Hi . 1 'i I iiLUlL J.W1IL1 YAUIET1ES. A .very narrow ttperture The crock of .a wWp. Nexj, to a dUry tliolmwtdimeult .tiling to keep Is a lead pencil, Advicu (o fislnnopgors In warm wather "Pesl gently with tho lier- rit. A printor lnvrlMy gets out of sorts when tie tenches t)n bo.tom of hU csa. IlrB wa9 n bo1 writer i but ho .can't be considered n-slde of Uacon. SafcasUe SInsh-rVounR owell : "I'd like to haw my moustache dyed." l'c ))to brUor ; "Oitaliily. Did you bring It with you V "Your fliiond m friend," was the way a yoyne lady of Chicago signed a letter to a former schoolmate. A shirt dealer advertises a bosom to pear longer than the shirt. But who wants a bosom longer than his shirt ? A great many of our exchanges In dulge In cutjtlug satire ; that Is, they cut It from other papers and pass It jtt" as their pjvu. r In a French translation of Sfoakspcro, the ivtswge, "Frailty, thy naifte is woman," Is translated, "Wsdemolfile Frailty Is the name ofhfi lady." Woman has many aJl'fti)(e8 ovr man j one pt tho Is U)it his will nn oneratlon till ha (s dead, whereas hers generally tokps effect In her life time. Tho exhibition 1,8 closed on Sundays on rell clous cro;nds. Twenty thousand people hang arouud the fences all day on secular grounds. Op learning the number pf revolu tions of the great Corliss engine per mlnule. Dom Pedro said : "That beats our South American republics I" The Reynolds Herald says It knows where the sweetest mouti) ic me worm is, and now we want tokpow when Hie editor was In Bridgeport. Bridgeport Standard. A wac. In "what he knows about farming," gives a very gopd plan to re mnic widow's weeds, lie says a good- looklna aian has only to say 'Wilt thou t" and they wilt. There are twp printers n an Allen town office, both bearing the came name Walter Knerr. There should be 6ome excuse frr a Knerr-or In that office. Norwich fieraid. The Woman's Journal a3ks, "How shallwe utilize the superfluous woman7" It seems as if she might bo Utahllzed by forwaidlng her to Salt Lake City, Norwich Bulletin. "Py schlmlny, how dot poy studies de languages I" Is what a delighted el- derlv German said wun nis iour year- pld sop palled him a blear eyed sou of a saw-horse. A Lancaster hen has won notoriety by laying an egg which cjosely resem bles a pear In Us shape. But this Is not as remarkable an If the fowl had laid a pear closely resembling an egg, Harvey discovered the circulation of hlnnd when ho was thirty-four. Yet Home editors net to be over a hundred before they can discover tlip pxact cir culation of their own newspapers. The abdication of the Sultan gave three thousand American nowspapers an onnortun tv to remark that "the Knltnn Abdul Aztz Is the Sultan as was.'' And vet some persons declare that American humor Is dying." Mamma asked a precocious youngster nt the tea-table tho other evpnlng.after a long anp yearning gaH lownru u nlateof douchnuts. "Mamma, do you think I could stand another of those fried holes." She thought ho could, Mr. Slneleman. of Greenville, N. J. forced a quid pf tobacco into his wife's mouth tie other day and kept It there until she became sick. Now his wife wishes B)ia bad remained a single wo man Instead or becoming a pingieniau A daughter of prln. Tho new cook, on receiving "short" notice to leave with a hipt that sho has given a falsp Character "An' U It me false charac ter ve're afther casting in rao teeth I As If I'd be brinclne' me thrue cliarac ter wld mei to pse It In your dirty ser vice." "Mrs. Ilenry," said John, the other pvenlnc."why aroyou like th.e Devil?" And when sho went for hru with the needle he had hardly time to save him self by a quotation about "sowing taies" tho other reabons he prodently kept to himself. Dr. Mary Walker thlpka the scheme pf making geptleraen's trousers 'so vo luminous In the nether limbs this year Is to force her into abandoning them ; but she says she fntor.de to hang on to them as long as she don't have to slip 'em over her head. It Is a well authenticated fact that clean cuffs have an unaccountable ten dency to seprete themselves somewhere in the (mmpdlate vicinity of the elbows, while dirty ones exhibit 'a wilful am) exasneratlnc determination to remain pbtruslvely in the vicinity pf the kuuek- At a repent exhibition of paintings a lady and her sou were regarding wltb much Interest a nipture which the cata. logue desjgnated as "puttier at the Diet Dl Wonuii " tiatiqg pesraqiea at some length on Its merits, the boy remarked, '.Mother, I see Luther and the table, but where are the worm8 ' ' The chief result pf having the street lamp lighted these summer eveplngs Is that some of our young men who hang over the people's front gate (lights are getting cross-eyed, as tltsy are obliged to keep one eye on the light to see vlQ paeses, and attend to business WHO. Ue oiner. Abopk .op the "Age of Elizabeth," Is announced by Hework house, Elizabeth It'pt tho pnly woman about whose age there has been much clscit- bion ( but we believe she is fhu only iipe whosp agti has been considered a matter of Importance as to warrant the publication pt a uouk an in r.. A Chicago iluclor siiy that superstl lion often kills people wip are other, wImi litled fur a png lire. That may be so. but what Is a feller to do wheu his graudmollier's ghost pokes him In the ribs at mlduliiut and whispers : "Uefund that money ypur hour has atrove " There wilt lie tnnuy, who mortal to ie fahlotiab e mlner.l snrmirn In bv srone yetre, whoso poczcU will not permit thojn to lMVe thi year, ni nil mutt vl It llio Oentonpjal. Tarrant' Sollzor Aperient, drink It. got Rood from It. save money, and elslt I'liiuiueiunin a worn to uio wise is numoieut. sold nv Ai.ii DjjpaaisTs. nml terniifroo. TltUi; J& Co.. Augtisitu A Great Offer ioa skvv na srcoNii hand pi anosaoiio anh Of flMTCLAM MAXEKS. InOlnamK WATKllh NF4T 7 OCTAVK IMAtiOS, for f24l TWXKD AM HIIIl'l'KD. TEKH8. (40 CAHI! mid 110 MONTHLY III). til Willi. NEW OCTAVE 4 ("TOP OI10AS8 Wild hook cmwkib nnn btooi. warrantku ror run- 7V hash, nna vo hohtiilt nnui diia. jli.i'h. TIIATED CUTALOOi:i'iJ niHllffl.AOHNTS VVANT. El). IiOKACU WATEB8 BON8, 431 uroanwar, jm. v. r viir VIsmNQ OAniiq.wlthronr nmenn innion, sons ;or too. we nnvr iw KB. AOKNT8 WANTK1). 9 wnnlM sent ror ftumn. a.ji. luiiLuutstu., Brockton tlwu. $775 ER WKEKfltJAUANTKKPioAKenti. Male and FeroA'd. In tbrtr focantr- Terma and OUTFIT FIIEB. Addrpna P. O. VICKKKY t Co., Aueuiita, Mo $5 Portland, Maine. ((JOfl f" dv home. gamplea (Dw Tflrtn tl, rree. ermsoH a uo. MIND ItKADINO, rSYOTIOMANOY. PAS C1XATJ0N. B.)pl Charoimir. Jlcsmerlsm and Mrrlai?e Onlae. ahowjnr how cither sex nifty f pclnate and sain tha love and alloctlnn ot any person thev ehooao instantlv. 4U0 'KO. jiuui aiiv uu., icy e,iusu, By mall 4" cents. I'm hlladelvhla. NEWSPAPERS OF flip UNITED STATES. A complete llst.tiun)iflr)nc8.120. with aOnzet ter correct to date, nl all towns nnd cities In which Newspapers are published t historical tcer correct to date, ot al"towns timl cities In whlcli Newsnaners are nnhllsheilt historical ami sutistlcal skPteheaof thp ureat Kowspaper lstauilnmenE t umsiraietj witn nnrnerntis en, irravlnes of the principal newspaper buildings, BOOK of 300 PAOEl last Issued. Mailed, pot- pani. roany naa'essTorB.c(H. appiv iinoiosinir uncelto hurKnixTE.VDEiTOF tuk NEWSPArEn Pavilion, Centennial Grounds, PhlUdeiphln, or American r, ewa company, n. v. Avery aarer. titer neeat iu 4 nnciu. u CD CO cT u o bo CO o o O rtf a OQ ri o CD 5 43 c3 O n3 a a 'a a a o -m CD O o m 8 to S T3 CD CD O CD U 3 c3 CO O EH U) u I a Wl ft CO o o O 2 rtS 2 CS o OT d CL. s o o -t3 a r I CD (-1 C CD g S o 4 eCl tJD t-H CD u U CO S o r 1 CQ B O co CD B f-i 3 ,f3Q P3 P CD u CD a CD a CD P3 OTUIST OJPJEHfEI! Ouo caso of Beatt Stylos of Light ana Medium PRINTS at 0 conts por yard. Cream-Collor Suiting and Grenadines Tory oheap. UllESS LINENS as low as 28 colttB per yard. Special Bargains in UlacK Dress Goods, Shawls, Para- solf. and Sun Umbrellas; Cassimores, for Men's and Boy's "Wear, at very Greatly l educed rnces. A Job Lot of Ladies Kid Glovos at $1.25 a pair. P.S. "Wo are also Agents' for Keel's Partly-made Dress Shirts at $1 25 each. f Complcto " at $1 50 each. Call early and Bcouro Best Bargains. Respectfully, U11EA1J UA!SH STORE, Semmcl's Block. Wcissport Plauiiig Hill & Lumber Co., tbdr NKW JIILL8, tney are now proiuucU to aupplr tliem, at VKIllf LOWEST PRICES, wliU Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut' ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet Ware, &c, &o., On the .shortest Notice. Oar Maohliery Is all Now and of the Most Approved Kind, so that we hive no hesitation In Onarantelni? l'erlcot Satlslactluii to all who may lavor us with their erdoia It von have not tlmo to call and seleotwhat von want, fend vonr orders and they will bo tilled iiiuiuuuy. nxiu nv m iuw prices ns uitmKn vou were present. Give us a Trial, and you will bo convinced of what wo say. SOLOMON TEAKEL, D. B. ALBU1QUT, WM. BIKRY. JOHN BIERT. OlDce and Mil, nearly opposite tbe Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, Carbon county, x'Biina. , June 10, IBYU-gl a 03 pq u o m bo 1 Only leiuedy Hai'tl Times. Change Your Suironiidiiigs. All wantlnc TnuiT FARMS, especially adapted to tho erowth of tho VINE, where It Is an established sncceis and pay LxltOK PIlOFITa The land (9 nlso adapted to the cronthut I'enciips, I'enrs, Appien hiiu nuiitu hum i mw, tiui, uiiib., iiuu veceinuies. Many iiundreds of excellent VINBVAHPH, OUCIIAnDS and FARMS, can now be seen. THE LOCATION lioulv 31 miles south of rhtlndelphla.br Railroad. In n mild. Aellirhtri mate, anil at the verr doois ot Now Yoik and 1'hilnileiphla Markets. Another Railroad runs (11- recrw ew yovk, -TUK PJ.AOK ib alreadr I.ARU13, STTCCESBFtJI, AND rROSPEUOU. Chrirchca, Schools, anu otnar privileges uro aneaiiv vHinuiuneu. aihu. luuiiuinuMjries ot nnoes, i;jniumg, (fjnss, Mtraw (loons, a'in oiner rnitifrs, ni wuicn utnereni inomuers ni a iamuy ctm proenro etnpio It hai been a UI1ALT11 ItEaOHT for some years past for people suffering fiom pulmoi fM.tuin. Afithmn 1 'nti rh im n nnil flehll t.v - msn V thnilannila tinvt. nntlMlv McAvainil Anew llrick Hotel has liutboen completed, uioieet front, with back buildings, fonmtotles hiRh Idolndlnpr French roor. snd all mn.lern Improvements for the accommodation of visltots. VHICK OF FARM J.ANI) I3.ii 1-EH ACtS, parable by instnllmenta, within the pcrtm! of fonr vesrs. In this cltmste planted not to vines, 20 acres count more tnan li'Oacrea fnrtber north. , i Fcrsoni nnncanalnted with Fruit Orowlne, c(n become familiar with it In a short time on ao Cinintofsnrrounutnfrs. FIVIiAORKS.ONE ACRE, AND TOWN1 110TS, In the town of l.andlsvllle nnd Vlnelsnd, ainu ivu noli ' t H Whilst visltlnr tho Centennial Exhibition. Vlheland can he vlBlted st small exiwnse. A paperrnntslnlnf;fulllnrormsttoii,wlll bo sent upon appllontlon to Oil A 11LEU K. LAND IS vinuiiAfli), n.j . jree 01 cnu i Tho tolloulnir Is an extract f mm a description of Vinelipd, publnhod In the NEW YottKTni pune, iiy the well known Amcultnrlst. Molon Robluson: .11 .h. tiom... . Ik. Iu.ll I ntiit .Ama 1.nm hn . s., .11 Hon co fr'irs nml nsirket csrilemnK. havi1 mown tlo.1. Tho trail is nnm. vorvlne from sanity- rocieyov, pno puiiiteo Kkiiuy iiiiiiiiiauuic iui i876."'SPHlNanL876r Mrs. M. Guth nespectfnllr nnnnnnrea to the T.ADIKS OF WEIMBl'OItT AND VICINITY tint she Iihs tut returned irom tun urn , aim is now rect ir. mconeoftheLAllUESrtjTOUKSnfHPniNO HI HSincry Goods COMriUSINQ, Hata, Bonnets, And Trimmings ever before brnneht Into this section, and that she Is prepared to do them up lu the Very Latest Fashion, AT TRIOF.S IIEI.OW ANY OTHER K3- .TAtltiiStMnNT JN,T1IE COUNTY, Atso. AN r.NTIIlEI,Y,iNfeV STOCK OF SWITCHES, in lloul and Imitation Hair, Nl). TIONH. and Al.Ii other Hixuls usually kept lu a VlratCiast llilllucty store, Ladies' own Hair made up to order Call and Inspect Goods and learn Prices hefern purchasing elsewhere. Mllb. M. GUTII, Welssport, Pa. April 8mJ ntlv uiuln atlnir Intersected with smnl streams nnd nrcnslounl wot meiulnw.. In which deposes of pester inuck are stored, sufficient to fertlheethe wholonpland suiface. nfter it hsa b'Kiome exhausted of Its nntiual lertllltv. It is certainly one of tht tnott rxUmivt fertiU tmctt, in Im almost level position! and miifahlt condition for pUasant farming, that we Inmoofthis side of the Western jn-airies. We found some qffte oldest farms, apparently just as profitably productive as when first cleared of forest fifty or a hundred years The geologist would noon discover the cause ot this continued fertility. The whole country Is a nisrlne deposit, and sll tnrotiffU the soil wo found ovldenoes ot calcareous subtances, Generally Intheformol Indurated calcareous marl, showlnic many distinct lounsor ancient shells, ef the tertiary tonuatlon i and this marly substance 1 scattered all throairh the soil, in a vorv comnil. nntoa lorm, anu in uie exaci conamou anu most assuaiiabeu uy sucn plants ae i ne larmcr nesires to enltlvato. June 17. 1878. gsgtg . a I -II ilc 1! PV EX rmm o O o n o 13 o The Daily Patriot, THE NEWHPAPISII OF CENTRAL PEJfN bVLVANlA. PUI1LISIIED ITVERY" MORNING. SUN EXCEPTED. DEMOCBATItTlN POLITICS. Contains the Latest News from, all pbrta o( th wnrlilthe tnnst reliable FinnnclMl ltenurts til latest Cuinmercial news correct and full Msr kei Report complete Local Intelllcetice Edi. torlals on Carrent Tojilos f ersonsl and State News Correepondanoe and Notes ot Travel juisocuaneous Ariifies unvinai auu Dnecteu ana is ine I1E8T ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN CEN TRAL PENNSYLVANIA. Terms ot the Daly i t8.O0 per annum, cash In aayanoe. The Weekly Patriot Is a lame sheet ot eltrht psges. oeutalnlne forty, eiebt columns nt mattfr aevoUMlta Literature. Aftrtpulture.and the adrauieuient ot the beat lutaresU of the poonle. T(i"M3 or the Weuslt t tup per annum for simile ouplea ; 4 copies 1.40 each per annum i 8 copies. I,2S each per aniinmi 18 copies, 11.10 eaou per annum i ii copies, iuu eacn per an ltnm i fta rimeji. u'l eti, naeh iwr annum. The cosh must In all cases aoconipany the ol der. All club papkacea will be aduressed only on the ouUnde wrapper to one person. 'The po.fage on the IIAiLr and Wi:.HLr will luall cams be prepaid py me puo lsuei n, ila'iiittiuires must be miido bv P. O. order. re, lateretl lelui orchei'k payable to the order Of the Putrlut I'nbdtJHoir Co. Money eniru-ted to tho uialla wljlbo nt tuv rUk of the Milder. Address PATRIOT runLiswiNn CO.. Dec. 2S. T Harrtsbarg, Pa. ''lili jrpoit 8AI.K OK'TQ I.ET. X ONE STORY FUAME BPILDINR, liullt expreasly fpr a PIIOTOOHAPIIKH, or would Suit a CIQAU.MAKER, SHOEMAKER TAILOR, will be sold vury Cheap for Cin or on short time witb Kpprqred aecurlty. Applr UITUIS OFFICE. ''' dnpeli-U i t THE NEW DOMESTIC," A DOUB&E THREAD LOOK-STITCH MACHINE. M ,aaMsyfSJfMaMfjKflMHB ' "aB Lljht.Runnlnf "DOMESTIC," including th Automatic F retains all ths vlrruti of ths Usht-Rii Tension, which was and It the beit In A3Plcuc notloo our PATENT HARDENED ' CONICAL BEARINOS on both ths Machine and Sund. Our new and pld I4u, worked out with brand new Machine and Tools at our own aew works. In the busy city ef Nf wsrk, New Jeney, have given us a standard of MECHANICAL EXCEL LENCE, Minimum of Friction, Masluiun of Durability, and range of. work, never heretofore rsached fn the Sewing Machine world. ' TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF . We Invite the atttntlon of all. especially those hiving; hjgb mechanical aklU'er ebservetlan., N, P, All Machines lulls' warranted. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., tADiESiijaE; pomeptic" pape;r fashions. If', P. Uwh, ugdttt for'liatilgriton and vicinity. Fab. 10, mil i i Hi CENTRAL nit, OF NE,V JKRSF.Y, Lehigh, nntl Suitiuelmnna Division. riIlLAl)ELPHIA AND THE CENTENNIAL ! u,KR'A',iVi!t8VinsTnn,J unU1 N0VEM- ExcursioN Tickets, eood'or FIFTHEN DAYS from date of Issue, ..... t; mm.,,,, ai,p, rMlll, till II1U IJSWIta HQ(l Btisquehonna Division nnd Brnneiee to W Pliilofloltjhio & lloturn, vis LEIIIOn AVI) RU8QU Kit ANNA DIVI. wION anilNOUTII PENNSYLVANIA Roads, at thn lo.lnwiitir rates t Frim I'nrryvlllo t3 00 " Wflssport B 85 " Ihlpliton 8 40 " Muucli Chunk.... 3 GO Tlin Nnrlll ItentiaTlroflln Itallnnrf f.n has nl r.niKoil to deliver l'nascnirnra at the Mailt cumuicu uj ino ueuienuini urounds. Arfll29ihj (len. Pusa.AKent. ItS. 0. ilo TSCimtSCIIKV, Next to Doborde'a Jowelry Sloro, 3ANK STREET, LEniGHTON, Va. Cnlls the attention ot the Ladles of I.ehlghtmi nnd vicinity lo the faot thnt she keens n full usuortment nl Borlin & Gormantown Wool, IMI'ORTl!l ANU DOMESTIC EMRROID ERIK8, NOPIONS, RI1U10NB, Ladies' and Children's Hose, LIMBER0ER 4 8WITZBB CHEESE, CANDIES, CONFECTIONS and a vnrletr of other articles not usually kept In any other stoer In LehlRhton. A share of pnblto patronage Is tollclted, and satisfaction guaranteed. Jan. 8, tn3 -J-EHIGRTON BAKERY. I'he nnderslcned nnuonncea to the cittzons ol LehlEhton, welssport and the smroundliit; peliihtiorhood. that he Is now fully prepared lo supply them with PRIME FRESH Bread, CalcoS & Pretzels Ever? Momlnir.at Wholosale and Entail, at tho lowest prices. lie make a specialty o( Wedding nnd Fancy Cnkes. Flo-NIcs and all other Patties supplied with tho Ohoicost Made Ice Cream, in larce or small qnnntltie'. on short notice and ai reaauunlUe names. Also, always on band a large stock nf all kinds ot CANDIES. NUTS, FRUITS, AO., ai Wholesale and Retail. Patronage solicited. J. W, O'NEIL. aprll Syl Bsnk Street, Lehurhton.Fa. rpiIE SLATINGT0N PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGT0N. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor Tlonla In oil bln.n.n4 .1... H 1V- i'uiti" 4" ii aiuimnim bkus uj, a inv. airiiui'VK, Oak nnd Hard Wood Lumber, and lauowvic- varwu w vivvuw any uimouiu ui uruera ior BressoB LumbeR OF ALL KINDS, Doors, Siftlics, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Cnhlnct Ware, &o., With Promptness. Brackets Ma'de to Order. The Machinery is nil new and of tho best nnd most Improved kinds. I emulny none but the best workmen, nse well seaonou and jiood ma terial, nnd am therefore able to g-nat antee en tiro satisfaction to nil who mar favor ma with a call. Orders Dv mail piomnilv attended tn. Mr cb-ircos are moderate! terms cash, or Interest cnargea attcr tinny auvs. GIVE JIEA CALL. r?7 Those rnffnged In Building will find It to I heir ndvuntnge to hv0 Mdlnir, Floor Ilnanls, Doors, rashes, ethutiers, &a, Ac, mi'de at this jrariorr. ilaylOyl JOHN UALLIET, W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEniOIITOK, PKNN'A. l'lans and Spcolficatlons FOR ALL KINDS OF BUILDINGS MADE AT '1HE SIIORTESr NOTICE. NO C II A RGBS Made tor PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS wneu the contract la awarded to the under. signed. North Pennsylvania R. It. Visitors to the Centennial l)y thin longestabllshod nnd Popular Ronte will bo delivered nt trio MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE CEiYFENiYlAL EXHIBITION ri-sPiVF.N Tnitouaif trains leave BETilLFHAM, Dully, (except Sunday's) for riiiLADELPniA, In close connection with nil Trains on Lehleh Vn'lev nnd Lehigh nnd Susquehanna Railroads nud their connectloni from tho Lehigh, Wyom. Ingnnd Sntnuebannn Valleys, New York State, the Westand North.West. Excursion Tickets from all Points nt Reduc ed Hates. f?f" Ask for Ticktti via tforth lnnmltnti Kallroad. Parlor end Sleenlnir CAfs. end rimf-nina. Through Day Cars. ELLIS CLARK, Oen'l Agent, N. P. R. H., PhUade pbla. Aprils. tJ31. T HE MONOPOLY 0VEKC0ME J FIRST CLASS SEWINO MACfHINES NOW- OFFERED AT PBIUKS WITHIN TIIB'REAOn OF ALL. Tho MCLEAN A BENNOR MACHINE CO.. 223 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, are bow selling their Superior No. 1 SEWUVO'MACIIIXE, Complcto. with Larce Walnut Tables and a (nil line of Attachments, for TWENTY-FIVE OOIAttSL n Tory respect ennat to other mnkos hereto ofo sold Jor ffiO. Kverybody ought to know that we con nffonl to do It. bptanoo we do not employ canvassers raffldlo-moD or porntladeii. but poll direct to tho people at a reaRonabln profit. Tlierefore wo are enabled to anpplr a. Hupennr Kowlotr Manhlno nt the unprecedented Do not buv without beine fnllv noatM. and do not le flny oue liamltuK you tntx.pnyiuic tfiO UI WJH U VUU Cnil KCb tHU Ut'Ht Hir Dili call at oore at our Salesrooms and examine for yonrsolies. MCLEAN & BENNOl MACI1INE CO., S23N.EIQIITU St.. Philadelphia. JTune 14, 1875-yl, A, W. EACIIEd. BELF0EB THE HATTER, Broadway, Mauch 0Lunk? lias Jnst opened a apleurtld slock ot HATS and and CAl'S, of the Latest Stiles, lie luu so on hand a full line of Crloy cs 1 Fursy AT PRICEff LOWER THAN EVER, Marcttll-yl JAB. UliLFOnb. WANTED the business men to know that they eangeii JO 11 1'IUNTINO duue cheaper at UAimoif advcoatb OlHco than at uny other plaoe lu the county. I ry s. WANTED, everybody to know that f 100 cash. will payo yet4s subscription foi the CAR jloNAUVOOATE. JOR PRINTING at tbe very lowest prices at TUK CARBON AOVOOATB Ol'l'IOK. 1,200 PltQFtCON $100 Made this month by JfrMs and Calls. Invest ao oordms to vnur moans. 1)0. jq or II no. lu STOCK PRIVILEGES, has brought a small fortune to thu careful investor, We advlue wheu and how lu orEUATX ikUVT. Books vrllhj full tulormatlou 'oat (roe. Addross ordora by nall aud telegraph to , DAXTGR :iOO Hnnera uud Brokers 17 S'uU BU N, JEX & MOM, Annonnce to. oltnensof Csr, bonand adjoin-. Ing Counties that thev arc. now prepared to supply LI VE ANDi DRESSED IlunS. til the LOWLRT MARKET PRICE. Orders solicited, and Hogs delivered on short, notice. YARD and OFFICE, opposite the. Nxntbweslern lloiisi'," BANK oTIUlKT. LE11IOHTON, rcun'o, Jan. 15-tt REX A IIOM. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. ADVICE TO TnE WISE. We will stntn that the surest, best nnd speed lest way to " mult ply and Increase" Is tocall at No. 12 WALL STimisr, New York, and consult with ALEX. FROTH.INGIIAM & CO. These gentlemen, who have lone: been Mnntl fled with the hUtorv smt afilrs ui Wall Street, are unn-uiilly skilled In monetarv fff.ilrs and In. evprythlnirappcitalnliig tospeeuiatinu, are un. cxi'Oiled tar ability and i.rcfU'U nor. It mav also, bnaiul that ef the ninny broken In that citv thev are ni t only the most popular, but also tlio most succefui, hca patrouizcil and most widely known m or near tho vloinlty of Wall Street. Amons- tbe cnatome's nf the sogse of Alex. Fuoim.NOilAi: & Co , are otne ot onr leading end irprcaentative citizens who are mainly in debted to the la.juis of this firm lor much ot tno wealth thev now enjoy. During Uio loue and Miecrsiful experience ot Slessrs. Alex. Fnonxojua A Co., In this city thev have earned for theiuselves an enviable reputstiou tor honckty Integrity and good talth. and enjoy a business almost rolnaul In its pro uortioua. In fact tbe kniount ot business dnue bv this house In the oonrso of a year Is some, thing wonderful, and often fiTui's the subject of enmmeut It needs but a visit in their spaelnu officii, lu Uallsuee. toprdve tho truth of the a bove statement. How they raarago to convert WO to M, t"o into M'. sill Into auda.1 011 Is n seoiet which they aloue c.111 explain 1 but thnt they succeed, In doing so la a tact ton well cuown to admit of doubt If yon would xaloly and profitably In. vest yotirmniiey, do uoi hesltato tn tavor this firm with your cash olid onntldouoo. 'that by so douig vuu will reap an ubtinuutvt rewjrd.the or. pe lence of thousands ol our best citizens at tests. Tae noc&H.ty of taking mch a cuuree lu tboso times of totteilug hani anil llnancnl stringency must be apnarenc t( tho mosi lutut fereut aud careless observer, Messrs ALEX. FBOIiiINOUAli & CO- are pre pared to invest money to any umoant m tne. best securities, sad In every transaction lu vthicb they may be engaged guarantee entire, sauslaotlon'to those who bunor them with their patronage. IV Send for their Explanatory Clroalar and Woikly Reports, which they mall fre to alt who oealie them. 4rvOi A, r. Jotropotu, Apri 10, li!7J T noi As Koonis, Ite.nectf nllv announces to the citleena of CarK bonana adjolmog Couutles, that ho nas pur. cha-ed the entire laterest aud stock of IT, C, LEVAN WAV lu the LKUtUUTON Corn Broom Manufactory, located In the lloroagh ot Lehighton, Caxboa County, l'a., and that he is prepared to nil aAl ord.fs entrusted to hiuj with tbe Tery Best Quality, of Ur.ooms , at the LOWEST POSSIBLE LIVING PUICE, 'A trial is respectfully solicited and entire aat- lsfacllou guoituitetMl, Manulotory lu the Baicment of the ' Valley JIcmhu,H opposite Vie.Lehlah. Valley RR, depot, Ij-eV-rJ, , tliPWAfi KO0N8,