The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 24, 1875, Image 2

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    II. V. MOKTUIMER, . . . . EDITOR.
l LEUiailTO.V, I'A.:
SATURDAY MOUMSU Amir, ii, 1875.
Another calamitous Hood occurrfd on
Saturday evening last at Wretithw and
Norfolk, in Massachusetts ca-islng de
struction of properly to tlx) estimated
,jxtetit of $107,000. The disaster was
.ocoasloued by the breaking of reservoir
jknow as Wliitlng's ppDdf v.f. tlio head, of
illll river, a email tributary ot tlio
Charles. Two largo mills wero destroy,
ed, several lirldg'cs mid dams carried
away, and great damage done to raIN
road and pther property.
Sopqr Mnrlscal, tlio Mexican minister
at Washington, having stated that tlio
outrages on tlio Texas border wero per
petrated by American citizens, mostly
ex-Confederato soldiers, n meeting of
citizens nt Brownsville appointed a com
mittee to Investigate tlio matter. This
fommlttet), which Includes three general
officers of tlio "United States army, have
made a report croepatically denying that
American citizens, ox-Confederate or
other, liavo had any part In Hipsu raids
save that of victims. Tlio report shows
that cattle-stealing and thieving expedi
tion have crossed Into our territory from
Mexico frequently during tho past ten
years; that cattle have been stolen by
tho hundred thousand head, and that
citizens of" Texas', scattered over a wide
and undefended extent of country, havo
suffered these and other losses without
the possibility of redross. Tlio com
mittee recommends tho appointment of
another committee, with Instructions to
Investigate and report to the Secretary
of State.
The Ccuteuulalcclcbratlon at Concord
and Lexington tool; place Monday with
Imposing' civic and military ceremonies.
The day" vas begun by the firing of
military salutes;tlfen followed a proces
sion of military and civic bodies and
citizens, addresses, by distinguished
speaker, tlio unycjllng of statue;?, ban
ouetB, etc. At Concord, after nu ad
dress by Ralpji Waldo Emerson and the
reading of a poem by Lowell, ,tlio oration
was delivered by George W. Curtis. At
Lexington, statues of John Hancock
apd Samuel .4dams were unveiled by
Hon. Cbas. Hudson, and the oration
was delivered by Itlcliard H. Dana, Jr,
At, tlio banquet which followed, a letter
was read from Mr. Gladstone, tho ex
Premier ot Englaud. Tho gathering
Included the President, ho Vice Prcsi
dent and tho Cabinet officers, tbs Gov
ctnors of tho New England States,
Speaker Blaln, General Hawloy, and a
host of persons distinguished In public.
und private life. It is estimated that
100,000 citizens ftttemledllie celebration,
!yiie ItllticrN Strike
WHkesba,rro, Pi., April 18 Tho first
open demonstration by tho miners of
this section took plaeo yesterday. At
an early hour In the afternoon a proems
sl.on of 1000 men from Sueur Notch.
Warrior Run and Nnntlcoko marched
through a part of the city. Their ap
Ji'roach'liad not been heralded, nnd
neither tho authorities nor any ouo else
in tho city knew anythingot their move
ments until they wero on tnelr way into
tlio city. They wore a motley and rough
looking crowd. Their officers were
mounted, and thecommanderwas dress.
cd in n grey uniform, tho same worn by
tlio nillita ot this btato. They Had a
drum corps, two brass bands, and cant
ed the Stars and Stripes nnd a large
number of banners bearing various, de
vices, some of which wero profane' and,
obsceno. Following nro somo of their
mottoes: "If union Is strength, Sugar
Notch'is a Samson:" "Our cause Is Just
and we will win;" "While we've a
crust wu'-J)not giro In j" ' 'Traitors should
bo branded with tho mark of Cain;"
"Bribers and betrayers nro useless; our
uiit&n Is noble and strong;" "No sur
render till hell frees es over, and then
we'll crawl put under tho Ice." Two
men caraied a uialnlat.uro scaffold with
anefflev dressed in a nMnors garb sus
pended from it by a ro4na around tho
neck. It boro the Inscription, "A model
betraver and blacklec." One bau
ner hd a representation of a man being
.hot from behind,' and above wero tlio
words. "A traitor's doom." The pro
cession. did not stop In the city, and no
riotous, cqnduct was manifested. The
men bore no arms that were vlslb.'o. It
is not known whether all lu the m'oces
sion were there of their own free will,
or whether, as In tho Hazleton section
a largo number wero compelled to mat ch
whether willing or not. This demon
stration was for tho purpose of Intimidate
ins 6ucb as aro tired of the striko and
wish to go to work. Following the
threats at Kingston, as it does, It will
have a strong effect. The strikers claim
hat they have a full treasury, and that
inoney Is sent to them every fow days
fro'fo Ilydo Park and other sections.
The prospect of resuming work befoio
the summer months is very poor.
jjarrif uurg, April it). snerm iviric-
endall, of Luzerne county, on Friday
incut nau a long couiereuce witn uover
nor Ilartranft, and the statements, pa
pers and affidavits submitted by the
Ininers and operators were carefully
Considered, and a after review of tho
Whole situation, it was tlio opinion of
the Sheriff, lu which the Qovernor con
curred, that It 'would bo inexpedient at
present to withdraw the roops from
JIailcton and vicinity. To oe assured
of the propriety of this step, the Sheriff
at once proceeded to Luzerae county,
and to-night his opinion temalus uu
chanced. 1 It was reported nt Pottsvlllo Mondty
that muo dtssatjsfactlon existed among
the uiler8l)fipF)0ftherp portion of the
Scluv'klll coat region, In consequence
of ?tumor'that Ihtt' President of their
organization had advised somo men to
tosump yrprk, "and makotho'best terms
tlip'y could for themselves.'! Indigna
tion Meetings have been held at (llrnrd.
yllle, Shenandoah and Mahanoy City,
at which tho President has been accused
of collusion with the operating com
panies. Some dwellings of miners of
tho Heading Coal Company at Ashland
liavo been burned, It is tupposeit uy in
cendiaries. Special police still guard the
branch roads In tho county, and coal
and freights pass without Interruption.
Tho strike In tho Clearfield coal region,
it Is stated, has-been caused by a refusal
of an Increase In wages. Tho manufac
turers wjiq have heretofore been suppli
ed from this region, will now be suppli
ed by tlio Pennsylvania llallroad from
tho Cumberland region. ' It Is announc
ed that tho 1'ennsyIvanlaRallroad Com
pany will not suffer fur want ot coal
itself, as p has on hand a stock sulrlcU
cut to supply Its locomotives for two
St. Nicholas koh May. Tlicro is
fun enough In tho May number of St.
Nicholas to' I;cep tho children laughing
tilt tho next number coraos out If chil
dren are us tolly as wo talco them to be.
First of all Is Roso Terry's poem ot
"Poll Tadpole," which lias a very sea
sonablo llavor at this thno of tho me
tnmorplios'ls of everything In general
and ot tadoples lu pa rticular. Almost
any one would laugh at tho picture of
"Poll," taken as he was lying at case
In his puddle, not dreaming that hp
would soon become a "discontinued
baby-frog." Then there Is a capital
plcturo by Church, full of this artists
humor. A move graphic expression of
the comlo effect of n new-comer's on
trance has rarely been penciled. Tho
stranger Is se anned as olosely by his fcl-
low-prisoners as a now ooy ot auoaru
ing school. In the poem "Poor Puck,'
tho humor even boss over lLto Fairy,
land, and our admiration of Puck's
audacity In transgression Is equaled by
our respect for Queen Mab's tactics and
clever wuy ot punishing tlio trespasser.
Ann, as it tins were not cnougu, tlio
Very Xlttlo Folks" havo their sharo
too, a story, Illustrated with flvo pic
tures, which, If tlio baby sea. them first,
will carry tho laueh all araund the cir
cle to grandpa. Last, but not least, Is
Jack -In-tho-PulpIt, who ls;always funny
uat bt. Nicholas Know now to uo so
rlot'is tooi'and no clrls' story could bo
sweeter than Susan Coolldge's delight
ful way-day narrative of "Uueen iilos
som," with Its beautiful illustration by
Fredericks, mo wreo illustrated stor
ies by Rebecca Harding Davis, Elsie
Gorbatn, and the author of "Rutledge"
will Interest everybody, ana tlio prac.
tlcal articles will well repay all who
read thorn, especially tho. two entitled
"About llcralqy and "Tlio i-cast or.
Flags," tho illustrations of which are
novelties. Hut' vd cannot name all the
good tilings; wo o'nly'cuvy tho children
tho montlily happiness of such a maga
zlno. Prize S3 per annum. Address
Scribncr & Co., 73 and 745 Broadway
now lorK.
Tlio iVcws.
Disnatchcs from liomtiay announces
that tho cnolora lias appeared lu the
provinco of Oudo.
The adventtsts of Chlcaco. who robed
n white, assembled on Monday night to
nwalt tho second coming, remained in
expectancy until near day-llgut lues
day morning, when they "quietly dis
Haior General Trevost. commandlnc
tho ' First Division of tho Nntlonal
Guard ot Pennsylvania, has sent a let
ter to the uovcrnor, resigning ills com.'
A dispatch from Vienna ot tho 15th
ys: "It is reported that tho Turks
havo murdered S70 Christians in Rou
melia and Bulgaria during the last threo
months, and that the names of the vie
tlms have been communicated to the
foreign representatives iu Constant!
A tract of land recently awarded to
tho Missionary society of the Methodist
Episcopal Church by the decision of tho
Secretary ot tho Interior, includes tho
town of Danes, uregon, anu is csuma
ted to be worth a million of dollars.
It Is rumourod, In Washington, that
Secretary Delano nnd Attoruoy-General
Williams aro.nuout to resign, mho lat
ter gentleman, It is said, admits that
"lio may, ueroro long, engago in otner
pursuits." Some ot his uiobt Intimate
friends say he will resign at tho close
of tho present fiscal year, if not sooner.
Tlio meeting of Delegates of tho Mi
ners' National Association and tho
Jlners and Laborers' .Benevolent As
sociation to organize a Genernl Coun
cil ot tho Eastern Division ot Pennsyl
vania, was lieia Tuesday, at llazletou.
A report was adopted organizing a
council, to bo called at present the Gen
eral Council of tho Schuylkill .aud Le
high regions, aud action was taken
looking tq a union ot a" tuo luhiers and
laborers in tlio anthracite regions, for
the purposo of maintaining tho strike.
itichara Williams was ciecieu rresiueni
of tho new council.
Tho London Lancet recommonds a
now remedy for coughs, viz., re&lstanco
of the desiro to cough until the rMegm
has accumulated In larco quantities,
when thero will be something to cough
nraliist.and tho nhlecm wav bo broueht
up wltu mucu less enort. iuu uancek
says that a ureat deal of tho hacking.
Hemming ana couguing in invanus is
nurcly nervous or the effect of habit,
aud that an exerclso of will is needed
to prevent the wasteful exercise of pow.
er In clearing tho throat. Experiments
in hospitals nave snown tms to uo truo,
Tho New York markot for dry goods
lias been nulet and Arm throughout the
week, with a fair amount ot salos In
nearly all departments. The volume
of trado compares favorably with the
corresDondlnc period of the previous
year, rne saici nayo neen principally
ot assorted lots, in moderate amounts,
distributors buylna cautiously auu uu,
plicatlng orders to supply imrucmato
wants only. Tho demand from tho
West has shown a better feeling among
dealers in that sectiou or tuo country,
and n dcslro to avoid speculative pur
chases to any largo oxtcnt.
Eleven years ago, says an oxchango,
Mr. Chaunccy Iiowls, of Union, Erl.6
county, lost his pocket book containing
$1U00 In notes nnd currency. Two year:
afterwards he received n letter cnclos
ing him the notes and securities
amounting to neaily $1000. Last week
Father Lonergan, ,of Corey, scut for
him nnd handed him 3G0 In currency,
the same Identical money that was In
his pocket book at the tlmo ho lost It.
Tho Docket book had been picked un by
a man In hljt employ, a Catholic, whom
lie did not suspect or uisiiotiesty, ami
for eleven years tho unhappy thief wrest
led with his uneasy cbnsclenco until ho
could keep his guilt secret uo longer,
and confessed it to Father Lonergan.
Elcht railroad robbers wero arrested
at Logansport, Ind., on Monday night
nnd Tuesday. One of thorn, named
Krattl, kopt a store, and had been sell
ing tho stolen morchandlso from it ; six
of tho others wero railroad omployeos,
and the remaining onu was a farmer,
living several miles from tho cjty, who
would pick up tho packagos as they
wero thrown from the train. Tho gang
had been operating for several months,
robbing tho different railroads centering
at Loiransport, tholr last haul on Mon
day morning being from freight cars of
the Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis
oaj. A. largo quantity ot the stolen
goods has been recovered, Including
uariela or wlilsltcy ana sugar, nqxes or
tobacco, and packages of boots and
Cosing Prices of DeIIayen & Towns
knd, aiocK, uovernment r.nn uoiu
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia
It. S. Gt. 18SI
22K Ud.
23 asked.
V. 1,1,1.
18 asked.
V. S. t-W, 16G1 .
U. f. S M,18C5 .
20K Lid. 20)1 asked.
22K bid. 221 j nsfcej,
U. S 6 20,1805 J. 1 J.
U.S. 8 20,1807 .
U.S. 6-20, 1803 .
U. H. 1040
U. . Currency, Ij'a .
U. S. fi's. 1681, now .
Pennsylvania U. U. .
Phlla. It lleadtnC K. It.
ia lri abiteu.
23 bid iVA aiked.
Md. K!V4 asl;eil,
Wil bid. IOK asked
2-1 bid. 21UasKed.
101J bid. 10U asked.
WA bid. hb ake'd
Mil bid. ti'i aekad
03'ibld. K)U asked
Lculgii valley uuiriiaa
Lehigh Coal X- NaT. Co.
CO.'iUd. 61 asked.
United Companies of N. J. 129 M l
Qold . . . . H?i LU
8 bid. 10 asked.
New Advertisements.
A book i'oreiery American. Sella, everywhere
at slgut, farmers. Teachers, bludeuls. Lawyers,
Alerchants. School directors. Manufacturers,
Mechanics, Shippers, men oflearnlnc;, and men
ho can only read, old aud younc. all rvaut It for
everyday refeeace andtufce. Shows thb grand
result or ib.e
First Hundred years of the Republic
BEterylK)dy bujs Itjand Agtnti make from $100
to $400 amnnth. ?end f,tr circular. Addross,
,l. u. iiccuuuv iSm un.. l'uuiiaiicrs.
I'M aneiDh a. i'a.: uinclnnattl. Ohio: umcauo, ill
or S. t Louis, Mo April 2-a.ui
A udltor's Notice.
Iu tho Orphans' Court of Carbon
County, estate of Catharine and Peter
Kcubler, dee'd. Tho auditor appointed
to distribute tho funds In the hands of
Samuel IZeubler, administrator of said
Estate, and If necessary restato and re
settlo the account, heroby gives
notlco to all persons interested,
that he will attend to tho duties of hi
appointment at big office In tho borough
of Mauch Chunk', on TUE3D JLY.MAY
18tb, 1873, at It) n. m.
P. J. M EE II AN, Auditor.
April 24th, 187o-4t
udltor's IVotlce.
The undersigned Auditor appointed
uy tno t'ourt or common rieas ot tzar
bon county, to distribute tho money
realized out of tlio sale ot tlio real C3
tato of The Carbon County Acrlcultu
ral Society, will meet all persons Inter
ested at his onion In tho borough of
Mauch Chunk, on TUURSDAY.MilY
20th, 1875, at 10 a. m., for the purpose
of his appointment.
P. J. MEEIIAN, Auditor.
April 24th, 1875-it
Admlnlstrator'ts Notice.,
Whereas letters of Administration
upon tho estate of Francis Palmer,
lato of Towamenslng township, Carbon
county, dee'd, have been granted to the
subscriber, all persons having claims.
agaiut saiu estato win ptcaso present
them, and tlnso Indebted to said estate
will make immediate paymont.
welssport, Jarcli 37, 1870.
A dmlnlstrnior'ti Notice
-jl. Whereas letters ot administration
upon the estato ot Elizabeth llenliol
mer, latooi -uauomng lowusnip, uar
bon Co., dee'd, havo been granted to the
subscriber, all persons Having claims
against said estato will pleaso presen
them, and those indobtcd to the caid
estate will make immediate payment.
Welssport, March 20, 1875.
Number Four.
Fated to bo Freo. Jean Ingo-
Iowa great &tory,pnco, in uook lortn
Twenty SUort Stories, a rich
variety oi miscellaneous rcauing;over
sixty largo pages splendidly illustra
ted. ITcn Stcol Rcnrodr.ctlous, fac
similes ot famous pictures; original
engiavlngs worth SI5.CO.
All the above sont post-paid wlti
IIeaiitii Axo Uoiu: tho great lllustra-
tratsd weekly magazlno, two month oi
trial, for only ou cents, Uiiject
to introduco the paper to now subscri
bers. Prlco reduced to only $2.50 ptr
year, Single number, six cents none
free. At, news stands or by mall. Great
Inducements to agents and clubs, Tub
Giuwiio CoMrAKY, Publishers, 30-41
Park Piq0, Now York. Pleaso state
In what paper you saw this advertise
ment. . Aiarcn uu-uw,
Jcssuoolu and HIuKh
Cleaned and repaired by tho under
signed on snort notice ami at tow latos
Jau .30, 1875. Lohigbtou, Pa.
New Advertisements.
Wns rlcctrl,4 years neo, andpnt to work
ll tho V. S. Patent Olllcc, I). O., ami has
Iirnvcil to lie tho iicat. 10 sftes nwda.
rlccs Lower tlun any other first class
Wheel. " Tamphlet free.
Address N, F.BDKNIUM, Yorc, Fa.
CDnr-.v WK1CIC to Agent ti fo'.l an article
14) JtaUallc at flour. I'roflta Immense. Pnck-
njo freo. AJareu IlUCKniK MTQ UO., Marlon,
Article to bo sold Days sulendldfr.
rrlmfl necessity In every finilly. Ladles make
largo commissions In selling. Agem report lm
mouse sa cs. Arnc o nam. oiegamir put un: cir
eulars Riven free to holp sales. Write at once to
Jas. M. Stevrart, rrankllp, Mass.
, m i.
) B.50Q
i s's s fe s xtj
, g,w bt;
5 .c
3 i- .a Jh 3 o
T !
P o &On PeR )ay at home. Terms froe
4w H $J Address Otop.oi Sn:-soK & Co.
'orllanu, Jlalne.
rH ranlo Air
P. 0. VIC
A WEEK guaranteed to Mute- nd Fs-
inio Aircnts, in lueir iocamy. ljosis
OTHINdto try It. Particular? Tree.
lUhKlll & Co., Augusta, Jie.
Most Extraordinary
Terms of Advert If I ng are offers J In tho
Stato ff
Sornl for llt of pa pert aD3 Bchedulo of rates. Ad
dress GEO. P. HOWELL & CO.,
Advertising Agents,
tEFR to .Editor or this Pins.
18T5 Spring 18T5
Mrs. M. Gutb,
Respectfully nnnounccs to the ladles of
Welssport and vicinity that she has Just
returned from the City, and is now re
ceiving ono of tho largest stocks of
Hats, Bonnets,
And Trimmings
ever beforo brought Into this, section,
and that she is prepared to do them up
n t!o
Y?ry Latest Fasliipn,
at prices below any other establishment
In Carbon county.
Also, nn entirely new stock ' of
switches, iu real hair, and imitation
lialr,iotlois and all other goods usual
ly Kept iu a urst-class, Mllllnary btoro.
Ladies' own Hair made up to order
Call and Inspect goods and learn
prices beforo purchasing elsewhere.
MRS. M. GUTII, Welssport, Ta.
April 3, 1875.
Spring nnd Siunnicr Styles
Now Styles,
Now Feathers,
Now Flowers,
nATS and BONNETS, Trimmed in
tlio latest fashion at the lowest prices.
RIBBONS, tho latest and best Shades;
also, run assortment ot Notions, Ualr
goods, etc., at new prices at
Next to tlio Carbon Advocate oOlco,
Jpril 10, 1870.3m. .
Millinaiy Goods & Notions,
Two doors below tho M, E. chnrcli,
Lchichton, Pa.,deslrestacall tho atten
tion ot the ladies to tho fact that sho Is
opening a very largo stock ot tlio most
fashionable styles of
Millinery floods,
Hats, Bonnets,
Trimmings and Notions,
together with a largo assortment of
Zephers, Perforated M0U003, Framing
Straws, Bwucnes, uair uoous, kc.
Prices as low as elsewhere, aud all.
work cuarnntoed. .4n Inspection ot
goods Is Invited. MRS. E. PATH.
April 3, Bm.
MUSICAL authorities as THE UEbT.
I). F. BE ATT V, Proprietor, Wasdilng
ton, N J.
Laury 8c Peters
Havo Jnst received a very largo nn.d ele
gant stock of Fall and Winter
comprising plain nnd fancy lotlis,
Casslmeresaud Vcstlngs, for men's nnd
boys' y?car, which they aro prepared to
make up In tho most fa'hlonablo styles,
nt reasonable prices and on short notice.
Ladles', Gent's and Children's
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters
and Rubbers,
comprising a splendid stock of all kinds,
manufactured especially for tho trade
of this locality.
of tho latest nnd most fashionable make,
always on hand, at low figures.
BfAgents for tho Acme Shirt the
best fitting garment ever made. Leave
your Measure for them.
Merchant Tailors,
P. O. llnlldlng, Lehlghton, Pa
calls tho attention of tlm ladles to the
fact that ho Is now openlpg an immense
stock of tho latest stylos pf
Also, constantly on hand a full line of
Dry Goods,
Oil Cloths,
Queensware, &c.
all of which ho will sel1 a' prices fully
as low as goods of samo quality can bo
bought for iu any other Btoro In the
Remember the Placo I
Opposite Eaglo Hotel, Bank
Streot, Loliigliton.
X Manufacturer of and Dealer In all
kinds of Household and Kitchen
Next to Romlg &' Hofford's Carriage
Bank Street, Loliigliton, Pa
ISlcgaut Pnrlii Stilts,
flnittlsomc lledroon Sets,
Soiling very Cheap for Cash
Examine beforo purchasing elsewhere,
Having had an experience of twenty
years in me
Business. I am prepared to furnish all
kinds of COFFIiVS and CASKETS on
short notice, aud attend to all business
In this lino in sucii a manner as win
glvo entire satisfaction, on vory reason
able terms, rationago solicited.
March, 27, 187ii-ly '
By purchasing your
Groceries! Provisions
At the Now Store of
Opposite the "Carbon Advocate," of-
lice iiA.wii.vvAX, i.eniguton, i-a.
A full lino of Choice fresli
Teas, Coffees,
Sugars, Jlolasses,
Spices, Dried Fruits
No. 1. .Mackerel,
Korosono Oil,
Tobaccos, &c, &c
All of whicii are warranted of first-class
quality, and sold YERY CHEAP FOR
The highest markrt prlco allowed for
Cutter, Eggs, and C'ouutry Produce
generally in Ezchanga for Goods,
A trial respectfully solicited.
April 10th, 1-y. E. H. RHODES.
Would respectful
ly announce to1
his friends and
the public in general, that ho has open
cu a nrst-ciass
Livery & Sale Stable,
and that ho can furnish norscs,Buggies
and Carriages ot ihe best description
for pleasure, Buslseis or FuosnU pa
noses, at very Iteasoimblo Charges.
and on shpit notlco. HAULING done
at short notlco and at low prices.
Corner of Bank and Iron Street
Lehlghton, Pa.
an.9, 1875.
talned tho samo popularity. t2TSeud
stamp for Circular. D, F. BEfATTXj
Washington, wow Jersey,
t5rB. nd stamp for full Information
Prlco List, ex , AO. UAMlih
BEilTTV, Whiugton New Jury,
jgToung Men
Who nro out of Employment,
Young Men
About Engaging in Business,
Young Men
Who wish to propare for Advanced Fo
Young Men
Who wish to prepare for Business Life,
uuu uuu superior nuvouuigus at
t31 OheatnntSt.cor. of 13th,
Established 1814 iKdoarqjiiTiD 186S
Tho loncesfEstabllshed. tho Itpst Or.
ganlzed, Ihe itost Practical and tho
juosi fargeiy Atteqaea uommercu;
College In Ihe city.
Many ot our leading and most suo-s-cessful
merchants and business men,
aro among Us graduates.
Numerous applications are received:
from business houses for Us students to,
an ..ii .1 1
ill! DlbUtlllUU9.
Tho Qualifications for business caln-,
cd hero have proved a fortune to hun
dreds ot young men. Superior Instna,
tions given in
In all Its branches., as practiced by tho
Accountants nnd justness Men, Includ
ing Wholesale, Retail, Jpbblng, Manu-i
facturlng,Importlng,(7ommlsslon, Com
pany Speculating Buslness;also Domesi
and Foreign tapping, Real Estate,
Jolut Stock Company, BaqVing Busi
ness, sc.
Also, PENMANSHIP, a free, rapid
and beautiful stylo.
uujuausutjiAt. uLCULAT.igat
tho beat short and, rapid methods in no.
tual use.
Forms, Commercial Law, &c., &o.
Thero aro no vacations. Students re
ceived at any tlm.e, and charged only.
tor tno uourse wllfn tuey enter, and,
not for the time required to complete It..,
Crittenden's Book Keeping House.
Edition, and The Crittenden Commer
cial Arithmetio and Business Manual,,
Forty-fifth Thousand, for sale at the
College, or will be mailed on reoelpt of)
J. pRQESBEOK, Prinoipol
Bread Bakers,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.fc
Near the Exchange Hotel.
Wo are also prepared to supply our
friends and tho citizens in general with,
Bread g&d Cakes,
of Superior Quality, Fresh every Dy
wo niako a specialty ot
"Wedding and Fancy Cakes.
We have always on hand "a fine stock ot
Pure Candies and Confections,
which wo sell at the very lowest prices
ICE CREAM Every Satur
day JJivemng.
egular makret prices. .
BAK Street, Lelilgh,tf n', P.,
The undersigned respectfully Informs,
the citizens ot Carbon and adjoining
counties, that he Is now prepared to,1
supply tliera with
Dressed $r Live Hogs
at all times, at prices fully as low as,
thoy can be bought for elsewhere. Also,,
Smoked Hams, Bologne and SaussagoK'
at Wholesale and Retail.
BT" Orders will be promptly filled
and Hogs shipped to any point at the,
shortest notico.
Bank 8reet, Lehlghton, P.
Sept. 0, 1874-yl
Imprortd CCOUK
tha k
D, or th..
it tpttlsr,
twi' dIkod
nurut, tj
Terdlet, th
TlUd to ni,chlJ Improtldirtckel,,
th. Drop Otoek. Uth can U,
wlthdrtwq without dliturbrnj tbt
Joints, and tUo.RPr hitr whldi
nnr cracks, scaia or nuW Uit
. i , r. , v h dAftUn and
Aiisnuon is in.
tha trad. sranarallT, In order to bt'
sure (hat jou' eat BUtchlaj'a.PaBP, Da eanirnr
and a that It hM mjr trada mirar as abora. If.
you do.nSVifcw.whara to bar, daacrlptiva dru
Iwil,togthwEUh tha nana and 4dr-7 oftlia,
ageut nearast jou, will ba Vrompttr furnUbtdhy
addresaln;, irlth stamp,
60S0ommtrcaBt,Phll 'chU,Pa.
March O.lo-Dm
y W. EACHE8,
Contractor & Builder
LEniqoro, rrati'A.
Plans ScplflcatloB
For all kinds of Buildings .nude at .the,
shortest notice,
llado for Plans and Specifications nhit
tho contract Is awarded to tho, undejtv
signed. A. W. "EACHE '
June 14, 1873ryl