The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 26, 1876, Image 3

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    society BIcciIiiBs.
llkTirriKv Tntnit. 2SJ. Tmn.t). of It. M.mect
In ltftr tlnfl. nrfiiV HsttirtlaV eVetllt'g a
7:30.h1cli fck. sscbem, llany V. Morllumcri
U. ot It., Sam. 11. ounnm.
iroiNTM OArtl, No. rs. a. o.'k. or" Tint M. a.
in J Ind 4th Alonday ot each month. In lie
ber'S Hall, Lehlghtou, fit 7;30o,o'ock I. M.
H. J. Hunalckex. B. K. U.i 8. It. annsu)
S. K. It. B.
nmn ItitTTim Xiv ass. 1.11. O. F
meets every Tuesday croiiing.nt 8 o'clock,
- m pior a linn. A. iv. xbviiu-.. x,. vi. i
It. lleber. Hecrotatr.
rono rocV tfeW, wo. rh, tm'p. o. n. m nn ct
on Wednesday evening or each week, at 7:30
.o'clock In mono Bcnooi iinu, neisspori
Pa, . , UlckortjP. 8 n.Ollbant.C.of 11
T.tninnTo LnnnE. No. 231 K. of I. meet
on Friday evenings. In llehei's Hall. atTiM
OC10CH.n.l. V. llBllUrUOUSll, J. Kt. X. J, K. of iu and s.
Advert iHlnrr Mates.
We df -lto it to be distinctly understood that
no advertisements win uninwncu in mo cni
nmnsof THE CA11P.OK ADVOCATE thut mnv 1)0
eietved from unknown parties or Arms miles
arenmpaniea wnn xne lash, xuuioiiowiuk me
ttr OM.T terms.
Ai1rit1',mf,ntfl fnr 1 vtitr. ner loch each
Insertion 10 Ct,
" Six Months, per Inch each Insertion IH'I
" Three Months. " " 20 CM.
" Less than three months, fltst Inser-
tlon (I. each anbaequent Insertion 25 Cts,
xxocai notices xuueuis nor uiih.
II. V. M0BTIUMER, Publisher.
jjj it. siiiwisiis,
OrnCE, No. 2, Manlon House,
fettling Estates. Filing Acconnta and Orphans
Conn Practices specialty.
Trial of t'snses carefully nttended to. Lcgil
transactions in i-jngnan ana uermnn. jan .
Local and Personal.
BP" Fartlos rccclviiiR the Advocate
with a cross marked after the Ir names
will please, romlt the amount duo for
sabserlptton, or mo extra ou cents win
be added to pay tbo expenses ot collec
tion. El
Are you registered ?
Farmers are plowing.
The huckleberry season Is over.
The apple cropia very plentiful
thU year.
Arrangements for the Fall Fair
are progressing.
What are you going to prepare for
the coming Fair 7
Thora are no signs at all ot a bet
tering ot the iron business,
Oysters next week 1 Our's on the
bait ahell, if you please.
".Shootfsts" are busily engaged
scouring up their shot guns.
Wm. Trencry has opened a truck
store tacit to Fawcett's barber shop.
The grape crop In this region will
bo very large, and Is rapidly ripening.
Tha buckwheat Is coming up llvo
dy, and gives promise to a good ylol d.
A new Lutheran church ia to'be
built this fall la the borough of Wcath
erly. Our young men now say i " Let ns
play chew codes and blow." Its
" nlee" on shirt bosoms.
The Irishmen ot Scrantoti celebra
ted the escape of the Fenian prisoners
by firing a salute .with cannon.
The Emails. furnace, now being re
Sincd and repaired, will be blown In
again the Erst week in September,
The new Presbyterian church, at
Slatington, will be dedicated during the
meeting of Tresbytery, In the 8d week
of September.
If yon want a nice glove go to T.
D. CHtuss' and select from his new and
elegant stock of kid and Ltslo thread
gloves, just opened.
The publishers of the Tamaqua
Courier fcave commenced the publica
tion of a daily. Not having seen it, we
Are nnable to say what it looks like.
Tp'taorrow (Sunday) Rev. L. K.
Derr, of the Reformed church, will
preach his Harvest noma Sermon In
the Academy building, (n this borough,
at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m.
F. P. Gemmel offers at private sale,
on yery reasonable terms, seventeen
very pleasantly located building lots on
the old fair grounds, In this borough.
This offers a rare opportunity for per
sons desiring to build themselves a
Ciotno. For further particulars apply
to F. . emmel, at his hardware store,
oa Unk Street.
T. D. Clauss has ut returned
from Use city with a beautiful slock of
Centennial and other styles of nock'
ties. Alto,, a full stock of gent's fur
nishing goods of the choicest quality.
Call and. ee tbem. C '
X. VS. Well, at the Lehighton
Bakerp, has newly and tastily fitted up.
ills lee ceeam saloon and opened up bis
6od t fountain, and is now prepared to
supply our citizens with the finest fla
vors f Icecream and soda water day
and ftvenkg.
Du. Fittusb's Rheumatic Remedy
euros rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous
and kidney diseases. Du. FixTLEUle
xExroiULSrimi, Infallible for .coughs,
eolds and bronchitis. Du. Fittlek b
Coudial, - Oausaya, Liniment nnd
VliOETAIlLE LlYUIi Pills sold by C.
W. Lentz, sole agent for Lehighton and
"Welssport, 2-ly
J. K. RIckerthas still a few of those
llglble lots In Rlckertetown to dispose
of. It you feel like securing a good
home call and foe him He is also sup
plying floar.fcod.lumber and coal at the
lowest rates.
T. D. CIauss.lia8 just returned from
the city with a beautiful assortment
ot cloths, cassl meres and vestlugs, which
he Is now making up at prlcoN fur
below any other house. In the Valley,
while tbe style of fit and workmanship
is unsurpassed. Call and see bis goods
before ydu purchase elsewhere. There
is no cbtuge for showing goods. Also,
a full Una of ladles' and gentlemen's
"Sports" may be seen almost dally
training their 2,40's fortlio fair races.
Our devil asks If, -when speaking ot a
2.10 horse, you mean that It cost two
dollars and forty cents ? He don't be
long to the sportiug fratoruity. O, nol
Good peachos sell as low ns 50 cts
a basket in this market.
Democratic County Commltteo will
meet at unuoii uimtiK, Mouuay niier
An Infant child of Mr. Jacob
Kline, of this place, died at about one
o'clock on Friday morning, ot this
Two more Mollies have been ar
rested nt TuMcarora, Schuylkill county,
for consnlracy to murtlcr William and
Jesse Major, viz : Charles Mulhern and
Mlkn Dolan. The olllcers had to kick
In the door of Mulheru's resldeuco In
order to make the arrest.
"Honest Mac," the celebrated sor
rel trotter owned by Mr. T. R. Kline,
ot Alleiitown, is beginning in earnest
to make a namo for himself. In the
races at Hazleton last week ho won the
$400 purse in three strait heals, boat
li.g luch famous tings as "Little Mary,"
"I onslile" nml "Fancy Wit." The
tluio made was 2:30 2:37-2:33.
You may not bo a'varc of tha fact,
but It is nevertheless true, that Ti toll
man Arner Is selling baking raisins at
11 cents per lb., ami a line article of
eyrui) molasM's at (53 cents per gallon
by, the barrel, or 00 cents by the single
gallon. Store opposite the L. &c a. de
pot. The lury In the cae of the "Mcl
lies," James Roatty, John Doiohue,
ratrlck Uoian, Sr., Christopher Don
nelly, Michael O'lklen, FiancU O'Nell
nnd Patrick Uutler, charged with con
spiracy to murder Corner James, on
Monday eve nine Inst, after fifteen min
utes' deliberation, came into court with
a verdict of guilty in the manner and
form Indicted. Mr. L'Velle, of the at
torneys for the defense, moved for on
arrcbt of judgment and for a new trial.
Two men were anglrly disputing
in fiout of the post-ollico yesterday.
One said "You're r blear-eyed, bcer-
begu.zled Dutchman 1" The other
said "Veil, by shorge, you vas not
tings, you vas a Uim pig nottlngvh ost
like slioost like a a pig crow-scare,
by slioree. mid oud any shtuulii." He
might have added that it would be more
beneficial to his health to save part of
Ills beer money, and lnvet It with Dav.
Ebbert, for carriage rides for himself
and flow. Davy's carriages are neat,
his horsos good on the "go," and bis
prices low.
He came home ono night with a
torn coat which she kindly uudettook
to moud, but when she turned It u li
st do down so that a letter and a "Do
mestic Fashion" of a new oversklrt,
which she had given him to mall to her
mother somo two weeks before, tumbled
out of one of his pockts, it was so lively
there for the next ten minutest that his
first move in the morning was In the di
rection of a wig store, tu the proprietor
of which ho gravely explained that close
application to the study of the Foreign
Policy of the Khedive of Egypt had
done It.
ror the CAitnoN advocate.)
A Mistake.
Re.tectkd Editor : No doubt tho
readers of your pnpor havo observed In
last week's Issue that them will bo a
camp meeting held at Freemansburg on
the 29th, by the German Methodists. I
would Infrm the readers :
1. That there are German Metho
dists, but nonu in this part of the notld.
a. That we entertain the bltrliest re
gard for this denomination as well at
others, but wo prefer to bo known, re
cognized and called by our own namo.
k. Tills camp meeting will be held
by the Evangelical Association, which
was founded In 1800 by Jacob Alhriuht.
Its numerical strength is 95,253 mem
bers, 1,337 Itinerant and local preach
ers, 1,233 churches, 1,509 Sunday
schools, 90,090 Sunday school scholars,
1(),75 olllcers and teachers, 4 Iiisbops,
16 annual conferences. 1 Ilouiishlne
publishing house in Cleveland, Ohio,
5)0,000 subscribers for our weekly pa
per, 8,000 for our monthly macazlnes.
00,000 for our Sunday school papers, 1
excellent college with a few other good
scnoois under us control.
4, Wo aro neither German nor Ene-
lish, but both. The Idea that prevails
with somo that wo are a German church
is erroneous. We work in the lancuace
through which we think we can en
hance Christ's Kingdom the most effi
ciently. J K. Knebii.
Welssport, Aug. 24, 1870.
Successful Operation.
Four years ago.while Mr. John Gom-
ery of this place was engaged In hang
ing picture frames at bis home, the
chair, on which he was standing, up
set and be in falling to the floor run
bis knee through a window pane before
which he had been standing, and re
ceived a deep gash In It, from which
the blood flowed freely, leaving it very
painful. Thinking there might be a
piece of glass in the wound, Mr. G.
had it examined by a physician, but
none was found, and in the course of
a few days the wound healed kindly,
and the trouble apparently -was over.
But, several mouths after the accident
a swelling was formed where the old
wound had been, which again was very
painful and greatly impaired his loco
motion, this soon passed away only to
be followed by similar attacks, at fre
quent Intervals. He again consulted
a physician ,who, after examining It,
Informed him that the swelling was an
accumulation of senovfal fluid (joint
water), and advised him not to have it
interfered with for it would, of its own
accord, spun pats away, Mr. G. ac
cepted the advice and bore his trouble
patleutly for four years, but without
any melioration ; becoming disgusted
with the state of affairs, he called at
thepfflco of Dr. W. A. Derhamer, on 2nd
street, on the 20th Inst., and tbero had
removed from his kneo the cause of his
suffering, namely : a piece of glass 5-8
of an Inch long, 1-8 thlek, 1-4 wide at
one end. and pointed at the other, and
is already following his usual avocation
an engineer on tho L. V. It. R.
Letter from Mnuch Chunk.
April 24, 1870, Were I to write that
"tbero Is nothing new under the sun,"
and stop, It would perhaps bn as well
as to attempt writing a treatise on noth
ing. Tliatall our surroundings are ex
cessively dull, It is almost superfluous
to say, ns It is thus almost evcrywh"rs,
but for real) gcnulno dullness, with
scarcely a ripple on the surface, the
week about to explro has been the most
conspicuous within my n collection
Our hotels nro nearly tlofctteil, trade Is
stagnant, tho number ot Idlers steadily
increasing, and, were It not a patent
fact, ono would be almost tempted to
doubt that wo really aro In tho midst of
a great political contest, so umiiually
quiet nrn that ordinarily clamernus set
the politicians, although a few of tho
bread and butler brigade havo repeated
ly been seen In tjwn during the week,
and shown rather more anxiety than
heretofore. Hut, generally speaking.
nil is "quiet alone tho line." Perhaps
that Monday will usher In a change, the,
opening ot me adjourned June session,
and tha meeting of the Democratic
County Commltteo cannot fall to draw
their crowds, and, In so far as local
politics are concerned, will enable ono
tu form a clearer Idea of the real slat
ot affairs. Ono thing appears to 1;
sure, tho vexed Molly question, and
bad blood It lias engendered, are liUely
to prove a "sea of troubln''' to tho De
mocracy during this Fall's campaign,
fcr let them Ignore tho Irish and they'll
he sure to bolt, and so It will be should
they burden the ticket with too manv
candidates of that nationality, for the
simple reason tl at there are entirely
too many wno ate or the opinion that
"no Irish need apply," and sorry as
one may be that things should have
como to this pass, to deny thccxlstence
of tho prevailing sentlii.ent were but to
shut one's eyes to a painful truth. Good
generalship may, however, avert the
calamity, and as th3 "Major' undnubt-
ly Is tiie best tactician and most fnUu-
entlal Individual In the party, It Is to
him that tne more sensible portion of it
ook for a solution of the dlilicult prob
lein. In the Republican camp all Is
quiet, from which however it must not
bo inferred that the leaders are idle
No, no, they are hard at work, and at
the proper timo will, no duubt, be able
to to perfect such a ticket as may wor
ry their opponents more than they care
for. Rut why continue to dwell longer
upon the nauseating subject of politics,
whan matters of moro vital Importance
claim our attention.
Tho collapse of tho great coal combi
nation being a fait accompli. I may
here state that the announcement of its
dissolution, although It somewhat took
most men by surprise, caused no re
grets. And why should It? Did not
tho people of tills great valley (loutish
oeforo this roosstrosity was ever thought
ot V was not com cheaper, and wages
better then than they are now ? And
couia tne iron men or tl.o valley, were
It to continue, ever expect to success
fully compete with tho Iron-masters
West and South ? These and kindred
questions are hear,! on eveiy side, and
Invariably end in condemnation of the
scheme. Whether the combination real
ly was a blessing or a curse to the peo
ple or tills section of the coabiegion,
timo will develop, nnd as the discussion
of the question hero would bn both im
politic and Inexpedient, I abstain from
diving into tho subject as it deserves,
convinced that the coal region is not
the place to argue the point.
Yours, etc.,
Tho "Kettlo" bridgo has at last re
ceived the much needed flooring.
Mr. John L. Stcdman's name Is be
ing frequently mentioned In connection
with (he Associato Judgeship.
W. P. Hughes, ot tho Monster Drug
btore, spent several day's of last week
nt the tea side, circulating "Switzer
land" pamphlets.
Mr. Zach. Long was In town several
days during tho fore part of the week,
actively canvassing for a scat on tho
bench. Should Mr. Long bo defeated
It will not be because lib did'nt try bard
to be Associate Judge.
Dr. Kramer, of Towamenslng, and
James Sweeney, of Summit Hill, were
also here several days looking after
their chances.
The American Houso continues well
patronized, but the larger "Mansion"
is nearly deserted.
Tho way they are elbowing the Ma
jor, though almost beyond endurance
to common mortals, dosn't appear to
disturb Ills equanimity a bit. His
chances for tho Congressional nomina
tion are looking up.
District Attorney Siowers Is busily
engaged preparing cases for trial at
the next week's Court.
Quite a number ot the moro promi
nent Mauch Chunk ladlos are sojourn
ing at Ocean Grove.
Rlpkc's bi-weekly fandangos continue
to be well patronized, though the
music is Bald to be shockingly bad.
"Does your mother kuow you're
out ?" i a question that should bo ask
ed of every boy and girl so frequently
encountered at places where they have
no business, and at times when they
should be a-bod. If their mamas were
more frequently to try tho experiment
of the "ojd woman that lived In a
shoe", it might do theii offspring incal
culable good.
Tuesday's plc-nlc of theMarlon Hose
Company in Muxhelmer's garden wni
well attended, and financially success-
'Squire. Yeager is represented as al
ready Improving.
Mr. it. 11. b. Smith, the gentlemanl
assistant r. M. or this place, on Tu
day last set out lor home to
short vacation,
Mrs. Frisk, teacher of wax
the Moravian Seminary. Iletbl
poses some beautiful speclmei,
har.diwork at Hughes & McCreas' drug
store. Tbey will be disposed of by
Rev, Father Ounce, ot tbo church of
the Immaculate Conception, In last Sun
day's discourse, severely criticized and
condemned the pernicious habitf soma
ot the younger portion of his dock to
ww at
rot her
absent themselves from home o' nights,
attending dances, plc-nlcs etc, and If
they will but follow the rev. gentle
man's odvlco It will certainly redound
moro to tiietr credit than llio longer per
severance In their questionable ways.
Mr. Fred llertoletle nnd wire havo
lalely went to houso keeping nt No. 10
linen Street (stone-row,)
The Labor Reformeis of Carbon.
Is Mid, conleinp'ntu after nominating a
ticket, to support either of tho other
pnitles that shall unqualifiedly endorse
their nominees. How libera! ot the
thiee gentlemen composing that party.
Fourteen exiled German mills, living
wnnes.-eBor l'rince Hisniaick's rellgl
mis persecution, arrived hero on Wed
iwday evening, and remained nn hour
or so before resuming their journey to
wimes-narre, wiiere nonius havo been
provided for their reception.
un MUurday or last week a seven
year old daughter of Mr. Ed. Horn, of
k. m. utiiiuk, while upon the side-walk
playing, was assaulted by a ferocious
dog, and very badly lacerated.
ulr. John Wmth, the East Mauch
Chunk tonsoilal artist, Is remodelling
the houso hitherto occupied by him ex
clusively as a shop, for the reception of
iiis ramuy. a sixpence saved, Johnny,
is a smiling earned.
Oliver Urenelser, Sheriff of this
:outity, we regret to learn, died at IiIb
residence, in Mauch (. hunk, on Thurs
day night. Mr. U. lias not enjoyed
good health for a number of months
past, still the announcement of his
death was a surprise, to numbers of his
friends. Ho was elected Sheriff of this
county in 1873. and his term of office
wculd have expired on the 1st of Jan
tiary next. Ho has filled tho duties of
his office very acceptably to all parties,
and during bis term has won many
warm friends. Rquletcat In paco.
The Coal Combination Dissolved.
According to tho nreviuns Bnnnmirfmiit. n
meeting wn held nt noon Tuesday. In tho oHlco
of the Delawaro and Hudson Company. Court
landt street. New York of the Hoaul of Control
of Ihn Coal Company ASFoemtion. at which wern
present M sr?. lhos nickwin, ol tho Delntrn e
mi,, uuu-uu i u. ivimuei moan, umawaro ana
Lnckananna Co i F R (tnivpn. nnnillm, p
J. Taylor Johnson, ( of New Jersey.!
( hailes lMrilsb. Ioululi Valley ltallroad Co. i
O A. JIoi t. Pennsylvania, Coal Co. i A. Packer.
S-cIncU Vi luy Co i Co i After Ihn uttial tiipll.
tnlnariflr Mr. (Inwen offered the lollonlnir pro.
amine and resolutions, which woie Mucoudcu by
Mr. Hoytt
Wheieas. Trior to the ori-anljsitlon of the
Ho.-inl of Control for the enrrent viai-. a emu.
mittee, couplstmsof Thca Uickenson and K. 1J.
Oowen. had acourereuceupimthopnblectoflhe
eontuiumce 1 1 tin AsiociaMlon Willi am 1'
p president of tnL,ch.Kb, Va.ley Maiiroad io
who informed said committee iftnr. thA main.
fuancaoftneoiKsniZitiou of tho Associated
t'oaldi was as iraoortaut to the mtiet of
tho LehliEh Va.lftv llailron! Company f to Uinta
of any ntlier corap iny.and eiprossod wish that
aid af sedation thould lie contluited diiniie; tho
ytar, oud further p'i deed hlnue f and his com.
l any to take any action which the Individual
ooeialoisof the I.rlilnti Valley region, scnuu
tliroi.Kh Mr. raidie.aallieirii'uieeeiitstlvo mid
sulci Uuanl of Control, uncut desire, In order to
ati-t'Jin said braid at d tarn-out us l emulations,
provided tho Letilali Va lev u Uans.
porter, v, as not coined to heeujue uu active
member ot the a foclstiou : ami,
Whfrt-t'R. Ill innKfrniAiimnr llm tirrutml an
Vuroiico thus eivi u by Asa Packer, this associa
tion was mliseuncntly (armed, and Its article,,
of association t-ifmed ui Mr. Packtr aa the re-
pieeeuvHiive oi Toex.euitn vauoy region.
And wheress, dnrlnr the month of April last,
the Qiiols of the Lehleh Va lov reirien wna in
eious evet loo.wv tons, uu.i tie rentrsentntlvei
of that region admitted tholr Inability to pay tlio
peoultv provided for in suoh urt.cJes of asaocui
And whorcfls. at ft meellnffnf thin Itn.niH. h!,l
on tho 11th of Msy iai the following r9ulu
tlims was nnulmou-ly adopted ltt
' liesolved. '1 hat, in view of the prosletctit re
raeal i,f the Leninb V,iller Conl Co. to abide by
Ihn actum of the Board of Conti ol aud ot the ad
mitted Inability ot representatives of the indivi
dual operaiors of ike Lehiirn Val'ey union to
Hunt the toniu-e of tbelr legion to it- proper
quota, nt. account of tho want of co-opcraiion ot
the Lthlsrh Valley i Is lueioediotit
lnnirer in conliuuo our Assocla Ion and that
the Hoard of Couttol now aijouni fine tlte.
And wneiess. upon the adoption of said ieso
lnllou, otUio gucfresllon of Messis. l'urdee uud
wi ei, lEiirt-suiiiuiivi'N oi iuu j.ei.itrn legion,
an adjournment nntll tho fullowtmr ninnnm?
took iilsce. at which lime tho said ceiitiemnn
pledged themselves to the Hoard thut It tne ex.
ci ss ol tonnaiifl over and ahuvo the proper quot i
of the Lehigh Valley lnteiet for die mouth of
Aptil was not cbaiged Hcainst suoh iuicroi,t
ti ev would sgroo, on behall nf all the I,el ih
Va ley operatort. including tbo Iehlgh Valley
Coal I'ompauy. toatide by the actlou of tho
lioaiu ot control anu cairv out tha urnerumine
of tha associated coul companion for tbo on tiro
IC.18U11 OI 1670.
And wheieas this nledeo of the renre.umta.
tlvoofttie lA'hlga legion was con-lrfeted satla
factirv bv tne lioiid, and waseuu-equeully en
dorsed bv Asa 1'acker Idmself. m shown it. tim
following telegram rent oy Mr. Paniee ou tho
uuy upon w nicu aiuu p enite was given t
1-iiiLAHA., May li, 1870.
Franklin 11. Gowen. I'les.d-ut.
Have s.ucn JuOire Packer. Ton anii.mriit
wlU bo carr.ed out.
CSlgnM) A, PAnmcE.
And whereas, notwithstanding said ecren.
nient, tho Lehigh Valley reglou excceuit Its
quo, a ill the month ol June bv 7,553 tons.
Anu wnereas, at a rucctina of the Hoard ot
Contiol, held July 2Uh, 187C at which tho quea.
tlon ot excess i,f slim jient bv the Lehlcli Volier
region was discussed, ttoktits. l'aiuee and
Hnwycr repoi ted that uTery large meeting of
tho I.ehlgb operators had been held on Kiiday
(then) last, at which a resolution was adoptod
taut tho Lehigh Val'ey operators btisnend alnp-
menu lor twu week' lu mo mouiu of
amount, and reduce tbo excess they hod in June;
and lutther, that at tbe said meetimr a reaoiu
tlon had been adented that tna Lettish Vnllav
m luuaitze ineir lonuuire u lis timtier
opei aUirs would abide by tne actlou of tho Qoard
oi loi.iroj, ano limit tut-ir snipnients lor the ie
niaiuder of theveir to their niuuer ounta sans.
bibllsbod by ibe Hoard of Control, wiuch report
win, u;uiueieu saiiBiuciory uy mo uuaia t ana
wzicroas. IvotwithsundiniT oald last acti-a.
mcnt. tbe Lcbicb Valler lea-ion la lu extent nf
its quota for tha inohtb of July S7.4M tons and
notwithstanding tba ratneat attempts ot sun
dry of ilioludtvidual operators, represented by
Mr. l'stdeeaud Mr. bawjertoc&rryoutlugood
tallh the resolution last above teterrod to, the
collleuea In which tba Lehigh Valley ItaU
road Company la Interested have beeu shipping
coal ouiing tne Angui-t sustenilou of mining,
and It la believed that We quota of tho Leblgi
Vallev region will bo in excess lor the month ot
August as It haa been lu June aud July t and
Whereas. Tno reniBsantativos ot the r.einirh
Valley region at this Hoard admitted their in-
sonny mucr to py tne penalty provided for in
the articles of the Association tor excess ot ship
ments oi plvaa-ea Ihey have r.etetoloro made. In
consequence of tho want, of co-opuration of the
Lehigh Valley llailixiad Company and Ass
Pucker i the efore,
itcsolved. lhat this AsseclaUnn he rilMtnlvfuV
and that thi Hoard nuw sojourn tine die.
iun resolutions weie uuauuuiiUKiy aunpioa,
and the moettng adjourned,
1 be uenLlemen nrnsnt fle-lrn tt nfatA t1i
they did uot atUch anv blutne to Mr. Pucker
personally, ai.d tbey Lelleve that be had do ia
uis utmost, to carty out the tu ea of the Associa
tion. Tl e urrt result or the dlsruntlon nf tlm aim.
blnstiou la Xi.e announcement ot u sme by into.
lion uu Tue-iiiiv. tlm 'i'Jtn iiistHtit nf coa.ikiO tin,
oi coal for acconut of the Phlltuleluhu und
mug, tno unaware sua iiuubon, t t.o ueiu.
una westain ituiiroud, and tho l'enuByl.
. &. I,. Co.
At the regular stated meeting of Le
high Hook & Ladder Co., of thW bor
ough, held in their Hall, on Monday
evenlog last, tbo following persons were
elected to fill the respective offices for
tbe ensuing term t
President, Harry V. Morthlmer.
Viee-President, W. P. Long.
lleo. Kecretary, if. P. Lenta.
Fin. Beoietary. fetor T. Hrady.
Treasurer, a. O. Oollsumai er.
Trustee, F. p. Lantt. S vr.
Foreman. Peter T. Hrady.
Am. yoreman. Jss. If. Htj era.
Plreotors Messrs. J. Miller, O. Kemerer, J.
8. Weoh. w K. Ilsnmnjer, AjTibcb, - BhJu.
ko, and n. J, Hretnoy,
Anntller'i BInllle fiiieitls.'
Iii tho conspiracy caso at 1'otlsVllln
ot tho Coimnonwealtli vs. Jack Kehoe
et al.,011 Saturday last among tho priso
ners put an tho stand for tbe -defence
was ono l'at, Duller, who upon cross
examination by Mr. Kaetclier made
tho following startling disclosures,
which wo takn from tho columns of the
Shenandoah Herald of Monday Inst :
Mr. Knercher. Do yoa know ot my crimes
ptoposed oy tbe loiueis of Hits organisation
through the oiiraulcntliili f Answer. Vi-s. sir,
out the orgatilutiod dosen't rtcogulte sucn.lnit
can't help It.
(1. 'lei, us what crimes you know tind who
tuiiiiiiiiieu iiit'in i ,, i an to siat i Willi x com.
mltisii ctiinotnvsolt tnt this inueiniius mlmi
SIOII evi rv Ol.e wns natiiiitiilefl. lint tu ln nni-
Idea ot the wonder and lioirot stnotin appear,
unce uf the inisiyDei s is bejond our power of
POItravnt Thev coillifn'l lielievii their
Jlntler took no notice of the prisoners lint faced
uis uunviuiii-i anu Willi Hit) UlllUUtr Ol U IllSn
who has m.doup his mind to telleve ImiKclf of
uu ursiinpiirinuiu million negan ns to'tows t
. IJo.neuthe Aucienturuei ot lllberiilins on
the 1Mb day of August, 1873. when llttckov
licnnelly was budr-mister of tho division at
iiaveu nun t buuui six woeks niter 1 joined
;' Hucsey" cume lo mo and told me to meel lilui
In Olinravlho i I went to Uir.ndvillo nud found
i'liinen. Lirtv C-nuo. llsrney Dolan, and
"Hllcso t " Uonneilv tlterp. nml ml nt it ivnni
to Malmnoy Oily i alter wu hud supper It was
eeltkd thai MUu Mclionough und I wero lo
shoot a uion mimed Uurke ! I'lili. NasB wauled
the Job done, nud when it wis settled thut Me.
xioiioug l ami x wete to do it Hartley Dolan und
them i all weia pieseut, but when we went to do
the shooting they all went home: Fat lea snowed
inline, to us as be wm silting on udoor.step.uud
we Hi Ml at hlui us wo pas-ed, wo didn't Intend
to hit him, as we lliuurhl tho others bad gouo
back uu us, und we could have bit hlui eas Ir
enough lor our pistols ero almost agulim linn
woeu we Urtu i Phil. Nush wanted llnike killed,
and wu weru to dn It. ns wn wh a tint, ,mi, r.,p
the others went uwuy i 1 don't kuow whether
iiaiuujwiiBuiTasiiiMiwu wnen wo Bnot nt
Hiirke, for ho went hoiuu on the nluo o'clock
tralu i I to.u Uatuey Dnhxu ufteiwaid that wo
did our best to shoot llurke.atid lie Slid all tight
that It wuu d do Ju-t us well, for that ho would
be so vested that he'd leave tba couniryi the
""i tuiuo mat x oxitijipaieii in was in i67t
nt a meeting of the division I was notified by
liucko)" iiouuB ly to go to Mutt" Lnwlors
In .Hbeimnilonli i wo went there, nud learned
from lllni that we were tu x-a to JiickHiin's ti.tnh
to mutdcra man, but ns Hunicy Uoiiin. wno
,ud wiciiu umiiuii icuiuu lu iime.miii us axiiu"
Lawlnr plaved sick e wouldn't ro i I don't
know who tbe uinn wns that was to lie killed,
but I tenieuioei tho timo well enough, lur us wo
were golug bomobv No. 1 we saw Jack Dela.
ney and his wife aud soino oiber people, and I told lniu nut to, " Uuckty Uounelly
polled out a pistol, and Urod It In tno u.lddiu of
It caused u a gu,,d deal of tioubie foi soinu of
us bad totako the buck Hack ustliepeopleciuue
out with tltearius. and would have shot aorae of
us t home nluo alter this " Uuesev" Domiollv
cume to me aud suowed me Tom Uanger.and ho
wanted me and t'ut Hhuw to ko up in tba drift
ami shoot hlui t this wa lit too summer ot Id 1;
bhaw and I didn't go. auil we both rcfu ed, hut
ine luHii.iiuu iiiguteueiiiitr-,. xietaner I envtio
mm uuu xiuuBey" weni 10 x.osi ciee anu got
"full." and allot lit A tinnr mull , bo.aiI
lthev, aud It Is for that tnof Hhaw is uow In Jum
" Huckev" Dunnellv mid me to miaL llm nt
i iiiuuButuuiiiutr time, snu u wus ptupoceii
Unit we should go to ceutrslia to shoot M clli o
atityi Phil. Mush wns met by us on the way
buck, alter We hadn't done the deed: it was MimI
Curley.county delegate ut culiimbiu cuuuty.tbat
wuli ted Mcllreunty killed (Cunevlstbe man
nu tiiieuuuuinue alow weeks ago.) "xiuoiiey"
DolluellV Was tiodv.lliastnr fnr slmiwt 11 vnur
and llO WUS nut itlll, hv HpIhiii. intl I wab nut. in
his place be owtd us money he uever
paid i it was loporled around tiitt Hurley was
alter Uotner Jumox sli mouth before James wus
Jauies aua 1 saw the pistol.
nineo i iiur ev lniu inn inniHi ir u,..t i,a un h.i
ai ut.u iiiuo inyBoii anu turee otners were
a-ked by lloyle to kill Captain Hay and Joseph
lteesei ilovla had Just come from thuwent.und
he uave Pbll. Nuhii n esld thai, tin irnt fi inn Iiih
body. iimsloi' out iheio, so bo was aitnmtod to
xiusu b uivimou . wu uiou'i no wnai no wauteu
us. huwuer : tba ulvht alter tlm miinler nf
Uuugei (Mauger was killed ni Haven ltuu on the
in oi euiiemuer,i870.i iiuckey" Uounelly lold
me, lu tho of Mike Duyle.ln Authonv
AlUUlov'H. thut lie nsd luaen tha nien won stint
nnngtr to mo place, uud ho a-t-eJ me what kind
i ajuu ii was i i tuiu it was a goouune i Axuu
lov sum tblit the men hail l.u. n ililtikltii? nt Inn
hoae Ibe ulunt beioro, sud Uoy.e sxid that La
Wlim. p'llL 111 IUH HUOOllllg.
U. wuuihus oecuiueot Mlohnel Dovlet A.
Weil. I'll trll von nil I Ulifiw sliuut linn , nttnr
uiiiB. noiiuo Hsu leiumeu irtim iiiouaiiouuiGon.
vcntiou iu ,mw York cily I went to tllrardvtllo
to get news fioux him, aud he to.d me l.e bud
t ikeu Uoylo Leloro tbo national louveutlou aud
swiii, -- ueiii.euieu. tuts man lias cuuimitted i
ciiiue. aud It lou don't help li'cu he xlll iro nn i'
aoi ui- wm un xi ui nuen ue eaiu line llio
ut aiu" x,ave mm onenuucreitdniurHrnr tinvie
anu that Iioyle went to tno old country on it.
County Fnlr.
The Carbon County Industrial So
ciety have fixed tho timo for holding
their second annual exhibition : Octo
ber 10, 11, 12, nnd 13. Tho premium
list has been revised and a number of
additional attractions will hu introduced.
On Thureday the 12th of October Lo.
high Hook & Ladder Co. will hold their
anuual parade and ball, A number of
companies from other tonus havo al
ready been invited and aro expected to
participate. Indications aro that this
will bo the largest and finest parade of
firemen ever witnessed In this couuty.
A call for a meeting of the Repub
Mean County commltteo has been mado
ror next Wednesday, at tlio Uroadway
uouso iiauciiL,l)uiiU,aty r. Jl. Every
district should be represented fully, ns
business of the utmost linportanco will
bo brought beforo the committee, which
will requiro tho aid ot overy member.
Let there bo no absentees on Wendos-
day. --Gazette.
During tho past week several at
tempts have been mado to burglarize
stores, &c, in our sister borougli of
Web-sport, Henry Tropp discharged
his revolver at a couple of these night
prowlers a night or two ago, when they
up jjnd off lu a hurry.
Court commences at the Court
House Mauch Chunk, ou Monday next.
Debt. It is everywhere. On tho
merchant's stock of goods. On the
houso you live In. On the church you
worship In. On tho chapel you pray
in. On tho villago. On the town. On
the city. On railways. On canals,
On privato enterprises. On public
works' ai.d Improvements. Often dent
Is carried ou tho back. Often worn on
the head. Often fitted to the feet. It
is met with on the church Bible. On
the hymn-books. The minister often
carries a load of It. Newepapers carry
It. It Is the wnrlil's curse, and has
well been pronounced to bo "the dovli's
saddle." It sticks llkoa plaBtcr. It Is
ugly to look at cloo by. Hut it Is not
without a prospective of beauty. ,ln
fact, dtitaneo lends It enchantment
but It U never returned. Debt exists
in two forms : collectlblo nud nun
collectible. Otic debt Is til way h collect
ible. You can't shirk It. No ph.Ue of
the Hibjunctivo mood govurni It. It
uiust, shall, will, beipaid. It Is the
great debt of Mature. Ono debt you
never can pay. It Is trie debt ot ver
Ifistlng Love. And you can't evon re
duce It in ail eternity. It U tbe only
debt that Is a blessing. Tbe only form
ot obligation where It is moro blessed
to o o than to pay. It you are not In
this debt, the quicker you get iuto it
tbo belter. Do It now. By and by
heaven. And then, hurrah I Chris
tian at Work,
Tlin Conl Tt-ftile.
The conl tonnage t ror tlio wrekMioingon the
t:ih l'itaut, ns lipottod by ad the cnmyanlea,
amounted lo Jfl aw tons, against SiiJiS tons in
cot responding week list yet r, a decieai ot I9n
0X9 thus. Tho total nmoniil of anthracite mined
forlhnyinr Is 9,810159 tons, rtpitintt I0(03.r30
for same period Inst t ear. a lifcies.e nl 7D0 371
tons. Tho nnntitity ot liitttininniis ootl stntto
market for the week was 7,"i3 torn, nga.nst
7n,Mr; tuns for cottespondlng week last year, a of ttl tons. The w In lo inttimindtis
lemiHRp from tho I eitlnnltig of I tie coal year ts
2.211,181 tons, Hgnlnst 2,m.i,;9 tons in corres
ponding tunn Inst yenr.ati lnoienseot26 605 tons.
1 ho total tnniiuuo of all kinds of ooal for tba
wo, k la 601 ml tons, ftnalnnt OU led to coirs
liiiiHluiirilUe Inst year.ntiecteaseof tr8,res tons,
ni'd tho total tonnage tor the coal e ir is 1 2,167 -013
tons, against U.I.'I.W'lMoiu to Mine dale la-t
yinr, a dei-teaso ot ;u3 1-06 ton. The quantity ot
coal and coso carried aver the I'ennsrltnnla
Hnllri ad dining tne Isst week was "9.772 tons of
which iS.sob tubs ncro coal Hnd 129(17 lens tote,
Tho total cat tied this year la V,ltj,7'.io tuna, of
which 2 otl.M) I wet a coal and 442 831'coke. 'I Ilia
total embraces all be cool entiled over.thercad,
east ank west. The demand for anthrax Ite coai
for domestic uses I tnotoacitve'auil Is steadily
Improving on tno lint few weeks. Pub. Ledgej.
Ida tohowing table shows the quantity ot coal
shipped over Ibe Lehigh Vallev liailrond for ilea
woes ending Aug. ivtli, 187.1 and fnr the year a
wuijiiuvu ,Y ill IIIU BUUID XIUll, ItlSl JfVnl I
lleirluus rrotn.
Wyoming ,
Uppir Lehigh
lleuver Mtndnw
Maucj Chunk
in Mil 19
11,03 1ft
70 Ot
11,029 II
tllWI 04
I 353 11
Total C7 027 II
Last Year K7,M8 09
Oeciense 39,110 IS
ItUroilT Ot' COAL trniMporled over Lehigh
if. Susqu hanna Ihvtstoti, Central It It. of
New Jersey week ending August 18, 1878.
J'utal week. To date.
Shipped from tons. cwt. tons. cwt.
UV.oming.! , 34,210 17 715,160 18
Upper Lehigh 4.029 01 138 020 11
lleuver Meudow 4,908 11 243 215 17
llsr.ieton ,9V2 01 04.133 10
Mauch i hunk 19,033 19 ZSt,09ij 07
Uazirdvllle 20 433 00
Binitu aud Jttdd 5,040 Id
Total 81,795 15 1,531,700 00
Prevloualytepotted 1,4)4,910 05
Tolottodate 1.531.706 to "
baine timo last yeir 99?,0j6 05
Increase ,.. 633,049 15
liecreaso.i '
Ground was broken at Matamorns,
Pa., Thursday, for the Lehigh and
Eastern Hallway, which Is to extend
100 miles audi connect with the Erie
Railway at 1'ort Jervls, N. Y. The
road is to bo finished on the 1st ot
April, 1877.
Closing Prices of DeIIavbs & Towrj
sicnd, Stock, Government nnd Gold
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
A0g. 21th 1875.
U. H.O'S. 1881 19 bid
u. s. e.iu's, im i4 bid
20 If asked
14 H asked
15 H assed
ITU asked
21 asked
xo asked
leH aikod
17t asked
47 H asked
4l! asked
62 si asked
84 K asked
U. H. 5-20's, 15-J. & J.... 15 bid
U. B. 0-20's 180 , I7I4 bid
U.M. iV.O's, 18US 20h bid
II. f . 10.1,'b tm bid
U. H. cutrencv, 6's :ei hid
U. H, 6'h 1881. new,,.. lSIj bid
l'ei nsylvunla II. It 471, bid
I'lula. i Itendleg It. K 41 bid
Loldgh Valley 11. It f bid
uhlKli Coal it lSav. Co.... 34k bid
United Companies of N. J.139 hid 129 it isned
Oil creek Jt All. Val. It. II. 9lx bid 10 asked
Phiio. A htlo It. It UK bid 15 silted
Isnithern Central it. It.... 34 X old 34t asked
Itesttiuvlllo Pass. It. It. Co. 23t bid 24 asted
Catawissa It It.prefeircd. 42 S bid 44 askeil
Uold ioh bid it asked
BrEOHL.-On the 6th nit., at rhle-Ij flap,
of convulsions. Charles Itlvin, son of Uonrae,
und Flucnda airohl, oged 1 month und 2 del
Special Notices.
E. F. Kimlccl's Hitler Wlno of Iron
xuib irmy viuiiaoio lonio uis neon so thor
oughly tested by nil classes of tho community It 111 nniV llnpmml a ... .
medlciiio. it cons hut utile, pnriaes the bloid
and gives tone tu tho stomach, tenovatos th
have It.
f or tno enre of Weak Stomachs, (loueral De
plllty. Indigestion Unoasesof tho Stomach And
for all cases requiring a tonlo.
.ma in,j luxiiiutm me mosi aereeaoieana or.
fli iiut Suit of Iron wo posseaa Cltuto of Mag.
netlo Oxide combined with tho most euergettd
ot vegetable tonics-Yellow Peruvian Harfc
3 nmib nuiuoiuixiK w siruugineu you I
Io you wxnt a good aupctito 1
110 you w en t to goi 1 Id of nervousness I
Ho you want energy I
Do you to sleep well I
Do you want to hollti up vour constitution I
Ho you want to feol well I
Do you wint a brkaud vigorous fooling I
if you do try kunkiji's niTrrtit wi.vb Oy iuom.
I only nk 11 trial of this valuable tonic I
lleniti of counterfeits, as Kunkei's Hitter
.T..,v.v. mi Lumumrimo UUU SllCClUai TO-
mnly 111 1 tba known world lor tho permanent
f'tlni nf llt'Ofimialii ami riAl.llit., ... as
h iiunier()(Miiittlut.onHoff-'ioiltotlie pablic. I
vitumuu uuu tvuiuiiiuuiiy U puiCil 'SO IlOlla
nut luo gcnniiio ftrnclo, niHinifflcturGa by E. F.
ovei v buttle. The vqct Xnct that others are aU
Its wirtti and Bpeuka volnmwi tu im Ssvots. Get
HltUt Itlltv 111 01 llfltllna Ul.l 1 T x.a
deiileis everywhoro. K. F. Knnkel, 1'ioprietor.
259 North Ninth street, l'hihidelpnia. Pa.-
Tapo Norms Ucraovcd Alivo
TfftOil .,.,.1 nil a ,nl.l . . .
wiupiuw, iu mu uouxs. no res
till lioiid passes. Boat. iMn and Htomach Worms
removed ny Dr. KUfKitt, 269Noith Ninth St..
l'u-ladelplua, l'a. Send for circular, ot asc
your druggist lor a botila of kunklb's Wo Hit
toUiur. It uovor falls. I'tlce, ti.uo. Ang.l2.lm.
Q ANDAI.WOOI) possssms much greater
nn.. In p..uti.lnn - i...aii. ,r .
, .u M una, j luo nil.
cua membrane of tnn nrAttirn timn Aiihn n.h.h.
or i opaion. It never produces sickness, ts cer.'
tain and speedy in lu action. It is fast super
seding every other remedy. Sixty oxiMnlea
euro in six or eight days. No other medicine
can do this.
Dundaa Dick & Coa Sort Causalea containing
on of s-indalwooit. eold at all Drug stores. Ask:
for circular, or send to 33 Rnd 37 Wooeter street.
Jew York, for one. apzs mo
ONI5PA HLon PICTURE, printed in tort
colors I Pocket Knife (white hJSdle); is
Hlank Vlslttutf cards. 12 HhRAtB Wrltln
Paner, 12 White Envelope. I Ituhher. 5 Pens
tbo 10' sent post- paid for li cents. H; J,
KUKTZ. 4U7 Canal bt., 1st Ward, Philadelphia
Cucalata aent free. Aur. 20.
75Ji3 II
l,V24,nj 19
1.114 11
S97.726 II
324 640 07
13 492 01
1.C6I.741 05
840,673 14
a Sft bus 0 a, "a d
W pi-co .CM