9 LU- ,l..,.w.S oc ! clyj M eel 1 rgn. UWIXITO CAITLlt, Wo. 78, A. O. JC F TDK it. C vidn4 4th IHonitsr of etch roonM, In lift j3berWBelltfjkblKl,viU 7i0o'oock T. M. j:ro'KrilTs;it.c.i h.iu aiiuam, -.ic.it. a ti rt)Mwi, HUmtru?b TXii! m, ?i V.M0. v. - it4 'meAtaVvery Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, JniteMr'AMalu .Daniel O rarer, j. O.i.VV. , t T.QBD roOA TntoEl Mo. 171, Imp. o; II. W rovei ' n Wednesday evening of eacn week, at 7:30 , - o'clock in Public Hchool Hall, Wefaapf rti , ,pa.- D, sy. Hickert, is. a lu aiibaro. y, ot n .-"-'ldlllDTOK'LODOI, No. Ml 'Kl o r nineta. on Friday evenings. In ltebers Ilall. at7:0 o'clock . A. W. Xnches, CO. T. ilatclul, K. AdvcrlUing Rate.. 'a Wedfdrait -to be distinctly understood that isj.a'sdverUsameulB'WlU bo Inserted In the' cop iuMltMriimtiinwiiMrtlMnr llrmi nniUi1' Xa2jimpanied Willi tho cash. The following axe' urbLT tenia. . -AdveitlscnianUfor 1 yetr, per Inch each -- inaction . t . If 5. lOCta. V Nix Montlia. per Inch eacb Insertion mu , i 'I Three Months,- "trl" "ati wots. V'. . , ' Xeaa than Ihre months, drat Inser. , tlontUeaeaanbantnene InaerUon''UCta. .JKsl notices 10 oenta nor line. f ' 7 " " ,U:,,V.rM011TJltME tt, Publisher. DISTRICT ATTOnWEY A COUKaKtLOn rf , s-ATXAW. rf . t OrRCllo! J, Mansion Home, ft a is." v J 'MAUCn OIIUMK. PA. ' feetUlnicauW, Filing Accounts and Orphan .'CourtFraoiioeaarjtyiialty. ' ' Trial o! Canlet carerallr attended to. Legil transactions in Knguan sna uermin. jsu v. SATURDAY MORN'IravDliO.'4, !. LocalWd&rsoiial taWrParttes receliliig the Advocate with a cross marl ked after their names 1 5r'M M'iJ'lWM &A) fa' 'BubaerlpUoD, or tha extra 50 cents will be added to pay tbo expenses of coile .tlbu, X Leave your measure .with Laury k raters, If your would lpqK,nice - ,. -For ajiand)h)e' bbtinet 'at- a 'low price, go to Mrs. M. Gulli, tho milliner, New, buckwheat flour at S. E. Fatz. Injor's, at lowcstpilces and: ofj excel ltnt qnality. , ,. ,' The fc'i.flU" 8len at Laury &' uopse in,ine,,couDiy. , jtrs I&-B. Fatzlnger Is Jujt recelr' -lng'a eplciidld, assortment of fall and ,wlnter,mllllner'y goods.' Call and see them." Tlio fall suits helnpc, gotten up by r 'Laury k Trteri, areafashio'nabIe and seat, lille the'prloa Is wlthlu the reach ot1 au. , Diu FiTTLCn's RnEUUATio Beuedt cures rheumatism, ttcuralj(la, nervous and kldhpy di.ieases. Du. Fittlku's l'KOTOHAi. Sviiup, Infnllltilo forcouglio, .colds and bronchitis. On. Fim-Kn r CoHDIAL, C'AI.IIATA, -LlKIMICNT and EOCTAnLBHjVEtt.riLLaTfiild bv C, 'lentiisolufigeut'rdr LehlghUin and wcl-wport. , t- -r . a-ly L. Fykle'pplrizer 'wlll furnish you wlth'a ItamlsomH horse and buggy or do any cina or naming ror you at very reaionable charges. Livery corner of Bank and Iron'St'reeU, J'. K. rtlckertlian still afewof those eligible lots' In.KlcUertstownlto dispose ir. ir you feel line securing a good home call and see him lie Is also nun- plying flour.fted, lumber and coal at the jo west rates. A. IUukChance We offer for sale one,of Fward PloUs' tar ,Fa(.lorJpr. ',gansfreah from his factbry at Wash ington, N-J. Tills Instrument Is sur- : .. I I. ' f , I . - ' 1 - .A 1 I atlhlsoitice. ,3, ( TI)."jClauM. has been 'appointed agent for this section for the celebrated UHutteflcIcife Go's Garment Patterns for ladles and' children, and has now a stocky of the latest ftyles son Irand. LadleE'sbould ealf'or catalogues. For Ice Cream, Ice cold fountain -i3oda J'Wter, ' 'and 'choice Confections, you .should not fall to eall at C. M, Roth's, opposite Semmel a hardware store. Also fresh bread and cakes ov- 'y.deytr. ft ? v. Ahetoo TRODiii.ED "with 'hoarso ness or weak Iungs,ilimtnes3 of breath, ,or asthma?, Thousands have been per rnanently cured by using Coxe'a Wild, Cheiry and Seneka. For sale by every' drnggist& merchant In LelUgh. North ampton and Caroon Counties. 40-0 in T. D. Clauas,.tlm pieaehant .tailor, ihi,Jpi,tjrelvftil:,hls, falCand .winter stock cf all kinds of suiting, comprising all tho latest and best ctyles.'.and su perior to auvthiDg ever befere brought Into this market. Also, a full lino of elegant oyercoatlngs, fie, jnyltes his utdmefa atidlilm community In gen ral to call and Inspect his goods and learn hl prlceav Sourrrumb NrcEA due assortment f Twilled S)lk, Uio. Gieen, and black 10 or 13 Itlb, Paragon Frame, Partridge Wood Stick, Ivory nandlQ.ymbn'llas wlil;naiBij KparaVBd Kemembe&.thls it the only place In Carbon county to gt a gennine, first claw'Umbrella.. ' O. a. JtHOADI,' Dealer In Umbrellas, Hats, Caps, &c., Marktt Sqhare, ifjiuoh'ChUnk. A tremendous- sacrifice In wo mens' tarns', and boys' boots, shoes, And'galters of , all styleit.and jqnalltles, at T. I). Clauss. In order to close out present stocky he Is now giving some of the best bargains In- this line of goods o-yer before offered lnthli section. Call GwWtiyoUtWouKL, secure a ual.btir aln. Head Qaorters-for Boots, Shoes auusr Meewsj Laury. St Pe te (V are uow receiving and offering for ale one of. the largest and best BelecU ed stocks of BeBS' kip aivi calf boot, womeos' and children's gaiters, shoes And rubbers ever brought into Lehigh ten at pree'whlfth defy corapetitioo. liemeTOor, if'you'vant tb biy cheap for cash, jujw 1 Ute-tlnie, and Laury t Peters' the place I. Do vou DEsiBsaosp LDsasand a lonJlfefi. JhetTdo 'notCuegloct that Aold, but .procure a,. bott,la of Coxe's ! Wild Cherry'atHl Seneka at Attce, One lr trial wll convince "you ut U great tuerlu. Pilco 60 oeiiU. For gale by A- J- Darling, und by druggists and werchairta eraryivhtfs. 49-Osn. I sro."kTfiaclifir8'kTiistl(ute.w Thewelfth'annuiSVeacheri'nslIp tuie or enroon county was oinra iu ur raer 'br-tho'County Superlnteneril. II. F. noitord.lu tlio hall pf the public school building, In this borough, , at 2.UU a-:- - j-i was opened with prayer by Rev. John Darlington.,, Pastor of the first Fieabyj terlan Church of Lehlgliton. After which W. M. Unpsher, V4v, of this place, 'delivered the following ADDRESS OF WELCOME, tfr. JYWi.raL'VMffim anil YrUndi i 1'X.iiinr Men lirr'tcti to farWm'cthln on this ocotloD, I bare rednced It to wrlllou. and shall rladlr but brlcflr prform my duty. Tho lornra In r1ili-h T hnvn thn nlriL.lit-n tn nnnnnplt nt. . ilrsuite to ioe; II it were I rulfclit' be oicnaod It I abouldbetiar.embarrnaauieutln addrenaliiK an Vrttlft-n And lhtnl'lDpnt h llnrtr while In i-nnrrn. tlnn PRipmhlpd todl-icilPMnnii thnur lltrht unnn the preateat qneatlon o( the ace-the vdacatlnrt ottmr rnco. It la a D'IIIicki maxim tlit the continuance. atal;titv and emcceon nf a republi can, form of irnYernmeitt deneods upon tho ednciion'and Inteillo-ence of 'ita people. Ours la ancb a fmm nt overhment and I fjiko It tor rraittedthatwemreali nnl'edann Ofrrecd npon thla one tLinc, i. e., that it aball bo preierrrd lilTioiaieat-u i andeti noirn 10 laieii po-ienif And If the aafe'r and ncrrH4tmtr of our Ina liu Ions end of oqr government tlepeml ao largely u wii mo i-uui-K,,ii nun ngui m-,w uuiiiuiti. 01 onr people, men me granti work you ore en miredlnlaof IhOTery neatest lti.Doitauce to nsae n people and a nation i aelf pre-ervntion helna reooffoited aa tbo first law of liatnrn Tlila law r-nlrlt pood with natlona aa well aa with Inaivldua's. . Bueb la the tnairnltnda orthewoMrroaa'O enK8ged :n and this convention lauowconven irerio advance nrttpromctothiairrcai cause. 'You mar wen reel nroud of vnnr nili-a-nn. It Mould not bo propT f nr me, at this lime, to pvcaKj nb ibi rui ui' iHc-variooH e&i"Tri" nna methods of tmoftrtine inptrictlon. and of ihe proareas and facilities which are lietng con. atanilv mad in Ihe rdnoatlnal domain. Tbonn auhjecta will no doubt all receive your able and carncat conRiderntiou tlnrlng tho doilherfltiona di iDLijumuaie jjuimere is one a;reai qnoS' tion wblch threnti-ns the deatrnr t'-'n uf the en. tireeonimon acliool avaiem to which 'I a) all al tide. I la whether anr rellcioua nr aectarliin Inatrnctlon whatever ansll be made apaitof uiir ioiuhiu Hcuimifucitiuiie, in ,cuooi wnjen sro aupior'rd lir taxa lou levied from all clashes, recta and phasea ol tbruabt. It eeema to me that If the verr reneonable view that the common achonl should forever he a paielv se cular intitntion In our lanil.werenore U'lflni mcnalr aaa -nteil to br the snopo ters of the rominon school ersteni.that itwonld ptneo K npon alien h nrm aaunran sunDieiounaarinn tnac It t-otild neri-r be shaken. The common at bnola are under thecontiol ot the Rlate.aud the Bt ate ani re li Ion ahou'd be M-pnrate; hence x oeiii-TeiuD a nooi snou'a oi.1 onreiy eeeni ir au liu e as It Isi ontro'led hv the Ktatn und Mioocru edbvg'ncril taxation - to say notlrngof thn lnatrtiao e r'ght whicb natoie'n Ood has plvcn to everyone and which, Is rccogilzod in the Inudnmi'titnl law otonr'.nnd Ihe nnc cd rlnht of the froodom of thonirht and cimHclnnrn No man ot swt.lscomp tent lo (let-Mo Jou nuiiiui-r wain hp sunn fiu ir anw ue ru 1 un, to doki ifiuow ine tuctaies oi nia own t-oneci nt-e. wheni-ver one sector ui.1r of en mteiupc to deoMe aneailoua ot conacicnce for others as has been oflendoue thar atiempt aimeinh'R lur wmcu titey nnve no autnnriiT ann Lrea lip cn liallowi-d DTonnn. lor which thpv itemnn. etra ethoir unfitness nnd exploit Ihelr blaolry mi umiuHiir-B iu u a jr uiit-uiyu We limit not orirue thla re 1H0111 oneatldn In Its relation to tho common echoola. trom our own lndivitlanl relEloas fncUnitlons, that would be too narrow, 'Ihe araumt-nt must have a much broader basis than that, to be consistent, logkol and J net. History allows us, and her pae-ea are (nil of It and alcrltlraiit. tli.t rellslen -will not anffrr bv b'-ingti taily leiiarate and Independent of too Htaie Itsei-rns to bo amntnal rdvontage to Ihe tftate as well aa to the cause of religion to tie uiu" heyaraie, I he-irvethat the prepinderntlnsr sentiment In this country nron ilimmieation is that the toinmon school shall beupnreiy eeculHi-in-ti- union, ana aa mat aentiment conuuues to urow end develope. so will lupotry aril prejudice die cot and ire common school eystem will ptand trinmnhaul for all tlnie.1 'To coooliids. i 6m say that' the people of ixiu-uHin uvo u-ftuec iu icci jirauu lull fjiaa ihut vou saw tit to honor theul with rmr an. nual convention, bee-uso it la believed to be vniuauin ana insuuctive. ana oring-a wita it mnliv fomlllar a d nln-tidiiff ri-;cnilif-tlnnR. In belia f of the citiiena of Lehlehton I deli you mieei tni-tyon aie sine, re, y welcome. We wish you, one and all. a pieaamb and prod sole time here iu on midst, and munv hnnpy days yet, brfereweebill Do called tn that other and mure cha mint chmo which awaits ua all. where ho arc told that there are '-sweet fields anayed it l,l.uu Kivciywiu tirct Ul UO'iyUU The above address was finely deliver ed and enthusiastically received by t)ie aumencPc The Institute then proceeded to tho nominations and elections of permanent omcers: Professor J. V. Rowland, of Parry-. vine, was elected necreiary uy accla mation, and Mr. W. E. Smith, of Le .hlcbton, Assistant Secretary. For Treasurer, Mr. lit U. Barber, and Miss E. Cooper were nominated. A vote being taken, Miss Cooper re ceived a majority or tlie votes cast, and was uecisro ouiy eleeied.- For.Vice Presldelit,Mr.,T. W.TItiker was elected by acclamation.' For Executive Committee, Jir. S. II. flolllnger, Mrs E. It. FrUbieiand Mr. Derr were elected by acclamation. Prof. II. A. Kline. Miss liaker and 0 It. Gllham weie, on motion, appoint ed a uomiuitice on Resolutions The roll was' then called, when 5.1 teachers responded. The time for the convening of tho 6-Bslons was fixed as follows ; 0 a, in., S p. ni, and 7 30 p. in., the time of ad; Joumment being left to the. Chairman. An address by the County Sunerlni- tendent. It. F. Hofford, then followed, The speaker tlwelt largely upon the Im portance of the Teachers' vocatlon.nnd In.a.splrlted appeal urged thrm to still greater strides forward. The Schools of Carbon he said would comparo fa vorably with lliose of adjacent cuuntlcs, but notwitlisUuding they have done so nobly, there Is room for Improvement In the future, lie hoped the -Institute would prove a powerful Incentive to work on the part of the teachers, , intysesmon .adjourned. aoout 4:45 p. m. . ... - t no evening 6c?sgn consisted, la cptne.very interesting readings. hy Mrs. Anna Itandall Dlehl, The, following teachers were In at tendance at the first session : MAUCU CUUHK-L. II. Darb. Jtrs. K. B. Fris- iie, Uim liixsie rla er, AlUa Jennie Jlynd wan, Miaa Maine Weyheameyer, Mlsa Uume JlonMnl. MIMA I.. HlrnthnrM Urria .iAucii(.IHJMC-ll.A.KIlne. MiuMirv uvuaiuau.' t lu i.il j, baker. Alias Julia Werheomever. Sr ian Kate MeAlliatnr. euuilll Hill J. M. llihcr. tilaa Alaurle Unaha, ura. oaian AlcUoulJKiie. Mrn. Jennie craw find. Mla-Kau lhoiua,AIlM.Lusle Ahau, Alias Hue K. Ijtmon, Ml-a Alarv ,AleM or. tUe. L. If, Uoilluger, a At. Arnold, Miss K. CooPvr Wai, bteirett, P,X. Cannon, Inoa. l'rlca. WxusroaT-J. N. Derr. alra. M. U Xewler. lUkas-1). O. Lewis 1'eter AfoMauaa, Tnomaa nevan.uias itoate uugao, Aiusiieilea.a trar. Mlw Kate AlcCor xlck, AiIm Alary fit. Leuioii li 8. Illaser, J. T, Snyder. 'VkATdIKtT M)sa a. LBi-OKbter, illul. Jle. unrtyi axus ju. jl. jjuq ou, 1. w. linker. Alias Kate lltid. AlUa Hinnia llonjinp. Pxcumiua-aiM Utttle Kooos, Alias At. T. KMTltll. 1-AIiarriUJt-J. IMtowlsnd.M J, rhlfer. PK.Sfl l-'UkKST II. - ItrltK Lauioaruk tV. K. amuh. a It. Olihvm, Miss tji uia o u. fteao, Alias a. 4, Jieu- Tnan. ' 1 IUCIia-J. AC, Baaman.' UONDAY EVEKIHO, The Institute was called to order At 7.B5 by County Superintendent It. F. llollord, -Slnglng by the'Instltnte. ' Mrs. Anna Ilandall Dlehl wnsjhen IntroducedJlarld, opened the subject of her discourse by giving a portion of her experience as a teacher, presenting her theories bf teachlngr ranged under the following heads, Id a clear and eloquent manner: 1. The requisites for teach ing;' 2. 'The lencher sWilll possess rrenulne love for clilldren: 3. Equatilm- Ivy, and self coiflrol; 4, Goodthealth: On Accuracy; U.- xeaciiern -eouimi kiiuw more than they teach. Mrs. Dlehl ills, cussed the last point of her subject lu a thorough and masterly niauner and was listened to throughout with wrapt at tenllou by her audience, TpESCAt MOBMNO, The Institute was opened by stnglng "Home of the Soul," under tho leader shin of Prof. Kline. Prof, Verrlll, of Mansfield, was then. Introduced tn the Institute, who, after n very ngfeeable IntroduqWry .greeting, (proceeded to take up 'the' .subject of orthography. The Professor began by making inquiry Into tlm question, "Did the people of twenty-five yearsj ago spell hotter than the people of to-day?" and, by a very fair comparison, decided Hbe question In '.the, negative. iUpon liii' invitation of the .Professor a num ber of questions were asked and sug gestions made, by Messrs. ilolliWer, liarber, Rowland, Carrlngton, JTrs.' Dlehl, and others. Mr. Harrier read an Interesting ex tract on phonetlo spelling" from" I)r Mareh'H lecture before 'the Sta'te Teachers'-Association at Wllkes-llarre. The hall being so poorly heated as to make it exceeding1' uncomfortable, tlio Institute adjourned to Mr. Gilliam's, room on the llr-t floor. , . After music by the Institute, "Kind words can never die," Mn Ilolllnger, of -Summit Hill, took up ilw subject of "Oral Grammar." The speaker would commence the subject by taking up, first, the noun, .teaching the pupil to distinguish between the name and the object., Ho would! then proceed to the verb, and would successively take, up the remaining parts of speech denomi nating them as' name-words, 'action words', quality-words-, etc,, omitting properties -until a more advanced stage. The BiibJ'Ct was further discussed by Mrs. Anna Ilandall Dlehl, Messre. Ar nold, Rowland', iProN.-Verrlll and Tink er and. llie Comity Superintendent, a Tho'Ihstltutetwas then if avored w(th the rnndltig of two selectlu'ns entitled "Auld Folks" and "Molly Carew," by Jrs. Dlehl, who, by her clear delivery and happy manner, wonderfully Im pressed the Institute. The fuiiner con sisted of a dialogue between two sol diers, and tha latter of a colloquy be tween lovers, both pieces happily blending the serious and the humorous, The'8iilJtct of the morning sei-slun were quite interesting,-and wereexton. slVely discussed, In the discussion of orthography two views seemed to pre vail; first, that the oral mid written methods should be happily blended, and second, that with advanced pupils especially the written method alone should be used, In the uiaiter of oral grammar the Institute seemed to ho a unit In the sentiment that grammar should bo bo gun and continued as an oral exercise, until the pupil has advanced to a period In which ho Is capable of taking up the branch purely as a science,. The total attendance was about ono hundred. Number of teachers enrolled sixty-three. AFTERNOON SESSION. The In tit u to vras opened with mu sic at 2.1S o'clock. Mrs. Dlehl opened the afternoon ex orcises wlth elocutlon. She said we ex press more by tone titan voice, and pro ceeded by the use of several happy Illustrations to show the effects of dif ferent tones upon dumb animals. Chil dren generally express themselves naturally because tbev elve wav to , their emotions and speak out, and grown 'persons fail in naturalness fre quently owing to the fact thabthey hide their emotions and fall to give vent to leenng. 'inero is as much dlffeierce In voices as In faces. She then took up the SubloCt (if vnle.n. tfp'ntlnn tinrnlv fwiih regard to quality. The exercise was mgniy interesting and proUtab(e, abounding In practical illustration and replete with pertinent Instruction. The exercise was closed with a section ot concert readings, led by the accomplish ed Instructress. After a recess of ten mlputcs, the subject of arithmetic was ably treated by Prof. Verrlll. The Professor dwelt entirely upon the elements qf the science aed especially addition. Ncxi C iiluwed an Kssav. " Front and Side Door lo Character," by Miss Kate uiru. one illustrated lier sunjecf, by tront' and side doors to house's' on the street, aad presented various illustra tions exhibiting opeu and closed char acter. It was the teacher's duty to open the frontdoor ot the uuull's char acter, "and to do this It was necessary iu irairu a nuuiuer oi Keys, among tnera tho, followloe : il. Justice. Leacheia should be discreet In administering re- twnrtt O L-lnJnu. . t t...? . rUVJ i , u.iuuua u. suieresi, teachers should take an interest In tlm cJiUdjenK.occ.upatlou as well as In their studies while In the schoolroom f 4. Patience" Will pour oil on the troub led watvrsof theschoulroom;" 5. Gen eral Information : 6. Common She theu proceeded' to d fine education and mind, which was executed In a very Interesting manner. A skilled teacher should be able to read charac ter, It bell g essential to success iu gov ernment. Institute adjourned at 4.30 p.m. TUESDAY EVENINO. . The Institute was called to order hv the president at 7.45' o'61ok; the follow ns are the names of tha teachers who were' In attendance at the Institute, additional to those published in. uonuay u proceedings : J. P. huilth. T.W. Mlenerwalt. n U' tjnM U YV. liuuler, II U. UaUlU, Alias K.U. Uropaa dU, V 1. !-.- ...... , . . . . , . . . . ...... . , . . - WIM uutlu AlCLQIl 1 IUIIU EdwsrU. A. 1L. fcchleiober. Juhn 'l-n.vaki i. Z. UaKensUiee, An Ksiay was read by Miss Brewster. subject "Icoiioclasui," which w3 well written, admirably rendered aiii warm ly received. The followlns are ihn outlines of tho Essay: Inirtniurticn. The certainty of linace break. Iok. Differeut Iconociasta 'lime. War, Per fins Ths Three Joenoctasta Church, Bute. iPnsaalmage nnlWeraxOermsn Pable ot Ur- ina imaxe, auwuuib ul Miuinm Aiiftciu. wu- cmion. She was followed by Trof. Verrlll on ' WBAT.nnA' fj WE STtlDt t" 1. 1 be differ .ntyiews-Tho Vlows of niactleat men I The views oi theoietieal men , wheielu lueory aim practice win noi ooiociue. 2. The m ildloaronn.l 1'inctical similes mix ed with others t Reason for ttnilrlnir dead Inn- KU'ireai llenson tor studvinK hirher matho. iiatlcai What etadios alwava ahonld bo pur- naou. - . i 1 i rl: rho ohlect "and end fit sendv to ealn In formation or knowledge t 'lo elve exnre-aivn to thonght to communicate i llUcipllue to think. Mrs". Dlehl concluded tho exercises for tho cVening by reading "Daisy's Faith" and "ihe ureeds of tne liells,' amid great applause. WEDNESDAY MOUSING, Tho Ins'.ttnte was opened by sluRlna "ChrUt. mae all yeai lona,' anil prayer led by ihe Hoy. jur. t.airinifou. .ninnies oi mi londay and Tues eav were re d and nnnroveiL ..Tho following additional tencners were' en rolleil A. Klnot, llnrfflo Klslihanm. l.ucy 11, Htruthors, Annie Al, Steer, Klisioeth eiiiuth ,ors, I'anuy lna;ersoll ifarf Hchofli-lil T, 1-', Aimer, 11. T. Hmawler, Wm. IS. Kemeror, J. W, ltnnth. After which. Rev. Mi. Cnrrimrton wns, Intro' dnceti and ad.n essfd the jnstttnto on " i no jua rnllnnni Smte-m of Hltim." 'l'lin rererend uan .tleman'a remnl ka were listened to with marked interest mid attention. Ho dwelt la' Rely upon the teachers, school and mo.hooa ot tho fsiameso. 11 n cloaed hy sivlo-r that the 8,mne-o theory of mac'a onvlnal apnesrnnce on the fi-.otieis tht man, In hisantcmunnano condi tion, oxl-ted as n snl It hovemnr in spnoe, and inatononeocoasionsoineoi incse spirits oamo don toiheenrtil and ate so much clay ur earth asiadl qualify thrm for rctuminff" I'hislndic. rous thuiiah quaint Idea brought dnwu the non-e and was no aoani recurueJ by the teach ers so wnr.hy of note. , Mrs. Jllehi then occnolod the floor on the sub Jectof Headinfr, tievotliifchertitnemaiu.y iinun tiK-lhotisV)' tt-iiclun lb a.phaboi and primary resoiuz. onsprtweui-ii kiib, iuikiii. ue lemien i,ivnsiociniiou siiupnoueiio ann nora meuiod Mrs. II. sui divided primary readme nt follows i 1. Klutlj.f irtvon .v Ahilrtmn , .n.lirjii hn sound i 1. Aunlt sis by letter. Time shouid bo Bcinpnriiur aiuuy in bciiuui nun at no no. j tsjrl lul Le,clinr tluds th t a piot'i-uuime of studies is as iniiispensable as proaramineof renin lion, r-oiooiyiuopnpiii nncineieitciier shonld study the a-HfrueJ le-fona,-o n-i to brlns ont all ihe si ions points of Iho leei-ons. fter n brief recess Prof. Vernll took no tbo snbject of rcl'ool mnnagemenl. lie ho1eyd thai In ihe iralnintr In Iho sclnol and in the family ho g vcrns mostwbo gove.ns least.; The schno -room, l,a tnrnllaioaml llsMirronntitngs have mutb to do with school ninnsgement. Egotism in Ihe teacher is alwuya detrimental to enrcesstul manairenient. The fo' lowlni? Is the outline cf tho Professor's loo an ei 1. iiih d nature on the part of the teacher. 2. Demeinor of ilio ttathcr. s. Persovt-runce i. sindy tho character; of thoj school as wlule. " ' ' - ' s. Atoiehoronirht to bo a person of loeis. 0. ,'l'cecheis sho.ild hnve a KCtierai plan.; 7. ICnowtctlceol nstions: s. In comincilno-rco tiitlons the objects are first, to te-t fie kuowieilue of Ihe puoll i fco ond to coriert errors r third, giving Infonna 11 n ant! old in exores-lon. Tueteacnirhonldbe veil-Informed and pro. Kit-so yu. xi-su uciiuii iiiay uu jrirea mrei-iiy or imiliectly, the latter alw.iya preferable when po'slble. Ha oiood np with 'the, following things to be avoided i I. Avoid sling i 2. Avolo bu, a. Aiuiujii,iD- .tuiu irreznntn ties iu conduct. Tho teacher should bo ft model lu deportment, and runs luauhmoro br examulo luuu oy pri-ceiic Tho nuinber of teachers enrolled wns elchtv, Number ol persons. li. ftltenda t-e riboat one uuuiirni uiiuunr, Aiijilllineu. AITE11NOOJJ' BEMSION. Tho Institute onenrd bv the rem! en no- in cellent sty e ot 'kind words can never die." by tne ine iiuio. wiui x-ioi.-jt.niie at-' me orron, Tbo work of Ihe afternoon wts beiin b Mm. Dli-hi. who treniea in a very blo manner ihe anrjecioi uujsi i it-r-ciiing. BiieDetran by call. Ina ihoatirnilcu of tie Institute to a bonatnnl BJHI UU 1.110 UIBb llUUr OI IUI- 8CI10O1 linilUiUg bno re.ei-iod to too toiucltulli- iiecoriit.pii. labii. Iv arrsn-'etl mid home-,lke schoolroom of the primary lojclier. Miss Came Uaner of I,entga. Ion. Then followed a grnphlo sketch of tho ciiaiacter and llti of Postalozzt, tbo f ithcr of obJ,-ct ti aching. Kverv succesdnt toat-her Is an object tocher. Kvery mother la nn object teihcr, Oojecttoaonlng develops tho pereeii tlve lacuHic. Form la naturally the first thing tiniht In percepHon. Color ud sound coma next Tbo inventive tetcher vlll not wait for ine pnrensse oi apnorsb-ia, vat win invent it. in color, xtrst too pninHiie- aiionifl no UUBIlt men secouuano-t. we giro too luuowing out linos I rutUAnlFs n:co-nAiiiEs. Red (nedn yellow). Oranire. Yellow iyollowMnine). (Irccn. nine (UcdHBIuej. 1'uipie. 1IARUOSICS. Orango barraonltos witb Bine. tlrcen hiirmonlz'-s with H it Purple ha i monisea with Yellow. H ext the development of the faculty of hear- In", followed bt- in faculties of smel.iuir and taflng, T-irre are ooiupituienls of tiinto as iidii h ui colors. The Institute wis then favorotwlth a verr fine song and ciiorna by Mrs. Dulling Alias llibler and Air. Trovuims.wltli I'rol. Kins at m- organ. Then In lowed Mr. J. N": TJerr. of Wrlsmnort. on the subject ot ncnerm Education. Mr Derr ueuverea nimse i in a yery natural mauner.unil rentlered a very practical panel ou the subject cho.en. the IratltntA then took a rornfta of fen m In. utes. after which a, I proent wer- Invigointod by Il.lt-ulng to a beautiful duett artistically icmudioii uy ittrn uuriiug ana sites uioterj as alsfeil by I'rof. Kline aa or-ianiaL I'rut. Vernll then dlsconraeil noon United Btati-s lll-torv. Attershowlnztheiutimste ro- oiiiun exisutig neiweeu geograpuy uuu msrory. bo nrocee-leil to nnnRUlHF nu-thn IB In tlmt. blanch. Pirat, a tescher should entertain a e'ear eoneepUon of tho study and harlnt ade- uuiw iunu iu iii iuiiio hb to eiiucaa or penona euibiaued by Ihe subject, he U n coared to Dre. cut the sulij -ct lufelligenlly. We1 noted the folloulug outiiiio periotlsi I. V'oyave and Din coy ry t 3. Oolouinl History i 3, lteroinnon t i. Uoustltutlonal Tho tuojectiwas trtaieil:ln a Very pracileai and Intereatlnif nitnner.it J Alt a. Ilandall Dlehl then read Urn tew must nui rius vo nigut," in a very tunning manner, WBDShBDAY UVKjilNo'." ' ' The Iustltnto was -called to order at S p. ro. by l"D ""ml VI3UIICS1U-.DIIUCUI,. UUU UpCOCU Uy Klumng ltnw. lads, niw." a bostoiau'a.iilro by the teacher ana' pupils of rarrvvilie schools. The rrudt-nng was wuroily received. Alra. Anns' Itandall Siehlwno was Jntly the atiracU'.nof the evening, was introduced to a largo and select anilteace. Alls. Diehn profee siouallv known toall. out perKiuHiiyU) few ex. ceotit-d tn hei readings tno most auugnine ex. t-octauona ut ner r-uunrer. J lie lonowing la a programme ot tne aeiact'oas lor tho uyonlugi 1. How bo saved r-t. Alichai-I, 2. Mv i iBinonsaDd.UetiyJIanbiit'a. s. J mle Donglasa 4. The New Year's Chime. s. 'Ihelllaoc Horse sndms lllder. s. BomoOlaFrlen-la, , 7. Tha Engineer- Story, 8. Love In a llalloou. li. I'oor Little Miephen uliard ' ' - 10. tMiiigottliHChiuiDer 11. WlirthsNow Year Dome To night 1 12. Thellugloisoa. For an hour and a quarter Ihe andlenco waa held spell bunnd by the nutrient lenuerraga of the pnwerful elocutloni't Ihe reaoinira were Ircqnently interrupted by the moat eulhoslastia applause. Among the tavorue aeinotlotta were .y Opinions ana Betsy llabbitfai The Black Hoi so and bis lllder j Dote in a llalloou i Tour l.lttle Mepbrn olrurd and The Uuale -ong, Wbereyer specimens of Doctoral tones were re quired tnei were perfeoU The buvle Imit tloua wire slniDlr giand. After muslo, cnut.cd ''Christmas aU the year," the lualltute adjouru txl at about s.3t p. m. . TIIUIWDAY MOIINIKO. The Instltots opened at 8 Jl by singing In ft spirited manner, Weeo for tae fu leu " Air. Arnold then orcnnlnil tlm Snnr nn tlm subject of Urammar, taklUK the aupjsct where, ,B llnlllnwap I. , ..n . fill . .... I Urammar. owe,) lur largely npon tho cons ruc tiou nl ae&teaeea. Tne aablect was reiy Inter estinalr ai d practicaUy treated and mads live ly bv quei.es. examples and ulaunstlou con. inbUtetLi hv l'rol. Vinll. MmiBra- TTn1htii. Howlsuci. Mrv J-rl.ble and others. The ezer- oiBra were ineu eutiTenea uy musio by tne JD ailtute, after which it I eoesa of teu minute was If-trm, riot. Verrlll next occnplMths, attention of the lutUtuteou the saoject of Compo-lilou." 'I he l'rofeasor oetran by aiylng an account ot bie flrst oomDoanlnn written at about the age of elghtoen yeara. If aaul, among other t ninas, that i ktxo latlera.in UtJl. were sent to ihe dead loiter othcetoi want ot staains. 68.(01 for want or the ut-rae ot tho county, and luli3,bi4).0Cu were sent lor rartons tlahcleuclea. These let ters oonlBiuul tviu In money. Itxiu,oot In checka. and 30,000 photograpna. lie called al ien, ion lo tho luiuoitance ut properltr addreas lngouastsmiung letuna. Wt should 'yuxtetu ate our lettetsa we wilte. -Tho exert lses were reoleto with dlsenaBion. queries snd explanation. .Much yiluable lime wits uselessly spent in the dlaeoaaion o: trivial end auimpotiiint polnia. In laot, the entire hour waa consumed In cooaloerlngthe proper method ol addrMk Atleotton waa ualled to the proper tueot capltala,pnnctuaUon etc i uc uon- os oiojiT tiaTina- amveo. uia inaiir lota aoJoarnM, with a total -enrol inent, ( nlnety.plne.- anU'an' 'estlmaUatttenarrcef I one nunuien anu wiv. Among tne punciu-ti and in oroned visitor we noted nova enmng. ton and coffdiau of tho I'resby teilan and Al. E. churchts. THUH8DAY AFTErtNOON. The TnsLltnTe was ontled to nr&er at Z.1S n. m and opened by amglna- "Chide gemly." from the Muslcnl tiupn.einent The first subject oc capylug tho attention of tho Inatuuto was rtt utiles in Engl eh," oy I II. Uoroer of Mauch Chunk, -The gentleman Ireatu I the snbject. In a very ekllitnl manner. The following 1- tho ouinuo ol the lecture t ' Intheiuirn uctloti tho speaker Soli that Ian. gnsge is rery laitreiythe tirmluct'sof iintniiil aaooiation and illustrated t.r showing tiist "is k ne" and "was imne" are the old lorms and that "has aont" la the iintact. Jle theu ff vo the dl-tlucilon between ueaoilpfive snduom paraiitegmmma't imitie ft grommatio i ciaisi. rlcatlon into Monosyllable Agglutinative In. flexionat f ahowetl the methods of Indicating Ueinler. lninbernml Caan in Did Knghsa.wnst remali'Snf these -nfllxeslu tie femiuino 'Vix. cu," Splnstor" and tho piissei-sive case of nouns t the origin of the Irretrular t timoariilives ami superlatives ol Uooti, Uatlnnd much i tho denvntlonof "ed" m the past tenss of rognlar verbs i bow lo tllipoie of verbs in the infinitive .mood and now "to" oamo to bo usedvltti all verbs In this mood Alio a recess of ten mlnntes tho Institute Sitii-ondotl to coiisuler ami tlx upon a place for oldiug the next annual convention, and a 'veto by ballot resolted aa follows i Mauch hunk, lit Lehitehioii.2St Wi-ntherly, 25. 'Ihe "resident then dec nrd that the uoil. Institute will bo held al Mouclf chnnk. After muslo by the Alis-es Phifoe, Mis Panl ml Air. (lowland, entitled "Ilaln uu tlio Hoof." 1'iot, Vetrill occupied tne floor, n rating tbo Bui.joct ol Mynonvms. lie tltow ttlstiirtlous between excliaugetble words suca os "excuse " "psrtlon" and "fiirgiyo :" "only" and 1 alone i" enon li"sliil "untllcleiit i" 'carinas prying i" " rovtr," nnd -tortnmlet" -'yoorttlou" and "avocation i" "8001010118" and ptoplllous,, ' ronlembrance" ana "recollection." This closed Die Professoi's labor at tno Institute, no bid the teachers and friends of education oreaeut an nil 00 m taroweit. and wlsne-i thrm Clod epctal in tne good work 01 cuueatlug tbo young -The following besohera 'were curniled t'Mlav 1 Alftvd Miller, J. At. ltiedv, Aggie Pniler, 11. F. Muechlits, D. K. Zelgenfu-s, Dnvio Aunc, T 11, Kankie.Ed. D illonmsyer, IL W.ZerfasH, dto. W. Sin- er,,.l,, II MILor, J.jM. Kistier. J C-Hendi-f u. D. Snyder. D ;Krasloy J. Mussel inau O'lrer Ulose. Danl-1 noiualy Mlcp Holt. Jte'0 Evans. 11 c. '1 nomas. Ella Phifer. I,ula Paul, DeUu Conner.'' i .'- , TII01t8Di.Y lEVENiNO. The Institute was"openeti nt s p. m.'by sing, lng' Sweet Dye and Dye," under me leadership ol ,iias lluuer, Kev. Feiner, tho lectnier for theeveuing, was then Introduced by Air, IIotTird lie open, ed his lecture on "Waste 111 Meihodsot Eduoi tion." at 8.0 1 and ciosed at 0.5 o'clock. Too fol. lotting are among his nriuclp-1 points 1 I. Wastes in AiL-chan cs. ?. Wastes in Ihe In.iustrial Arts. 3. Intellectual w.istea uf tueliilrtccnta and 1-ourrtjarrrn iutary 4; Waste j ot Moral and Mental Forces In the prcseni day. Did time permit we would Pave been pleased tofiii-ulhmjro exiended.outilne ot lue gen. tleman'a very excellent tilscon -se.The lecture. BOOloouent and1 inNiractlve watwell reuelrral -liv. the audience, who eviut-eii their apprecla. tiuu uy uenrtv appiauto. xt may weu ue con sii.eri d one of the most lnterestiug"rcatuies of this wook'a pi oceedlngs In the In.utnta ' .'Ihelntltutc n,,Journod altera aoni by Mrs. Dulling and .uiss jllbler, accouipanipdby I'rof. Kline., Ihe.smglPg wiia admirably executed, bilnainc forth nnrma' nt nntilunaA tinm itm .aa'JIenoo. ' lln-ao ladles ahnu.d ii-elvo ,ttio tnsnaaot ine 'insttliito for the very exoelent muslo they furnished on seveial occasions this week. FltlDAY HOllNINO. The Institute was cal.eil to order at 0:10. and openrd by.lugiug "AuldLsjgnyuo" led by I'rof. KUno. Mr. Tiavnakis. of Ileaver Meadow, then r,Ad an Intere ting and practical paper on tho auo Ject 'Intellectual Jiicellonce." wnlth was well reuueruu anil warmly received, air. T. w. Tmker. ot Weathetlv. toeu foiloweil tin ttie unh. jtxt of" OeOfrapnv,'" lie treatrn the subject lu uu noie manne-, una lor waut oi time wo re. luutittitly omit tho outline. . .aliases i'jiifoi-und Couuor and Mr. llowiond, asslsioit by Prof. K.lne aa oraauist. reut.ertHl u due piece of moslo, eutltleu "ilaby'aUuno to Hleep." Tne election of the Comm. ttee on Permanent Certiucalui f iiluwed. resulting In toe choice of Ihe foiluw.ug committee, visj l'. w, T uker, 8. li. Ilo linger Mrs. E 11. Ffisbie, L. II, Darner autt j. ir. jtuwisuii. Mr. Itowisud. of Parrvvlilo ocoonled the floor on the totilo. "itambiitia-s." lie opened ms re marks In his usual Uvelymanner and continued In ti at way to the cluse. Ihe fo.loning are the principal io,lcs of his ' ItumoUnga"! Oral Uraiuuiar he thinks, would bo tnoru appmpri. ateiy termed "lauiifuaise l,eaaous." as grammar, may be ajid to be the emb idime-jt of tugusge. Iu Ai-iihiiit-tlcheprelets Ihe lrench metnidof iinmorution, and cannot see the necessity 01 lu atiucting pupii'a acc'trdiug iu tbo Knglli-h uiothod. lit, believed taut in addition 'practice a.oue makes perlect, aud ma the "Ihree uiucesot Proot lu Addition'' aier 1. Ilepeti Uouj 2. ItepsUtiou 1 X ItepetiUou. Ilia "Bug gosiioualu loac.lugtje Aiplinoet" were prac tloai. uutniigafewsucveiuouatowhatfias uu.n SlldbVMtB DlehL Vltit suirmidtloltB ml tin. Jeu 'X'ojcuiug, iIltory and UBOgraphy, he cioseu uib -itumuiiugs" tnrougu tue edacation al Ue.il. Tho tollowlng resomtlons were offered by Mr. Itowlutld duiiuir the sosBion. ano unHnimnuBiv auopted 1 Whereas, The County Institute la estabUshed bv law nuu luu-t bo held at lea-t live uava each yeirlu every County lu the otdte; and Whereas, Itw cuuutlea hd u a special act oonipe.ilag school boards to o.luw Uicir te.c.icrs lue time loattenu. and tiieir naesa wmle atienttng, of which Ihe following Is a copy 01 the soil a itrr aiiow,ug to Dcnooi -i-eauuera tne time aud wagk whiiBt auoudiug tho t.ountyInBti. tUieoi Teacbeta iuoe.taiu euafitlus VKCllOK. 1. iluitttluuteilliv thn f-nnatAnnil llouso uf ItepreBentaUvea ui tno comniouwealth 01 1'eunayivauls, in tienersl Atwombly met, aud It la hereby -enacted by the authority ut the saute Thai iroui aud after the pa si go 01 Ihia AcMhe bebool lilrootora of tne different wards, boroughs and townsmps ui Washiuglou. u.ar iuu. itie. llunilngdou Moithampion. i'orry. acbuyikiu, Delsaaie, Lebauouj autl.fiaukliu Couniies ana.l allow to the Hchool Teauoera em Ployed lu the said wards, lo vnghs aud town, snips, who are actuaUv cnaa-uu In tejuRhtiia- avhooi In 'said Cou&Ues the time and- wages while attending tue, County Institute held 1 o.,riy lu ju Counties for tue uuproi eniout uf leucheia " lie 11 uesolved, Tht our Jlenresentatly ea In the n id. ot the etale l.egistature,-be reqnebtstl to exert Uielr Intluenoo. and 11 ttoaioie secure the passage ot a a.xniLir acd aDniylno- to Larbon Cunuty, IIHMI1IVA.1 Ttlll Ilia t,H nfthl. Inilllnl. be requeued 10 furnish the lions. A. J. Durliug twii . jiarret, urmuvrs 01 tue iiouso ui Itepieaeutittlrea uf tun county each with u Oi'Py 01 tae lurumilug preamble ttnd lesoluuous. lueiuuuw.ugreau uuou waa itton uaudiMiiu, read aud ujiuuIuioumIt adnnte,!. via; Vtheroaa, Au improper retiiaiUon baa been mtde uoon the Ualhotio chuich and Cathono luatitnuuus iu certain essays tola before this 1 minute; and wherras. we b.-lloya that the ex pression ut such sentiments, in a body ul this sunt, u uisuir improper, in mat it txiiistltutes au uuuruvuked allao uuon a class 01 .teaeharB wno constitute a respccuhlo mluurlfy iu uur mauiuwi Bueretuto. uois Ueaoiveu, Tuat mis iustltnto expresses Its unqu-tlitletl d.supprural ol tho extiressluu uf buiu eeuuiueiiiB, ueucTiofftnai ineyaro eaieu. Isted uuly lu mat the hartuuny ot uur lualltute, aud Ittnuer lue causo 01 eoucstiou. ,KoiK.r-l bU hut leaulatiou was Intended, 'not at a uisapprutai of toe ssnfiuMiils (Xorumi.uor th rltfAf ul Iheaathoia to entertain anu main tain Bald acntiuieuta, but simply denial ot tae rtgM iit mc4 tiuofic sxprsMtwn to ibeui before tue iuBULUio.wnicu la annratr Bancauai.Bt tj.1 slltuuun. AFTGHMOON b'KHJO.V. The Institute was called to order atitin.Lr thaCouuty B ipenuteudeut. . 11 -. M. li. ltt-uer then reail a. Terr -mMlant paper ou iho auoject of "Pntaioiogyaud Uyt eeite." whlou waa nit -ued to with inar.ed at uIIoq. aud was loud.y applauded at lia con. ciuilon. Da motloa of tlr, liarber a vote of thanVs was unsmuiuusly tendnitsl the Doclur tar hit eice lent anu interesting lecture, a At .er an artist 10 renderlug of a rery fine dncl and chotua bv Mrs. Duruugaua Miss lilbb er. assisted by Mr. Unwiami and Prut. Kllue. Uia lustituto then heard end adorned tha rni.owttia- report of the Cumoilttoe on lloaolullons BUUUJIIUM. Ileaolved. That vs. the toachera of Pai-hAn county, In annual institute assembled, return' our aiucere thauks lo Prvf, VorillL of Alana neld (Pa.) formal School. . U4 sirs, AunaUan. dull Diem, uf New York fur the valuable aud lnttrnrlivo ao ylcea ruudered w the lhantaiet to tne Iter. John Camnatou lor hit abtalecturu in "Truvela iu Hlsw," 10 Ur. b. li. Iw-Wrlnr hubigoiy interrsttag lecture uu,"i'ltvaiolog,' lu llvaleoe tow. AL. llapaher. la . fur Ina opeolug address, sod to so the, Uasatisis ut the piPBcub BUBttiutn ivr ucir tauii-lUIU. Atuuns tQ cateer to the tulcf tat of the occasion Iteaulrol. That 10 ll,e vfOceiii of Iho I'resby terlan Chnreh 01 Lehla-uton: we ovra imr warm est thanks fur the qse of Iheirurgau during me Instuntt. IteiTtred, Tlmt 11. Y, flotfon, onr worthy Oouury hupf ruiteudcnt, for the enthusiasm and sum luuicvai, laarvj III tue RCIIlug up 01 tne Institute aud in the iiroceodimrs thareof. 1b en. tilied. tu our bet thanks und tleepatt gratitude. -irauiTcu.- I list uie iiisnss ot tue juauiuto oe uderdtouiobchoor Uosntoi Intuigntoq lor 1 a use of tbohool hall on tola oooasioa. , Ueaoif ed. That to the Indira of Parryvtlta and uMmMWwfilsim-JirMtnBttnn kindly asah tmce rendet ed by tbera in tne mu sical part ot the Institute.- Ilctolred, ThattoJ, V ltsndenbnslt of the ' Carbon I Ionsor' and II bos. Mauti of' the 'Hi (hanae lintel," ti tender lbs thanks of the in stil uie for tha very amp eaccomoiodallongand generous p-t.vtaloti 'nsde by them tor the In stractors aud teachers of the Instltnto llesnlyeil. Thai Uie masterly .and rloonent lectnre bvllev, E. Ferrier, oa"Wastlu Iho .Methods of Edu atloti." raeela the warmest ap. probat on of ihe 1 istitnte 11 aolyed. That we tender ear waraiest lhanka to tho people of Iblghton and Tlcln; Itl fir thShosol'sflty shown tothis hodf.and tor the mteri-st manifested liy them In the pro oocdlngs ol th-i lustitnw.aadto II. V. Alorthlmar tor tbo enterprise eihibbeil bj-hlin In rtirmau ing us with a nest litile d-illy tram the ' Carbon Advocate" office, con aiolngataU detail tfhe proceedings ut tho Inatltnto. II. A, Kuxc H. It, OlLIIAlt. AllSSl. J IlAKRIt. Comniiitce on Herniations. Ily Benarate motiona, the fo-lowlng voles ot tlinnks were rendem i by the Institute i Itesnlyad, Tbst we are utidiir mauynbUgv Hons to Prof. II, A, KU-ie for tha sucoissfnl nndenlertainingmnnntTm wbiclt he cond-ict. ed tne music during tho sessions ot the .In stitute. llesolvetl. That the thanks ot tbo Instltnt be temtere-i to our Koonrllng fsocrettrv nnd As Mslntit Secrcriiry. Messrs. J, P. noirlnndand W. li. Hmlth, for the faithful and loapitrtial rec orils Ibey have given ns uf tbo proceedings from day to day. On ino'lon, the Comity Rnperintendcnt was reqnested to mail a copy ot the institute' pro. reedfugs to etch. Director Intlie county, aud tha: the expense Incurred therob pa defrayed bt the Trcasurer'nf this Association, Ilev. Mr. Carrlngton waa tnea introdneeil. wno aldietsed tlio Intltnte iu a few haiipr valedictory remarks. The l.'oi nt y ttuperlnnsndent then .followed with a brief hut touching address. Air. Barber then occupied the floor and ln'an animated aud vlaorous manner nrted tho Inatliuls toailvanceltactlucatloiiaLatilua. - Mr ltnlhnuer then addreased tb Inatltdte In a few energetio and practical remarks Mr. Itowmuii foUoweo in a few closing re marks sfter which the Institute Bdjonrneti by singing, "After toll comoth test.'t oy Ihe, Par. ryvlllepnrly. 1 his ends one of Carbon's most Interesting and anooable Institutes, biting e trolled !r7 4eachers, who atleuded from one to tivodavs. Tho present was good! may tho next be better, and may It be the happy prlvl. lege ot nil to rc-assc mbie at the next.' J. P. ROWLAND, BOC'y. W. E. BMITIi. Ass'tBDO'y. Alleotown's mayor, had his salary reduced from $1,000 to $500 a year. The .Spring Mountain Coal Com pany lias declared a semi-annual divi dend of 4 per cent, payable on and after December 10, at the odlce of the company, New York. Obert's new smoking, packing and meat curing establishment, on Dank: street, Is rapidly approaching comple tion. The main building Is now being ruofod in. Ahe youb cniLDitns snnjECT to TiTAT dangerous foe of childhood Ciioop or Coughs ? Coxe's Wild Cher ry and Seneka bas been thoroughly tes ted, and never known to fall of effect trie n complete and speedy cure when administered In, time. Keep a bottle In your house. 49-Cm. The boating season on the Dela ware and Hudson Canal closed last Saturday. -Mr. A. S. Miller left town Tues day for Neshanlc,' N. J., to, take charge of the It, R. Station at that place. Mr. M. has the best. wishes of a targe- num ber of our citizens, for his future suc cess. Amoug those In attendance nt the Institute Weduesday afternoon we, no ticed our old friend Sol, Yeakel, of weissport, and by the way he enjoyed tho proceedings we know tbem .to ho good. ( Tlie residence of James Moore, on Indian Hill, Franklin township, was totally destroyed by flro on Thursday afternjon. The furniture, with' the exception of one bed, was saved, Tlio house was owned by Samuel Kennedy, of East Mauch Chunk. Tito Ore. Is sup posed to have resulted from the stove pipe running through the roof. Wanted, two' ar three itespectable women, who speak botb German and English, to canvass In Carbon county for orders. To any lady desiring! a situation this offers a chance rarely met with. Salary' or commission, and steady employment' for good canvassers'. Apply at this otlt co Immediately, I Omnibuses originated In Paris, In 1827, Tlie other kind ot busBes.jWbfeh are specJaUy.doilrod.by young men sni uialdeus, ,wgre discovered some years previously.. The last and best' Invert tlons out are the rigs hired out'br Davld Kbbert, -at tils' livery on -Bank street; i . ' l On Thursday of' last weeir; 1Mr'l Wendell Nshwartx, Of this borough, slaughtered two' hogs, 13 months' ouj; wblch when dressed tipped the beam'at 448 pounds each. If there ire any other of our neighbors who can' do bet-! ter, Just step rlgbt along. 1 ' Look llEitB-Jos. M, FrltzIngeU offering, tremendous bargains In boots, shoes, gaiters and rubbers, Extra fine, boots, made to order, for, f8,00 cash I Call soon for bargains." Frank P. bemmcl haj removed In to his new and handsome store room, opposite the Publie Squalen Frank . Is' now Jilted up lu good stylo- and Is pro-i pared to supply the publlo with ail kinds of hardware, lumber and tcoali Call and see hint at home I i Additional Local on Snd'jMtfje,' DIED. ' ' trnniAN-On ihenth of Noyember.of croon! FrsukU'jiruui,auuot Abr, Joseph cruuaiijwt Special Notices. E.-F. KunkoPs Bitter' Wine or Iron The great luceesa' and deUghtof thspeople. In tact tiollnu ol the kind baa ever been offer.' eu tu the American people which has so quick. Ir louud lu nay into thslr good favor aud hearty approval aa ,JB. V. KuKf,'s liirrga; w ink or isos. it does all It pi-uisia, and thus glvea uuivetiUI aallalscUou, II 1 guaranteed tocttruihwtscaaeoi drapepalt or, ni(llgea lion, kidney or liver aiaeae. wsaknea, uerr. ouiuess. (onsilnaliun,, acidity ut ihe stomach. Ac UKIhKtpulue, only auhl to ft boll os., Ut-oot and ocic. 2VJ .North Ninth bt., Phlhuiel Phis. A.k lur Kunkel'-, and take no other, ,d by all druggiaia, Dvgpcpsla. Dj-Kpcpsla. Dyspejislgv K. C. ScxKr4.'s U.TT1U WixK oy InoK, a sore', cprefur una aisvar. It haa ueeu piancriuod dauy fur uiauv roar. lu tneptact.es ul eminent iiurtlGluus with unparalleled euoceae, r-ymp. Uimsaie saot appeuie, wind aud rising loud, uriueaslu muuiu. heauavne, tiiixlueaa, aiee lesaue-aaiid low spirits, uet tbogeuniue Nut aoto iu ualk. uuly In II boltea. zji Mono, Ninth Ht I'hiitdeiplua, fa. -old bv ad drug. Klsia. Aak fur E. '. KUMCSCs lilnta Wisk or Jaoa aud take no otaor. ti5U Tape Worm ,259 isntlrely remortsi wita unrel vrl.Bi.Ki. medicine.. tMsalug Iran, tpe ay.ujli aUvtu Mui lei uu eat the hcwl p-asfa. ( unto and reTer lo. iialtentai already trsat-d. Dr. sc. Knvh i .u,J.j.Nurlh.Miuvual., Plil.adiphla..AUrujai fie.-; Meak I Hi aud Mlumacu Worms also re. joovrd.. ilnner toils, eorrvuiovlogau klsos' but tape tximi.Uio.uieda;iiie ean.uo iisu- uf ' i-oar Iiuzgit.'" lir KtJAkklB " okM ' Sr.atlt. Ir.iM U aa nf T BtlLa .... i. . i-TTf