The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 01, 1876, Image 3

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    Society Meetings.
a-,,...,.., n ..-r.o Kn n A.n. it. cif the M. 0.
2nd and 4th Monday ot each month, in ne
per's Hall. LehtghWn, at Ji30 o'clock 1 H.
II. V. Mortnimor, n, ui c x
H. K. n. S.
, CUUDH I1UTTEN LOnfll. No. M, 1. O. O. K
meets every Tuesday evening, nt 8 o'clock,
In Roller's Hall. Josoph llelgel, it. O. IN,
11. Itcber. Sccrolary.
voito rocA TJUrtE, No. in. Imp. o. n. M., meet
on Wednesday evening of each woe, ut 71m
o'ciock in I'unno iiiu.t V'T"''..:
I'a. 1). F. Ulckert, rt. 8 n. Ollbam, C. of II
LmiiaiiTON Lonoit. No. 511. K. of P.. rmta
on Friday evenings. In llebor ' Unll.nt7-.fO
o'clock, atcii. ui0XU.u.
of H. ml S.
Aiivni'tliiiiiir IlnfFH.
We desire it to be distinctly understood that
no advertisements will bo Inserted In tho col-
limnS Ol 'XHB, S-.A"U'S rti'iJ.Hi inn. "? u
-ejeivod from nnmown parties or firran unless
.. with tht. man. ThAfnltnwInir are
AdveitlBcments for 1 yesr, per Inch each
Insertion .10 Ct.
" Mx Months, porlnch each insertion n ft.
" Thrco Months, " " io CM.
' Less than tlireo months, first Inser
tion f I. each Buhseqtient Insertion 21 Cts.
Local notices 10 centa nor Hue. ,
II. V. MOllTJIIMKft, rubllaher.
1 l XJ.l.Y
Omct, No. t, Mansion tlonse,
Settling Estates. Filing Accounts and Orphans
Trial of rouses caretnllv attended to. Legal
crnnsacuonB in nmgusn uuu umuau, jnu .
Local and Personal.
t3T Parties receiving the Advocate
with a cross marked after their names
will please remit the amount duo for
Subscription, or the extra 50 cents will
be added to pay the expenses of collec
tion. Nicely dressed people, get their
suits at Laury & Peters'.
Read great reduction at lStisbaum
& Son's Cheap Cash Store in another
If you want a nice glove go to T.
D. Clauss' and select from his new and
elegant stock of kid and Lisle thread
gloves, just opened.
Astonishing Fact! Best white
shirts worth (2.50 sold at $1.50, and
partly-made at $1.25, at the cheap cash
store of J. T. Nusbaum & Son. Per
fect fit guaranteed.
Gents' Shirts. We have now in
stock and constantly receiving an ex
cellent quality of Gents' white shirts,
which we are selling at $1.00, $1.25,
$1.75 and $2 00 each. Ladry &
Peters, post office building, Dank
Street Lehlghton.
A large lot of Centennial baby car
riages just received and for sale very
cheap for cash a( F. V. SemuieJ's Hard
ware store, Lehlghton, Pa.
If you are going to visit the Cen
tennial, you should drop In at Laury &
Peters', and leave your measure for a
handsome Centennial suit, warranted to
fit and wear well.
Boston has the most Intellectual
girls, New York the most stylish,
Brooklyn the prettiest, Baltimore the
most refined, Chicago the smartest and
St. Louis the most frolicsome. Unlike
as they are In characteristics, the "Do
mestic Paper Fashions" are the univer
sal preference of them all.
F. P. Semrael offers at private sale,
on very reasonable terms, seventeen
very pleasantly located building lots on
the old fair grounds, in this borough.
This offers a rare opportunity for per
sons desiring to build themselves a
home. For further particulars apply
to F. P. Scmmel, at his hardware store,
on Bank Street.
T. D. Clauss has Just returned
from the'eity with a beautiful stock of
Centennial and other styles of neck
ties. Also, a full stock of gent's fur
nishing goods of the choicest quality.
Call and see them.
raper hanging, painting and glaz
ing neatly done by Ed. Elsenhower.
Orders at the post-ofBco, Lehlgh
ton, Pa., will receive prompt attention.
Charges very moderate and satisfaction
guaranteed. (24)
J. W. O'Nell, at the Lehlghton
Bakery, has newly and tastily fitted up
his Ico cream saloon and opened up bis
eoda fountain, and is now prepared to
supply our citizens with the finest fla
vors of ice cream and soda water day
and evening.
Headquarters for Hats, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, Trunk, Satchels, Um
brellas, Ac. Prices low as the lowest,
and all goods warranted to give satis
faction, nt Laury & Peter's, post office
building, Lehlghton.
Dr. Fittler's Uiieouatic Remedy
euros rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous
and kidney diseases. Da. Fittler's
Pectoral Syrup, infallible for coughs,
colds lAid brpnellitis. Dr. Fittleb s
Couoial, Oali&aya, Liniment and
Vegetable Liter Pills sold by C.
W. Lentz, sole agent for Lehlghton and
Welssport. 2-ly
J. C Btckert has still a few of those
eligible lots In Rlckertstown to dispose
of. If you feet like securing a good
home coll And see him He is also sap
plying ilaur.fuedjiuuiber and coat at the
lowest rates.
T. D. Clauss has just returned from
the city with a beautiful assortment
of cloths, casslmeres aud vestlngs, which
lie Is now making' up at title ex lur
below any other house iu the Valley,
while the style of fit and workmanship
Is unsurpassed. Call and see his goods
tn'foro you purchase elsewhere. There
is no eliargo for showing goods. Also,
a full lioo of ladles' and gentlemen ;s
A Urge assortment of Fire Craek-
ora, Sky Uockers aud Roman Candles
for Bale cheap at we Centennial To
bacco Store " 70."
Another step In the rlcht dliec-
tlon. R. B. Widdotts, the popular hair
dresnerand barber, has opened a hot
and cold water bathing room in con
uectloa with bis business, under the
.jsicxiMga Hotel, jjauu only us cents
The Campbell Trial.
Friday. Jnly 23. Tho forenoon session was
consumed u;i tepeutlon of tneevidonconro.
dnoed In tho Doyle, and Kelley cases, heretofore
published in tho AUVocath. In the afternoon
tho groat "squealer," Jlmmr Kerrigan was
called. Na sooner bad Jlmmr taken his seat
than Mr. Fox objected to' lilm ns a -witness on
the gronnd ot Incompetency nnd being a princi
pal felon.
touring the argument Kentgsn occupied tils
tlmo to w lining the faces of tho speetators.bat.
not one among tho vast crotvrt did ho seem to
know, nt least not n sign of recognition was
noticeatiio on Ills lnatiitea.
Sir. Pox cited several cases In suprort 6f his
po'Ulon. nnd concluded bv curing i "Tne vcrr
moment your honor, nllow iliat man to tike tho
booir nnd leaufr yoor honorawlll bn pincrdln
such 9 position as to recommend his pardon,
lhia man was moment nt tuo Mmowncn John
P. Jones wis shot down In oldhloud, and the
testimony that was given nt tho trial nt Doyle
was bnfllclcnt to hang Jamea Kerrigan nnd he
knew It." , , ,
Mr. Hughes. In answer, said ! ' The rronnd
taken by th othi r aide la that James Kerrigan
Istll'i principal In Ililt case, whl.o there In nii.h
Ing before this court to show that James Kent,
gan was ever accused ol muuler."
Mr. Fox Mien ' followed, but, although thb
gentleman sp ke well ana learnedly, tho weight
which othorwlse might havo attended his woids
was destroyed by what went before.
The court, after a few moments' considers
tlon, overruled thejUtJectlon, and Kerrigan was
awotn ..
l'.xrmlned byOenernl Albright, he answered
ns follows i Up to the 3d ot September last I
nroti in Tnmqaiia i l am tiuriv two youra oiu j
I worked In tho mines j my house
was nbout thrvMuarters of a mile from
theminei I lived ou Rpruce street c. Divls
wa my landlord : I've Known Alecg Cnmpbell
for four years 1 1 met him first In Tnmnqua
at iiistHVcrui ne uiovca irom niorm itm m
TftmnnnAi thn first. Limn 1 loined the ' Mollies"
was In I'amnqnat newae bilr mastert he and
."Yellow Jack" Doi.ohue put me through ma
cellar, and made me kisa 11 piper when I was
inrotlgn: 1 cen-t rtnu or wnmi wntm x
through they shook hands, and aald I waa wel.
comet I had to treat; I had to nav three dollara
to loin i "Yellow Jack" waa head manlnTusco.
rora i Aleck Campbell lent nie the money ana i
gave it to him ogam i I thought It waa the
Ancient Order of Hibernians, and found it was
tn"iIoHio Mngulres;" tho Hist tlmo 1 knew
what It was Aleck Campbell sent four men
(objected to) s he left Tnmnqna about two renrs
ago, I think ; ho kept a liquot store l Carroll
moved Into his old place In Tamnqnn I have
known Carroll onto a year i I know McOeehan
before the murder ot Jones i they nil belong to
the society i I've passed the signs with iberai
I never mot Dnvlo or Keller until I was sent
with them to Campbell's ; 1 was at mv work on
the flrat of (September, and when I quit work
I went to James Carroll's nnd got a drink i
'8qiilro Lnks was there, nnd Carroll, Dovle nnd
Kellev ; CarroU followed me out anil aald that I
waa to to take the men to Campbell's t I aaia I
had to go to work, but he Hani "Never mind,
that shift will neither make nor break you i"
I found the two men belonged to the Older
for Can oil told me. and they showed me their
badges on the hill near McOeelian'Bi wo left
Carroll's somewhere near auven o'clock : wo
met Mr. nnd Mrs. llnfflths, and I asted them If
they saw a stray (mat i we went down the rail
road nnd didn't meet no one nnill we got to
Campboll'a when I pot there he slid Hello I
Kerilgm ;" I said ' Olve in n dilnk," and he
aald ' I'll treat t" lie asked me If I brought the
men. and I said " Yes t" he then aald "Walt
till I get mv coat, nnd I'll go with you to Mc'sj" on the second night Doyle threw
pebbli at the window i after Campbell put on
nla coat, and as we were going out, he said to
his brother-in-law " Tell any one who calls
that I've gone to a wako t" I got to Campbell's,
I think, between nine and ton ; I got to Mc
Geehan's about half-past ten i it might be a,
mile and a hall from Campbell's to McGeehau'si
I met one man l when we went tu Campbell
colled for a drink McOeehan shook hands with
me; after a bit McOeehan and Campbell puhed
up airalnstthe bar, and Campbell said '"Ihe
men have come to kill Jones i" McOeehan got
the two pistols, and Doyle tooic one Un black
one from CampDell. and he gave the other one
to Kelley, and ho (Campbell) put his hand In
hts pocket and took out a pistol, and handed It
to me. saying" You go help to shoot Jonea X
I didn't lake It: Campbell gave us the descrip
tion ot the man -, they put the pistol ip the
drawer ( and we Kelley, Doyle, and myso:t
staved there all night, and word waa to be sent
to Tom Mnlhall to keep out of the road; Mc
Oeehan went to Zehner to see It be could gel
reinstated, and Zehner told him and Mulh.ill to
go a way, that they would never get any wora
in the valley s McOeehan had one of tho pistol
In lilt band,trylngtomaKethe chamber revulve,
when It went offi Campbell told McOeehan to
go borne early, so that he could have .witnesses
to Bhow that he wasn't nut ac the time Jonea
should be shot, and Mnlhemn was to get out ot
the way, too ; Campbell left McOeenan'a that
mirht abunt eleven o'clock I McOeehan lett
shoitly after i we stayed, and when .McOeehan
gut back we let him In-i he gave naft,di1nk of
gin. Aiid we wont down to the Catholio church,
up the railroad, and to the works Doyle and
Kelley went to the blacksmith shop t I went to
a hnnse to nvt a drink, and she bronirht out n
can ot milk nnd gave ns a drink : Doylo via
sicnng oown ; we men went io me works, nnn
Doylt asked some man if ihe boss was in: I
aaked an old man it tnere was n tavt-rn, and we
went to a woman who I now know is Mrs.
Davta and she said aho only had porter that
sho dmn't rell liquor; wogotpoiter, audi gave
horn two-dollar bill : she asked us whore we
i-ame from, and I said ' Shennndoah ," then we
sat down and had soiuethlnrjp eat. and Aftor
waid we had some more porter's tnen I went to
McGeehan'a, and thov wentnp to tho slope ; I
told McOeehan that we didn't see the boss and
then Kelly end Doyle came ami sam they
conldn'l see him i we hail some porter, and
breail and bntter.ana he told us to go oat again,
and that We should surely see him nbout four i
1 met Dovle nnd Kellev commK back, and thev
,said they couldn't see hlrqj we got b ck to
LIUIipuCIl UUUUfa AiXU . A. W 1U Hlup.
bell's before lloueer and his agon passed; I
waa going home in It, when Campbell aald ' Ko.
yon won,ti you star lieret" Campbell begau to
scold me for not ahooting J ones, and he aald 'If
yon attended to roui but-lness yon could have
done It ;" Kelley and Doyie had their auppi-r,
bnt I wouldn't take any. and he sent his wile
Into the kitchen; Cumpbcll mid Jones wai a
sharu little bucrirer. and tint ho would watch
Jumselfi Campbell Baid If ho was shot at nlabt
ue was wraiu Bome ouo wojiu ue uiameu, out
that It he was shot in day time it would be all
rlctit i and he wanted nie to& otf drink lor
a year, but I wouldn't, but I promised to sav
nothing abont tho mnrder; when we were
stanatng near jonea' nouse a mau came np ana
nut hi hand ou Dovle's Uioul'ier. but said "Ex
cuse me," and movt doff: that night Campbell
torn jucueeuan io go nomo. auu imie wiiutajes
to piove that ho wua home (heie KeiTigan pick
ed up the pistols ana loentlrled them, and said
to whom thov were given by Aleck Campbell,
and testified that one of them wus Campbell's ;)
Dot le had the black-jack i dou't Ki.ow where be
got it : after we got uack from Jones' boute it
mleht nave boon lialf.uaat nine i coinir Oack we
met Joi.n Jamoii, hut he didn't see me; .Mr.
MOojeo was in uamnDeii's, ana anoiucr man was
there pretty fnll ; lioslee and tho man were
taiklug about General bhertdan i Goalee
treated thrte or lour times ; I laid on a
bench listening. Condon was the man
who brought the saddlo In : campbe.l
called him Condon. Conuon wanted to light,
and Campbell said "Only 1 don't want to do It,
I would knock something one ot you ," KeJey,
Dovle aud me went to McUeehan'n with Camp
bell, and he treated all evening : Campbell said
to go to the bonne early, and borne to watch the
b&ck of the houBe, and pome In front i Cuuipbbtt
said "Don't let htm mi wltb'one ti&ll nut tiiieu
or four In the Welsh bugger; for," he nays, "ne
in uut luteu uy me weisu or iriBa anu, ne buvb
"it will be the noblest thiuv that ever ws done
Ixi tills county ;" we (lid'nt go to bed: Kelley
and Doyle laid down on a mule bia met, and I
laid down on a bench : about itueeu mlnutoB to
three, or otter, I left, and Campbell gave me
live nollara tu the presence ot Dole buj Keller
to buy whiskey, and have It for ihem in tbe
brush j' I was to tneot tnem at the cross-ioaua
near the abaft : Campbell told me to meet tnem :
I went down the railroad, and laid down under
a iree,ond went to deep; wtie.i I woke I thought
"Mow these fellows are gone r" X went np the
road, and aa X had a atom ii of sugar I tooKlt
out. and meeting u little Dot- I naked bun lur a
light: hehaifui, any, so I 'sat down on a cul
vert, and In a little While I aaw Doyle and Kel
ley coming up the roll mad ; I met Billy Park
lnaon, but waa too faraway to speak t 1 went to
my house, and met xuy landlord tnere i there
na no tire In Uiehonaei Igaremy wife rive
dolhtrs to get whiskey; ahe went ui Mrs.
Chuk's and not a mut.ana uiontrht nie back tbe
t)ve dollara, for Mrs. Claik could'ut change it t
mi" u i . , w mi. apw, i mi j iu ,uu aviicj
were UD the munntain. and 1 waved to tiiem.
aun they came down i Duyle.aud Kelley oalu:
uier auoi uuua,juiu ieney sola ue eaw niai
fall, and that hehoUored like guytlung : (look
lng nt a pistol) that's aooriy'a plotoU because 1
ABd'nt one fur a week : one night I waa at
t.ampDeira, and as it was lonely titer gave me
the piBlol to take home with we i on the way,
back I met Jack CharchlU and another driv
ing t one night I gave it to MoNeali to take
banc, and James AlcKenua took It ont of my
hand, and aalu VJt takea at Ho. 81 the same an
mine ;". well, when 1 waa at tbe eprwg Wallace
Uusa came, and eaid ' '1'tirow up vour hands,"
James :" I aald "I bare nothing' and he said
"Wedon't wauc von wo wuu't ihe other two i"
I walked down to the lock-up with them, and,
ui. nvu, UW IUV UHIU UI.U , WD WM1IU,
jne to uae my intlueuce iUi MeKenua to
f:et a oonple of meu, and I ula use all the
uHutnce I had i a convention was held In Car.
oil's at Tamaqua ; when 1 got acquainted with
AlxKeiHia he waa a head " llollle Magulre i" I
iue bun at Jack Kehoe'ai McKenna waa up
mii MiiiMij Dn.iDwi uu, u. mm fmiauw
phla at a wedding; l found oat at iottvllletoat
he was a deteotlvo t I wae well acquainted wlih
him, nnd I thought lie Was going to'msrry tnjr, Mnrv Illggina the flint division
orgauitcdln Janusrvwas by Aleck Campbell
ana Carroll t nmolieU had a big light with
lunipv Dolan. too countr delegate, and ho Hud
lilm put nut, and put Jack Kehuo hi his place I
when tho thing was mode up to kill ot.
nfl.l Inn .lnll-IIB tn bll Volt. 011(1
atterwnnl It wns made up by cnmpbell to semi
Cnrbim county men to kit), Yost .It .Schntlkiu
coilnly men weio acnt to kill Jonea I at the
meeting on tho Mth of August In Carroll's.
" Yellow Jack,"Charlea Donnelly, n fellow from
Mueiinnuonn. hiki lioai iv hbiuhioi i i "l
L.inlr nnd t,n intvn tltnm "DollV'S
llray i" be , wai Biiaking hands wl h tlicm nil,
end Aleck Cninrtiicll nl.owiDl he wa n d-l 'eel
tn irotlilx Mi fnll, tlia ' htlil V.llinSterS lTOt th6
giMidsliom Jack KeliDO, nud he chnrgrd thtw
uonars ior ineiu. ,, , ,
'lo the quoiioit of " How many dlvlslona ore
mere in Hcnnyuiu couuiy i vuo uciu-idu m
'l iio'commoiiweulth offered lo prove br It nnd
following questions mat tnere was sucu an
ganlaitioii usthe' Mollie Mngalres."
Juno 24. To tho 1lr.t question ot General Al
blight, he ansneiod as lollrws I
'lo tho bestof hit Knowledge there are from
twentv to twenty live boiiy.niastcis in Schuyl
kill mump, nmi tim nmlnriiv of them koetiarug-
mills; Donnelly, rat. lluttor. Donohue, Mo
Kcnna, and James ltoartr weio at tho meeting
, ot Tnniaquj on tue isth of August, 1875 t I'ai.r
CoIUuh seufn nlan, as lib was nwav electioneer
Ing a. tho Unto i It wasn't llichard Condon, but
ho was there i " Klg rett-r" liurus, irom the
Monntntn inn, was theieiMike O'llrlen, of
Mulianny ahdJnck K6hoe, of UiranUille. were
tnere cnilB. Donnelly was nour-inaairr Bun
county treasurer, raid he couldn't hold two out
ces, and gave up tho office of bodv-masior: I
don't Know that tin Is. Donuellv toll) me who
wna bodi master nt .Mount Laffjo : I wns moio
ly a witness that day ogaln-t Joint Slntteiy.aud
had no business lit the meotlug I James catroll
was tnoro. . .
"Was anything said about the murder of
John 1'. Jones V okod Mr. Hnghes.
'"I object to it," said Mr. Fox, and to tho wit
ness ". uo not nnswer tnit question "
Quite nn arKn.lient followed between Messi.
Fox nnd Ungues, and I he upshot was tbat tho
iDomt oven med tho objection, and sealed it bill
lor tho nefendant.
The second chapter of revelations waa then
continued by expounder Konigan na follows t
Carroll aald that Campbell told h.m to look to
Mount Lall'ee lo seo it he couldn't get two men
to kilt J ones : I saw Campbell that evenlng.and
had a drink with him i McKenna waa there: I
was acting body uiaBtur nt that time: camp,
bell sa'd that, as Summit Hill men killed
Yost, Tnniaqua would have to return
the compliment bv killing Jones, but,
ns Tamaqua men would be known, it would be
better to Bend tor Mount Latlee men, or send to
Hlienandoah for "ITiday" u'Doiiuull. or lor the
two meu who wcro picked out to shoot Jesse
Major i Cain and wanton were picked to do
that Job t iho bodv-mnttera got the goods from
Jack Kehoe, nnd he gut thorn from the state
delegute. Captain Gallagher, of 1'lttsbnrgi
"Fildav" O'Donneil is Jimmy, and I think lie
lived at Wlggan'a patch t Campbell Bald to send
for him. and Carroll said that nt tbe contention
ho would try and arrange matteia : Campbell
told mo to use my influence, and I dill wltn Mc
Kenna. Jimmy underwent a seaichlng cross-exarai-nation,
but we fall to see where his dlicct testi
mony was shaken in any one pulnt.
Jiimes M't'arlaue was then called, and
while he was beluii brought from the hotel,
Captain T. C. Wiltlanis testified that the piece
ot wood iu court was the piece tnat ho had cut
Irom tho counter in Hugh McGeehan's BHloon
The pleco ol wood was tncu oll'erwt by Ihe com
monWcalth as evidence, and admittod.
In auswei to tbe first question M'FarUne
raid i James M'Farlane is my lull nime i I am
fiom the province of Ulster : I have been lu
tnia country nine years: I landed InMow York,
where I engaged in a grocery stote : thou went
to Mediua. una wurSeu lu a dry-goods stoiei
left there, and went to Chicago : drove a team
for a whue, and wept on a stoamooat running
between Chicago aud W bite II nven : went from
there to Michigan, and came back to Chicago,
aud diove for Henderson, ltur, Whitney it c.;
then went as coachman tor John Alston : after
ward worked as private policeman and detective
lor llabey & Co.: became a policeman for the
,-.ltv. nnd then travrled for a wine and llauor
Urini then kepta llquoi stole at Ho. ait) Cauul
aireet ; nao u Becouu siore i wueu mu uuicuku
fire came it burned the store down ; I Bold out
the saloon, and engaged with Allan l'lnkeiton,
-t I'lnkerton'd agency ; I came to the coal re
gion In October, 1873, tor tne putposo ot iteteci
ing the " Mollle Magulrest" The flrat know
ledge that I obtained of tho " Mollle Maguires"
wtui at Trcuiont : I know Aleck Campbell ; 1
know that he belongs to the " Mollies ," I met
him ai a member hr butus and passwords : In
June, 1871, 1 believe, I went fioni Mauch Chunk
iu nioim nui iu luumus u. rinuura us i. waa
recommended to call ou htm bv Mr. Kltke.
county delegate of Luzerne, as he waa county
delegate: I showed blm thenluii ; I was recog
nized ; a little while alter the i-tate eecteury of
tlio Ancient Order of Hibernians, or "Mollle
Maguires," Irom Flibvburg J.J. .U cOutre canie
lu : uuiing theatteinoou Alocx Campbell end
l'au McKenna came in : after I had . jeen. in
troduced campbe.l stated that he had had bouio
trouble with the county delegate, lluruey Ko
lan ; that ne held hs positlua aa body-master iu
lamaqua. altnougb he lived in Carbon cuuuty :
1 became acauaimed with Aleck Camnbeil in
June. 1874 1 fiuet bim afterward several times i
las list umu i nici uiui w aa uunug oiu inai ui
M.J. Doyle, lu January, m7ilil knew Jameo
L'uiro.l, anu JUiaily, aud McUechan.aud knew
them oa metnbeis ot th:s organization (the An
cient Order of Hibernians); upon tbo i&th of
July. 1873. I was at Campbell's bouse, and- hud
a conversation wilu him about the murder of
Yot ; Campbell lit the evening walked with mo
from bis house to Hnmuilt inn, and we talked
about it; be said It was a very clean Job,anu he
guessed they wouldn't have bothoird with it
only tc wusdoueou a trade: on the 4th ot Au
SUSt,ts75. 1 met blm again atTumsqiia'j 1 askod
blm how McUeclian was, asl subnequoutly Ols
coveied, in a convocation with Campbell, that
Mcaeehhii 'wiispuanithernnrdcreis of Vonti
Campbell toid mo that McGeehau and Mulnail
couldn't get wurk at the tiummlc, but that they
had got work at '1 usoaroTH ; ho sold ne calcula
ted to alait Mcueenan In a sa.oou fur the wotk
he did at 'lamaqua, aud that wnut Uu wanted
Wiis u f uw good meu from sonuylklll county, to
iiiiinlnr Jnmi l'. Junes : What bo Wautod was to
ecl 51 u. hull to work, and McQoihau stalled m1
nts saloon uetoro j oues wus io uo inuruui ou j ne
said echuyikl.l county Bbouidsetid men uu ao.
cuuutottbe cieau Job that McGeehan did at
j amuqua in Kiiuugjiusi. : upuu uiu ui ui Au
gust, 135, in Tamaq ia, I was lu Carroll's i I
u-uded bar for Uarlu.1 that forenoon, as he and
hia wife weieat a funeral i Campbell camo in
and asked me to help to get tho men to shoot
Juhn 1". Joues ; ho said that there was tn be a
countr meeting tbe next nay in 'lamaqua, aha
ho said ne was sorry nocouiun'i aucuu, us ne
had to go to n funeral at Jlaxleton, and that he
was afiaid to trust Kerrigaa. us ne waa likely to
get diuuk i I aald I would, ot ouursoi on the
utb ot August, I think : I went lo Summit ItiU
tu attend ihe opening of Hugh McGeebau'a
million, but it dmu't lake place i I went back
again on the I3ih, ana that night ,1 stopped si
Campbell's ; ICompbeU showed me the house of'
Jones, and aald bow to place tbe men In order
thattner might bire a good chance to,.sho6t
Joudsi I he(d a Conversation with Campbell in
juuucn COUUKUU ja.unuai.aui , niuu uuusavb-
ing my business with Cuptaiti iLinden, my co
worker, we.wcrfl walking down street, when I
saw cnuintielisiid McOeenau BUtudlnir on the
cioaslug, we went to Armbruater' saloon, and
oak (hi mo yruy a uiun i, unuv uy invuu j x suiu
he was uo friend oi Uine, that ne was a mau 1
hail met np tne street, naif m uuk. and luqulr
lngfot tho A.mencau hunao. Campbell seemed
to be saliaaed, and nulil that he muse gel aio
Ueehau n.iloou.e. add when we look me rail
road on the swltuhback I waaoontioutoiragiiin
by Mr. Linden, Who sat opposite me ; spoae
lnuii. a,, that Mr. Linden might hear tbe natuea
of McGoexan autl Cumpuoll, and romemDor'
tnem. fepeaking oi me mumer ox joues uu
(Campbeili said aiat It wastheoleanestjobever
done, but bwo.o at Keriigau lor leuumg the
men astray i he'fcaidhe wasgulnK to Luierue
couuty to raise money througb the organization
for the pmouei a' defense, and that tie hoped
bchuvlklll county would uo its duty, and tnat
IfiL riniti't ho would tnot-tirage his chatties fur
one thousand doduni t he said that the ineu who
Had jonea nao sioppeu at, uis uouse me
night before tbe murderer, aud thai there were
sisters of Jones Who woaid swear that tho men
stopped tLererbuc.that h could knock their
testimony higher nor a kite ; I met Campbell un
tbe lath ot Beptambtr. 1873. at rotlaviue, st
Danny Batches', with .Jerry cane, tbe body
muster of Mouut Latlee lodne ot "Motile Ma
guires." the dlnalou to which Doyle and Kelley
belonged t tney wero tnen going to see Messrs.
Ityur. sua Jlaitholomew to give thm 'some
money lur the iletmfle'ot toe prisoners, and I
Hunk that ou tue same .evunUig they told tne
that they bad given lAem eight huudied dol
larsi JJanuy Uugbeawas a member: I met
Doyle and Can pbel) t -EottiMie i , Boyle . waa
secretary of tfie ludgeat Htorai Hill CampbeU
tola ine thai Mniboarn was in. town and that
he had given him tllty doilara ns his retainer i
ho palled dut a paucr.aod said vwa thaouurse
the defense was to take, and pui ported to oe
the statement of the prieouera tu tkelr counsel,
and on It were t&e uanua of the witnesses whu
were to prove the alibi I I aald It was a splendid
document,' and well got un I be said tbat he baa
dictated It to Mr, M uihearn, and that he (Mai
hearn) had i.Leaw Air. Mulhearmapd
silo- that It-was a' very ouo thing It tltey (cua.d
...f , 1. ., uitna-u. utlll 1 MJIUT hllll nil I 111, Hat Of
Hep'tembertnetolaDlvlligjiay oud-be saWi It
waa a very Hue thing if ihe wltuesxea weio.,
fartuconnue i, I w uampbeu.vq ma
, September. (8 rpturbia.ud fc mled me to
gowlthbimtoMauauOhuukto tee Mr. Mau
heun.s lie Hoard Aht rwMoiftae.iV'iBOuen.
filenda had been admitted to see them: 'we
went, and look the aftemoou train, and on our
.arriyaliaweot to MuUiearn'a Iiodse; andnelda
converaauuu withnlmi CampbeU told him that
be needn't be afraia ot his fee, and that be
should try and gut some of the prisoner's mend
admitted to see them i be aald it would be aU
right, and we left t on the 4tti ot October, 187M
was going to wlle Darro from l'ottsvillo i I
Blorped otTamnqoa, and at Catroll'a : I saw
Campbell, and I asked how thev were getting
along ho SalirflrKt-ratn. that Kerrliinn's wii
aoi were all right he Bn went bo far as to
giro mo the names i John Kildee.of New l'oi ts
vlllo; Wtarliev,Mi!lIlie, nnn MoAuivwcro the
men wnowoie tot pi ovo that Ken1guwo nta
funeral th day heioro the murder of Jotiesi
provioiui to tiieiipenuiif of bo cimvcinlon liero
I wertt to JrilW 11. Meoin eVf I 'Fisher anil rat.
McKenna took ninnsluo, and mid It was n nice
note ot aflali a that Oanipbll lind.biouxtbt them
Into l they stated that thly had got money lor
the putposo ot paring tbe prionera'coiinaelnud
waii-ed.nie to confer with I'eter Jennings,
couutro'egntoofj,ueetne to net h an to form
n committee to meet a coi'imilteo irom Carbon
nudKciiuvlkillciiimties to see what should bo
a'One with the niilidv I rtiluilioi! from Luzerne
would pet clear but ho ,aald thit altlioiigh ho
nnn ortfereu Kiriignrs witnesie io ui mu
prenaod a week previous bono of them bod
men suupoenaei) t ooBaiu ne 10111 iwcm i".'
wmihl lift bnlti.rannkil mtl thav rnlllR tn HIS
hotH ino day uefore, nnd told him ther hadn't
iieeuiiotinou, anu tnat tie nan laKeu.mi n-u.
llint (nni nnA .l...., fllu.rt i.t. . T'tllO WllV
home I saw tn witnesses here and tliey said
tuey wou'u swear ns can. pueti nnn uiui 1
met them qu Bunlay. the sill of October t I
ilinn't L-nricr tii,.m until tinif tini. tint In De
cember. 18.5. 1 weutt 1 tin t Kllilt o In Haileton:
anu went with him to new rottsviiie, nnu Bum
ped all nlirht with hlni ;, I saw McAplcy, aud
both of Ihem said that, they weie willing to
MWent- tn vhnl. I'limniiplt nnnti-d them to tllfl
witnesses who weie to piovo nnnllbl for Kelley'
and Doylo wero here also (looking at a plslnll
x saw J 'lues lvorngnii rivo imiv piioi iu iin
McNeallaon the27tU of July. 13.3, nnd. heard
him tell him to give it to Itoaity. nnd rat. Mo
Nealis was the man who told Kerrigan not to
come to Lanstoid i Kenlgau stated Hint Ii was
lloatty'B plstol.and that It shot Yost.nud Ittmrty
.told nie.
At this point the witness was reqiifttcd to
Btopbr Mr. Fox, and he compiled, nnd before
niiyihlug tunher could be dnuo Judge Dirhcr
lemarked ' ue itienieti, the hour for adjourn
ment has arrived."
June 2.!. At a few minutes pnat ten o'clock
the Court-room Is densely crowdod, There ls'nt
even standing room lett Tbe prisoner la In h)9
neat : his wile and number lauv ore nt his slye,
Thecuer toes through biscastomety formula",
and the business in band goos on. '1 ho attend
ance ot ladle-, greatlv to tlio Inconvenience of
gentlemen, Is uuusunllr largo. The atmosphere
pievading iho Court-room is tiuly suffocating.
The Jurors look well t two dollars a dav unci
roast beef, aeejitnglr ugreolng with the mnjoti
ty ot them, not to spenk of tue fteo 'bus rides.
James Mcl'ailane. itMitmed his testimony nt
10:18 a, m. First time I lecogulzed Ciimiibell
as a membor of the otibr waB at Tho. Fisher's
Told me then that he continued to bo body-inas-ter
at Tamaqua. although M wns then living at
Ashton. Ml. Fisher lniioduceti me to him as a
brother. Una previously excuiinged "goods"
with Fiflier. '1 ms wns lu June, 16H. Became
a member at slieunudonli What was the ob
Jectottlio orgnmzition lu BchuvlRll and Car
bon Counties I Objected to bv defense. The
prosecution ptoposo to Bhow that Campbell was
O' ol the fact that tbat oigamzation was
one lor the putposo of committing murder, etc.
which point l iirgued nt length bvMr. lluehss.
uud rep. led to by Mr. Fox, who ton tests Its ud.
mtssibllny, Btiyniatlzing it as tin attempt to
blast the prisoner's character befuro the Jury.
Objections overrti ed umlei certnin restitctious.
Ouo division, having n grievance (or utber one
party ol a division having a gncvanro agaitist
nnoiuer party of tbe same division) would call
upon the bed. innstor for Its roJi ess. Joined
tho organization tot the purpose of finding out
who belonned, and who weio the criminals. If
ouemeinuer of a division had home gileranco
the body. masters of several divisions would
meet, unit determine how torediesB lit wheth
er by uiurder, arson, or In any other way. They
would select the men to do it, and. It detected,
It was then- (the bouy-nianera') l usinesa to so
cute other partlea id prove nnvilfst -Made vbr--balaud
wiftteurepoitBot wnat tiansplied. Al.
vura tttful ti iirovnt crimp when noaBlble. In-
Joveil Complied'-- confidence from tho first. The,
bond supposed to exlBt botweeu as belug tho
lUunuBuuu lulu mo uu luuian, u -u,t ,mu
they would'nt have bothered with the murder
of Yost, If it had'nt been for a trade i and tbat
now they 'wanted some men, In return of the
compliment,' to kill Jones. On the 44tu of Aug.,
:fi niftt PsmnnAll Attain st Tamaaua. Ho ext.
pressed his Borrow that be woum be unaole to
utienu tne convoniioii on me iuuuwiuk
ho wanted men to kill Junes, aud would nut en
trust tbe matter to Kerrigan.
Motineirh lira saloon was ononeu on tho 141b.
ot Aus., "ii. Went there on lumatlou of cnmp
bell. lie nsRtu tne io wruo n it'iver inr uiu, ,io
t.imt. nnrn.ton in one llnvle. Fi-.her tmd reiused
to give tho goods to Doylo, hence tbe trouo e.
JflBher having giveu ineiu io unu .uuuibm.wiiiiui
Campbell usseited to be an enemy of theirs ana
would bang any Mollies lu tho two Counties.
He warned this thing compromised. Theie was
a dlvitlun ol Mollies nt Ktoim Hill i -there were
nvo 111 Caroou county, aim ui- it iu stun,,
kill, lleieieuco made to goods, etc Tho pass
wonts came with each new lnvolco They were
tor thepurpoje of Identifying membere.
Wlrtiofld hAinc-lven those of 13th of Jan. T5.
On tlio 13th ol Aug. an omnibus loud ol peisou
arrived at Tbos. Fisncr'a ;. the, o wcro three or
foui Mollies among them, to J udgo bv tho signs.
On the evening ot llinnkselviuar's Day C-itno-bell
Int s med mo that he had given jlrs. Ker.l-.
110 lo keep nor quieu
ivn-B...,uniini.ii i Am wl rears old i camo to
this country iu 67 t was raised ou a farm':
went to Kngland t worked in Chemicul wotkB
there i returned homo, workei at llellast : born
at Armaih : took nn obligation of eecrosr when
I Joined tne orders also to obey nir Buperlors
ln alltnlnga. 1 hey have printed constitutions
and uy-iawB. xve known iuu aiauii".v um,
ton to require of Bhetiandonn lofnruigli men to -n.'i tt n-na niMIIM llV John Kt-hoo 1
cnrrlod it myelf. Kohoe inado- tuo requiaitluU.
upon me, which 1 proinlsod to do Met Keliue
at .Ma'buPoy on'thnllrsrot.'Jupetjhad a meet
ing at Michael Clark's- Itfwas there determine
ed that TJiomas and andtnoi- man by the name
of Malor.Twaa to be kil.od, Mt a lueellng on tho
3d. or 4th (m tho bushesl It waa determined
tbat I shoulu bo one ot the party to a-.siat In
killing the men I dld'nt up) but' ot bets wont,
and "llnliy UIU" (Thomas) wua aubscuueutly
ehot. Knew nt tho time who the men were that
were to kill blm Tuokno part In their Bolee
tlou. Did not try to preveut tnem. Ho who
ar,,,,iH hnvn ilniui bo woula havo ienuardizod his
own lite, Kehoe and others noilUed the men.
Called a ineoilug of my own division, thoy met
and cnose tne mou. x waa uivauii hpimhuiuu,
but dld'nt go. This was ut Hhonandoali on tho
3d of Juno (Correcting fllmBelt. ho states i tne
men wero not elected until Bandar tho nth of
June). Was subsequently tod br them that
they nad shot Thomas. They shot hlui outho
morning they 1 eportod to mo. Tho sumo pirtv
that were nrlginalir appointed to dothosh'iou.
Ingskothlm, Thev belongedtotho tihenandoah
division. They had their own arms. Was sent
to procure men for tbo killing ot John r. Jonea,
irOlU BUCUBUilUttU. wu. fc.,tui
James Carroll's, Learning that Kerrigan had
already started wiui outers, ilii. wvm ui, Car
roll swbeiot&ov went to nod. Met Carroll at
10 plin, tout night J,he told me that Kerrigan
h.iliaeaa Tinrla and Keller to do the shooting
of Jones, and tnat he tboag&t tho Job was done,
ft was' lmposslulo for me to attempt saving
Jones' life tnat night. Went to my hotel, wrote
out tny Jeporu anu reiavu. aiau iuuu miouus
to believe that Jones was on his guard. Camp,
bell's requisition came beforo our division : he
also requested the Convention, to
get men to kill Jonos (SSili of Aug.) I intended
the Convention. They were subsequently up
iw,mtui al m m-ivuiemeetiricr. Homo members
wero never let into tlio secrets of ihe division.
Tout J. xt. aicuiuiey x mouuui. x couiu uci-wcu
to lelcaso Doyle ana Kelley from Jail. Was on-ly-eoddmi"
them. In order to nnd thorn nut,
I. e.,to sound them, ltequlaitlous wero genei.
ally made upon the boay-raastors, but not al
ways. Never saw an obligation of socioty cac
tied out. Ditcovored this, Boon at lor 1 Joined
them. Question : Did you ever try to in event
any ot the mu iders oa epeak ot t Objected to
D aOlOUSe. VJUUSUUU tUUUUU, Mill miuih.
When I leurnt that Jonea was to be murdeied,
I repoited to lienj Franklin In Besolng,(lteport
,rvuiii-M4. lint rtutdinir ooleetetl to. which gives
use to considerable argument between contend
ing coanaelinnclpallr iluxhes and Fox-Muago
Dreheri ,r Fax. wo are presoiir .
whether tho wljnoss Is u doesory. -Vowill
Dot permn me rvauiugui laoiviwih uu, w
tafementthat'.tnerenurt was made, etc., may
ha given in evidence. Mrst reported the facts
nf il.a .i.niNi- turn itj-rltmr Jones, on tho lUth Of
July. Jirwaa. at 10 o'oluck on the, rxigot of tho
UU,wl pvuwuiuui MM, ........ . ---- -
iuon bad left that were to kill John P. Jones It
waa .then too late for me lu come to Ins resi
denoe. l'revented tho aasaasluation ot Thomas
by the repieseulatlons I made to O'llnencon
cerumK the preaenco of the military, lteturued
to Hheiiandoaa, and repotted facts to Capt. Lin
den. Tho second attempt on his life It was lai.
sosstblo f or lae to deleat, Wbeu H yaa puppos.
td that a mu named mattery, who was well
acquainted wllh the Majors had given theui
vsrnlng. of the designs upon their Uvea, he was
expel ed tor life Irom tie Tamaqua division,
showing that, to be suspected even, was ex.
tremely daugeroqa, During ths moutli of leb
ruarf t was at a haUai corpul honiiug. at
fotuniie, wnero I was opeiuy sciouacu ty
of ipe. prder ef pe Inn a detective. wlUca I do
ulettraloworer, 1 waajie bo iritd. Went to
Uhcnanaoah aud Oiratdsville, ana demanded a
Ulati Kehoe appointed Feignaon'sillaii, Bheu.
audoah.ior mybeunng, Wrote letter to tne
rrTl' 'Xi.tZil ,.,,,W whfnli'.ehuB mailed.
alvua ,A-nAhirM tuo nan dar. Ltenurted to Mr.
'Frankllu and Capt, UnUeu, WeattoTsmaqoai
i,hu ,.uvd i,o,i nrt-Mleu me. Went to ahauori'
"on tbe war was lnfurmed that Keboe bad uked
another route, at whiou 1 became wmewuai
alarnied: aa ha had. nSm?,uifiot
a soul oime to meet 'ma ou mv arrival at Bhen
awloah. which atill more cuiitlruied my suspi
cious. Found tost I was watched I touuajiar.
ties of Mollies dogging my ovary step. Went
to my boaidlng bouse, but forgot to sleep.
Next morning Keboe, nnd others ot that Ilk
wero not to lie found, but knew Hint I wns still
watched and dogged by others ot the gang, l.-it
lit n sleigh, followed bv another in which was
the man that was to kill me. 1 was on nir rumd.
At lllrnrityllle 1 met Jack Kehoe. Asked him
why no noled Umat when lie told motovo to
father Connor's at Mnhanoy 1'lane nnd n-k
him. Wont there, but Father O'Connor" wak'nt
at homo, Went there again n6xt dav anil
Father O'Connor told mo that ho had loinied
that I was a detective, nnd that It were wrong
lu me to set up ell those Jibs, etc. when I
found that 1 was suspected bv all. and that
there no ibilgor whs nut' snfetf fol me In the
Coal HCRtotr. I Hit for I'lulailelpliln. Hut fur
tho timely warning or McAndn-WB, I should
hive been killed. MoAudrews told me, "I've
. never comitiiiieu a crime, nnu x've nteu your
I lite," etc.
J trxe i;. Thomas Itlehards was minorlntcii
ileu tot the Alnska cndierr at the time Kern-,
gan telti lie was not tUscbnrpesi, I looked for
lilm back.iiu.aln.
M 'I'm I n no now reapie.ira upon the stand to
infile sjine colivct Ions : Fitst. oxcniintluu I'at,
Muliiuaru, ol Jluuu.l Chunk, from the cnaigo uf
being n Molly Magulre, Uxp, cletl to isret
Capt, Linden on tho 2d Sept i not tlmllug him, I
tint Iho men tint weie to kill. tones b iuk. rat
.McKeuuu, the ood,. master at umstord. lived
at Ashton: was a ntairtcd mau about 27ienrs
of n go, ii lid ot medium helcut.
He cioMs eiamiued Met tlio men that wero
to kill Jones at Tuiuaqiia- tbev hail ueftl chosen
tho evening prevlom-. 'Iho bodr-master
tbo ntp -In i in cut ( tbTO wna no discussion i no
merely appoiuted ns: we left next morning,
llernard Vhiillps Is uo Molly Magulre swore
llistiuctiy lie was not.
lto-dlrect Had 1 refused, either as a detective
or r member, it would have aftected my lif.
ltobl. J. Linden lleeti a detective fur I'luker.
ton In tbe Anthracite conl leglunfot toe past
two yenrsj knew M'l'nrmic; would fresuently
meet, either by apnoliittneut tu otherwlBO; had
our precuncei ten signs nnd tlgnal'. Learned
that Jones wns to be klilea, atcourad Iflaiid'a
saloon, ou tno 17th, through M'l'nllniie, though
tlmo vas not thou set i It was to ue dnuo lu ex
change fol th murder of Yoat. Mr. Franxhn
agreed to notlly Jones to be on his guard: he
also notified Mr. Ue ad ot Turn a qua. l e were
also lo "suadow" M'l'arlatio. Wa-i at Tamaqua
at iho time of the contention. (Aug. 2.thj. 'iho
atratigement was that I was to remain nt Tam
aqua until the arrival of M'Farlane with his
men t left liowever, and never learned of the
mmder until I rureived a telegram at Haven's
llnu, M'Furl ine informed me who tho parties
wero thafwlshed Jonea shot t he gave me the
name of Alex. Campbell. Jones wus to be kill
ed at the request of the alvHou ot Monies at
storm Hill, (lie men lo come Irom the ejhenn ill
doah division. They met In tho brush near
Hliennaiidoah, but the time wasu't then fixed.
Heard of the cuntempt.ited murder of Thomas
nnd the Majors beforo they weie attempted : on
Moutlav, Mil August, met .M'l'urlnne in flout ot
ttio Mnusion I Inuso, whonco we resorted to Ulou
Onoko for cntifcultntiou. On nnr leturn wo met
Mcaeoiisii. Campbell, Phillips and others t wo
touk tho HwitchUack to Summit Hill, wbero I
lost eight of the lest, but aubBequeutlr set out
tu explore tbe neighborhood. 5icGeehnn's Ba
loon was to be opeucd Angus 1 12tli. M'Fa.'lauo
left Tsmaquu on tho tyth to go to McGeehan's,
and on his return lnfornieit me ho had got all
the particulars of the Bhootlug of Yost. This
wns ihe Monday nicer Gomer James was Bitot,
Baw Campbell with Vt'l'ailaue alter that; saw
them ut I'ottsrltle. Anr commuiiioation as to
M'rat lane's chaiacter would hare destroyed
his usetuuiess. Am n commissioned poilce-olU-cer;
mr commission is for Morlbumborlanu,
Colnmuia and Hobuyiktil counties; Mr. I'm Iter
ton employed M'l'uilane Knew film to be
such irom tbe time ho started; hla existence was
kept Becret from the police,
ueuj. Franklin Am boperlntendent of rink
et ton's Detective Force atFhiladeipbla; M'l'ar
lane has beeu , mplov ed by us since Oct., 1873 1
Capt, Linden aluue April, 1875. llecelved regu
lar leporta fruu M'Patlaue; they niehero. Ills
leporis luloiraod us of ail tbe ramifications of
tho Moltv Mauulres nrianvt-miMitfi WaItiiaut
ol all the rourdeis contemplated, lnclnoing that
of Jones, beciecywasof ihegroatost import-
hui-ci. luoa. an uruper sieps xu save joues' ma.
(Reports IdentltleiL t Hud Linden stationed at
Tamaqna and iuon atHammit Hill to waylay
tbe inuidoiersi notllled cant. Williams ami
otueisol thedangei threatening Jonta. Made
almost daily reports to Mr. Uowan. on the 1st
Hept. euteted Into communtcatiun with tbe lo
cal authorities. M'l'ailauo was specially for-
ujuuoo iu ouuiiuuuiuaiu wim auyuour except
myself or Capt. Linden,
cross-examined This renort contains the
auintuaiy of the information at tho lime.
lie direct Tne report of 17th July mentions
Jones us one uf the purtles threatened with
ue-itli. The dcleuso iieaued to redd it. which
comiuouwentin reiuse unless tuey be allowed
to givo 11 iu ovidence. Case argued at leugta.
M't'iirlauo Cuuipbo 1 is an luu-lllguut maui
tho reason ho got me to w-i Ite the letter to tho
SbeuuaudunU uivlaiun was. probably. Lhai, I
could write better tbu ue.
Chatles Wuitou. a member of tho C. and Iron
rollco. then stated that, at tlio request of Capu
Linden, ho hlnytunl Jonn F, Jones' housu for a
week or un days previous to tne assassluatiuu.
Capt. Williams Gaaided htm at tne sugges
tion ot Mr isheDO of lomuajai twumou wnrn
detanud tugjaid Juhn, 1. Junes: J waiatthe
uouse umiiis.
W, D. Zxnuer, Sunt, of tho L A W. Co., at
Lausfuiu, loriobaratus statements made by iaBt
itj.iiuiw nuiiuvu.uim. u,iu u.i ibuu unu w
t!u io tiiomiuos or wny of Lauatoid Mr.Dearn
uf Tamaqua auvlseu mo ot the danger threaten
ing Joiuei toidmohe got it nt Mr. Franklin ;
aiouceiiau uuu uuia'ia were uisL-uurguii uy mu
L. Ji V. Coal Co.
(Irnas-examiued Campbell was not in our
D.ih. 15. WhltcKiili'ht. of Tamaqua, repairs
BewMig macaiues; put in Ibis sorow it Is a sew
ing machiue screw. Two mou. one ) titan
the oilier, ooth having blacK hair and mous
laches, brought It to ine Campbell
une of the mou.
ileu. FruuKMin, cioss examined Am sure It
was Juuesthut was meant ui report of lab July,
but sti.tod Itmlnht be jcnutncs.
Jle-dlrdct Mc Linden and MTarlano to taKO
steps fur the protection ot 'Jones, lu this plucu,
on tbo 1th of A, gust. -J
Cross-examined Made the abstract from the
reports proper thoy aie here.
Mrs. Juuiea Suw M'l'urlane and CampbeU In
oompany togoiher sevoral limca ; my brother
Was lnturmeslol designs against his life, which
was ono of thu leaaonslur uouciLg persons taal
frequented CampbeliV.
Junius tiweeney Knew James M'.l'orlans as
McKenna: ho had tbe leputatiou of being a
Modyt went wltu him lo Mctieegnau's: ne
had supiior at oar house t think tt was on a
baturdsv voulng l know him about a year.
James M'i'arlauo cross examined Dld'nt see
John McShcaut thotlmoof Doyle's trial i think
I naw blm before ; he was introduced to me as
one of Keirlgaii'swituesaeaby Campoeli; learnt
what he was to testily to : toid campoeli I
ttiouaht a man that nad douo so vail ut a deed
ns aicGceghuu. ouaht to be rewarded; was'ut
at Mahunoy at the iltno ot tho ahooting or riot.
Was present at a County Convention ot Molllos
w hen the suuject of the murder ot Gomer James
was brought up. Voted to reward the murder
er. Ou mv recommendation ,ho should hare'
been paid tho reward, but am sure be dld'nt get
It, as all tha money iu the ti casary went tow
aids paring couusol lu thecssosot Doylo, Kel
ley, and Keingau xiodlrect nut ley claimed
the inward for the killing of Gomer James was
ono ot tbo committee to investigate his claim ;
knew that Ooiuer James wua to bo killed in
April '74 : the night I was st the opening ot Mo
Ueexhan'a saloou, James wjsaaaaaslimtesl. Wit
ness then lefers to the trouble at W. wnouau.
doah colliery, which, in his opinion, was'nt alto
gether cuaigeuuie UilUe Mo Iv Maguires. N ev
er hoard a( whoso IuSjuicu I wus soul io tlio
Cool iteziun-. except Mr. 1'inkoi tun's. He gave
mo ibe uecosiany instructions as to wIioji lo
repot t to Hub was subsequently so amended
mat xtiulaht personally comer with Mr. Linden.'
Kin oo tlxed umount of reward to ue paid for
,tue murder of Gomer James. .
llv jlr. Kaluius Lived once at llutfalo ;
never go lino auy trouble while theie; tola
many s, ones i ecuiotiiucs told theui I bud to
run uwxy fo, kllhng a man, otbeis I'd tell them
X was leagued with a baud of cjuuterieiters,
e.o Alwuys lued to auooinmudale myself to
the compauv I wos 111 : th moro desp"rato that
wua, tbi gi enter tbe enemies I wonid boaat of,
Capt. Linden Is then called to corrooborate M'
Failano's Bcory, At 3 p. mi ibe com. rests.
Peter Jdanelus, t .e tlrt w tness tor, the dn
fente. oilied. ouo sworn Was at Uonipbeu's on
oveuiu of 1st ot September last) John Doyle
sua , ' i were with mei Campbell wai bottling
porter I 'can't tell -what day of ihe week It wns.
Went there lo get a drink t began bottling
about 8 o'clook, Joliu Jtoyle asalstlpg--CampuiU
left the cellar several limes : can't say who
cams In peaidos Mike Oarr : lire at No. e. xlot
tled about S4 boxes i neither belonged or know
augnt ot the A. O. II After we nad finished
bottling I went home i took three drinks at tho
bar : paid lur some of. them : heard of nuother
I'at, lanelus at otorm Hill : It waa a dark
nlirht, Woboiy cimeiu wullel was at Camp,
bell's i can't say what Campbell did in the bar.
room i he wasn't out of the hutxso that evening.
Wo were buttling when Michael Carr came lu :
might haye beeu botUlxik two liouis. or longer.
Catnpboll wasn't out 3 miuntcs at any one tliuoi
It waa candle-light when I cxme in. Heard
tnat there waslsuch a society (A, o. it's.) since
the diiath of Jones? Can't tell how largo tho
'loom Is. Waa nt Campbell's wlihin a wees:
can't tell what time It was: it was after apperi
rT" ,1 ,....1 ,1 1.., iLTnlhai'i WAIlt
'uere turawljKaxid'a driux:; beatd the trial
w?;.K"f;:f,; Lt wa at NBsnnehonlnc. was at
Camuuell'a ou nlaht of first tiepk two other
were wnh met saw one man comma in, anu one
girl passing the bouse, i. stave I UitU JiH paat
fl. Boyle frtated me and- MauelnsiT, worKod
thsnlgbt ueiore i ones was snot ua u
m,Fh. ru,fArA Lost, llemalaed until lu-SJ. A
Souug wan named Carr came id while we were
"ere i left at la of li Was there once stnoa i
never apoko to anyone ol this siuoe until now i
iiever hesid ot the A. O. xl's, lloaxaed with
Mrs. .lallagher, at No. t.
Michael Carr-Wa at Campbell' on night ol
1st Rent, last i fjimlibsll, tlovlo. Dujnn, ami
Nanelus wero bottling porter. 8air a gltl
(l'.llen llrl-lini imilng througli tho room ones
or twice: Know It was on tbo night at the 1st
from the fact that 1 wonted nil next day, and
halt n day on thn day Jonos was shot.
Kllen llrlslln-Am sister-in-law of Campbell i
wonted there on 1st Sept lastt ho was bottling
porter that evening i three) men (naming them)
weio with hunt tiover saw Kerrigan nntll I hail
seen blm nt Tamnqunf he was at n ball at Camp
bell's In Oct. '74 1 on tho night of ?d Rept. saw
ncli her Kerrigan, Uoyie, nor Ko.lov there.
I'eter HhovellU Got H Dillon whl-Ker nt
Cninpbell's en theorenlngof 7d Bfnl, i.'nmo
bell gave it to tno t was tliero !' minutes past
nine: wns at McGeehan's on rugnc of tbe 1st,
Saw nel hor Campbell. Uoyie, Kellor, nor Iter
rltran there tiover tielotitml to tlio A O. It's.
Dan Malov Un.irili'dntUimpbcll's In Kept,
loot : nobidrtuoKBOpper thereon erenlng of
1st: Cuintiboll wnnt hnmet also on tho ere
nlng of thn M i anw Ketrlgnn nt Tamaviun I
never saw lilm nt Campbell's, nor Koliey nor
Doylo i saw Mol'arintie there once never tooK
nin.i b with turn rt Co uphill's t oersnns ml"ht
hire stared them without mi Knowing it was
sitting on porch on nveiiltigof SdSept: nt about
8 e'e wis retired to tbe Kitchen then, fo ben
Campbell und his wile tooK supper tot-ether:
amn miner worK nt, No. P.
A inrpo number of witnesses were called on
Wednesday and Thifiad-r. br the dot ms i. w:io
tostihd to the Rood character of Alex Camo
bull, and th t Dnyln, Kolley aud md
not sup at hlshousjnu night 2id September,
Court l'l oceeillugiii
QUXRTRn Ptssioxs.x-dom.T, Rhis Meltrlrto,
larceny. Ilondstn appear at adjonmel Court.
com vs. I'eter Mcllrlile, loohcry. htirotr
fiirfeiteil unless delendant appear nt adjourned
C mi. vs. Keal O'Dounell. assault atd jattcry
To ntljinrned Court.
Com vs. MlnmoOrtmnn. ToatUnnroedCnnrt.
Oiti-IIANS' Cuuur Juiib2I -InmitteroIMIier.
lfTs snle of rent estate of Fred. Kmra. Acdltloti
al exceptions filed.
b.hbIi A. Meitx vs. Struthcrs A Mertz. Itule
on gauiishee.
James W. Uebcrllug vs. Charles Hummel, do
feiulant. anil Alex. Iiooluson, garnlshea. llule
on garnishee to answer.
Auditor's report In matter ol Sheriff sale of
O. U. lthoatR Bxreptlons filed.
1'elltlnuof Fayette K Hcrfasi tot benefltof
Act of 8tl April. 1872, as femme tvlr. trader. Filed.
Geo. W. Dairh vs. John Hawk, ltnle on de
fendent to plead.
James w licbcrllng vs. Charles Ilnmmel.
Answer med.
Isaac Smith vs. Com. of Carbon County, llulo
on Com to snow csuso why mandamus shoold
not be grnntod
Justice II Miller vs. Samuel Moore defend,
out. uud tho Cat bon 11. ubd L. Asso. guardian.
Kule ou garnishee.
Chas. Fsga va Sum, Moore defendant, and tho
Carbon n. and I,. Abso. Hale on plaintiff
Wm Hcnanciis vs. O. II. Blater, surviving
partner, o(o Itule to plead, etc.
Hy; Arnold vs. a. II. Sinter. Ilnle to plead.
Joslah Hhnpp vs. G. II. blater. etc Itulsto
N. Berfass vs. G. II. Slater. Itule to plead.
For Cnsli Only I
Klstler 4 Boyer. of MUlpqrt, Carbon Co. V.,
respectfully annonnee to their customers and
friends, that on and after July 1st, 1875 ther
will sell for CASH Only and that they have in
consequence marked down the price of goods
from IU to IS per cent. Their stuck comprises a
full lino of the latest styles of Dies looiR and
a fad line of Dry Good. , Groceries, Provisions,
Qncenswaio. Ac. to which thoy invite tho at.
tentlon of the neoolo In irenernl. l'AtroniKA
home trade I
A Homo aud A Fortnno.
The Kansas Lnml and Asaocl
Hon, with a Capital Block ot ll.'ioo.tsTO. charter
ed br the State of Kaosas, a most laudable en
terprise, started In our city for I he nromotion of
Immigration br the free distribution to ihe
share holders of the Association of 1770,000 in
cash and some of onr most choice and valuable
real estate, farms, brtok blocks, residences. Ao..
Is meeting with nupreeeoented success. From
every section of tho country orders for shares
or tickets are coming thick and fast The In
dnrements ofreied are nnparallelled There
wlllbenoponfxmemenf. The drawing anddts
trli.ntion of tho prizes will take place positively
August 23. f87S. or the moner will be returned
in full. The managers of this enterprlze are
gentlemen ot undoubted lntegrltr, honestr. np
lightness und abilltv to do atiaiIv whnt. thav
say. They ore gentlemen who are prominent
In onr state, and whose pnblio and pr'vato
character aie beyond even suspicion, and tho
luouaKciuuiii. ui una Binpenaous aifliriDuuon
Will be condncted with sn lTniiftrllnllt.v that.ran.
not nnd will not be disputed.
xuo Aionison iionra et'rraae compose! of oil
tho leading business men of our a recent
meetinir. unanlmonslv adontna the, roiinwin
endorsement i
, Knowing tne several perBonscomposlng the
' Kansas Land and Immigrant Association' we
cordially endorse thorn as arentlemen of honestr
and lntegrltr, and reoommend their enterprise
as worthy tho support of tbe public"
Every ticket bolder will bo fairly represented
at tbe drawing. Fnce of the shares or tickets
ai e put at the low price of ti each. Parties de
siring a more particular, description of this
meritorious enterprise, inducement offered.
terms to Airents. special nfler tn idnhs nnn n ir.
chases of two or more sharea, manner of draw
ing, reierences. jto., seno iieir address to 8. M.
Stnckler. Secretary, Atchison Kansas, and
thoy will hare mailed them free an elegant f onr
pago Illustrated paper " The Kansas Immi
grant" describing tie enterprise and the ad
vantages and resources of Kansas, Ac. Heml
lor it. From tho A tchlson. Kan.. Dotty fulrlof.
A balloon ascension will take place
from O'Nell's ice cream saloon, on the
night of tho 4th. Be there to see.
Molasses syrup at Tllrihman Ar
tier's, late D. Bock & Co., at 13 1-2 cts
'per quart. Try it.
KIsTLETt-HANDWEMK. On the Jd nlt..
br llov. A Bartholomew, Wm. VKistlor and
Miss Hettv HandwerK, both of Heidelberg
twp.. Lehlgn county.
21th ult.. by the same, Wm. 11. Bennlnghoff, ot
Heidelberg twp., Lehigh county, and Misa Ade
line Hoffman, of Kast l'enn twp., Cai boa ce.
80TIAEFEtt.-On the 9th ult.. in PnrryvtIR
David James, sou of Solomon and Catbarina
Scbaefer. aged 2 Tears and 27 days.
HTHOHU On the 12th nit.. In xower Towa
menstng, KUzsbetli, wife of Peter StrobL aged
78 years nnd 8 montlis. V
Special " Notices.
E. P. Eunkcl'D Bitter Wine of Iron
has never been known to fall In the core of
weakness, attended with symotoma t Indisposi
tion to exertion, loss ot memory, diCBcnlty of
breathing, general weakness, horror ot disease,
weak, i errous trembllug. dreidful horror of
death, night nweala cold feet weakness, dim.
ness ot vision, languor, universal lassitude of
toe muscular system, sppetlte with dyapontlo
symptomshot hands, fLtahink of tne bo iv, dry
ness of the skin, pallid countenance and eru3
t ons on tho face, purtfi tug Uo olood, pain in
tbo back, heaviness nt the eyelMa. frequent
black Boots flying before the eyes with tempor
ary suliaslou and loss o sight, wantifatteu
tlon, etc The-e svmptoms all an4 trniii a
weaknea and to remedy tl at use xl. F. KUNK
EL's Dltter Wine of Iron. It never tans. Thou,
asnds ire now enlo log health who have used
It, Take only K. V. KUSKKL'S.
Uewaro ol counterfeits and base Imitations.
As Knnkel'i llliter Wlno ot Iron is so well
known all over Ibe counuy, ornggists them
selves make au imitation anil try to pa. m It off
on their customers, when they call for K. F,
Knakel's xlltter Wine ut Iron,
Kuukel's Hitter Wine ot Iron Is put up only
lnl bottles, und has a yellow wrapper nicely
put on tue optalde with the proprietor pho o
araphon the wrapper ol each ootus. Alw.irs
look for tbe pbotogiaph on the outjarae, and you
will elwaya be ure to get thegeutilne. II per
bottle or 8 for ii Sold uy DruggUti and Deal
ers, everywhere.
All Wo i ins Removed Allro.
E. F- KUSKKL's Worm Svrap' never falls to
destroy lln. Heat, nd Huuuaob wet ins, Di.
Kankel. the only tucoessful Phyalclsn who re
mores Tape worm In two hours, alive with
bead, aud uoleeuuUllonioveu. Commou sense
teaunes if' tape worm bo removed all o.tier
worms can be readilv destroyed. 'Send lor cir
cular lo Dr. Kunkel No. 24U north tth street.
Philadelphia. Va., or oxil ou vour drDgglat. and
ask fur a bottle of Knukel's worm Brrup. Prise
IIbto. It never falls. June 10-1 ui
SAND Ala WOOD poaseaMis much greater
pow.r In rsktorink to a healthy stats the uiu
cos membrane of the urethra than either Cubebs
or I'onaioa. It never produces sickness. Is cer
tain aud speedy tu IU action. It is last aupex-
seding every other remedy. Blxtv opuioa
cure in six or eight dav. lo other uiedicluo
can do tut.
Hondas Dick A Co.'s Soft Ca OS ales contalulng
OU of Usudalwouo. sold at all Drug store Ask
for vlreular, or send to ai and SI wooster street,
jisw York, lor one , spM mil
TTTllAT 'tK!i OKfi ra WILL DO Flo
W tares, StaUonery. JtWeUy, Ac. -moat
TV (rtteusway. Circulars sent Ireo 11. J,
KUltTi 407 Canal Street, (1st Ward). PhUa,