INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." 1.00 a Year if Paid' in Advance. H. V. Moktuimkk, Proprietor, 1UIITON, GAUHON COUNTY, PKNN'A, SATUltDAY MOltNINO, SEPTEMMtit 10, 1870. Subscribers out of County, $1.20' Vol. iv., wo 4a. LRU CARDS. Dnniitiiri n ri-ll nil so . V. Schtmrtt, Bank strest, tlmlrrin all kinili of Furnilurt. cojintmaiuto oner. Floot nml Shoe sinkers, flllnton Ttretufly.'in Unin't hulMing, Hank streot, AllorichpromplljJ MMwnrk wamtntrd.' JA8. II. STRUTUKIIS, ATTORHKY AT LAW, jjjp 0111(8 : 2 1 floor of llhoail's Hull, Jlnnoli Ohnnk, l'n. All easiness entrusted to him will bo promptly attended to. May 27, ly. -QANIKI. KAbUFUS, ATT0UNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Aland. Chnnk, l'n. JTOfflco, above Dolon's Jewelry Store, Broadway A. DKIIII A.HKH, M.D., rnrsioiAN ANDsnitaKOM leelal ttMitl8n paid to Chronic Diseases. OISm: South Kast corner Iron awl 2nd st., T.e' Hghlon, Ta. April 3, 1875. U. N. B. HlCBKlt, PRACTICING rilVSlClAN A N't) SllrtoVo.N, Office, Bikk Strert, nsit door almvo the 1'ostonVe, IiVhlshfon, Ta. (ilEco Hours I'arrvvllle esch day rem 10 to 12o'elock; remainder of day iitofficeln Lehlthton nT'?3.: !IL JKO, D. IIKBIOLSTTE. JIB. 8. LOOSE B1 IBKTOLKTTB Jfc L.OOSI0, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSLIXOr.S AT LAW, met; PlrrtNatlonal Hank Building, 2nd rigor. JlAUClI CHUNK, Psim. Can he consulted In Gcrmn. IJulv 24 1R7 jp jr. MBEIIAK, .TTIXNKT AT LAW,. Kelt Door to First Rational llank, KAUOil CUUNK, PA fta-Can be fenanltet la German. Haitf). A.. BRLtE, JDSTICIC OF. THE nEACE, i.. Otrt'aTlulldlajc, HAMIC-St., Ionian ton. ConToyandnff, Collecting ad all other bnl Hits connected with thooiflco promptly iittoml 4 to. Also, A.cntfor tbuFurchae? anil ftale u 2lftl Eatate. April rvl HOMAS 3. RECK., JUSTlCfi OF TUU PEACE, IUNK Ftreet, tKIUGHTON. V. CtnTejRnrlnK, Collecting nnd nil buMm'sn con feftctci with tht ofHp promptly attndM to, AAcent for flrntelim Insunihce Companies nA Kinks of nil kinds taken on th mont liberal Urm Jn. 0, 1R75. M. RAPfiltRU, ATrOKXISY A.KD CODN'StTJ)?. T LAT.,5 Bank 8tkei.t IiehiouTox, P. Knl Fftlate nu4 Collection Ajrency. Will Rut and. Roll Utt I Mat p. Conveyancing neitly done C" -Notion promptly m.ide, Settling Kntnie- nf tv. 45 1enti upecUlty. May be confculted In Knli'-h id Harman. N. J- CONVEYANUKR, AND ftEfTERAL INSURANCE AGENT The fbllovlnt Corupanl- are Represented: X.BBANON MUTUAL, FIBU. RKAUlhO UUfUAL Fllttt, SVOJtIO FIKli. rOl'TSVILLIi i'lUK, LKUiC.U 1'IIIK. unflthfiTItAV- nT,nns' accidunt insuiianok, Also PonnsvlTanH and Mntnal Hore Tlilet Detootlva and Insuracoo CouipRiiv. Martn 28. 187. VIlos. KBMnREn. JT F. RBL.VZ, rUOTOORArilER. Upnor Mnln etrot. SLATINtfTOX, TA., In tlio GlUXKr renontly occauicd by ft. K. DINCLEK riOTURK TAKEN IN ANY WEATHER.. A ppcialtr. CATRONAQK SOLIL'ITKD, And Katt'ilactton Owarantccd JancH)-78TI jA.VID EISBIESIT'S Livery 8s Sale Stables, BANK TRKICT.t,KIIl'(3HTON, Pa FAST TROTTING HORSES, ELEGANT OARUIAGES. Xni porttlvoly LOWER PUIOEB Umn any other Livery in the Uoauty. Lorge and handsarne' ClirlacM for Fnncral jiarpoeos and WeOOInts. UAVI I) KUliKltT. JJot. 22. ItTt it mi BUILDER CONTRACTOR BANK STREET, LEIIIGHTON, I'A. IteRPMifally annoances to the citizens of Lo hlcnton ana Tielmty that he is now pronamd to OOM rilACT fer the ISltliOTION o! UWELL IU HOUSlia, OHUKU11KR, HUIIOUI, HOUSliH, and OTI1 Ull 11U1LDINUH. Also that ho keopi constantly un hnuit u lull assuit mont of every donorlption of SKAbONKlJ Conslstlnp; or FLOOItfNO. BIDINO. HOOltS. BAHU, HLIND. MUTJTTEUB. MOLDlNUrt, Ao.. nhloh lie la prepared to lurulsn at tho vry Lowest Market I'rlcos. Patronago respectfully eolicltiul. MI7. W1I..H. ItEX. r0 CAPITALISTS! A LI1IITKD NUJIBER OF SIIAltES OF TUB CAPITAL BTOC1C OjT.TUB Lohightou Gas Light Co. till remain nndlspoacd of. Khnroa F I V T Y DOLLARS. HulMorlptious to thp Btnck will ,bn recelrud and Intoiuialiou furiuahed on up plication at Una oillco, ! II. V. MORTIII.MEU. LthlKbton, April 22, me. T BD, a purohaier for a WJiccler & Wilson tlUWIN'U ilACHIMi Jj cash will buy Call at this OtUce. ' MEW Railroad Guide. N' ilRTIl l'KNNA. UAII.UOAI). Passrn trcrs for Philadelphia will lonvn Lclilirli. Ion as follows! 8:11 n. in., vm. L. V. nrrtvo at PhlM. nt fin n m S:l ! n. in. via L. V. nmvo nt l'lilla. nt H:'i n. m 7:17 ii, in. via L. A S. 11:00 n. in. itvi a. in. M.i it v. Il:n7 p. ru. L t I0:i7 p. in. vm L. V. 2:21 p. m. via L. A H. 4:17 p. m. via 1.. it H. 4:11 p. m. Ma L. V. llpiOn. m. 2:0.1 p. in. Sim p. in. Bill ii. in. 8:1", I. to. Hi5 . m. a :r.- p. ni. in j v 8:'W p. m. Ri'inrmnir. lonvnilonot nt rrrka nnd Ainorl- cai St., Phlla., at 7:W). 8:13 anil VM n m. i 2:10, 3:43 and 9:15 p. in. Faro from Leiilchton to Phlla., 2.55, H&curslon Tickets, f I 0(1 April 17. lH)li KLLia CLAItK. Agent. jrtrciVTIlA I. U. It. OK K. .1. W I.KIIldll A SUStiUKHANXA DIVISION. All ltnll Itnutc In ImiR llrnncli. I'ASSI'.NIIKU STATIOSS;i.S NLW YOliK I'OOT OK LIllllllTY ST., AMI I'WrOr'OUHKSON ST., N. H. Time Tftblo of May 22, 18T0. Tnlns lenvo Lvhlhlon as fullcws: For New York, I'.aton, Ac, at 6.27, 7.17, 1107 a. m., 2.20, 4.47 p. m. For rhlfadelphla, 4 27, 7.17, 11.07 a. m 2,20, 4.47, ForMaueh Chunk at 10.20 a. m., 1 00, fi.38, 0.S0 8 48 p.m. ForVnikwIlarre and Scranton at 10.20 n. in., 1.00 O.fiO p. m. Kilurning I.eaVe Nev York, from station Cen tral llallrotd of N"ew .Tersoy, foot of Liberty street, North Iller,t8.40, H.I5 a.m., 1.00. 245 and 4.0(1 p. m. Hosts le.nn foot of Clarkson St. at 12.60, 1.60 and 3.20 p. m. Leavo I'hlliddphia, from Depot .Vorlh I'enn'a It It., at 7.0 1.0.45 a. m.,2.IS, 3.45,6 15 p. m. l.eavo Kaxtou at K.35, 11.40 n. in., 3,55, 6.33 7.00 p m. Leave Maucli Chnnk at 5.20,7.10, 11.00 a.m., 2.20 4.4, p. m. Vo: further particulars, seo Time Tallies at tho Stations. 1'ASSHMIBKS VOll L0NO IlIlANCIl CI1AXOK CAHS AT LMZAIIKTII. II . P. HALUWIN, Ceil. l'asscnir.r .tgent. 'July 4, IS74. pUIIiA. is, ItlUlllMi lt.VlI.KOAl). Arrangemctit of l'astengor Trains. july urn n;e. Trains Icavo ALLF.M'O .VN mfi llows: (via rn:i;iOMK hiia.cii.i Forrhllndelphui. ui 4.M,o..n). .60. a.m.,12.00 noon, b.wj nini " p. m. . l-HSDAVS. For Philadelphia at l 30 a. ru. '12.00 noon and 3.10 o.iii. i VIA EtH 1TNSA. IlllAKt ll.) For Ho iOIiib, t 2.30, 5 51', t.Vi a 111,, 12..0. 2 10, 4.30 a. d 9 For l.intIMIs. t 230, 553, 3.55 a. to., 12.20, 4 30 anil 9(i p.m. Fur Lancaster uiul Oolum'jii, 5 5, S.55 a.m. and 4 :i'i n m tliocn not run on Mnndny u A1IAM. For ltoadini 2 30 a.m. " Tt nml 0 00 ri m. Foi ll'imxtmt'f?. 2.30, and !i no ii.ui. irt'ins lUKAUUK.MUw loavo aa ionows: (VIA I'KUKIONiEN liRVNCll.) Leave Pln nnWiiluii. 3.a). 9.14 . m., 2.i5, 6.2o, "i 2a ami 7.(!0 p. ni. s UXDAY-. Lmvo PUIlailolphla, 8.15, 8.2) a. m nnd 4 10 p. nt. (TIA KAST rUNN . nilANCH ) Leavo Re.iomir ;.4 i. ,-.4i 10.35 a in., 4 03. 8. 10 snd in. '10 , in Leave llanWinrc, 5 2) 0.15, 8 10 a. m., 2.00. 3 67 nnd 7.4" p.m. Lo.ive L'lma-der.MO 7.45 a.m. 12.55 nnd 3.15 p.m. l4ea,o(:oluuibl'4 5 30 7.3 o.m., l.toaud 2 iUMJAY,. Leave Rondlne 7 3 mid 7. 1 : a.m. L'-ave H'ti'riiinit:, 5: i a.m. Trains ln:lkei, thin tl inn to nnd from ilnnol 9th r.nd (Ireon slfects, l'lilbniniphli. otner uulnston d mm Ilinni tret ilepit. '1 be .20 H. ill Irilin from Phi aL'elnh.n nnd 0.2.', p. m triiiii fiom Ailennnvti hnro tbiiush cam to nml itvui h in m, X. Y. Ttie 2.1o p. in train irnnt PHI .nieliihli anil 12. L0 1100:1 tt'.Mi from AilcntoU a n.ivn thmtiim e.irs to n;ld Iroin 1'tttfctO'i 1 ho 5.2", p in. tii'in from l-hllitdolpliiii ami 0 ;o n. m trutitflom Atlo'itown liavo IhroUKll cats to ami iroin .M&uch Ciiituk. J. li. WOOT1KN. Mot S, 1871. ec'teratsuiifrtntendent. pU.V.SYLVAMA IIAILHOAI), Philadelphia & Kitn: nn. division. Summer Time Titltle. On nnd nitoi sundai. a run. 2Jd, 1S76, tho Tnilns on tho IMiiUdoIplil i d: i.rlj lialinud in. Vfdoii will mn nsroliows: wj;-,iVARn. El'.Ii; EXPRESja ioiivi-h Mw York 9.2 n m. Piiiliilclplua 12.i5p.rn, R.illlmoiu 1.20 p.m. JlnirUbur air, at Williamspnrt 8.55 p.m. i.ocx Haven 10.3np.1u .uo io.t5 p.m. ERIE MAIL loatei Nrw voik 8.2.5 n.m Plnladcliilila 11.5 1 11.111. llalunioii) 1.10 p.m. Ilnulbiirc 4.'J5ain. U'lllintiifcpoit b3, Ixick lia on U.40 11. nt. lloiiova 10.55 a.m. nrr, at Kno 7.50 p.m. N IAOARA EX. leaves Pt.llndclplu 7.i0 11.111. llaitlniniH ".so a.m. UniriiburE 10.45 0.111. arr. at wailsmsiiort 1.50 p.m. I.oultlUveu 3.15 p.m. Henovn 4 15 p.m. K11110 6.45 11. m lluffilo L'K HAVEN AC. I've Puiindelphla 8.00 a.m. lialtlmoio 8.30 a.m. llairlxburgr l.'jsp.m. arr. at Willlainaport 0.10 p.m. Lock Ilitvoa 7.30p.m. SUNDAY EX. loaves ow Y'oifc 8.'J5 p.m. I'liiladelphia llo.5u.iu. 1 10 p.m. llariinuinr 4.1 1 am. arr. ni Villiiunsport 7 40 u in. EASTWARD. PIIILAD'A EX.leavca Erio 7.00 p 111. Lurk Kuvon 3ii,m. . William, port 7.55 a.m. arr. at IIutnbiiri; Raltimoro 0.'.5 p m Philadoijihla 3.30 ji.m. Now Voile 6 45 p,in. DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane coo a.iu Itenova in.10 n.m. Lock Haven 11.20 uni. Williainnport 12.40 a.m. arr. et Hmnsbunf 4.inp.m. i'hlluiielphla 7.20 p.m. Kn Yuri 10.15 llnlttmoro 7.33 p.m. Watuumiton U. 02 p.m. liRlE leaves Erie l'.'JOu.iu. Itenova 8.53 p.m. i Lock llnvcn 10.15 pm. WilUarasport 11.15 p.m. llnirUbuiK 2 43 am, liaituuoiu 7.35 am. l'nilndo:iilila 7.00 u.m. New York 10.1C 11.111. FAST LINE loaves Willismspurt 12.35 a.m. urr. at llurrlsburg 3.56 a.m. llaliiuinro 7.36 u to. Phlladt lphla 7.35 u.m. Now York 1U.25 n.m, SUNDAY EX. leaves Willluiuspoit S 15 u.m. urr, ut tlarrlfeburir li.4'l n.m. J'tilliuioljihla 3.'io p.m. Now Yoak (S.45p..ii. llaltlmoro 7.35 p.m. Erlo Mall West. Nlmrara Express West, Lock Uuvuu Aecom. West and Hay FxiroH J.uat uuiko close connection at Northuaibiirlmd with L.&ll.ltlt. ti'Hiusfoi Wllkeelinrio nuil Scruuloii, Erlo Hall Wiwt. Nlncara Expicss Wost. Eilu Express WoBt and Lock 11' von Accommodation Wohi mnkooloso connection at Wllllauispurt with N. C. P.. W. tralus uortli. Erlo Mull 'ot, Nlairura Fxproas West nnd Day Express East mil,o close cnnuoctioii at Look ilavou with U. H. V. It It. trains. Erin Mud Eust und West connect at Erlo wltli tralus on I. B. iS M . 8. RR., lit Cony with O. O. c4 A. V. tilt., nt Emporium with 11. N. Y. A P. Xtll., and nt Driftwood with A. V. Hit, Parlor Cars wlil run ootwecn Philadelphia and WilllniuMioit luNiairuiu Kxinoss Wot, Pnu Express Wofct. Plillnucliihta uxpioss East, Day Expros EnBt ,aml Buitduy Expiuss East, aloouluu' Curs on ull night tniuis. Wil. A. 11ALDWIN, Ocn'l Supii j.iaiAJiiyiii'iiBiJ-'-'"'cmy-Ji- D JIKSSHI) AND IilVK n Tho unilerilinied respectfully Informs tho cltlicns of C'nilion and niljnlninir conntios, that lio Is nirnlu piepnicd to supidy them with Dressed or Live Hogs at pr'ees fully nslow ns they can ho liousht for elsewhere. Also. Smoked limns, llologno und Biiis'liiro, nt Wholes lo aim Retail. IV" Ordm will lm pionipllv Ullcd. nnd 1Ior slnppeil to any point nt tho shortest notico. JO EPHOBERT, Rmk ctreet, Lehlirhton, Pa. Nov. 0, yl "78. RRAIlY'S rnNTKNNIAL CIC1 Alt AND TOllAClO EMPORIUM AND I1I1L1ARD IUjOSi, one door above Hank's Itnkciy. HniiU St., C-eFilgSston. Also, OENERAL NEWS AGENCY. Dr.lly and Weekly Papots and ijiko-ide Library regn atly supplioJ. Aptlll, 1171. jlrvnluittiin OIL Company, OF NEW YORK. Liiliriciiit nml Illumiii.'itins Oils. Wil. N MARCUS, Room 3', Verehunts' r.x chaniro, Till ill) nml WALNUT Mncis, PI I a delohi t Pa. Nov. 2 lfr7o. Truss and Surgical Bandage Stnnd. W J. llVHItl'.TI', No. 51 .Vorili .-utouth t. " bn'ow Aifh St. Pliil.ido.phln. Litcdim proved Tiawi houle Jltiiees, Ulnsllc t . ck iiifis licits. Bupensniie, Cnilclies, Diforimlv liihlruments, Ao, Aiso .Mrs. Kveiclt's. M'ch's self ndjustlii" uud other colelnnted Female np. potto's Lsdy Actonamit. Lniiro tnck and low price". Ilcrnl" siicccsbfitlly tio.itco. Jnlv3l,lS75..1y. QKXTKNNIAI, SALOON, SUSQUEHANNA ST.. MAUCII CIIUNIC. FItANK IXKJIAXX, I'roji'r. Fresh Philadelphia Laser Reer always on tap. Cigars of Cho cesl fi n 01 s. and nil olhnr Muds ot ltolivhnieuts to no found In 11 lltst-cliiss Saloon. FREl'l LTJNC1I i viiiy Merulim in 10 o"c:ock. a 1 whoa yoa co to Mituch July 15, ls;o.yi Tj'OR OOOI) JOll PRINTING, CALL AT 1 THE OARllON ADVOCATE OITICE. Work ready wheniiromlsod. nnd nt city prices. Do euro to call It will pay to do so. A Gootl.Fainily Medicine SWA VIVE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. 3 IlADACIIK. Lanirour and Melan choly gtuernlly sprlnc trem n nieonlcred etom scli. oosuveiics or a tondd liver. Enelt may l.e pponrtily removed by I)r Swnyno's 'lur t ills which stlumtuto the liver nnd stomncli to n ho llby action In rouunlnirnll bill uiifiiess, and pioducUis legulur ovaciiatlous of ttto Loivels. LIVER COMPLAINT, that drendoil dli-ense from which so many per sous fuller, Is trtqacutly tho cuuSo ol Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Is speedily nlicvcd. and are often poriuauontlr cuiud by ihoiru-o. roronarnulteu pioventiil by tho use ot these Barssparillu Pills, us they carrf oir, through tho blood, the linpinltli'S Iroin 5Vhich they ailso. For COSTIVENESM there Is lmthluit so cCpctuit. as Swayno's Tar nml Sarsaparilla Pills. Thej' aro puiclV. vegetable, and act Kpeeially uu tho Llirr us llluo Siassor (.uloiuc), without any bad resu is 11 oin taking. DeMuibo syiiivloms In a'l communlcntloui', und iiddriu-s letters to DR. b WAYNE AteON, PI'iliidelphln. No chargo for mlvp c- beuf by mill 011 iccelpt of price. Pilco25 cculsu box Uto boxus for l. ASIC YOUR DUUUQIST FOR TI1EU, 1 so I F J toS Eh P ei fea 03 J S P-l 1 2 B I i s g S I S q s h S IB SI 'Now Advoi'iiRomonts. THE LUNGS! O0NSUMPTI0M I This dlf Iresslng nnd UonRiTous eompl'iliit nnd Its preinoi ltoiy symp niiis. ltefflenled toiiith nig t swi nls, hnirenefs, watlnc ll 'sh, lever mrmnnenlly euri ilby ' Dr. Bwnyiio'nCoinlioiinJ Pyrtipof Wild t ho iv " IIRONCIUTIS A ininonllnrnt l iilniona'y Coiipinnplion isoliaraclirlzeit hycnlnnli or in. Uimiuauoii of the mucous ineiniir-ne of the air rnnte. with eimgli and cxpoeinriition, ehnit hrinth, honienoss pains 111 tho cheat. For nil l.iiinpinal nfloctiOiis, horo ihivat. loss of voice, coughs, DR. RWAYNK'S I'OMI'OUND Syrup Wild Cherry IH A SflVKntTON ItKMKDY. iremorrhafje, or HtWtiva blnod, may iirnccril from tho Inrtnx, trrhm liroiit'tiln nr lmiirf, ami in me U nm various can as mi it no nliytcal pxnrilon, p'lt'ior. , nr fullMrt of iho nnIti wenb hintrs, 'tvorttrnlimip otthn volro HuppitHS otl pacimUon, olitnictum ol tlm tl o. or .lv er, otr. h Swayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ftnlti" nt tho root ot (.'spao by purirrtntr the bin- i r pto- iiir ttio 'tvo -mill kliltn-vtn heal thy an ion tin ..turrit. Mir tnr ncrvmis pyntrt'tii. Tlio only Rlaiiil.ini lotncdy tni hciiiorrioio. bin icliial nit't nil i-uMnoiaty ronipliint--. Vt n. RuinrtlviR orthnso wenpinetHp wo ik lunrp, (o'll not full to usa this r:mu Toctublo rem utr It minnlnm povr, tKt mlvovor crn'ump tion init (ivor 'rry chrmih 'l rao v.u'rti iTHlni, alter itlvfl -'ctiiMi ih ih'P'IoiI. Umlf-riN iif n tlio coii'h 1 oncnrit, the maht r-yri-ati li minisli 1 ie pitn Htilniilcs. tin1 oul-r rftnrn to lt mi nr I htaii'l-iil. tho tftiuach 1h ntuu-oveit m H powrr roiMgi'Ht ami n'tlato thoiootl, nml rM-ry nrnn I n 1 n tniHT ui-o bcttci iinaluy blond Mopp i( (i tit t out- ot vrhWh now leciea tlvii nrtl p'astio ninio.inl is mni'o. SAVED HIS LIFE. yns that r,f Eilwnnl II. Ilai iso i, Engh eernt, . .. . .u n ,'Jl'uij. I.,,, ; tx. r 111 It', 1 lll.lU CipilIU. I Weill V i in s h i e el in 141 il tlni't. In- win i'iii',.il I'llKIK ONH Dlll.LAII. Unities 5. If vo'iriliui'ait.ti.i'Kio e'ie. periloes u i eill lt,o Will fni'M-ni.l I .1. won fii't.'h, (..n,... ...I drees, on lrcoivt ol oneo. riu r.i:F.ii only nv III!. .SW ti'.r. At S. 330 X. Slxtli Street, l'lill'iide lphla. Mild uy ui noiutneiit Diugglts. Itcliihg Piles! mr.Ks, iMLEs, itching nr,r,s, Positively Cured by tho uso ol WAYNE'S OINTMSiNT. Home Testimony : I was sorely nlllic'&l with onoot (he most dls 1'CsMnaot 1 1 I'ntiltiis m i mnm. nr moircominnnlv Known tut ltrhlnir PUis lho licnin. hi iimes w is iiunnsr iiiti lei'ubio meie'is. Ill liV eilltetlltllT. alio not unfri'iilienlTi m r.imo (lilltohonl. i.iio.i"iii iiiioxoi "Mw.nne-s (l.nlmiMit '"lis iibn li rjiilei; lellef, nml m n nlinii tlmo mu'lo n pert it euro, loin now 'loop umlisliul ed. and I wouid avii-o al, svho nro nifT'iing with thii illpli c'vlngioinplnlnl lopioenio' hwi, ncs O'littnen. 'et oiiro. r bml tiled pichmiii Inns timin t l.'iiumcr.ible, w.tiioiu ilinliii'r nnv pel in. niieiit lellrl. Jo.-. W. ClUti.-iV. l'n in i f LnMel A I hint. Hoot and shoo House. 341 Noitli sremid.Rtieot. I'hi!uileli)iila. SKIN DISEASES. BWAYNE'N ALL HI' AI.INd OINTMUNT Is ill o ll s-picifle lor TrITEII, 1T( H. K LV Itlll'.l'M, MJXLD HEAD. ICRYH! PKLAS liAiiniju'.s iron, nun iii.ori)iiEs, all MJAIA, CIlUsrY. t'UTA!VHOlH Willi'. riti.NH. pei lot 1 1 v safe null brainless, even on Iho most Un lei mlum. I'nco 5(1 rents, 3 boes fort 1.25. hi'iitovm iltoaiiytiddriksonioccliit of pruo Sold by ail tholeiidlneniugciita. l'looaied only by 330 North Sixth. St., Piilladelpliia. : : use IAD0RN! LONDON YOUR in '.n.LDn.l : nun oihui nusiui ci HAIR. ron nESTonino ; : GRAY HAIR ' To Us Nntural Vitality and Color. HERE IS "THE' VllOOF ' Or Its Superior Excellence. Read this Homo Ccrtiflcnto tostlfled to by KUwnrd -ll. Gairigues, uuu. of tho most compe. tent Diiigg sts and ('In mists In I'hllnaX'Ipbi.'i, a man whoso veracity nOno can doolit: I am uappr to add uy testimony to the great valooot thu " Loudon. JJuir t.'oor Restorer," which icsuired my ha.r to lis original dark i ol. or, mid tllohitoupuoars to by poiuiuiient. I inn tutmicd that this, prepaiutioi Is iioUunc llkoa dto, hut opeiotes upon 'the pecretions. It is also a bcautUul hair iliesslng, and ptmuotos the growth. Ipuichasod tho llrst boitl Iroin i;o. U. (Jarrlcuos. Uunrgtst. Tenth nnd CViiite-sts who cm alto testtlv my luor wits voiy gray when J cuiuiueucnJ Its uso. MRS. MILLJUt, No. 730-U. Nlttth-st., Philadelphia. US. SvyAYMS A r"o' Respected Filenil: I Imtotao eltusiite tu liifoim toil tl.nt a intiy of my uiqualniaiice, sirs Ml ler, Isdeltjililisl wlm too tucctsiuf vnuoVTjoiii'.ou Color Hull' ltiuloi. er" Her hair 5vo, falling rnplilly mid nuuo (puy, 'i no color in s otr'u icsim eu, unu ttiu iuu- uir out tnuroiy fcioi.peu uy iw U'.. k R. UAltRIOUKS. Druggist Cor. Tpntli .mil Coates sts.. 1'hlla. All that ait can In buautifylng. streugilienluy, thickening and adoi mug tho uulr Is ( Ifeotcit ov Uhinir "ijoiulou Hairt-'otor Roster, er." it alluiulutos and foicts u niw growth : If giny. rostoies lis nntural color, and lenders It tllkyaim beniitllill : cui oauiliull: keeps tho culii cIb, n. cool ami lieu lluy. All Urtiuglsts s"U It. I'nco 70 jceutsj six Uoltlcs,tl. Belli by 1'ipitsi to uuy aild(Ois. BWAYNIi A SON, 310 N. BlxthH. Philad'a, BOLE I'ROPIUETORH. 1 Vov Sulo ly all DiuijglrjtM. Julyllifl870.yl ii, ,i. it . ivto-'i i i -ii. llimiv, sweats oriMliio,r, ereal ttenktir'si npti nt ihf f.'rent tlmo n pint ot luoil, uue up nil hope of reei very, 'lhroiiirh tl. o ili nt " J)r. stcointv M'f M(Vierls'MH" In eamo .1 MUllnlnnd hen ltd v The Foreman's Story. I am llio fun inn n In a shift ami draw trs factoiy. I nm forty yenM.uld, nml I nnvfr wnt t nrtlovilai ly liaiiilsmno to look at. I don't supposo my nmiiiiers nro psppclally faiclnatliifr t'ltlier, fur tlio ".Iris mostly call ir.p, ns 1 nm (ilvt'ii to, " Old Crusty" aiul " Dear." Not that 1 moan to lio crosi, hut some peoplo liavt'li't tlie nuteeatllo ways of others. 1 liav) snt behind tlio tall desk in Tnpo & IliittoiilielP.t iiiiii'leen years. I've 8oen a pood many curious phases of life within that tlmo, hut thu most cu ilmis of all lmppi'tieil to myself person ally, nnd that is precisely what I am goltiR to tell you about. " I wouldn't have had It happen for flvp pounds," said Deiinlson. Di'iinlson hail charge of Iho out-door dcpaitmi'iit, and he eamo in, oh that wet, drizzly February evening to stai.d by tlm Kiate fit (s In my loom. " What has happened now ?" said I. " Its Lame Hotly," said Deiinlson. "Two rolls tif work mlssincantl Hetty, declares she brought 'em hero." I laid down my mio.-e-iiulll. Lame Hetty had been In my tlioii",hts some how, all that rainy Iwlllijlit.jiist as peo pie and things will take poiseaslnn nf yout bralli nt times, and you can't help yourself. A soft-eyed, low-voiced girl, wlio walked with a ctulch, and always wore delicate prays and dove colors. I know her from the throng bicaiio of the " tap tap" of her crutch, and used always to speak to her when I sa,w her standing In the loop; no of girls who waited, on .Satuiday nlht, to deliver their work and receive their pay. " That's had," said 1. " Two pound,' 5voith of shirts," said Deniilstiu " order shirts, too, und that maliei It Worse. I'm sorry for the lllrl ; she has a pretty faco of her own, nml 1 always liked her ; hut of course It's necessary to stand by tides. Loso her deposit, and no mure work." " Hut suppose alio pays fot tho miss Inp wmk I" ' " It Isn't likely she'll do that," said Deiinlson. " This sort of girl seldom has two pound ahead." " I don't believe It's her fault Den nKoii," I in-MeiT. " She is rospon-ihle, isn't she ?" " Yes ; but " Just then Mr. liuttonboll eamo in 5vilh a iin-nt order In his hand. " We shall have a tight pull for It, ulr, to fill this," mid I, dubiously. " Hut It miit be tilled," said ho. " l'iit,uii nil jour hands. Tuin on a full head of steam. It won't do to let l't elt ,t I'atl.son o to any other place." And lie hustled away. " Very uiirortuiiale,"sald Dennlson. " Lhmmi Hetty was one of our best hands." Hetty Dm ranee cumo tho next morn ill;:, as usiiiil, io receive work, and sho bad two I'iMiiiils In her hand. " Slime kind ft lend has sent me this to pty fur tho hut rolls of work, sir," the said to me. " Ymi'ro In luck, Hettv," said I, frowniiii; over n long column of llmires, and tiin not to blush under Iho earn est look of her soft brown eyes. " And I'm niuch.oh, so much obliged to him, whoever he Is," she mHed, in a low tone. " Hut I can't uso it unless unless you thing I am Innocent." " Of course I do," said I, looking up at the' quiver of her voice, " I don't believe ycu would take a pin, Hetty. Iv'o known you for four years, and I believe you are a good girl. It's an awkwark mistake sonunvheio ; nut there's not many mistakes, my girl, but what Und clears up In Ills own good time. Now, take jour place In line j there's no time to bo lost this morning." " Oh, Mr. Harvey," said poor Hetty ono day, when Jenny Warren, the proudest and prettiest of our gill), had declined to respond to her modest bow, " it's very hard to hear." " Walt, Hotty j only wait," said I, cheerily. " Hut It's breaking my heart," said she. " They all think I am a thief." " I don't, Hetty." " I know that, sir. I should drown myself If nt least ono person in tho world didn't hellevo that I was Inno cent." TWO winter wore itself a way. TNio busy season was succeeded by ono of ciimparitlvo dullness, and among tho hands struck of the list was Ilottyljor rance. Hut Hetty Dorranco never eamo to learn Iter doom. '.' IVrhapa sho Is sick alono In wnnt," I thought. And tho nioro I pondered on the mattor tho tuore uneasy I felt; ,v a 1'erhaps sho is dead 1" ' And with that last, overwhelming thought came thu full revelation of my own honrt, I had gmwn to lovo Hetty Dorranco. Well, why not? I could nllnrd n wifo as well as most men. Hetty tvas only a sowing girl, and lamu at that ; hut sho hail n iaco liko one of God's angels, and n heatt as a Illy, Of that I lelt certain. I loved her ; why should I not marry her ? So 1 tat down nnd wroto tier n Jlttlo note, saying simply that I loved her, and asked her if slid could consent to become my wife ; and I concluded by saying that 1 would call on tho mor row to leeelvo her answer. Just as I sent my letter off thcro eamo a knock nt tho door. "Mr'. Harvey are you alono? Can I spenk to you for ono moment ?" "la that you, Helen Arden ? Why, I thought you wero married and gonu to Cullfuruia I" cried I. "I am married to a spendthrift and n villain," said sho, with a little honrso laugh, 'i nnd I am going to California to morrow ; but I wanted to pay you for something." "for what ?" "That roll of 5vnrkthnt peoplo accus ed Hetty Dorrance, tlio latuo qlrl, for taking." "Helen I Did you tnko It ?" "Yc," she cried, recklessly, "I took It I I was sorely In need of money j tho landlady wnuld'nt let mo hnVo my trunks to he married until I paid her what I own! her. I was standing by lame Hetty tl.nt. night. I saw her lav Is tlio piles of work on tlio desk j I saw 'em sup anil fall nil tho heap. I ivas Jut going nway, and it was an easy thing to stoop, as If forniy own pocket handkerchief, and pick 'em up. I pawned them, thinking I could easily redeem them, hut I Dover did. Hero Is money to pay for them. I hope Uot ty was not blamed." "She was, though," said I, slowly. "I can't help It," said. Helen, light ly, "l'vo done my best. Willyouseo that sho is righted ?"' "As for as I can," . And Helen went nway muttering to herself lometlilng about all her' ac counts being closed nt last. I paid but llttlo attention to It at that tlmo hut I remembered It afterward. I went tlio next evening to Hetty's s'mplo lodgings, over n baker's shop. "Miss Dorranco l1' said the' baker's wlfo meeting mo at tho foot of tho stairs, with a baby In her arms. "Why dld'nt you know? She's moved away." 'Moved,! and my letter ?" "We got a letter yesterday, sir, nnd forwarded It to bur. No. 80 Avoriel Square, sir." So I went to 30 Avonnl Siunro a little gem of a brown stono house, nil hay-windows nnd balconies, standing in its own grounds, and there was Het ty at the casement, watching for mo "Hetty," said 1, "did you get my letter ?" "Yes, Mr. Harvey." "And 5vhat Is your answer ?" "That I will bo your wife, Mr. Har vey, and that I am, oh, bo thankful' that I havo gained a good man's love!" I stooped and kissed her daisy face. "I suppose you aro sewing hero, Hetty," said I.- "It is a handsoino house)." "No, said Hetty, half laughing and half crying. "I live hero.'' "Hetty I you I" "My grand undo died," said Hetty. "He was a bachelor, and hated us all ; but he could'nt take lils- money with him. I have inherited it all." "It cannot bo possible," eald I, rub bing my forehead. "Hut It Is possible," said Hetty, "nnd It is true. I wns Just going to send to you lo pay that two pounds 5vhen I got your letter." "I have been paid, my girl," said I ; and I told her nbout Helen Arden. The next day we saw a little para graph In tho papers, how an unknown 5voiiian,with tiie words "Helen Arden" 5vrltten on her pocket handkerchief, hid drowned herself from Loudon Undue. This is my ntory. It Is simplo enough; yet I think It has tho elements of ro mance in It. A Practical .Toko on Himself. A Charlemont marketman, when de livering goods ono morning, 'discovered m leaving the house of a customer a custard pie sitting In a window whero the lady of the house had placed It to coo! for dinner. He at onco appropria ted It, and driving directly to the storo of the lady's husband, called him qut and told him he had "hooked" a nico custard pie, and If lio would get snmo cheese they would havo a nico tlmo eating it. Of cnursO tho was forthcoming, and nfter satisfactorily disposing of tho pie the question ntoso what to do with the plato. Tlio mer chant said ho would tako caro of that, ami suiting his actions to his words, ho dashed it against the wall. When tho merchant went homo to dinner that day ils wlfo apologized for not having any dessert, saying she made a custard pie for dinner nnd set it In tho 5vindow to cool, nndho supposed somo boys must havo stolen It. Her husband was'iitj plu lumgry, and seemed "julto pleased abot something, bnt kept "mum." Next morning tho merchant meeting tho marketman, sang out Tie I" In reply the other said "Cheeso I And whose plate was that you suiaslied ?" Exchanges nil say, "Look out for counterfeit half dollar coins dated 1833, 1875, and 1870. It's tho other kind we nro looking out for, and without much success, either. A belated citizen, from whom a policeman was trying to rescue a lamp post a few mornings ago, violently re sisted tho endeavor, exclaiming ; 'Lemmo Mono ; I'm (hie) hold'n tb' foit." "Paris has porfumcd hats" says an exchange That's nothing now. Pass around n hat here any tlmo in Now York mid it's sure to havo a scent or two In it. Thackeray tells us to tako a small bit of paper and make a list of real geu tlemen 'whom we know. V o don't know of hut one, and as wohiivo plenty of visiting cards, tliero is no uoed writ ing tlio name. Hy '"the Governor." It's hard work to keop your sonsin check while they'ro young i It's harder still to keep 'cm lu cliockj when they groty older.