The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 11, 1875, Image 5

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    r .. ' MW at '
ber'a ilall. Lchlgriton, nt 7:30 o'clock r. U.
J W.'O-NDll. MiK.U.t Mlluani, P'.JV.ll.M,
nslnM "MtrrtltM .LfindK. No. 686. 1. O. O.K.
rfuoets every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock,
In lieaer'a Itnll. Daniel otaver. A. O.i v.
it. iter. Secretsry.
wnd'J'OOA Tbidi, Ho. 171. Imp. O. Tt f,., meet
Sn Wednesday evening otencn week, m 7:30
o'clock In l'ulilio1 f-rhool ItatI, Wtmsnort
l'. 1U,F. llclicrl,. Jt. H 11. Ullllim,-!'. of It
HnioiiToii toids? fit. f,.r,j. meets
on Friday otculns. In ltciici'ir II ill. at7:io
co'ciock. , nffJu',CM3. . T.vitatcliu", K,, mid -p.
'Alt iff ' -ttt-
AilVcrJlNillir Uttlos.
We "lre it .to bo dlstbiell mnlAntooil Aliat
no adYertl8eiiicnt8..wlll bojuserted .In tho .col
umns ot Tint Camion Alivoc.un that mnybe
ru Jeiicrtrinh'nnl.Tif.vfn pnrt,iea or linns qtUess
n.-ciuniiiol viilUfie Caku.' The following pro
jnf nttriprmu '1 ' '
ASy('ills?uiciit'(or t o if, p'eSacli each J .
Mi -Monlhi". per Inch I'licli Insertion IS t'ts.
" Three Mouths; '" ' kOCH.
V' M'bh tliatf IIitco mnnthn, rlrst Inner, u '
tl.,n $1. each subsequent- Insertion '-'A Cts.
I.oealutiers 10 cents per line.
r ' It. V 'XtORTMMr! B, Publisher1,
ulfTUq'r ATTOfnfEY couw,8KT.Lon
QTVHtfn. lrfllllidnil,llousd,.
ftettllng KsIiiU-k, i'Ulun Accouuls aud Orphans
court, inioiicnn specialty, , . .. .
Trial ot I'nii-os'caieluIH' attended to. Legit
transactions m iviurium ana uerman. jau u.
Local aMid Personal,
.vith a cross luarkcil otter tlielr 1121110s
will pleastt remit tlio amount duo for
'SuUQrJntli.rliiSoxtjix Syccnts will
b5 atllti'it to pay tiioexpense9 of'crjllec
.tlon. J$ '
LftiVr'yrtui' mfftstirf' with 'Latiry '&
I'.isttiin.ilt j'yu w'imlil,Iuok,uulc(?, . j
-Vltr'a. haft tlgntntf'bbnHfV lit a lnw
Iitico, po to Mrs. M. tititfi, tlio milliner,
in WV Issnott. . '
NowbudvlH'affiotlrnti S. 15.' Pat
iiiRi'r'vfc? I'lwi'st'pilcei'aiid' of' dxcel
knt nualitv. U ' 1 : :
The " fits'" .'fiivHif '4it' Lnury &
PrWrs'iTaWnrfslirpassfil by'any other
house I11 tho comity1. '
itr&Bi.'Flni(pr;u;just recvly-;
itiK a sntotiilirl assortment of' fall and
winter millinery, good. Call and. see
!.,. v.';
Tha-fallibgn!U,belnp; gotten . up, by
Lauiy & PfU-Nrare fashionab'o and
i(;atyllle tlte'pflcB'U wlthlij tlio riach
ciires ilegi;i4lJnii'r ;ijmAriylli,, nervous
aml'lifiliify 'diseases- I)ii. PiTTj.En'.s
CmtniAr;, Caliiaya, . Likiment and
VEOETAIlIi'IilXHlPjJS'W111' l,J' '
V.:LeiU,i soJuneiit for Lelilgliton and
y'lr-rt. S-)y
L. P. lUHpplnger will furnish you
with a liatuHoiim' lioriiifnmlbiiUBV or
,'of'tilltit:'filryou at very!
reaiotiiiylu cliaiues. Livery conier of
Bankninn!ftStfWts. "
Hickeitlifti.8Ull afitwof tlioiK
eUgliile.lijtfsjn J!ldit'8iy wn' to; tispoe
t'f. If jrili leel'like tieourini;; n good
lioim- rail and see him Ho Is also sup-
HaueCiiakce W offer for sale
one of lClwhrd'Pliitisf Star Parlor Or
gatis, fiegh Irom.hlS Jac(oryjt ash
n(;toriJ'Nr.1 Tlil(s iiistiuiiinnf lasar
pasfed by norfo In th'd market. Call
Ji,tLtljis ollice,
T. D- Clausa1 has been, appointed
acent for this section for tlm celebrated
J'rHTKKP "VDl'k' P'ttejiis'for
ladles and children? unit lun now a
6tucb of .tlio ul,eli jstyles on liuni.
Ladii'3!sli,oiid,call fyr catalogues.
For Tee Oreain, Ice Vofd' fountain
Soda Water, nnd cliolco ConfectloiK,
jnu, should lHit-ifail to call at 0. M,
Sot'kjt tijinjaUoySemivtel $ Jiardwarij
store. Also flesh bread aiid cakes cv-
'lea.)' . , .1, 4-t -t
Aug you tuv.VVI.ep. with hoarse
ness or weak luiiKs.Slinitiiesi of breath,
or asthma V ThouaniIs have been per
manently ciireil'by,uin(iOoxe-'v Wild
Clieny and Seiieka, For sale by every
fir.llBUt,wfrt!yibaiit rp)J,c KJ ih. North
'amj)tdif and' Car"tidit'Oontiti('sr i40flm
-jti.D. Clan's, tlnuneaqhaut, tailor,
)ias JusVwelvR'jiU 7J ."nija w'fittfr
tux-kxt all kinds of suiting, coiiipijsliij!
all tno latest hiiiI best-styles,-and su
Pfl'j'rfKaiJTft'fnbSt'vArtfMe'liTnugtit Into this market. .Also; a full liup ,of
cli'uaiit oveicoating. He Invites his
pusloiiiurs. an.i)ijthij.ftiuimuiity,Jii get!.
jral to rallunt Inspect his goods and
I am hi" gripes: 1 J
Sosiutiuno Ntice,-t;A fine assortment
Pf TwlHeaiSilk-f Uip.Rjiobn.'niia JJIack
III b'r 12'T.llPaoii PiaRM','l,arlr1il);e
)Vmn Stlck, J.vory; Ilaiullo Uuibrellas
W)lh ,puiui tij;ravi;d,", JieMipniber, this
Is (lie ouly place. I111 parboil t'ouuty to
get a geuuuue,.firebclass. Umbrella.
0. II, KlIOAlH,
J)ealer In UinbrellaJTHats, Cnps, &o.,
, MaikeNpuare, Maucli ChuU,
A IretiiendoiiV "sacillfeo" In ' wo''
aiens" iniw' undJ'boyBi boots, shoes,
;ind pilters of alLntyhjs nnd iiLiillties,
at T. 1), Clause'. In order to close uut
jrt'nt4totk,-rie;J' Uuw.el.yinROii(e of
the ben blin-alnYTuniiiS Une'ofBids
ever before otlered lj this bection, Call
, yileud Ouarti'i for Hoots, Shoes
nij4,ltubfjyh5.' Jletjra. pitiry i .Pe
ters are 110V receiving and ollerfiii! ior
sale one of the largest and best select
fdtVVknuiiJ;klpftua cal. boots,
wofnerV-'aiid fnlluroutil falters -allies
mid rubbcr uver, bruujit utq Ielilgh
tun, ut prices wlilch, defy competition,
lteiueiiiber. If yo'kwant to buy cheap
forisU,jiioVy, ikjpu iJ'ivHI"!!'' it
Peters' the'p'ace I
Yor DiUinifsoiiNn i.UNOs'aud a
long life", Tlieti flo not neglect tliut
cold, but' procure a lytto of , Cpxe's
Wild Uherry and tSonvku at once. Que
tt trial will convince you of iW great
merlu. l'lice CU ccuts. For salu by
. Ji DurliDg,,and by druggists oud
nieiclwus eyeryrlCto. 4O-U111.
. Tho Christmas Hollilayt are coming,
18.70 Is leap year, Young ladles
takonotlcc. , '. ',
See new tlmo table of L. & S. P.
It. on our second page to-day.
Decriliuntlng closed, according to
law, 011 the 80th ult.
Protracted meetings are In progress
all over the county.
WhoonlrjE'Coush nud scarletlna
prevail to a considerable, extent lit Al
Tlio Uethlehem Iron Company 13
uaklng steel rails fortlie LelilgU Valley
Jtallroad uotnpany,-
Twenlv-flye new dwellings liavo
been erected at Eckley during the past
One of tho largest breakers In the
iieingn region is in process 01 crcciujii
at the Kckley mines,
The wife of Dr. J. S. Wentz, of
iTeddn, presented hnj with a .bouncing
young sun on Saturday last. Weight
14 pounds 1
The weather during the past week
lias, beun decidedly "mixed" rain,
half, snow and mud a foot deep.
Tilt; men employed by, the Lehigh
& Wllkesbarre Coal Co. j Delaware,
Lackawanna it Western Co. j Wyom
Iiiit Coal & .Transportation Co.: Dela-
wnre& Hudson Co.; and tiie Lehigh &
loney Brook Co., commenced woiliing
fn three-quarter time Wednesday ot
Ia4t week.
Ajik rpun cuikDitEx snruECT to
that dangerous foe of childhood
Citoup ou Cooqiis ? Coxe's Wild Cher,
ry and Seneka has been thoroughly tes
ted, and never known to fall of effect
ing a complete and speedy cure when
administered In time. Keep a bottle In
your house. For sae by C. W Lentz,
(lruggifct, Lehlghton. 49-Oru.
Hon. Schuyler Cplfnx lectures In
Scranton, Wednesday; Dec; 15th, 011
" Abraham Lincoln.,"
Ben Fuliner, conductor on the L.
jV. It. R. was married on Thanksgiving
(lay to Miss J(He Martin, of Tunkhau
Hock, at that place.
(C-At &tetnlcrsvlll9t- on Jbuday eve-,
ng, Nallian S'.'e'iiiler's hired girl plac
til a keraseno lamp upon a window
jedge in the kitchen, ami stooped down
to reach something' upon tlm floor,
henihe lamp fell upon her, exploding
anil setlng tire to her clothing, and
bt foro'tho II allies could be extinguished
the was burned about the face and
body In a most shocking manner. At
Jhe last accounts poor hopes were en- jL
tertalned of her.reedvery.l Jf":
el tun ted
bof 'IlOtlfei
light bu-lness. Terms very low. Au
ply to W. Jlapshcr, Esii., attorney
atjaw v " ,
-cWinted, two or thfeo respectable
women, hp,- speak both Oermau nnd
ungiisu, 10 canvass in uaiDoii county
for order. To any, lady delrlnir a,
siu'atlon tjiisi offers u luhaiico ihiely
met with, balary or cuimnbslon, and
sieady employment for good oanvasscrs.
uppiy at, mis oiuce ininieuiiueiy.
Lome IIeui: -Jns. M. Frttrtnnpr U
offeilng triiiiicinlmis b.irgtius in, boots,
shoes, gaiters and rubbers, "IJxtra tine
Hoot, uiade to order, for ia.UU cash I
Cull soon (or bargains.
The Alle'ntn'wn'ltollliig Mill Com
pany Is now running to Us full capacity.
'The pay, 10II of this establishment to
(workmen alone is about 424,000 per
motiiii. .
-And imw the Lehigh Gap Sunday
School ts to h.ive a "grand holiday gift
distribution" of cash prlies, organs,
ewliii' raarlilnes,.'tc In other words.
a lottery I About 1,000 tickets are to' be
sold at SI each.
There will be two collp'es of tho
sun ami two of the moon in 1870 First
a partial eclipse of tho moon, Match
10th. Second nn mutual eclipse of the
sun, Match 25th, tho inooii concealing
the sun's tlise except a ring around the
bonier, Third, a partial eclipse of the
moon, September iid, not visible In the
United status. Fourth, a partial eel nse
of the sun, invisible In the United Statos
but visible In the South Pacific and
Atlantic oceans.
Qua' tract of land on, the Lehigh
Mountain, near the Idle-wild Hotel.
owned by p, V. Wittman, Ksq., or
Lanark, there has Just been discovered
a vein of manganese otp, which ts very
valuab)e,.lieing n6w lo great demand
for Use in the manufacture of Bessemer
steal. Tho nuallty or the ore Is said to
be'most excellent. Tho vein Is about
eight feet thick, and tho deposit ap- ue very large.
Tho lntero-t on tho bonds of the
CUV of Scranton Is p.tyablo at the Phila
delphia Trust, Safe Depuslt and Insur
ance, company on demand,
Wm. M, Evarts Is appointed the
Centennial orator, Mr Longfellow the
poet ; Itlchard Henry Lee, leader of
lite, Declaration', and David Kbbr-rt will
still rcntaltrli-Lelilghton to furnish our
people witli fast horses and handsome
carriages. at very low figures.
, We received a
Selth'.ri Jour- pr'lnw
visit from Joseph
liter, on Wednesday
afternoon hist Joe has just returned
finni the West, where he1 bus been so
journing for the past two years. He
gave us an amusing account of his
"wanderings tp.anii Iro In the wilder
ness " He looks as if lie had enjoyed
himself. He lelt for llazleton In the
alternoon In search ot a "sit."
P. P. Gemniel,'at his new store, Is
.ow receiving fioin New York, an en-,
tirely new stock of every description
of hardware, from 11 nail, to an anvil I
also, plated goods and cutlery In grea,t
yarlety frpm the best makers, sultablo
for holiday gltts. .You ate Invited to
call and Inspect goods and ascertain
prices uerore going out of town, to buy.
'-iTIii man ' Uresstev had nriother
hearing before 'Squire Smoyer, of MIL.
lerstoym, Wednesday; Jn the Schneck
murder case, and was committed to,
prison to await the action of the grand
jury In tha matter.
Joe, the tar. .collector, Is getting
mad. Ho says there are a great many
persons who have not yet' paid their
taxes, and It they don't come to the
"scratch," ho will go for (hem, shortly.
rent, a two-story bulldijiff, , .L !. " .
on Hank street, near the "Oar-, V ' . V?u
4'K suitably for almost jutf , ; ??.'TfJ)? wlu'at'
--The Catasauqua Rollins Mill Is to
commence- operations shortly.
The matiy friends ot J. W. Hati
denbush, tho worthy host of tho "Car
bon House," will be pained to leatn
that ho lias been prostrated by a se
vere sickness durli.g the past ten days.
We are pleased to staM that his physU
clan announces that tho crisis has pass
ed and that he Is rapidly recovering,
and tho guests of tho "House" will
soon again be greeted with Jake's cor
dial "How ijoyou do?"
-The Catasauqua Dispatch of last
Saturday, says : " The bridge builders
at IjtenUon iave completed tho Iron
bridge over the Hokendauqua Creek,
and on Thursday last, the trains on the
L. & S. It. It. commenced using the
double track as far as tho 29th mile
post, half-way between Siegfried's
Bridge and Trelchler's Station. For
uierly the trains took the double-track
nt the bridge above this lilace', but' by
the new completion, another stretch of
about six luPes has been added to the
road nnd will be a great advantage to
the largo business of tho Central It. 11.
of New Jersey."
This Is tlio way Eveland of thoTn
maqua Currier, puts the matter t " It
Is so encoutaglng to the printer, .when
people send out of town to gel their Job
woik, done no better and no cheaper
than It can be IimI nt home, and then
when some private enterprise needs lo
cal mention, to offer the publisher a
glass ot whiskey or a live cent cigar In
payment thereof. It pays bet to en
courage home Imlustr , and those per
sons who send abroad tor their work
should be made to reel that they are do
ng an lujusticu to their neighbor."
Rev. John CatrlnKtnn, pastor nt'
the First Presbyterian church, of this
place, Is one of the most popular
preachers In this locality. Although
but a short time amoug us he is stead
ily palnine friends for himself and at
tendants upon his preachings.
Mrs. Mary-Qrant, aged 01, com
mitted suicide at Pottstown on Thurs
day evening of lust week by throwing
herselftout of a 'whitlow. She was In-'
ami, laboring under the delusion that
men wero pursuing her for the purpose
of klllinir her. blio had attempted sul
clde several times before.
The Scientific American states that
corufed hens'do not-lay In winter, lor
he simple reason there Is no albumen
material In tho 1:0m, When wheat U
given to them, there Is fat enough in it
to supply all that. I3 needed for thp
oke and albumen enough to mako the
lute and lime enough to furnish the
A large blank bear.frorj the moun
tains of Pike county. Pa., walked luto
.MlToiil, oil batuiday mornIii!r. but es
caped capture by crossing the Sawklll
ereek. It was the tenth bear seen In
Pike county this season. Kluht of tho
bears were killed.
The Plymouth Index says i " Mrs.
ai. fli. Hellion, llvliiL' 011 Hack street.
gave birth to three chljdren on Ttlesd.iy
of last week. The children, oiie "uoy
and two girls, 'are well developed, nnd
are as nveiy as cricKeis. iiu y are 1111
uer the profeloual charge of Dr. Mi
nn, anil all are doing well This Is I lie
third case ot triplets in Plymouth with
in the last three years." The census
man win nave work to do In that town
next time he oomes niouiid.
The Lehigh Emerv Wheel of
Welssport has cairled off tlio palm at
the test trial at Washington, and the
manufacturers are conteiiiDlatinz larue
orders In consequence. We are pleased
10 see tins approval of one ot the in
Industries of this Valley, mid hope the
new works will be creatlv benefited
and enlarge its bounds. -Catasauqua
X'rom tho County Scat.
Our etrceta are yery muddy,
A number ,,1 ttamba woro In tmvn WArino.
day uioralug,
TUB Ordoi of Knlirhts of Honor In rninlnn,.
rariMl.'' Several eut through the ordeal at
ttn lout meeting.
Oil I ainolotifl. Iita. ain't it nwfnl wa'va nn.
to no lo'chool ajuiii I was tho woeful exoa.
mutton of ouo ot the school bot-B ou Mondar
OilO Of tllb COnntrr timlnuofrnna nma tn
towu desa bioko. Thoso eociatilo nmi. v,
nul'po e Uld it, '
The hCAallflll Clinin down nn Wnlnadnw
nnd Uie mountains looked imina tor s while.
Sir, J3ip weeue-, of Summit Iltll, woa
In towu Oa Tuesday, aud us iiuui htpy.
Fiienu Mom turner, we liearof your belnar
hlithly couuillmenU'd on otir ouergy in pub.
likhutui; a dally dur.uj luut.iule week.
HniuJfts, etruthrrs ureseut clerk of Com.
1 saiuaers. wnl returns the nrgouooot tnolaw
ttr Junuaiy lat. Ism.
Mr. sutlm'i llalforil nnd liulv mnirnni
.iuui u lo., tU UU BIBbllt IU -SOW X OTIC, OU dlOU
Mol. Itobert Klotj had orostqted to him a
flne 01I01 ca.i, by Ueu. Wm LUlj', waicn ooai
Sul. The Siotur (oolu Kood with such cosily fur
ou hm aead. ami who wou.d'nt iu uch wcalhor,
Vo uie Uaiipy to stale that fahenff lluncls
er hoaaQ far it-cuvcri-d Iroiu hi-Utuli ncss thdt
Uo aiipeaied at his ofllco ou Tuesday foreuuou.
Jotn. infant son of Mr. Doujilaas Hmlth,
ooloted. oulef waiter at Ilia Jlroodwuy Iioate.
dlca ot pucumoni , on Monday morume. i'uuer.
al tooK place 11001 lila rrnldence on ltuco street.
Wednesday ajternoou. at u u'clooK
.A cae ta slander ws arcueil bcjoio a bount
of Arbltiators on Knfiay. iu whlco Cuthur.ue
Newey wi a olaintiff "lid Anna embuwer dc
feudant. Trtecut-ewas argued by iV.Hf lluii.
sh r, Kq . tor jlaiuitff iud N. (I. Piornati,
, lor itefenlunt 1 uo Aibiit-it'ira retnruei
avcrulct In tuyor of tbeplamtlrf audaitulnat the
ill teuuuut tu th sum 01 45 daiuaeca auu costs
01 ault. ' '
At a SlierlfTasa'e on Tncday att;rnoon.
held at the Aiueilcan Iloiel.two furmabelouir.
lug tu Daniel lerttcl ot QnaKeuke, were so"l
and puiohas d bv bamuel iludsou aud Jo-uuu
but uer tar I4,u 0. the lauor haviuc a moniiuk'e
ou the Hume lor the abovi amount. Tho fui mu
wero coudouipeil a,i tho last terut ot cum t.
. On-undjymuraluB- tier U Kernerof tho
iVebvterluu cuuroli uuuouuQctt. that at me
evpniuit oiti o it ooileciiuu would heboid tur
tlio beuelit 01 the minister of ihe I'rrHoytenau1
chuich of telilahtou, but owing i, thoiuclem
eucr 01 tho weather u suiall auuieuce was pies.
out and ut course but it small collection wal the
result. i
Tho anturaent In the case ot Dayl.l 8hon. i
bergervt J. It. Dimmict linger Snyder, 11, i
JUeyau ami Ooruel.u Harder, 111 u-eaapusu vl et
at tnlsuixirtanu, n aa potl oowid ludctfaitely ou
Ocouut ol a cold contracted uy ouo ot the cuun
elTwodiffdieut limes huvlnit been agreed
A W stepjie.l luto one of our hard ware
ttorusuuWedueitduyuJid ited nbeiuer they
hud any tiutnuu. tu whlen one of tho boya eanl
hoi tt utKuo-, whereupun ihe bo started out
aud oulitUK upon his futner who baa an olBoo
ooto by.aaitf, l".ipa wuat n tuemtaniunof 111,
nic,that a mau cume iu the store and wanted
to buj one. to wu ch the faiher rrpued, that lr
those iu the atorodld'nt (.uowwhat it wae, ho
aid'nt. at which the boy walWed away with a
jnillo on hta face tuiakiUK he had for onco stuck
his father.
-TbO tollOWinv lU Snhefc th.. Un.ln.n.. aavaof our uieua. Juo. 1). uerioietto,
Ka,.t ' Uen. J. 11. Beuolelte ut Muucu t'liuo.
l'u.,a geutleman welt knowuto many vl nor.
JT i.ll.11 . II- .In.lO rtf.l fl.ltj QU..n. H n n I
1 fbu siiuuiii aJ, "3 glitzy ,uu.
readers. U rfmnrtAd fin imrchnnmtf A flnfl Tallinn.
on V iley farm, recpnlly. The properly be
lonoliifr to Jno. N. Relbcrt, of Mill-Creek Twp.,
Iibanon (,'onnty, contains 10) ncros, and wai
liouiclit forflSSuO. Wo bail hoped that Oen.
Bertoletie. If ho retired trom leiral tirnctjco oTer
Hi Carbon coutuy', wontd sottlo dorn. ntnomr
his relative and fru-vds (n Pollfitown." To
yh!ch we wou'd ndil that wo would bo very
ruiny in logo 1110 lien, at nuy iimo.
-J. I). McKeol, Esq.. of Elmira.'N. Y, la as
iiiiici iiivuuio aa ever in tno cuao in tue i;oiu,
vs. licit ratilrk. whlnli wfi mentioned in fl
fonucrlsme. Sir. McKeol having talie.1 to ret
the Carbon ennntv liar to nweo to n canceila
Hon ot 1'itrl, k'a flne, has uiawn np atHdnylta
nnn tne case will no snbmitrpti to aov. itart.
rauit for his consideration, Wo wonder wnoth,
or ho will Oepriro the Law Library of 50n.
In the caao ot W. M. Tlnnnller et. nl. va Joa.
Obert, Jinlaro Drelier has filed lila opinion uo
onlhe argument sur oomurreri After dicctis.
aim; omo technical points and statiug that tho
qut-aifon nuw before a ui is, whither 1111 Inluno-
uou buui oe ranifHior not, uo couciuue- a 101.
lows 1 "Now it the facts set forth In tho mil
aro true, (and for h- present upon tho qnea
tl.nnow before ua. wo mu-i taae thorn to bo
true, beciuse admitted by the damnrrcr), anil
uiu vuuipiuiuis niiuuiu -now m tno nfariiiir mat tho boftueaswi.t r.roatoa
nulxanco as to.thom and their fatntlloa, it Seonis
to mo ileit ttiey will havo shown such n case as
will call for tho oxui ciso of the equitablo power
ui tins i.mri vi luieume uy injunction lilt
ilemutrcr Is sustained for uilJoluderot plalri'
t:ffi, but ihey will bo jiermiltcu to amend with
out pu nieut ot costs.'
Tho following retold Hons, passed at
tne uounty teaciiers" instltnto, we
publlflied last week, but by some blum
del lug arrangement on tho part of some
one the name of Mia. A. J. Dialing
was stricken rroui tnecopy we received
We have, therefor", concluded lo re
publish the resolutions as corrected, In
Justice to Mts. Durllng.
Itcsolved, That we the teachers of Carbon
county, In annnal institute nsieinbied.-retiini
our sinceto lhanai to l't-of. Vuiilll, of IViaus
fleidtra. -Normal School, n.t Mrs. Anna Itan
dall Ilium, ot If ow Yorlt for tlio valuablo anil
Instructive ei vices reuderod ti the Institute 1
to tne Hev, John c.irxinirtou for his able lecture
tn TriiTola Iu islam .' to Dr. N. Ji. Uebertor
hialugmy interctlnit leoiureou "riivaioloy
Iu llyi'letMi toV. il. llapsner, Eeq , for lus
ope.iiuffaotiroas, ana loan tno u;aayiatsoi tno
piesent Itisiituie .or tiieir lauu.iblo effona tu
career to tho interest of tho occasion
llenolve,l That to tho oliloors of tho I'rosby
terliu Chuich ot Lehiirntjli. wo uwe nur warm
cat ihatika iur,thu uo ortholroraau duiluir the
Unsolved, That 11. 1". Holford. our worthy
County i-uptrmtendent. for tlio rnthuslaaiu nr.d
waim intoiest taken lu tlio uettlug up ol the
Institute and lulliopioceedings thereof, la en
titled tu our be-t than, s nnd deeroit gratitude.
llosulved. I hat tlm thanks of the Instltuto be
tendered tu Iho school Uoardof Lehlalitou for,
tlio use of the chool hnll on tills occuf Ion. '.
ItetolTt'd, 'lint 10 tho r.adlca of I'airyville,
Mrs, A. J Hurling and Miss Jilbbler w leel
i ocply indotitod for tu kindly uasut.iice roit.
ill-1 ou by laeiniu the musical partot tholustl
tutu. Kceolveil, That to J, v llaudonbasli ot tho
' Caibou House," ami Thos. Matitz of tne 'Kx
cj.auio Untel," londer the thanta ot the In
stuuie lor the vcrv aiup.o uccomiuodatlous and
toti-ions p-i.vi8lou 'nude by them lor the la
iitiuuiors aud toachors ut tho Instltuto
H(;bo1vi-i1, That ,he maaieriy nnd eloquent
lecture by Hev. E. Etuiier. oa "Waste, lu I ho
.Mettindsof Edu atlou." meets tlio warmest up
proljat on of the I mtituto
It solved, That wo tender our -warmoat
lhanka to. tho. pioilo of IvehUotou ond vlcln--lty
for tholiosuliality shown to this 'lodv, aud
lor ttieiutereat manifested uy tuom In the pto
oeetlinea ot thi Iiistitule.and to II.'V. MortLlmer
lor the outeipi-ne oxhiblied by hint lu furnish
in i; us witli n neut lutlo il.illy tho ' cutbon
Advecutoi' olllco, coninmiUK a lull detail of tho
proceedings ol the lualltuta.
11. A. Kline,
N. It. Oll.lUU.
Uommiitt-e ou llesolutiona.
Tho Coal Trnile.
The anthracite coal trade for the week' ending
tho '-'7111 ult. fbnta un from alt sources C91,56a
tous,and'for tb year t5 33.6J5.)68 tons against"
Jl'.JSO.Ho' toua1 to currciTondtng ,iate laat yoar
anlnorojao of SM.ISID tens. Hie most nmiied
inovo.upot the past week in tho authra'cito
trado Is tto action ot tholtcadlnit Coul and
Iron Company, which, "m couaeuuence ol tho
orei-btooktng ot the r,t.teili coal markets," wo
bco it stated, liuo "snipped prodrtctiou rt thlitv
ot their lolllei its in ihe beUuylKlil iliu. 'tho
ten remaining collieniM, Iiaylugu daily proilnc
lug capacity uf four thousand lona. will couta.
uo 10 supply the fumaons nnd laliwavs lu ilio Tho atuiionaion will tlnoiy about flvo
tliouiiau.1 men auu noya out of wor. jJunug
the present week twouty-llVB Inolvldual cot.
lierleswil. siupend. and ft is thought tint by
U10 midipe of uie month tho suspension will bs
comwaeucral. thrnwuiT ten thousand peon.o
putotomnloymeui, 'Ilto tspoujiou raa list
IX" ,uiuu,hs. nnd evm contiuun until rpiluv,
rue Holding Cqul and iron Coiiipauy have 01.10
or. ercd a etonpaga of work- al tuelr 010 mines
11 hero mx mindieil men are employed, oiioogh
oro having beeu produo.-d to last until spring.
A prominent, coal operator say the miners
have beeu lmluslnoiunim econoinicil emco ihe
resunilnlou laal Juoo, ku thnt many, If not moat
of tnein are prepared for tho suspension."
Ledger, Dec. 0.
BEl'OrtT OP COAI. transported oyer Ihlgti
A husqu hauna Diviaiou. 'Central It it, of
New Jersey week ending Doc. 3, 1575.
TuTHl wefllr. Tnrlntn
ouippeu iroiu
Upoer Iihlgli
Heaver MohUqw
ifazletou ,,,,,
Mauch chunk , ...
York V.& Q. II. Co.
ton,, cwt. toua. :w.
ts,".-8 Ot 1.3,7,078 0-J
0 011 IS
11J.9J7 OS
2Sp,sI8 01
1507119 07
11S.53J 09
76 IIS 11
17,87 07
W.'-Wl 01
3,51') 111
II 18) 13
Total , 8 ,841 00 2,304153 1a
I'revlouslyiopoiied22s2,3l4 19
Total to date :,Hi4,iss 13
(Same tlmo last yosr '.',771,81)70.1
Increase ,
Decrea.e 407.723 (7
Tie follow ins tabls shows tho q uantity 01 coo!
"Ulpj ed over the i.ehlh Valley itiulroudlorihi
week ouillua Deo. 3rd. 1S7C and fertile ear a
Iti-L-lona Kroiu.
Wyoming. ,.
Upper A,ehlgh,
lioiver MtftJow....,
Mabanoy 1 1
fllauoa Chunk..
I?,SBT ts
VJ.JiA 01
111 01
II 010 02
.3i 19
70 CO
North from Eastun,
Last Year
15,827 IV
8,318 14
General Suspension In the Scliuyl-
Ulll ueglon Agreed upon.
A mectlug uf tho Sohuylklll Coal Kxobange.
whloli represents ltw representative operatoia
lu the Middle Coal Fields, besides tho l'hila. ot
Heading Coal aud Irou Co., was held at the ot.
rice of tho above named corporation, lu Plitla
depbii, nn Wednesday altornuou, tue 8th lutM
lortha pnrpoaeof determining upon some op
tion In regard lo a general snut down of i cod no
tion i the eqlire region. After ga ex ion Jul
and Bidritcd controversy, a resolution was adop
ted to tnoerr.'Ot that a auspenilou of operations
be Inaugurated thiouiruune tho antlim mi mni
diaiilots of .-chUiUilt county. How long tue
kt. pension will eo. ulnae is loioat lmpqsaihle ut
mis iimo in huv, Homing ot udeuulte tiatuiulu
thlB lOltUldhaVU g UteU lleClded Oil. l-r,mlnnnt
opei atora who have been uitervieweil say that
e veil lulu? depends ou the statu of trade, and
ppeiatiouif will bo reaumoil lyueooVfr I tie mar
Let la tea iv tor muru ViL
ilia stated that theiewlllbe no eoni-ertal
tnoveroeut ctuougthe oporators, but each will
opou ins woi as at auy tuuo he (oeia Ju-illtl lu
duing to Tho piobub.lityis tuut uo lesumii
uou will occur uoloie Jau. 1st. nuosequeuty
some lew ooi.ieriea may BUrt up. but It la not
aiiiicipuiedthatagoueral reiuiuptiuu will take
place beloie uuvigutiuu upeua uixt sprlug, The
otuciala of tno Ueadiug t-urporatiou fctty tluit
their niluea will be slapped at leuat 3 mouths.
The murketa bclug la generally oxv
pectejthit uper-uora in other rrgloua will fol
low. Muuytbousuud miners and .ajorera will
bo depnviHl ol employment by the ktoppaze,
uui us they have had tint lutle opportunity to
accumulate anvthlug frum tb,lrear-igsBnoe
tLe .ate great strike, It Ls believed much suuTor.
mg will ensuo.
sue eare rumors oi a ttnxe reiagiDauxura.
ted in several ol Ilia nuuuiswhsie inmHWRiw
uo stand ouu last season. The execntlre couts
mittee of tao Minerh' and Laooreia' ileueyo-uit
Assuciatlou meeta at Pottavilie ou tho lath. lust,
aud ou the next day uoouvoiiuou of dtlagatea,
from tho Leulgh. Cuiumb.a. Wyoming and
ljaikawsuus legloaa will take place The pur.
puaum tuese meei-uga la uuuel stood tu be lo
lirrnaie Lo. Uuht AiriiiuBt the onerutjirM -rhn
s ufcoaljoow auitodat Port lUcbmondand
eusewheje la aiuipiv euuriuous, aud it la aurewtl
ly hluied that operatoia wuot to force miners
qui ou a atme au that pries mar be fthrrt ?1 -up
uuxla the uaneuj.oa. r
P. O. S. of A.
Vo would onlMho attention of our spaders to
Hie fact that ltey. Father is tack, .of IVllllauiB-
port, will lecture on Monday orontngkext, iu
tho Lnthcian Itetormed Church, of Vnsiott,
ou lUeUreatltellglons controversy now Rnlcg
on between tlio rrotestant and Cattiollo
ehorehea, W'o would advice a'l Interested on
this subject to hoar Roy, Father Utack, bo Is
said to bo mi able sua eloquent 01a or. Ailmie
sloti Z cents. Doors open at seven o'clock.
Public Hales.
Hills for the following sales have been print
ed at ibis omco during the past few Cava t
Tuesdae. Dec 14. nt nne n'ctiwlr n. ... tho
sonal properly of F. K. Hunts, East Ponn
Thnrsdar. Deo. Ifl. at otio n'nWlr ti. n...
slgneo's sale of real eatn-e, and peiaonal
property of oli'eon othsteln, Muhoolng
twp. Tilghman Arnrr, .Assignee.
December 18th, nt 2 o'clock p.m., the vidua tie
irsi esuiio 01 jaruu oiniiiz. nec a. ne ir 1 nrry
vlllo. Dan'l Went, adnnulsiralor.
Jan. lBt lATO. nt I n. 111.. Iin 'flillAiimn.1 Ailminla.
trator'a sale ri valuable leal extato, lale of
joints niiiTo, 01 Aiaiionine iwp uee'd.
Ai'rou ejiuve anu uenry Tucker, Adin'r.
Wife No. .10.
Mr. George l'utman Is tho authorized agent
or Ann El'za Young's new book, t i.tiiled Wlfo
No. 19. or, thoMoiyota LltOlnBondJEe. This
book la a compete expose of Jlorniclrsm in
every phate of character, arid la written In an
Interesting aud graphls style. It you would be
nlcroeted order tlio book from .Mi. l'utman
when ho calls upen you. s.w
Com. vs. j. w. TariEMAS. you libki. This
onsi. 111 wiiion u uou uieuii was pioaecutor,
went ueforo the last term of eouit. and ihede.
fondant was promptly Indicted, but the trinl
was put over at his tequn t. OuTuosrtiy after
noon ot list week, savs tr.e riltetou tlazetUHt
wa tried befoie Judge Ilaidlng. II. W. Palmer
and 13. crDiminlck attorneys fnr -plaintiff, and
I.' T. Mnmn.,,,..! Inhn T. nt. r. ......
Soveral wltuesses on botn sides wero ex imlnod.
The defenso fa led to m-nvn nnvtlilni- linnnrtniif.
even after beln'r allowed to do m. a privilege.
-iiiwi, luiuDi 1110 iiuei lu-v VUUIJUU.OO LluimDIl
Tho case occupied about two hours. 111 ailni
mlntr un be ore the, Inrr tno rmiTKel fni- rlin ,ln.
foilae wure as el nuent and enrnet n tlm anil.
Joel would mlmltof, but Mr. Pa mer, having a
tniwi caao in uaii.t tor uetineating tno character
of fho comet and Its editors' did ho In a mauuer
Wlilch was irenornllv unnmnlnLeil. unit Infr thn
Jury with a very coucl-o undotstanding of the
puiuis iu uo cuusitieiea in maaiug up n venuct.
Tne oliargo nt Judge Harding was also olor
and caruost. -The Jaiy.ottcr being out About
to hours, returned n -verdict of ' ilnlity as
u..urveu iu too luuicimuni," viz t wiiiui auu ma
licious iIlcI, &o.
J. W Froeinau was sontenceiL.l'noadar to nav
fine gUSO ami pndcrgri seyou monlhVjanirls.
umBntln the county Jul!. J .
Cpsing Prices of DeIIaven i& Town-
'SEHD.uStock, Government and ,G(6ld
'40'Sou'th Third Street. Plilladelph'hV
XJCU.iUhll, IO, lit f I
U. s.O's. IBtir. 23TWd"'l, nsfed
ii. . a-ju-a. isui.ii. u'j ind 15 nskeil
U.H. 0.20-8,1814.1 bn asked
U. H. 5.a'8. i8fi.-, , 1ST, bid I61i asked
U. h. 5-20's, iiiS J, oi J.... uo", mil sot, ns6d
U. S. 5-:0'8 1837 .. 22i, hid- iai, ki..l
D.M. MO's, 1S0S 2i, bid C3 nskeo
u. iu-its. ,.i.... 17 bin 1776 asked
IT. H. 1 'urrenrv. a'a 2-2 hnt ?n n.Ln.i
U. H. 6' issi. new... i l7 bid 17U nsftod 51 H bid Slit asked
l'lnln. ot itoadiuglt. it..., 51H .bid asked
.dii,fiii uej, t. 11 irjij- Din 0; askea
I el'luh Cosl jiAnv. Oo.i.. sol, bid 60t askec
Uliltnd Companies of .N; J.I3I bid IHk asked
OU ureok All, VaL 11,11. w ibid loH.ajikod
Plilla. ol Lilo It U mlj old 211 asked
Hold, n, pid 4H asaea
onvor s bid 10
Speoial 'Notices.
E. F, Kunkcl's Hitter Wine or Iron.
rue yreat auccosa and delight ot the people,
In tact nulhiutr ol the kind has ever beeu olfer.
en 10 tuo American people wuicu nas 80 quick
IV filllllll I IB WIV intn IhAlr pitnrt faiji.k ami
lieuny uppiuvui us li. jr, ltUMKEfa 1UTTUU
i of iitox. it iioes all It pinio,es, antmiua
gives umvoisat satlaractlou. It Is guaranteed
iu mm hi- woi.i case 01 uyspeiwt 1 'or indiges
tion, kidney or llvor Uiaen-.o wealrtiesa. tinrw.
oitHiiesa. consllpiition, acidity uf ihe stomach,
.fcv. " - in" Kmuiuo, uuiy buui luvi'ooLbea.
Ucoot and ofllCJ, 259 -N'OrtU Ninth fit , rhitadel.
'un,. .ian mi- A,iiuuei-, ana tauo 110 oiner.
zio it by ult drugg.bts.
Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia.
E. . KUMCKL'S DlTl'kll WISE or IltOV. n ,nr,.
CUlefUl tins dleiaae. Jt ha nenn niciMi-plfinil
Uuily tor manv veurn in the piacttce ot eminent
mi bicntua wiiii uupuiuiieieu sueueas, r-y,np
OinU IUO ,OsS Of aUUCtUe. wind aud riklnir
ui) uess lu luotitu. headache, dizztunan. Hlin.
loasue-a ami Jow spirits. Uet toegeuuiuo Not
sola iu milk, uuly lu II bolt es. 2j9.NurtU
Ninth ot. i'liiiuCi-.ilun. I'a. Sold br all drug,
gltia. Ask tor. E. p. KUMUiL's liiTTEU Wine
inun auu ioau uu uiuer.
250 Tape Worm 250
Lnttroly remorob. wltb i.nreiv vnr.ntui.i
meiliauo. pa.slng Iroui the eyatoio slive. No
ICS Unless the hOud nssfu. l-nmn mH t-nm-. (n
patients alreauv trpHt-il. nr. v iirvL-,,.
No. 2WNorih Ninth sti Philadelphia. Advlco'
Diuuiacn wjruis also ro-
uu,..u. xtuovorjaiia. tor removingau klnua
but'iupo worm, the mtdicino uun no ho. nf.
j iiw ui ugKloU A8k tor ItUNKEL 8 M Ottlt
HYKIT. I'r.oe tl. t or Tape Worm, the patient
must come ou aud have It reaioreil.
TppR SAliU Oil TO IXT.
A ONfe 8T0UV FIUME nUILDINl?. bnilt
expresaly for a PlIOToaitAl'HElt, or would
bull a CloAU.MAKElt. HUOEMAKEK er
TAI l.ll I!. Will boaold verv Cheanfnr C'ihii ai.
ou Bhort tlmo wiih approvoil aoourity. Apply
at'i-iiiB uttii'-.i
Afflicted, Unfortunate and Deluded
Dr. J. It. Houensace, sous of
Dr. J. II.. who has been einrairoil in nrlrato and
hosniial piaetieo for 3i years, cut uigiliaeases
uieii uusii im iiuiii uiiuii auu txMiy. uunisyou
for the duties ot life, and leads thousands to in.
saue asylums audpreniaturo death Hr. J. S.
II. and Di. J. II. 11. d-iutu their time entirely
to these diseases, and guaiunteo a omo In a
bhoi fume iiud Utile oxpouso. Dr. J. N. ilobeji.
sack has attended and cunsl eighty thou-aud
cases, llemember Die. 1 N. and J. U. ilobeu.
sack's olllco No. 200 -Nonli 2.1 rest 1'hiladel.
pli a, abovo Ilnce,
N. It. Medicines sent by mail and express
Juuol2.T5 iynov
i , '
rpuiTssi:s. 75 Cents HUP-
X fwnm cuuKq,-pr. j. , iP-
bAnsacK'i 'lcklo-riaU'l Oulvaulo Trunu aud
Fluid will Qtiie sftv ou CktBesi oat of ten. Dua't
raut. crack or broafe i Jij?nteti not affected by
ir8jiii'rtiou or bat hi up. WnrmnitMi 6 yours.
Fifiit ti ana "ermau J rashes and Uracei, Hu.
teusorieii, tic, ouethlril the pHcn otheii t-eil
or. om Htwund ilrett, abovo llaco, PJiiladfl.
ulila. Jnnai'Ti Iv eowi
p O, S. OV A,
By the HEV. FATHER HTACK. of Wllliama.
poit.lutlie LUTllEUAK ltl.l'. OJlUllCU.of
Houaay Eveulng, Dec, 13th, 1875.
The Doors will Open at SEVEN o'clock.
An Impartial and Eloquent Defence o! Ame
rican Principles, by a Holiuu caiUuliu I'nosu
This I.ectutelaspotcu of in theltigheas utms
by the Press, ami la, an eloquent defence nt
Amerlcau Principles In such manner as I u con
vince the revereud gentlvuuuu isi-icJichmksI-s.
oa well as o, tineas in goueiul, ot the iuiotaity ut
ilmttiug tho abaomie power of the UoiuumCo
thoiiu tlioliops in, Auiei lea
It will bo rcinsiubered that Father Stack, la
the Priest of Willlauitport engsgeu tu contro
versy with the Htsuop of that Disulct lie dis
co 01 sea Ins aablectwith clearness, and Indulges
m uu persoi a itle. The queatiou ho treats is
uuuoubicdiy the Issue of tlio tnaw, and likely
to becoaie, erre long, or puraaouut ImporUnco
tp Ihe I, tuted btatea.
rr Duu't fail to bur thbj p6c(uf e.
.i.'V,ilivAfi, ATrang'ta.
Vqr. 17-vi
17 70. JJKW YORK,
Kf clue on lmnnrrd and eovontT-ufxi tlio Cc
teiinlai year. Jt 19 a so tljojrearm which tn
Opposition House rt Itcpresentntlvos. Ihe first
since tho war, will he In power at W'alnictou;
sue llio vejirot ttio twntity.tlnnt election pi a
I'rchK'iit of the United states. AU ot thos a
events are t.uru to heoi preat interest and 1m-
fortauce, especially the two latter; and all ot
lifmnudeveiythiiiiT connected with them will
ho tail r.nnd Irushly reported and vxpoanded la
Tun auu.
'X'lio Oppngltlon Itoofo ot Hepres'ntAtlvefl, ,
taking tlio lino of Inqairv oiwuod rexra atroov
bu.N. will nteinlvanddlU)iciit1rlnvetiRato
tlio.coirupitoni mid nilsdpedA ot G bant" a ad,
ministration 1 and will. H ls to bo hoond lay the
inundation tor a new nnd hottiT uotlod m our
uadonal history. Uf all this ntR HUN wld ooh.
tarn coDiplctn nnd twcurttfonccounis, furnish.
1 ilk' Its rcMderawltb enrlvnnd trustworthy in
ttir mation upon thco nbwroiog topics
The twentydhiril t'rcMdentlal elation, with
tho preparat um for tt, will bo memorable a do
eiding upon O it 1 NX's nMpiratloud lr a third
teimot pnwet and plunder, and still more a
deriding who phrll bo the caudldntoof the parlr
of lluform, and us eloctiiiff that candid no. Uon
crrninc all these snbjects, thone who road -THE
tsux will hAvbtUeooustant ueausotbeintf.tnoF
oubhiy we.lliitoruied. "
The WBiKLYH Uf, which ha attalhetl a ,ctr
ciiivtion of over eighty thonsind copies, al
ready has tt- readci-s in every tute and Tortl
torr, nnd we tru t that the vear 1670 i:llr atio
their numbers douhlod. It wl'l continue to bo
a thorough uewtitaper. All therueiai hews
ot tlio nay win bo f und in It. condensed v.' lie
unnnnortint, t t full length w ion ot moment 1
nnd always,wo trust.treafod in aclear, interest
lug uud lufitruoitve man uer,
it U our aim to mat? tho Weekly sra tho
bfst family nowspep'or iu the world, nnd we
slivll comlnue to tve la Us columns a largo
amount ot mlato lancous leading, such oa
stones, tale, pcetn-i. sclentlflo inteiiigenoa aud
agricultural iuforiuutlon, fur whlca wo uro not
abhuo mtlio 100m In our dniU edition. Tho
awlcultural tlepatt'ticnt especially ls one of
ltd uruniiueut teaturen. H10 fashlous aro also
regularly leoortcd in tts columns; aud so aro
the marko'a of every Hind
' The vVcckly su.v, oight pases with flrtv-alx
broad columns Is onlv f 120 a yoar, poetane pie
paid. As tnls prtcobirelv repays thocont of
tlio pa pei. no discount cnu be made
Irom tlds lato to clubs, ugeuts. I'ostmaEters, or
a 11 von et
Tho Daily sun. a large four page newspaper
ot iwo Hy elghc columns, gives all tho news ior '
two cents a copy. Subscription, postatro pre
paid, Wo. a mouth, or t.5J a voar. Sunday edi
tion extra. 81, in per vear Wo havo no travel
ing agents. Address, TUhl SUXf, N, Y. City.
jNoy.V7. t
The nnoVrsifrnert. nf rV n v. n kt
NOTHSlEIN. whi son at.I'uhlto Bale, on tho,
rremla in MAUONIXu TOWXallir, Cr.
bou county, Pennsylvania, on
Commencing nt ONE o'clock P, M , the follow
Inrr Un ll Vutatn tn n-it. A II .,- nn,.AnA
parcel or tract of LAND, bounded oy lands oj
J. Dnoflfuian. D.mlel Miller. Solomon UoppeA,
Joan 11 uu nicker imd David Hoppos, coutalntng
113 acres; more or less,
known as tre.prooerty ot Gideon Notbstclu. .
About 50 acres of wnlch aro'cleired and under' '
a (rood statu ot cultivation, the balauco ls good
Timber Land, consisting of Yellow Pine and
yonug ChetiinlV Tho Improvements thereon '
aroa2-atoiy ltAMl UWiiiLLINO IlOUEt
a UauK Uaru niid other necessary Outbullaings.
Thero Is a sprntr tt never failing water close to '
the house, sud a running stream passes through,
tho land, giving a una watei-pawor for cunning
machinery 0 largo-capacity. i
ImmeilJntalr after iho safe of the Kitnlm.
tho tollowiuc (articles of Personal Propeityof
sid Gideon Notasteln, will bo Hold, vii: One
uotse nwo-nor-e wacon. 1 spring wagon.l
JtnbSled. l Threshing (horse-power),
1 Faunlun Mill. Hanowa. Plows, ami a vunetv
9f other nrtictes too nuineroaa to moation.
Terms will he made known at the-timo and,
placo of aale, by
Asslguee of Gideon .NothstolD.
November 27, IS75-W3
Of Valuable R.eal Estate.
Tho' nndrrfilimRi.! AdmlnUtrifnt nf .TAfV.Ti'i'
MONTZ. latutif tlm Itn IK) IKl 1 T nw,PAllHV.'
VI LLE, Caroou County, Pa., dee'd, will offer at'
tuunu oaiu, ou in e premises aioreoUiu, ou
Saturday, December 18,187&,
ot TWO o'clock P.M., all that certain piece or
parcel of LAND, situate about ihree.Ioui-ths of
it mile least of the Ihlgh & Hnsnii-h inoa tut.
Matiuu at rarryyllle, on the road leading from
l'oho l'oeo, of j-.dwai'd ilaber's Mill tojCohlgn '
(Icp, uoundod ny lauds or James a. Hengteatoa,
Widow Harriet Mrohl. lira, sai ah IS. Oaumor,
and cuancs liloso seur., containing
30 Acro8- and 40 Porclieg, '
Htiict measnro, about So acres are Clear and in
a good atate of cultivation, ami the icsldne la
good Woodland. The Improvements 1 5 croon
consist ota Two Story, ViUiei.HoardeJ,
with Cellar tinder It, ono Hank Barn, M x 41 ti,
Kug stabio, and otimr outbuildings. A Weil of
Uoo.l Watei near tho house, aud an Oichard of
Clirloo Frntt Treea
Terms nnd conditions will be made known on
tho day ot sale, by
Adm'ui.traUir, 4o., ot J. Jfonts. dee'd";'
Persona dealiluif tu vlow tun nrnnnrtv can ril
ou Mr, Osaslus J. Moots, on tho rremtser.
MOT. SB, 1475 W4 i
Treasury Uoiiurtmout.
Offick br coVr-TKotiRR op the curee.nct,
WASHisoiOM.Noyembur 3rd, 187a. I
WHBUKAB. llKaatiarartorvAvideneA nrAAAntMl
to the iinden-iyped, it has been made tu appear
LKlHUIlTOiS. in Ihe lloruughot telugblon.
In the C'ountv of Carbon. undHlntnnf I-eunavl.'
vatila. tins coinplled with a'l the proviaionsof
tho iteyisqd Htatiites'of the United Males ..
quired to bo compiien with belure au As-ocra..
lion snail be authorized to commeueo tho BasU
ui'ss cf Dsnltlug.
Nnir'THi,ur-,iT.D T lnk,l t-m v...i Km..
trailer of theCurreucy, da hci-oDy certlfr.thab
TlmFimt Natlunal Hank ol Lehlghton, in the
llorcsiah of LehiAhion. in the County of Oai bon,
and Htaiu of I'enusvlyanla. lai authorized U
ciitnmonre tho Ilusiuoss ol Uauklug. at proyid.
edm Hectlou l-lftyiiiehuudred anil sixty-nine
of the Tleyiaoil (statutes ol the Uniwd-Staiea.
la tkstiuont wiiEUKor. wliuess my band and
seal of Oltl jo, this Third dar of Novemlior, 1S75.
... Comptroller of Currency,
Ny,JJ.w fNo.:3olf '
-p,S. Cr 1.0. TSCHIUSCHKV,
Next to Debonle's Jewelry store, i.
Calia the attention ot the Iiadlea'ot LehlghUm
and vicinity lo the fact mat she keeps a full
assortment ot
orlin & Gormantown Wopl,
rums, notions, niDOosti,
Lhdi6ft' and Ohildron' Hosq,
CANUIEH.'c-DNFKCTION'H and a Tarletret
olhor titina not uaually topi In auy other stoer,
ill Lrhlgbton.
Asbareot pnlilto' pnlronaro Is i0ltctted,'and
Hiitistautian guaraiiteesL OctJiaS.
laist. froaatherfwulAncis il- thu ,nnSmibi
mLaM t"Wullu. ou Tuesday of Laat weeat
a tjrey Kbepher.1 Dox wd,i white' VrcaaT. Ion
htlr An. u era mpie nam. ol I'Ualor.i .ihe
-ij Qj'tiV-P ,KOU Trtnlitii TwpT -Nu,4j,HH-llHt:
a si '71 I