The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 03, 1875, Image 3

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    i WW Ratci.
irftlsHttraeatf trill be Inserted In the columnl 0
a 1 iri)Oihio-Ajti4ititbt jny rsesltsd from
jr ,BjiBOWBriirtleiorllriBHBDlMMnipileawltli
J 5 "j ") PaisW Tlio (bllowlo at bur on tr terra s i
ditlranti for.l jear.par Inch each
'insertion . . yrl . . 10 Cents,
-n " 8ilMontbt,pHnthMehkiMtUoji ISGents.
. U i", TheeMouth,-f . -go Genu.
lOa, w, Lm thtn throe-moiths, llntlnMr-
,tlon,$l, Mclf subsequent Insertion S5,Cents
1 ' ff ,T W.ytORTniMKR,PuMIhet.
i n,!? Jt.iBlEX.VBU8,
Ornci, No. 2, Mansion House,
JellMng Estates Filing Aeeopnts and Orphana
Court Practice especially.
v. Trll. of Causes carefully attended to. Legal
Hrsniictlons In English and Oermao. tJen9.
Oj 1 1,1 . i.i. ... 1 r
Society Mectlngsf
! -Ifiirif0C4kiui,K0.,!8IA.O.K.0i'tuC,2nd
!0d4th Monday oteeeh' ttorilby in Tuber's
IU1I, Lehlghton, t 7:b0 o'clock p.m. Fere,
Barman, 8. C S, K. Q Uh ani, 8.. K. It. S.
rJ.dltii)iB,IIcinijtoiqB.'o,6e, 1.0. 0. P., meet!
WJ ' every Tuesday evening, at 8. o'clock. In lie
t'lQVCWt nail; JDanlet1 urtte'r, N. OiWm. K.
ill ;i lte,'.8ecretary. ' ,
T- . .
In i 7' i -S-J
1 cUpohti.
AV 5I0RNIN0,, APRIL 3, 1875
.Local and Personal.
prUne.vbur .crapo to laes, before the
.-Now sprjng style of prints at Dan.,
si leliGia.ver'8.
The next thing in order will .he a
new spring bonnet.
, The :30th of.'May Decoration Day
..r-iomes, this year, on Sunday,
i,ttA., full line of carpets ,at Daniel
i --atlfayer's,' from SOets per yard upwards.
' Dutllng, tho druggist baa got a
fine, lot ot lio.wer. seeds, fie.
immense" 'flock' of wild1 pigeons
3o .passed elver this borough on Wednesday
Srfl'TW;Iientz, ,has Just received a
CB14rgB -variety of Brlggs choice garden
;and flower seeds.
Wanted, smart active roy, Ve--tweenithe
agecf 14 and 10 .years, to
iler&tUftbootndshofl business. Apply
at once to this office for f urtlLer partlcu
rijjilVS,cov i
Mr. Jacob Brong moved to Phila
delphia, on Tuesday last. lie goes In
J.tbeiwall'raperBusloess, Gold badges of tho A. 6. K. of the
M. C, Jastixocelved 'and for salo tiy
F. Dcbeorde, Dank Streets &eblghton.
!Prl4d $1,50 tfachi - ' "'
We have-settlements to make, we
-therefore ask all owing us to please re
J irfllt bfjjotae and pay, up. Now Is the
dime to settle.
w iQn Monday work was commenced
lupon tlie construction of a telegraphic
lilne fromiReadingto Slatlngton, via tho
fjrouUiQ.fifbe Zferks County liallroad.
" Spring, advertising should now be
.attepdedto. Housekeeping necessaries
jnTa.purchaspd.ln . April, and buyers are
usually guided by tho advertisements
-of tuoitnost. enterprising merchants.
- J Charles-Trainer Is now Dxed In bis
ifuw store, on Second street, aud is' sell.
,Idc flour,, feed.&c. at lowestrates. Try
1000 Men Wanted; To Becitro greit
. .bargains at Laury & Peters. They
hare just received a large stock of fan
Vywortte'daud'casslni ere suitings, which
tliey are prepared to make up in first
, Jclass style.'ai 1873 prices, tu suit tho
L. F. Klepplnger, the popular
Jlyery".mati,,ij7ngatn ready to supply
yQuVltli' first-class teams at loW prices.
He has also a few eligibly located lots
linln thls borough, which he will sell low
ifor.caeb' 'Look at thcin.
Look out forconnterfelt "lives,"
currency botes', on the Traders' Nation-
.rd .Banks,, thlcago. A great many of
.xiieui, uuu iney are earn to oo execelle
imiiauoni.aro in circulation.
uur old friend, Am icon Klotz has
jftakenjposolonf,.thB Volley House,
'arid'is now prepared to receive his
friend and tho public.
ftSAki, icad Mrs. M. flutli's adver
tlsemer.t in today's paper. She Is now
recelvlpg: her ,new stock of Spring
floods., , -
Just opened at Daniel Graver's a
full line of ladles', gentlemen's and
children's shoes' and - gaiters, ordered
especially for the present season. Prices
to suit the, times.
y-&"5 isfTp'ennsyivaula Classls of
tho Synod of tho Reformed Church will
meet at Lenhartsvllle, .Berks county,
An Tuesday before Ascension Day,
. - Hon. Hlester Clymer, of Reading,
"-who has' been seriously 111 with typhoid
feVer, la now recovering, though yet too
yfgak ventura out of doors,
-Next Friday the winter session of
Muhlenberg Colleg'o will terminate.
After a vacation of ona week thn ouni.
met session, will then commence and
wmiuun woexs.f inero .aro. pros
PW4PW,MW.students Iblsspring,
iespeilatyad 'the pfoparatory 'de
-rit ypU warit a dfsh of pioo oysters,
co to D,Krock & Co. They have tbem
fresli every day and servo them up 'in
jCVf ry Btjle'to suit the, taste pf customers.
T&i1?: Bl?.'cri lw.Wi n Tew of those
eligible, Jolajn Rlckertstown to dispose
of. If you feel like securing a good homo
call and see njm", Ho Is .also supplying
flour, feedj lumber and cdnl at tho low
AstTsteA. ,
, i-Tho coats made 'Up by L'aqry &
Peters tire'not only ncatly trimmed but
well made ud of 'tlie best it
; maicrmi, and
tho "flt";ls'uusarpassed by "any other
j-Send your orddrs' for Job printing
to the iApvpcate office.- .Now 'press
and a largo lot of. new ahd'elpgnnt type
Just received; Trices fully as low , as
ntw.xctk ot l'lilladelphla,
- neruian Gabriel, of Hazletnn. I'a..
cortinllti'd suicide orl Sunday by shoot-
uH iiiMorii in vim mourn, me eoviri
amice passing tnrougli Ills head n
Killing into inbtsmly,
Lost, -on Friday morning March
20, In pelng from the residence of jRor.
A. F. (Ooopeld to the Lokigh Valley
depot, alady'snewatchell. Tho Under
will be liberally tewardei on returning
It to the Rov. A. F. Leopold, Wels9pott.
The trial of William Gouldstraw for
Uio shooting of Oliver Richards In self
defence on the night of Dec. 21, 1874,
at Audenrled, was concluded In Mauch
Chunk, on Friday ot last week, and
the Jury rendered a verdict of not guil
ty. On Friday nfteraoon last week.Mr
Simon Weldenhelmer, of this place, was
stricken with palsy. We are pleased to
state that In) la camewhnl better.
Maria L.,wlfe of norry J. Hunslck
er, nnd only daughter of 0. S. German,
ot this plaee.dled on Sunday afternoon.
The funeral took place on Wednesday
morning, and was very numerously at
tended, Rev. E. A. Bauer, of Hazlcton,
and Rev,, A. Bartholomew officiated.
Now you go on wheels, and David
Ebbert's buggies and carriages Uavo
been beautifully fixed up for theseason.
and hi" hbrses nro unsurpassed by those
ofanyotberllvorylntUKCounty. Terms
low. ft
The Allentown Rolling Mill, on
Saturday vn6rnlng last, received 14S car
loads of bituminous coal from tho vi
cinity of Pittsburgh.
The chlmoey and celling .of a pub
lic school at Kingston, near Wilkes
barre; tumbled down Friday of last
week, during the session of tho school.
Thirty-five boys were in the room, but
only one was Injured by tho falling
bricks, which smashed the dtslcs. An
other, who jumped from a window
without raising the sash, was cut slight
ly In the head. The disaster la attribut
ed to the Improper construction of the
The Ashland Savings bank at Ash
land, Pa., suspended on Saturday. Its
embrassmont began in tho panic of
The law allows you to luxuriato oti
trout now If yon know how to catch
The Centennial tea party, at tho
Mansion House, Jfauch Chunk, on
Wednesday evening, was well attended,
about 1000 persons Delng present. The
hotel was elegantly decorated with
flag.!. Tho muslo was furnished by tho
Eureka Orchestra of Allentown.
Have you heard 1 Liniment Jake"
spread himself In regard to tho virtues
of bis wonderful lluluient? If you have
not, call nt D. Krock & Go's bakery,
buy a bottle of the .'Ijilment, nud ask
Jake for his opinion of It.
Read Mrs, Fath's now advertlse
meu, and then go and get your spring
On Wednesday evening, Mr. Lewis
Weiss, of Welssport, was taken sick
very suddcujy.
J. W. Riiudenbush, has taken pos
session of the Eagle Hotel, In this bor
ough, and Is now engaged giving It a
thorough overhauling and renovation,
when finished It will be, undoubtedly,
one of tho best houses In the county.
Host Raudenbush has fully demono
strated tho fact that he "knows how to
keep n hotel," and accordingly Invites
his friends to give hltu at least a pas
sing call, if tliey don't desire to stop
over with him. Courteous treatments
well filled tabla and moderate charges,
Is the rule ot tUe house.
The penalty for catching bass In
the Lehigh and other streams ot Penn
sylvania, between the 1st of March aud
tuo 1st ot June, Is 25. Fishermen, bo
on your guard.
An outbreak of miners occurred
Monday night at Buck Mountain, Eck
ley.Drlfton, Jcddo, Ebervaleandllazle
tou. The rioters were armed with mus
kets and cudgels. At Jcddo they shot
one policeman nnd beat another. At
Buck Mountain thoy disarmed the special
police from Philadelphia. At lait ac
counts they wero disbnndltiir at thn rn.
est of Futlier O'Hara, of Hazleton.
JJr. Jr. B. Reber showed us a conv
of "The New England Weekly Jour
nal,- puoiuuca in uoston, dated -Uon-day,
April 8,1728, or one huudred and
forty-soven years ago. It U only 2
pages printed on a sheet 15x10 inches.
Among Its advertisements wo uotlco
the following: "A very likely negro
girl, about 13 or 14 years of age, speaks
good English, has been In the country
some umo, to bo sold. Inquire of the
rrmter, heicof." Tho paper was pub
jiauca oy a. lvneeiancl and T. Urccn
-.ur. ueorge uoovcr, engineer jsi
tho Kutztowu Railroad, residing In
Kutztown, has been granted letters pat
ouv ior ono or me mct valuablo Inven
tions of the present day. It consists cf
a patent harness so arranged that a
bnrso cau be unharnessed and until' di
ed in half a minute, without the driver
leaving the wagon. It is a thing par
ticularly desliable In cases where horses
are apt to run away. Should this hap
pen, the harness can bo removed In
btantly by merely pulling several cord
attached to tho reius, through which
various bucklesare opened nnd t lie horse
Immediately set free. Democrat.
Mr. William McKlbbln, a gentle
man wellknowutomunylu this county,
and a resident of Catasauqua, died in
that borough on Monday morning at
10 o'clock. At the adjournment of the
(Legislature at Ilarrlsburg ho returned
to Catasauqua, when he took sick, hU
deseaso being typhoid pneumonia. At
thbtlmeof his death he was an active
member of the Phconix Steam Fire Com
pany, In which he always took the
deepest Interest. Ho was well known
as an active politician, and nt thn elec
tions his Inltuenco was always felt In
tho Interest of 1iU parly. Kind and gen
erous In his disposition, he will be la
mented by many of the citizens of that
placo whose f i londshlp ho cnjiiyed whilst
Uvlng. Herald
X Dr. J. G. Zern Informs us that ho
mRde "is professional visits for 100 con
secutlve days durlig tho past wlntci
with liorso and slelitb, travelluc on un
average 23 miles per day; or, In other
words, tliut he ba.s had 2500 miles of
sleigh riding,
I Jr. v. A, ucrhamer has onenfd
an oMcu nn thn ftmithnitt nnrnur irje..
ond ind Iron strcett, lu this borouuli.
, i.. .... .i
Tho trial of Eckley B. Farrow,
charged .with being Implicated in tho
rmirderxif Neal MoBrldo, at Beaver
Meadow, 4n February 1874, has occu
pied thtocourt fur the past week. The
ase was given to tho Jury Thursday,
who After an absence of 10 minutes re
turned with a verdict ot not gullty,and
the prisoner was discharged.
Mr. Uriah Fatztnger has taken the
storo, of the late II. E. Fatztnger, on
.flank street, and will put In a new
stock ot groceries, provisions and flour
And feed.
The water in the Lehigh has raised
several feet during tho past few days,
hut no serious results aro anticipated
unless a heavy rain should occur. The
stream is free of Ice.
J. Boyd nenrl, an architect located
recently In our city, has bis hands full
ot work, Judging from the drawings he
was so busily engaged upon Tuesday.
A now building In Sunbury, several in
Philadelphia, and a school liouse, tho
location of which we do not remember,
were being perfected upon paper pre
vious to their subjection to the parties
concerned. Scrttnton Dally Times.
Methodist Episcopal church, Rev.
Wilmcr Cfoffman, pastor. Preaching
to-morrow, Sunday, at 10 80 a. m, to be
followed by tho Sacrament of tho Lord's
Supper: nnd at 7 p. m. a sermon to the
young, Subject: The boyhood of Jesus.
Sunday school at 2 p in.. Prayer meet
lng Thursday evening.
Nutlce is hereby given to nil parties
interested in the new enterprise of pur
chasing the Fair Grounds ot "The Car
boo county Agricultural Society ,"whl' h
was recently sold to them at Sheriff'c
saje, that a meeliug will bo held at tho
Exchange note), In LeliIghtou,on Wed
nesday, April 7, nt 2 o'clock p. ra.
Every person Interested should be, and
Is expected to be present. Tho business
to be transacted Is Important.
By order of tho Committee.
W, M. Rapsheii, Secretary.
Jr. O. V. X. it.
At a stated meeting of Bluo Ridge
Council, No. 130, Jr. O. TJ, A. M.,held
In Reber's Hall, an Wednesday even
ing, Mrch 81st, 1873, the following
officers were elected to servo for the en
suing term: J. II, Esch, U.j II. J.
Bretnoy, V. C.j G. W. Dleiil, R. S.j
E. S. Miller, A. R. S. W. P. Long, F.
S.; U. L. Sweeny, Cond.j G. W. Kem
erer, W.;S. D. Kostenbader, I. S.; J.
F. Esch, O. S 0. W, Bower, Trustee.
OOIoer Elect.
At a regular stated meeting of Gol
den Huetten Lodge, No. OSO, I. O. O.
F., of this borough, lipid on Tuesday
evening last, the following officers wero
elected for tho ensuing term:
N. G.; Daniel Graver.
V. G., Joseph Relglo.
Sec, W. It. Rex.
Ass't. Sec, Alfred Beck.
Treas. A. G. Dollenmayor.
Trustees A.- G. Dollenmayer,Danlel
Graver, Wui. M. DuFour and Joseph
The Coal Trade.
Tho following tablo shows the quan
tity of coal shipped over the Lehigh
Valley Railroad for the weok ending
Mar. 27th, 1875, and for the year as
compared with tho same tlmu last year:
From Week. Year.
Wyoming.... 0,201 02 001,043 03
Hazleton 2,820 04 170,890 12
Up. Lehigh.. 341 10
Bea.Meadow.. 63,770 11
Mahuuoy 2,832 04 03,504 03
Mauch Chunk 2,138 10
N. fr. Easton 1,137 17 4,057 01
Last Year. . .
13,401 07 002,712 09
85,814 12 1,000,028 08
Decrease 70,323 05
401,215 19
Spring Stylei.
T. D. Clnuss, the popular merchant
affor ot Lehighton, has just received
KAnd is now opening the lamest stock of
cloths, casslmers, worsted and nil kinds
of suitings and vc&tlngs, for men's nud
youth's wear,erer brought to this town,
which he U making up lu the latest
fashions and In tho most durable man
ner, and fits guaranteed every time, at
prices to suit the times, also a new and
elegant stock of ladles', gent's and
children's boots, slices audgalU-rs.mada
especially for the trade of this 'soctlon,
and a full line of gent's furnishing
goods and hats and caps ot the latest
spring styles, which he Is selling at
"knock down prices." Call aud la
spect his stock before purchasing else'
Ferocious Aunult,
On Monday afternoon last, a young
man named William Collins, residing
in the borough ot East Miuch 'Chunk,
says "Echoes" in thu Herald, while un
der the Influence ot llquor.armed with a
largo knife, made an assault.wlth dead
ly Intent, upon his mother. A lady in
the houso seized his arm and held It, so
that he could not do tho horrible deed.
O. M. Ebert, druggist.mi thn other side
trimming trees, bearing the outcry,
went In aud after a hard tuisel iuccccl.
cd In taking the knife from Mm, but
not before young Collins hud the Inside
of his right hand terribly gashed as al
aollio left. Collins then left the house.
nd Mr. Ebert came to town and cot a
warrant for Ills arrest, which was ulven
to Constable Merrick, who went after
him Jr. Merrick, found
aid he had a watr.un for his at rest,
And .wanted Silm Collins) itbgovwlth
Mm. Colllns-sald, "Jtll bo d-d if I'll
,go with you or any .other man." Mr.
Merrick said, "you .won't will you?"
and giving him a tap oa the head witti
his billy knocked nll-tlie spunk out -of
him. Collins was then searched and n
seven barreled rovolver loaded .and a
knife was found lu his pockets and tak
en from him. Collins was taken to jail
where he Is now confined.
K Reaponie.
Mr. Printer, Ich hob shnn monch
mole gadonkt Ich mlstawamole fun
mere hara lussa. Ich hob gadenkt tch
wod da llto mole an glana story geva
fun a shule master: Ar 1st an long
balnlclier karl, so wide we Ich farstona
hob hold ar schulo dar Nlsholla; Ich
dank ar da to bessar sbulo holta mole
wile shulo holta ,uf geva und slch um'
gucka far n fxaw. Won or oat bold
dude don gebt ar en older hachler. Ich '
dank do made klelclien en net orlpk, ar
hut en klaner faler si noso is zu long,
ar kou net uf an holb mile nacbt un
era gsicht kuma far so zu bussa. So
dank Ich muss Ich schleasa far ties
mole und sawga wons dunnert und
bumbt, kent car Ich farloisa dos dar
shulo mcster kumpt. Dca llto wos net
anglish lassa kanna han an chanco for
do brief zu tasa, und dos yader mon
subscrlba sut far dq Carbon Advocate.
Jakk Miceaplickgi,.
Clobboard Stettle, Martz 23, 1875.
Two Old Veternui.
In East Penn Township, this county,
reside peaceably and harmoniously to
gether! John Rehrlg, who lias attained
tho rlpo old geof i)3 years, and'Jlrs.
Rehrlg, his first "better half," aged 89
years. Both healthy and robust.. Mr.
R. faithfully provides for their support,
pursuing arduous bodily labors, such as
mowing, chopping wood and all other
farmers' pursuits, tiresome to the
youngest aud most robust. His 'prin
cipal hobby, however, always was hun
ting, many a deer's life was ended from
the effects of his deadly aim while fol.
lowing them barefooted, A peculkulty
of his Is uever to wear boots, always
broad soled and comf irta'blo shoes.
Never was known to have been sick ot
any account. His wlfo also performs
well her part of tho domestic duties,
without any assistance; has also been
healthy all her lifo time. Conclusively,
I would add that It frequently astonish
es people to learn to what nn advanced
age snmo pnopls arrlvo at, but, it Is
oftentimes due to nothing else but their
mode of living substantial but spare
diet, their comfortable style ot dress,
and general depaitment.
Letter froni Parryvtlle.
To the Editor of Tut Ciibox Adyocati.
Dear Silt, In glancing over your
spicy sheet, I see nn artlclo on "Pnrry
villa Items," written by ono "Oney
Jokin," who makes tho startling an
nouncement that "Parryvlllo is a Bor
ough," this Is news indeed; we should
not have been awaro of tho fact had
not your correspondent reminded us of
It; our wholo borough ("Borough"
looks well In print) is Indebted to htm
for it, but this Is not all, he also thinks
that we can not have a borough without
a "lock-up" or "Jug," as ho is. pleased
to call It, and wonders if be shall ever
have an opportunity to occupy It. Is
ho a member ot Council? If so he
should certainly bo on the Building
Committee, allowing bltn his twoweeks
to report whether It Improperly built."
Your correspondent has "Lock up" on
tho brain, and deserves to occupy It all
to himself when finished, for I rear that
wo shall have very little use for It, as
tho citizens of this placo are a law-abiding
people, second to none In the State.
Can't "Oney Jokin" give us some
thing better than "Jug" question?
Give us something else, say water
works forlnstance,or street lampi.wecan
dispense with gas while ho takes sucli
an interest in our nffalrs.
Parryvtlle, Jfbrch 80, 1875.
T!io See Corse.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., March 31. The
river continues to rlsi more rapidly than
it has before to-day. It Is a mile wide
hero, and ft great volume of water U
flowing across the Kingston flats.but is
not yet floating away any of the scat
tered ice boulders. At Port Blanch ard
It has overflown the banks of tho canal
again, and It Is now nearly bank full
where It passes through Wllkesbarre.
A little further rise will flood Canal-st.
The Tout ot the gorge shows no slgus of
giving way.
The foot of the Ransom gorge has
lodged against the foot of this gorge
without starting It. The water has
risen n fnot-and-a-half here in a llttje
over an hour, and Is now twenty ono
feet above lew water mark,bultlie gorge
shows no sign of giving nwuy.and may
hold out through the night.
Tho water is backlug up nt West
PitUton, pud Is just bt-glnnlcg to flood
that placo. Tho Lehigh Valley rail
road is flooded between hero aud I'itte
tan, and all trains have been abondou
ed between the two places, and there
are no malls from the North. The last
train down reached here at seven o'clock
this eveulug two hours behind time.
A LackaAouna aud Bloomsburg train
was just ahead of It, and both were Ill
lad with passengers. The track was
covered with water 'for a mile and a
i half, anddn totnei places It was so deep
as to cover.tno -second stp ot.tuocars,
and came within a -few Inches ef run
nlrg Into 'the Pro box of tho engine
Tho current acrossitho track was rapid,
and carrledtwltli It great cakes of loo,
.railroad sills, fences and logs.
The trains moved slowly nnd had to
stop every fow feet to remove obstruc
tions. No. 4, north, was met on the
Inundated track with its baggage car off
tho rails, Tho hind truck had been
caught by an ico bquldcr, the baggage
was removed, tho car cut loose and left
lu the Hood. .Men rode on tho front of
the engines on the down trains, and tho
steps of tho cars wero occupied by con
ductors, brakemen and pasenger?,who
wero all kept busy in pushing and kick
Ingtwny log sand ice boulders from;the
track. At the Swinging Bridgo there
was a great mass of floating Ico and
driftwood on tho track, and while a
passage was being opor.ed through It,
about an aero of Ice, which had been
lodged on the right of tho track, begau
to inove and beaded across tho track In
front .cvf tho train. It looked danger
ous, and tho men becamo frightened and
ladies began to cry. Some trees and
bushes, however arrested Its progress
and the trains mado their .waythrougk
before Ic started again.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., .March 317.45 P.
M. TAie river has been rising rapidly
since threo o'clock this afternoon. Tho
Ramson gorgo gave way at 5.80 P. M.,
and Is now sweeping down tho river.
Wllkesbarre, March 8111 P. M.
Tho river has fallen flvu inches since
ulno P. M., tbewaler having found ad
ditional outlet across tho Kingston flats,
through which it is rushing with great
force and noise. The Wllkesbarre gorgo
is yet apparently immovable, and it will
probably remain so until the water Is
raised several feet higher by a storm or
by Its stoppage on the flats. The river
is also fulling at Pittston. and that nlkce
has escaped a second Inundation.
An old gentleman, named Swank,
residing iu Welssport died on Friday
morning, after a fow hours sickness.
The Supremo Court decides that the
Fourteenth Amendment does not confer
suffrage on women.
Tho election In Connecticut takes
place on Monday, April 5th. The Re
publicans are making a desperato effoit
to carry the Stato.
Tho committee ot Associated Coal
Companies at Now York have agreed
on an advance of 20 cents per ton for
the'month of April,
A despatch from Pottsyllle says that
at Locust Gap, during Filday night of
last week, the striking laborers and
miners dumped a number or cars load
ed with coal for shipment, and burned
the depot and telegraph office of the
Reading Railroad Company. Special
police from Philadelphia and Reading
have gone to Mahanoy Plane to protect
property and assist, It necessary, in
operating the road.
Ono thousand cars of coal wtro moved
through Pottsvlllo on Friday nnd Sat
urday by the Reading Rallioad. This
Is about tho regular quantity for the
number of collieries now In operation.
John Phillips, a baacago master on
tho Pennsylvania Railroad, tfelvldere
uivision, was ltllleil uy a Delaware,
Lackawanna nnd Western train at the
Manuuka Chunk junction Monday night.
Joseph Lounsberry was arrested ot
Liberty, Tlogacounty, Monday, for the
muraer ot uoionei uutier, in Clearfield
county, Pa., who was attempting to
arrest htm lu 1804 for dosortlon from
the United States army. Ho has been
taken to Pittsburg.
Cosing Prices of DeHayen & Towns
end, Stock, Government and Gold
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
April 1, 1875.
U. S.0, 1881 .
U. S. 5-20, 1802 .
U. S. 5-20, 1801 .
U. f. 520,1M3 . .
U. S 6 20, 1805 J. A J.
V. B. fi 20, 1807 . .
IT. S. 6 20, ISM ,
U. S. 1040
V, H. Currency, U'i ,
U. 3. & 1881, new .
IVnnsvlvtula K. It. ,
l'olli. ltoadlug It. It.
LcbU'h Velle lullrosd
Lelilzu Coil a Nit. Co.
WW bid. 21
17 bid. i;
nit bid. 13
ay, bid. ni
mi ukad.
IVA bid
Jj1 uked.
V'A bid.
zi amed
U'A aiknl,
1 aike.1.
Ull aiked.
bbhi aiked
C4a uked
0J asked
?. hid.
11)5 bid.
bill bid.
ail bid.
t)2f bid.
bals bid.
UolteJCouipaulelofN. J. 13jk bid. 131
Uold Uyt bid. U)i
01 liked.
auitr , o Liu.
10 uked.
LtthlgktOQ Retail t'rlccs.
Carefully corrected each woek express
ly for "The Carbon Advocate'
Apples, per bushel 00
' dried, per lb 12 to 15
Butter, roll, per lb U8
Cabbage, per head 8 to 12
Cheere, factory, per lb 22
Eggs, per dozen 30
Fish, mackerel, No. i, 12 to 15
Ham, per lb IB
Lard, pure, per lb.'. SO
Pork, prlmo mess, per lb 12
Potatoes, perbushel 75
Corn, per bushel $ 1 00
Chop, Com, per 100 lbs 2 00
" Brau " l 30
" llye, " 2 20
" Mixed " v 2 10
Flour, Wheat, per bbl 7 00
" Rye, per 100 lbs 8 00
Oats, White per bushel 70
" Black, per bushel, t..,.., 03
Hay, per ton 20 00
Straw, per bundle 31)
Coal, chestnut, per tou 4 00
" stove, per ton 4 50
Hides, green, per lb 5 to 7c
Calf Skins, each 1 25 to 1 50
Sheep Skius,klll'd this mo.,ea 125 to 150
March 28th, at the parsonage ot tho
Lthlghton M. E, church, by Rev. W.
Cullman, Mr. John Ellin and MUs Km.
lua E. Serfass, both of Whltn Haven.
On Ft-b. 0th, by Rev. It. R. Klstler,
Mr. John Drumheller, to Mhs Isabella
Klotz, both ut Millport, Carbon Co.
On Feb. 20th, by the same, Mr. Lewis
Wagner of Upper Towameuslug, to Alls
Sarah Silllmuii, of Eldrcd, Moiuoo Co.
At Lehlghton, March 28th, Maria L.,
wire or Harry J. Huiislukor, and dau.
ghter of O. b. German, nged 29 years.
Special Notices,
STOP THAT COUOU, No pulmonorr com
fJaInt, hoiriYer ob.Musto, can resist tbthett.
IntclnflneDM of MDr. Morrli'i error, of Tar. WIM
Cberrr and Utmbound."" It la a curtain cure for
Coagha. Colds, Iloarteneia, Son Throat asd Asth
ma, ana auiuroai, lain and Coast Diseases Un
dln to CoBsampUoD. Nothing that w. bar erer
sold acts so promptly In Croup or 0ctaaUr la
Whooping Cough. It rontslis no opium and Is
peasant to tike. Coagh-irirn '.Vlctlme, whose
lungi are-racked and torn vllh'paroxjrsma which
threaten to choko them, Dod sure and speedy re
lief in Its use. For sale bjr C. AV. Lents, and A.
J. DurllD?, MilftUton, Pa. ftn'. 17th. 174.
The a Jrertt."?r,hsInff been penunnantljr curwj '
that drpftJ disease, Consumption, by a utropU rem
edjr, U Jiuxtoui to make known tohU.ftjW iuf
Vers the weans of cure. Tn all wb deelm It, h
will Bend n copy oftbj press riptlon usod, (free of
chiUKf), with tlju direction! for prep.-ir.0K "d ut
lng the ftAtne. vrhlch thy will find a son ((Jens
for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, tc.
1'artlAn wlihlntt tlieprftserlptlsa will ple ad
dress, Htr. 1J, A. WILSON,
191 1'enn St., Wllllanubun;, Xew York.
Doc. 23-6m.
AQENTLEMAN who sufftsred ' for years from
Pervious Doblllty, Premature Decay, and all
the effect! of youthrul Indiscretion will, for the
sake of suftVrlntf humanity, send free to alt who
need It, the roceipe and direction for raaktnir the
aintple romedy by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit bytheadTertlscr's experience can
do so by addressing In perfect confidence,
JOHN C.OQUEX, 42 Cedar 8t,lNew York
Dee.20,-41 m.
Tho moat Wonderful Olscor.ry of
the 10th Ceutury.
X3E.. S. 3D. HOWE'S
Arabian Milk Cure
And alt Diseases or the TIIKOAT, CHEST ana
LUNIH. (The only Medicine of Ibeltiad In the
A SuitSTiTuri ron Cod Litir Oil.
I ermnuenuv cures aiuium, uruueumo, lucip
ent Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness of
Breath, Catarrh, Crous, Coughs, Colds, .to , In a
few days.
Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier,
Which Dlf CllltS from all other preparations In
Its Imxioiatb Actios upon the Z.IV1.11, KlUHfiXB
and DLOOD. It Is purely veicotable, and cleanses
the system ofall lmpuillies, builds up, and makes
Pure, Jtloh Mood. It cures Scrofulous Diseases of
all kinds, removes Constipation, and regulateathe For"UENKBAL DKUIL1TY," "LOST
TIONS," I "challenge the 19th Century" to nnd
Us equal, llrery bottle Is worth Its weight la
gold, l'rlce, $1.00 per bottle.
Arabian c Liver ills
They cleause the Llrer and Stomach tt-eroujhly
remove Constipation; contain no calomel nor any
other Injurious Ingredient, and act quickly upon
these oraOs, without producing any pain or weak
ness. Price 23 cents per box.
Should useal Hhreeof the above Medicines.
Sold by A.J. UUULINO, Drugjlst, sole Agent
for Lehlghton, Pa.
Da. S. D. IIOWK, Sole Proprietor, 101 Chambers
Street, New York. apr. It, I873.yl
Would respectful,
lv announco tot
ills friends and
the public in general,
that ho has open-
d a nrst-ciass
Livery So Sale Stable,
nud that he can furnish Horsea.Buggles
and Carriages of the best description,
for pleasure, Business nr pur
poses, at very Reasonable Chargos,
aud on sliott notice HAULING dono
at short notice aud at low prices.
i Cornor of Bauk and Iron Street,
Lehlghton, Pa.
Jan. 9, 1875.
Contractor & Builder,
Plans and Siicciflcatlons
For all kinds ot Buildings made at tho
shortest notice.
Mado for Plans and Spcclficatipns, when
the contract is awarded to tho under
signed. A. W. EACHES.
June 14, 1873-yl
Number Four.
Fated to bo Free. Jean Inge
low's great Story, price, In took form,
Twoiity Short Stories, a rich
variety of miscellaneous readlng;orer
sixty largo pages splendidly illustra
ted. Ten Steel Reproductions, fac
similes ot famous pictures; original
engravlugs worth $15.00.
All tho abovo sent post-paid with
IlEAitTU and IIoiiB tho great lllustra
trated weekly magazine, two month on
trial, for only 50 cunts, Oijject;
to Introduce the paper to new subscri
bers. Price reduced to only $3.50 per
year, Single number, six cents nono
free, t nows stinds or by mail. Groat
Inducements to agents and clubs, Tuts
GitArmo Company, Publishers, 39-41
Park Place, New York. Please state
In what paper you saw this advertise
ment. March 20-0w.
dmlnlHtrntor's Notlqo.
Whereas letters or Administration
upon, tho estate of Francis Palmer,
lato ot Towamer.slng township, Carbon
county, dee'd, have been granted to tho
subscriber, all persons having claims
agulnt said estate will please present
them, ind those Indebted to said estate
will maku Immediate payment.
Welssport, Jarch 27, 1870.
Administrator' Notice,
Whereas letters ot administration .
upon the estate ot Elizabeth Henhel-'
mer, late or Jahonlng township, Car
bon Co.,dcc'd, have been.granted to too
tubscrlber, all persons having claims
against skid oatate will pleaso present
them, and those ludebtcd to the said
estate will make Immediate payment.
Welssport, MarohSO. 1875.
tsrSeiid Mnmp for lull Information!
Prlcj 1.1 t, .to., &a, DANIEL) F.
BE.tTTY, Wa'hliirjton.New lersoy.