla mation recomtnencilug that Thursday, September 28th, "Pennsylvania's Day," be observed as a holiday, and Inviting nil Pcnnsylvatilans and their descend ants residing In other portions of the United States to be present at tho cele bration of the International Exhibition on that day. The New York Democratic Conven tion reassembled Wednesday at Sarato go. Judge Gray, tho presiding olllcer, In calling the Convention to order, eaid that their only duty was to fill the va cancy on the ticket for governor. A ballot being taken, Lucius ltooinson re ceived votes, Clarkson N. Totter 10WS Homer A. Nelson, 21,J. ll.Schon maker 38, and several others scattering votes. Changes were subsequently mude that gavo Mr. ltoblnson a maiorl ty, and lie was then nominated for Gov ernor by acclaniatiou. Horatio Seymour yus nominated for elector-at-large. Henry A. Wise died In Ilichmond. Va., Tuesday, aged 70 years. Ho was rational to the end and died camly. His last words, as reported by the telegraph were j " My life has been devoted to virtue and integrity. I can say that I never robbed a poor man, and what Is more and what Is easier, I never robbed a rich man." His funeral took plaoe Thursday afternoon. Mr. Wise was born In Acconiac county, Virginia. Ills public service Included five terms as a Representative In Congress, four years as Minister to JUazlI, membership In the Vivginla Constitutional Conven tion of j8.")0, and the Governorship of his native Slate from ISM to 18U0. He was also twice a Presidential Elector. He was a Brigadier General dunug thu rebellion. Ropubllcan County Convention. The delegates ckcted to tho llepubll can County Convention assembled In the Court House, at Mauch chunk, on Monday morning last, at 11 o'clock The convention was called to order by W. M. Kapaher, Esq-, when Fred. ller tolette was appointed temporary chalr- rnau, ai.'d Byron Tucey and C. F. Llp- nencott. Secretaries pro tern. I lie chair, on motion, appointed the follow lug Commltteo on Permanent Organiz ation : Messrs; Henry Watt, J. W. Hyndman, John Biiynon, A.G. Dolleu mayer, and W. F. Streeter. The cre dentials of tho several delegations were then callnJ for, and each district was found to be fully represented. Messra. II. C. Levanway, John W. Tryor and O. F. Lippencott were ap pointed a Committee on Resolutions, and tho convention adjourned till after dinner, ' Upon reassembling at 2 o'clock p.m., the Hat of delegates having been called the Committee on Permanant Organiz ation presented the following report : l'reaidunt Fred. Ilertolctio. Vlcol'i e)douta George Kline, Jacob Pvluri. Secretaries Thomas Dougherty, U F. Llppi-ncott. On motion, the report of the Commit tee was adopted, and the officers took their seats. Amos ltlegel and W. F. Streeter were appointed Representative to the State Convention, and Gpu. Win. Mlly, Dr, N. II. Itober and Heury Watt Cougres sional coufrces. Tho olialr then announced that the nominations for Sheriff were In order and the oonveutiuu proceeded to nouil nutw candidate!), when 11. C Levauway raUed obiecttou, staling that the nouil nation for Sheritl was out nf order tic cording to Republican Uules. Alter a brief argument, Mr. Levanway wus EUbtalnt-d, mid the convention proceed cri to the uumlimtlon of caudldute.s fur bsi-iully, as follows : WllUrni K. ilcCraw, ot Upper Jljucti Chunk, p. V, Jiluuicb, buuuuit Uu. II. V. MOM'lll.MHH, Willltm H. fietan. Aademlrd. ItlelMirf Wllllamr, Aurfrntlrst. f. II. Huilwn, Pnfkf r 1ownlilp. Wiu. ,M. ItapstiFr, LsdilRutun. The convention then proceeded to ft ballot, which resulted as follow t Mtflaw 14 .Minnie! 21 Jieratl A i, llama llPlir lllKalU , i SI , IS Necessary to a choice 23, and Sam. W. II Hilton and Wiu. M, Hup. her having received a majutlly nf all Ihn vote cast, were declared the choice nf tho conven tion, and, nn-inolloti, llio noinliiatlous were made unanimous. For Associate Judge, John Martin of Heaver. Meadow, and Tlio?. L. Foster or East Mauch Chunk, were named. 'I ha first ballot resulted In the choice of Mr. Foster, as follows : Mnitln S Foster J For Prolhonotnry, tho pieseut popu lar Incumbent of that olllce, Thomas Kemerer, Ei., wag renominated by acclamation. For Sheriff, tho old wnr-liorso John Painter of Mauch Chunk, William C. McCormtck of Hickory Hun, nod Henry Campbell of Franklin, were named, the Hi Bt ballot resulted In thu choice of John Painter, as follows : PsIl.Ur ti Mc-l oiiuioli n Campbell 9 For tho ofllce ot Jury Commissioner three candidates were presented, viz : Charles lirlttaln ot Heaver Meadow, W. II. Scott of Klddr, and Thomas Mus- selmao of Mahoning. The first ballot was Ttrittaln tl heolt !M Mu-e)man H There being no choice, the conven tlon proceeded to a second ballot, with the following result : Hjlitain 8 Hcotl 23 Aiusio nun Ill Whereupon W. II. Scott was declar ed the choice of the convention. All the nominations, on mutton, were made unanimous. The Commltteo on Resolutions pro- scuted the following report, which was unanimously adopted : W iieukas the lUpuuncaii part)' hliliero tliU ilav aoncmbieu, by Ita iltleeii.is reiiri'seiiting Caiton tountj-, yrith delrnated povroia to (oilu a llcpublloAn UcWti to be pre'aunlad to the peo ple ol Una Congi eaioual ami fcnatorl jl (list l let aa wel) os to the votirnol Catbon County, to be voted 'or on the "th da" of iovotubi'r uvxt. At men a lluio It Ik einniciuly lit to p.aie befoip I he peon)o the piliiclplo on wbleli wo rely for the tmi'Oi't and election ol our cuudiditcs- 'Aireioio, be it ;.(,! if tl thit we endoree the HemiMicnn doe. tr.uH. aiioouiieed bv Huecosine Natiniiai Con- venliona. for the vat ixuou yeura iiiKtil aa lliu re-niui uiinioe.i iiieieuv, u eniiinrv nvtu fiom u puny v.Jio-n eonier fctoue waa boiatinl r btiunin elaeiy, ILo nliii(.koU kuocUed ilTcf four lulllloun oi uuiiiuu ueiiiKi, una our utc;ar.iiiuu a nvlnu- trulii. wloi-l- it avs ".ill men iu lioiu tree auu equal." wlikli bo'oio atoo 1 to lojeoii-d at ty an wuo lean n. at a mu.ii auiiDiuui. laiae liood. We. in common wlln tuu Iteoubl.ouu tur- tr. aieioi-pro eetlon to utir dome lnouitiy, to tne extent tf klvli k our homo ni.uaet to our onn mechomuj auit lLaiiufacturera. which, wnen tuny iiiiiieu out, mil oiiuir pioaiieuiy, wi.icu. wiiu eeouuiuv. k hiii reia u. hnvlveit, that we heuitilv euOor-e tho wolk of our late .latioiiai Couveuiiou asacu.bleti ak Cmcinn&il. not OLiy Us caiidulutoa llueM aud Vheeier. but Ita ldutforiu, wineti la vpec.llo and poiiued, no KJtti nut; veum-rtiiile are leti to epi lu - the oanilidutt-a tuo puieii ot tho pute; ineir leneia yt teeepiai.ee an auaigui inisai-u, lioiuioii, uuc oi onu itieumi ir aim inai uoueaty :or tiio KOiloa irood-W eun. with all aufely euiiiuut the deatuiea of tJocotintiv to tneae men who liuvo lit voi- ntiered m Oouiif jio- it, tail be tuned on to exp.uin uo o au aoi i no noaiiai.ou 10 uiuri bun ueieuo me aiura uuu biuiiea m the taiu 1-uLeiiion to be oxidaiuud awar. .So re. tuaal to vote mcu and auiiplio-i to the Union Ainu to be ceountt-il foi. ino peijured teluiu ot uieomu-iax to bo met ; no i.eltiuiou to make an bout at ruuri of Income uin.er tuo luw dur UifS and fttur tho w-ni-, made neceavn y ny ilie w ar, kiui.il in dmnuum airav nK..liul ouru.ndl djtei tiaro nooiiita.ed. wtiieh am u.lud uj in bueuawiiu auu iruiuiu ariay OKaintt aaia.j lliueu me ODboaii.f: cauuiuaie ioi iu i-reMuei. c . uud io u ron.et ht initiuated extent aaln. t i uoa. a. iieiiiiiictr8 iiiocanoiuaie for ino vice ITwHidoLtv on mo same ticKet. we lurileall to examine Hie contiabt ltedOa-ed, that 111 ti.e main we cnaorao the NLtlo.tul uua &iiale AdmiuiBir ttion! we belUvu thut oolh Gpu. Qiant and oiu. llaitfdiifi to bo Loih liuuiBt undCkUubie. Tnee aiehuui.tn.uutl huye fuude miitukea. When posieilt. couieato loan me niauiy of ineir ticeua in aunt a well aa uilin.nl trutura ol the iuw-. we believe the.- win io ei uie.y juatiueu. -i.ei no biuiiv mau D.cano" la a beuieiioe that will lieu aa lunu- aa uoea una jiepuunu auivivu xututrcu, mac v.o conuftuiu in no meaaurra torma the lawleaa bund uf tnuu-alhat have curs ed ti.e coul-fliiiiaof l'ennyivui.lafor yeuiap.ibt tneie aoiii. lu nil la w-uteu io nompieie uiu feu. tuncel Did we ulcrv m thoir duvtufuil. Wude- aneno uuinatioii wiiu tueiu or men- aympatuia, eia. e i-oidiauv invito all luw-uoidluu men. of nhutuvtr ualionaluy they may have boun belli uut.er, loom- oiattonu, aiu iocj operate with us lu DLttln aueh men lu ofhco aa will liiano it aale lor uU honobt pei-LOtia. by da v or uigat, (o ilu tLP.r Hu.y und.-i the law. Wo know no ltishuieii, vwhhmen, Uciiuaua orKnliati. men, but recon.zo an true und hontal uieii aa Aiuericati8 mai u-iveaougui ouraniMeauua tuo protection ot our Hag. Dur luUalou la to do you uli cood. ltettdt'ru'. That the ticket to-lay nominated a auon an una " ihuuid lUanlro an with enlhu iaau. tha country, uuder kjch ime will ameiv be loueily aU(j vxe.i koveiued : we cai'iioiiit with Uildo tilno past! whenever the It'-Mibi.-cans Ji4ie been out ustod with t.iu olhcoa of the country nonealy lujaa over been lul.y reisou.z od, Heiolt'til, That H la the duty of prr Repub. Ucau. Irom now until November lb. at 7 o. m.. to aa uuiirina in hlsnerhoual tff)i(s to aeeute tneauceoas of our t cxek Iroin Ireaideui. totlie la.t o..n()tdalonu the ticket j let no luau look to in- upip.ioui io u i wuai u o n eriorni uiiub-!!. nut let all uo to woi L. and ancoesa win be cure it0ileii, 1 tiiithiscouveut on Qeei, deploiea and u treu Uiu uecoaao or our late snenff, Oli ver li-i-nelaer i aa an olhcor uewma I hewua p.erjvcd to be houeat and clljcjcut. Ve bluceie ly euuuoie Willi uia wiuow anil Ijtni V blituod II. C. LliVANWAT, J NO. W. I'llVOU, (J. F. X.ij'1'ocurr, Wm. M. Ilnpsher, Esq , one of tho nominees for Assetnhly, was then called for, and dtepplr.g forward he addreaset the convention in a very neat speech, reviewing the history of the Republican party from Its Inception, and thanking the convention for the nomination ten dered him. llere wi may reuinrk that tho noiniLaUou of Mr. Kapsher give great satisfaction to Ills numerous friends, and indications now are that he will be triumphantly elected. The uomliH-o for Sheriff, John Fainter, la well known throughout the county, mid will undoubtedly give Ills opponent on tho LViuocratlo vide, whoever ho itiay he, a t-evt re contest for tho olllee. Mrl.Fi-ster, the candidate for AssocUte Judge, la alr.o veiy popular all uvr the county, und It will bo necesanry for the Uemocraey to trot out a very strous umn to lay him on tho shelf, Our rhiindclpliln I.oller. ruit.A.. l'n.. Pri t. II. isro. Dkau Advocatk, Shantjtown will onu bo thing a or place of tho past ; for what the flru of Satutday last did nnt ittMlrny, I understand, wilt havo to bo lorn down and removed. Theso Minn ties havn Inn meuanced the Ceiiten ninl building) and had tho wind been lu most any oilier direction than what It vas at the time of tho (Ire, nur noble Inhibition would have been leveled to the earth, and thu loss would have been beyond all estimate. While strolling IhroiiRli the Egyptian Depaitmont In the Main building I ho other day, I noted that two of the at tendants (joting Egyptlans)wero learn ing "ways which oro dark and tricks that are vain," for they were matching pennies. Thus the oldest nation ot the earth learns something from the young eat. Tho Turks at tho exhibition dress aa Turks Blionld dress : that Is, In the continue of their natlvo land. I cannot aav as much for tho other nations ri-n resented at tho Centennial, fur with the exception of a few Chinamen, the rest havo none In for our rnstiime iroin nemi to foiil, stove-pipe liats, box-toed boots and nil " Pennsylvania's Day." tho 28th of September, will lie a gala day at the Centennial ami It Is imifctftl Unit llio sons and daughter of the old Keystone Statu will rally lu force and fdiow what our gloiloiis Cnninionwealtll can uo Listen to what slni says : Come Irom t l.o mountain, Come-front ti e tnlnni Come from the wotkahop, On thl4v of mine, Como with your itangutora, Conie with vour aona, Como with your awect hearts, Or aouto other one's. The festivities will really enmtnenco on the itfili Inst, nnd continue during tho weak ; but the 28th will bo tho pilnclpal day. The Simon Pure l'enn t.vlvanlan'8 Day, ami In tho evening of the same a grand display nf fireworks will bo given In Fairmuunt ram, near Georgo's Hill, Ho come one, come all, At your count ri ' c ill, For tho Governor's proclamation makes tho 28th a legal holiday. The Odd Fellows aro making great nrnsrillnnii fur flinlr tiarmln nn llui prepfirallon" lor tlieir parade, on ttlO. 20th Inst. On Sunday, the 17th. the Grand Lodge will attend eervlce In tho Old Chrlat Church, the church In which Washington used to worship. On Mon day an address of welcome will he de livered to llit'in in .Mii-lc.U 1-und llall, by Grand llater, George F. Uorlo. n old centletnan vMtlng tho Cen tennial was so much pleased with what lie aaiv that he wrote homo to Ills folks to keep n good look-out for thing", anil that when tho next Contennlal euino round ho would remain at home and let thcni eoui'3, The fru't display Is beginning to ho quite attractive and entrlet aro coming In from all sections or the country. Such grapes, audi pears, Mich plums anil peaches, and the npiiles, why hoiiio ot them look as If they were blushing hecauan of mi many admin rs. la 1 k about your artists, show me the nno who can rival the gorgeous colors which these fruits pos-cts. I'lot him out anil I'll fltnl an engagement for mm at once. Well may the student nf bliakS' pearo nay, as ho pasaes this exhibit : Come, let mo clutch then I" I would 'nt blame him n bit for such ideas, provided ho ilid'nt havo tho cramp In his lingers alter clutching the Irutt, In that caao 1 should say "Urop it. There Is a Kitten In minis 103 years old ; or, nt any rate the Ledger says "John Kitten, of Illinois, is 103 years old." It la presumed that many of the friends of old Mr. Kitten nro a cat-terett and gone. Just think how many tales he could unfold or tliosu who nave pro ceded li I in to tho cat-aconibs. Ono of tho v siting regiments from Cniiucctidut had a band of Colts with them. iV-s the regiment was here dur Ing tho cnmmciici inent of the live stock bhow, great curiosity whs exeiteit ami many desired to lii-t a look at Uiu Colts, but upon Investigating the matter, I found that it wasn military band, nam ed after the late Mr. Colt, the revolver man "Boss Tweed" wa caught out on tuo liy, 1 mean tne spmilli ny. Three more twenty -five cent Satur day, viz : the 10th, ami UOth The exhibits In the Kansas building have been re-ai ranged. Specimens of tins year's crops aie now on vlow. Satutday Lift the number of admit slons to the Centennial was 110,337. For some weeks or more a niarlno might have been seen sedulously guard lug thu contents of a glims case In the Govern inent building and keening In quisttlvu vlritors train coming too near. A day or so ago the attention of bee re tury Hobtv.ou was called to tho case, and he Immediately gave orders to have it removed, so llio samples nf nltro glycerine and dynamite were taken out uud uuuk to tho bottom of ono of tho lakes, and thus destroyed. I under stauu tlio olllcer lu cliargo received a good blowing up for permitting such a dangerous exhibit. Yours, boldly, Maiicutio. Says Talmase lu his " Christian at Work : " We also hall the political morning. Hero wo nro within two months of tlio Presidential election, ami comparatively no venom of political as snult. IIaylw and Tii.iikn are both moral and Christian men, and the warn. trieuus or eliuiclies. Nelllier of tho caiiilldHtes swears or dllnks or Kamhles, The f-iet Is that In the posHesslon of eitm-r of tht-Be men the) people feel our iiatloual destiny will bo safe, 'liero ! J aio tho oiUibrcoiis pictorials of the Oueli.ey ami GiiAN'r cauipulgn ? You say llio election has not yet transpired. Well, It will bo Impossible In llio few weeks that remain to gtt under the full licndwny of ohbtlmo abuse. Muoh of the political press of tho country seems to be learning decency. We may liopo that tho vituperation and low caricature of tho Lincoln Sr.YMoun canvass will never again bo felt In this country. Per haps our national politics havo touched bottom, and must, It they move nt ml, begin to risH." t'hatln Mlllur and .fn.m!li flmllitt. tnnfln thnli iwape Iroin the Wlillnnisiort lull on Wnl nnlny tnoiuliiK by dinlng thntiieli ihownll. Ilium rynmi roboery weiothecrltueaforwhich thev weie Impilgo'ied. Mi, KI.tnliou.se, of Allegheny, wna fatally buttled by tho exiilfialon of u kreioneno 1-imp. on 1'ililnr. fhe wn poutlni" nil oitl ol thulamu to tnnkn liar file burn quicker. This la the usual cnu.o if fatal homing with potroleuui. Mus Kinnia Drillu, ol Main township, Co lumbia county, was burned to death hut weok. tier i lnthtng took 111 e. whilo aho whs w.islilug at a 'ino diitaneefroui tho tiouso, nnd before alio reached II aim waa enveloped In Humes, lue la) r cre.iture wna aonaib o tu the laat and died ctylim " IOtdaavo tee." Soinetnnea a tramp will laVor. At the ccn. teunlal fltoan liuiustiioiisateelniOH wit found wno had captured four watclies ihirmn tho half Iionr p.iulo inn-eil by ho coidlnciallon. POLITICAL. A CAItl). At llio earnest aollcitnt on of numerous friends, I havo eoncludtd to present my uuine to the coming Democrats County Convention ns n candidate for rcnomlnntlon for ASSEMULYMAN, ntttjectto rule of tho same. Iu making Ihts announcement. I claim-to be coualalent with thep:i and tlmo henured custom nf the Demo cratr ol Carbon, v'x.i "The Two Term Custom," and, In my opln'.en, a very wlo precedent made more particularly to by tho adoption of the new CoiKlllntlon. by which Instrument local legla lalion la almost entirely dispensed with, nnd, If theie Is any one reaaen better than another that can be intel'larnlly nilvnnccd in favor of Uicnll tlea aupetlottly reprcaontrd (wlielhor In our National or Stnto Leglslalnreal It Is the f.-.ct that thornie not belleicrsln or ndvocaloa of 'the Ono Term ptlnclple." A. J. UUHMNII I.ehlghten, qept S, ISTfl. Now Advertisements riSJi:vEs op ivietst, n.mrll HAl'PY IlKI.TKPto VomiB U1?JI Allil!.0 Mt 11 ir'-tn IlioeiTectsof Krrera and Aloises In o tiy lire. Man ,n bend restored. Itniieditnenta XU to Mstrtaire temoved. Now mo hod i.f treatment. New If I THIT I Ptl ai'il I rinnrM.il n irniuiiie, JlAillllAliL.. IPoLaand ctrrnlira tent t eo In farIpi! envelopes. Addresa IltlWAHH APHOI 'I ATItlN. 419 N. Ninth Kt I'h'df lpllla. l'a. All Ilistlintlon havlnir a h'gh lI(.putillon lor houoraulo conduct and proiea. amnai at.ui. Kept, It), f. A' VMTOIl'S N0TICK. Notice is herebr advon. that tho underpinned Auditor. atitiMnled ttv tho L'nnrt nf rommon l'leaa nf Curliou eniiutv P.i to dlatrlhute the Hinds in ih lunula of TliKhinnn Arner, lifq., Aaairiitwof II. A. Ilella, will meet till intere.tei! patties for the pntpo.es ef Ina apiHiMmrnt, nl the OMco of lleriolt-t:e A I,t o.e. Mnurh Chunk on Wnln-mliy OCT. 4 li. is"fl. nt 1I1N o'clock A. M. '.Ml oiedltora will ho r( qui rod to piovo tneircininis. JA5IF.S U. I.OOSF., Auditor, btpt. 9. 1871. ft 1876. fall. 1876 MRS. M. GUTH lipfmprlfnllr nnnmincfn to ihn LADlTa OF U'K1kMP(.UT Willi vieitiitv thitt HllO Ii.ih liHt rcinrn-a innn Now YoiiC ni.il riiltial(ltli!n. anil 14 now looi'ivitiK ono oi uiu mrusb hiuuks ui FallMillincryGoods coMrnisiNO Hats, Bonnets, uud 7?rimmiiigs, cverhrninxht Into this tectum, nnd that alio now pi epircu to uo iiiciu up in tuo Very Latest Fashion, at l'lticr.si ni'i.tiw any oTiiru kutaii Alan, a nniv and nleirint vtoclc nf HNVITCIIKH 111 Ileal ami imitati in iinir, niiriu.se, aim uu other (Irada usual. r kept III a r'lrat olass MlUiu oiysioio. Ladles own Hair mailo up lo Order Call nnd in.nfct (loo'lsand learn I'rlrcaholoro purcnasiu eiaovrueri-. Mus. M. GUTII, Wulssport, Pa Sept. 9, I HI). 1113 QAltHON ADVOCATK ciinAP JOB PRLNTIiXG OFFICE, LlilllOIlTON, TA. Kvcry dercrlpllon of 1'nntlns, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. C'AltDS. 11ILI. 1IHADB, LUTTEU 1IBADS. NOTE HEADS. Bl'ATEMENTa. AlOUItAMUES, ro&TEiw, U.V.N DniLM, , DODOL'IU", CIltCULARt), SHII'riNO TAOH, WNVELOPUB, PAUPUI-ETf, BY.LAW8. AC. AC. Done o the beat manner, at very I.owot X'rlria. We are proparod to ilo work at na cheap ralea aaanv oSIre in Ihe Htalo ttat deala houratly wlthlicu.tonurs. OUK ilOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & KoUublo rvordcra by wail receive prompt attention. auetiiitont 18 roar, rasUtaj in l'ara-llpila, it Uivuio uof Ituiuiun u tfalu. nwM(uu'id Ilka I o tuiiH 10 (' e oauuiry. rr 111 uer uiuuiiit apuiy at Wit . ahuo' a oyivCAi a - ww. Unrivaled buccoss is nttending tho lnrgo stvlo of fall H WSntoar Buy ltjie Dross Goods, Carpets, Oil Oloths, Groceries, Provisions, Wooden Winch hni Just been All owlnatothe IMMENSK REDUCTION on OLD rniCES. Also, just-, reeoived, several styles, at (j COIHH per Great Inducements In SILKS, SHAWLS, IJUAUIV. ALifAUAS. adics' and Gents' UNDERWEAR at Bottom Price!'. Vt'o hsvo also Intiodncod a new feature In addition to our Stock, namely, .Gilts' Fine Dl'CSS Sllil'ts., Partly made 1.25, cotnpleto $l.o0 per shirt. Mado in elegant styles, Watnsntta Aluslin and best Irish Linen. Warranted to fit. Cll earlr and aecure Bost narpalnp. Hcapeitfully, Origintil Cheap Cash Store, Lehighton, Pa. '(..."vvc-'iv, r4sy -iS--ANrii5L' ViW.i) svf)ft;ev;M f iX anutne pnuiio, they need onlr atato WWiU.TS W tykWJ - V "t jfilM hat thf re are In everv eommonity i-W-fei7vPT;S0i NVWy nnmberotpersonawhoieohjeetlato 'i'iy'MNiPik' Hvcattheeipenaeof th.lrnElchlK.ra. fr KSk ZT?'ft?-ii'&?At V'P-rS cettlUKirHlltwherevertheycanaiut i-' fiPlN &&-rjV'WW,)hi nevcr paying lor what they get-In yMPS"' WSST f.fWS mnlter it Ja ihfllcnlt todiacrunl. 1 )"it.5&W7:r77frl . sffvV uate, and therefore have we dcterm- for the Itodv Money. In thli connection wo take tuouse stook- of FA 1. 1. and W1.V1 l-;u BOOTS, SHOES madftup oaiiedrtllj for tlio trjuleof tlila Bection. Bre senilis win no nh BiiusiBuiiiry us iuo lunu'riai wikivfk iiwhjv ioi aitvtca uu uouin uiuu, iiuiiiiiii) Ulirnueu Q, Ul lOWCS! J,Sl irTlQCP HEIM & GERMAN, St"ro In Semmerg New Hlook, opposite jjeniRiuon, ra. 1770. CENTENNIAL. NEW RULES & NEW Thn nnderaltmed. In unnonneinir tho arrival of 8 1 OCli of MPiUNO and SUMUliK Cloths, Cassimeros & VestiDgs, would also atsto that lie haa eoneltided to dn hn.lnrm. Irnm nr.,! aflor AI'IUI, lt. S7, on a SVItlCTI Y (IATI induced lo ihla cnniae uv tho lnrttn amrnintof debto atandliiff 0.1 hla hooka, much of wlnnli It Is ulteilv Impoaslb o to tollees. and 110 liiis.nniM mm can afford In lonan tlurd nf hla lebor and Kooda hy Ilie Jin villi 111 r credit, avalem. and he. therefore, trusts that tho mlnp.lon of a ttiricl'y C'asii rsvatem nnd a corresoondluic Iti-dnotlon In the rileuof Goods of all kinds will ho rii Inducement ft-r-hla innnv frlcntla lo contlnuo their pitrnmco. Dellevlnflf, as he doea, that hocanlvo Ihein nun h Kt-nter Ralt-fnction under tho new nvalem, than he win nhln to n 1111 ler ihe 11 ayed out credit ayati m. Muhiia miirh nlonatirn In In rltlntr an eirlv Inspecnon of biaoxttu- uitiiu-iry unco m.ioa 01 is tjv UUUH3, couipriatnir Cloths, Citssiinores & Vesrings, for Men's & Boy's Wear, aUNTLE.UEN'B I-'UItNISIItKa GOODS, JIA7B AND CAra. all Styloa and Prloea, Ladles', Ml'jea'. aontlemen's Vouth'Sand Children's HOOTS, SHOES and GAIT EltS. made t eaniclftllvfurthe wear of this locality. Kvoiy atlielu mmlo uo 1. 1 this Kami Ihhment Is warrnntod of tho Best Material and Worfcrana . ehlp, und guaranteed to givoentlru anllf action. T. D. CLATJSS, Morchanfc Tailor, 2nd door abovo tho Public Stuiare, BANK STREET, Lehlf-ritoa. O rt W S sW CO jrj : 3 M jS rr-t O f I 0J I r.l c3 -s-i K. m .-t: " r 03 2 TPM u w w m S. rpiIOS. S. HECK & CO., Real Estate Agents, 11 a nk 8Tiu:nr. wsnioinoN. We have Inatinctlona to Sell Ihe lollnwwir Tro, pi illea, nml pera-'ua dealM'ta ol I'dtt tuilun.ill iniror l.xm aiwiuis lteal EaUto, wl.ldo well to Klvu ua u (Mil 1 Iloure aiull-ot, near O ewlne's Tnimrrv, In tho lloiuuiiliut U-nn-I.toii. ttouao iiisM, kfubli) lexti and lot I.J liout ai d 2 S loet deep, well plunted with trull tieea. A never faillnK well la toe yard, rrlce, JIIOO, tulf ch, bul. auco on liiatal.uienta Lweill.o llutisouutl tail, ou Kouith street. Ij). Ll.hton. fiow rciiU for l8.0Jper mouth, IT.ce low lor caah. Houio aju.l Lot. on Mahoning slrooi. I ehlnhton. I'tieo I4i lent fur Is per u.ouu, ouo-nalf cath, lulaice 11 In-taiuieuU. Uonasand IM ou J'luu alieet U-htvliton, Ta. IMcotltoi. lleutafirS per n.ontli. 101) pr of Tmibei I.inil in JUhomuK town. hip IH iniloa Irum Lehighton. Cheap. MAciea ut Land lu Penu foiosf Tuwuahlp. raiimacaiuntr. At a apo a baraaiu. Beten Lota lu the llnrodah ol LvnlKhton. uood l.ailonsai.d price, low. FiaueUuildldK, in utile.! r a photograph r,al- irv ir 11,1 or ukui. uusiu-a- i''i'.. Jan. 1, f7. T. II. 1IBOK St OQ nnd Willow-Waro, &c.y received at the cases of CALICOES, Good yard. BOMBAZINES, CASHMERES anil at the following low Prices : COUNTIIY rnODUOE Received In Exchange. And In order to do so, the underitfrn- i-u i.to uiarat-u uown inn price ri verv ainu or. l.Aiiir.H-. ukntl.b .IKN'8 and UMII.nnEN'H IIOOIB. Mil F.s and (lAITI'.ltS in thn varif IcwfBt pnasihln llvint profit, and on aim alter BHi'L-.piiuuj-ui'ji, 187a. win fell for OAHH ONI.T. In mnklnar tola nnnonuctment to their patrans ily Ined to eell lor CASH pJN h Y. and thus pive our ciietomrra and the pub tin f tiA t.r-tieflf. if n rAilntlnn In TtrlflA p'easuro tu liivltluK an Inspection ot ourlm. AND GAITERS, feeling (onfldentthftt tlioneTrtirlcei at w2iich wa nnu 'vortitflir-mp in gnaranwea to b. w tho Public Squrrre, BANK STREET, mar.ll-Tl 187G. PRICES his immknsii 8Y--THM. He la DIxMaea, like rWersiprln from ama'l eames. 'I'he rn.irmtf river mar nOL be etfallr -tUvertad Irom Ita coorae, nor the neglected dfaeoe irom Its deatrudive work Taken In time, dtiease, which la mciely an lnterruDted luuctlnu, may to avei led by the use or li aiure'a remeay, Tnrrnnt'H Seltzer Aperient. It cninblufia the meCi nl properties ot tho beet mlneial waters lu the world. SOLD BY ALL DIlTJGaiSTS. rt1 n a day at home. Agents wanted. Ontflt SI 2 and terms free. TltUE t Co.. Anpisla. Maine. WESTERN LANDS HOME T EAD. If vou want reliable Information, where and how 'to (ret a cheap FAHli, or poveinmeni HOMES TEAD. Iret, rssnd lour address to S. J, OI1.MOIIE, Land Commlaetoner. towrenca, Knnas. and receive grot li a copy ot 'J US X vi sas Pacific Homestead. g55 2 $77 a Week to Aaent. Samples niEE. r. o. yicicERT, Augusta, Mutae. dC o JOn lM' dar- nt homo, gamplaa 4D H 2U worth tl. ree. Stissos & Co. I'orlland, .ilalne. ' mi VIITIIs'OOARD3.w1thyournamcflne. Stilly printed, aent for Mo We have 30 )U styK-a. AGENTS WJED. Mf aent for atamp. Brooktou Mass. O f ESTBA FISB Mixed Carda, with name, ice potpald. If. JOSKS A CO.. Naasau.N.Y. NSW PAPER OP THE UNITE!) STATES. A complele Hat of Amoriaau Ts-ewpaDera. nuuiberine niorotb.au cijtht thimaiuid. with it Uaiatttwi of 1 11 the Uiwua and ciHos lu which they aro puhllahod 1 Ulatorical ard statlatlcal bkoichoa et the Great Mewapanor Estaullih. mental l'lualrated with nnuierona engravinira of the principal Newspaper Buildings, Book OP 3uD Paqks. Jolt laaued. At aUed, poatpald, to any iddiesa for Dicta. Apply (incioam once) 10 HlirEEJNTENllENT OF lfi.Yltrjk.ViH PAVniON. Ceuteuulal lirout-d 1'hUadolplua, or American NeWKvt:ilYe ABV ifnTISER NEEDS IT. AGENT Our large llfe-llU Stce) K11- SiKvniga or the I're.l riillal Oandlilatca aall rapidly, tiand for circular. N. V. Kngravlui Co., SSWall 8t., BM3ai8,N.,Y. MAKE $18 A DAY Wmw