Popular Verdict ns lo tho Fnrtj Fourth Congress. It Is Dow ft pood time to Jutlgfl of the wisdom of t lie popular political outbreak of 1874 Unit In the twlnkllnp of n ballot upset tlie rule of llio republican party In tho United States nml gavo tho de mocracy the control of the more Impor. tant branch of congress. Whatever has nccoiupllMieiUo tlielowerhoutohasbeen been made Rood ngalnst tho dead weight of the President nnd scnato who have not only discountenanced meritorious reforms but have pulled In tho oppo site direction. Hut the anvltin of thirty millions of dollars In current expendi ture nnd the terrible onslaught made on official corruption In high places ore natters so well understood by the peo ple At large and so Incapable of ml "con struction that they extort unwillingly ecoinlum In quarters not partial to dem ocratic ascendancy. Tho New York Trlbuno says : This connrc's has been an uncon scionable tlnm adjourning, but at last it hss made n flnlxh of It. Few words are needed to recall the salient featurtf of Its work. Necessarily It could do little In the way rf jositlvc legl-lation, since the republican senate ai.d demo cratic house on the eve ot a presidential election were even more than usually euro to work at cross purposes. But U has made a success In three di rections. It exposed a corrupt secre tary of war, and drove hlin from ollice. It Investigated an unscrupulous minis ter to Encland, and scourued him home. It reduced opproutlutlons sometimes wisely, often unwisely ; but at all events It reduced them, nml so, for the present, checked the enormous expenditures of public money. For these let this congress have all thanks ; and let ns frankly say, too. that the whole credit ot them Is due to the dem ocratic house. The New York Times, In an nrticle full of bitter accusation as to the small things, makes unwilling and ungraci ous admissions of the reduction in the yearly budget of expense. It says : The next work which the party un dertook was that of retrenchment. In this they were partially successful They luade many reductions In the ap propriations which It was proper and necessary to make, and some which ought to have been made before Hut they were not-content with this. They undertook not only to jut down appro priations for tho next year, but to change the laws regulating sala les, to seriously cripple Important branches of the servlc, and to coerce the senate In to yielding many changes in laws which were In nowise connected with appro priations. For Instance, they demand ed that the senate should consent to re organize the army, to abolish the Indian-bureau, to tufn ihe Indians over to the war department, and to repeal the wholesome law now in force for tliu protection of the purity ot tlie ,-uffrane. The senate very rightly refused these demands, when made under a threat. The New York Herald makes the fol lowing impartial coromer.t : The legislative results of this long session have not been especially bril liant. The democratic party has lauor- ed under a disadvantage, marred by its opponents in consequence of Its long exclusion from power, yet the raw house of legislative neophytes appears to advantage in comparison with the senate, where the republicans have had a majority ot (he trained members. Tiie republican rriajoriiy in the senate has done nothing to establish a claim to public confidence, when-as the house, in spite of blunders and inexperience, has none much that sound public sen timent will approve. It has reduced the public expense, (.30,000,000 below last year and would have made larger reductions If it had not been tuwailed by the senate. We do not believe any public Interest will suffer by the meas ure bf retrenchment. We are utterly unable to point to any measures of the venate which present a favorable con trast. The Philadelphia Public- Record, an Independent and carefully edited news paper, says : The thing mo3t likely to be remem bered and to make a decided impressiun upon the country Is thu reduction in Dationul expendltuies. We published a table yesterday showinc the differ ence between the appropriations of this year and last year. But the action of the house receives an additional illus tration from the statement that the to tal nmouut of money asked for by call I net estimates was (203,098,025, which the house committee cut down to (137, 233,155, while the housti raised it to (1X8,752,340, and the senate Increased It to (158.200.G1G. leaving the sum flnelly agreed upon, alter many pro tracted disputes, at (147,722,210. This Is, of course, exclusive of approjiria tions for the payment of the Interest of the-puDllo debt, and only represents the ostensible amount or annual exionui lures for present purposes lo this era of low prices and hard tidies The tact that the cabinet eslimatt s have been cut down more than (55,000,000 shows conclusively that there must be a wide margin for economy In many places and we suspect that the house, In-teaU of finish)!)).', has only commenced the leal woikof retrenchment. For that beginning, huwever, the nation may, perhaps be thankful. There was time when a strict regard for economy was one ol the chief characteristics of a republican government. This rule lill prevails in sturdy Switzerland and our own country should retrace her steps as rapidly and effectually as pos slble back to simple and inexpensive methods of managing public affairs. The, livening Telegraph, at onto the ablest nnd most Indept udeut.rtipuhli can newspaper In "Philadelphia, says : Wl!mv few regrets to express over the met that ilttferent -political Inuu -iii'C iult;d itrthe house mid. In tliM fteiotlti, and wo m conndcnMdat tho ultliqale results, ot tin session that lias ut clnsrd will bp beneficial to tho tin- tlon. " We are ns confident now ns wo were heforo the session opened that permanent good will result from It, anil In reviewing the doings of congress for tho lit eight months wo l.nve much satisfaction In knowing that much wiong doing has been exposed and measures taken for prevenllni: the occuneneo of tho like again, and that many reforms of tint hldhesi' Import ance and value have been effected. The record of the house Is much bet ler than that of the senate, which has persistently obstructed every reform movement, good, bad, ami Indifferent, Innugurated by the house, and has In augurated none of Its own. Dill Akoy's IMvoicc. 1)111 Akey.n lesidentnr Hunt county, Texas, agieeliiK to disagree with Ids wife, tiled a petition In court prating for n release from one .Mrs. Akey nen Sniuli .hum Maxwell, widow. He low will be found an extract from said pe tition ; which is a peculiar document to say the least : Petitioner states that In the year 1802 he lost his beloved wile, leaving him a disconsolate widower, with seven chil dren to mourn with til m their loss. In thrt tall ot 1871 small Jane Max well cros-ed my way, and If your peti tioner had followed the advice of Tony Weller to his son Samuel, this suit would nuver have been brought Peti tioner would further state that the said Sniah Jane was n widow, nnd the moth er of seven children, begotten by her foimer husband, thank the Lord. Petltlouei would tutther state that the said Sarah Jane was a woman ol migh ty winning way's Wforn we were nmr rled, and one of tho mildest mannm-d women he eer saw. Petitioner would further state that the said Sanih Jane told him that all of her chlldien were angels, for Ihey Just looked liko their dad. Sarah Jane told petitioner that she was raising up her child-en in the fear and admonition of the Lord, iitul that she required her children to repeal. tho Lord's prayer every nlht ; all of which petitioner believed, lor the said Sarah Jane repealed to petitioner the said prayer, which begins, " Now I lay me down to sleep, etc. Now, light here let petitioner stute that tho said barau iatw. is the last woman thnt ever will wheedle him Into matrimony on the piety side ot the docket. l'etlt.oner would further slate that on a Sunday morning In December, 1872, the said Sarah Jano came to the house of the petltioner.and by her fascinating walK and pious conversation Induced petitioner to go to the house of that godly man, Thomas Heady, and there we were united in the. holy bonds or matrimony ; ami your petitioner, be lievlng that he had a Dorcas for a wife thought it his duty to follow the In junction of the Suilptuies, and leave home, fattier and mother, and cleve un to his wife ; so I left my home taking with me my seven children, and went to the home of Sarah Jane in Tlldwel Thicket. And hero petitioner wouh like for Ihb veil of ohlivius to tall upon the scene, and wlint followed to be lo to history and to man ; hut ns the vei of oblivion will not tall, petitioner bound to tell what happeio-d. Petitioner soon discovered that when he went to the home of tho said Saiah Jane his Dorcas was gr.ne, and that lie had a Mary Magdalene with her seven devils for soon the Maxwells wanted to know If tho Akeys would mix ; and it Is well known that when tho Akey blood is up they will not bo imposed upon and no mix it was. Your pe titioner jiimded upon the. head ofait tur ret, au.1, in tho language of our Piesi dent, cried out, " Let us have peace." Hut abuut that time Sarah Jam) mo tioned a stick at petitioner and here petitioner makes his head exhibit A, to show the result of that tight. Petitioner would further stnto that.ln order to have a clear and comprehensive view of this case, wo must understand the geographical position of the ho'iso of tho said Sarah Jane. Sarnh Jano is the middle man ot Tildwell Ihicket. Plump In flie center of said thicket is where she lives, and to this place was petitioner conducted; and the place was gloomy enough, indeed for the sun only shone two hours a day and then was letdown by lead troughs ; but this darkness would have been sufferablu to a nr.wly married man If It had not con tinued so long. For three long weeks petitioner worked night and day before he saw the sun. Petitioner believes, and thinks the record will show that the said Sarnli Jane wheedled film Into matrimony for no other purpose than to clear up the thicket, because from the first she was abusive j but at first her abuse was bearable, but just in propor tion as petitioner cleared up the thicket she became more abusive, and when petitioner had cleared and fenced a good field and planted und raised a good crop, the said Sarah Jane putting on a lull head of steam told petitioner to take his Akey brats nnd git up and git, aud it is needless to tell any one who knows Mary June that petitioner had it to do. HUMOROUS. Cat's.tropliy A mouse. Now school eloquence College oar rations. When may a man be said to got a good start in business ? Whon an ujcppcted bill Is preeuted to him for payment. A young Lothario, much given to moonlight htiulls, expresses theoplnion that "rlirt" may bo parsed as a "hue ulght verb." All efforts to make hay by gaslight have failed ; but it was discoveied that wild oats can be sown under Its cheer ful rays. A. Berks county farmer has mowpd with the same scythe for thirty-rive years, It Is said, nml hu oxpocts to use It until he Is ihi uiotter. A correspondent writes, asking for' "a reuj-O) tor Hie apple tron worm." Uowpau we proci I he u nt li we know what's the mutter with the worm If . Wheh you can buy a dnzmi clothe pins' for three cents, and haye thein sent home by u twu'.horM team , tor uothtitK, ' why' wilt longer for the re turn ot thoo ''ji.(.d old lifuwi ?' war m mqe psioes itimiem am . am mm, Successor to D. Book & Co., Ait tila 66 MsnfliaaaatBa ttoi'??9 Opposite tho L. & S Respectfully announces to liis lie is daily receiving additions LADIES' DRESS nml DRY GROCERIES nnd PROVISIONS, QUEENS WARE, &c &c, &c. Also, just received a car load of LIVE K POOL SALT, which I am soiling at Bottom Prices. SALT FISH a Specialty. (gU0 If you really desivo to of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Money, you should not fail to give mo a call before making your purchases elsewhere. Don't forget the Mammoth May 0, 1870 yt Wcissport Planing Hill & Liimbcr Co., noMiPftfullr 'Dtienrce tn rnrptntprs, Ht:tcrs. Ontrnctorn nnd others, tli-'t hnvlvir ronioletcd their NEW 'ILLH. tJ-y aiouow meiiaicil lo supply tliem, at VKltt LOWEST PRICES, Willi oveiy do criptlou ot Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet "Ware, &c, &c, On the Minrto.it Not'oo. Our Machinery Is nil ii vo no iipaiininii in uiinmmriiiK j-enecr. r-nusjajuim in nil who u a. invor ns wim ill. it oino h. It vii hnvn not linio M cull nnd M-.o.'t ntint vnu want iml yojri.idurx una II. ey u 1.1 lju filled promptly mm at low pricoi pb though von warn pipnnt. Give us a Tilal, and you will 0o convinced of what wp say. SOLOMON' YEAKEL, 1). 11. ALUKIUHT, W M . I1II5HY. .10IIV IIIERY. Office nnd Mill, nearly opposite tho County, lVnna. Chanzc Yonr AM wanttns FItUIT FAHMR, copoclullv minute to tlio ttrnwth of lh" VIN'K, vrtirrn H 1 nn Ffltibili'ii'il Bin-re nml iiv f j H(W Pltui-'ITS Tim inml it 1111 tuiapit'il to Hie jiruwtlnu ronctios rt':irn, App 0 01m mnn irnn ; ain, uimr. iwirh ami vepemu ps. MitmMiiimlrrtHofcxenl iir VINK A 111) Oltril VUOSnnil l-' i JtMS, enn now bo p(nn. Till; IjUIW1IO Huulrai ml cHHoutti of rml iiplila, hy Ilulhoait, m nniil. fipitfchlfitt rll m:ito .ml fti thn vaty iloo nif New Vmltnutl riiituilotiihu MarUcH. AnoUier ltailtoait ruuaili- IVTl!" ViiAt KMalreclvljA!l(lR. RUCCKSSPUIj AND VUnsPKHOU . f'.mrchoq, flclinoli, ami ntr or inn ltyt'n mo 11 lc.ttir ftnli Isl oil. AN') tmtnutat lot iri ot shoew, 1 Intlun. (Uih, Mrsw OikmIh, a hi otiioi- thlnj.'H, :it whirli iiilffriMit nirtiiliris t 11 tutrlr t-m ptfnin Pinitl'ivnimi' it Im iM'iMi u IIKAIjI'II Ut01t I' fur huiio wmh mrt lo- tn'op't HiiflVrmo frnm jut mmiiiry uf frtioiiit. Atithiiui. 1 jituih. VLait'. tititt iiiM tt' t mmiv llto mhH li'iv futlte'v r"Lnvpi'tL A new Hlk'fe llotyl birt Just bfdl nrnpi'lo t t t f nt fumt. tvilli li ick Imil liny, four sfoilon hicli iilHnill.iif Ficitch hvm iMnlitll nioMoi n iininovo'innti tor t'i' uc(i'Miiinni.itif)ii of viHi'itia lUrc iC Ol' KAUU JANI) .Vii- M-JIAl'i. li, vayal) n by nut 1 km nU. Within t'nw'fri it of fi.ur vt'tirs. In tins tliinnto plantcil o.it u vinos iiereicoint uioiu iflnn KOucio fuither ""l'crnMtM nmoqiiainttft wttb Fruit Urowlur.onti piuiDt 111 miii ivii'ti Hiiro MVK Ai'ilFS, 0-sl3ACltU AND 1W.V ni-n ir h't . WM'Ht viHitinp1 mo i'onionn'oi j;xnioi 101, vim nnn can io viflup'i nt nrnnn OMmn-n, A inner omit untitA full linoiiii-itioti, uili be soiit upon itf iHcilljii to Oil A KLKH K. LA7CUI9, VlVKI.ANfl. N. J fro nt in-t. Tho to lowina J-on extimt Vwn ft rtowrlntmn of Vin"lttnl, publihol In tUo Kfw YoltK Till nun, ' y ilja well Ki.onvh Arnonlturl'-t. hiti ltnbhn uj All tw fiirnior- wio f tlio ' well lo tin" (ort, iMHl.nnmof lUnit w lio linvo t.irnM holrntt''n 11- n i. tr UK ud in ikit pinit'imiR, imvr iowi no.i. Tii.soti ih r um, vnri'iif from Hin-ly mc'MPp. nnd ritifioo unit I tu nolnttntr nitrrwi'clo 1 w t!i miiiiM ("ttciins initl otTn-iniui. wm nuiul .w, lu wlilcum'itoHit1 of potir iiniok tiro hti.ieil. xnUklont to futll 10 the who cupiainl Minfieu . ttt-r it hatb anno ox m.iAt itofiiMi tuinl li-illlltv It is certainly onn tit' thr tnohtutftmiv fn'ttl tr-irtt, in tn nlmnsf nnsition. niut uititM? conrh'tfan for filmxanlftinmrtu, I hat we knmtfofthte ttiteuf Ihe tl'frrt prairie, IIV fnnil wm of the ohlrtt farm uppartnttyjuitvt jirufitally jryxluctive at whtn first chatui nf forentjijty or ahundwl years Tho proo'offtHt would no iirilwvpr thwciusoof iliti oonttmud fortllitv '1 lo w nolo country U nniitrlnoHopo lr.niMl nil thimtKo tlio sil wo totiml cvilonortK o cnlomoouH HiilitnticoH. tr nornllv In the form ot ludur.itetl ontcarooiu nnr!. ali'uvlni? innnv ni.llnoL lo msor itueiei t hIipIIh, of tlio tortmr. totimtl in : unit this innrii PuMtfinoo H HCittfrett n I (lnoj h . no boi(. hi it vorr coinnil. m u oil tomi, nudln the csaot ootimtlnn and lnut tocnlllVi.to. Til NEW "DOMESTIC," A DOUBLE THREAD LOCK-STITCH MACHINE. IT retains all the vlrtuei of th Mht-U tinning "DOMESTIC,1 Including the Automatic 1 Tension, which wai nml U the Iwst In ue -OiM'Ica.c notice uur I'ATKN i' UARDKNED CONICAL IKAHINGS on loth the Machine and Slan t Our ne wand nld Ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tools at our own new worVs, In the Inisy city f Newark, New erkoy, Itave piven u a ttaiid!ird of MECHANICAL EXCKL LKNCE Minimum uf Friction, Maximum of Durability, and range of work, never hcretofure reached In the Sewing Machine world, 1 " TO .THIS STATEMENT AND THE 'MACHINE .ITSELF We Invite the attenttoi of airl'especiatly those having hlh mechanical akllt'or observation. Ni 11. All MLchlno fully watranied. , I ! - DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., JNoav Yoi'lc nixl CIiltmKTo. ' LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC 'PAPER FASHIONS, F. P. Lentz, ngent for Lnlilgliloii a il vicinity. Feb. 10. Depot, BANK Street, customers und friends, tlifit to his stock of GOODS, know how largo nn amount Store, opp. L.&'S.Decot, LKIIIOIITON, PENN'A. Now mi l nf Mm Must Approved Kind, fo lint we Fort Allen Homo, WEISSI'OUT, Rnrhnn June 10. 1870-t:l Surroundings. ' brenmo fomilmrwith it In n sliort tlmo on n'c LOW, In iliotnwii'nf l.amUavll'o nnd Vlnelond, Ufniinll.itftl by bucIi plantH aa tnofnni'or d -sired Juno 17, 187. jyj ii i:n Liu a nut co., BANK RTEKET. Lehighton, Pa., MtLLER9 nnd DealerB tn All Kind; of flllAIN IIOUOHT nml 801.1) at Wo wnnld. nlpn. learwrttnltr Intni-m nnrsltt. n Dint wenro uonrlullr prepared lo SUP PLY tnem with HBesti of Coal From eny Mlno desired at VERY LOWI3ST 1MIICRH. M. IIEILMAN & CO. Jul i- if. s Amur: i, oiiavgk, ' Opposite tho rulille Rqunrf. BOU Til STUEET LMHIHHTON, Pa., Mnnufncturer ot Tin & Sheet Ironware And Dottier in nil kind lW HOOPINO. hpuiitino nnd jrinnrwri rnniptlr intended to lit renuuuhlv nhnrce'. MAIHUJ'.li UIlAViSIl. JEYSTONE I'ltLNTINU INK CO., MANUFACTUIIUKSOF PllINTINO INKS, (Hook ami Niws lllnek n Specialty,) Nr. 17 North Sill Slrri-t, rmntitLriiiA. v. Our Ink are of a ftuperlor qualltr, ttelng, made Trom IIibIhI Ingredient and under Ihe perian al Mirervlslonnfa rrartiral prlnlvrand prenrmnn thereforo vo tvlll auARANItR i.very I'nuNn or ink InlKtof a Superior Jet nlnrk, flulek l)r j Iiik, mid entirely Free from Bet- tlng-OIT., Our price are frnm 30 to 50 per cent lower than auy other luk manufactured In the Unit. J lali. A I rial nf a aimpte keg will cmiTlnceany printer that he has lieen paytn; nenrty douhle what he ahouldl'nr hlfllnka In time past, Addre, Keyslono V1'1''1'1!? Ink Co., ' No. 11 North 611 Street, " PHILADELPHIA, TA QUAKLKS IltOEIIHt'H Annbnncra to thn clttzenk nf Ihlcttton and Tl elnlly thnt he has lmrclioai-d llic Slock of Jobn Ici.lmia on Boooud t.,and remored thee-ime to his rculilenco on the cnnier of Mocond id lr n sl., nml thnt ho wl.l to planned to supply his friend. Willi I ho choicest llianda ot Family Flour, Feed, &c., Atpitcos ns town clRwrhoro. CIIAS. FH01SllI,I0n. Feb. S, lS70.Cm jKS. C. do TSCHiRSCIIKY, Next to (lobonlc'a Jewelry Store, HANK STUEET, LEHIOHTON, Ta. Cnlia Ihn nttenlloii ni thn Lndleaof Lehighton nn.l vicl lin' Hi Iho (net that Mho keeps n full ftHMIIblllUlllOl Berlin & OcrmantoAvn "Wool, IMPOItTJSl) ANU DOMESTIC KMI1KOID. r,mis.j, nIoH. iuiuionb, Laclic's' and Children's Hose, Li.irnnnaEit & rwitzeu chebsb, CANDinS. CiiNPIiCTIONSnnrt n vnrlctrof other niijeioMii.it usually kept lu any other ktoer ni Lehliiliton. Afhiirenl pnlilio pTtronogels tollolted, nnd saiiaiuciion puaniniecu. jhu. . uia T EIliailTON DAKEUY. 'I ho mulernlcned announces to tiie dtlzenn ot Ii-'hlffltC)!. Wtlrtuport mid thn PuirourHlinn uoitihboihood. that he U now f iillv vreparoU to ffiipptv iiieiii wnu riu w j. r i.iwnn lireafl, (Jakes & Pretzels Kverr Mornlnir r.t Whole anio and Ketntl. at the lowoHt prioi-rf. xte niao a euccia ty ox "Wedding ami Fnncy Cakes. PlcNlcs and nil other Tartlcu supplied with the Choicest Mado Ico Cream, In lnme or amall quantlile. on ahort notirn and a reason ihl Itaines. A'eo, alvaya on hand a largo (mock of an kiiius oi CANDIUS. NUTS. FBUITS, Ac, at Wholes.no and Kotall. Patron ige soLolted. J. W. O'NKII aprll 8yl Uanlc Bfcet, Lohlghton Pa. VV. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEIIiailTOS, riSNN'A. Plans anil porlflcatlonR roil ALL KINIIS OF J1DILDIN03 MADE AT 11II3 BIIOKTESr NOTICE. NO CHARGES Made for PLANS and 8r LCI FIXATIONS w.ien tho contract la awarded to Ihe under algned. June It, 1873-yl. A. W. EAcnna. BELF0ED THE HATTER, Broadway, Maijch Chunk, Ilnaliiatopenedagiloni'ld stock of HATHaad ami UAH, of the Luteal. Slvlea llohiu Aiao on haiid a lull line of lyes 1, JFniMj AT PHIOE3 LOWUR TIIAN r.VGIt. Mnrpn li.vl , JAS. I1LLFOUD. $1,200 ISSiJirpJioo MiidotSlarbonthhyiWaand HtH. Iiiyeataoi onnll.iir tn vmir in (mm. 110. tS 1 or tn), lu erocU PUIV1LLOAH, Haahrouifht a small lortiino to tuj earelul luvea'or. We advioa. nh.tu and how to oi'Bi.ATB bavbLt. llro!(sih full ii.toiuvittoii mjU iloo. Address orders by mailuuu loloKtapli to II AX PICK Ai CO., Rankers und iironers iT Wail Et N, 'pHE SLATINGTON PLANINGf MILL AND Cabi6ot Wars Factory, ,AT SLATINPT0N. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, rated to execute any aivonnt of urderi lor DrossoD LiimboR OF ALb KINDS. Doors, Sn&lies, llllndu, Slintten,, Moiildliigs, Cabinet Ware, Ac, With Proinptneas. Brackets Made to Order. The Machtnerr la all.new iknd nt th hi.t ..ft mint I m proved klnda. I enmloy none buk the beat nortiiien, nae well arannod and rood ma terial, nnd am Iho efore able) tn rna' antre entiro aaiiafaotlnn to all who roav Invnr metrlth a call. Order D mail pmmptly attended to. .Mr rhartreR are ni'hirrntni tormi caaii, or IntexeiB charged alter thirty dart. QtVU MK A CALL. r7 Thnae envai-etl In tlmtfllnf will flnl If n their adrnntnse tl hvo Mdlne, Floor Iloarda, Iloora, sashea, shut I era, Ac, &-., nude at tola Fartorv. Slay lOyl JOHN HA LLIKT. jfBX & lion, Announce to eltiiDsnf Car bon and adjoin. Iiir Cenntlee that they are now prepared t sopply LIVE AKD tlllESBED HDDS, at the LOWfciT MAIIKET PRIORI. unmra miurj.eii, alio X107S neilT'Tca on shore. i otice. VAltl) and OFPICK. opposite tlr Nertl wealern Hnuse,, BAHK S.TREVT. LL1IIOIITON. Penn'a. ,. Jan. inn BEX A IIOM. T ItOHIAS KOOXS IleJnectfnllr annmineM tn thA llllnn. a. hnn nnd adtolimix Conntioa. that he naa pnr. iha'ed the entire latereat and atockof if, O. LKVAK VfAY In the LEHIOIITUN Cora Broom Manufactory, located la te noroni;h ol Lehighton. Carbon Connty. Pa-, and tint ho is prepared" to CU all ord.ra entrusted lohlm wltb.the Ye'ry Best Quality of Brooms at tho LOWEST P0S8IHLE LIVING PRICE. A trial is rerpoctlnlly tollclted and entire ant lufactln'i B"ai ar teed. Maimt .ctnry In the Basement of the ' Valley House," oppoalto the Lelilih Valley UK, depot.. Feb. M, 1871. THOMAS KOONS. J K. IUCKKRT, Opposito L. Sj S. Depot, On the East Wcissport Canal Bank neanecttntlr mfotma the citizens of thla Ttctnt.. ty that lio kee pi constantly on hand arid BELLH nt Ihe Lo EST MAUKhT PItlCES. the Terr UEsT BllANUd of ALSO, SEALER IN , FOIl BOILDINO AND TflETt PUIt POSES which he Kuarantees to bo Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WUICn HE 18 NOW.SELLINO AT' THE VEUY LOWEST RATES. Ooall oal WIIOLESALK and RETAIL, at the LOWEST CA.SII FIUCHTs. Ilohasa anrrraherof Tery ellaiWy located In RICKERTSTOWN. Franklin TOTrnshli which ho wli. Sell on very i-aay t erms. . Aug. t. J. K. IllCKERT. d rH 3 R O 3 O O r-j filiate C y - C c tliiiU s s si sA2- J O .A3 o F Oil OK TO LET. AONE-STOflY FRAME BDILDINR. bnilt expressly fur a' PlIOTOOttAPUKR, or would, fiult a OIOAit.MAKER. UlIOEMAKEIt or TAILOR. Will he sold Tery cheap for Oasu or on short time with upvroTed aecurlty. ' Apply at f U1B OFFICE. jnnelt-tT HUSINKSS MEN AND OTHERS IN WANT OF JOB PRINTING) OF A.N Y DEbCMIPTION. WILL IINDTUEOAItBON ADVOOA1X OFF1CK TllH UtSl' and C11KAP. ET PLACE IN THE COUNTY. GIVE OS A TRIAL AM) Bit CON VIS OKI). A. KI3VIUOITU, n. DRTJO STORE, N. W. corner THIR TEEN'lIl aud liKOWN street Philadelphia, Is more than usually sueceasf ulin tiie treaiiuent ot lliood. Hiu aud Drinarv .Llfectious. diseases arlalua: tbrouKh imprudence nr esrlv lnidscre tlous, or whei e the parlies nfll eted ila'not tart to apply to their reifuiax Dhyslcun. Charge uirn.erai-0. Two-thlrusot the Doctors patient haw n.ployeu aim solely -through the rtcoru-' niendatli it ot others Inly M-yi W 4 t O j WANTED the business men to know that they can cut JOB ruiN.'lI.NO d.ina cheaper at -oaubox advocatk Ofllce than ht uy other ploou lu thu oouvty, 7ryu. WANTED1, everyt.odv to know that ll 00 cash, will pay a year' nubacnpilou iui the CAR. RUN ADVOOATE. TOR PRINTINO. at ths very lowest prloe a tl TIIE CARBON. ADVOOAT OVFIOU.