HP AflTcrflBlns; Ra(N. We ctentre' It ti bo dlailndiy understwSa that no AdTctllMmenti( will lie lnmrtM'lif tht columns of TBI 0b6h' Advocatr that may be rrcelted from tinlrnownpartlesor firms, unlnea accompanied wllh thPr?r tb following ate our .ONHtermii Adterllsements fori rear, per Inch each Insertion . . . 10 Cent. " rHxlIonths.perlncheach Insertion IfiOents. Three Month!, " " 20 Cents. Xna than three mouths, firillnser tlon tl, acta subsequent Insertion 25 Centi H.V. MOBXIIIMEIl, Publisher. DIBTMOT ATXOENBY & COUNBBI.OR AI LAW Orrrci, No. 2, Mansion House, MAUCU CllDNK, PA. Battling EiUtei, Tiling Accounts and Orphan! Court Practice a specialty. Trial of Canute carefully attended to Legal transactions In English andQerman. Jn9. Koclcty Meetings). m larro CiTU, No. !S, A. 0. K. or THi M. 0, 2nd and 4th Monday ot each month, in ltrber'a Uall. Leblghlon, at 7.00 o'clock r.v. Percy Qerman, S. K. C.J 8. 11. Ollham, 8, K. It. 8. GUSH Hosttik Loloi,No.CSO, 1.0. 0. P., meeti orery Tuesday erentng, at 8 o'clock. In He ' Wl Hall. Daniel 0 rarer, N. 0;Wm. 11. Bex, 8ecreUry. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 1,1675. Local and Personal. Advertising at this season U profit able; A fulll line' ot notions at Dan GraverVi. Hats mod caps of very Btylo at the lowest prices at T. D. CI rubs'. Twenty-seven circuses and men agerie are on tbe wing. The new Lutheran cburcli at Fogelsvllle Is to lie dedicated on Whit Sunday. Gent's furnishing goods In every variety, very'cheap at T. D. Clausa', Ali 'lio latest styles of ladles dresc goods.at Dan Graver's The Philadelphia and Heading R. IUntcod ffbortly' to erect a large and commodious depot atfilatlngtoa. Decoration day falls on Sunday this year, hence, according to the provisions of the law, Saturday, the 29tu of May, will be observed as ahoilday. An elegant assortment of spring and summer suitings to select from at T. D. Clauss' Hall of Fashion, flank Street. The Roiling Mill at Oatasauqua now pays its bands In cash Instead of orders. Things aw bettering. We have signs, of.lt in various nays and directions. " The Bprlog meeting ot the Rlttcrs vlllo Driving Park Association will open June 17th audoontlnuefor three days. The premiums offered aggregate $3,000. If you .want a nice fitting suit of clothef, call at tbe merchant tailoring establishment of 1. D. Clauss, and bo suited. A VA Octavo Piano, new, for sale at an Immense discount. Apply at this office. A ladles waterproof cloak and veil, letc In the Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church, on the occasion of the funeral of the late Mrs. Harry J. Hunsicker, can be obtained on application at this office, on payment for this notice. -Then) will bo a special meeting of Infinite Castle, No 78, A. O.K. of M. C., in Bcber's Hall, this (Saturday) evening at 7 o'clock. Hardware, coal .and lumber at the very lowest market prices, at F. P. Semmol's. Charles Trainer Is.now fixed In bis now storo on Second street, and Is sell ing flour, ee4,&c. at lowestrates. Try him. John Jobnson and son, ot Jeans villa went to Quakeake valley on a hunting and fishing excursion, by some means tbe Eon slipped and fell, his gun was accidentally discharged seriously wounding tbe father.. We understand the unfortunate man died on Sunday last The Wyoming Artillerists returned to Wilkesbarre on Saturday morning, from Hazleton. A woman was delivered ot a male child on the New York car, attached to JV6. 8 passenger train on the Lehigh Valley Itallroad, at Easton, on Monday last. Double and single teams can be ob tained at tho livery of David Ebbert, on Hank street, at all times, on very rea sonable terms. The first Regiment Pa. State Guards left Hazleton for Philadelphia, on Tues day morning last;tbo authorities believ ing that the 9th Regiment can preserve Iho peace In the Lehigh Region. They will bekeptln service until the difficulty Is settled. The cost of maintaining the soldiers In the Leblgh Region, previous to sending borne tba 1st Regiment was 8)1000 per day. Tho SOth of May, generally known as "Decoration day," Is also a legal holiday made so by an act of the Legis lature passed May 25th, 1871. This year tbe 30th ot May will bo on Sun day) and the law provides that wben this is tho case the day proceeding It, Saturday, shall be a legal holiday, and It shall bo latwul to reoulre navment of all checks and bills of exehange duo. nnd payable on such holiday, on tba teC cumr uay next previous tuereto. The following are a few of tbe gen. tlemen who will be named as candidates before the Democratic State Conven tion for1 Governor! Robert E. Mona gbam,Cbester;Amos 0. Noyes, Clinton; Vra. A. Galbralth, Erie; James II Hopklns. Alleghany; Samuel S.Dreber, Monroe: John D. Stiles, Lehigh Edgar Cowan, Westmoreland; Andrew II. Dill, Union; VJttor E. Plolet, Brad ford; Judge Purdey, Venango; Wm, P. Bchell, Bedford, Hush M. Notch, Lan caster; John Miller, Philadelphia; S. P. Wolvcrtou, Northumberland; Andrew G. CurUDf Centre; Geo. Winueld S Hancock, Montgomery. Now Is the time to put In Cucumber pumps. Tou cmet tbem from P. P. Scrannel at cost. 'Xhey are the best pumps made. , . . j . i t- -Straytd, from the premises of John Lcntr, Sr., a small brown cow, with , wlilte face and small horns. Any per son returning her, or who will give In formation ns to where she may bo found wlli be suitably rewarded. Charles Tenser will commence mak Ine his celebrated Ico cream this (Satur day) evening, and contlnuo thereafter day and evening during tho season. 'To lovycrs' ot tho delicious artlclo are lovlted to drop In and test Its quality and delightful flavor. Tbere is room for all. At. Miller, tho RIttersvllle jockey, last week sold a pair of closely match ed dark brown mares, 4 and 5 years old, fuli sisters, to ex .Mayor Starkweather, of Willlamsport, for$l,400 61,000 cash and a horso valued at $400. Mr. S. may be proud of bis puiclmse, for a nicer pair of animals than those he so cured for himself are seldom to be found good In size, rangy, perfect In form and figure, and stylish in appearance. They are kind as pet kittens, handle nicely, and no wonder they aro called a "beautiful pair." Democrat. Henry Campbell, of East Wclss port, has enlarged and greatly Improv ed his store, und in addition to bis pre vious stock ot boots, shoes, groceries and provisions, baa put In a choice as sortment of dross and dry goods, which be Is selling very low for casli. Tho coats made up by Laury & .Peters are not only neatly trimmed but well made up or tne oest material, anu ihe "fit" is unsurpassed by "any other man." The buildings ot the Lehigh Val ley Emery N heel Company, In Welts port, have Just beeu given a coat of paint, which has greatly approved tbclr appearance. Tbere died in Stroudsburg, Pa., last week, a Btage dtiver named David fitarner. He drove the stage for forty years between Easlou and Port Jar vis, and missed his first trip six years ago, wben lie was euicKen with paralysis on 'tils stage nine miles below the latter place, lie naa driven urj.ouu miles up to that time. Starnor could neither read nor write, but oovercameto Port Jervis with less than a dozen letters to deliver to different persons, and ho never was known to make a wrong delivery. No matter how many errands or verbal messages he had for people along tho route, and they were always numerous, lie never forgot One, nor got one wrouc He was about sixty years of. age, and died a pauper. Messrs. Laury & Peters have Just returned from the city and are now re ceiving an Immense stock of new eoods. comprising cloth's, easslmeres and suit ings which tney are prepared to make up in latest stylesat very low figures. It you want something nice call at onco. Lost, one day last week; between the stable of A. Buckman and tho large shed of J. W. Raudenbusli, a lap robe black on one side and red on the oth er with figure of tiger In centre. The finder will bo rewarded by leaving it with A. liuckman, carrlago builder. 1000 Mew Wanted, To secure great bargains at Laury & Peters. They have Juit received a largo stock of fan cy worsted audcasslmere sultlngs.wblch- tbey aro prepared to make up in first class style, at ltno prices, to suit the times, J. K. Rlckert hat still a few of those eligible lots In Illckertstown to dispose of. It you feel like securing a good home call and see him. He Is also supplying flour, feed, lumber and coal at the low est rates. Send your orders for Job printing to tho Advocate office. New press and a large lot of new and elegant type Just received. Prices fully as low as New York er Philadelphia. L. F. Klepplnger, at his livery on the corner of Bank and Iron streets, has a lot of nobby liorsos and handsome carriages, which he hires out at very low prices. .Boots, shoes and ghltcrs, made es pecially for the trado ot this locality, aro selling at "knock down" prices at T. D. Clauss' merchant tailoring es tablishment, on Bank Street. Now, you can luxuriate on Ice cream, ot the choicest flavors, every Eaturduy evening, at D, Krock & Go's, on Zfenk street. They will also supply you with fresh bread and cakes dally. Improvement!. A number ot Improvements are be ing made In East Welssport, A. Os wald Is building a new store and dwell ing, which Is now under roof, and he expects to have It ready for occupancy In about four weeks. Nathan Snyder is putting' up a double row of porches around his store and dwelling, which will add much to the attractiveness of the building when finished. Isaiah Miller, tbe butcher, has surrounded bis dwelling with a very neat and substan' tlal new piling fence Thomas Koons, will shortly commence tho erection ot a dwelling house, next to the store of Mr. Oswald. A number of other improve ments are also In contemplation, Obituary, ,rtSla Simon Weldenhelmer, of this borough, who was stricken with paralysis a few weeks ago, died about half-past seven o'clock on Tuesday morning last. He was born In Baden, Germany,- In 1810, and emigrated to this country In 1844, settling In Lehlgbton in the following year, of which place he remained a citi zen until the time of his death a pe riod of 30 years, Deceased was twlco married, each wife bearing blm 0 child ren, ot whom there are surviving him 11, seven of tbe first born family hav ing entered the "great unknown land." Deceased was highly esteemed by a largo number of friends. The funeral took place from liU lata residence on Friday, and was attended fo trip rave I by a large circle ot relatives and a grave i si frlcodsyfti A Spelling match has been ar ranged to take place, on Friday eve ning, May 7th, 1875, in tho School Hall, Lehighton. Three prizes will be given, as follows : ' Tho first prize, solid 18 caret band finger ring , value $12. Tho second prize, gold mounted rubber penholder, pen nnd pencil, value $7. The third prize, handsome pen knifo, valuo $3. All aro invited to participate Spellers aro requested to Bend in their names to A. G-. Dollcnmoycr, Jew eler, on or before Friday noon. Doors open at 7 :30 ; spelling to commence at 8 o'clock. Admission 15 cents. Tho following rules will govern the spelling: 1. Tho spellers shall pronounce- tho words given thorn before spoiling. 2. All raro nnd obsolete words, and also all uncommon technical nnd proper namos, aliall be excluded. 3. Definitions shall bo given when re quired. 4. Either Webster's or Worcester's Dic tionary shall bo authority for pronoun elation and spelling of words. 5. No second trial, and no prompting shall be allowed, nor shall tho same word bo given to a scoond speller, unless the first declines to spell at It, In which caso It shall bo a miss. R.F. Iiorrora N. B. Itebor A. J. Durllng Com. W II. Itanslier A. Q. Pollcnmayer The prizes can bo seen at A. O. Dollen maycr'a Watchmaking establishment, South street, LcMghton. Our Mauch. Chunk Le.tter Mn. Editor: ".Better late than nev er," so pleafe don't growl because I am somewhat latp. In coming to time News U scarce, which three monosyl ables will I hope.bo accepted as a satis factory apology. The excitement of last week has been followed by a season of unusual quiet. The capital prize in the Marion Gift enterprise has gone to Philadelphia, tho horse and buggy havo been driven to Easton, Dr. Brighton is sporting tbe gold hunting-case patent lever watch, Dr. Leonard tho one of silver, Jfrs. Mc Nulty Is supposed to feel happy in tba possession ot $200 in greenbacks, and the 27 other lucky ones may be set down as In an easy state ot mind. Re specting tho 5958 disappointed expec tants It will be best to say nothing and draw on Imagination. Poor fellows! Wo pity them, for we know how it Is ourselves, lifter repeated trials tho "Steamer" may bo regarded as a com plete success, Indeed when we saw it carrying a full stream over the steeple of St. Mark's 170 feet we considered it about time for skeptics to dry up. On Jfonday evening last, some wags, determined to test the mettle or tbe boys "what runs with the masblne," sounded an alarm. Aiu such a helter skelter sceno as followed I In a moment one could soe them running in every direction, eager to battle tbe devouring element. In seven minutes from the sounding of tbe alarm, tho department were out and in motion. Tho Rescuo first, Phoenix next, nud Marlon last. Having dragged tbclr paraphernalia up Broadway, as far as the M. E. Church, they began to suspect a hoax, and, af ter a short consultation, concluded to retire to their quarters, which tbey did, greatly disappointed at having been cheated out of a first-class entertain ment. However, this little incident furnished the boys a chance to demon strate their self-sacrUclog spirit and readiness to servo tho community. Speaking of fire matters we may as well mention that the name of the donor of that silver bugle has at last leaked out. It is said to bo a present of Robert Elotz to John Conway. Not at all un likely, since Mr. Elotz's reputation for liberality la well established, nnd his liberal beait might have prompted him to play a trick of tbe kind. "Echoes" of the Pea Nut City Her ald is In a bad way. Unless bis case shall mend soon, wo would advlso you to reserve space for a firet-class obitu ary. Since Mr. Rowland has como out conspicuously as a candidate for tbe School Superlntendancy, the subject Is being discussed to a limited extent. Uofford, however, seems to havo tbe Inside track. Now since spring has seemingly bo- ciu in earnest, we notice Mr. Fegley tmslly engaged In clearing tbe streets ot the accumulated filth ot tbe winter season. In a week or so, the Borough may bo expected to look "neat as a pin." Court, which has been In session since 10th Inst., adjourned yesterday, the cases of Klepplnger vs. Paoker Township, and Feller vs. the O. RR. Co of N. J. have occupied tbe greater partot the sosslon, both termloatlng In a verdict In favor ot plaintiff. In tbe former, motion hat been made for a new trial, and In the lattor, It Is stated, an appeal will be resorted to. Court will meet by adjournment on the 2nd of Juno next. Mauch Chunk baa had another sen- satlon, consequently Mauch Chunk Is appy, the cause of which happiness must be sought In tho enjoyment af. forded by last night's "Spelling Bee." An the second affair ot tho kind, it may bo looked upon as a revised and Im proved edition of tlie first. Gotten up by,andfcr the benefit of, tho Young Men's Christian Association, It was, ot courso extensively patronized. Every' body was there, and bis neighbor. I mean overybody that claims to be a body: 'TIs almost needless to say that the Court Houso was densely packed slnco it Is suro to be thus on such occa sions. In short it wat a time which will long be remembered. Tbe music was excellent, the spelling animated, and the prizes hotly contested. Never theless, a struggle of two hours dura' tlon resulted In tbe triumph of two out of an original class ot 45. Eugeno Whitman capturing the first prize a large family bible and Prof. Kline the second a j car's subscription for Scrlbner's Monthly, Fannie Morris was presented with a boquet, as the best lady speller. The prl.d accorded to Mr. Whitman was by him presented to the Y. M. C. A. Yours, April 20, 1875. Cavbndibh. Verdict 81610. Tho heirs of Henry Feller vs. The Central R. R. Co., of New Jersey, This case was specially set down, for trial in our county court, on Monday last. The claim was for damages for negligence of tbe Company In causing the death ot Henry Feller, on tbe 20th day of March, 1874, while he was at tempting to cross the Company's rail road track in the borough of Welssport. The facts elicited as follows: That tbe Company kept'tbe crossing In bad re pair; placed a watch-house on tho west side of the track so as to almost entirely obstruct tho view of approach log trains; had no watchman at the crossing; after accident a watchman was statlono 1 thero and tbe watobhouso removed to the east side of tho track. It was also shown that Henry Poller, tbe deceased, drove up tbe bill towards the track, slowly and cautiously, and that when within a few feet ot tho track he stopped his team, and looked up and down the track, then drovo ou, and while crossing the track he was struck by an engine and killed. De ceased was 73 years ot age. Tho plaintiffs were very ably repre sented by Hon. Allen Craig and W. M. Rapther, Esq., and the defendant by Hon. Chat. Albright. After hearing the testimony, tbe attorneys made their pleat, the speech ot Mr. Rapsher, for plaintiffs, being particularly sharp and telling against tho Railroad Co.; the evidence was revlowed by bis Honor Judge Dreher, and tbo caso given to tho Jury who returned a verdict for the plaintiffs for $1840. The Coal Trade. The strike of tho miners and labor ers In the greater part of the anthracite coat regions In this State contlnuos much the same as last week and for several previous weeks. The strikers profois a determination to hold out and tho operators seem equally determined not to give In. Just at present tbe situation Is unchanged and a good deal befogged as to the futuro. Tho Read ing Railroad Company, on the 10th instant, and the New York Lehigh Coal Exchange, on tbe 20th, gave notice that, inasmuch as there Is no prospect of the miners and laborers in the Schuylkill and Lehigh coal regions re suming work In tlrco to produce coal during tho month of May, no price cir cular for that month will be issued. The anthracite coal carried to market last week was over fifty thousand tons greater than the previous week and but about one hundred and slxty-scven thousand tons short of that ot corres ponding week last year. There Is. therefore, no apprehension of a coal famine. The present production is considered quite equal to tho consump tion, and tbe carrying companies in what Is known as tbo "Combination" are sparing no effort to prevent an ad vance in coal prices to consumers. Soft coal from the western part of our State, as well as Cumberland coal, is coming forward freely, and does much In abid ing the Inconvenience ot tbe lessened supply of anthracite. Tbe dead look in the Schuylkill and Lehigh regions Is shorn of much of his terrors, so far as tbe public Is concerned, by tbe assur ance that tbere will, for the remainder of the season, be an ample supply of coal, whether work in thoso regions is resumed a month or two earlier or later, and coal will bo no higher than the schedule prices as fixed by the "Combi nation." Phils. Ledger, April 26. Tbo following table shows the quan ity of coal shipped over tbe Lohtgb, Valley Railroad for tho week ending April 24, 1875, and for the year as compared with the same time last year: jrrotu neea. Wyoming .... 10,809 00 Hazleton..... 3,103 11 Up. Lehigh.. Bea.Meadow.. Mahunoy 8,080 00 Mauch Chunk N. fr. Easton 8,501 10 Year. 300,078 02 100,788 13 841 10 63,770 11 77,881 12 2,100 00 10,840 U Total 30,104 10 705,785 14 Last Year.... 01,850 10 1,437,331 00 Increase Decrease...,, 01,755 QQ 731,508 08 Letter from Slatlngton. 'Onward and upward" New Slate factory National Bank Scheme II. II. change-Gai JSnterprlae Trial Sermon A Ilamble. Muelc. Some of tho many readers ot the pop ular little sheet, "The Carbon Advo cats" may bo anxious to know how Slatlngton, the slato centre of this sec tion, Is flourishing. What follows .will show that It Is yet In existence and is realizing tho American motto, "On ward and Upward." All over town the rattle ot tbo trowel and the Jinkle of the carpenters toots Is heard. Tbe strong "Panic" arm had full sway of our thriving borough as everywhere els, but the busy band of Industry seems to loosen his grasp, and give things a more progressive appearance. Some now structures'are being built, while Improvements and attachments ore made In every section. Mr. D. Williams is making prepara tions for raising another building to take tho place of the one now in ruins which was destroyed by tho "great ie- stroyer" fire, some time ago, for mak ing school slates. It will be of larger dimensions than tho former and moro conveniently arranged Inside. Tho instigators of tho National Bank project met on Saturday last at the Slatlngton Hotel. Tbe proceedings ot tho meeting were encouraging to thn projeot. Over $30,000 were subscribed for, by S'.atlngtonlans and by represen tatives from Ironton and Catasauqua, and from rural districts. Saturday, May tho 8th Is the day appointed for another meeting, when a permanent or ganization it Is supposed will be effect ed. Just tbe thing we aro in need of. Slnco the P. & R RR. Company have leased the Berks county RR. every thing goes along swimmingly. Their trafflo has Increased fully one hundred per ct. They have Just finished putting up tbo telegraph wires and several messages havo been sent. The following passen ger trains leave and arrive at this place regularly: Leave 8.05 a. u. " 5 20 r. t. Arrive 10.15 a.m. " 8.40 r. m. and a mixed freight line arrives and leaves about noon this also carries passengers. A Pittsburg Gas Company has a rep rosentativoin town soliciting patronage, They propose to put .up a factory If they can get a sufficient number of consumers. Tbo prospects therefore are fair. Mr. Urlch. a student of tho Philadel phia Lutheran Seminary, occupied the pulpit of the the St. John's cburcb Sunday last, In an Impressive sermon In tbe German language In the morning, and one of a more impressive character in the English language In the evening. There is a rumor afloat to tho effect that he Intends giving his name as a candidate to fill tho vacancy made by Rev. D. K, ICepner. A party, consisting of soveral knights of the mortar, one of the birch, one of tbe quill and one of the press, lately went out rusticating themselves. Tbo distance rambled arouud tbe suburbs of the town and ontsldo seemed Indescri bably far from tho complaints mado by a few, ot tbe soreness of tbclr "under standings' who were In possession of corned "grass tankers." Notwith standing all those conscientious scruples the trip was hugely enjoyed In testing speed, trying strength, cutting up pranks and cracking joke). All were disputed to think that tbere was truth in the adage: "That a little nonsense now and then, Is relished by tho best of men." Several hand organ grinders tho other day attracted quite a crowd of Juveniles and adults that love to hear the sweet strains of music, as produced by the twittering band Organ in grinding down Jigs, songs and smash downs. Now and Then. Slatlngton, April 28th, 1875. Welaaport Induatrlea. , A stroll through Welssport with a short stop at tbe Messrs. Olewlne & .Miner's foundry, will readily couvlnco the Inquisitive that all tho miners In the Lehigh region are not on a turn out, but, on the contrary, the .Miners ot tills foundry are turning out regularly every week castlug for three hundred of tbo DomestloSewlng.Machtoes, with a fixed contract for over one year's work at this rate. This is working the foundry to Its full capacity, they are, therefore, compelled to refuse more orders for work from responsible parties which thoy would gladly do bad thej suffi cient room In their building to employ the necessary help. Tbey now have an area ot about three thousaud square feet ot floor, and iu order to meet tbe demands for their work, they contem plate putting an addition to their pres ent;bulldlng equal to ono-balt ot its present capacity, which will furnish them floor room sufficient to employ about twenty-ooe moulders, and tbe sooner that this Is done the sooner tbe wants of tbe public will be supplied. It is very certain that they will Incur no rlik In makng tbe coutemplatpd addi tions, for so long as they meet their en gagements with their characteristic punctually and neatness ot execution they need havo no fears from competi tion. Very near this foundry is the celcbra tod Lehigh Valley Emery Wheel Manu factory, which fs also working to Its full capacity, and, with tho present fa cilities for doing work, are turning out an Immense quantity of superior wheels, and yet they aro far from being able to meet tho wants of their patrons, as tbe large number of orders that they have on hand, unfilled, attests. They, too, aro preparing to Increase their facilities for doing work, and It Is belelved that when they do get these additions com pleted, their capacity for doing that character of work will not be second to any In the country. c. lilat of Lettcra Remaining In tho Lehighton Post of fice, -dprll 30, 1875, Beauer,H. C. Lance,. T. J. JJengloy, William Lltzlnoerger, Uriah Buck, M. F. Mo Intyre, Francis Frederick, J. H. Mulondllen, John Fcelton, Joseph,2 Many, Henry Huff, David Newhard, Edwin Hause, Idara Notusteln, Lewis Hollar, Ben. Q. Rex, Al. Mrs Handwark, Ell Rehrlg, Jonas Hopp, Jas. Rehrlg Franklin Kresge, Emanuel Seltt, A. H. Kemerer, Geo. H. Snyder, Samuel Laub, Luclnda Stelgerwalt Tllgh. Wolf, W. T., 2 Persons calling for any ot tbe above letters will pleaso say they aro ''adver tised," H. U. Peters , r. M. Ilellglona ' There will be dlvlno servtcos to-morrow, by the "Lehighton Mission," Evangelical Association, in the Presby terian church. German preaching at 10 o'clock a. m., and English preach ing in the evening, at early candle light by Rev. J. O. Bllem, pastor. All are mado welcome. Court CroeeedlngS. April 19, 1875. Court convened at 10 n. m. Present Hon. S. S. Dreher, President Judge, and Associates Hous ton and Wentz J. P. Taylor vs. G. B. LInderman inequity. Motion to enlarge time to answer filed. Charles Kline vs. John Laubach case tried by-Jury. Verdict in favor of defendant. In tho matter ot the Sheriff's sale ot real estate of P. J. Kelser. Appoint ment of auditor rovoked. Chas. A. Kline vs. John Laubach. Deft's. bill of costs filed. Amount (33.83. Estate of Elizabeth Relnhelmer. Pe titions for sale of real estate. Order ot Bale granted. Administrator to file bond in $1,000. Charles A. Kline vs. John Laubach. Sheriff's receipt of a four dollar Jury- leo uiea. Quakertown Savings Bank of Bucks county vs. J. H. Salkeld & Co. Rule to plead within 20 days. Petition of David Rodaerick for the adoption ot Catharine Edwards, minor child of Rowlands. Granted. Petition of Jacob. Peter and Svlves- ter and Eliza Jane Weaver for iruar- dian. W. S. Uarpel, of East Mauch Chunk appointed, and bonds in $1,200 approved. - The case of 13. F. Klennlneer vs. the Township of Packer, which has occu pied the attention of the court Blnce Tuesday morning, came to a close Lhursday afternoon : the iurv render ing a verdict for tho whole amount claimed $1,200 with interest, In fa vor of Mr. Kleppiuger. We understand that tbe defendants contemplate an ap peal. LcUlghton llotall Prices. Carefully corrected oach week express ly for "The Carbon Advocate.' ' Apples, per bushel ;. ' '60 " dried, per lb 12 to IS Butter, roll, per lb 38 Cabbage, per bead 8 to 12 Cheeso, factory, per lb 23 Eggs, per dozen 20 FIsb, mackerel, No. i 12 to 15 nam, per id... i ig Lard, pure, per lb sn Pork, prime mess, per lb 19 Potatoes, perbusbel 75 uorn, per bushel $ 1 00 Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs 2 00 uran , 1 80 ' Rye, " 2 20 ' Mixed " 2 1ft Flour, IFheat, por bbl 7 00 " Rye, per 100 lbs 8 09 Oats, White per busbel 80 " Black, per bushel 05 Hay, per ton 0 00 Straw, per bundle SO uoai, cnestnut, per ton 4 00 " stove, per ton...., ,4 00 Hides, green, per lb .......8 to7o Calf Skins, each 1 25 to 1 60 Sheep Sklns.klll'd this mo.,ea 150 to 200 Special Notices. STOP Til AT O0DOn-No pnlmonori com plaint, howarer obstinate, canreiltt the hut. InilnSuenoeof "Dr. Morrla'a SjrapofTar, WH4 Cherry and llor.houod." It le a certain core for Cougha. Ooldt, Iloareenesa, gore Throat and Aita. na, and all Throat, Long and Cheat Plaeaael ten dinis to Conaumptlon. Nothing that ve hare erer eold actaao promptlr In Croup or to effectnalrlQ Wbooplni Coozh. It contain! no opium and la pleaaant to take. Cough-worn Vlcttme, whoae lunge are racked and torn with paroxr eme which threaten to choke them, find lure ana epeedr re lief In lte use. Far eal hy O. W. Lenta, and A, J. Darting, Lehighton. Pa. 8ept. 17th, 1871, TO CONSUMPTIVES Th atlTtrtlsanluTUr twn Mrmtoontlr card ct ram. ed, le anxloui to make known to Mi foiow iuf ferere the maaua of cure. To all who desire It, he wlHaeodaeopr of the prescription uaod, (free of charge), with the directions fix preparing and us ing the same, which they will find a suae Con fer OoNivKmoif. AsTiiaia. Baoa-cuiTis. Ae. Fsrttes wlahlng the prescription will please al. dress, HIT. K. A, Wl LSOM. IS! I'ennSL, Williamsburg, New Tork. DrclS-Cra. ERRORS OF YOUTH A GENTLEMAN who saffered for years from Nerrloua Dobllltr, l'rtmature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to. ell who need It, the recelpe and direction for making tbe simple remedy by which he wis cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by theadrertlaerts experlenre oen do .0 by adlrslnz In rjrfect confidence. JOHN n.tXlLlKN. i Cedar St- New York. Deefi,-e m.