. - i.i -. i I " 1 " J I !! I lHIl 1 '". "S IIJIL! T .. . . tttSA Al II INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. H. V. Morthuieii, Proprietor. Subscribers out of Comity, $1.20. LEHIGIITON, OAKBON COUNTY, rENN'A, SATUKDAY MOKNING, DECEMBEU 18, 1875 yOL. IV., .o. 4. CARDS. .Pnrnltr Wrhmn. T.Bhwtti,IIttik street, aVnlcr in all Undt a Jlirjiilurf. CaSCrimiitto erdtjr. Boot Mid Shoe Makers. CUston Bretney, in Loan's buIJtig, Bank street. jtttordtri pramjUlyfitUi-yxxH1 warranted. ATT01HIF.Y ANp COUNSDLOR AT LAW, Mao'ch .Chunk, Pa. 43-OfflWiiboTe Dolon'a' Jewelry Store, Broadway TgD. jl. HBLUEMIN, ATTORNEY AT UW, Viucn cnusK. P. CWUeetiout and all lsl 6ulntM Promptly ttendeato. Hnly2s.l8W, A. DEHHAMKU, M.D., . PUVSICIAN AJID 8UROI0.V special attention, pill to Chronic Diseases. Omeei South East corner Iron and Sod its., Le illhtop, Pa. i AprlTJ, 1875. jQR. It. U. IlEUEK, PRA0TIC1NQ PHYSICIAN AND SUaQEUN, ,0dee, Bank Strert, next door abov. the PostoOlce, jLehlfhun', Pa. OfBca Honrs Parryv Ule.ach day 'rem 10 to 12 o'clock; remainder of day af office In 'Lehlihton Not-2J.'72. J It DIUHIOK, ' ' AUCTIONEER, But Weleaporl, Pa. N B. Sale of. every description attended to at reasonable cbarfes. The patronage or tire public respectfully lollclled. Jan.?!, '7. JBO. D. HUnOLETT.. JIB. J. LOOSE 'jgBR.TOI.ETTE: do LOOSE, ATT0RNBY8. AND COUNSELLOUS AT LAW, Ornti UrstNatlonal Rank Building, 5sjd Tloor. MAUCII CHUNK, Pixka. Mar be roniulted Id Dermis.. Uulj 21 1879. P. J. MKKHAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Neit Dorrto Flnt National Bjpk, " MAUCIt CHUNK, PA ACan Vm eonaulted in fierman. fjan9. rplIOJif A8 S. DECK, JCSTCE OF TIIK CEACE, BANK Btreetj LEUIOI1TON, Pa. Conveyancing, Collecting and all business ecu sected with the office promptly attended to. i-irnt 7or 6rftlii Insurance Companies, and Risks eC all kinds Ulen on the most lllu'ral jterjes1 ' " Jau,9, 18JS. ATTORN KY AN!) C0n.NSiai.0H AT LAW, Ollt STSfrr, I.IIIlOHTUlt, Vk. Jteal Kttateand Conflict Aceiiev. Will But and ll R,al Estate. CSulyucliii uiatly dune. Col- cedents a speeUliv. May beconllted iu EnKl! andUwraaao. ' Nov. 22. 'PO-WEYANCEU. ahd 1 0ENEBAL IN8UBAN0E AGENT r The following Companies are Represented! (lehanon.mutual firk, ilEADlMO MUTUAL KlllE, VYOMlNO FIBI5. . POTTHVILI.IC FIKK. LUIlinii Klli.ndtheTltAV KLKBV JACCIDKNT 1N8U11ANCE, Also PennsTlvanla and ilntoal Hone Thief Deteo'.lve and insurance corapanv. i MaxcBM.int ' rjlOii. KEMEBF.R, rpuOMAS A. WIIXIAitlS. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Valhlonable Boot and Shoe Maker, Krit to LeueVel'a' Block. BANK. BTREET.'XeHighton, Pa. Hevlnr commenced business, as above,! would cspectfully announre to the cltltens oi benighlon and violnlty that I am prepared to do all work In lay line in tne neatest, alia mnei snnsianiiai man. Der. at trices fullv as low as the same work can he ntslned in Philadelphia. A trial is solicited and satlractlon guaranteed. at luirest prices. July 4,1874. T f UKL.TZ, y: riionKiRAriiER, Unner Muln etreot. bLATINUTON. PA in ua uaLutnx rocenuyoccapieu vy M. . Utvul.Bll PICTURE TAKEN IN ANY WEATIlF.lt CUILDUKN'd LIKEN EHdUn PATRON AQK MOLIC'ITED, And satisfaction unaranteea. Jnntl-75yl jgJUUOiEA!W gqUKE, - OPPOSITE TBX COURT HOUSE, Sast'iuchanna Stroet. Manch Chnnk PBED, WAONEB, Proprietor. "1 his Ileum I as reoentlr been fltted up In i slruronl munner. whexo Ladlea aud Geat.ejncn fiu ixi auppuc-t n-itn 11 E A I, n AT all houuji tST ELEOAKT 1100X18 FOUTU V. USE ol pXTBbTS. TEKMB MODEHATK. July 10, 1175 mi pENTUNNIAIs SALOON, 6USQUEUANNA BT UAUOH CHUNK FBAJJK INKJIANN, Prop'r. Frasa palusdeiptua uger Ileer always on tap. Otgarool Oho.oet fla,ora, and all other kinds oi itoireshmeata to ue found In a flist-clsaa Halooa.' VUKtS LUNUII every WoruluK at w O bHIDSf LSIiWWUIDUSVWSISUOUVBIUU. July w. isii-yl IructandSargioalBandage Stand, "VV - KVEftET'r, Ho. ) North seventh St, proved 'rnxaaos, chonlder liraees. JSlaatlo Ht oolc Uigt, ueito, quipojisonei, Oratcheei, iieformity Lnatruments. Ad. Atao Lf ra. lSverett'a. yitoh'd elf adjusting and other oelohrated Female bup. vuiw-s. utmjr aiwuuuii .iim eeuva sue mw prices. Hernia saooeaaziUly ticaUHi. Jmyai.UM.ly. PXTY Hlilt WOl-Thit ULK-rrniO LIN MENT.HH 1 KOt at DUlU.INO'rt VlWll isruujs, win cure aim or auvouiertaan o HUBUMArlSMaudallotocr r-Al.SU. May Railroad Guide. Jjrpfl.TIIPENNA. n AlfiUOAD . passengers for Philadelphia win leave Lanten- 3m tmTvIa ii V. arrive at rtiila. at 8:io a. tn. :? a. Jll. via U B 3. " " nsion. m. 39 a. in. via L. V. " " H;l5n.m. 1:07 i.m. Via X. ats. " " i:02p.Ja.ViaL.V. ' " 220 p. in. JtluC rtST.Tfla t AS. " 6:10 0.10. ITll.lii.,ViaL. AS. ; " 8:20 p.m. Iln A in. r V. " 8:201. m. !38p. lil.VlaUV. " " 10:30 p.m. Returning, loaro den&t at rcrki ana Amerl- can St.. Plilla., st7iW,a..3iand 9.45 a.m.) 2:10, is anuria p. m. Faro from Lehlghton to Phlla., 12.65. Kxcurkion Ticket!, J 4.00 Junes 1819. ELLIS CLAUK. Agent. nENTHJL ii. a. op w. j. V LKIIIGH A SUSaUEIIANiTA DIVISION. All Rail Route tnJ.onR Ilrnncli. PA8SKNOKR STATION IN NKW YOItK FOOT Or LIBBltTY ST., N..R. Time Table of Dec. f., 1875. Triini leave Lehlzhton aa follows: for New York, F.aston, Ac, at 5.22, 7.47,11.07 r . m 9 OA A 47 n.m. ' For Philadelphia, 5 22,7.47, 11.07 a. m., 2.2c, 4 47. ' -' VorMauch Chnnk at 10.20 a.m., 1.09, 5.38, 7.04 and 9.43 p. m. For Wllkee-Barre andScrantonatl0.20 a. m., 1.09 7.04 p. m. Etiurning Leave New York, from itation Cen tral Jtauroad or rew Jersey, loot or Liberty street, North River, at6.30, 9.00 a.m., 1.00, 2.45 and 5.15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, from Depot North Penn'a ' It It., at 7.j'I, 0.45 a. ra., 2.10,S.45p. m, Leave liamon at 8J'5, 11.40 a. ti., 35, 5.35 and 8.10 p ra. Leave Mauch Chunk at 6.15,7.40, 11.00 a. m., 2.20 " and 4.40. n. in. Fo: further Djrttcularc. aoe Time Tables at the . PAsSeNOERS FOR I.ONQ BRANOUCaANQi: t)AUS ATfcLIZAUKTil. II. V. BALDWIN, Cen. Paiungtr Agent. PIIILA. A. READING RAILROAD.' Arrangement of 1'asbCDger Tralus. N(0 VEMBEU 1ST. 1879. Trains leave ALLEM'0 1VN aa follows t- IV1A I'tltKIOUEN UBANCM.I For Philadelphia, i.r'dgepnrr and I'erklomen jnnctioii, aio.19. -oou o.m DUUO.OJU.1U HTJNDAY. For Philadelphia, llridgeport and Perklomon junciio I. us a iu u.m. (VIA Kxsr rESNl. nllAKCU.) For Rending, t -30. 5 si;t.Y, a ni., 2 10. 4.30 uius,in p.m. 'nrllatrliiliiirg,t230,5&0,8.55a. ui i:.2j, 430 aim .4) p.m. 'or Lancaster and Columbia, 55), 8.59 a.ra' and 4 30 m Doea not run on Monday. hUiiDAYS. For Iteadmir. 2.30 a in. nud 3.43 p m. Fin LLurrlaburo;, 2.30 a-ui, aud 8.4 1 u.m. Trains FOR ALLENTOWN leave aa fouows: im rKiiKioMEii iinANcii.) Leave Phrntlelnhla. 7 3 1 a.m., 5 lo and 5 30 n.nu .cave Bridiroporc. 8.) a.m . o.utl anil o. iu n.m. .euve t'erktomon Juno, 9.. 9 u.m, G.iy Hnd 1.35 p.in. '.oivoPhilaelphlrt. 8(0 n.m., Bridgeport, 9.01 a.m., rermomeu j unouiu. v.a n.m. (VIA BAST TPNSA UIIAXCII I Leave Rcatiijr. 7.35 ;,4), 11.31 am. ,403,0.10 find M.:u n in Lravu Uarilsbure, 5 21, 8.13 a. in., 2.00. 3.50 and ,.i p.m. ,e:ive Lancaster. .io a.m.. 12.99 and 3.15 D.m. Leave Colu nlbl 8.oa.m 1.00 ami 3 Z5 p.ui. HU.NDAVP, Lcavo Heading:. 7 20 a.m. Leave jiairisiiutK, s.'.M a.m. Trulua rnatked thna tl run via G. A If. Branch, (depot Dtli nnd Uregti streets,) and Lavo through cars Itoni and toUauch Uuuuk. Ail ninrr trains to aim Horn I'.l.ilndclpuia a, rivo at anu leave uruuii eiicci nrpol. J. K. WOOT1EN'. Xov. 6, 1875. C7iicruf upcrintcndcnf. PENNSYLVANIA DAIbltOAD, PIULADELPIIIA A ERIE RR. DIVISION. Summer Time Table. On and niter 8UNT1AY. MAV Mnl. lft7s. tlm I rains on the l'lilladelnhla A KriL llullrnnd Hi. vision win run aa roiiows i WEbCWAHD. IA31 U.M! leaves Kw York 9.2nsi. Pbilidelphla 12.13 p.m. llulttmoro 1.20 p.m. llarrUburg e.uop.m. arr. at Willlamsport 8.55 p.m. Loox Haven 10.20ji.iu. uciieiuuiu ii.jviti.ui. 3!ltIF. AIAlLleatea .New York 8.23 u.m. rmiadelphla ll.3ip.iu, Baltimore 11.55 p.ni, llarrivbiirs; 4,23 a m. Wllllumepott 8 33 a.m, Lock Ua en V.49 a.m, Kei.ova )l.09 a.m, air. at Erie 7.LCn.m, K I AOAItA EX. leaves PMIadelphia 7.40 a.m. iiauunoie i.u D.m, Ilainaburg 10.51 a.m arr. at WUIiainsport 1.55 p.iu, Ijoq llven 3.19 p.m Bcuova 4 3i n.m. ELUIRA HAIL leaves 1'iiiladclplila 8.00 a'.m. iiaiuraoio o.ou a.m, llarrlabnrg 1.25 p.m arr. at Willlamsport 6.10 p.m, Lock Ilavun J. 30 p.m, EASTWARD. PIULAD'A EX. leaves Lock Haven willlamsport arr, at llarrisburg Baltimore 7.31 a.m. 11.45 tx.ro, fl.15 p m 3.33 p.m. b.45 p.m. 9.10 njoj, 10 23 a in. rimamupma New York DAY rxrRCRS leaves Ueuoia iova I .uilr1!!. WiluaniRport J0.Wa.mlt I'mianeiMiia New Ynrx llalLiinotfl ft SO D.IU. 0. IS p.m, 3H.6 p.m. 1 '.20 a.m. fl.ia p.m. U.i5 p ra, 10.M p.m. I ilia m, 7.35 n m. 8.45 a.m. 10,10 A.m. lissu.m. s. 5 a.m. 7.35 a in. 7.3 a.m. ERIE MAIL leaTns Kne ' Tlannesa Iock Haven Wiiiinmsport ari at lloirUburtc iia'iimuro i'mladeiphla Now York 1'ASr LINK lea yc Willlameport arr. at iiarrinuurs Baliimorp 1'htladeliihia New YorK I0.s u.m. ltrle Mall WmL NlatrAra Kinrewi West. Kl. in Ira Alnll Weat and Dav llinreM East mano close cunuectlon at Northucuterl .nd w.th L. & ii. nit. irMiuH ior vniteottn, ana bcranioti. Rrl Mall Unaf tClarrmra 'lTiira a VV'oaf anil Blmlra Mail Wpsi make ooaer connection at WiliianiBport wltlt V. a It. VV tralus north. ErleMaU Fast and Vet. MiaRara Kxprosa West. Fait Udb Went and Usv Exnress make clone oonaectlon at Lome Haven null U. K. V. 11 l iMlna f'1 Krle til ad East and West connect at Krle with trains on I H. & M. 8. ltU.. at Corry wltU O. C. & A. V. Hit., at Kraporium with 11. Y, t 1. ltll., and at Drlltwood wiUi A. V. ItH. Parlor Car wld run oetween Phliailelphla and WUllamapoit un NUasriw Express W5, yat Uue Wet, rnUadelDUU Gxpreas Kast and Day Express East. Hleeplng cira nu all night train. WMA. UALDWIN, UeSl Opf $1,200 PROFIT ON 00 Made tola month by Tuti and tin In. Invest so cording to vnur meana. 110. 151 or t'.aj. In hTUOU I'RIVJLI-.tU.S, hasbrourut a small lortune to the careful ilnvu'or. Wo 'advise hen and bow to opuuatk sakult Hooks with full liiioimatlou mat I mo. Adores, order by mall aud telegraph to 11AXT1SII A.CO,, Banrra and Brokers, 17 Wall'sv, K. Y Plotts' Star Organs Arena perfect pnrlor orpin as are rosnnfnotti rcL Corrosponileuce sollcltr-il with orRanljU mnslelana nnd the trade. Address, EDWARD PLOTTS. Wasaington, N. J. LOOK BEAUTIFUL-LOOK. IloaY I A noi tloof DURLINO'S ROE GLYCERINE' for Houehnessoftbe SKIN, CHAPPED HANDS, AC, only 25 cents a bottle. Mav 0, Plotts Star Organs Cnmbtno beantiv, durability and worth. Senil for Illustrated catalogue beforo buunc. Ad dross tbo manufacturer. LDWA11D PLOTTS, wasniugtou, r4. J. i vrrHY. Oil WHY will yon suffer with that ' roUOH or COLD! when von mnvbn im. inedlHtolvreiolvcd by uing DURLINn'S COM. POUND SYRU" oj TAR WILD CHERRY and 1IORHHOUND. May 0 mllE PEOPLE OF LEmolTTON and yloin -L Itv nil unite in fastlfirtntr Ihnt. at. A. .T. DURLlNO'S Drug nnd Family Medicine Store. purr, PiivBii and (Inadulterated MF.niriXEs can always bo lound. Mar 9. Plotts' Star Orsans Agents snnnllcdat figures that delv comDe. tltlon for the same clnsi of Instruments. Try ono. Address, EDWARD PLOTTS. Washing, ton. N. J, s AMUEli GRAVER, Opposite the rnblloSquore. SOU ni BTREET LUIIIOIITON, Tn., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron ware And Dealer in oil kindi oi CV HOOFING. HPOUTINO and JODBINQ liromptlv utte tided to ot reanonnbln charue?.- W. EACJiES, Contractor & Builder, LEIIIOIITON, rENN'A. llaiis nnd iiccijiculions FOR ALL KINDo OF BUILDINOS MADE at 'im: siiouTEsr Noricn. NO CHAIIGES MndK for PLAN'S mill SPRril'IOATTflNS wiien tun couiract is itwamcd to tne under, signed. June 14. IS"3-yl. A, w. f.aci:ej. L. Would l DPrtfnllr , nntiounce to hiR iriendrj and the nuu lie In fl-enfimi. iht. he bae opened a nrsiclifta Livery & Sale Stable, and that he can furnish Horses. Rngeles and drnogesof the rest apsnMurion, for nleasuie, business or FUNERAL PUlU'O.si'.H, at very REASON A RLE CHARGES and short notice. ALL. KinrOii OV HAULING Promptly attonded to at inoderato rates. L. r.1:LEPPINGER, Corner ot Bank and Irua streets, Jan. 2. Lenlghton, Pa. if rpjIEOOOKE qiUHCRER, Mannfarturernf nnd Dealer in ,11 kinds of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEI FURNITUPvE. ozt to Romlg A Uofford's Carriage Ainnui.ictury. Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. Elegant Parlor Suits, Handsome llciv00"' Sets, Selling very Cheap for Cash. Examine befote purchasing eUcwhero. Having had an ezpenenco of twenty yeara In the UNDERTAKING llminesa. I am prennrcd to furnish all kioda of COFKI.n a And O HJCi-- I'H on fiiort liutlce, und attend to ad oustho-u in tbU line tn ouch a mpn. ii er au will Rive tntiro tsatiPfrtctton, on vciy IVDouUaVID MTIAUa. farch ST(.7l, Putionjge solicited. TUEO. K EMETJER JpALL AND WINTEH STOCK tt, Millinery Goods & Notions ?!US. E. l''A,TDI, Two Doors below the M. Ii Church, Le'ilgbton, dealrea to colt tlin attention of Ladies to thju fict that she Is now OPENING nvery largo, stock 6t, FALL and WINTEU STYLES ot MILLINERY GOODS Comprising 1IA1B, BOMNKTM, TRIMMINGS and NOTIONS, Together with a large iworinicnt of ZEPntR PKUFORAT EU iaOTTOES, FRA.M IN if a I'ltA WH, SWIT UHES. HAIR GOODS, clc.. Prices aa Low aa elsewhere, and wor an d Roods warramoiLAnd lusection Invited, tfjut II -Jui Mlt8. E FA Til, J-)ItESSED AND LIVE The nndcralaned respectfully Informs the citltensotCarbouand adjoining counties, that lie is aralu prepsred to supply them with Dressed or Live Hogs at prices fully as low as they ean be bbapbt lor elsewhere. Also, Smoked Hums. Bologne and Ssuaaage, at Wholesale ana Retail, tV Orders will be piomptly Riled, and Hogs shipped to any point at the shortest notice. JOSEPH OBERT, But Street, Lehlghtoti, Pi. Nor. , yl TOR PRINTING atttie very lowest prices u THE CARBOII ADYOCATU OFFIOU. The Condons Manifest. It was eight o'clock nt nlplit, and Mark Comnton. tho confidential leik of Gaftey &Co,Cotnmis8lon' Merchants, found himself alone in uie counung room of the firm. Hn felt comfortRblo, with his feet so near the crate, and lis tened to the howling November winds with a smile. The lirm liaa retirea to cosy parlors far removed frojn tho busi ness quarters or tno river city, anil tne key had been turned In the front door by the clerk. Ho had received ltutruc tlonslconcernlng certain correspondence which had to no ready ror tno morning mall, hence his pieseflce In tho counting-room nt the hour wo liavo named. With his accustomed promptitude the letters had been written, and, fur rest and recreation, the clerk had flung himself Into an easy olllco chair, III3 presenco was not demanded anywhere, and he did not feel lllcu deserting a comfortable firo for the wind-swept streets. " The Condor Is coming up," ho said In an audible tone to himself ; "and, by my lady's love I I forgot to look at her manliest tills morning." A daily journal was within reach, nti.d the next moment the confidental clerk was running his eyes down the columns of river news. Graffuy & Co., were the largest commission dealers in the city, and nlmnt dally received con signments from the South. These coir signments brought vror'k to Mailt Comp ton, and tl)piefoie the river column al ways elicited his especial atteutlon. Q11 the 'particular night with which we deal, the "manifest" of the South em boat soon greeted the clerk's eye. and it was while ruuulng over It that ue almost started from his chair. "There must bo a msltako some. wiiere, 110 exclaimed, with his tye still riveted on the page belorn him. " Who could be seimlng such an object to me from the South trom anywhere? There surely must be another Mark Comuton In the city I" With the paper In his hand, the clerk rpsu and opened the ponderous"lJirect. ory" on the desk. A moment later he was running his finger down the list of Comptons, speaking audibly after Ills manner : " Compton, O. C.j Compton Nathan; Uompttin, '.Vary : ilartln, Maxwell P, TJip mischief take Itl I'm the only Mark Uoni)fii In the book I" lie clo.'ed the volume greatly per plexed, nnd looked at the paper again " Iiy George 1 I'm going to claim that j portion of the Condor's manifest mark- ni to Mark Compton j' ho ejaculated. I've heard of leal life mysteiies, nnd, as this may be the only one I may ever run agalnt, I'm going to make the most of It." living reached a conclusion, the confidential clerk of Galley & 1J0 , don ned his overcoat, lowered the gas, and left the btote. lie madu his way to tho wharf, and Inquired nt tho steamship ollice 1( the Condor had arrived. "Justin, Mr. Compton," answered the night clerk, who kuew him as Gaf fey & Co 's "right-bower," and Mark, nt once, proceeded to the accustomed landing of the particular packet, Straight to the olllco of the cleric, of the Condor he made his may, after ob taining a footholdan the boat, nnd was soon looking over the bills of lading. At that moment the boat's clerk, en tered the apartment. " Thirty-two barrels of oranges for Gaffey &"Co.," he said, nodding and smiling to Mark ; and a consignment to you Mr. Compton." "Yes," answered the clerk, gro.slng pale. "A relative, I presume." "No j a friend." "Ah I yes, the best of friends must put," said, the ConOor's clerk, with a show of sympathy that almost made Compton smile. "Do you wish the de ceased to night?" "1 havo come for tho body," was M.aik'4 reply, and having signed, tne receipt ue uurrieu irom 1110 Uoat. On the wharf he met favored dray ma.n of Gaffey & Co. One of them ho accented ; "There's a box on board the Condor for mo, ; see Marley, and bring It to the store as soon us possible. The man compiled by moving toward the boat, aud, Compton reUtrneu to the store. "I'm In for It now," ho said, with a cuilous Eiulle, dolling his ovotcoat. "The dickens knows whut'a going to come of this, aud If there's another Mark Comptou In the city, why I may be reminded of a law to punish fellows who obtain goods uuder false pretenses. Well, If the thing shouJU'nt be mine, there's a train golug out of thu city be. fore day," and the clorl; laughed at his owii words. It was this announcement that hsd first ftartled tho clerk, and ho found it In thu report pf the Condor's manifest : "Mark Compton, ono corpie,' Brief as the sentenpa was, it was enouith to startle any person, and to say, that Galley & Co.'s confidential clerk was astounded and mystified would not be describing his feelings. Who would send 111 iu a corpse? More than one bundled times had ho asked himself the question since read ing of the terriblu freight consigned to a man ot 11 is cognomen, and as gieu had he failed to answer it. Finally he had resolved to await the arrival of the consignment without bothering himself lutther with the per plexing Interrogation ; but, like the gliot In Mm. belli, it would not down. It Uirniented the poor clerk, nnd his torture was reaching an acne' .il terror wnen be hears the dray at the daor. The sound was a relief.nnd presently tho long and suggestive box was In tho counllng-room of Gaffey & Co. After Its reception Mark disralBseu tne uray- man. after whom he locked tne uoor, and, returning to tho HUto room, took up a formidable-looking screwdriver. Hut ho did not attempt to use the in strument until he had sppJIed 'and re spelled his name on tlje box.. There were the letters that speneu wars Compton, and they were arranged In proper ordor. The lid of tho box was well held down by screws, and at last tho little shining heads received tho clerk's ottention. Having doffed hla coat, the young man scooped down to work with a win and 111 silence, xuo screws came out without noise; but tho sweat dropped from tho worker's brow. Mark Cornpton's face was whltn and almost i-xpresslouless, and he never re moved his eyes from his work At last tho last screw was drawn, and tho lifting of tho lid revealed a handsomo metallic coffin, ' At tho sight of this tbe confidential clerk ot Gaffey & Co. statted back, saying In a voice very husky now : "A corpse it Is, by heavens I" He placed tho lid Id one corner of the room nnd returned to the coffin in the oblong box, 1 lint over It he hesitated, while his hands, Itched to unscrew the lid that his eyes inigm iau upon tuu ince 01 me dead. The coffin was extremely large; It measured at least six feet in length, nnd the clerk thought he could lie down and roll over In it with ease It was so wide 1 Until the llftlno of the 11J ot the box Compton bad pictured to himself the cold but bcautllul face of a young girl, pillowed In the case ;but when tlie-di mensions of the collin greeted nis eye. such thoughts vanished, nnd he felt In clined to pursue them with a laugh Hut at hilt he again fell to the work uf revealing the dead fico of his con slenment, and ho heard the ticking of his watch while he worked or. the sil ver-headed screws. Tho minutes were such that Mark Compton would not live over again for the world; and when ho put aside the steel scrow-drlver, he drew a sigh of re er. .Slowly the heavy lid was lifted and -what did he see ? A white fabric, seemingly very flno, nnd undernenth the taint contour ot face heavenward turned. " This Is a mystery of the dead" said the confidential clerk, drawing back trom the concealed face. " I've n mind to shut the thing up again and get John to carl It back to the Condor. It isn't mine, j know It Isn't, nud the sight of the face uuder tup slieet may liaunt mo tnrougii liter Uut talk and argue as he migbt.Mark Compton could nut overcome Ills curl pslty ; and unable to restrain himself, lie tent over thu eoll)u ami his lingers gently touched (lie shroud. Slowly ho lifted It, nnd saw it faco that seemed to giln at him with all tho laeial humor of a circus clown's. Inst'antjy thu sheet was dropped, and tho clerk started back with a gasp of honor. There wa3 no mlstaklnc the fact that the mystery ot the grlunlug dead face had rrlgliteneu Marc compton. After a long wlillu ho crept toward the collin ugalii, Thu shroud in falling from his hands had left thu face partly uncovered, and while alooplng to remove it altogether, an exclamation feu from ills lips. "Corpse, the dickens 1" he cried "It's some of Colby's doings. I'd I'qj gotten him!"' The uex.t moment Mark Cornpton's lianas belied tlie lauglilug lace, and had nung 11 acioss the room. Where It had lalu was a letter, lifting which the cleric caught sight of tho lllu initialed, cuds 01 several cigar boxes, Tho coflln was filled with the best orands of Havana cigars. " Luko Colby, I'll pay you for this it 11 takes a century of scuetulug' ejac ulated Comptou calling to inlnd the joVial member of the Southern branch of the house of Galley A Co. Luko Colby. i Undoubtedly at that very moment, In some rich parlor In New Orleans he was lauglilug over ills noax. "I'll plan my revenge in tjjo smoke of 111s cigars, t.alil uauey a ui. scouu dentlal clerk. "If they kill me they cannot torturo me more than they have already. This Is the ghatll3st joke on rerord. Confound you, Luke Colby may your grandfather unexpectedly visit you some day In ills wooden doub let I" The next morning Galley & Co., ills, covered the joke.and the counting-room rung wiiu ooisterous meriimunl. The Inuyh was on.Camptoi), and the poor lellowk pulling fujlously on a cl gar, swore rovenge ou, tho Inveterate juker who had frightened hlni " utmost out of ills boots." Whether the tables wcte ever turned, 011 Colby I do not know ; but I have told, as best I could, lUe story of the- Condor's Manifest. Why Is a dtuukaril like a Ixui poli tician ? Ilecauxe he Is always pjklng his nose Into measures that, upoll the con stitution. "What kind of a mn la Deacon Slciinotn anyway?" " Well, you've seen them snow storms along early In wlntrr, when there's a goud deal of wind aud not much sleighlug? That's the bort Im Is." I know of two beautiful things; the. statry heavens above my head, nud thu. scent of duty within my heart ' Tho Old Mnn Flxi'd It. Thara la nn fnnlicdirmq flbOUt ROmO of the fathers of Dubuque county,Iowa,; who hare nmrniageaoienBugiHurs, mm they know how to precipitate buslnei when tho frult-ls ripe for plucking, and hangs wastlngs its sweetness when It suoulu ue piucicea. .an,eis wem broucht to a climax with a fusn nt a certain farmer's residence in Vernon township recently. A young uner the soil had for months been paying mnit assiduous attention lo ono of his daughters, but he was such a bashful,- modest chap, never Having oeen uiuujs In the comDan v of clrls, except this one, that ho had never been able to ralso his courage sufficiently high to pop tne question. Ue had gone to the house In which his admirer lived, upon at least twenty different occasions, resolved to know Ids fate, but when ushered Into the presenco of his fair one. Into whose keeping ho Had piacen nis near., un courage would invariably "go hack on him, "and ho would return to his lonely room In greater suspense than before. Upon the evening In question he had determined that, come what would, ho would tell his Maiy that he loved her. He would once ior nu uecmo mu mut ter, but, ns upon each former occasion, 1ia could cct the proposal no fnither than his throat. There It stuck, and ho had Just determined to guip tr. uowu n..A .... ll.a aloiTD nllP.n tllO dOOr opened, and In stalked tho girl's father, who advanced to wnere mu wc tiug, and thus addressed them : " I came In to put a stop to tun in fernal foolishness. It ain't courting expenses that I'm looking at, ior coa, oll'n cheap an wood can be had for tho hanlln', uut I'm sick and tired ot this blllin' and cooln' like n pair ot stcK doves, keepln' mo nwake or nlghts.and Its cot to. stoDDed right lure. Mary Jane, look up here. Do you love John Henry well enougn 10 marry mu " Why, father, 1 I you must. "Stop that darn roollshln'," yelled the old man. " Answer 'yes' or 'no, and mighty quick, too. It's got to be settled now or never." " Well, but father, don't you know It you'd only wait, and" , "Dry up; answer 'yes' or no. Spook I" roared the old gent. ' Well, yes.theul There, no v,' and Mary again hid her face. "That's business ; that's the way to talk. Now, John, look hero-look up here or I'll shako you nil to pieces. Do you want that gal o' mluo for a wife? Bpeak out like a man now." " Why, Mr. , nln't this rather a I mean can't you " 'Speak It out, or out of this bouw you'll go head foremost. I won t wait t luute longer. Them's the gal, nnd a likelier gal ain't iu the State, an' you Just heard her say she wanted you. Now, John, I won't staud a bit o fool In' ; once for all, 'yes' or 'no' ?" " Well.yes.slr, I havo been presump tuous enough to hope that I" "O, cuss your soft talk, tho things settlod now. You two blasted fools would have been six month more nt that Job that I've done In live minutes. I never saw such foolin' as there Is among young people nowadays. -All1' like when I was young -an' now good night. You can talk tno thing over.on you an' me, John, 'II go to town an get the license to-morrow. Soon bo tlmo to go to plowing' no time for love makln' then. Good-night, good night; lifpe I wasn't too rough; but I was de termined to fix the thing ono way or tother;" and tho old man went back to bed. , , Now that the ice was broken, the young' people laid all their plans for the future, anil John felt Just a little bad at the comfort ho had lost when Jiary looked up at Ulnj shyly, and said ; "Tnls would have been all right four months ago, Johu, It you hadn't been so skeerry. I know'd all the time- that you wanted to ask ma j but It wasn't my place to say anythlng.you know." No card's. Advice to UlrlH Take lessons 011 the piano and learn to paint nnd sing, but let your mother do the washing. Do worsted work, and make nl2e neckties tor the heathen, but don't ac quire that mystic att to "cook pork and beans." Go to boarding school and purtaa somo Frenoh, Spanish and German, but neglect your good old mother English. Flatly deny the soft Impeachment that, yon are engaged. Twat your young rprig precisely as If you wtre ashamed ot him. It Is complimentary, anyhow, to the young sprig. When you laugh, laugh hearty. Your guld fillings may be seen. It is a card tor tho dentist, Tell the peoplo who are posted, and consequently know better, IhAt you. are exactly nineteen last or next summer, vuu furget which. They'll believe It, you knuw. Say naughty things of your rival and uvxt door neighbor, and apeak dispar agingly ot MUt O'i nose. But entire ly overlook your own Incongruities. By all means "Into" a nine little, ipg. after you on the street. Therb a, chance of you being Uken for some one ele, while It SMiiits. v.gjiinps for tho dog. Walk four nbreist nnd, keep, tbe oen tro ot the sldpwajk.. bu.J never fir mo, meut ftl!v youreel (u.'b.H dlnpuiicerUrd It shows. coMelaeratluii1f.or the happl pess of. others. Klnnlly, tmlt being glrU, by mr,r 1ig buiuh olo: buffer Mill luti-uf'tlri"' ,snd ruthlessly llirust HSIdo, aiuaiiiot, bralus vih, a.becoiulug t,'uiii.e,teucy,