A lloinnnoo of tho Kail. Tbey camo .Into tho cnrat a way9tile station Wgetlitrl ' Slio tfatfln tlioMend, a position slio U not likely to surrfe'tidei 'as lone as- thoy trtivel tdleklior. A tall burnette, vlth a 'eliarrV face, plerdliij: black eyrS, lmlr black as n rav'cn'n wine, n long aqti.llno nose, with n tilolu on tho side of t!' a moutli tho cut' of 'which betciUoncui determination and force. Sliu'llnd nassed tho slmdv feliln of the teen and hiW climbed to tliun!bx ui u quarter or a century. 110 was n guileless ydulh over whoso tow-colored neau eomo lelchtoen sunmicra had tiass. ed, an Innocent hobbledehoy, Just re-, leaseu uoni ins mother's apron btrincB. un mm sno eavt loving glances, and his face, suffused In blushes, was turn 'cd with a timld'appeallnc look to her. The car was crowded, aiVd eleglble seats not easily obtainable. About thu middle of the car a scdato traveller 'oc "cupled a seat to himself. Thither 'the lrrcpresslole lady pressed her way.,The 'sedate traveller rose and with piuch courtesy Invited her to take a seat'hext to tho window, and when 3ho w.?y Seat ed he calmly ensconced' Iilinself upon the vacant half of tlib chair, lly ' this time'thd'young mari'Vhom she had es corted mod come dp. He placed his hand on 'the back' of tho seat, looked 'appealingly on Hie face of his protec tress, and timidly around the car. Ho was uVWantiy embarrassed, and lld not jknow what' to do with himself. Thu Bharp-n&S'c'd burnette eyed the sedate 'travelleY'by her side with a charpuess mac almost amounted to malignity. 1 'But tho traveller seemed all uncon scious or wo (crutiny to wliicii lie was subjected, and looked away over tho 'fields through an onnos te window. i The burnette could no longer I'pduro w oio u cmiuw uruu Milium; juriuru, 'anil thus slio addressed the s'eila'to trav eller, wuosa eyes' were wandering far away, and whoso thoughts were with uio dear ones at home : ' I say, stranger " '''Well, say ou," responded the se '(late traveller. " ' "I say, look here, strancer." "Well, what have you got to show me " said tne sedate man, "Stranger, I .want you to know that this young gentleman standing up tnero is my leiior. " Oh I I'm glad to hear It. now long have you had hint ? Take 'tare of him, I suppose?" 10 "Now, you' Just look here, stranger; this ybiiug mania my'ft'Iler, and I'm 'bound to sue that nbbody"shall impose 'oii lilni. yorf'hfcar'me? Now if vou Had buy rdarftiers''you'd just get right up and let nun navo a seat by mu." ' " Oh, I am very happy In your i clety. Vou cannot Imagine how much 'pleasure It has given me to furnish you a seat where you can see through the 'window.' liesldes, 1 ulttaya took a special delight In' being near' charming ladles like yourself,' replied tho sedate traveller. 1 "But, sir, lie's my feller, air, my beau do jfou understand ?" " ' I " To, Ihi'Mnl IVl... 1,1 have UiouBht It ? J2ni dofcs his mother nlaco 'liliii' under' -jVur Vttr;tlou when ho ;oo- qlnoHil T' "Noiv, y.iu look r stranger, me Sk'rf that youutf man r- j ects to he i'a y"2i'd, aui! - wo'v, em keeping erfiipany tagtih'er. .! i mo and him antf ' I.Mk together, and you ue rc "ou doti.'t' glvo hlin a seat by me. r.. -e can talk ; that's what I think1. ' " 't he Imperturhablo taveller otrnlglit- ciieu ui, tucii leaiieu uvei in mu uirec tlon of the sharp-faced burnette, smil ed most benignly and lovingly on her, pild thus spoke : l ' ,', phnrmlng lady, I would bo most happy to rtccominbdilto you, but you see I'm u pilgrim and a stranger, way worn aud weary, and a lopg way from home. Besides, my heart 'Is just nov Beating a tattoo of ccstnllo 'Satisfac tion because of your clmriiihig pies enco. Jlelng a bachelor, and so mear one so lovely aud'eagagln2,''how can I forego tho pleasuftJ''! now enjoy? I have had dreams 'ip my times bright dreams as I havo "wandered througtt this great big world, of homo time meet' lng one to whom I could reveal all this sad heart of mine would falii no louger conceal. You aro tho impersonation of my dreams, and now would you drive me from your lovely side ? Say, has bo bird sung In your heart? I i-aw you come as a star rises above tl.i horizon, and tlio light of ycur eyes has illumln ed my soul. Say! beautiful stranger, will you'drivo mo henco 1" The scdato traveller c,eased to speak. The lire had gone down in tho bur- nttto's tyes, tho sevcru expression had vanished from her face, her stern lips had relaxed their rigidity nnd parted just enough to reveal tf'ie ivory struc ture within, and In a tono that was soft aud low she asked : ' " Did you sav you was a bachelor " Aye, beautiful stranger, that's my fortuuato station." Then tho burnette turned her eyes 60ft)y upon her "feller," who stood twitching his fingers and gazing around in an abashed, timid sore of way, and thus addressed him : ' " Tom, I guess you had bettor git an other seat ithllo I sprak with this gen tleman." The most effectlvo way for n boy to learu it bee sees by just putting his finger into the bin. A modern efBaylst teflucs gossip to bo thu " PiHtftig of tw6trtd two ti liether aud uiaulug fivo of them,'' " " Quills are things that nre some times taken from the pinions of oue goose to spread tho opinions of an other." ' Why aro Ideas received while fox hunting like handbills? llecause hey are Impressions taken In tlib chase. " Union U not always .strength." as Sir Charles Napier said, when ho aaw thu purser mixing his rum ami water. . - Why l ft printing office like a well regulated ittfanclal institution I Decause there are plenty of quoins In tho bauk. i It is npw repotted that Gulbord will decline nuy longer to .artlcipate In religious disturbance;, on account of tls health. f.i rgaus IMciinc Exnmliiv! Packard PARLOR fc Grand ORCESTRAI, m $t a if i Fort Wayi.d'O'rgiin omp'y. A. P. H.ORN, Agent, LEIIIQirxON, VA. AMnrCOM kit of THE OARnON ADVO C,iTE'f O.Hco will tecclvo prompt attention. 'Tfich Lists mill all oilier Information fiirnlsh. cd'on application. Organs--! Pianos T. AND DEALER IN Oont'H ruriijslilnpr Goods, BANK 8TIIKI-.T. LEIIIQIITON, i'ENN'A. Constantly on hand a large unci ejtandlA stock of NEW GOODS, Cotnprlllnp PLAIN ANT) FANCY CLOTHS CA8HIMK1U3S nnd VHSTINUS, for MKN'b nnd JIOY'H WEAK, which I am prepnt-d to MA K K IIP TO ORDER III tlio Tcry LATEST i'ANII JON, nt snort notice. LADY'S, MIOSES' nndCIlILDREN'3 A well-selected etoclc of rRRNCIIl anil TUTIK, l-.Y MmUX'UU, Ul.OVli KID. l.AMrtiU, HID. PEUBL1! AND IIRA1N LEATHER uooTsauilsIioIS'ionliauu.or i- Sarlo to Order. Mate ,s&; Cap. Of the LATEST STYLES always on hand at T , Till.- r.nWP'P T1I(TI'1,H Also, Agent tyr tho American & Groyer & Baker Sewing fijicMues. ONLY ONE rniCK FOR EVERYBODY Jan. 11 T. D. CLAU83. TvrOTJJERS, Look at that Child, ltlin "Wo.-iea. Oo or hpnd at onco to TlTTltT.lNlTp Dlttio hfOUE. aw! got a bottio of bU OKit a x it u i', pioinaui huu yet ui sure, ujy 0. A. SUYilIOUU, III. U., DKUO BTORR. N. W mrnr-r TITlIt TEEN'IIliatid ItltOWA' streets. lMiiladelphiir, in iuuiu limn iihuujiv HULTtwrni in rn iron inipni. of Utood. Hklu niul UrliiarvJAffcctidDs. diHeasia arisiuK inrouRH lmruuouco or eariv imnscrc ttons. nr wbeio tbo'iiartles nfll cUd da not cam 10 apinytj tneir regular pnyfician. uharjfei uiuuuraiu. i wo-njifoa 01 1110 uociors P4iiemn fiaw vmpiuyvu mm euieiy lUfouga tne re com. jKS. S. E. FATZIXGEIt, MillinerlDress Maker, Oue door above Durlinft'sDruRStoie, RATK Street, Lchigliton, rcnim., Has lust ODOlied a sultndtd Hftsnrtmnnt nf tho latttit stylos ui Uprlng ami bummor ' MillineLy Gpods! CoijinrlslnsHAI S. 110NNETS,TllIMUISa. U'AIlt UOODS nml NOTIONS to wnli-h fho lnvlteH tlio mtCMitlull o( the Lailivn of Lrhlghtoil and vicinity. . nr Ladles own Material mndo up to crder at auuri, uuui.0, hi, iuo&i; iiricua. i. Also, Dealer In Groceries Prpvisions, 1 EAH, COri'KES, SUOAltS. RI'ICES AND niuun, jL-tliir. MJIUULlirjltS. hlBE-llUAT. Ac, Ac. FLOUR AND PEED, Of tho lloft Brands, nt nrll-n-l fnlltrna Inw ra Usnwhore. i il h-J Highest Market I'rlco paid forull kinds cf COUNTRY fljtODUCE, tu ExchoMBulcirOoixli.. A Bhnro of publlo imtrcnnsf Is solicited. MItS. 8. E. t'AWINOEn, MV15-vl il C.OOD J0I1 VlflNTINO, CALL AT " .t4Ujr nuvu iiiMMin(i, llTld nt fit v rirfonn jto euro mean- Plotts' Star Organs Now and tipnutlfnl do?l!run. AroiiU Vontrd, TUST LOOK AT II Kit IIArttl Why " iiioufintitwcretiirnlngrovl HoJtras un. llUIia uotR butt leof that iicr lIAXH UK8I OU Plotts' Star Organs Aro In cases warrantor! not to crack or warp lr Si-nd for catalogue. Address, 01Tb, WaftldiiKloji, W. J. . UWAUII VI Plotts' Star Orsans. KeUll I OrilllrA IlKt mill lllt t Ivktlti n.,tal V.tUIC-W, JCVV JJIL-JM. .VbSUinKllJll. x. rpin: MoxoyoLY ovkkcojik i FIltiT CLASS 8EWIN0 MACHINES NOW OWJ-JIIKI) AT VUIUKH WITIIIN TUU ItUACil OF ALL. Tho MCLEAN A BF.NNOR MACHINE CO.. ?!$ .North Eighth btroit, l'hluulelphla, arc now ellips their Hup cnor No. 1 SI21VI.q MAOIIIXU, Complete, with Laria Walnut Tables and a (nil Hue of Attachments, for T WKYTY-FIVU DOI.t AllS . 9 noyry reapoct cqaalto other ma ken hereto, oro told tor VH. everybody ought to knuw that we ran afford to do it, becaiue wo do not employ cunvatuera, mlt!dlo-men or pera natter, but nil direct ti thu peoplo at a re&jouabltt piatlt, Iheiefore we nre enabled to supply a Mi trior bcwiu Maohino at tho unprecedented Low Prtc ol Twentv flvi 11-ilia rn Do nt buy without being lully poated, and do not lot any ono humbug you lutopayloe j you can til too best lor til. hut t our bjlosrootns aud ciuuiua tor rallatouce ai yourselves. U CLEAN & MACHINE CO., m N. EiaUTU St , riillodelpbla, Septas, J875-U s a a ) a IKTENDS A ALL BUYERS thViVfihoMl ramoVt a1idykm?lnLrli:ia'l "r",'1 C"8'"1","" " 'tli n.l oHJolnlnB Cmntle,. tor nmfii l?-r, iSP??,V,..L1?.l'."",.,Ji?1' 1 lm recclyed nnnnir tlm vM YtMt at THE NEW to-v r. iu"kiiitiii int irom very TV'&Ji rltlrS? RESPECITULtL 1 SOONER: SIpH & tho lAItBON ADVOCATE. ' of 1 " ' - J :; SIN THE, CITVEfJ BLACK SILKS, ' JJLAOK ALPACAS, BLACK CASIIMEI BO!tEAZrNE:, IN ANYTHING l'EUTAlJWO IN BUCK GOOI. CUT Tnj OUT.-Doo't buy till yon hite exanlrnM ray stock. 4'ay yef or tne ' lD&pccUoti. GOODS CHEERFULLY il QWI-f. Ono of the LHADINQ rEATftlES t th NEW COltNJilt.' l'Cffc Succtls In all the CHOICEST SHAD! ond NEW COLU1IIAQ IN I'LAIN iKJIWJS'a. BTKEL AND DUABS, IN PUllE MOHAIItS, BAJlltNOS A olIrONOEES Choice Hue In pOLID and BROIjN I'LAIBS, ATl'IlIOES TOSUITVl.UI 3) Inch. 2 Inch, 24 Inch, COVEIUNii- All Boiled or Twll-4 BUka. COLOIIS-Black, Brown. Blue a dChsiig-able, MOUNTINa-Iorr, l'carl, EboA Copellan, ruicr.a riioM ssoo to ficsa Kramer's Npw (Oinor. Summer S V.yLh LINE. In BLACK and WIiyTE STUII (inisAiLLi; 8ii. CS K, sa 1 New style of Chicks In BLACK mdTlHTI5. 1' KT SELLING 20 PER CEN'flLESS THAN LAST YEAR; AT JtAIUI R ' DON'T FORGET TO BEK MV LINE OF STRirB ! Blaia Shaw WHEN BUYINO AT 1 3. 1 IN i rniNo TtiftDi!.. ri'woifu iv UJSiyihO, In ml S Ami IJRNTM' low price jroods to the voiv bf-nlilrii run Iia tooen,uciOt,VeuN,cP,'5'ti,Cr,tnihC0U ffe OUBS, fiAME'E, 5 HAMILTON STREETS. . f.i? euw '"' .'"'verHStmeni ui MAKE i d G ! ay p s A SPECIALTY. ftf pt-ACK AND COLOUltD. IN ONE AND TWO BUTTON. ' . I I v v IN DIFFEIIENT QUALITIES. . l Always ieep's a falf line of TBEF0US3S, In BLACK and one of tho BEST-COLO BED yMAKLB JMPOIITED. EVERY PAIR GRARAHTEED. AT KRAMER'S. pirn nr.p.4fiT.uj:.T IN Hamburg Etjgins AND 1 jjf S E R T I N Q S Has necr been bettrr, and SELLING AT I'.Oi'ULAU 1'lttCEs.' AT, KRAMER'S, hqib?;rt: Finest and most complete line ot HOIS III Y. In TLAINarid FANCY STRIFES, to ho found m tho city, and all qualities and'' prices, for HISSES and LA)IE3. Cordlsllf INVITE our Lady lTiIends to call and see tho OOOps. 4 1 GOODS OHERFUliLT SIOWK. AT KRAMER'S. wiEifs HqsiEny, . A Siocally. In M QUALlflES In' PLAIN and J'ANCY r v B'rnji'E.' ' , " ,. AT-KUAMEIt'S. ANP ADDINQ DAILY TO MY STOPK, CUOICIS LINK and lu Newest rATTEp,ta ' ' OF 1 Wllip PIQUE, )yelt;s; . ,l; CpSTyMETItlPES.'' (Uomcthlng Nuw) ('- ' At Ki'mnep's. -J, ii. '"i li OUl DEPAltTMNT For ilEN'H and BOYS' WEAR, always worthy of lnspoctlon-ln wtich you will undone of the LAlUiliiT AiJSOHTMKNTr fuuni In the cHrVond GUARANTEE to OIVK.VALUE FOR ALL GOODS BOLD, Oil MONEY ItU. t ICr amor's. III2BIiMA!V'& tCO., .BANK feTKteET. LehightQn, Pp., Htl.LElW anii Denleru'ln AllKlndWoitAIN BOtKltlTnnd fiOLDat lti:U.AU 1IAHKET HATKB. Wo wonld. nlso. lostiecttullr lulrm nnrrllt. zrtm that wo ore uowfijillr prepared to BUI' I'LV tiiem With West of ! From cny tlna dosltrd at .VERY IjOWKST PKICI3S. 31. 1I15ILMAN & CO. Jl.lv 25. ' " $160,000 99 Alnde ZiiTivo Monthi. A Wall Direct Operation .Tho HnnliltiK-liouse of Met. Kiothllij;linin &, Co., No. 1 Wull-Kl., lvhoilenl In Stovk lrlrll egcsfjlinye laid tills enuriauus sum to their ciu.pmerR during this feliort spuce of time Some peraouu hnve nniflc as high ni $0000 from only $100 originally Invested and many Invo nmdo l.ooo nnd over fom tnlr Joi'. TUcypnU. In ft sinRlo diiy'ovor 4(j,t00, tot HJiicn onivW.OiJ" uns-iere.vca, or W7 000 net Itroflt lo v tnoiiR t)0(i1p. TJiev employ contlnu ouslrliom two to , to ii'toon conpetont booki keepers niul nsMstant-.'.' Witn tliln hiiohk torco tlier aro often pnmpolhd to romaln at tliclr woifaiitU tntdrJgitK ,Tlna tuenretlo firm, well ilcMiTiK tlio civftlt of bdncr the lon!lnrliduHQ in tl'irbrvncn rf bU'lnec, ! isniot womiMful tovoknowledgotliai they have estftl)tVhud tbH LuMiu'sKiii tho clxrt 5paf0 oiUvo veari, Ttcyhavo customoia who let-ldo in nearly over Btutoot Hie, Uliion.'the ioiulmoi oj Cau adfl, fioui the Jalnmlot CubatliLV recelvoor ilcr from perou who prn rontlnuanv (icatlmt In BtoekF, '1 heir hnaliif hh lias becuino so oiteni e-iveth.it two cxDeneiiccd coutepondenti ard emplorcil to attend to tlwlr iidvcrtiRiiiii nc eonnts. Ilicircindawayb-Mead lu every flrtit. class irowHpiiper piiblinhed iL'11011! Stmes. ' o this thov iittribultJ a noiinn of thnt nncf e. Wfl u(!vlfo tlioaqdesirliiff to jiince tnoir biuliicss wiui a aim ichi'!BiiiK win very mimens recoa (or uptlffimieari, aud who conduct tliolr bus men 5 upon huuet pnnciplen, to rioal Kith thlt houses 'Ibevalso issue woi'itlv royort' ot thooonm tlou of aairn m Wall street, which they mtq piadtomail fieo for ono ear, to uuy ono who Uteres nud coLttmplute' speculating. hend for it. tivtnxnfi MaiKJV. y JylO yl rOr,DI51tFUL, BUT TOUEI Whenever f '' pel n I10T1 l.I OP YOITI1 OH MOMOO. I.IJLN HAl.iT, llOli: TINT, or IiOX ot LTL. I.V wniTU.ornuTthluylii thai lluulu lieautl. Iv the complexion, at DUltLING'S DltUO 8T0UB, ItBeeins to be nicci and betierthsn I can tec iinrwiiciu elBO. Mays. rpiE JLATIXOTOIf PLAKIflfq- MILL ANL; Cabinet Waro Factory, AT SLATINflTON. JOHN BALLJET, Proprietor, Denlv in nil tlndu and sizes nf rine. Hemlock. Oak iiiitl II;tr4 wooci' Lumber, and is bow pi e- paix,: iu fiauie any anioum oj oruers lor BrcsscI) LtmiboE. OF ALi, IINUS. Doors', Snslirs, llliiulu, Shnttcry, Moiii)iiiys, Cabinet IVarc,- &c, Willi I'roiXiptness. Brackets Made to 05rder. Tho Machinery i all new and of the beat and nvtBt Improved kind. I emoloy nono but tho heat v oik men. lien well iea-oiioit und eooi ma teiii', uud aui tho erttruubhi tn pua1 anteo entire Hflii-tfrtcUoii to nil Who maviavor ineVith a call. Orders m' mail piompily attended- to. My charter aro tnoiirrutnt terms cash, or, l;itcret f JIVJS'MiTa calu C7 llioae einraped In Bmlibnc will find It lo their advuntago to luve isidlug,1 Floor1 Hoards, Dooi8, (-aaijea. 'bhutttrs, Ao., nude At this II" W May 15 y! J61IN nfMKT. oiiao uiu lot for sale, biiuito in thsUnrouah of Lehlahton. The Iionfioicnboaf.MxSU. with Kiteneu utiaeuM, aud tho lot Ualtout k ot an aci-o. There U u ixood well ot water on ino liremtst'ti. Tho rental lf the tirnnertr will net about 10 ner cent, Ihopmctuse snney. Tor farther partiuulaia app.y ai uio i Auuu.i uvuuaiu oiuee. Mar 2, li "5. Plptts' Star Organs Are cuebrnteil for their purity of tono, o'eennt duamii .iind UiomuFH tonKiruetion. feenu for catalogue, A dm eai, U D iVA VLO rX'ti, Waahiupton, N. J Plotts' Star Organs Any person wlaMiic (o purchase a parlor orpin, whoiti tutre la no aj?ent for tho 'titar. would do wdlto wntolorsp.omliutea, to introduce thin Instrument, -ddroas, HmVAltD lLorTH, Whingtun. U. J. SPEGULATOR in SMQKE lias taken up Jus quaiters at the CENTEN NfAI, C'lOAHsml'lOli.VCCO Kill'OUIUM .Leibenguth's Building ,' DANJ BritlJKTf LEinuUTOIl. where hiav ho fonmi ot oil times a fu'lVilaool the clioleust hiauds ol . cigars' Inr jiouAcqo, , , URIARWOflD and othor-PljUp cheaper thin at any other placo ouMJe oi Phi (fcdolphla, - , v. t, iiiiahvj ' Tlib OLD; ESTABLISHED JUX & 11,031, Annonuco to the eltlsens ot Carbon inii tho adjulnuifc Counties, that entry a-.e now ptenartd to supply them with -1 Live or Dressed Hogs, attte LOWEBT MARKET PRICE, Orders so Iciten, aud Hoes dellveretlcu short notice. ' YARD and Ol-'i Iui. ,-piioslie thit ',-Nljrlh. western Uimse,"aiANKbi,LElIliillTON,I'a. bepi. ZS-wZ HiJX & Iloil. Plotts' Star Organs Apr peraoD, mite or female, who haa aJlttle leUura time oan procure a tirade laas instrument at a groatly reduoed nee. Ken 4 stamp tor pmcujura. AuurcBa, UWAtu l'MJija, wakvhinftton, N. J. BUILDER &tGONTItAGtl HANK ST.HKET, LBHIQUTONPAl ' Rcspceifutiy dnnonnces to the eftlionsbf L hlchtnu niul vicinity thst lie t nowpreoflrVlli i'SJJ i llF.r, f ,U8 KOTION'o?WJHlr? IN(1 llOUSEH, ClIUHOltES RCWooS JIOUSES. aud OTHKU BUILDfNOS. SlsV that he keeps fonstantlron hand mil isSori jment of every description of BKApONKDk XiUmlioi" I Conslstlna-pf FLOOKINfl. 8IDIN0 , DOOI IIL1NDS. HIIUTTE RB.' UOLU1NQ c. w hich he is jireprfe5,to lurulaa ix tu ffr Xowest Market ITlcca. 1 i nrr V' ..i yno re apoctrnlly aallcltM. May 17. wj( wifi it hex. ntJ wood pdmpHl- the itkiniaiiVr. SrANDARD ofTth iasrket, by 'popaj. Tlted tolalchley'sjinprored Oracki llio Drc Check Valfe, which 'c'snl nlthiraw.n without dlrtnrbTtlJ U -J lir i-mXlJt 'eititA.ni- ,n.l. mtlVUJ' a lifetime, 'for Hula tW dumlwrt )i!ttk iJX3 the tradu trerierally. In 'order to sure 'that you cot Hlatchloy'i T'uintl.bd cartful and Kea thnt it has my trade mark aa above. If ou ao noi Know wnere to nuy. aeicriptivi ctraa UrB, tojrotber with the name and aJdren of tb vewt npareat you, will be promplty' rtirnlhl iy .l.lr.,eln. with .l.mn T' CHASi 13, BlAtCHLEY, MANU.Gf URER, itsrch o. '7S-8m nr- "Telssport Ahead 1 io nniicrsiniM would respectfully Inform rLllEllH, CONl'ltAtiTOIto hlfth l'nblU eut-ral that thej have opened a f " ' " ' ' In connection with their , NIJAIl THE L. & B. DEPOT, WEISSPG&7?,Penn$. And that they hare now on hand an I MME N 811 8TOCKOFTIIOUOUOLV8KABONBD fjUMBISB. SUUB AD. Rough Pino Rdards, burfaceil rlno Boards, Flooring, Hemlock and line. Sidings, of all bind, , " lilnglesati Irarnenso gtoek, ' ftooDng and ('eilljijjJLatlj,, , . . Scantling, ' 1 And, in fact, LTJAIliER of every description ino vnry luwoi' iaAiiKd ritictll. We sre also nrenired to furnish nut L.Tittnn nnd others witbaMopener'&rtiele of 8 A Ml? sultahle tor ilAhONUV WOItE, PLAbTJSM INU, &c. &.0 , at Remarkably Lew le lgoree.- We htiTe constantlr on hand a lure, ataak HAWHD FIREWOOD, w hit ft wa .MT In la2 or small qnantltica, at' rulCEa -TO-BUfl OUlt POUKETd. . 4 - OyE'Moiro-iHijNrST COUNT LOW- PBIO. Icakei&AlbHgM, Weissport. Ana-. M "Carbon CAnoIr, Pav T K. RIKF.RT, C- . Opposite L. & S. Dytpot, On tLfj East Woistport Canal Bank. Ttenncctrullr Infoims the citizens of this nlil ty t nnt he keeps constantly on hand and SKLLl althnl.OVVEnT MARKET PMlCEB.tho tkV UUaTllUAND3oI r- t ALSO, rjEALEn,II FOR BUILDING: AND I TtlER PURPOSES ' which he misranteea lo bo Thoroughly Sqasbned, AND WUIffiil HE IS NOW SBLLTNq AH TI1E VERY LOWEST RATEf, ori n ' in -u m m WJipLEBALE and RETAIL, at ie LOWISBT, He has a anumberof TeryellnblrtoeaUd JSiiilcliuluptsi In Rir-KERTSTOWN, Franklin Township which hewlli rlell on rery Easy T(:rniY. ' Aug. 0. I. K. ri jcKEIlT. Bank & South fits.. leoihton, Pa. Jf EEys A FULL LINE OF OomiirUinr LADY'S DRESS nOpDS, BLACK and COLORED AXTACAd, OINpHlUS, ' fHlNTS.HIIlRTINOS, NllEETrNaS, c, of ercry aitAUE and PRICE.- A Jill Carpets. aiid; Qil Clph ' lN.OHPjVTiyAIETY 9 "R SI V. TEAS, COFFEES, SUtlAR, SPICES. mVtT, JlAMBbltOULDElli, BIDE-HEAT, . ' Bought, Bold orExohaogad. HAR D.WARE FOR BUILDINO ANd!oTIIEB PUHPQBErl in great vailetyoj the EianHt-r n All needs Warrantca as Rfpreueoted, and rices In lyaa low aathwwtere, . April 6. WILLIAM .ttBUElWK. 1 I 1 Mill II 1. TtVYXT TRY IT. I 1HE INDIA A REB PLA8TEM for a WekTok, pURIi' IUU,hin them. J Maj ,