The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 25, 1875, Image 2

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ItiTPTyilcMmt)le,thcrfforo,lhat the prorfac
tlon of these two pleat cIamim or mcict iloti tl
ho bijQjfflit ogeihpr mi that itv rpmpuriaou tho!
relative merit of tlto viulous Imumveiiiout
Ihfithuve been made mov bo iinro- united
Under tlio ujrnnuonicnt of l no present vnrnll
nrtlcles placed wi'bln tlio onrlotsuro for exhb
bi'lon ( except when (liev lntbi-feio with tlie mo
chaulral production of Carbon county) wU be
sob) at nnbllOMiie, without charge if tlmmvnpr
desires it, touB roliovinif exhibitors fn m tlio la
bor of rmorlnff their property, mm cnnblo
.otnera to bupplr tlumelvpa wltn the choices
specimen a of agricultural and intchnmcM pr.i
Auction. This we th'Ufc a most important loa
the or our exhibition.
we invite, then fore. all. both at homo and
Abroad to attend ondpaiticlnnteiji It, either a-
exhibitors or Kucctfltora leeluur that nnno will
bt disappointed, l he offlcer and member of
the variotiM mrnciillnml ftniMftttm In Pomwvl.
tanlaandolHuwhere, aioapeclallv and cordially
Invited to attend.
TJIOS. KOOXS, President.
W. M. UAPHIlEIt, bec'y.
The full returns of tlio votes for
Governor of Calllfqriiln nro given us
follows: Irwin, Democrat, Q1.IJ15,
Thelps, llepubllcan, 30,022 ; llldwcll,
JiidcpeinJiint, 2U.03Q.
der tllscti'sloti In vlotv of the nppronch
Ing election In this Stato Is whether tlio
country slinll ndviiiico or rcceilq to 8io
clo iaymt!its. Tlio popular rtcclslQii
will assuredly lmvu a serious Influence
.upon political orgnnitatlons, business
Interests, and public policy. Wo are
mindful of yoursupuil) arguments in
the Senate on a behalf of a sound cur
rency, and, as merchants aud business
men, we invite you to cojnu to Ohio und
present In pubjlo speeches your views
upon tlio cause at Issua, which we es
teem to bo that of national honor and
common honesty," Mr. Schurj's reply
was: " I simply obey a call of duty
In complying with your-invitation. I
sjiall bo ready to address tho cltircns of
Oltictnnntl on tlio evening of Monday,
Sept. 27."
The Liberal iteform State Conven
tion of Now Yoik met at Albany Wed-
nnsday, about 300 delegates being
present. General John Cochran o called
tho Convention to order nnd was chosen
as Its permanent President, A Plat-
The New York Herald of Tuesday form was adopted declaring that there
fias tho following editorial paragraph, can be no sound currency but coin, or
which Is Important, If true, and'lt prob.
jBbly Is. It says ;
papercouvcrtlblo Into coin on domand,
and that " without a speedy return to
a specie basis a national disaster
threatens;" favoring civil service re
form ; deprecating forcible Interference
with State Itlghts : condemning the na
tional administration for Illegal and op
pressive acts, retention of corrupt men
The Heeeher caso threatens the In ofllce, unstable financial policy.
public again. Jr. needier procured Inflatation of tho currency, extravagaut
llio Indictment .of Mr. Moulton for pre- expenditures nud general disregard of
Jury. Tho District Attorney suggests public opinion ; commending Governor
that tlio enit bo relinquished. Mr. Tllden's action, against tho canal rlnc.
Needier concurs, and p,lves his consent and recommending the Independent
President (Irani. ilnfMt lint fn.r tlm (rlnmnT. nf
tnfl-itimi nt the if U elections, nor. Iocs be outicl.
pato that even tho succe-ia of that ttoctnxiB
couldaflect tho. legislation of Congress fnriwo
years to conic, liu will veld any act for thB re
peal of tho Ww providing for resumption Id 1878,
aud thinks that, a two-thirds j'oto ncnlust the
veto cannot be secured lu cither thetienatoor
to the wjilidrawal of tho suit. Mr.
Jloulton protests against tho withdraw
al and demands that the trial proceed.
voters to support those candidates al
ready nomluatcd cf whom they most
approve, and who will co-operate with
Governor Tildcn In the work of admin
istrative reform. Tho convention then
adjourned sine die. Kesolutlons.dt
The balance sheet of expenses of
the Post-ofllco Department for tho year
Hiding June qo, 1875, Just prepared for Lectly pudoraing the Democratic plat.
iiieiosimasieruenerai-saunual report, form and ticket wero twice offeicd in
shows tliat.whllo the postal service was ti10 Convention, but not acted upon.
largely Increased, tjiore was 'a decrease
of tho expenses of $J8,8fJ0. This re
sult has been accomplished by the cor
rection pf abuses, chiefly tho "crush
ing out pf straw bidders" and the let
ting of contract- west Pf the Missis
sippi at reduced rates.
-The Massachusetts Democratic
State Convention met Wednesday, in
Worcester. Edward Avery was elected
permanent President. The platform,
after some opposition to the financial
plank by one of tho delegates, who was
answered ly several others, was .n-
Currciil Rvcfit.
There ni o 3i1 American dllciro.and the end
is lii't. yet.
(li oieo Qu.icco.nenloml innn from Kewarlc,
N. J., was iliownetln tlm Dclawmv in Eaitou,, while atteiuntiuir to tactipe from tlie
I'lillUpKbiirir uonco.
(Iqrl bcliar Is to junfco ntno BneocbeB' In
Ohio ilniinir tho preoent mnv.nw In minnort of
iiBounil currencr. 'tho flrat, v linluiilon of
tlio ineroliants of Ulnolimntil, -will bo delivered
Hi tbar city on tlio 'Siu Inst
flio banking honse of O. M. Tyler, .fe Co.,t
wauk'-shn. Wis.. snNuendoil Afondny anil mado
an as-lpiinicnt. XtsfnUarewas caused tir tlio
auvondiuitof E. u. lleiidri. win, won lareely
Indoutcd to Iho uank.
A. number otbnrBcs in rouijlikcoriBle. and
other town In tlio Interior of New orn stato
aro 8nfTennp; from a dliionse loseiiiullnir tho
ep ooty. Tho dlBeaao Hjipenfeil lu liuftilo
nearly Hires weeks bbo. It Is miller than the
cpuooty ot 1372.
Jacob Benjamin, n wea1thy pawnbroker, of
ilattlmoro, died Monday, ut tlio age ot 69, from
tho effects of halrdyo. iloufted ino ilyo upon
tils whiskers, and, a It canned Irritation of
tho tfroat. he shared them off, which caused
erysipelas to set lu.
At Cleveland Ohio on Suudiy. tho body ot
Mrs. McOdlls, wife ot Aloxauuer JlcCIUIIs, was
found bulled lu the back rxra or her resnlfiico.
In an advanced (tapro of ecccfiiposltlon. It was
Bliowu nt n t'oronei's iniijcsttuat McUllliashad
lnuldored his wife, nnd compelled tho two nuns
to die tho Bin vo aud bury her, lio und his bous
uro In Jail.
Tho I'ost-offlco Pepartracnt hasderl.led that
tlio wntlnirot anything upon tho uddresn ot a
postal inrd. excepting thoaddiess, tenders It
liable to letter pontage, ami If by lnndvciti-nte
It teaches Its dtdimttuiu without piepavmpiit
o' teller postoge, then double postage must bo
chirgoil, lead ouo ccul, originally prepaid by
II1U UilUi
ThoTJpw Orlmn Potion Trrhnnfrft runnrla
tho cotton ci op lor the oar ending Hentoniber
I,ut3;s7.813 baie,of wbvh i.H7i.t IS bales were
exported nud 1.20O.47J continued at home 12(l,
SViinthoHouth). Tho.-ea iMiundcionliBtated
at iao7 bnles. Tlio aveiage weluht of bales
was 4 A pounds, tho Sea lulund bales avcrnirluff
Charles Q. Fisher. Bon of Judiro Fliher. and
Assistaut Attorney for tho Uistnct 01 Colnm.
Ijln. was nrrcstod In Wnsnjiigt'iu, latn on Moiw
day night, for the Btiallugot tho p.tpor lu tbo
appeals to the ciiuilual Oouit. Ho wni com
mitted 111 default ol ktuoo ban. ThB stolen nn.
peri, as well ns others of Importance, have ueen
recovered Fisher hud Placed tnem In the timid
vt it thjid patty, tho- object being to realize
uionovou tlieui.
A lady, nnnniontlv between 2-i nnd 30 Years
or ago, committed suicide, nt JjObiinou, Pa,
Monday, by throwing herself in fiout of a isll.
roadtmlu. Iter head was nevereil from her
body, ftho arrived in Lebaeou on Monday eve.
nuic, auu legisioreti ut tno i.cuinon valley
hotel ai" Miss Iailu Oieeu ol Philadelphia,"
n pieco of puper was found lu her pocicct, with
mi) iiuniu niuiiiiu iiuikuii wimeu upou ll
Tho New York Delnocrntto Sltafe nnnvpntlrm
Friday tl last week adopted tho "ami luuition"
piatturm. reufllrmlng dtcluratioa lu lavor
ut gold and pllvcrnsthe onlvletral teuuer i no
paper cuirencv not convortlbto with comi tlio
lioueft payment of thopubilc debt in god, and
tho Inviolability 1 1 theiiubliufaltli, which was
auopteu iv tue jieinccrulic iwailonai uouven-
tlon lu Ib72,ntid tho plow York Democrntic Ktate
convention iaut year this piaunrai a ion.
ted with snula'.ihe. there bo.nir lint few illsHeut.
luir votes. A resolution endorsing Governor
Tllden's course, mid also ono approving those.
tiou oi tno Legislature in circling ftcuamr Her.
nau wern Hdonled. The fullowltii? Htnle tleki-t
was uomiuntod i yecrutnry of btato. John Mir.
eiow: uoinptiuucr, i.ueius itnuin.onf Attor.
tier Ueneiuf, Cliatles 6. Fairchihl : statoTions.
uier, (Jharlos, 2. ltoss t Btate Engineer, Jehu
U. van liurcn, Jr.. and canal Commissioner,
u. A. wairatn.
Tho qtand Lodgo o( Odd lellowi ot tho
Uullcd blales met iouday m ludliuiupolis,
(Irani! Mho Durham, kof Kentucky, piesidiug.
ltepreaeutatives weie piet-put fionL oil the
Uraud Lodges In tho United Stales mid from
Canada and the f-audwich Islnuds. Tlio report
oTiiiouiuiui Kiio snowed tnat loages wero
nrtliii. liiHlltiltod " nt, nil liiiiinrtiiiil itn'nta In ttm
ltepu olio of Switzerland i" Uiata drand Lodgo
Ex-Guvernor Dls writes upon tho dopted unanimously. It declares, on
currency question to Jtoverdy Johnson, behalf of the Democrats and Liberals
to say that he believes the Legal Ten- of the Slate, for the acceptance of tho
ler actunconstltutional, thatho always recent amendments to the Federal Con-
believed it to be 80, and that as loug stltutlon ; opposes any further iuflation
Hgo as 1801, when tho late Secretary 0f tho currency j demands a speedy re
fuse consulted mm in regard to tueas- turn to specie payments; arraigns the
jires to meet mo expenses ot the war,
Jie " objected in tho strongest terms"
to such a law. Sir. DIx also agrees
with all thluklng citizens that "the
copust between the advocates of re-
ueeoiauio unu irieueemauie paper
money" Is " tlio most Important issue
to be tried by tlio people at tho next
(election of a President."
New .Advertisements.
Announce to tho Attlzonn nf CArlmn nn.l tlm
nJJolnuiff fonntles, that cacy arouow lucpartd
to supply them wlili
Live or Dressed IIogs5
ftttl-e LOWEST MARKISr I'ltTm Orrtor
YAltD mill OPHUi:. imiiitHiln tlm 'Ktrlh.
wesici n IIousc," U ANi: bu.LKHIii 1 tT()N. ia
The nnderalcnpJ. In hfihalf of " 1 ha Cnrbon
County Jtiilmtrul bucteiy,"lieitjbrreflpfcctlally
tultotlie people ot Cnrbon Oonnty t Uko un
uciivep-irtlu tuo CO MI IN a FAIU t UioHucl
IV, to bo ntml at I.miiaitTON. ou OCTUBKH
1K IIS, 11 ttllfl 10.
Ill fvinouuclujc the TIUST ANNUAL KXni.
Ill HON nf tho Millet ir. vrn pitrnpatlr anneal in
ull, ei)0tal)y tho JaUIos, to encouiuao ami
irniiivntiT aMSiBi ino enieipriRO, co usiuuiiiko
i. n hut it Hiiuuhl lie. nubllo.iv and tin vat el v
It la bclkTnfl thnt Hnrbon Conntv oin have
mitl sin mi n n orodltoblo ISxiilblllon of her arlv
ou mum. mi unicrpitses woiui nceiue. it
n g oils but hileriist ami activity on tho put of
uer citizens to mauo it prouiauie ana wormy ok
tho nntuo Hpecml cHurts nro being made by
tiieoflloera nnUMcmboiHto make Uiocomtu
Fulr luoro intcrostl'ig oml euccosaful than any
oyer beforo held in this county
Our fne nils aud neighbors )n tho adjoining
couatjei are meant to bo incluacdln this Invj-
LlHBtlAti PUTCMIUUH will be nala lor
llio Capital Stock ot tho 8ocicty U not all
taken yet, aud It BQGmt as IE (tie miro mtntlnu
oi ia9 met nnoum inue enouKu-oi our ci.izeua
tu step foiwanl hiu! take It.
uiUiU4.n ituurso, I'luaiuuuu
"V7. M. ItArailliii, tjecrotarj.
With a full determination to maintain
lay we'l cstuibllahcd lenutation for t-ull
tnj? pnro Diutrs una ilcdlcinea at very
luwtwt prices, I have mnUo preparations
; us Tall lar Burpaa-iug nny former et
(ort aud can thereloio promise poi-fect
atif:iction to everr customer wlioile
Biioa the bvstquthty of pooiiaatocontnii
leal pikes, c, W. LKSTZ, Hivn ot the
Jiuj .Moktau, Bunk Btioeu Lchmluou.
I'euu'u. BCpit-m.i
Mntlcfi is licrobr civeu Hint tho Rxfipntorfl.
Aiimmifttiat'rt!niiU iliiiiiiliani IiPreliinttur nam-
ml lnvollk-d tlit'lr rrapurtlve accouiint of tho
fcl'iiwnis estati's la tho UrmaU'i' Olllce. nt
Muucti OhuuLJu nndfor tho Coun.vof Cnrbon.
winch iiCL-omits havo nuoii ulloireJ liy tlioltO'i.
Ulov, will oo pieuonlod til tlio Jitifos of tho
rirniinnv Court n Mo ulii'. the ISth imvof Uo
tuber uext, at IU u'rloclt A.M., lor coutliuinttoii :
First nnd final nccount of John O. ltnttor. nd.
niinintiator oi tuu opinio oi jomi uuuuuer,
Ut'C it.
bocond nud final nccount of Harriot Ho'nhard,
ndmiulairntrlxof tho estate of Kmauuel itclii.
1'iret and final account ot Conrad MUlsr. nd.
mlnlatiator of tlio DsUtii of Afattln Wcavor,
First and final ncr-ountotTilgliman 13. Rlttler,
naniiuifltrnior ot tni
mtu. uoe'd.
:o otato of harrisou lloir.
Kepubllcnn party for corruption and
disregard of constitutional obligations ;
demands a reduction In the Stato ex
pondltures and In taxation, and such
legislation as will secure to both capi
tal and labor "fair play and eijual
rights ;" congratulates tho people on
tho repeal of tho odius prohibitory law,
and favor euch modillcalions of tlio
nrefliit Honor law as evnerlcnca tuav
Tho Secretary of the Treasury has L,,,,. . ,, v nonstltiitinnai
Just Issued his tweiity.seveuth cull ot Ltnumimont which will tend to limt the
wovwiiment oonus, it oeing ror tno re- clectlon of pube oracers by tlle peol)1().
demptlOD pf Ave millions of tl0 prlnci- al)J concluaes by .. welcoming the as-
pal aud Interest of tho bonds of 1804, BuranCo that the policy of reoonclllatlon
tbo call expiring on the 14th day of Do- advocated by the Democratic and Li-, when interest on the samo P, ioi,,i nrn1M i ifi7a
wl)l cepso-that is to say, bonds of tlio bo i.iaucurated bv tho adaiiulstration to
bcluK uiftltutM " at all ltnpurtaiitpotma In tho
L-puuuoor aniizpriumit" uuix urauu ixigt
id live subordinate ItHlures Ii.ivn h,.ii iwtiilillsh
ed in i'eru und Chin, ami that tlm Order w iap-idlylui-roasiiigmtheBaudwlcUIiUanUH
and in
Au5traiia. H, 11 Alorilbou, ol Wichlirau, has
been appolntod hi octal deputy to twtKUlisU tho
Older lu oreat ililtam. 'llio Grand bereiary's
leportBhowod that tho number of Grand ha
campiueutd and Loit;a$ reporting was bit butj
nrUiJiato KucainpiuenU, 1U30 HationUimto
IxHiRus, 5W7 1 Loan member. 4J1.70I t liucailip
meut meuibcm, In tho tilternoou, the
Urand JMiiio wait Xormcriy received nt tho ai
iiOemy at iluilo, where flddrencs ot wdoomo
were made by Onvtraor llemlnckR, ilnmr
Caven, boiiator Mutton and or-VU'ii'Fresiiii nt
c'olTnx. A n rand patado or tuo Order look; jduo
TI1K TIousfkkkpeu Is an 111 jail atod month.
lY, uiiKiuo in plan, tint i 1 pIuhho uu liiuuuusu
number ol hoiwrnivcs nnd hub.uidd. Jts nun
tdtitsh-tw Imwa aounenold may Lo conilqcCHl
with the le-istcaio and expense, nnd with tho
rcutent nttrwtlveiiUHS and comlo t. Npeciiil
attention H Kiven tomaticutin?, Hlipolni;, the
eronsnreof bhuniH und Iiaud ahoit wciunis.
adulteration, and other hou-ehom :aitgethj tuo
Vttclion. diniui; room, puilor mittnc, Hbmiv.
uoinootn. uurreiy iaumrry every uepnnmeut
ot tno nouio. from cellar 10 fctirici is tupieeii
tea. huo com rou, oonvouicnee. juiuvy, iieaiin,
beautr. eLOiiomv. ull committed. Hnudal no-
pirtmoul of " llomo Ouviiuutioni.' and "What
to dti foi a livinir " will urovo of everr ureal in
erecanu uiacuciu aine w many, it is nruc
Ileal rather than tlieuretiea', cnt.iinsa ho-t ot
now idem vauiublo hUKUOitinus and useful ro
nen. it l tun oi irooti. litem nmiier. a real
eitcveloLmtita of knowledireiur uiol:onekeewr.
.nee, n year, or 10 otuu u copy, niiu
neclal term to fitrents nmi Cltibii. CHA8 F.
M'lNUiiii. rubllsuer. S3 John titioot. New
bo placed In power In 1870;"
pet of 1801, June 30, as follows ;
ISO No. rioltoNo. 33(10, both inclnaivo.
f 100 Ko. 7ooi to No. KWX), both InCilHive.
inWfl. 10101 to No. 151W, both lucluuiva Tim rnnnrf nt hnsinpRfl nt tho rnun
iiioo-No.auooi to No. swot). hoUi imiiuMVB. 1 ne report oi uusioess oi tuo coun
Tho amount outstanding embraced lr 8a'8 lho V Y Observer, Is much
In the numbers as abovu Is $5,000,000. tho samo as last week. Monoy remalus
United Statea seoprities forwarded for Pnty nt low rates, and business Is
redemtlGU should bo addressed to the
'Loau Division, Secretary's omco.M
conducted with great care and pru-
, dence. Tho peoplo aro beginning to
learn that economy aud prudence aro
their only salvation from ruin, aud we
believe that things will settle down up
Tho finance and currency plank in
the platform adopted by tho conven
tion of thp Pemocrats of Now York, on on an honest and frugal bads, which
Friday of last week, reads as follows : will bo healthful in the end to busiucss
norrTn toutler 1 aud to morals. Upon this topic Cover
mental uohKnckwS?d.lWHrU W' nor Bedle of Now JSQVt n a recent
TWrfl-JIonestpoyment for tho public debt n address truthfully Slid I
colni the taciod preiten'aUon ot the public I ., .
faith, i "Tliere never wasa time In
Ipjrtli TUivrnuo reform i Federal taxation
for iptenuo only t no Uoveruaicu; partnerkhipd
with protected luonojwllo.
Thecuricncy part of tho above plat
form Is precisely tho fame as that last
thohUtorrof our
country when there whb more nee I ol a aturdi,
lion est 1 nau try (bun now. we hare been pas
nine through a period inarmed by an ovtr-aux
Ioum dclro for BUdden rleheo. and a diuoltton
toproeuie themby Qneatlouable means. Tbo
pnblio eye bua btvu blinded, aud extravagance,
waiite and fraud have b talked thro tic h ttie land.
year adopted by the convention whlcli WffShnSj
' - i speculation, liuwever altraotuo tuev may bo,
wlilco, tie was fleeted by more than 00,
rich, and wliou Hint mint oveitakoiia utonto.
itrun uiuy uocorreciiMi oy ftiuguaiiuu miiuao
(nuid lurougu wmcu
yasuuff, u ouo uiai
tho uniJent uuil
ness man, cpycrs tho best interests of wine. -rrartoi cniuTeud i mioctcu bv
nn lirmi.t rnn tno loiiiM, vice., or virtue oi U.0 iwopie. a it
mii iiiiu, I ni-oi. nvtheenoriiorvriadoui ot cuveruiueut.
larseir iroui
IKK) majority. U is clear lu language,
Unequivocal In purpose, and, lu tho ami uuauciaiiiiaajter. 'ihoirl
, , , ' , ' .iii, v,eHavolieeii, uuu areatill i
PplUlon Of pvcry llOUCSt-llllllJed bust- lia -awalieneit llio fear ot
the country. t has
BBVS the l'l.lla. Ledger and wa trust I 'riw lret dlBlculti- lias onsen largely Ire
l" ,,x'"' "t.0'! aIlui e "usli tbo toiuicr.anu tlioueoolo tbo nowcr
will have tho effect of silencing tjioso ''"1 .V.a..r.??'h.1??.t.!".,f;
lnulnauiil prudeuce and i-cou
the repudiation of tho publlo debt.
There Is po pur(y In tlio country ,as wo
slucerely believe, tlmt coutemplatei any
ouch purpose, and of the few Indivi
duals favoring suqh an Idea tlio ma
jority of them are found ainqng those
who talk most of tuc!i a tiling. The
mass of voters In this country nru lion
pst men, favor au lionet currency and
an honest adherence to plighted lalth.
When the tost conies lu Congtess the
(ullation policy now discussed will bo
found vv Itli few supporters.
vliMt. ami flniil nnrnnnfc ftf Ilenrv Boror. nd.
miniBiruior oi luui'Mimpui iiiuiui ji.iiiiu,i.uu u.
First imd final accouut pt Jucob A. Loiliy, ad.
imnitttratorot tliecbtattiot Geomo Ilex, ileo'd
First anil partial account ol bdwartl KnUey,
oscciunrol tbe last will aud tetamcne ot Sqshii
Tlio second ond fiunl account ot 11. F. Klep-
pluRor aduuu'sttator ol Wlluaui O'lxicio,
A, wnmiNOllAii, HCRlSIcr.
ltealstoi'sofllco. Muucli flmiK. Hrpt. 11, 1871.
Now Advertisements.
lies cctfully announces that he lias Jutt
received his FALL A WINTER stock of
Dress & Dry Woods,
Groceries, Provisions,
Men s and Women's Boots anil Shoes,
I3F" Prices fully as Low ns clsowhcro,
Sept. 11, 187B.
Stovepipe Klboxms
USED BY TnOSE deshuhq
Economy, Beauty, Cleanliness, and
Sold. I3"cror-y wJioro.
Manufactured by COnRUGATED ELBOW CO. or U. S., 52 CUff Street, M. X.
15,1k -17 Raco Street, Cincinnati, 215 & 217 Lako Street, Chicago.
Pcpt. II, H Mll2
Industrial Exhibition Comp.,
Five Dollars Each.
$5 OO
Will Vuv ft qnirte r Bond of llio Itiilmtrlal rit.
lubltinn Co nf sew Ycrk.
l-.acb ( Juni ter llord p it ticlpatc In Fnnr sorloi
allotincutH every sent, until it Is redocmeii.
Tlielnllowlncr I'reiniuins wlntw wlixt linr Uond
may n-cene. A quaiter Uond would receive cut
quarter ot tuo ueiow namea prenuuuis.
Tho following Music Hooks nro ac
knowledged to bethebnftof their class.
Tattles sending us orders can secure
them, post-paid, y remitting s tho
marked price.
Tlio Jlest Piano rnetmctorl
I'Ul'lillS' K01.KOTIO 1'IANO (
rJCIIOOt 5 rncopa
Tlio nest lined Orcnii Instmctor Is
IClNKEIi'S NliW MiSTllOD..., l'rlco t! f.0
1 he Het Instructor for tbo olco Is
T.TTIl!l.'.-'K Snitntlf.tYlRTUDl
VOICE J Trice !3 50
Tlm llpj.t. Wlnirlni- t1 itimlcs aro
i'aihy Kcituus riicooicts
SONd i:OIUl l'llcoTOcta
MlTslniT. 1'IIIIIM llVinslol
Voices) I rnco?i 00
Tho Host Collection of Church Maslo Is
l)lflOjr.VH.. SHiT.!.'! Vrlll "M !H 1
for CltU IICU and HOMK.. J TricoJl 60
The llest Sacred and Secular Collection Is
THi:ci.UBTt;ii.ioiMtxcuvuioi)s rnooti uj
The Iloit (Hon H iokls
TK KK l'IiU U1.TUA, iiri
Mixed Voices , I Frlootl CO
Tho l'.i'st Gl.'o lloiiK for Male Volcoi Is
TllUSAKUllrliili. i-ncoti ou
Tho lloitUiiltnr lustructnrti
UOLl.A.ND'-i 1N131V Ulil'llUll, 1'nCB Wl
The llest Onlt ir JtuMo li
Tltli UU1TA1UB1', I I1CO il 111
Tho Bet Mnuuz'no rt Vocal Musio w
I'i.nslls'HuUaKilOLU MIJ.I
LOU1K.S Jl'cr Year (I
Nos. I,? 3,4,o,e,7 8 and 0 uow le.icly. l'rlco 5Cc. co.
riio nost Mnrjazme for Knj riuuu initio is
l'HTnilb" I'Alll.Olt MllntO,,. t'er year M
IJos, 1 toOnowrcadv. t'llcoooc. each,
the llest Mannilun for Advanced 1'I.ino Wavers
is 1.A I.HUJIU 112 L.v. UllUMi;, l'cr ytortl
Jios. I to il now ir.idr. l'rlco caoli,
Rublcct to tbo Decision ot the Democrntlo
Cvunfy convention. aui;. il;io
1 frcnitum ol
1 1'ieiiiluiu of
1 rrctiilum of
I I'rumiumof
1 F.-fnituni of ,..
10 l'iciulumaot t.v(;h.J.
l'J I'rClUlUlQSOf 2Q0CHCU...
127 l'reiniums of ltiOencn...
48 rrcnuumiof cooacu.,
New Advertisements.
'I ula desirable pro petty u located
In Abiuiiloti Towusbln, Moutiroiii.
ery Co.. To., tiu Ullhs norlll of
l'lilladelptila. ooiupnolui; &7 acroa.
Q ucres ot wluch aru wuod.ond. and
tbo reiuuuuler arable land In n high Ktato of rul
iivuiinu. iuo liuproteiuenis are it lariie niouu
Mansion llouso, eoutaiinng IB rooms i a laruo
Ham with all tho necessary outbuildings 'I he
locality Is proeibta!!vheulthyaud rsconvenl.
ent to places ol worship, Hotiouls. Mbrutlcs. etc.
fur iMriicuiars auores, riiuniAn il. nuiiu.
MAKKlt. 1S1I North lVh Kl.. i'hil jdnlnhla.
Fuurlh tit., l'hlladclpbia,
11I'I11:NCU at Unit nut
Hill, wilh Tno anil a Half
Acres of hlgldy Implored and
oruainentalLawn aud Garden,
beautifully situated uu tbo
Heading Turnpike, teu minutes wa'k fiom the
'auuay lieiHll. uu uuiuiuuuiiik a uuotisw ui
bo Wissahlclieu Valley aud Its rniuautio sur-
roundinus. For sale or u .eu wllu or without
Furultuie For tennsand cards to view the
pruuii-ei apply to Tllou. II. HllUhMAKKli,
1MI K. TlAiteeutb. t, ilENUV II hlill
r.IUF01tU, IUO boum louriu ec. ruiiaua.
.... Sirc.cro
B.0 0
.... 3. oo
900 l'mnlums ot :i oucu U,wo
Total I I5)',ooo
I Piemliini of..,, 133.001
1 l'cemiuni ot ... ..,,!, .., lOOOO
1 I'retnmm of S.MO
1 I'ronilum of
8 prvnitum of tl ouo uich 3 ouo
10 I'temlmn of siveach COW
10 Pioununisof zooeacli S.ikio
28 I'reuiluins of UOrach, 2.IKO
44 inuniiiimsct KOeatli,., 2:61
3Jo0 Premiums of 21 each 61.1m)
Total , (151,000
Tbe Company Is not responsible for any tuon.
ey suit, execut It be by check, lKistitl older,
di alt or rmress naysblo to tbo older of The In.
dustrlal i.inibillou Coiupauy,
Circulars sent on apsltcatiou, ,
Xo. la Knst ITth St.,
Pulillal'td ond mailed, post.piia, by
843 Broadway. N.
sept 4-lm.
anil big pay to
mate and fe-
A n-MK HTflltV TnAHIK Turir.nixn. built
expreaslyfor a l'lIOTOUltAPHEIt, or would
riuit a ciuAit.MAar.ii, miui.iu.tL,ib or
TAILOlt. WIU bo sold very Chean for CAM! or
on short time with approved security. Apply
The cal addtusscs to Carl Scliurz,
fvsklfjg hi ui to speak In tho Ohio cair
YM3 sayfl i "Tho tualu question uu
uutarlljr practice. j;mi4o) incut lurntt be muro
it'fluliu, aul the emplomt must tie fcatla
tltxl wiui ltiiHouablo ttwarai, Private baluf8
juu4i do uouestiy conaucieu uuu lueu uaaer
stAiiu that 1 1 ttitut la u bud aa lu itteaL Iut.
iltvuiust lioat tiie very voroof iruit, aui be
(LltuscU throuR-n all Iti artcrloa anil brauchM.
'1 hero uiiut be no didcouruiremeni or mdolenra.
't hiv muht nxteL thu crisis lu the milrlt of trtio
muntKMHl, ami be BJitUttfJ toqaa well a uiej-:
tttu. u publlo aftilrM alo tlie people must
ttico auet'ptr nueii'su Taxailuu iia become
uppmuilve, aud cniciljr because nf extravajcact
nud nnum'sarr bcLuuiea ot luijiroveutrut aud
ncWle expcuiUturo lu oliloe, llnacipat debta.
particular., are ycxy burdeuiwute. Wotwitn
fciuuQiiiu , all pubilo debu iiiunt be paid, aud
tlie public are obltKd tomevt tuew. ifut U
I paouvM them to aee that for the luture thoao
burdens ore ttvpi wltblu the reuaonable nt-ctw
BlWuiof the public, and that there ahill be no
wntt"', nxiraajrauoa or plunder, llouenty lu
olllce hoald be ibu raliyt nir cry of every voter,
H rUt' above nijre portlHaaaaip and adnUtaol
ito rompromlie. li m rudloal, and without u
Rore-unteul la a tnockery ouu u cur no uj the
pix-pte "
- Ilerlla h 14MXX) uorkluftwoiuen, and their
Ul U lual of v.ork)ufwoiueii all oxer tue wvuld..
rinsTcrAB3 8nviNa uaciiimzh now
23 .North Klgbth btrei-t, rhllauclphla, aro now
belling their Huponor
Ko. 1 3IACIIlI
Coioplclo, with Wre Walnut Tublta and a full
line ot Attachment, for
lnnverv resnect eaualtn other makes hercto-
lore sold tor tno. i.Ti-iybody ouitht to know
that we ran afford to ilu It. because wo do not
eiimloi eaurniuers.intildle.mcn or liersuatiers.
but bell direct to tho veoplo at a reaiouahlo
profit. Iheietoro.wearo euablrd to supply a
huncrior bemuirMactilue at tbo unpreceueutpd
Low Prti'o of Twciilv tlvo Dollars
llauot bar without beino-lully nostcd. aud
do uot let any oue humbug you luto payiui; lui
ur I7u. wbcu you can get tuo best for . but
rail atoutuatvurbalosroouis uud examiuetor
UN KIQIITU tt,l'bUdtl.Wi
ecpt. t isivu
Morton, Bliss & Co.
Issue Cuculur Notes and Letters nf Credit fur
Travelers i also Cumuiticl.l rrcuna avauaoiu
in allpaits ot the World. Meirotiato Loins,
MoitroN, iioaia&co London.
llOtTlKUULlliV Cu PAltls.
ilOl'li.1.0 AJISri.HUAM
innlo I'vt'rvnatTo Andieos
l'UB. CO.. Newark, N J.
IMenkititt and I'rnllnlle Kmiiluy-
M3CNT. He utlfu 1" Charminir I Oh.
how lovt'lyl" Vhnt nre they worU.r &i
knrli urn nTi-liirimfioim In' tlmsn who 8PO tllO
larpo cirgaut New Chromo.- pitductt by tho
j;uropp.iu anu Aim riemi unimiu ruu'iemun
Co. Ihcv aro u 1 perfect OO'iiaof Att. Noono
tanrnlst Ihotomptatloa to buy wt.en Hcrlntr
tho Chroiuos. CMiivabjk'iH, AceutD, and litdJea
aud iron IcmeDOiit otoaiiiloiincnt. will Had thin
tho beat opurimic cvt'i tiftcted to make money.
Fur full piutieuiatH, fcoitii tiuup for nnifldnn.
tiul circular. AOdtoa K QLLAsON & :0.,
waabiuatuu tel., uoston, musi.
"$50 "to 10.000
lias been tuvcsiedtnbtock Privileges aud paid
Hovr tp dolt," a nook on Wall bt., icnt
TuuibrlJgo A Co , Bouktra and Urokers, 2 Wall
bt.. N. .
Hurp f atui lu Tone and Power any litva origan
ueioioiore mauuiaciortHi it: ua cnuu'i.
has been tested by many competent Jadxes an
Ily a Bkiltfal nso ot tho Btons. and of the Patent
Knee Swell, tho Musio is adapted to the human
olce. r.mglnc from tho softest, flute-hko nota
to a volume of sound.
Unsurpassed by any Instrument
Tho proprietor hasnotod carefully for many
Tenia the impel feet Ions and needs of the Iteed
ihstrucaonts, and directed his practical expert,
en co to tno correction of such Imperfection a,
and his experiments hnve resulted la the proM
auction of atinailty of Tone which asslmltatea
so cltBOiy to tho
Pipe Organ Quality
Thftt It is difficult to dlstlniulsb botween t
two. 'ihls instrument has
And every nrxan Is tully warrantod.' Lari
OU Polish, IilucK Walnut, Paneled cases thai j.
And forms In addition to a aplfoai'd ItrtlrHmf
of uiualo.
This oriran nfeds ontr tn be seen, to be ppr
elated and la sold at XTHEMELT
'or emu Mccond howl lnitranioaU Ukra k
exchauco. AaENT3 WANXBD,
(Vsle or finialo.) In every county In the United.
Htaloi nud ilnnaila. Uncrul discount mad to
Teachers Ministers, ctmrdae. Ixidg,
whern incro is no airrnt lor um ui ut.
Iliitraiwi o ithioirao ana pneo usi nre. ov
oiuondeuco sulicitcd. Auaress the tnanult.
Washington, fl. J.
Mny riyl ,
1875 fall 1875
UlTlllS Oi'I'IUK.
Notlro Is hereby (tiven that Haroaei uravcr,
of Ihthton, Curbon county. Pa., by deed ot
vohiuurv assbjnment has asslvued all the es
tate, real and personal, ot the said Miuiuel tlia
rrto wuusiu ivemerer, ot i.enijuiu, wwm
ceuuty. Pa.. In trust, for tfco beucllt ut the said
aaiuuelAJrnvcr. . ,, ,
All perfons. therefore, indebted to said Ham.
net Uravcr. will malte pjyuient to tue, the add
ssilirnew, at lhiabton uud tnosehsvinz claim
or demand will mako kuowu tho smiu within
six weeks rryui date.
WW, 1V.A1111U.U.
Atslitnee ot bauiuel Uravcr.
Bept. 4. IMtjC w
Plotts' Star Organs
Are celebrated for their purity ot tone, eleitiut
desiftti and thorouiru ronstructiou. bemlfor
caittioiruo. Address. EDWAHU PLOTTH,
Washington, N. J,
TUB 11KST IU USE. Ben stamnfor Clrcu
tar. DANIEL HEAT M?an:rton. Wew
Plotts' Star Organs
Any person wuMdl to purchase a parlorortran,
wheru there U uo agent for the aiar,' would do
well to wtlte for special latea. to lntrodur thu
lQkirurueuu 4uareua, .u axixj
Waahlnfiton,N. J
A WKKK juaratjtwod to Mao und
ma?) Aeentn. lu their locaNty, t'oct
ISOTMI.Ntl to try It. Partitaus Fn.
V, O. VICKEHV ft Co., AuiUBtaSIo
Thu I'bolccrt lu the world lm
ivirterft' di Ire Lamest Com
pany In America btapia article pieate4 every
lKKi7 irnxio coatinujiy increafcinp inni
w&iitnJ nvcrvwheitv boat Inducement a iltm'
want tinii'-suu toi circular to kodeut y. t-tus,
HOVYIj OAgue Cure
knlil hr UriiDirlsts.
IT FAIL"! I" L'Ullt;.
Price II.
Vtl II1.AVA 11 II 1
DIU O. II. 1IOWI1. tieuccu I'alls, N. V,
Mrs. M. Guth-
Ilespeetfullr anummces Ui tho LADIE8t OJ. '
Jvi'iVui.niiT i'li vrt'lNITY tint she Thsai
lust relumed trnm theOITV, anil I now receive
. .. H,n T.A III! KHl' aTOOIU of FALL
ivSilliiiery Goods
Hats, Bonnets,
And Trimmings
ever brtoro broucht Into this section, and that
she Is prepared to do them up in tlio
Very Latest Fashion,
SW1T01I1.H, In ltoslnud luutAtlou.llair, NO.
rio.H and ALL other Uoods usually kept In
First Class Millinery More.
Ladies' own Hair made tip to order
Cull and Inspect Good ana learn Frloca belore
purcha&iuic ou.owb.cre.
MRS. M. QUTII, Wclasport, To.
April 3-rl
Most Extraordinary
sot Advertlfcluir nro offered for .Nov
puperB lu the Mate of
Send lor list of papers and schedulo of rates.
Geo. P. RoavoU & Co.,
Advertising Agonts,
No. 41 PARK ROW, N. i'.
IlEimi to hiirros or Tina pai eu.
Mason & Hamlin Organ
Send tor Illustrated Catilogae and Price List to
Has taken up hu qoattera at the CENTEN
Loibenguth's Building.
whoie may be found at all time, a fallllBeot
tho choicest btauds of
rhoa per than at any other place ou tilde o; Tut.
1'Ul0l"Ulfl- P.T.IUUPY.
Trass and Surgical Bandage Stand.
W J. EVEUETT, No. K North Seventh
'' ' below Arch HU. Philadelphia; Latest; re
rirovrd Trutses hhouhlcr llraces. EaaUe st eek
ok Jieits. rju.peusorles, Crutenea, Uefonntty
jtistriuneuts o. Aiso Mrs. Everett', tllch'a
self adjuittnar eud other oelcbratrd Female Hop
ituieia. LaJy Atienuaut. Lane stock aud.
low pike', llinUnooesfully tinted,
July JMS73..1)'.