The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 10, 1875, Image 3

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    "W desire It to be distinctly understood that no
eUrertleemeiti -will be. Inserted In tbe eotpmna of
Ti CliiOK Abtocat (hit may be recelt ed from
TanUiowq jjartleacrtmiiunteis teeotneilled with
thPlU. TharblUmlofcaraouroittTterMsi '
Admltaetnentlfoil reer,'ierltr.aeoh. " '
Insertion ... . . 10 Cents.
8llUontbl.prlnthMthlertloo IB Cents.
'TbrMo.thi, '. -' so Cents.
Lasa than three nwn.fH., firstlnaer
tlon (I, Mtfa eubseqoent' Insertion 25 Cents
il.y, HOHTIIIUER, Pilblllktr,,
jij n. aitcWKiis, ",
Orrrce, No. t, Mansion Tfoiisa,
Battling Estatef , Tiling Aatounui and Orphana
Crart Practice srlalty.-
Trlil of Cental carefully attended to. Legal
transactions In Entlltb and Oeruren, JanO.
larunro Cimi,, A.O. K.or tu M. C 2nd
and 4th. Ucmday cl Mch tpoptfa, in ruber's
Hall, Lehlihton, at 7.00 o'clock r.M. 1'erey
German, 8. . Oj 8. It. allium, 8, K. Jl. 8.
0M DoirtM Voter Jo,C8; 1.0.6. meets
nrrToMdajr eeenlnft, at S o'clooli, In Ha
bert llall. Daniel U rarer, N. 0 Wm. It.
Local and Personal
The Ute trtdo Is rapidly brighten
ing. . Tlio 4th of July comes on Sunday
New prtng styles of prints at Dan
lei Gravers, i
I'atronlzo homo Interest first, last
and at all times.
Dont forget tlio - entertainment ou
the iCth and 17th last"
A full line of carpets at Daniel
Graver's, from 20cts per yard upwards.
Mr. L. F. Klepplnger, will please
accept our thanks for a basket of nice
Mr. John Wi Nusbium was homo
on a visit orer Sunday., Philadelphia
evidently agrees with him.
The monthly wages of tbo empty ees
In the Lehigh Valley' shops at South
Xaston amount to $21,000.
A rushing trade awaits the stores
thai now advertise liberally and let tho
people know what the are doing.
Seventy-five tons of rails wero
made In nine hours and fifteen minutes
At tbe old rail mill, ,13ethleham, last
Thursday week.
6oreaton li at present erecting 'a
etccl mill, which wlll'be the' Urgent In
tbe country, and giro employment to
over ljOOO men.
Mrs Etutxr, of Salisbury, whose
maiden name wan Margaret licrobard,
vtlll-cfleboUc the 100th anniversary of
her blntbdty on tbo ISth of April.
Mrs. liulo Enmer has Just receiv
ed bcraptlng .styles of hats, bonnU
and millinery goods. See advertisement
la another column.
From the preparations that aro be
ing made, a good time may be expected
at tbe School Entertainment on the lOlh
and 17th Inst.
Rev. J. McNaughton, pastor of tho
Fiesbyterlan church at Slatington, has
received a call from a church at Mana
yunk. J Tho average length of a farmer's life
U sixty-live yeau, nnuotnuoi a prin
ter Is thirty-three, hence tbe tecesslty
of paying for your paper promptly.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Com
vanv has declared a quarterly dtvldeud
of 2H pcreent, payable on 'and after
April lOtn.
Charles Trainer Is' now fixed In his
new store on Second street, and Is sell
ing, flour, feedtc, at lowest rates. Try
3000 Mes Wasted, To aecuro great
bargains at Laury fc Pi-trw. They
have Just received a large stock of fan
cy worsted and casslrcero sultluKs.whlch-
they are prepared to make up In first
class style, at 1875 prices, to suit tlio
If you want a dish of nleo oysters,
co to I) Krock Co, They have (hem
fresh every day aud servo them up In
very ctjle to suit the tasto of customers.
Fast horses and bandsomo carri
ages can be had at tbe livery of David
Xbbert Daolc street. Ills terms aro
Our roan friend. W. W. Reber.
od of Dr. N. II. Reber,- of '.bis place,
Jen for uiuersvme, Lancaster county.
on bMurosT iuc, w wnien piaco no goes
to avuesa uto aorraw acuooi.
Dr. Edwin KUUer. of Mabon
Valley, aays mat during tne past Win
Ver be had 103 days of sleigh rldlne.
that be averaged no miles per day,
for the season 0073 mile.
There will be service in Bei
less' chnrcb, East Fcnn town&Tp to
morrow (Sunday) morning 10 'o'clock,
after whleh the Sacrament of the
Lordy Supper will be administered by
Iter. A. Bartholomew; of Leblgbton.
Workoen are busily eucased tear.
log out tha.oid buildings opposite tbe
FubUe square, on Rank street, to make
room tor f. r. oemmcra new ouiiaing.
J. K. Ciekert has stilt a few of those
eligible lots In RlckerUiown to dltpow
pf. If youreelllkesecurlagagoodhoiuo
ll and see him. Ufi Is also minidylng
flour, feed, Ipmber and eoal at liie low-
Mi rates.
Tbe coats made up by Laury &
Peters are not only neatly trimmed but
well made up of the feast material, aud
tbe "tit" Is unsurpassed by "any oJLner
Send your orders for Job printing
to the Advcxuth office. New press
and a large lot of new end clegsqt type
Just received. Prices fully as low as
New York or Philadelphia.
The regular Spring meeting of the
Presbytery of Lehigh vtlll be held la
the First Presbyterian Cl.urch, of Cat .
asauqua, commencing on Tuesday even.
uie, ui auia inai , us opening sermon
to be delivered by the Model or, Uav.
jar. nnuaui, m AHton.
16 1
r i
or iissu
..-rJDarilel Rtac,Iajiow,Jn Jfovv. Jersey.
Buying up a inrgq quanuty oi shuihs oi
tho finest breeds, and Is expected homq
diulnj! the coming week. Ho de-ilres
us to Inform the peoplo of this section
that ho has hitherto been In tho hnhlt
of deposing- of Ills shoat3 for cash, but
that the Bywtain don't'', seem -to ' work
well, and that hereafter'he will sell for
tho ir.oney. On these terms ho will
give you bargains.
The po.putor young druggist, Mr.
II. A. Peters, who hns been in nt
tnndauco In tho store of Hon. A. J.
Durllng duTlng Iho past winter, resign
ed liU poslUon on Monday lat, nnd ro
turned (o.Slatlngton. Mr. P hns niado
a host of friends during his stay In' Lc
lilghton by his nffablo and gentlemanly
deportment, and takes with him their
warmest wishes for his futuro success
In life.
The ono hundred and twenty
eighth Mlnlstorlum of Pennsylvania of
the Lutheran Church, will meet nt Nnr
rlatonn on Trinity Sunday.Mny 22d.At
this meeting It Is expected nr-,
rangements, will be made ,by wlilcli
Afuhlenhcrg Collece, at Allentowriwlll
be transferred to nn entire Jurisdiction
of the Synod, and the- entiro Board of
Managers bu elected by tlio Synod for
At the regular meeting of Lehigh
Ilook & Ladder Co., on Monday even
ing last, Geo. W. ' Dielil was' elected
Roc. Secretary vlco V. W. Reber ro-
slgued. A committee consisting of 1'.
Brady, F. Debordo and Jerry J. Kllno
was appointed ,to make arrangements
for an entertainment. Three now mem
bers were elected and there Is yet room
for a few mora good men.
, James Sinizma6ter. of Mlllerstorfi.
this countyand Henry SlngmasJf, of
Stroudsburg, have been appolrfed ad
ministrators of the estate of lato Jacob
Slugmaster, deed., of tho last nhovo
named place, they bavin a furnished the
requisite security, viz: $3,000,000. Tho
estate of tho deceased is estimated to
amount to from $800,000 to $1,000,000.
Just opened at Daniel Graver's a
full lino of ladles', gentlemen's and
children's shoes and gaiters, ordered
especially for the present season. Prices
to suit the times.
We learn that there Is now being cir
culating In. Pittsburgh and along .tho
Pennsylvania railroad, one of the most
dangerous aud best executed counter
feits of our national currency that has
yet made an appearance. Tho bill Is X
the denomination of five dollars, on tho
Traders' National Bank, III. We havo
not heard that any of our business men
havo yet been victimized, but It would
bo as well to give five dollar bills of ihu
above bank a most rigid scrutiny beforo
accepting any of them,
E. II. Rhodes has opened a t,rocery
and provision store, In bis building op
posite the "Advocate" ofllce.aiul is now
prepared to sell goods as low as any
other .man. Seo advertisement In an
other column.
Wo are sorry to learn that our
friend, Mr. A. Schneider,, of Summit
Ilill, lias been somewhat indisposed for
some weeks past. Wo trust he may
speedily recover,
L. F. Klepplnger, at his llyery on
the corner of Bank and Iron streets,
has a lot of nobby horses aud handsome
carriages, which ho hires out at very
low prices.
T. W. Rcnshaw, the popular drug
glttj of Summit Hill, was in town
Thursday night. He reports all quiet
among tbe miners at' that place, and
says there. Iirb not as yet occurred any
occasion for the services of oub-ldcrs to
maintain order. Wo gather from his
remarks that tho men go about their
business quietly and orderly, but with
the determination to 6tand firm till thu
"bitter end" that they will succeed
In getting what they claim as their'
Just rights.
School Eutertalmucut. On
the evenings of the ICth and 17th of
April, the Public Schools of Lehlghtou
will give an entertainment in the Hall
of Iho school building. Tho perform
ances will ba of a pleasing character
and will consist of music, recitations,
dialogues, tableaux, etc. Admission
25 cents. The proceeds to bo used for
tbo benefit of tbo schools.
S. J. Barnett.
Spring gtyUi.
T. D. Clauss, tho popular merchant
ollor of Lthlghton, has Just received
and J now opeulne tho Unrest 6tock of
lis, casslmcrs, worsted and nil kinds
of suitings and vestlngs, for men's nnd
yuutu s wear.ever urouguc 10 tins town,
which be Is making up In tho litest
Ions aud In tho most durable man
ner, and fits guaranteed every time, at
prices to suit thu times, also a now and
elegant stock of ladles', gent's and
children's boots, slices ami galtrrs.mada
especially for the trade of this section,
and a full line of gent's furulthlng
goods and hats and caps of the latost
spring styles, which ho Is selling at
"knock down prices." Call and In
spect his stock beforo purchasing else
Fatal Uunulng Accident.
Powell, a young married
roan, if siding In West Penn town-hip,
went out pigeon shooting on Saturday
mori.lng last; standing around watting
for tbo pigeons to put In an appear
ance, he stood near an old stump, rest
ing tho stock of the gun thereon and
leaning over the tnunla with his body,
when the gun slipped from tho stump,
the hammer being drawn from tho nip
ple In the decent of tbo piece and
springing bick-ppon the nipple the gun
was discharged,' tho contents entering
the unfortunuto roan's bowels after
passing thiouglt bis hand which he held
over the mutzlo, After receiving the
charge be ran about two rods when ho
fell dead. The funeral took placo ou
wll,hjld 'tjielr worshlp.qu ngxt,Sunday
evening "In tho Presbyterian churiih,
whicll die lifiVo' rMitcd, nnd; will
thenceforth hbjd tli'elr services regu
larly every Sun,iiay. Prcaciiltg- at 10
,. in. In tho -German language, and
Etigllsli'overy two iivecjis n Wv ovc.
nfrig, at 7 o'clock p.'"tn,, In which tho
christian community Is cordially nrld
respectfully Ir.vlted to partlclpato,Pra'i
or meetings on Tuesday nnd Thursday
evenings, to which tlio . christian coin'
inunlty is also hlndly Invited. J. C
Blleirf, pastor, Evaugcllcali church nt
Lchlohtoiit .i
Divine Services In tho Acadcmy,Rov.
If, K;;Derr; .pastor; Confirmation nnd
preparatory service for'Coiiihnitilon
tills afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Commu
nion on Sunday mornliig,' lO'a'cIdcki
English servlco'fn tho evening nt 7.
Ilorougli Council. .-,." V
The borough council, met on Monday
evening last and organized ns follows :
' Wm', 'Wagner, Esq.,thQburge53,e!ec,t,
took his seat and was duly qualified.,
Wm. M. ltapsher. Esq., wa3 appointed
Secretary, nn,d Wm'. Jilller, Treasurer,
with instructions to file. boiidK in accor
dance with laW and Geo. Slitlltz was
appointed Street Commissioner, when
ouncll, adjourned to meet on tho first
Monday of May, 1875.
Bpcclal Police, . ,
One hundred and fifty special police
men front Phila. arrived at Hazleton
Tuesday cverilh's: They will do -ddty
as engineeii) and firemen, .and prevent
tlio mines from filling' with water. One
of tho mines at Audenried was Hooded
on Sunday by tho creaking In of n
creek, and as thu Union would,' not al
low Us men to assist In turning tho
courso of the stream, ttho. .superintend
ent and ofilco clerks wcroob!jgcL.todo it.
- i .
Parryvllle Itema. i , ,
Henry Rau, of Bowmansville, while
out walking Monday, March 23th, slip
ped and fell, fracturing his knee bono
very badlyr Dr, J, A. Koch, of tills
placo, attended him aud ho. Is now do
ing quito well.
Mr. G. F. Anthony, justlco of tho
peace, of this place, has taken out ills
commission and is now ready to attend
to all who may need Ids services. Look
out for squalls.
Rev. L. Bryfogel, pastor of tlio Evan
gelical church, moved Into town last
Rev. L. B. Brown, of tho M. E.
church, who has been atteudlngcoufer
at Norristown for tlio last two weeks,
returned last Siturday. Wo are glad
to eea Mr. Brown back amongst us
again, aud hopo his btay may ho a long
ono. . Oney Jokin.
Dig Creek Iteuia,
Big Creek Items wero among tho mis
sing last week on account of overcrowd
ed business, hut, as therobbln and blue
birds are making their appearance, I
will try and do likewise.
The Polio Poko Cicek was very high
last wcel:,ltoverflQved its banks Hood
ed some of our neighbors' meadows,
car iled off fencos, saw logs, sills, boats
and washed off a good deal of soil; so
much that tho stones aro visible in tho
meadows, and cleaned tho cicek en
tirely of all its ice, &c.
Tha Spring Is very backward, and
farmers will find Just as mudi work as
they will ba able to do to bo in time for
the early seeding, etc.
Mx. John Boyer, who was on a visit
to his many friends at this placo during;
tho winter, , has left ngala for his homo
at Lawrence, Kansas.
Wild gecso In quite largo 'numbers
were seeing flying through this valley
during last week ; several flocks made
o short stop on Big Creek, but not a
slrglo feather was captured this year.
Judging from your paper of last week
Items are as scarce In other localities as
In this. '
Mr. Amos'Solt, of this place, moved
on Tuesday if last week Into the houso
owned by Wm. Thoma3,sltuated on tlio
road leading to Mackereltown. We
are sorry to part with him as he was a
kind friend aud, a very obliging neigh
bor. Alex Solt has moved' to ono'o'f Mr.
D. Prlnco's houses at tho paint mill.
Amandas Beer, of this place, will
move to one of Eli Koch's houses, near
Welssport, ere long.
Moving day, that great terror of
housekeepers, with all its bustle and
confusion is passed and gono and onco
more, those of us who wero so unfortu
nate as to be compelled -to make rt
change .of residence are safely cscons
ed in our now homes, aud can now
breathe freo- nt least for another year.
Tho lumber men of Carbon county,
nro preparing for a brisk trado the
comlug Spring.
Tl.o schools of Towameuslng any all
closed with tho exception of Shoen
berger's.No. .1, which will end on the 17,
There will ba services in tlio Solt's
church, to-morrow, (Sunday), at 10 a,
u. Services by Rov. S. Breyfogel, of
Parryvlllo, w, u.
Big Creek, April 6th, 1875,
Trotting Slnllloni.
'IDr.'Jiisliua Kern, (if SMgorsvlllcrnti
nounrcs to the owners of HhoiBeB.i that
he will burnt tho Hotel of J. W. Ran
dcnbtish, in -this bnK.agh. jvlthhUcelc1-
bratc.i fctf.llions. "Toronto Chief, Jr.,
""Mntribrino Pilot, Jr," nnd "Ge'orgo
M. Pulclien, Jr.," on Tuesday nnd
Wcdliosilay, AprU20and 2,1, and' ev
ery altelnatO Tuesday anTrT Wednesday
during tho season,
Toronto (?hlef. Jr.. wnt. sired hv thu
fast Stallion Toronto Chief, ho Is out of
atoyai ueorgo, called "Warrior", be
rore iiio came to tlio. States. By rei
ferilng to tlio Turf Register you w
find his cout. st with Dextex and Gent
Butler, and that ho trotted on thu Push.
Ion tlio lOlh of July, In 2:10j
Tho dam ot Toronto Xhlef was thortrps
ling nmro Patty Jenks, remarkablo:for
Her great speod and endurance, having
trotted her thirteenth' mllb In 2:57.
Mauibrlnq Pilot, Jr.. is n hnmlsomo
dark' orown stallion, no whlt'6, ofio' of
tliu most beautiful shaped horses over
seen. He Is well broken niid'ri splen
did driver, looking most magnificent
when going. Ho trotted last Fall In
double- harness, ou the GutlisvlUe track,
n hnlf mile, In 1:15. This was remark
nbly good tlnio for n five year Old colt,
considering tho'chance ho had, for he
was not broken to harness until he was
past four.yenrs. Mambrltio Pilot, Jr.,
Is of modern family that rivals -tho
Hamblctonian, U composed of tho de
cend.ii.ts ot Maiuhilno Chief a horse
that was bred In the East mid taken tb
Kentucky by James B. Clay In 1831. ,
George M. Patchen, Jr., lis a trotter
Is fast tliln' '"to celebrity. Ho is
handsome, wlilto In color, and sixteen
hands high. JJo hns good blood in him,
for ho wa got by tlio celebrated trot
ting horse Goergo M, Patchen, by Cas
slus M. Clay, who was by old Henry
Clay, and bis dam was by it young
hor!o.vtho ns own brother to Trustee
who first tiottcd twenty miles within an
hour in harness. Tho dam of Georgo
M. Patchen, Jr., was. tho gray mare
Duroclc Messenger.
Parties desiring further Information
nro requested to call upon J. W. Rau
denbush or tho groom nt tlio stable.
Itctcue lluok di Iinilder Co,
On Monday morning last members
of the abovo organization from Jituch
Chunk, presented (hctuselyes nt1 tho
carrlngo Works ot Messrs. Romig &
Holloid, In this borough, for the pur
pose of taking possession of their now
truck Just, built for them by this . firm.
Tho truck was transported from' Le
hlghton to Mauch Chunk over tho L.
&S. R. R. In speaking, of Its recep
tion In tho latter placo "Echoes" In the
Herald says :
On arilving nt Mauch Chunk at half
prst 10 a. m., a largo crowd awaited tho
delegation ot Rcseuu boys, and in a
short tlnm tho truck was placed on tor
ra firina, tho ropo stretched out, and
away tiiey went llko tho wind up street,
and stopped In front Clias. J.Armbrus-ter'-s
eigar store, who by Iho way is tho
President of tho Company. Thu truck
was iu a t-nort tlma surrounded by an
examining crowd and the universal ver
dict: "Shu is a perfect beauty!" could
uo neard on all sides, ur course "Ech
oes" was on hand and niado tho fol-'
lowing memoranda: Total length of
truck 40,feec. Tho running gear and
body painted a brilliant red, aud strip
ed blackj with faint of wlilto nnd green
relief, and Ithseuo in Inren letrora ahn.
tded on both sides, mid liguro 1 at, each
siuo enu or the ladder rest. Tio wheels
nro also gold strlpod. Tho ladders
aro dark green heavily striped with
yoiiow.giviug tnem n solid and substan
tial appearance, of the followlpg
lengths: l stiff. 20 feet, 1 extension, 40
feet; 1 do., 60 feet. Tho gong on tho
front axle, l.tft side, is automatic in
movement, and of good tone. FoUr
largo poles with hooks laid on ' top cf
ladder, painted, of light shade. Tho
beautiful lamp is fixed In nn uptight
frame over tlio front axle, and whs tho
subject of very favorable remarks. It
Is gold plated, of sexongle shape, and'
mo giass or tnreo colors whim; w inl
and purple two panes of tho samo
shade. Tho front has Rescuo 1 blown
in tho glass, and the light and left an
glo following, a ladder nnd pole-hook.
engraved In thu iimo. way. Taking lu
altogether, It Is ono ot tho neatett.uob
blest, and best .looking truck in. -tlio
Lehigh Vnlley and costs only J500. It
will remain for a few days whom it now
stands, aud wilt bo housed ns soon as
tho now room the Market Huusa bull-'
ding is completed.
A Note from l'arryvllle. '
Dkaii Editoh, I.ahUu for. it. nbw.
I suppose. Two weeks ago an aitlqicj
written by your humble, servant ap
peared in your paper in regard to Par
ryvlllo lock up or as your correspon
dent "Serious" Bays I am pleased to
call It "Jug." I did not think It was
going to bo so hard for somo ut the
"law abiding people second to nono In
State," to swallow, (I mean tbo article
not the lock Up); there Is'just where I
missed It. Ho goes on to say that It Is
news to him to hear that Parryvio Is a
borough, Cheeso It, "Seilous," dmw
It mild, wo know what you orb hinting
at perhaps every body dtd not know
It all. Ho also says that it is my brief
"that wo can not havo a'bbrough wl(h
out a lock up, or a Jug, perhaps he Is
correct. Let mo ask hlut a question :
What was tho first business tho Town
Council cussed aud discussed ? Nothing
moro or less than the aforesaid lock up
or "J'ig." Alut I right, eh? Now
does It not look llko as. If soma, ono else
besides myself thought the same, name
ly, that a borough was not n borough
without a lock up? Ho ends his epistle
by saying, "I tako Such nu Interest In
their attalrs." Dot's ho want ino to bo
llevelio U ono of tha Town Council by
saving their affairs? for ho must nut
i forget that I am ono of thnsn"!aw abld
1 lug people second to nono In tho State."
The Coal Trail.
last, In f peaking of the condition of
thu'cbnl trade, says: As" wo can re
pbittio adjustment of, tho 'differences
between tho coal operators and the
working people nt tho mine, wo ot
course havo no change to report In Iho
coal trade, which remains almost pre
.clsely the samo as reported a weak ago.
The lawloss turbulonco In tho Schuyl
kill and Lehigh coal regions reported
dally In' our news columns shows no
signs of abatement. Thcro Is no coal
mining in, either region bf any conse.
quence, nnd tho supply Is necessarily
"becoming very limited. What,""howov
?r; was stocked.pypr, of lost year's coal
and what Is"bplug produ'ced'ln part of
the Wyoming and In tho Shauioktn re
glons,- has. thus far served to prevent c
coal famine or famluo pieces of coal.
As tho demand for current consumption
continue;, light a cJoso economy lu tho
Uso of anthracite coal and an Increased
uso of bituminous coal havo kept prices
.steady. Special kinds ot coal nnd of
particular sizes may have been advanced
In somehow Instances', but the genoral
market Is unchanged In supply and de.
mand and also in prices. Tho assochv
ted carrying companies, although they
liavo issued no tcala of prices for tho
mouth of April, adhere, so far as we
can leant, to thoso announced. Wo seo
tho Intimation '"sometimes thrown out
that the present suspension of coal pro
duction is with tho connivance nud en
couragement of tho coal operators, with
the view of affording ppportnnlty to en
tirely clear, tho market of last ycar.'s
ver supply. It Is possible that strikes
and suspensions of production may,
somo time In thejiast, havo been char
acterized by somo such collusion and
Juggle, but wo aro quiet confident that
nothing of tho.sort enters Into tho pres
ent disputo and unsettled condition of
tho authrlclto tradd., In tho bituminous
coal regions thcro nro unusual efforts
making to press tho largest amount of
that coal posslb'o Into the market."
HaZ.'eton, Pa.. April 7. Early this
morning it fire was discovered fn'No. 1
slnpo, in Stockton, two miles below
here, which, it is feared, will do great
damage.uiilcss tho tlanius can be speed-.
Ily checked. The mechanics from tlio
shops of tho company nnd the clerks in
the store wc-ro sent down to tho slope to
assist tho few men left In collieries, but
to-day the nro seemed to bo spreading,
and It was thought that' the solid coal
In tho breast had beeu reached by tho
flames. Tho liro originated from heat
generated in making steam for n pump,
and a hoisting engine, and somo looso
coal or wood at tho (0p of tho Hue be
came Incited, and thus communicated
tho Haines to looso coal In tho mine. It'
was thought that iho miners nt Stock
ton would havo offered their assistance
to put out the fire, nnd somo we're thus
disposed, but tho branch of tho M. and
L. B. A. ot Stockton hold a meeting
this afternoon,-and resolved to keep out
ot tho initio,
Tbe Coal Trade.
The following tablo shows tho quan
tity of coal Bhlppcd liver tho Lehigh
Valley Railroad for' tho week ending
April 3d, 1873, and for tbo year as
compared with tho samo tlino last year:
Wyoming ....
Up. Lehigh..
Mauch Chunk '
N. fr. Easton
10,850 10
2,720 10
3,14,893 15
182,011 08
341 19
53,770 11
, 07,01 55 00
2,160 00
0,050 11
3,490 18
27 10
1,030 07
Total 23,098 01
027,801 10
1,145,473 13
Last Year.... 78,543 05
50,450 01 517,072 03
f,eli!;;liton Kctult I'rlccH.
Carefully corrected each week express
ly for "Tho Carbon AdvocaU).'
Apples, per bushel - 00
' dried, per lb 13 to 15
Butter, roll, per lb 38
Cabbage, per head , 8 to 12
Chcefo, factory, per lb,.' 22
Eggs, per dozen - 28
Fish, mackerel. No. i '...13 to 15
Ham, per lb 18
Lard, pure, per Jb.... . 20
Porl;, prlmo mess, per lb T2
Potatoes, per bushel 75
Corn, per bushel.' $ 1 00
Chop, Corn, per 100 lbs 2 00
" Bran " 1 30
" Rjc, ' " 2 20
" Mixed . ," 2 10
Flour, ll'heat, per bbl 7 00
" Ryo, per 100 lbs. 3 00
Oats, White per bushel 70
" Black, per bushel C5
Hay, per ton .... . .'...."... . 20 00
Straw, per' bundle . 30
Coal, chestnut, per ton.... k,... 4 00
V stove, per ton 4 50
Hides, green, per lb -.5 to 7c
CalfSklns, each 1 25 to 1 SO
Sheep. Sklns,klll'd this mo.,ea 125 to 150
On tho 21st-ult, by tho Rev. 1 T.
Ilennlke, ilt, Levi Correll, of Kresgo
ville, Monroe Co., nnd Miss Hii-an E.
Chrlstman, of Franklin township, Car.
bon Co., Pa.
. On tbo 01st itlt,, by the Fame, Mr,
Thomas Snyder, orKrescevllle..Vonroo
Co., and Miss Elizabeth Grrcnzwelg, of
Eldrld township, Monroe Co.
On tho 29th nit., In Franklin twp.
Lea Moutz, wlfu ot Jacob Moutz, ngetl
04 years, 11 mo , 11 days.
On tho 2nd Inst., In Welssport, Jacob
Swrnk, aged 82 years, 2 mo., 23 days.
Oil tho 4th Inst., In Lehlghton, Rob
ert, lufnut child ot Harrison and Emma
D-ltz, aged 0 month.
L . Special-Notices;
tO'JSl' THAT L-bcnil J-N'd 'pulrMtorJ (urn
Mpfalnt, liewrnrclwiltiatF, "U rclt t6hti
lhKlnllnereAr'llr. li.rrl.' l-ripif Tar, WIM
Cbryiin.lilonhOBnd." llhn rertaln rura Tor
Couilu. iVilda, lloanvthKa, Sort. Tim nt and Aalh
ma. An I all, l.unir an.l Clii'.t Ulnnei tn.
din to Couiiiiirtpllaii. Notalnntliat harneter
mi acta no promptly In Cronp of fa trtWtuaflr In
WliooplnrCoiiirti. li 'oiilr ri'-oplirbi and Is
veaaant to tako. Coiiih-mirn Viillm., wh
limn aroroflodaBd torn wltli ptroilttna ulilth
tlmutntoti.ukn tlx-ni, liud aura nnd p!dr ra
tkf In ltuo. Tor mIo If C. W. Lenta, anil A.
JiDurllrMhtbfthtoii. Ia, Sept. 17th. f7.
'Tlio ailvrrtltrjiatlrt; Weu ponn-nmlly curmt o"
that droad dl-oat-,Ouraum) tkin, ty n alinpla ram.
rdy, l aiixloua to ui.iko linrvril to bla IWIg" luf.
fmora Iho iilrana of cirre. To nil who doilro It, bo
ullWcridnci'tiv ortha (Kvwription uioj, (fna..
cli.irpn), wllu Ihodi'rtiilloDM for priparlr nnd ua
ln.tlleauJo, whUli tlmy lil Blnlmiu-. OfaK.
fi.r CosscMfjiox, Aeiuiu, liiip.scuiti., 4.'."
IMrllra wl-hlnir tho prKrrlpll)'n wilt pUitand
,dre3J,Ilv. li.A. WlLfON.
j'Jt I'uiiuSt., W illlsmrburk-, Naw Vorl'.
Dec. J Cm.
A CIIINTtKMAV" bn tulTered fir yaara from
Korrljua Doblllty, iTi-luat nro Dcca, and all
tlio effects or J oulhrui luJI.cietlon will, rtir'tha
aike of suffering liuunnlty, (.ond frco lo all liu
ueed It, tbo reculpe nud direction lor miking tbtf
lniplo reniody by which ha . enrod. utTrrcra
wllhins toproflt W UiaadrerlUer'aMperlolIro can
d3 to by nddresdiu In perfort c-nlldoliro,
JOHN ll.OUDUX, liCvdirSt., .Now Vork
Doo.!0,-ll Di.
Tlio moat 'Wonderful DlacoTefy or
tlio lOtli Century.
Arabian Milk Oure
And all .SImhsm of tho TIIUOAT. .CHEST and
1,U.V(13. (Tho only Mediclna of tbo l.lqd In tha
a sortjTiiuTJ ron wo i.itith uii..
Permanently cdroa Asthma, llroncbltlr. Inelo-
cnt Consumption, Loss of Voire. 8hortnoia ef
iiri-aih, uanirrli, uroup, Lou-us, uoidi, c,Jo.a
fair dara. 1
DIt. 8. D. IIOWK'S
Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier.
Which DIFFERS from till ether pronaratloni In
HsImvediiti; Actios upon tlioLIVbli.KlDN KVS
andUI.000. It 13 purely vegetable, nud cleaniaa
thoattem efftll ImpurltleH, bultda up, and ronkea
1'ure, ItlcU Blood. ItcurasScrofuloua Olsearesof
all kinds, remoToa Conxtiputlon, nnd regulates (ho
llowela. For"Oi:.Nl:ltALi UltlllLlTY," "LOST
TIONS," I "cballengo tho 15th Century" to find
Its oquul. llrory bottle Is north Its welifhtla
gold, l'rico, $1.00 per bottle.
DIt. S.- D. HOWE'S
Arabian Ji'w Liver ills
fbor cleanse tuo Lirar and Stomach thoroutfuW
remote Constipation! cohtalo no c.tlomet nor auy
other Injurioui-insridlsnttflnl tact qutckljf upon
mesa orftus, huuuui pruuuciog ruj piiaor wbs
liens, l'rktt 23 coats per box.
SLouM use at Uhrreof tin nboTo MeJlclnei.
.SoUl) A. J. niaiNG; lru3iltf solo Acsnt
for Lohlhton, la..
Dh. a. D. IIOWK, SMe Proprietor, 101 Chimberi
Street, New Yrk,. apr. ll,I873.yl
Would resnoctful.
Ills frionda anil
tha public' Ih general, that ho has open-.
ctl n fjrst-class
Livery & Sale Stable,
nud that ho can furnish Horses, lSugfiles
mid Carriages of tho best description,
for pleasure, uusiness or Funeral put--posus,
at very Keasonnblo Charge,
and on shoit notlco. HAULING donu
at short notlco ami at low prices.
Corner of Bank and Iron Street,
Lchlfhton, Fa.
Jan.0, 1875.
Contractor & Builder,
l'lnns and Specifications
For all binds of Buildings niado at tho
shortest notice.
Mado for Flans ari(l Specifications when
tho contract Is Ti warded to tho under
signed. A. W. EACHES.
Juno 14, 1873-yl
JVttinhcr Four. - ,
F-iitoilto bo Prec. Jean Ingo-,
low's gr'ea't St6ry,prlco, In hook form,
Twenly Short Slorlcs, n rich
variety ot miscellaneous ruadlngiover
sixty largo pages splendidly lllustra
ted. Ten Steel Reproductions, fac
similes of famous pictures; original
engravings worth 815.00.
All tho above sent post-paid with
IIUAiiTit and Home tho great Ulustrn
tratcd weekly magazlnvs two month on
trial, fotf only fiO cbnts, OnjKCTf
to introduce titer paper to new stibacrl
hera. Frlce-iretliiced to only $2,50 per;
yar, Bltigl'o number, six cents nor.u
tree. At news' stmrt$ lir by mall. Great
Inducements, to agl'uts nud clubs, Tins
GitAiMiiu Coitl'Atty.'.l'uolUhers, 80-41
Faik Flace, New Yprls. I'leaso statu
In yhat paper you saw this advertise
ment. ' Slnrch DO-G'w,
inliilhtriUor'H Notice.
Vherra3 Jrlters of Administration
upon thu cstato of Francis Falmer,
lute of TuwaincRsliig township, Carbon
county, dee'd, havo l)eei gnuitu.l to tho
subscriber, ml persons having'nij
agalntsafd estate will please present;
them, tnd tlirne Indtbtcil to said estutu
will uiako Immeillatii luynient.
AduilnUtratpr. ,
Welssport, Jarch 27, 187.T.
AriiiilitUtiuior' Xotlco.
Whereas letteig of udinlulitratlou
upon tho esUtd ot Elizabeth ltenhel
tner, late of .Vahonttig tonniltlp, C'ar
bou Co.,dee'd, have been granted to tho
subscriber, uil rHTMnn having claims
against bald oatato will (iloaso present
them', ami tho Ipdebtcd lu tho said
eatate, will inako Immediate payment.
UrlMport, March 20. 1873.
Bli!A'i"l'V '''"
tT Bend stump for full lufornuiionl
l'rico, &u, J, DANIEL F.
11E.1TTV, Waihliiglciu.N'cvr lm)