11. v. moiitiiimeh, LHHIUIITON, IM.: BATUltUAY MUHMMI AI'UIL 10, 1875. It Is Muted front Washington that the only dangermw counterfeit national bank note-i of tlio denomination of $5 now lu circulation am thoso on tlw Traders' National lltjnk, First National Bank, Tlilnl National Hank mil Mer chants'' Natl'ot'ial Sank', all of Chicago. Each of tlicso counterfeit is exceedingly well done, 'i'lio public aro pdvlsed to refuse all S3 noes of tlio 'leaders' and First National Banks, of Chicago. . In Ohio, thu Democrats canted Cln clnnattl by majorities 'ranging froni 2, 030 to 5353, tlio latte r being for May or. At Clcaveland, tbclr majorities ranged, from MOO to 2003 At Colum bus, their cnuildato for Mayor was e lectcd by (1(8 majority. Tboy also carried Tiffin, Akron, Sandusky, Ash tabula, Noxwalk, Trenmnt, Znueavljle, Troy, Limn, Bucyrus, Crestline, D,ay tan and Wooster. The Republicans, and Independents carried Toledo, SnrlngflfiU), Xenla.Urbjsuua, Mansfipld, Wilmington,, Youngstowr London, New Vlenija, Elyrla,aud Alliance. Full 'returns from Connecticut give Ingersoll, the Democratic candidate for (Governor; 9,133- majority over Greene, Republican, and CC84 over both Greene' vud tlio Prohibition canuulatc. Inger- soil's gain, was chiefly in 'New Ilavcn and Hartford counties, tho city of New Ilaveu 00,00, adding 1500 to, his major' ity of last year, Tho State, Senate con tains 15 Democrats ,to C Republicans, .and tlierp Is a Democratic majority of bout 2? In tho House, tor C6ngresst Ilawler, ltep.i 13 defeated uy Lanaers,- Dem., m tlio First District, by a plu rality 1481); Kellogg, Rep., is defeat ed by Phelps, Dem.,' in tho Second Dls trlct, by 1008, plurality; Starkweather, Hop., Is,' re-elected In tho. Third Dis trict oyer Foster, Dem., by 830, and W. IT. Barnum, Dem., U ro elected lrj tho Fourth. p,l'strct, oyer Dr. IJolland, JJep.,. by 2035 tnajorlty, Ppstma6tot (General Jewell has returned to, AVosh--jngtou from Connecticut. It U said ho attributes the defeat of the Republicans Jn t)ja(Sttp t,qq Mack of organization.' Tlio SiCblgU Tallcs Emery fYliecl Ctmiimuy. Notwithstanding theso dull times this ijompany has mom ordcis on hand for their approved goodsthan they can fill. Orders are accumulating on tbtlr hands, although the company havo recently jSDlargett) their already cxtenslyo works. Og tl0 ,17th of this mouth tho com--pany vll I19J J a meetiug to Increase its capital stock, to double Its present am joiint, Jq order to procure tho necessary machinery aud materials to supply tlio pressing demand of their .customers rom Malpe to California. Gen. Lilly and Mr. Ztargess, the Su perintendent of the company, were in New York during the present week to purchase one of tho most approved engines and boilers of 50 lioreo power (0 liipply'the necessary steam and power to run their lathes, presses and other machinery. The company wilh Its present capac ity shipped $3,000 worth of goods dur ing tlio month ot March. Trouble In Ifie Coal Fields. The aspect of affairs in tho coal re gions seems to have changed consldei .ably Blnce Tuetday, ant.' there arc ap prehensions of serious trouble. In re sponse to the call of the ShLrlff of Lu terne county, made last Sunday, 'for troops, the Government directed Gen. Osborne to furnish -such troops as he might deem necessary. No request for the actual presence of the military was made until Wednesday, when Gen. Os borno informed tho Governor that tho sheriff had called for troops to maintain the peace in the townships of Jeddo and Haileton. General Osborne stated that ho was actlnz as rapidly as he could, and would go to iho points named with out delay, and he requested tho Gov ernor to order forward tho First Regi ment to Uazletou. The Governor at onco telegraphed to Major Geu. Prevost at Philadelphia, to direct Colonel Ben son to move his regiment to Hazleton by rail, and place himself in communi cation with General Osborne The lat ter arrived at Haileton Wednesday eve ning,' and the' first regiment, which left .Philadelphia, in a special train, passed Lehlghtpn on Us way to. the saroo place at 8.15 P. iT. In addition to the first regltmut; the Ninth lufantry, and the Wyoming Artillery of Wllkesbarre, with 0. battery of four guns, wero or dered to Hazleton. The ulierlft'a ap plication to General Osborne, for troops. stated that "riots, breaches of the peace and unlawful assemblages aro eaUtinx aud going on," with destruc tion, and with threat t destroy pro perty iu a certain portion of the county ,of Luwne, aud he designates as the traces .ijrhcru military assistance Is re quired, the tDtYtisnipj of Foster uud lazle, and the borough) of J0U0 and Ilazlctoji. Inspector General Dertoletto left Maucli Chunk for llazletou Wed-1 ncsday evening. A raid was expected to take, placo at Buck Mountain that nght,',apd, Itvas'intcndnJ to.tletach a company df-SO meii'foY'thaf place" cfq tlio arrival of tlio military at, Ha7,lc,tip. A uuiuuerot tno "special policemen' scat on'from Philadelphia t,6 ginird the breakers ut Audenrled, Jcddo and oili er places, started bach for their homes Wednesday. They say they wero sent to work in tho. mines without being given pistols to defend themselves in tho midst of a hostile population They rebelled against this, saying they wore ougnge'd as special policemen, and they asked transporallan back to Phlladc). delpbia. This was refused, and they then started to walk back. Ono of them , named John Mobary, was killed. between. tlio bumpers of a coa train on which ho was trying to, get a r!dt. It was rumoured at Pottsvillo Wed nesday that tho Beading Eat Itoad shops nt Palo Alto would resuuio operations oniinilay next, but It was not known whether their employees, would aban don, their organization, to return to work, or whether a compromise, had been effected. It was also reported that several collieries near Shainokin were, beginning to resume. Tlicro nro symptoms of tno strlko extending to tho Wyoming and Lackawanna region; but the matter will be decided at a gen eral convention of the miners, to be held in Spranton Thursday, The min ers of tho W oral UK and Susquehanna Company's National mino, atMincko',), near.Scianton, to tho number of 300 struck Wodnesday, and other strikes wero expected to follow. A, Comiirclicir.slve B'.cIIkIous Work. The national Pi'.'b!ishl,ng Co., of Phlla. have'doiio good servl'jo to tho cause of lellglous.llterr.ture.'oy their timely pub lication ot T.110 Illustrated History of' the Bible; by Ijr. William Smith, of England-, whlr,Yi they have Just Issued in a magr,ieco'.it octovo volume of 1103 page-., coaValnlng over 230 fiuo Script uro illustrations, and 'maps. Wo need say nothing of Dr. Smith as "a writer ot Biblical literature. Ills iamo extends over the whole civilized world, and he is everywhere recognized as ono of the most conscientious, faith ful aud competent historians, and one of the most profound classical bcliolars of tho day, All religious denominations accept and endorso tils statement, and watch with eagerness for the appear ance ot his books. He deals with the facts of eacred History, aud discards all sectarian discussion. He writes for thu whole Christian World, and not for any particular denomination. His "Dictionary of the Bible" has had the unprecedented sale of over 230,000 'copies in.tlio United States alone. IJU master-piece, however, ii The Illustrated History ot the Bible, In which ho'sumsup all tho. results of his profound studies, enriched with the wealth ot his great genius as a writer. His book Is uot ephemeral, but will live as long as tho English language Is spo-. ken, and will always hold its place us the great History ot the Bible, It i? brilliant in style, profound In thought and research,' and as Interesting aud entertaining as u novel. He amies us from the Creation of tho World, to thu death ot St. John tho Evangelist, lel.v ting tlio whole Blblo-stoiy, and making plain its connection' with contemporan eous events in swular bMory. He opens to us a wealth of rouiance.beauty und dramatic interest, which will sur prise even the constant readers of tho Holy Book, and will enable them to find more pleasure In tho Bible than they ever drcamod of. To this magnificent work of Dr. Smith, is added an abridgment of Dean Amman's great History ut the Jews. In thlsweareglven 11 thrilling narrative of tho terrible siege ot Jerusalem hy Titus and tho destruction of thu temple, the dispersion of tho Jews, their frantic cf lorls to regain tneir lioiy uity, anu their wanderings and persecutions in strange lands. This Is a most valuable addition to the work, for no one can rightly understand tho prophecies" re lating to tho Jews, aud the utterances of our Blessed Lord conceriillic them, unless acquainted with this poitiou of their history, for It is hero that wo must seek for tho fulllliueut ot those pro, nhecles. Every reader of the .Bible encounters difficulties In his attempts to cumpic heud Its historical portions, aud all are compelled to make constant reference to commentaries iu oruer to obtain satis faction. The great want has hitherto been a book which shall make plain the history, manners, customs, laws, ob servance and geography ot the Holy Land. This 'Want lias been met Iu Dr Smith's "History ot tho Bible." which we cannot too highly recommend to our readers. Jso 0110 who has a mute should fall to get this great history. The low price at which it is Issued, brings it within the reach ot nil classes, Tho work Is sold by subscription' only, anu Jir. a. t. miner, who is 1110 au thorizcd agent tor this section, is now canvassing for it. Dr. It. Rois Robeits, an cmluent homeonothlo physlclau of Harrlsburg, died od Sunday evening of eryslpclas. Tho Stato Election Jn Michigan went iicpuoncan uouuay, witu large gains The regular ruunlngof trains through tlinllAAC.nrrhhnl I, . Ifn..,ln.. I..... ..w juvMU AHKIIGI UritHU iUUIMIU, VUV was interrupted by Hooded tracks. Mr. ,Now, tjio uow Treasurer of tho unueu oiaies, is a niarriea man. It Is reported that the Marquis ot Lorno and his wife, tbel'rlucesi Loutie. contemplate vlsitlug the United btatoj during the ensuing summer. Lancaster colintv. Pa., has twnntv three candidates for Sheriff in thu Held. Congressman Housu of Teniieaseo lost the prize In a Nashville spellli-g IWku ou aarpet," Cosing Prices of DeIIayf.N & Towns- , jsxd, Stock, uovfcrnment and Gold 40' South Thl rdj Street, Plii ade'l'phla,' (pill 8, s 'Hi U7P.6', 1881 . w...' ; u t,it. 11 T. !-l'J LU, 2t kfil. IS n.USI. il 'kJ. 2itfi naked, 2l(2 atk,i. V)Z ;ke,l "0 nWd. UAi nnki'd. C5K nf kd (0, ntkod CI arked v.p.nsn, jure 117 8. ft 2D. 1811 21 bid. u. a r,id,isniy,4 j. uf.a.fizo.lstil' . B.S.10-W . U. Currency, a . U. P. 6-m 1C8I, new. . Pennsylvania II. 11. T 20U Mil. 21 1,11 Sil tlJ. M bid. vy, bid. fay 1 . Wi bid. 12J!: i,id. 1'liil.l. li UulilIlM II. II. l tunti valley nniriml j,iiiu iuii o. ;inr Ut . ut, tiiu. utv t.iy, bid. nUd, United C' doia fcllver b bid. 1U akketl. Now Advortisornents. gprlei and Siimuici' Styles MILmEEY. Now Styles, New Feathers, New Flowers, Ornamons, &o. HATS -and BONNET S, Trimmed in RIBBONS, tliola0!)t atlrt best Shades; nl?o full assortr.ient of Notlons Uah' goodi, etc., at no prle43 nt LIZZtjB KRAMER'S MILLINERY STORE, Next 'to tho Carbon Advocate office, Bankvay, Lehlghton, Pa. P':il 10.18T3.8m. Save nior.'t:u' By purchasing your Groceries 1 Provisions At the New Store ot E. H. RHODES, OpposiU the "Carbon Advocato," of lieu BANIWAY, Lohlghton, Pa. A full lino of Choice, fresh Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Spices,;J)riecl Fruits, No. 1. Mackerel, Koroseno Oil, Tobaccos, &c, &c, All of which nro warranted of fir6t-clasq quality, oud sold VEUY CIIEAP'FOIi tASU I TIih hlchest markrt price allowed for .Butter, Eggs, and Country Producu generally In Exchange for Goods. A trial resnecltuliy soucltcil. April 10th, 1-y. E. 11. RHODES. Qryhuns' Coui l Sale, liv virtue of an order of tho Orphans' C'ouit of Carbon County, there will bo exposed at Public Sale, on thu premis es, lu wu liunuuuu w JjKuiuu TON, on Wednesday, April ?8, 1875, At halfi-past two o'clock P. M., tho folloniu described Latothe proneity ot ELIZABETH MOULTHROI', dee'd, viz: All that cei tain lot, piece or patcel nt ground, Hltuato, lying and being lu thu hoiough of Lehlghtou, Carbon County, P.i., hounded and desprlbed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone, thenco by land ot Lewis Graver south three de grees and one-halt west twenty-Jive perches ami oue-teniii to a stonujtheiice by land of Gcorgo Eschdue east twelve perches nnd two-tejitlis to n fctone; thenco by laud of tho late John Kuntz, dcoeased, north twenty-nine degrees west eleven perches to a stone; thence by tho same noith four and ono-halt degrees .cast nineteen perches und thiee-tenths to a corner 111 a public road; thenco by said public road south fifty livo degrees west eight peaches to tho place of beginning, containing 1 ACRE AND 23 PEKCHES . Strict measure. The Improvements thereon are a One-aud-a-Half-Story Dwelling House. With basement; a good Well of Wa tci, aud a number, of choice fiult trees. Terms and conditions will bo made knowu at time and p. ace ot salo, by TII03. KEMEREIt, Administrator Lehlghton, 4prll 10th, 1875. All persons aro hereby forbid meddling with n Black Mate, a Platform Spring Wagon, and one set Harness, leased by tho undeislgned to E. Slimldt, Butcher. of WelsSport, tho samo being my prop erly, j. a. nun. Mahoning, -dprll 3, 1873. TlsNolutlon ol' Partnership J Notice hf hereby alven that the co-partnership heretufuru existing be ttteen Andrew Grayer, sr. and Daniel U raver, doing business uuJer the firm of A. & D, Graver, in the Borough ot Lehlghton, Carbon county, Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual concout. ANDREW GRAVER, SR. DANIEL GRAVER. Lehlghton, April 1, 1873. Tho business will be continued by tho undersigned, to whom nil parties Indebt ed to thoJato linn aro requested to make Immediate payment, and those haying claims against the same will present tneui lor settlement. DANIEL GRAVER. Aprils, 1875. wS A OmiulNtratoi-H' Notlcn.- JCX. Whereas letters of administration upon tho estato of Harvey E, Fatlngcr, late of Lthightou, Carbon county, l'n., dee'd, havo been granted to Iho subscri ber, all persons haying claims against bald t-tlato wll present them, aud those Til' ubted to said estate will make Imme diate payment. W. B. ROMIG, Administrator, jA.-uignion, .Aiarcn vu, 1873. wo respictfuljy nnnotinccs to hli frlrnds and,' tho publld nelieriilly , tiat hii ha$ removeujiis - tc, PUQSOTRE. from Leibettguth's building to Uie new building of Win, Warner, opposite Iloinlg & HolTord's carriage works, and that ho ,1ms 'Just received n large and well-selected stock' of Wall IPapeffSj, which hois soiling at Philadelphia re tail prices. Cf.'it and oxamluo beforo purchasing pjowliero lie lias, nigii, constantly on hand a full strvck of &il the popular ,. Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, I Perfumeries," Fancy Soaps, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, &c., To which lie Invites tlio attention of the public. l Thankful for past favors, ho respect fully asks a continuance of the same. Don't forget the place, sign ot the BIG MORTAR, Bank street,Lehlghton, Pa. CHAS. W. LKNTZ. W IP. SdJEBTSS. calls tho attention ot the ladles to tho fact that he is now opening nn immense stock of the latest styles of Also, constantly on hand a full lino of Dry Goods, ' oil cloths-, v, ;',:' Groceries j- Provisions', Glassware, Queenswa're, &'c, all of which he will sell nt prices fully as low as goods .of samo quality can bo bought for iu any other store lu tlio county. Remember the Place I F. P. LBNTZ, Opposite Eagle Hotel, Dauk Street, Leliighton. . Matiufactuier of and Dealer in all kinds of Household anil Kitchen FURNITURE. Next to Romig & Hofford's Carriago Janufactury, Bank Street, Lehiglitou, Pa. Rlt-gaut Pnrl.ir Suite, llamliomo Ilcilroutu Bgf, Selling very Ohetip for Cash. Examlnu before purchasing elsewhere Having had an experience ot twenty years lu the UNDERTAKSNG Business, I am prepared to furnUh all kinds ot" COFFIiVS and CASKETS on short notioe, and attend to ull business In this -lluu iu such a manner as will give entire satisfaction, ou very reason able terms. Patiouago solicited. THEO. KE.MEHER. March 27, 1873 -ly gl'KEXG Ol'KNaXG of Millinary Goods & Notipns. MRS. B. FATH Two doors below the M. E. church, Lehlghton, Pa.,deslrestocall the atten tion of thu ladles, to the fact that she Is opening a very large stock of tho .most lasiiionume styles or VIVVVIK)) COMPRISING, Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings anfl Notiohs, together wili a large assortment of Zephers, Perforated Mottoes, Kramlug Straws, Switches, Hair Goodi, &e. Prices as low as elsewhere, am) all work guaranteed, ln Inspection of goods is invited. MRS, E. FATil April 3,' 'Jui. "JyTotlce Is hereby given to the Stockholders of Tho Lehigh Vat ley Emery Wheel Co. that a meeting will bo held at the Company's Office, In Welssport, iu. on. Saturday, Apr)! ly, 1875, between the hours of three and five o'clock p. iii. for. the purpose of In- oi easing the Capital Stock of said Com pany. By order of the Board ot Directors. W. M. JIAP3HER, Secretary. Feb. 13, 1375-t. d. BEATTY , PIANOl Nu OTHER rUNO-FOUTE has at tallied tho samo popularity. l577Send stamp for pircular. D, E. BEATTV, Washington, Now Jersey TXruv. ou. WHY will yon suffer VY with that Couth or Cold? when relief may b- had immediately by using JUKlurm'8 compounu oyrup oi lai N lid Chorry and Horaliound Ttf OOK BEAUTIFUL LOOK ROSYI A H6ttle of DURLING'S ItOSK. GLVCER1NE for Roughuess ot the Skin, (.happed Hand?, &c, only S3 cents a bottle. piny lYoung M.en Who aro1 out of Employment I" , JK Young Men Abo'rk Engaging In Business, . $ Yoiing Men Who wish to prepare lor jdvohced Pd ' "sltlons, H - v' Young Men Who wish to preparo for Business Life, cau find superior advantages at CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 1131 ClietnutSt. car. of IStli, PHILADELPHIA. CsnDLieliED 18U iNconroiuiin JS55 The longest Establlsbea, tho Best Or ganized, the Most Practical and the Most Largely Attended Commercial College In thu city. Jfany of-our leading and .most suc cessful merchants and business men are among Us uraduates. humorous applications are received from business houses for Its students to till f Ituatlons. The Qualifications for business gain ed hero have proved a fotunu to hun dreds ot youug men. Superior Instruc tions given in BOOK KEEPING In all its branches, as practiced by tho Accountants aud Business Men, Inclui tug Wholesale, Retail, Jobbing, Maim fdcturingjlmporting, Com mission, Com pany Speculating Businessialsu Domes- nnd Foreign Shipping, Real Estate, Joint Stock Company, Banking Busi ness, iYC. Also, PENMANSHIP, a free, rapid and beautiful stylo. CO.UMEUCIAL CALCULATIONS, the best short and rapid methods in ac tual use. BUSINESS PRACTICE. .Business Forms, Commercial Law, ic, &a. There nro no vacations. Students re ceived at uuy time, and charged only lor the uoursu which they enter, .ana not for the time required to complete It. S1S.ND tUIi CIUCUJIjAK. Crittenden's Bool; Keeping Houso Edition, and The Crittenden Commer cial Arithmetic and, Business Manual, Forty-11 tth Thousand, for sale at the College, or will be mailed ou receipt of price .ludress J. GEOESBEOK, Principal. 1875 Spring 1875 Mrs. M. Guth Respectfully announces to the ladles of Welssport and vicinity that she has just leturned from thu City, and Is now re ceiving ono of tho largest stocks ot COMPRISING, Hats, Bonnets, And Trimmings ever boforo brought into this section, and that sho is prepared to do them up n tho Very Latest Fashion, at prices below any other establishment in Carbon county. Also, an entirely new ftocl: of switches, In real hair, and Imitation halr.Notlons and all other goods usual ly kept In a first class Millinary btore. Ladies' own Hair made up to order Call and Inspect goods and learn prices bcloro purchasing elsewhere. MRS. Mi GUTn, Welssport, Pa. April !1, 1875. Bread Bakers, Bank Street, Leli.igliton,Ta., Near the Exchange Hotel. Wo nro, also prepared to supply our friends and. the citizens lu general with Bread and Cakes, of Superior Quality, Fresh every Day. Wo make a specialty ot "Wedding and Fancy Cakes. We havo always on baud a fine stock ot Fare Candies and Confections, which we sell at tho very lowest prices Oystors in every stylo. Fresh COUNTRY BUTTER ot tho rgular makret prices, D. KROCK & CO., BANK Street, Lehlghton, Pa. wee iv-yi QKKSSEO AIWl LIVE I! The Undersigned respectfully informs thu citizens ot Carbou and adjoining countliM, that he is now prepared to supply inem wiiu Dressed, or Live Hogs at all times, at prions fully as low as tney can oe uouglit ror clsewliere. Also, Smoked Hams, Bologue 'aud Saussage, at Wholesale and ltetall. 5T Orders will bo vroruntly filled, qud Hogs shipped to any point at tlip suoriesi notice. JOSEPH OBERT, Baulr Street, Lehlghton, Va, oepi. iv, lez-i-yi New Advertisements. B S " S 5 BSlfl-nQ am Q5sb-"b hs5h23 S-JS -"js-SPS Is 3S o Mttaijsl.-aflii a i '3S S 5 iStilti k 1875. "Where Now ? 1876. To JIICniOAtt. oils 6rtb4'fo'nmott. i.r.tj.. ndliejlthy States! " "WHAT FOR ? To buy a FAUU'out Ofth One Million Acres of (IM firmlm fnndi for ale br tbe GRAND UAPf ha IMrtT.M 11. Sfronit ioIIk llenly iiurketi. 8urt crop. flood bciioou, k. a. rup Ibrouih center of rant. Sat. Ilenionts all aloog. All klnda of proaurta ral.ed. ii-nijr or wnier, umlier and bulldlni; matailali 'rlco from (4 to S10 Der acre- ma fntt.th An laliiiro ou time. ' S-SenJ for lilustr.i'ml pamphlet, mil orfaet and tigurei, aud bo rontlncnj. Almt w. A, nowARD, Comm'r. (Iriml lt.nl,l all... r. R. I.. rr.IRCH. So".'y Land Dep't. ' fllllK MAnVKfj OP TUB WOItI,D Ilr t ll r .,1 r. H'At.r 1. I, t . iandafrom the blink or tho trraTa: irlTn K..lth and strength to thono deemed beyond the reach of all medical icience. and turned the path of altec tlon to ono cf bappineaa lu the bleaalngi wilhin lla Tlrtuea. U curea tbe.dMdly llrlgtit'a dllou and llabetei;eradlcatesalldlseaeaorthe klndeya; '""JIM urinary urgaoa to airoogin aod pow. Or 111 a Word. It la & n:urt re.tnra. .A.!1. and has performed the most wonderful and mlrae ulooa cures or any known speclfi on' the globe. Addreas, for circulars, Ac, uaa-i. jmuii.iuiijiu'. wauxesna. Wis. Sharps Rille Co., Manufacturers of Patent Rroech-loadln;, Military, Sportlnir and Creedmoor Wiles. Tli Oest-la the IVm-ltl. Winner at International and nearly all other Drlncloal matcW at Cndn,M. (See Official lleccrd. BfOrttlJ Ellll, . i . . $39 tt 133. wiubso; tun, win tiitWOSJ, talS8Q yds,,, itJJ, Uiil25. Keud ror Illustrated Catatozqe. Akhohi A.iDOrncn r O." WESTCOTT. IIAMIORP, Coss. Wesldent. JSR7fsA,'ly,BIfi,,i: tAentata.MH an article. (UJ tJialenlle at Hour, l'roflli Immmu. l.v asro free. Address BUOKEITIS M'If'Q COuMarlon, Ohio. ADVEUTISINtll Oheapi. Qood:" Syttt malic; All yersena who contemplate making contracts with uewsbaoers for thalnurtlnn nr.,i. rertljemaots, shonIl send 99 cents to Geo. P. Kowell 4 Co, 41 1-arlcllcir New Vosk, fc tblr l'AMl'ULIiT.BOOlC (ninrfy ie,enth.tditim co. tabling lists of over 200 uewspapersandestlmates,. showing the cost. Advertisements tak.su. fur lead lug jupera lu many aUtee-at a Vremendous redely tlou lrom puMlshers' rittos.' Gst lus noosv $5: SJVM Per ' home. Tarma free . yisv . Addresa ,C0 STLtsais. A, Co. 1'ortland, Maine, A WEEK JB 9 NOTIIINO " 1'. O. V1CK A WEEK guarauteed o Mafe' and Te- Renta, in tnelr foraflty. l;oata NUtntrrlft.. -PartleuLLra.Vra. 1CKK11V A Co, Augusta, Me. ipSYCUOHANOY, Oil SOUl; CHARUINO." JL How either se may raadnata and calm th love and alTectlons of any person they choose. In atantly. This art a.'l can possess, froe, by msUor 'scents; loiretner wiiu m .a'riape uuiae, a-gvps--lan Oraole.Ureams, l.'Jnts to Ladles, etc.. l.OQfr.-. 000 sold. A queer bo.'k. Address T. T'ILLIAK & CO., Tub's, l'hlladelp.llt. BEATTY P,AIW- r his spleudld Piano Foil combines. every Improvement in tone with power and gieat durability, nnd li.ivo received, tho uniuallfled endorsements of the. highest JIuMcal authorities for Us Mar vellous extraordinary rlelincss of -Tone. having NO SUPERIOR IN- TUB. WORLD. Large sJzo, 7S Octaves., overstrung Bans.full Iron'Frame.Pronch. Grnnd adiun, Fret Desk.Carved Pedal, Solid Rosewood Mouldings, Ivory Key Front, inappeu unmmere, a uraao Treble, &c, &c. Weight when boxedi over One Thousand Pounds. Liberal! discount to the trade. Agents Wanted' (male or female.) t2rerid stamp for Circular. Ad dress the Inventor aod Proprietor,!) AN- v. JiKATi i wasuincton, New Jtn- toy. liLA.TCIir,EY'S Improved OUCtJ&f CKH WQOP I'UMf la tho aeknowledsed SCANDAltD or the market, by popular Verdict, the best pump rop the least money. Auenuon is in vlted to lllafchler'a Improred llraeket, the Drop Check Valve, which can b withdrawn without disturbing the joints, aud the copper chamber which never cracks, scales or rusts, will last a lifetime. For sale by dealers and the tradj e-enarallv. In order to be sure mat you get Dlatchley's Pumpt be careful and see that It has my tradj-mara; as aboto. If you ao not Know wnere to ouy, uesenpuve circa lars. toather with tlie name and address of the Vent iMareat you, w!l be promplty rurnlshedby auure.Bin,, wiiu k.amp, CHAS. D. BLATCHlEYi ' .ANUFACTU RER, 603 Commerce St, Phil. ohU.l'a. SIarcb0,'75-0ul ' BEATTY. PIA. OI ENDORSED BX THE UIQUESTt MUSICAL authorities rts THE REST. D. P. BEATTY, Proprietor, Washing ton, N J. tCNspoolt. and Slulis Cleaned and. repaired by tho under signed on short notice and at low rate. GEO. MANXPENNT, Jan. 80, 1873. Lehlghton, P. JJT. WABITX?S Pure Concentrated Potash. OR LYE. Of doublo thp strength pf .apy oter SAl'OXIPVIXC SUIISTAtVCB. I have recently perfected a new meth od of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing )t only In Balls, the coating of which wljl saponify, and (Joes not injure (he Soap. It Is packed containing '21 and 43 lb. ono lb. DaU, and In ho pther way. Directions In English aud German for making hard and soft soup yltb this Potash acoom-. moving each package. B. T. BABBITT, OA to OB IVaatUngtoaaUtY Jan, 10, 1875.4mos.'