lljl H. V. Mobthimbb, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT Live ana Let Live." $1 .00 a Year i Paid in Advauco. 'VOL. IV.t No 21. LEUIGHTON, OARUON COUNTY, 1'ENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, AfRIL 15, 1870. Subscribers out of County, $1.20 CARDS. Railroad Guide. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. Vtirnttttrfl Wareltnuse. V. Schwsrti. Hank street, dialtrin all Hindi 0 .Furniture. coyinsMatHto orarr. Dnot anil Shoe Makers. Cllaton llretney, in Iiivn'i building. Dank street .411 onferi imnpllyfilltdioork warranted. jyVNIKI. ICALUPUS. ,ATTOHNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, i. Mnuoli Chunk, r. Jtlr-Ofllee. above Dolon'a Jewelry 8tore, Broadway JJJD. M. MCHIKAIIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MAVCUCHUSK, PA. rollo'ilens and ell ltgil bnsln'ss promptly CltOOlfCdto. 'Tn.1v24.lS7J. A. DKHllAJIKU,iI.n PHYSICIAN AND SUtlOKilV Ppeelal attention paid to Chronic Diseases. Office: Poth Kast eorner Iron and 2nd sts.. Lc MsMon.Pa. April 3. 167. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SUTtOHON. OiJre, llasr. Street, neit door above ths PostofBce, Lahliihtnn, I'a Office Hours Parryvllle each d.y vom 10 t12o'elock; remainder of day atnfllceln Uhlthten Nor 29. '72 J nl!MICJ5, AUCTIONEER. Kt Welpar, Pi. N p. sls of every description attended to at reasonable charges. The patronajre f tli public respectfnlly solicited. Jin. 24, '74. J.tO. D.JPBSlOt.SrTS. J AS 9. LOOIS B1 ERTOL.KTTI5 ek, I.OOSK, ATTOnNRYS AND COUNSELLOItS AT LAW, Orries FlrstNstlonal Back Building, 2nd Floor. HATCH CHUNK, PtH!i. Can ha consulted In Oermas. I July 24 187 J .. SIKKIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next Door to T Irit National Bank, MaTTOU OJID NK, PA .a-fan N consulted In German. janS. T HON AS R. IIF.CK, JUSTICE OP THK PKACK, BANK Streat, LBlIlflHTON, Pa. Conveyancing. Oolloctlnit an.l all business con ntd with tha office promptly attended to. S-AcBiit lor tlrst-clas Insurance Companies, and Rt.ka of all kluds taken on the nwl liberal t4-m. Jan.0. IMS. W, m. iiAPUHKn, ATTORNEY ANP OODNSBLLOTl T LAW, Bank Starvr, LiaisKTOM, P. Heal Kstate and Collection Afeney. Will Boy and !WII Rial Katate. Conveyancing naatly done. Col. lectlona promptly made, Settling Kstatea of De odente a specialty. May be consulted In Enxllsh snd Umiiaa. Not. 22. X CONVEYANCER, AND GEJTEaA L INSURANCE AGENT Tbe following Compiniea are Represented: LK it ANON MUTUAL FIRE, IIKAD10 MUTUAL I'l HE, vtfYOlI( nitu, ro rrnViLijK nnn. LliUKili MKK. and till THAV EIJ3BO' AfCIDENT iNSUKANCE, AIM ronairlTanh &nd Matnnl KorM Ttilcf Di U-o'dvo and InMirani CoinpaiiT. Maicn 2a. 187J. TUOa. KKMERER. mifOMAS A. WILLIAMS. T LADIES' AND OBNTLEMEN'3 Fasblonabl Boot and Shoe Maker, NEXT DOOK TO CARBON UOCSE. BANK STREET, Lefaighton, Pa. Havln; commenced bualnesa, aa aboTe, I wonld. eapactfnlly announce to thedtliena of Lehlgbton b nd vicinity that I am prepared to do all work In noy Una In the neateat and tooat aubatantial ma& nr, at prlcaa fully ai low aa tbe aauie work can be otalnod In Philadelphia. Atrial li aoliclted ttcd aatlafactlon gnaranteed. at towett prlwa. July 4,1871. J?, BBLTZ, PUOTOOnAPHBIt, t Upper Main atrt. bLATINOTON, PA., la the Gallest recently oocnpicd by A. h. Dkxole.t J7CTOIlE TAKEIk IN ANY WF.ATIIEII. CaliJJal'S LIKEN E88ISO A peelitv. PATBOJJAOK BOLIC1TKD, And ntl"lactlon (Itjaiautcei. Janeltl-7jy QISKTBSMIALj 8AL.OOJ1, PUcdTJEUAJSINA 8T., MAUCH CHUNK. FRANK IHESIANN, Prop'r. FTo-ih rtilukdelpbla Laser Deer alirara on tap, OVuiirsol Uaoceat (lavora, auid aU oiber finds at Uofre'hmenU to be (oond In a lliat-cljea Haloou. FUEfJ LTJNUU eTeir MornlUK at IU o'ciiioic I'a 1 wbou yoa no to AfuucU (.'bank. July 10,18;&-yl Trass and Sargioal Bandage Stand. "W J- KVBBKTT. No. W Norta oeventb; Ht. " lioiovr Arob St.. rbiuids.phla. Lueatlm. provtxl Troaaea. Khoolner ilrncoa, tlaatlc wt nok luts. UatU, emanenaone., Crutcliea, Ueloroiitf Inetruraente. ifco, Aleo Mra. ETOrett'a. t llcb's aU ndjantlur tad other oalebrated Female Bap DAitata. Jjkdy Atteuaant. Lariro atooc oud low price, lleculu icceaalolly ticateo. Jttiv 31, im .ly. rITY niMI NOI-Tnat ELKf-THIO LTNI MENT.llke I (tot at DUBLINO'd DHUll BTultl!, wtl cure bun or anv otiwrmua of ltllUU:L,VlI3ai aodaii olbor fAI.id May I) BUILDER & CONTRACTOR liANS TKT, LKIIIOHTON, l'A, vt6iM)ilaJiy annoonoes to tbo oitlzena of Lo hltthtou (van TicUuly that be la now prepared to t-"ON rilAar ler tfie ISIIBCTJON ol DWELL IKO IiOUWKd, OHUKUitEB. hOIJOOL UOURKS.aud OTOHii IIUILDINQb. Aleo that be keepa couatusur on band a lull oasof t nmut of eroryUoeuripUoji of BEACONED JLumtier I Cnce'BUui- of FLOOHINO. BLUrNO. DOOM, AWI, ULJND'S. etaDTTElUi. MOLDXNOH, ? wuloa beuprepMed to lorsuftstUie vry yjtxi lUtke Irioee. Jon PnLNTlNO at tbe very lowrw prloDo Till? CAHlKKf ADVQOATW pnflOS. OltTII PISNNA. IIAILUOAD. Paeaontrera for Pblladeltibta will leave Leblch. ton na follows t t:!m a. m. via L. V. arrive at Phlla. at Clio a. m 7it7n. m. via U A 1. " " IIMSn. m, ;iM a. tn. vl i L. V. " " 11tl5 n. m. Hit; p. n. VlilL A u. " " tiMp. 111. 11:12 p. m. via L. V. ' " 2 2nii.ni. 2:2t p. m. via L. A f. " " t:l)o. m. 4M7p. rn.VlaL. AS. " ' 8:20 p. 111. 4:U p. m. via L. V- " " f:20 p. m. 7.SS p. in, via L. V. ' lPi3lp.ni. lir tnrnlni;. leave depot at Ttrks and Amorl. enn St., l'hlln., at'iKl. Btttand 8:45 a. m. 2:10, 'Ai and 5:15 p. m. I'aro from Lenlchton to I'hlln., (2.55. Kacuialon Tickets, f 4 (XI Jnne S. 1S)5 ELLIS OI.AltK. Acent. nKNTH a i. n. ti. of nr. j. W LKIIIOH SDSQUKIIANNA D1VIRI0N. All Hull Itniife to I.nnc llrniicli. PASSKMIKn STATION INNKW YOltK FOOT OF LIBHIITY ST.. N. It. Tlmo Table ofDeo. 27, 1875. Trtlna leave Leblhton aa follewa: For New York, Knton. Ac, at t.S2, 7.47, 11.12 a. m.. 2.20, 4.47 p. m. For Philadelphia, 6.22, 7.47, 11.12 a. m 2.20, 4.47, ForMauch Ohnnk at 10.20 a.m., 1.09, 6.38, 7.04 and 9.43 p. m. For VUke-llarre andScranton at 10.20 a. m,, 1.09 7.04 p. m. Rtlurning Leave New York, from atailon Cen tral llallroad of New Jersey, fool of Liberty atreet, North ltlver, at6.30, 0.00 a.m., 1.00, 2 4.1 and J. 1.1 p. m. Leave Plilladflphla, Trom Depot North Penn'a II lt at 7.0", 0.45 a.m., 2.10, 3.48 p. m. Leave Kaston at fc.3S, 11.40 a. m., 3.5.1, S.1J and 6.10 p m. Leave Maucb t.hnnk at 5.11,7.40, 11.01 a.m., 2.20 and 4.40, p. m. Fo: further particulars, ee TlmeTnblea at tbe Ktatlona. PAKSKNGEHP FOP LONO nitANCIl CHAAtlli CAU3 AT KLIZABKTII. II. P. UALDWIN, (Jen. I'autngcr Afftni. July 4. IS74. plUliA. Ai IllCAUING UAII.IIUAO. Arrangement of Passeuger TraDs. JANUAUY ItT 1875. Tralna leavo AL L&S TO V N na follow! t - IV1A PLIIKIOMKS 11RANCH.1 ror Philadelphia, iindgeport and i'erklomen jnnciiou, at u.41, a oo u.ra anaa.cop.m -,TINI)A . Tor Philadelphia. HndRiporl uad Perklomcn jmicuo . vii j.iu u in. IMA EAST PFX.XA. BKANCTt.l For Hoid'.nK, 1 2.30. b E0, 3.11 a tn., 12..0. 2.10. 4.30 ni-d 9.41 p.m For IlnirlHDiirg. f 2 30, 6 50, 8.U a. m 12.2, 4 39 and a.41 p.m. For Lanraater and Columbia, i M, 8.&S o.m- and 4 3,1 u m tDoea not ran on Monday" cUii uAia. For Heading-. 130 a in. and MS n ra. Foi HaiTlabnrg, 1.30 a. in, aod 8.4i o.m. Trains FOll ALLENTOWN leave as followa: I VI A rEKKIOMF.X nBAXCIM Leave rht'aai-lDhla 7 3i a.m., 5 lo and 8 3) u.m. Leave HrulRcport 8.30 a.m .tJ and ti.lo p.m. Lputo I'erklomen Juno. 0.1C u.ui . u.r.i aud S.35 o m. HUNDAYS. Loivo Ph'ladelpbla 8 10 . m.. Hrldgepnrt. .(,1 a.m., Tciklomcn JunclLin. 0.25 a.m. (VIA BA6T rrXNA BlIASc'll ) Leave Heuing, 7.35 7.4). l).3jn m., 4 00. S.I0 -nit io.I'O n m Loavn Hnniburc, S 2). 8.10 a. ra., 2.C0. 8.50 and 7.4 p.m. I, oave Lancaster, H.ic a.m. I2..i5and 3.15 p.m. Leavo Columbia 8.io a.m 1.00 and 3.. 5 p.m. HUNDAYh. Leave Readlnc. 7 20 a.m Lrave IInrrlittiniK, 5.10 a.m. Trains iuaiko.1 thus () run via O, A N. Ptranch, (ilepot 8th and (Ircen atreeta,) and b.tvo throutrh cara Irom nnd to Munch L'mtuk. Alliiiher tia.nsto and from Philadelphia a -rive at and wave Broad ntrcct depot. J. E. WOOT1ICN Nov. a, 1875. Oeuerai ji'wjierintfndenf, piCNNSYIiVANIA BAILItOAD, PHILADELPHIA A EKIE RB. DIVISION. Winter Time Table. On and niter SUNDAY, NOV.SlaU 1871, tho Trains on tho Plnladelphla A Erie llallroad Di vision will run as toliows : WESTWARD. FAST LINE leavos Nw Y'ork Phil dcipbia Hultlmoie HarrisbarK arr. at WUliainsport Locx Haven IKl.efontH EiUE MAIL Jeaea New York Fluladclohla Dalllmore Hani-burr 0.2 am. 12.15 p.m. I. 23 p.m. S.iKi p.m. 8.55 p,m. 10.20 p.m. ll.Mp.m. 8.25 D.m. II. Hn.m. D.0I p.m. 4,25 a m, 8 35 a.m. 9.45 a.m. 11.05 a.m. 7.50 p.m. 7.vo a.m. 7.33 a.m. 10.41 a.m. 1.55 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 8.00 a.m. 8.30 a.m. 1.25 p.m. 6.10 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 8 41 a.m. 7.51a.m. 11.53 a.m. 6.16 pm. 4.20 p.m. 7.b5 p.m. 9.10 a.m. Wllhamepoit Lock Haven Hei.ova arr. at Erie LIMIT. MAIL leavoa Philadelphia Baltimore Ilainabure trr. at WUltamsport 4 Locz IUven W r.euova L'K HAVEN AC. lva I'nllndelphia Baltimore IZarrlsbarg arr. at WilUamsport Lock llaven EASTWARD. PniLAD'A EX. leaves Lock Haven Wllllamrport arr. at Ilarnabnrg Baltimore Philadelphia New Yoilc DAY rXPRESS leaves Renova Lock llaven 10.25 a m. WilUamsport Ii.3in.in. arr. at Ilamabara; S.oip.m. i-niiaaeiLuta New Yorz lialtlmoro EE1E MAIL leaves Erie ltenova Iwk Haven W.Uiamsport arr. at Ilairitbure Da'tlmore Philadelphia New York FAST LINE leaves WilllamsiHirt arr. at Harrtsburg Babimore Pblludelpbla New York s.20 p.m. 9.15 p.m. ii.35 p.m. l'.'.'o a.m. 8.25 p.m. 9.45 p.m. 10.55 p.m. 2 30 am, 7.35 a m. 7.00 a.m. lO.in u.m. 12.35 n.m. 3.55 a.m. 7.85 a w, 7.31 a.m. 10.25 a.m. Erie Mall IVtil. Limited Mall West, Lock llaven Aroom, West and Day Expreea East make close connect ton at Northomberl.nd with L.AO.UH. trainsfor Wllkesbarre and scrantou. Erie Moll West. Limited Mall Weak and Fast Line Weat, make cose connection at WilUamsport wtlU N, c. It. W. tralua norui. Erie MaU Fast and Wet, Limited Mail West, East line West and Day Express Kaal make elois connection at Loot Uaveu with I). E. V. Itlt. trams. Erie M 1 East and West connect at Erie with trains on L. B. A M . 8. Itlt., at Corry with O. C A A, V. nil., at Emporium with D. N. Y. A P. lilt., and at Driftwood with A. V. 11 U. Parlor Cara 1;1 rnnoetween Philadelphia and Wllllamepoit id Limited Mail Weat. Fast Line Wetst, PhUadelpbU Express East and Day Expresii &ast. rileeplngCiirs on all uigbt trains. WM. A. UALDWIN. Oen'l papf $1,200 PROFIT ON $100 Made tbta month by Tuti and CU1. Invostae cordina- to vonr means. CIO. (50 or 1100. In STOCK PltlVlLUOF.a, bttAbroufht a small fortune to tbe careful 'in vea or. We advlee wlieo asd bow to orEitATK bately. Books wlUi foll lolormaUoa a eat tree Addreu 01 dare sir mat) aod taiecrapb to. BAXTER eta CO., Packers isd Droxen 17 Wallet IT, N TKEASUltEU'S SALE OF Unseated JL.mds I TaJOTIGB IS HF.IircilY OIVB1V, thai A' asreeablyln the Ait of Aaemlilr of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, dlrertfnt; the mo,ln of SellhiB the Unseated Lands for Taxes, the fol lowln Tracts and Parts of Tracta of Unsosted Lands will l sold, at Public Pale, on JUNI! 13th, It lielnpr thei Third Mondiv of June next, at the i ourt House, in the Boroujh or Maurh Chunk, for the arrearatrea of Taxes duo. and thi costs ae. rroed on each, respectively, unless the same lw paid lu-ror the day of aale.? Salo to commence at Ar. a o'clock A. l. HAN KB TOWNBI1IP. Port of Mnrrnntee'iNiinic. at. a r. Hradv. William, 40 U5 421 8(1 Ilrmly, John, 0 40 44 1 120 Clark, llobert, 300 423 Clark, Wlllhin, 303 flark, Walter, 440 120 Carson. Andrew, 3no 40n Davidson, Jonas, 202 40 337 7.1 (Irey, Wnu 117 27 440 4U (Irant, Thomas, 10 30 3U0 r Hamilton, Thomas, 125 OS .ISO '28 Jackson, .lere.. 101 128 tW 121 Kunkle. Christian, 115 .10 416 30 Kerrlker. Daniel, 0 67 418 Ion, Hubert, tOO Martin, Peter, 02 380 Meyer, John. 331 3h7 Martin. Thnniaa, 2.VJ 410 Stedman, Kllrabelh, IIS 40 SO .Stedm.111, David, 2.18 80 43d 80 EAtjr PENN TOWNSHIP, niodrlik. Jas., Jr., 35 Moyer, Dai Id. 00 Mmson & llalllet, 35 I'earsol, Jeremiah 203 Both, (leorpe, 30 lloyer, Folomon, 212 Leisenrlnir, Iteuben, 24 Pearsol, Mrrdlce, 250 Tea, llobert, 2C0 Am't, (6 6.1 1 65 28 30 28 30 81 (18 28 30 10 20 11 02 2 08 12 83 II 92 42 80 3 7.1 10 10 II 'J2 100 1,0 40 60 11 91 87 43 It (10 8 U II 60 22 20 3 60 14 3.1 10 73 11 ro 8 93 B 05 weissport Donouon. Part of Lot No. 81, Lot No. 6.1, WEATUERLY BOROUOII. Davis & Jones, 60 4 61 0 60 LOWER TOWASIENSINO TOWNHH.1P. Hays, John, 40 Lewis, William, m 131 P.lrtrldRo, John, 250 MM, Jehu, 611 332 8 370 105 4 00 81 3J3 79 ' 59 69 3 62 (11.7 II', I 15 Lttwrenre I'alut Co., 20 Huwman, lh-lllard, 10 Cialir, Tliomar. Lst.. 30J 10 s; 00 3 S CO 51 Craig, Thomas, bat.. 130 l.elubach A Co., 9 19 44 89 14 00 6 20 0 20 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, Beck A Dover. 50 40 28 14 7 21 Canipbo.l J. M., Fenner, .lo-eph, Horn, Herman, Baudenbush k Co., Reiner, John, jr., 3 73 3 7J 8 21 17 27 10 00 28 00 28 34 21 73 33 O'l 10 3J 42 6.1 42 85 30 80 10 SO 32 ;a 67 0.1 121 "0 31 01 28 90 11 23 74 80 8. 37 38 20 10 C3 21 00 113 71 41 Si 38 20 47 60 42 (0 10 (8 10.1 84 14U 20 100 63 CI 00 CI 00 100 00 KIDDER TOWNSHIP. Bradford. Thomas, Brown, Jonathan, Blown, Catharine, ll'akely. D.nld, Cial;:, .l.ane, Cralir, Thomas, Chrli-t. John. Chriatman, (lets A rnJt, Der, John Dyer, Sa-nh, Day, Uuitjamln Kvans David, llorfefifld, M m., Hartttnir, tl.tnlel, llariuu,;, D.avld, Kelder, Mbhae', Kramer, John, Nf.Wt, John N., Pearson. Isaac, Perry, 'Ihoma, Rooster, Thomas, Robert1, tleorue, llice, Owen, Reese, Samuel, Shaw, John, 1 homas, Daniel, Thompson, John, 175 2 0 150 2l'4 2l. 40.1 60 414 419 443 91 220 60 30:) 200 10,1 33.1 114 2111 43!) 120 Ml 75 160 110 400 417 117 21 10 H8 160 403 439 63 400 250 441 40) 150 4)8 160 4-S7 400 LAUSANNE TOWNSHIP. Corson, Andrew, Martin, Hubert, Smith. Jeremiah, Smllhers, llonry, Southern, Oeorsc, Sraithers, George, Smith, Daniel. CD .1 218 203 106 2C2 400 400 300 183 418 4.0 101 400 400 McCliuty, James, 28 45 EAul' MAU OH CHUNK BOROUGH. Singer, Kmanuel, 413 Slnger.Jobn, 161110 411100 PACKER TOWNSHIP. Adams, Wlllllam, 60 33 40 11 23 7 80 6 09 6J 07 28 2G 12 66 16 CI 15 07 28 33 28 33 18 20 23 20 6S 40 II 88 8 07 14 CO Buntlnir, Bates, Frederic, Bales, Henry, Brady, John. Cants. Thomas. 427 401 ti 120 115 131 2u7 120 402 82 402 22 401 401 U3 129 i: crisi. joun, Collday, Jacob, Decater, Stephen, Deamur, Jobu, Delany, Sharp, Deamer, Abnrr, Deal, Martin, Upley, Klllian, Kpley, taonard Fromberger, John Fudge, Jonas, Frey, Joaepb, Frazer, Malhio, 400 80 104 100 40 406 40 400 118 400 113 405 160 417 70 401 10 431 140 427 40 28 63 29 35 65 07 74 23 30 03 437 1S7 21 10 uroll.uecrce, Gfaoe, A. and J., J1!0 Qangwer, Matthias, I 427 13 30 03 19 08 65 40 28 20 28 20 fi 82 28 20 73 21 W 20 18 00 33 20 43 6 44 21 41 14 00 28 74 7 80 0 60 3 31 10 39 7 62 2) 25 7 81. 7 80 13 C4 8 76 28 2d 6 08 18 00 68 12 11 00 49 34 0 18 74 67 14 91 41 SO 11 20 69 34 U S3 IT 44 4.M Qorden.Jobn 266 90 304 90 Oende, James, 400 100 Urey, Win, 400 2i Urey. Robert, 400 43 Oangwor, martin, 1 . ... Ulade, A. and Jacob 71 437 161 Qoodbeart, Henry, 400 10 llatlewood, Jacob, 425 t7 Henry, Joseph, 401 Ueatb, John, 210 400 60 Ilarlsy, Daniel. 407 112 Heiater, John, U 400 117 llelster, Galwle, 8 40J Kunkel, Christian 300 416 30 Kell, Theodore, 200 3W 117 Kunkel, John, 403 23 Jackaon, Jeremlab, 100 SOS Martlu, Voter, 120 330 MeAra, John, 34 412 117 Martin, Thomas, UO 416 Mtura, John, 90 112 117 McNeil, James, 401 Mcpherson, John, 100 171 Komlf, Joliu, 100 60 18S 60 Kouilg,Jobn, 03 68 100 ItonUgtJtbn, 67 33 100 Simmers, Wm, 401 49 Smoker, John, 30 76 412 117 tfarsty, blliabetb, 113 432 23 Safety, Joseph, 420 10 Steaduan. David 200 43 80 Smoker, John, 237 412 117 Savety, Joseph, 120 Touch, Fraucli, 133' S3 . Weiss, Jacob, 436 4i Walts, Jacob, 300 800 30 Willing, Msritsrst, 160 S43 HO Wldusr, Jsoob, 407 YooDtJobn, HjI U YootCr, Conrad, tli 130 PENN FOREST TOWNBHIP, Ab4ti, Jaoob, tt 114 Pelt of Warrantee's Nnmo Anthony, Peter, Burr, Joseph, Bader, Samuel R., Beahm, Philip, Beatel. John, Beck, llonrv, Conrad, Mnlhew, Clajpole, DavlJ, Carrol, John, Craljr, Thomas, Colt, llonrv, Bider, David. Ilealnn. Philip, lllerklev, David, Dryer, Norton, I'PP'ey. Henry, Kppley, Indrew, Kvans, Charles, Hvans, Philip, Kvans, Charles, (Jeddes, Wm., Oarlley, .Idin, Hamlet, Oodrrey, Krlder, Conrad, Krider, Abraham Ktrlt, Mlchiel, F. Sheckl-r, Leveri, Wll'laui. I.eareh, John, Lniran, Jame, McNeil. Hamuel, Mer.tr.er. Filincls, Nellh, MrboLis, A. p. r. Am't 430 429 110 411 140 303 21 4 12 20 421 410 .100 80 433 27 27 100 401 371 3(17 88 41 id 430 4311 438 101 411 1.16 451 28 4.18 420 170 '.21 201 412 ei 422 67 4 0 109 4'0 100 411 160 18 7.1 22 :ui 10 20 15 20 16 20 16 20 10 70 16 20 25 86 403 25 2 01 2 93 16 20 15 20 15 20 6 30 15 20 11 0.1 18 7.1 23 30 408 884 44 16 20 3 84 10 70 16 20 32 I'D 29 40 R 10 11 03 29 40 15 20 15 20 15 20 15 20 67 80 18 20 16 20 2 42 18 76 15 20 16 20 16 20 N'lchri.ia, Wm., 400 Oilenhelmer, Philip, 4ns 101 Poor, John, 307 120 Palmer, Thomas, 50 Heed, Susanna, 439 G5 Simmers, Jonas, 410 TorUrf, Rl.linrd, 413 94 lalght, Celiaillan. 401 03 TO W A MENS IN O TOWNlHIP. Bowman, Henry, M0 llratten, Hunh, 21 Leuckel A lloyer, 130 Melnliart, Charles, 409 McManiis. Peter. 10.1 0 00 A 34 20 30 17 30 0 38 73 C'2 25 62 0 18 12 11 23 91 B 00 18 02 24 03 74 20 30 52 Stocker, Fraurls,ACo 118 Smith, John, 05 Sutder, Cornelius, 50 Snyder, Cornelius, B.t Boils, William, 287 Kline's Tract, 100 Wlltermaii, Mary, 01 Youpt A tiering, 96 Yonpt Aaerlnii, 451 Halil.U, A Rlckert J. IC. 02 LEHIGH TOWNSniP, llhckwell, Robert, 401 134 49 00 2.1 30 41 CO 44 97 64 20 38 41 62 09 62 68 62 58 61 22 41 no 9 74 0 10 17 20 9 74 47 17 49 OS 41 9.1 61 37 62 68 63 71 60 41 28 05 111 22 63 24 Brown. Jol: 100 Davla, Benjamin, Dodson, Susanna, Dodson, Mabel, Dodson, Thomas, Dodson, John, Dodson, James, K'lmunds Daniel, (Jllmore, Robert, 402 120 302 10 438 301 421 423 421 113 413 100 dill, John, 401 Hottenstlne, David, lot HnrUADodon 50 Keloer. John. 2IH1 Mnrlln, l'eler, 72 Mouse, Josoph, 3-0 Misire, Juulea, 401 Olden, ,lhn, .170 1.10 I'ryor, Norton, 411 110 R01I1, Peter, 4'21 113 Raikenstraw, Jos., 4 4 12) clmmeis, Henry 4(7 70 Savlta, Kllaalwtb, 21 RJ cavltz. Joseph, Ml 12) Smith, Oliver, 430 Warller, Michael, 411 33 Wllllnc Richard, 400 19 Meisi. Jacb, 99 els, Thomas, 100 W bite A II uard. 1(0 60 81 41 00 12 P8 13 13 13 1.1 Clulg, lalili I, 422 73 S5 17 llAUOIt CHUNK TOWNSHIP. CunnliiBham. Jus, 103 111 0 60 7 80 is no 13 75 f.1 (10 IS no 2 63 Kellplonnthan, NO hell, Jonathan Heath. John Leonaid, Peter Lnrdls, llobert. Mocre, James Murphev, lloorgo, 210 00 400 lf,0 372 110 402 110 420 1-0 IS 12 12 25 2.1 20 2.1 60 60 60 CO 15 8 25 2 02 Stout. Manass.ll, Oonnley, Mra. Wanner. Nathan 2 02 3 10 8 10 2 70 8 10 Terruttce, Jonathan, Slnjard. James r,iieris,.iosepn, Hont7, John 6 21 6 25 S 2.1 Erln, Thomas Hex. Km.anuel fi 10 Slmun. Jacob 2 25 1 (8 Stroup, Joseph, Dreltbacb, Daniel, 1 10 T. D. OLAUSS.-Treasu rer. Mauch Chunk, April 1, 1870 W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEHIOHTON, PENN'A. Plans and Specifications FOR ALL KINDS OF BUILDINGS MADE AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. NO CHARGES Made for PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS wnen tho contract Is awarded to Hie under signed. Jnne 14, 1173-yl. A. W. EACHES. D It ESSE D AND LIVE The nnrterslrncd respectfully Informs the citltens of Carbon and adjolnine counties, that be Is attain prepared to supply them with Dressed or Live Hogs at prices folly as low as they can be boatht for elsewhere. Also, Smoked Haras. Bologno and Sviseage, at WboloAi.lo and Retail. tST Orders will be promptly filled, and Hogs shipped to any point at tho shortest notice. JOSEPH OBERT, Euk Street, Lcblirhtos, Pa. Nov. 6, yl Plotts' Star Organs Are us perfect parlor organs as are ronnufacta red. Correspondence solicited with organists, musicians and tho trade. Address, EDWAUD PLOTTr), Wasilugton, N. J, . T OOK BEAUTIFUL LOOK ROSY l-A bot "lie of DURLlNG'8 ItO-E GLYCERINE for Roaa-buessof the SKIN, OHAI'I'ED If ANDS, Ac, only 25 cents a botilo. May 9, Plotts Star Orgims Combine beaatir, dnrablllty and worlh. Bond for Illustrated caialocoB before bnimir. Ad dress tbe maonfaetnrer, EDWARD PLOTTS. Wsahlnston.N. J. "TrrnT, on WITT will yoo mffer wlta list ' COUOH or COLD I when yea maybe tnv mediately re'elved by usmjr DOIILINO'3 COM POUND BYRU' oj TAB WILDCHERKY aod UOKKHOUND. May NEW LAWS. The Rovctnor hai signed tha follow ing btllx, tnformatinn of which litis b en ofllclally transmitted to the sonato and lipusi; : Hoiisn bill No. 14, nn net supple mcnlnry to the act entitled nn net sup plementary to the several acts relating to the stnto treasurer nnd cnnitnt.iilu tiers nf the, sinking fund, approved May 0, 1874. Sinned February 12. liouso bill No. 4, nn net to unablo ns6lpnces, for the benefit of creditors, to make sales of real estnto encumbered by liens. Signed tVbrunry 17. IIouso bill No. 10, nn aet supplemen tary to nn net to prescribe tho manner by which the com ts may divide boruuphs Into waids, approved May 14, 1874, Signed February 17. House bill No. 48, tin net supplemen tnry to an act to provide for the liicor pointlnn and regulation or certain cor porations, approved April 20, 1874, nu tlinrlzltiR brlilfie companies to exercise their eot pnrate franchises within le.11 than 8,000 feet of any other bridge in actual use, to cross strenn.s bounding cities of the third class from nny point wHhln the same. Signed March 14. liouso bill No. 24, an act in relation to the entry of satisfaction of judg ments which have been fully paid by tho defendant. Signed March 14. Senate bill No. 13, n supplement to an net to nuthnrizo the governor to ap point additional notailes public, Signed March 10. Senate bill No. 8, a further supple ment to an act to provide for the ad mission of certain classes of the insane Into hospitals for the Iniane in this com mnuvtealtli and their dlsclmrge there from, approved April 20. a. d. 1800. Signed Marcli 23. benate bill No. 18, an act relating to ball for stay of execution in cases wliero such hail is like to prove insolvent. Signed March 23, House bill No. 20, an net empower Ingcampmeetliig Associations tn emolov a police force. Signed Maich 28. House bill No. 03. nn act to ohantre tbe placo for holding the sessions of the supreme court for tlua mlddlu dlsttlct and providing for fitting up and furnish- ing suitable rooms fur that purpose. Signed March 23. Ileus.' bill No. 220, a Buntilement to nn act entitled an net to provide for the appointment of a state bnnid of centen nial itianaL't'is for the centennial exlil. bltlon and to defray tho expenses there of. Signed March 30. House bill No. 152, nn act maklnc nn appropriation for nn educational display at the centennial exposition and to erect a suitable school Ikhho orotlic building for lliepiirpii.e Signed Marcli House bill No. 12, an act relating to daningei ami mesne prufits. Signed March 31. IIoum' hill No (.";, nn net to tepual an act entitled an act relative to com inlltlnrr mngistratos ot Lebanon, Dau phin, Franklin and Adams counties, approved tho 20.1. day of March, a. d. 1801), so far as relates to and applies to tins county ot Adams, feigned March 31. liouso bill No. 43, an net to repeal nn act entitled an net to tlx the mileage nnd to change the time for the meeting of tho directors of the poor of Hunting don county, approved tlm 14th day of March, a. d 1873 Signed Marcli 31. House bill No. 51, a supplement to an act entitled an act to authorize nnd require the auditors to publish an an nual statement of the receipts and ex penditures of road commissioners, supervisor-, overseers ot the poor and school ditectorsof tho several townships mm uoreugus witnin tills common wealth, to designate n day to audit, set tle aud adjust township and boiough hccounts.ttpproved April 24,a. d. 1874. Signed March 31. Senate bill No. 1, an act authorizing tho stntn treasurer to pay the necessary expensss Incident to tho calling out of the National Guard to assist the civil authorities in suppressing the recent riots in Luzerne, Northumberland nnd Schuylkill counties. Signed Mareh 31. Senate bill No. 70, an act tj carry Into effect section live of article four teen of the constitution relative to tho salailes of county oiucers and Urn pay merit of fees received by them Into the state or county treasury In counties containing over 150,000 Inhabitants. Signed March 31. Characteristics of tho Average Am erkau Boy. If there aro any loose straw, chips, sticks, old barrel or boxes anywhere within his reach, and ho can get a match, he will make what he calls a "bonflro" and stand around it and hold Ids hands before it until he gets suck ed all over. If there Is a poLd or puddle of muddy water anywhere about he will take off his shoes and stockings, roll up his clean white pants and either wade In or get a dirty board or plank and push himself about until face, hands and cloths ate one uniform dirt color from top to too. He will go over any fence or wall or thn ugh any tangled thicket ot briars, thorns or brushwood, regardless of the strength ot his trousers, even when It would bo quite as handy to tq around by the proper path. He will plunge Into any muddy ditch or swamp after a mud-turtle or a uilu. now, and then, after cstrylog it about for a while, will throw his prize away. He will climb any laddei, pole, seat fold or tree, with no understandable reason except to get where be knows he ought not to be, and with tbe sure result of getting Into danger, When his klto lodgci In a tree or on n telegraph wlro ho will try to get It down by throwing stones nnd sticks at it until the kite Is broken all to pieces, nnd will spend ns much tlmo nnd energy In IhU vain pursuit as- would serve to make a dozen other kites. Ho will trudge through tho snow and slush In preference to walking on a per fectly clean path or pavement. Ho will spend hours In throwing dobs nnd stones to knock ' caudles" from tho catalpa tree, to knock " beans" from tiie locust tree.to knock " switch es" from the nl'anthus tree, and to knock " button. balls" from the button wood trees j nnd then when ho has got them and gets his clothes in disorder he will gnlher up ids " candles," "switch es" or button-balls," and Immediately find he don't want them and give them nway to some other boy who don't waut tiicui eiiuer. Ho will mako a racket and nolso without any poislblo reason for It ex cept the "fun" of making .1 nolso Finally, he will get his clothes dirty, or his fingers cut, or his shins or head bruised, if there is nny show or chance for either within a mile. Wherein the nverago American boy differs from the American girl : This " differentation" Is a problem tor the " evolutionists ' to solve. HUMOROUS. One thing is certain, people must stop, reading tho nowspapers, or wo'il all wako up some morning with no ma terial to ninke Jurymen of. And now Miss Kellogg says tho cor respondent's know more about her ma trimonial designs than she does. Yoa should read the papers, Clara. " Tou hain't gut any chewing ter baccer about your cio'es, hev you ?" asked a Fort Scott girl of n young man sho was escorting to a leap year party. " Yon ain't nfrald to die ?' said tho clergyman, tondorly. " No," replied thesutferer, " I'm only nfrald if I do that tho old woman will go rooting nmong my private papers tbo first thing." An editor's hair shot right up on Its end, tho other night, when a largo cock roach arose to to tho brim of tha pmt-pot and hoarsely Inquired, " Havo you got nnythlng more about Stan ley ?' Lord Dudley, on receiving n visit from the poet. Rogers at Parls.proposed that they should go to tho Catacomos. It has often been remarked of Ro"PTd that, with his fine bald head, wrinkled skin, sunken cheeks, he was mora like a death's head than nny man that was ever seen allvo. When the poet had spent nn hour or two In tho abodes of mortality, nnd was nbout to mako his -tit, the keeper, startled at his death like appearance, tried to stop him, cry inijout : "Hullo I Getyou back I Yon havo no right to come out ? Rogers afterwards complained to Lord Dudley that he had cruelly deserted him in his emergency. " My dear Rogers." re plied tho Earl, " I did not like to In terfere, you looked so much at home." A thirsty Rhlnoceroi havlno- to hia great Joy encountered a dromedary In the desert of Sahara, besought the lat ter animal of his mercy to givo him a drink, but the diomedary refused, ute ting that he was holding the tluld for advance " Why," said ho to tho rhinoceros, did you not Intimate mr forethought and prudence, and take SOIDB liefell to tlin mnrrn,9 Ti. -ui. ceros knowledged tho Justice of the re- uune. oomeiirae aiterwards he mot In nn oasis tho (lrnmril.irr 1.-.1 n zed at tho turn of tin market and was now trying to cover ills shorts. For heaven's sake." he grasped to the rhinoceros, who was wollowing In thu midst of u refreshing pool, " trust mo for a nip." "When I was thirsty," replied the rhinoceros, " you declined to stand the drinks, but I will give you a 'l So sayn8 ho let "e grateful sunlight into the dromedary's Innard. Moral Vlitue is its own reward. The head of the Scottish house of Murray, generally known ai the Duke of Athole, a young man of thirty-six. holds one dukedom, two marqtiisates, Hvo earldoms, three titles as viscount and twelve as baron, twenty-three tl tics In all ; six more than any other uo bleinan iu tho United Kingdom. " Big long-legged man don't always sometimes get ahead of llttlo boy," u Chinese for " the race Is not always to the swift." TnE Candy Question. Wo propose to give our young readers a few 'points' with regard to the candy question. The next time your mother predicts that jou "will not have a tooth In your head" from eating so much candy.reply pleas antly, but firmly, that Henry, Duke of Beaurort, for forty years ate nearly a pound of candy dally, and died at tlm age of eighty with a full set of perfect teeth In bis head. If this Is not enough, crush your parent completely by re marking, coldly, that every schoolboy knows that Cleland, In bis "Institutes of nealtb," mentions a Mr. Mallony who was extremely fond of sugar and addicted to its use and who reached the rloo neo of one liiinrlr..l vur. i,ui.... good tei-th until ho was fourscore, and wen uutuaiiy cut a new set I U your father eoraea to your mother's relief, assure him that teth lis Id syrup for a wbolo year without ubv r-iwHwwiu vurci, tvuu MO DtSl at, thorltles now sav that - -"J KIVII lUt ehlldren. Ni.w, If this la'ut a nrebrarxi v wju kjiurr vrnat 11,