The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 08, 1875, Image 3

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    Society meetings.
Jifrraito Ciitu, No. 78, A. 0. It. or tu M. 0., 2nd
and 4th Monday ol each nionth) in luber'a
Hall. Lahlghtori, at 7410 o'clock p.m. Tercy
German, 8. K. C.) 8. It. Qlluam, 8. K. n.B.
sibiii Human tooar.No.CSO, 1. 0. 0.F, moeli
eury Tuesday OTenlng, at 8 o'clock, In He.
Wi Hall. DanlI UraTsr, N. Q I Wm. R.
Hex, Secretary.
rotao Toca TaiBt, No. 171, Imp. O.K. meet
on Wednesday evening of eacu week, at
7.30 o'clock, In PuMIc School Hall, Welirrort,
Fa. D. F. Klckwf, 8. a.Il.Ullham,0.of R.
Advertising Kates.
We desire It to be distinctly understood that no
AdTertWsnrtnti will be Inaerted In tb columne o'
Ubi Clnn Abtocitc that may bo recelred from
unknown partlesor firmi, unless accompanied with
th Clan. The following are our onlt terms I
Adrertlsements for 1 year, fer Inch each
Insertion. . . . 10 Cents.
11 8UMonlhs.perlnchachlnaertton JSuents.
' Three Months, " tu Cents.
Less than tlireenyi,tbf,flrstloer
tlon $1) each snbsetioent insertion, 25 Cents
II, V. M0HT1IIMBR, Publisher.
pi n. siitwisiis,
Ornci, No. 3, Mansion House,
Bjttllng Kstalei, Filing Account! and Orphans
Court Practice a specialty.
Trial of Causes carefully attended to. Legal
transactions In English and Herman. JanO.
SAjfUBDAY WOlMtKfl. MAY g, 1878,
Locarand Personal.
SojiUi Rethlehaw la getting a now
Opeja House.
Whit-ilbnda)r (alls tills year npon
the 17th of May.
Hats and caps of every style at the
lowest prices t T. P. ClauW,
The spoiling match neck-tie Is out.
It la knotty.
Cent's furnlshlr.g goods In every
variety, very cheap at T. 1). Clauss'.
'f lio Slato Sunday School Conven
tlon wilt be held It) Lebanon In June.
The Eaeton Fire Department will
hold their annual parade on the 17th
day pi May.
Tho 61atIngton Bridge Company
lias declared a half-yearly dividend of 8
per cent.
Early cabbage plants can be ob
tained of V. II. Knecht, In WeUsport,
a.t very reasonable prices.
Norristown Is making preparations
for the Lutheran Minlsteriuin, which
will meet their on May 22d.
A. 754 Octave Piano, new, for sale
at nn Imnien&o discount. Apply at
this office.
IlardwAre, coal and furaber at tho
very lowest market prices, at F. I'.
Tho weather will soon be warm'
enough for the "fellers" to swing on tho
front gale.
Timo is money, and many peop
pay Ihclr'subscrlptlon for their now:
per wltli ll..
An eleuaut assoitment of spring
and summer Bulling to select from at
T. D. Clauss' Hall of Fashion, Zauk
Now is tho time to put In Cucumber
pumps. You can get them from F. P.
Semmcl at cost. They aro the host
pumps made,
Wo learn that a number of our
citizens aro now making efforts for the
organization of a brass baud In this
Tho man who dosen't advertise
loses Its benefits, and ho Is tho main
sufferer, failure In business being often
occasioned by it,
A vein of excellent Iron ore. six
feet thick, been discovered at the foot
of the Vine Mountains, Albany town
ship, Berks county.
If you want a nice fitting suit of
clothes, call at tho merchant tailoring
establishment of T. D. Clauss, and bo
Charles Trainer Is now fixed In his
new store on Second street, and Is fell
Inn flour, fced,&c. at lowest rates. Try
John McGroven, one of the Carbon
dale tank robbers, pleaded guilty, at
Wllllamsport, Friday, and was sentenc
ed to five years In the Penitentiary.
L. V. Kleppluger, at ills livery on
the corner of Bank and Iron streets,
has a lot,of nobby horses and handsome
carriages, which he hires out at very
low prices.
IfooU, shoes and gutters, made- es
pecially for tho trade of this locality,
mo Dolling at "knock down" prices at
T. 1). Clauss' merchant tailoring es
tablUhnjent, on Bank Street,
Now, you can luxurlato on
cream, of the choicest flavors, every
Saturday ovenlng, at D. Krock & Co'a.
on yaiik street. They will Mso supply
you wiui irean ureaa ana canes daily
The Lehigh County Bible Soolety
will bold Its annual meeting In the
Unlou Church, at SlatlBgton, on Whit
Monday, May 17th. All frleuds of tho
cause are invited to w present.
Charles Yenser's" saloon Is crowded
Tslth our yenng folks every evening, to
pattaku of tho Ice cream always to be
found there. Have you tried It yet? If
not, why not?
A youns Welssport lady helm:
ed by a feminine acquaintance whether
she uau any oilgtnal poetry In her al
bum, replied: "No. but some of my
frleuds have favored me with original
An old lady recently directed tbo
attention of her husband to a pair of
twins, remarking as she did so, "How
much these two children do look like
their father, especially tbu one this
Tbe coats made up by Laury
Peter; are not only neatly trimmed but
well made up of the best material, and
the "lit" Is unsurpassed by "any other
1000 Mra Wanted, .To secure great
bargains at Laury fc Peter. They
have Just received a largo stock of fan'
they are prepared to make up In first
class style, at 1873 prices, tu suit the
aT -
s'- i '
r i
4 man In Monroe county, roused
to freniy by the nows from Concord
and Lexington, has Just declared his
Independence by flooring his mother-in-law
with a hot grlddlo. Tho neigh
bors, howover, rpgard the affair simply
as a family broil.
Peter S. Kelser, ex-eherlff of this
county, died at his rcsidenco in Ilazlo
ton, to which place he had recently
removed from Slatington, on Saturday
morning last, The remains were taken
to M.tucli Chunk, and deposited in tbe
cemetery of that place.
Ju6t now is a good timo to call on
David Ebbort and secure one of his
neat carriages and fast horses, and
drive through the valley of tho Mahon
ing, Ills prkes aro very low.
J. K. Rlckert has still a few of thoso
eligible lots (n liickertstown to dlsposo
of. If you feel like securing agood homo
call and sea him. Ho is also supplying
(lour, feed, lumber and coal at the low
est rates.
Send your orders for Job printing
to the Advocate office. New press
and a large lot of new and elegant typo
Just received. Prices fully as low as
New York or Philadelphia.
John Kemercr, a man about 40
years of age, anil an employee at the
Packcrtoti car shops, was caught be
tween the bumpers of tho cars on Sat-'
urday last, anu so badly In lured that ho
died In a short time after the accident.
Justus F, Temple, tho Auditor
General, and WlllUtin McCandtess, tbe
Secretary of Internal Affairs, were
sworn Into office Tuesday at Harris--
Dug. i no oatli was administered by the
Deputy Secretary of tbe Common-
Persons who have been In tho habit
of carrying pistols, razors, dirk knives,
sling shots, and all other descriptions of
eoncealed or dangerous weapons, will
do well to leave them at home lu the
future. Tho now law enforces a heavy
fine and Imprisonment on any one hav
ing them about his or her person; and
any person ean inform on such as are
seen or known to carry tberu, and re
ceive one-half of the fine. .
Some swindlers are operating in tho
rural parts by making contracts with
farmers for a "lire-proof rooOng pitch,"
a part of the game biing to get signa
tures to notes falling due at a certain
future time, whlchare Immediately after
disposed of by the rascals.
The Lehigh Valley It. It. Co., have
decided to build their oxtenslvo machine
shops at Amboy, N. J., unless sufficient
ground can be purchased adjoining their
present shops, at soulU Gaston, for llio
necessary buildings at a reasonable
price. Tho needed property is now
valued at (90,000, The Company Is
willlug to pay 25,000 only. Should
their present shops bo removed to Am
boy, South Kastou and ISastou will re
ceive u check to their prosperity which
will seriously euect lue business men ot
li boroughs.
-An old and highly respected
zen ot East l'e nn township, Mr J
Wertinnn, died on Sunday morning
last, lie was burled In the coiueleiy at
Ben Salem's church on Tuesday morn
ing. The fuueral being largely atten
ded by relatives anil frleuds.
Tuesday's advices from Pcttsville
Indicate n belief that tho minors' strike
will not continue beyond the middle of
this month or the 1st of June, as many
of the storekeepers who have been trust
ing the miners cannot continue business
much longer. Some of them are (aid
to be already on tho vergH of bank
ruptcy. Quiet continues, except In the
upper portion of the county, whero
some trains havo again been stopped,
and cars have been switched off the
track, and a policeman has been severe
ly wounded. Additional pollcriuen
have been placed on duty aloug the
Mr, Geo. B. Itnnn, gas works cpn.
tractor.of Sunbury,was In town.Thurs-
day. He Is desirous of putting up
works and introducing petroleum gas in
this borough. From what we learned
from him during a short interview, we
Incllue to the opinion that It Is a good
Only a few coat breakers are now In
operation in the Clearfield region, and
these wl'li reduced forces, under the pro
tection of special police. The strikers
watch all tho trains to prevent ''black-
lees" from going to work, and in some
cases pay their fares back to the places
t hev came from, several or mo super
Intendents liavo requested tho miners to
take their tools out of the mines If they
cannot work for the operator's prices.
Is Is now thought thestriko will last tor
three or four months.
At lost.
Our new Borough Council, at their
meeting on Monday evening last, nobly
responded to tue payer or itonwn uoou
& Ladder Co., of this place, by voting
tliem tho old school bouse on Third
street and $100 tu cash towards fixing
up for a truck house. The company
Immediately appointed & building com
mittee and Instructed them to proceed
In the matter without delay, and it Is
expected tbo building will bo ready for
occupancy In the courto ot two orhreo
weeks. ,
Jtlfttflh for $200.
A trot of a lively kind Is to come off
over the lllttersvllle Course on Thurs
day, May 20th, at 1 P. M., between
Jas. Vllet's "Little Mack," Al. Miller's
roan mare "Bessie Turner," Iteub,
Smith's "Sillle Cooper," and Henry
Hummel's gray gelding "Grey Eagle,'
miles heat's, best thieo In five, to bar'
ness, for a purse of 1200 the 1st horse,
to take 1100, 2nd tSO, 3rd (30, and 4th
120. From the well knowutrottlng
abilities ot thesa celebrated' animals
considerable Interest Is being manifested
lit tho result, and we bave no doubt that
a largo number of tbo (overs of fast
stock will be present at the race, Those
who desire to witness a good trial of
speed should not fall to attend. Dem
Our Mauch Chunk Letter
April 5. Don't blame mo for dull
ness should you And the present dry,
or of Ilttlo Interest. For this tho publlo
aro to blamo, not I, since they aro tho
ones upon whoso liberality I mustdepend
for "stock In trade." That they havo
been unusually quiet and well behaved
Is no fault of mine, to whom anything
lu tbe catalogue ot tho stirring would be
a welcome boon.
To begin with : It. F. nofford Is
once mora elected County Superinten
dent of Common Schools, his competi
tor, J. V. Bowland whosa friends had
made such a nolso In the papers receiv
ing 14 out of 02 votes. There Is Joy In
the Iloilord camp, but sorrow, extreme
sorrow, ainoug the friends of Rowland.
The convention which re-elected Mr.
Hoilord would have met and adjourned
without an Incident of noto, had It not
been for a little gaslng-bee between the
grave Fisher Hazard and Mr. Rowland,
which Ilttlo diversion lasted about ten
minutes. It was a well matched game,
tho award by common cousent, being
six to tho one, and half a dozen to tho
other. The Salary was voted to remain
at $1,200.
Sheriff Brenelser, who last Fri
day afternoon was spilt from bis
buggy by a newly purchased horse bo
waa driving for tho first time, juid
which had become frightened at a pass?
lng Ull. train, lies In a serious It not
critical condition ; bis Injuries hayluz
proven more severe than lie was at first
willlug to admit.
Beer drinkers in our midst, Tontonlo
as well as native, are In ecstacles, now
that "Louis" is decanting tho genuine
Milwaukee article.
Alex. Robinson fs actively engaged
In making preparations for the opening
of his "European Hotel" on tbe first
proximo, when Mauch Chunk may ex
pect to boast of a hotel "kept on the
"European plan." Beyond these,
news-Items are scarce as nen's teeth.
As a community Mauch Chunk Is
subject to tho same tils that other com
munities are helrto, consequently are
ndivlduals nptto die hero as elsewhere.
Of those who have departed during the
week I may mention a daughter of
El Us Schick, aged 3 years, a rather
more than commonly Interesting child,
who. died on Monday last, and the de
mise of Mtb., wife of Slreet Corumlulon
er Auios Fegley, who died on the same
day. With births I shall not bother,
cares for trifles ? That people aro
hero as well as elsewhere, you
may readily take for granted. There
Is one thing however which neither nil
do, nor alt know how to do, namely :
howHo properly celebrate a birth-day.
Of thoso who do know, the Hon. Asso.
elate Judge Houston certainly Is one, to
which assertion his numerous friends
will bear me willing testimony, at least
those among them who, on Monday
last, assisted at tbe celebration of the
40th anniversary of his birth. Jolly and
generous, as the Judge Is, ho made tho
occasion one of general hilarity for his
friends. Our worthy District Attorney,
it Is said, also celebrated his on the
same day, but quietly among "tbo old
folks at home." Ills ago however I
must not divulge, as doing so might
possibly depreciate his matrimonial
market'value, I. e. provided he should
bave any Intentions in that direction.
Had you, or any of your readers,becn
hero on Monday last, you might havo
seen the madest man you ever saw, the
geutleman In question being no less a
personage than ex-Sheriff Painter. The
Sheriff, it appears, is anxious to square
his old tax-duplicates, and, boing natu
rally ono of the best hearted souls that
ever lived, had, Indue consideration of
tho stringency of the times, favored
many until a further extension of time
would lu his estimation bave ceased to
be a virtue. The first ot the present
month had been tho day set by him, on
which he expected all delinquents to cull
at tho "captain's office to settle." But
few responded however. Jbnday's re
sults having been no better than Sat
urday's, the Sheriff got angry, and now
threatens to push every one to the
wall who shall fall to perform between
this and the 15th Inst. It will there
fore be advisable for delinquent tax
payers promptly to comply, to avoid
trouble, as the Sheriff means what he
and, once provoked by what ho
Considers "fooling" there Is no telling
what harsh measures be might not re
sort to.
George Spangler, who so mysterious'
ly disappeared Saturday a week ago.bas
not yet been heard from. Great un
easiness Is said to bo felt by his family
on his account.
The miners don't seem to be In as strong
a position for endurance, financially,
as they are trying to make people be
Have. Committees soliciting aid are to
be met with almost .dally, while tbe
people even charitably disposed per
sonsare getting weary ot tho many
calls mado upon their generosity. I en
countered one of those committees to
day at several places, but found their
success in raising tue "dough" any-
imng out encouraging.
Walter S. Stedmao, for years a clerk
In the freight department of tho O. RR.
of N. J.,kas tendered his resignation.
Mr. Frank Moscr Is seriously 111 with
erystpclus. .
Mrs. w. H. Stroll, who has been con
fined to a bed of sickness for nearly six
months, and whose recovery had been
nearly despaired of, is slowly conva
lescing. Mr. Fred Wagoner, the affable bar
tender of tho American, is said to be
meditating- a change.
At tho Mansion House all is life and
activity. Like prudent folks, they are
preparing for tbo grand Influx expected
with the advent ot the season. Even
Mr, Schneur, tho Indian ifazaar man,
li restlessly active and "Jim" Is grow
lng tnoresercno as tbe season approach
es. Al Lynn, brother of the proprietor
of tbe "Democra,t"has quit printing to
enter an apprenticeship at plumbing;.
The best wishes of frleuds and acquain
tances accompany him. Yours,
The Coal Trade.
The situation in the anthracite coal
regions remains unchanged from what
It was last week. Beyond the fact that
wo know that coal produetiuit in tho
"striking" regions must begin sooner
or later, and that, therefore, wo are
now nearer resumption than a week'
ago, the future In this regard scorns
just as uncertain aud resumption as far
removed as It then was. Tbe latest
news gives no promise of a settlement of
existing difference between tho miners
and the operators, and Ilttlo or no min
ing, or. Indeed, labor of any. kind, is
being douo at the miuesln tbe Schuyl
kill and Lelilgu coal regions. The cor
porators of Lackawanna ana Upper
Luzerne aro working tbeir mines day
nud night and shipping loaded cars to
New York. The Delaware and Hud
son Coal Company and tbe Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Railroad (Jo.,
have issued circulars ot their prices for
coal for May, which shows an advance
ot twenty cents per ton Instead ot fifteen
the usual advance. This advance In
price will no doubt continue until the
regions go to work, wheu tho usual
Drosramme will bo adopted. The ptlces
of coal at Rmdout and at Uobokcn are
both tho same Lump, $480; steam
er, $4 00; grate, $5; egg, $3 51; stove,
$5 60, and chettnut, 91 50. At Now
burg the prices of Pennsylvania Coal
Company's coal have been fixed at $4 85
for lump and steamer, 14 03 for grate
15 05 fur egg. 85 55 for stove, and $4-
50 for chestnut. Coal Is quite scarce In'
this city, but rigid economy in its use
has prevented any serious Inconven
ience from short supply. Phlla. Ledger,
May 3.
Tho following tablo shows the quan-
Ity of coal shipped over tho Lehigh
Valley Railroad for the week ending
Mav Ut,' 1875, and for the year as
compared with tho sa'mo time last year:
Vi.-.. Waal-. Var.
Wyomlng,... 18,403 18 385,443 00
ilazleton 0,101 li iuo.uiu iu
Up. Lehigh.. 341 10
Bea.Meadow.. 53,770 11
Mahanby 5,058 00 83,812 18
Mauch Chunk 3,100 00
K. fr. Easton 1,482 17 15,333 08
Total 81.080 18 730,873.13
Last Year.... 81,570 02 1,518,003 02
Decrease 50,403 04 783,090 10
Coal Coming,
Coal mining In the Wyoming Valloy,
says tho ylllentown Democrat, Is now
carried on to such an extent that parties
who are we.l versed iu tho matter glvo
It as their opinion that they will be ablo
to furnish all. the coal needed for the
next twelve months, and without using
any from the Schuylkill Regions what
ever. The Wyoming mine owners aro
paying a gradual Increase of wages,
thus Inducing miners to como to work
frcm Carbon ami Schuylkill counties.
It Is said they nre willing to work there,
while for the present they decline to
touch a pick In their old places. Tho
men In the Upper Regions, with their
gradual advance, will thus be ablo to
support those of tho lower regions as
they stand out. In the present position
ot affairs contractors In the Schuylkill
and Lower Lehigh regions aro now on
account ot tho absence ot supply com
pelled to throw up their coritrrcts for de
livery, and as a result they are given to
mine operator In the v yomlng district.
Thus, even if tbe strike should keep on,
there will bo no cause for want ot coal.
The Lockrldge Furnaces, In this county,
are now only using coke In small quan
tity, with a view of exhausting tbo sup
ply on hand. They aro receiving plenty
of anthracite coal, and havo the prospect
of a steady supply for the future. The
Danville Furnacss are very much pleas
ed with tho Wyoming coal, becauso of
It being superior to the Schuylkill coal
In tbo amount of Iron it produces.
Decoration Dmy Parade.
Leblgh Hook k Ladder Co, , and tho
old soldiers ot this borough and vicinity
purposes to have a parade aud decoiate
tbe graves of the deceased soldiers
burled on our cemeteries, on Saturday,
May 29tb (Decoration Day); tbo line
will form at 3 o'olock v, m. A com
mlttee has been appointed to solicit
flowers aud ooutrlbutlocs for the oc
casion. Too Tbcenlx CViroet Dand, of Mauch
Chunk, visited our borough on Thurs
day evening, and discoursed sweet
strains ot music at tho different hotels
la ton a. Como again I
'Country Parlors.
"D. W. LH" In Hearth and Home,
says: A great many people think thoy
can't keep hriuso without n patlor set
apart exclusively for company use,kopt
"span clean," and Jealousy guarded
from stray sunbeams that havo it trick
of peeping through every unwary
crevice. Our grandmothers had such a
room, our mothers had one, and so,
forsooth, must wo. But then tbe par
lors of our ancestors boasted of thoso
glorious, wide-mouthed fire-places that
brighten any room, howover gloomy,
whilo wo box up tho cheerful flames In
Iron or freostono and call It moro gen
teel. Wo retrain all tho stillness while
discarding tho only redeeming, feature
of their "spare room."
I do not mean to say that nono of us
should have a parlor, but I do protest
ngalnst spending the greater part of tho
money ono lias to furnish a homo In
putting expensive furnlturo Into a room
that, in our country homes, will bo
used perhaps n dozen times In tho
course of n year, while the remainder
ot tho houso suffers thereby. It you
have but few pictures, with a rare gein
or two, put them Into your sitting-room
by all means. Your homo should bo
mado pleasant for your family, and
then it will bo'an attractive place for
I go to make Mrs. Prim an afternoon
visit. I find her la tho sitting-room
busy with the week's mending. After
a half hour's chat she excuses herself
and passes out of tho room. I know
Just where she has gone. The horror
of her best room comes over me. I
hear ber sweeping down the cobwebs,
rolling up tbo curtains, and throwing
open the blinds. I wait In nervous ex
pectation. I am contented and cosey
where I am, but I know Mrs. Prim
wishes that. I should see "tho parlor."
She knows I haven't any at home. Sbe
comes back leaving the doors open, and
says in bare, distinct words, "we will
tako some seats In this way." I know
just what to say. 1 have said It a great
many times. Everybody says it Is un
der the circumstances. I reply. "I sit
very comfortably here," rising at the
same time.
Jrs. Prim passes on, I following af
ter, feeling as though I nm In a funeral k
procession going to look at tbe corpse,
and tbe corpse Is lu the best room. It
smells of tho tcmb, It looks gravelike,
and I shudder Inwardly as I sit down
on the horse-hair sofa, staring at tho
blank walls. I am uncomfortable ; I
can't help it. Mrs. Prim Is uncomfor
table. Suo don't feel at home. How
ever, Johnny's overalls, with ono leg
torn off, don't correspond with tho
room, but they must be mended, this af
ternoon. She tries to talk, and I do the same.
I know what she expects of me, and I
try to satisfy her. I speak ot tho beau
ty of her carpet, which resembles a cir
cus bill ; ot the enormous 6lzo of her
minor, and then I am at tho end of my
wits, the room isn't suggestlvo of
ideas. Don't you know how much dif
ference there Is In rooms? It Is so
easy to tak In some rooms ; your tongue
ruus In spite of Itself. You find so
much to awaken thought that It seems
as It tbo room was planned for that
Country parlors, as a rule, do not be
long to this class. They are nothing
but a "hollow mookery." And Uteri
the abrnbt manner of showing visitors
Into them I If you happen to be caught
In the kitchen, try to find somo excuse
for changing rooms, as showing them
a new song, or late picture, and then
you can easily bo seated and continue
tho conversation. If you bave a parlor
make It homo-like, llfe-llko and avoid
any appearance ot stiffness. Sit In there
by yourself, and with your family
sometimes, so as to get rid of that feel
ing supposed to belong to a "cat in a
strange garret."
God bo thanked for our noblo wom
en in the country that are an honor to
any community, but preservo us from
these old-fashioned, straight - backed,
gloomy dens called parlors.
Lehigh ton Retail Prices'.
Carefully corrected each week express
ly for "Tho Carbon Advocate.'
A pple-j, per bushel CO
' dried, per lb 12 to 13
Butter, roll, per lb 33
Cabbage, per head 8 to 12
Cheese, factory, per lb 23
Eggs, por doien 20
Fish, macker I, No. 13 to 15
11am, per lb 18
Lard, pure, per lb 20
Pnrk. nrlnut U1CSS. ner lb....... 13
Potatoes, peibushel 83.
Corn, per bushel 1 00
Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs .',3 00
" Bran ' ' ' 1 30
ity, a 30
' Nixed ' 2 10
Flour, ttlwt, perbbl.., 100
" Itye.perlOO lbs 3 00
Oata, White per bushel, 83
" Black, per bushel 03
liav. tier ton.... i 20 00
Straw, per bundle JO
Coal, chestnut, per ton 4 00
" stove, per ton 4 CO
Hides, green, per lb 5 to 7c
Calfskin, each 1 23 to 1 50
Sheep Skins, Ulll'd this mo.,ca '.60 to 200
nnow.v WIUTEMAN, on Iho lit lnt w
Henry Campbell, .T. I'., Oro-e V. Ilrown.of Frank
lin townthlp, itotCarollD-WhlUman, of tha famo
Special Notices.
STOP THAT COUGH. No pulmnnory rom
palnt, however obftloate, can relst tbebetl
Ininfluen of "lr. Morrls'a Pjrupof Tar, Wild
Cberry and llorfhound." It tun certain cure for
Coughs Colds, I J on rue lies, Sore Throat and Aith
ma, nnd iff Throit, IuDg and Chest Dlwtnei ten
dlnn; to Cotuumptlon, Nothing that t have ever
wild actano promptly In Croup or m eiroctaalfr In
Wuooplnjj Voxiffh, It coQUin no opium and l
ffartMnt to trtltH. Cough-worn Victim, whoso
ting nre rnfked and torn with pirozyitno which
thrtuten to clioke them, find iure and pptvdy r
lief in Its up. For tale by C. Lent, and A
J. lurniM, Uhltcuton, Pa. Sept, 17tb, 1874.
The ndrerttfier.haT.ngboen permtmintly cored ot
that dread dheaBe, Consumption, ly a pimple rem
dy, Is anxious to make known to his lWiow suf
ferers the mentis of curt. To all who deMre It, he
will send a copy or the prescription mod, (free of
chance), with thedirucUon for prppirlcg and us
lng the rame, which they will And a sum Cuii
fur Consumption, Asthma, JIronchitis, Ac.
Parties wishing the prescription will please ad
dress, Hey. 11. A, WJLON,
194 lVundt, Wllllamibari;, Now-York.
Deo. '2 J-Cm.
AdKNTLEMAN who itllTeral for Joan from
Nerrlou DoUUty, Prematura Decay, and all
the effects of youthful Indiscretion trill, for tha
sake of sufferluf; humanity, send free to all who
need It, the receipt and direction for making tba
simple remedy by which he was cured. SuQerara
wishing to profit by theadrertlser's experlenre can
do 10 by addressing in perfect confidence,
JOHN D.OOUKK, llCedar St., New York.
Dec. 16,-0 m.
1875 Spring 1875
Mrs. M. Guth
Respectfully announces to tho ladles ot
Welssport and vicinity that she has Just
returned from tho City, and Is now re
ceiving one of the largest stocks ot
Millinery Goods
Hats, Bonnets,
And Trimmings
ever before brought Into this section,
and that sbe Is prepared to do them up
n the
Yery Latest Fashion,
at prices bolow any other establishment
In Carbon county.
Also, nn entirely now stock of
switches, In real hair, und Imitation
halr.Notlons aud all other goods usual
ly kept iu a Qrst class Miiunary store.
Ladies' own Hair made tip to order
Call and Inspect Roods and learn
prices before purchasing elsowhcro.
SIRS. 51. GUTH, Welssport, Va.
April 3, 1875.
gprlng and Summer Styles
Now Styles,
New Feathers,
Now Flowers,
Ornamonts, &c.
HATS and BONNETS. Trimmed In
tho latest fashion at the lowest prices.
RIBBONS, tho latest and best Shades;
aUn, full assortment of Notions, Hair
goods, etc., nt new prices at
Next to tho Carbon Advocate office,
Bankway, Lelughton, Pa.
Jprll 10, 1870-Sm.
Millinary Goods & Notions.
Two doors below the M. li. church,
Lehlghton, Pa. .desires to call the atten
tion of tho ladlos to tho fact that sbe Is
opining a very largo stock ot tho most
fasblouable styles ot
Millinery floods,
Hats, Bonnets,
Trimmings and Notions,
together with a largo assortment of
Zephers, Perforated Mottoes, Framing
Straws, Switches, Hair Goods, &e.
Prices as low as elsewhero, and all
work guaranteed. An Inspection ot
goods Is Invited. MRS. K. ?ATU.
April 3, Urn.
Would rofpectful
Iv announce tor
Ilia friends aud
tho publlo in general, that ho has open
ed a Ih st-1 lass
Livery & Sale Stable,
and that ho can furnish Horses, Bugs tea
and Carriages ot tho bost description,
for pleasure, Business or Funeral pur
poaes,. at very Reasonably Charges,
and on shoit notice. HAULING dona
at shoit notice and ok Jour prices.
Corner ot Bank and Iron Street,
Lchlghton, Pa.
Jan.0, 1873.
Pl. oi
MUSICAL authorities a TUH UEST.
D. F. BBA.TTV, Proprietor, Washing
ton, N J,