The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 17, 1875, Image 2

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SATURDAY .MOliNKI AVlllL 17, 1875.
Prove tU things; hold fast tiy that
whicb. is good. "
In ns far as offices In the gift of po
litical .parties aro conceraqd, We fully
endorse tlio ('.octtluo "to tho victor be
ings the spoils." This being tho caso,
wc have, as a rule, generally abstained
from commenting on tho, wanner In
which offices aro usually filled. Wo
also bellovo In the doctrl'no of rotation,
with this proviso howovcr, that It
should jiever be attempted to supercede
cspab'e, reliable, well-tried officer b'y
cjio jof doubtful ability or character. I;
the latter is to bo deprecated ip politi
cal affairs, hpw much more reprehensi
ble If attempted In matters Independent
of party of politics. .
There are offices, strictly within Hie
gift of tbo people, n fhe filling of
which ablljly, Jnjcgrlty, and past ser.
vices Mwnld certainly putweigh all
other considerations. No Individual
omploycr would bo -willing to part with
Jb,e services of an experienced, trusty
servant, merely fo gratify the Impor
tunities of a strangerjnor would tho lat
ter urge the discharge of tho fornier on
account of )opg.contlnued,faltliful, pre
vious Bervlce. Yet this Is precisely
what a certain gentleman, J. P. Row
land, In pn advertisement published In
last yyeek.'s '.'Deniocrat,l' asks the
Schtol Directqrs of Carbon. County to
do! 2?ecauso Mr Hofford bos credita
bly fijjed the office of County Superin
tendent for twelvp cppaecuHvo years, ho
filings jhat the School Directors should
vote fpr a change In his (R's) favorl
What a plea) Because Mr. nofford has
fajthfully and acceptably labored in the
causey of publio Instruction, fhereforo
?lic;ilil tlm jong.trled and well appreci
atpd present incumbent mako room for
tho unti Ied,and comparatively unknown
We hope the School Directors pf Cor
bop $fl 'dp nothing of.the;klnd, but
that, In appreciation of past servlcos,
his eminent fitness, and thorough ac
quaintance with the educational needs
of our people, they will again unito lh
Mr. UoCford's support as tho most ac.
ceptable name to tho people of thecoun-
JJx-Senator Wad, of Qhio, In a let
ter to a friend declining to be a candi
dal before tho Republican convention
for tho governorship of the State, ex
presses the following sentiments, which
at this day seem almost original at
least they aro yery rare: "It has ever
bp en a fundamental principal with me,
nnd' npvp'r yet violated, that the office
should seek tbo mat) and not the man
the office; and, in accordanco with (bis
principle, I early took a solemp patji I
would never stump the public for or in
f avor of an office which I was to fill.
Even if I were able to do so that oath
would bar me. I never yet solicited
any mortal man for an office; It would
be too humiliating. I wpuld sooner beg
for old clothes. These you will say are
very old-fasblonod ideas; but it this
gIorpu$ government is ever rplped it
wll bo by offldo-seokcrs."
The report, pf (ho Centennial Cora
mt('eo on the Restoration of Independ
ence Hall, in Philadelphia, shows (hat
tho threat and Interesting work is pro
ceeding with energy ani Judgment.
Portraits and historic reilcs are accumu
lates, that tho building will possess
tbo most remarkable and enduring In
terest to every patriotic American. In
fact, the arrangements fcr the Couten
nlal'arp proceeding with such admirable
spirit apd skill that the good feeling of
the wbpjp country s secured, tbo cor
dial co-qperatjon qf foreign nations Is
enlisted apd all doubt of complete suc
cess bas vanished. The contributions
of Phllade.lp.bla and tho state of Penn
sylvania arq e.norniou3, and encourage
other States to generous efforts.
Tho senatorial excursion to Mexico
has been abandoned. Advices from
Washington, say fearof yellow fcver.and
jtlie IllLess of Mrs. Morton, ore among tho
jaucus auegea ror mo cnange, aitnougn
there are rumors that tho border diffi
eulUes and the state of thtpgs In Mexico
nayp nad something; to do Willi tie a
baadoument of thn excursion. At all
events tho people aro satlsAed that It has
ocen guen up. tho junketing or
party of Senators, on a U. S. vessel, at
the public expense, is not regarded as
the most proper way of spending thi
money of the people, though not as bod
us some other way that have been heard
of.' '
The $wary of the 'frpasury has
dlrectod (ho Treasurer tq withdraw
from the available currency bilauco of
.thtTreasu'ry $ 1. 488,00 of legal tenders,
jiihI that Jhey b) canjwllud and drstroy
vd, Ilia name being SJJ pel cent of the
additional flivuliuloi) lesucd to tbo na
tional banks during tho month of M uch,
until further ledemptl'.us under the act
'providing (htrefore uro ordered.
11. V. MOlUIllMUn,
Tlie variety uf kisses Introduced In the
Beechor business, says tho Cincinnati
Commercial, Is calculated to amaze
pooplo who do' their kissing without
analysis. There have becu thu par
oxysmal klsstbo Inspirations) kiss, tho.
Impulsive kiss, tho witliuslastlc kiss,
and tho holy kiss; tbo kiss of reconcili
ation, the kiss of graco, 'mercy and
peace, and tho kiss mutual. The other
kisses aro reserved for tbo rebuttal apd
ro-rebuttal testimony.
"Lights and Shadows of New York
Life; or, the Sights and Sensations of
the .Great City." A work descrip
tive .of New York City In all Its va
rious phases. Its splendors rTid
Wretchedness; Its Illgh am Low
Lite; Jts Marble Palaces Jnd Dark
Dons: Jts Attractions ad Dangers;
Its Rings and Frazils; Its Leading
.Men and PolltitK.;is, Its Adventuiers;
Its Mysteries and Crimes. By James
D. McCabe, Jr.
Tbo National Publishing Co., of
Philadelphia, have Just Issued one of
'tie most remarkable and attroctlvo
books of tho day, bearing the above tlr
tie. It Is comprised in one' largo octa
vo volume of 850 pages, and Illustrated
with nearly 200 fino engravings of no-'
ted places, IJfo and sceues in New York.
To Mr. McCabe is due the credjt of
having produced the most complefe and
graphic account of tho great city, and
its busy and varied life that It has been
our fortune to meet with. His book Is
brim full of solid apd useful Infornia
tlqn, and abounds In descriptions of tbo
.various publio buildings of New York,
its palaces, prisons, hotels, churches,
stores, hospitals, etc.
The work sets forth in glowing co
lors and noblo work for auiTerlns hu
manity, which 13 going on overy day In
tho great city, and reveals wth a bold
hand tho tcrrlblo crimes; tbo dark mys
teries, and tbe hidden sins of metropo
litan life. We are introduced' into the
new home of the Fifth Avenue million
aire, and parried with equal Interest to
tbo squalid cellar of tho Five Points
beggar. We aro brought faco to face
with tho good and tho bad, tho high
and tho low, with leading merchants,
bankers, cditqrs, and actors, with blum
mers, thieves, detectives, and mur
derers, with working women, ballet
glrls'.'adventuressts, and a host of oth
ers, atjd wo seem to bo lsteplng to their
stories from their Tmn lips, sp thorough
ly docs the author enchain our interest.
Our warmest enthusiasm and our deep
est contempt aro alternately aroused by
tho thrilling recitals of their doeds of
virtue and vlco. The history and frauds
pf the famous Tammany Ring aro re
lated with great force and candor, and
this portlqn alqne js worth (hp pficp of
tho bqok. ,.
In short the book s Nw York la mi
niature. The author has penetrated,
under tho protection of tho police, Into
(ho darkest and most dangerous haunts
of crime in tho city, and has thus been
enable to obtain accurate information
on the topics wheieof he treats. Visitors
to New York, cannot hope to see or
know as much of the city as they may
learn by a perusal of this book. To all
who contemplate visiting (ho great Jfo
troppUs', 'wVcbrdially 'recommend it,
both for its Information and for its
powerful warnings against the dangers
of the city. Those who cannot sea Now
York for themselves will be in a great
measure repaid for that privation by
reading this work;
Tho book is Issued by subscription
only, and Mr. A, S. Miller, who is the
authorized agent for this s'ecflou, is now
canvassing for It.
All Important Judicial Decision,.
Ilarrlsburg, Pa., April 14. An Im
portant decision was filed this afterqoon
by Judge Pearson, which virtually de
prives the .Commonwealth of half a
million dollars revenue. Tbo Auditor
Genera) had made a claim of $530 a
gainst the Klttanning Coal Company
ror a tax on coal mineu ana nuretnisd.
The company resufed to pay, and tho
case was submitted to the Court by
agreement. The defandent raised four
p61nts. First, that the tax. Imposed by
the seventh section of tho act qf April
21th, 1874, being upon coal mqed or
purcnased by corporations ana not upon
coal mined or purchased by individuals
and partnerships, was not uniform
within tho first section of the ninth
article of the Constitution. Second, that
anturacito ana bituminous com were or
different values according to Quality
and location, and the statue, assuming
to impose a spucltlo tax pi tue tame
amount without regard to values, was
unconstitutional and void. Third, the
Imposition of a tax upon all coal mtm d
or purchased by the corporations, iuch t
mat usea in their business, ana tho
omission to Impose thu tax ou the coal
of Individuals and partnerships, was in
eueci an exemption ot tno coal or too
latter. Such exemptions woro prohlbl
ted by tho Constitution, and tho
statues making them was null and void.
Fourth, a corporate franchise was not
prppcrly subject toj taxation under tbp
oiatp constitution. k
Judge Pearson decided that tho flrsf.
second and fourth points, must bo an
swered In the negative, but that the
third point was virtually well taken.
Attorney General Dlmmlck has appeal
ed from tho decision. The concluding
paragraph of Judge Pearson's opinion
was as follows:
"The Leglslaturo must bear in mind
that (hey no longer possess tbo unlimited
power they formerly exercised. It is
their du(y To carefully study tbo mean
ing of the Constitution and conform to
Its provision's. It Is with regret that we
feel ourselves constrained to declare
th3t the tax in Ifia present cose cannot
be collected, on account of the uucon.
stltutio.uallty of the law, but we are far
from thloMng that the money Is neces
sarlly lost to the State. JOv a properly
prepared taw taxes may be imposed
to cover thu tluib back to the period of
tht; last payment, taking varo to pro
puriyciaMirytno suiijcci ana renaeuo
tbe.ii uniform, without accepting .any
property vMiuteverr'
f reu Uraut will relga from tr.e array
in lilt) rail 10 gu lllU) l lie D.tUKtllg OUal-
ut Mi with JohnShermuu, Jr., a uephuw
oi ueucrai anerman.
Forty buildings wero destroyed by
firo at Mlllestown, Pa., Sunday.
Peto McCartney, the notorious count
erfeiter, has been recaptured.
Treasurer Spinner Monday, received
an autograph letter from the Presdent
accepting his resignation.
Another large expedition, consisting
Of eight hundred men, Is being fitted
put for the Black Hills.
Revels of Jflsslsslppt, the firrt colored
Senator, has bccoitib a D. D. and Is pas
tor of a Methodist Church.
The firo In Stockton mine is still burn
ing, and, In connection with adjacent
mines, will liavo to be lioodeu. 'ino loss
will be $500,000.
Tho troops at the Cheyonne Agency
had a fight with tho hostile Cheyennes
on tho Oth Inst. Tho Indians (led, and
largo body or cavalry and infantry
was sent In pursuit.
The Roman Catholic bishops of Prus
sia have addrcs&ed a petition to Emper
or WUholm, remonstrating against their
treatment at the banas of tho govern
The three cent tax on coal mined In
Pennsylvania by incoporated companies
s involved at Ilarrlsburg In six suits
against so many companies, which deny
the consfltutlouallty of tho tax.
Hereafter Insurance companies dolns
business In Delaware will bo required
to publish an annual statement onco a
weeicror three weeks in at least two
nowspapers ot that State.
7?oth house of tho New Jersey Le
gislature have passed tho bill taking
from tbo New Yor ana Long Branch
Railroad Company Its pqwer to unito
wjtli the Baltmore and Ohio.
At tho Atlas Work, Pittsburgh, Ta.,
they are making tbo largest shears over
constructed In this country, They will
welch'40 tonB. and will shear cold iron
five incites thick.
At the performance of "Ahmed" In
tbo Grand Opera llouso one evening last
week, ono.of the married lady assistants
gaye birth to a chjjd behind the scenes
while tho tonrnament act was on, and
the delighted father named him Ahmed
on tho spot.
Tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
at its decent session, reversed tho roils.
Ion of the Pike County Court ot Com
mon Pleas lh thu case ot Decker vs. the
Erto Railway Company, In which the
plantlfl had received a verdict jn his fa
vor or ,uuu ror me uurning t(f ms ho
tel at Shohola.
An elopement In Mlllbury. Mass..
had no novel feature, but It called at
tention to a strangely complicated fami
ly, lhe wire who eloped was twentv-
one-years old, having beep married
seven years, and the husband whom she
left was sixty-seven. Tho husband's
two sons by a previous wife are married
to his recranc wire's two outer sisters,
and her brother is the husband ot her
husband's daughter,
Another circumstantial account of
further gold discoveries jn the , Black
Hills coipps from Yankton, Dnkota
The Owens brothers, who aro reported
as nrlnclnc in the news.are well known
on the border, and aro men. whose
statements can be relied upon, Being
out on a hunt with a party, and rneeti
ing somo oi tho uiacir mils prospectors
they wero Induced to venture on a
prospecting tour, though lacking ex
perience, and without tools. Camping
soma thirty miles soutb of General (Jus
tor's line, they found gold within three
days In such qualities that,leavlng their
companions to guard the spot, the Ow-
eps boys returned for supplies and o?
qulpment. They have no fears of the
Indians, having met bom liruei ana
Teton, Sioux, and maintained friendly
relations with tmiin.
Fottsvllie. Pa.. April 12. Messrs.
Morton & Bros., coal operators, at
Mount Carrael,. having signed the 1674
basis demanded by the miners for 1875,
are now shipping all their coal west by
mo xHortuerp (jeujrai uanroaa. At ona
mokiu the colle'rtcs which recently sus
pended work, comprising three leased
CQiieries or the Pennsylvania and lieaU'
ing rianroaa uompany, ana one oi ins
Northern Central Railroad Company
have again started, employing 800 men
und boys. Tho men ot two colleries
near lam&nna did not vote to-dav as an
tlclpated. They still refuse td accept
tho reduction or the bases of 1875. No
lmmedlato troublo from them Is appre
hended. The Impression geueraliy pre
vails that tbo Btilke s nearly ended.
The Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows of Eastern Pennsylvania Is about
to take measures to establish an Old
Man's home for the benefit of tho mem
bers ot the order. This organization Is
benefical in Its objects, and efforts have
hitherto been given to the support ot
the sick, tlie burial or tne aeaa ana tup
relief ot widows and orphans. Tbesp
objects are very extensive, and they
have been maintained and carried out
n this country for fifty years. The
membership of tho order is very large.
The amoun(o contributed, although
moderate tor eapji Individual, makp UP
ft large sum of money, nnd tha dispen
sation of relief has been liberal and
generous. Tha present effort will take
the Order a step further in the grand
work of benevolence. The idea ot es
tablishing homes for old men who have
struggled through life with earnestness
and industry, but who have been un
successful In getting ahcadt, of the
world, so as to accumulate tbo means ot
support in extreme ace. is quite a mo
dern one, and may be said to have
grown up.ln the last fifty years. Asy
lums for Indigent widows and single
women have been favorite means ot
charitable support In this country for
more than bait a century. It Is only
recently that attention has been paid
to the necessities of old met). Tho pro
poned Institution will, therefore, bo In
Accordance to tho spltltol the age,vvilch
is constamiy seeking now ruims lo mam
fait Uu broad and ctiholtc spirit. The
Order hut the means, through united
eilort. to uiniio the project eut'.My suc
cessful, and It Is one In which the pub
lic &t Inre, whether connected with
that organization or not, will take great
New Advertisements.
f. bcrnuahi's
Water Wheel
Wti (elected, 4 yarn nito, and put to work
In tht U. B. Patent Oflloe, I. C, mil hii
proved to ho the beet. 19 liiei made.
Prleee tioirer thin inr othir SritcUii
Wheel. raiDBhUt free.
Addren N.F.BDRNIIilr, Yom, P.
Cine A. WEEK to Agtntito (ill anirilcli
lenie. l'ack
en free. Address BUCKfiyu H'fi
CO., Marlon,
Artlrle to be told mti lolendldlr.
Prima neceaMtr In eTerr famtlr. Ladlea make
larre commlulcmi In lelllnir. Afwnti report Im
mense sales. Article light, elegantly put up; ctr
culara elrea free lo help tales. Write at once to
Jat. M. Stewart, Franklin, Mats.
o " t
4 M
J, a
utt 5 S Do S .etu
. - s t x
5 5 bSfiaBto s
fjlft Per dlT at home. Terms fe
Portland, Maine,
I Address QIOSQI Kiissok t Co.
&yy m.?JEJ
tfft N 0TH1
A WEEK guaranteed (o Male and fe
male Airsnts, In their locality. Costs
NOTI11MI to trjll. Particulars Tree.
luaeiux uo Auguaia, mi.
Most JExtraordinary
Terms of -ld(rertlflug are oSertd In the
r SUte of
Send for list of papers and schedule of rates. Ad
Advertising Agents,
Kiria to kdjior pf jnjp pjp is.
jgprlup; and Summer Styles
Now Styles, "
New Feathers,
New Flowers,
Ornaments, &cf
HATS and BONNETS, Trimmed In
the latest fashion at the lowest prices.
KIBHONS, the latest nnd best Shades;
also, full assortment ot NotItn, Ualr
goods, etc., at new prices at
Next to the Carbon Advocate office,
Banltway, Lehlghton, Pa.
IprlJ 10, 1870.3m.
QrpUans' Court Sale.
2y virtue of n order of tho Orphans'
Court ot Carbon County, there will be
exposed at Public Sale, on the premis
TON, on
Wednesday, April 28, 1875,
At halkpast two o'clock P. M the
following descflbpd.
Meal Estates,
Late the property of ELIZABETH
MOULTHROP, deo'd, viz: All that
certain lot. cleco or parcel ot cround.
situate, lying and bejrjg In tho borough
ot ieuiRhton, uarbon county, l'a
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at a stone, thence by
land of Lo wis. Graver feouth three de
grees and one-halt west twenty-five
perches and one-tenth to a stone;thenco
by land of George Eschdue east twelvo
perches and two-tenths to a stone;
thence uy lana or tne late John Kuntz,
deceased, north twenty-nine degrees
west eleven perches to a stone; thence
by tbo same north four and one-half
degrees east nineteen perches and
three-tenths to a corner la a publio
road: thence by said nubile road south
fifty-live degrees west elebt peacbes to
me place or oeginning, containing
Strict measure. The Imorovements
iitereon are a une-ana-a-mic-story
D.weljmg Hqusp,
With basement; a good Well ot Wa
ter, and a number ot choice fruit trees
Terms and conditions will bo made
Known at ttmo ana place of sale, by
Lehlghton, ylprll 10th, 1875.
Millinary Goods & Notions.
Two doors below the M. E, church
Leblchton, ra.. desires to call tho attcn
tlon ot the ladles to the fact that she Is
opening a very large stock of the most
fashionable styles of
Millinery Goods,
Hats, Bonnets,
Trimmings and Notions,
together with a largo assortment of
Zephers. Perforated Mottoes,' Framing
Straw, jwltchus.'Halr Good'), &o.
Prices as low as eleuwlirro, and all
wink guaranteed. An Inspection of
goods U luvlted. Mils. a. r A lii
April 3,-3w.
CD Z3 Si
resoectfully announces to bis friends
and tho publio generally, that ho hag
removed ills
from Lclbengutli'B building to tho new
building of Wm. Warner, opposite
ltomig &. Hofford's carriage works,
and that bo has Just received a large
and well selected stock of
Wall !Pape9$9
which be Is salllqg at Philadelphia re
tail prices. Call and examine before
purchasing elsewhere.
Ho has also, constantly on btnd a
full stock of all tho popular
Patent Medicines,
Drugs, Chemicals,
Perfumeries, Fancy Soaps,
Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, &o.,
To which ho Invites the attention of tbo
Thankful for past fa von, ho respect
fully asks a continuance ot the same.
uon't forget tue place, sign or tno uiu
MOKTAIt, Bank street.Leulghton, Pa.
calls the attention of the ladles to the
fact that he Is now opening an Immense
stock of tho latest styles ot
Spring Dress ffioods
Also, constantly on hand a full line of
Dry Goods,
Oil Cloths,
Queensware, &c,
allot which lie will sell at prices fully
as low as goods ot samo quality can be
bought for In any other storo in the
Remember the Placo 1 '
Opposite Eaglo Hotel, Bank
Stroot, Lohighton.
Manufacturer of nnd Dealer In all
kinds of Household and Kitchen
Next .(o Bomlg & Holford's Carrlago
Bank Street, Lohighton, Pa.
ISlegat't Parlor Suite,
Handeome Uedroom,Sete,
Selling very Cheap for Cash.
Examine lieforo purchasing elsewhere.
navlng had an experience of twenty
years In tho
Business, I am prepared to furnish all
kinds oi" COFFIiVti and CASKETS on
short notice, ami attend to all business'
in this line in sticu a manner as will
give entire satisfaction, on very reason
able terms. Patronage solicited.
March 27, 187My '
This snlnndld Piano Fortu combine!
every improvement In tone with jjpwer
antlgieaiaurnuiiiiy, nuu urtvu icueneu
tho unqualified endorsements of tbo
highest Musical authorities for Its Mar
vellous extraordinary richness oc lone,
WOULD. Largo size, 75 Octaves,
overstrunc Bass.f ull Iron Frame.Frencb
Grand action, Fret DeskiCarved Pedal,
Solid Rosewood Mouldings, Ivory Key
Front, (happed Hammerc, a uraue
Treble, fcc, &c. Weight when boxed
over One Thousand Pounds. Liberal
discount to the trado. Agents Wanted
male or female.)
t3f-and stamn ror uircuiar. Aa,
dross tho Inventor and Proprletor.DAN.
F. BEA.TTS", Washington, Uew Jer-
ImnroTfd PUCOM
the ecknoirlodEed
Sl'ANDAllR of the
market, b popular
TOralct, toe best pump
for tlie least monr. Attention is in.
yti to Ulalchley'" ImproTed Hracket,
the Drop Clieok Valle, hlch can be
withdrawn without dlstarbloc the
Joints, and the copper chaetber which
nerer cracks, acaleepr riiat..M last
a lirstlrae. Vot sale by aalers and
fhA .a4 MnnralU. 1U Order tO DO
nr. Ihnt nn rnt lllatrhler'S PUOH). be Careful
end aea that It has m trade mark aa abore. It
mil (in tint hi.. vtiarA in hut. aeecriK.i. citvu-
p. iJiN,i,.H i.itt. th. n.m.ind aildreas Of the
agent nreat you, will be promptly furnished by
addressing-, wun stamp,
Ma-Oom'merMSt.l'bU. hla,r,
March 0,'70-Qia
Pure Concentrated Potash.
Of double the strength of any other
I have recently perfected a new meth
od; of packing my rptasn, or uyv, ana
am now packing It only In Balls, the
coating or which vlll sapoplfy, apd
does not inluro the Boa p. It is packed
containing -4 and IS lb, one lb. Iall J,
ami In no other way. Directions in
EuzllAli and German for making hard
and soft noap U this l'otash accom
panying cacii package.
Cto08 Washington St., Y V,
Jan. it), l675-4mos.
- -A
SYoung Men
Who aro oot of Employment,
Young Men
About Engaging in Business;
Young Men
Who wish to prepare for Advanced Fo
Young Men
Who wish to prepare for Business Lite,
can find superior advantages at
1131 Chestnut He. eir. bi' Utk,
sTAniuu 1844 IircoaroUtn 11(5
Tho longest Established, the Best Or
ganlzed, the Most Practical and the
Most Largely Attended Commercial
College In tho city.
Jfany of our leading and most suc
cessful merchants and business men
are among Its graduates.
Numerous-applications are received
from business bouses for its students to
11 situations.
The Qualifications for business gain
ed hero have proved a fortune to hun
dreds of young men. Superior Instruc
tions given In
In all Its branches, as practiced by tbo
Accountants and Business Men, Include
Ing Wholesale, Retail, Jobbing, Manu
facturlDg,Importlng,(7ommlsslon, Com
pany Speculating Buslnau;also Domes
and Foreign Shipping, Real Estate,
Joint Stock Company, Banking Busi
ness, &o.
Also, PENMANSHIP, a free, rapid
and beautiful style. '
the best short and rapldmethods In ac
tual uso.
Forms, Commercial Law, Ac.', &o.
There are no vacations. Students re
ceived at any time, and charged only
for the Courso which they enter, and
not for the time required to complete It.
Crittenden's Book Seeping Honss
Edition, and The Crittenden Commer
cial Arithmetic and Business Manual,
Forty-fifth Thousand, for. sale at the
College, or will bo mailed on receipt of
J. GEOESBEOK, Principal.
1875 Spring 1875
Mrs. M. Gutn
Respectfully announces to the ladles ot
Welstport and vicinity that she has just
returned from the City, and Is niw re
ceiving one of the largest stocks ot
Millinery Goods
Hats, Bonnets,
And Trirriminga
ever before brought Into thjs section,.
ana tnat sue is prepared, to ao mem op.
Yery Latest Fashion,
at prices below any other establishment
In Carbon county.
Also, an entirely new stock ofr
switches, In real hair, and Imitation)
hair, Notions and all other goods usual
ly kept In a first-class Millinary Store
Ladies' p wn Hair made up to order
Call and inspect coods and learn
prices before purchasing elsawhrre.
MRS. M. CUTS:, Wtessport, Fa.
April 3, 1878.
Br?ad Bakersr,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.fc
Near .the Exchange Bote).
We are also nrenared to supply our
friends aqd tho citizens In general vrltta
Bread and Oakes,
of Superior Quality, fresh every Day.
ye mae a opeciniiy ot
"Wedding and J?Rticy Cakes.
We have always on band a fine sfock ot ,
Pore Candies and Ojrfgptlons,
which we sell at the very lowest prices!
Oysters in overy ptyle
Fresh COUNTRY BUTTER at tbo.
egular pakret prices.
BAKE Street, Lehjghtoa, Pa.
Decl2-yl t
The undersigned respectfully Informs
the citliena Qf-Carbon and adjoining
counties, that he Is now prepared to
supply them with
Dressed or Xiiye. Hogs
at all times, at prices fully as low as
they can be bought for elsewhere. Also,
Smoked Hams, Bologne' and Sejussage,
at Wholesale and Retail,
OT Orders will be promptly' filled,
aud Hogs shipped tp. auy point at the
sbottest notice. '
Bank Btroct. lehlghton',)?'?.
Sept. 10, 187i-yl ' ff