The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 27, 1876, Image 3

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    WOclcty Meeting!.
Iimxtro qmtli. No. , A. o. x. or ins Hi o.
Sudani 4th Moaatrot ieh niontB, InBj.
txr-a niu I.ebtglitn, at TiM i oock r. a.
H. V. Morthnaer, M.CnMl rjllnau,
f. K. B. B.
OHiDis'lltfmK ixtno. No.SsS, l.O. q. .
meeterrT Tuesday evening, at 8 0-eloek,
In ilaMi'i Hall. Joseph Relgel. 4. O. 1 N.
0. neber, secretary.
ono roc Tbibe. No. ITt, Imp. O, II. M meet
on Wedneeday.erennig. nl ncn week, at T;M
celoek.-tn Fnblle Mhnol Hull, WHssetirt
r. p. F, Hlckert, 8. H n. ailham. u. ot ft
tmBt0K Loral, Net Mi K, of P., meet
1 en Friday evenings, I Ueber'a Hill, at 7-Jtp
if o'clock. Arch. Dick, C.C, T. II. Jlllcllff, K.
f ot R. end s.
ArtvcrtiRlng Ilntcs.
Vft dtr it to be distinctly understood tint
He dvertlseiorntwlll be Inserted In the col
nrai'net THfiOinaoit that mnybe
e wired from nnknown partie or Anne unless
aicnmpimiea with toe Vita. The following are
nr OXLY terms.
Adveitlseraentstor 1 reir, per loch eeeh
Insertion 10 Ct-
Hli Mouths, per Inch each Insertion nets.
Three Month. " ' a Cta.
- Less than three months, first lnior-
tlon tl. each, subsequent Insertion XJCte.
Local notices 10 eenta ter line.
It. V MOnTJlIUEn,Pnbllaher.
n. bikwkiib,
Ornce. No. t, Mansion Uonao,
Bettllnc Katatee. HUnt Aocoanta and Orphana
Co-irt Practice ft sieiittr.
Trial of. Cane carefully attended to. Legal
Uransaetlone In Knglieh end German, Jau .
Local and PersonaL
iar,Partle8 receiving the Advocate
with it "cross marked after their nnmcs
Trill please remit the amount duo for
Subscription, or the extra 50 cents will
be added to pay the oxpensei of collet;-
Read Nusbaums new ndvorttse
nient In another column.
Leave your measure with Latiry A
Peters, If you would look nice.
The "fits" given nt Laury &
Peters', are unsurpassed by any other
house In the county.
C. W-. Lentr, Central Drag store,
Leuckel's building, Is the placo tn find
the choicest 5 cent cigar In town.
Centennial Guides and Jules
Vernes' " Mysterious Island," 1st and
2nd Nos., for sale nt P. T. Brady's.
The spring suits being gotten up by
Laury A Peters, are fashionable and
neat, whllothe price Is within the reach
of all.
If yru want a nice glove go to T.
D. Gauss' and select from his new and
.elegant stock of kid and Lisle thtead
gloves, Just opened.
A large lot of Centennial baby car
riages Just received and for sal" very
cheap lorcash'atF. P.Senimel's Hard
ware (tore, Lehlghton, Pa.
Just so. The ready made linen
dresses for ladies at K. II. Snyder's aro
the handsomest and most atyllth article
In the market. They range In price
from (2.50 upwards. Ladies, call and
tee them.
T. D. Clauss has Just returned
from the city with a beautiful stock of
Centennial and other styles of neck
ties. Also, a full stock of gent's fur
nishing; eoods of the choicest aualltv.
Call and see them.
Wall paper reduced from 12 t-8
ents to 11 cents per piece, which mutt
be sold off within 30 days, In order
to make room for new goods, also,
match border at 15 cents per piece, at
Lentt's drug store, Leuckel's build I nz.
Paper hanging, painting and glaz-i1
Ing neatly done by Ed. Klsenhowcrfl
'Orders .left at the post-office, Lehigh
ton, Pa., will receive prompt attention.
Charges very moderate and satisfaction
guaranteed. (24)
J. W; O'Nell, at the Lehlghton
Bakery, has newly and tastily fitted up
Ills ice cream saloon and opened up bis
soda fountain, and is now prepared to
supply our citliens with the finest fla
vori of Ice cream and soda water day
and evening.
Dr. FtTixEU'8 Brbuuatic Remedy
euros rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous
and kidney diseases. Da. Fiyiler's
Pectobal Srucr, Infallible for coughs,
eolds and bronchitis. Dtt. Fittlbb s
Cordial, Calisaya, Linimknt and
Vegetable Liter Pills sold by C
W. Lentx.-sole agent for Lehlghton and
Welssport. 2-1 y
3. K. Rlckerthas still a few of those
eligible lots In Rlckcrtstown to dispose
of. If you feel like securing a good
home call and see Jilm He Is also sup
plying flour.feed, lumber and coal at the
'Jowest rates.
Head Qnartern for Boots, Shoes
and Rubbers. Messrs. Lanry & Pe
ters are now receiving and offering for
sale one of the largest and best select
.d stocks 'of mens' kip and calf boots,
women' and children's gaiters, shoes
and sllppern ever brought into Lehigh
4on, at prices which defy competition.
Komember, If you v.nt to buy cheap
for cash, now Is the time, and Laury &
Peters' the place i
ISO cash will buy a silver mounted
$85 Wheeler A Wilsoa Sewing Machine.
Jf yoa wan ' t call at the Advocate
office right off I
T. D. Gauss has Just returned front
the city .with a beautiful assortment
-of clotbs. casslmeroaand vestlngs, which
lie Is now making up at prices tar
below any other house in the Valley,
-while the style of fit and workmanship
is unsurpassed. Call and see hie goods
before you (purchase elsewfcere. There
is no charge for showing goods. Also,
foil. line -of ladles' arid gentlemen's
LaurrJs Peters, the merchant tall
rt,eell tbe attention of their customers
and the' public in general, to the fact
.that tbev have reeentlv purchased the
xlght for Loblghtoli and Welsspori to
stake up tbe patent rubber bottoms (or
janiaieons, one orxoe cam arrasee
Dents for keeping tbe bottoms of the
pants 1b proper shape ever introduced
d. They have need It for the past X
RjoniaaaDcuna 11 mgire enure uui
taction. .n
Our hills have put on their summer
Bcrantou Is afflicted with the small
pox. New goods .at E. H. Snyder's
cheaper than ever.
Potato bugs are now busy chewing
up tomato plauts In thu absence ot po
Black alpacas a specialty nt the
Uee Hive Store ol Daniel Graver.
Now U the time to see young wen
running around with their heads sand
papered. Tuesday last we observed quite a
number of M such Giuukers 1 'shopping'
In this borough.
If you want' cheap and stylish
drets goods, go to E. II. Snyder's.
The Spring Mountain Coal Co. an
nounces a senil-aiinual dividend ot 4
per cent., payable June 10th,
The financial statement of the First
National Dank, of Lehlghton, will bo
found In nnotlier column.
Elegant black silks at from 00
cents per yard, at E. II, Snyder's.
Kill off your potato bugs with Paris
green, for sale nt Lenti's drug store,
Leuckel's building.
A new and handaome stock of car
pels Just received at the Bee Hive Store
of Daniel Qravcr. I
The Lehigh Col and Navigation
Company annouixeiUlie uual quarter
ly dividend of two per cent, or (1 per
share, payable 011 the 8d of June.
Astonishing1 Fact J Best white
slillU worth (2.50 sold nt $1.50, at the
Wieap cash sturu of J. T. Nusbaum Ss
Son. Perfect fit guaranteed.
Job printing, of very description,
at the Carbon Al vocate
er than Rt any other establishment In
the Lehigh Valley.
Evangelical Association. Services
to morrow (Sunday), nt 10 a. in., In
the German language, aud at 7.30 p.m.
In English, In the new church nt the
corner of South and Third street. Bev.
J. C. Bllein, pastor.
Levi Stein, 0110 of the Jurors In the
Tost murder case at Pottsvllle, died on
Weilnesrlay night, of pneumonia. His
death will caiiMi a new trial, which can
not take place before July next.
Calicoes at from 5 cents per yard
upwards, at Daniel Graver's liee Hive
Store, next door to the First Nattoual
Dress, used with taste nnd Judg
ment, .enhances beauty. Ladles, you
will find both taste and Judgment dis
played In the "Domestic Fashions."
5Tou can drive caterpillars from
npple ttees In less than thirty-six hours
by plugging sulphur In the body, which
taints the sap aud makes the leaves dis
tasteful. The marriage of A. N. Cleaver,
manager for G. B Llnderman & Co.,
and Miss Lizzie K., daughter of R. II.
Sayre, Kiq., Supt. L. V. Kailroad, Is
announce J for June 1st, In the cnurch
or the Nativity, South Bethlehem.
The Bethlehem Iron Company the
other day shipped twenty car loads of
steel rails via the Lehigh Valley Kail
road. The steel department of the Co's.
Works Is now kept In operation on full
" Ma, does pa kiss tho cat 7"
"Why, no, my son. What In the naino
of goodness put that In your head?"
"Cos when pa came down stairs this
morning he klnsed Sarah In the hallway
and said, 'That's better tlmn kissing
that old cat up stairs, nln't It, Sarah 7"
The feelings of the old lady were sooth
ed by papa's hiring one of David Kb-
tcrt' handsome teaits, ana taking tier
I for a ride up the Mohonlug Valley.
W- Tilghman Walp.of Welssport, while
.. 1,i.. An-U n t...i.. .
Monday alternoon last, was caught be
tween the bumbers, and received n
considerable bruise on his thigh. He
is under the treatment of Dr. J, G.
A large number of tho bogus $5
notes of the Merchants' National Bank
of New Bedford, Mass., have been set
atloat In the Valley within the last four
wteks. inoy ate well gotten up ana
calculated to deceive the unwary.
Society gossips nave It that Mr. W.
H. Horn and Miss Llzzto Hunt, of
Catasauqua,and a son of Dr. Guernsey,
of Philadelphia, and Mis Gertie
Thomas, of Hokendauqua, will be mar
ried shortly.
Lehigh Valley railroad 6tock can
now be purchased for $57 and (58 a
sliare,a decrease of several dollars 1'roin
Uie prico ot a fortnight ago. Lehigh
Coal and Navigation stock Is quoted at
-All dealers In liquor, tobacco and
cigars who fall to make application
and to pay their Revenue Licenses on
or before the 30th day of May, will be
compelled to pay tbe penalty of fifty
per cent, bucn are the orders from the
District Collector.
Bev. W. A. Schaffer, pastor of
Christ Cbuich, Easton, has been se
lected to deliver the annual address at
the commencement of the Lutheran
theological seminary in Philadelphia.
On Tuesday evedlng of last week
Mrs. James Gillespie ftdl down a flight
of stairs In ner residence at Catasauoua,
and broke one of her arms.
Tbe Crane Iron Company are at
present engaged In filling up No. 1 fur
nace preparatory to blowing In. -No. 4
furnace will also be ready to blow in by
about the middle ot June.
Tuesday next will be Decoration
day. We hear of no arrangements
having been made to decorate the graves
of deceased soldiers burled In the ceme
teries in this place. How is this 7
Five wteks and then we will have
tbe Fourth of July. What are our
citizens going to do about It ? 6hall we
celebrate at home or let our citizens
take their spare change to enrich ofher
towns 7 Better wake up now,and make
your preparations for a glorious celebra
tion of tbe Centennial Fourth.
dir. Jos. Obert Is putting down a
very substantial Hag side walk along
tbe front of bis lot on tbe lower side of
Bank street. What Joseph does, be al
ways does well. Who follows suit in
tbesldewalk tins 7
The dedication services nt the
Evangelical church on Sunday last
were of a highly Interesting character.
Tim subscription at the morning and
afternoon services, we learn, amounted
to a sum sufficient to liquidate thetlebt.
Right 1
-Knock 'mil quick! '-000
pounds of Paris Green, the best tiling
KiitAvn for the destruction of the Po
tato hug, nnd a very large stock of In
sect Powder, for destioying worms nnd
other Insects on gooseberry and currant
bushes nnd nil kind nf plalits.con bo had
at A. J. Durling's popular drug store,
Bank Street, Lehluhton.
Messrs Koch & Brothers, formerly
of Allentowu, have opened a cigar
manufactory aud a retail cigar and to
bacco store, In the room formerly oc
cupied by F. P. Semmel as a hardware
store. Parties dcSlrltig ntiytlihig In
their line should give thoui a cnll.
Tuesday next, 80th Inst., being n
legal holiday the, banks will be closed,
Daniel Hcberllng, we aro sorry to
state, Is confined to his bed by a very
serious nttnek of sickness.
John Bartholomew, who had the
misfortune to loose a leg n few weeks
ago, was reported to bo very low on
Friday morning.
Metuchen Tilbe, Imp. O. of II. M.,
meets this (Saturday) evening, at 7 80
That Jolly tar, M. M. Fenner.Esq.,
formerly of Welssport, who U now so
journing In thn West, raid his old
home a (lying visit this week. He re
ports himself ns getting along lovely.
Pressure of Important business compel
led li I m to make his stay very brief,
much to thu regret of his numerous
New goods, In great vnrlety, Just
received nt the Uee llivo S'oro of Dan.
Graver, next to First National Bank.
Edward O'Donnell, alias " Scotch
Neddie," whom our readers will re
member wna shot nt Bugtown, near
Tamaqua, on the 22(1 of April, whllo
engaged In shaving himself, died Inst
Monday from the effects of Ills wound.
At the time it was thought that O'Don
nell would recover, ns the ball had
glauced from his skull without fractur
ing it, as wns then supposed ; but at
tlie post mortem which was held upon
his body by Dr. Solllday, of Tnuiaqua,
the fact was developed that tho bullet
had fractured his skull, aud that an abs
cess had formed, from which death re
Jlnuch Chunk Items.
- The Lehigh and Wllkesbarre Conl
Company's employees were paid yester
day. E. Mi-ll Boyle, of tho Coal Gazotto,
who returned from Philadelphia on
Tuesday last, again fills the editorial
chair of that paper.
A week or so ago Hon. John Low
ering nnd family, hinging for an exten
sive carriage.ridn oidered their Jehu to
drivo them to Philadelphia, whloh he
did In two days.
A very tasty sign, painted by
Luekentmch & Bvntzeir, now I nf 01 ins
the wayfaring man what substantial
may be obtained nt the Brighton Houie
on Susquehnnna street.
Messrs. Kalbfus and Mulhenrii will
conduct the defence of the quli tette.
accused of the murder ot F. W. S.
Lanudon, who was killed at Audenricd
In June, 1802.
" A "mtiscalango'" raught with a
silver hook by Mr. Lafayette InU
along tho bliores nf the S'. La wren eft,
was last Saturday, on exhibition nt tho
'American." It measured 4 feet In
length, aud weighed 30 3-4 lbs.
Mr. O. M. Ebert, the popular
Broadway druggist, has a party of mb
chanlcs nt work altering the exterior of
his premises, tho replacing of the pres
ent by a glass Iront being tho principal
change contemplated.
A general raid against unlicensed
peddlars Is being cor.temDlated by the
various local authorities in this neigh
borhood. That cass of Itinerant miscre
ants had better give Mauch Chunk,
East and Uppir Mauch Chunk a wide
Mr. Lewis Arnibruster Is re-roof-Ing
his premlcs on Susquehanna street.
Whethr a French -Mansard or some
other nondescript sort of a root is to
take the place of the old one, has not
yet transpired.
Fred. Wagner's (late proprietor of
the European Hotel) goods and chat
ties were yesterday forenoon disposed
of at Sheriff's sale, and while things of
real value brought from 1-0 to 1-4 of
wbnt they were worth, "trash" sold at
comparatively good prices.
The programme for Decoration
Day, which will be published by both
Mauch Chunk papers, does not vary
materially from lost year's, except that
Fred. Bertolette, Esq., will deliver the
oration, and the Rev. Edsall Ferrler is
to conduct tbe religious exercises,
Mr. Sam. Ilel.ler, of the "Colum
bia" claims to have caught 724 trout
since the opening ot the r-eaon. A
week ago he had the extraordinary
luck of .catching 203 In one day, nnd
for several days thereafter "Forollen"
were plenty at tbo Columbia House.
Travel over the Switch Back rall
roan was resumed on Monday the 22d
Inst. Mrs. Cbas. Albright, Rev. Vin
cent, wife and child, and Messrs. Gra
ham, Hunter, and Scott, occupying the
first car that passed over' tbe road dp
the opening day of tbo season.
The remains of Mr. Aaron Brelsch.,
who died at White Haven on Saturday
of last week, were, on Wednesday,con
signed to their last resting' place In the
Upper Mauch Chunk cemetery, on
which occasion the Masonic brother
hood were largely represented.
A "CaraD Fire" held under the au
spices ot Cliapman Post, G. A. R-, of.
mis piaoe, on baiurusy evening si
ilhoad's Hall, was well attended, and
a good time had generally- Speeches
were made during the evening by
Messrs. Albright, Ctaig, Klotz and
Kalbfus, and between these tbe fine
muslo of tbe Phcsnlx Cornet Band, the
eatlug of "bean soup." etc.. a merry
evening was enjoyed by ail in attend
The "Molly" clinse still continues,
five additional arrests having been made
during Monday nlgl.t.of parties accused
of having murdered one F. W. S.
Langdon, a mine bo, nt Audeurlod,
In June. 1872, They were brouglrt
here on Tuesday morning by a detail of
Coil and Iron pollco and committed by
'Squire Yeagcr. Thev are John Camp
bell of Harlelgh, Michael Kelioe of
Mnhoiioy City, Edwnrd McGeu of
Freuchtonn, Mlehnel McGeo of Nnntl
coke, nnd Nenl Dougherty of Tuscaro
ra, olllerr Grim, to whom praise la ilnn
for working up Hie rase, being the one
'who preferred the charges.
Mr. Sam. B. Hutchinson, a well
known former resident of this place,
now of Gold Hill, Nevadn Territory,
Is visiting utnong friends here since
Monday. Tuesday the Phoenix Cornet
Band serenaded him, In acknowledg
ment of which ciniipllmeut Mr. 11.
presented thu serenadeis n "solid" tok
en of his nppreclatiou. Mr. Hutchin
son reports favorably concerning Iho
slnto of a flairs beyond the Itocky
There were no less limn two acci
dents on Monday Inst along tho line of
the L. V It. It. One occurred near
White Haven, where No. 7 clown pas
senger ran Into the rear end of a crave!
train, resulting In considerable ilamnge
to l.lie locomotive nnd one of the passen
ger coaches, whllo the other happened
on the Benver Meadow Branch, and re
sulted In a general smash up of coal
cars. Happily no ono wos seriously
East Mauch Chunk.
The erection of a house of worship
has been decided upon by the German
Reformed and Lutheran congregations
or tills place.
An diction for officers of the Ever
green Cemetery Association, to serve
tlHi ensuing yenr, Is to bo Held onftatur
day the 3d of June.
1'iddler and Company's sash fac
tory is 110 more, it having mysteriously
caught fire Monday nfternoou, and ere
nignt nau went up in "smoke " Am
ount of Insurance not known, nut siip
pned to be about (5,000. As the fnc
tory had not been running for some
mouths, and was closed incendiarism
was most undoubtedly nt the bottom of
the nunir.
It having beon demonstrated that
our water supply Is Insufficient In cases
of emergency, the feeling In fnvot of
the construction of suitable watc
works is daily gaining strength.
Mr. F. S, Hasclee, General Agent
of the 1'ottsvillu Mutual ins. Co., was
In town yesterday to adjust that com
pany s liability towards the loss sus
tained by Fiddler & Company. The
".Mutual" is ono of Air. A. II, room
favorite companies, as they, according
to his statement(nnd he ought to know)
always pays promptly.
111? Creek Items.
The potato bugs have appeared in
qultttjarue numbers and hate begun
their work of destruction on early plant
ed potatoes.
We have had several aulte .cool
nights frosts, but only in a mild
form, and consequently fruit has suffer
ed nothing therefrom.
The repent heavy rains donn enn-
sldernblo damagu to n numbers of our
farineis fields were badly washed.
Much of thu corn hns been washed
away by the recent heavy rains, and
consequently has to be replnnteu.
Mr. Thos. Howard, of this place,
lost a glove between Nathan Snyder's
and the post-oulce. The finder will
please leave It nt Nathan Snyder's.
No Singing school at Solt's this
Saturday evening ; it has been postpon
ed until Saturday evening, June 3d, nt
p. .111. rieaso near in mind.
A child of Mr. Thomas Solt died
tkls week, and was Interred at Weiss-
port on Thursday at 1 p. m.
Ad Infant of John Frlizlnger died
on Monday morning of this week, nnd
was burled at Welssport on Wednesday
There will be Sabbath School at
Finn Run, on Sunday afternoon, at
o'clock p. in. Revere.
Big Creek, May 20, 1870.
JSxploslon of Fire Damp.
An explosion ot fire damp occurred Saturday
forenoon at tho Uxlord olr-shalt ot the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western ilallro id Co,
stcrantnn. hy winch one man was killed instant-
17 ana lour wcri eenoaaiy ecorcaoa ana oiaer.
wise Injured. Tho oidIihIou v.i cansod bv nn
accumulation of pua in tlie lower vein comlnc
in contact with amlner'a limp at a deptb of
four hundred feet from tbe aurmce, and Imme
diately under the. air eliilt. When tho accident
occuiied funr men were closo to whero Urn gas
via confined, and these were Darned terrluiy.
Tl.o uliock was felt for a diatsnce of a mile
around. The mi on catching fire rushod no the
shalt with n roar, tearing the steam pipes in Its
courso and completely shalteilne tnn heavy
timbers of tho tower auove ground, and scatter.
Ing ihtm In all directions. A man named raff,
employed at tbe month ot the shaft when the
accident ocenrred, had Just steeped Into tbe
nncket a second before tl e ahocic. le woa fluni;
high la the air, anil then descended down the
bwiui aepiu ox lour numirca it-ei laio iae mine.
wuere ne woe nieraiiy smaenea u pieces.
Ilnbeni Corpus,
Friday morning ot last week, the Judges on
nonncoa their decision in the habeaa corpus
cases of Kcboe, Gibbons, Donnelly, Morns.
Canning. Butler. O'Brien, O'Neill, Mcllua-h
and Uolon beurd Inst Tuesdivaweek in B' bayl
kill county Com t at Pottvnlle. The disposition
nf nh rjixe la nn lollowsi
Mlcnael Lawlor. charted with belnc accessory
before the tnct to the murder of Qomer James,
aud with the murder of taaLo-er and Uren Re
manded without bail.
John Kehoe, charged with being aoceseory be
fore luo laci 10 wo biiudk wi uumor .UUH, cuu
eplracy to murder Win. M. Thomas and conipt
racy to murder Wm Msjor and Jesse Major.
ll.miniiM wllhnnt ball.
Julia Gibbons, axcessory before the fact to the
murder of Qomer James, and consuiracy to kill
Wm. w. inoutas. ii-caauuuu ruuuut uau.
nnristonher DonncUr. conanlraor to kill Wm
U. Tnomas. conspiracy to murder Wm and
Jesse Major and occessory after the faot to tbe
m urn tr 01 uoiacr jauiw,uMi iuum mu, u
-John Moms, oonsptraer to kill Wm. M.
Thomas. Uall repaired with eataolent sureties
'"penuiLF Cannlng.oonsplracy to kill Wm. and.
Jease ai.ior. oonspiraov to inuxuer wiu. m.
Thom. Arli. ilti ml Li 1 ball with aurenea In M.0CO
1'strick liutler. accessory after tbe tact to tbe
tnnrderot Comer James, and conspiracy to kill
Wm. and Jease Major. Admitted to bail with
sufficient auretlea In 48.601.
Mmh.,1 iiflnnii. rnniiniraAr La kill Wm. and
Jess Msjor. conaptraoy to kill Wm. it. Thomas
and accessory alter tao toot to the murder of
UvmerJatnea. Admitted to ball with autflctent
nreilea in tl OOu. ..........
rrankO'NeUi accessory alter the tact to the
murder of uomer James. Admitted to bail with
snmoient sureties in ..
irink Uolinih. oonaniraaT to kill Wm and
Jeise Major, and oooapirsoy to kill Wio. M.
Tbomaa. Admitted to tall in Kpco.
Vsnlek Uolon. nr., accessory ftiet the fact to
tbe mnriler of Gom(X Jamea. Admitted to ball
with sufficient sureties in ftioa
For the OAimoN advocats.
On last Sunday the 21st of May, Hie
Kbeneter church, of Lehlghton, "F.vnn
frellea! Association," was solemnly
dedicated, Indue form, to the' worship
of tho triune God. The weather was
favornbln for the occasion and grreeted
the many nunlous hearts with the
smiles of n lovely May.
The structure Is a solid and neat
building of stone nnd brbk, C5xB9 ft,
wiin nn niditiouni and ornamental ves-
tlbulo 7x0 ft., which protects tho en.
trauco on tho north side from tho in
clemency of tho weather. The lecture
renin on the first floor Is 85x DO ft., eti
tranre on the south side. It Is neatly
wainscoted nnd oak grained, nnd thn
snowy whlto walls, beautifully embel
lished with anprnprlatr iiiemunlof, nnd
a black-board for Sunday school exer
cises. Thu main hall Is (I x:JS rt., and
20 ft. In hlght, decorated with two
argo chandeliers with six lights eaeh,
nnd two (Inutile side brackets nt the
pulpit, back of tlio sncred de.'k ; the
fullowlug superscriptions uie neatly
xeciited with ornamental chnraeters in
Oerman and Kngllsh text, "God Is
love," "Holiness to the Lord" which
Isphasant to the eye and impressive
to tlie h-tirt.
Early in tlie morning of that great
day of the feast, the Sunday school as
sembled In the new chuich, to iinid the
first exercises, under the supervision
of 111. B, liomlg, Sunt. It was n
pleaaut tight and highly appreciated
by the genial superintendent, iiastoi.
teachers ami nil present, to meet for
the Drat time In the newly elected tnli-
ernacle of tho Lord : "for the sparrow
hntli found n house, nnd the swallow n
nest for herself, wl.ero she may lay her
young, even thine altars, O Lord of
hosts, my King nnd my God."
inn morning sermon was eloquently
nnd Impressively delivered by Bishop
T. Bowman, In the German language, to
a largo and appreciative audience, from
tbe text, Rev. 21; 8, "Behold thetaber-
nacle of uou is with men." After the
sermon the financial condition of the
church wns stated by tho'Bishop, who
appealed to the congregation to llqul
date tho remaining encumbrance of
twelve hundred dollars, aud before the
audience was dismissed about soven
hundred dollars wero provided for.wlth
comparatively little effort.
At 2:3U p. m., tho spacious hall was
again filled with nn Interested audi
ence, nddltionnl seats had to be provid
ed to nccommodate the Ihrorg. The
I'residlng Elder, Solomon N el 17, preach
ed a powertul and Impressive sermon,
In the German language from 2d Chron
icles 041, "Now therefore arise, O,
Lord God, Into thy resting place, thou
nnd the ark of thy strength ; let thy
pilests, O, Lord God, be clothed In snl-
vntion, nnd let thy saints rejoice In
goodness ;" which was highly appreci
ated, nnd hli eloquent and oratorical
style was very much admired ; after
which, a few remarks bj the Bishop
were made in tbe Kngllsh language,
nnd he once more called the attention
of tho congregation to the necessity and
propriety ol adjusting the entire enuura
brnnce, before tho dedication could
properly take place, and in a short time
tho debt was provided for by collections
and subscriptions, with cheerful hearts
nnd smiling faces. It seemed as If
everybody was pleased with tho suc
cess. The preachers of the Evangelical
Association, who added considerably to
tht'AUccessand participated klndlyin the
exercises, on tlie occasion, were
I Yeakel, ot Mauch Chunk ; J K.
Knerr, of Welssport, and S. Breyfogel,
of Parryvlllo. Rev. J. Carrinston,
minister of tho rresbyterlan church, of
Lehlghton, had kindly suspended his
scvlces, nnd participated' In the exer
cises the entire day ; also Rev. L.
Brown, of the M. K. church, of this
placo, was present in the afternoon.
and manifested an Interest in the pros
prosperity of the Lord's cause.
Notwithstanding the threatening
showers in the evening tbe church was
occupied to its full capacity, to hear the
English sermon to be preached by the
Bishop. At the opening of the evening
vxercUes the various gifts bestowed to
the church were'kindly acknowledged,
and the sincere thanks of the members
feelingly expressed, and gratitude ren
dered to thu generous donors by the
Bishop, after which tlie dedication prop
er was performed by tho officiating
Bishop, and the dedicatory prayer of
fered by thn pastor, Rev. J. C. Bllern.
The sermon delivered from Psalm BO r
1516, was an efficient, Impressive and
appropriate one, and edifying to all.
After the sermon, Rev. i. Carringtou
offered the communion prayer with
considerable zeal and unction ; after
which the dying agonies and sufferings
of our Lord Jesus Christ wns solemnly
celebrated by the congregation, compos
ed of believers from different persua
blons. In conclusion the spirited hymn
"All hail the power of Jesus' name"
was sung twice by tho congregation,
with a whole-soul volition of heart. Tbe.
benediction was pronounced by the
Bishop and the congregation dismissed.
Every ono seemed to have been pleased
with tho result, and happy on their
way rejoicing for wbat tbe Lord had
done. Thus closed a great day of suc
cess, long to be remembered. J.c.n.
Lehlghton, May 24, 1870.
Card ot Thanks.
The nnaer.lgned dss're to retarn their thanks
to the iiiends who so kindly sympathized with
ns In our late bereavement, and to Mrs. Kopert
for tbe bcMtitol floral wreath, Mrs. Thomas
Kerne-er tor flowers, &&, to adorn the body ot
our departed too.
Moaw Bsnsio.
' Ioisa hxbmo).
LehUhton, MsyM. 1176.
Bntolde tn Raston.
John D. blsgman, a member ot the firm of
John D. aingmao Co., hardware mer.
cbanta. ot Easton. was feuod lying in tke effloo
back of thalr store.No. u Centre Pquare.a little
after eight oclock. To eaOafBjominK, with two
pistol wouuris In the bead snd a amall contused
wound across the now. A revolver, with three
chambers dtscsargetf.waa fonnd lying under hie
left lug. He told party a lew mlontes before
that e felt as thongh be ooold blow bit brains
cat. Me bed Itln but a few momenta when dia.
eovered, radwe not quit dead. lie was well
known lntherrts,wsboui Ihlrtyelirbt years
of age, and baa left s wile snd are child! en.
Special to the Caiibon Advocate.
Deatt-uetlre Fire In Tniimf tin,
Kntly Friday morning n ilestructite fire broke1
out In the cellar, occupied by Mr I). ZlrumT
man, nss Oakery ami ceufecllonrrT, on llrourt
street, Tninnqtii, Among the safferers ui
Bchwarta Tiros , tliclr in trsinoth dry goods atom
was partly consumed, entailing n consldetaMtf
loss 1 the old Union hotel Imliilmir, with con
tents wai totally destroyed 1 the first floor
iwcat) was occupied by liortnetter, at cabinet
wmcroona with shops In rear t a portion of the
furniture was sired) lossiuitly covered by In
surance. The ueit was occnpled by tbo ownr
0! tlie building, 11. Zimmerman, with coulee-
tlonory and baki-ry, Id the cellar ot which the
tire la atateil 10 hare originated, the next build,
in? was occupied by M r. D. KlitffUi , as a boo
unl shoe store, and was totally deitroyed lo
n ired. Total estimated lose Styioo.
Fbcosd DisrATOit. The brloi building on tho
01st side, occupied by Wm Draper as a boot and
nbo ntore nn 1 by a fa-nllr turned lireher in
rear weru al-io patlr uestioy -d. Toe lire com
meurcu xr nuoui otiick n in nn! i ono
tlmn the whole ol.lluutcr rtrert,whlo'icon;l9t
rf o'o-ely limit frame Uwelltiig.w-is thretteuel
wl b doitructlon, bat tir Ih 1 gn ,lont ch irts ot
the llremen tbe inrjaes of the flimes were
slopa d nt th. point Dr. lirolier's lionso and
furniture wero budlv d iiuooo 1
The Cnal Trails,
Tho L'-hleli VaM-iy PMlroid Company re
011 tir reto.v -rt to abandon ttii irreat coal' com.
binntlo.i. nlletrlnn an n reason thattha combi
nation 1 aa Injure I trade, nnd that other mem.
beta of tin ring tiuvo not kept raltb. A meet,
lnp or the coinblnition waa called, nnd aavs the
1'i'tl.vllle corres lond'iit or tbo 1'lUlade puti
'times, a pluti waa drawn up by Hfe-ism. Uown,
Hloiu anu liick&on, nnd Wr. Ai3 faoker, uro-u
tli-ntot the Lehigh Val of, wns glren to nnder,
a. nnd that lie must add am signature or t tero
would bo wnr. Air. Pucker Hig ed, nnd lbs
hopes of a broken nnir and coal have
ramslied. Tho ternnof the ngteement not only
requite the Lohlga Valley Comp inv to ndheie
to i-cheUulo prices, but also to atop pioductton
for at least ten days, so as tn keep the stocc In
market witti'n the )cclflcd limit, total
supply ot anthracite f lr the year ts (lied at Id,
0 0.000 tons, and to e ich contracting com phut la
allotted Its p rtlon of that total sunpy, accord
tug to Ha cnptclty. If the demand nhou'd war
rant a greater supply, the Increase 11 also allot
ted among t no ilitretrnt comDuucs up'tn the
same ganeral plan The portion of the Itiading
Company 11 VCIUOO tcmvind It has already sup
plied more thun ou-.haif ot that amount, Ka
eliiomeiita being 1,112.111 tons to date The total
supply or autlnacitofrom all Inereglons nu to
date la S.19..63 tons ahead of that of last year to
tbe ame daio., supply of bituminous la
slacking oH somewhat bit It is so far
ahead of thit of tbe s une period lat year. The
lncrenso in the cuinparatlTO supply of nnthin
oito 1 acconntcd lor panlr by tho (act that last
year Iho sdiuvlklil region was totally suspen
ded, and did not resume worl; nntll the lutttr
part of June. 1 he Lehigh Valla 1 Onmpiny baa
never bee i In lull sympathy with the combina
tion, aad waa tho oaly c mipany feaieit by tho
others, et, until now It was never lonnd neoea
sniy (o force It Into the traces. Had Mr. Packer
decided to open a warfare msec td of scrumbdng.
hewoulJ havedAa,t tbocomolnatfon tnosPTOiest
blow It could hrft-e received rrom any qairter,
and It Is believed that only the moat extraordi
nary Inducements coaln 'haro prjralled upon
htm to (all into line. Ills company 1 a sttong
one, and Its coal has utrejdr brought tho high
est prloe in market. With him plinntlv in fie
ring, however, the combination becomes more
gigantic ami powerful than ever before. To,
ward the closo ol Inst tear tho Peunsrlva-la
Coal Company made a break from tho combina
tion by Belling coai nt from lit ty to seventy-tlre
cents less per ton than ling prices ; but It only
maintained that attl nde until the time lor
forming the compact (or 1870. when It went
back into the ring. Alihouah these manoeuvres
will noi result in tho trice of coal being rolled
aooro that agreed upon iu the schedule fixed at
New York some munttis ago vet the recent de
cline will bo recovered, and tho schedule main
tained for tbe year aniens a break snould 00
cor In an nnexpectcu quarter, which not at
ail likely.
The fohowlng table shows the quantity 01 coal
shipped over the Lehigh Valley Hailroaa for the
week ending May 20th, 187S nnd for the year a
compared w.iu rue same time last year:
Iteglona From.
Upper Lehigh
Heaver Meadow...
Mauch Chunk
14,527 is
El 451 II
J 11 15
10.218 IS
S.uan 17
417 01
Total S3CG2 17
Last Year 21,671 16
Increase 31,891 01
ItEPOUT OF COAL transported oyer Lehigh
A Susqui-hanna Division, Central It II. of
New Jersey week ondlng May 13th, I87S
Total week. To date.
Shipped from tons, cwt tons, cwu
Wyoming lo.srj is
Uooer Lehigh .
8.I7S 01
Denver Meadow
Mauch chunk
N. York F. &. Q, D.C.
10,740 10
142 1,7
18 M2 1,2
1,4811 IS
Total 711,759 17
Previously 1 eporitMl 778.308 6
Total to date 818,12s OS
Same time last year 241,850 18
Increase 616,277 03
SS8.128 04
Closing, Prices of DeIIaven & Towir
bend, Stock, Government and Gold
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
May 25th 1875.
IT. R.Ca. istl bid
25 aM
17. S. S-U'S, 1S55 I4H bid
mi asitea
19H aa6d
ill. askod
U. . 6-ai'a, litis J. & j .... 19 Did
TJ. S. S-M's. 18W 21 it bid
U. H. 5.20'fl, 1388 23 bid
U. a. 10-4'i'a 18H bid
tr. H. currency. -a 27 bid
23li asked
18H asked
27 Vj Sfked
U 8.5'it 1881, sew 17 It Md
Called SOTs 141, bid
lTs assea
S2H asked
4W asked
S5H asked
44 asked
i-ennayirania 11. it o;t Din
Phila. & Reading rt. It 44 hid
Lehigh VillovR. K 63k hid
I etilnh Coil & .NaT. Co ... 444. bid
United Companies of 3.J.I34H bid 131 asked
Oil Creek A All. Val. R. rt. s It bid Ok asked
l'hllt Krle It. T. 17t bid IS asked
Mnithern Central U.K.... 34 bid 34 It asked
Oold 2H bid 12 H asked
Silver 1H bid 2 a.kel
KOCn MABTER. On ibaiQthof February,
by Rev. 0. T. Hainan, Mr. Isuon Koch, ot Al
lentowu, and Miss Ullrn Master, of Fraukllu.
Special Notices.
B. F. Kunkel's Bitter AVIne or Iron,
This truly valuable tonlo has been to thor-'
onghly tested by all clashes of the conmuntty
thai It la now neemed lodl-penaaole aa a Tonlo
medicine. It coats but little, purities tbe blood
and gives tone to the stomach, rsnorales tbo
system and prolongs lite. F.Terybody should
have it. For tne cure of vVeag stomachs, Oea.
era I Debility, Indigestion. Diseases of tbe Stom
ach, aud (or all cases requlrinf a tooio This
wine Includes tne most agreeable and efficient
bait ot Iron we possess Citrate ol Magnetlo
Oxide, combined with tbe most snergetlo of
vegetable tomes-Yellow Peruvian Bark.
Do you want .ometblng toi atrensthun you 1
Do you want a good appatlte t
Do yoa want to get rid ot nervousness 1
Do yoa want energy t
Do von want to aleeo well 1
Do you want to build up your constitution I
Do you wint to feel well !
Do you want a brisk and rigorous feeling I
fonly aa'i a trial ot thla valuable tomot
Beware nf counterfeits, as Kunael'a Bitter
Wine of Iron Is tne only sure and effectual rem
edy In the known world for tbe permanent oar
ot Dvspeosia and Debility, snd as there are a
number of imitations offered to the public I
would caution the coinmunitt to purchase son
bnt the genuine article, mannl ict.ired by K. F.
Knnkei, and havlxta; his sUmD on the cork of
every bottle. Tb very faot that others are at
tempting to lml UCe this valuable re aiedy.prove
Its worth and speaks rolumes lu Its favor. old
only In l bottles. Bold by Drugguta and deal:
er everywhere. 1
Tape Worm Remorod Alive.
Head and all oomplete. in two boon. No. fee
until head paisea. Seat, Pin snd Stomach.
Worm remored by Dr. KankeL its Korta
Ninth Bt., Pblladelpuls, Pa. Send for clroular.
For removing all ordinary worms, call on your
drursUt and get abotueof KUVSEL WoalK
BTBUy. Price L
z-v.E Tailor Picture, prtntod In 10 ooldra, oaa -
Pocket Knife (white handle).' 13 Blank Vis
iting Cards, 1 Sbeets Writing Paper. It White
Envelope. I uubbar, 6 Pon. Tbe lot eat. .
poetpild.forZSftnta. 11. J. KURTZ. 4"7 Canal
street, (ut Ward), Pblladslpbla, Pa. Oiroalare
tout (re. mare-yl
495.731 1
(.13,068 (1
1.041 OS
317,017 IS
107,073 IS
3.177 03
l,70,835 0t
813.608 12
CM.7M 10
425 600 03
8' 1.27 1 19
141,652 II
IS.140 12
183.417 IS
23 433 00
3 t7( 03