VARIETIES Noes are fashionable, anil have always been followed. Whiskey Is nllko au Internal fur nace and an Infernal turn-its. Bonie persona recently adrortlscxl in the London Tlmos for a servant girl, "one wno tears me laora anu can car ry one cwt." " Have vou heard my latt coropo- lllon ?" asked a conceited mutlclan of a iaay." " t sincerely hopo so," was the reply. The Postmaster General's new fast train Is called the Widow;" It fetches the rriall so much quloker than any omcr train. When Adam got tired of naming his descendants, and when he got half through lie said, " Let' quit, and call the rest Smith." a uwulii girl, married a young man oecauw no urtea lil hat so ueauti fully as he passed her. 6he got a dl Tor-e because lie lifted the table so beautifully when tU dinner didn't suit mm The Other day when a Detroit grocer spelled sugar "s-h-u-g-e-r," a rrienu pointed out me word, and re- "That word Isn't spelled quite riBlit." "Ua I see, ' laughed i the grocer. " One would think 1 had np education." And he crossed It out, and wrote s-Ii-u-k-o r. Allen A. Angel and Elizabeth Hunt were married at ;ncuson, siicn., the oilier day, tuelr marriage contracts, single by both, fueling thus i If the union and harmony that unw cxltt be tween us should exist throush our tiatu- lal Uvea, then this contract,! to remain In force; otherwise; to bo null and void. A philosopher In America can't get more thsn WO a week for his work$ while a leading negro ml jstrcl can wake ouu m tu' nine, anu yet wnen an JKngiuuman Happens to aiy that our tastes are low, and that Ignorance Is gnawing at the vltaU of the Iteplibllc, the American eaglo looks around for tome place where It can "pt ' up and fcream, While several men wete drinking at a bar,, a woman, quietly and softly entered. Some of tnem sat'dWn.otliers Msricu at, uie woman, nil peeper timidly Inquired, jiray?" "No sir," she p tipouded, " I'vo oome, here (Ulrica at, me woman, ana the uar- "Come to promptly re- , here to cet the wash mil, aud if you don't rorlt over, '1,'11,'mako these Bin bottles sing a fu ueral 'march."- " ' A 'photographer la San Francisco made allkene.-g for a man who refused to take' the Dlctirn. oliilmlua that it did tiot cof redly lejiiKsent him., lie thought ll'made-hliu uglier than' the leallty. ' The maker sued to recover his nay. and lulilul the picture was put lit evidence and shown to the Jury. The Jury, by their verdict: decided that the' defen dant was as ugly as'lha' photograph. tie used to cramp his feet up In a' ttlu boot, and limp painfully to her 'residence every Sunday evening; but the morning alter his marrlago he went 'Into a shoe store, drew a mark around hi foot, and pbout, an Inch dUtant from It' on' both'sldes and at the heel and toe, and ordered the propitetor to nut hint up a pair of boots after that pattern." 'Oh, 'here's sweet .liberty. there's balmy, boundless freedom In the marilagu atate, r-,01il Winston was a negro preacher in Virginia, and his ideas or theology ODd huauu nature were often very ori glnal.',.' A gentleman (bus accosted the 'old,gentleiian"one Kutiilny : "Wlncton, I understand you believe every woman lias seven devil. How can you prove H?" " Well, sah.dld you never read In the Bible how seven debbles were cast DUt're Mary Magalln?" "Oh, yes I I've read that." " Did you ebber hear of 'cm'beln' east out of any oder wo man, fsh?" "No, I never d.d." "Well den, all the odders got 'em yet.". Csreful of, the Magistrate. The Rev. Mi, Thom, of Ua-gow, had a eoveilgn contempt far olvlo authorities of aUkiud. A portly msitlstrade hav ng, on Sunday, in summer, found his tvav to the parish church, overcome by the beat of the weather, fell fast asleep during the sermon. In the middle of the dlscd'ursa a dog, which had got In to the church, moot opportunely, set up a' Howl. " Put out that dog;" said the minister ; " put out that dog, Instantly he'll waken tho Glasgow magistrate!" Treatment of Ulrh. How many unhappy younj girls have tjaUI dearly for the early uubrlns. Ins of their young husbands, who, the first ffkmour ot love vassed, treat their wives as they were allowed to treat lutlr sisters, ana as iney saw itifir fathers treat their mothers earelessly,- dlsreipeeUully, with a total want of that, considerable tenderness which Is north all the passionate lore of the world, Thls-though they inky puss muster outside as excellent husbands nvr doing anything really bad, and potwMlng many Rbod and attractive qualities, yrt contriving comehow quiet ly to break the Door womanly heart, or harden it IdWi tbat passive aecepUncrt ut pain which Is mora fatal to m&trled hannlnrss than even temporary es- traneenient. Ancrr ttselt U a safer thluir than stolid, hoot-leas Indifference, Tits heat huabnmls 1 evtr met came ut fit J family where lh mother, a mit beioU aud self-denylntt woman, laid down tbe absolute law. "Olrla first." Jfi In any authority; but first to be thought of, s to protection ana tenderness. Consequently, the chival rous care whlcfe these lads were taught (o show to lhh- 01) sisters naturally extended IteeJf Ut all ttumrn. Thny grew up Uuo g,entleuia-gi'nlle turn ii'iirrous, uneavtlntr, MUiletms of KDtwch and kind of heart, in them was tbe tirolrcliiiif Mr en Kill of man hood. Mlilcn scorns to ue 1U stretiiitb exx-gt for protection ; tho proud hon. icsty oj raanuoou, wnicn inoniieiy pn if r plng lovipgly aud openly resistea, to bclua'twieied round oat," as mean men are twisted and mean vo 8M-B .will alwaya be found ready to da ii; out wniafl, i inmic, an uonesi men and brave women would not merely Hallku. but utterly despise. tUlt UU' tufU ovrmons uui of uuurcu. New Advorfcigemontfl. An 'mraense stock ct LADIES, GENTLEMEN'S and CIIILDBEN'3 Boota, Shoos and Gaiters, of Alo. at VEllY LOW FIOCltKS.afiillt.Krrtmentcf Fasli'ooable Makes of Gentleman's and Youths' HATS and CAPS. FTAoents for the Acme Glilrt the your Measure for tlwm. LAURY & PETERS, Merchant Tailors, P. O. Building, Lehlghton, Pa. Hen's and Women's CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS A SPEOIAITY! 33F Prices fully as Low at elsewhere. burpuJiM iu rutin una Powei a.iy Heed Ur" neretoiore manuiariurou. in una cnun ry. has been tested by many compel Hit Judaea ai a GIVES 0NIVKUSAL SATISFACTION. Br akillful nse ot the Stop", and ot the Patent Knee Swell, tho Mnsio u aaaptnil to the haman oieo, rniniff from tbe aottetft, flDte.luce note to a Ttflame ol sound. Unsurpassed by any Instrument. ThA nrAnriMnr hnii notrQ caref nllv t or manr yeura te itnneilecli ids ana neel ut the need Instrument!, and iVrjcto.l bis practical expeil enco lo toe eorrpcU'Oi of such liunufMt oak, and bis exnrimenta nayu reanlted H. tbe pro- auction or a quality CI Tone wnicn aauccnates eoclcaeiy to tbe Pipe Organ Quality That It Isdllbcult to ilutibKuisa Datween tb two. 'lnis instrument na ALL THE LAlliST IMpitOVEMENTS. Anil Averv orirn Is lullv warrnnted L.irss Oil Polish, Ulac'i Walnut, I'ancd cases that WILL NOT CUACK Oil W'XKV, And forms In addition to a aplendkt instrument ox mnsie. A BEAUTIFUL P1EOE OF FUHMITURF, .This orintn nos onir lo tie seen 10 uo apnre- cl4tedandlssolrt t KXTUEMKLT LOW P3gtJ-OS For cmh Second hand lustrumeuta Uken In oxebange. AOCNTS WANTK1). (Male or female.) tu every oountr In the united States and Canada. Moerat discount made to Teachers Ministers. ct.urcn. jyiages, wperetnereis no attend tor uw wwr uman. Illustrated o-taiomie and price Hal free. Cur resoondeuco solicited. Addreia tho manulac turer. EDWARD PLOTTS, Washington, a, J. May K yi 1875 LL 1875 Mrs. M. Guth lleapectfullr announces to tbe LADIKS OF WttlHfOIlT AND VICINITY tbat slie has lust returned from tbe CITY, aun Is low receiving- one of tbe LABUXCSr tiTOCKS ot Ji'ALL illilliiiery Goods COMPRISING. Hats, Bonnets, And Trimmings ever before bronrht Into this stcUon, and Uut abe la prepared to do them up In tit Yory Latest Fashion, AT PRICES BELOW ANY OTHER E8. TABLI8HMENT IN TUB COUNTY. Also. AN ENTIItELY NKW MOCK OF BWITC1IE8. In Heal and Imitation Tiair. o. rio.8. and A Kl.h other Uooda usually kept la a rirslClast Uililnery btore, Ladies' own Hair made ppto order Call and Inspect Goods and learn lTloea belora pureliawoK euewbere. MRb. M. April ITt GUTn, Welssport, Ta. 177G A National Family Taper 1876 Tb Great Family Paper of America, the only aner exnostna evervawindle.. onackand bum tiuir. and aayicff milHini lo the public. Is now reauy ior turn unienniai ci mora dellalited auuacnbera The Stur Bpnngled Banner foui pi iucolnmu psprr. &aatr site oTrifli.vinr wiui ebsrtLtna: Stories. T'es. Sketches, Poetrj,Wtt, ii.imor ana roD. is nvee an usw ttec Dta IUkuui becreta Ait-. c 4o . baa a Children's Department, a MeJlrai IMpirtmetit, ruta er a Corner, etc., a to., aud la i parret Family Piorr. Iliiunnr.a lu 'Pil v 1 to airoea every 1MJ4II1UU3 ifr-ai Qnact. Hwlnuler. and 'ixloai,' sZxtty number baa flro columns Pt truthful, reuao.e aialaments No aawilui.t, lot tery Kits, lioqd or "put and call'' came nan over ' calvu" you If you read this rre-f paper. I' ex po ea ri awindier vr.lboul fear or favor au" u. urrr iiARvqua uauca i )u But 79 cents a vear,ipd la pal evaiy where. U)Jui per lor srary boxne. fioutpeiu or Murt l not political. rebYlooa or a'Ctartau. lor all. Htaneo in ibjl, it Lai Koue on tor II yeari'.and Is reudby tou.ttx) pioplo. You want It and mil hare it liini linu Why vat now t ' l"lai.n Plimmna S bsvn Imported II Elegant Wtiromoa, BprufiaFn-nciicnro mos, tworib $1.0 eacb). iu 9 x i Inches, flu 'ly lunaud. and stl- olT.'r i1 ViilTa at Lbtua irems and liaiiaHawj)oiyiar all i ee, for (1. Ibea are oiuina ou,ouiort .pitaule tor any parior. t utuer preralnma oflered. At nat Wnl Ueader.rome'noerlS sl'oui i.ast VOrU. oouniryaceniennuU. Dunne lata one year do Uil a Natijval, patnoiio, wUe awake paper one tbat la fur aiouT and an.nat wronr i one thai knows no party, no north, sooU, east or treat i But a paoer tulend. ed toi erery reader, one that sjve mosey to lu readera ttr exnoama tbe trleka and trana " il awudledom i and sow la the Ome. Toubavro put it oft too loiic. Bend to-Oaa Now U Lbs accepted titae. f I unif ia cmh buh uui srau paf"1 nee I rtu. WimfourtbaraiiaKChroinoa.oulr Ii. S Lumbers sent tor IS cent a. Dectneoa 1100(1 Vow, 100 two i eady) seht vara TO ILL Bhpdfortt Costa notnine to mo It. .end to-dat to -jimn Laury & rctcrs drgJ;l Hare Jot tecclywl a large and i Btockof FALL and WIMTKH Comptltlnr rialp. A Fancy CLOTIIS, OAHBIHEIIE mil VEsTINOS fur MKMH nnd YOUTH'S WEAK, which, they are prepared to MAKE UP in Hi? M08T FaHIIIONAJILK fcTVLK, at lion notice and at low prices., Best Make, at Low Prices ! best fitting Garment ever made. Leave Oct. 2, 1875. STORE! danieiTgraveb Ttefrcctfnlty c'nnouiires thai he has just lecelvcd his FALL v. WINTER stock of Dress & Dry fioods, Groceries, Provisions, AflP A FULL LINE OP Boots and Shoes, Sept. 11, 1873. JAVIO EUOERT'S Livery & Sale Stables, DANK TaKKT.bKIIIfJIITOJt, Pa PAST TnOT l'INO HOUSES, ELEGANT OARRIAOES, And positively LOWER TllIOES than any oiuer A-iveiy in tne uoanty, IjftTireand hsndsome Carriages for Fnneml tntrposea and WeodlUKS, DA VI D EU11HKT. lioy. 22. 187J S4.VE niO.VDY By purchasing your Groceries 1 Provisions Also a Choice Variety of a"criiijBia-s-w-A3.E, Af THE NEW rroRB or E. H. RHODES Opposit tbe -Carbon Aotiwsu" oniois HANK. n.n, Ajauxajuil luix, I a, a toll line oFcnoior, priEan Teas, offees, Sugars, Molassos, Spices, Dried Fruits, No. 1. Mackerel, Kerosene Oil, Tobaccos, &c, &c, AH ot winch are van anted ot flrst-cUua quality andaildt'IIKAl'POllCABII, The lintliest Maiket I'riee allowed for RUT TElt. KOUM and COUNTRY ntuDUClt Ken. trallr In Excbanre lor Uood. A tnai Is respectfully solicited. April lu-n sc. u. nuoDBs. F OR SAEaU OR TO LET. AOKE-BTORY PltAMTt TlTTTr.nT Via hnIM expressly for a l'lIO'lHJUItAl'llmt, or wuu.d Suit UlOAU.MAKkn. H110KMAKER or TAILOI'. WIU be aold very Cheap for CASH or on abort time with approved eecuruy. Apply aiTUlsomcK JBaei&tf Evangelical, Kon-Seotarlan.Iudepentlent Christian $ Work T. Do Witt Talmage, Editor. The Best Religious Paper Published I Mr. Taliaagt'a Sermon Kaeli Week. Full IleporU Of MrT Moody's Work. A NEW SEHTaL STORY, By Iv. W. M, BAUER. One ot tbe mot popular Amsrlaan story writers. TWO SEW PREMIUMS ( AN AMERICAN FAHMVAHD," After Joaarn Jonx, executed tn Prlntlnxs, uu uc, . u,uiu autu lucsia, niao au EXQUISITE FLORAL GROUP, Painted exoreadr for thli naoer by Mra wurr a.l.M"U urui AI1U , uuaiuu. rV Tbrae are genuine nrtworka ana the ntutt and most etpmsjvo picture premiums ever at. leiea. Most Liberal Terms to Agents, And Etelutlre Territory, TEIIM8 TO HDUSCItlBtnai Without premium postage paid ., at oa w uu cnuor pieoimui. uuioouoieu. p. paiu. a a With Htber preuiiain.mouotd,oy express as aauacriurrs expeuao 00 For full Dartluulars as ta ouininiiialona and ouuyku, ad Iresa It. It. tORHIV, Publlialicr, -Not. at BOX tlOJ, NEW YORK. EMPLOYMEN J1.- SSS we bare Just what vou i eed. OurSxUMoun. ted Ohroinne ouUell anvWimir in tbe man ei. Mr. I'm sous write. "I struct out lestaudar. and by worklna easy four hours cleared A lady baa Jqit reported ber prutlla for the iui oi.wju aa u t voshcr'inr up bu iwo u ciuca aua cleared srV. we can prove without qaeanou ttjat one agent oidered SUUiuf tueae Uiromoa ta tlevou wuralsK dsja. W'a Hare the la afe.t ana finest aaoiimtnt In tbe United State.! uuuaieu.of enoteo leit. We wih seua Last svlllna iu itMM ed. of enoteo euhjectalroni wbicb tou- uo Tin au uxirt , 'uu oi (ue lecelpt pi Ittui rJend In roar onjoi a or arive us a call. uib1 by mall 2Jc or I. lor II. . . U. LIT1IAI1 "Oil til U'aabUuttoo au, Iloaien, Mass P.O. UoxJSC ocbttf. AUTUMN & WI.VaKU. SHTJ09 AND MttDIOINEB. With a full determioation to ualntaln my well eatabUabed reootatlou lor sb lug pora Dmaa and Medloinea at Tpry loweat pnoea, I bava nude prroaraUuna Una ralt far earpaaug any former ef. fort aud can therefore promise perfect aatlafjctloD to every inatouier who Ui nres the teal qoalitj of nwda at eooucm t ilea. i. W. l.a.N Z, Miuof tu Ilia owraa bt co. LobivU.oj, 1 eua'a. ciilui Pianos-Orgas Irasc Examine! Packard PARLOR .& Grand ORCHESTRAL JL t -A N $ ! Fort Wayi;o Organ Comp'y. A. Ps HORN, Agent, LEniOnTOK, PA. All orders 1-lt St " Til K CATtnnN ATlVn. t'ATE" Office will receive prompt attention. Price Llsta and alloiber Information furnish. ed on application. Orff'ans- -Pianos rp D. CliAUSH, illerIiant Tailor AND DEALER JN Qonl'N Furulslilnp; Ciootls, DANE 6TBKKT1 LKIIIQIITON. PBNN'A, Coniiantty on band a large and splendid stock of NEW GOODS. fmorllnit PLAIN AND PANCT 'CLOTHS CABsIMlTltEH and VE8TWUS. for MIIN'K anu flovs WEAR, wldch I ani prCD-ml ta if ASS JIF TO OH DEB in the very aTEST FAHIIIOtf. at abort notice. LADY'S, HISSES' sndCnlLDnKN'u K I. I-EnnLK AND OttAlfi LEA'I IlEU JJOOTs and allOEl on band, or TilaAo to Order. Hats dfc Caps9 ot tb. VuTOpte0"1 Also, AKcnt for tbe American & rover & Baker Sewing Jlacliiiies. onlV one rniCE for,eveiybodv 11 T. D. CLAU8H. VTOTDKIIS, Look at tbnl Child, It ba Worua. Go or send at once to DUELING'S i?i.?nh'J'0K.E'u1 Bosa bottie of bis WORM BYRUP, BO phitsant sod yet so sure. May 9 c. A. SEYMOUR, D.i TEEN I Ii and llltUtVN Htrnitu IB mora thflnUMUallrkiipf-ANNfiiliti I.. .im.i,.ki of lllood. ."iin r.ud Uniiniv .wffoctii ns. olscssos pilsliifi tbroiiftli luipruilfiice nr eorlv luiltfcro tlons, or wbeie the parties a(B cted do not cam to apply tj their .regular i)hjlcian. Cbjraea luouerate. Two-thlrda ol tfieDoi-lor'a n.lleuta bao oiitployeil ntiu solely tbroueb tbe ivcoup JJ-JIS. S. ,E. FATZIXHKU, MillinergDress Maker, One door abore Durllua'a Brujr stoia. JJAXK Street, Kelilghtou, I'cnna., IIS lust bnenrd SDtntlid' MMtf.rtmrnir nf tin .pic i o.yie.1 ui npnnff auu aummor Millinery Goods! Comprising TI AT8. BONNI5TS. TRIM MIXGH llAilt UOUUS aud NOTIONS to wtneh hu (iiviiot iuo aiieiiiiuu oj ino jLaiiiea ox Li'biautou and vicinity. rV'Ladles own Material made up to order nt mjiv uvitcc, auu at lowess pneva- Also, Dealer in Groceries Provisions, 1E.VB, COFFKE'. SUOAKS. PPICE9 AND rnuiis. irsi, 8II0UJJ)!HS. blDK-MEAT, Ae.. Ac. FLOUR AND FEED, Of tbe Hett nranda. at prices fully aa low aa elsewhere. 1 b Highest Market Prtee paid f or al I kinds of COUNTRY TRODUOE, in Exchenjro tor Ooods. A share of psbllc patronage Is aollcltn. . ... MRS. B. E. FATZINOER. Mar It-rt pOB GOOD JOB PltlNTING. CALL AT TI1E OAItBON ADVOCATE OFFICE. Work ready when promlaed. and at city prloes. Be sure to call-It will pay to do so. Plotts' Star Organs New and beauUfnl de-lrna. A pent Wanted. Afldre. fcDW'D I'LOTIa. Waablnrton. N J, just look at unn HAIBI Wby I " ihonjtbtitweretnrnlnserevl soltwaa nn. Ill she rot a bottle of tbat neir HAIR KF8TOR Ellat DUKLINU'S DKUO UTOIIE. Mays Plotts' Star Organs Are la cases warranted not tn crack or warp It Srnperlr used, smd for catalO"ne Addresa, :U)VAKU I'LOTTb, Washiniton. N J. Plotts' Star Organs. t-eud Irrti lie list nnd list of tretrmonla I aldnse UinVAllD I'LOJ-U. V.sUluUja, N. i rpHE MONOPOLY OVERCOME ! S m FIBST CLAB3 SEVINO UAODINBS NOW OtTBHKD AT I'HIUKS WITHIN TUB UISACIl OF ALL. Tbe MCLEAN it BENNOn UAOIIINS CO. ta North Eighth btrett, rbllaaelphla, are sow clang their Baporior No. 1 SEWING MACniNtS, nomplete, with Larre Walnut Table and a (all une ot AiiaoumenkS, ior TtVK TV-FIVC DOLLARS. BTerr reaiooct eoaal to other makea hereto". urtk cold lor KM. arerrbodr onEht 10 know lbt wo can attDrdto do u becauaewe do not tBiunlor etuaaer. tnlJd.o-men or Deraoaierp. but eU direct ta tho poplo at reatkoaabla profit Iberefore we ere embled to aappiy a httienor Bewin v Viae blue at tbe up pre oeu en ted Low Priua ol IVeutT'tlvv Dollars .uonut oaywiinooi owe tauj posioq. ana do not Ut apjr one bamtiog joj lulu paying 60 oriTa.whtn Toaiua vet 1. tie boat fur tiL but rail at one ai our tialervoini and ezamiue fur yuuradavea, MOLKAW di UKNNOU MACHINE CO. IIEILHA!V & CO., BASE BTESET. lehlghton, Pa., MILLKJln and Sealers la AU Kinds of GRAIN BOUOnTand SOLD at HEUULAIl VAHKKT BATES. Wo would, alao. iespectrailr Inform ouroltt sna ihst wear now fuliy prepared to nop- 1-i.v tnem witn Best of Coal From any Mine desired at VERY LOWEST PRICES M. IIEILMAN ,& Ct. July 15. "$1,500,000" ie the average monthly profit estimated to be paid to holders of stock privileges by bankers In Wall Street. The house of Messrs. Alexander Fortblng ham & Co., 12 Wall ntreet. New York, who possesses a world-wide reputation for their strict Integrity, offer to send gratuitously for one year their Finan cial Weekly Reporter, and a nook ex plaining hovr sums from ten dollars to thousands may be Invested.) Those who Invest little have the sumo advan. tage as large operators. Send for their Weekly. Boston Post, Nov., 12tb. Address, Alex. Fortlilngham & Co., Bankers and Brokers, 13 Wall St., N.Y. UTONDHIlFUIi. BUT TRUE I .Whenever I " cot a BOTTLE OF VOTTU OH MO.VOO. I IAN 11AI.M, HOSE TINT, or a BOX ot LIU LY WHITE, or anvtli'DK in that line to beauti fy tho cctnpicxinu, at ODltLINO'S DUCU MTOltE, it socms to bo meet and better than I can net unvwbere rise. Mar f. rpiE SIiAIlNGTON PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATISGTOX. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, Ural in till kind nnd Mlxea ot Viu. Ilemlnck. Oak nnd HnrJ Wooo LunibtT, iiii1 la now pie. pared to ixecuto auy mount of urdera for BrcsseD Lmnboll OP ALl, KINDS: Doors, Soshcs, Blinds, Shnitexv, Mouldings, Coblnct Ware) Ac, With tromptnejaa. Brackets Made to Order. The St n chin err It 1 now and of tha brat and moat Irani ored kliida. I eotuIoT uonu bal Ibn httt workmen, ux tl feioneti and jrooj tna terll , and Atn the-eforo ablv to jrua nnteo eotlro Miinf action to all who mavlaror mo with n call. oniera dt man ptomiuir atienaM to. my clmrrei art nioficrntej termn cash, or Interest caargt'Q aiter luiny oayi OIVK MJi A. CALL. r9 Thoaa enrared In Umldlnc will And i to their adrintago to hive Bldlntf, Floor Hoard b, Uoon, Faaiiee, e.but.rtf. to., Ar., rord at tkli rftorT. M ay is yi juiin ha uui E.T, onso and lot fur sale BUnita In the Bnronab of I.ehlahtoo. Tbe Ilouoe.aaboatsmo vita Kitchen auaebed, and tho lnt is about k of an acre. Tberola a tnxxl well ot water on the prenmea, Tbe rental of the Drooertr will net abont 10 ver cent, o.i thepniohsiBB money. For farther particulate apii'V hi die ('aosox adtocatz omcet War 10(0, Plotts' Star Organs Are celebrated for their partly f toue. elennt tuMiea td thofourn ronstruotion, bend for cmaJopuo. Ad'lreea, ED.VAUD PUirrti. waaniuymn. n. j. Plotts' Star Organs Any nerson viaMnr to ptrrcbase a Darlor orean. wbeiv tnere ia bo agent for the Stat.' would do weil to wntoforapecml iatea, to introduce this Inxtrument, -.ddreaa. CUWAliD I'LOITH, i .suiuiuiu,i, J. -p T, BRADY. SPECULATOR inSMOKE Has taken up bis quarters at tbe RENTE N nial ciOAUaadTOQACoo nuronioir Leibenguth's Building BANK BT BEET, LKItlOnTON, Vberei tbe ohc nay be found at ail times a (oil 11m of loeat brands of ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO, UIUABWOOD and other PIPES ebeaper tban at any other place outatd oj'Phl. ladelpbla, P. T. BRADY. aur,7,imtf. THE OLD KSTABLianiCD JEX & UOM, Announee to tbe ottiiena of Carbon aad tbe adtolntnc Countloa, that tAey are nov prepared to.appli tbnm vlth Live or Dressed llogs, atU LOWBST MAKCET PBICE. Ordara so lotto t, aud Hots delivered oa abort notloa. YAMD and omu& iBsasite the '-Nortb. vesters Uouae," U a NIC el.LKUKI BTON.Fa. ' HepuU-mS HUXAJIO.M. Plotts' Star Organs Anvpuraou, mnle or fimale.- who haa' little lei r'tituca nrooaie II. rl umiLHtruiuenlu at a ifrojuy iojhui nce rna a' i.t t r p rucolora AdUvas, i1 "il U fLOTtu, Va .biuitjon, :f 4 KUtt-DKR 4 CONTRACTOR t)K STKEKT, LniOHTOK;PA. ,,J'.'0J,ttiT snbounees to tbe eltliesa of L. hljthton ami Tidnity thai hs is twwmomatm INO HOUHKo. OIIUHl IlKn M-itnni HOUSES. and OTn KB nDILDi NOB. Alii Lmtrt Jvee?rd".er,P?,lo; oipkSVsis JLumlier f Patronace respectfully satldted. wriT. UVATOHVtt't'n m BRR WOOD PDU la H S ls a.knowledaad . omnuitnu or, t V....tV market, by U.1.; Veriltt. tha bast n for tba least mcner. AtfantlAn i i. '(Tltsd to.Blafcblej'a Imprpitd Bracket, l,v Ni., wjiirn canes vltbdrawn without dlrtutWatf Ue Joints, and tbe eeppsr chamber wblrh, nerer cracks, scales or rust., will lut a lifetime, Tor "sale by dealars aa tfa trada panarall. tn r.Am . . v snre that you sat niatebter's Pucsd. ha unM and see tbat It bas my trads mark as abere. If rou do not know whert to buy, dsserlptlre etres) srs. toEstber with tbe namasnd addaa,f lka nirrnt nesrsat you, wl'I be prompily furnlihsa by CHAS. 6. DlflTCHLEYi HANUFACTOREB, ouo i;onimarcs as , rnuauslbta, ra. March e.1-dl TIlO nndatrkltmatat WAU saaniIS tu general that ther na opeata a Isiiinfoer Yard In connection with their SAW - NEAR TUB LaS. DEPOT. WEISSPORT Piaina.. .LUlUlBIl, BtJOlI AH Hough rind Boards, aurracea rine Hoards, Flooring, Hemlock and Mni. Sidings, of all kinds, Shinnies, an Iirimedsi stcik,' UooOngand 'elllrlg!Lth, Scantlings - . And. la fact. LUM BEU of ererr efiaartyUra YeireaUepWprM tofiinUt. BCILBBRa Dd Ot heist' with AirariArlftr skrtialA i,iu.Mr Ac. do, ut lleniaikab.r Iw ytnrc. We hnrm eon tan Mr nn h&rA & lat- aVavaav SAWED FI HKAVmln wMnk il tJlZl Ooa.Jjioiio-uoNKST cotiM toir. ruote. Yeakel Albright, Woissport, Txrbw Cnsty, Ta. Richr.RT. Opposite Ik 8. J)pof, On the Salt Weitsport Canal Bank, nerpectrullr tnfoima tbe eltliene of thia Ttf lal that he keepa const'.mly on band and sr.m Uie LO A'KaT MAItEk?r paiRin u UCsTBUANBilof ALSO, BRALXn'tir for noiLPiNo ad.titsp PUBroaaa ribich b (ruarautM to b, T hbroKghly Seasoned, and wuiea he is now.Baai.iNa AT TaB VBT LOWBST HATE. oal! Coal!! WHOLKflALC and'KXTAtt. aik LQWMT GASH MUCK. ilebaaa 'a number, ctTaryaltatWyVseawa) HiiiMiitXdOfa In RICKEnTSTOWN. ifTeokUn "TearaaWia which be win Hell on very Terras. ug.. J, K. niCKBRT. WILLIAM KEMERER, Cprocrot Bank & South Sti., lifclEfetan, Pa Kcxrs a su urn or Ooioprttlgi LADTB SBXM QO0S9. tteCS aad COLORED ALPAOA. OINOUAU& PRINTS. BSIKTISaS, 8BSKTJN& fro., es eyMy qKADB aod PBJqb..- Csrpots aid 011 Cletks IN OtUIAT yABIETJ, , Cirocerie&anii IrovIsiit teas. oorrBBe,arjOAK. ipittitvpacrr, OAKS, BKOULDBK. SmaVHKAT. ab, AU Goads Warrajti'w!'gfjstaWtoii, aa4 I'icealulyaalpwaslwbr. '1 Aprils.. , ,., JLLIAI,..YIKB3S. .BKJ C'l- UJMJff yi'jsu ilJUi'i IJY'TI TKVIT'-Jlir INDIA BO R lyj i.!ll'l4ai3 Icra Vat B. 4i, TDUL IciQbMtbei ilajfo I Mai mm: mm Nov. 3ai ewtv 4ij.aj.., K. 1J V