!3 ; f ; t ii' 'V'ffMorciiMER, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT-" Live and Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. L I LEHIGllTON, CARBON COUNTY, rENN'A, SATURDAY 3IOUNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1875 Subscribers nut of County, $1.20. in., JTo.43 vOIi -ass CARDS. Furniture Warehouse. ViBeiiwtU,llaiktreot1(!rai,n all lindi qf furniture. CoJJtntmadeto crder. Doit and Shoe makers. Clinton Hr6tneT,.I'ii Lrvan't building. Hank stroot. All'onkH pnmptlyJllUdaork warranted. PityTTim i noi-TiHt elktiuq i.tni MENT.Hke 1 not at DimUWl'8 DltUO 3ToltEf.wlU-.ciu,orMni or. anv other man or 7mJiuJaM'X8Mannji other vaxxb. Mar ATTOUNET-XD"COOIISELLOIl-'ATLAW, lUrtucU CIiulllc, l'n. B3Hb"K!4t!J tijaa't Jewuir'x Store, Brafln.iy. D. M. MUMIISAUN, ATTOllNEY AT LAW. Jl4( j'.t'i , vXavcii.cuunk, PA. Collections and all lrgal business promptly atlemieoto.., . Inly 24. 18,5, cmieo "ATDiiiih'A'Mis'u, m.d,, w PIIYJICIANND BURGKW ffw;lt,attw1tl(m.pMil to Curonle Diseases. Offlcs: South iUit .corner Iron anil 2nJ sts., Le lilehton, Ta. . Aprils, 1875. rju. S. II. UEBEK, .piiAcmnka'fUYSiciAN akd sunoEuN, pa, Dut Strwt, nxt door atmr. the I'ostofnee, Lf tlltbtop, l'a.. Offlcs Hours rarrytllle each day 'Om lotouzo'ciocic: remainder oi aay ntunicoiu 'Ij'A Auctioneer, -Kat Vclssi.ort,-I,. K B. Ssles Of erery' description attended to at rsasonalle charged The patronage of the piilllc raipectfully solicited. Jan. 21, '71. tZ 'irni' j " . ' JNO. U. BBU1 OLE1TE. JAfl s. I.OOHE gldnTOIETTE & LOOSK, ' ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, flrrici rirst National Hank Bull g , 2nd Floor MAUCIl CHUNK, I'i.n.H. MaT. consulted lh Qcrman. July 21 18";. ATTORNEY AT LAW, . No. 4, Union's Ulock, MATJC1I CHUNK, VAt fiSCnn consulted In fteruisn. fjanf). rjlIIOMAa A. BEC1L, JUST1QP OF, THE I'EACU, nANK Street, LKIIiailTOff, Pa. XfetlTeyanrlofr, Collecting and. all business con. boetsd with the office promptly Attended to. fAAcent for firslclass Insurance Compnnlcs. nl Itfka of all kinds1 taken on the m6t liberal ftfffls. Jan. 0, 1S75. yjg- sf. iiAPsnicit, AITflRNai' AND COU.NSKLLOIl AT LAW, ijAKK STSCCT,LcniUHTON, PA. Res) Estaleand Collection Agency. Will lluyand Sell Ri al Kftale. Conveyancing neatly done. Col. leetlnns'proaiptly'nuide.' Settling Kstatos of 1). cedent, a specialty. May be consulted In KplUli nd tierman, Nov. W. TUOfilAS UUillKRUK, CONVEYANCER, AND fGENERAL INSURANCE AGEIjT The following Companies are ltepresentedl J1ANON MUTUAL VIRK, ltEAIHt) MUTUAL PIIIE, WVOMINtl FlltU, l'OTTSVlLLK F1UK, LUIlKlli I'lltK.ondthoTlIAV ELEHs' ACCIDKNT IKHUltAJSOi;, Also runnsi lvanin and Mutual Horse Tlitcf AeteoUve and In.uraui o Coiuiianv. Urcni,23, 1573. , THUS. KEMElinn. rjUOMAS A. Wj&LIAMS. LADIES' AND CENTLEMUN'S Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Next toLeucfcol' Block. BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa. Hatlnir commenced businesses aborn, I would f eipectfully announco to tuecltltens of Leblehtoa and vicinity that I amprepured to do all work In my line tn the neatest and most substantial man ner, at prices fully as low asthc same work can be0Ulned In Philadilphla. A splendid assort meat of CHILURKX'S and MISSES' WEAR of f he best mske always on band. A trial Is solicited and satllkctlon guaranteed, at lowest prices. July 4, 1674. WYOMING SEMI-MONTHLY Ii T T 'JE K Leealliert by tha LCfilslataie. Draws onthp 15th and 30th of each month. Tlckela tl each. S or 15. 1 chance In 5. 1200.000 In cash prises, Capital prlxo w.ooo. AEentawantcd. rinlca; lara. .AddroaaJ. M. I'ATTEli, LaramloClty. Wyoming. June4,m3 T F. DELT2, V 1'UOTOORAPIIER, Upper Main street. ' . bLATINOTON, 1'A., In the Oallbby recently occupied by H. M. UKNGI.ER. i'ictuhe1) taken in anv wsatheh. A Kpeclalty. PATRONAGE bOLIClTED, And satisfaction Onaiantecd. Jnnelll75yl Charles Trainer SfEJi'S,lr "nnonncea to the people of Ijihlch. toaBhai pa aepa a,mu tM)cic ft Exotllonf ,f)Floar for Sale AMP,?,1?1? XBP f " .tlua aal STRAW in the UUNUliii. lie la also jnepared to do ull ktnaa ox HauJing and Plowing on abort noatee and a LOW PRICES. tEHiqu (2d) STREET, LEJXIOUTpN, Ta, March 23 Sii?(jr Se)ying Machine A-O-HKrCZ-, Ji. CA11TEE & SON, aluly 17-mO MAUOII CHUNK Railroad Guide. TVTOUTUPI3KNA.HA1LKOA1J. I I'assrarcrsforriil'ailolpblawillteavo .chilli ! ton ns follows i I Biivi n. in. via L. V. nrrlvo ot Mills, at C:1!) n. m. 7:4?n. in. via 1.. t , " Milan, in. I ::3!) a. in. via I V. " " lists n. m. I Hint p. m. via T, A. ' 1:20 ji. in. . turn n.m. via I V. " 2-20 n. m. 2:2t p. m. via U S. " " 6:1) n. in. 4H7 li. m, via 1.. it S. ' 8:20ii.in. 4:41 p. in. via It. V. " " ftm. 7.38 p. in. via U V. ' " 10:3.) p. in. llftnrolng. leave depot at TerkB ana Ameri can bt Phlla., st 7 1)0.8:30 ana OAS a.m.; 2:10, C:13 nml cup. m. Faro from licntphton to Fhllfi., f2.5.1. Juno 5, 1875 ELLIS (1LAI11C. AKCIlt. -niSNTUAI It. II, OF N. J. V LCIIIOII & SUSQU UII ANNA DIVISION. All Knit Itoitto to rniic Ilrniicli VAftSK.NOCK fcTATKKV IN MiW YOHlvVODX OF LIltKRTV HT., N. It. Timo Tnblo of May 111, 1875. Tnti Jeo IjcbJjliton us follcwf: For Xow York. Lnkton, Ac., n, 7.17, 11.07 a. m., 4.47 p. m. For riitiitlflpliln, 7.17, 11.07 a. m 2.2G.4.47, 7.17 p. in. ForMfluch Chnuk at lO.iOa. ra.f 1.14, and, 0 43 p. in. For Wilkes-Ilarro and Scranton.it 10.20 a.m.. 1.14 p. m. Jlcturnitifl' Leave Sew York, from Rt.it Ion Cen tral li.ilro.vl of Now Jerwy, foot or Liberty utreet, North lUver, it 6.: 10, 0.15 a. in., 12.40, A 30 p. ui. Loave i'LHadelphU, from Depot Norllj l'enn'a It !., at 7.0H, 0.45 a. tn., 2.10, p. ni. Leave Kantou at H.4'), 11.48 a. in., 3.55 nod 8.10 p in. Leavti Mauch Chunk at7.40,ll.ora.m., ?,20 and 4.4ft, 7.10 p. m. Fo: furtber partlculartt, pea TlmtiTabJcB at the Station. PASSl.NUnitS FOR LONG DI1ANCH 0IIANQU OAKS AT LLlAllKTII. U. I'. HALUWIN. Gen. Vasungir Antnt. Ju.y4.lb7. pKASYVANIA UAILltOAU, riiiLADixruiA & mm: mi. division. Summer Time Talilc. On and nltct bUNUAV, MAV 23rd, 1871, tlie Trains on tho rjnlHnelphla fc ilrle ilaiiroail Di Tleloa will run us toliu.wa : WKbTWAlta FAST leaves Nw Yoric rjiil'iOelplua llitltlmoio Unirlfljurc niT. at Williumspiirt Loci lluvcn IK'ltcfuuto MAIL leaves New Yorfc riiihuicluiiia JlaUimoro llnrrlsburc Vllliamtpoit Ixick lla.en ltOliOVU ntr. at Kim NIAGAHA KX. icavu" l'Mlndelphia Haiti in uro 1 tniriBburc arr. at WUllamBport Loch: llaeu Ken ova KL31IIIA MAILlcavcs l'Dllauulphla lialtlmoio HnrrtNUuip orr.nt Wjllianispurt Liick Haven KABTAVAltD. I'HILAD'A ES.kavea Tick Uuven William port 0.2 j a.m. IMS p.m. I. 3) p. Ill, ' 5.00 p.m. S.SSp.m 10.-J0 p.in 11.51 p.m. 8.1'. IJ.lu. ll.5l).lll. 11.55 p.111. 4.'5 u 111. h 35 n.in. II. Illl.lU. 11.05 a.m. 7.&C li.in. 7.40 a.m. 1.33 n.iii. 10.53 n.lu, 1.55 p.lil. 3.15 p.m. 4 31 p.m. 8.00 a.m. a.m. pni l.10p.lll. 7.jup.iu. 0 41 a.m. 7.55 a.m. U.4S a.m. 0.15 pia 3.35 p ni. M5 p.m. o.io II, ni, 111 -5 11 111. arr. at lliunburtf linitiinoro l'ljilailpjpbia Now Yoilc DAY EXntESS leaver Uenova JHJt IIUTOU WlUianiMiort 10.b0n.in, arr. at Hmrnbuii? 3.0' p.m. 1 U1JUUL'III11U Nvw Yuri llaltlinoro ERIE MAIL leaves Kno llenora Ijrtck Haven Wj Ilium apt nt arr. at Hinrltburff Ila'timoro l'fiiladeipl.la 7Tow Yotk FAST LlNi: loavei WlllauiRiort arr. at llnlsburg Ilftlilirore riilludpUla New Y'ork fl.a) p.m. ai5p.ni. 3'i.o p.m. l'.SO ii.ni s.il p in. 8.45 p m. 10..W p.m. 2 5 a m. 7.31 n m. 0.45 n.m. lo.io a.m. 12.S5 a.m. 8.55 n.m. 7.35 u ni. 7.35 a.m. ni.25 H.m. nrlo Mail Weat. Nlauara Ksorpgn West. rutra i Vail Went ami Imy Kxiiroca llastniaKe cloeoconnectlou at Nortbnaibcrliiid with L. & 11. Hit, train forWilkesbano aud Hcranton. Erie Mail Vv$t Nmcaxa Expro-a West and Elm Ira Mall West mako ciono couuection at Willlanisnort llb X. C. It, W. tralna north. ErloMatl Fa at and Wet, Niagara Ki press West, East Lino Wcctand Hay Exploits vmiUo closo conaectlonat i-ooic JTavcu witli U, E. V, It It. train. y Jlrlo ato 1 i:ant and Went connect at Erie with trains mi I- y. Sc M. H. Hit., at Corry witti O. C. & A, V. (til., at Emporium with t. N. V. fr 1. Hit., and nt Driftwood with A. V. lilt. Tat lor Oars wi:i run between l'blla lelphln and Wllllntnt-poit nit Nlaeia Expretui Wt-ft, East Line Went, Philadelphia I2xpred Eastund Hay Express East, hleeplntf Curs in all nipht trains WM. A. ItALlUVIN, Ueu'l upf Plotts' Star Organs, Every Instrument fully warranted. Factory and efllee. Washington, N. J, Corri&pondcuco tollclteiL JAVID KUKEIIT'S Livery & Sale Stables, UANICgTKBIST.IiKIIIUIITON, l'n FA.5T TIIOTTING HOUSES, ELEGANT CAKUIAGES, And positively LOWER trices than any other Livery in the Coauty. Larue and handsome Canlaces for Funeral purposes and Wcddluua. DAVID E1111ERT. Nov. X U7X SAVE JIOSIIV By purchasing your Groceries 1 Provisions Also a Choico Variety ot Gi-O-JEJElSrS-WA-HE, AT THE NEW STORE OF E. H. RHODES, Opposlto the "Carbon Advocate" Office. HANK. WAY, LEUIOUION, Va. A VULL LINE OF CHOICE, FRESH Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, bpices, Dried Fruits, Mackerel, No. 1. Kerosene Oil, Tobaccos, &c, &c, Allot which arevrananted of ursU'lassnualitl' UUd fcobl CHEA1- i'OH CABI1. The HlKlieat Market Trice allowed for nuT TEIt. lilfus and IXlUNTltY.I'RuDUCE pia. txallv tn i-irhanso lor Uoods. A trial Is repectXo,lly aoliclted. A,prll 10-yi e. U. RHODES. BUY IT 1 TltV IT l-'HIE INpiA RUB 11 MR PL XSTEH3 lor it Wcok Hack, HURL 1 IN(I has them. M.iy n a Plotts' Star Organs Ato us perfect pnrlor orrm ns nro manufartu red. Correspondence soHcltPd with ortfiniistd" TtniplomiH and the irndo. Addretf, EDWAUU rLOiTy, Was.llutrton. N. J. T OOK BEAUTIFUL-LOOK ROSY l-A hot L,Ilo of DURLINO'S ItO-'B OLYCERtNn for Itonirhliess of Iho SHIN, CHAl'l'EI) HANDS, ivc, only 25 cent a uotno. siny v. BEATTY, IMniiot COMRINES EVERY IJIl'ROVEMENT KNOWN, nenil slnnin for circular. Ad dros I). P. 11EATTY, Washington. N. J. Plotts' Star Organs Cnmbliin beantiy. iliiriililllty and worth. Bonil for lllustrntcd caialogue beloro bu.uit;. Ad ilri ss iliu manufacturer, liDWARU l'LOTTa, Waslilugtou, N. J. WHY. OH WHY will yon Buffer with that routlH or COLDI when yon mivbo iin. medlatgly re'nivodby ums DUliLINdM COJI. POUND 8YRIII' nl TAR WILD CHERRY and HORIiHOUND. May 0 MIIIE I'EOrLR OFLEHiaitTONanilVlcin -1- Itv nil nnlto In te.tlfirinit that nt A. J DURLlNll'8 Iiruir and Fniuily MecUiuo storn. rum:, mum nnd Usauulteiuted MI'pjriM:8 can alwaya bo lound. May 0. BEATTY. I'lnnnl AOEXTs WAN'll'.DI (Molo or Fcmaifl,) to tao orders. DANIEL F. liEATTY, Wueh iuirton, N. J. Plotts? Star Organs ARCnts supjilledat Hemes that ilely compo. tltluu lor thu t,line rlnss of instruments. Tiy one. Addri'SI, EDWARD PLOT Td, Washluc. ton, N.J. BEATTY ptA'"0' NO OTHER 1'IANO KOKTEIilis attained tho Biino popul'irlly. rieud slauip for circular. I). F. REAT1Y. Washiugion. ow Jersey. Plotts' Star Organs Anr person, mate or female, whohas a little IeiMii43 tlinn can prnctuo. a lirai-cliifsm-tru incur at u greatly reduced pneo. Hcnd Btnnu) lor particulars. Address, KUWAHU l'LUTl'S, Wa&huifiton. N. J. Opposite tho Public Square, SOU I'll STItKET LEIIKJHTON, la., Manufacturer ol - Tin.& Sheet Ironware And Dealer in all kinds of tnr I100FINO. HI'OUTINO nnd JOI1I1INO prninpilv utttindeu to at reaMonnlilo charce. Nov. 3J. fcAMUliL QRAYER. W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LEHIfJIITOX, 1'ENN'A. l'lnns mid SpcciUcRllons FOR ALL KINDS OF 11UILDINCI8 MADE AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. NO CHARGES Mann lor I'LANH nnd SlMiniacATIONS wnoii ino couuact la awaided to iho under, signed. June It, IS73 yl. A.AV. EACHEii. L. F. Kt.EIl'IXEU Would respect fnlly announce to lime 111PIH13 nn i tuo puii r lie In ireiiernl. ih.f ho lias opened a flrst-cUsa Livery & Sale Stable, and that he can famish Horses. Rngulea and .s.mvi lvj uiju BUU1 11UIIUU, Ai.t. khxips of ii.ii;e.i.vu Promptly attended to at moderate rates. L. T. KLEPPINQER, Corner of Hank and Iron streets, '" IIilghton, Ta. JetESSEI AiB LIVE Iccusoz ( srbun and aJinlninc cnimtiwi thnt hn is now prepared to eupply thctu with at all Unics, nt prices fnllv aa low aa they can be bought for eieevhcre. Alo. H.MOKIH) JIAMH, IIOI.OONE AND HAUSAUU. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Orders will be promptly ailed and nOOS shipped to any point at tae shortest notice. JOSEPH OBERT, Hani- Street, Lclilgliton, I'a. Bcpt. 1U. IS74-J I. rjisiE OnoUE KEMEREK, Alamifartrirerof nnA iinniAf in nit nno f ;iOUBKHOLU AND KITOHEN FURNITURE, Next to Ronilir A Ilofford. Carriage Mauutuetory, ' Bank Street, Lohighton, Pa. lClcgnnt l'nrlur Nulls, lluildsume Ilcdropm Sets, Selling very Cheap for Cash. Exainlno befoio puicbatJug elsewhere. HavlnirhOil an emilnn it luthe , " ' ' UNDERTAKING Un.lnesa. I an; prepared to furnish all klnda of COr'KI N b and U4.uiO.th on short notice, and attend to all bnaiuess in this lino in such a man ner aa will givo entire- tatitfuctl'ui, cu very reasonable terms, 1'jtionage solicited, March 27,-yl, TnEO. If HMEBER LIST OP PREMIUMS TO HE AWARDED BY THE Carbon Co. Industrial Society AT THEIR 1st ANNUAL EXHIBITION TO BE HBLT) IN LEUIGUTON, PA., on October 12, 13, 14 & 15, 75. If tho weather is uot favornblo on any of tho above days, tho Fair will con Unuq ou Saturday. class T.-nonsE3. IlK wx DHAvaiiT Blooded. llpstf talliou between 4 and 12 years..1.... tn 00 second hot 3 00 Third host dip. Jtnt &" mo under 5 years 0 00 Hccondhcst... it on lleitlCornoColtL3tweeii2and 4 years,... a ft) Second heat 2 5r) JIcpi Maio Colt betweiu 2 and 4 y ears .1 ( 0 Hecncd test 2 5 Beit Colt under 2 years , 2 to ecotnt best . 1 W Host Coit under 0 mouths 2 m becondbibt l to NiTivi: LIGHT HUAt'OIlT. BeatTrottliiftr Mai o or celihutrfi eara..,.. S no Second bobt , 3 00 HOAD'iTEI.S. Best Stallion between and 12 years 5 00 tsccondbcft 4 00 BcMt llorpe, Mate or pelillnf? 4 veats ,. G oo ecoim best., 4 to Best riottiiL'j Colt, 3years old r, oo Second bent 3 to CLASS II Sl'KED Open to all nornes In tbo coiiLtv, owned throo montti prior to ttiod.iy ot tital. and that navo never cone for money other lliau premium Best Trotting Ltoit.0 30 00 beooiuibe-it i 20 (0 Tim above Troitinjr match Is to tako pbico ou TlmiHtlav. OctoLer nth, at '.'o'clock v. M Pro. vitled, however, that Uueo hoiscs must bo on- tcidi. xntiaucoice, fi. All hoisos lor this clas niUKt be enterod at or before 10 o'clock a. u , ou Wuuuoiday, Octjucr 1311). CLASS III-SPEED-OPEN TO ALL. Best TrottlUR llorfto 80 00 tseconu best..,., , LQ 00 Tbnd Lent lio 00 lUlo beats, bckjt3ln5 to harness. Not less tluufuur borses to be eutertd. Eeo 10 to. TboaboteTrotttufj Jtatchia to tkoTiace on Wednescay. October 13th at o'clock r t. Open to all boiwjs in tbo county. Bett Pucer , to m ttccona best 10 (0 EM i ancc fee, $5. No lees limit tliree borses to be eutero.i. Entrance iiiuut bo ma do tor tins clas aL or boforo 5 o'clock l. u , Thursd iv, the Hib of October, tbo puciptf to tate placo at 10 o'clock a. li , on I'll nay, Ocioour l'lb. If A committee of arauireiueuts will bo ap pointed to fcUpenutend all nutters pietniulu: i'i the t ace coin se, and to tettlo all disaifree. meuts und d.lUcuities. CLASH IV.-UOHNED CATTLE, Eaehbteel will bo Judged and entitled to award aa behtof its brcuit. CLABi 1 ALL BltCIiPS. Bestiiu.l, 3jearsaud upward 0 00 Mtomi besi 3 on Best Bull, tioin 1 to 2 ; ears 0 0J Hecondbesi n to Beat bull between 0 and I- mouths 3 oo Second uwt : i to Best cow 3 years old and upwaid flit) second best 3 to Best Jl oiler between 1 and 3 yeai 3 oo tteccudliet..., 0,. 1 ii) Best Heifer between 0 and 12 moth" 2 00 fciecoLd bist... , 1 00 CLASH 2-KATIAKOtl 5IIXCD ItllEEDS, Best Bull. 3 years and upwurd 6 ro t-tcond net , 3 0J BtutBull. 1 to 3 years , 5(0 Second boH..... 2 0' BoHBull between Q and 12 luontbs, 2 (0 tsccoud bebt.... , l t liett Cow, 3 yours and upward ft to Htcoud eest 3 oo Bebt Heifer, 1 tojyeurs , 4 oo second bebt , , l oo Best Heifer, betwetutl and 12 montnv .... 2 oo Second besi l 00 CLASS V-ST15I3US AND OXEJJ. Best Coin fed Steer, welgblng 2,000 lhs. and over , Best l'air Worklug Oxen Second best.,... Bent Bair fteerp, corn fed 6 00 3 Of 1 50 4 00 becomlbeet dip, and 1 01 Boa Single bteer, under S years, coru-fod, 2 W fWAimi uvtti , Best IHiir Steorp, stalbfed CLASS VX-RWINE. Bost Boar " iOW,.,. 1 Five I'urs betw een 2 and 6 months, , ' Bt-play of Fat 1 1 ogs CLAaS VII-3HEfc,I Best ?hrp, , becond best 1 00 3 DO 6 00 S 10 3 00 3 IV 2 00 1 UJ CLASS VHI-GBAIX, SEKD AND Jf.OUlt. Bct BuMiel of White Woat i so Bwl Wheut, not mentioned 1 &0 " "California Wheat 1 50 Mediterranean Wheat ...... 160 " " Bve i oo mm Corn i m BeKt bnthel of yo low Gore Corn.. i to 0ts 1 ou " pecK uiovernecn , i oo Timotbv Hoed M ' orchard Grass Seed l oo ' aBarrcl White Wheat Flour ... 2 00 " - Bed Wheat Flour i t ' Hundred Byo Flour l oj ' Buckwheat Meal l to ' Corn Mem i oo Second best ot the afcuvo each to CLASH 1X.-FAHMINO IMrLUMXJNTS. Best Tour Horso loam, full biio, " Four Muie team........,,., " Two. Horso 1'iow ' iu.tlvatorw " Ilmitiw,. , " Itoller.... " Grain Dull " Mowing atid Heaping Mactdno. . M (rn hheller (horse power). ' Ihrestnn Alacdtnc.. , " Snoop Ifoi so Boner,. " imdlesN ctiam Jlorso iowor rrui Wagon fortwohtries ' UorBolUio , i'iru Hbeller (hand power) , " Hay an'i straw Cutler " Hall doxen Bakes,, , l anntug Mill ., M Oram cradle.,.,., , ' Hay Fore , , , ' Manure Fork...... M ccra Hiuker.i 4 00 4 00 1 00 t r) 1 00 1 01 1 00 2 00 1 1 2 00 1 50 1 OO I 60 1 00 I (0 1 to 50 1 00 50 (hp. mp. tup. CLASS X-. MANUFAOrUBKU AltTICLES. BeitTwo Uorbo Cirrlag.,6 coo Htcoivd bet , ,,, i ou BcHt Ouo-lIofHO Cjrnace.. & 00 1 00 3 03 1 U) 1 to 50 1 00 60 8 00 1 5l Second test ,, Best set Double Canlago liaroesi St coiut bet ',? i He st snulo Cat riatre 11 aruess. Swond bust ,., iU'St ttiMtur oi jjoois sua snoei second neat,.. , , Bent display ol Cabinet ware, six or inoro articles ., ,,, Second best Beat display of stoves, not less than three 5 to Fiubshed Leather.,,, ,,,,, l 0) i chairs 3 to , a . cedarware,.,., , 1 00 M Iron Caftlups,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, i oo " " Boiler iron l ou " 'Joois.. ..,....., l 00 ' f lluwoic , 1 00 ' Churn .,,. 50 " W inn Machines i oo display of AtaJiuisctaredTobucco,,, I 00 " ot Candies...., .. ,,,, s u) " Hats and Cups..,,,.,.,, 8 oo ' Clothing;,. .,... , s i ' plet-oof I'asfttmere.,,,,, , i oo ' ' (;aiatnet,..,,, .....,,., ) JO " Iansey, ,,, i to M Ingra a Carpet... , , j oo Rag i'aipot,. i to " Lot of Woolen btokiii4.. ,,,,,, 6o ' " Mittens and Gloves,.,,.,.., 50 CLS XI.-VKGHrABLIJ-. Best bushel Mercer I'otntoea " Blue-lCyed 1'otatoes.. " " Itn lfjx rotatoos " In any other variety.,. .veec 1'otatoos .1. ' " Tainips " " ltdta Bag.ia , " " Su,;ar Bertu hair bushel Field Beans " ueck bunch beans " ' piiloBeana. 14 M BloiaBcan.. " Tomatoes , ,, onions... ' " I led HccU " " 1'aruilpa ' " Cat rots. , Cahbare. not less than sue heads Oyster plant, not lesa than six Smiflfihe. not loss thau fix V atcrmellons, not lesi thin six Cantetnupe-, not less than six , 1'umpUtns, not lea than six (It ry, not lost than 12 Btaiss Cucumbers, not less than i'i , . Display ot Vegetab es...., Second best or tho above........ 1 00 1 00 1 00 l 00 1 Ol 1 CO 1 00 1 01 1 to 1 10 1 (O 1 0) 1 (O 1 (0 1 0) 1 0J 1 Ol) 1 03 1 00 1 0. 1 00 I 00 1 (0 I 01 1 CO 2 00 CLASS XII. I'OULTItY. Best Pair GrayDorklnys 1 to second best.. 1 , 50 ie-t Pair White Dorktnvs 1 0 1 iccoua best 51 Best Pulr Black bpaulah 1 ta hi con d bear 5j Be.it l air V.'lutu Bulauds 1 00 BCCOIHl iK'rit 5) Best l'nlr Black Polanda 15) Second beat... - 50 Bout Fair or Golden Polaudtf 1 1 0 seen ml best , 50 Best Pair Mirer Polanda , 1 no Second bvt , , to Kent Fair lied Game 1 00 Second host ., .11) Ucstlilr Gray Game 1 00 Second Lo-t , 0) Best Fair Pile Game 1 00 ecoud bebt....... CO Beat Pair Leghorns 1 00 .second boit so Be t pair A irk an Bautums 1 ui Seiotid best i,..,, GJ ltest Fair Go d Iaced Bantums 1 to second best 50 Best t'nlr silver LJeod Bantuuis 1 it) Hocond pot 50 Best Futr Cochins..,,,, , 1 (0 Necond host 5) Best FalrBrahtutuU'gbt) 1 00 Second ocat , 51 BostPalrBr.tbmas , , 1 10 second buic so Best Pair Jlamburns 1 to second test , 5) Best Fair Houoann ,,,,, 1 01 second best to Bebt PuirCreveicea.ro 1 w second best , ....-., , , , , Co Bebt Fair Lu Flecbo 1.10 Second best ,, 50 Bemt Pair tiultuns 1 00 ftoconi boU fiu Bett Fair BronzoTmkcjs 1 oq Second best (it, Bo-t Fair WBd Turkeys 1 00 beioud bent , , Co Best Fair White Turkeys , 1 no Second boat , to Jieat Pair Common Turheja 1 00 Second best 50 Best Fair MutoyDuuirs , 1 m second best i0 Best Fair Aylesbury Duoics l oj second dcsi , tn Bodt Fair i.oueu Ducks... , 1 no second bo-t., , i0 Bst Futr Cayuga Due as, 1 00 Second best, jvj Bout J'alr Bremen Uco-io, 1 o StHTOtlfl boat, c 1 Best F.iir Brown China Geese, 1 00 second boit, qq ueko rair wuito uniua Goese. 1 00 tic.itid lot in Bo-t Fair Aflcau Uoy.-o, , 1 wa becuiiu bet 0 Best Fair 'ioulouso Gcoe, 1 to Seoulid butt, 5 B at I'air wiia Oeoso, t.0 second best, 5a Host I'air Guinea owla, 1 00 Second best, Itest F-ir I'l'.i Fnwlr. 1 Second tn-nt. iiwt and gieatoat vuiUt7 of Pigeons, 1 ou Second best, an Beet pair Common lianbit. t 0j net otid bust, k, B jht X.op eared or Madagascar Babbits. I 00 M-cond nest, t0 Best i-ot of Towls of one kind, not lesa than eight lu number, 1 0o CLAS" XIlI-DAlItY AND HONEY. Best Butter, not less than 5 rn. mcuiM best, not lesa than A lbs, 1 cu j hlnlbest not lesa taau 5 IDs. aUy. j osc jjutcn cneose. not leut than 5 fta, 1 00 Bot specimen IMonoy, not less thin a lbs, l ou Best Apoloouttor not lesa than itvallou, 1 00 lhu method of making buttur and cbeeie to lo stalod In writing by each competitor, CLASS XIV-VRUir. Brst half Bushel Applet 1 00 uuu inosbuunierous variety, a 00 " tpeclmeu of Ferns, 1 00 aud most numerous variety, " 00 " hrvecirueu of Fuaches, 1 oo " nnd iuotnuuteious variety, 2 wi 41 Display o! Plums, j (l0 " Peck of Quliu-t's, 1 ou " Display 01 IsabeUa Grapes. m " oibpiay of Cat aw bos, 1 00 " Displayothirvartu.es, 1 oj Becaml be--t, lvspla of IVult, 1 c-o Second be-t of eaoti of tho above, to CLASS XV-HOME MAN TJFAOTU It E AND uuiiij DiiFA BTM EXT. Beet Woolen Yarn, gn " KuitStoctluga lo - KnitGloveaurMIttena, iw M Best Oottou Quilt, 1 00 " Chimbruy, j Ql4 5 pounds llotcheleil Flay, 1 o Second best of each ot above rMi Uest I.oaf ol W hlto Bread, I,, BeMt Found Cake, (JJ SiHjngo Cke, 50 M Fruit Cake, go " Pnuu Cake. 50 Dipiay of Preserves, 1 00 Display ot Pickles, 1 00 " Hams, cured bv exhibitor, 1 (Ki Dried Beet, cured by exhibitor, loo " Specimen of Dtled Frait of any kind, 2 cxi Largest Display, ' 2 00 Bent specimen Preserved Fruit, any kind. 2 oa Largest Dlspluj ot Feerves, 2 00 Best bDechuenFiintJuUitts.any kind, 2 00 second bn.t. 1 w Larger Diiplay Frutt Jelllea. 2 00 Ik st Bottle home-muje Wlae, any kind. 2 00 hecond be t, 1 00 Bo-t Huif Gallon Apple Vinegar, 2 va Second host. ' Best Halt Gallon Sugar Cauo Molasses. 3 00 becond uet, 00 a-coud bcit of each of the above, articles, 1 on Ad tuo adovo articles must he mauufjcturM by too oomiM'titiir, and ths method ox ma mug hi cad, oaae. pi e nerves. Jellies, eto , to be stsi et tn Mlling,othorwiie no premium wj,H be given. CLASS XVI.- LADIES' WOBICANU FLOWI5B3. Best Dtap'ay of 12nj broidery, a 00 ' J)lspluy of otner Keede.work, Sua worstwi Work, M Crochet Worx. & pu t inpuiy ot juun Work. 3 00 D.spbivof Knlttod Work, 3 oo " Mlllllieiy Wor. tuo Heci-nd bett of each of tho above article. 1 5j iinT vi fuuui lowers, un? i'lauu, ' Best Destgu of Cut Flowers, 3 00 - jtuuquei, j 0(l Collection of Boset In Pots. 1 )M Collection ot Dahlias u Pots, 1 00 ' China owters, 1 00 Verbeuas, j - luiwiiopes, j .wj " D splay ef Artlfidal Flowers, 200 " " " Wax llaweiu. 00 CLASS XVIL-MIHOHLLANEOU8 AP.TL CL.ES. Best 1)1 ay my cf Oil Painting, 2 00 m i "fO'. 2:oo ! . MJiawIug. i 00 ' 'Dagueireotypts, I i, . ... Ainbrotyes, 1 00 Best rum Fcrto, an Bot Display ot other Musical I us tin. nitnts, 3 00 CLASS X'HI.- NON ENV fiEltATHD AltlCLLS, The cmputte ou this clsi will use (heir orji J'idrmcnt In awarding such promluiusos they think flultaide. CLASS XIX. LADIES' BIDINO AND DUIVINs. Bst end tnoBt On oeful P.hUng b 00 " an 1 m st Graceful Dr.vmt with two Itnrs a, 3 00 " nod most GraccfulDriving with one Horco 1 00 So preuiUiirs w'U bo a corded for ridintr or OiImuic unlms ihna comp'tore enter 1 he Hut. Lncli lady to no attended bv a gcnllcmau as au escott nnd no racing to be ullowed. CLASS XX.-PLOWING- MATCH. Boit Pliwmin, 3 00 Secoiid hoir, 1 00 B.jst Plow Boy under sgventcen, 3 00 bwoul Boat. I fin 'Iho trial to tako ptnounto o'clock A.M.,- on Pity day tho Committee or AnauaomcutB may tlx upon. Each plowman to do his own woik withouba driver. CLAS XXI.-OUES AND METALS. Boat Display and Quality Iron Or-, 2 00 Display and Qnalty Zinc Oro. l 00 " Diip'ay ami QualityHiato, dip. and I 00 ' Display and Qti'ihtv Llmcstcuo. 1 00 ' Liipl iv and Qtiulny Fire and Force- , lu C'ay. 1 00 " Display and Quality I'iglron. 1 oo " Displiy and gmitot co'lectlon ot all , U10 Minerals fnnnd in Coibon county, 6 00 All tho urtlclos hi tboaoovo list to bo tbepro duct of Carbon county. Tills collection will bo tho piopcrtv ot tho society. ORDEB OF EXHIBITION. 1. Allnrtlclosef competition must bo on tho ground arm entered on uctob -r t2, boforo 6 p. alat wt.lcli time tho Htciotaryis ordeiod tn 0 oso tho iioo.cn and receivo nothing moro for competition, and at 2 o'cit ck P. M., on Weonc. da. , lb- couunittoo will cuter upon .thoir Unties ot awardiug prewtunw. 2. un Tuenljy, October 12, nt ,8 A. M., tho gates of the Pair Ground will bo open for tvlnlt. Unco, aud wnl bo (.puueuat tho same hour on eitcii of tbo days ot Extitbition. 3. At ua oviock in., on Wednesday, tho 13tiot October, tno horses of all clashes, ana tho iti tied contending fur pieuiluuia. Wilt bo bioiicht. upou tiietiUt com no tor Inspection, und judge 1 accord g to Uio anungemcnts of tho c ituiu it tec. 4. Too Fluwlng Match Is totako'paco nt 0 o'clock u. 111., upon tho nay tao cvnunittco of Arraiirotneiits may tlx. 6, Ttioatiiucas will bo dolivorod onTharaday afternoon at 2 o'ciocs. All busircss ninit'bo sasticudod liiutug cao time tho address is bejng uei.vered, 0. 'iho report of.tho Awarding Coromltteo 7lil bo pulhiely lettu on Friday at 12 111. 7. Tlio L-ulicV Biding und Driving will com. tnenco ou Friday attenioon 11 1 i o'clock., K. 1 he public sate will coiunieuceou Friday alteration at 1 o'clock. y. PeitsoiH exiuoitlng articlos which they de sue to have soid will bo fuinlsaed, ou oniottng, With a caul announcing tho lact tht U is for pule. Piiuicd citaliigucs will lo olsUinutedon tho day of sale loaimulug thouuuuiand nuui Otr 01 tho ai tic ten 1 out no iniicleH mauutictur tul out of tbe cuuaty, tLatmuy couio 111 ooinpo litlou with tniruwu mechanics will bo sold uu Ujr thtsiiironjement. 1). 'Iho Awu.uinComrattlcoaaretooontlce their awidsU all cases to persons iesldlng wit 111 a t.ie euuuties ot duboc, Benign, North fiiuinuu, Momoe, Sthti) I Ull und I.uzjiug ; aad 11 case ut hvo st-uctt, i-lull award no pronduni to any rn'icu ixtiibitur, uutcris ho shall 11 ive owoed mid kept Uio a aim a 1 at least tlueo months pro 10us 10 ihe tilal; nor lo any pruleaslohttl Htjotlsmau or racer cass 3 excepted. The Cif tcrcnt urhouuts will bouppoit olcu ou Weduoi liuy, 11. Tho CommUteo on Iloreea and Males, 'on Ludiui' Dtiviugnud on Flowlutr, will attend ut the time h, pec. lied. A cavaiiaut will ho bel J at 0 o'olock a.m. 011 tacit day ut tho exhibition, when all corsca and uuiuamust 00 ou 1 no iinucomsu wu oa lire on U'ledforexhibUion. The fcecrctary will furnish tho ciuurmun ol tho coniiuitt?o with a njeai'or audutu of aitlcles coming witnlu -it- respectlvo t lass. tUcfctner with tho names ot the membeia of Uio couimiltee, BEGULATIOXS. 1. All members of tiie Society can entor'aTtl clea for exhibition, and receive tickets ot adims. felon for tlieuiMjlves and tnelr clnldivu under 21 i ears ol cgj, tree or chrru-c. 2 All )K?ronsuoi members of the Society wishing to enter ant luaU or aitlcles lor eihibi (1011, will bo churned one dollar, and will bo then fuiuUhod wilh utlcaet, wnich will adiolc him or hor during tho continuance of tbocxh'. tlou. 3. All nrtleloaon exlitbltlou must romalnou tliugfoimd uunl 4 o'llock on Filday kituruodu, aud on ud occasions will bo returned, to the ex hibitor unless otherwise ordered. 4. Tho regulations must be htriotly adhered to, othurwlo the Society will not borcsponsiOlo for thoomlsslou ot auy other animal or m 1,10.04 ou the llt. 5. No animals or articles eutoro 1 for exhtbl. tiou cau bo taken away be. ore the ci mo ot tho Fair, except by permission ol tho exocuhve cominttU'o; and 110 piouiiumsw.il ho paid on too annuals or articles lomovoi in violation of tins rule. fl. Animals and art clca entered for oxhlbl Hon will have caids uttached, whh tne number ns entered ut tho eci etary's ctllco, and exhibi tors should In all cases obtain (heir cards pro viousto placing their utock or aiilo.es on tbo 1'uiro round, 7. Alt persons who Intend to exhibit, torsos, cattle, uninu or sheep, or who intend to offer htocklorialo, should uotitvtho Becretary, yt M llapaber, otsuchmtoiUlm on or boroeo tho 14Lh oioctobet, aud lcuo with uima full tic-, script ion ot such hoot, In order tbai. proper ar lungomeuiacun banuiuolor tuUr aocominoua tlou. H. CAUTION. All articlea exhibited, whetv ertatau.ooruot. musiboiespLCiotl as prlvatt) pro 1 eity.aud any person duiectml punoiurog or 'iijunug them, will bo dealt with accoidlug to law. 0. All articles offered for competition mast bo owutsl by tbecouipoittor al least thirty days beforu the Fair, aod tuaw all f nil r, v one tab lea und ilJW(.rs, iniut be tho giowth otthocoiupeti. tors, lu. Aur article which receives a distinct urn. uiuiii cannot compete u gvneial displsy,, uor saull any 0110 an tele rec dvo two premiums. U ii or all m oct exhibited, hay. oats com and water will bu supplietl on tno giouutl without; chargu. 12. NOl'ICU All nioneya awardetl oa pre miums bhall ruvert tu tha oclety.uDleas celled for nithiu wxty days. Freiuiuma wul bo palJ ten days alter iho Kulr. V Exhibitors wlshlug any of toir anlmala or articles to bo sold at pub.ui sale, will please btlug them lorward at the timoof sale. ins niuerioxs to ooMMirrEES. 1 Tho Commlttco of Agricultural Prodocta wih Klve k preference to such vaiietiea as aro adaptil t theinterettVVtof the firm or. reaaid, being h U to iho yield and uukec value there., of 2. Tho Committee of Atrrloultnral Implo incuts are Uifctt notcsl tu koep in view tho useful uess ot the implement to tho fanaor rathex thsn tho workmanship therool. 3. Tni couimittoe ou ttio various klndi of borhDsmtilevi, cattle sheep and swino, are ro, quoste.t to b piutlcntar in LacmUnplng the I) oad of tho dl Care nt unucals. 4. Tho villous ttiuipitttoos will be careful not to award I wo pi e nil urns oa Uio &iu article, 5. Ii they award u ofstluct premium oq any article, they will not take the name uitjclo in c 00 8iti oration m a treueral dispiay. 0. If they tindoiticloadoccrvnig a premium, fr which uouu is oUVred,thv'V v, Ut leaso report 7. 1 lie gen era I coiumlUee. on premiums wilt, award -uch proipiums as they muv think prone r on articlea of neut taat havMUQt beea pioTldesl fpr 111 1 10 freneiul schedule. h. 1 ho general oumiuitt&j is requested to be careful to notlfo ull articles exhibited, whether enticed to the premium or nL V). 'CaecbaUuiau ot tho general, cotnmitfo I lnsiructcul tu make their repoit tp the secretary as soon us possible, in order mat the lull report; miy bo 1 vuay by iho ihno it wJH tie puoUcly ieaJ 10. Xho general committee to award promluma anil dtplo.uas fpr uou-ruuinevatod art.cles, aru requoieJ 10 mark with au X, each article Ms It U oXMuntitni, ho that the samp thing may not. V&moipite more ihaiwmee, " a iwu.ua I lu vi tat ton Is hereby extended to the tui uittrs uad mure name of Csrbon nu4 surioundluK eouiilltt4, loaUenJtoUEibibitioQ. and uriug with theji such au Cic of their own giitwtu uud mtpuiucturo as mil lu treat the public and il.uirute tbo tmprovumoiiti .ha' are Lu'iigou iu tho 8(i bruitciosof American imUs (it. The prizes abjve mcntlouej are open tr ih.' co oipeution tf all who choose to attend un tiei t in r 'VU ut oil of ttio Society, Tan design 1 1 tho Abb o'aUoii, U lo stimulate, all those who au codne u d w itu It to tho attainment of tho it.je.) i-aioiexr Iteute (hat uau ho reached.