The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 29, 1876, Image 2

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    11. V. MOHTIUMKIl,
8AT11HDAY .MOIlNINd AlMIll, 29. 1PW.
It Is t'Rtlnmtpil lliat nttlio tirumnt
rnte In wlilcli tli Treasury , Is pay Inn
out silver coin In rotlomptlim of cturcn
cy It will bp fully tlireo months lmloro
thp coin Is In ftvc nml easy circulation.
A Rood many of tlio Treasury
clerk,, bin fiilr to liavn plenty of time on
linml to visit (lie Centennial this sum
mer. We. notice tlmt Secretary Urlstow
talks of Riving some, six liiitidrfil of
them a permnnent leave of nWnce.
The Impeachment Managers havo
dumnioned to testify in the llelknap
dial Mr. and Mrs. Caleb I M.irsh, II.
T. Vail, cashier of tlm Hank of Com
ii errn, In New York ; E. T. Harllett,
lawyer, of New York, and General Cus
ter, U. S. A.
The Hanlslmrn Patriot, of Wed
nesday last, saya t "There aro over 200
bills on tbo House calendar on third
leadlnc. As It lakes about ten minutes
to call over the list of yeas and nays
some Idea may be formed of the amount
of work yet remaining to be dono. In
addition there are n large number of
(Oils on second reading."
The World sayB the New York de
legation to the St. Louis convention io nvfi-wbelmlnclv in favor of
Tllden. and If so, Fays the N. Y. Wit
ness, his nomination as tho caudidato
of the Democratic party for tlie l resi
dency Is hlchly proliaoln. Indeed, we
do not see that any other prominent
man In that paity deserves the honor
better or so well. Hut If he Is nomina
ted, one UiitiR Is pretty certain-It will
take the b.t rutin tho Republicans can
nominate to beat him. No battered re
putatlon will do for that contest.
The Stato Department Is officially
informed that the British Government
has declined to surrender Winslow un
der the ex-traditlon clause of the Ash
bm ton Treaty, and that his uncondi
tional release on May 1st Is probable.
The strong protest of Secretary Fish
has doubtless been read to Lord Derby
by tliis time, but It Is of "an unusually
prave character," and the question at
tjsuc helnc one "involving good fltli
In carrying out treaty stipulations," It
Is believed at the State Department that
the British Government will Rive it tho
consideration It deserves, and that borne
days must, tlierefoie, elapse before our
Government U Informed whether that
of Great Britain adheres to IU former
TJio public need be In no haste to
exchange fractional currency for frac
tional sliver coins, says a New York
paper, seeing that the unchangeable
value f the latter is tlireo per cent.
)tiM than that of thn former, provided
the small currency can be changed into
greenbacks. Theso are worth about 88
cents on the dollar in gold jut now,
whereas the silver is only worth about
83 cents on the dollar. Both are de
preciated currency, a thing which no
solvent nation should permit. The
Bilver,however, 'cannot depreciate much
farther If any whlNt irredeemable pa-
pel may deprpciate to any extent. Tho
fVactUmal bills are very ban ly for small
remittances bv mail, and doubtless n
sufficient supply will bo kfpt In circular
tion to meet that want.
ro- U'a ilAHlrn It to hn distinctly understood
(list wo do not Ijuln ourBotvKa resiionslbie for
the iowb anu opinions ejpressoa uy our con es-
From tho National Cupllftl.
fbrnipfion Running Riot, A Venal Crew. Mod
el Offtciull.Clirutian Statement-1 hi itical ami
Social DcmnraHiatim. Tired of lnvettigationt.
Orantin Another Scrape. All About Blaine.
Omkling and Rlaine'i tittle Unpleatantneit.
Omtplimentti Fighting it Out.
Wabuinotok, April. 24. is:.
The Sevn'B op the deck in the Utnp ot Htate,
And aa a to the man at the whool, o I
We'll dlvy thp bwsk we mane on the fi eight
And bo pals that never wul anneal, O t
Th good old bhlp ot Ktata kos beeu casing
upon the breakers aadoulckaaudsol con upinn
during these latter years of arantiam ana rob'
bcrynntll she la well myh wreaked. She anils
In a sea of corruption with robbers on her deck.
Defaulters at tbe helm, harlots In the cabin and
agang ot burglare stowed.awav in the hold
TJnleaa tbe battered old hnlk la soon rescued
from the pirate crew that hold her and taken
Into ort for repairs she will go to the bottom
with bar load of rnasaltty, dragging down with
her the lust ragffed remnant oi the respect
which tho nations ot tbA woi (4 ouoe had f ji the
'mailel reimbl c." No bno'ineer (hat oyer sailed
theseaannd plnndared the gold-Wsn pidleoi.a
nt Spain ever earned a more reckless and dis
honest crew. A, venal brib&takjug President
surrounded by ' eeds" fa vol lies, toadies, para.
gltoaand eo-itisotors,. who in turn pavo tneir
haugera-on and dependents, all combining to dl
A.t iheimlillo moneva from the cofTura ot the
nation Into, their own pockets A becieturyof
btate whae aou-lu-law receives a yearly tribute
ot Hpunlali cold for hla luttoenca with the pa
partment of btale in grave mattora pending 00.
tweeu Vpain and the V) lilted htates. k bcie-
tarvpf ihe -Navy wtionoa grown net onptr
ftn.M nn ontraota In the Navy iieDartment.
A Heoretaty of War who wild uppolnimenlo uy
whole-mo to the highest bidders. An Attorney
Clepeial wbo iptngueu to uei-at uie ouui of jas-
tioyevuiaeutout ot millions fuuuev. nuu uua,ivni thH'i'reuMUtv whobevausoh
baa not falieu lu with luei dnhoucst achi-mea
uh.ted. vllllfledaua auubbo'l by a long Hue ut
UOIVlUUiria UlUCWia 1'VIU HIP t ,imwvii uunu
to tue Uetiuty Aa.isiaut Uooi keeper of the
(Vwn, but we coqid uiaku It siionger and sui
leave ilatunlng evidences nt irnllt ami crime tin
tmirhrrl. Wo could gn Into tho record oltbo
Ilialnes, tho Oarflelds, tho Camorona and other
Mmpimeii woo. uytnoir to lienor enrewanoss
hare been enabled to pocket their credit Mo.
biler. Pariflo Mall and other anb'lriv stvnirnnd
escape thin fur Willi only n thick coat ot whilo-
wa-n wiutoii sepulchres an, witn tne sians
fnl.lllir out nml diaclnainir tho (lrv tmnna. thn
rottenness ami tha dnath-iinat within. Wash-
wgum l politically anil tonally nemnrnlltoil to
an eilent littiu dreamed nf bythu Inhabitants
nt the rural dlstrlcta wheno mental pibulninls
derived from loading artloloa and edltotlal
squibs furnished to llio Republican country
pica rmiu tho be-utu.n.ii tern oi tho Republican
i-xeciuivo Caiminiaii Committee. Aa a aample
ot tho nollllcfll ueniniallr.a.lon which evlatawn
might mention tha fact that lately wjmo it
"ram i irieuua ore irymg io uxcuao ecveinioi
Ida qiiosllnuau)'- acta lir iiaortiun; tliat lin hits
been Induced by Dabcock, l'orter and othera to
Men reitnln paper whl.o ho win a drunk that
he w&a unable to comprehend their contents,
isouinof these ilocuiocuta having tetnrnrd lo
plague the signer this explauatiun la actually
offered aa n valid excuse una nil thooduim la
sought to tie o i t upon parties whom tho ruana
iroiaaiid manipuiatoia have concluded to throw
overboard. social demoralization might ho
rxpoctcd id a locality whero ao mueli lascal
ltyla I'oncentrniiHl. There are surface Indica
tions that point to alow aveiage ot morality
among the wltcr sex. lhcro nron number of
isauiuuauiu icautuiiuiis waero women are in
tho Iiault of resorting to to drink wino nnrtnlo
and It la not a very unusual thing for one ot the
fair devotees ot IhkIiiou to no fniteii home In a
tab, drunk aa a lord Uno cvcLlng tills week we
auw three welldreased and not unhandsome
young womnu icellng aloufctha street m com
puny Ju.t about ablo to navlgaie. Wo do not
mean to asseit that this la very common
minx, nut it is not rare enough to exolte much
BurptiMO or commout.
i no lieuubucaus are verv tlrod of the Investi-
gatmiianow in progiessnnd nt every new de-
v ciopemem mar get iiioreureu ana uisgustcu.
Hancock and Mueuheiil are tiled ot them. Pier-
tepont thlnka they aro weaneorao, Ulalne la
disgusted with them and Utant is sick of thoiu.
iievennmienn this week before the committee
on I'lxpouuliurea In the Department of Justice
snow mat uy nruer oi l'te-utient tirant rbo.uuu ot
tho imoiio munov wai eni to New Vork lo In.
tluence the olcotluns In that oily. The tcstl-
who waasummonet to MVnear before the Com
mittee and testily In relation lo his connection
wiin vae matter, rue money wna utsuarsea o?
John J Daycnport. a prominent HepubUcan
politician and office-holder of Now Yo k city.
u rant's ofllclal career Is drawinit to a cloao. bnt
he mnr yet bo Impeaohed beioro he RoU ont ot
the hlto House.
Aa I wnto. tho cry of the newskoy flouts In at
my window ' Telepram, one cent all about
Diulne." lUnlin.'s explanations In resnrd to the
tst.ioo "lnveniment tor a f nena" In Paeifle ltall.
way Bonds only aeem to deeiien the mystery
wmcu tilings around the transaction and rouner
mo wuoio uutnnesa more tnan ever incompre
hensible to the average uuderstaiidlua. ilia
chances fertile I-realoenLlal nomination look ex.
ceeuingly thin Just now nml ho looka careworn,
hlaovellds haea inelaucuoly droop and hla
mouth looks more like a big button-bole cut
olaa than It does when his tulnd lsnioro at ease.
Ilelsenoeayonng u. make capital ont ot the
fact that be la not "in" with tho Admimstnition
ring. This would be a good card it It waa his
uuueaiy tuai. ueuuri eu mm iroiu ine ionow-uip
ot tlila deloctaole baud of brothera in Iniquity,
but unfortunately for tho Kontlemau from
Maine It la nat hla honosty tliat hurta hint in
thla quarter or In any other qnauer. foi that
matter. The trouble all arosi- from tho temerity
displayed by lllalne In trimming lna sails to
catch thelnvoung galea that blew toward the
White House beioro llsboook aud BnUnap had
put a qnielua upon the third-term project bnt
what b withering commentary It isunou tne
once vaunted Uennbllcnn nomliilstintlou that
poltticiuus regard it as tho aarost nnid to popu
lar faror to prave that they have had no part In
lu counsels and are in uo wise responsible for
Its nets. Ita glory has departed : it lame Is
dead, aud Its rniaiue Is published to the world.
iiiihitii anu j)iiuuo ueiug juai. now appui eui.
ly leai'.lug tho held In the llepub.icau 1'ivaiden
Hal i-aco. n little dialogue which occurred be
tween tlie two when in Congress together some
teu years ago, might prove interesting reading.
An army appropriation bill was being discussed
aud Conkliug made a fb-rce attack upon a cer
tain Hem, jrry. uimne ueienoeo i-iy uuu cuarg
od conkliug with Having violated the law lu ac
cepting compensation for cortMlu services
wime a memoer oi i 'on press in tne mscaasion
CoukluiR said. ''It tho gentleman from Maine
had the least Ido how profoundly Indifferent I
am to his opinion opon tne suuject ho has been
Discussing, or niion any oth-t subject pel t m en t
ao mo, 1 think that he would hardly tako the
trouble tot Ise beienua expio-iB his oniuion.a d,
aa it la a matter of entile inolffcionce to me
what that opinion may bo, I ceitniuiy will nut
detain the MoUbO by discussing tho question
whether it Is well or UMouiideo, or by noticing
wjyil ne bays conciutuug vy uiiaiaciiiiim
llllluo'a conduct aa "uugentlemanlv. lmuertl
nent, aud having nothing whateterfb do with
Question." niaine ciosea tne (U9cussiou as
follows t "Aa to the gentleman's saroasm.I hope
ho will not be too aeveie. Tho contemut ot that
latge-mlnaed gentleman Is too wtlttngf his
haughty disdain, hla grandiloquent bwou, hla
majestic suporemiueni, overpowering luraey
gubblec atrut has been so crushing to myself
and all the members ot thla House that I know
It waa an act of tho greatest temerity for rue to
venture upon a ooutreversy with him. Hut,
sir. I know who Is resoousitno for all thla. 1
know that, within the last five weeks, as mem
bers of the House will recollect, an extra Btrut
has cbsracteniM tne genijeman-a pearing. it
is not hla famt. It la the tanlt ot another. That
gifted and satirical writer. Theodore Tilton, ol
tne New York indmemlcnt. snent some weeks
recently In this city. Ills letters published in
uiatnaneremDracea. witn many serious senti
ments, a little jocose satire, a part of which was
tho statement that tbe mantlo ot tho late Winter
Dnvlshad fallen upon the member from ew
vorc. i nn gentleman look il tenons v. ana u
has given his strut additional Bointiositv. The
resemblance is great, it Is striking, uyperlon to
a Hatyr, Theraltea to Hercules, man 10 marble,
dung-h.ll to diamond, a singed cat taallengal
uuer, a warning puppy w n roaring jiou. auauu
oi tne nugnty uavio, lorgiva tne almost prolan.
atlon ot that locose aatlio." lllalno and conk
ling hays been bitter enemies sinoo this little
Anl.ntln anrl nai-h Yvlll trv m mm t hn TirnanAatA
of the othor. Thla will be a Kilkenny cut tlgnt j
which need not disturb the calm aerenlty ot
peaceful people or create any anxiety aa to
which holds out the longest.
rnero are ao many villainously corrnnt trans.
actions being brought to light uy pending Inves
tlgailons that I must reserve some of them for
my next letter.
rhlladcplila Letter.
raiLA.. ro.. April is. 1971.
DbibADVOCITX, President Grant, Mrs. O.
and Ulysses, Jr., were here on a visit to ex
Becietory Bone, from Friday to Monday last.'
Tho President's trip waa one of pleasure only, a
brief respite, aa It were, bo to apeak, from the
cares ot office, and conseonently from the Im
portunities of office seekera and all who are anx.
Ions to serve their country for lamp.
After an "Investigating Committee" has
been appointed,, the question la who la to In
vestigate the Investing Committee t
Shooting la going on at a lively rate In our
public aauarea and up town streets. I like to
boo it, for when you ace the trees shoot forth
their tender buds, you con Just bet a new
twenty cent piece that they are going to leaf if
the are left alone.
ho many salutes are being fired In our har
bor that I seriously think ot potting a railing
around my desk, to keep my inkstand and
papara from being shaken on the floor. Oaring
the Centennial. I presume the peaooful "dogs
of war" will bark -forth a lively welcome almost
dally, Bang I Bang I What Is it t Why it's a
Portugese, man ot-war. Next.
lioy It must cheer the sad heart to know
In those dull times that you can learn "12 steps
In clog. Jig and aong dance tor 15.00." Do net bo
alarmed. Mr, Editor, If some of these days yoa
ahould behod your "Phllaaelphla correspond'
ent" In your sanctum, displaying hla pronclon.
oy In clog, Jig and song dance. What a beauti
ful sight it would be to tee our Henatora and
M. C.'s adjourn to the halls and ante (t),rooms
of the Capitol and Ipdulga for a few hours In the
festive clog, the entrancing Jig or the novl
aong and dance, ft can 'be done, it jAoultt be
done, for IS 00 places 1 stops within the 'reach
'of all. Then tha BppupUo will be oate.and the
star spangled banner will wave forever o'er the
Mi. amu v. m-v w U4 tu huui.V . 1 1 u 111 S U
who pays hla taxee.
..Did you ever see crow-cuea I Oar gardens
are fun of them now, bnt the gardanpra Bay
iupj uss nijiNpr muis mucu ucimt, l uiamay
ho MO.
put some gardenera will LI-Im bushes
Tho Centennial gronnda are closed in vlsl.
laivuau sui
e ralllnga for nothing, children half
I saw a gentleman from Turkey, on Chest
nt street, the other day. ha waa dressed in
sgular liiankaglvlng costume, or to be mora
regular 1 hankaiOvlDg costume, or to be more
explicit, I ahould aay In Turkey atyle, I thought
of asking after my friend the aultan, but feared
I might oe considered lnaultlnr, so I did not
"boue" the visitor from the land of thecrssoont-
. uuwi up ya
yr- - - - ,jp
i llclkiiap's Answer.
Just beforo the office. ot the Mocretary.ef the
Renate waa clos'ed Monday afternoon, tho conn,
set for WlllUm V. Ilolkntp filed with Becre
tary Glahamlcn. llelknnp's rejoinder to the
replloations of the ltonse ot Iteprescntatlyra In
the matter ot hla impeachment, A reneral do.
mnrriT ! lulorpoaed In the first of tho two rop.
licatinns allcginc ltr insufllclency. lie next de
nies tho statement contained In the frond rep.
Mention, that ho was Sect etaryot War until and
lucltiduiR tho id day of ilarch, 18-a. tie then
neiiies tho nasortlona of the replication to the
eiroi t that ho was nccretary of War mull ncom
nnttoo haying authority Mom ihe llouso had
lnyesllcnten his oitleisl rouduct, nun assetta,
that tip to the time of nia leaieuatinn the 11 hum
liaiiuot given nnthnrltv to any roinmltteo to
investigate- any ot the mutters set forth lu the
charges made against uun in the aitleleaof lm.
llondds. that althnnirli it. UImii.
that the tommittHenn Kxni
hat the nrniraittHenn Kxpendimreaof the War
Department had been pretending to make some
Inquiry Into the mattera set forth lu the articles
Of impeachment, bnt without authority In that
ucnan irom tne iionae oi Jtepresentitlvea, yet
the said com in I tteo had not completed Ita pre
tended liiventUatton, but was engaretl in the
exaimtnatnn or witnesses when aaid committee
was informed that no had resigned his olllceot
beeietuiy of War, and that hia roslKuatlou had
been accepted.
Aa to the second replication, Belknap rejoins
that, although lieilul ielgn hla office aa alleged
In tho leplicatlou, he did not do so with tutent
to uvndo any proceedings of the House to mi
peach him. but on the contrary he nters the
fact to ue that the commute on Expenditures
ot too War Uepai luieut, Mllhnut any niithonty
ordtiectlon of the llousoto investigsto In lo
paid to his official misconduct, examined nna
Marsh, who unido a atnicmeut to said commit
tee w Inch, if iruo.wou d not suppot t the aitlcles
ot impeachment against him (UeUnnp), but
which was ot such a clmiacter In tespect to
other persons, oue of whom was so Peuilv con
necteu wlta hlni by domcstlo ties as to gie.itly
ntniethlm aud to maaelilm willing to aecuie
the aiippieaalon of eo much of aald statement na
alTeetttf sueli other p?rons at anv cost to him
self. Thereloie he pioH)sed to Bsid committee
that II they would suppress that part of nid
slnU'ini'iit ne (Bellman), though contrary to tho
truth, would admit tne receipt by linn uf all
moi.eys katd by Ainrshto have beon rec-ived by
him Horn one Kviuia but said committee declin
ed to aald proposition and the llou. llelster
Clytner, chairinau of tho committee, nnid that
he should nioto in the House for the impeach.
menl ol linn (Bomiiiin) unless he ahould real en
his oQlcoot becretary of War beloie tioou ot the
next day. to wit i March 2. 1870. and he (helk-
nap) regarding tins declaration by Mr. Clyruer
as mi Iptitnailuu that he could by tuns ro-lgnlug
uvuiu me iiiiuciiuii luvvii uttuia iroiu a pruir c(
ed tnnl. nnu the humiliutl mot availing hlinsuif
of the defence diaclosod lu suitl statement It
aeif, wn Icli wonM enst blame on anld otner per
eons he .1elded to tho suuaestlou made or
Clyiuer, bolieving tlntt cae same was made In
good iaith, and tliat he would bv lesigulnpbls
im.ltlon secuie Lhe aneodv dismissal nf nnlil
Btatement fium the public muni, lie did core,
sign, on Mul ch li, IBio, ut 10:: A, M., and caused
thecoiuinilleeio oe uotlllodof the fact and of
mo acceptance oi ma rengnation uy tnorresi.
dent, ah of which was In pursuance and In con-
aeuaenco ol nr. uivmoi'a siiggesuon.anu mere.
upon the committee declared that they had no
f,lha.ili.t..,n.uri,.rn, ... tl.a li,.t.n. -,..
nap, in conclusion, BUbmlts tlmt whilo the
Housoclaln a that air. i lvmer was acilng lnibi
ueiriti in iuh preiemiBu exuunuauou ok jiarsn,
ion jiouso nuuiiL lu iiouur duumw luueoaLoo.
iiou lo ueny biiai. uij incr nna niso aciing on lis
uenan in auggestuig uiniueiKiiap si lobiguaiiou.
Whereloro ho pravs JutU maul whether the eald
jieuse ougnt io navo or maintain ine .lupoaon
meut against hnu.
JIattorN of Interest.
The Altentown Iron comnunv hat over tl..
uoo.imj worm oi pig irou on nnnn.
Tho inavorof Oil CUy rets a salary of oue
dollar a yoar. Money does not miko that mayor
A gypsy leader of a roving baud ot theso
nomads uour Heading lives lu t wagon (with
nis who anu ciiuu; wuiou cost f3du.
The new btate Normal School at Illooms.
barg l'a was dedicated Wednesday. Isx.Qoy.
ernor l'oiiock uenvorcu an addtcsa.
-bli murderei a were hanged ni Fort Smith
In tlio ludiiiu Territoiy I ridav. Four wore m
diiins. one a uogro. mid tnoothor a wntle man
John It. Dolou, convicted of tho murder ot
James 11. Noo, was hanged Friday in New
ork He unido no conte.Hiiuii, but asscrtoil hi
Oeuerel Belkn"U hue wntten a lettor to i
fneuu doiiylug positively that he lias inade uni
coufossiou wliaieyer regardluir the charged
ngtuusb uun in connection witn tue post trnnor
euip hl rurb at i.
The ConteJerato graves at Atlanta were
decorated Wednesday. All tho stores were
closed and thousands uf people took pint in the
uocuiuLiuii iieiuiuiiuies.
The donota of the Lebanon and Tremnnt
Itailio.-id at Jono-town nnd Union Forge woie
rpuoeu on mesiay nignt, it was iae louitn
tliuo thoJonoBtown depot waa rubbed.
A family of omigrnnts Irom Pennsylvania
named tinker were murdered and scalpcsl by
Indians about loomuos qui tu of Custer City
Thursday night of last week.
Twenty-five centenulil passenger cars are
tn process otconsiruQilon lu the shops of the
Philadelphia and Heading 1 atlroad company, at
Matthew Murray died In nolidaysbnre.last
Tbnrsday, ut tbe auvanccd uge of ICS yoars. Ho
was tho oldest man In lllalr connty.and came to
tne umteu oittis sevoniy-eigut years avo.
Rev. Mr. Trnesd ilo of tho Rharon Preabv
terlan church, recently received a connierfeit
five dollar bill for m irrynig a couulo of str ing-
pi a. It might et.irtlo the wedded pair to learn
that uo marriage can ne Icga'ly contracted by
lhe houao of a farmer named stnnt. In Ao
oomao county. Va . about nine mlloa from Oris.
Held. Md , waa bm nod on Tuesdsy night, and
seven persons the
ve children and a ;
i laiuer lu-iaw 01 ir. Binuu
vonng hired man nenabed
in wo niuies. j i ia aupposoa tuo catastropno
waa oauaca ny tno explosion or a eoai on lamp.
Kmtnnuticl Ijiithernn Church.
Tho following from the' Pottttovm Ledoer will
no doubt prove Interesting to the many friends
of Bev. D. K. Kcpner, formerly otthe Lutheran
church ot thla borough i
At Emmanuel Lutheran Church, this borough
oi wmcu ivcv. u, a., jtenncris pastor, a cato.
chumens were admitted to memhorabln. on bat
unlay morning last, by the nto of conflrmo.
tlon,40 being males, and 43 females, At the
same time S3 persons were admitted bv letter,
making a total addition to the chnrch ot 106.1'be
services were bold In the Kngllsh language,and
a large oongregatloa was nresont.
on Sunday morning, the 23d lust., tho English
Communion services wero held In the same
Church, when tha number of participants waa
410. The large audience room ot the church waa
crowded on the occasion. The paator preached
a sermon from the text Mlcnh.ltith chanter.aud
part ot fith veree "Wherewith ahali I oomo be
fore the Lord,"
Tho whole nnmber of communicants at the
itmmonuei unurcn. nut spring waa uvu, as loi
Iowa t At tbe German services on Sunday, April
16ib, 272 1' at the Eugllab eervlces, on the 23rd,
iu, anu pnvateiy, tagen or aiok porscus.) 17,
This la the largoat numser of persona over
present at the communion services ot the
Now Advertisements.
Phila. & Reading E. R. .Op.
Centennial Excursion Tickets
On and after MAY FIBST, 1870, and during
tho continuance of the Centennial Exposition,
Through Excursion 'Ticket' to Philadelphia
and Return; vis Philadelphia & Beading Ball-
road, good for It days from dato of Issue, will be
leaned by Agenta of Lehigh valley Ballroad at
Btatlona on that Hood.
-tar The Trains of this Company run directly
to and from thelr' New Depot In'Talrmount'
Park, which la loaated In close proximity to ths
W. E. WpQTTHir.
Qeneral Superintendent,
Beading, April 231b, U7-mt
Lohighton Gas Liglit Co.
still remain undlnwsed of. Shares PIPT
JWJLLAItS. SubaeripUons to the Stock will
y recsuyea ana iniormaiion larnisnea ml a-
.V S.U. VJX1W.
r v. v. . ... niV.MOBTH.MBB.
TO WnOlll It kfA nflNfltCnW ifntlnl.
liorehy given, that tha public are rut bidden to
Trespass on our Property along PINK IUIN
tor FI-sIIINO or any other purpose. Alltrea
paiseis will bo dealt with according to law.
Wnntzai Hchlnke, Anthony Mar,
dabriel Pchinke, Casper Neob.
Fianclsotio, John Ilermon,
Abraham lteayenor, H. f C. Walck.
Ilarnaon Bmitli, Frank Bolt.
Si tale tf-nnjamn MUehttt, hit nf toe Mmvgh nf
jiiuusn L(iiinA Kurwm wuniyt 1KratttX,
Letter nf administration nnnn it, niwiA
named e'tate having been granted to the under
aimed, all persona having claims against the
same will present them for payment, and thoso
Indebted thoreto will piease make Immedlsto
Or, K. It. BiRwrtRB. Attorney for Ritate, Office
no. z, Mansion iionse, stanch Chunk, l'n.
April !'-W8
Lohlgh and Susquehanna Division.
-and Tnn-
On and alter MAT riltSTi and nntlt NOVKM-
ExcursioN TioketS,
good for FIFTEEN DAYB from dato of Issnn,
will ee Issued fiom Rtatlons on the Lehigh and
Husquehanna Division aud llrnnclios to
Philadolpuia & Return,
hlON anilNOUTni'KByLVANIAlloads.
Vila nmumnif raiesi
From Parryvllln $3 80
" Weissport 8 155
" Lehl(jhton 0 40
" Jlaucli Chunk.... 3 CO
The North llnllnn r
has arranged lo deliver l'asaongera at the jlnlri
r.uiiitiieo io iuu ;enbcuniai urouuoa.
April S9tn2 oen. Pass. Agent.
Next to the Foet ofileo Building,
Itespeetfully annonnoea to thn Iidlea of Weiss-
port, and vicinity that she has jnst returned
from tho city with an entlicly new stock of the
MillinerY GoodS !
Bonnets, Hats,
Notions and
othor Goods usually found In atlrat-claas Milli
nery Store, which she Is preparer! to Make Up
tn the VKIIY LATEST FASHION, at Prices
FULLY AS LOW oa the aame quality ot goods
and work can be obtained elsewhere.
Ladles are rcspeottally Invited to call and in
a poet goods and learn prices ratronage la soil,
cited. Hiss A. A. DKOKl'.H.
Next to Poat-ofnee.
April 15-raJ Weissport, Pa.
1876. SPRING 1876.
Mrs. M. Guth,
nespeetfullv announces to .the LADIES OF
WKIbSl'OUT AND VICINITY that she hsa
lust returned irom tne uitvi ana is now receiv
ing one of the LARGEST STOCKS ot Sl'IUNO
Millinery Goods
Hate, Bonnets,
And Trimmings
ever before brought Into thla section,' and Uut
shots prepared to do them up In the "
I Very Latest Fashion,
SWITCHES, In Real and Imitation Hair, NO
TIONS, and ALL other floods usually kept In
a Ftrst-Glaaa UUUnery Store.
ladies' own Hair made up to order
' Call and Inspeot floods and leun Prloea before
purchasing elsewhere.
MRS, M, OTJTn, WelMport, P.
April s-m
a id'
8 S sgSs P S
'g W r-5 S p g
1 a - 2
g K S v g g pq
o r T o g g .
S m"btf" K 8 bJD
rg A .SJ-gf C
Now Advertisements.
The undersigned would respectfully announce to
vuuiii i J , null, siicj nil to just I CI 111 lieu liuiil sua i.iiivauiiisw luisnilll i. IIIIBIIOipuia wi in a large,
now and trcsh stock ot
Dry Goods, Groceries, tyucciiswsire,
Oil-Oloths, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c,
And linvo openeil their largo atoro In SUMUP.t.'O NEW HttII.T)INO, snd hereby adopted a
vastly nilvou!ni!imii plan, by STAltllKO IN A M5W CAllEKlt. that Uuyera can be (Iraatly
lleuollteil, unit through wh ch cnannol wo have already attracted Immenso Uroivds. Be, we say.
Cnsh Throiight. With Ono Prico to All,
Wc hope to aorvo the trading pnbllc with Goods nt Prices to defy competition. TUB
1. Snvlnp of Time, Lnbnr, Pprfpct Spcurtty, &c.
2. Hy cnforrltiL' "OABII PAYMENTS" tho lutd tlibU nro avoided.
8. Uv tiiittinu tiletitv of re nil v money In hand. It eimblen us to buy cood t
flgurc Hint credit men know imtliln nbout.
4. Ilv incrensn ol tnii'R, n mnniier profit U suiiicietit.
All t'lt IIipsh "ltY-WA YS" ltml direct to "(JHEA.PNESS." On this now dUii
wp lu'Eln Uuslti jss tin Saturday, April 1et, 1870.
A L'l'iienil luvltntlon IsTxtendcd to all to Inspect our Oooda and Prices before
piircliaitiip flsewhore. COUNTRY PRODUCE rvcftved In eschanga.
Aptfl 1, 1870-yl
Kew toiee and
ever before in ought Into this town, ana Invite
feeling sure they onn guarantee entire satisfaction
ino aiauuiacsui lug uepariiiiiens win uo uniier
sufllclent guarantee that work
entrusted to
establlshmout In tbe county.
Kopairlug neatly ana
StTe In Semmel's New Dlock, opposite the Public Square, BANK STREET,
Lelilghton, Pa. mar.ll-yl
era will be the g'lners therouy. as they win no longer nave to par a per ceuiaye on theloas an
talnen by those who nevor pay foi what they get Again, by ailnntlng the"'e ih aysteiu." we will
tmennuledtn fniulah onr patrons wl.h nveiyihlug lu thn CI.OTIIINC1 MXR, mule up la lae
Lntast l' liKHIon. by tno O'Bt oi worxairn. anu mnn tue r iiiesi laterals, at I'ricea tuny as law as
ihe same quality ot a rarment enn bo bought for In any other town In the Mate.
Wh wnniil nlan announce that we have secur a the right to nso the PATENT HUTiny"It ROT.
TO M H f .r PANTALOONS, thn boat thing for
onn mat wo are now i rccivmu an immrnw siuck
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Caps.
OKNTLMMKN'S 1'UnNIiIIINO 0001)8. nnd
Cloiblng ntoiea. Patronage solicited and satisfaction guaranteed.
LA.TJRY & PETERS, Merchant Tailors,
T. O. Rnlldlpg, IiPlilphton, Pa. Oct. 2, 1875.
Thn nndersla-ned, In announcing tho arrival ot his IMMENSE
Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings,
would also state that he baa concluded to 'do bnalnosi, from and
alter APRIL 1st, 1878, on a STRICTLY CASH SYSTEM. Dels
induced to this couraeby the large amountof debts standing o.i hla
books, much ot which It Is utterly lmposslble'to colleen anrl 110
business mau can afford to loao a third of his labor andgoodaby
the prevailing erciUt system, and he. therefore, trusts that tho
miop.lou of a strictly Cosh system anil a corresponding Reduction
In tno Price of Goods of all klntfi will be an Inducement fur bis
many friends to contlnuo their patronage believing, aa he does,
that be can glvo them mueh greater satisfaction under ths new
system, than he was able to do under the played out credit system.
He has much pleasure In lavltlng an early inspection ot his extra-
oruiuary larvo siock oi rs r.w uuuus, couiiiriams
Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings, for Men's & Boy's Wear,
HATS AND CAPS, all Styles and Prloes,
Ladles', Misses'. Gentlemen's. Youth's and Children's BOOTS, SHOES and OUTERS, made up
especially tor the wear of this locality.
Every aruclo made up at thla Kstanllahment la warranted of the Best Material and Workman .
ship, aud guaranteed to give entire aallctactlon.
T. D. CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor,
2nd door above tho Publlo Square, RANK STREET, Lchlghtoa.
Broadway, Mauoh Chunk,
Ilaa Jnst opened a solenilld stock of HATS and
aud CAl'S, ot the Latest Styles He haa
also on hand a full line of
Crloves 1 JTui'Sj
Maron ll-yl JAS. BELFORD,
Re.Dectf ally announces to tbe Cltliens of Car.
bon ana adjoining Counties, that he has pur
chased the entire Interest and stock of 11. O.
Corn BrooM Manufactory,
located In th Borongh ot Xehighton, Carbon
County. Pa., and thst he is prepared to nil all
orders entrusted to him with the
Yory Rest Quality of Drooms
A'rrial is respectfully soltcllsl and entire sat
isfaction guaranteed.
Manuf 40tory in the Basement of tbe ' Valley
nouae," oppeslto the Lehigh Volley RR. depot.
Feb. M, 187. THOMAS EOONS.
WANTED, any nnmber ot Ladle and Gentle,
men to leave their measur with TUOB. A.
WILLIAMS, next to th " Carbon House."
for Boots, Shoes and Gaiters.
JOB PRINTING at the very lowest prloes
the Cltlr.cns ot Ihlhtoii and the sutToandlng
Mew $tock I
Itespeetfully announco to the eitl.
aen of Lohighton and vicinity, that
they linve entered Into co-partnership
and havejust returned from thai
city, where they purchased one oi
the largest and best assortments ot
IJoo'Ih, Shoes
and Gaiters,
Suitable for tho Wear of thla Sesttsn,
an inspection before purchasing elsewhere.
uie suuniuisiiuoutjD ui air, r. uua, wincu imm
thorn will be done
eonal to that of any other
promptly attended to. Patronage invited.
The underalgnod respeetfolly an'
nounco to their cuttomera and the pub
lie in general, that, after matnre delib
eration, they have determined to HBLI.
OOOD-i FOR CASH ONLY, t am and
r.ItT MARCH IS, 1878. 'llnsplan they
believe will I c lor the benefit of all
pnrtirs fletillnp with then ar welt as fsr
thcTUfiolvca. In ilcinp bu.iness en the
"credit svKtcm"there Is slwaya a heavy
per rentage of baa debts to be piovMsd
lor aiidvthich of lifces-ltr muat to a
great cxieut be inane nil oy an luereaa
rd per centare of profit on ail goods
ante, lij niiopiing inn uadu n i siaa
lo all, lain will no longer be the case-
M-opinir tho pants bottoms In shape ever Invented,
hi npring anu auminer s.yios oi
evcrv other article usually found lnnratelasai
Phila. & Reading R, R. Co.
Hereby plye notice, that on or before
the First of May next,
They will onen a Fauenger Station In Fair
meant Park, upon the llneot the Junction Rail,
road, in close proximity to Memorial Hall and.
other principal bulldlnes of the
Centennial International Exhibition.
And thst regnlar psnger and excursion
Trains will thereafter be run between tha new
station and the various points upon their seve
rs! railway linos.
The attention of ettlsons ot Philadelphia
looking tor Summer Residences, and of strang
ers desiring to seem e houses r lodging In th
vicinity ol Philadelphia during th
period of the Exhibition, ta called to tke fact
that from nearly all place upon the railroads
of the Company within twsntyor thirty miles
nt th cltv, passeoreas will be able to reach the
fixaioiuon wiueat esssur ot om in as anon a
time as, It. will rettua t,
ettUfti toman neti
botrlp Oy bora
ears from mnnv, in th nlt.v
.1 a iruin null
For lntornutlon apply toC. G, HANCOCK.
General Tioket Agent. No. rtl South FouiUt
Street, Philadelphia, sad to tbe several Loo at
Superuitenaeuti, or to toe underalgued.
... oeneraisup
waroa 11, u
WANTED, pnrehawrfor a Wheeler
It Cull at thla OfSoa.
wiWTitn th bnalneaa men to know
n mi inn 1'RIHTINO dona ohi
Oaesou advocats OSco than at sn:
place In tho county . Try us.
WANTKl). everybody to know that 11.
will pay a year's subsonntlou tor t&o I
iju.l auvuuAiah