The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 22, 1876, Image 2

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    ing' about resumption. Sends Ills boys
In tlio Muieum to sen an old-fashioned
Silver Dollar.
1873. Goos to Hunker Hill to nny
lionor to the Illustrious men who rum
intituled General I'nlnnm. Thinks ho
won't Inflate anil help to trnni;p. iv
Western rag baby. Gets ready toceliv
brate his second golden wedillnq by a
grand family reunion lu 1870 In Vlilfa-dolphin.
n. v. MonTniMKit,
.IAN. 23, 1870.
Tha Democratic National Com
mittee will meet In Washington on tlio
22dof February to select the tliuo nud
placo Tor holding the Presidential Con
During thu present session of Con
gress, thus far, 007 hills have been In
troduced in tlio Senate, 1837 bills nnd
41 resolutions In the, Uouso. About
COO bills and resolutions wcro Intro
duced in tho last Congress, but that
wai an unusual number.
We Invito tho especial attention of
our readers to tho letters of our Wash
ington, Uarrlsbug and Philadelphia
correspondent. They are all well
written and contain matters of much
interest to tho geneial reader. The
"Carbon Advocate" is tlio only paper
in tho county having correspondents In
tho three cities abovo named.
Secretary Fish was beforo the
House Committco on Foreign Affairs
Monday by Invitation, to stato tho
present condition of tho Cuban ques
tion, lie intimated that tho recent
circular to foreign Governments merely
asked their moral support In tho event
of mediation or intervention by tho
United States. He did not regard tho
tone of tho recent Spanish reply to tho
circulars as unfriendly. Tho negotia
tions wero conducted In a conciliatory
spirit on both sides, " and certainly
without threats on the part of the Uni
ted States," and ho hoped they would
terminate satisfactorily. Should tho
House call for the correspondence,
would be laid beforo that body.
Tho Centennial Appropriation bill
Is said to bo gaining favor among the
Southern members of Congress. Sena
tor Gordon, of Georgia, agrees with
Senator Bayard that it is constitutional
nnd sanctioned by many precedents
nnd ho fupports It on tho following
grounds : No section is so deeply Inter
ested In tho proper celebration and ro
establishment of tho principles of 1870
and tho restoiatlon of good-will in the
country as the South. Tho proposed
appropriation would cost only about
Si cents per capita In the United States,
Pennsylvania having paid four and n
half millions of the five millions already
expended, It would bo unjust to mako
her pay moro ; whereas tho Congres
slonal appropriation would pcrfeot tho
national character of the celebration
Foreign nations having accepted tho
invitation to como, tho reputation of
the Government is.involvcd In perfect
ing tho arrangements.
Tho National Republican Commit
tee met; Thursday of last week In
Washington to doslgnato tho time and
placo for holding tho National Conven
tlon this year. Eighteen of the orlgl
nal members were prejen t and thirteen
proxies. On tho ninth ballot Cincin
natl was chosen as the place, it receiV'
Ing 23 votes, 18 for Chicago and 3 for
Philadelphia. On motion of Mr. Scam
Toon, of Chlcago.tho selection was made
unanimous. The 14th of Juno was then
selected as tho day, so that tho Nation
al Republican Convention to nominate
candidates for President and Vice Prcsl
dent of tho United States will meet in
Cincinnati on tho 14th of June noxt.
The call for the Convention invites the
support of all who are "In favor of sua
taining in every way tho national faith
and financial honor, and who hold that
the common school system is tho nur
eery of American liberty, and should
be maintained absolutely freo from sec
tarlan control."
Tlio Train j),
Fifteen able bodied vaorants nresented them.
velvet at the mayor's ottlco yesterday moraine
for further disposition. Am compensation for
the accommodations they had enjoyed at the
Iqckan us Saturday and Suiulav nights they
were handed over to tho supervisor ot themi.
tier street district, who was loquetted to put
i4Mu uivin.jijju luo siihiu iii fju niiLO Hirret
until uidismbntedastocnable the luantrural
procession to movo along the thoroughfare
without Interruption. 1 he tramps went tu work
in good earnest and In a few boui s had the uee
cssary jatwr performed.
Tho above we clip from the Harris
burg Patriot of Tuesday last.' We are
getting a tolerably fair supply of the
genius, tramp from 1 to 0 and 6 al-
moit every night. Why don't our bor
ough fathers find them a little stone
cracking or street repairing to pay for
their food and lodglDgs? Our streets,
especially Bank and Bankwny, are in
terrible condition, and a few hours
labor per day by the tramps wo have to
keep over would soon m&keau improve
ment, if rroperly used. Our Council
ehou'd attend to this matter. Tho tax
payers are surely entitled U) some re
turn for their money,
(Jorcrnor Hnrtinnft'H Inauguration.
llAitnisiiuito,.lan.l8. Notwithstand
ing tho Inclement weather and muddy
i-nmllUou of tlio streets the thorough
fares havu been crowded (dnco early
tliU morning. Tho procession, under
tlio chh't mavshalshlp of Major-General
K. H. Osborne, eonipiiflng about U.IiUU
military, 3,000 member of tho clvlo
organization, mid tho Flrn Department
of this city, took up their llnnof inarch
about 11 o'clock, and proceedid over
thu route attainted, t)ccii)ltig one, hour
In passing a given point.
'the display was one of tho finest
overseen In Hairlshurg. Company F,
luth Hegtment N. O., of Noirlslowu,
acted as an escoit to tho Governor, who
was warmly cheered as tho procession
movcl along. Upon the arrival of the
procession at tho coiner of Stato and
Third Sts. the military formed In lino
on tho.South side ot Stato street and
thu clvlo organization on north slue,
when tho Governor elect passed, lu
Sintii street, between tho lines to the
Capitol, tho troops saluting, nanus
hvylng, niul 111") nrsenui unuery nring.
Praver was made by Hov. John H
1'nstnn. Thn certificate of election was
ead bv tlio clerk of the Senate, and Ilia
nntli nl oiuco wn aumiiusiereii, wtiun
the Unvernor.ln the presence of tin I in.
mensu crowd, delivered Ins
ar.sTLi!Mrj of hie ornate and liousn of
nr.ruMl'STATIVES ami rnaun i ii una i -,...
. oiivn niriv when the until of ollico wits nil-
.i..iii mil tn t.m n l-Wei'llllvo. 1 toon occasion
to espies mo t-ciitu tu i"v hiiuiiuj ouhkihiuuo
tothtipeopleot thehttiiowlioniidhonoitd mo
with lcnoutoil piunfs ot their coiiiwouii' mm
good opmlon, mid It would b unworthy nlfti'tit.
tlOll II I U!ll llOt HIW ll'IlOW IIIV ltd. HUM It
ii.tlinaniiin iri'lierilllS COllStltUeUCV. WllO,
niter n three ottrs' Kiuwniii-iiip in mo msnem
olllce m their gut. nave caueu me itrmti mus-
...... a I, a Im tin, tnilt lllltles.
'1 ho continued ravor nnd ltiloilblo sttpiHtlt
,. ,.n,,Mii i i,fmilitlc affairs has received lroai
tlio citizens ol tlio Commonwealth, bespeait
from me iu return, mo utmost, zen mm ihiuuiv
in their service, and my highest ambition will
bo i eacnod 11 my atiministraii in wn i no reuio m.
bcrod nil nn honorable one that stunled nnd
pioTlded for tlieir bust liiteiesis. I still linvo as
exalted mi opinion of tho grett tnit you have
conlerreil upon mo ni when Hint con Hon ted
W1II1U8 IlOtCI UI1U R1R O lW'UliNi. '"
uno, , in. thn nxuenenco hud. inn nono tlio less
dtstiustlui of uiy abilities lo meet Its i tenulio.
UietllS, mil Willuevei-iimj uumy m uvtuii..,
ilo not know what It 18 to bo w anting In nttarb.
liient to my Stnto. 01 affection lor her peoplo
who have ilistiiiRUlalioi) me with bo miuy oblig
l.w. n.,.l nn,ia,.1niinl14 tnnrks of tint till II tv.
1 am not luiuiuuiiili luilL lire imiiaiu nun i.
cross ot n Stato depenu less upon Its irotcrn
incut and rulers than upon tho habits suit cli.
nuustanccsotlts citizens, and tint no nieas.
uies of administration can produco any siibstnu-
tlal pood unless mey nio mciiiicu uy iuiuhu
opinion or nro beitotlen of tho nuiillo necessi
ties. A peoplo rnustne rlpofot refoim or ie.
form can work them no pormnnoiit benefit. In
vention may exhaust Itself in contilvnncos of
puullc utility nnd ruleis may never bo so wise
in their devices, but If the dispositions nnd in.
telllccnce ot n people nre unprepareu lorinc ic
ceptlon of ranioilies they will not tuKO root in
their affections or nll'aiis.
Imbueii with theso convictions, tho maxims
for the conduct cf mv ndmlnistrntluu weie
easily formed. It was onlr necessaiy loresolvo
that Its acts s'.ioulil liavo no potsoiml piedllec
tlonaorwatpedbv nnv fnvonto thoeile". nud
thntlnspncd neither by tear nor lavor they
should aim to tetlecc tho people's will. With
tne lights with which iicnven lias eniiowoii mo
I havo striven to niihetn to these iiinxlnis, and
if at nuy Unto I navo failed to confmm tbetoto
It has not been tiotn lack of patient investlea.
turn and honest exertion or ot tendf r and Jeal
i.i.u t-nmir.i tor t.lin linnnr of thn utalo bill Item
ft IlllPCOUCepilOU VI Iiusiiiiui cm-iion'i. ni io
wishes or noeils of her nemile. In tho Intuio
then, asm thn past, ns tho Executive ot Iho
Commonwealth, I cm linve no Interest to servo
Hint. I.nnt linr tn I el I'At,. HllA cull etllbiaCO HO
docttlnoorombaik in miycmieuthst will nut
advance the material prosperity nun pruinuio
the enliKhteiimeiit ol ner citizens
jliy tljnnious upilll liie ,ii-oiiim linn l-hcui.
thn irnei mncnt ut tho tstauihiive been present.
ed lu my annual meseagn and It Is utiUeeo. sary
to ntraui reier in ineiii.
When we loon mouuu us, Remieineii oi ino
I.eirlslniiirn. how various, multiform anil mm-
cato aiotbe iuteiests of our gieat Common.
wealth. "e talnly It Is a promt usiiinction to
iinchiisen tn administer the nllulis ot it Hi nto
that hus within her limits so inanv ol tho ele-
mints of empire anu it uenooves us to Beo in n
tout neither its illi;nity or prosperity nUTir
thiougn nuv default ot onis. Let us letnlt no
effort that will enluree the happiness or bene
fits of hoi citizens! let us bo iiietnigiitshcd by
loyalty to her mteiests, by a Jenlous csio ot her
Instltntions, u nbetni uud rstuiullug of nud pro
vision for her necessities, ov lminHiio nttentlon
to tho wants of her pniu and nlUlctcil, nnd en.
Iiehti net! treatment of her criminal clisos, and
by n toleranco of opinion, political anu religious,
so that whon v.e nro dischargeil ot our utists
wo can deliver them to our successoi r with tho
approval of our consciences, nud, let us hope,
with tho blessinits of a irratefnl people.
With this renewal of my nblieatious ns your
Kxecntivo, I intl.e tho euinogt nuil actlvo co
opeintion nnd counsel of nil gootl citizens, and
Implore Hint mv olllclal nets ninylmvo tho s unc
tion of Divine 1'rovulenco.
At Its conclusion the benediction was
pronounced, a national saluto was fired
by tho arsenal battery, and a grand re
viow of troops took place at Second and
Market. A grand reception and ball
was held at tho Opera House, In tlio
evening, and Professor Jack gave a
display of fire works on Capitol 11111.
The National Capital.
From Oub own Washington ConnnsroxDENT.
Washixutox, Jan. 20. 1876.
Orowds have boon flocking to tho House of
ncpresctntlves nil week to hear tho debate np.
on ItandaU'8 amnosty bill. Tho gallcriis have
been filled to overflowing and hundreds hnvo
boon tnrned away, nnablo to gain admlttonce.
Blaine and Garfield have been making terrible
onslaughts on tho condnct of tho war bv tho
authorities of tho Into confederacy, charging
that Jeff, Davis was directly rosponslblo for tho
barbaroas treatment ot Union soldiers at tho
AndersonvUleprlson-pon, ami Iheroforo should
bo excluded from tho benefits of tho prrposed
amnosty. Hill, ot Goorcia, attempted to re
ply to tho terilblo nrralngnient, and though
evidently a man ot great ability anil flue ora
torical powors bo did not succeed in refuting
tho charges on the other side. 'Iho debate was
at times carries! on amid tho gicatest excite
ment and confusion, tho speakers wero cons
tantly Interrupted by questions and sugges
tions fromothei members and the loud raps of
tho Speaker's gavel and his prcslstent rails tn
order wore but Uttie heeded by tho excited and
angry disputants. Whenever cither side would
make a decided hit ruombcrs and spectatoia
would show tbelr appreciation by loud up.
plauso. First tho Democrats would applaud,
and then the ItepubUcans, anil tho hpoaker
found It almost imposslblo to Keep the Ilonso
In even a tolerable degieo of order. It i-eonnil
for a tune as though tho debute would last for
many davs, twenty-three gentlemen having
sent notices to,tbo Speaker's desk exprosMug a
desire to speak on tho bill. It was nuaily. how.
ever, on motion of Mr. Iiandali, refenod to thn
Judlolary cotntnlttfle wltn Instructions to report
it together with an amendment suggested hv
General Hanks, of Mass., providing that nil
persons who wished to have political Ulsablll.
ties under which tuey now labored, removed,
sbuuld take an oatli ot allegiance tathetiov.
eminent of tho United stites. There bio ludl
callous that the Detnoot ats arc willing to com.
promise on this amendment and every effort
will be made to drum np n two-thirds vote in
favor ot ttis bill as ameuded.
ruo iviuienniai appropriation bill has a hard
road to travel. 1 1 bus beer, losing ground rapid
ly for a wask past, and certainly bus not now
the strength v. Lich )ts friends claimed tor it ten
days ago. 'l bo Veunsvlvnnia delesaf ion at e not
assolliily In favor of tuo bill as has generally
been supposed aim at least six or eight of them
will vote against it on the wound .that Oun.
Bl ess has no power under tho Constitution to
grant an nppioprlatlon for such purpose. This
laokofuutty iu tho llmue, of its supposed
friends cannot but havo an unfavorable inrjn.
euee on mom hers from other f tutus and sen.
ously damage the prospect ot tho bill. The
Democratic portion of tho Ohio delegation held
a cauensa few days ago and alloc u leuuhty
discussion resolved to vute against tho proposed
appioprlatlou. It is thought that inmy of the
boulheru members who now foel Inclined to
vote for the Centennial bill will vote sgaiuit It
)t the amnesty bill is finally defeated, uud it is
lint Improuftbln that omo cotupromhn may tin
tiKtenl upon which will teault i.i tin) passage of
Muiton' Rpmiliitlon ot Inqnlrr Into tlio n'
leped IrituiM niul lulhiililutlmia practiced nt tho
Into eleolioiM in Ills. Mippl will prnbnliln como
liolnio the Heuiite ibis wccK. Mr. Motion, tins
n iiiti-o innsH oi testimony lo oiler which If nil
lent! niul cnmnicuteilutinn will nroitiir thn tlmn
ol tlm Hninlii fur n week ntier thu debute opens,
1 1, teeutn in uii Kcncriiiiy miiiiiueti neio mat
here wcto mow or C4t liiitlnndntlou In sinnti
counties nudilmlrlcti ol lliuMtato Heuntnr Al
e iru hnsjtiit armed hern fiotii Mlilisippt.nnil
ttiougs ho lit veiy hostile to thn Ames faction
mid leJoieliiKlii Its dot lit ho nil nltH that tlio
cinruts ni uiiiiiiiuniiiiii lire cortect to a certain
extent, ami Koei so fur ns to any Hint tho man
tier In which tho Ames jinttv has tnUitovetmil
tlio Mate, would aluioit palllile and uxcuso In.
senator M niton has bsen lot to bollovo that
bo Is tho coml it itiiin niul tlmt. IiU tintn.iiaiw.ti
for tho l'reiulency U almost asuti ed. Ills ro mis
mucoiittautly tilled Willi Soiithoiu pullllclnus
mid Mnro iml els who ussurn him (hot h" H tho
first choice ot the Jletiulil cans of the Homh.
toriou could carry Mississippi, Arliatisis aim
LoiiNiaua iiftamst any man lu tho Kcputiilcau
party. 'Ihu Itepubllcnns ot these states nrn
vorv hostile to .Irani. I hoy chatirc him with
reuderinit only n half-hoaitcd suppnit to tho
iveiHiiiiieiiii puiiv ill meir mios linn ceii-uio
lilm bitteily tor his Into Hnutherii po Icy nnd his
reiusnl to si ml troops lo tint Bmilli when itskod
fur by the Uuti mois of theso Hinto. tint only
Is Mutton the flrrt ehmco of the states miincc,
but ho Is tho tecoudcholee of thicofouitlis or
tho remaining Boiilliern Htttes, nnd ns uualn-t
lllallin or llrlitow lieconlil coiiniiiiiid the nihilist
solid nun oi tot tho southern ueloaatesto tho
next Nutional Hepinnlcnn convention. Tho
letson for this statu i f iittiiu-s is plain. In tho
aetniio Million Pus lio n iho chumpiou and lie.
iitiiuer oi me iiouuu,lCHU tenilei s oi tno noiiiu
upon nil ouinniius.ho 1 ns -tuck lo thorn tin ouch
tides and thin, and thev nto nut uuurjliiliii.
nuo ins con rso in tins lespect may nnvo
wenseneil him in some not Hons ot t.m Notth
It has mode hlui oxceeduiKly strouir with the
noutneiii wins, ot inepniit. v nen uguriue on
tliovuilous I'reslilentlnl aspiruuts don't leave
Motto i out of tntir oiilenlstiiiiis.
Ooliiuel Miiseby WnSlu Washington Inst week
nnd otienly hlmso r as sttoiiKVln la
v r of Uraut's tc.nomluat,oii. Afn-r uinut he Is
for iiusiow or Ulime. so i:ir lllaliiu, Jir.SLiiw
and ..iirtou nppear to be 111' lo.iduit uuuiu
iliilcs, hut Ihuio is no leniiiK wint tho liloa ot
Juno may dovelope.
rlho ncietv ueiitiln nro verv inr this winter.
lecepti.ins last week nt tho Wluto lloiino
nud ihuse of tlio cabinet laities m.ilMrt. Spiakcr
Keirntld Alts. Knttiimilii tViwiil went unusuAilv
billliaiit. It Is the univetsnl subject ot teiinuk
tlmt thu iliea-e.s ol tho Indies this so.isou ut the
l.'ni,ltnl nro tnoio mairniucent tlinn nicy oe
hnvo been betoie. .Many of tho ladles who nro
lAi'tdvltn? nrn iiH.tsled br bevies of lollllir bean
ties wlintn timv linen csilpii to their mil and who
ndd Imuiensly to thn cliatius of theso pleasant
epbouos ot social me. Tiiougn our season nun
lnisscii us sccoiui weoit no latno enieriiiiniuenis
linvo vet been utven or aunouiieeil that comtmre
with thn in miiVeiil' cit tinet tilnteis. 'this Is the
oniy evidence, II such it be, or until times that
uas yet come to mo iu wusuiukioh.
Lutlur from Hairlsliiirg.
llAituisuuita, Jan. 2 1878.
Mil EMIOK: Tlio event of tho season, tho
inntietitntlon, has passe.. Oen, ilnrtiiuift en
teied upon tlio duties of Ms (hihernatnitiil olll
co for tho Centomnat toimamld thojlnudlt,i of
tho nmltltuJo, tlio ionrnl tho caunun, the ilin of
a score of binss bands, tho parado of thousands
ol citlrcits and eol tilers, ahoise and afoot, tlio
transient nud brilliant display of pyrotechnics
and nil tint dienlar of tlatr". banners, etc.. etc.
vhlch ffocs to mako up a public demonstration
Aftfr tahlnff tho mull of otHce, tho (lovetnor
dcllveioil hi) lnauRurnl oddiess and totired.
Tlio town was nil contusion worso cnnfoituded
for the ppaco of foitv-tiglit hours, during winch
timo liquor, from puio Hetdefcx tf Lipor,
was tapped nnd quaffed, qunffl and tipped
continually, tho ciowds overvwheio pio-ent
seemed pretty tquallv tilled with liquid entliu
Blsm, Hut, it is nil pissed, and tho membeis
nro now settling down to work with a disposi
tion tu do Rouifthlutr creditable. It that is possi
ble in tlio Pennsylvania legislature. Thno is a
much better ft elinp picvnleut tills winterthnu
theie was lust, membeis havo learned some
thing t theh duties In looking over the-
lionno. a viKitor cannot help noticing tho goiii
er.l iutelllgeuue rilsplayel lu the appoarnu e
ol tho membeis. It is wjd bv old vjsitois that
in that respect tl.opresuit Housn is peuond to
no predecessor. And In this display lntlo Car
bon tikeg iiont rank, Your good.lookiiiff.ncat
ly dioist'd and OTerpiesent towusuiuujjurlliu',
Is noiably one of tho piesfiitablo men of the
IIouso, while besides him tho Blindy reprcsen
tattvoot your luouutalu lotion ellnl'nge at
tention and with olllcers aud members uo man
has moro weight than Uno o liarvev Well
may tho littlo County foelpiouduf herrepre
BCiitatlves, for no other two mou aio muio
prompt in attendiuico than they.
Tho woik of legislation lias Just commonced,
nud will pi obnbly continue until Apiil nt curl
iest, tho member feeling that it i better to
complrte tho woik they have to do than toloso
their hitlf flui-hed work by n pieuincuro nd
If mv scrawl meets your npurobntlon, I will,
troiu tune to tuuo iiBoceastuumay l-iquliedrop
ou ii line.
l'liilittlcpliin Loltor.
PIUIA., Ph., Jan. 18 1S70. AnyoCATR Tho politicians, ratr, tag
and holi tnll, aio all up In Hairlsburg to-day.
Thero will be n hltt time no doubt, but 1 fear
some ot tho pIlKrimx to the political Mecca will
wnko up to.uiorrow inornliiB with bursting
headaches and au Inward craving for mineral
Last night and caily this morning wo had n
regular London fog whon I a iy " n London
fog," I mean a fog which Is so thick that you
could almost cut It with a kntlo. 1 ho pilots on
tho river orporlcnccd much illtllculty In navi
gating their crafts, to say nothing of the d ing-
era. Anil the drivers of stroot cars had to keep
a brisk look out ahead to provont collisions.
Tho debatoon tho Cantennlal nppioprlatlon
is anxiously looked for. Mauy hero think tho
Amnesty discussion has hurt the chances of an
appropriation beyond repairs. It Is tn bo hoped
that Hucuisunt me oust), ami mai uuciebum
will irlvn the aid Tontilrctl.
Hlelghs can bo hired very cheap hero now, but
If yon wish n Blclgh-ildo, l on will mvntound
your own snow. Wo had ' wafer Ico " on tho
Hcnuylklll tho other day. Some parties, who
wero impatient to try their stales, went out on
tho irlassy surface and then the' weutundei.
Luckily tho l'ark police wero on hand to flth
tuein out. or ino leaiivo cuiuuu wuuiu navo noil
a bnumut.
Now.that the cry of " tin to Jlamsbinir" is
about over, I wondorwhat 1U come next I "On
to (J rub," will be iho cry of a great many, for a
number nt ' placo nunters" will not find that for
wmcn mey hook.
Wedlock Is Bald to to a ticklish thtng, but pol
itics. 1 think la a llltlu moro so. To bu sura inv
experience is sluht I'ctliiips a samplo of that
expeilence will be lu onier. ho heie gues t oueo
upon a time I was offerod n nnmtnatlon for
Coucciluian. Tins 13 ciurv, liiouglil 1. out when
tho gentlemen of the committee asked mo In
regain to paving ior reiresiimonts ami eerea
Ottos, I thought best Ut back w ater. Bo I very
respcoifully declined tho great lionor which my
fellow tltizena desired n coulee upon mo. Just
Imaulno mv paling tor a aeronauo to mvseir,
nntl then think of mo stepping lo n front win
Mow antl saving Fellow Citizens This Is a
creat fcnrtrio antl a maik of your esteem for
mo, wmcn i novor can lorger. yes gentlemen,
I hatl retired to utv conch and was having bliss.
lul ililnmiB. when the delightfal music ot your
hand aroused me, 1c Ac '1 hen 1 noulil be ex.
lioctetl to ask the whole crowd, baud anil all, lu
too supper which hail been prepared several
hours before thilr coming. Then a few mo.o
remarks wonld bo In order, and I should havo
to foot tho bills lu the morning. Oh, noj not
anything ot tho kind. If you nlcoso, for
About, six miles from Bhamokln, Nnrlhum
herlantl county, one livening last week, several
tlncyis enteiod tho residence of Airs. Jllllman,
n widow, whllo alio was ct tho barn milking,
Whilu tho tiepredatlons were lu proaress a eon.
in-lniv of thn lady nituied Ileuutngcr approach,
eil iter house, ilo was warned oil by a aoutlml,
wlio tlretl athlni as ho rctroatett tt his owu
house, ireunlnger rnu up stairs, secured n
gun und llreii threo shots at tho robbers, who
lithl congregatetl on the ontsitlo, killing one of
tiirm, I'nillp Hughes, nfWiamokln Anothcroi
tho robbers with whom tbov lled.was wonniled,
'I hoy were trsoked for several milos to a ravine,
where u largo uuimtlty of blood ou the ground
showed that they had halted with their wouu
ilott eoiarsde. It Is supMietl that tho fellow
has since died. Martin barrel, one ot (he al.
leged lohbers. was nrieaietl near l'otlsvllle.
Oue of the evidences of his guilt wero his bloody
hoots. Mrs. lltilman was robbed ot about
100, none ot which has bron rccuvcietl.
Now Advortiseinonis.
jits mhI Epilepsy
ho worst cnesof tholonpeststniiillne by using
An 1 will mvo for a casn It will not beno.
lit. A bottle sent 1-roo to all nddresslnp; J. 15.
l)Ililll,i;i', Chemist oince, law iirnuiwiiy.NV
s wHCHC-ftS1
ipiJi nnrt terms froo. THU K A Co., Augusta.
m von is7. jmi
I AlIoiiselioldWcckiyMiiguziiic
imvorKi) to
porr laii i.irEiiATUUK. and all mat.
A rri-ETOKs' Journal appears In now typo nml
wlthiithei iiipchnuicnl limiiovcineiits inaklni'
It tho hamlsoiHcat weoKly llierarylournal In Hie
country. Al'i'LBloNS' .Iouiihal olma to bo com
jut nrnslTP, lncludinp In Its plan all branchoa of
Hti-i-ntntn. and nrallllo' n 1 alllilpctf of Intrrost
to lulelllireiit leailerst It (IcbIrus lo lie clevalod
Inlasto and imro tntoiioi It Riycs In quantity
fully twraty-flro per con t. mote limn tliolnu
cat ot tho Monthly Mngntinei, while lu qualltv
Its llleiaiuro IB oi 100 luauosi tiuhs, trtAiKjr
tl per Annum ; 10 Cents per Number.
Special Announcement;,
Tho midersljineil lnvo prucuied, oxclnslvelyfor
KUbscnat'iH to iiri'LKio' juuknai., n spienum
aieel eiiEravluK ot
"Chaiips Dickens In His Study,"
which li offered, under special temia, to every
subscriber lu anvaucoio journal inr itiv.
Tim steel cmrinvluir Is In Uno nnd simple. J
taunt n tntwr utrttlrH. Iilltnit at'lllilt temeseula.
tiou ol Uliatfes Du kens' study at Oatlsnlll.whlle
tin portiuit ol tnotii-iu'guisneu nnrnorisnriK
turrlir fnlthrnl
'I lie Mzn ttf tlio nlatols2Txl4 irln ted on heavy
platn pupcr i!4z3 1, maklnita Iuiko and handsome
wiEiaviMK for iho pallor or liurnri woil. Tno
oxecutlou of the plate is of a su pel lor order.
Tho ordinary pneo of a hteel tugt HVlnd ol this
cnuractet in mo iiiiui-snuiis wouiii inn uuirm
thiin I-'lre. nml iieiliitus fk Dollais. It H offer.
pil eTflitslvelv In Niihsi-rllierp. In adllllliilt lo the
JubiiXAI, lor olio year, lor t'lOO-tlmt Is, lor 11.00
niliiiliouai, eacu yeuiiv hiiviiiil'o iiusciii;ui iu
IIIO JUUII.NAL lor is, it luay reueivu II supci u tjii-
Kin vine wiutli lulli llvo times the amount.
This eiiRravnm Is entirely now. it hni never
been for siilu In tho punt shops, nml tnnnot b'
obtained oxeept in ctiunnctlon with AITI.KIONS
.Iolhisai. npnn tlieleims anil conditions jrlven
nbnvo. It will bo mailed lo siib-criberspoetuRO
U. Al'I'I.ETON & CO ,
549 nml 581 Uhoahway, Nuw York.
lCJll'l.OYJIHNT. malo nntl female, salary or
JJ commission. Wo pay Agents n .ilaryof $10
nweek and expenses. Kuur.KMilANnK'o Co,
Hartford, Conn, rnitlenlnrafen.
UK. MANS.'. Hew York,
has ostibllslied nn OrncE is rniLAiiKi.riiu for
the cute of HIP lllhUAMK, WU1TK SWKLL
LIMI13 nnd OLUil rUET, without Cuttllig
Cords or nnv Surplenl Operation, or tin hour's
confinement to lo'l, and mostlv without pain.
This is tho rostut ot thirty yeais ezjierleneo 14
of which were In Now York city, 1'ortull In.
formation as tn treatmont and how to avoid
fraud and tleeopllou. seud for schedule.
Olllce: Irving House, 917 Walnut streot.ovcry
Monday from S a. m. to I p.m.
"Yet forty dayi, and JVincrni iall be overthrown"
rnturn ovents prophecleil by rules in HEN.
NKK'H rilOl'HKTIO HOOK. Fortunes lorc
told tn tho ups aud don ns ot prices for tho next
twenty yonisi tho luturo Judged by iho past,
What years to make money on plg.iron, hogs,
corn, provisions, cotton, ami when we will havo
tho next panic, what year hind times will end
and business revive aeain, Every
ufncturci, legitimate trailer and specu'ator
should havo this book to know tho future, so as
to avoid loss and bo successful. Bent to any
name, post-paid, lor 81. Address SAMUEL
lU-KNEft. llalnhntlge, ltnss Connty o.
Epilepsy, Falling Fits
This is no humbug,
of or write to MUY
For Information, lnnnlrn
of or write to MUYEIt llllOTlIEIlS. Whole-
Balo Druggists, moomslmrg. Columbia Co.,
$5 8 $20
par dsy nt homo. Sainnles
worth $1, froa. Sti.isox t Co.
l'ortlsnd, Alaine.
How either sox may fascinate and gain the
love nnd allections of any person they choose, in.
stantly. Tills art all ran possess, free, by mai)f for
.o remsj togeiner wun a .tiarriageuuide: rjgypt
inn Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc. 1,Ok),-
iaiu iota, a queer dook. Aaaross
T. WILLIAM i CO., Pubs, Philn.
1 jVLus' c l0 'rsc,,iusc,iKY'
Next to Deborde's Jewelry Store,
Calls iho attention ot tho Ladles ot Lehighton
and vicinity to the tact that ehe keeps a fall
assortment ol
Berlin & Gormantown Wool,
Ladies' and Children's Hose,
CANDIES. CONFECTIONS and a variety of
other articles not usually kept in any other ttocr
lu Lehighton,
A share of publlo patronage la solicited, and
satisfaction guaranteed. Jan, ,m3
Plotts' Star Organs
Are celebrated, for their purity of tone,
design and thorough ronstructlon, Send for
catalogue. Address, EDWAHD l'LOTTH,
Washington, N. J.
mms. i ,i i Co Xn Pi c s
Now AtlvoHisomonts.
Koepscnnslnutlynn hand n large and stilendld stock of tho NEW.
KiSTUOOlm. entntirlsliift el.AtN AMtt paniiv etniio ,V,
HIMUllKS and VKMlTNtiS, for MKN'H and
liATF-ST FAMI1JON, at short notice.
I$o&$., lnoe
Of tl.r LATEST STYLES always on bond at TIIE LOWEST PUICKS.
Also, Agent for the American aud Grover & Baker SEWING MACHINES.
: SPov the
Before buying Holiday Prosents, Pleaso Examine
Packard PARLOR and Grand
janufactured by tlio Fort Wayue Organ Co.
P. HORN, Agent, Lehiehton. Penn'a.
All orders lelt nt " TIIE CAIinON ADVOCATE" Offlco will receive prompt atteotlofi. Pnoc.
Lists aud all oiher lnformiillon furnished on application.
An 'mmonse stock of LADIEb, GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, of Best Make, at Low Prices I
Also, at VERY LOW FIG CUES, a full assortment of FasU'onable Makes of
Gentlemen's and Youths' HATS and CAPS.
JWAfieiils for the Acmo Shirt the best fitting garment ver made. Lcare
your Measure for them.
LA.URY & PETERS, Merchant Tailora,
P. O. niiilding, LelilRhton, Pa. Oct. 2, 1875.
Men's and Women's
tST" Prices fully ns Low elsewhere.
JEX & noai,
Annonnco to
citizens of Oar.
bon and adjoin.
Ing Counties
that thev ire
now prepared to
Orders solicited, nnd Jlocrs tlohvered on short
rotlce. VARI) nnd OFFICK. opposite tho
" Northwestern Housb," RANK oTRBKT,
Jan. 15-tt REX : IIOM.
Livery & Sale Stables,
And posltlvolr LOWKR PRICES than any
other Livery in the County.
Large and handsome Carriages for Fjneral
Surposesand Weddings. DAVID EBBKRT.
Tov. 22. W3
B- A Wcsu Til: to Look Cp;a."
A R A , The Princess.
Facsimile of a Celebrated Oil Fainting by BRO
CK ART, In 2i Oil Colors-Siie. 17x22 tnohes.
The royal beauty of face and form, neb Oriental
costume, romantlo Eastern landscape back,
ground, with Its well, palm tree, flocks, tents,
aDd long stretch of desert and distant boundary
of mountains, combine to form a rare snd lovo
ly picture. It wonld grace tho walls of any
publlo or private gallery, CANVAJ5ER3 are
wild over It. and are competing for tho CASH
PREMIUMS, Betid for our sr-LK.Din Ovem.
Address, J. II. FORI) A CO ,
Jan. 15-wS New York City.
Tola desirable uropoitv is located
in Abiugton Township. Montgom.
ery Co., Pa., ten miles north of
Philadelphia, comprising b7 acres.
6 acres of which are woodland, and
tlit, iHiuuiutlnr arable land in a hlch state ot cul
tlvatlou. Tho Improvements are a large Stone
Mansion House, containing 19 rooms t a large
Darn with all the ueoesBnry outbuildings. The
locality Is proveiblally healthy and is conveni
ent to places ot warship, Meaools. Libraries, etc.
For particulars adtires. THOMAS II. ailOK.
MAKHR, 1511 North nth St., Philadelphia.
Fourth 8t , Philadelphia,
IIOY'H vbKh.
m the tcry
and Gaiterst
linn. 1.1 T. Ti. nr.iTfw.
JhTolidavs I
Laury&i Peters
Have Just received a large and elegant
Stock of FALL and WINTER
Comprising Plsln & Fancy CLOTItB,
MEN'S antl YOUTH'S WEAll,whlel
iiivy uicurepnroil Ml XAtLK ut'in me
most fashion ahi.k style, at
short notice una at low prleai. r
TOBI ! :
Itcfiectfnllj' ennoubres that' he' haii-Jatt
lecHvtd his FALL A- WINTER stock ot
Dress & Dry (Joods,
Groceries, Provisions,
Boots and Shoes,
Sept, 11, 187J.
rpHOS. S. liKCK As CO,
Real Estate Agents,
We have Instructions to Sell I lie following Pro
perties, and persons desirous ot Pm chasing-Hell,
ing or Exoi.nnging Real Ejt.te, will do well to
givu us a cill :
Ilonse and Lot, near O'ewlne'a Tannery, In tha
liorouiih ot Lehlirliton. II onse I fill, stable
ldxM nnd lot 5; front ni.d 2 5 feet deep, well
planted with Irult troe. A never-falllnit
well in tne yard. Price, SHOO, half cash, bal
nnee on IttstallmcnU
Dwi ling House and hat, on Fnuith street,-L.
blitltton. Now rents for $18.00 per month.
Price low tor cash.
House antl Lot, nn Mahoning slreeti lehighton,
Pneo 350. rents for (a per month, one-half
cash, balance by Instalments
House and Lot on Pine street Lehi"hton, Pa.
P Ice 11401. Routs fur So per mouth,
100 Acres of Timber Land In Mahoning town
ship. J lj miles from Lehighton. Cheap.
465 Acres ot Land in Penn Forest Township,
carbon countv. At a specia bargain.
Sotcu Lots In the Borough of Lehighton. Good
locations and price- low.
Frame Building, snttnble fur a photograph gal
lery or other light basinets. Cheap..
Jan. 1, 1876. T. 8. BECK A cd.
O By purchasing your
Groceries 1 Provisions
Also a Choice Variety of
Opposite the "Carbon Advocate" Offlco, BANK.
Teas, Coffees,
Sugars, Molasses,
Bpicos, Dried Fruits,
No. 1. Mackerel,
Kerosene Oil,
Tobaccos, &c, &c
All of which are won an led of first-class anility
and sold CHEAP FOR CASH. -.!.
The Highest Market Price allowed for BTXT- .
erallr in Exchange lor Goods.
A trial Is respectfully solicited.
April 10.71 E. H. RHODES.
uarticniara addi ess.
Jan. 8, 1876 3-w Packerton. Fa.
Plotts' Star Organs
New and beautltnl designs. Agents Wanted.
Address. HDW'D PLOTIB. Washington. Mv J.
" thought it were turning grey 1 So It was, nn.
Ill she cot a bottle of that new HAIR RBSTORr