-assfi't mm 5 , j H. V. Morthimer, 'Proprietor , INDEPENDENT-" Uve and Let Live." $1.00 a' Year if Paid iu' aVdv:iu6e'. I.EHiquipS'i C.XllllpN' (JOUNfY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, ,1873 VOL. III., No. 30. Subscribers out of County, $1.20. .A mm trffl m m If ' 1 - ' ' r CARDS. Furniture .Ware liause. V. Fchwirti, llniik Hrxt , dtaltr in alt kintU of lnUure. CoJSlni made to order. Dott nml Shoe "Inkers. Clinton Bretney, in Letan't building, Hank street. Ml tordert promptly filledwork warranted. BEATTY. Plannl r7Qend stamp lor lull inlorn.ailou, l'rlco List, Ac. J)ANIEr.'r IlEA'l'lY, WhBU. luglon.Kew Jeraey. ANIICL, KALUKUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, AT LAW, ill audi Chunk, Pa. a-0nc, above Doton's Jeelry Store, Broadway A. DUUUAJlEIt, M.U., , PnYSICIAS AND SUIIOEON. Fpeclsl attentloji (pald to Chronic Dtaaaea. Office: South Eaat coiner Iron and 2nd ats.. I.o ,hiUhton1ra. April 3, 1875. JJIl. N. B. IlEUEll, 'iPItACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SUROGUN. OiHce, Uini Street, next door above the I'ostoMri', Lehlghton, Pa. Office Iloura ParryWUe each day rom 10 to VI o'clock; remainder of day at office lu Lehlfhton Iov23.'72 J. It. DIS1M1CIC, AUCTIONEER, Boat WeluBport, ln. N n. Sales of every deacriptlon attended tn at reasonable charges. 1 be patronage of the put-llo a respectfully solicited. Jan.21,'74. J NO. D. UISRTOL.I5TTE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Omcx-Fjrst National l ank Bull c, nil Flocr MAUCII CHUNK, Pisiu. Mar be consulted In German. apr i. 1871 p j. jyiEii an, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 4, Dolon's Clock, MATCH CHUNK, PA, jRarCanrna consulted In 3erman. fjanS. rj-IIIO-Yf S 8. DECK, JUSflCE OF TIIK PEACH. BANK Street, LKI11OI1T0N, Pa. ConTejaiiclnp, Collecting and all business con. nerttd with the office nroniptly attended to. A'y-Agent tor urat-clasa Insurance Companies, and Kltkaof all Muds talen on th moat lit rial x.rms. jau.u, isvo, w. 21. IIAPSIIEU, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LVT, lliNKHHHtT.LlUltlUTON.rA. ' Heal EiUte and CoUvcMod Ageticj. Will Buy anil Kell lttil Estate. Ctmveyaucine neatly doip. Ccl- loctlons fromptlj' nude, bettltng fchtatwii 'uf !) ,JeDtt a fpedalty. May b coDbultud lu Kplikh "and (itr Liia a. Nov. '.'!. BOYD 1IUMEI, ARCHITECT, No. 310 Lackawanna Ayp., r.O.Loi kllojNo.K?, 6CKANT0.V, Pa. Will fnrnlih Plans, Speclncatlons and Fstlmatea ?lvlDf exact cost of (ubltc and private luiUlri; rom the plain. st to the must elaborate; a'so Drawlncs lor Stairs, Iland-Ratla, Ac. jel3 rrupMAS item Kit i:n. JL ' convjjyaj ANUEU, AND GENERAL IN8UHANCE AGENT The following Companies are liepresentedl LEBANON MUTUAL FIIIU, ilKADtHQ MUl'UAL 1'lltE, W YOMlrQ HUE, I'OIWVILLK Finrc. LHltlllll Flltli.andtlloTnAV. KLEns' ACUIDKNT INttUllAMJi:, Also l'enUat I rauln nud Mutual lions 1'blcf Detective ana InxuraiKo Compauv. " Marca 23, 1S73. TUOd. KKUEnER. rpiIO.MAS A. 1VlMiIA9IS. LADIES' AND QENTLEMCN'S Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, Nrxt toLeuckal'i Block, ' HANK STREET, Lehightop, Pa, Iltrlni; commeoced busloe&i, at abore, I would raapetruMj announce to thecltlten of U-hlphton and TKlntty that I amp'repared to do nil work Id my Una In the naateit at)d moat eubstautlal man nei at prleea fully as loir antbo Mine oik ran bt otatned In l'bllnddphla. A splendid anwrt meat of CIIILUUEX'd and MlSSKb U'KAlUf the Wat make alirayi on hand, A trial Is tolirltta! and aat I faction guaranteed. t owett inlcvs. Jul 4, 1874. Q.NADEN HUTTEN TANNERY LEHiqilTON, PA., B. J. KTJNTZ, Prop'r, Tl.mwtfnllv .nnnnn... tn ,h. nnhlln l,a. Via ha)u6tHKHUILT villi PA SULKY, lorroer ly ol Daniel ulowlne. aud put In a 1 the beet aud (noat appioTOumaclusery (ur tho Manufacture of Leather, such a,a HEMLOCK aud OAK SOLF!. II A 11. fi F' U,J..11,,V x. uAii' an.i ruiKkr, Ul'PErt, KIP. CALP and BIIHUP, e.yill anpply at tho very lowebt pilees. runiNii IIAIlt supplied In taito cr lantltiea very low. ItlDKS audsulNH amcu im win anr IMjAMlliltlNl small nnaiillriea bonahiAt hlaliost oah prices. I'aironagosourlted, Aux. Jyl jjm.oi;k axd vva:u, Charles Trainer Ileavpref folly aoaounrxia to tho poople of LoUcli too utat be kwpj a (all tuick ot Excellent Flour for Sale j (se, OQOD FEED of all kind, and 81 OA Yf in it, llUNUL. Jin la alAi uifi.uroil ii tin ull IWUof ' Hauling and Plowing fQ short uoUoe and at LOW PUICEB. LEHIGH (3d) STitEET, fBjUBUTO.Va. iircn:5 OUT II l'li.NNA. KAM.HOAI). T'flfippn "ef for l'Ll'&dclnhla will leave Lchtffh. ton'ftsftlowai C:i n. m. v!n L. V. nrr to nl Fblb. ct Ci a. tn 7:r 0. hi. Vm Lt, it: S a. ni. . in. n. i. v. . . 11 it i. in. tIi i it " ti.ur'.ni. "1,11. ,11 I l't'2 11. ni tiu U V. I . m. vl 1 1, -.4 " 1 (:lu. in. nil Km. l(:3ln n. sit? P-to. via 1,. A 3. " 4:11 ji. m. via E. V" " 7 18 i. in. via 1,. V. ' ;i iirnnij;, le.iv n depot at ' crka nut Auirrl can St.. l'hha., r( , i ,0, ta cm 0.15 a in j 2:1c, I O 11 I II 1 1 l III.- laiufium I.tglih on toPiiiln., cm. , Juno 6 IS5 liLl.1-1 LAIIK, ARCpt, OISNTItAI, It. It.).' X. J. U LKI1IGII A SUfOUKII N.VA DIVISION. Tl'tiio Tnlilf of Jlny HI, 1875. Trilna IraTe Ll-hUliton us follc.l FcTXewYi,rk. I aloo, Ac, a, 7 47, 11 (17 a. In., ii 10. 4 47 p in. For l'l.n,ltl bin, 7 47, 11.07 a. m., 2.20,4.17, " 7.17 p.m. Far ilaucli CUuuk at 10.20 a. m., 1 14, 6.33, anJ, U 43 p. in. For M ilkra-llarre ar.d Scrantou at 10.20 a. ni., 1,14 p.m. lttlurning lnro N'ew Ytirk, finm atallon Cen tral l,nllritnd of Nevr Jtri,v, I'-o' of L)1 crlv Ftrrtt, Noith illttr, at 5.3,), U.13 a. m., l'J.i. A 30 p. m. i, Loalo I'lilLul. Iphll, from Dtfpit Nnrlli l'eliu'a H It., al 7,t, , 0.13 a. ill.. 2 10. p. in. Leave la.tun al ti.10, 11. IS a. m., 3.53 end 8.10 p in. Leave Mauch Chunk at 7.40, 11 00 a.m., 2.20 and 4.4", 7.10 p. in. Fut lurth.r particulars, sea Time Tables at the Statloua. II. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Vatsengcr Agtnt. July4,lK4. p K A . S ' Li V A XI A 1J A I L 1 iU A U , PUILADKLI'llt A tltlH Itrt. DIVISION. , .llllimrr Time Table, On end mum fcUNDA, MA VSnl. IB7. ttio 'Irutuaun mo 1'inUooiniii i a i-rl.- i.cuiuud ui- TlwU will 1UU at TOl'UWb i WCbrWAItt). VAST LINE )05cj Nw Yoric l'Ml de phln II .llln.0 u Itaiii'UurR nrr. at il.luimiii it , ljics. Unvcu D.2 am. l' s u in. LUj p.m. f. u p.ln. 8.5& p.m. 10,'JI p.ui. Ii.&i p tn. 8.'5 p,m. HJilu.iu. 1 1 15 p.m. cY.& n in. 8 ID a.m. u. 15 a m. H. Wu.ui. 7.oC p.m. 7.40 II. Id. I. SSZ a in. 10.&n in. 1.62 p.m. 3.15 p.iu 4 3 p in 8.u0 a.m. .u0 u la l.s. ) ui. i,.t u II'. 7.3J I'.Ot. liil.caui" EMC MAIL loavoj -N. w oik r' Philmlolm IA Hull Ull Oil) Haul U.r VU)ii:iiifpj.t Lcclc Uuen utr. oti.iT NIAGARA EX.itavo- rfllrtUlpIna i a iluit.ie liu isbbir' . trr. (it vai)rniiKrS l.OCX UwtUU ' " ' l'.tnova ELMIItA 1! AILlcavcs IMiliiiJditbU I.QittlllUlC orr. nt iuuiu.np rt !. ci. iiavcu . . . . UAPTWaUI). pniL.VD'A E . leaves Look llhrm 0 4i n.tn. 1.05 9.111. H,6 a.m. V lillUlll I-OTl nrr. at liam'buiri I'll ii.i.tMii:i4 a a. ti i in. Kqw Voik li.41 ii.w. DAYrxrrXS31caes tunova fl.tup.ui ah k 1 1 uvea It V- a m, WilliQiuMJic lacOo.in. arr. at lli.tti bur 3.0 ii.in. ruia.teitiiia Kjw Yu.i ikiUimuro UIliE MAIL lecvM Emu r lienor 1 1 ' IjovM Uavcn V Liainspoit air. ct i.tiirubuit; la'tiuu'io Flu iuio plilu K'W Voik FAST LlNr; loaves Wil.hu rt arr. ttliuuNbuij; Huh in oi o rul.itcUUihla ISow Yoi-. Ii.i.0p.lil, D.l5p.ir, 3 .5 ji.tii. J'.'Juu.m t.-5 p.m. 0.W pin. 10. u p.m. -'ijn ir. a m M u.lii. 1C.1 p. nr. ti.uu .u r..m. ,a u ur. 7.J H.IU. 11, '-5 Weill. Erlo Mail Wrst, NlaffAra Fiprcss West, U'. roim JiNinViot umt Imv i:x(re-n l-.nHt.inao cioso cuniii ctiii ur NuriliUiiiiKji uuwth L. & U. lltu trniui forWMkttb tin una bciumo i. i;no Mnil West Niavaru Kipro a Wfat niirt niiulrn Vail WVst ui.iku cou couceiimn at WiilUniBp. it l h N. C. If. W. trun auitn. " LrieMftll f'ast nml Wefi M..g.ira Vet, i'Ufct Ll.ioo t ami l)uyl-xpcsa iu.il.'o ritdii couaw-tiou at; toi-K'iiavtU with li. it, Xt rlilL trains. - ' hno . a 1 East mi'l UTFt connect at 1 rio w tti trulm mi Ktj.tfiM H. UXt.. nt l oir., wit i O, U, fc A. Vj UK., at J.w?orium wito li. 14. Y, .V 1', 1 ( i .1 r. t Tii. . I tt'iu fl Wit lt A . . t!lf I'm lor uai h wi i uiii jeiwi uii i-j.riv iiji.n i mm V il In in ik) t in Miujuu i'.inui vt lr.i-t Ij ho Wert, ruibiUflrilila Uxriew .nm iml iJay Kii.rci. l.i.t t. rilie.i. gi' all ni(fhttr..t.iij 111.44t Vim. Organs xiuit.i 01111 vrB Everr lnstrnment iu'.lv warrmted. Factory and i 111 :r. Wasblugton, N. J. CoiTOipoudeueo so lclioJ. ' Livery & Sale Stables, n.vr.ic sTitniiT. i.KiiKiiiTON, p fast TiiorriNa houses, KLJIG AUT OAUUIAJES. And poslrivoly LOWEIl PltlOES thao any other Livery In tho Coauly. Large and liindwmo Carilacos for Fjneral pnrpo'a anil Wcddluta. DAVID ElllUUl'P. Nov, U7A S"1tz: aioxi:Y Uy purchaslnp; your Groceries 1 Provisions Albo n Chnlco Variety of AT THW NEW RTOIIB 01' E, H. RHODES, Opposite the "Carbon Anvocoti-" Office, BANK. way; LEmuinoN.pn. A FULL LINE OP OUOICE, PltEall Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Molusses, fcipices, Dried Fruits, No. 1. Mackerel, Koroseno Oil, Tobaccos, &c.,' &c, A I ol which ire warmntw cl flrt-claw nuai.ty and a Id ell c AH poit CASH. The ilicUeat AUik i iron allowed (or 11UT TElt. LUUdnuU l-OUN'l'ltir PltXIDUCU KOH. eraily tn jixchunn lor Uood.. A trui it iMpkCt(uliy ed-ctcd. April 0-yl II. IHJODF". N TJUYirl TTIY IT I - 11113 INDIA. HUB, '-'liUlU'LXSTElia lor a Wcalc Hack, DUilL. ISplllia IheJD, Stjy U Plotts' atar Organs Aroinvauea wnmintod not to cratk nr wuip If .luiici- y uU'l. is lid lor ciwu.oguo Auuruea, I'.UvvAJtD l'LO Valiiii"tuu, S.J t bOKJlMAOl'Il'OL-tOOlCUOSYt I I T OOK JIKAUI II'UI-LOOK UOSY I-A bo(. IJ,irt , imt, r.i n nj imw 11 m.vt'ir.M r VII tnr H0urhli,'5otlll0 SKIN, ClIAl'I'UUIIAMWt Ac, ojI Si cent, it butilo. ' iluy U, BEATTY I'lanol CO JIUKS I.VKltY IMl'IKIVEMENT KNUvV.: rfr.si'inl Hlniiln for ciuiil.u. Ad ,'Jll)s I). 1". lir.A'l'TY, WasblliKtou. N. J. Plolls' Star Oruaiis ,0 'n1l)in?l!e3niiv)draliirfty anil wor li. fecnl ur ili,linu(i ("u n.uuo ucioiu uuuirr, at;. tr-"a ihx 'mutitllnctuier, bDWAUD I'LOTiB, Washington, H(J vyY, Oil WHY will vou tnffjr with that u ''OUdH or cnt.DI wlir-n jnu mivbi it. mnil telvro n vM uru rrp Jj-UliI,iNf!M roil. IOCNII SYItl'i. (it 'PA It WILDCiniWlY and lloni'nou.VD JIavO rpiIH l'lX PLi: gi'LlilltailTON nml vlein Itv nil nnlttt m t'llf inR tint nt A. J. DUBLlNll'S Iirivfr nim Family if'iLriimFtnrn, 'u:ir, I iit.tii nml Ukalulikhated Mciurivr (ntinlwiivabolouuil. HinvO. BEA.TTY Pinllnt AClE-IT,-! WAN1EDI (Male cr rcma'e,) to tao cr.Icri. DANIEL F. HlUTl'Y, WusU Plotts' Star Or Acantl unnn'tcd nt fimirPB Hint flptv 'rnmnn. riirioa for th anio rlas of lnstt uraonf. Try i hp. KUWAltD rLOPfii. Vollifr. BEATTY PIANO! no ornrii nvAo rot.in'uis nttui catho B tin,, io,iul"rtv. M'id ,t'hnl fir drcu nr. D. I'. IlUAl'lY' Wailriisicn, New Jersey. Plotts' Star Organs Anrporson, nnlo or fi'iiialti, whobas a Ijttlo lei -i r ) tim can rroctuo tlrm cinfs iutrnmrut nt u.pie'jtly )Mnciil rnco henl Btntnit tor i"rtioUtari.. AiMiess. liblVAltU PLOT1B, wn'-hin&toii. N. J. Oppuelto tho PuM oSriuar". SOU rn BTItEET LKII1G11TON, rn., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kinds ot KT" POOl'INnlProUi'INO anrl'JOliniNO riompllv LltJlideu to ut, rea.ninJo chvro', JSuv(3.'. SAMUEI 14ltAVi.lt. W. EACHES, i ' Contractor. & Builder, ' LEiiiaiiTON, rENN'A.' t'lans a'p'tl 8pt;-f!nc':iUiis' J'OU ALL KIND.i OP I1UILDING3 MADE ATaiia siiojtTEsr Norxqu. NO C U A It p E S Mad.1 Inr I'LANM and SPP.rinOATinNS wiioii tho eouiiuct la awarded to ilio uuuci BlgUCU. June 14, 1S73 y 1. a A. W. EACIIEd. afii;ii'iGr.R -renrtfl!ly; III I 0 In rrrnoral. Id ,f. 1 f.D Las opened a llitl-class Livery & Sale Stable, nndthnt be can fainls!i:ilSt:w Dogalea and (.'..rring'js i f ilicict. cc.'tlp(lon. Jorilpasuie, bunumor I'UNlCitAL PUUMMivmIiA very ltl.AbO.SAbL4 CUAHGBauod short liotrco. .ii. j. mnnh ov iiauliag Tromptly nttondea to at luodcrato rte, h& lnxrpiNaEn, Corner ol Bauk,aud tioa btreets, Jan. 2. . - lijlBlitn,,ra. D 1 o. Thn itnc!nale-nrrl rrmprifml, Inlmm. ih, nl,. fzruacf i acbun Mrl riil'ilnu.g eonuticc, that he lEon pici axed ta fuppjytboui wltu stall times, atprloaa (u'lr as low as ther enn b- bouilii. (ir e.aovhern. Al". H3IOKBH Jl,A1M".,,,,lLOU.Ml AND SAUraAOE, ,AT WUULESALK AND IlLTAJL. M ' 1 Ordrra wl.l bo promptly tilled ar.il TI003 fchippid Vo any puml u lie shortest police. JOSEPH OBERT, llntiV b'treet, Lclilghton, 17a. Bept, id, 1374-v. Mannfactunrtf and Dnalor In nit kinds fit IIOUBKilOl.D A-D UlTOllE.V , ' PUR-NIT ORE, Next to Honda & Hi lTird'u Carriage tauutmtur. Bank -Street, Lohighton, Pa. Ulcgant I'arl.ir Suite, llaiitUume ilcdrooir Seta, Soiling very Cheap for Cush. Examine bef ne purcha-inj cltcwherc. nvinhsd an cxencnoo o( twenty years Iniho UNDERTAKING Ilulne. laiiitrfUHuaiojuinl li all kinds of IX) i': I .bnuiOKu.irt uu nort u dtae, and at bind to a,l ous.iiS, mihi , je.u .ucu u lui,u. uer oa mm alio inure saiuLictlon, pn very rcut'.uab.o lernia. Pauooio to.ie.ioJ, .Varch .,., TUKO KV-MFPER, T. inenasnnt tho imh rv.v-TTrir ir lOD rlllNJTISO lit tio very lowct prlcoaat TUKcAItllON A.IyoCAl-lSOH?IUS. MOTllEIt?, Lpok.n.t M1 Vo.-un. Oo or Bindat or that Chi'd, It has nr.pn In THTrT.TNnft lint'il sTOirr!. nti l Dfn.jl l.ntt.'A nf hi. Willi r BYItUP: au pleianut ki.d ) ct aj tmo. May BF.ATTV -.Ti,oT ENIlOItSHD IIYTIIlj; llllllllISP MUSICAL AUlllDltiril'S A3 'I 111; IllifeT. D. F Ub..1TV, l'ruprletor.AVaamPBIm, Ni Jt QAUTIOX. All pcraoni nro licrohvIorbH uieddllns wllh tl a fiiliowliifr articles, tl evhtlnp tbo propel I . of the uiifloiflRiiou. ntid loiued brlmutoNA. 'HL.vN nnuu.iioitl-: lor A cms dcrailon, to wu i I uav n ure, 1 butcher wogou, 1 sci alnplo h rncss, I fct ayiib.o harnoi) (now), I cow, I neli', 1 tow. 1 HlaiiKliter lionao, 1 rendetlUK ketlloaui ) paleutrnas irn i utter. Uj,J.Ltl4 UU1.1V1A1., ' LenlKhtou. Fa. May 31, 1873-wi 1 Qprlner Sumiiicr styl ol MILLINERY, Upv Styles, . New Fcatliers, New Flowers, Ornaments, ,&o. HATS aril nONNET, trimmsd In th latost taiiilini hi ttio lowest prli oa. ItlliUONH the la.ivt aiiabft aiiafcd, nlao, VV 1.1. AhSOIVI MHNT OF .VOTIO.VS, IIAIlt OUOIJS, i ic at iipw pricoi, at LIZZIE KRAMER'S juIILLTNEHY STORE, "Next to the Caibon wnrt .Celit p hum, 1'a. Advccate olB,co. Unnk Apnl iD,-3m. igl'RIXG owxixv, r Millinary Goods & Notions. MRS. E. FATH Two doors below tbo 21. K. chm ch Ilirhton Ta,, de.ien toiu'l the lltfiitlon ut thu tiylioi to ttio fact that the Is openmc; a very Ihtk Htook of tho wofct FAaJilOABLU hTVLlia of lillinery jaoods, . COMl'ItlSINU, 'Hats, Bonnets,' 1 Trimmings -and Notions, trte-rtrler w'tn n 'nrirena'ortmentcf ZEI'Iir.HS.. UEItl'OItA TJiD MOTlOlJi, I'll ni.sa (jTUtWr) attlTCIiaB, IIAIlt UOOD5, Ac. 'Prlcoa ni low na c'afwnern. and all woik euaraiito-ii.- An intpcciiou of eikmIi is invited Apr.l 3,4m. AltW. E. FATIL -jt.s. s. r. rATZixr.r.n, MillinerlDress Maker, One door nbovo Durlina'a Drus Stoic, 1JAXK Street Lclilffhloji, .rennn., t Un Ju8t opened a so'enrtid aaanrtment ol thr 1 ,nti in uiirluu ,,f Inn unii Wtln. Tt s r Millinery Goods! Coronrt8lrBnAT8.BONNHr9,TniMMTXGS", IIAIlt UtToll-a and NOTIONS to Wl.lt ll ho luriiea tboattemloii of tho Ladies ol Lt-highton and lrlnity, (V Lnnlpa own Material infOo up to order at fchort uoUoe, and at lovvcat imees. . AJao, Dealer Iri a'l kinds of Groceries Provisions, 1EAS, COFFEES SUOAT.S. M'ICES AND l'ftUIIS 1112! , HllUUJ.ULUl', bde-mi:at, ,tc..ic FLOUR AND FEED, Of tpn nott Otanda, ct prlcoi (u'.ly aa low as ctaaiA here. 1 to Illgbest Market Pdco paid for all kinds of COUNTRY rRODUCE, In Exchanro for Oooda. ' A share cf public patronage la anllo'ted. Mas', 8. E. FAlZIKClEn. MaTir.vl . v 1875 Spring .'1875 Mrs. M. Guth Ttfiipecifnllv annruneea to ih INDIES OE1 WKIOSl'OKT AMI VK.1NITY tb.tsf.e ha J utt irtuiiied ironuheOITV, aim lai.ow iccrlv, mircn.ii.f ihs LAIIUKST oTOCKSol BPllINJ aud bpMMEK iBilSincry Goods COMPWSING, - Hats, Bonnets, And Trimmings ever before brouaht lnt.o this section, and tV ..qi iiirpiuau iw uv vuvim upiu wi .Ycry Latost Fashion, AT PltlCEa BELQW ANY OTITErt E8. TAULISUMENT JN TUB COUNTY. Alan. AN EN1IHELY NEW STOCK OP BAlTClllirt, In Ileal and luiuallon Hair, Nu riD.Mj and ALL, oilier" OooOa uaiuUykcpt lu a First Cii.si ilil.lucly More.' Ladies' own Hair made up to order Call and Inrpect Ocoda an 1 lei.ro Prices bclcre paiUiuuuK oewuero, MRS. M. OUTII, Wvlstpott, IM. April yt ' " JUDGE NOT. Jrnny yenis Mucf, two pupils of tho UnlviT-liy of Wiusnw weio visslii(j tliriuifili the) street In which vtaiuls thu column of King ' Sl;lpiinnid, rotttnl ivhoaH pedftnl may gtn-rally ho sei'ji tented muubiTof uiiiiil-u sdllti(! fruit', cnkcD nml n vnilcty of ualaliles, to tin) pnssiMs-hy. Tho youiic men pntiH'il to kok nt a lure. whine oddity attrnctuil their uttctitlnii. 'I'll Is was A man appar ently hetween fifty and sixty years of nuu : hla coat, occo black, was worn threadbare; Ills biuad hat overshadow ed a thin wrinkled face j his form wan fjieally etnaclateil, yet he walked with a linn and nipld step. Ho stopped fit imo of. tho stalls beneath tho coluino, purchased a half pennyworth of bread, atu part of It, put Ilia remainder Into his pocket, and ptimui'd his way lowatd the iialacu of OenoraJ Zalouczek, lieu tenant of the kingdom, who lu tho ab sence of Czar Alexander, uxercUcd loyal authority Itil'olaiid. " I)o you knoiy.Uiat, than?" asked one atuiient of tho other. " I do nut ; but judging by hU ItlKU biinuH costutno-, and no leis iiiourtiful cottuttiiauce, 1 should yueas hiiu tu bo ait undertaker." ' Wrung' my friend j ho is Stsullas Slasziu." "fataszlcl" oxclalined tho student, looking utter the man, who was then entering tho palace. " How can a mean, wretched-looking may, who stops In thu middle ot thebtrett to buy a mor sel ot bread, bu rich and powerlulV" " Vei. so it Is," ieilled lils.coiiii an lon. " Ui der this unpromising exter ior Is hidden. onu of our moat liillueiithil uiiulsleis, uiid onu ot the most llluatil ou biivans of Kuiope." Tho man whose appearance conlras ted so htiungly with Ins social position, who was us powcrlul as ho xceuieil In slgnilicaiit, as ilcli as he seemed poor, owed ull Ids loituuo to hlmit'll tu his labor:, and to Ijls getiluj. Of low extraction ho left Poland, while young, lu order to actiuiro learn inir. Ho. paed sumo yenrs in the Uui veislties tit Leipsle and Guttlpgen, con llnued his s. tulles at the Colleen of Fiance, under llrlasou and U'Aubao tun ; gained the trjeudahlp of liull'oii ; yldted tho Alps and the Apuiii.iuus; and, llnally, returned to his uutivo laud, stoted Willi ilch and vailed leaiiH ill!!. lle.waa spioillly invited liy a noble man to take chajg'o ot the education of Ills sou. Altervvuids, the Government wished to piotit by Ids talents ; and Jslu.-zie, (i oin gtadu to guide, was rais ed to the highest posts and the greatest dignities. His economical habits made, liini ilch. Five hundred terlS cultlvat ed Ids lands, aud he possessed largo bUiis of money, placed at 'Interest. Whpn did any trail over rise very far above the iiink In-ivlilcli ho was born, nitliuut presentiug a innik tor envy and detiuctloti to nim their ariows against'? iU'dlocrlly nlwnyil avenges itself by calumny ; and soSlaszlo found it, for tho good lolks of Wursaw were quite ieady to attrlbulu all his actions (u slnster motlvtu. Aiiiiiuii of idlers had paused closo towheielhe slueduts weie standing. -cl 1 1 iuoked.nt the minister, and every uuo had something to say gain,t hliu. "Who would' uver' think,'" cried it noble, whoso gray mustache aid old. fa.shlonetl costuuie recalled tho era of King Siglsiiiunil, " that he could, be a minister of state? Formerly, when a Palatin tiaver.ed the cnpltal, a troop of huisemep both proceeded and follow ed hliu. Soldiers dispersed the crowds that pressed to look at him. Hut wh.it reiiect chii be full for an old mUer, who has nut the heart to allord himself u couch, and who eats a piece of bread lu the streets, Jut as a beggar would do-"' ' His lieuit," said u pi I est, " is it haul as thu iron chest In which ho ke.-ps Ills gold ; i poor in.tr, might die of hun ger at his door, before tie would give film iilms." ' lie has worn the same coat for the last ten jearf," remarked another. " He bils on the ground ior tear of wearing out his chairs," chimed In a saury-looking hid, and every one Joined in the laugh. A youug pupil of one of tho pnbltu cboula had listened in Indignant silence, tu these speeches; which, cut him tu the heart; and at length, unable to rcslialu hlu. self, hu turned tort aids thu pi lest, and said : " A man distinguished for his gener osity ought to be spoken ot with tuuru respect. ' And ptay whM use does he imiko ot ilV" "The Academy of Sclencis wanted a plate for a library, and hud not luhds to litre one. Who was It bestow n I on lieiti ,i tuaciiidcent palaco? Was It nut blusziu " "Oh lyes, because he as ureedy of praise us of gold," " Poland esteo't.s as her chief tlory, the man whottlscovered the law uf tin) sldc'ieal inavuiucnt. Who was It that raised to him a monument worthy i f ins lenottii calling tlie clilsel of Uuno va to lienor the memory of Copernicus?" " It was Staszle," replied the priest, " and so nil Kur,ope lienors for it tho cenerouj senator. Hut, my young friend, It Is not tho light of tho noon day euu that ougl t to illumine Chris tlau charity. It you want really to kuow p. man, watch the dally course of hlsnilvate life. Tlili ostcutallouj ml. ser, hi tho hooks which hu publishes, groans over thu tut of the peasantry, and in I Is vast domains he employs Uvo hundred miserable serfs, uo soiuo uiotu lug to his bouse the.io you will find a poor woman beseeching with' tears a cold, proud Mian, who repulses her.. That mini Is Staszle that woman hU sister. Ought not tho hauahty glVer ot palaces, the builder of pompous statue rither to employ himself. In protecting his oppressed serfs,, and relieving his destitute relativo " The young man began to reply, but no onu would listen to him. Sad and dejected at hearing one, who had been to him a truu pud. generous friend, so spoken of, ho went to his humblu lodg lug. , Next mornlnrj ho repaired at nn early hour to the dwelling uf his .benefactor. Theixj he met a woman weeping, and lamenting the Inhumanity of her bro ther. :' ' This connrmatlon ot what tho pilcst had said, inspired tlo young man wllh a lixed determination. It was Staszlo who had placed hltii at college, and supplied hliu with tho means of contin uing there. Now, ho would reject his gilt i ho.wouldnot accept benefits from a man who could look unuibved at his own sls'er's tears. 'the learned minister, seeing hie fa vorite pupil enter, did not desist from his occupation, but continuing to write, saUl to him '. ., " Well, Adolphe, what can I do for youto-tlay? If you want hooks tako them out of my- library ; or instruments order them, and send me the bill. Speak to me Ireely, aud tell mo if you want anything." " On the, contrary, sir, I como to thank J ou for your past kindness, and so say that 1 must lu luture decline, ri "ceivliig vour.gllts. " Vim. are tiien beconip rich ?" " I am us poor as over." " And your college?" " I must leave It." " Impossible I" cried Staszis, stand ing up, and llxltig Ids penetrating eyes ou his' visitor; " Vou atu the most proiuititig of all our pupils It must not be 1" In vain tho young student tried to conceal tin) motive of his' conduct ; Stas'zio Insisted oil knowing it. "Vou wish,' said Adolphe, "to heap luvui's on mo at ttio expeusa uf your family" ' Tho poivtrful minister could not con ceal Ids Cniotion. His eyes filled with tears, and hu pressed tlni young nisn's hand wattnly us )io said : " Dear boy, always tako heed to this counsel Judob NorlitKa riEVortB Tin: Time." Kro tho etid or lite arrives, the purest virtue' may be soiled by vice, and the bitterest calumny prevent to bo uufouiide.il.' My conduct Is III truth nil cplgma, which 1 cannot now solve It IS tliu secret ui my Hie. - seeing tlie youug man still Hesitate, ho milled : Keen an account of tho money I give you consider It as a' load; and wneti tome nay, tnrougii lauor and study, you tit d yourself rich, pay tho deb by educating a poor, deserving student. As to me, wait, fur my dcatu bsjicre you Judge my life." During filly yeuis Stanislas staszlo allowed malice to blatken his actions. He knuw the time would. come when all Poland would do hi ui Justice. On the liUth uf Jauuary. 1B2U, thirty thousand mourning Pules Hocked n round his bier, mid 'sought tu touch tho fall us tliuugli.lt wero so.no holy, prec ious idle. Tliu Jtussian JUiny could not 'compre hend the reason ot tlm homage tnua paid by the people; ot Warsaw to this llluatrluus man. His last testament lully explained tho reason of his appar ent avarice. His vast estates weie di vided into live hundred lurtlons, each lo become thu piopeity of Ireo peas ant his tenner serf. A sthool on an admlliiblo plan and very extended scale, was to be established for the In struction of I lie, peasant,' children in dilferotit trades. A reserve futni was provided lor the succor.ot tho siuk aud aged, 4 small yearly tax to bo paid by the liberated setts, was destined tor purchasing by degrees, the freedom bt tlieir neighbors, condoirned as thuy had been, to hard aud thankless toll. Alter hiving thus piuvded for Ills peasants, Sttisziv bequeathed liUO, UOU lloiins tor- luundiitg a model bus pilul ; and hu left a considerable sum toward educating poor and studious youths. A t"l Ids. sister, she. inherit ed only tuusAino allowance which ho Had given her, yearly, durtig h(s life j for sue was u person of ciueli'ss.extrav agent h'ltnts, who dissipated foolishly uii the money she received. A'slituigu falo was lh,U of Stanislas Slavic, a iiiaityr to calumny duiln,; Ins Hie, after ileuth his ulciuory wiu bltsseu and revered by tlie multitudes whom he lud made happy. Jteuieui bei Ins couii " Judge nothing; belore tnotliuej" The prospects aro fair for a very large peach crop lu Mary laud and 1M a,wure this season, Tho residents on tho river bank near Pott Jervls aro still filling their Ice. houses from the deposits of tho great. Ice gorge of last Jarch. The follow leg nottto ccmcs from. Elk county : ' Kath pado for littel knives nut mourn two dine old." That fellow never fooled bis time away loiN Inji arouud spelling scboo'a. Hero is another potato bug reme dy : A farmer says, that If ut night a flro Is build at Loth ends of the potato, patch tho bugs can bo seen Hying tow ards the light, and that they drop Into tho lUuies and nro burned to death. Tho expeilwco.t U certainty woith try Ing,