Prayer that Created nn jUiiplcsnut ness Aiming tls Sisters, They camo near, iirtvjiiis ft fmv In colored praye,ruiqe,(lng at Kyiesvlllo a few nlahls ago '.Quo of the sisters, who bad a grlevaoco, prayed : "O, Lord J Joo.k ,poii Dy resembled children hya'r dls ebenlu', an' nioob'' 'em with Dy (yacc. Tetcli dyar liart wld do spirit ah all 'bounding lub. Build up dar altli eo strong dnt je deb bll cant budgo It, an' -'.specially ,woud wo ajc, If It am possible wid do redeem, er, dat Doumit a little myall sense lit jto ,tlie oblustlcated pale ,6b tlio yallaw wench wlia,l am a-giizltti' on da bench preopposlt'p Dy bel.ubbe'd sarvant." ' " whatfa .dat'you'se sayln" to tjie Lord .'bout me?" asked tho wcucli, rising, to a point of order. Nof seeming to notice the Interrup tion, the supplication continued : Gib our fool and erring' sister more dlsguinptlon, O Lord I to see do dllfer jituence atwlxt light an wrong, an' Jam de huzzy to behave hersef In Dy Jioly sankenooary, Mead of wrlggluui . ruunu iiku sie was ownuuvteu u cunt screw, an' 'ta'mluetln' uVso saked pre sinks wld unholy winkhi'a at tlio male an' maskellHe proportion nb'dls assem bled gatbe'rln'. An' pli " ' " It's a llo 1 good Lord, it's a Hel an' Dou In Dy inflainina'te wisdom knows I neber clone It I" shouted tho traduced member, who had now becomo nearly wild vttli rage. " Dar's not one pra'c llcle of 't'root In it. It'a u lie, an' I can nlash the Ite's'J"" yVitli theae'wprds she threw herself over tho bench on to the back of the kneeling sister, plunged her hands Into 'the bubtIO of that devout but Indiscreet person and lifted her up' bodily. Confusion reigned aud dlru illsmay was In many faces fliiit but u iiioment before were bright with the jiope of Ileaven. But u stalwiut deacon finally separated the females, calmed their ex cited feelings, and, addressing the be) audience In an Impressed ton? said : ' " Bredern,it am better tjjat we dwelf togeder in Impunity. ' tiess 'peal to de lruno ob grace duf, dar tie no moar such graceful disruption in pur' midst. Will Brudder Johnson please' make the 'peal In one ob'hls powerful prahars?" ' And the appeal was well aud timely inade. From the Brunswlcker. Something to'rc&il on sundayf .. Tho whole family climbed out of the wagon and went into the Atlantic book Blum. Tfiey were father, mother, and six-teen-yeapold daughter. ' Mister, wo want ter sorter clt aorao: fliln' good to read on Sundays, which la " Shall be glad to servo you, Whs:t;will the ladies like ? ' 5HMVlial il'ye 'want, Sofy ?" sir, '! I'd choose somthtu' 'Jiout the p.jw fnlilnnQ ''im 1'.' ' " Of koars' I mough;a know'd tbetl Jvm you llx ner outv ''0)1, yes,'-' replied the storekeeper j ." we have here Godey, LejlW, Harper's" Bazar, Peterspp, Deinorjjijt and nu merous other maBazlpes." ' ' " " Godey ' w'ioyou' don'f tell me he's live an' figurln' out fashions yet, do ye?" cried thu old man. 'Oh, yes,?" was the reply. " Well, centennial snakes and cross barred breeches'! Wy.ole 'oomau.don't ye niind ye thet we lied our wedfjlu' close'Bxed uparter his piati ? Godey I Of'ko'ars.'Suffy, ye'll take Godey, and l'll'fjet,' tho bob-tailed mule an'tbe blaclc shoat that what he sez is the fashion can't bo discounted." " What will your wife likp ' " aske4 the me'rehapt, as the old mail pal i for the magazine." ' "Soiuethlnl fbat's got good church feadln' In It spuie rellgua"paper, ef ye please," replied the old lady, " Here's the best we have the Chris tian at Work." " Hold up thar 1 Is thet got any ef fhet Beecher an' Tilting blzluess It It?" "Nope o' yer blzness, anyhow I S'pose there is V" fired up the old lady. "laiut, ney r- "No. 'taint I" So's It's church read- In' It don't bother you, sir ; so dry iipl" "Well, mebbe tiiat's so ; an' what I read don't bother you, too ?' All right, bister : list hand rue out halt a dozen llustrated papers full of pictures of leus with striped ttockln's on au titty-dollar garters, aud " " The old lady chucked tho Christian at Work under the table grabbed the pld man by the ear, and if he'fjad worn striped stockings, about u'cveu Inches Of them would have been seen' between the tops of his shoes and tho bottoms of bis pacts' legs, as she made blin walk Dpanuu opt to uio wagon. "Uow do you get up your ser mons?"'asked some &110 of Jr. Moody, His reply was : " For a number of years I have kept large envelopes mark ed, say, 'Blood,' 'Heaven,' 'Faith, etc., and everything I hear or' meet with on any of these subjects I make 1 note pi It, aud kept It In these enve lopes.' After some time I have ma terial enough In these envelopes for three br four sermons. People spme times spealc of ine taking four or five months' to prepare a sermon ; It tajci me four orfive years."' a countrvmau brought a board to an artist, with' the re)'uesl that he wouijl paint upon 11 ot. liuristupuer, as iarg( as life. ' " Uut,' (returned tbe artU(' "the bpard Is too short 'for that pur pose." Tie countryman looked per plexed at his uucxpected discovery, "Tbat'Kbad," he said; "but look sir, you can let his ankles hang over Uie cage ui inu uoaru, Subject for dlscusslou by debating clubs ; " Was Noah Justified in taklne with him into the ark thu' two parent mosquitoes V In 1820 Henry Damon was sent for murder to the Vermont Mate prison for lite. He wns recently killed by falling aown suirs at too age or sixty, nine. There Are two times In a tnan'i life wheu be eagerly scans the news paptr once, when tie has been In an awful scrape, and, again, wbeu he looking for a 1 uft. " How much have you got meat aitd for?" as the butcher said when he called at the '.ax collector's office to 8 asQs Mr 3STew Corner JtiF EXTENDS A TO ALL BUYERS IN KemrnlnK thanks to my many Frlenda and Customer. In Lehlali una odJolulnK Counties, lot their liberal support ami kindncus, wh'ch I have received Utinnir the pa! vent at Tall NEM vu nn u it. mdu a iuo lime r nero lor ine repiunr oucning 01 Mrjtiwo -i iiada, refpecuu iv caliyonr attention to tlia fact that I liavo OPEN KD, and am now DAILY ItECJSIVINO, In all tnofalest anil NEWEST STYLES O0OD3. sultuho lor LADIl'S'. Mle-SES anil GENTLE. a ins, ranging in mi nrict-e, iiom very the Valley. I wounl theretoto request a offering In my (afferent dedartmeuta. RESPETFULLl" yours 1. 1. SEA fiew CORNER SIXTH & Peraona purchasing attheEornor store, will the CARB.9N ADVOpATK, r ' KRAMER'S IB THE HEAD QUAINT EES IN THE CITY FOH DUCK SILKP, fiLAOK ALPACAS. ILAOK CASnitEnE, TAMI9E, BOMBAZf:S, AMD IN ANTTpING BEBTAINING IN BLACK GOODS. CU.f TUI OCT. Don't bay till you have examined my ttoclc. I'aya you'fo the InspectloD. OOOgti CnEEBFUIAY SUOWN. the LHADINO FEATURES at tte '.'NEW COIlNEll." rjefect Success. In all the CHOICEST SHADE? and NEW COLORING IN I'LAl.V IMOWN'S. STEEL AND DRABS, IN PUKE MOHAIRS, BALERNOS and PONGEES Choloe line In SOLID and BROKEN PLAIDS, AT TRIOES T08UIT ALL! 6IZEB-S) Inch. 71 Inch, U Inch. COVERIN-All IJolled or Tallied Slla. COLORS Black, Ijrown. Bae and Ohangable. MOUNTINO-Ivory, Tearl, Ebony, Cornelian, and French Horn. PRICES FROM IS.00 to I10.W. Kranier's Nov Coriipr. Slimmer Silk. FULL LINE.' In BLACK and WHITE STRIPE. aiUSAILLE BILK, and Mljr ttTlecJ Check. In BLACK and WHITE. ISP SELLING 20 PER CENT LESS TUAN LAST YEAR. AT KAftM EH'. D01(!T FOUOET- TO BBli MY LIME OF STRIPE AMD Plaid Sliawls, THBN BUTIKO AT Kramer's. low pnee gooua to the very net wnin can be III not too much tioublc) to tend too line ot r' 1 'i Corner Store, HAMILTON STREETS. pleateitate they saw this adrerllaemrnt In -T MAKE Kjid Gloyes A SPECIALTY. IN BACK AND COLORED. IN ONE AKD TWO BUTTON. IX DIFPEriENT QUALITIES Aliravs kepa a (all line of TIlEroUSSS, it jiijAuk ana one or tlio BEST COLORED MAKES IMPORTED. EVERY PAIR GRARANTEEQ. . AT KRAMER'S. OUR DEPAiTTMCKT IN iranibiirg Edgings IN SE It TINGS Ilaa never been bettrr, and KKLLINQ I'Ol'ULAR I-niCES. AT AT KRAMER'S, HOISERY. Finest and moat coniplcto lino of IIOISKKV, In PLAIN and FAftCY STRIVES, to bo found In tho city, aud all qualltlra and prices, for MISSUS and LADIES. CordUUr INVITE our Lady Friends to call and ece tl.e GOODS. POODS CHEERFULLY SlIOWN. AT KRAMER'S. (yiEN'S HOSIERY, A Specially. In all QUALIFIES In rtAIN and FANCY STRIPE. AT KRAMER'S. JUST 01WED, AND ADDING DAILY Tp MV STpCK, CHOICE LINK and In Mewcit rATTSUNS wiuti; riQUE, WELT'Si, COSTUME STRIFES, (Somtthlng New) At Kramer's. OUR DEPARTMENT For MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR, alvrara worth v ot tnapeotlontn which yon will find one Of th. LAROTr ABSORTMENTlj fonnd In the dtj, and OUAIANTEB to OIVE VALUE FOR ALL GOODS BOLD, OR HONEY RE- FUNDED. Atj Kramer's. lassos- IMcnso Rxniuinc! Packard FAltOll & Grand ORCHESTRAL Fort Wayi.'o Organ Comp'y. A. P. HORN, Agent, I.EIIIGnTON', PA. Allnrner lflt nf'THli CAnilO.V AHV11. CATE" Ofllee will receive nrrnipt nttrn I Ion. fnee TJata and all oib,cr Information lurnltli. cd on application. r trans iimos T. . CiiAVSS. AND DEALER IN Gcnt'N Fiii'IiImEjIiik Goods. DANK MTItRf-.T. LKIIIOriTON. l'ENK'A. Constrntly on hand a lnrsc and eplcmlld stock ot NEW GOODS, Connorl!nc PLAIN AND l'ANCY CLOTHS CABHIMIShKS mill VKSTI.MIS, for MliN'h and JiOY'H WKAlt, which I am ncp-niil in MAKK UP TO OIlIIKU in the VCiy lirKUT FAHI1I0N, at ehm t notice. LADY'S, MISSIS atldCniLDHEN'3 A wpll-Boloctcd Btorltof VISHNf'll andTUTUC. ICY SiOltOl-CO. (1I.OVK K'D. LA-il'INU. KID. l'KllBt.K AND (1UA1N LEAT11KU BOOTS and HUOEl on hand, or la,'l o Onlcr. Mats jsim3 Ot tl.f LATEST BTYLF.s always pn tanct at ' TUK LOWEST ritIOi.8. Also, Accnt for tho American & oi-over Si Salter ewjg jHachlues. ONLY ONE I'JIICE rillt KVEHYRODY Jan. II T. D. CLAUSS. irOTniins. Look, at that Chi.d. It ha Wofn. Oo or m'ud at onc.0 io DUIiLlNil'S DRtin M'OiiE, n,i got a iot( eof idx WORM oiuur, bo piuiHiiui .1111 yet o burc. iny c. A. SEV.1IOUK, M. I).. DllUO STORK. N. W corr-cr THIR TEEN lit and llllt) W.N Blroi tn. IMnlado lihsa, la nioro than ticnullv auacet ilm tl e tmuii.oat of llloort. ssiti and UnparvHiU-ctuiis). rtlHciuei arlsllia llirouch linurmlcnco m oarlv fniltscre. nous, ur wi.t;ie me purlieu mil ciiu no nub taic to apply ti iheir regular phfhlcian. Chiirao inoi'.eralo. Two-thin, sol tlio'Poctoi'a n.tlenM uao ompioj'eo nini aou-iy inrougu iuo rt com, utumiuiitju 01 oiutrn iijiy vy I -jTKS. S. E. FATZIXUKI!, MillineriDress Maer, One door above DurliUk'a Drill 'Jlole, BAXIC Street, LelslgliUm, Puma,, Has Juat oponwl a nn'ndid I'pwttment at the lull tl aiylcs ut BpiluK i,nd bummer Millinery Goods. ComprtalrBlIA'IS.lJON-NF.rS.TniMMINati, J1AIH UOOIJ-1 anil NOTION-i to wi.uh lm lnvltm thouttoniluii of tho Lad. oa ot Li-lnghtcn and Ticinity. fV" Ladies own made up to older at short notice, and at low set pneoa. Also, Dealer In Groceries Provisions, TEAH, COFFKr.S SUOATm. PP1CES AND FHUI1S. 11x41 , allOULDUUI, hJI)i:.iIKAT, Ac tin. FLOUR AND FEED, pf t H est Brands, at price full as low as etsflwnpre. r '1 ho Highest Market Price palil for all kinds of COUNTUY PRODUCE. In exchange for Good. A share cf pabtlo patron ago Is Relict ted, Mas. S. V. rATZINQER. larl5.vl POR GOOD JOR I'RINriNQ. CALL AT V TI1E CARUON ADVOCATP. Ol'l'IOB Woik ready wnl-n rromlM.l. and at city vilova, Ce anre to call It will luy to no ao. Plotts' Star Organs New and teantlfnl delirn. Acontd Wantcil, Aooreaa. auwu i-lutih. wahmelnu, n J, TUST LOOK AT IIKIt HAIR I VVliy I " thought it wore turnlru grey t fa It was. un til tho vol a bottle otthut new 1 1 A 1 11 itr'irOU- Plotts' Star Organs Are In caMs warranted not to crack or narp It proiwily ned. stiidfor ratalo"ne AOl.o(l Plotts1 Star Uranus. Keud tornilcollet and lUt of t etimoulali vaureaa v'jsuu rui Jo, Wrtenineiou, . rjlIE MOSOI'OLY OYKKCOMi: ! FIRST CLASS SEWINO MACHINES NOW Or'FEREI) AT 1'llICliS WITHIN THE KUACU .OF ALL. The MCLEAN A BENNOR JIACI1INE Co. K3 North Eighth direct, 1'hiladelphla, aro now Mdllng their Superior No. I SUWIKG Jl.iIIXi:, Complete, with Larae Walnut Tablea and ft full line ot aiuicuuicuw, lur TWC;TVi FIVE DOLLARS. nirerv reanect eaual to other malcea hereto. or. sold tor to), ilreryuodr ought to know thtt we can afford to dn It. becaueo wo do nos .mnlov psnruMri. mtddlo-men or nereuanei but eell direct to tbe ueoiile at a reou.blo profit, therefore w. aro enabled to eupvly a huperior bewin g Machine at the unprecedented Law Price of Twentr.nre Dollars Do not buy without being fully poatod. and do not let any one humbug you Into paying ftlo or 170. when you can net tho beat for tz but rail at once at our salesrooms and examine for youraeire. MCLEAN HENNOH MAl'IlINK CO , 23 ft. E1QUTU bt, 1'bUadelphla 6ejt. 15, int-tf EltOHHAN & CO., BANK STREET, Lehighton, ?a., JlILLEIls and Bcalors In All nf nilAIN noUOHTanrt ROI.T) at HHGULAn MAltKUT ItATEtf. Wo would, nlRo, iMotcttallvlntorm purcltl. zpti Hint woaio uowfaliy rn-pari-d tp bUT. 1'l.rtnfm with From rtiy Mine itcMicd at VEUY LOWEST 1'ItICES. AT. HEILMAN & CO. Jnlv St. Ma ile In Two Month. A Wnll street Ojteratlpn .Tlio Unuklng-hofito of Alex Ffrotliliisham & Cn.Np. l'A Wnll-Mt.. tyliodcul la Stock Crlvll eecMf Uayjupalil tlilsennrmous sum to their oiistomcrs tlurln this sliorOtpc of time. Some pei'toin IiftVv mQiJe ni high ij $0000 froin only.filUp pfglnnlly Int-esled antt mnny lnVo njiuto 31 (00 una ovor frcm tur IV. Ttey p'iTii In a mdtIo My nvui f40.iK). ioi tumii imivaw' UTpHert, or s'J7ixX)'ict iroflt to vur:ou peiiil Tliov oiuploy con tin u. nwlvlrnm fun rn tltlin ruinnrtMif linnlr: Kvan?rt nnd a?liftnt-. Vtn thi Mjfoii; foico tliov fito oftt'U c'npel!Mt to rcmnlii At their woikvuitll mldi'iht TIiih euenroltp firm well tl('crtP tho ercnitof tielnir tho ic-ullr: luuu mi their brhncii ut im-luo-ja, U lsiuu wou tier tut inhCKtiewiodKoiimi iuer nnve eiHinea taia bniik'Prt in tlio p1 fid Ft'teoa tlvo tear TUvy hnvo eu-ubmur-i wito reMca in neatJy over) StQtoot 1 im Union, thoDouiiniou ofL'nn. ndii. torn ll o Intranlot L'nbu tliov rtuelroor. tloih fimti perxr.nn who ato loutluually (icaiiuir In ttoclc. 'X heir buiufsti baa becumo so exten sive that two I'jiienencnrt coireqnondenN are rin pin vvu i iiiLi-iiu ii mult uuycriiHiuif uc- umnf !, ihnr cauU may uo rend ra bveiy first, cl'tta ncwspiii'or imblislied in tho jTntttd tme. 'Jo 1 lila tlity uttrllmtH it pottionoj Iheir sticce.i. WouWIko tlioyadePlrlDff'ti.iplacui.lnlrbu inowi with a til m pofiehFiuit ih verv Mfftat retoid lor uprioiiiies tnd -who conduct tlitfr I vnnoM ujuni hoi.ett in-incipioa, to neat with iU tionm. Iltov also i'-Mto wei klv report 'M tho cuudi tiouof ft ail s in Walt stieet, whlfih'tbey g'ro (iiiid to iijiul f ten for ouu ear. lo any onu who dtfcires a idcoj.ttmyiate. Hpeculmtn,' WONDIJltrUL, BUT TltUHl Wliencvor I vrtii corri.nop yoitii oh mo.go. I IAN liOSK TINT or a BOX ot LIL LY wnrrii.oruiiylh'uxl" that duo to le:mtl tv tho complex on, at DUltLINO'S DKUU STOltEttcvH'iiH in bo meet and better thn I enu iret nnvwheieelvt. i r Hay 9, PLANING- MILL AKD Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINOTON. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, '-...o i i itti rnnin nun nivi ui x hit, A iriiuuv av, O.'k Irani Wowi Lutnoer. an. I is uow pi d- Bressol) Lumbeii OP ALL KINDS. Doom, Sashes, Blhiils, Shutters, Mouldings, Cnl)!iit't Wurp, &c, With rtpiiuitnece. Brackets Ivlae to Order. Tho Mnchlnfry i all new ami of tho hst and mi'Ht fmpKivci) k'nO". I iMimloy nouo but thu bfftt woiMueu, io nraonoi amlool ma. tcrii", nnrt amtl.o ofornHb.otrtjriia'mitroeiitirft H.iiifuctiun to ull v, h't n av laror mo with a vail. QuU'ra ov mail picmpily atlenUod to. Mr clitrpoi arc iii.;er-t9; teim-j caili, or Interest thuigi'd alter tllny tia a 01 VIS JIKA CALL &Thnsft fiivaimi, in llnililmc wl"l flml U to their advintuso tt h-vo Mdlnc. Floor ilocnls; Doors, taa..C6, ftiiui.titi, cc.. ac, iiuue at mm l'prtrv. May 15-yi juiiin jial,.iit. ED "ZTouso mill lot for sale, 21x2 J with KltCiitu ntlachel. amtthulot laaltout J ot an acre. There is a a 'Oil well ot watui- on ino rremi-fa. The i ontal ottt.o propeity will uet aotmt 10 mv ccut. on the pm chase inontty, for fuither particulaia apii.y at ilu auuon .uocati: cfllco. Plotts' Star Organs Aro colcbrattd tor their purity ot tone, o'ogint UtRiMn thorough construe tnni, emi for caialgni. Artti osa, liii V. It D PLOlTrt, vvuBimigion. j. Plotts' Star Organs Anv person vtsltlntr to rjurcbaae a narlororesn. w he in tJicro la no atcnt for tlio 'btar.' would do wot I to w nto for sptMjial tatce, to introduce thu lntnuiifiit. ddre. ISDWAKU l'lvOITH, Vh'nton. N. J, p T. E5UADT. SPECULATOR in pMOKE Has lak.n up hi) ijuattera at the CENTEN. RIAL ( lOAUanU I01UVCCO EMPORIUM Lotbenguth's Building 11 INK SfRHET, LEIIIOHTON. wheioinavliefjnnil at all time, a full line of the cholcast biauda uf CIGAItS AX! TOUACCO, I)KIAI,VOOD and other PIPES cheaper th in at any other place outilde 01 I'hl. lado'nhla, ' V. T. II RAD V. auR.7.IM',-U. THE OLD ESTABLISHED X & HO.11, Annonneo to the citizens, cf Carbon anil the adjoining Counties, that they are now piepared toanpply Uiora with I ' Live 6r Uressed Hogs, attleLOWIWT MAltKBT PRICE. Ordera io luteii, and itona delivered ou abcrt notice. YAltl) and Ol'l-Ii'l-:. i riioeiie tho vjiortn. weilei eilei n J 1 onse," II A N U bt.LE U 1 1 1 1 ITON, bepu ui3 itliXdLlIoM. ' Plotts' Star Organs AnvperAoa.ruaJoorfeinalo, whohM a little lelnuro tiuio can proctuo a firit-claMinurunieut at a (Ttutly i educed price. Hen a stamp tor ntruculars. Addreea, KLWAHD l'LVfTB, Wahui(;toii, K. J. W. M JR3B3X .BUILDER aCONTPTACTOrt BANK STBST, LSHIOIIION, PA,' Reapeeitniijr ann,ounoi ,to ,th cltliena af Ls. blehtou mm Ticinity ttint bo ta now innnlu CON niACT lar lb. KHKCTIOW f IWKtA INO IlOUSfci; CHUBcMEil."flC!noot HOUSES, and OTUKll buildnSs. AIM that tan Keep d6ntantly on hand a nU aaawl. S ont o( avery oajrlption ol BE AONKrj " Xiiimber I Ac., w lilch lie la prepaied to tnrnlta at th. TKr Loweat Mailiet Prices. ' ratronarn rceneatlully aollcltod. UZiATOULBT'fl ImprOTd OCOUM. HER WOOD PUHP l the aeknowl.df .4 STANDARD of Iki market, by popaltr yerdlet. th. bt anna rorth.laaittnon.y. Attention U U. l(ed to llUfchley'ii Improved Bracket, the Drop Check Talr.. which eioba withdrawn without dlntarblaf U JolntK, and the copper chamber whleh nerer rracke, vrdit or ruite, will lu a llfellrae. For -il by dealer! a.4 the trade generally. In order to k. eure that JO)j get Blatchley'a Pump, be eerer.1 mid ten tht It ha? my tredenurkai abere. If ou do not kaow whjre to ny. denrrlptlr. elrei hire, toiiether w)th the nameapd adilrex ef the i.-i-nt neerest you, w'l be promplty rurnlhe ky Jddn-Rlnic, with etamp, GHAS, 0, fi LATA H LEY, MANUFACTURE!, 60S Commerce 8 1 ,Pblliiltlhli, Pa. ilarch ft fa-nia The undcralrned vimld rcetioctfnUr talent llUILIJKlts, CONTllAtrrolla aud th. Pabm in KCileral that thor havo opened a liaBisfe-0 ItTardl In connection vrllh their SAW - MIl-Xi, MEAR THB I. A B. DSFOT, WEISSP0ET, Perrna.. And that Ihar taarenotron hand an ItftfJI."!! STOCK OP t'HOU0UaLV8V,AB0J(D I.UMllfcrt. HUUIt A Rough Vine Hoards, Surfaced l'lno Boards, Flooring,' Hemlock and Vint, Sidings, ot nll klnds, Shinnies, nu lmmcnti stotk, Koofipp and Celling Lata, Spantllng, And, In fact, LUMBER ot ererr 'deaerlpWMi the ery LOWKsr MAKKKT IIUU V?a ere alto prepared to fnrnlah RUILS1I1 and othcra with a enpenor article ot SAITD, enltable tor MAbONUY WDllK, PLASTV IKU, Ac, Ao , uf (eraarkabiT Low TliatM Wo havo con p p tly op hand a large imtM SAWKI) FIHKWOOD. which we )! m larc nr Rinall qiianima, a 1' HICK 8 TO UIT YOuurouKUTa. Oca Motto HONEST (X)U.NT TMpif. Yeakcl & Albriglit, Wgsport, An?, u " ' Carbon Coant, T. J. Oppusltn L. S. Depot, On the East Weissport Canal Baokt Ttefnectrnllr lnfoimfi tho cltliens of tbli Tl-tal ty that t.e kcfpcnrtftn'lv on hand uulHklXA at tlio LO VEhT MAllKU' rtUCEH, Uia TMK ALSO, BEALEllJlN IL1JMB-Ea FOR BUILDING AND OTHER PtJBrOHW which ha iruaranteea to he Thoroughly Seasoned, ( and wnion HE IS NOW EELI.INO AT TI1K VERY LOWEST RATBO. al! Coal!! WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at th. LOWEST CASH PRICES. II a baa a a nnmbei ot Tcry ellfWy lfte In ItlCKERTSTOWN, FrankUn Towuhl which he wu. Sell on Tery a.y Terma. Aug a. J, K. HICKERT. Ban- & South Sts., leMghton, KUEPS A FULL LINK OTf Oirrn.lnir LADY'S DRESS GOODS, BLACK and COLORED ALTACAd. OINOIIAU. PRINTS, SUinTINGS. SIIEETINOS." &C, at every QRADIS aifl PRICE Carpets and 01) CJothg, IN OUEAT VARIETY Cri'o.cpriesaiMl, TEAS, COFFEES, BTJQAIt, SPIOES, rOIT. hams, snoy locos, side-ueav,' ac 1 CQPNTItT PRODUCE, Boaht SolJ or F.-rrti anted. HAEPWARB. JOll BUILDINO ANDOTHEIl IfURPOBBB, In great variety of th. Beat Quality, AU Oooda Yarraated aa Renreaanied, aod rioe fudy a. low a. elsewhere. Aprils. WILLIAM KBUEBBK. BUYITil TRY IT I-THE INDIRA, RUB. HER PLASTERS (or a Weak Back, DURL INUhaatbem. ' May i