:. hot i H. V. Momhimer, Proprietor. - INDEPENDENT ' Live aild Let Live." Sl.OO a Year if 'Paid' in Adyaiico. . ii i . i 1 11 ' : . ' 1 , , 1 , 1 : VOL. III. No; 40. LEHIGnTON, CARBON COUNTY PENlf'A, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1875. Subscribers out of County, $1.20. sswsssawaawsawBiwwwwi ' r " i ' ' l CARDS. FnriUtnre Warehouse. V.8chwarti;Bank street, deafer n all Mndi tf JStmilure. Oqfflntnadtto order. Boat and Shoe Maker, iCltaton Bretnay, in LnarCt building Bank street. Ml orderi proMptlyJUkdwork warranted. BE ATT Y. Plnnot WRona stamp tor toll information, Prlco lilU Ac. Ac DANIEL F. BEATTY. Waal. Ineton, New Jersey. pOR aOOD JOB PRINTING, CALL AT THE CARBON ADVOCATE OFFTGK. Work ready when promised, pfad at city prices, Be sure to o all-It will pay to ao o. ITT HIM1 NOt-Thst ELR'TRIC LTNI MT.11T. 1IV 1 rot Bt TltlTtT.INO'l DIMJO BTORE, -will care Mm or anv other man of 'JIHBUMATISM andall other PAIN 8. May 9 -QANIEL, ICALRFUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Maucli Chunk, Pat. 4gr-Omct, above Dolon's Jewelry Store, Broadway. E D. M. ,SIUI.Hlf AIIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 MAUCH CUtlDKi PA. CollecUonj and all legal business promptly -.attended to. t rnly 24, 1875, w. A. DE II.VMER., M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention paid to Chronic Diseases. . Office: Booth East corner Iron and 2nd ate., Le--ilghton.Pa. April ?, I87S.) jQTl. N. B. UEBEn, .PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND STJItOEON, Ames, bakk Street, next door abOTe the PostofBee, lehighton, Pa. Office Iloura Parryville each (ay rum 10 to 12 o'clock ; remainder of day at office in Lehighton. " Nov23,J2 J . DIMM1CK, . AUCTIONEER, c East Welsspjort, Pa,. N B. Sale of every description attended to at reasonable charges. The patronage of the publti is respectfully solicited. J an. 21, '74. JVOJD. BXB10TETTC J 18 8. LOOCE JB1 iicutuiji.'iya'ii. uu. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, OmeiFIrat National Bank Bull g , 2nd Floor MAUCH PIIUKK, PsViu. Mar he consulted In German. July 24 1676. p J.MKKHAN, ' ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, lfo.4. Dnkn'e Block, ' .. , 1UIJ0U CHUNK, PA ! Ja-Cn b(r,nlted IpTrtrniaD. f'aue. IJIHOMA8 B. DCCK, j JUSTICE OK TUB PEACE, BANK Street, LEUIOIITON, Pa. Conveyatirlng, Collecting and all business con tlactod with the office promptly attended to. Arrant for first-clan Insurance Companies, and Risks of nil klnda taken on th most liberal t.rms. f , Jan.O,J75. r m. UAPsiifcn, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Banc Slant, LimuHTon, Pi, Heal Estate and Oollctlon Agency. Will Bpyand Sell Real Estate. Copreyancing ueatly donp, Cul laetlons promptly made. Battling Estates of Be cedent, a specialty. May be consulud In English andtlerman. Nov.r2. UOMAS KUMimKR, CONVEYANUElt, . ' '. AND GENERAL IN8UEANCE AGENT The following Companies are Uepresentodt LEBANON MUTUAL FIB 15,- ' Jl!AblQ MUTUAL I'illE, VVOMIO FIB.E. ' VOTTBVILLK I'lnK, LK11IGII Flltu.and theTRAV. BMSIIS' ACCIlJliNT 1NSUUANOE, Also Pennsylvania and Mutual Horse Thief Seteo'.lre and Iniiuranu Company, Marco ID, 1873. mOB, KliMEBEn. rjpM03IAS A. W1X&1A1HS. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Fuhlonalls Boot and Shoe Maker, Nrt to Leuckel's Block. B4.NK STREET, lehighton, Pa. llavlnz oommeneed business, as abort, I would respectfully announce to thectlzjni of Lehighton and vicinity tftat I amprepared to do all work In n)j line In tlu potest and n)ost lubstantlal rnan n,er, at prices fo)y aa low aatbp stme WQrk can lM otained In I'blladelphla. A splendid assort Kent of CHILDREN'S and yiSSES' WEAR of the best makealwtya on band, Atria) j aplicteij and aatlfactton gnaranteed. at rawest prlcae. ' r uly 4,1874, JpiiOUR AND FJEPP; Charles Trainer Iteapootfullv annonncea to the pooplo of I.ohigh. too cbat bo keeps a fall stock ot Bxoelfent Flour Tor Suje j -Alio, OOonjTEEIUt all kind, and STRAW in labaBUNIiLE. lilHU aim prepared to da all klndaot - ' Hauling ord Plowing pn abort noUce and at LOW PRICES, LEni-CsH (2d) STREET, "LEnlOHTON, Pa, Harcb 28 WXQSIING 8EMI.MONTntY LezaliMd by tba LegisltnrR. Drawa on the 15U1 and Jttot each month. Ticket II eacb.t for 15. 1 chance in t- 2u0.0CO In cash pnsea. Capital prUetSOAOo. AgenUvranted. t'.nlcu. lam. AOdreaa J, it. I'ATt'EK, l-atarols Cily Wyoming. Juneo.mJ SEVEN1 MkXlt TEAtiflEUSl . . , . WANTED. For the achoobi InFraLklln townahln. Kia ,muiaUonvii take pUcAta the Eaat Weljsport 'eohool nonaa, on fcepr. W'lSTt, at 'a.m. at which I phe applcanta are fc-ufBtoi' U) bp pre. 'T?lQttg' Sttr Qrgan-3 Near and beaatlfol 'd&alfna; Airenta Wabied. AOOtTM, JSDW'I) PLOTlB, WaabiDiitoa, t. J, Railroad Guide. N OltTIIPKNWA.ItULUOAD. PflBBernrerj forPhllfldelDhltwill leave Lcbltth- ton B8 follows i 6:on a. jti. vialV. nrrlve at Ifiila. at Osffla. tn 7i47 a. m, via L. & S, 1:15 n. ro ..no a. m. vi' i v, 11:171). in. Tint. &, UrT2p. m. via I,. V. 2:2: p. m. via L. A S. 4:47 p. m, via L. AS. 4:14 p. m. Via L. V. 11:15 a. ra. 2:20 p. m, 2'20 p, TO. 6:41 D. m. 8:21 p. m 8r20 p. m. aa p. m, via u. v. 10:30 p. m. Itetnrnlmr. leave riennt at rerka And Amerl. can St., Phlla., et 7tK. 8.M and (8.4! a.n. 2:10, 3:16 end 6:15 p m. Pare from Lehighton tn Willi., (2.56, Jnno 18)8 ELLI" OLA UK, Agent. OENTIKb It. II. OP N.J. I.KIIIOII A SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION. All Ttall Iliiute to I.011C IIrnu.cli. I'rtfor'J.'tJKR STATION IN NKW YORK PQ0T OF LIBERTY 8T N. R. Timo Table of May 1875. Trilns leave Lehighton as follcws: For Ucw York. Es.ton, Ac, a, T.47, 11.07 a. m., 2.20, 4.47 p.m. For Philadelphia, 7.47, 11.07 a.m., 2,C, 4.47, 7.17 p.m. ForJIauch Chunk at 10.20 a. m.j 1.14,5.53, and, 9 43 p. m. For Wllkea-Barre and Scranton at0.20 a. ro. , lf p. m, Returning Leavo New Yorkj frout station Cea-tralRalU-oadorKew Jery, fool of Liberty Jtreet, North River, at 6.50, S.J5 a.m., If-t-i, j530 p. jmv ' Leave Philadelphia, from Depot Nott Penna R l!.jat7.0'l,3.10a.m., V.lO.p.ra. toave Hasten at .40, 11,18 a. ni., nd 8.10 p m. Irfave Mauch Ohnnft at T.19, ) Jn a, m,.2ifl and 410, 7.10 p. m. Fo: further particulars, see TfmeT.bl at tb4 Stations. PASSENGERS FOR LONO BRANCH CHANGE .CARS AT J.LIZADKTH. H. I'. BALDJJ'IN, Gen. Patunger Jsent. .July 4, 1 874" piSNH.'SYf.VAWJA D4.Il.RUAU, PHILADELPHIA EKIE RR. DIVISION. Blipioitf Tliue Table. On and altel SUNDAY, MAY 23rd, 1875, tfte Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad fit ylsloo will inn aa follows i WTWARD. FAST LINE leaves Nw York Philndelphla Ritltlmore llarrlabnrK arr. at WllUausport Loci llaven llellefoute JSQI1S MAIL leaves Nuw York Philadelphia Ilaltimore Hanlsbnrg WUharnHpoit Lock Uaen lleuova arr. at Kne NIAGARA EX. leavet PMradelphia . Baltimore 0.2 ia. to. 12,53 p.m. I. 20 p.m. 6. (op.ui. 8.5&p.m. 10.20 p.m. 11.51 p.m. 8.23 p.m. II. 51p.m. 11.55 p.m. 4.25 a m. 8 35 a.iu. 9.45 a.m. 11.05 a.m. 7. b0 p.m. 7.40 a.in, 7.35 a.m. 10.55 am. l.iSp.in. 8.15p.ni, 4. ft' p.m. 8.00 a.m. 1.30 a.m. f nairiabprg' ' Look ll .yen 1 Renova pLMIKA HAIL leaves Philadelphia . ' .Baltimore ItarrlRhnrff' 1.25 p.m. ; arr. At WiJllanianor . u.10 n.iu, ' ' Lock llaven -7.3(1 ii.m. .. 4 EiSTA'ARD. " ; .iixiAt-fA. iA. leaves x,iick iiuveu 6 45 a.ra. iiiiauiHyur 7.83 .m. air iiarnuurg Baltimore PJiiiadeiphla Now York PAY EXPRESS leaves Bcnova " l.orR liairen 11.45 a.ro. 6.15p m. 3.33 p.m. ib.43 p,m. 9.10 a.m. 10 25 a in. Wiliian.HK.rt iu.su a.m. arr, at Ilainhnrg S-O-hliu PhUadelphla fl.20p.tn 9.15 p.m. 3'i.5p,m. J',23'a.in. 8.25 p.m. D.15 p tn. 10.50 p.m. 2 2.iuin. 7.35 a rn. 6.45 a.m. 10.10 n.m. 12.35 a.m. 8.55 a.m. 7.35 a m. 7.35 a.m. Baltimore ERIK MAIL leaves Erie KiHiova Lock Haven W.lllnmeport arr. at HatrUburg' r Baltimore I'lnladeipbla New York FAST L1NJC leayes willlamsport ' prr. at Harrlyburi; J!alimoror I'hlladelnhia New York- 10.25 H.m. Krlo Mall West. Niagara F.xpress West. Kl. mil a Mall Writ and Day i:iirois EautmaKO close connection at Northnmberlind w.tb L. A 11. lilt, truma fop wllkesbarre and Peranum, Erie Mall yos(. fJiacora Eipre s West and F:lmira Mall' West make dose connection at Willlamsport with N.-tt II. W. trains north. Krlo Mail Fast and Wet, Niagara Kxprees West, Fast I.lnp t et nnd UayExproea make close conopctlon at look Haven with U. K V. R1L traiiit. Erie A. a 1 Eaat and West connect at Erie with trains on L. 8. A to. 8. RR., nt Corry with o. C. A A, V, Rib. ar Lntporlum with 11. N. Y. A 1". Jilt., and at prlttwood with A. V. lilt, l'ai)or CJara wl,l rnn octween Philadelphia and Wllllnnispoit cn Nlaaara Exproes Woet. Fat Line West, PhlladeliihU Gxpiess Eaat ami Day ExprosH East, sleeping flnra im all night trains Wtt. A, HALDWIN. Oeil'l -upf Plolts' Star Organs. Every instrument fully wsrrantod. Factory and omoo. Washlngt6n, N. J, Correspondence solicited. liivery Ss Sale Stables, RANK STUKET.LISIIIGHTON, Pa FAST TROTTING1 HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And positively LOWER PRICES than any other livery in the County. Large and bandsomo Carriages for Funeral purposes and Weddings, DAVID ERBKHT, Nov. 22, U73. S4VK niOI3V . By purclmelng your Groceries 1 Provisions Also a Cholco Variety ot AT THE NEW STORE OF E. H, RHODES, opposite fSfS BANK" A FULL LINE OF CHOICE, FRESH Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Spices, Dried Fruits, No, 1. Mackerel, Kerosono Oil, Tobaccos, &o., &c, AH of wbieh are wan anted ol ftrsbclaas quality aud suld tUUP FOlt CABII. " Tho Highest Mrket Priee allowed for BUT. TEll. LOTld ana COUNTRY PRODUCE gen, erailylnJCxobangelorUood. 6 A trial a rospoottuly solieited. AptUlO-Jl sTlx RHODES, BUY IT ; TRY IT I JHE INDIA RUB. nitn pr.ARTEIts for n Weak Back. DURL- IN(1 lias them. May 9 a Plotts' Star Organs Are tyi cases warranted 'nnt to crack or warp If properly used, oonu tor catalogue auuidi EDWARD P-LO'tTb, Washlnton, N. J. LOOK BEAUTIFUL-LOOK ROSY IA hot 110 ol DURLtNO'H BOE3LYCERtNE for Rouihnesaotthe SKIN, CHAPPED HANDS, ozc, onjy u centi a noetic lutvx w BE ATT Y p"no' COMBINES EVKltY IMPROVEMENT KNOWN. tTrfenn staran tor cirrniar. Ad dross D. F. 1JEATTY, Washington. N, J. Plotts' Star Organs Combine benutiy, dnrabillty and worth. Send for illustrated catalogue before but mar. Ac fln ss.tbe manufacturer. ItDWARD I'LOTTS, wasaiugion, j. TtrHY. on WHY will yoa euffor with that ' ' rotjon or COLD I when you mnvbe tm jnedlitelvre'e'vedbvueinirDUilLINO'S nOM I'OUNI) SYRU" ot TAR WILD CnERRY ana jiunh.uuujN'D. Maya rprtE PEOPLE OF LEHIGHTON and ViciU itv all unite In testifying that at A. J. IJURLINO'8 Drne nnd Fnmllv Mefbclno Storn. penn, Fiibsn and unaddltieated ilEririNEB can always do lounn. Mav 9. BEATTY. Plonnl AOHXTS WANTED! (Malo or Female.) to ratio ururrH. AtmxxuLt n; miiAiix, warn Ipufjou, N. J. . ; Plotts Star Organs AirfMita HiinnHMnt flimrpa flint iVfv rnmnA. tltloD for the eamo cUm of Instrnmcnts. Try raif. iu ureas, u-uwAuu A'u ii wasDiae fjQH, N. J. BEATTY PIANO! NO OTHER PIANO-FORTE lias attained the snn.B popularity, send stqmp lor circular, D. F. BEA1TY, Washington, New Jetsev. Plotts' Star Organg AnvperftOD.Tnaloor femalft, who has a little leisure tlm can nrocure n flrauelaas infttrnmpnl- at a fiT5fttly r6dioed price. Penol Btamn for TV NOUUIKWU Ale J. AMU EE, CRATER, Opposite the Public Square, SOU TH STREET LEHIGHTON, 'Pa., . . Atanufactnrer ot Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kinds of ar roofing. PPOUTiNOtnfltfonnirra proTTJptlv attended to st reawmable chare ex. nUV.41), DAJU.UX.Li UUAVH.U. V. EACHES, . Contractor & Builder, LEHIGHTON, PENN'A. IMans nnd Spcclflcntlons FOR AJT.L KINDS OF RUIl-iPINGS MADE AT THE BnORTEST NOTICE. NO CHARGES Made for PLANR and SPFjCicrPATioNS woeu the contract la awarded to the under- BlgUUU. Jue 14, 1873yl. A, W. EACHE3. y t F.KIiGPPIXGCR Would resppftfnlly . BUIIUUUBO lO UIBl frlAna nn n.. I no has opened a first-lass Livery & Sale Stable, and that be can furnish llornea. flugnies aud tJ-rriages of thereat oenrintion. for uleasuro. V,1?'i'S?f FUNJSiiAI. PURl'08KS,ot very RP.ABONABLE CHAHtjEa and short nonce. ALL, KIUS OF IIAVIil.V'G Promptly attended to at moderate rates. L. F. KLEPPINGLR, Corner of Bank and. Iron btreets, Lehighton, Pa. JUKSSED AMD JLIVE The undersigned respectfully Informs the clt Uena of i truuu and adtnlning rountiea. that he Is now prepared to suppjy them with JLIve Hogs at allUroes. at nrtpee fallv aa low as they csn Vi' . f?i"lh.t. f". else hcre. Alao, SMOKED AMK. BOLOQNE AND HAUSAGK, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' , Orders will be promptly ailed and TIOOS shipped to any point at tae shortest notice JOSEPH OBERT, Hank Street, Jjehlghton, V&. Sept. 19. 1874-yl. rpilKODOnE KEMEKEK, FURNITURE, Next to Romtg A IIofTord's Carriage Uauntictory. Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa, lilegarft Parlor Malta, y(, , Ilandaom; lledroom Seta, Selling YOiy Cheap for Cash. Examine before purobapg eUewhere. ln3Sfel,1'a e'rtn'nl(4 twenty years UNDERTAKING JSS!!?.?8-.1 Prepared to fumlib all kinds of COVfl S and 04.oKK.iti on .nort noUCe. and atuud to .l tins. no., in this line m sncb a iuaii. per aa will give entire aaliafactlon, ot?ery reasonable terms Patiutugs aoaoiteiL ' Msrcb ,.yL 1 UEO, KEUEREB "IffOTB BUS, Look at that Child, ltjiae "A Worms, ao or send at once toDURLINO'S DRUG bTO HE. and get a bottle of his WO Tilt d i ii ui bo pleasant ana yet. so Bure, juay v BEATTY. PIANO! ENDORSED BY THE 11IG IIEST MUSICAL aUTIIUIU'l'IKS AS Til K 11 EST, U. 1' REATTY, Proprietor, VYasrynglon. N. T. T F. HELTZ, o ' PHOTOGRAPHER. Upper Main street, BLATINGffON, PA, In the Gallery recently oocupicd by M. H. Df NGLER. PICTURE TAKE IN ANY WEATHER. CHILDREN'S LIKENESSES A specialty. PATRONAGE SOLICITED, And Hatl.Iactlon Gnarantecd! Junel975yl THE OLD ESTABLISHED Truss and Surgical Bandage Stand. TV J. EVERETT, No. to North Seventh St., " ' below Arch St.. Pbiladelpbla. Latest im, f i roved Trusses, Khoubler Bracos, Elastio SbKik. ags, Beits. Sn.pensnrle, Crutches, Deformity Instruments, Ao, Alaa Mrs. Everett's. Fitch's self adjusting and other nolebrated Female Sup- finiteta Lady Afitenuant. Large stock and ow price". Hernia successfully tieaud, July 31, 1875.-ly. UDITOiyS NOTICE. THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by tho Court of Common Pleas of Carbon cannty. to dletnbute the fund, arising Iron, the sale ot the real estate of Jacob E. Stronp and Aoam Houp, will meet all persons Interested at bis office, fn the borough of Mauch chunk, on ,Monlv. Au gust 23d, 1875. at 10 o'clock, int., for the pur pose of his appointment. V. J. MEEU.AN. Jnly 31, 1875.-4t. Auditor. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to A. CARTER & SON, Jnlyi;.m3 ' MAUOH CHUNK. OUSE AND LOT F0U SALE. A ComfortaDle dw'elltno :non9K.lwith the LOT upon which tt Is elected, situated In the growing Vllhwo of RICKERTSIOWN, In Franklin 'I ownship. Carbon County, is offorod at PRIVATE S.LE: The Lot is m x ion feet, nnd is well stocked with, Choice. Fruit Trees. For further particulars, npp'v to HKNKY CAMPBELL, J,P. East Wclistort, July It.w3 A. SEVflJOUIl, M. D. DItUO STOI1K. N. W. corner TIT1TI. TEENTH and RROWN Streets, Pbiladelpbla; la more than usually successful tn the. treatment of Blood. Skin and Urinary Affections diseases arising through imprudence or oarlv lmllscro. Hons, or where the parties nffl'ctf d do not care to apply to their regular pbralclan. Chnrses moderate. Two.thlrda ot tbo Doctor's pitlenu have employed Mm solely through the recom mendation of others. uly 24)1 rj0 IOM IT MAT CONCERN. I berebVfotbld all neraons trusting mv wife. Julia Ann H 11, as I will pay no debts other ccuiracuugaiur ims aate. ABRAHAM HILL, DowmansviUo, Cotbou county, attg.isiwww. a JJjRS. . E. FATZINGEK, Milliner gDress Maker, AOne door above Darllnn's Drag Store, 'BaNK Street, 'Lclilffhion, renna,, Has Just opened a splendid Assortment ol tbo ittiein, BLT1&3 oi epnne ana Hnnimer Millinery Goods ! CornnrisfnirllATS.noNNETS.TIttMMTrfnfi J1AIU HOODS and NOTIONS to wbleh she uiviies me atieniiun ot tne i,adies or Lehighton and vicinity. t" Ladles own Material made up to order at ouui , uuiicu, anu at loweat prices. Also, Dealer In all kinds of . Groceries Provisions, TEAS, COFFErl, SUGARS. SPICES AND KU1TH. 11J1 ., bllUULUKliy, bIDK-MUAT, Ac. Ac FLOUR AND FEED, Of fhn llaef Tlrand. at nrira fnllv 1. . elsewhere. The Ulgbest Market Price paid for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, In rjechange for Qoode. A lhare of potUp patronage Is solicited. MRS.'B. E. FATZINOER. MarlJ.yl 1875 Spring 1875 Mrs. M. Guth Respectfully announces to' the LADIES Op WI.It,SIOIT AND VICINITY that she hjie Just rstnnied from the CITY, and Is tow recelv. logoiunf tbe LARGEST STOCKS of BFRING ana teUMMEll ilillinery Goods COMPRISING, Bain, Bonnets, And Trimmings ever before brought Into this section, and that shots prepared ta do them aptn the Yery Latest Fashion, AT PRICES BELOW ANY OTnER E8. TABLISHHENT JN THE COUNTY. Alsn. AN ItNTIIlKLTV NEW SIOCK OF BA ITCHKB, In ltei and Imiullon Hair. NO, TIO ss and ALL other Goods usually kept In a iret-Ciasi Millinery store. ladies' own Hair made up to order Call and Insnect Goods and learn Prices before purchasing elsewhere, MRS. M. GUTH, Wflssport, Pa. iprtlt-Tl Stutcgmcu Badly Dressed. Andy Johnson's Style CInrbsnn i'ottrr a weii-ureaseii ninn ma Polnntl Sam Cnx ITernnntlo Wood's Dignified Style. Aady Jolmson's dress was of tlio old school style of politician of sonio twenty years ago, wltli but one modern coo cession, and that was that the coat whs a froek Instead of a swallow-tail. Ills 'style of dress, the conventional ono of the " American Gentleman" of tbe years Rone by, consisted of a ehlny black broadcloth coat and trousers, with a vest of deep black velvet. There are bat few of the Congressmen of the present day that wears this stylo of (Iroae.bul talio them as a class, probhbly tbey are as badly dressed a set of men as ono can bud anywhere in tlio coun try. Throughout Congress there are many men who mako it a point of dressing in tlio most eccnmc nossltilo manner. Luke Poland of Vermont fas ono of tho most eccentric dressers In the house lie used always to move about in a blue coat adorned with small dinner plates of brass buttons. Ills Yest was generally white, and opened eo as to dlsDlav a wido expanse of dainty ruf fled shirt bosom, under whoso shades gleamed here and there tiny diamond buttons. This old man never in his life passed a pier-glass without tnkintr n good square look al himself. Two of tho best dressed men in tho Congress are CInrkcon Potter of' New York In the house.and In the Senate Gen. Buru slde. Clarkson'Potter'has rather over done the matter in too closely adhering to the English style of dressing. His whiskers are cut. after tho English fash ion, nnd he affects tho English style of prpnounciation. Yet there are but few men in the House who are his equals In ability and capacity for work. (Jen. Burnlde, the best dresser in the Sent ate, affoctis the undress military style, and in his peculiar cravats, waistcoats, and original colors never falls to attract raoro than oidluary notice. lie was once a tailor In' his early days, and liever'neglects' an opportunity offered by an evening session to put on a full dress suit. Attired In this society splendor, Ambrose loves to stand about tho doorways of the Senate Chamber and allow the public to drink In the full beauties of his noble proportions. Among the worst dressed men In either branch of Congress Js SamtSy Cox. He always' wears'a bobtail sack coat, and a bobtail sack coat never falls to damn a- little man. His clothes would not bring over 87.00 In any auc tion store In the country. There was only one man In the last House" who was it worse dresser than Sammy Cos, and that was Crutchfield of Tennessee. Crutchfield is a rough mountainper, who' never wore a collar or shaved himself oftener than onco a week. Elannlgan, in the Senate, used to dress in a very peculiar man ner when ho was on deck at a Texas statesman. . A shad-bellied coat of blue or brown, ornamented with bone or brass'buttons, a plaid waistcoat, and nankeen-colored trousers, over which hung a three-pound gold chain, tuado up a costume sufficiently striking. One of the most ungainly-looking men that ever stood on ebd In Congree3 Is lAUhrldge of Iowa. He looks as if he were whittled out of very knotty wood with n very dull knite, and stalks about, morning, noon, and night, In a black suit, the coataswall6w-tall, with a waist-coat worn open and low, dis playing a tumbled slitit that U ever fctiuggflnj; arduously to get above his ears. Luttrell of California was an. other badly dressed man. Ho always wore a roueh gray suit, that looked as If eouio day It huu rallied clothing, and by chance a few articles had clung to htm. After a' timo Luttrell donned one day a'l'rlnod Albert coat, buttoned snugly across his broad breast. His , trousers were a neat conventional gray. His paper collar had, tot), disappeared and la its place a fashionable linen ono appeared above a purplu slack. Won der of wonders I this California Gran ger had also a dainty buttonhole bou quet In his coat. Heboid the Influence of lovely woman I Tho fair creature who tamed tbe Granger Luttrell Is now in the mint In San Francisco, possibly coutisuiug her good work of polishing down tbe crudities ot her congressional lover. The doublc-bressted frock coat has grown It. favor with the better order of Congressmen duriug the last few yars. The beauty of tno coat Is that when It Is closely buttoned it gives a man a very compact appearance that never falls to Impress a looly-drussed crowd. There Is a dignity about a closely-buttoned double-oreastcd frock coat, that can be fouud In no other article of a man's .wardrppe. Fernando Wood would lose nine-tenths ot his Impressive dig nity were he to put on a tack coat aud lounge about In a 'way assumed by someaf his Western brethren, llu al ways wears along black coat .that but tons tluhtly up to his throat. He looks a. If ha were melted down (jviry night, and run Into his clothes every t.iurn- ing. He Is always easy In his manneis, however, and has not the mannerism ot Clarkson Potter, the best dressed man in tlio house. Mr. Speaker Illatno .affects the double-breasted truck. He generally wears two buttons buttoned, aud allows the rest ot the cunt to roll so as to show a very neat shirt. Farrell of Chicago. w ears, lue. double-Breasted rrocK, ii,u erally lri some brown cloth. He rarely it ever buttuns'lt. There are 'peculiar cartut-uts worn by Individual Congressmen that ate so ori ginal In style that you cauuot help wondering at tho genius ot tho tailor who devised thorn, or at. tho taste of the wearer. Kassen of Iowa was the most noticeable type of this class last winter. He appeared upon all occa sions In a little "bunt" looking blue reefing jacket, until his very presence, from Its absurd nionotany, became ap palling. He visited Washington this summer, and, as ho did not wear tho jacket, out of respect to a thermometer then waltzing up.above 100 degrees, his best friends passed him upon thestreoU without knowing him. Of tli3 hats worn by the statesmen ot tho period, the rakish slouch nearly al' ways havo tho preference,. The West ern and Southern members nearly, 'all wear this villainous-looking slouch, lien Butler generally wears the worst hat ot any of his comerades. Chicago Times. THE CROPS. It would appear that a careful review of the reports received at the Agricul tural Department, from all parts of the country, tdnco tho recent heavy rains, doos not warrant tlio apprehensions which were at first entertained respect ing tbe crops.' In iced, It may be fairly Inferred that tho actual state of the case is really more reassuring than the encouraging figures of the department, as no doubt the parties who forwarded the data from various localities were somewhat InQunced by tlio gloomy fore boilings ot those from whom they ob taincd tho Information. Yet the esti mates are cheering. Corn Is abuot ninety-six per cent, of an average yield In spite of erasshopper, worm' nnd Hood. Oats will yield largely, as they, havo not been exposed to some of the draw backs which corn had to endure.' ' The Colorado bectleUias' abated Its voracious hublts, or, what Is more likely, farmers have learned to adopt, more effective treatment of this nest, as the "notato orop generally will' be large, parley win equal me average production; -in Kentucky the staple crop will yield a handsome return. Virginia is said to bo three tier cent below the. average. but Maryland Is set down only one per cent below the usual 'return. Wool everywhere has been moro than. ordl. narily abundant. So far, then, there Is no ground fur complaint, but rather for thankfulness. The eartli 'has brought forth plenteously,'and 'we shall In a -month or so be ready to send '6ur surplus production to other countries not bo abundantly supplied. ..With careful and prudent management .on excellent trade. may ;bd lriaugu'fated"ln the Falli Heavy railroad or cottier freight Is. to be deprecated. altVlhe crops can be moved cheaply andv bundautly to tide-water, those engaged In home Industry and foreign trade will experience Immediate! the beneficial result. -The Treasury Dopartment.sayg'the Boston Journal ot the Oth Inst,, has com menced the .accumulation ot the silver coin In the vaults of tho Sob-Treasury of Boston to a very large extent, With a view to substituting tbo same for. tho circulation of fractional currency,, un der the recent laws of Congress. Adams Express Company Is dally delivering at Boston the silver coin by the ton, from the Colifornla, Nevada, and Phlladol delphia coinage. New England re quires a larger proportion of small. coin than any other section ot tbe country, the vaults in the Treasnry In the' new Post-Oflice bulldlug are' located above tho main Post-OlUce room, and, with a view or securing them beyond a perad- venture of danger from the immense load placed In there, Supervising Ar- . cliltect Potter has directed additional and heavier iron beams to be placed under Ihi section upon which thesa vaults rest ISO tons having already been ordered to be stored In these vaults. equal to $10,000,000, Tho work was commenced under the direction of Mr. Bryaut, tlio Superintednent, on Satur day, aud for tbe time being will be quito an lutruslou In the Post-Office room, By direction of Supervising Architect, W. A. Potteri the wojk.Is to be pressed as rapidly as possible, and will bo completed before the close ot September. ' i A roan In Illinois' broke Into the housn of a widow. She pitched him put of doors. A striking evidence of the power of the widow's mite. A man whose, appearance Indicat ed that he was staggering from the ex cessive wehtht of ft brick In his hat1 be ing asked if he was a Son ot Temper enee, replied'-' Hlc.no po relation not even an acquaintance," A woman at a civil service exami nation In Washington, the oter day, bclug asked what clerical experience she had, replied, " Very little, as I only jeined the church last week.' , i. "Sir, "said an old Judgo to a voting lawyer. " you would do well to pliick some ot the feathers from tbe wings of your Imagination and stick them In tbe tall of your Judgment," We believe It was Trlstam, Burgess who stood with a Southerner on the steps of the Capitol, as a drove at mains was passing by, when the Southerner remarked, " There goes' a lot of Yan kees I" " Yes," replied Trlstam, " they're going South to teach School, Thry have a dealer )n Brocerljj,ln l'e kin by the name of Damn). A young Udy was severely reproved by her mother In that city,, the pther day, for merely re marking that she had better go and pay that Damm bill j meaning, of cour,el the grocer's bin.