The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 08, 1875, Image 4

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    Letter from Ronasutctflr.
Misdeu DnucKKii, Dear Sin, Do
lectit tforch hob lcli amolS clr down
mole wldder b.uhuclitveir !o)i Hob' far
dar wun'ner glichh ml'ssa tin do Hut.
hut ganiant dos niero sutta nl mufa un
no kend 'mere ola ilo'dranes un oi des
dings sana. '
Meresin Ins down kttmwa tin well
were eln (lurch de slitot nunn'er g'fora
'un zlmllclc ply liob lcli ebbos 'sana uf
'nilcb zu kumma es liut mlch liolevr
Tiong gatriaucht kntta es hut gamnuelit
we a vyllfla kotz h6b'lch gamaiit uii wo
lub amuio nncher sum iuimnia blu do
'hob Icli'gsana dos ca netgons soslillm
ili Far"e3 wor'net may'un net wen
lclier do3 we seller liard nut dar brllj
uf dar hut so puwr olJa darra fcnocha
'in de carriage g 'spout kot do po'wr lior
xt slch tlio lien, da hut nr neln g'spont
kot un no hut ar slch cva strock uf
kecked un hut ganiant do3 nr het en
'reser"in slna Icu.i, ower lcli' hob ous
gamauibt dos si .bill! dato cno fuel lira).
dasunst hand nr so l'elo sana we sel.'
Eutwcder'niuss dar mon orrlck dum -bI
odder muss net besser wissa.
Es may a, farllclit n, dao lite frowa
un wonra war des mailt dar won nilt
dar brill uf well, 'lcli kon' un'wlll aw
'net grnwd stiwya, wars Is'ower so felo
waso IcU dos ar not in Ljhlgliton
wont sel Is. .nmolo gavls, un is hoch
kan older kal nc1 -braueu' noch" kan
brill dar elt noch, ower. won st awga bo
poor sin dossl farctond dokunsldder.lch
dos nrkand'aiwabrilU'ut'dti,- '' iV1.
' Well wllo icli, net feel zlta. bob. des
mole, .wldder,, don dauk jclidbs felt ,yvi)l
ftop.ijfnllj dam, brlllnryon .es ,l,s noyy
g'annunkfianat.dafun, ,
Oiverdollto gucka farllclit far' niy
opIutonWeg ,wos' icli g'sclirelta iiptf"
well 'es gatu mere Immer a tilascf selle rJ
wag, won lcli eu karl hareulkies savvya
don Ellch icli si opinion aw zu liara un
so dank lcli dos dalo llto aw:gllcha dado
'do opinion zu hara fun metof
Well my opinion ls"de. ' Plain g'saut.
Won en mon o furl; wq seller i,8prqu-.
ked dar prreni plf. gawl.dar bol niramy
fort kon wos ar ga kon, csis of course
liet storrlck iidnga, ower dar orrem olt
gawl hutdocliUuimlssa -wos at gakant
hut Icli hob cno .gadovcrcd. Won en
karl net may waso fun gfawra. wo sell
un bayuscdso gllo.uf dar stroso do will
lcli my oplulougrawd driver geva dar
But grand uf genuine si far, cruelty of
animals; scl js wok ar; su't. Wos Icli
hoch.sawya w;il Is des. Dos dar mon
date farllclit besser si brill rimo'lo ob
hava'nbkand aramole sana wo'nr war
dar young' Mlsder. Un wo'nr ho'ga
lnofed is.arwont'ollawlle'not wo ar dlla
drydog en gowl'dot'fowra kon.Now Sir'
zu deer brllUnion kum nlmy In unser
down fdwr dorch do stroio un broil
ruit. Icli date dabamo bllva won Jc'lj
nix hosiers, rasa kand won lcli dlch war
un darzu won do sun odder dar round
so hortshind suust raauclit dU' farllcht
noch ma llto bong sel Is wos ralcu fnr
scbrcckedhut do 'stm hut'wedder' de
brlllaglosser g'schlned un no- hob icli
ganiant dos es Wildes' deer. Icli
hob ilixgal6h si brill' won ar scbleclita
auga huut, ower icli.mane ar sut besser
far&toud usa.
Sogopdby' brlllamon. Uo ' n o more,
at present. Uans Konneuaucher.
. I r. ' '
TI10 second annual report of the
Flillade'lplita Dlreitors saysi
"To fully complcto tlio work and bear
its expense to tbo end. we need. to.
ralso $2,500,000, and it rests wilb tbo
people to'suppiy tlio necessary means.
1 iuo number of jiaylng admls-,
sions to tije Exhibition at 50 cents each
shall reach Hi,000;oOO-a number but
llttlo excecdlug tlio admissions to the
Pails Exposition- of 1807-th.i Board
will be able t6 return 'every 'dollaV to
the stpckboldera." The report of the
Treasurer .shows tlio receipts up to
April 1 to have been l,430,445;cash on
hatd, 03D.503.
SernVl , , " , K'W . OHUS, of
tiJlJ?,t.ra'V,'rlf?,;neral U. "ncelfd
the fraudulent mill contract awarded
anx32gIs1lUS,',,,, Dlaa
' fommprclal depression continues In
ed to Lbp.Jon to tbnpludo a contract t r
disposing of ohd 'hundred tlibusa id to
?n3Wha 1SlUlB Wea0S Ot "ubslst
enco for-hlm ,vh?nlhe: trial is orer.
diets against thiVK Kn" Ver
finfe" .H' Allt,Uony W 'at there are
United Sfnln .'nti.l IV,- - r
... . 1 luanuiiu woman 111
sevcuteen is raarrltd to such nu artist.
Slio.nerer would do,lt herself, though.
r.iYn"" ln,'w"kfs wunty, Xorth
Carolina, has c vm htrth in iriii .,
!;1f,.n..8Vcce!,,0" rtlilldreu of
each birth have been ralsfii. n,,.i n,n
whole number are now alive. 'No two
.,iDnuira resemuio each other In
Uliy inarkfrl HnirrAi nvnni .1... t
I..: 1 . V O'vi vvvpi iig HMUt Ul
iii 1 'S Iu 6tJ: 1,10 'e'ale Pro'
dOnilcaies largely. The children aro
nil untl ion U.j
fflalfomition;' ' D W"nUl lne ,ea"
;r 1TK3IS.
roltsYll'lo Ap,rl 27. UyJ,bo,vxpl,osloti
nf,a coal oil lamp, the' hnuso of jirs,
I t"achel,i I al below, Mount Carbon,
was destroyed by ,fl(ro ns(,i;lKlit,( Mrs
llnloy is.yiHly was omul in a room uurn
cd to a crisp.
The Lack'awauua, & Ulopmsburg 1 lal)-.'
road bridge acinus tlio Siisijuylmniin nl
rittstou, hns.bcen rebuilt, aniline fjrst
train passed over It Monday.
San Francisco had a .sfpclllnp match,
In which the worsts speller, was to havo
the prize, which, was a icopy of JojIi
?illllps' book. ".Vjrue," was onp f,
the words glvejt out, nrd lhu,nian.)vho
spelled It ''J3eq9teitijton','. was.njaidc:!
tlio prize. ,
We see It 6tated, In ihe "faMilonablo
Intelligencer,"' tliat' "ladles" are going
to wear their hair this seasbii 'as tiiey
did three hundred' 'years agd." We:
had no hjlea that there wero' any. tsuch
old ladles about. ' ' '
, .In 'Atchison, Kan., gtrl ate four
pounds' of wedding cafio lu"order that
she might dream o'f her future buibiind.
And rlo'w'slie fay's that money Wouldn't
hire Her To'riiarry tKe-'wiaiv s'Ko saw In
that drcdm. '
There was'onco a Tennsylvuiilri leg--islator
whq laid by 'thlriy. thousand'
dollars' In 6iY6 se'sslolt. When ho' was
asked how he managed this with a sal
ary of ond'thousaiid dollar, he'aald ha
saVcd If by doing without a hired girl.
A 'Chicago court' room 'was lately eji
Ilvencd by tile presence of a ;lild?hln'g
young' lady; whri1 appeared beforft" tile
court "to" s'ustaIn '-alrilietltIot( for the
rs'to'ratidh' of sfcven'lovc' letters', a'gluveV
a 'curl'.'.a'n'd'n' r'lb'Doii,' wlilcli'i s!ib' had
given-t'ri'tlie'lle'ferida'nf d'dtlng ' 'an!"enr
'gagement' of' levera! ' moiitHs1. 'he'
didn't ge.t thom. tlibu'Bh'. "' '
Wbeu.n.youngj.niaViin .aliigontayalls
lu love wlili'.u glrj, he dd'seii't Vfsjt 'l!er'
six nights' in a we'e.k'nnd'lwfce .on 'Sun
day, and feed her upon rn'Ola'siees'' candy
and. guiii.clrops) anil JltJ ip' 'unlH two
p'cldcli'Vu the niofning burning thfe bid1
man's oil, and' that surf At t.UI'ngl Not
a( all. (jourtship fn Patagonia Is lllhch'
moro simple', ' lie, l'assp'es tho: 'gtri,
d'ragEi'her,'hdtn6 Oehlnd' hlsvhorse;'"Aildi
littt Is all the marrlago ceremony' ''nee'.'1
cssary; '
he' Vallejo' (Cfal'lfoi-nla) Chronlcje.
relates the. follovnk liicldenfc ofitlie' re
revlval Vow I'n 'progress' at iliat place,
conducted by the It'iiv. Met Ilniuhiond!
Last'Thursilay'eveulng'.Mr. Hammond
preached from the text, '"Saul, Sul,
vvhypresecutest thou me?" In the au
dleuce there was an' 'engineer' named
Saul, who was accompanied by his wife
and little girt. The ' reverend gentle-'
man repeated his text several times,'1
"Saul', Saul; why pe'rsccutest thou me?"'
At Just the little one, who thought that
the text had'' a personal application,'
.looked up into the face of her1 parent,
n'tid'Bald, "Falher, don't mind hlmjlie'ii
drunk." " '
". otthe rtiai'iT ''Scr.'TIj'sruF,."
A, long .lean, g'u'ant Yankee 'ilhlere'd
a diu'g store, and usked : '.' Air' yeow
the dr'ugger ?"
"Well,. I .suppose bo Bell drugs. ','
M.Wal,- hev yom. any. uv. t)ils h?ro(
scetitl n' stuff as tlio gals put on,, their
haudkerchers.?" , ,
"Oh, yes."
" Wal. nu'r Ijl Is goln' tobeiinarrlcd, ,
an' slio giu mo n liiuepcnceand told, lne,
to Invest tlio whole amount in ' iscenthi';
stuff, so as to make her sweet, If I could
find any to suit; sq if yuu'.ve a mlud
I'll just amell around.'.',
Tho'Tarikeo smelleil around without1
being suited', until tlio drugalit got'
tired of htm, atid, taking down a bottlo
of hartshorn, said
"I've got a scenting ftt tha will
suit you. A Mnge drop op youi hand
kerchlqf will last you for weeks, nnd
you can'J wash it out; but to get tliq
strength of it you must take ajlg smell."
" Is hat so pilsther?, , Wal, Just.hold,
.on,nm)nlt, till I get my breitb, and
...1..'.. T XT it ..'.'..l..1
The directions .ero of, course, tgT
lowed, and .tbo -Yankee -Was nearly
knocked off 'his- plns$ uu, recoyejljig
l.lmself ho exclaimed ; ' "' ' '
"Chain llghtnln'l Mr. i)f rigger
top of my head-on? Sal dnn't want
nothln ilko that ; It wquld break up ri
camp mectln' In ten'mlnnlts. You ain't
got the right kind ' sccotln.'.sturf."
Aiidtior's offce.
In the'Orplmits'-Cpurt of Carbon
county, nccomltpf James Weeks.Guar-'
dlan of Pi-udence GrahlMf, minor
child pt Cllfts. Dongherty, dee'd. The
AuJItor appointed to faudlt, examine
nlld If ncbt-Sfiflrv rchlnfiml rnamf.. thft
lw(il attend to thn duties of hls afiiiolnV.
ment at Ills' bfflce, In the borough',
of Muuch Chunk, nn TIlUIlStJAvN
MAY 37th', 1873, at 10 o'clock1 n. lu.
I J. MEEUAN, Auditor.
May 1st, 1873-41 ' 1
Nu OTIlElt riJNO-FOUfE Ims nt.
Inlnpil tlio same liomilirllv. ft?7K..iirl
I stamp for Circular. D. F. IIHA'ITV,
Washington, New Jersey.
,rejpi;ctfuly anounifes tp Ills friends
ajul tlio public 'generally, that he has
removed1 his ' '"' '''",
'from Iibengulh'a building 'tO'thohiew
luilldihg' of Wm. Whrner, opposite'
ilomlg & Hofford's carriage wotks,
and .that ho hajuut received large,
nud vcjl.clijctcdtock of
which hols'selllng at Tlilladolphla re
tall prices.- Call and. examine heforo
purcljaslug el-ewheio n
IIu ' lins also, constantly on hand a
full stock of till tlo popular
Raienii Mqctipiijos, ' .,'.,.'
'DrufTsj. Ghemicals,.
lerfiiraen6k,i; Fancy ''So'arjS',
Lamps, Lamp FixtTure's, &c,
To which he Invites the attention of tbo
public. ' ' " "
'.Thankful for raw favors, ho "respect
filly,npks fiContliuiance ,tif. tbp.6atne.
Don't fprget thti .place, lcn of tlio'HIO
lIOUTAU.'llaiil; strCfl'.Lehlglitdh, Pa.,
' ' , ''ClIAg. W.' liENTZ.
r. ' ' i"" 'I 'II ;
Jf ...
, :leiiigd:to, .pa,.
'B. J, KUNTZ)(PpTri
Respectfully 'announces1 to thn public'
that Im haB'tJltsf 'tebiiilt tlio Tannery,
rornieriy or-' Daniel uiowine, ntui put
In nll'Hlliibest ahd' most' approved inn
chlnefy1 for the- ' 1
jRyanuHfttuiip,i'6t,LJpa:tlibr, '
'sticlirfs IlulnlriCk ttn'dOakSdlcJ Ilariiess,
UppeifKip', itlfandiSlleepi which ho
illl fll(!ly rii tbd vury lowest pried.
riasterlng'IInlr' rsUppIiednln large'or
small qunntittej'very low. HIDES and
feKINS bought' at-highest cash prices.
ratroi'aguVullPltedi' 1 Aug. 0-yl
'ljVL'OUK ,A'H'I'' PEEO'. ' '
Charles T.r'ainei; "
Beppectfiiliy informs' lho peoplo of lie-
lijgliton Uiat liu lias most Excellent
Also, good FEED of all kinds, .and
STRAW In 'the fondle. He ls hlso
prepared-to do any kind of .
!Haiiling and Ploviiig
at short 'notice. 11
LEUllGrll (2d)' STItEET,
LclOguton, Yp,. March SS.'ly
i 1 . i u r -M j'.
WO.NDKUFUL., . Jj'uT T'U'ij.E I,
Whenevnr 1 get a I!(ittlft ilf opijf
bl Youth or Magnolia lfalni, Itte J((,
a' x of Lilly Wil(u, or anything j':i,
that lino to beautify tb? ''oniplexiiij),,at
D'tlrllng'3 Drug Store, It seen'fep'o
nicer 'uud better than I can get' npy-
wuero, eise., ..'.? ..
'EI 13&i &. CO.,
BANK siitEETi lebightoi, Ta.j
MILLERS and Dealers In,
All kinds of. GRiilN' nought ,and Sold
1 at ItegulaviiMaikut Jlates.
Wp would, also, fqspcctfujly, frtfoirm
our citizens, that we' aie uoyi fully pre
pared to sunply them with tlio
From any Jlltio desired 'at thn VBRf
M. heilm'a'n & CO. -July
123th, 1B74.' 1 ,.
PITY HIM ?' NO I That Electric
Liniment, llku I got, nt Diuling'fi
Drug Store, will curo,hliu or any dthec
man ot RHEUMATISM and all othe?
Pains. ' " may 0
JUST look nt her illnlrl Ayiiy I
thpugbt It was, .turning Grey? S6
ttlwns, until shpgdt n Bolllo of thattoew
Hair Restorer at Durllng's Drug Btorei
BJJV Pri TRY lT.I-.The, India
Rubber Plasters for a Weak 'Hack,
DURLING 'lias theu 'Miuay0'!
, Opposite tlio1Piib!JeSqu'aie
' SPU.XII, ST,', LE U IOnTOX, TAf , '
,1 Jauyfactitrer of, . f) '
Tip. & Sheet-IronfWare
And Dealer In all kinds ot
sj n
t37" R6ofing,,Spoutlng"and-Jobbing
promptly atteudeU'toi 1 u ' nov.,!10' .
BETTTY pianiu.
THE UEST IAr USE. 3J'JJeml stamp
for Circular. M)ANIEL-Ff UKATTi,
Wnslilngtoli, NtilJeitfiy. , , ,
AMuaitor'sA'otlce. "
Tho undersigned Auditor appointed
by the, Court of 'Uoniniun Pleas ol'Cfar
tou ' cou,nty,' to dUtflptUo the 'money
realized out of the eale of the realu-ti-tate
of The C'tirbon County Agricultu
ral Society, will ii'fot'all person Inter
ested nt his oillce Id thu boroush lif
Mauc'.V Chunk, un TIlUllSDA V.MHV
20lh, 187S, nt'lOa.u.., for tho purpueo
of his appolntmanU
P. J. MEEIIAN, Auditor.
April 21th, 1875lt .
- '.
'! And Dealer, n , ,,, i ,
Cieut'H, Furnishing Goods, .
Constantly on hand n splendid stoblt'of
Consisting of Plnin nnd Fancy Clr.thi,
(-,lllfll''rcs nnd VeBtlngforMeu'a arid
Uojs' Wear, 'which I am prepaid! in Order in, tlio most Fashipu
able Styles,, at pliort notice
, Ladles'; Misses 'and Children's '
A well selectoii stock of. French nnd
Tutkcy Morocco, Glove Kid, Lasting,
Kid, Pebblp nnd Qralu Leather, Roots
and Shoes ion liand.or " ' ' " '
, Jlfi.lo to Ortlcr.
Of the .Latest Styles a ways 9 a hand, at
the Lovyest Price.
Also,- Agent for, t lie , , ,,
A 111 c r I ca 11 &, U i o, & Raker,
dn.l'y One' PHec for Evcrvhody'.' ''
January 11, 1873-yl
ifcfpfctfully announces to the, citizens
bf Leliluliloii-nnd yichijty, that hu h.13
QPEtfEUJjlj ' .' .' .
Ke,w Photograph Gallery ,
on BANKWAY, (near the Leljlghjal,
ley ItaUr;qad Depop, Lehlghlon,,
nnd that he,,ls,nnv jireparejl to give our
citizens Llf'e-Llke Picturfcs at tlio' most
reasonable' rates. " ' '
Particular' ottentlnn paid to tnkfng
Children's Llkenesfcs. A uTrla! is
solicited. . 1 Juno.Jfi,
Fiah osOrj.xi'sj s!
Packard. ,PAlltO,K& GnnrJ
Fort" AVnyL'o Organ' Comply:
A. 3?. HOilN, Aent,
' Al( oldei-s h'tt at tlie Cauuoh. Alvo
CATU.ofllee will .receive jirimipt atley-
Ilon. 1 lice tiMb auu i;n nun-i iniuii.ii;
tlnn fitrnlvhfifl. ' '' O
Oralis- -Pianos
TV TpTriERS,' Look at1 t)iat Clilld.'lt
LiYi. Iiai 'iVrtrmsl ' Go'nrcend nt once
to'DUltHNGlS-Drtui Stow.jind gt-ta
bottle of hls:.WOItM.S.YKU,lVsq,
a,nt Ainl -yet so -'lie, : . miiy 0,
WHY, OH. "WHY Mil you suffer
with that Colitilj or.Colil? when
rellef iiniy.b had lniiied,laejy,by .
UURLINQ'S Compound Sy tup' or" Tar '
' lid Cherry nnd IlorJhotlud. 1 1
-MrOSY A nottle p'liURLING;
ROSE GLYCERINE for Iliotigbhess' o'f
the feklu, ' happen Ilando; &'o., only'25
.cents n bottlK' 1 may
This splendid Tlano Fortu combines
,vcryiiiipfnvl'lri',nt 'In tonh with power
nnd'gieat durability, nnd hivo received
tho unqimlllled endorpement of. tjio.
highest MuMcal authorities for Its'JInr
vellous extraordinary richness rir Tone;
linvlng NO' fcUPERIOU ' IN' THE
WORLD. Large size, 7H Octaves,:
overstiungBa is,fillIrmi,Praui?.Fien,ch
Grand action, Fret De.-'k.Carved P.edal,,
Solid Hosewood Mouldlngi, IvorVKey'
Froiit', Chapped llntmner, a Graffe
Treble, Ac, Ac. Welwht when boxed
Aver Onej Thousand .Pounds. Liberal
dlscppnt to tlio tradp., ,Aget)t3, Wanted
.(male or female,)
tTfi'n'd stamp 'for Circular. A'i
driis lhii Ittventol'ai'dProprlftfir.DAN..
F. UEAT.l'Yt' WaslUngton.iNew Jcr-,.
Pure- Concentrated' Potash!
Of dbuble tlio sj'reiipth 'of any) other '
i. inVeMC,e'!"'V ?;r,f,ic1ted ft Tw mtitt
bdor.pacUlnglmy Putasli, or Lye, ,niul
nm iipv,paQk.lig It, onli In llalls thj"
...I U ...til'- if.. i..V
coating of wiich vjll saponify,' apd',
.does not Infu're the Soap It'lK flacked'
coiiiaiiiing -4 aim 4a 10. one 10. A,iill.v
and .In .no .other way, Dlreutloti In
EngliRli and,G,r;naif,fur making, ;jar(j
niul soft snan wltli'tliU I'.itnnfi"
!1pa'tiying' each package. ' '"
11. 1 iAini i'r,
-OKoOS WmliliiHtuiLNt., Y N. ,
jvytadltor's Notice. . . " 1 . . 1
v.uii f. MT.r y 1 iiid 111111 . cir
.KeAhler, deo'dJ 'The nuiMtor appointed
to distribute the funds In the hands (if
Samuel Keubler, ndralnletrntor of said
Entitc. nndJf nccessorv restataaud re
settle tho account, hereby 'hires'
notice tn 'all person'-t lh?estfd,'
that lie. rvlirnttenil to the (irlf-of I1I1
apiuilfittneht at Ills ofllc In the borougu
of Mauch Chunk, on TUESUair,MAV'
18th, 1875, at 10 n. m.
P. J.-ilEElJAN, Auditor.
April 21th, 1873-41
' JL '"'''' "
"'lb I ''i Kt,l
II l,')o , - ., I,
. 'H'-hi ''IB . .
' Sdve 20 Per' Cent.
)' at ihe pfQce 'of the
Gagftoi) Advo(5?itc,
I . nEnN',ZELM'AjN''S'' BUJipiNG
.1 '1 . oi 1, 1
.' . .'1 .1 1. ,1 u, 1
".' ."'..illA ... : . ,
1 I t 'T ' Im'IH . r-" ll'l (
, " 1 b- i 1, , !ni 1 1. . ,
fjclilglilou, (,'arbop;C;o., Pa.
'1 .') ! M- '.' :.r '
;ii' jtiid . , !,.
. 1 .
' 111 . 1 -,' -i r
le fiayd. just re$cjve4ji'ji ele
, .cantassoitmcjili of . , .' j
' ' ' l ' jl 1 1
r ' J . M( 1 ' , " i
Of tho'liateft styles i't'ogejlier with' n
,1 .i'; 'ui!.'.,r. kipck'qt ' "', "' .'
, "' ' iif ' : ,1.-'
Ml-1 .I'll !! A'.ui . , , .
" 'ttdKII.,.. .1 I! Ui ...fill.,,.,. .
.(Ifljll- I r-ijl ' 1,1 ,
' ll . . I
11 ii... 1 : 1,' 1 11, t
; ENVELpyg, ute eapeb.
And a variety of other.
i 1 'i '11,11'
And 'eari now gve our patrons first;
' '' ''' ' . lV 1 . . . - L
1, cmss worK at puces ,ut in;
. u . . 1 ,
. J I., . , Ml ' . . .
' 1 'I A ' , .
2b Per. 'Gent Lpwer
Ii .1 ,,
.1, 1.
Tiiar anygalbeifdce thlectlori.'
,'i'i,l 1' .I',, t ..1 1 -, 7,! . ,
'. -' '"J ,' ; '- - r
. 1 ' . ifyt' : 1,
''it ii- ,(''
.1. .CI ( (I U 'j I 1
'.'" 'i J "' . ! , ) ,,i ,
Give Us a Trial, and he Conviiioed.
1 1 , i'"S' ' . 'I ifr'.'t I,
, , ... ... .,., ,
t- "it. ,.' It' I . ,
' tsETTho , patronage' of the public Is
respectfully solicited., '
1 '.i . , . iii'.. j , i.
'A 21-cpiurcn Local Taper,' arid tho only
i. jicwipaper' . ,
" i- . '..ii, ' 1 1.
' ' -I)
1 , :.m 1 )-, ,j . .1 .- 1 ,
' Entirely Prln'lod In ho Cou i.'y,
1 u ,. -.Ii Ii'.l -1.. ,
I I - I- ... .lil, ......
1 Is published every SiturV
.in,, .
' ' " '
'Saturday morals. 1
$I,a Year.i; A"d,y4ii(?e,
Of typO Ifi'not paj'd In' advance. T
.AwpcTjg, ,wijh lts,'ja'rge aiilj'ld-
', " ' ' ' . - . - I.J. I -
l.ill. ' ,111. I'ii'. ,1 . -
Bait'ilft'itnins for AdVerUilnr
.lif.rt.i i'tJ.,;g : 'i'I'
In tliU' Seo'.lon, Hates f urwis)ied , on
njjpllcatlou., ,
Lcblghton, Carbon County, Pa-
"folssport Ahead!
-Tho undersigned would respectfully
Inform bullders;contractors and the pub.
Ho Jn general, tliat.theyavo opened a '
In connection with their
Nepr the L. . S. Depot,
and, that they have now on hand an Im
mense stock of '.boroughly Seasoned
Lumber, such as
Rough Pino Hoards,
" Surfaced Pino Boards,
Flooring, Hemlock and Vino,
Sidings, "of all kinds,
Shingles, an Immense stock,
' Hoofing and C'elllng'Lath,
and, In fact, Lumbcr'd'r evefry descrlp.
Hon at thi very lowtst raarkefprlces; '
Wo are also prepared to furnish DuIId
ere 'nnd others with a very fine article of
S ii n d , suitable for Masonry
Work, Plastering. &c, nt Ke
jnarkably Low Figures.
, ,We have constantly on hand a large
lot of Wood suitable for Firewood,
wljleh wo will sell, in large or small
Quantities, ot Prices to suit your Pocket
' Weissnort.
nu 23-yl Carbon county, Pa.-
T K. RicKr.nT,
.d . Onoslte'E.ifcS. Depot.
On tho East Woissport Canal Bank,
liespecff uly linfo'rms tl)o citizens of this
)plnl'y ,th,aji .lie. .keeps 'constantly on
hand, and Is selling at Iho verylowcst
Market Prices, the very lie'st' brands' of
For Dulldlng nnd, other purposes, which
ho guarantees to jo
yhorQTiglily. Seasoned,
ind to Sell at tho '
Wholesale and Retail nt the very Low
' est Cash Prices.
Holms also a number of very eligibly
ft RICKERTSTOWX-, Franklin Twp.,
v,hich ho will sell qii very Easy Terms.'
nug. 1), '73-yll J. K. RICKERT. '
ank c; Sor-th. Sts., lehighton, Pa.,
Keeps a full lino of
Comprising, Ladies' DrcfVs.Goods, Black
and 'Colored lllacas,' Ginghams,
Prints, Shirtings Sheetings, &c.
'' of' every grade mid prlcp.
(MRPE'iS Al a. ulh (7LO.TIIS,
In great yarie y.
Teris, 'Coffee., Sugars,- Spices, ,Frits,
Uams, Shoulders, Side-Meat, Ac.
' bought, Sold or lExcbangcdi
Forv Rullding nnd lOthcr, purposes in
grpt vprlety of (l)e'fiest quality.
All 'goods warranted as ijepresented
and'iirlcei'fully as loy-as elsewhere.
' AfiHIB, 18Ta-yl . . '
HA.V'ft ETllEKT, liEUlOUrO.NU'Jl.
Resnectfnlly'aniiouncrs'to tho citizens.
of Lelilshfon and vlclity that ho is
now prrpareii.ui uuuicubi lor tno erec
tion of 'dwelling, .rhurches, school
houses, and other buljdings. Also, that
lie keeps constantly. 0111 hand a fulfas
sortrauit'ot teKeiy.. description of
1 - JLmuibei I
coasl3,0r)B,.pf, iqqVlng, sldfpg, dpqrs,
pftm,, Ulinos, .siotu?rs,, niojuiugs, etc.,
.wliiqh he Is prepared t,q furnish at, the,
very, lowest inaiKct. rates.
Patronage respectfully solicited,
.' . ... : W. R, RES,
Lehlghtoa( May 17, 137q. ly
to dealers.
taySjud stamp for Circular. Address
N. J.