The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 15, 1876, Image 2

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Commodore Stqiliun tlie
navy, died In l!os(ou on Caii;ritay,ni;i (1
01 years, lie wrtB a nrm!fou of the
Co in modem Ut'cntnr who surged In the
nnvy In 1708, nml a nruhuw of Coin,
modoru Stephen Dtcntur, llw hero of
Tripoli and of tho War of lata.
Important 1o Teaclters.
In compliance with n. resolution
iimnlniously adopted at tho late county
Institute, nslihiK fur ,tho passage of a
bill making It compulsory upon School
Directors to allow teachers their salary
whlto In nttemlaiice nt County Insti
tute our representative, Hon. A. J.
Durllng, on Tuesday last, Introduced
In the lloiipe, a general bill for that
purpose, applying to All tho counties of
!tho .Commonweultli. Tho following Is
the bill as Introduced :
AN ACT pioviOlnifnr the Psvmcntof Pchool
Teachers wlnlo iiitenmnir t!ri Count) liisil.
tnle nt Tcacncrs In tho set crnl Counties of
this OmimohwoaUli. lie u enacted by the Senate and
Jiomc of levrcsentutivei uf the Commonwealth
if I'enna. In General Asxemiljj met. antl it tg
lierehv enactet by authoritvlif the tame: That
from imrt iitii r tnu passugo of this act tl.e Hchool
Directors ol tho liferent wards, boioughs,
townships and independent ehool dtbtiicls
fhioupliont Uns Commonwealth, flutll allow lo
the pciiool teachers emp'o.ed therein. who ntc
nctunllt engaged iu teaching scl.ool nt tho time,
then wsges tor tho time whilo attcidlng tho
County Institute, held jeaily fortno Imptove.
meutot teachers In their respective counties.
Tho vessels of tho North Atlantic
.fleet, nro being concentrated at Port
Royal, S. C, as it la tho Intention of
tho Secretary of tho Navy to make that
place the headquarters of the Station.
The climate of tort l.oyrtl Is healthful,
tho harbor offers every facility for tho
wcerclse of naval tr.etics, and vessels
rendezvoused there could reach .Cuban
waters and tho ,Qulf,wliero our Interests
need most to be looked after, within
forty-eight hours, it is tho policy of
tho Navy Department to havo our homo
squadron larger than any abroad, so as
to be prepared for any emergency which
may arise out of the Cuban trouble. In
this connection, it Is said to bo believed
"In well-informed circles" at Wash
ington, that tho uncertain hold which
Spain lias upon Cuba may Involve tint
power in a difficulty with the United
States, and may also causo it to part
with that island "as a matter of neces
sity." Many vessels will bo ordered to
Tort Royal from our Northorn ports,
as well as several from abroad.
Cash Sales.
Ilenry Nothsteln & Son, merchants,
of East Pcnn, have .thjs week Issued a
notlco to their customers and friends,
that on and alcr February 1st, they
will do business ody on a cash basis,
and that they have parked down the
price of goods accordingly. This is a
step In the right direction, If people
would pay cash us they go, Instead of
running up monthly bills, our business
men could' afford to mark down the
prico of nearly every article of family
necessity, There Is pcarcely a working
man In this neighborhood that Is neces
sitated to ask credit from month to
month from his grocer ; he receives his
monthly wages regularly, and might
Just as well go to the store with the
cash In his hand, pay down for what he
gets, as to carry a book and have it put
down. It Is simply a bad and foolish
practice tho workingmcn have fallen
Into, and many dishonest persons take
advantage of tho credit system to run
up bills and then run away and never
pay them j and who are the sufferers
.thereby ? Tho merchant or the custom
er? Wo say both. For the careful
business man must, In fixing the price
of his goods, make a margin for bad
debts, and, consequently while he suf
fers a portion of the loss, tho customer
who pays must also suffer a proportion
ate loss, in that he has to pay a certain
percentage advance on all goods he
purchases more than he would have to
do f all paid the cash for their goods
when they made their purchases. The
cash system Is the only real way of do
ing business, and If it was once fairly
Inaugurated, we would hear very little
more of failures in business and hard
General Gordon Granger died In
Santa Fe, Now Merico, of apoplexy,
on Monday evening. Io wbb stricken
with paralysis a few weeks ago, but
had nearly recovered, and his death
was unexpected. General Gordon
Granger graduated at- West Point In
1845 and entered the Second Infantry,
but was transferred to the Mounted
Bltles in 1840. He was brovettcd lieu
tenant and captain for gallant services
In the Mexican war, and at the out
break of the rebellion was appointed
Colonel of the Second Jflchlgan Cavalry,
He was appointed a brigadier general
of volunteers March 26, 1802, and
September 17th of the same year he
was mad3 major general. After the
battloof Cblckamauga he was given
command of the Fourth Corps, and be
was engaged lu the operations around
Chattanooga aud In the battle of Mis
sionary Kldge. He subsequently com
manded tho district of West Florida
and tho Department of ,t,lio Gulf, and
was in command of the Thirteenth
Army Corps In operations ond(ng hi
.t'lio cnptuio of Mobllo.-Apill 12, lg05.
Fur the latter service lit) was brovetted
Major Gt'iicial IJ. S. A. Ho was mtn
tfti'd out tit si;rvpo ,ln January, 1800,
and In July following was Rsslgned to
duty us Colonel of the Twenty-tlfth In
fautry. ruin Marcji, 1800, to Decem
ber 1070, he was not on duty, but at
the last imiued date liti was abslgned to
itlio Fourteenth Infantry, and was soon
after ttniisrerrea to tlie l Iftiieiitli In
fantry, with which reglmunt he has
since been on duty on die plain.
Stale Troiumrot'' Report.
In the House of Representatives, on
Wednesday Inst, Major A. Wilson Nor
iln, Private Secretary of tho Governor,
presented the annual report of the Stute
Treasurer. It is us follows :
Gentlemen : I submit herewith, In
conformity to law, a statement of tho
receipts and expenditures of the Treas
ury for tliu flseal year ending Novem
ber aoth, lSTfl, showing a reduction of
if l,3J5,4l7 03 of tho public debt, aiul a
balance 111 the Treamirv of $01)3.207 27,
of which $53,334 78 U to tho ciedlt" of
(hu General Fund, while the approprl.
atlons jet duo and payable out of this
fund will exceed o0,U00.
I again deMro to call tho attention of
tlie Legislature to the disproportion bo
tweeh'the revenue nml the require
ments of the Sinking and General
Funds, While tho former Is largely In
excess of the demands of 'the Constitu
tion, tho latter Is entirely iiindcu.uato to
pny the ordinary expenses of the State
oyernmeiii, with constant embarrass
ment during the last fiscal year to tho
Treaursy and to tho creditors of tho
Prompt legislation Is necessary, eith
er in the form of additional taxation or
of a diversion ot a portion of tho Sink
ing Fuud revenuo to general uses, for
tho relief of tho Treasurer and the pro
tection of our credit.
Tlie revenues of tho Sinking Fuud
consist of the tax on corporation stock
placed in that fund by Legislative en
actment as per act of May 0th, 1874,
amounting to 82,000,000 ; the proceeds
of the sale of the public works, placed
theio by authority of tho Constitution,
amounting to $730,000. Tho Consti
tution compels tho maintenance of the
Sinking Fund at sufficient to pay 250,
000 of the principal and the Interest
on the public debt, which would to
gether, amount to 81,575,000.
It is, therefore, the privileges of tho
Legislature to ruako any diversion of
the tax on corporation stock, or sub
stitute any other taxes, provided tho
Sinking Fund is maintained at sufficient
to meet the demands of the Constitu
tion. Very respectfully your obedient
servant, It. W. Macket,
State Treasurer.
Tho report of the ComnilssionorH of
the Sinking Fund sets fotth as follows ;
In compliance with the fourth section
of the act approved April 22rid, 1!58 ;
the fifth section of 'tho act approved
April 13th, 1870, and the fourteenth
section of an act approved May 0th,
1874, we havo the honor to submit the
following report for tho ear ending
November 3Uth, 1875:
That the amount of principal of debt
redet med during the year was $1,335,
407 63.
Amount ol annual lnteiest paid, tl.399,178 43
Amount ot tho debt of the Oolnmon
u ealth on Nov. 3utu, ls;5. (23.233,137 74
To which there Is tn ,tho Sinking
riiuri lor the payment of tho pub.
Ho debt bonus ol the Teuna. Kali-
road Company, 5,300,(100. repio.
sentlng an tnlebtannis of f i,l3:,5tl 88
Donets ot Ailouhcny Valley Hullrond 3,40O,OuO 00
Jialance In Sinking I uii'l, Kov. 30th,
lt74 1131,028 49
!).4M,572 M
Thus leaving an Indebtedness un
provided for of $13,760,504 80.
The entlro debt ot the Common
wealth maturing or payable before
Nov. 30tb, 1875, has been paid or pro
vided for. Tho revenues of the Sjuk
Ing Fund must therefore necessarily ac
cumulate in the treasury until 1877,
when a portion of our outstanding In
debtedness becomes payable unless tho
Legislature shall authorize tho pur
chase at market ratos of a portion of
the debt not yet duo. On August 1st,
1877, the five per cont. gold loan of
(he act ot May 4th, 1852, amounting
to $3,207,500 Is das and reimbursable.
This IS tho only loan of the Commnn
yeajth actually duo In that year. Tho
s'scond or 10-15 series of tho six per
cent, 'loan of 1807 Is payablo at any
time after the first of Feburary, 1877,
and before tbe'first of February, 1882,
at the option ol the Commonwealth.
The holders of the better class of
certificates will have no lawful claim
for tbe principal of their debts until
1882. The receipts of the Sinkmn
Fund, if that fund is maintained as at
present constituted up to August 1st,
1877, will suffice to redeem at maturity
the entire amount of the five per ceut.
gold loan, In addition to the payment
of the annual inteieet upon the State
Its maintenance, however will neces
sitate the imposition of new taxes to
tustain the general revenue, which has
beep" found entirely insufficient to meet
tbe general expenses of tho Common',
Itespectfully submitted,
M. S. Quay,
Secretary of tbe Commonwealth.
J. F. Temple,
" Auditor General.
It. W, Mackey,
Statu Treasurer.
In Bradford county, tho other day, a lather
aged nlDety years boxed nla son's curs severely
for uboslni; Ins wile. The Loy Is ubout sixty
It Is stated that over 13.0JO tracts ot land
embruMiiK 2.&00.W0 acres, remain unpatented lu
l'euusylranis, upon which there la due ilio
commonvealUi tlireeqaamrs ot a jmlllon-dol-lata.
Victoria Woodhnll and Tennio C. Clsfliu ap.
peaied ootore thetienutu Committee on claims
tVodnofeduy to urge a claim lor damages on ac
count of urrost and luiprlsoumput In Now Yorx
in 1973. for uttoiiuK an obxoeue publication,
'lliey alleged that, lueir arrest was, that
tue ooi ol their defence apainst the i u jcutlun
was over 6u.oou.aca thai their notion by tho
suspension of their paper was IH',uuo.
llarney MoQuald. convicted lu the U. B.
Circuit Co ait et Ilaltltuuro of forjonu bounty
and pouslou claims, was senteucoil VVednesduy
to six yoait' linpilsonuieut lu the pcuultemlaiy
am1 the paynv u- of u fl..e ol
The National Capital.
Was iiinoton, Jan. 13. IS7D.
Tho policy of tho Democratic lenders of the
IIouso Is being developed nml Its lilclieat trump
caul will bo labelled "letrenchineiit " Theio Is
talk of cutting down oipensos nil arouiiil.Army
iippniprinllons, in well nt the army itself, nro
to bo whittled down io tho little end of nothing.
Ulvcr nml iintirar, and Internal improvements
guieraliy nro to bo allowed to InJio .carp ot
theniaelTOs. Hie Indian liuieau Is to be put
npon short commons and tlioioblo sons of tho
forest mid tho plain can tako to the wnr path to
lay In their winter suvplles, or do wltliou t.them
altogether. If this policy Is orrled ont wo may
have to tecord n desperate strngK'c between
Mr. I,o, and tho frontier Bettlcrst In whli-n
cao wo can only pray that Mr. Darwin's thoory
may hold pood, and hope for tho survival of tho
fittest, Thepnlaiv and peiqulellsot that much
abused Tlllaro post master Issouitlit to bo cur.
tailed and tho free delivery ot malls In tho cities
having less than eighty thousand Inhabitants
to bo discounted. i: erj thltiK, in short, is to bo
trought down to n pnveity-stiltken bisls, ox
cept the Riilnrienof mem hers of Oongrets i theso
of couno nio aboro fho mutations ot pnrty ex
pedients null bmifoni legilation. While thoso
heavy reductions nro piopoted In the above
matti rs, bills havo been nliomly Introduced ror
thetelKfof the citizens ot the South 'which If
passed will Involve tho payment of (70,ot0,iou
ont of tho Treasury.
Not much can bo learned lierolnst now In re
eard to tlie WJiiskvy frauds, there are somo
lenky vessels in the Treasury Department that
wereniltil latair nutto willing tn divulge all
tili'V know lliloli tiin tmhlFcr lint InfnrniHtlnli
whfph cnjlilea sotcb 'ot the operators tn tho
'crooked" to put thctr huusos lit oldernLd pre-
1are in a measme lor tho ml h to cnlno hnvtng
ieen mado public, these sources of information
received oiders not to converse with tho credu.
lmiB correspondent on this Intel cstlng topic, of
enurso tilts seciecv has given use to minora
thatsomoof the guilty ones nro to bo allowed
to eBCape and that It is for tills reason that all
the proceedings nro shionded lu mystery and
Varciullv truarded from tho knonlediro of the
'public. Tho nbsiirdltynt these reports is up.
I'ureiii ni n Kinuco. lull. noiiiiUKsoems 10 come
nnusi to those who nio determined to tlnd faults
they chartred the Clove ruinent n shott time ago
with having embarrassed thoprosocutiou by di
vulging Its plans In ndvanco and now the- ceil
buio It for preserving n discreet and proper st.
lence. It having boin tuniored that evidence
has been dlteovcted Implicating Col. Fred.
Oram and Orvlllo (Irani, in somo uf the Whis
key frauds. Inquiry was mado at tbe Treasury
Department ro ascertain It theio was any foun.
datiou for tho repoit, Hecietsry llilstow. states
that there is not tho least omidntlon for tho
statement ho far as any evidence before the
Department allows, llo consuleis it a fabrlcn
tlun ol tho Whiskey ring and patt ot a couccrt.
cd plan to drag In prominent names for tho pur
poso ol diverting attention finm tbe real otloud.
ers. Itlspiohablo that Joycoaud McDonald,
mado the lesser light1! at tho ring believe that
parties wore in the compuacy who had lnUu.
enco enough to protect them fiom the conse
quences ot their crime, and iu their wild cftoits
to shield themselves they are making accusa
tions light nml left In tho hopo tit striking a
weak Joiut In the nimor ot somo prominent oftl
clnl anil thus make It Ms Interest to come to
their roscuo in tho hour of their cxtromltr.Tbis
hopo however will tall I hem, as the recent slez
ureslu Chicago show that Secretary Diistow
menus business nml that It la his determination
to destroy tho Whiskey rings and cut them up
loot and branch.
boveral prominent members of the Centen
nial commlatuniihavo been lu thoolty for Boyer
al days ui clug prompt nrtlon In relation to an
appropriation 10 tho Centennial exhibition to
enablo them to complete tho building and open
the exhibition in Alny next freo of debt. Tho
Centennial committee ot tho House lcporied a
hill on ThuiBday last ombo'lying thovlons of
the commission and an effort will bo ramlo to
pas ltln tho Ilousonu Monday under a suspen
sion of too nilcs. Tho bill provides for the ap.
proptlatlon tl.MW.OOU from tho Treasury, one
thud of which Is mude payable Immediately nud
tho balance ui four equal payments to bo paid
on the draft of tho 1'resideut nud Tieasuret of
tho Centennial nuance committee. It further
provides that this appropriation shall share
pro-rata with tho hohteis of tlie Centennial
Btock in any prollts tint may bo realized Iroin
thn exhibition, winch amounts shall be return
ed to the Treasuiy, Thlslast clauBO was Inser
ted to meet the objections that were urged
arninst tho appropriation on iho ground that
tho exhibition was u Joint stock nasooiauon.aud
that it un undondltlonUI nppronuation which
enabled them to open freo ot debt was 'mode
tbero would bo somo fat dividend to dlstilbuto
among the stockholders should tho exhibition
prnvo a nnaucial success.
Tno mombprs ol tho commission are aecom.
pamed bv several luiltiontial cltlnena of Phila
delphia who are working in tho Interest of tho
bill. Among them Is Col. A. K, Mccluro, uf
tho Philadelphia Times, who Is busily onaaged
Interviewing lnombcra and setting forth tho
mints of tho bill and tho proprloty nt Its early
passage. Itsfrleiidsaro very conlldont of lis
fcuccces and claim that two-thirds of Iho House
will voto for it. They oxpect that tho money
will bo avuilRble within tho noxt thirty davs.
InUatlon recoiled astaggeilng blow In tho
House on Thursday lat. Air. ltea.ol Missouri,
i fVetod a resolution that In the opinion of tno
House tho coutrictlon ot the currency lu tho
manner and to tho oxtent that It has been done
is detrimental to business ot iho country and
lnthopreient condition of tno country no fur
ther contraction ot the currency ought to be
mado. Mr. lloa. demanded tlioprovlons ques.
tlon on this lcfcotutton, but tho Houho letusod
to second this demand bv a voto of I2i nays to
hi yeas. It was then iclerreil to tho committee
pf ways and means As this resolution embud.
led the nilid-'st form ot inflation the largo voto
agaiutt it is very slgnlUtaut nml may bo taken
as an Indication which way tho wind blows on
this question iu tho House, though theio were
members who voted nguinut it simply because
they did not want tho matter to como before
tho House at this time.
On Monday Mr. ilortou's resolution ordering
an investigation Into tl lato Mississippi eluo
Hons will come up in the Henate. 1 he leeisla
tuiewluch wascnoseu at the election referred
to will choose n Uultod States rieuntnr to suo
cced Sruntor Alcorn, ami It ison tola ground
Hint Mr. Morton claims that tho United titatcs
Henate properly enquire Into Iho allegations
ihataremadoof tiauus In these elections. Of
course an uio uomocrats win opposo this rcso.
lutioD and theie may bo enough Republican
Senators who believe that the senate has no
Jurisdiction in thn case to dctcat the proposed
investigation. It is sunnoscd that U o. c. I.a.
mir, at present a mem her of thonousefor
Mississippi, will bo elected to succeed Alcorn,
aud he is now In Mississippi, looking after bis
interests in that direction. If Mr. Morion's
resolution la not adopted tho wholo niatti r will
probably como up tn March 1677. wuou whoever
Is elecled by the present Mississippi legislature
will take his seat, unless tho henaie should up
on investigation declare his election invalid and
reluso to admit him.
The question which has been discussed ever
since Oougi ess assembled as to the right of the
senate under existing circumstances to elect a
Piesident pro tempore has at laso boen deoided.
The benuto committee on privileges and elec
tions submitted a report to the a cnate on Thurs
day which asserts Lnat tho Ueuatebas the pow.
cr to elect a President pro tempore at the pres.
heat time, Mr. Uaiolln. ot Maine, is talked ot aa
a candidate lor tins iwsttlon but it Is the genu,
al lmpressiou that M r. Ferry, Iho present iu:
cumbent will be re elected.
Tho various committees of Congress have not
gotten fairly to work yet aud thus far they have
report! d unon but a limited number ol bills. A
Kreat deal ot work however has been cut out tor
them and many ot tho members will dad their
places on committee no sinecures. On Thuis
day Mr. New, of Indiana, ottered a resolution
lu Uie Jlonso to the etlect that In viewot the
fraternal feeling ana general good will whkh
pieyalls in all sections ot the union and th
manifest disposition of the men that battled
uguiust each other to Jola in fraternally uthcr
lng in tho ceutennial year and upholding the
same flag etc.. their representatives should do
nothing to dlstuib the patriotic concord or re
vive the memories of tbe past. This resolution
doveloissd' a remarkable unanimity, the voto
upon it standing, yeas 247 i nays o, when a
practical test however wasapplied by Mr. Fori,
who ottered a resolution 'that In consideration
of tbe ausplclons harmony expressed in the res
olution Just passed, wounded union soldiers
ought not to be remove from positions in tho
JIuuse which they are qualified to till." lie was
ruled oat ot order by Mr. Oiynier, Dem. who
occnpled tbe chair.
At the reqnest pf Mr. IUndalL chairman of
tno committee on appropriations tho House ad
journed over from Thursday till Mouday to
give his committee iline to consider aud report
Philadephift Letter.
PUILA., I'll.. Jail, 12, 1878.
Dun ADVOCATE i I havo been asked wiiv I
sign " Marcutto I" Now, Mr. Kdltor, I know I
viar Bhakspoare'a Mercutio, but Marcntio Is
tim name.
A cousin, residing at Pagoda Anchorage, Foo
chow, China, Minds wo tho following capital
itory t
A minister of tbe gospel, here, acting as chap
la."i v r-. - J A amor
age, was asked if h received n fee for perform.
Ingrt csrtam but lal service, ho sain, ''No, nor
illd I ever recelvo a fee of any kind in tills hole
of a place. It any of those Ill-mlmlcd people
who license me of accepting or demanding tecs
for bt1al services are at nllauxlnus to econom.
Ire. Ton- mny Inform them, with mv compli.
invnts. that I should bo hsppr to bury the whole
tot of Ihem tor nothing I"
Wo have had an attempt at wlutcr. but It did
not amount to much. I begin to tear that I will
not be nhlelo treat as much as nsual to lco
cream next Bummer,
Hotclierwlio wentsnd got drunk nnd thon
" klllel his mail," has found out that drunken
ness wllljot cxctiso htm from Iho gnllows.
Tho inlid weather has holped affairs amnrs
lnely nt the Centennial grounds.
it Is fondly hoped that tli " Frog Wnr " will
not break out aU-esh. lint should such bo Iho
ca-e. I win bo one of tho first to go .and scm
foap sometimes means casIi. stamps or filthy
U,,.r?l.J,ut Ilalibltt'a clerk evidently prltod
llnhbitt's metal higher than soap. Only think
of being robbed of fcwauon ami not knowing any
inlnc aoout It t 1 wish some ono would rob mo
pf that sum. Whj-, I'd do my best to catch iho
thief, and If he'd go halves I would let him off.
Money Is said to bo the root ot all evil. A
little boy on being told this, slid he would llko
to havo a little ninro of the root, anyhow I
The street boys nrn teldng over body lo"pull
down their vests." Btraugo how anil whcreiore
these slang expressions originate. They gioatly
Bbock the moral sensibilities ot
A woman, named HhIIt, was found mur
dered at her home, near Bontli Vernon, Intl., on
Saturday. Tho murderer Is unknown,
Miner J. Charles, n young scomulrol who
committed an assault upon n .. oung lady whom
ho was escorting to tno hoitso of ri relative at
Warsaw, Inil., n law weeks ago, was sentenced
on Monday to 10 yoaia' Imprisonment.
.Tamss llrady, ased eight years was accl
dentally shot lu tho head and fatally wounded,
by a six year old Bun of ir. Stewart, at Lan
caster, l'a , Jtondny moruipg.
.rlliecl''',r tactorlcsot Adentown, turn ont
An Allentown lady became deranged nt
church, went homo and Jumped out a second
ftorv window. She was not injured mntcnally
ty the Jump.
' On Sunday Dr. J. N. LaUnrtc. of Erie, who
hall been lUinking to excess, fell while attcmii.
ting to climb over a partition in a Btoro and
broke his neck. '
Now Advortisoirients.
Announce to
.cltltcnsof Car.
bon and adjoin,
lug Counties
that they nio
Orders solicited, and lines delivered on sliort
notlco. YAltD and OFFIOU. opposite tho
" Northwestern House," DANK aTllEKT.
LB.HIOHTON, Pcnn'n. '
Jan. 16-tt itRX A HOM1.
" A Womin Tslr to Looi tfpoa,"
A R A , The Princess.
Facsimile ot a Colcbrated Oil Tainting by 1)110
CIIAIIT, In 21 Oil Colors-Slio. 17 x 22 Inches.
Tho roval beantv nf fnen nml r.irm t-tni, niAnn
costume, romautio Eastern landscape back.
groiina, wun us well, palm ttee, flockB, tonts,
and leng stretch of desert and distant boundary
of mountains, combine tn fnrm a rAi-n ,,,1,1 I...
ly picture. It would grace tho walls of nuy
piiuuo or pnvniu gaitcry. uain VASHKlts are
wild over It nninro competing for tho CASH
PKEM1TJMN. Heti tor onr SrLKNUiii OfKElt.
Address, J. Jl. FOUD A CO,
Jan. 16-W8 New York city.
rpuos. S. IIKCK & co,
Real EaljG Agents,
Wn hnTO iiiBtluctlons to Sell iho iollowing Pro
perties, anil persons ilr sirons ol l'lircliislng.scll
lng or Exol uniting ltoal Eitato, will do well to
give us a call i '
Houso and Lot, near Oloivlno'a Tannery, In tho
Dorougli ot I.ehlp-hton. Houso 16x32, stable
10x12 nud lot 57 ftnnt ri.i1 2 5 feet deep, well
planted with trtilt trees. A never-falling
well m tho yard. Price, SHOO, half cash, bill,
nnooon Installments
Dwelling Honso hiiu l ot, on Fourth etrcet, I.e
lil 'litem. Now icnts for Sig.oo'por month.
Price low for cash.
Honso and 1,ot,oii MiihoiilngBtrect, l-ehlghtnn
Price SViO, rents fur ?s por month, ouo-half
cash, balnnce by Instalments
Ilbusu tmd Jxit on Pino street Lehl'liton, Pa.
P.lceJHOO. Ucnts lor til per inpnth.
100 Acres of Tlmbei Imd In Mnlionlng town
ship, lis miles from .elilghton. Cheap.
465 Acres of Land In Pcnn Forest Township,
Carbon comity. Atn'spcoa bargain.
Sovon I xils 1n tho ilnrodgh of Lculghton. Good
locniloiis and price low.
Framo Building, snlbiblo for n photograph gal
lery or other light business. Chonp.
Jan. 1, 1871. T. H. BEOIC ct CO.
)lv vlrtuo of an order nf tho Ornhnna' iinnrr. nf
Oarhon County, there will bo exposed nt Public
Halo, on tho premises, In EAHT PENN TWP.,
Saturday, Jan. 22nd, 187G,
at OND o.clook P. M.t tho following dosonbed
Lato of LOUIS FRANTZ, dco'd. to wit: All
thut coitaln plcoo or parcel of Cirounil. bounded
by lauds of J. and T. Ilolschu, Tnomas Hancv.
Kcuben Wcrtman aud others, containing 54
Acres, mora or less, about 20 Acres of which are
cleared and under u good "stato of Cultivation,
tlie balance being well Timbered.
The Imptovemenls are a Two Story LOO
DWELLING noUSB, a Hwlss Barn and other
nbccBsnry Outbuildings. There is a nevor.fall
lng upring of Water near iho houso.
Terraswill bo mado known at the time and
place of sale, by T. V. BTIEOE11WALT,
Esit Pcnn Twp.. Jan. 8, it.
ouriicd Administrator's Sale
Of YalualleRcal Estate.
The nnderslgned. Administrator of JACOB
VILLE, Carbon County, Pa., deo'd, will offer nt
Pnbllo s-ale, at the Publlo House of James
a. Sesgroaves, lu tholtOUUUOH of PAltUV
Saturday, January 15, 1876,
at TWO o'clock P. M., all that pertain piece or
parcel of LAND, sltuste about three-fourths ot
a mile East of the Lehigh A Hnsquehanna Hit:
Mat Ion at I'urryvllle. on tho roan leading from
PoboPoco, of Edward aber' Mill to Lehigh
Gap, bounded by lauds of James O. Heagreavee,
Widow Harriet Ktrohl, Mrs. haiah E. Uaumer,
and Charles illoso, scoir., foutauing
30 Acres, and 40 Perches,
Strict measure, about 25 acres are Clear and In
agoodstnteot cultivation, and the lesldue Is
good Woodland. Tho Improvements thereon
consist ot a Two Story, Weather-Boarded. n
with Cellar tinder it, ono Bank Barn, 95 x 45 ft.,
Hog Stable, and other outbuildings. A Well of
(looil Water near the. houso, and an Orchard of
Choice Fruit Trees.
Terms and conditions wilt be made known on
tho day ot sale, by
Administrator, xc, ot J, Montz, dco'd.
Persona desiring to view the property cuu call
on Mr. Uusslns J, Montz, on tho premlsei.
Jan. 8, 1870-wS
EKAL LAN 1) In M Olid AN CO., TENN. For
partlcu'ars addtess.
J.HL , 1J78 3-w Pacaertou, l'a.
N,qw Advertisements.
Mo T Wor ffie IfoiidaysT
Boforo buying Holiday Present, PJcaso Bjcamino
Packard PARLOR and Qratid
Manufactured by the Port Wayuo Orgau flo.
A. P. HORN, Ageilt, Lehiglitpn, Perm'a.
Liit's SKS SaM .Unt.on. Price
wt1TT'euv rrrzsn i .
An immense stock of LADIES', GENTLEMES and CHLDnEN'sl "
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, of Best Mako, at Low Prices 'I
Also, nt VEUY I,OW FGUIIEB, a full n.scrtment of Fashionable Makes ot
Gentlemen's find Youths' HATS qtnd QAPS
yoSSforttACm0 81llrttl10 bestDtlI"8 8armenti,vWmad0: Leave
LAURY & PETERS, Morohant Tailors,
P. O. Building, IiOlilghton, l'a. 187(j
n 4 n
ileu's aud Women's lipots and Slioes,
GST" Prices fully as Low as elsewhere
Surpasses In Tone and Power any Bced Oman
heretofore manufactured 111 ibis coun'ry. It
has been tested by many compctint Judges ard
Tlr a skillful ii80 nf the Stops, and ot the Patent
Kiieo Swell. Uio Ainsiu ts adapted to tho unman
olco, fnnpctnpr from tho softest, flato-like noto
to a volume of sound.
Uiisiirpas.setl by nny Inslriimciit.
The proprietor has noted oorcfnlly for many
years the imperfections nnfl neetlsef tho Itced
Instruments, and diroctod his practicnl experl.
enco to tno corroctlun of such Inincrfoct ons,
and his experiments have resulted In tho pro-
bo cksety
ductlou of nniinllty of Tone which assimilates
to tho
Pipe Organ Quality
That It lsdlfllcult to dletlnKulBh botweon Iho
two. This instrument has
Ami every oriran ts fully warrnutod. Xsree
Oil PoliBli, Black Walnut, Paneled cases that
And furros in addition to a splendid Instrument
of music.
This orgnn needs onlv to Do seen to bo appre
ciated and Is sold at KXTItEMELY
For pish Becond hand instruments taken in
(Male or fepiole.) in every county In tho United
Htntos and Canada. Liberal discount mado t,o
Teachers, Ministers. Churches, Lodges, etc.,
whorothcro Is no agent for tho'Htur' Organ,
Illustrated cstalogne and pncollst tico. Cor.
rospopdenco solicited. Addrosa tbe manufaa-
Washington, N. J.
May K-yl r
By purchasing your
Groceries 1 Provisions
Also a Choico Variety ot
Opposite tho "Carbon Advocate" Offloe, BANK
Teas, Oqffoos,
ivs. Molasses,
Spices, Dried Fruits,
No. L Mackerel,
Kerosono Oil,
Tobaccos, &c. &c,
All of which are wan anted of flrstclais qaallty
n .. a..l ir I.- A 1. urvt, SI .... .
The Highest Market Price allowed for BUT.
erally in Exchange ror Goods. '
A trial Is respectfully solicited.
April 10-yl E. II. RHODES.
jyj-ItS,. C. do TSCHIKSCHKY,
Next to Deborde's Jewelry Store,
Calls the attention ot the Ladles pt Lehlghton
and vicinity to the foot that she, Veops a full
assortment ot
Berlin & Gormantown "Wool,
Ladies' and Ohildron'fi LToso,
CANDIES, CONFEOTIONS and a varloty ot
other articles not usually kept lu any other stoer
in Lehlgbtou. i
ffAuluieof public patronage Is tollclted, aud
satisfaction guaranteed. Jan. t,-ui3
nave Just tccelved a laro and elegant
8l,ock of FALL And WNXEIl
Oomnrlfllnv m. tn jl r.H.. nrm
,T,'"i5lS2.."i!.a..yKTINa3 for
r.""? "yi.jv?wKAH.whioh
Bcsrctfully announces Omt ho liai at
revived Ills PALL k WINTER stock ot
Press & Dry floods,
Groceries, Provisions,
Sopt 11, 1875.
Livery 8s Sale Stables,
And positively LOWER PRICES than any
other Livery in the County,
linrgo and handsome CirrlarM far v.n.Ni
purposes and Woddlngs. DAVID EBIIKRT:
Nov. 22. 1873.
gelZPwM or IOal-
(end for trial cobis nothinif. and
ChoratstB 135-1 Broidway, New Yorit.
" ... u, o J"". Jvuuions lilllllljCili tUi,
rltory to QUAKER CITY PU B. CO., Phlla..P
UlCTnDVnr-rttr II C
The (treat interest in the thrtulnir hitiory or
our rountrv makes this the fastest 8611102 book
ever published It contains over 400 fine hla
tot ical enBTavtDo-a and Wo paest with, a full ao
count ot the appt oachin? trrand Centennial cele
bration. Bond for a full tfescripcon t nd extra
Te,5!?80 Af"-ai'- .NATIONAL PUBLISH
ING CO., Pnlladelphuu1
a day ot home. Agents wanted. Outfit
SI V and terms freo. Tito E & Co, Augusta,
v Miie,
iimsw l'ER WEEK aUAUANIEED to Agents,
77 Mj!o ond ismsle, tn their locality.
Jt 6 Terms and OUTITIT fSUE. Address
r. u. juiici(i a uo., Augusta, alt
t!K o 5?On rr ?V "t horns. Samplsa
VPU H ifi&M worth tl,(r. dtixsox t Co.
Portland, Mains.
CINATION, Soul Charming, Mesmerism,
andMarriaxp Qulde, anowlnr how either sex
mayt scinato and sain the lore and affeotloir
ot any person they choose Instantly. 4o0p iges.
By mall -41 cents. Hum and Co., 189 8. rihst..
This desirable pxopei ty is located;
In Abington Township, MonKrom.
ery Ca, Pa., tea miles north of
Philadelphia. compnslnK 17 acre.'
6 acres ot which are wood. and. and
the lemuiuder arable laud In ahlgs state ot oul.
tlvatlon. The Improvements are a large Btono
Mansion House, containing It rooms t a Ursa
Barn with all the necessary outbuildings. Tho
locality Is proveiblallr healthy and la convent,
ent to places ot warship, Softools. Libraries, etc'
For particulars addrcs. THOMAS U. BHOB."
-MAKER, IM1 North 11th fit., Philadelphia.'
Fourth t , Fiulauolvbia ' "
. IT
I eilMm
5 8sjkS3ia