The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 19, 1876, Image 2

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    CS"k .. !'.. ... . .. A.. .. ... 1 .
t.lillttlllTON. PA.!
SATCI'.li.W VOKM.NO, AIM. 10,170.
For President UllUN Ct.AV Kjlllll.
For VlCO-l'Il'SIdellt-Ullll.ON T. tSlKWAIlT.
for ITcldetlt - UUIIIKKKOItD 11. IIAVI.H.
fflir Vlre-rTO.-ddent-Wltl.UM A. WllltELKlt.
iii;moouatio tk'Ki;t.
For l,rcsldent-SANtUlil,.t 'llLllt.v.
For Vice-1'rrBiilent-TiiOMis llHXOitiCKS.
Tho first session of thu -lltli Con
gress outlet! on Tiu'scluy evening lust.
Gen. Sntiiucl F. Cnry, of Ohio, lias
fnrninlly accepted thu iioiiiliiution of
thu Independent Greet, backers fur Vlco
A meeting of llio Uoniociatle
County Coniuiitteu will bo lield, nt
Mnuch Chunk, on Monday nftenioou,
August 23tli, nt 2 o'clock,.
Tho Secretary of War 1ms Issued
Instructions to General Sherman to hold
nil tho nvnllablo foices under his com
mand, not engaged with tho Indians
on tho frontier, In readiness to lespond
to the call of tlio authorities In States
where tho lights of sulTrago guaran
teed by tho Fifteenth Amendment may
bo picvented. .Such additional oulers
as may bo necessary will ho Issued from
time to time, after consultation with
tho law olllccrs of tho Government.
A telegram to tho Chicago Times
from Fort Iltiford, dated the 11th Inst.,
says tho main body of Sitting Hull's
forco is reported by Crow scouts to bo
encamped on Stinking Itlvor, a tribu
tary of tho Dig Horn. To engage them
it will bo nccessaiy to cioss tho Wg
Horn Mountain nn nlmost Impossible
uudei taking nt this season. Thero is
no prospect of another battlo with the
Sioux, unless they desire to fight, as
tho troops cannot ovei take them before
tho cold weather. General Terry has
decided to return to tho mouth of tho
JJosebud, and by September lOtb. all
the troops will bo withdrawn.
Says tho N. Y. Witness : lien
Butler wants to inflict himself upon thu
country onco more. Ho Is tired of ob
scurity. Ho doesn't like to bo forgotten
so soon. Anything now to get back
into tli 3 House. Ho was once a roaring
inflationist. That didn't pay. Mark
tho change. " Tho country having
been committed in favor of resumption
by legis'ativo action, ho behoves it
should bo carried into elTeot as speedily
us possible." Ho " places hiniKclf
squarely ou tho Kopubllcan platform."
The party unloaded him, once, when it
dared not carry him nny longer. Let
ns hope, he will not bo ablo again to
"place himself squarely on" that party,
ns ho says ho has done on its platform.
The chairman ot tho Kxecutive-
Commllteoof tho new Greenback paity,
K. M. Davis, Esq., of Philadelphia,
wrote to a Wllkcs-Uarro gentleman tou
ching ids aid In pushing tlia movement,'
and ou Saturday of last week ho ro
celved a reply, a portion of which wo
publish, giving ids description of the
condition of tho working peoplo of that
locality :
It out peoplo wero not bo dreadfully poor ihoro
TOU,lll)oeoZt-llH01 pilWtHtlll Rici-utmclc clulu
You urn oavo iiocouceimiin of iiiu Hcarcitv or
there 1110 niiijv neraou-H If nnv.uho urn urtnni.v
mil t. uiiii muiirj in huh vii-uiuy. i i n uui I null.
lmnKerlutr. but mom Unit! ute.jmltaru living on
tne vety cmiiMva ot lood, unci very llitloof it nt
Hint. A lntomilcbtlunWI. tiitltt!i.toiekdeeri4,
unit thoi . In linn, 1110 ho holiliiil 111 their par
iniiitH to tint w.ii li-wili'ih t.iut ue daily expect
to ace n lamo milliner of tlieni iniccnm)iilto"etli
or Noooo., lit pnlng; us Dotnilnvs. Tjey havo
nut tho money to mi.oc.nim wo have not not the
lieait topiiftb them lor the lew iloums IB'V do
t tTa.slon.iiiy maiiago to get hold of. Ah 11 conse
qiiMicuwor.ieliimi.'liiK coimtnutly onttie idiro
nt dissolution. In 11 location that, in oritioarv
tunes, would Insure us a rctpectaulo boston.
Mum Tllden nvsin Ills letter tho lomimptlon
net i 11 nhaiu. The letter la u bliain, not llio law.
Coal tlaulte, IKi.
In connection with Gov, Tilden's let
ter, the following from thu Philadelphia
Ledger of last Saturday, will bo read
with interest, ns it shows the diminish,
ed stock ot gold since nnd before the
net of resumption : .
Kinco 1SCI1 the 'rain bulnncn lins cmduntly
shrunk from tllj.lunio tof.v.lMMlMii. 'I h- i,r.
iionoMhlHstiick lilonfrinK tti the Government
linafa.len fioiu fdil 100,0)0 to f 30,'00,'JU. in other
words, tho (lovoniineuc now owns only 1,1 tier
n nt. of tho airottnt of colli it po-feased in ISi !l.
sioitover. liulmli il in Its nrctciit stock is
(MjO.IOiM,f llrer coin nnd nllver bullion, wlilh
leaves the picsent amount ol irolilotvned by the
TTeamtry pulv i -',5(0 (0 1. nronothlrd what u
was In 1MB. Tha (loveriiment onus to-dny snme
U,W ,loi inrK com than it did il rear ago. It is
to be noted Hint tbls reduction haa ceciuicd
duriuR n period of exceptionally Unht exnortH of
piiocio, ihonetoulKoof biimI audsllrorfor tho
last ll.'rul vear lieoicoulv tii.r.Oj.iKOiu'olnls til.
Mxi.Uio f or the preceding i ear. Had thesporlo
export been an iivrrau'e one it would have
iieen neceasary u niakii u luucn latgor draft
uiKin iuokoiu in no Treasury anil tho stock
would not have stood much longer. A'n,v.
if our gold Is leaVlnv u nt this into diiriuc;
u vcai when our inorts eTCeedid nni- int.
poits liy tiai.wm.'d that being tho trudo lull-
nueo ior iwo-o aim wnea ouver retrains tie.
monetizeil. il Income vert lmnoilant nuea.
lion ulint would hollm roudltinti of our Rlock
oi mint in inn nveiii n stiver being luado uu un
limited legal toiider, ua proponed In CuiiKro-al
uo wimio aiocit woiiiu no irnusiemu ti
Kitiupe within lees than two years.
Vfter rending tho ubovo, wo nro de-
oldeitly of thn opinion that Undo Sam
Tilde). Is not tho "Sham" tho Gazette
would have tho peoplo to believe. Givo
tho peoplo tho facts and no fear but
they will be able to clearly discriminate
between what Is truth nud what Ib
OuriMaiich Chunk correspondent,
In his to-day's letter, would seem to In.
fcr that the ronomlnallon of Hon. A. J.
Durllng to tho Legislature by tho De
mocracy of Carbon county, Is, nt lenst
by Mnuch Chunkcrs, nn utter Impos
sibility. Wo rather Incline to the opin
ion that Mr, Durllng will he renomina
ted the people will not consent Hint
onm man shall make nil the nomina
tions for ofllco In tho next County
Ooiivcntioti, "Honesty nnd capablllly"
must hu tho tests tor uJIIph not tho
size of mouth nnd tho strength of lungs
of the nsplrnnt. Tho following,-which
wo clip from tho columns of tho Moun
tain Democrat, In regard to rciiiMiilmi
tlons, Is timely and to tho point : "In
thu selections for olllcers to servo thej
people, the biimo judgment should bo
used that Is observed In oidlnary busi
ness. A plijslelan Is selected for his
ability, nnd he Is continued until tho
family can, or think they can do bettor.
A lawyer is retained for his legal
knowledge, and onco ongnged is not
changed with uvery easo tho client may
hnve ; so it should be with tho choice of
olllcers. Tho honors or emoluments
are not Intended to bo distributed ns
rewards or compliments to favorites, but
in u given for services well done. An
olllco held nnd tho work thereof poorly
done is a dishonor to tho olllcer, nnd a
salary drawn by an ofllcer who hns no
fleeted his duties is n finud upon thu
people nnd such Incompetent or negli
gent ofUclal should bu taught his true
"Now men with every change of
terms Is u mistake as great in politics
ns it would bo In workshop or nny
wlieru else, whoio experience is valua
ble. When Win. Kelley or S. J. Itan-
dall wero llrst returned to congress
they were of but llttlu account, H was
not until they had been several times
In the harness that they becamo 'Jtha
powers they are now acknowledged to
be. Tho peoplo are bettor served by
elllcient nnd experienced olllcers tlinn
by a uerles of dissolving officials who
appear but onco and then disappear. In
tho case of th e head nf a state or milieu
It is dllTcient, there thu hope of contin
uation leads to plotting to secure tho
desired end, nnd a continued succes
sion might lend to a radical changu that
would bo revolutionary, but not so with
tho direct servants of the people who
periodically submit their claims fur ap
proval or dismissal."
Tho Iteloinieil Church.
Tho I!ev. Carlos Murtyn writes to
the Intelligencer as follows : " Tlieto
exists a strange confusion in minds
otherwlsu well-informed, as touching
our name Tho Deform (Dutch)
Church. Tijp genesis of the title, fa
miliar ns the alphabet to scholars, should
bo frequently recounted for tho infor
mation of tho unenlightened. What
shall we do ? Post an explanatory
statement In tho walls on our churohos,
or keep n standing advertisement In thu
" As n result of the break between
tho Lutheran and tho Swiss schools ot
tocology at the llelorumiion, tliu one
school took tho 11:11110 of Luther and
cAlled Itself Lutheran ; tho other styled
ltelf Deformed. Tho Heformed
churches -so ca.'led to contra-dlstin-
gulslied them from tho Human commu
nionspread, as water run. from tho
Alps Into Franco, Holland, Germany,
roinmi, jsoiicnua, aim i'.iiglniiil. in
which latter country they took tho
special name of Presbyterian.
' '1 lie Holland colonists brought to
the Now World this Iteformed Church
Following the custom of thnt day, they
added the name of the Father land to
this title the Iteformed Dutch Church ;
list as the llnuuenots, for instance.
termed themselves tho French Heforui
ed Church.
" lint when, In tho lapse of time.New
Amsterdam becamu New York : when
the descendants of the settlers from
Holland came to be thoroughly Ameri
canized : when tho English language
becamo tho mother tongue , when tho
Iteformea Church In America camo to
have its own organization nnd was in
dependent of Holland : then, finally,
the awarkness nnd impropriety of the
worn .uuicli was felt, una uy a voto or
General Synod it was oidered to be
dropped, and our Church became simply
tliu itelormed Uliurch in America."
He says further that the name is
better than " 1'rotestant," and a catho
lic rather than a denominational title,
which Identifies thu Church with all
Iteformed Churches throughout the
l'otcd ou a tieo ot Ocean Orove, naitd a
number otannouiu'cnienu of atticics lost and
touid, Uanotlcnof thu lens of 11 sot or False
toeth, for the return of which tho soriowiug
owner offers a haudsomorowatil. Ilallroail. about six
miles uottb of Lynchburg: was struck by a
,'wuter spout ' Sunday mo, three o'clock.
Several miles of country never before inunda
ted wr 0 flooded, nnd a, culvet rai llio lailroad
Has swept away, leaving 11 chami Into which a
rrrlglit train plunged, killing tne o'lglueer and
llreiuau. Tho storm listed ouiy n fow minutes,
but It took the flood six hours to subside.
Danville, August 10 -Last oreultig a lior
nblo accident oecuned at l-'rnsty valley, mar
this place, reiiltlng In the Instantaneous death
of a man named John hvcrelt whllo udlusllng
tome gearing In thu saw mill where ho was
eugane.1 at wok. Ills clothliig was cauirht by
the saw, pitching I1I111 heaillouK upon 11. 111 au
Instant 0110 leg undo portion ot his I1I11 were
soveied fiom Ills boily 1 ol-o alt ami nuit u por.
tlouof Ills shoulder, Ills body was terribly
lacerated, pioseutlug a sickening appearam-0,
John Haas, who resides with hit father,
Henry llous. In Htouyci eek township, la totally
blind, but is still quite a worker. Jlu is said lu
cut all the wood used about the houso and 10 uo
other cnoies that aro veiy dlilk-ult to those that
see. During thu present seas.ui he bound over
two hundred dozonnof rye, built the hay on the
wngou am! pitched it into the mow, and Is now
nt work threshing grain wit n 11 Hall. Wo dial
lengo any of our cdj iliiing rouut es to tr t out n
blind iiiautliauauuuuiliiutli. o'jm.-,t( IKim.
Our Philadelphia Letter.
rilll.A.. I'll., Aug. 10, 1870.
Dkak Advocate, Among tho ninny
exhibits In Mnclilnery Hall, ono of tho
most Interesting, Is a loom for weaving
tho hemp body of wldo floor oil cloth j
this loom has n peculiar shuttle motion
called " Positive," nnd Is tho Inven
tion nnd patent of Jnmos Lynll,of New
York City. Thu capacity of this loom
per day of 10 hours Is 110 yards running
length, tho width or dlstnuco tho shut
tle travels at each pick 11 yards, 0
picks per Inch, running 31 picks per
minute. Deducting reasonnbletlmc for
stoppage, this shows Hint tho shuttle
carriage travels not less than 63 miles
n day, This Improved loom Is nlso
iliown weaving corsets, 4 on n loom,
nlso weaving scamlets grain bags and
wide sheetings. And I am further Ini
fonnedthnt It Is successfully used In
weaving wire nnd hair tloth. Centen
nial visitors should make n noto of this,
unci not fnil to pay tho looms a visit,
for It will nmply repay them, both In
their rapidity of motion and beauty of
mechanical workmanship.
Four badly whipped men worn taken
to our hospitals dining tho past week,
nod each man had been thrashed by his
wife. Now this thing must bo stopped,
even It wo have to c.ill out tho nrmy
and navy to suppress It.
When you aro nt thu Centennial bo
sure nnd pay tho glass factory n visit.
If the day Is hot, so much tliu better,
for after seeing how the glass makers
manage to live let alone work, In front
or near the seething furnaces, you will
not complain of tho heat outside, I'll ,
watrant, If it should ho 100s In thu
simile. Look at this perspiring work-
man carrying a long rod with 11 mass of
en 11111 gniss 11 pun lis enii, wuiuu mi ,
- ... , r.. i ..ii 1... 1
manages to keep from dropping on" by
twirling thu rod round and round until
he lias it directly over the mould or
simper, when another workman takes a
pair of shears and nuts oil what Is re-
pilied, the lest ot the heateil compound
is then thrown into 11 tub of water by
the man of the rod. Alter pressure,
from n plunger is put upon the mould,
wait nnd seo what yui will see when
the mould is opened, is'nt It a lino look
ing glass ? 1 don't mean n glass to look
in, but 11 line glass to drink out of, nh !
I'm to hasty, the glass is not finished
yet, for when taken from thu mould or
bhaper It is thrown into a box of sand,
hen conies along a llttlu boy who takes
the glass between the prongs of a long
Iron folk and thrusts it Into 11 tin unco
fur annealing, when it is taken out
don't accept it, should tne small boy of
fer it to you, tor the chances 110 one In
several million billions that you would
Imp It Immediately if not sooner. See
Unit fellow with the long lion ttibo In
his mouth I watch how he is blowing
up a bottle, is he not a human bellows V
Nuver mind 1 that's the way he earns
his dally baker's bread and butter, and
If hu Is a blower no Is a useful anil
ptaeelul member of Society. Glass Is
line made Int.. all kinds of 111 tides use
ful nnd ornamental ami you can pur
chase most anything limn a toll set of
el.iss wine to a bottle lor thu batne.,
p.iragoric. 1 hink of the glass winkers 1
the veiy next time you put your noses
iiisidu your crystal goblets and qualf
the refiesliiiiL' iei) water or the aeliliinis
lemonade, uie I think of them and
thank your lucky tarsth;it you ntu not
ol their number that Is at this tiuiu of
the year anyway.
In addition to lu-r exhibits iti thu
Main and other buildings, Spain hns a
building ill tho wetiteui part of thu
grounds, all to herself, I took a rum
ble through it thu other afternoon and
wns well pleased with my visit anil thu
siuhts I saw,
There may bu seen lino
. . i
pliototiraphs ot some or the fairest and
most Ueiiutllulsenoratasot sunny bpaln,
models of grim looking castles nnd
forts, ligures of olllcers and soldiers
uniformed and armed according to thu
various branches of the Spanish service.
Good, trusty-looking Toledo blades aru
here, such as wu have olten read about,
for their fnniu is world-wide. 1 noted
other "blades" in this building whoso
eyes were dark ns night, nud hnir to
match. "Is'nt he lovely V" remarked
n young lady to her fair companion, as
they turned their glances toward n tine
looking blade an ofllcer of the Spin
Isli army. I blushed for i.iy sex when
I found the remark was not Intended for
me. Of all thu things Isaw in this depart
ment, a piece of rattan five hundred
nnd fifty feet long; pleased mu the most.
I stood and gazed upon It In silent awo
for sevuml minutes, what recollections
of school-boy days it brought to my
mind, Indeed it made me qultu sad, then
I braced up and a happy idea occuired
to me. I thought what a 1 ice thing
that rattan would be for some Univer
sity or College Professor to havu j Ave
hundred nnd fifty feet, only think of it,
what labor it would save In castigating
unruly members of the different classes.
Why, five hundred and fifty feet could
be muisured out on tlioCollege campus,
nud five hundred nud lilty feet of
scholars could bu marched out, and with
thu five hundred nnd fifty feet of rattan
thu most muscular of thu Professors
could whip or cane the boys at one nnd
tho snme time. Early application should
ho mnde If this rnttnu Is wanted in its
entirety, otherwise It may be bought by
some speculator and cut up Into sec
tions for individual usu.
Saturday next and the Saturday fol
lowing August l'Jth nnd 20tlt, the rate
of admission to thu Centennial will bo
twenty-five cents.
Tio Corliss engine made Its millionth
revolution some weeks or eo aiio, but
the receipts at tho stiles have only just
reached a million dollars, It Is hoped
that tho stiles will be ahead of thu great
engine on the next heat nud fnr ahead
on tho homo btrctch,
1 mil liuformed, confidentially, that wo
may Boon expect warm weather.
Yours, nut expecting It,
The Eastern district of the llvaugollcal Lu
tiierati Myuod, ooinpria'.iiir Iho (States ot Mew
Yuri, l'oiuuylvauiu, Jlaiyland, Virxluia, the
lilsttiot ot Culiimbia. ami tlio New KuKluud
Hiates. ni-euitjli-,1 WediienUy at HI. 1'aul's
I.ulherau C'huruti, ltalltinore, 111 ileleirales
wero nieicnt. Ilev I'. (lross.o( llultilo. nriuioh.
ml 1 111 s -niieu from Lake, Ulli uiian.
lei , Sju lo t.1 veibU.
The Centennial Exhibition.
Tho Philadelphia Ledger, of tho 10th
Inst, says : " Yesterday evening
marked tho closing of ti.o first three
months of tho six months'' term from
May 10 to November 10, during which
tho Centennial Intcrnatlonl Exhibition
Is to bu seen. During tho three mouths
tho nverngo dally nttcndnhCo of paying
visitors lias been about 24,1500, nnd tho
nggregnto for tliu snventy-clght days
(Sundays being excepted) Is nbout 1,
010,000. The exact figures to tho cloo
of Mondny ovenlng, Aug. 8th, wore
1,877,012, nnd the rough estimate for
yesterday, mndo nt tho hour when this
wns written, was 30,000.''
At 11 Joint meeting of representatives
of tho Centennial Hoard of Finance nnd
of the Executive Committee of the Com
mission, on the Ilth, after consultation
with the Director General Ooshorn, it
was decld"d that hereafter on tho Inst
two Saturdays of cacli mouth thu pi Ice
of admission shall bo twenty-five cents,
I intend of fifty cents. Tho Saturdays
of the present month Included In thu
nirangeuicnt are thu 10th nnd 20th. It
was also determined by tho S'lino nu
thotltles to Issue regular admission
tickets, ' In packages of 5, 10, 20. GO,
nnd 100, these tickets to be gotten up In
such n manner ns to prevent counter
feiting, mid to bu sold only In the num
bers stated. Thu purpose of this 13
stated to lie to enable thu hotels, mer
chants and others to provldo admission
c.irds for their guests and customers.
These tickets me to be put up In en
velopes with thu number carefully
mni !:! on each, and will bu olleied for
S!V0 nt thu money exchange olllces at
tho nrounds. No commission will bo
nlloweil for their ,-ale. nor will thero be
nny ,i(.,lnctlon from tho regular rate of
flftv cents
r ..
All nccounts nt homo nnd abroad
ngreo lu pronouncing the Exhibition a
splendid success, the finest of tho
series of these international displays.
Wo advlso every one who can afford
thn expense, to he sure nnd dt voto at
least tin eo or four days to It. It is the
only opportunity that most of our peo
ple will ever enjoy of seeing such n ills
piny of the proline. ions of nil nations
and climes of the earth, if one so fine
and complete should over ngain bu
lISltU'l'N Ol' IlltCI-CNt.
ltcditccil Invnll'in cheers tho hraitsof New
I Kngiiiiiil citizen those h ml limns.
I'etiolonni wells, yielding an nbiindint nun
1 ply of Iho uillclo. havubeoudisiovciiHl In llus
' rlall Khoutid.
I I-'otest llres In Iho White Mountains lttvo
done gi oii,iinioiii.-o loriulroal aim oilier pin
' petty In that r. .71011.
Tin town of Wi rien, Mux., Is n htindrid
! cnrs o.d, t.ut a llio engine was never ii.seU In it
uih 1 1 uuratiar iinfi.
A aiioko of llebtrilwr lit Nowmsrkrt. .V. II.,
dco'ipitatcil a hen thontliui' iiav. as neatly ns a
Hh.up hatchet would have done It.
An 1 1 mouse ho I of biliiniu.oiis coal nn a
itiiiiuni of tiver twenty Icotnf thickness
J at b en s ruck uu ir Kan lleultn, c.i.
cariet fever, choicin Itifaiiluui, diphtheria
ami cii'iui aro pinval nnr lo nn ii.'itmliiA extent
1:1110111; t in children 01 r.iterkon. N. J.
'I ho now Liverpool uocksaio completed, so
tint now iho dock1, of thai poll, cover 1111 uicaor
tiOacro'i, 1110 valued at jpS'.O-O, 0J.
The veteran flteiuon of iho Iliinker 11111.
Muss., diali let in-,, reining tn riitindelpliia 10
tike part In tho gnu.d paiudn 111 Septum bcr.
ThoStato Toiclieis' As odatlon will tneot
noxMoii-'ii t'.ri-i 1'roi. i.eiiigi) I. .untie ot
We-tL'l.n-io , lithe oltcto.i
1'hil.idelohl 1 is pulling up ns a commercial
city ihiiieeu fUniuanlps, a slops, As o..iquea,
)7 luli Mid ulicCiiooucis wio lit pui-t oa baiui
day. Upon llio baisof the vole ciat at t.10 Inst
elcciloti. tlio lit 11, or .-.ow-s puis ition
or tho new state of Co oraduatouuhuutUtdaud
The decreiso nf ILo whallns intoro't 1
in-irkeil. iow Lniidon Conn., winch thlity
viutra ugo aaa one bundled winners, now has
but six. ecu.
Wulneadav was the iiiiie'vninili nnnlver
fniy ol tho batttoorileunlu.'toii. It watlght
ui'ilv et-leotatLd uv the Now l-:uzlaud llistorl
Th,. oil.!
Tho atlstocrntlr. tastes of Newport pojourn-
era wuio iriai,lied tlie ntlioi cav bv thonreenco
of llvo iioiilometi, woo took paitiu aslnsloU.
llio of Ibd Uenuiiti,
The young mm who fc'ets uo early these
cool, iio'iclous inoriilii';., to praetlce on tho or
Ritnlinsn laigecucieot acquaintances, but no
1 he striking miners in tho western bitumi
nous coil Held It vo ugriccil toresuaie work bo
2 cents per bush 1 1, provided tho stilkcra aro
not discharged.
A child while anffortuc from tlio delirium of
small pox fever. Jumps! out of a to.-onit story
window on Muhlenberg street, Reading, aud
brokoltsarmlu llueo placoi.
llloi-ory iiole rnl'lns nre vorv frequent and
very enthusiastic o'curicnces In I'etnisylvnnia
a this time. Tho peoplo are longing for u hick
ory ascenda c f onco more.
A tract of forty acres piirchnecd ten veais
ago bi n i.'iiHfoini 1 fruit grower for l"0 now
yields ita owner iirio n year not proflt. 'llus
year's crop of lrntt is ostiiuateil at HO tons.
EIWitv.iiiu poisons who hod been arrested
In namtnluK Jiou-o at Clou-laml. Ohio, wero
tne other day iiiarcheil thrnusa tl.ostroetsol
that 1 Uy to the police station, prueutins. a nov
el sictit.
Ait ndvertleemeat In the ''Personal" column
of a Cincinnati oxcbunpi leads 1 "If thaiicn
lleuian win, infused to lend me llvo colon's will
repent and band It Hi before sn. ru., oil will be
1 0 (ilven and uo questions as led"
New "Advertisements.
In the matter of tho distribution ot the fund
snslnu fro 11 the ttiicnfTa ealo of the personal
projicrly of KI-lltDINAND WAO.NKK. The
imueisunied. nnuolntetl Audltsir to mako distil-
button ot the sa.d fund 111 the hands or the
t.'ourt. will attend tn tao duties ol hu appoint
ment rt the officii of All 11 Cm It, K-q., at
Mauclt Chunk, l'a., 011 TDKsBAY.Sia'l', Pith.
1S"8. at lis 1. M.i when all patties Inteiestod
cjn atte-d. W. it ItAl'bllll't.
Ausr tutu.1870 It, Auditor.
rjMIOS. S. 1JECK & CO.,
Real Estate Agents,
We have Instructions lu Hell the following Pro.
pel ties, and pers ma desirous 01 rnrchatduicSell
111K or Kxoi.auking Ileal Kt ito, will do well to
give us u uau 1
House and Lot, near Olowlno'a Tannery. In the
lloiough ot Lehli'htiiu. Iluuso I till stable
MM and lot 57 tiout ai.d S 6 leot deep, well
planted Willi trull trees. A never-lulling
v ell In tnu yard. 1'ilce, llioo, hall cash, bal
ance on lnstaliiueuts
DwelllMB Iluuso uua lat,ou Kouith street. Lo
hUliton. Now rents for 118.00 per mouth,
lriee low tor cash.
l(imt.n ami l.ot. uu Mahmilnir street. I ehtchton.
1'nco s5o. reuts for is per mouth, oue-lulf
casu, uuisuce utr insiuiiueuis
House and Lot ou l'luu street Lehbrhton, l'a.
lMcetUOi. lteuts per inoutb.
Ift) Acres or Tiuibei Laud in Mahoning toivu
ship. Hi lullOH from Ia-hlghton. l!hiau.
483 Acres of Uind lu l'euu forest Towuslup,
I'arnou uoutitv. vtasnecia burvalu.
Seven laits 111 (he lloroucli ol LetUgbtou. Good
lui'ailons and price, low.
Frame lliiildlug, suit iblo tor a photograph gal
lery or omer imui uusiueas. i neap.
Jan. I, , 1876. Ti B. BEUK Js CO
Mew Store anil IXTew Stock I
over before lmngnt Into this town, nnd tntlle 011 Inspection I efdrn' purchasing elsewhere
reeling s ue they cm pu-irititoo cntlro mtl fiction III l'UKIU AND QUALITY.
The Jlnnnf ictui lug HMaittnctit wilt no under tho snnrnnt-ntlcnce of Mr. I' num. which In a
siilllrient piiiinntm thai wirlc entrusted In thoin will Me done equal tn thnt of any other
establishment In the count?. Itopairtiig neatly nu promptly attended lo. 1'atronage invited.
Storo In Semmel's New Ulock. opposite tho Publio Snua'te. BANK STREET.
i.euigiiton, ra.
Tlionniler'tined, In announcing tlio arrival of lils IMMBNSK
81 otJK of isl'liINO and au llMUlt
Cloths. Oassimeves& Vestinirs.
would nlsn stilothnt ho Ins concluded to do
niter Al'llll, It I87C, on 11 HTJUOTI Y UAll HY-THM. Hols
llultieod lo this Wiute bv the Ifllce smoutitof ilebfj. stand 101? o 1 11I4
books, much of wlueli It Is iiiletlv tmpoaslli
business man cm i-ITm! to third of his
Iho prevailitiit rreiln svsle 11. and ho. therefore, tiu.ts fiat tb'e'ra
niioii.piTi of a Hfrol'.v (' --istom nnd n corresoondlng IV-dnctinu &3
In tho I'lli-eof floods of all kinds will lie an Inducement ft.r tits 4V
tunny friends to continue limit pitionago, orlleving, as ho lio, SS
thai he citti irlre Ilieiu inn, li irrenter sail. faction ninlei the nnw V$
svsto'ii, than ho was nti'o to il-i under .ho p uyeil ol.t credit syst -m. Tew-Sinr1, r i
tin lnsmti"li pleasure lu Inviting nn 0:11 iv inncoilon of Ins extiu- ZZZ5' "
oiiiinnry largo Hue 01 N isw UOODS, comprising
Clotlis, Oiissimorcs & Vostings, for Lien's & Boy's Wear,
OUNTLK.V.KN'S l'U ttNIS"tIINO 000173.
HATS AN'D CAM. all Styles nnd Prloes,
Ladles'; Misses'. Gentlemen's Yoath'snnd Children's HOOTS, SHOES nnd OAITtfRS, made nn
especially fnr the woe.rof ibis looililv.
Kveiy arttcli made u oat toe l.stnullhinent Is warranted of tho I103t Material and Workman
ship, unit iftiatniitccil to givo entire tatisl.iction.
T. D. 0LAUSS, Merchant Tailor,
2nd door above tho Public Square, DANK STREET, Lehlghton.
Ncaily Oppo.ilto thu Exchange1 Hotel,
am 11, riffir. MiTinfimime-i nt tin entalillpliment. are warranted to be eXJCtlv mrenreseatM.
mat our IVicei to he fill v ns Low as thn a.11110
country . l'niionago Is very respectfully solicit, d.
J11 13, lsT6-yl
A 11 o vrrilose nf Dinner of.'rn ilrrnn-
ires thn svMeia's ot tlatnlenc-. "lid wind
colic, end su-Jen's the pndent toiticat lodiy
uittji 111". A hii.irle (to-o of
Tan-mil's Seltzer Aperient
wlllfoiieet tne actd'ty, relievo the palL, enrrv
oil' the oir-nd ii canc, and save ao.nolimo n
ii.njf rpe'i of illness. Ita , tracts are-outle and
thoiou'di. nml Us tenercl use woniil pi event
much sutrain.g.
-. a day atlinma. Agents waLtetf. Ontltt
ol and terms free. TItLIi& Co.. Ausit3tai
II von wont reliable informot on, wherp and
how to get a cheap I'AttSt, ir Roveinm"nt
IIOMKSl'KAD vei-, c id jour address to s. J.
OILHORE, IJiml Commlsaionor. Lawrence, ntiil recoivo atatit acopvof 'IUrKin-
,aw iT.R vi;i:i:o
s77 Male and lVi
II ( Terms and 0 ivi:i-:i:nUAiiANTi:KU(iAsents,
lVinafe, 111 their foealty
OUTFIT Flti:K. AiMrens
P. O. VICKKUY Si Co., Ausuta, Ma
$5 s $20 worth tU
nt home. Simples
Iree. dn:.'90.s ,t Co.
Pui-tiauu, .iiaiue.
OIXATION, Saul Charming. Mesnienun,
aud Marrlaae Ouido, showing how cltnei sex
mnyf acinate anJ tho love and nUectlnn
ot any person too chnoemst mtlr. 40U p iei.
llr luailS'ceniB. Huiu unJ Co., 13'J S. 7ih St.,
month (.elllug our
VV ),KK S300
loitor-opving book. Anvonu that has n letter
to write will buy it. I-'o pressor water utcd.
beed stamp for circular.
KXCHLf IOU CO., 17 'lrlDune lluildlnz, CUxa
go, 111.
OAUDS, 0AIIDS.-31 I'.xtra Jllxed, witl name ICc. or 00 tor Sic. HUL
LEVltLS CAUti CO.. Mcllruvnlo Co.. N. Y
rn. VI-ITINOOARIW w'.lhyoumameflm
'ifiBly printed, sent lor '.ijo V have a 0
e)Wtyi". AOi:NTS SVANTI'.I). 0 samples
sent for stamp. All. l'U I.LEU CO.,
nrockton Maw. t
OK LXTRAl'lNEMlxeilCard
witi name, no
imstpold. L.JONKS & Co., Natsau. Js.x
nnd '
UU T JlJV X liO I'ubll
Ic Services,
Complete and reltab.e. Undorsed ficm otJiclal,
sources, luuecnancoior ugoms. neciuo iei.
1 itnry at once. For circulars and term. iuldies
For the Schools In FIIANKL1N Township,
Corhoi. Cimntv, l'a. 'the examination will bo
held 011 TilUUsDAY. AUOUSl' 31st. l7n, at
the Maria Furnace School lleuso Term, 3
months. HIluON WAI,K I'lesldeut.
A HUM. IlbNiiY, Uccrotary.
Aug. U, IS70-W3.
Iiotlcoisheroi-y glvon.that tliotind reigned
Auditor, aopulutod nv tho Orphan's Court ot
Carbou eouetv V . to oudit, settle, niljuitnud
report distribution or tho liiuttstu ihoUmd'ut
lteglna Weganian. oxtcuttlx of tho estate of
Fruncis J. Fuss, dee'd will attend to tao duties
of bis appoiutiueut oiiTuesaij-. the f.thdavot
Seiitember, ls7tt. at 10 o'clock a. m., at his ottJce,
tlrst door above First Rational llauk. Mauclt
Chunk, l'a., wheu nud heto nil perKous inter,
ested uiav appoir. J, I". MiSUlIAN .
Auuust S, 170 4W AUlitor.
rpo all Whom It May Coucum:
au hafuihr am hexebr foibld bjuborlii? or
trusting my sou, WILLIAM H. KLOIZ, uu my
account, as I will pay uu debts ot his contract-it-gtater
lids date.
Lcblghton, August 11, 187(.w3
ju villi 5 a 1;1 Jilllll
Itcfpeftfnlly announce to the citi
sen. of Irflitglilon nnd vicinity, thnt
they hare entered Into co-pariner.
snip nnd havejust returned from the
rtlv. where they pnrchs.fd one or
(fie lamest mill best assortment of
Boots, Shoes
and Gaiters,
Bnllablo for llio Wear of thisftnrtinn.
- 1
lmlness, fro-n and il
n tn tolleoj, ami no I
labor rnd fronds r-v 8
Jlnnufnctaicrfl nnd Dealers In
;fS Cboicc Cigars,
Srhokinpc & Che-vvinf!:
Ac, Ac, &o..
nrticlo can bo sold for by nny other noire lo tho
T. 8. Ktintr.
W. 8. KOCII.