isriKiTo qwTLclifc. u.-jl.. o.jC idvitdb if; c,: tod anffteo Monday dr-sb monthin Bei br"li.-JiJiihtoor o'clock r. -M. J.W-"NeilVf, K.Ui rf; B. CHltiiE), V.K. B.U. . OX ADM ItUTTM LQMg, '3f 0. S, I. O. O. V. meets every Tuesday evening, at 8 efcloek. In Hener Half. Daniel Q raver, j. a.) w. rvjnol'oCA Teibe. blel 171, Imp. O. R. C meet o'cbcmPublla. School 1U11, Welssport m,weaneauav evening or eaen m. at 7:30 p. n, r, Hicvett, a. s.,n. aiiham, u of it SBIOHTOX LODfllt. No. ill K. of .P., IIHU on Friday evenings, to lleher'a Ball, ft 1 70 U OIVVR 1YJ1,IWI10',,U.V, T-llatcluBVK. ot It. and 8. .ArtVcrtlilBf? Rates., Wsdeslrsit to be dlsUnotly understood tbat no advertlsetnent Will 'be Inserted In the col nmpi tf TUB (iiiiBdV advocate that maybe re ivei from trakno-m parties or firms unless a toompanied with' he Uiell. The following are aursxr terms. AdTBitlsmhtfor.tyetr,rrlncbreach 1 Insertion r V ', , . k; . Mjpex, " Kir Mouths, per inch esib Insertion irT-ta, - tdiwi Jnonini. " - fVUL Xeaethnn three months, first tnser- tlon (L each subsequent,: lnaertlon 25 Cta. Loosl notice 10 oenta ner line. I lM"J g. V. MOBTIUMBI Publisher, BISTJ&lSr.XTrORlTKY A 'COUNSSXLOIl 'at .law. Orrieg. Ma t. Mansion Uonse, I ITAUUHQIICNIC rA, ttIlnrlUttt.-Finng Account ami-Orphans Court Pre tic special ty. , Trial ot Causes caretnllv attended to. Legnl transactions la Kngiish and tJerman. Jau . SATUBDAY 510IIVINO, NOV. 17, 1875. Local ' and Personal. latiecelrlDg. the. Advocatb with a cross marked after their name's will please ramlt the'arhoant' duo for SubserlptloDoFtiia extra SO 'ccfiu will be added feTpay'llSa expenses ot collec tion. jEi ' Leave' yourcasure with Laury' ' Peters, If you .would look bice, Fori handsome bonnet at a low price, go to Mrs. M. Gntb, tbo milliner. In Weiss port. t New buckwheat flour at B. E. Fatz loger't, at lowest pilceiarid of, excel lent quality:' ';; A.fmodera$ pr'a?. will be paid for a black; and tan1 terrier pup. Apply at office., j, , The " fits" given t Laury & Paters', are unsurpassed by any other house' In' tie county, Mrs! &E.,Fatildger if Juetrecelv log a'splendld assortment1 of fall and wlptertnlljlpery goods. Call and see tbm.; "V ' 'The fall suits being gotten . up by Laury fc Peters, are fashionable and neat, while the price Is within the reach x,trajwplMoj thoiOAiuox Ada wocatb and all 'the Dally and Weekly1 papers can bb obtained at Bridy's To bacco) Store! " ' . L. F. Klepplnger wjll furnish you with a handsome horse and buggy or do any kind of hauling for you at very reaton'able charges. Livery1 corner of Bsnk.apdjlron Streets. . J. K. RIckeithas still a few of thosfjj eligible lots In HickertBtown to dlspos ef. If yoq feel like securing a good home call and see blui He Is also tap pljog flour.fted, lumber and coal at the lowest rates, -s i BTabk ChIhck We offer for sale ens of Edward PJotta Star Parlor Or. gsns, fresh from his factory at Wash lnjtonj N.;Jn This Instrument Issur pmod. ;by'none;n thB market. Call at this oOlce.' T. T). Clauss has been' appointed gent for this section for the celebrated liutterlck & Co's Garment Patterns .for ladles and children', and' has nftw a stock ot the latest styles on 'band. lAdlbs should call for catalogues. For lee Cream,' Ice cold, fountain Soda Water, and choice Confections, you should not fall to call at C. M. Rottl's." .opposite; , Scunners hardware Store.A Alio freeh bread iand cakes er ry deay. Abb. too tboobled with hoarse, ness or weak'lungs.sbortnesa ot breath, -or asthma 1 Thousands have been per manently enred by using Coxe's Wild CbeirV and Seneka. For sale by every druggist & .merchant liyjblgb, North 'cmptgrand CarbbtfCohntles. 49rCm T. D. CIaups, the meachant tailor, bas Just recelred bis fall and winter stock, cf all kinds of suiting, comprising all the latest and best styles, and su parlor to anything ever befare brought Into this market. Also," a full line of elegant overcoatings. He Invites his customers and the community In gen eral to cMI and Inspect .his goods and lesrn his prices. , Souktbinq Nice. A fine assortment of TwIlldSllkBi(J:-.Giecn. and Ulack iv or ib mo, raragon rrame, raruiuga, wooabtjek, ivory uanoie umbrviyidi with nsmiSengrsvcd. Remember, this ae.uie vuiy,a,g'9 lu uuu county to gt a genuine, first clan Umbrella. ' C. R. RnoAD). Dealer Id Umbrellas, Hats, Caps, 4c., mi. square, laacu ununtc. ? A tremendous i sacrlQco la wo- mens mens' and .boys' boots, shoes, nd gaiters of all styles and qualities, t T. D. Clauss. In order to close out foment stoekha ls( now giving some of aebwi bargains la 'this, line of goods ver before ottered In this section. Call early, If jc,.w.ouM,rsecuie real bar gain, 'if'l) 'taxT Head Quarters Yor Hoots, Shoes aad Jluhbcrs. Meisrs. Laury 6 Pe ters are now receiving apd offering for ale one ot the Urges t and best select ed stocks of mens' kip and call boots, ,Wf bW apd.ehlldfe'n's" galterr, shoes and rubbers ever brought Into' Lehigh Un, at prises-which defy 'competition. Recnember, It you want to buy cheap tore, now.ts.theUme, and Laury & Peters-be plaeel- - J ' Do, too dbsirbVSdho ldsos and a lost life?. Then di. mot neglect that r MM, bet' procure . bottle ot Coxe's Wild Cherry and Saneka at once. One fslr trial will convince you ot Its great merits. Pilee W eeBts. For sale by 4. J. Durllog, and by druggists and merchants every when. 4B-Cru. Ilorso thleycs are about. Look out fortuem. 1 Poultry dealers predict a prosper ous seaidrr this year, , v "Feather lifters," Is the polite cos nomen for chicken tbtoves. o The Switchback railroad closed for the season ot Saturday last. A new Presbyterian congregation has been organized lri Bethlehem. -You should not fall to hear Mrs. Anon Randall Dlehl, In the School House on Wednesday evening next. Church revivals aro being agitated Just now throughout .the length and breadth of tbe land. The furnaces of the AHentown Iron Company turn out pig Iron at tbe ,ruteoft ti.. . """ in Carbi about iuuu ions per week.- iv. i nomas Bowman, well-known on and adjoining counties, has been elected one of the bishops ot Evangelical' Association, A larae amount ot counter: fifty-cent currency Is said to be In'clr culatlon. Business men should care fully examine the currency paid over their counters. Tbos. Mclllhaney, ot Stroudsbnrg, was at tho.reccnt election chosen Pro thonotary and Clerk of the 'Courts of Monroe county for the sixth successive term. A Kb vonn childrem subject to that dangerous foe ot childhood Citonr or Cocong ? Coxe's Wild Cher ry and Seneka has been thoroughly tes ted, and never known to fall of effect Ing a complete and speedy cure when administered In time. Keep a bottle In your house. 49-Cm. It Is stated that a colony of natives ot Alsace and Lnrralae has been or ganized to settle. In Pike county, next spring. The "Grand Council Mystle Band of Brothers of the United Stttes" met Tuesday at Easton, the " M. W. Great Chief," Frederick Coppee, of Washing ton, presiding. The "Great Chief" delivered bis annual address. The remains ot a human body, which bad evldetitally been dead for several months, was found Tui-sdsy, en the mountain, near Mt. Carbon, In Gchuylklll county. Near the body lay a revoLver, with one empty chamber, a coat, a clouch bat and a Hebrew book. Valeria Leldy, aged .18, was killed on the Beading Railroad, at Pottstowu, on ifonday afternoon. She' was trying to Jump upon a passing coal train, for tbe purpose, of nutting a freo ride to Norrlatown. Tbe Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Co. reports the business of Its road for the month of October, 1873, as follows : Gross earnings, 1330,08107; expenses, (215,769 10. Net proceeds, $120,204, 01. The American HxprefS Company have declared the usual semi-annual dividend ot $3 per sbare, payable on the 3d day of January, next, Tickets tor Mrs. Anna Handall Dlebl'a Beading on Wednesday eve ning next, jean be obtained at A. G. Dolienmayer's and A. J. Darling's. i'nee 3 cents. -The ball of Lfhigh Hook & Ladder 'fan Va 1 ft rMa nlsnn nn ITvMttw evening ot last week, was a decided Success. About 100 couples were .pres ent, consisting ot some ot our most re spectablo citizens. The music was fur Dished by tbe Eureka Orchestra of Al lentown, and if anything excelled their former efforts In this place. Everything passed off quietly and pleasantly alt expressing themselves pleased with the evening's enjoyment. About $50 were Betted by the company, A young son ot Simon S. Snydef; living at Lehigh Gap, was badly scalded on Tuesday morning ot last woat by accldently pouring a tea kettle of boll Ing water on bis body and arm. The pain caused by tbe scald was very acute, and the child suffered Intensely until relieved by professional aid, and Is now doing very well. "News. Tbe Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company announces a quarterly divi dend ot 11 per' sham, equal to 8 per cent per annum, payable on the 4th' of December. Warren H, Parker, son ot Amos Parker, postmaster at MIllerstowD.'nnd a deputy In said office, arrested somo weeks ago by a U. S. detective on a charge of stealing letters from the mall, waa triad tor the offence In ;tbo United Uatcs Court at Philadelphia on Thurs day the 10th Inst. Two bills of indict- nient naa been round against mm. ua being brought to the bar ot the Court, Judge Cadwallader presiding, be plea ded guilty to tho oharges laid against him, and was 'sentenced to Imprison mentln the Eastern Penitentiary for two years on each Indictment, Tbe lonrtst term ot Imprisonment tor one oflBoce Is five years. f We understand that Dr. N'.ll. Be- oer nas purcnasea tne tot oetween Jos. Obert's and W. St. Rapsher's property, oh Bank' street, from Hon. A. J Dur ling. This Is one of tbe most eligible mawmam Int. n ,nn .. 1. 1 K ,n nMU. .srrouud urn atomknlg, house. Conslderatlqn 3jnffaf "Bohemian's" letter arrlvetLflb late for this week's Issue. ' Who rides ? You, well go right off to David Ebbert's livery and secure one ot his elegant teams, for which be will etarge you only a moderate price, The attention ot the traveling pub lie Is directed to the advertisement of tbe;P. Ss R.K. B.,(PerkInmen Branch), la another column, by which It will be seen that cars are now run through no tho L. V. and Perklomen Branch R. R. to and from Philadelphia, and that tickets can be procured at all the sta. tlons along the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Tbe massive new safe for tbe use o( our First National Bank, arrived from' New York, via L. t S. R. R. on M on Jay last. The bridge which fell through on Friday night, across tbe Lehigh at this place, was rebuilt and the first train passed over at 4 p. m. on Sunday. Toucan gel the choicest tobacco and cigars, and all the daily aud wt-ek-1 ly pjuota at Brady's Centennial Cigar I Store, on Bank street. Our ou'bllo school closed Wednes day evening, until Monday, December ui, xnia gave leaciicm otra pupiia an opportunity to enjoy Thanksgiving. The County Institute will assemole In tbe School Hall, Monday, Nor. 29, at 2 p. m. Wo prppose to Issue a small "dally sheet during the continuance of the Institute next week, provided w meet with sufficient encouragement. Busi ness men wishing to make their busi ness known through this medium should hind in their advertisements at once. The terms will be very low. It wl.l contain a eynopsls ot each day's proceedings of -tlio Instltuto and other Interesting matter' and" appear each1 morning at 7 o'clock. Rbwabd. Moses Drelsbach, a 12 vear.nld sori of. G. W. Drelsbach, lost bis overcoat and mlts, somewhere In caugh of Leblghton, on Wednes NOV.1 17th Tho person ,wbo the same, will be rewarded to thft amount of one-half of the value.. thereof, on returning tho artl$les (6 Mr. U. W. Drelsbach. r Lost, on Thursday evening last, a lap blanket between A. J. Durllng'r drug store and Wm. Gless' carriage works. The finder will bo rewarded by leaving it at L.F.KIopplnger'a livery, Btauies. Now advertise your holiday goods If you expect to sell them. The Outcast's ThanUiQlvlaff. It was the era of Thankaglvlag', In thli land ot the llnnr, That a wretchnl outcast. Was valklnir, far from faat, Thi- bmr atreota alonir. Ileealnitnottbe boar throne Who. thlnklns of the morrow. Had no thonsht of sorrow. Mo thonsht of others woe, Aa they womd homeward to. " Oh I I'll And good rest at laat," 8ld the poor oottaati ' ' "And thonsh weak and vearr. And life la sad ai.d dreary, God will take pity on me I know, lie will boumeooe mercy iliow. Then who knows bnt what I may Yet have a Happy ThankiirlrlnK Day I" The poor aonl was risht, For be died that nlaht I Ai d they took hie tw'y away. From the street, on Thankagtrlna- Day I VARCtrno. From the County Scat. Sunday was. ugly. 'Monday was lovely. ' ' Wednesday was beantlful. i Revs. Ferrler an. i Wleclns ex changed pulpits on Sunday morning last. Switch Back R. R. was closed on Saturday. Lopez the Paraguayan wizard will amaze those wlzardly Inclined, on Sat urday afternoon, and evening, by. giv ing away 150 presents ., The office ot Bertolette and Loose, attorneys at law, was overhauled- last week and documents and papers as sorted. It took three days, to do tbe Job. The Misses Sablna and Gertie De Young, of Stroudsburg, were visiting" their brother, Dr. Horace DeYoung, during the. last week. . , The raffle for the 'miniature ocean, ship, which came off at the European' House, on Saturday last, was a bit of amusement carried on In a fair and orderly manner. -Tho man who threw the highest number of dice and won tbe ship was our enterprising grocer, Chas. Jflller. The number . was 43. Now Charles you can use ihe Lehigh and Delaware canals to brloi; your provis ions from tbe citv. Joseph Ealbfus, brother of Daniel naiDius, Esq., is, we aro sorry to sayjylng ill, at tbo latter's home, In East Mauch Chunk. The Infant son ot Mr. Chas. W, Baker, agent at tbe L. V. depot, died on Friday evening of last week of con gestion of the lungs. ' Funeral took place from th residence of O. M. Eb ert,on Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Mr. J. P. Rowland, Principal of Parryville Schools, was In town on Saturday 'afternoon. We noticed Ms name mentioned as a candidate for the' clerkship ot County Commissioners. He would make an efficient clerk. Oliver BrenelseY, Esq., sheriff, has been confined to als.tootn for tbe last ten days. We are' unable to state the nature ot sickness. A zlno tube has been laid about two'feet below the ground, which con nects tho First and Second National bar.k's. We have heard several expla nations regarding the Import of this tube, but suppose, it Is Intended for either watch-man to give tbe other the alarm in case pt an attempt, at burglary. Mr. 8. U. Holiioger, the ' efficient pedagogue of Summit Jllll, lllumloed town for a shoit time on Saturday, He. reports schools In a flourishing condi tion. Mr. U. receives the second lar gest salary ot any teacher In tbe coun ty, viz :, one hundred and twenty dol lars per month. Besides, he teaches a night school, from which be realizes, sufficient to pay hla curront expenses. Who wouldn't like to teach school un- such "lmpecuploslty" .these bard, Al.- Dlneman,well known here and formerly mail carrier ror tne I v. of. Oce, but now baggage master on tbe L, V. R. R. between Easton and Elmlra, N. Y., met with an aeoident at the lat ter place on Sunday .evening by being caught between tbe tank of tbe engine and baggage car, breaking several ribs and otherwise sustaining Injuries; dis patches recevled here state be' is get. ting along well, Two tramps ware, enquiring for tbe lockup the other evening ; but we eouldn't tell them exactly where It was ; nevertheless we pointed In the supposed direction. Bernard Phillips, Register and Recorder eleet, was In town early Mon day morplng, and, in company with Robert Klotz, repaired to the re servobi to ascerteln the leak lu tbo pipes. Mr. Charles Geer. dispatcher at Packerton and tor tbe last year and a baa rented a.houseon Race street,wblch be la now furnishing and Into which he will more In a few dsyi. nair a noataer ot tne uroauway iiouss, The Lehigh Bmtrjr Wheal. Wo are reliably Informed that Gen Lilly and E. 0. Burgess, Es-j., of "The Leblgh Valley Emery Wheel Co, "were at, Washington, "D. O., during last week, at the Government Navy represent the Emery Wheels and ma chinery of said company at a grand trial test. Tbo Lehigh wheel stood tbe hardest and severest Usts without showing any signs of weakness. It re celved the highest pralso from tho chief engineers of th Navy Depait ment. It was alto recommended to tbe Ordinance and War Department. This severe test and high recommen dation speaks well for our enterprising neighbors who are engaged in it. The patronage of the Government would largely Increase an already extensive business. During the month ot Octo ber tho company shipped goods amount more than five thousand dollars. Droit hi hg. 'Ephrlam Romtg, residing In Frank lin township while passing with, the Welssport crew on the truck to the JPackerton worshops on Saturday morn ing last, met with a very serious acci dent double fracture of the left leg. The truck car was running close be hind a coal train and when near Pack erton the train suddenly stopped and the truck rau under the bumpers ot the ca boose and crushed the leg. Dr. N, B. Reber was sent for, who, after exami nation pronounced that tbe leg could be saved. The Dr., reports an unusual number of fractures and surgical cases this year, having no less than eight un der his own Immediate treatment at the present time. Tbe Dr. holds the appointment of; U. S. Examining Sur geon for this district, having been re appointed when the last appointments were made, thus holding the same for bis second term, which proves that the Government is .well satisfied with his abilities and services. J, f The Ichneekevllle Harder. iJ Some time on Friday afternoon, of last week, says tbe AHentown Morning Herald, Mrs. Maria Scbncck, aged 03 years, tbe wire of Mr. Joseph Scbneck, was murdered at tbe residence ot the lamlly, situated about two miles from Scbnccksvllle, near Hollenbach's mill, Lovthlll township. The circumstances of tbe murder are briefly these : Mr. Schneck, who had been away from home slnee noon on Friday, returned soon after five o'clock on that evening, ana snortiy snerwarus entered tne house ot tils nearest neighbor, Mr. Peter Scbmlck, and, in a state of great excitement, Ir.formed lilru tbat some thing was wrong at his house. He stid that when he reached home he ex pected to find bis wife engaged In.tbe preparation or supper, out wap surpris ed to find everythlnij dark and' no sign of life about bis home. lie approach ed the house and called his wife, bnt there was no response. At tbis he be gan alarmed and suspecting some thing wrong, be 'went to the barn and bid tils' pocket book, and then going to the house be opened the door cautious ly, and went lu, carefully, feeling his way In the darkness. In the kitchen be stumbled over- something on tbe floor, and reaching down became aware that a dead body was there. He touch ed the cold band and thrilled with hor ror, In bis 'excitement and fear he rush ed from the house, terrified and amaz ed, to alarm bis neighbors and get oth ers to search, bis borne with htm, and uncover the horror which the datkness veiled. Such was the story with which Joseph Schneck, palo and terrified, burst In upon the family of Mr. Scbmlck on Friday evening. At once a com pany oi neignoors was garnered, lights were procured, and In a body they pro- - ceeded to what proved to be tbe scene of a tragedy. And wheu theT reach ed Joseph Schneck's home they discov ered this : Close to tbe churn at which she evidently bad been at work.stretch- ed on the floor lay the body ot Mrs. Scbneck In a pool ot blood, while ar ound tbe floor, the walls, tbe churn, a chair, were spatted. and splashed with' the dark red stains. She bad evident ly been struck a number 'of times with some sharp, bevay Instrument,- and the lace was battered ana cmasned beyond recognition, Tbe, arm and shoulder were braised, the Jaw and' nose broken and with a terrible blow on the cheek bone, these were evidences of the Send Ish brutality with which tbe lady bad been beatan to death. Searching the bouse, a desk In an adjoining room was found broken open, the drawers pulled out and the contents thrown about tbo floor. Mr. Scbneck was unable to say whether anything ot value bad been carried away, so tbat It Is uncertain wnetner tne murderer secured tne oooiy he sDDeared bv tho condition of tbe desk to have been after. No weapon could be found at tbat time which etero od to be the Instrument used fr-r the preparation, of tbe murder, but on Sat. urday morning tbere was found under a porch an axe, lhn blade of which bad been carefully washed, but the handle stained with blood, bore evidence 'of the terrible use to which It bad been put. Mr. Scbneck had left his house, he stated, at eleven o'clock on- Frldky morning, and bad been engaged all the afternoon at the sale ot property ot bis late brother, John Scbneck, which took place at, Schneckstllle None of the neighbors bad seen anyone around the house during the afternoon, and tnongn there were, vague stories or tramps afloat, no .one could be found wbo had seen strangers in that Immedi ate neighborhood that afternoon. Tbe hired man Acker was away, and for a time suspicion rested upon him, but he has been able to clearly prove an alibi, and the bloody deed so far must be cat alogued as a "mysterious crime." ut. W. P, Kistler made a very careful ex amination of the wounds on tbe body. and on tbe arrival otSqnlre Peter Gross an Inquest was held at the bouse ot Mr. Daniel Sesame). The Jury sat until tbe early aaerslng of Saturday and then adjourned to meet again at eight o'eloek, when they rendered a verdict that the deceased came' to her death at tbe bands ot some person or persona unknown to the Jury, The Pnlptt. To the Editor ot Tmt cabbok Advocatji The subject matter oi a palplt dleconrse last Babbath evening-, was certainly not very edify- Ins to an Intelligent ehorch andlrare. It bro't tip to the lrqoirer'a mind thonahts of meat dla- aracetoi. dlsgrutlna; and rieflllnc aoenes that have been In reality played out ana talked dry Id eTery bar-room and saloon vtttiln fifty miles around. I Imagined to myself that If there was present' a poor Inquiring sinner, whose heart was ready to tram and cry alond, " What ahtll I do to be saved 1" and In nil the anxiety ot his aonl swaltlna- a rrplv i he or she onlv hpnrri pulpit tirade atralnut the"Dollir "tore," the Tury nwiai Dcnnoi uirrni'urn, t.uA bcuooi bonne converted Into a dance bonne etc. te. The pastor who conaldera the rnlplt a rroper place to indnlre In cemorlat criticism, and anb jeeu of a vulyar character that can only anger and dlig-ntt .who forms the real Christian aplrit-the spirit of Love, the spirit of his Msa ter can certainly not expect a revival, not ex pect to oonvlnra the sinner of the error of hi. wars. The palplt la cot the p'aoe to indulge in anrry. Indignant appeals, ranlt-flnalna'. and censorious cnuolsmsj it Is the "Holy ot Holies" of our church. 8uch subjects as were discussed m one or two of, our nn last Sabbath evening are Ineonpn table with the atmosphere of s church andlenoo nauseating, as It wore, the wh"!a oonrregation both saint and sinner; with tho exception ot a tow of tho rastr. crn-ty saints, perhaps, wbo we'e gloriously plensod, for I beard wimo of thorn remark ' Tier .wilt.) it Ull. uuir, AUU.autip'Wlu,; uu, -poor lellowal I pitied the repiesentatlvea of toe Dcnooi uoara ana benign uooc anu jAuacr Company, tor there waa only one ot eaob pre . ent to be excoriated, or oonrae, some of the church numbers were Included In fie category. For, Jodglna; by tbe soathlng. excoriating and denunciatory PJlpIt wallopings they seml.occa. atonaUy got.ono cannot he p but think that they are a bad aet of fellowa. at all events their pas tora conduct In tbe pnlplt shows that he has a very poor opinion of their reUaioo, In conclusion, I wonld say to tho pulnlt of TebtffhtAn. moderate vnnr reJinona anthnalasm on tbe one hand, for It outvied that ot the ball, room on tho nlsbt ot the ball i and on the other, let 'your discourses be delivered In the spirt of love, merer and obsrtty. not censorlouAnea. meiiiuo loeorrgp. gi-nuy winnuw.wmuun with the sunUrnt of your religion, get your souls filled f nil ot the irolv Obost. nnd von will forges all about tho "Poller Store," the '-Forty-Ave Tho as and Dollar Danoe House," etc Touts. FAIR PLAT, tehlghton, Nov, 24, 1875. " Lehigh " Speaks Next. ' To the Editor of tub Cabbob Advocate t Having occasion to the English M. E. church ot this place, on Sunday' evening last, we tonnd the services very Interesting, an Ul the rev. gentleman, who occupied the pnlplt. took np for the subject of bis discourse the Sda" Carnal Ulndednesa." We eawatotice object In view was Intended tor Lehigh II- A It Co.. and no doubt, In the rev. gentleman's estimation, their ball, held In tbe pnbllo school hall, on the previous Friday evening, waa a aplendid subject to draw an Illustration from. We.Uhere certainly was no harm In moralizing or In pointing ont any evil effect, or Influences that he might suppose was connected with aal d uaii. or - ugu. luaotv" oa un termou ic out when he took the liberty to charge the whole company ot ladles and gentlemen tbere assem bled with being carnal minded, he made an as sertion which III became his position as an ex pounder ot the Qospel of Christ. Does not oar Saviour himself aar "Jndge not, tbat ye be not Juilaed." and ran be show ns a passage In the ScMptnrea that actually condems such amuse ments ss danclngt On tha contrary, we read that ' tbere ta a time to dance and a time to pray." Now, in the first plsce,whyoondemn na because, our views are not hla views, or that we found f(m to dance one night ont ot the whole year 1 Hut It appears tbe rev. gentleman bad no Idea ot etopplng at that, but whon he went on to say that a certain " Dollar Store," lately In foil blast In this boronghof rlghieeusrieeslt), waa smother exampte ot. carnal tntndodneaa. placing ua In tbe eaiue category and on the same invel with that shebang, ha added an In sult which will not readiy be traced from oar memory! we look npon It ss au ontrage and wholly unoa'lod for at his bsuus. In getting up tbat ball wo were doing what others should tnke example bv trying to raise means to pay off onr debts. In order to have some moans to Sroteot the town In rase ot Are. There la no ont.t that not a few of his members who Joined In offering a pra er for our benefit on Friday evening, were only too glad to have our ser vices nut long ago, at what threatened to be a disastrous fire, aud wonid have been but for tbe courage and energy ot thore veiy "ettnal minded men " wbo .o nobly fought the flames, ana flinched not tiU they had oonquored. Ihey bsd no need of prarera or prrachiug then, nor did oar leverend friend ask bis congregation for a aubscrtptlon. or offer aid pay off the debt Incurred .in procuring apparatus to protect their property tnalead, m-ay closed their pocketbouks titbler when we saed for a Utile help, and then when we take the only aval able means at band to raise thai money, the-rev. gentleman gets np a prayer for ua, and takea 6a. 1 an hour In pointing out to bli good people bow- totally depraved and carnal minded we are -Well, prayers-are i heap and easily made, so I snppoae-that accounts ler their being given so gushingly. ', Mow. allow ns to ask. Is It anymore sinful to allnw and aannllon a Hundav school going Into a grove, in summer time, for recreation, and engage in wnai je caueu uopruoagea, luau ius a paity of young folk-.l.dlea and gentlemen to go to a pnbllo hall and "trip the light Janus, tie toe I" tvhleh la the m, .re likelv to lead to carnal irtuaeanessl la theie any difference 1 a muds. not. There GATtalnlna harm In dancing. Ilka averr thing else when csmeil to exoesa. But these extremes are moat likelv to be seen In tbe low .aires and danoe bouaea that Infest our great piuea out tnose woo visit room aie uub iv ue spogeu or in tne same oreJin wna tnoev inuies and gentlemen who attended onr ball. Dauo lnc naa been In vogoe alnee the world began. and la likely to continue for some time yet, despite the nol-y demonstration of our rev, friend. We would i lso have him to understand tbat, that aehool ball la Intended for pnbllo use, aud not alone tor educational purposes, and so long as sucn la tne oaae we ooa a bd now aar Sobool Board can Justly refuse it to even the It II. & L. Co wta. appear to be ibe ODly party that make any considerable use of It, aa long as thevcan nirfnr nrh use. Tint wn woi lj advise the rev. gentleman, when be undertakes to mora Use on dancing agalu and he can have an opportunity for so doing Just aa soon as we can make arrangements for tnasquerde ball to go about la a tar different spirit, as po'tUcal aiump speaxug Baa aireor insult is a yery poor wav to aave sonla. desoite the glorious ni ft Ques ts Uoot and meeaeges dally received. The as sertion that we had a "lager beer ahon" In con. neot on with onr ball, is unfounded Is every respect. Poaslblr the brother who thought so is Dot in lot osoit DI latinar aujtuuJK um ut hlmeelf. and la therefore not aware that there are other and milder beverages salted te such occasions. In conelualon. we Would Bay. that so tar as the revival meeting held down on the lower floor waa concerned, we did not, to our knowledge. Interfere In anv wav wltb its pro- ceedlnga, nor did we try to Induce any person to star rrom it tiey naa inoir caoico ot eiuier place of amusement, and chose aoooromgiv. i ours truly, autuiuu ThCCoa.1 Trade, Tbe coal trade la In about the same condition aa at our laat report Tbe atock of coal in the banda of retailers and aeelere In Htw York and New England la believed to ba leas than it gen erally has been at tola season of the year, prln cipsHrdao to the fact that an Impression has been created tbat tbe aasoclated companies would led oca their price la December, aa an act of retaliation axalnat the Pennsylvania Coal csmpany, wmca atone among tne urga oom psnles baa heretofore reduced prices In the month ot December, ileaoe dealers have heal tated In laying la supplies, balloting that lower prloea would pretsll in the winter. We have tmatworihr Information, bowerer, tbat not withstanding tbe action of the Pennsylvania Coal Company Ibe associated companies wiU adhere strictly to the pro gramme and maintain November prices throfliu the entire winter. Indeed, anv other coisfae would ba a auicidal ooe. All the oomptnleo ate large holtier of oiua raeeivaoie.arawzt ur reiauierawnoaeaoiu tv ta meet their obllaationa would ba aerionalv crippled by a reduction ot the market value ot toe atooa; oj ooas mi or m 1 m caxTTinK. ua lor luis reason alone it la not very probable tbat any Chang ot policy will bo adonted by the aasocla ted companies. The redaction of prloea, there fore, by tbe Pennsrtvanla Coal Comsat y.whlob mines but sbout six per cen t of tha entire an thraoit tonnage oi the Bute. wUi have but lit. tla affect npon the market, and wUl only bene fit the contractors through whose bauds tbe coal paasea to the retail dealeta When the ac uon oi tne otaer companies is rally nnaerstooa It Is BUDDOsed at brisk trade In store ond ehest- nnt coal will con 11 on during the greater part N ueceraBej-. ine oenianu lor tne oomaat o alaea at coal has bean nnoanahr good during tbe laat lew west. In consequence ot the tailing on: ox me a em ana xor iron manufacture ana steam, tbe tlae used for such e jrposta have been biokeo np at tbe mine, and a vary much U.grr proiortlon ot domestic site baa been macs than is usual, all of which has faund a ready market, Tbe atocka of coat at the vaiisoa s Mooing ports In New York are not very large. At Peit lUchmoad there are IU.000 tons on bsnd. bulaa thla amount la mueh tea than one week'a business ot tbe Philadel phia and Bsadmg Railroad Company, and only about two weeaV business of we Port Rich--inciid wharves, ttunot so formidableastook ta thoe wbo are bears In the market wonlJ baver gtarchMers to believe. The demand from. Iron and nth er manufacturera continue light, and In consequence pt the refusal of the, associated, companlea to soil coal at fixed price during tbe vearwehear that some bltnmluons coal baa taken the place of anthracite. It U fortunate for the anfrsclte dealera that tho Increase of demand for domeatlo aizea ha. enabled tbem to sell so much more stov- and chestnut coal thau baa heretofore been disposed of. A a said above, from present appearance we look for an active trade In domestic coal during tbe greater part of the montnot December, and the probability of a su-penalon ot mining during several weeka of tho winter and tbe opening of the trade In the spring tinder the same regulations that have heretofore been adopted bv the associated com Dsn e. l'liHa. Ledger, Sd. The following table shows tbe quantity otooat shipped over the Lehigh Vallev Itallrnadforibe week ending Is or. anb. 187S and ferine year a compared w th the same time laat year i Heglona from. Week. Year Wyoming U IM 03 Ni.i 1 Uaxleton.., M,IM 02 t,S7A,S30 05 Upper Lehigh....-.., ss 11 l,tUl Beaver Meadow 15 ran S4?,iM IS Mahanoy 13,170 IS sU.all 04 liaucachnnk 2zt)is Noi th front Easton. 18.160) 09 TntsL Ill 10 sjc.Si.r.S IS Last Year 87,711 M 4,K2,H0 14 Increase 21,842 04 Decrease MI.Ul IS ItEPOItT OP COAL transported over Lohigh A snaqaebonna Division, Centrsl II It. ot New Jersey week ending Nor. I, ins. Total week. To date. Shipped from ton., cwi. tons. cwt. Wyoming 41.014 01 1.K0.4M no Upper Lehigh MM (O 102 SCO C7 ne-ivrr Meadow 11,453 08 ',a,o! M Hai'eton 7 120 is 147 401 on Mauch (-honk l,en 00 121.253 17 Vlazardvlllo 7S.44S It N. ork F. & O. D.CO.. 17,417 07 Total '. 13.76S 04 2,10.31.2 03 Previously iepor ted 2 1 10,527 01 Total to date 2,110,392 04 Same time last year 2,844,163 OS Increase Decrease 411,1 M 17 Public Sals. UUIs for the following sales have been print ed at this office during tbe past few day t Nov 27, at 10 a. m.', the real and personal prop ertyof Joaepn Koch, deo'd., near Prince' , Paint Mill, Franklin twp. Tblsasale we advertised for the 10th, bnt has Been post poned until the 2th, on account of tbe Re. maley aale. Dee. 4 t 1 p. m., a valuable farm, late of Ella Shlve, doe'd, situate in lleaverBnn, Ma boning twp. Tuesday, Dee. 14, at one o'olock p. m., the par sonal property ot F. K. Msnta, East Peun tjvp. Thntsday, Dee. 18, at one o'olock p. m.. as ignee'e aale of real est ale, and: personal f ropertyiit ult'eou Notbsteln, Mahoning wp. Tilghman Arxter, Aseignoe. December nth, nt 2 o'olock p.m., the valuable' real eatato ot Jacob Montr, dee'd, nar Parry vUle. Dan '1 Went, administrator. Peter' Household Melodies! No. 12 of this really excellent must cal monthly Is received, and as usual Is full of choice songs and choruses. Among the contents wo notice a beau tiful "Christmas Song," with- chorus, by II. Glover; "'When we were young," by II. Lelghton, and a sup plement containing a full' Anthem for Christmas, entitled "Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come," composed by George J. Elvey. Terms H a year, single numbers 60 cents. Address,- J. I. Peters, 843 Broadway, NewTork. Closing Prices of DkIIayen & Towir 8F.ND, Stock, Government aud Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Nov. 24th, 1875. D.S. e',lB81 . . , VJ bid. SSftaiksd U.S. 6-20, 1802 . . . 14Vi bid. ssked U. 8. 6-20, 1804 . . , 14U bid. asked U. A 3 20,1805 , . . lCUMd. 1SU asked U. S 6 20, 1804 J. A J. . SOU bid. 20 asked U.S. 6 20, 1807,. . 551U bid. 22Ji atked' U. 8.6-20,1805 . . . 22U bid. 22 asked U.S. 10-40 '. . . nJIbld. 15 asked U. H. Currency, 6's . .26 bid. Mi sited U. 8. 6's, 1881, new . . 10W bid. 10J asked PeuuttlTaula It. II. . . 60V bid. boll aakedi Phlla. t Heading R. IU . fU bid. tCAi atked Lshlih Vslley Railroad . i'il bid. C2 tilted LehlKb Coal A NaT. Co. . SI bid. M! asked Doited Oomnanlss of N. J. 133 lid. 133'l ssked UoM li'A hid. 14? saked Bllrtr . . . . 8 bid. 10 ssted DIED. ,T, T-Tl Y Trr.l.M. ..n ,U 3,1 Minnie, da ay h tar of W. II. and M. E. Miner, aged years, 1 monlb. S weeks andl day. HAWK At Albrtghtivtlle, on the tth lnat, 11 an let. wife et Jacob 8. Ilawk. la tbe 27th year ol ner age. Special Notices. If you want to be Strong, Healthy and vigorous, take B. F. Kuxtxi's Birrsa Won ot laoir. ro language ottu oonvey an adequate Idea ot tbe Immediate and almost miraculous change procured bv taking K. F. KUKKLS', IIittkb wins or IK0 in the decetaed, debilita ted and ahattered nervous system. Whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or Im paired by sickness, tbe relaxed and unstrung orgaulaailcn la restored to perfect health and' vigor, aold onlv In SI bottle. Office and Store., No.2JDr.orth Ninth St.. Philadelphia.,, Only in, l bottiea. aoio oy ail aruggiau- Nervous Debility-Nervous Debility. IlebUltv. a denreaaorL irrltabla atate of mind a weak, nervosa, exhausted feeling, nd eneigy or animation, ooofnaed head, weak mauiorv. the consequences of excesses, mental overwork, Tblanervou deblmy and aorengn cure la JS. JT. itUBKLB IllTTKa WUIS UF 1IIUS. Xt lOOC tne srsiem, dispels the monul gloom and dee. EDDdenor, and rejuvenates the entire syaiem. old onlv in Si bottle. Oet thesrenmne. Take only E. F. Konkle'a. it ba. a yeUow wrapper your druggist, E. FTKuukte, Proprietor, l'hlla. sruuuii it, uia puoiograpu uu uuviiud. miiu or veipma, a-a. 250 Tape Worm Bcmored Allre. 250 llead and all complete la two hour. No tea till bead paasea. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worm removed by Dr. S s North Ninth' St. Philadeinlii. Pa . ro have Tane Worm re- moved,atlents most oomeon.bat tor all other worms, your druggist can procure It. Ask for Kuxaxs1 woast Hiaur. Prlo i, and guaraa- aeeo. ecna tor mroutar. Afflicted, Unfortunate and Deluded'. DR. J. It. UOBENSAGK. and Dr. J. U. Hobbnsack, sons of Dr. J. TI who haa been en srarred in nrivate and hospital pracUoe tor Si years, outing diseases which doairoy botbmlod and body, unfits you for the duties ot lift), aud lead thousands to In. sane Bariums ana premature aeatu. llr. J.n. ,11. and Dr. J. 11. li. aVis-ole their time entirely to these disease, and guarantee a cure In a ahoit time and lltUe expense. Dr. J. N. Hoben sack baa attended and cared eighty thousand case. Remember Drs. J. N. and J. D. Uobea aack's office No, tut North Id street, Pluladel. pin a, above Itaoe. , . n. nnuuuw. ku , uj wall avuu Juneli-7 lyeow TIUIHSE8, t& Cents RUP TURES CURED. Dr. J. D. Ho- b-nsact's Nlckle-Plated Qalranla Truss and riuia win ouro,Mvea caae ouiot ten-, uon-t rust, crack or break i lightest t not aSooted by perspiration or bathing. Warranted s years. French and 3ermau I raises and Uraoas, But. penaones, de , one-tbird tbe price etbera ii lor. 20a Second street, above luce, PbUadel. pm. jnnoia ly eows s FAIHVIEWFARM FOB BALK. Thla desirable property la located i Abiugton Township, Montgom d r M., rm. sou uiMw unm vt fblladoiphla, comprising 17 acre, acre of which are wood. and, and ery Co., Pa., ten miles norta of the i uuuider arable land In Shiga state et enl, tivsllon. Ihe Improvemeott are a large Stone Mansion llouae, oontainuig is rooms t a large Darn with all tbe necessary outbuilding The locaUiyl provaibiailrbealthy and Ueenvenl. em to place otwarabip, actioole, Ubrarles, etc. For.partioular edrtree, THOMAS H. BHOC. MAKE It, I Ml Norta ltth Bt., rbOtdelpbla. HEN RV II. HHlI.t.lNflPnun ill a&atli rourtb t , ltuladlfhia.