i finite itmhmi .l.taVirti Vilttl MJHWVU UVVmU tl. V. MORTIUMRd, FD1TQR LKIllUIITON, PA,: baturdat MOKNiNu dec. 4, w,i. .KwaJTreQulrcdy -MB m .W n ST ' Tim public dtt statement for tlie month of November ihnws a dt-creaso ofM80,078. Oil account of the Icng'.h of our report of the proceedings of ,the Teach ers' County Institute, we nic unable to gtve our CViiarVailFtyoffiintlir?-'-'" Itrpoita 1 ruin' TbleduTSpnii), Statp that' the authorities have" closed! the l'rnteAtant'cliurchr-9 fn, that place, and expelled the. pastors aDd schoolmasters; Nows, has been received at die 'State Depattniont, Washington, that our Minister to China, Mr. Avery, died at Pekln on the, 8th of November, No particulars are given. There will bo no iaesof Treasury gold ordered tor tin- tuunth bf Decem ber, the currency balance being large enough to obviate the need of any nucli sales, which the Secictery says are ' never ordered for' any 'oilier purpose than to replenish' It. j Our esteemed, Philadelphia, corre spondent informs us that tlie Philadel phia Navy Yard was sold on Thursday', the 2nd Inst., to.ohD L. Welsh, atton t ney.for Jolin.C. Bull6ck,'forl,600,000. The eale was made, by M. Thomas. A Son,, auctioneers', at the Merchant's - Exchange, Philadelphia1.. The following Is n correct' list of the '' contests for' seats' In the National House of Representatives : Alabama, .Bromberv vs.- Haralson - Floildt, Ttuler v.". Walla- Illinois, Letroyue vs. tar well, Ismislanu, &pcucer va. Alotey. and llroux vs. DarraU; 'Vassjubuseita AUb.aiv.rt i .Urn. mao.a. Cor v. Htialt i No.v Yor. J,owerv B. NorUiu (3Jd Dlstilct) fcouta Carolina, Den vs. i ltalnr. nnd Ijntta va. Aluckev ! Virinnla. Pint va UooOet Idaho rerrltor,,, Fern va. Benueitr Ulan sermury. ijB'iiiu vi. uuriuuu. A correspondent of the New Tork .Evening .Cost aayalhat part of, the President's Message relating, to Cuba ' will renow bis recommendations' made c lkst'yearitruHIng that Congress will be ,nble to agree upon some plan which may have tho effect of ending the warfare ' and leading to a permanent peace. Among' the sugsestlons In regard to amending tho national bank laws aro the following from the .comptroller of currency : t That no national bank aaall be llflMo to mko eood any deacieucv wiucn mav hereilter art-e iu any ap-cial denoalt maoo with anch bank, uoleaa a receipt ahall be produced by the owner ol anch det-uait, lu which the llanillty ot tne bsnic auall bedi.tmo.lr atatKd.' Tho rt-poai ot the two cent atamp tax on bank cheuaa. - Uequlrlng the word taooantertelt.M or ' alter. -ed," or "il ibmi." to le atanid on all counter i felt or unantbui lied laauea. It has been a matter of great satis ' taction to us durlng'the 'past week to receive the kind congratulations of our friends, both by letter and in personal Interviews, expressive' of their entire approbation of pur course In the col-. ; umns of the, Carbon Advocate from l its first Inception to1 the present mo ment. Their kind expressions and heartfelt wishes for our success will bo an Incentive to still greater exertions ..to make our ''little sheet" a welcome visitor to the household ot overylntel t tlgent citizen ot thts place and its, sur roundings. Tlie excitement In 'Washington, aooui me speauer8iup is increasing.and tho friends of both Raudal) and Kerr assert that each Is ahead. It was as serted Wednesday that- ninety .votes were pledged (o Randall, which'' would f give him the nomination in tho caucus (. on the first ballot, Cox's irletids tay i that1 ho will have fifty votes to begin .with, or 'enough to turn life scalea for either of the other competitors. i I A Washington dhtpatchj to tho.N i Y. Sun, dated the 29th ult., sajs i IAs t. for tlie Republican aspirants for the purple, all ot them are waning before tho rising star of Grant, who seems res olute to bear eff the" prize. The most ' sagac'ldns Democrats wlioh&vo reach - ed here are unanimously of opinion V-t)iat 'Grant will btt .tJio, Republican Sidmlneo, and many of U em admit prlr vntely that )t will be no easy matter t 'beat him. The pr:paratldns Tor a third , ferni are nqw i.olng on, with hardly any ( aucenpt at concealment. The Presi deoteertalniy mean's business, -. , -. - t .' -1 The sattonal recrjnts'ahd qxpendl lures fox the fiscal year which ended tvJUi the 30Oi of Juutj do not justify the predictions made by Messrs. Uawea ' and'Gaifi'el'd,-AS' chairmen rtspectlvely 0t tbi Ways and Menus and Appro priation JCom.ruULe.es, at the adjourpt mtintot Congress 4a 1874. These! geu? ' tlcnieo then promised that the expetidi ' tures of the Governrueut Jortho fljca) yrar 1875.iquld Jse, (werUy.-klx mllllou dollar less thautbey had Ueeiii In the fiscal yerl874. A- comjiarijiou ot pair 1 clal, figures ahows thai the ,n&t jexpendl tures ln1675 wete4171l29J'817galnfit (nbf,61i).085 in18W,-ud, iliiJuciiug tliu increased cst for accou'ii jof itio navy In' 1874 orrr 187V'Uiru IsAii actual Increase lu 1875 of fifllWX Theso figures show that It cosls more llmn ll7.000'000 t0 minister the National Government, though Jlftcen ,years,apl,th.ai anjp6rt3 ami cn. bloinf linusen. as area a1 ft'avyj anqaa Jiull .11.. J2f- ffarRe'a tSrrltory, notoncgthlrd tliefJum The funeral of Vlfe President Wilson at Natlnk took place on Wed Heyday. The omclutlng'cleruymen were Itev. Messrs. Peloubct, Douse, Wheo don and Reynold, and aniooi: the at tendants were tliu Governor,, of Massa-i .clut-Un, fle.vctalvrarerjyffthtp; Exi utlve Council, a committee of tho Bos ton City fcovef nmenj'"c'x' 6overnor Clafln, Congressman, Pierce, t'herlioston I'uvlllers, the, Selectmen of, Nadck, two ofUcers bf the Fifth- Maryland itegl- nient. Wridswortli Post, Grand Armv of tl.e ltepuhllc, and a guard of Utilted Status Mariner. Tho last' resting placOjOf, Henry Wilson Is between the graves of JiU parents aud his wife. Current Kvenla. lion. Ira Harris W-o w.is United Stntos Kpiia'o from Ni-w Yorx ti-om 1i lo 1SC8, d'od Thniaday Btr Alb.my, In the 71 Hi oaf ot hla ago. ConEremn arn alr-adr arrlvlnir In Wnah. lnorr4-n tnancn nanibera that it la he'lfveil there will lm a nnntnm of the House In tlatofty by WMt-eai'ny nxt. -The IInue ol Reprepntntvea ot We?t Vlr jr'nln on Bntnrdny nWht fd.tpt-d.!' tines o lm pflBi-hrnont aMlnr Kt'te TTPaantrr BtirdPtt.- Tn I ho Jlceohwood colilerr, near Pottavlilft.1 vvtltlstn Morna w-kltle.1nn Sttnrdny by rail M'li o'l, niid'iMlchnel Norton was .aertmMy hnmed b- an pxnlonlon of anlpSnr. At Malm-, nov i lty, the anme rtav, Anthoiv DennWi fo'l. down o -Finite ami died soon after of hla in juries . , Elijah F. Cnrat, n lending lawyerot CnTnll eonntvi Hit., (lropffd dead in the conrt-rrwmi nt u eatmlnater on Frtiar.vr ille addrea&lpg a Jury. Ho wna 51 year- ot rge. The not-offlce nt UMwemmon, In Mnnrnn county. Ta , was d1contlnned last week K vo't . dice was established, at W'eat Manchester, In i'ortt coonty. JLosiion. Nov. . Tho Daily News pn'illahes a apoclat Inlfgrtim ftom Alexandria to- ay. which aiys the Abysslmanit had aurorlsed arid killed a body of twelve hundred Ettypn Ina, in. , eluding aoentecn oiflcera. wismtOTov, Nov. 29-non. TVr-andd 'Woott decltnca the fa- ther use of his 'nsine aa a candi date for the Ppeakorinlp of the next Honae nt lieptesrntativu.s. Ilo esva ho is not a candl. datevandwil' not be a party to the pnntml.rmw going on here ror that ofllre Mr, Wood tnakea no starPment In regard to his choice among the remaining candlatea. tlaannounoedtliat no ailea of Treaauir gold wilt be orderd fo December.. Tha oir renry balance Is antnotent to otiyinte the ne ceslty tor auch 'ales, which, the Secietary -nvs, are never ordered except for the pur joho of replenishing It lulwatdJ. Itsekenstose of Eat .IlanOTCr township. In Lebanon county, fa., a J-istlre of tho peace, un extensive shipper rf'cattle In atern markets, made an ns-dgnmsnt. int week. A telegram from Lebsnon an a ho haa alnce cnnfi-Bst-d that ho fwged notes amounting to hoiwcenln,0Oiind15ii0i). nrdn8 HiiiJ tn parKuuknnwn." Ills ItabUlUes aro atatod at about r:b,030. At the alrnsl station in th'n nnimtt. nf ' Mnjnt Washington. Mondy afternoon, the wind aitriaed a spf-ed of tM miles per houi tho greatest vrloo'ty reoordtd since tho estao-' tlshmentnf tbosiailoni and the theremometer rasrued 24 de-uoe-t below rein, A little boy, who -answers to the decrlptlon f of Charlie Ul-ss slmost exao ly,M nsa been t'innd tn Dea Mnlnes, and the discovery haa been lo'egnnhed to the father of Charlie Kosa In Philadelphia. -AtTnscarnra. Pa . on rondrtrnltrht. ITni-h Sharp aud Patrick Mclntyre weie aillod aim acywal otheia wi-re badly injured by l he irea fngor the chnln of a hoisting wagon In the Iiuckavlllo Colliery. tJreailyexigerateil repoitahare been clr culaiedrcgaidlog the caving In of the Union and Grand Tunnel Mines, near Plymouth) Vs.. Only a portion ot the root nt the Union Mn.o fell In, and the houses built iivi-r-lno jmnea wern nnt dutnrbed Men wo set arVork Tuns day to repair damages., ." T'" 1 Letter from I'liilatl lphln.i Kn. ADVOOAllI -One' of tha manr al.tr41-t.1nn a ' of the Centennial year wiU, uudouutediy, be oawvora nuservaiory. it is Bi.uate in Fair-, iiiou t Park, near tha llelmont mauaion. anil Is well worth vol h visit Ou Monday lat, Nov. Sath, a friend ante 111 to tee ine.and proposed we hoola do tho Centennial tniiluius and wind up with the Observatory. Bo tailing the YeUow cara of tne Chestnut Ituo, we were aoou wandering ainuug too Centennial bulldiugs and noting the wondrous pnurea whicn has oeen iiiuud. itu uuk jKb hubu 1 any, mac 11 x usn been permitten to drive Mronah the main oul.d. lugs aud machinery halt, wit b a horse and out gv, I rnlgnt at le i hayu been ablo to eeo a por. tiouot tue builaiuas, for they are Immense in their iTnmeiifity, Vour yoaers may as ,we I be posted inaU.auce, suthai they need uUoxpeot lo see all the eights In 11 Smile dar; for it can't be tloue. Jlot the tosin nbjectof our t'lp. being tno Observatory. I w.l., let the Ceutenul 3 buildings lesvforafutoreletter. ' xuiacning sue uuervaiory, we paid onr fee ox twonty tlve ccuUaad too our eeata In the cir cular car; und In two-and-a-half minuiestfotiu& outaeivra .OJe hundred aud ieight Uo Iret aoove torre Urroa. -The view la peifoetly grand, thovaat city aeetiled tnappeo out below us and a better sight 01 tho Centeuulal iml dings couln uot Le bud rlsewhete. Wh:ie we weiu.at the top, t ie wind was o.owlug "greot guns " yi-t tha twwer bucintit a ateuuy a a rook. Think, lug a few pviuta mu-ht bi of lutlre-l colour readers, I would state that the observatory lcuk lite .ad. inverted boiler 1 it la made in wrought Itoo. aoou vly orate 1 bv cava 01. wire roue. The lrun Is ha.f an inch thlc nt tha iiaa. diminishing to'one-quarter- of ou uich at the wim. &uo uc i oruuutr ann auntnuiJa the tower. 11 is upnoistered after the fesnlon of tho .atesxatvle lt .tra-t ca.a. nnl u miliui, ,,n with wir lopea (whicn are osp ,bie of attualng u stralu et fioui ineutyrfiight to tlttv-four Urns) uy au vDgiue 01 loiiy uorio powers The gout e. manly cuuduotur ot tne car tula wo bo hud seen fnqueut caaea of ntrrnusueW ado 'aeaalua. neaa-' aim,ug ills pas-eugers lor the groat lieis;iit aud apnareuiiy ailu-lit bui.n of ton irnriniH u .csiCuLuKd to lunke u icilow anxious to gut bo- iow oawHiu -as piaiuie x wuhu-l anxious, but a n n jf.nu wucu x uiucneq ao(Jl gl-uuuu, VoiusirullV Miac ..NJAiiCUno. Com,p)lmkta-y, , Tim Carluin Itrfvninfa H a rest And n little alio t publtdUui uy,ouf eteiuoiirnJud siionnimor. ai .LrtiaiKniou, tvaar eUv4ta nn lUfounli voluiuh Jt t8 11 gooilM tUuiiftli it wuu Horeu Umea Uiruo years old. To tba .South Uetlileh?m "Star" of the 27th ult., cue of lift! very ueatcst, and best local papers ,lu. tbp xpHw, we are Indebted .for the above. The "Star" willfcoiiRfik'r our castor rlz lhe Uaibon4,Ailv(cato,,entecr'rtOQ Its fourth rolaniM last week. 'It naa aolilflvoa turct hr dwf iTlng IU It ia lett bncht aod newny cmut to tne Minor aud vuudbtr. and h wel. come Tlsltorm thd fiui les of tha UarOon toun. tfoilm Aoore all.tr, paya. Wo1 coDgratumto our trieuMorthluier uu 1 ma mHaifj, ..rcl,V. r ot patieut .nduatrr and eiruesf endeavora'to piuiin ma pauuus. we uuui U1U1 oonl nue4 . HUCceaa,, Tlia abovp very flattening nq'tlce Ukf-D frotn tlitj "MornDt! ni-raltl," iiuulUbed ,it Allentown, of Monday. Weuilnir,23Ui, . , The " Carbon ATTncata.." published at Le. hlrht in bv 11. V, Morthlmer. lax wee eulenxl npou its fourth yeir, with .rlaht prospei.-u for the tntura. Tba 'dvocato" is neat Jitt e paper, and a fair representative ot the increaa. luirn-uwfu ot Lehitrhim' On lueaisy we re. ri-ived a ither1 rlue.iot"aiorthiiuera enter, jrlseiu the shape oi a etasl' ah -et cilleJ he r Dalir'Advocste. now beiutc lasuel dunni the Ji.ilninr .of ihoiOuuot7 Teaihers' luauwlo at that place. , , TIiq' nboy-e ,1s from t'lio feUt.IoKtoti Xpjvs," a,rijf;y aploy bu luteresllDg paper publkliuJ .l)yf SculaucU & Pat tcraoff. ' , '. " " .Vu A'u. io, 'fl ' Mr.'QeorifO I'uItoss is the authortied ageut jor'.Anu EIIij Vountfsnew boolr.'entltled Wife 'No' Id, or; the itory of a Lite laBoujiie. ' This book la a oom'pfet Vixposa '-ct .11 ormon-sm 'In erery phase of .character, and la yr.Uiui In an inieresuna awl nrapAla stla. It you would b Mtereattd older the book from Mr. l'utnisn when be calls upoj you. J-w The Coal Trorti;. isWeuaveveryJittleehangeto report !n Hie -cuai iraueinepan wcok. tub mancei i. qmet 'and prlo"s nrejij tha m-iln atoady Tho Miners; 1 journal foot alt tie anthraolto tonnage forj'th.ej f.TX" CIlUUf tUB U0 lU'lOUI. RbOIA,!.! WDB.ITIU, ;:;X-. ,yoartoiao,77 tons, against is,fro,?iz corresponding date last ye-ir, a door oi. of27 43tonA. Alnost important ni tlcrlncour iiecilo with the revival of the con 1 trade Is tha iimnufactnreof iron, thta purttilt oeiog tho imatc- nnuniircl i-oft' A alnr-ni'-nt N matte tjT tne Clnciannii Gaietle to li e elT ct taat the fiiniimtintiif.r. of ttlff inHlh I .11 Ulllo h TO mlnn uufotery u at wv ,,n iiAfnil MVlITi tnnl,-, It.Iuk. est Fi'iuienyiiidjtof tho lion, aiianumctureii In Ohio was wufills k'non aatlhlcoii. Thts was the higlu-st (juality or meta ijinithedis nppcarancn nt thn forests lomlered tn msuu f ,ctnroot,tli1s class of Iro 1 very expensive, ViirMids oxpcrinieiita havebet-11 in me w.tu uoai, but an Ohio cu il would irot coke they have not been aneoeaarnL A-proceaa haa now. neon jihu coveitu uy w.iicn lue reiactoiy met can uocon veitod into coke.- Ihia-nevr process. It la ie portod i-liaiilcsmahulnxt'.irs indelver iron in the t Inclnnfttl market at $7 60 tier ton., thus placing Ohio n the to efront as regHrds tlii lnannfacturo of p'g mt-faL' Phlln.. ledger,, nth ultimo. 1 1 a - 1 KKl'OUT OrVcbAr, ttsnSpdrtedr oVi r tchlgn .tt.f-nsqn hanna .Division,, c-ntral It li. of Niw Jersey weekending Isov. 2S, 1875.- 1 viui un;. luunm, 1 iBnlppedrom Wrnnnnir ton-..cwt.,tona. cyrt. ao,iM iu w ftj'pocr Lelilgh.... 11. ..... 131 IS jiettver ieiiuow....ii, llaz eton Manch rl)Unt.i..iu...i, Tlacardvlllo-.i.'.-..--,u, X xorkA'. at O. U.Co.. J' r ' r 1137 16 , 8,273 W i-ipssn S73,tln 0 inf.778 OS 33I.Z5I 14 76 IIS II 17,18; 07 ri'Olftli 7I.9' 13 A'-S-UH, lu, I'jviouiy 1 eyurtoii i s. v,jjau Total to ilat0....l...2''8i3H 11 Gulag lime Uf t yo-ir iv,7.1,oj.-) 13 Increase. 11,1. ; , ' , ;)ecrea-o. S,7Su.ti' Tie fol.owuig laul ihbws the 'quantity nrdoal ahlp cdovci the Lehigh Valley 'Jtailmad for ih week ending NovrXth, JS7G andfrrtlio year a COmpait'U w til tliu bttiui? uiuu met jcu Iteglons 1-runi,' tteek.'- ' " Year Wyomtng,.., f ....... lI.uleiou Uppi-r x-t-hlgh lJoawr Mcaaowi..-.. 27.487 IS i,om,;ss 12 U.::ii'll, 17.101 03 I l.-IJII.W, iu ' l,47 rs j.IOI.lM 01 .4.1.-.141 06 2 121 IS 1 Ig.lUttt) LMaliunoy..,,,. , Noith from tilaton., . Total. .1 , Last Year w JnorOaaej,,,. ,(,,,, Oocrca.se, t From tho County fecal', i Sunday disugfeeablo..' ii 1 ' Monday inuddy.i ,. Tuesday vep cold. Thanksgiving was bcautifn,), ; , . i , r-OUvflr lirrneiacr. aherlff,lsrecoy6tlne;Biovf. lVOf IltSSlCillHBS. - ' Mr. TJhver'IJroWn. student with'Dr.'lIoraoe ueYnuug, is tying in at upper Jlniicn ennhk. Knglo'a apostotid, musical aud natrofiomloal clock, was exhibited; at llhoads'.iialL Tuenday eyenlnc. ' 1 ' ' - - Signer Iiimei. nfter pert ormiSg iwo nights In ltno;.d' itall. on etr.lng up his bltl-ut the Itroauway Ilouao-had left the euotmous sum bf .!.(.-' - . . Major Xlobcrt Kloti has men at work laving pipes Xiom the Porta west coi-ner f his resuunce to cond.ict.tue water Hum tho root ot the, housu to the creek. ' ' ' 1 Tne gold-headed cane whtch was on exhibi tion ntthe'SiK, Clr.iiuil festiva yfoanwaiiioit to e. Melt. Xloyle ot If o '-Munch Chunk, ial ilnzo'to"1 he huvng received tho largos J 'num ber of volts i as woll as the hugost amuunt ot muuey, mz. In, while Joseph Lyuu ot the -Jjeinocta.'- lecelved but ti. The cane cost fifty dollars. 1 Tl.tt iksglvlng day was nroierlv o'laoived lu 'our town. ei vices wefe beiu iu tho Piesoy tcilan church by Itev Ferrieri The sulijecta tt'eatedox were ot tho utmost impouauce, via i Compulsory J'.ilueat.oii aud the, Illble lu the bt-uools. ' -Itev. A. M. Wlggtmi'Snnday evrnlf.g'snd iliessto tl.eJuuiorJUnciiuuioi.io auld toihuve 'luterostmg The services were weit niteuted, uituougu me wojiiter was uuxsuaiiy uau, Daniel Jtalofus, 15 q- leflj oj Wednesday iuo: ultig f or VVushlugtou, D. O . to tress u very lmpo Uiiit clfllm bsfure tne ml.iviry cumailtlco He took bis Ii0.i guu wttu bun to practice 04 some Maryland q tall for a lew dura u.fortt Congreas ouuveaes. - The new road th Nesqnebonlng:, riow' being coustiucti-d by the; 1 eutrat 'iMtt'iit4. J.wili boou je coui.uetcd. I1uub.0m.1y be uutli;i,ia. tod ,n c'ise our Uniough l.beiS i-'h-iula uicept toe road uu.ens it ahouid coatoiin.witu the ideus 01 tiiuse tlijt clulm tuknuwvvhat urnai ought to bo. It they ucuepl u o'W-puth, h II wilt be to pay, A Thiiukaglvlng dinner woa glyeu by Col. Joiin XI. iiortolcttu aud lady t-i u lew.tiievua whom lhe cotouei ileuoniinatetK thu 1.0110 tjtara, because, as "ire uudort .nil, thav tare those who have no buuiea.of tn. irown Tue Co.ouot is never liaoplr thsii wiieii sur onnded b.-lits friends at h.a ccay home, for .wliprn he uiakua U uiaeabte and p outrun. In tho .matter of A.'j,,'lJur.lnai-niVtv. M. lupstiet. coiup.siuuuts va 'Jo rph Obeit, do fendeutlu equity, graying tho liuuorub p.oeurt to rctt-aiu tue oaid Joseph Oovrt, uy lujunciiuii 'from electing a b-.fidlug on-lluk street,:the Driiicicaltaoxougafareiln'the oaeoda.bro! JLu. hlghiuu- tJ cuuiluct tueieiu as tuguteittis or laid and tuilo v'rcuiterla businesswuM nr'ueo on ITilJay bofora l1Iou,ui esi Dreutir by Al en CiaiK , lor comi'UUtauVt, itnu Ci.aa. A(- briK'il lOUlt 1 ann icm. or. isu.. ior rotenttanr "I"jo touit retterred its opuUou in tUu lumiun ior; k . lutlio Iuttio case ot thp Com V. Pert patrick Jjll. tcKcei Ka.. aitiirdcr nt iuw nt, Biimra. ts Tf. McKcei i'i wis in town ou TueBuar, cutleuvoi in to, hsre ameet'ngol too burju older tunttuojuu.niitiiit uKatnftt llert l'atrjck mljht b cain t Jmi by p,-iv;-ing uU ot to be acei Uintft bf tbe pruLbono iarf. ) our fuder mar reiumubor tuatbuit a vi ar or ho nto iieit l tiic came to thM town and noid to niurir ti ibf women til ceierutt-u Wttauiusr eoup,,walcHtlio fcaucaied Uoul be put in a cellar 01 011 a rrret for hertrui wwka. ai the expiratiotitol itbaulime aome di tho. wo men bad ooiationtoluokjJifierabHrauupo-tetl extiaordlaarr noan ana found to their gteat anrpriHti tbut, like a luuiumv. U notf abrrveiud. to fUiusB( uoibiug lhe wouiauntouce raimMl au alarm and Vaint'K was arrested, and ' alter A btmritiji (five nocarttyin 91 jOJ lor lit apitar niioo at cjurt Patrick in tUe itsetiutliue roc luui ouotuer iliflliul y ulucli prereared liUap, IK'orjuce ut thiacuuit, in c uioequeufe of wbitn uh joootcnlzaueft wkw foifcitod. rAt tnvufxt term bf opuilUie recognizance na trdnoul to (l.vuO, wnioa was btmu.aeiitiy f.Vrteitua bat rujiuul until it wua reJutod tt f5ti,(wneu die court tbu Uccbirud tn-tjioiuoie rrduutloii uor Teapitina vrouldbe altfiwiHl.'uiid ibat I'atnck'a xurutjea mubt pay tue 6u0 an 041st. Mr. UcKool. bowevt-r. laliei to have ue pur airiee touvaucfliluilon ol the Jutljtment. whicJi wo'iu ouu avn.a ihvni aboqul bavo beu tout a lt nek boa wuce bteu uuuviciod lu hii Iowa court and bentenord to teu yea m tbe'iteulurntUry. Ul(i Creek1 V nKc)' Itcma. ( 1 Our uublfe roads are in a verv bad oondltlon for travel ut the re.eut tiuienf vntlnrro-iit etl urirDu.ueur.iis,Baq .we panpi-t Lexppu any Ihjueuutto fjr lue present, The Ssss Mill of ihia pl-.cn Is at present mlnulaciunnir four kiaasot-fouudrr fuclua; l.biilKk.1 ituo atto, cbarcuai und Oiiauilnous. Theyuieitmnluxpu iu.i Urn", with Aiex. ott s fori-tuaa and II. a. Holt as ussislant. Tho ntst suipmeutMraa m sue on raiuiduv ;it last wj diui 4uw wt4t- uiiiutn MS u iiuuiiuk iu laiicr ' nan tbe' to tl ltueai, 'iniawltl ami a lit tie tuoi. lUe lo thjspiuon. y ihuuid be pioatpuio nave uioie ,outerpi7sea or t.u kina "ThanWsBivlnflrvaa'notTi'rrinuch observed at this place, as 'toe greater part of the young- Mr. 11. lautcs for i mawl.pwi.l.nBiri pxn-nt thautcsfor several valuddle New YuiK pupers ot ladt week, The aacramenl, of iho' Xrird'a upier waa aduunlatereU in st. 1-aol's chuiouof tun pl.ee ou Dunaay uau jta,vuu. List of I.aUere Tlematnlna nneaj'td f or at tho Lelifato& Post Ottloe for the ro6uth eujtnn Deo'. ru, IsTSi Anderson Nathm Xccabcnuinla 1 alclJtumpuu, John U McDeinxohd, Kaunli- L Aruistmiig.jKhi Drown, J 04. O. llrown.'Uev1 1 D. Jirauni-JiT Ja ltouer, AU DentlUi Joliu ti Viedllck. Jotleraon iUoltz;'I4atkan "'Jitiue Jus. o . , llehiffi.Win.'-l-yanalini lleluhelmer, 1. O.. i lieulula, uusrlea Fen-tennacher. H. ltllterJost.pu i.enua, AUvm . bchlucher. Harry llannt."Mra l.uinna M. tlnerta..wrv- ' llaUpt. alia.Ianua. M.isuiUli iiaa Aim to Jrkwo,Uii(jM a, fcajlos, Chiuli-s Ijurr i!r; l-miii' 'Hury film Xueoit.Ueorxe' 'Yeauer, Joseph, Feraona applying for Any ot tn. above letters. wl'l plaaao asy that they ore 'xlverUsl lu the ZZm 19 ' S 477,571 12 n. 7,76sail . .Ji '4.lSl,e IU . -Liota , j jyj-jjY os carbon Aavoeife," II. lf,TiTEits,r. it. Tlu Flrat IVntloual naulc. We stenned tlntb the First Natlobol Drtulr ot Lchlehton. on Mondsv.'nnd netlthe 'crehtleninnlvelishler. W. W. Ilnitfnian I.-,, "Itvlin'tfartf hntltulvlulina,.! tdfOs thp viritius arran'Rements' of, th?) nmA II.IaI.' tufln, nlu-ln HWufll. l.nll4- ' .iiiyc, iitii f,iuuvmiu vuri- o imiw- ng7 A'tuonfehpin Xe'.p'artfcularly'no tlced and adiimrd the now ond hairdo some safe. It Is the "Herring's P.stent (Jhamnlon." The burular chest is coin slrtictt-d or FrHiikllnlte Iron, the best ,3..-..f:t.;iw r:-.'jri-rj-."..i-.i-7.ri.i i. 1 111. v, 11, L, M jr- nirvyivi ni ,111 ir.unk lira efforts 'frrbuTglaf's. the" patentees claiming that it Is Impossible to drill throvgh Jt. and. Is made nit -Unlit hy be ing llrte'it 'With pfu'nl pficklntf'. It cost1 In hNew Yorkr$l-,4t.O; The first dcpoult In j this bank.was made hy Mr. II, 0. Kilil-'er.i 'a(sch66! itt-acher.'.frbiul ltpek' dale, on .Monday morning, November 20, j875.. ' Public Sales. ' Illlls for the following aaloa have been print ed at ibis office during the past; lew, flays t , , Deo. 4 at 1 p. m., a valuable larcn, late of Ellas Hhive, dio'd, Slt ia.e in lleaver Ituu, Ma honing twp. Tuesday, Dec 14, at one o'olock p. m- .the per 1 Msl property c-Jii'.JC. Msnii, ltisl Peon Tfiursddy. Dec'IS. at One o'o'ock 11. tn.. ia. Blgnee s Bale of real estnie, and peisoual propertyt'f Oh'eon otllSteln, Mahoning twp. Tilghmsn Arncr,- assigneej December 1tb, et 2 o'clock u.ra., U10 valnnblo real estate of JaroU Mi iiti. decl. Dear I'arry- vine. Daa'l Wentz. odiuiulstrator. Closing PrlceS'of'UBllA'vEN &ft6yi scnd, Stock, Government and Onld 40,Soiith Third fitreet, (rhtladflphla, NovZd,rflB73. CK.X's, 1881 . . . S3K,bld.it21 U. S. 5 il), 1SG2 . . . 1.-.;, bid. U, S. 0-20, 1804, . . , laK . .bid, UiH. 520tlt6J . lOU' ld '17. asked asked aked aked asked U, a UiU, IBW. M . u. W . . I'lUi w;H ai IT. 8.Oi0, 1807 . . . 214 bid. KJS ssked U.S.fi. 20,1 SOS... . . 2'iK bid. -n sskrd U. S. lu-W ' . .' ' . 17jS Md. IS asked U.. Curreney, . 22 bid. TFA anted U. 8. fi's. 18S1, uew., . 17jf,bld. 17 & askl lVnnsiliaulalUlii 1 .. luj .bid! lll 'ntkyd I'hlla. 4 Heading It. It. . Kr-y. bid. b.l'asknd Uhltth Valley IUII read . Iii2 bid. C27 ssk-d Uhllili.Coal & Nar. Co. ., f.liU Ud, ,f.uU imked UnltedOonipaulesoftJ.J. UV,i IU. US n.kml Uold . .- '. . 55' 'bid. li!i si-lud SUrer . . .. ., 8 bid. lu ssksd JXA'xeieeTani fforn "Cttawo 'sfitp's thattb'e'een ti-nce o' dei th upon Dr Davis anil his'w fe," for thb murder of Jtlss .unmour, has been rem. muted tn tmnifai me.lt for llfo. lhe commu- t.it.lA.1 ia n rnn-ai il flip thttr ciiufvsslon.bl whlcn the 0 tanotitfu ol the bet. aver ot their victim Is secured.-, ' W t -t New ,A.(ypffciseincpits. ItEWAKI). iHSt. from thtl TPSlOf DOS M thn htnlorulff-nM in Kinnklia townshlp.'oQ Tueait'iV Of laut,vpiH, a Grey MtepUenl Dos. w.t.i wnlte truait, Ion h-ir, An-iwera rotho nunifiji "Muior.' lhe nbovo'i'ewura wilt be puiil for tiiia leturn lo Ai)AM or-JACOB iti.OiL,.FC4U.la Tp.'' Wot. 3.. 18.5 3w. US. C. do IVSOlUIlSCIlKV, ri (Sext to "Denorde'a''JeweJ ry storo",' jt DANK STREET, LEIIIGHTOK, VA. Culls lhe attention or the Ladles nt f.chlshtnn anil vicl.iiii-io the fact that aiifl'ltecps a full assortment of Berlin & Germantown Vobl, IifPOIlTJSD AND DOlIIiSTIO KMBHOID. KHIK.S, nlON8, 1UBBO.NS, Ladies' .and ChildrenVHose, r 1 g i;:hi is "Fit w'fs, ' "tmDEnOEIl'&WITZBlt OIIEESB. CANDIES, CONFECTIONS and a rarletr nf other hi t oics notusuallr Kept lu auy other steer IU LMllKbtAII. tl'. V'. i v A shsrotit publio pstroiiogolstollcltnl, and eatietuctiou ,-raantnterd, Oct. 2U.3 i t.. j, OFFiqlAL,.OTU01lIZA HO.f., TreuMiiry Itcpsirtnieiit. t 'drrictt OfCoMrrROLtEttop'TTiK Cuantxcv, i V Asm.m on, N i.vi mber 3rd. is76. I WitertlfAh. llv MtiafoctorvWiaeiica presenti 6 to the nudersnmi-d. ILlias tii-en inadu in a mo-ir that Tlll-vnitbX AArlOSAI. 11AMC Off iieiliuttTON ,1 ino iiuriiutnor i.oiimntun, lnthaCountr or Carbon nndMi.tof Pi-uuarl. yn.la haa coiuohed withal th- prnvis.oiisof the Itevised matuto of the filmed ta os ii quired to be' cemp. ten with betnw an As oi ia linn nuHii ouantnori&eu u comiiienre me uusi. neas cf DanlcinR. iNOW IliEKEFOUK. JJJohBiJar KnoxjComp. tro ler ol ihstfturencr, do .here iv certify tbut The l--irst National hank ol fjehiobtiiu. In the linio.iuholXi-bii.iHon tnthocpqtitf ofC bun, aud btale of rj-nusilv.nlA.tiajuiiUiorl6il to commence the lliismeM of uauklpir. a umvid edinillou Hfiy ne hundred and'smr-ulne of the Itevised Btatuteaot tho UuiU-d btnies. .In TEKTiunar wurreqp. wtint-aa mv fiund and 'seal of Oltlce. this Third dav of iNoveinber, 1S7S. JUJl JaI kaua, uim ptroUcr.pt Currencyi Nov, 1 J-DW INo?2.J .s . i . 4 ". l n .' ' 8. OF A'. Til M niSJfEDY FOfl-TIIE COMING COX. J-i.i I x iii'rwi'ii.N xju: miMAr. uauiu tll) I'llUltOU AD TIIjI AJIiJUIOAN i .& LEOTTOE Dr the DEV. TATUEtt STACK, of Wllllama. Vu't.lnVhe'.IiUTUEUAN, ltLl'. ClIDltUU.of WEISSl'pUTjraon . Monday Evening, Dec. l.'Uli. 1875. The Doora will Open at SEVEN 'o'clock. 'An Imnartlarand'iilouueut' btfeh'ce'of Ano- rlcau Pnnrlnlo. Iirn Human Ca holiu 1'tloAu liu J.eciure Mspoceu oi in mo iiimumi 44-ruia pX'Siie rrraa ami la an .eloquent. queries oi American Principles In mic1) manner aa to con. vmnHtlin rnvnrtiiil m-ntli-iiiu' oa.ieliatouiata. as well as eitlaens m irem ral, ot the uooessily of uinmue tne unaoiuie iwwvr joi uw. uoiuaui v thnlli. Illahnmdln ImNlIm 1 ' U w it be remembered that Father StscK la tho ITieetot WiUtauitport ena-firbuluoooiro-vet r Kith the Hlsuou ut tnat Uisirlol. lie dis. caiaiaea Ins abecl with elesjutas and indulrea i50.iferaot.llSi. jlhQJgUotiMuu1 li4.1rei;U ls uuiiuuuiruiv iun lasun Vl lub .iuii9D,iiuuii.ri tubeconcero Iook. ofpsran ount luiportauee to me i uiieii Maiea. rrr Dau'l fall to bear thlf Luctuie. -Adnnaiion. a cents. I k. 11. Ill aiUbfcKLMAIT.rOemmUtea ' IF. A. OllA VUt it II. l'.DtVAN, J ArrmuK'u. .N0T27-Vrti 'phlltitlelplila & Heading Rullroatl. PEltKIOIEN' DJBANCIfr . On and after MONDAY. November S2nd.tl7i. an ixpraea 'itsjo wm tesvorAuciiuiwu uauv, except Kundar. at Ltu A.M.1. and arrive ut Pnib n..iiiiii i.imth ann 1 aiocn atreetal at 11.10 A.M., ruuniotina at Aileuuiwu with train on Duhlah W'ley Ittt. leaving WlikeaUsrre at 6 00 A. . und Mtimht-Jimlcit7.Ul.M. Ilalunilux. -leave l-iulaoelptua (N.nlh and Green stre.-ts) at a au i- at., auu ornre mi Alien. tjitsulat 7QP.Al.. onnncluur .at -AlftMtown wlttt tialnUitt'LauigluVilley.'lUlH-airitnigat siaucn i;uuua ai us y.ia. 3'hroush rara am run tb.4srcen Phlladalpbta (NluUiaud Uraew strcelsl and ilauch Chunk on tlie above naju. '.'" ' Passenger hy this roots have the advantage oti mvliidslnud alantng f ioiu Oolambla avo. depot, lu Ihe.iK-rlheni pall uf i-hllaueiphla, or from Niutu-and Otovu at. drpot, locaied in the Lusiuesitinnstli.elfv. , , Ittcmslon auJauale ttcVeta Ito.and from i-Mlo-io Pbla. wiU'be o d by Agents al fhl'U Valler Uil. lOBloea. and by thu P. k It. tilt. Aieuia lu Allentown and Philadelphia. J. K WUOITKN. Ucnerat bupeilntcndent. C. O. JlAXtorK, Ueueral Tictet Agent. (Nov. J7.wJ "MP AdrainlNtrators Sale. OF VALUAtlLB Hp al J5ST ate: tef W R 1'w underelirned', Adlnlntsttaforiof ISLIA8 IfJtVtC. late ut MAhOMNO.T!' Carbiul rauntv. Pa . doe'd. wilt offer iitiprihUn nain un ,tho l'roii.iscs "foresaid. 'on V 'r SATURDAY, DECKMUEU 4, 1873. CommenlntT at ONR nVlnnlf P. nr.. fh fnltnw. ina: VISiXt tAltM.Mtunted mt UEAVBK ItUN, w njiuiiiu iwp, uiuiiMuiu, rumainiufc 70 AGUES MORE OR LESS. Tne Improveinent thereon consist of a Two-Hton-l.OO DWELLING 1IOU.110, IS X201ei-f with titclien nitiirhed i llanx Harn. tl x 6" feet, and oilier tmtiinildinaa. There la never fall, lu "print; of Water r.tnniuR throueh tho land. mill It tiHrmannnl. nnrmonna Ih. Knnu . ... "an Orcnatdcotrtilnlijgn raflelybf Cholto naif A I ot-B. Termfnlll,bemd .known, en, day of sale, r can bshscertalucd on application to AARON Sill VE A H N11Y TTJOKEU. AhnHinslrntora Esfoo ICllas Sbivs; flob'd Mohonluir.Twp., Nov, li.wj " SSIGXEE'S SALE ! , OF VALUABLE, REAL ESTATE. ftio nnrterslfrned, AS'lirnao of 0 1 Bit ON JiOTHhtKIN, will sell at l'nlillo Hale, ou the I'Jmlsca iu MAUONIN'I iTOWNBllIPi Osr. bou County, Pennsylvania, on ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1875, ConimenelnBat ONE o'cliick PJf, the follow. Iuk luuLEState to wit! All tunt valuable pi-ce, S .reel or tmctof IiAND. bounded orlsnd'uf . D. jlpffnian. Danlid full eri.Siiiouioii.llOfcpes, Joju Duiislckeruud Davld.ljuppoa, coniaiuius 118 AnES:- MPU.E pU.LESS, known as ifo prnoeity,'of Oldeon No'ths'teln. About 60 ucres nt Vhloaare cleaied aud under a irood slate ot cuitlvntion. thu balance la food Timber i.and, consisting ot 'Yfliuw Pine nua -younircheidmu, Tlie I uiprnvemonta Ihenmn aro a 2Sloiy FltAME DWKLD1NH ' I10UME, il llaiiK Darn ui.d other neceiisarrOtitbull logs. There la a eprlcu of never foiling wat r close to the house, siida runninir atreaiu passes through the land, uiving a tine wsuoi-pawor for ruunlng hiKChlneiyoi largo capacity.. ALSO, ImmriUatsly after the-aala nf thelleal Eslntd the tnliow.ua' nrticleaef Personal I'rot-eityof a nd Gideon .Niu.ittln. will be i-old -via tl one Hoisa 1 two-hor-e Wauou. 1 tjprlne: Wauoti, I Deb Bled. I Thiehwg alaelune (hor-r-powei), 1 Fahulug Mill, fluriows. Plows, audavanoty of other articles too numerous tn me ltion. Terms will be mado known at the time and place of ealo, by ULOIIMAN AltNEIt ' Asslgiioe cf Uideon fsothstoln. NovenibcrSTi t875--wS ' DJllMSTltATOlV SALE Of ViiluabieReal lEstate. Tb'e nndpfsljmea. Xf1mIniitr(tor nf JAtmri yJO 1Z, latent the 310KOUUII OP PAItUY VlLLli., t'aron Countr. d(M-n, will effer ut l'u u no Hale, on tbcpremlaes aforctald, on Saturday, Decemberl8,1875, nt TWO oVIcck P. M., al' that certrtln nieco or puree1 of LAM), entente about threedouitbacif u mllii ! ost ul tlie IliiKh A suqut'hiti.na It ft. elation at Tarryville, ontueioau leadlncfiom I'olio rco, of i-dwat-U If uber' J Mid to Leliiirh Grp. boitiided laudt ol Jaiie Ofengi-eaTea, W'Mow Ilnrrlet dtrobt Mr. hu.ah ICUauuier. nnu utmr.erj.iiiose, seur., c.oumifimff 30 Acres und 40 Perches, Htrict me tiure. about 23 acres am Clear and in affiWHtateof cultivation tiid the .e-irtno h (rooc wonainna. 11.0 iiiiprovnuifiiifl jcrron coiiMt of a Two 9torj WeuiliJr-Hoat-ded, KAUK DWJCLllNW 110USK, 20,x?W FSET; wnfi uuuar uuuer ouu ishmk jHruiMxnu.. iv k Stub o. tmO otiicr outbuililliiif.1. A Writ of ooo l Wutni ziwir tin iiourie.auil an Oiubard t f Ch lco fr'rultTruea ' , i i r ns rm4 coutiiuoua w;u bo m ice Kuovm on tbo uay ot sale, by " Aim nitrotov,ta, o? J. Montz d'Crt. IVrRniiit ilcftliinqr to v'.ftw t..o nrnuertt cau oail onOklr, O 8H1U4 J. Mudu, on thu premise. - a flaj-atiimne. AcnU wantett Ontflt $12 inn lenua udo. uiutu t Co. AUffusia, MMne, QHUN DRUG POISONS. ' aMKDICINK llKIipltHO UHKLE-St Volta's Electro Belts and Dandri are rndord br tbe most. emloeot'D.ivuHftua in tiievord for the cure of ibeiiuioll'm neural ga llve-ctniphlnt,,drftperJiifl, kldner diwasa achea pain a, uerrouadiHfrderM flta.Ieuialr oai 'iNiui. neivoun nun frpiirrni ueuim v nun uiiict i brouiclo illrc aea of liie ebcat. brxirt Uver.toni acb, ktdneva and bloiMT, nMi with fu'i par. tie ilaralree by VOLTA 'IJULT CO., Omotn xiat i O, I'KllM'KKKOVAItANTKKPfo Agents, inn Mat. J J J Term and teiitaie. In llielr loi-atlv. Terms snd. OUTl'lT VUEK. Address P. 0. VICKKItV'l Con AOJU.ts, Me' $300 a month to euerastto men and ad woj liieu rveiywiiete. uunneii nan oralll KXCULSIOB M'F-Q CO., Ill MlchU ave . Chicago. AC o tf)n l( '."r home. H)0 P OtiU wortbj fl.fre.. SII dar At home. Ssmples saox t Co. 4.1 "'"l ,-. nt ,tTsvnAOMANor, dn soul oiiahhinu.i AT flow altharsax may fsMiaatsamltpriu th4 love and affections of any person they eanoa In aiantly. This artall ran ), Tree. Iy mail, for Ursutsi teirsther with a MsrrlaicsUuldei Km pi. Ish Ontcls. Dnsms. Klats to Udlss, etc. l.txiO, two sold. A uuesr boo. Addrma . ?! -Y.MAM 90 ..Pubs'bllaj ' a ' up1. Epilepsy polling Fits J GUM, Tnla'lsno hombuv. Foctlnforuiatlnn, Inquire Of Or WritOI tO UUIIUl UIVL, . ..A..,-?, y.uviwr aale Drutrguto. Jllooaisburj. Columbia Co.. pa, ADVKHTIUBH8 QAZBTTB Journal of Information Ifor Adrertlaera, tEdltlbnrt.SWedpTei: Pu llshed-vreeMyrTerms, r.r-- T.. J. i .";'- t li-ti'ii'i' Qo' Whom -iUMflt'CohcemV-1 All tutrinns' aranerebv eantloned aaalnstna. initiating 1 wo Note one for 13d to and one for 1 bi tbeunfersixned and made payable to J. K. I III1.U aa I ahsli refill pameuto! them, not I liaruiff recetvea value therefor. .1. WOLF, Uhishton, Pa. Nor. 27, U-wl a,sdirtaiB coTJca(31ffsronldatesf toonaodoreasforti cts. qmno.'rark'lljiw'NevrYort -Jr'- (i'hOjl. UOWlJD't' a CO.Udlfori aoiirnb. $5 S5 ;S5 Mfivo Dollara will farchasea Fraction of an IIiioustriai l-.xnibltlfMi Bond, that la certain to .'" WD "i mo loiiowing rremiuma. On Deccmijcr Ctli, 1875. ATenth which costs onlvtl can draw any of tlie following, and will be rrt-elred by th Couiiianv at any time id alxjnontba,as li in the pnrchaso,of.aiOBouil, , " This Is a chanco for vain and no ehanco for loan. ,v . xvniiHuinui ko-v eacu, l.uuj riin Paid in Cash, and no in 30 " loo ' !swju wtejv-'ir ISO 444 S100U deduction. T(ieXfliwtjPren)tnm la t3.10. 'Each Frooilon must draw this stun. All Frai-tlonawUl tie aood Willi 113.00 topur. chase a whole Ru.nu Dond. This lscliancfoA'fortunaand na.hanoe for loss. "AsMo Bond participates In four drawlnaa, each year, until It haa drawn one ot tb. fallow, lng promtuiua. , , , , . , mm $'41, $50, $IOO, aOO, $30O, $900, Si;00.0, $3,000, S5.ooo, siejoooj $35;ooo, f The Donda Issued by the IniluntrUr Klhlbl. tinn Co.. are a. copy of tho Kuropesn Goreru. uieiil Loans, it . u '1 i j, y lljo Uoudsareasafelnreatment. VV I'EOPLBOF SHALL MEANS Can and no betteror aafar Investment.1 No chnncaotloss. A fortune may becqulred' On December 6th On Jftnnary tfrfl. rURCli ASE NOW. 1 U, How to JPurcliase. In peraon, or bv certified I heck, or Kxprns, or Postal Oroer.nr l)raft,ureneloseOreeubscka In a reentered letter. lor and ,mado parable to tno Indnatilal Exhibition Too." r 7. 1 he funds ralsd bv sale ot these Bonds, will be applied to (hu erection ef a ' CRVSTPAlAfiif .. i . Which' erery American will be proud of. 11EC0LI.ECT, lhe Industrial, Exhibition la a leritlmsU en terprise, chartered urthe Stale of New tori. Us Dlreitrrs are the best cltisens ot New Hoik.- i It haa had aeven drawings a nee July iS74,and paid out in principal and interest, " ,QQ0, Anvoneontslnlng a premium, the company pledges itself not to ranks publio. ' r Ibis entt-nn lso 1- Himplr a new form of bund t In no sense Is it to he ri-cogwitd as a lottery. '1 nero are no blanks. De auru and puichaee at once v 1 1 wlll buy a Ft action tor Deoeiuhor Mh, t:t .It " " Quarter uood for Jan 3rd, Hit trio " Half lionrt - fill Whole Hond 'All Bonds are exchangeable lnto'cfty lols. In the snbnrba of New Yoik City. Kach Kuud-boiocr K regarded oaaa'hnnorary meiuberof the Indiistrlsl Jlinlb.tlon Co., And Is welcome at; the; Patlers of tno, Coil No. li Knst I7'h -street: Agenla Wanted. All eoinmnuicatlona ond remittances to bo niiioe t,(;i no ludnsiiial Kxhibitlsn Co .- li Ksst ltli Hi. i bot.. ith Avo... und Uroadway. At J orlc City.' " ! . . " , ," For tne pnrnose of giving the D"n i.hnldeia of the liidusirtal Exhibition Co.; full andcumpiei inforiiii'ion is to tlie projrieis of the Company, and a ooiunle-e list of tlie drawings, au Illus trated Jouruiit will tbq pQU!nod,'yisf Tim Iinlustrlal Exlilbitiun Illustrated, (subscription One Dollar per Tear iAnv ono eendii-e- a clnh of ts'fcnbsoilbttre.wltb. .Its will be given a Freinlnin of one acimn or it Baud dun ut 27jiubHinbtr. H pond, club, ut au mucriDor. a wiif jtyuouiu, Aiuress. Industrial Exhibition Illuitratetl, m FllC piircliiiso I? TfAcfions. N-iV. 13 -8t Dr Warner'" tiarittary Cb'rket, With SUrt-Pupporter&Sqlf-adJU'. Tada pi-riurrsri Birt.atlitM:.i r 1 Secures, Health and Comfort of Dody, with Grace mid Deauty of Form.. . Wo wonld partloularly call attention to' tbe followitiR odvantageat at. It affords a oonyenlan) and efficient sup. port for thp nndercloihlna. lit. 'I be se'f.AiiJuntlnst Pode or. tha daHlxbt of every ladfA-They clve elegance to the tonn.and nie u-'t In any way Injurious or objectionable. ' 3d ' It combines three t-armrataln anea cor set, a sirt suppnrtf r. snd aelMdlusftiiti poda -and yet cants 110 more, than an ordinary corset. In i roertng; glv lsa ol waist lostead of num ber ot corset usually worn. 1-rloo in Lonooa ford. (1. o, fsatteen, 1175. Misses' Corsets. Il,:5. chlldieu'a Coreet-Walst -with .HtnckliiK Rnpnortar. 1 1 40. Mamplea aent by mall on receipt of pnoe.' ' re SS cents will be allowed for this advertise. roeut. If 1 1 Is rirr OUT and aent with tha order. Orest tndueemenia to good Aeents. Address HVsrntr lltos-j 7S3 Broadsvayi N. Y. niitcilonnltl'H Now Story. StGeorgeiand c St. Michael. A jtoiiincit or pviunt laoTtousnaiiD. llj OEOKOE MACDONALD, Anthor of -Arnsls ot a Quiet Neighborhood." t-' Wlntred Cumberraede. Ae . -I Vol. ItlLsiBATip.L'JJuio. CLo'm, ll.li "Tho works of no novelist of th.pm.ent day have tiad wider aa.o or tn en more nniversallv ndnilrod lna4 tbb jitorles of thta WoudcrfuSly gifted author. 'Budeorga and BU Michael' la hla last and erownloir eC.irt" rolumem ptsp. ' "Il lauoebf'Mr.'Macnonald'amost enjoyable productions, ana will wla Wm hoiu, uf new fnends andadralrero" llaitfoM fott. saciboielss gsoo. portrait of the author and number 01 illustrations widoh are mora than or, dlnanlvnuta'WUMttVrtlJiiMMif.f'iiMar . To be had ot any Huokaeller, or wllrbe .Sent to any adilreii postpaid, en.reoe)pcf prtos, by J. D. FOKD 1 CO., PublUhtra, ' noygf TTTart Place, New Yora. A' TM T0B'S( NOTICE.' '' J 1 1 1 : 1 . "T Notlo is hereiy ely thil. the oneiMied Auditor, appointed or the Court of t'oeaenou Plesa of Curtion Coantr. Pa , 10 dlttrtbsl. tat lusds In OourfewlMug from Sorlfra sale ol the real estate of Ch -rlea Itadeusplel will attend tothedUiloaofnlanppolntmeutouTlil-.tl DAY, ttonilat dsy.of DIScMmBISB. 1174 .UOo'oloolt lA.M , at!laa-01neo:ilr.t sioor ahoveJtbi First National Bank. llaiK'h Chunk. 1'., when OAd , Noveiuber W,'lOT-w4 a " f tv' if hribottan OIL i,.Comrjajjy, Lubricating aud Illuminating X)lla. -m r. marcuh. Itoom n Merchants' 1st. ohonse, THJ D and WA U VT MeU. P?JU. dalphhi. Pa. Not. 30,1m. &5