IllllTOU MIIIIUIITPS, I'A.i SATIIIIIIAV MUKNIgtl A N. ISTO. Governor llartrntift has Issued nn order granting iviiiihIuii during tlio continuance of (lie Centennial lixliltil lion lo nil nrmeil bodies of National UuanWmou frum titliT Slates to jhihs through nnil remain within Hip Hindi nftho CuiunioiiivciiUh so Ip'ig na tiny may desire. Tlio llousu Com.iilUco on Appro rltiliuus Tuesday tlio Legis lative, Judlclnl ntid Incentive Ajipro prlntlou bill. Tliry Mruek out tlio ap propriation for seven clerks of tlio House, rcdticu the salaries of Congress men from 15000 lo$!!.VIll, nnd mailt) n genoral reduction of 10 pur Cent. In tlio salaries of nil civil Unvcintucnt em ployees. In tho House, Tiicsduy Hid On tennlnt Approprinl'.iHi illl was con sidered In cotntnlltfla of tlio whole., nnd n motion liy iir. I lolunni , of Indiana, to strikeout tlio enacting rlnuso was lost - yeas 101. nay.i 120. Tlio Wit wns Mini passed, yeas 140, nays 130, with an amendment, requiring tho payment in Mil! lo tho Treason' of nny balance Hint may liu loft in tin.' hands of the nuance Committee b"foro any dividend is pnld to the stock holders. The National Capital. ritou oun own Amnr CoiiimsroMittNT. XV KIIIM.TON, .1.111. 2j. 18T0. Tho fierce deb.-,to upon tlio Amnesty lilll of which 1 wrote ou last week lias been succeeded by a long discussion upon the Centennial Appropriation bill. Many nblo speeches hnvo been undo for and aaaltist (be hill, Its opponents taking the ground that It Is iinconstltti tlona1. As yet no one haB advanced any other nrgument against the pro posed appropriation. Tho Indications aro that tho volo upon it will bo clos, but as it will piohaldy bu settled onu 'way or tho other by tlio limn tills letler leaches you, speculations ns to tlio ro flult nre useless. A portly, gray liaired nnd sedate looking old gentleman iV 9,111 tho lTtli District of New York, named Town send nstonished (ho llouso Inst week by nppearlrg in tho rolo of a humorist. .Judging from appcarnnces ho was about (he lust man in tho lloueo that would ho suspected of having nny fun in him, nnd tho calm owl llko dignity with Which ho was dally wont to sur vey tho younger nnd more active mem bers around him was even suggestive of stupidity, but when roused to action bo was n striking example of tho troth of tho old saying Hint appearances are often deceitful. IJo ''made a speech which kept the floor and the galleries in an almost conl In'ual roar' of laughter. "IIo went'for'the " strict construction ists" as lie termed Uiose gentleman who were disposed to uso tho Constitution as n covers for their opposition to any bill that did not sui: them, In a very lively manner and made some most ex cellent lilts. Everything was said In such n good-natured sent of a way, that ovcntlie victiniswliQin lie was scalping could not heljf Joining In the loud and uproarious laughter that greeted his nu merous sallle3 of wit. Somo of the -younger humorists had better look to their laurels or tho old ccntloman will carry off tlio palm ns the Fuiiny Man of tho House. "When he finished Ills speech tho members crowded around bis desk at d alhlnst overwhelmed iiiin with their congratulations. Tho penny-wise-pound-foolish policy BPems to hnvo taken complete posses sion of tho Cummltlen on Ap propriations, nnd if all their ret'onimen ilations nro adopted by Congress their is great danger Mint the etllciene.y of some of tho depaitments of the Oovern luent will bo (seriously crippled The latest freak is tho cutting down of the estimates of the Consular and Diploma tic bill, decreasing tlio salaries of For- olnh Ministers, consolidating borne For oign Missions, abolishing others ami degrading Hie Diplomatic service gen orally. They nlno threaten to iedueo the salaries in tho Military establish ment of'tho Government to a largo' ex tent. 1 no power to net upon ami re port bills of this kind was conferred on this committee by nu nmendmenr, to one of the Utiles of the House ndopted last week. Kulo 180; gave the Committee on Appropriations power to report bills to Incrense,but not to decrease ealnrlos, and upon motion of Mr. Coxof Now Tork, It was amended S3 as to give It afso Hie power to report bills deci easing salaries. This action of tho Houso gives vast additional powersto this committee and enables it to net upen nlmnt as wide a mngo of subjects ns tlio Com mlttee of Ways and Means. And lu deed much of its Increased Importnnco is gained at the expense of the latter committer, liy reason of Its newly nc ijoired powers it can reach nnd to a cer tain degree regulate almost every branch of the Government. That this power will be exercised in the most re, lentless manner thorn Is littln doubt, as tlie object sought to be attained was fully exposed in thh debate which pre ceded the adoption of the above amend ment. Senator Morton, Is squarely In tho field as a Presidential candidate. He expects to gain much strength by his resolution calling for it 11 Investigation into tho alleged frauds perpetrated In the lato Mississippi election which Is now before the Scmito. Contrary to ids usual custom Mr. Morton stood up when addressing tho tisnnte on this Buulect.fcupportliii! nimseirou a crutch like arrangement which Js attached to his desk. He hecamo very much fati gued nnd exhausted by the effort nnd only spoke for n rhort time each day Soino 111-nuturod persons have bccnun WDd enoujjh to say that lio Only t tandij )l. V. M0UTII1.MKII, up lo mako thn puhllo think hn has ft pair nf legs pond enough to run for (hp 1'irtlitiHii'v. Morlmi tolles much ti Dim .ConkljiiB'n determined hostility lo limine, ioiiKiing nun iimiiiu nro miiei personal on'emlc's nnd If Conkllng can ltlll olf lllnlne, which he will try to do, Morlon'thlnlcs the tli'l'l'ls clear for his own nomination. One strnngo rlrcum '.Inni'i rnnnectod Willi the liiiggln lor Hie Presidential suceeHilon UthatOrniit npi''ins to li the si cotid choice nf nil the nsplrunts, ench ono Is for himself lltst, of emiri(ut after that for Grnnt. Is tills nn honest prefeience ? or Is It a bid fur the Inlliii'llf' mid stlppoit of tlio Adiiiinlstintlon or U II on the prin ciple of one ot the uilns of seven np, to tlitnvv the gnmo to tlio plnjer imvllig tho low st number i,t points '.' The fight In the Demoeiiille camp for til" Presidential nomination eeoins to he between llendlieks and Tilden. Indiana will push Hrmlilck-i (very stiongly and recent developments point lo the piobahlllty of l'ennjlyanln slilklug hands with lndlaha to xure llendlieks noiulnatlon, Tilden Is not liked by the Democrats of I'ennsj lvanla nnd'Olilo mid could nut carry the party vote In these States, should he secure the nomination. They lilame their do feat Inst fall In these Slntes to tho want of sympathy and In some tutaiices open opposition to Hie Tilden faction to wards them, believing Mils opposition to have been nieiely for the of killing olf rival rreldentlal nsplmnU ntid clearing tho track for Tilden, n large pottlou of the pally will nut only bitterly oppose ids nomination but would carry their opposition to the. polls. As it would be morally Impos sible to elect a Democratic "President without tho electoral vote ot either of the great Stntes ot Vennsylvnnla, Ohio or Indiana, nml ns Hendricks would stand a much better chance than Tllileu of catrylng 0110 or mora of these Slates, Hendricks slock is ju-dMiow Hie highest In 1 ho nun l(e t. Kx-Govcrnor Cuitln, of Pennsylvania, is spoken of ns the eandldnlo for Vleo l'resldent on the ticket with Hendricks nnd of couiso Col. Alex. McCluic and his little hand of patriot reformers nie strong for Hen dricks and Curlln. IJayard, of Uela- wine, was tnlked of for awhile, nnd If 10 belonged to one of the larger btalos might be a lormldahlu candidate lor the nomination, but 'little Delaware dues not rnrry enough guns In tho way of lectoral votes and tins fact only issut- Hclcnt to dispose of her favorite son. Kerr, the Speaker ot the Mouse, might under certain eonlingeneles eonio In as a compromise candidate, but at piescnl his prospects nro not very bright. Much fault has liecu lounit with Mttjsiti. Hill, of Georgia, and Cox, of New Yoik, for tlio manner In which they revised and altered their speeches delivered In the Mouse 011 the Amnesty bill, when they came lo bo inserted in thf' Congressional Keooul. The pottlou Willi which I lie lirp'iljlieuiis Iniiiid the most fault ami wncii were most of fensive to Nottliern bentiment were e.aiefully snppiessed in the leporU r.s printed. '1 his thing of making oiie upeecli and printing another has become so common amog Congresimeli that it lias been found necessary lo place some restriction on Hie iiractlce.atnl the Judi ciary Committee of the llou-o will to- not t a bill directing ollleml reporters lor the Record to repot t speeches exactly I'sthuy aie delivered and allow no nor rcclions except such as aro necessary to mane liieni giaiiiinaueaiiy collect. A bill has lieen Introduced in tlio Houso by Mr. liaker, of Indiana, pio- vlding lor a reduction In tho sa'aths of Itepresentatlves nmrHonator.s. It ilxe.s their coinpen.atinn nt 111,500 per annum with no allowatico for stationery or mileage. As this bill conies too near home it is safe to ptedlct (hat it will not be pasted. i,ATi:it. The Centennial Appropriation bill. appropriating $l,n0O,OOO to tho Contcn trial Exposition, alter nelnc discussed during nearly tho wliolo of last week and n patt of this, was parsed In the llouso to-day (. luesilay,) liy a vote of MO yeas to 1110 nays. The hill as passed finally wns amended so ns to make Hie Government n preferred creditor to the amount of $1,500,000, which sum Is to be twld into the Treasury of (ho United Stales out of any asset's that may re main niter tlie Exposition IB wound uti and before nny dividends sue mndo to Mm stockholders of the corporation, and further providing that the President and Treasurer of tho Centennial Hoard &I111II glvo bond in the sum of $500,000 fdr the faithful dlsbursenfent of tlio amount appropriated. f'hiladcpliia Letter. lTUIA., I'a.,811,25. J876. Bear ADVOCATH! A New York tailor adver. Uej fin will make ft pair of pants n throo houi a ornaaltof clotliento order In nix. Talklnpr of tailors, 0110 Shia, ol Drtoino st,, N. Y., floes n (joo.1 hostile and mnites romihlernhle n)oney by loihttiB out dre.3 coaU for balls, parties, etc. 113 reqneat8 n deposit for tlionMo roiurnof tho dnitnenta and rhmpna two dollars lull! iv half an ovenliiu tor Its use. Jiut think of it, ye fair damsels, as you nro bolus whined through tho maics of ths Joyous danco by your Imudaooioly iirtsstu Kai.ftnta. Hliea, by the way, I Din told In nu accommodation; follow nnd anouldanrht his patrons lock tho form of an Adonis ho will pud I hem up o ns to closely resembla old Mr. Adouls himself, whom, mytholney tells ns, used Ui "tinvel on Ida shape," So, on with the dance but let uobody know, that IIo wtut to tho ball 1.0011ns haudaome and gay, Andwoiolu tho hall A diesl coat from Shell, Hero are a low C'eutennlallnmi 1 n ten million iloll ir chunk ot silver from Iho Neva la inlnrs Is to no nent to tho Coottnui'il by 'km1 ,fc o'. linen, the parties who caused tho auajicmiloii of 1IUUIL Ul UlUUIUIU. The limperor and Kuipreas of Brazil will lonvo 101 1110 unueu sines in ami 011. DuriiiK thn exhibition trams will be run to iscw lull, tver.v iwenir lutuniei. Ten thousand silk llis will decorate the 1UUIU UUIIUlll. The display of llroworks on tho evening of nuiv iviii win do bonieming wouueriui lu Do- uuiu, Goods for exblbltiou are arilvlujf dally. T he West Point cadets will ro Into camp hid luiudiiuiui ouiioinps, Ihcro will bo an oElclnl dailvn.iner nnhilsheri on.l bauk -will also be otnbllshid on he Tile Art llnllerv will liavo full lrnrlli unr trallii 01 alt thn l'lealdenU ot the Hulled Mate iroui wHfiuugiou iu urvuu A copy ot overy newrpapor will bo found at uiu firui enow, Hchnctzen Verlen will bo lnrRPly represontcd. The brewers will have a brewnrv In full .,,r jnt07iu'e alia miou, nuu 1110 -vivYiun epypij- men will wh Tin? tlnpllMi tirrrmrtiirlllrniiinn'&t llin wMci finl have a (rlciiillrvidl nt till' our. 'leimoisje'wlll ceiirt a Minitol rout 100 ret In iMikth. ' Tfiri Hrnnl-li Uoinml"!cn linve riMited n homo lif'il ltie i-kiiiimIj Inrj-IMW). lunfoinblo for MX IlKillllH, nln'i III ' ThoO'liI l-i'lliiw will liavnnrrnnit i nrmloln l iitntnbcr. Muii'icifl nf thn .Inpitppsn Oommlsnlon nro tio'janilv Bet'ii uu ttiDjereits. X lisptiT imlr Invn nuiDeil Ihtlr litllomio ci'iilci'iml, ' Ijciiit nmv dim ivnir. A'efeji'.iulpnt 7)At)9sthn Pietident to ring tMO II It tllllFIUIHlIIIP null on tlio f.lllll'p III Jill)', vrlilli-rniiotliei'ilpliTii ttmt lionnr tor t!iolli-Ht kitrilm i f pm unt ol 1812. As tlie hell in bint, lv 0 itrki"!, 1 nin wnlting to sin bnl tlipv are irnliiK In On nin lit it, Mintlm VnftiliiRlmiiirousiireiiiilpiwiinil. rriio nilutnis mo onlm In oitrn itnnntltles of ml, wlntu nml 1 Inn Mnnr nntitnis wl' I embriP' linrliors tolos Wo, hli'.tilc. hiinnli I Ml rmirlli olJHlv IUCll exrHpinrilt xrun ontiril votpiiliiir nflpp. 11 nin oenr I Im ni'il 1 lint lil 1 it1. 'I'loi wiui.l work of n iliimiiiy oi.ouir l, ok nro, but Ilia It mips WPIO ll'lll'klV N'jhilllO 1. 'I he I nittcti ttinl Mi iilirns ciiluhl In tlio Dol.r warp, .lo-teriiav, nonr iroiii-pulf r, liln Klui'l-ldn Vii'lKhi il 44 lln. mm wns It itit Iii-h Hi Inn-Ui. HonliiK IliH tfsitPil of tho Aitvnr-ite mnr hnro t'10 itintllj liiir ttitelllKPiico thai tlio t'piitriiiilal uiu una pnsuM, i ani yoiirH ut roiiiiiiiinii, MACUrio. lii'Mer from Iiiirilshnrg. IIAitiiismntn. .Tnii. 21. Wn ntin ADVOCATRI Aiioltirrwi'PK linn inswl; ns I iirpiUctl tlio Beiuito nnil II01KO of Itrre nentiitlven nro Hi'tlllnt down In woik. Tho Sfnato home Iho hiiihIIi-v Ii mIv lniivos oir -with tnoroi'floritv thmi llilnrrrr nml donor coinll nsti nrlililior. A hill hns been liitioilurod hv a niooiUer fiom J.itzoino ot ronnlilArntile lotoi put to Hip niliiorH ot vonr cniuily i nlm n hill by Mr. l'Tnolicr of I.iiipiiip, authoiltiiiK honlpr toiMHlilps 'o no Keua!' (oil fiom cno pouiitj- nml iiiitiexnl lo nilJ'ilnniR romitlis upon cortntn rnnilltlous. IDrstlils inonn thn npcotslon o llnz enrol l'ofler towuhlw nml horourlis of lliiiiotoii nml Jpililo nml Iholr nunrxlun to Cnr. linn I I'lie RPiit'emsti ' tiiHliti-'nct tho Mil Is Known nn mi mlTocatof'o now comities nn hm illitnpt Is notoriously til v hroviiloil wltli f:ict tun for I0K11I niirppsof Rru'vnncps, wtioiensif united to Cnrhon, llnitlo nml FontPi' townships woahl 00 vMtnm pniv ipncn 01 inoi oiiri iiounp, n,l Hint' rnnM lint li'l nilll'll lll'llnr llXI'll OVPI Willi n now e.minlv. Anil their nddltion to your r intv woiilil 111U0 Tilt hull to ft tirt.plllns pollll. ry. lniiKliiK It n Jiiiliriul district nml r ill 1 1 II mj; It 10 Olio wt'iiiunr I'prniip urn imiimui in uu uiu, who iiviliniini'liiinii'il Curlnii countv boy. hud thn' oH 1 t in vlowni n lount In cno iliy now oiiinrv 11111 i.iueii 10 inniini iiiojuucn 110 alrnit tnhi.r fnr liUlllalllrt All orts ot wlioniPH mo now on 1001 10 m the l'ilatirv win K Gov. Iluitin. of tho Htnto Cu'iiuilttpo 011 rnnlnimiiit ntT.iIrs trlod ro tnlKilAooinntof the hniiKiiuit tienyry. toon nolo tho ottlcinl roDiespiitnliycs to boat homo ilurlnij Iho "how. of i immo (liny nave It nnothor nnuip. I,nst nliriit tho (irniiKon, iinilvr tho hpnrtof I'lololto, triml toopon tho sinto innso to tho ran 01 mo 1100 minipri o; rim 1. 011,111011- wnnlth to hpln inniii 10 Rooinosnow, to tlio tiinoofT.'iOOCli. Slnti HiippiiniPiiiicni. WIlKer slime wiinis 2'MW) orfJil.t'JU to i-how nn II16 pnli!!!! schools of thn Htnto nt tlio t'entttmtnl show. Anil o on without mil. VrslPiilav UioToto 011 niiiohnsiufr ft copy of ruiilon's lllitcat. 11 much uceiled W01K hnt Pfcrv inpnllicr Rllir.llll llllVP. PlitnO nillllslllir 111110 COIliratlM'llona iihin iuuui-. hio miy iiiuiii heis who voted no did so fin t.'io pnrnosn of throwliia mum In tho dear iicoiiK'.s oypi, nn 11 crv inciai lonKiini soi inov wi 10 wm.11 100 vino wns loit 1 they. poor, nonosr oms woiilil hnvo tnKon tlio lionK nml heoii (?lrtd to CPt It but Wi'rp ntiniil lo rnco 11m lini-io inur luwiisiiinii wns but one of II nt cr.twil. hn von .1 boldly for hnt. 1,0 Ihonirht ns it im nim r 1,11 iisu ariuni i. l'ho vnto will In nil niolnib lit botnuenmcr. whoii vo will wo whnt wo will sco1. Unilo n nllr wiih mndo In tho IlTuso this woeK, Hlm li rcsultwl 111 ll.(i npnoliiunont, of 11 ootiini It ti'O to Itivo-tunitn tho iilTilm of I no Mori!uii7.i School In Woslpm t'rnusy vnnln ; tin- lii'tdu Inn s licio iiiiuinAiir nsKioir lor tiewui oi which niiioiint tlio board of st ito Ohnrlllci) coiHiiiiMols the Mpiuopriniion 01 ;ni-,iui Tho limine IniH piissut 11 bill opomnic the Tii'asiiry or lather iUvitiiiik poition ol iho rnven.ll'S 110m 11 picioniuic-iniviiiu i-oimi, niinc iiiMionil I 'mil nml limy lPHiilt In c.'imiii.' up till) lln.iorliii si idn In nhich mmiy of tho inpinoi rl mid themselves AH ri"n!iiiioiiM nmiuiicn inv nir nMiouriiiiiooi ir vnlnd tlnltll with such niioclilid mulnitv that it isoviihnttlioniCMiuciii wlllinlt kuIhjiiiu until thou' woik Is 1I011M, Adieu. iUI!!!AU. Uuriout Kvciits. -Bt.ilo Treaaiuer Itnwlo hn". hoinsht Nellln llrunt, HhohiiH tiotted it ndlo in ':;.vh. Tlirrn 1110 no nnsoners In the Western lenlienllnry, n larger number tliiin oyer he oioconllnedlheiu, a cm in llinithiiilon county rrcontly nto I2J raw ovsleri., nfier which eho tiegiiu lu fuel u littloelnuirar. iinolv nml E-nidEOv held nbont 20 meetings In l'hihiili'lpldu. which vtcioutteiiiled by iienilv u uildion people Arsnnln niliiiinlsternii for tho nnnioso of producing dentil, killed Mis Ilcwnlt, of Chester countv, week. Of elBhtecn fiiinncen In Ileilta county eleven nro out ot blnst. Throe of tho Id 0 ones nro in In Iteming. A ninii unined Masters ol Jederson county. Is repiesented to hnvo In ten hoir to n fortuuo tn Huxony, reaohlug tutu thoiullllnns. 'rhniilni of John N. Pierce. ex.caahlernf Iho Merpliunts' National llsnk of Lowt'll. Muso.. im tiioi'hirgoof oinhezzllngiil'iOliiiOof tho blink's lendB, itanitea siimmy 111 nis ucquirrai. rim lslnml of Rt. Thoto.tS waa shaken bv thtco shocks ot earthqiinko on tho morning of the 7th Inst. The nrst shnok occiirrid nt 1 n'clock tho second which wss very severe, at 4 3 1. unil tho thir'i nt 4 M. .Kdward .Mullen, ot l'ntlsvllle. nn old mnn. fell over dead on Saturilny, Tho habitual nso id Intoxtputing liquors Kiiieu nun nccornii. 10 tlio coroiiex'sjurj .I'rhlav ovonlne of Inst week, T)r. . r. Johns, ft phyHloinn of I'ennfleld, l.'lenrtleld Co., Wllllolll tno llisi'llftlgu in ins uuiy us iowisinp ihvsicinn. wan nnot inrougii i nu rigui nrm nonr ho Bhnulilcr.nrodnclna a very painful wound (hut notilftiwnins), by a notorious tmupcr bv the name lilll M'x'horson, Ths shot was fired without nny provocation. Tho osdiaut Is tin. uer nTrost. -Vrnnk Iloatsom. of Yori countv. wns nt. tncited last weok ntnoon betwoon-Wrlslitsvillo nnd York. He hod lelt the pikoforlhe purpose of digging somo sassafras roots whon l.o was at tacked oy torco moil, 111-giiisuii nn ueKruo,wuo caught htm nnd robbed him nf a pocket book rontslulni; tsoo, Jiostnted that two of his as. MlAiitH wero ahont tlvo feet six or sovon inches In height, and tho other was taller. Judge Curry, one of the associate Judges of Montour county, dlod last woek. Ho was a doj cendilnt of ono nf tho primitive nettlors. Ills grandfather was killed nnd scalped by tno In dians on tho river between Dnuvlilo and North umberland. His grandmother was taken priso ner nt tho same tliuo but escaped by creeping Inside a hollow log while tlie Indiana woro sleep ing, Father WUmghlin, of St. Aloyalus Catholic churgh, Pottstown, henrlng that soma of tho females Of his congregation were givn to flirt, lug on tho stroct disgnlscd himself nnd went out lo try It. He drowout his handkerchief nnd waving it soon had tho pleasure of reeeiv. nig anumiiernf flirting signals In return. Then miller iho light of a gas lamo ho revealed him. Hell to some of.tho girls, causing them to fleo from tho wrath which they did not escape In hUHuoday sonnon. He thinks he will be nblo tn break the members of his congregation from flirting. In the llouso of Representatives, nt nan Is huig, Mouljy night, u resolution was udiiiued pmvnltngtnrthoappolultnont ot n comnuitee ot five tu Investigate charges made against tffe management of the lleform School of w estern Pennsylvania. Ilesolutlous wero ulsu adopted asking tho (lovemor to transmit such Inrormn tlou relatlvo 10 tbocalllngnut of the nulltla to snpuri'ss tie disorder In l.uzeruo countv last April ns may ho' coinpailble with tho puu.lo good, and requesting the to furnish n siatemcut of the cxpensos of the troops oalled out. " Leap Year I" eald he as he threw himself Indolently upon tho lounge, " Oh,don't 1 wish I was a pretty, fascl patlng stunner of a girl I I'd have all my clothes cut after the " Domestic; Fashions" nnd just heap the i-tylo on. And wouldn't 1 pile on tho duds and wear abigbustlnl Oh no. IIUOUCIII" end just licio his father, ns he led him out by tho ear, said. " Young man, If you don't rllmb out'n this nnd mnko a bit: bustle in tlio neighborhood of that worn! idle I'll flax von so's vou couldn't wear a bustlo for n monlh." flor.let.v IiIcclliiRfi. turiNlTO t'AHTLtr, Hn. 78, A, O. K. OF lint M. 0. zoo niiu 4111 jiiononvoi eneii monin, in jip. her'" lull. l,eh!thtnn, nt 7i(nn'alncK r. M. II. V. Morthiiner, 8. K. C. H, It. tlllhntu, 1. J. It. H. tliutin.i TttirritM Lonon no. fsii,' 1. o. o. p., tuppts overr Tiirmmy rvpniiiu, nt 8 u'clork, In Jlnhoi" Hull. .Inppn Hol(l'li. (I. n, II, lti'lier, Hoprplnry. "otio rocATftni!, iso. 171. Imp. 0. It. M tni rr on wriiiii'-Hiny evening; in encn witk, 111 7!.) o'clock in I'nhllo Helmut Hull, Wpln-ip' rt !. V. F. IHrkprt. n. H it. Illlhmi, t . ol It I.miianTOK t-onof, No. Ml K. of P.. mpptn on Friunv ovpoiuks. 111 jipihtb uiu. nt7:'0 o'clock. Arch, Diclt.O.l). T. It. ItutchlT, K. of It. anil A Overt iHliifr KdlcN. Wo dpilrn it tu hn distinctly nmlcnitooil Hint no mlvprllttiiPiii will bolnsorlpil In Iho cob limn ot TUEIH11110N aiivocwr tlmt innyho rosoivpd from nniiiinwii pnttip or Ilripn iiiiIirs nii'iinipnnlpil with tho I'apii. Tlio follow Iok mo iirour tennn. Advpitlpiiipnts for 1 your, per Inch onch lllN'Tiinii iui;i, " lllx Months. pprliiPli ench lmrrlioji 1", ft. " Thipo Months, " " " I3(!ts. " l.pss Itinn thrpo months, flrit inser tion (I. oncli snlisripipnt Insertion iKJts. i.ocsl iiotlcrs 10 cents uor lino. II. V. MOnTIIIMRK, milliliter. E.u SII3WIGRH, DISTItlOr ATTOIINF.Y A COUNSISM.OIl AT LAW OF7ICE, No. 2, Mansion Itnnsp, IIAUUM CHUNK. PA. SettlliiK Kslnten, Flllmi Acconnts nnd Oiplinns Conrt l'rnotico n spoolnlly. Trial ot rnuos cnrottillv ntleiiiloil to. I.c:al trmisactloiji In Kniiltsli mid liermsli. J111 U. FATllltnAy MOKNINO, JAN 20, 1870. Local and Personal. t5T I'm ties lecelvliig tho Advocatis with a crgss inarkod after their names IflllOS s will will pleaso remit the amount duo Suhscrlptlpn, or tho nztra r0 cents bo added lo pay tho expenses of eollec Hon. I,eavc your measure with Laury Sc rotors, If you would iook nice, For a handsomo honnet nt e, low prico, ro to Mrs. M. Guth, the milliner, in Welssport. The "fits" clven nt Iinury & Peters', nro unsiirpnssed by any other liouso in tno couniy. Tho fall suits lining gotten up by Laury & Pe.ter9, nro lashlonablo aniwing home with a load of liay on Tues- neat, wlillo the price is within tlio reacjr r )i ' nf nil. Mrs. U. Fntzlngcr Is just rccolv Ing n splendid assortment of fall and winter millinery goods. Call nnd see Uicm. Now Is a good tlmo to subscribe or the Caiiiion AdvocatiI. It is only $1.00 n year in advance, and gives you nil tho latest local and general news. Try it I IJuy your wall paper at C. W. I.entz's, Central Dmu store, live per cent discount on former prices, from now till February 1st. Ilelfrich's Whlto Liniment cures rheumatbm, neiiialgia, sprains, bruises and cuts, used internally nnd external ly, manufactured and for sale by C. W. Lentz, diuggist. 1,'rlco 50 cts and $1 per bottle, I) it. Fittm'.ii's lJiiGU.Mi.Tic Rnunv rules rlii'liumtlf 111, ii'euialgla, nervous and kidney diseases. D11. Fiti'I.kii's PKcroitAf, Svnrp, InfnlllhMi for coughs, eolds nnd bronchitis. l)jt, Fittmsi! s COKDIAI,, CAI.1SAYA, lilNIMKKT ;illll VcaKTAUZiK IjIVKU PfjjM sold by C. W. Iicntz, sole agent for Luliigliton and Welssport. 2-1 y J. K. TJlckotthas stjll n few of those eligible lots In Itlckertstpwn to dispose f. If you feci llko occjirlng a good lionif call nnd see him Ho Is also sup plying llour,fecd, lumber and coal nt (he lowest rntos. Aiie you Titouiu.ED with hoarse ness or wenk lungs,sliortnes3 of breath, or asthma? Thousands have been per manently cured by using Coxe'.s Wild Cheiry and Keneka. .For sale by every drngglstes merchant In Lehigh, North ampton nnd Carbon Counties. 40-Cm Now is tho limn to call at T. I). Causa' Jerchant Tnlloring eslablisli ment to buy for cash. lie will astonish you with the remarkably low figures bo aaks for ically first-class mndo and fit ting garments. He has nlso marked down prices In the boot, shoe, hat, cap and glovo departments, to such low figures that it Is impossible for you to boo tho goods and learn the price with out making a purchase. Abb youh ciiii.DnK suimixt to jhat dangerous foo of childhood Citonr on Couana ? Coxe's Wild Cher ry and Sencka has been thoroughly tes ted, and novor known to fall of effect' Ing a complete and speedy cure when administered In tlmo. Keep a bottle, lu your liouso. For sale by C. W Lentz, druggist, Lchlghton. -10-fJra. Honil Quarters for Uoots, Shoes nnd Rubbers. Messrs. Lauy & Po ters aro now receiving nnd offering for bale ono of the largest and best select ed stocks of mens' l;Jp aud calf boots, w'smens' nnd children's gaiters, shoes and rubbers over brought into Lehigh ton, nt prices which defy competition. Remember, If you want to buy cheap for cash, now is the time, and Laury &. Pcfera' the place I Do you desire bound lusos nnd a long life?. Thon do not neglect that cold, but procure a bottle Of Coxe's Wild Cherry end Sen oka at ence. One fair trial will convince you ot Its great merits. Prlco GO cents. For sale by A. J. Durling, and by druggists nnd merchants everywhere. 49-0m. Another new lot of groceries and provisions just received at Fntzlnger's store, on Bank Street, which they are offering nt remarkably low prices. All goods warranted of best quality. Tho Mllford Herald of Jan. 2Gth, announces the death ot Mr, Slplsy, a noted hermit of Green township, Pike county, Pa. He was formerly a wealthy me'rchuut of New York City, but failed In business. Ills reverses so preyed on his mind that he fled to a wild, dlsolate place, several miles from any habita tion. There for 85 years he has bus tallied himself by fishing nnd hunting. Wo hjvo a choice lot of fancy and 1 comic valentines, which we can sell at a very low price. Call and see them. i:J I 'W "Ji'l.'.'J i. ' Hi'i'JLjli'.L-UL1 Messcrn. Haller & Drelbclblea Imvo puichnsed tlio bread nnd cnkri bakory, hcrttoforo.carrled 011 by O. N. Until In this liorotiRh, Tho llow firm proposes furnishing their friends nnd customers wlti fresh bread nnd cakes every mornliic, also pnro candles nnd confections nt the lowest prices. The patronno of the public Is lespectfully solli lied by them. -liosl, on Saturday Inst, between tho Lehigh Valley depot and Iho "Car bon Advocate" ofllce, p Knight of Pythias' pin. Tho finder will ho suit, ably rnwauled by leaving It nt this of fice. Sleighs nro not In demand, but Dnvjd Kiibert keep9 his buggies 011 the tnovo, by limning them nt mich low prices Hint all can afford to ride. Pearl soap, finest (juallly, 5 cakes for 2,1 cents at Ithodes' on Uatikway. Highly perfumed Gorman Honey soap, at Ithodes on lJaiikwny, 0 cakes for 25 cents. Head tho very Interesting letters of our riiiiniiolphin, Ilnrrlstiurg nnd Washington correspondents In to day's pnper. Tho length of our report of the Molllo Mngulre juurdcr trial, prevents our usual variety of matter this week llaldwln's Tomato Catsup, 23 cts. a bottle nt lihodcs' on llankway. 5 lb packago of Breakfast Hominy for 80 cents at Uhodcs' on Uatikway. P. T. Urady has got 'em valon tlnes In great variety of styles. Wo had n light fall of enow In tills Eoctlon Wednesday night. Mnccaronl, a ncwnrtlclo In Lo- hlghlon, n substitute for noodles, only Vij cents per pound at Ithodes on Hjoyrr fell Batikwny. x year pld son of Sir. Owen down stairs, last Sabbath, and hroko hip thigh hntip Dr. Reber put lilm In straight splints and ordered hint to keep quiet A or 0 weeks. Poor llltln follow, liilltirnllo tin to no mint nor. pettial motion as ho can be. f aii inarm 01 nre, nn iniirsnay evening, was caused by the burning of some bundles of raw cotton In tltetpper Mory of Suydnr's s tore.ln Welssport. Tho fire was promptly extinguished. uouhi not learn how the tiro originated. Damage Plight, ff Mr. Frederick Jlillcr.whllo return uny last, in coming down tpe moun ii.. ...,ri .r it.. i,n.,,w. ,oi t, tain, part of tho hay sliding off, he was thrown under tho wagnu, behind tlie mules, nnd both wlteola passed over his breast, injuring him very se verely, briinklng some rltys nnd the shoulder Dr. Uober was called In, who considered him for awhile In a critical condition, but nt latest accounts jie was doing better than could bu peeted. Turkey prunes only 10 cents a nt lihodes on Uankway, and all (:iKt articles In tlie grocery and provision hue. eitially cheap. . 74 tramps hive been aecommodat ed In our look-up so far this month IJ9 since Inst Thursday night. Doing very well for a small town. Jill? Crook Items. Presuming that you would like to hear from this placn uy tlis time, 1 tliougl 1 1 would send you souie'Mtems.' So here goes Another snow storm on Saturday nlghc. No Sinning School nt Pino Itun 011 Saturday evening, on account of the weather, The way our friend Mr. Paul Kro.-go, of Stemlersville, disposed of Ills goods by auction on Saturday last was not very slow. 1 lie ntteiiiianco was largo and tho bidding good JIo will have another pale this Saturday, (see bills printed nt the Aiivocato otnee.) Our farmers nre wishing for snow j being ns a good snow covering the grain protects it Irom the Irost, which so far has not been 1110 caso, consequently i ereat aitount of the crops will bs win ter killed, which may havo a tendancy to raise the price or 11 Mir next year. I am pleased to hear that Mr. Wm I'ngensWiM.', who was so unfortunate ns to linve four rlu iirokvn ana receiving other injuries the oilier week, that hopes aro now entertained of his recov ery. Mr. Anthony bath, residing near Mae.kereltown. died suddenly on Fridav cyenlng of last week, thought to be palsey. lours, etc., jikveuk Ulg Creek, Jan, 24th. From the County Seat. Town la lively. -The Conrt House is too small tn contain the large ninibsr of Kpectntoro, nui-nuo to hear tho lesiimouy III juy in jiiiii viui mai, over one hntidre.l wltiinns'is have hoen er. amlned by tho Commonwealth In the Doyle case. Hon. Jno. D. Miles, Ed. Harvey, Robert Wright, Jr.. and s, nrh1gn, j;sqs., of tho Allen mum hnr vnn. in attendance at uourt. All our hotels are dolnir thriving business ltov. Wiggins, of tht, It. K olurch, tnKos a ,un,n uinnl tn ivmrt. hentsaiover. scarce. A lunatic bv tho name of Gettls. nt Kidder township, who was contlnod In tall was release I r.,i Tues,!?. nml online the afternoon created quite an excitement lie was icmoved to the l'oor houso on Wednesday Tnfant daughter of Harry Bro'sford d:ed on faunaay evening. niiiresncintda held nt the residenco CO. Bkeer, on Wednesday evening wis a spiendld An old nmhre.lla" coimle. man and worn in, were promenading our streets on Tuesday, nn. til they became fad of henzlno. thereuy creat Ing 8sonsation. Snerlff rulutcr issues his pro. roeatlve to thorn in very forctole language, giv lug ihem two chances 1 Ither to leave town immedlitely or go to prl-on for thirtv days. They accepted thoforaier situation. A brearan on tho L. V. 11 It., by tho name ofSimle. resuling In J:ast Hauch Chunk, met with a very serious nccdent on Tuesday miriit, t,v f.ilimir olTone of tlio freight oil s nn his head, u niiiTes-lori nf tho Hfllll i)t9. DB. Youug and Irfionard were summoned, and after an uxsminaiion, luunu h unceaiiirv m uwiorm a trenhaue opeiailon. He Is In a critical condi tion A roan by the name of Miller, arrived in town with the late train on Tuesday mcht. an 1 being full ot bentlne, wapiered from, the nar row road on the way to E. Maueh Chans: t wlea ahnve the L. & 8. iienot holeliover thestoue wall onto the U A B 11. It, He was afterwards taken to the L. V. depot, ann In the morning Dr. DeYoung was called and found he was ouly somewhat bruised. lie left for Sheuanuuan.wo hopo a wlier man. I'rof, 11. A. Kline has entered Lhl name with E." It. viewers. Ksq., as a law student. 2io donbt the Frof thiuks the study of l.w will so belter than law, la, rue, tol. Key. Wiggins left for I'hr&delphla on Weil, ncstlay atteruoou, on account of the death ot his grsnn taotnor. which odcarred on the same day at her residence lu the city. A large number of ladios attended Court da link the week. Our beautlrar girls cause those youug reporters to sml'o all over their faces. It is much nla-wauler to write notes la the ladles' presence. The commonwealth iu tho ina.-der trial con cluded their oviaonce on I'ruiny, wheu the ue tense opened In a speech occupying perhaps an, hour. The Murfler Trial. T ho siieelal coiTPSiiond'cut of thn I'fnlailelnbfi Tltnos, wrltliiR from Mnuch 6hunk, under dt,'o of Jnnuiiry lint, (rives thofollowlnij very Inter, esllnrf sketch ot Judito Drofier and tho counsel oinsnced In tho trpil ot Michael Uovlo tor tho iiiunior 01 j, l'. Junes 1 "Thn fcrent murder enso la atartliif off quite SSlOWlrns dill thn llnni.h..T,i,,.,, H.l....f tli jni at a nlmosi as many Ini.ldentnl dlscutilons between counsel oyer trivial Ueuiiiit. Tho tcill. oils work of epimieiinij a Jiu-y I ns continued all the weok, nnd tt'oio thn trial fairly starts 1 will plntico brlotlynt tho personnel ol (hoJiidKes aim roiinsel. Judge Hamuol H. Jiiehel President Judceof tho district comprtilna; Monroe"and . uiiiiiiirs, mis ueen oil in) nelicu slnoo H7J. IIo wns elected float Montoa countrLy 11 nnanliaous vote, n rare coiindiment in a dislriet ,w,k' I'Mll"!! feellUK Utorr Birong. He is about fllty yeaisof aie, mulls ol n calin.eqtlab mnl nliasslonntetempiirioent. Ilfilsovnieiil. lv laminar with the biWAtid practice, but lut ein imllentiy to oroii tho most prolix statement nf objection, of ten t, Iviai slid immaterial, nml nuuiua uhcit uiipomuniy vt loiuiy tarn oDiec thins liv cviilenio mid uiauinent If these nil. toners iln not hnvo a fair and lmpnrtui triavl It win not bo tlirnueli any fault of Juitgo Drifier. iuo unuciniii jnuscs are james Houston ana Dmdel wentr.. As to tho counsel fnp thA rinm. mnnwealtti, the lindict Atlornev (Kdwnrd' It. Mcnerailsn yoniiK liwyer who has yet to a. chlevo fnme. IIo sesms soraowlut sbsshed In inopresencoot so many old ami oirlnnnt oqbd. eelon. Upon tleneral ClinrleS Xltiriht.hT. ai 1 member of Congress, has devolved tho Inriot part 01 the work of prepatlnp; the case forth commonwealth. He ruts rouo Into an exhsus llvo study ol Molly JIuru reism, andlj sai l to have brought out somo startling fncto. He ex nuilnerf too Jurors nnd -witnesses and in an alert, cnernetlu aua rendr debater. Tho Hon. W. lluahes of Hchtivlklll, hnt made tho pnnclpni nrKiiincnis thus tar lu reply to the multifarious objections of the delennn or lu support of ohjetf. lions made by tho commonwealth. His massive heafl, io vri el thin white looii, and his Itrnvo Judicial manner, lend weight nml dignity to his nlwava iffjctlvo snneches. lion. Allou Craig, ol this binouiih, hnsnot vetspoxentn tho case, but tins the reputntiou ot bolng hu ablo lawyer, mid stands huth umougtheback.eouu trv farmers whence too Jury Is nrawu. He is natd to be a very jicrsoailvo speaker. On tho side of the lUifcnso jf on. liynn liartliolomew nnd John llyair; of Hchuylktll, iinve figured moat conspicuously thus fnr. Tho former makes tils ohjuctlous, oxainines witnessei nnd does all the Kirnilshiiig, ni well as somoof the hestspesk lug. Tlio Preslolng Judge lind frequently ta restrnlu his impetuuslt nnd uuke lain wait un til luiiiutos could bo taken down before the oitl cuil ct'JiioKrapner was In attendance, ltvati innhns Inn heavy arguments, nml talks with deeiS.iiianJ much legal torco. tliongh In n some what monotonous ami dry mauner. He la ft bi other of ex-J ml ae Ilyan. Hon. Jan. 11. lllley; the prehPitt member of Congress from Hcnuyt kill cou.ltv. Is a young man with a good head, mnl 111 a few shoit sueec.iies hoj shown himself rlliTllPl irullkfatd nnl I.' f Mnili.nni 'n, ChuiiK, have not been heard vet, but Kalbfus is ft Inllliant epnukor. who will probnolv reserve himself for a grout effort botoro tho lory." FltlDAY. Court sscmbti1 at 0 a.m.. Mid after disnnslnir of somo few matters, niljounied, pursuant to titreidltiTia on Thnrsilny ti.'in., to meet at 1 o'clk. inenrsi iiung in oruor was 11 motion ouored bypiis'iiier'.s counsel to set usldo ths panel of Jurors selepto.l ns per 111 der of Court on Thurs day, ot wmoli (he lollowluis ft copy t Commonwealth 1 In tho Gonit ot Oyer A Tor., m. for the fount? of tlnrnnn. M.J. Doylo.rtal.) Jannary Term, 1S75. .UUBIlKR. Ann now. Jsnnary 21st, 1870, the defendant, Miehiicl J. Ooyle, comes here lino Court, in hij own jnoper person, and movos to aet asids th p tnel of Jurors, selected nnitoran orcer nf Court lora i-petial vonlro lor tales' ileclroumstmitlouii. lor thn lcisnn toit said J jrors wero not selected and summoned by tho sheriff of sud county. ynu mi. no is renuy to veniy anu provo. ana ueroioiu prnys tungmout. ' MtCIUEf. J. IIOYLB. Tho ( onimonwealth traversed tno auovo mo ,n in tno followinc l.imruutre i And now. same day. 11. it. Slowera. District Attorney, tiaversos tlio fnots set forth In iho ithovn motion, bo far as relates to the seisotlon in mo hmio juiors. anu says tnat sncn selection was mode by the HaonCfof s.ud countv. Derson- iitlV and not otherwise, nnd that as to the num. moiling oi ute sititi jornrs. tno same was per lornietl by the said unenff and his duty author ized deputies. 11. It. HIKWBUS, 1)181. Attorney. overEl authorities wero cited on both sides. nnd without farther argument the Court over ruled lite motion, and soaieil n bill or exception lor me ueieuaaot. i ds onipa leung oi too jury was then proceeded with, a id resulted as fol- owsi William Illoss Jr., Lower Towamenslng, .tonus Bock, Kast l'enn'. Joel sti'oht, Towamenslng. Daniel iioyer.Jr.. Frankuu. Daniel itamaW, Lower To ivimenslng. Abraham Henry, 1'rankllu. Ieyl West, Kidder. Levi Mtriuib, Lower Towauienslng. Henry Loug, Afahonlng. Peter Ofleosinan, Weathjrly. 'i'homns A. Williams. f.ehigbton. DraKO u. IVing, lchlghton. Thelnry having benn sworn, the Dlstrlat At.. tnrney piocoodrd to oppn iue ease, and laid the facts boforo tnem which tho Commonwealth ex. tn'ctoj to pi ovo. At tho conclusion of his re in irks, the Court adjourned till Saturday at 1 o'clock a.m. , HATVHDAY. Court ononed at 9 o.m.. and the following tes. tinuuy was elicited t Jehu C. Ituttor caUod and sworn Rhowed maps of tho topograpnvof county about Ashtou. Hih Mnrgatet Murphy cul ed and sworn: Testified to giving milk to tho three men; asKeid mem n tuny wero loouagror work, and they Biiswored ''yet." They wect off, and Idmnrc nee them till nth of -sept, again in ilauch chunk: J ul. Iho prisuuo.s stood up and she ruoogmzisd tii"ii! ns tun nien John II called nnd sworn : Is a black. smith' taw ihs mm on the day before murder. i'll-OHurs stood up anil were rcognUud by thai witness all had dark clothed nu jt.ody had ni bourd samd us now. Dofie ha beard as now, and Kenigui same as now, I hiw prisoners in iU.'llll,U IUUUK Jl I Ullll Hg.tUl tu uuuit in uct. C,ss-ex iltuuea fnilu't snnak tj, a iv nns iia. twevin I; lllug and tho time 1 came to M inch taunK: i ueani oi joiioh ueiug gi lea uy three men; ctu'. glv) the mines of any una who inik. cd-Aithmo i.uuut the killing of JoaesHinueit haiutMloil. John Ihck called and sworu : Lived at No. 8, aii'i no nuwi am a bUckmith , wis at work la my ehop on SU ot septenlher: one stra iger oiaia m.o my thop tout day the larger one; saw the" uiun tho uext day lu the lockup at Tarn iqua i J. H. Jt.vans was in the shop too, between the houisot 'J and 12 ca t't exactly say, , Crosi-exauiined Doyle was arosicd In black: iiiiouiitv i miuutes looked at him and tueu went tu worc aain, took; a spocisl view of him because he is u good-lookiag and well-oullt man. Heard oi tho ivitllu after 7 o'Ciook satue ihiyt don't remember who told me of thekllluia7 one caine and to d me and Kvans about It; don't know whether he was good looking 1 am noc so b.d looking when rnbbed up a llttie tlaugn ter); can't -ay how often 1 have talked about thOkiUiug. John U.-Je cal cd and sworu : Lived at No. o and do still; my badness greasing cars; Strang, era came luinllie oli-bouse: it was la tho tore, noon uhoutsysrds from the blaciumitfl shop' saw Kelly tain to tho driver, the big at the oii-houso; saw tno two go up the ol, t neap; they came uowu again : sa.v tue small man j I think they went toward tue brea ter. CroHs-exainloed. aw them iinoutfi minutes: men did nothing whoa sitting ou thn log; was fi vards uway whoa 1 saw tuoio. if eara of the' killing iloout 7:35 In the morning; the report was tuat Jones was killed: they were alter two men; didn't tell anybody that knew of soetng' thro men; was sent lor to come to Maueb cn'k to Aloiigat'a outce I told Albright one had o cap oj, another a square coat on and dark whlskeis, was lu Albright's olUce twice ; went to AlDright'a the second time for the somo pur- pose, to give desenption. 1 recognized the prl eouers in prison; 1 thought they were looking tor work; Kerrigan carad dowu the bank wlltr the other men i can't say how he was dro.soa. loo-iel at his face while he was ooralng down mo Dank. Was at Albright's olflce on Tuesday, Sept. 7th, was there again yonerday, and told hlui tue sanje asain; uon't thluk ho read it to me. Aaron Hoffman sworn i Live at Summit UIU: saw throe men: was on top ol dirt DonJc: saw them at the oll-hnuae. sat duwm don't know iriiat tney aid i mere were two ; can't tell now tue weie drossed, had bats; I saw the tnrte of taeraw.leo they wore coming from the boose; v. as about too vards from the oil-house. UMuS-examined. Didn't recognize either of the men. ana dJn't now; waq broaght; Hera to reogolie tnem; beard people talk ul them. James McLaughlin sworn I Live at Ash ton i am ut iSo. ti was aionv the rood in and' oat the luunol; saw strange men between the breaner ana tunnel that day, sitting on a log. the uuxd man u not there; I walkod dowu; nutblug said betweim m and the men: they weut up the dirt bank aid Kerrigan came to them. Prisoners stood np aud were UenUUed' b toe wituess. saw them talk together, and then went to rto. S; 1 recognize Doyle bevaase I look htm lo be a man I knew, aud when with in o yards saw It was not aim. Cross-exauuned. Saw mem at Tamaqaa i came with them to Mauoh Chunk ; koauiwnst they came here fori wont to Tumaqa-i tu recog nise Uie men; was s near as to the stove when I saw Duyie; were drossod In buck clothes; bad. frequent conversations with them; baa no talk wil.i otllcers; talked to the engineer, worn with him; been In our prison once, was there lo see, th"Ui went In Ibu lockup at i'amaquai saw. Doyio and Kody uo stairs tn a room at Tom, qua; suw iterrlgau hire in Jul.