The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 23, 1875, Image 2

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    ,11. V. MOKTIIlMKIt l.lltT
SlTUltDlY AlOltNlN'll OCT. SI, tSTS.
. v4 "
Toiiiiicrancp Nomination
ti m:.
Or vcirior ltoV-rit Audloy Hnwn.
'Treasurer Kljnh I'ciinypjieker.
Itciiiocriilio Xnmhintiinw,
et.u n.
llrverner f 'vrus U i Ts'ilnt.
'Treasurer Victor I oMt.
coo:n r.
1 rrflriircr -T. t. I'lmss. Ixli'Ehtin.
ltrcnrrtor llerwi.1 I'M Um. HxnmitllHl.
Coranilsloinr llemv Uoier.tWeisooit.
J irntcl ltnu-o, Wtatheih'.
.Coronr Or Btoio. 1-lsit rctin. ' .
'.auuiiois -Kmi-v-iCEi'MiiM i Tf.wanumliiK. !
W Li. AliUouuv. Hanks 1 i,
Ilrpithlicnn Nominations.
FTATr. 1 '
Govtrooi Jolra 1'. Urr ranlt,
Tm suroi- Jlenty Ka,vte.
TTcnsarer TMfir- rw!r.lnf-.
lien stor am 111 Cnn'ri' A; tvltllnghstu.
lomu ifsloin l a jQlm llyiiCfi,
An.tltnra-J. 1' indrrit
"j. It. LnuptLoirv
Coroner-))i.;v, II. Itelcr.
Our very highly respected townsman,
Tilglsiiion I), Clauss, holds a very lilyh
jilace In tlio pi-tlinutlon ot (lie citizens
of Carbon County, ho Is nqt only tlie
cliolro of tlio Democratic parly uf the
county for Treasurer, uut was taken
up on 'Monday last 'liy.tlio Antl-Mo-r.opoly
rarty ntul unmlnitcd ty them
hy a vote of 10 to 1, his nomination
after benu tnado unanliuous. In speak
lnp; fit iho nomination of Mr. Claim,
tlio Mpuch, Chunk T)enig;rnt very truth
fully says : " Ho Is In every way
worthy of this high portion of trust,
being n, man of mature, pfears, of thorough-going
buslneis rnjiilltles, at'd of
.unbending Integrity 'ami hoi esty of
puf pose. Ho has resided In till county
nearly all his llfe-tlmo, and at present
,1s engaged as a successful merchant
pallor, and being an Iniliiftrlous man,
In jils business nffabje and accomiuo
laljng, nud having ,thu most unbound
ed conflih nee and esteem ot tl'.o com
munity In which ho eMdca, will he
Just'tho man to be tbutguardian of the
public funds of the county. Ills very
successful management of hlgounnf
fairs' reeonm ends him as a
dent and economical accountant." And
wo may add that Mr. Clauss has al
ways bee.n a, liberal frjend of the work
ingmaii, being ever teady to open his
purse strings to rem'cr them asiUtanco
in tho.hour of need, and Is known by
the'ra as one qf their staunchcst friends.
Ills yoto at liunit, ,here In Lehlgliton,
will be almost unanimous, wliilt; among
tlio wqrklngmen nothing will remain
undone hat twllttiml to his trlumijj-
ant election.
Poor .lioyle. hi this weik'n fin-
.zettce, wiilir3 and wriggles like a bird
In , the colls of a serpent. In ono col
umn hu spasmodically asks If " by any
stretch of courtesy bucli men (as A. W.
Horn and our Insignificant self) could
bo 'called representatives of tlio work
Ing classes?" In his report, of tlio pro
ceedings of tlio Anti-Monopoly conven
tion, prepared by his own hand, In
speaking of the nomination for liegls
terand ltecorder, after glviugitlie bal
lot for each candidate, (our "friend 'ill
Vhlttlngham receiving three yoteV;) ho
says"all the, real woikfncmeii cast their
votes for Whlttlngfiani or bterrltt."
Now, Whlttingliani was nominated by
Morthimer, and Horn and Morthlmer
botli cast their votes In favor of jils
nomination I Now Boyle, your njltpr
ial our report of the proceedings
don't tally, i'on either He In your ed
Itorlal or you lie In your report of the
proceedlpgs, and as a necessary conso
quenco yi.ur own vile sheet convicts
you of the falsehood. Our appointment
ns a memler of tlio County eoinmittec
of tlio Anti-Monopoly party was en
tirely unexpected and unsolicited on
ourpait. Ami bo far as to our being
a friend of tjio worklngiran, wo will
blmply statu that when wo have occa
sion to employ Mbor wo nlays pay
tlio man or" jioy employed, and wiuld
tlmply ask Mr. ltoylo If hu docs the
samo ? What a ulorlous crowd that
last Monday's cnnvetitlqu would liaye
been hud thu lU'publijjaii ticket been
tindorsed hy them, eh, lioyle? lloyje,
your name Is. pot ronslslcpsy I
When jou go to thu polls uezt
Tuesday u wtek, do not full to a "Mlrker" to jlaee op your tick
et In favor of Alfred Whlttlnghaiu for
Iteglslor aid Ittcorder. Allied Is a
gcod fellow ; hu gave a leg fur his
country In her time of peril, has tilled
tlio office welt and acceptably to tlio
people throiich ono term, ami Is there
foro fully entitled to a ro-election, Voto
for him lie Is honest and capable.
The test eases In thu United States
Circuit Couit against lllcliniond mer
cliants,for falluto to stamp bank checks,
went against thu Government, on tlio
ruling of Judgo Horn!, that tlio jury, In
order to oiivlct, must bo satisfied that
tlio defendants Inteudrd to defraud tlio
'Government of Its iccnue.' AU'sjml
,ir S'llts wer) thereupon dismissed.
Democratic 'JInsi erecting',
A mass meeting of t)u!,pi mocraqy pf
this rounty, was held In tlio Coutt
House, at M.auch .Chunk, on Mqnday
ovenlpg last, whlqh notwItlistundliiR
tlie shorVnotlco given, was very largely
attended! The mee.tjng firgmlzc-d (iy
thu nppiiltitment of the following named
gentlemen as officers :
fiMllnt-ltox A U. llnoDiiEAp, of MmcU
ChiltiK. '
Vieo rresidciit. rT. jroDonoagh ot sum.
mil i tilt t J.J. (l.llla:t!ioMir n 'vnv, J. (I Zeru
of WpelHKirt ( T.Vvi Ilnr uniti. of LowiT Tora
mcns'iiirt I'anl Krege.ol UopcrTuwume.tslur
clirti Kuntli. ot lvnn i-'oroBti John nrhler. ot
much chtinUj liliM ueomo. of Kat Peon.
riucret rlw. Jo. Lynn. 'or Mauclt Chnnk
IUlluM llrlfiillt. of TroKCmvi lli.nrir Jlolnunian
(pf K'tnt MMUch L'litink,
rmnarko, in wlilvh lie a, torn el iho stngnatlon uf
bUAioen.ltio Idle Bliop'bnd turn icun, am .iid
ho tncn.;lit In wonltf boa jroml plan to mauo n
chiuiue in tao (lovurnmenr on I aoo tf business
1jiviicch rmitiot bo improved. Tho niitlonal
anil ,intr pntcrnmenM Iiaioljeen caxilcil on m
Uio tp-.t pnrtn;i to ninnnor, ind tho people who
liHvobecu n nnilerol (lotuuiiUachauire.
' 11. 'I. McDotionuh waOftlled fot-nml rainnm.
ja ntliflv. Ilo tuouKat it tlttlaa toomlam wby
with tlio Keimulloiua were tolav noling with
mo Deoiocnus. It was their prlncln o to necurp
tu Iho iioorest laborer, thu same iiitlils onlji-ed
br tiie ilolieat and higUjst In tho land. Tue Its
piibMcnua had piomNuittu a and bail rooHved
fio voio ot Iho woiklnirinoii nanuR o 1 these
years, but their p,ednoili4Vo been uuluitlilol,
aiillho conditiou of tho vorkluv people hn
Blown s'emlllr worae. 'tv-aur tho Laoor Uo
loiuivrs hate cm.seu tho tlemociDtlo candidates
hi'isame they bellero tnoy aro meii who wl.l
luiicaiiv uo nioir imiri buu o.ovaie laoor 10 iiio
hlirli tiaitlou it anon d occupr. Uo behevea tho
Xicniociailocanoidate are men who will taiti
the laooicr by tho baud m well aslboeup ta lt.
We hjve neon lirlutf nndtr a Kovernmeui of too
many by tho fow Jin Jrcmnoujh wai louoly
applaudea both dnrlUK aud at tho closo ot his
Hugh McOaryey was called tor. and as he
came lot ward wus sainted with mu.lo bt the
oanu. no said he loo, had n woid to May, ns to
why tho Labor itelormpr nro to ilav fnnml in
tho oamp of their former enemy. In the words of
Horace Urtoloy, said he.wo havo coino to shake
h oids atrosi the blooiiy chaHtn llecndso tho
Krio nlnttorm rtcoitnlzos ell that tho Labor
Heformers hare demanoedi bOLanno i'ohinir
and riollot are tauuch champions of tho Hants
uiiuoori ueeouso iuo men ou mo xiemocr.tio
couniy ticket are men whoeuin tholr bread by
honciit toll: thcielore wo are louud n tho catun
of tho Deinoeiatio party. John F. Uiitraut
isnottlioUoirirnor of Vennsylvanlat'the coal
opeiatora and capitalists were governors of
x uuiii.vivtiiiiu luvb w. Liter, unit uie'capiltllsiB
unu iico I'oiporuiious a o mo governors ot
l'ennsvlvamn to-nar. Thin la ono rnnaoii wliv
tho Labor itetormera aro found In tho Demo-
imt:ocamp Auoiiu-noasonlslhat m lersu.
Inirand riolettwo recognize iwo old "Labor
ui former. Tlio yctes or I ho Lnuor lterot mors
anil worklnomcif: Ivho.her lleniociata or tie.
pnb'.loaui, will bo cast in favor ot roixhlup ana
ri'-uet iur. aicuaryeys remarics wore reociv-
ed with mnch applause.
Daniel Kilbtu4 Wot tho noxi speaker, lie
suld to tho lib(r lteformerB: Mo lon as yuu
were with th Itoi abltcau party j on wero the
um uiui iu iuu nunu, io-inorrow j ou win oo
tho meanest men that ever wene uiihoin?. Ho
eimtluned: Mr. e.ilmer, said in his neoub lat
Saturday ho didn't ptopodo to wave the
oioonr suiri.' won. Keuiicmou woen no lu.a
tho bloody fhlitasido ho laid tho Kepuulican
party u
Mr. I'almer sutd Iho lljniocraL.c
paity was Iho 'samo paity to day that H was
when In 18(10 the Jlemociets satin tlio mils ot
L'OD2res DioitinLf treason airaitist tho covcrn.
inent. but bo fomot to tell you that In IbSi Johu
I'. Jlinranfi, was a Domorr fwitntooni; llenrv
Hawlovasn Democrat: Ulysses fc". Uiaut was
n Deiooeriit : vea. Lilly lean a democrat. -I wrB
in tho convention that llrt nominated John P.
Hnrtrunft for Auditor (leueril. JIowis uoun.
nateii trcauso ho nail bongr Mrs. isatratt. An J
that i tho oulv thing he U.ia done, uud ho has
since been nominated and elorted two or thron
times, and as there ate no more Mrs. Hmrutts
a nantr, we want no mora of John 1', Ilurtruuft
I liavo uotli'.iiK to say aealii.d what Uartranit
lias dune durum bis term: I don't kuuw wliat
ho huBilone. And because wo don't Know what
bo has dono, wo pioposo to turn hnn QJt, 'and
una out what ne has done. uen. lint was called
averyt-oodn-overuorof Nefr vortr but T.Uon
wns elected, and he has iriearthad tneiuost
etiormoni irauis, vnat 'lua.'ii ws to rew
Vorlc rcrshiug will ho to 1'eUnnlvanla. Iho
Lancaster uooaoiioin piaitorm ilecl!lies"lu II.
vor of lcservinn the iiutihe is ro aeiimi ait.
tlo.s. Wiiat Is their reoird on thli (ji-nioal
'Millions 01 acid, given to uluunho 1-aluoa 1 uo.--
farat:onsfanii(ba.1 answer, Soldier arable.
livtoTOle lor' Uartranit bo aao he w.ts a
Soulier with 'uh.n a 'oUl ras boo.o
Jbuio&a tjgivd to ereiy tolltor lao acios of
goveiniuentlmd, and had almon pimoJ. it nai
deteated by imatisot a leiiiuniitnQe, and so
aniendtdaitogivoiua ucroi ot laid lo tuoo
onlv who Fhonld bo. omo actual settlors. John
JlarttauiL'snamo wus tho UTil on that le
oionsliauoo, uoldier b ly with .ill enipcy h.ojvo
noldier boy on ciuiche yon can'c iuivo 10) acres
or irovrriimcqtluud. John l- llait.autt says
oecause 'oit arO disabled and omuot beeomo an
actual sitUer. vousli.tu't have It. Mr. I'almer
says by llartrsnft's lovalty to tho itenubluin
pslty hoouitht to bo e ei'ted Uow .ong, lias ho
ueona llepubilciiit Muc-ollrjUjys befno ho
rtceivi'u uis couiiinsspni as Auaitor qcuorai,
and ho has held uSXce evdr since.
It is needless to say that tlio applatiso Willi
wh cli Mr. Kaliifus' address waa roctlve.1 wus
fienueut and enthusiastic.
Musio was turuished by tho Thaialx Cornet
After three choei 8 tor ForBhlni; I'lollct, and
me wnoio iiemecrutio ticket, the meotiug ad.
Tho London Times opens a lending
article, discussing tho Issues Involved
n the Ohio elections, with tho follow
lug observations: "Tho public debt
of tho United States is large'y held ly
English men and Kugllsh wornen, as
also aro American railway securities,
municipal debentures, and, In short
every kind of transferable property
owned iu shares. Tho pecuniary n
terest of our countrymen In the stabil
ity ot Adiiprlcap credit cannot be pre
cisely pstjmated, but If wo dared to flx
the amount by ponjecfuro It wquld ap
pal somo tlrnld souls and amazq all who
are not in tho habit qf watching the
currents of floating capital. Yet
this moment American politicians nro
gambling with the credit of their couu
try, and their operations excite but tho
most languid Interest In tills country,
though upon that credit depends the
fatoof many millions of English money
I'resently, it may be, the money mark.
ets of Europd will bo roused to a con
sclousncss of what thoso reckless poll
tlclans are striving to effect In the Unl
ted States, and a sudden awakening
may proituco a dangerous panic."
1 despatch from Washington states
mat tlie rrcsment lias offered the po
sition ot hpcretary of tho Interior to
Hon. Zachariah Chandler, who has ac
cepted, and on Tuesday took his seat,
Mr. Chandler was born n Bradford, N,
II., Ip 1813, and was for many years a
merchant In Detroit, Michigan. In 1851
no was elected Mayor of Detroit, ami
Iu 1833 was an unsuccessful candidate
for uovernor. In 18Q7 lie was chosen
United States Senator to succeed Gen,
Lowis Cass, aud was re-elected in 1803
aud 1800. Last winter Mr. Chandler
was a candidate for rq-plcctlon, but the
Democrats uniting with dlsaffqcted e
publicans defeated him nnd elected
Judgo Chrlstlaucy at his successor.
Carbondah. ill.. OtL ia.ll. V. VnriAA
Deputy I'oftttuaster, was arrested ouHatuiday
by acnt noyd, of HI, Loals, lor roUDlnu
rg,i cim le.tnc.
Tho next class qf tj, s, bonds. to bo
called for rcdemDtlon will bd tho Flvo
Tve,ntli8 of 180,1. Theso bonds pay
0per,cpnt.,nterest,ln May and Novcni-
be,r, and tlm amnunt of tliem oiHstand
tng l lfi2 ri!
. tmillhon-e 'ii Oil flty, l'l., reenoled by.
fiin lvnain'it Olnly. was Imrncd Tneiny.
ho lnotllpr XTn nhnnnt ln.,vlnrr linn tli.nA .h.t
llloil 111 fh-irirnnf the linll-n. nn.T tlinv ul I, nn
fl' e brattcmnlli.8 ti klnclo a flro w th oil
The eldod. i sin of 13. pncnpti titiiniiirnii , nm
Tonnaer Iflrl. aued 4 shut herso'f In n closi't.anrt
wasbnriiO'l tnilonth.nnd the llltio hot was ro
oivouroeu man uisrecovpry is ooibtlnl.
Now Advertisements.
LAHOE nnOWS CtlW. ninrked with
white trlpe from tump to snouldcr. white tail
unu wuit' oriiy, wasonnu til larirn m too nor.
onuh of Parrvvillo on tho t th of Octoler, and
linpo'inded br tlio' un.lerMroed. Tho onncrfs
requested to coino for a ai d. prove property, pnv
cimrjres and tnko her away, or tho will bo sold
iu buuoiuanco wnu iw.
llign uonstabie,
rarrvvllle, Oct. M, 1875 3w
ndustrial Exhibition Comp ,
Five Dollars Each.
$5 00
Will buy a annrter Bond ot Tho Tndastrlal Ex
hihltlnh Co; of N'cw York. 1
i:ach Quarter Bond pirticlpatea In Four sorlcs
a'lotmeuts every year, until It Is redeemed.
S'ho loliowipg I'rdmiutns show wb any Bond
V receive. A quarter Boud icoula i eeet ve viit
quarter ot the below named premiums.
1 Premium ot
1 Picmlum of V.....
1 Trend im of
i rrentiunipi
1 r.- inliim of i
10 l'l euilums of fWltach...
10 rremmuisirf ZOOesch..,
27 PreinlnuiB of 1'sleach..,
G.o o
3,i oo
2,7 0
4S x'loniinmsqt uicacn.,
OJO I'remlums of 21 each 18,930
. . (150,000
APHIL and pcTonpn.
I T,nilni, nt 235.0QO
1 Premium uf looo"
1 Prpminm of 5 000
I Premium of .'. ... S.uj
a Premiums bf tl 000 each .V. .'. . . 3 000
10 Premiums of 6"u encli .v. .-. "... 6,000
10 Pio oiumsof
29 rremluiuof.
44 Premiums oX
sou eecn . .v. z,uu
no inch 2.000
60 rai h 2 161
39o premiuuis of
21 eacu 81Mti
Total $i5),nt0
Tbo Compnnv is DotroponstM for nm' mon
ey pent, ftcout H be vy check, poet a i oruor.
draft or tixprrws itayablo to the order ot Tbn In
Uustrlul Exiiibitloa Cuuiimuy. 1
Circulars sent on apnllcaUon,
No. l'-J ICnt 17th St.,
July 21. 1875.
licitiinioro inunuiuriurtMi in viua itun iy. m
has been leated by wauy tjemp' pnt JudROn a. d
ny a BVillful uso ot tho Stop, ana" of t!ic Tateut
voice, r URiiifr from tho ftoUet, tluto-Ulte nuto
to a vol u mo i f eouml.
Unsurnassod by any Instnuijcnt.
The proprietor' has notfd carefully for tnany
yeara tue nuiieriecuon! nna uoe'inii m jvhi
inrttriimciit. nuil ihrpctftil liitt nractical export-
onco to tho correction of such linntrfi'Ct nnt
nulhlft eipt1uii'ut8 hnye rehultod it. thepro
duetioii of uqiiully pf Tono which atiirt.ates
no cB3iy to
Pipe Qi'gftn Quality
Tl at It lsdimcult to dHUnKulBli between the
two. 'this uuitrumen lias
And every nritan la fully warranted. Lurne
Oil Polish, lllacl; Walnut, Paheleif cases that
will jfqr ck.vck ou waki,
And forms In addition to a splendid lnlruieent
of music. '
This onrati needs onlv to be seen to bo oppTO
flutedandlssold at KXTIfKMBCY '
For 048h Second hand Instraments token in
iMflln or femnln.l In ererr eonntr In the United
States and Canada, Mneral discount mado to
reochcrs. Ministers. Cl'tircae. lxidges, ste.,
where there is no nitclit tor the 'Star' Orsan.
illustrated oitaiuiruo anil piicnuei nee. t-ur,
respondenco solicited. Addrota tho nianutac
Washington, K. J,
May 22-yt
1875 1875
Mrs. M. Gutl;
Itespectfnllr announces to tho LADIL8 OC
WlilbBl'OUT AND VICINITY thut BUe in.
loffonuof the LA ItU KS r &TQO liti of b'ALh
Millinery oods
Hats, Bonnets,
And Trimmings
ever before brnncht Into this section, and
buu is prepareu 10 uo mem up iu too
Very Latest Fashion,
BWITUlIUs. In Heal aud imitation Hair. NU,
I IO.NH. and ALL other Goods usually kept Iu
a First Clan Millinery btore.
Ladies' own Hair mado up to order
Call and Inspect Goods and learn ITiocs beloro
purcua&iuir epewnerc.
MltS. M. GUTH, Welsspott, Pa.
April J-Tt
Now Advorfcisenicnts.
piSDAIl HIM, 8KJIIV,11Y-A Items
'-'anil Hoarding School fbrMiidsnlsgf both xs
os. I.o-itlon pleasant, healthful nnd convent,
enter nodes'. Course or lustrnrlioti extensive,
coipt ot ih-tnictnrs fu'l.' chirites tnodernto.
For cnininj-iiea, add m D, Dknlinu&r, Prlnci
pal, .Mount Joy, Lanoater Co., in.
Dlt (!ni7JII', estahi.'Bhod for many years In
jlnfr.iio,'bv m entirely now system of medica.
tlon. treats sneee-sfullr Catarrh, llronchltw,
plni IHsoao8 of the Lniiff, Liver and Kloneys,
Hlso nifncnlticsof a ConUdontlnl Naturo.wbeio.
in skill and expeiuwre nro trqmred. or. Crumb
Irisdevoloneda pfhxllco which (torn Its nnpar
nlleled Biiecosalu thonsandiot ensea nninv ot
a vcrr nKin-.ivnird t lnracter. Is able to positive
ly pitnrontco n pertect and p nna cut curoin
overycaso bo undoitiites. irosondsno Circti.
lars or Tieatlsesnn theso rHBuaBesto his pa
tient, as it Is undeniable thut etich Itnowiedco
Is in Renoial pnjaln l il. exorcism nil injiulous
effect iiy retarilnsauii frequently conn, erocU
lna a euro, tendlnc- to slirni the patient, wlnca
Is tlie principal objeot of tuch productions, and
excitrBiimtexaufret to4hlsfoaiBss to the cm n
blityof hts compltlct. Iho Doctor1 tcquires
simply a bile history of tberase, nnd 'aiandid
ploiu statement of present symptoras a thor.
ouRhexaiiilnntion will then buiuano. and If con.
sidereit renildablo n sincere, consclentous opin
ion will be given liroinptlvand such niedlemo
nsnill boappllcau.o will bo sent by expross,
accompanied by toil and explicit advlee nuil di
rections, chances very moderate nnd within
tho reach of nil andtucce flffucriuteed. (Such
cases ns liavo lan-d under other treatment p ir.
ticulailv desired.i All letters must encio-e fl.oi
for consultation fceacd correspondence iluilnir
tieatmont, audaddressii to
102 Piail St, IIUI'PALO.' X. Y.
llUVViy b4.gue Cure.
Prlco II. . Bold hy urnitglsts.
Die C. D. HQyu, Seneca Falls, N. Y.
STUTTF.niNO.-U. 8'. Btamnioiiuir InsUtuto
(Dr. White), 4I7 Fourth Avo. N. Y. I'.O't
references. NopavuntiltietfecUycuroJ. cnd
for circular '
vfllll t-inomvesleoTln rajjUll,
has paid and will p-iv
Liirno Front Ilatl
road stoclcs. Bonds &
(lold bouKht on Star-..
IT.rv Iniori st 0 porT f
M I'Al'ct.allowed on deposliB.5 '
JL' 1 vCsubloct to Bleht draft. 6JfJ
HuckivalH r .t Co. Ilnnkers & Ilrok.
efs, 10 AVnll .St., New York.
P.O. Box I7
n a flay at home. Agputi wniiteil. Out tit
Jt nml lerms Ireo. Tit UK A Co.. Augusta,
M tine.
Volta's Electro Belts and "Bands
oru rin)orfd by tbe most eminent rhvMrflann In
tje woril for tho care of itioamMJ-m neumU
6 n, li r omii)l.iInt,-lVhpeii;i, Klrtner (Unso,
a clips imiiiS, nervous (lHttnlprR. tlts.toiimte o nn-lliilnt-.
nervous ami gt'iirral rtobiaiv mid oilier
i hrouicie .uVe'irjoa of ilie cheat, lioml llvor.-tuiu-acli.
Uldnovflnuti bHoJ. ll-mi wun fa'i tm
tic I'nr.fieo by VOL'IA.'ilULT CO., Cmctu-
1 TmnpfMAN's lifpimTitut, NsmvtTH Pitts-
barrfh, 1'ik oiens Oct. 7, Nov 0 Ad. lies'.
A.i. NELL1S, Vies. T I I.
,i. w a nav irun'intefd using our wen
VfivTv AuiririV Uil is. jl o r oioi tli oau
Jilz Ariroi Co., Bt. Louis Mo.
c.innrin uoval havana lot-
.jOlU.VUv. TEItY. Duulbated oveiy
ulleeii days.
I )irlzr,9lOn,)oh I 1 prize. $.10,000
a prizes, S13.00 i enell .'. . . 50,0110
891 prizes, aiiioulilliie Iu. . 1110,000
Whole tickets. :3j (lu.utiTS. 15 1 twoitlelhs.
Circulars ot ln'oi niatlon free. I'rizos cashed.
A. Iltl.VAtl i CO., Hankers,
Fost offlro lloi tOSO. 21 1'ark llow. New York.
Itoyat saxoi aid Iirnn-w.cH Uoveiuoiout
tteries cohstaptly on ti ind.
A..-, A KKKilUAItANTKI.D (o Arent".
ttlT'v Msfa and Female, In their (neafity,
WQ 0 Terms and 1IU1HT M1KK. Adlres.
v I. 0. VICKBIIV Co., Auiu-ls, Sie.
tfC a fOA per div at horn-. iiiml.
l?U " Oay nod! 31, res. sllvsol i Co.
I'oriltud, .duiue.
(hoflft n month to energ-rio liienaiul wotn.
QwWw vonieu .verywuere, Huineui ten.
orafiie 'ICSCELSIOIl M'F'G CO., 151 Allchl.
ave , Chicago. '
AT Maw either sex rosy fskrloste and train Did
lore and affcrtlona of any person thy' choose, li,
stsntly. Thjs artall can ToResf,free, by msilf fix
25 reut; tettet her Villi a Ktt)pt
Inn Oracle, Dreams, Iltats to Ladles, etc, 1,000,
(H'Osoid. A queer book. Adjrebs
T. WILLIAM k CO.,Pubs,P)ills.
Personal Property.
The undersized. Administrator of thoEstato
of i-AMUEIi HHIVU, latoof uabouinjTowu.
ship, Carton County, l's.. will offer ut 1'ubiio
r3a e, ou the premises aforesaid, ou
at Tli;N o'clock A. H., the follQwitt; describ
ed l'ersonal 1'iojerty. to wit i I i;nrrlupo.3 oni.
I.orso Wacoos, 1 sleiKb, 1 plow.-lot u! ilniurs.,
t'ldft Press. rntUni Itoi, itima Tlmotnr liar.
'Jl bushels Com, loc ot (."over Hay. Ill bundles
of llyo t-traw. a lies, 3 Oowa 2 llarrowi', 7
Hinicks of Corn Stalks, lot of O ibbsgo. C4oiliiir
stuvo, half.lianel Vlneprir. 2 Tuba. .0 bushels
ot Potatoes Cuulioird. Tubto. 3 liedstead and
Ileodiuir, Clock, Fani inn Mill, and a vailety of
otner an iclos too nnmei ou to mention
Terms udt be made known at tune and place AAltON HI1IV11,
Administrator Estito Samuel Shlvo, deo'd,
UabonuiK, pet. 0, Ib75.
Mason & Haiufln Organ
Send for Illustrated Cats.losue and Price List to
July 17-m3
'Letters of odmlnlstrniton on tho citato of
Samuel Mblve, late of Curb in connty, deceased.
liailiiB been granted to tho uiidersliriied, ell
S ii sous ludebted to said estatowill nialce luime
ato pnvniFnr.and IboeoharluK old ins sib re
qurste4 toi'reseut the same duly authenticat
ed to tbe uudeisiRCed lor adjustment
A A HON SlIIVi:. AdmlbUtrator.
A.ahonlnz Twp , Oct. 1. 1S73-WU-
Truss and Surgical Bandago Stand.
WJ. EVEltrrT, No. SI Norlh soveulh Sit.
below Arch HU. Philadelphia. Latesllm.
riroveil Trusses, hhouliierliiiteed, HasUoHt eek
gs.lleit. Bu.pensorie. Crutches, Ucfaimity
luttriiiueuts, 4o, Also Airs. ICveiult's. l lieh'a
self adlusllur aud other celebiated Female bup
tuiiteiH. Lauy A.teuuant. Laivo atocc and
low pi lee-. Ilrrola snocessfully ticated.
-toil rniNTINOatthevtrytowe.t prlcod at
ov Atlvcrtiseraonts.
VfT V I l .tilmHi
iMtetl R l (ISLV.
.Sk-K-, .XltT- J&xfif--.
An rami nso stec.1: of LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and ClIII.pKEN'd '
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, o Best Make, at Low Pdces?!
Also. atVEtlY LOW FIOUUES, afull ansirtnientot Fash'pnablailaWeBfif,.,,
Gentlemen's and Youths' HAl'SaDd CAPS,
R?"AccnU for tlio Aemo Shirt tho best Dttltiffnarmcril nvetmaiia. Leavn
your Mepuro for them,
LaURY & PETERS, Merchant Tailors,
P'. O. llnllilitip, T-ehlgUton, Va. .Oct. 2, 1875.
rSi "--ffir-??tiSillfi Ben rcl fully nnrrurcps that tie Iim'o!?
iMMM&nm M'CI'1.5 llis FALL Wltf TEJl stock o
fmmmW -Groceries, Provisions,'
leia?s aind Women's loots sjml .Sftoesi;
t3T" Prices fully as How as clsenlicrg..
SlannfActarea by COItltUOATED ELBOW CO. opU. 8., C2 CUff" Btreot,, $.j&'r
43 & 17 Kaco Street, Cincinnati, 21Q & 217 LaUo Stroet, Chicago'.
Prpt. II. t;'-ni2
INSand 0
Smith's "Instant Drosi Elmlcr."
Ho. 15. TUU
toner Fart of tha
tkTr( iwront? ldo
ca nlea your cklrt
whila tiMJlnir a tnud
djr sua tben let
ItnlaPil. IIVrnHthi
Vtlrtlmm thn Filth.
a 'lo&ieiui una xu
rtiloiiablo Jffanner. 11 )niws ail
lie fullneaa to tha lr making hi
'Dtrin-hr frnnt." it Saves taora
siao or mo asnf vaic:i ra-.y uo
8amo;orlUbhou; KcqalrcdlJyarJjof SJt
lnc'i cooa$ lor i nuro eh.u n.. r i waist
3723; pattcw.iviUictatUuodil.Sactt.
tht,n Ten Tlme3 itCoet. ltronto
chtDKcd from On a Drcma tuanottior.
rto. oi ovcrsKiic.
ffica, -u nui wmivisi
!3723: pattern.,
J.iailfU I'll
rrtii. ...uf ... iiit)if iirt' r Pill. II
rhn hviuU $1.10 iu no. uo ouo jcur'a flu'jacriptlca to Jlio
i'AT'lXllN 1IAZAAU."
s TTT m n
n i
Tl i
SInsto Coplos 23 Cents.
Sntnrrlntton Price. Pt a yar. post-pall, Ir.cIno.1n3n,
preraluni of Tno Uollars' world of luitcms freo to caclj
TVe send our. CEItTIFICATT.H fir I'ali STiwnt
rpon nwlpt or subscription. tTW I
j'f.KVATOItS will bo clvel IN I'liACU cf
iiolUfs worth or rattcru, ltocsirci;).
vU NKVUIl tlUcmiiluue It while U
$4500,00 iu Sold
.,. , rn, n t tv ftrt TV llflt.n f-fl t V in
Y tlllill u . --.
65 pel-Mis wno Bi iKi n t ..0 largest number ouub.
ecnueis to our " WOllbl) III" KASlIlO-f. H3
eurii, b. lore .J.ircU Stli, WW- A3 iuii9Wt lo lb
1 ln,,..p..,,i nt I hi.
IirifestUml CO 11 Quia Coin
3ml I-oro-tlilub...., i,. Sj In tloiil Com
.wl Lnmest L'lnn ;. iMIuiioMCoiu
till 1. rite-t flub 11 111 ( Coin
9111 Imu. 4l fin 1.0 lu QM 10
titu i.sria-1 Club...).., lii In uold Coin
TU raiKist 110 lu Hi.iiH'o 111
81I1 i.amit ciuii ' 71111 (lout Coin
Utll 1,..1K-Ht L lul 5 1 In Oil l Colli
Will I.a.K0fct I lab 3i 111 tloM iin
lllll lUKl'b i- "ll
11111I so ou to lbs m ix LurgCfet Club.
00 ci t n ntemlum lup UVUIIV nbscrlbor
IiuTilot Uieb 1U1LI) CUff .f'ltrt bKSTS
.Dir.uitni!. iti,ii)i
:,i tbo imuies nnd 1. O. nd'Ues-es ot lul 1
M il; to unr pievious ol?r'Hlta. Von ei
twebO liXAOTLY A Wt! 1'llOMISll.
k-i.i.t.vinlii llulrt. eeenri
tliey will tell you tbstwt 110
sTATTIi Tr, T"Uiris. wnrtsto send your own subscription to eitberot tmr itiriiine.
YdBI If B-SiliM'I' wlien you will cttlbo 1st jiMmberuud yourcerUttcsle ot liuuilums.
-IL V U 111 JlJXJkJi wlucll youenusbow, oudutouce begiai;, orsrad
Mccntstorono copy. bLJiU &TAMP I'QU I'AHIIIO.N CATALtlUUK.
a. nvnn lynpi fimrriM .
P. O. Jlox 'S0."5. au( I6.111I OU Uroajway, 'Now York Cltjv
A ONT. RTOIIV rttAMn nnTLniNu. built
eirrekslyfor n I'III)'1XiQIIAI'UI:1i.t wou..l
Bult' n OlOAi'.MAKKIt, altOHlIAKEIt lr
TAILOl!. Will bo sold very Cbenp for cash or
onsboitttuio willt spproveu security. Apply
at THIS (IFfloU. JuucliMf
Freiti riillsdelpbin iJim r Tleer slwayt on tan.
Clfftrsot CUo.cesi ti.nois,iaiiil sll oltier kiuils
et Itofresbnients to"b tonnd'tn a ilrtclsss
Kuloou. FitKji LUMCU, every Morning ut 11)
o'clock., t'nil wben you ko to Maucb Chunk,
July 10, IsiJ-yl
witti n 1"ot 04j'on,lUjrt.nntJlluctH'iHj)rliiff
wuton, iofliml by 1Uo QiKlvrtsiuufd to JU1UV V,
WALIC of laltlo Oay, tlie arao bciutf mr pro
iK!tlif, Tho totu"wiit bo aolit lo ii) dnliara.
IJtte Oup, Oet. 8, IW&W.
JLanry & Peters
Kftvr Jnst .crclved a largo and lraant
i ocli of FA LL. anilWI NTEIl
Comt tlslnir Plain A Fsnov CLOTIIH,
""M L"1? VOUTll'S WEAR, Which
short notice nnn at low nnces. ' -
. ' i, - '
ess & Iky floods,
aept. U, 1875. i
i l . i
Stovepipe Elbows
Economy, Beauty, Cleanliness' an'
Exrory wliogo.'
Costumo wins tho odmlratlon
of all. It la oni of ihoso ctylia that U suro W
please, especially B3 It is cpproprlatqT tot an
material, utul requires Ies3 RaocU t mato thau
auy other euitt'f equal beamy; 'Itljpnaofiha j
will find It iSfcM8ci j'J3t tha Eecret cUarm that
tmnrnviti hi i tlcnrr. v. t.U.ttrm vltMlt OF TlCrlOCt
form may feel they vc w never foailvaritaceontly
nttlrcU. Tho xra&t U tho reukr tabllcr hal)Oj 1
tlicovcrsliirt JjclrapcJ ttj foruiavlili ruaoeucu
i.H, jmuuiu, ni
vltii cloth rnodtl, CO eta
III.1I -ipnDTHiii
! smith's nius. rattan Bazaar,
Bam pio T
ropy.uorn. UDncnpiion it ice, ii.iua
t-l')il OaeDullai'a woiiU of Patternm
oiu to Give Away !
i i 1 - m
13J pei sons wbo send us tbo Jurvesf number M
ubMiilbeiaUioiu'"UAZAAll," at Jl.11 Sb, be!
As loLoivif 1 To tho Uetlrr up nt tbo
Liirvet I Inb.
..I.ToainOolilCom' '
2n1 Laws' t'lub
uul l.rrest Cluu
stli Largest Club
Mli Lament CI110
iitli Largest iluo...!.,
7th 1j rzml Club..,,..
bill LnXKest Clou.,.,,
tub l.nret club
loth T.srirttkt Clnb.....
aiu m iioia uoin
160 ia (lold-Ootn s.
12S in Uold Com
ttu in aovd Coin
73 In (lold Coin '
SO tu Oold Cola
75 in (Join Coin
15 m Oold Coin
:i lb Oold Coin
lltb Lurvett Cluj 23 tnGoklOsU)
apa so ou to tbe IWid Larcest Club.
you send ns. ANI) everr suDscrlbor set
oasis will bo tojuit nt lull leuiriU ill inH
AND evrrf snoscrlbor sets 6 Premium.
auu nt mil leujrtuin ine MEri hiiiiKii
persons tnvliom w bare JUST PAID
E 3ll,L0YMENl,--a1n,?rffe,nt.a.
we bavejuit uliat you teiil. OnrV x 11 Mquu--ted
Clirooins out-ell anrtbinit In tbe utsrket.
ill. 1'eisops Mlltest "I slrucK put testeiday.
and lv -wornliiil easyitour baura. Dleamlitzt .
A lady lias lust reported her profits for tbo,
loieuuou So i yoster lsr up to two o'clock sba
i leuriil C7.60. we can prove witbout quesuon
mat uueanout otdered Q,uu of , MrM ebromoa.
lueleiouwirsipirdsa. W havatba laigest
aud lliie.t sssoituiotit In tbe United btaiesi
bundieilsof cbtico subjwcu Irom wblcu toss
lett. Wo will send yi.u au assorted 100 of tbe
bcstsrluuK ou receipt of tn.uu, Bead In yoati
nnluj s tr srlvs u a oall. Sample by mail Uc,
orr tor si. . m
J. I.ATIIAM ti. CO., '
'tin Washington bLtHoston, uiu
r o.u6ii.5i. ' optiif. '
Auxiiiiiiv'"& WINTER.
Dituaa and Hk'dioineb.
Wnb a full determination to malDtaln
iny well esubllsliod renutaUon for sell.
lUKpurexJiuss aiu iutsuciuea si ibif
lawistt Dnces.'! hsve made preparations
ihisl-'all far aurpasMuE a ur-former f.
fort aud can therefor promise perfect
sallstictlon to every customer who ne
stles Ilia. boatQUslity of xoodsatecouom
Icalpitiee. o. W. Lt.S'lZ. Hiinot the
Ilia MuttTAB, Un'i Blieei, Leblaliton,
1'euu'a. sepll-uil