II. V. VOIlTIIIMRlt, kdit6r LL'llKllITpN, I'A.i SATURDAY MOUNlO 1)1,0. 11, isis. Tlio S'iiirpnio Court hi (k'ncrnl Term lias hnirmed tlio llabtmy ol tho" Krlfl Railway Ctimpany to pay Interc-st. ,on tlio I20,OQO,000.-Qf Huston, Hattfrjid and Urlo Hallway bonds gunrantccd by V. ' ' ' ' " i Mi?MrT?MrM,r? cm At a tio-tlip of -the Mutliodlat EpUoopM Sabluitli Rcliool UjRon, Tract' isoctoty, mid .l'rcacliers' Association, held Mondnj In' Uostqni yearly 200 ministers bofng present .Wliop. IlWtjh urged "as n vnii'(surc 9.f safety for .Republic" that Grencral OrBnt.bn liond nated for a third term. f?a Uliliop-'Si recommendation was, adopted by a unanimous vote., , fA,n, audience of Jio Unhand jipp. pie gatlieird at tlm Hrooklt'n ' Taber 'lAcle Suujlny monilnlast,, hear the Jley.,Jr. 'I'aliuane, pri:n,cU .upon "The Biblo. In the Public SqliooU." The speaker 'was' "frrliuently applauded A'll'inp ollii r tll,iiKs, lie said that ,the Jlililo tould never bo ta)eu out of .the public schools "whllci .onouwi .of l'ly moutli K'ock' was lefj td furulMi Mints to inak6",the fires of trite patriotism." The National Council" tlio Uu Inn League of America, at a meeting iield In i'hlladelnllla. 'on Wednesday last, adopted tho following platform' of principles ; That tin ctoilltnf the.Gn.vornmcnt, at.Lome and nbrrart tnimbfltniitnt ruodt that Mich in. mo'x 01001808 t.hulli bit'dDtl' bcnctlclul tocom. uitrro mid such enactments as uiay be most proiinctlvo to'lncir ttbail e era mo J ny the goieihmhut. tint lira pobto schools of the evwral btatca should buloii-iod and proteclod fronl every cucroucbim tit. ,i stociallv Irom In toifereneo by any scctnitniti m'Ve-ncnttliut tlioCbiuchjinu fctatnsha I leuinlu foiever fee snd liidciieiiikiiL. ntl Hi t to nil citizens ol the United Mates by whatever uaimt'kuotrni ehMl hQiicioiili'd-ill lights. lItIi unil'relieivua, pro. tided IhcV otey toe lufer lid ,pnlt oi the ltiw, sne mpH M-theJ Go.eitirucutinudo by ttiopeo. pfur.iLejioQiMp. , r . Wllllani M. Twpvd.i the, notorious etfJi' Dob's' 'of the'Tanimany-. Hlngi'wiio Vyi r'fcenlly brought from'Blhckwell.'s Isanti' to Lu'dl'ow,Stre(t"'Jalj,,ln e'w .Y.ork,to,awplt.tlie trlal.qf.'tljeqivl) puit for theirecoveryiof $0,000,000,, escap'pd roln iustody bn'Saturdny a'terrio'im tif last jveek. jit appeurs'lliat "Diaihari.tlie V'arden,o( Uiu al, took Twee.d'about tbwn iriia'Carrtaco.idlned with him at an up-town' hotel, and'tlit'n drove to' the reslduilfu. of Mrs. 'Tweed', and alfowed him 'Uo.pee his wife privately." That was the last' seen lot Tweed." fjhctltf Conner otters a1 reward of $10,000 for his capture, and' Jio police are teareh ng for him. (Jompieiitlug jipi'ii thp escape of Ttyeedi tha IJliia Sun say j "This great public robber" lias 'jipt been captured, and there' is" no deflate In formation us jet about tlio method of his escape. Probably, however,, he gpt Into ft small vessel -'and went to 'sea ant wo shall, very lively, hear ot 'hlrr again In one of tIip,Vost. India Mand'ij, The story Of , Dcpi)tyi Sheriff Uenhaq Is1 altogether too thin. It Is. difficult to believe that he was Innocent In the bus iness, and i)ils difficulty rlsps Into Im possibility vihenw.e ponbldcr hfs acr count of It." lavrstraent of capital in .really .good.cn-erpri-ieiherSttierohaj'.tepnrndge logical survey of Iho limda.qn 'w'hlch the minis are situated, llothiof these evils Jan ,li 'niqdled, ,to sojijejcjttcntMSt ',lea.st, by 's.Uch .caSfJul surveys a.aMe now being mado under the direction ot J'rof, Leej, the .State (geologist. J,Iuch work, has already be?n done, but .the results reached cannot bo condensed Into a paragraph. One branch ot the survey has been norjejiig in the, ftrrod .IPRIfiM?1." district, Iuntlngilop county. A vertical section of about 20.000 feet' of , tile strata has been' pro'-' Jecjed, In'tiie upper portion ot wii,(cTh! roboivn lu.i oiteMnch seams of coal. which the geologist has discovered .In a pundstono about 1000 feet below ,the workable c. fiis o'f.fhe.ljrnad To b'asln. This Indicates. tlio. existence of R true .coal -measure far below tlie lowest hith erto supposed to exist In Pennsylvania. This section il'sij liows 'the alteration of rocks traced .from tlio auroral lime stone which underlies the rich wheat fields .of Lancaster county up to the yauapie 5road( 1op -coals', tjie 'relaive position of thp.lroy ores,. Ore clays and oth.er useful inlnerais'. Tlie'ahova syu- opsis of a very Small part of the results ot, the 'geographical survey of .tpe Stato will glve;some ld.ea,of the,usej to which tb,e completed reports can be put by lu- telljgent farmeff'an'd land owners.' The Democratic ll'ouso. Says the, New York Sun: The House ot Iteprcsentatlves has organ Ized and commenced business under favorable circumstances. It contains democratic majority .of about seventy! The future of the democratic party Is In thVhands of tills majority, and pi. It shall act In the session up w opening, fio wiil the party revive nuil flourish asjn lljj tlmes'of Jefeu-on nnd JacksoSi or, on the other hand, drift' away nnd become, a.mempry anil, a by-word like the pic Jledernllsla. f, during! the coming session; "the Democrats In tlio Ilouso shall enter fetirles-sly upon' the task' of exposing the corruptions. ot the various Kings ' which have so long dlsgractnl'tliu country; and Onyer, lircenr, MontCTmcrjr countriDr. Jaram Aiken. attorai'teJ t3 produce an alKDttlon, Chea. ten Thonma Howllnr. asaanlt,"Aioaheiivi 8. A, Ilntllater. forgery, 2Jrie.James sholden.aaaaiut, Allcirhenvt l.alph Trfi ka. John Maleneri John It. Joyce, rhoraia Unrchilcll juid Vlneo Tarda, .lot. Clearfiohl county, to be parooncilon tlie2nt1nat. 'ilto following appllcatlnna ncre BMaaawaaaaBaiaMaawaBMiWaaMaBMi "The JTatioai Capital FBOM OUB Oyp WAS(UNOTOH COBBEerONDINf. a Washington. Dec. 9th, 1575. ronslDai net on aYAndnr. thu fl.h inat.l at ll'J o'clock ibgbeto that hour a larWnW Tin iioar. larcenr. uramom cot uenrr weiuu, aaault mid btttnry and rapo rhiladelphln Wip. A. llllea, ranc. Crawford cn.j John Dongheny, nafimt nnd battery. lAtzeme: Fiei'.eno'i Madi pon, cnterlnp n bnildlng with Intent to commit A lelnnv, Alieiih-ritf',vrheHlotn fcjwt-her, tig iriflVittoilaaiilL Jl a r NO.Uoal QCtlon waa taker, upon tlio lomamluv apitlicallona. Tho iardulllmcet on the Slatol December to con. , Ider acveral apphcatlona tint hnvo been ajiyo allv:lU.of,lu'af imt 911 that day, ot po'ipta had gathered at the capital and filled thehnla and corridor-' Tho Uone aeemcdto bo tho prlcclpal attraction, and eyery ayoUaVIo seat nnd all the standing roomjn thgallerlea Michael'C. Kerr, of In1bn, haTlce hecu nominated In the Dcmocrnlio cju4.ua oufialnr nay laat, received the lull Demooratlo vote ot the nouae.iujl'wiu. of Cootaol cleiiteM ieAVor., Kx-8Dca1cerlllalnowiia the Itepuollcan candi date. M'jlterr received fn'and Mr.'Ulaltie ice votea. Qen. Banlca, ot Maa...who clalma to bo an Independent, -voted tor Mr. A. B Wllliama fur Speaker. Nollmid worthy ot note took placu except a little nia.ae at mrna between Fe-nando WoimI, ot N. V., and Slr.'Bl. lne When tho U'iiiana delejtailou -iaa called up 10 take the oath of 'ot flco. Mr. Wood oijecteu to onoot them Mr.F. jvinroy, oein awom in anil moveu iuab nia riahtto Ihoaentbe r forred to tlio Commitleo on K.eoUona. The grouto fur thla mtlou on tho ilrioi ALr.woou.ua auucu uy uitn, waa pno act that all the ntder inembera from Luuialana had certificates of eiectionfiom both Kellovg iql'aiL'rr, and Mr. Moiev had, only accr- looked upen by the'ltepublicaus ai' an attotiipt. It is shown In tho. repbrt pf the Comptroller of'thd Curretic'y that there jvas received at the Redemption' Anency of.thq Treasury, from June 20, 187-1,' to, Nov. 14, 1875, 210,380,445 Of this amount j02,000,000, or about forty. two, percent., 'was received from the hauVs in rew Tuit city. The tptal amount receive hy the Comptrpller for destruction' froih tho Redemption Agency nnd from' the nutlounl banks direct was $100,833,233, of which oil)- ouot jlSiOW.yni were Issues ot the batiks bt tlie city of New York1$13,549, 877 of'thtise ot tho city of llostun.'tS,- C5tj,C07, of riiadclplila, 'f3,o(J,733 ot Ualtjinore.- 3,l4i,'Q00 ot iftsburg, $2,. 700,045 bf Chleago, il,841.74 of fit; touls, ',2'88,n70 of 'Clnclnnacl, 1, '389,402 of NewOileaus, 11,110,780 of Albany, f pi) ot those, of the other re deiu)Uaii cities fU,li07,795. The am i,mr.t; bf'natlonnl brink notes now out Vajidlng upon v.lilcli the charter'num Iwr lias. b,'u:n' prtnted ,1s f 150,250',347, leaving, 101,9GQ, 555 ot notes in clrcu. latlon without such numbers.' If the present sybfem .shall he 'continued unll Jheo poles mo replaced by1 new notes lit-piing ttietr ulittili-r nuiiihers, economy wMll' reult tii Ih'ebtnl for the expense of assiirtlnj wjll ahv'a'ys'therenter be crejitly reduced, anil" when this shall L'avu been dune thu machinery jjow In. operitMUU ui MP rcauy nuu luieiiuiiio fertile red'tmjitlon. of natjonaj hank notes, n spi'cle. , ' ' wherein soma' 'of the' Im'p'grta'n't; 'Milks' ari'Vembcrat's, jj'ahi),,!, jjij Tpspeit tq their piyn measures of( jfglsjatlon and especially in regard tuthtf currency and appropriations ol th'e" bublie money, thbyhall ad'opt'sound'OuancUl fheofis anu practise rigiu, economy ,,rini it l)ey, shall set their, faces like flints agalpst their Jobbing schemes however plausibly picscnted j apd if. In one, word, fhey sliaj) show thfjpiselyes (ffmi refpriners and:Qt to govepn thu uutliin, then there Is a glorious lufure fcr'tl.'o Duiupcratic party1. B'ut'lf, on .tijq pontrary, fho. Demo. cratlc majority allqws itself to be-ruled by (he lobby: and mode the tool plUnde'rers far 'even spe'culijto.'s' ; If, through corrupting appliance p,r evep specious pretexts, it premlts Itself to be used as a shield for covering up the Inl qultles of the, Administration ; If It ex hlblts veakqoss, ignorance', and upwls iom.on tjie vital subject of tho finances If, In shorty It does hot -so demean itself ds to show tp'thb' wjiole' dquntry that It s a marnep improvement upon ita.'.uq ppbllcau predecessors, then It will have prepared tho way for the ovej'thruw. pt the Democratic 'p.aftjj' jp. the great "ptjp-test-of ppxt yeor". , lt:is hoiy .eighteen years since tho Democrats were able tp elect a Speaker of!thn HouiA of hepresyritatlves.' "fho election of Mr. KKpit Is' encouraging but we shall soon see In earnest whetlH er their exclusion from power 111 the popular branch of tho nallot.al Legis lature during 'the' long and evctitrul period, has taught the leaders of the Democratic party those lessons of prac tical wisdom which aro said to bo the fruits of adversity. ' ' i)Ui1:iiia nnoation. and wok received Willi a storm el lniiUiiaut protout Irom the ltci;a'ullo.ui bi.iu ui wo lii'iiac lu t jtiaiuu km iuu , iu m the aebaie en tholtcpablioan tide, end Lamar, ot Mlsa., on the neioocrauo a de. Illalho hand led thehuojout adrolc.v, and alter a loan digclia. 8iontbpujt,tionot'.Mr. oodwja put und lost Dy ai,irffem juritv, una ,,r iuorev wa aworn JSotoluir mrtlicrof an oxoilina-oc lnli-ioat inn na tnr oicun oilmnna the day. 'the booili came Hi for n Koodlv hare of tho omces ei tne lionsc ioyr 4-dvortiseraen mta. ItPays ! It Pays ! ! fr V x ' TT P4-V3 ftverr Manufacturer. Merchant. Me clmiiic. Inventor, rnrmor. or I'rofeBStnnat man, m keep lnlonnod oil. all Xfyn impro venioDta ami discoveries of tno ngo IT PAYS tho head ot every faniJly to Intro duce lutd his tiou-eiioiu a nowsDipcr inai ih 1Q' iti mtivo, mio tnat foBters n tnto for lnvestiea i, nnu nromoiei inviBnHJiu encourage uu slob amoiiptlioraenibt'rS. New Advortisomentsv Fax h ugh ot TezflB, who was elected rtoor-kerp r, was at line tim'e ecr. villi nt'niuia VI niu vvui' uniwio uvui Tiie fc'eniitp nil-tnud oramzt-d. and ncjourned uu our uuhiuosb. IiUMOa. without tiuniitt;!) WuRhtnaton1 Is ncriu.t ilace for eeniatlonnl nuoifi;Mrd ha I'd I V it flnv uAssos thit orjfe umit ru nmnufiiclureu- aenerally out of vrv ("londir jniiloiiaiH. 'those ui circalatiQii durtntf (ho n-ct vceif wprotjt Hcoiefarv euU'iit woio Hi tnuRotliemU on the crooked whhtty question, uud thatllruLhw hadhuudfii in lilt rt'xieanuon ( nnotli-r that '08tiiiatcr. Oau. Jewell was n bunt to rotiie from HioCaDl". net! ano. her1 that uu offoitia beluKtnidotoount tMinntor t'errt'Iiom hla i oittun nit rrctsldeut tt HE FIRST 'NATIONAL- DANK!, OF LEHIGH I ON. llin Atnnnl Election tor Dliectira of this name-will bo held at tho lmlnK Uou-o on 'IUKSDAYi JAUtTAItY nth, I87U. between tho hjura of 10 A. W and i 1. M. ' W. W. 110WMAN, Caahlcr. f-ehluhton. Deo, II. igpEAUTU, AX1) "ppME AND ''TIIE' WEEKLY qHlAPniC." Tho LntKcat, Cheaoifal and Heat llluatrated NowgpnVcr. tlio Weelclv I'Mltton of Tlio Oil; SiUniutTittl Paper If thi Wnll, mi tho Model Home l'Arr.a of AtramcA Twelve lnrco paioa l beautiful lllnatratlona i n niapniflcent t-vnuffo etoe) ten'oductlou ot n, celebrated rlctnrei aorin nnd short ttorlesi: faahlona; nowi travtlj ip in evoy number. Only $1 50 per Year. Coatlv and meful premluma clveu to ctuba. Tan, larcnat caah ceroiutaaluna to agent or any yaper. wrimi ir si, ,cnuru. dcctl-Jw TUB CIIIAIMIU) COMPANY. SMI rait Plaio. New York. djourned Adminlsfrntors Sa o OFVAl.UAnl,R '" REAL ESTATE. t'lfl umlerslOTieil, Adtrlntitra'or nf TCLIAfl SlilVfc:, late of VAliOMNO 'I WlvCHrboii couutv. Va , dee'd, will olor uf I'nbllff &ai, cii tho PicviiisfH tiforesatd, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, ,1870, Comnienlnz at OSIZ o'clock 1. Jr.. the fnltow liiff H.NK tAnM,ltnnledop 1IKAVI311 UUN, iu MitlionliiR'Iwp, a! ore sal il, containing 70 ACHES MOUE OH LESS. TnaTirinroveTPOtU thereon eonlfttof in Twcf Btorv LOO UWELUNOi HOUHKlfl 20lerft. with kuclieii a tiichca : Vpujl Mem. ilxii ftiet, and nthor tultmiUlmi,', Thoio 'ma lu-verfnil. tn'pilnirot W.uer r nmiiR throash tho land, nml n nHrninnrnt. finiiin nmr tlio liouro t ltu moulia, thatitlma vnli he Jequked to o adjust ' an Orel aiUcohUUiJ.'ff it yailctvot Cliolco Pmlt iue u iih nut in iroiuo Kie.i uiaua iuciiuu.i it t'.ry0- party outbo lluuncial qutiiui, a..U niaujr l)ko lepniti. "Iho fact is tuure it a,'iiiauoattlou hfio to cxagTCrAio euri mtie ucciuretiee ana make moukiiuiuf out of luiOehllts. 'ihti ieTuu ul long t or it 1'eport toaoi'ejJover thoony. ' 1 UOViC COM SUITE Go. Thrro tHeama to be no hnnv'on tlie nnrt of Mr, Keir m foruunir, tho Couiiiilittes ol tho lluuiu rnlit uiiiv uo that thor'wl 1 7iot ueau nuUHCud'Uniil ufter tho l.ol'Ujiys'." llieie iv to innuv.new niemuerd m oe piovmeu.or aiuiao niftiyxonllct'ntf Interests to'don-uIH'und hn tiie u hs nut to tronio irie.il diHai Is U dmcalc tank. nno'Mr, Kerr'tf li.Kenult' may ho taxed tu lUeuLmott.inirvutu'pleuieuiJ. Wadhlnetod It well iichted vMowaoffwcdJ at niaht. 'AhQ stiauEOr who uirvi$i.in th.o v alter datkuiljhtiniai;..)6 that he w.ia Vreilde'it of the United Matuo, uiid that a toreliiitf.it Dip coioJ wa maicmnc iiownj uyfiy, atruct. io met him andtco-t Mm to the Win to iiuoso, 'ijls ajrteeaine lUunin liover Kcurs houict', tu IUU jrcu,;nnui'uiio(niajMio nnu piiti Water is as ahitnJMii ai'aas. Wu-hinutui('li kai'i to havo tho ibUtftabuudinttlionlvtif wfitat. )qv cuinu. of uiiv ilU' In iho UtdtvdMtato H is all ltg'tnuont tbw eadbutwhat ti.t-y want learn- L'otiirienifU, ,ua a, peuvrat tUinp. ,ubo iuoroft3tau wnter, r ' ' FAfeiuoN And rotT, WacWticton fs ntminiTonirs riofldai' at tiro. Tho ajriul ot ntemlra uod.taelr fAiuiUtT.'nd dtheiBwho are ntt.HeteC hdhrr wueit Cuugipa Isln'aeh'ljn. initbeattteCiintal quitoaayand iiveiy viace uunuK me winioe. tiii'Jiau auu bamj&onit ejmu geiuro aecu in lartro numbeis npoo tho streets th hotels are crowded, and pioeeaof nrnuneuieutaru-ellputroujzfd Mae: miluent pailloaate ot almodtiaithtly oecurrenqo and tho-Rav butteifl.6a pt lashion are ttuiterliu in a bO-t of plvawUto; ' AOIUC was an oirthquiip ot flraaa Valley, dmaay nfteiuoon 'nio tlicx laKied a. WUliTibiations north und aoutll.i" i-Ex.Cot.gfciman John n '8m'(th. ol Ohio, ha been appointed ConmUiilnner of Indiau 'ii. 'ft'1" - Thcro vr, Cal., on Kaii tea tecontia, lion UiorueL.ear tnenew Attornev opii eral or rennHvlvuaia. toox, the, oati ot ottlue Tuesdiy worn in jr. John Kcauuoif who kilted Donohuo in New York, wuitlodRed lit the luuulio usyJum, iut XJUcui'oii baturday uigh; Hamaol Stilbles, a boy of arteen, commit tod suicide os snooting himself lu Unymaaton, ftle., ou Fi I any nlRb of hist wek, -M Itev. Ur. Uaxtcr JMculurou, who was pro mtuentiu th's Now bchooi intivdire.nii In the Pieeoyterlau Church, died, TueaJey'ln Brook lyn, in his fcUtmii. " Aocotutnfc iot a vprt. jervii telegram tho larfteaato tnsic Its mtaloBt cunaoitr. Uurlnir November ,1.345 caia movpd, through (hao A'stnlft COn von fori waa held 'At' rrnhimhna Ohio Wednesday, to consider tho tramu udl, saupo. iicsynmuus wcro ouopteui usKinv alriuKcnt re)ii-lnti6n for the airest.cinploymeQ At Itoeheaterj Nl Y . on PAtnWav.- ITenrv Ovj(T, lmilctudtpr I ht murder of, iB.ittc Uutha way. waafouud entity ot'mnusUutitir'jh tno fourth deiri-fee. and sentenced to two i ears' im priEpnmt'Ui. rrThe wlfeatildav;hter of Frederlelc Koff. ma , a hftlonn-iiof ior ot PiowaiK, is. j wire uo badly bumd on Biturdiy nijiht by the hM.itt tnv of a tram 11 tm Jump that they died ut their tn Juries buuday. ItalpU vre-land aud his wlte Ptipannan Marv. havebeen mrtstedat Broai'vllle. s, j.. on aui-plclou ot KUHntf ViedlaieU'siiou. mrimi fix years. 'I'lto atepniolherlsariefatedaspr.Qcipal, Vrwi.anri as fteot-8orv. 1 " -Tho Iron Afieih bii'tirtlcsld prj Jhu I'om.ayivh'nlaQeolofitcal Slirvey1,' points out-sonio 61 tlio'priicUonl aml h;onom c.al ndviuitases rerfulilnu ftoiii ho put Much mghey- U frequently wasted by nuiTS arid latidholdri Iq searchby Jur oil.t, ,)t uiIiUTulrf, illicit iie'olOL'y VH11' tfach tlieui coutd uot b (ouno under the surfaces through which they are laUorI6ubly dlggliigf and It ts dlffl cult for ruiuiugcuuipauic) to ecUie the lilterary DonneTler' Tovd' A On., the nnbllnhera of uTb LAfLOxltlf Libra t tr." annnunrti & fbebb ftilu tlnuof Oeorao .Alaujmuftlc.'a new and.fi.naoui Diriioncai novel, fci, ueoiro turn ou wicnuei' It is atirrluf( storv of thu civil wars tu Knir1 land, when men armed with awords the moat quoAtlouaor civil and rebKiqus liberty 'ibo ptpeui voium is airrany voncpfiru to objicc OonaJd'sRieatebt an' well as lu teat work, and. the author himself )a Jutly ronMdeied the Wal ttrcottof thoilaV.- riioiiirh'tlle ordinal v nnee oUbbdab.is The Lakcitdo LI biary edi tion is kent.iostpald lor only cental. inn name puuuauiTn iiuvo .ho ibbuu -vuiii and xte 1" atparJUnu? .tJvaclous i.cr.r. .vM iu a brtik, crimpy way, and. li)eed,oue ot the, uiot DOBiuald. for onlr 12 fental 1 iioir. inete puon-ntT4 nve Drouant aoout the millenium ot chran liteiatnre. ' 1 For bale br all nuwade-Uera or Bent postpaid uy uouut'iiey, tqyjJLiK LO.puu. vuicugo. lllKllfBT FAU1LT PAITB. TL1 U tllO Claim wim h the pnbllHhw a ot he New, Yurk Oiukk. VKll maWixt lit buhulf nf (heir liiutir. 1l 1 a bold clatni'to uiHke In our dav, when theru aro so many papers i bat an andevattuir course la vuuuiRout, ivr mty-inroo yea4-a Jari'o, iuji, frean, readable, amrpaio newi.lper winch Is uusurpaased. Justifies them In tlie claim. We can moat ijeiu y recoirwetiu tue unanuviut. It has nu hobbles i It ia t.ound in doctrine lm. Dtrtial and unbiased, rell&blo in its now a. inter eating and Inaiructlvo iu IU various CepaiU meuts, and offers no'clan-trap Tnminma or pici turi- JTor oucclmsu copies, add re a b. LX'uiuk e io., iow vork. In theUnuoil KtateiSenutu Wednradav.Mr. Ottleabv.' ol llhnoU, pretenled tho memorial' of th it entonmal comroisaiun aud Uoard ot I'toancefor uu aperoniiatlun of tl,&bo,bvO, UlU weromtrottnced ot Mr.Mc'lil.unof iimoe-ot, loeneuu lor iwoytoratoeiiino lor ooairuci ln the rtortherii'taclno itallioadi by Mr Kol to extend for two ytara the tltno tor con it met lev. of Oreou.'autti onrlutmir fM t.ooo in kid of a eanai ut tijucaucadea of Lhu ca umbla river t r. bnwucer. ot Alabama, vranuuir W. Cornell Jewett and aUociateu thn riuht to lay and uper afo ocean cables i between this, dutweut nd thu i ur. Wtfit or Imi.. Id aid lu the uutro lion of tue'Texaa fciuo uanioao. air. fi.orio: of Jndh Introduced hia Joint reaalutlna propoji iMifan ameuamvntio too cen-uiuiioii, in ir fur theclcLUoA of tho J'r&afdLjt at l'iw-.Kl(snt by direct! vota of -the paopla. Aiorfuj. oi ne., sauuiuieuav reoiuiiou, DlltVlJ id Vi'ee- L Ut. which waaoideredto bo pridtod and laid upon the tmhlAolrpullnir Lhe OommitlM on Poatillluea to mqalre lnu Hid cxpendiency of amendloK the rjvena aotseienv io support aaia errice ao JonrnM. HFrtrmls a ver elifflb'v locate 1 for raU- tn n Truck ot a'l kUuls.belrg aitnnted in tho notpnbnilio"d ot fiiBt-iate in jtrtf two milos from I.eliiehion a'd about tho fnme'ditniioo to Mnncli Chunk when? all kinds of tmclc meets Willi iradv Hiiie at good pilce. Ttrmawlll bomMlo known on day ot solo, br can be ascertained on ari'liqatlon to , Administrators Etato Ellas 3hlv, Mahoniuir Twp., Dec li.w:t -4 Hon. nnd promoter th cusalou amonptliomei tt hi: scinsriFio amriucan I which haa hern puhllahfd weekly lor tho vt tMrty Tra, Hon thla,Tioiinent beronii tlmtotnny other piitillcatloii,' In turtle 1. tho oulf wotilT plipt" j)U)illaUmlJi he Oul. i(lBjlU3.il, vi)Wd l(i.Mi0Ufaolaro3.'JHechan lcg. JuvcoUuna nod Kew Diacovoilea la the ut aoil teloucoa. ' ,, ', .,,. Evei-niinibcrl properly 'lllnatrkleil and 1 la contentacmbiute too l,lo-t nuil mot internal, tnmrorniitlbti tertalnlne ta th6 lndiiatrial, Alechiiucal, anu bccntiilo l'rorrma or tho Worm I)i.orltliiia vita rbaiftUni Unrra Tliifra, of New InventUma, New linplementa. How rruceaaea.' nni livotoWri ntluatiiea gi all Hilda UteWNotoa, Iticmea, HnFfceatlona ahilAavico. by I'lactlo.il wilKn. lor Wort, nun '.ml KmpltiYcr . in all tlio varloua aits toimlnirii cumpleio repoilory ot Now Inveu. tiona irail ulacovui lea i coutauiluc n weekly ibcunl uot phlynf tlio proRroaa ot tho Indus lr.nl Aitalfi our own country but ano of all Now lilscnVoiIea nun Imentioaa in eyery braueli ot Eligiueirlna, M echaulca. ana 0 enco "tjiIJ SOinNl'IFIO A1II1U0AN lias been thefoiotniAtot all mdu-tnul publications tor lUep a.Xhiitv "icara It ia tho oicloai. laiireat, c'aoiipo'ttma.ueattrrttlj Illustrated pnpei-uo. iitvdtu iS'lglnoeilliK, mochaulCH, Uhei;ilslry. ',w Tnvi tu,, Hi i.'iir.n in d luiiuatrliil l'lo. proaa, pilbiiahed in tho l or.d. . tfrho tr-ctiL-al receipt" aio will worth ton tl uea the subscription prlco. And for tho ahop anil hnnsB M ic many tlnieajhe cuatof aub Icripttitn. ' , Mi'iciurat, rarraera. Meehaulos Englneera. Tnvi!rii..l K,n,.llflilfllfM. Cllpltll.ta. Tjlrelll.ot fiOll lice ulHl I'lOlilool all iioli'aloua."ltl und tiioiciEKTiFio AMKI.ICAN uaelul to them. If aiiouliii,avoaplio iu every livuiliv, Llurar,, Stuilv, Ollico and Countini hounit.lu ovorv ItriKiliiR iiuuiii, i;iillegu.aud pclmol, A new volume loinnicncca j uuury i"i iom A vo-r'Hiiiiuiburci.ulu u 632 paeanna Borer, al Uuu'dreil Uuirravmaa. 'lhouaumla of vol U1U04 tra uroartM!U lot' bmdlLR ana and leier. enco 'loiiua. IJ.ia your by lnall. inciudtu postiao InsccuiiH tp Clubr. mil-ciu! encu laracl.lngilubrateaaeuttrue. blus'o cjplea o.ulled on rcco pt ot toucous Muyoohad of alllNewa utalg.a. A tv BNTS thCeS,C.!lD0 JL 4- IO Ameruau, ileasra MUas & Co. nro to.tcitora ot Anglican and I'O.e'KiiT-ilents. and lulve tno Urpot estnb hbhmeut iuthewoild. More than illty thon BlUldhnudcutlol)S, have beunmaiie lor patouti iliiuucli thil aueucv. Valuta aro ubialued on tho boot tfrms. Mod eWol WeWIiiventiouaand Mkeichca esaintuoil nnu unytco fioo. A upeclil njtjej is inuiio in thopciouufto Ameficm of ah Inventions laU euteil tnrouh thisujreney, wivi 4liename aud lOsiiiLnco oi i be l'atetitee. J'aleats uio often Bidiliu nartor whole, to, peifoii uit acted to tbdlaVcution bT VuLli iiinlco M.nd fur I'uiuob let. cnuiu.iiintr full choctioua 'lor obtaining lntoiita. a. bound Acluuiu coutaimtiK iho rat eubXawa. Ceusu'of tiie U. a., anu ji, hucriv. lng oi' nit chuuicJUnoveuieul a. I'i )eo 25 cents. ddtesaforthe riipcr.orconcoiniuRl'aU-niA, M ITriN.A Uu ii7 J'aiK Jtow, Now Yuik.lliuiich OUlcf, Lor. F. &'7thtBU., ushiUKtou, U. U. .00 $5 VlVO Dollars will nntr.ho.AA Vnpttnn nl an Industrial hxhlblUon Bond, that It coitaia to draw one of the fouowlug Premluma, , On ncfteinbcr GtU, 1875, $5 $5 5 $5 A Tenth TMch coata onlrV oan draw any of the foljffwln;. and will tp received by tho Comnanv at ntiy time In six montha, as 15 in the nnrphn.nnf a tm Ilnnri jmrchaio ot a t?o pond Aiiia ii M 10 . .10. 311 10 1(0 2S0 444 m i a a chanoe tor aain and no chance for 1am. 10 JTcmiunis pt 3.SiOoach, I ' ' ' raid )n Caah, and no II I. DM wo 200 loo so 10 " 6 " 2.10't dodnctlon. ' iv: :'i : ''I-, v ) VtENTIt'AI, n. It, OP JV. J. V 1.KIIIOII I.SUSQUKIIAX.VA DIVISION. All Hull Untile to I.rins llrinicli. l-AliKNUKIl 6TATHIN IN.NMV YOllK HOOT OfMilKlvtVpr., N..K,. . , r, it iiifiB iuwiu ui ii:i;. i, icq, Tralna'lrave LehUhton aa fnllctra: For New York, Kalmi. Ae, at S.'Ji, T.4T,'ll 0T a. nt., 2.'.0I 4 47 p. in. For I'hlaJelf hla, $: 7.47, 11.0? a. lu., 2.20. 4.17, ..... lor lunch (,'hpuK at 10.20 a. m., 1 w, ss, 7.04 r and 0.41 11, m. Fur llWa-Uirra and Ecranton al 10.20 a. in.. 1.0.1 7.04 p. 1;). flftiirniltfl late New York, fnlin ataMon Pen tral lialtroad or New .TerMy, loot of Lllwrtt trrel, Aorth mter,tp;lu, U.UIJ a.m., l.CII, 2U aM 813V. ui, -a - Lcqvo 1'hll.idrlphla, Irimi f)i,pat Nnrlh 1'enn a ,i K., at 7 ,u.45a.iiu, 2.IU,i.45 p. lu. lart ha.luii,,at j.;il', .11,40' a.'Ui., 3M, bM .anil'.lUpm. M4 v e H a urh h u nVat 5.13,7.40, 1 1 .on a. in ., and 1.40, p. ui. 1 ' Fo: luither putllculara, aad TlmeTab'aa at the Stutiona ,., ; . .0, , . "f 1-AMiUNUIing FOldli'lNll nUANQIlOIIASOfc OAKS AT hLI.UtlTII. II. I'. I1AI.1HV1.N, Ucn. fuitvxetrgtnt. July 4. IS74. TSl r-i 8 I C5 jrfN Z Li siSl. c3 uiM 2i" s III Ss si , .1-.. .. 1 n.iTii SIM lormsfreo, TltuEfc Co.. Austin,, Mm n ,q Tlio Lowest Prorriluiri 3.10. , Each Fraolton must draw this sum. All Fracilona will beioodwlih 113.00 to vox. ohsseawSolet2il.oo llond. ' This Is a chance tor a fortune and no thanes for loss. ' i. 120 Doiid partlcloatea In four drawlnsa each year, uutll It has urnwu ino'of 'the follow. lug premluiut, 8100,000 $21, $5Q, $100, $2Q0, $300, $OOt $liOOO, $3,000, ; $5.000, 610,000, $35,ooo, ioo9ooo. The Bonds tssnod by the fnduMrl.l Kxhlbl. tlonco.. aiea copyot the European Govern. uient Loans, 7'lip uondi aro a safe nyosttnent. rKOpLti OF JIL SJEANS Can find no fter' or" safer Ihvea'tment. No, chanco of loan. A fortune may be ao ulred On December (Jtli-Qn Janunry Old, runon&sB nqw. Hoiv to Purchase In person, or py pertlfled f "fceck. or Biprew, or i'oatal Order.or liraft,opanoloaoGroenbacka In a rematerea latter, to, aud made payahlo ta i the Iiidnati lat qtlilbltum 00 J ho funds rala-d bT as la of ;these Bonds, will bo applied to tlio erection of a ,' ' ' 'I CRYSTAL PAlcAQi W)di every American will bp proud of iiecollect, .. The Indnacrlal Kxhitiltlon la a lerltlmate en," terprlaochartered by the state of New York.' Ua Blrei ti rs ' aro the best citizens ot New -STdiitV " It has had Beven drawing, einoe July 1874,snd paid ont lu principal and interoat, -.V.. AT)V one obtaining a premlnm, tha companji. pledges Itself not tg make publ:o. 1 his enterprise Ih alraply a pft w form of bond i In no aciifto is it to be rticoannttd a a TotleT. 'J aere are no blanks, lie auro and, purehasa at once. . , . . . f 6 wtlf buy a Fraction lor Daocmber eth, 187a t b " Quarter Bond fur Jan 3rd, 1S7S tp v '.Hai iionat. i x " $i) " V Whole llond " V. All Bonds aro exchangeable Into cliy loll, tni this snbnrbaot Now YoikCily. ' 7. Each Hond-ho.ieriareearCed Man honorary mnnborof the Inrtnittriut Rxblb.tlonCo., and la welcome at the Parlrra of the Ca. 4o. 12 EiwtH(h Street. Amenta Waotwl. , Alt cotumniiieatlona and rfmittancea to be mado tn tho Indnsrrlal Kxhibttmn CaJ'il Xtit Wth St.. bet. 6th Ave., and 'Broadway,1 Kaw Vorit City. ' ' i'or fie nnrnnao of dvlnr tha Bon '-holders f the ludiiafrfai ISthiitlon Co.. tall and iomp.ft liifnima ion a to the nrojrea of tha Ootjopaair, nnu ooiiunio o u.ni tno nrnwini;K. urj tr.utui Journal will bo published, viai lllus, ree.and as co-eory. reter ttellabf aquarryman. vh'o had been iflJTffrie.trnid 'Oeinianv. ;nirla'id,6S4 fioin Iifclmtl.JH from i-runpo, nber, atteuiUiuff tocolleotome money, waa fouud dend nwir Hrtimnlea, i., ou batuidav morn, lne, with bis akull naelnred. It It Mippoaed ho was, murdered under the belief that he had Tli ft niiiiihfrT t f ImmlpTftntu whn nrrivnA at New York durliiir ISoToutber was 4931. oj-iniist &y ioi correapouumK moma or wji, ui in wjioie numi friii ii Miiirla UWffti llualijunu 4,7 fioin Italy, Governor IHirlrr. General Ilnwlev and Mr .Thomas Citclira.i. of tho Cintciinul Com. n1naion, are in WaMnngton for the nurpogn of urftlusau appioorlat.011 in 4Ud 01 the centen. nl-l, and luvlUnif Mio l'reaiaent. CWblntt, and member of Conurois to viwt 'the Centennial liuddlupa' IbiapiODoaedttiat tbeyahubcbme rhdudQiphlaou tlio I7thaud remutnuutli the next day. ' ' At last an iioneatTramn was round aslt was Ttu!4 roapoaed. Jle cat odfltu'bOnat in Noit wh.h. Couu t a low d Va ano ami waa uvuu aii old vfrat. Alter a fcnurt aoaence pe r with atlvodoiJfti note wuch ha warn fmiud In duo of the oockcta. .Tea aeuth the biiuJ wa4 ao wt'll n eaaed wiunbt tratupvt tnppotied hoiieHtvtnatbe svo aim a ilon.r.aud the next dav ulaooveicd UuL the 11 vu dolur bill wiU a poorly executed co jiiterfttt, , The t.a Jeuhese Hotel at'llock Rlverae.veu mill's from Mautteal, wr.a biirnod 011 haiuidty ulaht, aiidltey, ifwther Murphv, Hlitor tditbo Iran UUneaH, and a well-known lecturer, Ituv Katber luiych a young cleruvmau t mot Yiro' mlae. Jaat from lirl.nil, nu lady, turned Uaauitj Champagne, pirisrtHl hi ,the,buruiui building. Tln hotel waa ai woden 'Mnictur; Marcoti's Hotel. u.ipOBlto, caught tire, and waa alcodCftiQed, n Tand er Uerriicjit. wfclt.knpwnolton i.eat ler, wua orfeiUd'iu New Orleans, lm tjaturdjy, omL,h rliarmjof Uvtu emUfazlod IUuhi Irom YOUNG. IiADIEP and .ALL WHO GO INTO SOCIE1Y .Should Read that Splendid Now. oolt, - THE SQ.OIAL LIFE,! AVrftteii wliV maa'terty ablKtV, and .pdrklliiL'. mine rich lu Valuablo Idea'-, u lai. aucgi atlouaot everriay ull uy, nnd tetiu, lni,' ftilfi toutoa for converaation'. nrlllliiiit vfii aim fruiilal humor inUvei ita vaffe. makiirr It iielUatluili cuteiulumi; e',evaitjig..and 1 ishli Ini-liuciive. Art orament for tlio parlor A valuable book tor tho llorary. A apluuduj boi a; ti r a proacnt 'I All!, IS UF CONTENTS 1 Aociuallllanco"1 SOur I'uenJsi 3ri1eiul'a friinli 4 I. ilioa' hnclftv S women's F,lendhimB Neiuliboro 7 Hi'lnlts- 8 Vialu and Kovialtai 9 Hoclul l.qoiv aieuiaj 10 itettuic ou In Hociety. 1 i Iviluy; 12 Uleiueiita of I'leaaantnoa.i IS Suolil mi'j'ot liunirinattou! 14 Muvl.oj.in lhaiaotcr: 15 utea oflliunUvi 10 Conventional'tiea t 17 Atrieeatile l'oupln; 8 Mitnnora; ID UouveraAtion' '.Q Oooi Tnlkiai; i '.'1 ioc:able bilence i v: Hracned I'i'o. blot 'ZtSooal ulllUlaudeI'. AO-1 '4 Iho, Talent ot Loeklnit Like a Tool with I'mprlely i 2", Per. tonal 'jhUuatu,n,.2l Uooda Looks 21 PlaliUes ami 11 -la vi r. zt) v omeu'a Facoa ill lleaiity and Uialnai oOlili-al V OHIO-, XI I'onuiir Women i St ltutiercup.Ni w.'StetfeuU'eu 31 Maiuro Biuwa, 3Z Gnu' Ouiajsn Krctty Wimeu: 37 Mcn'a Favorlio-i 3s Lltt'8 women' J Wldowa; 4 1 Wives i 41 11 or Men's VIca j ii Woiuonli, ncai: 43 I'hllosophV oi Love: 44 Falllui lu l.ovo, a Firei Iiovr4l Filrtationi47 Quiet Attentloua; 4H Uhooslng a Wile- 4U uiaailliucea' to Lovers1 aliaenca ; ul Jlicaelois by 1'iolea.iou i 09 Wait in lur l'lineu 1'iellviiiun o3 1 ronosa a 64 Mur- r.uga KuKaiteuiouU: MtiioHea iUaria ,,..(ll4t. tluK Mart lev t7 .Miseries of ttiK Hoheynionut (8 ejweets ot Carried Llfet SJ Youuk UusbiUds aud wive, a t Lovo'a Liiiht. Llal- .OF'ILLUHTUArHlNH.- A I0Clal GUlhennit! a ul)thltnl Crorfdi ; BoWtboliv coming aud 1 Kuoiv Whoi" Olrihoodi The tuinhSiorlft.ThoFint Visit j What Does tho l-'.lCM Tulli rtiA rvr.' Ha "Mo Not i" Wiudsrl'ltipuinatloni flm. Love; Too Jfl.lpe'a luaei iiuriuuuua I buuaowa iwua nyiue iiiieo. trjl. 'loiitler ,viu-da: 'The'Oli1. Uld htorvi'l AC ci-ptodr luterrupted; the jpuiar Woman AQUN18 WANTED In every town. TothoMS ia ' tub mjcial uw," auawuo'uunoi SHUN DRUG POISONS, Ait;uicrNE ti!,iSDi,:'"i:o ushles j VoltVs Electro Belts and Bands rre enflbrhd by'tlie moA mrnout'nhrafehna tn tno nornl for tho ourn rf,Jl(Oiiiiii.ttm. neurali (? n liver nemplaini, OvfSpl,iiai xldnev' dlnenso. lichee pnitis), non oua dntoi dorn tit a lomaln om l-iii.t iieivoua indsoueradvl-'t'JlJ'i a1111 other t hroiueln ftl-e -afa t lift cheat, hei'd lt;er,ioiu aoh. kldntiVH and hlMi." HrHirt wirh fu'l naN tlo ilarafreo hy VOIj'lA1 U1TIT' CO., (Jmrlni, nat.O. ' tie returned ( T'1 V1"10 Hw OW.U Fne.-lo. said lm hiH II .ndaojiO'R diluted au' Bouid. piifl i entJouiwi ut , Ofally illualiittJ. ' hlsbooK-voeper, v-uh arrested a nu aooeaaury? iterraidil warl'nrcaaiJiitr apnt for tho New York tirm and it la aaid that hia piieratipua were cai ried on for two real a. The memorial of ihta United Btatea Centeo ulal CooimMonv aakinn uu appropriation of Sl.E-OO.OJU, waa Ula on thodeUsot .tlio beiiatorn Wedneadiir worn ur "A woman's ROieniu Ptoteatio.ideiufiuberaQr th rVUy-fonrthtuu greia , lu opioltioi4 to tho appropnativu. ta rircumtlug lor hiKOJtnie-.iU Wah utou. Thu CTimiid t)t opptsb)oa i that " thei.doorn, of the lUlnce haia oeeu ahtit lu tho facuaof Ameruau women,' aud that '- tho negro race has been la no.d. -lUttftauuno, Ta., Dec, f.-lhe Hoard of PaiCoua couctuaiHj Us beaiou to-nlKbt. About fuity uppdimtlcin ere. hoard aud eonibtarcKii Tha following wtroreommeudol lor pardonj Win. Uruwu, larqi-uv, Ceutie county; Jame4 A Hunter, amaullAllenhauy county c ChUatlan btuiop. aMnult.oiihaiyptop Cfluatyl Meorse, McaowenfpOur AUetinanr countfj Chtrlea diuua knofbora to lluu uu Aveut. wilt aend a copyrpbatace n .Id , on rece.pt ot the puce, tz ou.- Titli llUW10tNT 1'UUiaHHIWU UO. 1 US1 Chestnut at., l'ullaae-.phli, lli doot PJilladelpllla Heading: Railroad! On and after M0N.DAV, November 22nd875, an lSxpreaa'Train wid leave Allcntiiwu daily, except wuudavat A. SI... and arrive at l'n l delpliU (NiiHli and Gteen atieetO at II. 10 A.M., (onutottng al Aiiwtlowu with trniu ou Lehiab Vmley UK. leaving Wtkva lmno at aou A( ii, and ancu unua at 7.3.) A.m. Heturnluff, Iouto Philadelphia (Ninth and (ireeu aire-iai aiowr anu arrive ai aucu tnwu, ati 250 KM. . connwituir .at Ateutoun with (Hlivon Ijenfejh Valley flit'afrivlmr at Mauch Cliunlc at 9.'i I'.M 'I luoiiBh cart aro run between rhlladelphla iTiLnmaxia uiwu ou the above train Lnth.ud uteu atroelal and .Mauch Chunk iii nlutvH f ruin. Patwwntrera br thi route hive the advantaco ofarrlviufratand atari lng ftouv Columbia Ave. depor.lu the northern part of I'bltaoolohla, or from Niutu and flii u tu. de,xt. located in the Luaiueat portion o' the dir. IwicuibkiD and .tttuile . UcbeU ta and from I'hiiaue puia. win uo ao a or a Kent a at L.eui'ii Vaiiey uu. umoea. ana ny iuu r. s u. u, Agouta in Aueniown anu rouaueinoia. j. k woonxv. , Qenral tinpeitntendent. U. l. iJAKWUVaV. , , , . tfenrratTiCFiet Afent, ' IWotJT'W? I'KU WIlKKWAK.NTPKJI toAnenta,. Mala and Fomafr. In thftr ttoMltr Terhi and (UT'ITIT fllKK. Addrrts I'. 0. V I C K (: 1 1 V t'o., Auuil-ta, Ma Tlio IiuliitrlM HxliibiHnn ' Illustrated, Hubscrption Ouo Dqllaa pcrTa(. Any one aendif g a oIm b of IS aubaoi lbera, with 113 will be givin n Preitilnni nf one Frocuoa or h llond cluu ot 27nb";nhr, a.u H"tv1, dob ot tq aub-crloera n wh-la qoud. Addtaa, Indi)strlnl Kxhltton Illiiatrated, . i: EaSt,JTtij'"sttt,. New Vttf k 31t, $Gtf 'Will b.rcllftSj3 13 I'ractionst N-T. l rt ." . ti . . it Dr. Wamer'i 8n.nttary Corset, Willi eklrt-Supppirer&Bulf.adJu rds AnftA amouihto enfrfitio men nnd wo OwUU uieu rvoryirlieio, Iiminest hon' omnia i:XC12LI01t il'i'U CO.t IM Mlchl avu . Clrlciiffo. ifC O' ttOn'rar dir nl hJin. Sampl.a worth t,lj)r. ilTisox & Co. 'i,r.t4nd, Maine, lTSTAOMANCV. (Ut RnuK.CHAUMlNir.V C How either awx nwv laarlnala and iraln Hie , Kiv and aUeetWna r-rail. pt-rain IlifJ chonae. n. a'an,lly. Tha a.rtall ennJ'piaiwa.,rree. by matt, for 2S eanla; Wether with a Jl mlajle Guide; KtltP'' Ian (trade. Iireama. Hint, to Ladles, elc i QiO, OvD aold. A oUeer hotX. Adlre.a T n. it'dittu 1. n. n..v. null. 1,11.1,,.., , uu , . uitn. EITS, " This la na fcutnbnK'1 Tor Information, tngalro or or irnto'to MitYRll I11IOT11KIIS. Wlioie a.le DrgKgieln.jllloiiinabnrtf,rtfaluiuiila Co., I'a' "advuhtisku's oazisttis. ' .... ... A Journal ot nfonuatlon. lot JuKnUfttsj Iciiinon.Ti.ouo cmuea. ia naaou weekly, lerroa. tl per anuunj. ut advance. 1'tve apecinieu coides (oilTerent latej)to ouBuldruia for 3j da. Offlco, ljo.41 rarkllo'it.'NewYoik. (1T.O. . IlOVE,I( (10., tutors aud ru,h. llahera. ' y . . rjo IYIioi It May t'oiiforn. All rteraona arnlierbroaut1oiied aaalnatne. potiatinir 1 vo Notes one for 13(1 AO and one for Mo on. Dearuo-iflate nnvetutier is. ia7).nrawn bi theum'eraineil and made payauloto J,'K. IlILK aa I shall rein." pavmeatot tnem, not havinr receivea valno therefor. K. J. WOLlVUhiohton, ra. ' Nov. ar, im-vi ' Secures Health nnd Uotufort-of Body, with Graco'arid Deauty of Form.- Wo would partlcolarl; call attep(lon to the followiiiK advantages! , , Mf. ... . . tut. It adorila a, convenient and efficient lap-i" pori for the nndorcloinlni. 4 ?- ' M. 'I lie Seif-Aiijuatln l'ails ate the flellrht of' every lady. They civ elegance ttfthofonn:anoy. arenntln any way liilutlous or otieotlonabl r Id It combines three rarmentau oua aeor,. AN KI.KO AKT SUBU R11AN UKIl)liCH at thratnbt um, with n o and bentitlfully altnatud on the Acres ot highly' Improved and - nriiBJuruiu uairn anil uartir; art, a satrt snppurter, ana seiMojuatin paus- and vet costs un more man an orumary oorscb ;u oroertog. lv else of waist Instead ol num. ber ot corset uiuslty worn. ,.!. I'rlce in Unaoo IMrd.tt. 6,. Ra(tan"l.H. Mlaaea' Cornet".. ICS. Chlldien'arCprMt.Watal with Mncklnx hupimrler.il;." tyiiopiea sent by utall on receipt of prtoo. , ir .I couia tt i Li iraM'unviuu hu. "mt v. vpent. Hit la cbrotrr aud sent ithtno order. 'droit .lndjiccmenia Jo (food Afcents. Addres. Warner IIi W.i, 7?,3 QriAdtarB)r.I(..lT No -. w-wi.,. Tin'." n'iun rr v aaitwftA Stv George ancU 1 St. ii; nr.onuE MaCDONald, Author of "Annals of a Qnlet Neighborhood. '' 1 'viutr,d Oumbernjeu . I ' I Vol-'lixusTBlitlD. fba71(it...TK.i " The worts of no novelist oi tho'present day have imdvld.-r.M. pr heeuraere.tuitvaraally, adihlrod'thku'lhe' stories of this wnnderldllyi pilti-d qtbor7 'HLOeorge and BU Michael' his last and crdwulnir aJIutt.'WCalooioua.IJIiir, 'Mttauneof air. Macaooald'anioat eolovahia productlona. aaa xuljiria uui hoataiol.n.wj (il.uJ and aiUo tiers 'Hartard toil. 1 hole Is a cood portrait ot the author, and a ,w,4icu sri number el lliualraUpna TteiiiiiiiT,Tnrable..tpn minutes walk frora'the railway flopot, and eutnmenniuk a tlneviewL tbeWfaiuhlcaen Valley1 and )ta rnraahtlo HilrJ rnnndium. 1'orialeor toletwlin orwttnotit Furpltute Fo? term" and carda to yiev the preuifloJ afply lo Tnoa. ii. ntroKUAKSit; 1541 N. ThlltefJito tt. UKNUY JI .UUII. H.SOyOHlvV?onhyo-irlli;iit, hila.T PAIUVIUWFAUU VOn RAIiK. 'Ihladeairahlo propoiiv is located lu Abington Township. MoutgouK ery Co.. I'a.. Uu uiUes north of wlilliiil.lnhta. ruinninklnir T aerru. 1 L- Ciuxi's.oiwhlcti'ajcvoudud.uudl tuoieuiauidor arable land In a high .fate, of cul tivation. Iho Improvement uroularga Ktono UaUblou llouao.i cunloiuipg 19 riiomat alaruo liarn v 11 h ull tho uocmiuirr nuthulldiugs Tha locality la prnteiklu'ly hoaltby aud taiouyenU em io plareaol w.rahlp. Mhola.Ubrailea, elc, For particulars ailiiriia.TllijMAH iT.SIIOUj .MA it Kit, 1541 North, Uth tfi'. ThiHiderphla. IIBN11Y 'n.JHItllINOrOllD, 1 South IWtu Bt t ltdlsdalphuii 1 irenuir. tliaimr, dlnartly Uiie."-:i,ubltiAer,irIjr.-" t.Vrob. had. of uiy Poosseller. or.wlll be. aeat'tdanrsddreupo.tpald.onitee4rHTtlc.,M nov27 J. it. VllIlD A.CO.. Pnhliahera. V, iJJ-A a Kill h ubliou Notice a t 'Notice i ft'erey WWa. thk the nAterilma;'"! tndttor; appointed. Demo wm,.V""t Inltnr'. nnnlnt neoaof OjtoonSCoanty. Pa (to dtatnbutlh lunaa in uouti; an.ing rroni Bafiia a w laaoeuapiei. wu, auvu rotmenionTOl'SDAr, laTa sale ot thai real estate of Charles ftaadeuipiei. wnl sil.nd, to tho dalles of BlaiyrootTitmen onTO KSDATy A.M.,at hia"Offlce. nranSS? above the ?lrat. Natlosal Usnl-.Naucn Ckuuk, raw when 'aoA Where .1. '"n.lnt.myjprj.n November 17. Is7a-w4 ' - t Hunbattau 'Qlh Ooip.PWi ; OFNBW'YOItK; , a IaibrlcttllUeT nnjl njornlftatinR 0U( ha Tnin D and WA.US OT f treets, Phlta- d.lphla, NOT.JO.U74, 1