.Brief, tun dar Bctz Konncc , mnuclicr. ... Jltaimja DnuCKErt,' Deau Sin: .Ich win f 11 pianer unci Bouneua so uos all litocp farsta kcnna. Wo dp lito oil .wlsa.dank lcli, dos my tnon ois du brief schrctbcd far In do Carbon Advocate fi drucka. Oves si brief suta mlcli net exactly, far ar BChrlcbea net dies w.os, ar Ecbrlcba BVlt. Om Mltwoch oyet Is a'r widder liamo Jjuma unJiut on blownugkot un hut (cn nose, c.Ot dos wo a grosa grumbaro ro dick uf g'soifa un hat' ova d oeh mcchtich galodakpt. Ar hut en blow aug kot un hut si hem farrissa k6t, uh so gslchfc nl farkeetzed, bo woria wol wlddcr dort slva nunner g6pealt hova far dar .wisuey wo ar ois Becht, Dott belin Mike om wertzhouso over wo ar liamo kumma la don hob Ich emo ovvcr arnol wldder en lesson ccvu. don ar net sn gschwinl.fargest'. Fargest fob emu gsaut doswon are net lussa date don data 'ich ,fun erne ga un ulrnniy mil cmo bousa. Dort drlva blmo Mlko om wartzhouse lite ar un do onnera farsuffa lodel rum, un farepauda era gold un mere, era1 .welbor missa dahamo hocka uu mlssa nns Uuovla un wlssa net wo do sauflo die sin. Bo monsllte suita mtnersail In. do present gtdu warra, so schlcchta. karl9.wqse sin, so sin gute'ar.nlxi Now, Mr. Printer, Ich hob gadauked dos ich wot deore amolo ncbrelba icb .sane ois ar scbrelbcd 61s dple, un prolt wos far guta zeita dos se ois hctta over ar schreibed net olles. Ovvcr des mole hob Ich gadanked dos Ich wot deer do particulars ample gova un ' olles sawya wes.is.. ,Now will Ich hoya ilos du mere den Drier in dl Advocate drucka ducht grawd wo Ich ene gscbrleba hob no niaunlr dar Hans sayvya wos ar will far Ich glichdd Carbon Advocate un glich se aw zu lasn, un won de lite fun nitre un em Hans havajvrolla'olla'wocb,, don dade 6e beeser subscrlba ,far do Advo cate, no.kauna se ois bara, wo. Ich Uu dar nans ow kiimma.. , Ich dank dos won 'dar Hans' my brief santin dar zeltiingdon wart nr'orrlck. pwga, un deer, farllcht'en oralcker rosheV brief schrleba, do n'aihjt; 1 woch, ovver ich wot' dick ndvlca do3 du nix' nui eme gebst un yucht' mv- brief nl dru'eka' won Ick'nmole wlddcr scbrclbft (.u ymu wo sina. So dank Ich muss Ich schlelsn,, Dea pacht woch ward dar Ilans'amolo wld dcr selver schrciba. Betz KoNKnniuucnEn, Wife of nansKonncrmaucher." Oppril dan 10. The JTew York School Journal gives' the following hint: "Don't ever seat boys and girls, or young men. and wo men, in tho same seat, and a9 seldom as possible in the same row of.seats." ' A eoiored congregation in Dayton bayo decided toforgtVo their clergyman for betting on three-card monto aud Ios Ing $00 of festivel money. One of the deacons remarked,' "Wo Is alUumian, and de game Is werry exciting!"' ' The teacher of a district 6choo is In tho habit of asking bls,pupll3 to define tbo words which they aro given to spelh The boy who had to "wrestle with tho word "ulcer"'saidl with 'a good deal of confidence, that It was General Grant's first name. , i TheLowell manufacturing corpora tloiu gtve notice tljatunless (hojstrlUl'ng mulo spinners return, to work bofijfo the litii Inst., all thomuloeplnners wiil bo discharge.) " Scranton, Pa., April G A' shocking tradgody' wrfs onacted iast night at Peck 1 vllle, a small town about .eight miles north of this city, on the line pf the Delaware, and. Hudson Railroad, In whlcb.a miner named Patrick SIayn shot'tbroughtho heart. The' victim of this tragio affray was drinking at. tbo saloon of John Slavln In company with tome five other minors, among whom were John Edwards and Thos. -Morgan. After drinking' souiowhat freely ,a'dls cusslon arose on the labor question, and the benefit of tho trades unions', and word ran high between Slavln and Ed wards. Subsequently tho entire party left the, salooni and tlio dfsp'uto was re suraed. Edwardi was knocked down, beaten, and badly abused. Ills com panion; Morgan ran away. Fearing that ho would boated, Edward:) drew a revolver, and fired In the air to frighten his assailants. They did not desist, however; and ho fired a second, and this Umo a fatal sliot, tho ball striking Tat. rick Slavlri little abovo the hip, pass lng upward In a slanting direction, It penetrated1 lls heart and escaped through tbo left breast, instantly killing him,. Edwards was arrested, and after e, preliminary hearing lcforo Esquire Mace, was committed to, WJlkeibarro prbn to nwalt trial at. tho 'next Quarter Session!,. Both Edwards and Slavln have been employed at tho, WInton mines for some time past. A telegram from Halifax, N,. rof tfprti th'o.dlsoovery of a boy (supposed tob6,Cha'rlpRos3, near Margaretvlllo, on the Bay of Fnndy. lie was found, tUreo weeks agotj trie, ouaof a for ;une teller, who arrlvo.1 at Margaret llle in October last. I'icast; Kis:aiiili'ii!l ORCHESTRAL O lfc: uffl; Iff M l Eort "Wayiio. Organ Oomp'y. A. P. HORN, Agent, LEniCfriTON",' PA. All orders Ieft"atTtliO CAjtnoN Advo cAtE'bfilco'wllM'ecelVe prompt atten tions Price lists and all other inforrna flqq f urnlsbpd. 'Organs- -Pijanos1' Dlsfiolution of fartucrslJln Kptlce is hereby given that 11) o co-partnership heretoforo existing bo tweeu iludrow Graver, sr. and Daniel Graver, dolilg businossf under tbo firm of A & D. graver, In the Borough, of tiCMfziitori, Carbon county, Pa,, is this uay uissoivca ny mutual oonceut. ANDREW GRAVER, SR'., DANlEIi GRAVER. ' Eehlghton, Aptil 1, 1875. Tho business wllf bn continued Iiv'thr u'nderslgned,to' whom all partlos iudebt- .eu 10 meiaiounnaro requested to mauo iiuiiieuioio pnymeuc, anu inoso imving ciatais against ?no samp, win present mem lor settlement. DANIEL GRAVER, April 3, 1875. wB jJ61Ico is hereby given to the Stockholders of, Tbo Lehlsh Val ley Emery Wheel Gp. that ,'a .meeting will bo held at tho Comnanv's Office. In Wclssport, Ja., on Saturday, April 17 1875, between the hours of threo aud fiyo o'clock p. m. for tlioipurpose of In creasing tbo Capital Stock of said Com pany. ' " ' By'order of tbo Board of Directors, W. M. RAPSUEIt, Secretary. Feb.' 13, 1375-t. d. All persons are hereby forbid meddling with, a "Black Marc, a Platform Spring Wasoni and one set llurnds?'. leased bv tho undersigned to'E. Sliroidt, Butchur,, or lyeisspan, me Bamo.ueiug my prop crty. , J, A. UOM. Mahoning, lpril 3, 1875 ' Administrators' Wotlco. Whereas letters ofadmlnistratlon upon the estate of Harvey E. Fat.lnger, lato of Lehlehton'. Carbon ace'd, havo been granted tn (bp eubscri-' uei, un iicrsons naving claims against said OBtateiwill present them, and thoso Iivtcbted to said estate, will mako.imme dlato payment. W: B. RdMIG, Administrator. Loblghton, March 20; 1875. 0' Inustrial,Exliil)ition Co ' ' ' ' WILL DOT A . v' 1st Mortgage Preiniurri Bond OF THE' ' ' "-' ,N-Xi Industrial Exhibition Co.- ' Don't co'mparo it with a' Lottery :bear In rnlud that, the Oapiaj 'ipvested is al ways securcu,.-. - - - This loati'Ts fssuh.l fill n TllWnl iln.1' and'frauiborized by special ,Act of tho legislature or me Stato.of Now York. Every bondholder mnstiwolvnuf loooi $31,ibut bo may receive 100,000!' ' or ?35,000, or $10,000, $5,0b0,or $3,000; 1X0., dCC. 4th Pre. Allotment, Juno 7th, 76, 5th Series Drawing, July Gth, 75. Circulars clvlnir futl'exrlttualimi.ulil be sent, free of charge, bn.appiicatlon. 1 For Bonds and full information, ad- dress without delav: "' ' MOKGENTHAU BRUNO & CO., ' Financial Aoesxs, ' ' H3 l'ark Row, New York Remit by draft on New York City 2?auks,- Registered Letter, or P.O. Mou6yOrdcr. HeclOj 4m. To TP. Mm,' THE PIIOTOOBAPIIHB Respectfully announces to tho citizens OPHNEDhIsalia VICInItJ:, tllat h0 U" New Photograph Gallery,. on BANKWAY, (near tho Lehlch Val loy Railroad Depot),. Lehlgbtou; and that ho Is now prepared to giyo'6ur citizens Llfc-Llke Plcturts'at tbo' most reasonablo rates. Particular attention -paid to taking Children's Llkeucseeu:' . .'A Trial! S solicited. , juniig. Laury & Peters f ItftvQ Just received n very largo prid cla. gant stock of Jail aud Wluter 9' comprising plain and fancy loths, Casslmercsaml Vestlngifbr men's and boyatiwoar, which they aro 'prepared' to mako up in tho most fashionable styles, at'rcasonablo prices nnil on short notice. 1 Ladles', .Gent's and Children's , Boots, Shoes, Gaiters ; ,. .. ,and Iublbers, comprising splin'did slock of all kinds, manufacturednnspeclally for tho truda of this locality. u, T ' . of tho latest and most fashlonablo' make, always on band, atldw figures. l37Agcnts for tho Acme blrt the best fitting garment eycrinado. Leavo yohr Mcasuro for them. LAURY &, P.ETERS, , Merchant-Tailors,-P. .0. Building, Lehlghton, Pa. riNADEN HUTTEN TANHEE LEniGHTQN, PA., B. J. KUNTZ,' PropTr Respectfully announces to tho public thai he has Just rebuilt the Tannery, formerly of" Daniel' Olewtrio, aud put in nil tho Dost and roost approved ma chluery for tho Mnnufactuvo o Leather, sucltas nemloclc and Oak Sole.'Harness. Upper, Kip, nit and. Sheep, which ho, will supply at tbo yery lowest price. riasterrig Hair supplied, In largo or small quantities very low. HIDES and jyi.ins uougnt at niguesc casu prices. ratrouago solicited.' Aug. 8-yl Tj1t,OUK AKU FEES). Charles Trainer Respectfully Informs 'tho poonlb of Lo-1 uiguion mat uu uas most excellent iPloisr for Sale 5 ' Also, good FEED pf all kinds, and STRAW in tho .Bundle. He is also prepared to do nny kind of Haiiling and Plowing at short notico. LEHIGH, (2d) STREET, Lehlghton, Pa. March 28-ly WONDERFUL, BUT1 TRUE1 Whenever I get a Bottle 'of Bloom of Youth or MacnollaBaluii Koio Tint. a Vox. of Lly .Whitp,, or anything that'llno to beautify' tho complexion, at Durllug's Drug Store, It seems to be nicer .and better than I can get atiy- wncro cisa, . may jyj" BDEBMIAN &' CO,, BAHK STREET, Lehighton, Pa,, MILLERS and Dealers In All 'kinds pf GRlIN' Bought and'.Soli ul ncguiar juaritet Jiaies. Wo would. nlso, rcspectfullv 'inform our citizens, that wo are. now fullypre- payed, to supply thfcm with, the 'tisem off Csi;l From any Mlno dpsircd at tho VERY 1LOWEST I'JUCES. M. HEILMAN & 6'O.j ' July 25tb, 1874, T"OS. M. FIUTZINfcEU, ' t) Fashlonablo 1 ' Boot and Shoe Maker, Opposlto T. flr Clauss' Store, B4NK STREET, LEIlIGHTON., Pit., respectfully Informs his friends and 'the, public, that ho has Just received a riovf HiiJ excellent assortment' of Men's Wo men's and Children's Roady-Mado , Boots, Shoes & Gaiters. Which ho will Sell at the Lowest Prices. CP" Boots' and Shoes made to order. 1 ana iicpairmg neatly and substantially dono at short notice. ap 25-yl PlTYlIIM? NOI-Tbat Electric Liniment, llko I cot nt Durllnc'a Drug Store, will euro him or any other man ot RHEUMATISM and nil other Pains. " mava UST look at her Halrl VThy I thought It was tutnlni? Grnv? Sn . . it was, until sbogot a BottlS of that nert Hair Restore,; at Durlug's Drug Store. BUY IT I TRY ITI-ThFlrldh-Rubber Plasters for a Weak Back, DURLING, has thqra niayiO gAMUEL GltAVEK, ' ' ' , Opposlfo tho Public Squaie,. SOUTH ST., LEniGHTON, ,PA., Manufacturer of Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kinds of ' IW Roonng, Spouting and Jobbing proinpUyiattpndori to. 1 no v. 30 PIANOt THIS HHiST Tjv iTKP. rirr-t:.,...i for Circular. DAXIEL F, BEATTY. Waghington, New Jersey. up. ,s i -.alCf very Amateur Trlnlcr. r Every Arrinfcur H'rlntcf livery Amateur Printer . Every Amntcar Printer To Should Havo Instructions In Printing and tbo answer to queries ,wiiicu.wui reraoye dim cultles In your way tjO.cnicIoncy, nnnpnr In fnrh nnmtinr. .. . livERY FAMILY 'SHOULD'' TAKE EVERY FAJILY SHQULD TlAKEJ EVERY FMILY SHOULD' TAKE For tu Good Stories, I?or Itr, Fashion IMntcs, X'or ltd. Miscellany, For Its SHougclioltl iVcws Aud for its 'Purchasing department, Through which eveiy desirable nrtlclo in .New rorK H lurnisiibu at the lowest rates without extra charce. Our Own Firesido 13 a Homo.Journal iii its fourth year. 8 largo pages with illustrations. ' Price, 81. 00' a' year. Everysubscrlber makes selectlori of n valuable premlurn from thq' many offerl SUBSCRIBE NOW - It tho JJeglnning of If you cannot afford to subscribe, an nrrangoment will bo made by which you can recelyp,tlio paper for ouo ye,ar ,)Ytuiuub liiuuuy. Scud 3 cents for samplo copy. .CANVASSERS WANTED. A Champion E'llnting .Press A Champion l'l'liithAS1 Press' A1 Champion Printing Press A Cfiampion Print lup Press Is Given Away Is Given Away ', Is Given Away ' Ssj Given Away For a club of 15 subscribers to Our Own Fireside. Every Business 31an add Boy should havo onp. Send lie. stamp. Address, Our Own 'Fireside Publishing Co.y- . ,170 William St., If. Y. m AND and 12 Horse Power GET TIIE BEST : CHEAPEST. Address, ji. L, GUMP &UQ., ' 1 170 William St.', N. t The Champion Joh 'Press: FOR ' ' Printers, Business Hen and Soy?; Tho boH press madet . Also, 4 , .I. JOB TYPE for AMATEURS. Send 0c,' fo'rFamphlat. Address, 11 kM. t. jpuifp'.co:,",-'1 ',, "170WUamSt.,'Nj oct 51-mC - T. M CliAUSS, " i1 And Dealor In Gent's Furnishing' Goods, LEtHGHTON, PA, Constantly on hand a splendid Stock of. JNJUW (iUUDS. .Consis ting of Plain- and Fanoy Cloths, CasslmiTcs and Vestluas.for Mon's'and Boys' Ayear, which I am prepared.to ,Mao up to Ordor In the most Fashion" able Styles, at short notico. Ladies', Misses aud Children's A well selected stock of French and Turkey Morocco, Glove' Kid, Lasting, Kid, Pcbbo and Grain Leather Boots aud Shoes on hand, or JJlarlo to Order. Of the Latest Styles always oaliaiidaf 11m i.i,iwest 1 rice, , Also, Agent for tho American & Girovcv it Ilnltcr Sowlns Machines. Only Quo PrJcofoir Evrybody. Jaunary'll, 18T?-yJ MOTnERS, Look'nt tfiat Child, It has' Worms. Go or eonil nt once to DURLING'S Drug Store, and get a bottjo of his WORM, SYRUP, so pleas Ollt And rnf on a n bn Ci mmw (tuu ji; cu "(uo Hi iky y WHY, OU, WHY wlll'youeuffer with that Couch or Cold? ,when relief may bj had immediately by using DURLING'S Compound Syrup ot Tar Wild Cherry'nnd Horahouiid. ' ' " TT OOlv DEAUTJFUL L,0 O JC ItOSYI-A Hottlo of DURLING'S ROSE GLYCERINE for Roughuess of the Skin, Chapped Hands, &q., only 25 cents a bottle. may ' 1 ., Iir I.' !Say,e. 20 e ,qent. y,gottngjpur . ,i t !',)(( ''. ' J'Q.5:,;PR,i:;,T,Ii& .if,. wpqij .i'JIi t f tr' i . 7 .n "My 'i .',. IN nEiNTEiMAN' 'BUILpJNG 1 j. i r 1 ' " ' v I l ' : nl ;n , . i ' : ' It ll.il .111 . r Bet. tli P. 0'. inil'L. V. BIB. Upot, II lllU!Vi" .Vi .F i'l.f. lehlghton, Ccridn1" CO., j pa ; i 'J i. ii 1'! .- i 'tl Ji ' hi"' i"i: I lllf- l M Wo have justxeceived ailargo and .olb; gant assortment' b('-: I lJBSWrS3PiB. .it' . ' . w me latest sryicsj.togetner with a ... superior stock of I . 1 ; v ' , ,i i i . . . ' - 1 ' CAED3, BILLHEADS, ' ENVELOPES,' I0T2!pAPEE n 1! 1 ' ! ' Atid'a 'variety, o't other, PRINTING ill T ' I'.-l .. 'MATERIAL ''ii A nd can, novf' gly6 qur patrons first- . . ciaasiworsr at prices tit least' i i i. .. i . i . '.. . ii " ' ii.j .,!... i : " l , .1 ! . I .. ' 2 Oi'Perv. Cent rfcb we?, it a in I i . -i I Lit A 1 ':! ii .'i:l . l..''-1 ''Iili r Than'ia'ny' othef OlSce'Jlhthii'aectln. n ii:u ii'iiiiui i 'oina! it. .v.'O 'I Givo Us a Trial, aad'bp Convinced. i 'jf! 11: 1 1 !. . , If in lit., ii i : id 1 t'.ii' - ' tSfTIhe patronaeoiof the rubllo 'is respeoif ully solicited. ( ' T TIIE GAQIIOn ADVOCATE, A 21-column Local Paper,-nndino'oniy newspaper I. Ut'MJi I'- t , , . !' , "J . 1 ' 'O.l V, 1 ! Entirely Prlpted ii tUp Ooti.iy, .1 1.1 1. Is published cvory, Saiagdq'y raor,nlng a 1, ,,. ' iii i-i.. $1 a Yeal' in Advance, 1 : A I ; ''In 'i '' 1 .,.1 I.. Or, $1.C0 It not.pald In advance Thb ADT001.T5, 'rtlth Its large' aiid'In-. creasing circulation, is one' ' , ' ' Jofue1yiry"" . . , ' 1 -'ii-.. ,-') 1 . 1 .. . '. 1.1 -. . 1 J : ' uj''i -4 .1. ' Beit 2Udlum fo"A,Uvrtti(nc '' , .. J. II' ' . ...I '''' . -r ,1. . .1-' " 1. ,) . 1 i t, i 1 . ,u . : In' this Section. Rates 'furnished' nn anplcatlon. H. V. MORTHIMEB, Luhigbton, Cubon Ooonr, Pa ' '" 'e at tne uincaor t io mil lil' mill friTi'. T"r .-.;i' ! , V.li "I '!.'! . 'v.:.' . In ' -. . : in .' ' i , " i i i k.' ,''''': "' ' ' '.. Indct8)gn?4;y,6nia respcctfnUy nrOUIlderS.eontnufirtlni1 hnnH. 8eh wtPS3fTo opened t , Jln,connectlijri",tJi their Near the- L. & 8. Dupot, WEISSFOETy Panna., and that Uiey have now on hand an Ira xaonse.atocto or th'ordn'gbJr eon4 Lumber, sueh.M -j. Rough PineBoardj, .'SWTJne Boards,, Flooring, Horaloek and l'lno, i .'. 'Sidings, of all kinds, ' 1 " Shingles, ciilmmensa stock, .,. t,i!1..flWgaj!JcCelllng Lath, . ; Scantling, . nnd.Jn fafct,LiberolieverT descrlp tlop at the very, lowest Market prloe. Wo are, also prepared tf furnish Bnlld, ers and ethers with rtfvpry fine artiolo of Sand, suitable ,fbr,t Blasoary markAbly, L9W pignreg. WA liavo constantly on )iand ttg lot Of Wood Bultabffj for FlrowooJ, which We :wlll sll lU'lsri? ov quantlflcOrPrJies tb'ouit JfiorFoc -oraSnAnoHs.sTWtfiSowKia: ;)M. i o r E iWpissport, l aug23-yj, , o itSrbon eonnty.'Pa, n 3 r- rr K.HICKEUT, u tl .t Oppose Lt'&SJBepot. qn .tho euspoxti Canal Bank, flgsp'cctfuilj?' lnfbms'Vho"cIria of tbl vicinity that ho keeni oanstnntlv on ibandj and. H selling fit, lha ery lowest muiKui, j.-noes,'ri8 Ter-jpssc Dranaa 01 Fon-Bulldlng and 'other purposes, vrhlcli he.guaranteos toibeui .iu: f -' Thopouglilyaspnadl .I ' AndtdGeu ist'th'o . ,u . . ' i . .n'.-il 1011 - . J7ERY LOWEST RATE8.' X C 1 Wholesalo and Retail at I thA'rur .roilo, . est'Cash'Priccs; " Tory iwv l'l. Ih He has also a nurnber' bl'vert'elfslbly located ' - A. ' ' ' I in RICKERTSTOWN, Franklin' T!wp., . I , T 1. , .. ...11. . ' . S niiiuu 110 wuipcu uu vuiy, .uasy-iorrai. aug. 0j '73-yl J.,K;, RICKERT, TOILLIAM KEMERER, ,V , ,: . Corner,?! n j - Bank & South' Sts., Lenlhton; 7s., ; ,' .'Keeps a full Jbje of, Comprising Ladies' Dress Coeds. 'Blub f rand 1 Colored! .Alpacas,. -Olnghamii frnuu, ouiruugaoueeungs, co.' In of . every! grade Mnd ijirlce.1 'i.j j?7 ii.I i . ; OiRFETS' Al;li OH, 0XOTH5, ,In great variety ' ., 'i -.'.1 e-. tttaf Cbfees, Spgars, "Mt, jfnltt. ',':Hriras,Shouider3;.SIoMt,. ;; JbpngVt, ,b"lE)cchftnrEedi HARD'WWE Jor1 Dulldlng and olhf purpoje 1 . ui gteatvarletyfcf tbeibistciniilty AH'Kooda,vernaied M jrepr'eisnU aud,prcss,Mly'AJo aBliewfeeri ' April 0, 187il-y j rj' " " ,. , tr uu "w'r BUILDER! '&C0NfliAQT,OR of L noytir tldh. iOJ houses.jand other bnlldines'. Alio.' that he keeps constantly on hand aliiU a sortraent-pf everyi'descrlptljbS'ot ,.u ' i-m-J . (ii i 'taojafltij Wml consisting ot flooring, 8lding"-6eeri, sub,' ,bUads, thuUeei, moJdlagf,-o., .which ho. ,l prepared to.tuxaUh very lovvesmikatiaU3.. ar . patronage respecaaUy Mllette't . .1 ' WJ "BEX- . . Llilgljtonj!May.Jlll.187,ll3rJ - ".'.' i f - ' ' BEAUTY'. 'iy6uc' Weighs waiENBaxEDOYtfrt one uqusnd., po.UNDS.(:Witsi.tm to draterj. PTSand stamp or Clrcqlar. Addreta. DANIEL F. BEATTXy WwUDgtoB., N. J. 1