The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 27, 1875, Image 2

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    Wis (Cm'hon gtttwnto.
iTTv, MuitTiitMi:ic, " '. '. ,' "mi 1 to It.
i.uiiuiinTiN, pa.!
Civil Rights bill, lias coiuu home
to 1 1 113 United States Senate In nil un
expected niauncr, anys a teecnt Wftsh
Ington dt-patch to tliti N. Y. bun. At.
tarhed to Hit) chamber for tho uso of
the members ts h Brat-claus barber shop,
i tlio artists In which are paid t-y tho
Government and provided rat Its ex
('penso with, an exquisite stock of tollut
articles, liruce. new colored Sen;
aUi from Mlsslselntil. who Is a Cnii-
blooded negro, availed himself of this
tonsorlal,perq,ulslt tlio second, day after
he waspworn In, and has been since
then an occupant pf one, f0 tho chairs
for at least an hourciory day. As soon
n ho nrrlvas In tho .morning ho has
his hair nicely curled by his colored
frlonds, and Delate ho leaves in tlio af
ternoon he gets fixed up aealn for din
. ner. Somonf'tho more fastidious Sena
tors who vetted tho place few mom
Ings aco were astounded at the unusual
sigijt q a "nigger." in tlio Senatorial
barber shop. Tho combs and .brushes
w'lth which they woro, accustomed to
,'bo adorned were deftly flying through
his kinky hair and over his swarthy
face. Tho result Is they havp given tho
Ssnato barber shop a wldo berth, and
held several Indignation meetings on
iho subjtct.
Thf) GovnnKonsnu-. Not much has
,been heard as to other Republican asplr.
ants. Generally. W. Kctcham, mem
ber of Congress elect from tho Luzerno
district, has been strongly .talked of,
but his election, even it' ho woro the
strongest tnau, would result .In tlio
choice of a Democrat as hi successor
"for Congress) therefore- ho is uot'Iikely
to be pushed.. General Charles Albright,
t who has won such a brilliant reputation
during his two years of Congressional
life, has been frequently mentioned. as
a 'very avallablo candidate, but that
'gentleman hlmSelf has given no Intima
tion that lie desires or, would accept tLo
'nomination. Ilou.ljerija'uiln II firewater,-
Hon. SI. nail StintW, ITeury Ar
'uittt Brown, Esq., Hon. Morton Mc
.Michael, of this .fclty, phi riiany others
havo beentajked of. Any of these- gen
tleman wouldgracolho.jios'ltlon if elect
I'd, and make a very strong run. Sun
day Press " '
Tho Hon. John Hickman died In
(Chester, Pa., at noon Tuesday, aged 05
years. Mr. nickman was of Quaker
parentage, and a' lawyer of successful
"practice In' West Chester. Ho was elec
ted as a Democrat to tho1 Thirty-fourth
'Congress, and was Chairman of tho
'committee (o Investigate) the Kansas
frauds: Ho reported against the bor
tier ruffians, and had a Laid fight to
gain a ro-electlon. In tho Thirty-fifth
XJongress ho was associated with tlio
Hon. John B. Haskln of this' .Stato In
tho flght'ngalusti Buchanan's, Lecomp.
ton policy. j!?oth theso gentlemen wcro
jrsturncd to the Thlity-slxth Congress
us Independent Democrats; elected in
opposition to tho Democratic candidates'.
In that Congress, In tho memoiable
struggle for Speaker, they voted for
John Sherman, and this resulted In tho
'compromise or 'Pennington, who was
elected by their votes. Mr.- Hickman
'was made Chairman of tho Judiciary
t!ommlteo. Subsequently ho was clec
ted as n Republican to tho Thirty-sov-pth
Congress, and vigorously support
ed President Lincoln In putting down
tlio rebellion. .After this ho devoted
himself to law. In 1872 he was a dclo
gato to tho Cincinnati! Convention. Ho
first suppot ted Charles Francis Jdams,
subsequently took up tho name of Mrl
xireolcy. This was his last public act
In politics.
The United fitatos 'Senate Wednesday
adjourned slno dlo..
At Lancaster, N. II.,tha.thertmomo.
fcr fell to !i9 decrees beloty zero Tues
day. Throo or four hundred colored peoplo
have died In Washington during this
winter from cold ttnd hunger.
Mile. Ventures, ten years ago a fa
mous dancer, U n helpless and destitute
paralytic ln,PhladelphJa.
Whllo fifty persons and several (earns
wero on tha "Ico bridge" at Quebec on
Saturday, It broke loose and floated up
the' river with the tide. All landed safe
ly Monday morning. -
A savage watch dog was set to guard'
a hen house in Hon er, N. Y, A six
year old gill in playing about tho yard
followed soino chickens to tho house.
Tho dog ferociously 'attacked the child,
mangling it so that death ensued.
Lata advices report tlio Snsrjuehanna
frozen tight. On Delaware', above
Port Deposit, another Inundation Is cic
peeled with warmer weather, and peo
ple ate seeking' safer quarters. The
Mcrrimac river is gorged,' and trouble
WiLKEgiiAitRB, Pa., March 24.
Therd U no change In elther'fhls or'tho
Jtans'om gorge. Anchor Icq has ac.
cumulated at Uio northern and tho lat
ItT, nmklnu It nearly twenty miles In
ItfigUi.. At Tunlflianiiock tho river Is
open alniitot fiuiiijShnre.tq shore, while
at I'lttslon It U frozen to tolid that
Imndredi of people, crossed It to day.
'Iho w'calhrr ifa liilense'y cold 'In
Northmi Now York Monday morning.
The tlu'riiKiinitt'f m'aikid U degree b.
low zlro nt Ithara, null V'O below at Kt
lia. Along tho IIiuImIii tho nn.Ova
f lorn .0 to 1 1 bilow. The roads ro fil
led .with heavy snow drift from tho
storm of Satuidny. The thermometer
at Plttstoil, Pa., Monday tnotnlnry
marked two degrets below zero.
Tho Interior Department is nbontto
send a geologist to thn flack IUils coutl
try to usrcrtaln.IU al h, am',
In the meantime, asks tlio War Depart
ment to caiife the cxpuhVin or all tres
passers in that region., .arr.iugements
aio making to nego'.ito with tho Sioux
for t)io relinquUijment of their treatv
rights; hut un,,i thcee negotiations am
successful n;, trespa-lng on their reser
vation wl'.', be allowed.
A woman rodo home from a ball In
Boston on a recent cold night, and tlio
'lf.iver, upon hcarlt.g the 'do'or bf tho
carriage open and shut, 'supposed she
had alighted. II o drovoavay, without
having got down from tils seat, ami left
his carrlago standing a!t usual ' btlts'ldo
his stablo' after caring1 fo'r his horses
Tup Woman, who had been drinking
freely, had not got out of .tho carrlago,
and was found In it the next morniug
frozen to death.
A fearful tornado passed over several
counties of Georgia and South Carolina
on Saturday afternoon. Augusta, was
protected from Itsfury by her surround-
ingihllls, but In other places thero was
great destruction or life aim property.
Richmond, Colunmbla and Warren
'counties, In Georgia, and Edg'cfield,
Aiken and Barnwell counties, in South
Carolina, Buffered, . terribly. About a
dozen persons ,wero killed In tlio track'
or tho storm, and probably fifty injured;
Tho loss of property Is estimated at
nunurous ot tliousandsof dollars; auui
tloual details of the tornado says: At tho
Elain church, neat1 Ca'mac, Mrs. LeWla
Jones was killed and twenty others In
jured, threo of them dangerously. Near
Mllledgeyillo,15 houses wero demolish
ed and several persons wero fuJur'ed.At
Sparta, Mrs. S. D. Massoy and Miss
Berry wero' killed. Miss Bally was
killed at Appling, where tho Methodist
and Baptist .churches and tho Acadamy
were demolished, In addition to tha
buildings heretofore reported' de
stroyed. Along tho' entire track of
the tornado tho couutry is a waste. A(
Ilcpzlbah, hi Bichmond county, mauy
houses "wero dwiuolished and the fences
and trees Jvere torn up. Great distress
prevails In the' desolated region, and
contributions sent tho Mayor or Auaus
ta will be distributed among tho suffer
ers. Washington, March 23 Last night
a horrlblo crlmo was perpetrated in
Prfnco George's county, Md and tho
perpetratornvltliin a few liours there
after suffered death, although not by
tho hands of the law. A Mr. Nelson,
T,Vho,'a fow years since, canio to this
section of tho country from tho north,
to purchase n portion of thoNatley Hall
estate, 'In Iaryland, nearly opposite
Alexandria, and n'uolit seven miles
from this' city,' sinco which time ho has
been ' engaged In improving tho place.
Ilohad In hs employ a young negro
iyiruca Slmrna, nbout 2f years or nue.
Last night Mr. Nelson had occasioned
to'como to this clly, and about midnight
tho negro Simm, taking' advantago or
ills absence, nnd'tlie lady being alone
and unprotected, went to tho houso and
entering It cotn'mltfed'n shocking assault
upon her. Tho negro had been in
the employ of Mj Nelson for a
year, and occupied ono or the rooms
In his house. ' When Ilo entered
tho sleeping chamber or tho lady,
ho was armed with n revolver,
and announced his purpose not only to
commit tho cilme, but that ho also In
tended to kill himself; threatening at
tho samo tlmu that If an outcry or re
sistance were ,ui;ulo ho would kill his
victim and her babe, two years or ago,
that was 'sleeping by her side. Tho
scoundrel remained In tho robin for
thrco 'hours after tho commission of the
crime, and then, ntler again repeating
tho offense, bhot himself in tlio' ' lett
shoulder, and went td his own r66m,
whero he was arrested. Tho Incensed
residents oftho neighborhoqd, who 190k
him from tho authorities, hung him to
the first convenient tree they found.'
Tho rope was put around his neck
beforo he was taken from his room, and
tho scoundrel was seated upon a horse
that was driven from under hlin as
soon as the rope' was fastened to the
limb of tho troo, Several colored men
In the vicinity took an active part In
tho lynchlug., .
Bermuda potatoes, of tho crop of
J75, have made their nppearanco In
the Philadelphia market also green
peas and other garden sassl
The striking employee' of the Dela
ware and Hudson Canal Company have
yleled. ' '
Now Advortisemoiits.
rnnuononij khmekkk,
J- Manufacturer nf'nnrl rww 1,. ail
kinds or Household and Kitchen
Next to Romlg & Hoftordls Carriage
Bank Street, Loliigbton, Pa.
KltRuift Parlor Hulli,
Iluudiouie llcdrnom St,
Sollinrr vorv fllinn-n fr- flneli
Examine before purchasing clsewhe,re.
Having had an experience of twenty
years In tho r
Business, I am prepared to furnish nil
hind ril f?MFl?l X'y flk cl.-irn.3
short notlco, and attend to all business
t.. tl.i- 11 1. ..:
in una imu in ucn a manner as will
rvlvn notlrn cnllarnntlnn n.
able terms. Patropago solicited.
Tirwn l.-BMifnini
March 27, 187fl-ly
Uuiliilstrnlor'ti Notice
w k.l..llllUblUU
nnnii Ihn nulntti dt V.nttAL 1t.Mn-
.--w VW.M.U ,w A-4..IIV13 AailllCl,
late of Towamer.slng township, Carbon
county1, dee'd, have been gruntod to the
KUt)Crlbflr. ail nprsnn li!iiln,r r-lnlnio
agalutai.l estate will please" prosenf
uirm, inn uioiu (inif mc.i 10 sam p3;ate
will make Imincdlato piyment.
Wtltspoit, .Vare!i 27, 1875.
New 1 Adv'erlisemonts.
SSOO ,u l'rcn,,"ms'
S.OVrr.AKI0 .-Ueautlnil tn rni?irnco
minrlT In quality inrly rlpBiilmj tut. fw
Jiri) U'or llrni Iho Karly itono Tory prodnc-lrp.
I'rlro: Per pmin.l, $1; 3 jicundl to ono nddreM,
ii.tonn, ptqMJ. my pxprcti or fro'llt. 1
perk. V, liu.litl. It, X. Ouiliol.'t tar 1 tnrrel: 135.
ISUIt I(,V-i upoJllnu of Hie KxccMor-crnM-
ea wiiu uie i iueuniow, anu pcsceineala areirark
ablotlereo tlio cotnljnml fualit e of tbcao rarle-
To sliver MeiJals were award? d to the a1xro Tft
rietteaby tha Maaa. Hort. Boclaty. --- '
Price: Per pound, ll! three nour.dx tnnnn t.
dres, f3. hy mall, pojt paid; ky pxprera of frelplit,
y. lirtlt, ff.i; l IIOCB. i, ft OU9U61, OJ 1 bUSOel, 113,
ltiarrel. W5. '
$300 ,IW P.IIBJUUMS will bo divided
amohtbo tlx ucrefifcfur comoetltora who ihall
produco tha largest quantity from one pound of
euuer or ioe adovo rno yarietles, HivuiV"
FI.AKK and Eureka. 8-50 for cncli
veirtetr, aubjoct tocoodltfona named .n our Po
tato Catalogue.'
I'or full deacrlptlon ee NHsa'a lUuslrated Po
tato catalogue, which contains a deterlptlro lht
of all the new -varirflM receotlr Introduced, with
many other desirable aorta, beautifully lllostrat-
eu; aiso most uaerui inrorinaiion upon the ctimu
Hon vf,thlsial.uble esculaut. Sent free toalt ap.
tccil MeroHantl, 3 t- Ilnrolay St.
t. O.Uox571!3.
flew lorlc City
tYbung Men
Who arb out 0 "Employment,
Young Men
About Engaging In Business,
Young Men
Who wish to preparo lor Advanced Po
Young Men
Who wish to prepare for Business Life,
can And superior advantages at
COMMEUOIAIj college,
tl3I Clitatnut St. cor. of lath,
rilitiAUELPHIA. " '
EsTABiisntD 18it iKcoVromnp 1855
The longest Established, tho Best Or
ganized, the Most Practtca.1 nnd tlio
'Jtost largely Attended' Commercial
College'-In tlio city.
ATany of our leading antj most suc
cessful merchants and business men
(sre h'mong Its craduates.
Numerous applications are received
from business houses for Its student's -to
fill i-ituattons. '
The Qualllications for business gain
ed hero have proved a foitune to iiun
dreds ot young men. Superior 'instruc
tions given In
In all .Its blanches, as practiced byjlio
Accountants .and llushifss Men, Includ.
Ing Wholesale, Itetall, Jobbing, Manu
Mcturing,lmportlng, Commission, Com
pany Speculating Uuslness-.also Ddmes
urid l'orelgn bliipplng, Ileal Estate,
Joint Stock Company, Banking Busl
;ioss, tic.
' Also, PENMANSHIP, a free, rapid
and beautlttil style.
IJin best short and rapid methods in ac
tual list'.
' ViUSINESS PItACTICE, flusluess
Verms, Commercial Law, Ac, &c.
There aro no vucallons. Students re
ceived at any time, ami charged only
for the Course which- they enter, and'
not for the time required to complete It.
Crlttenden'd Hook Keeping Huuso
Edition, and Tho Crflteildon Comiuer
clcl Arltlimetic and liusi'uess Manual,
Forty-imh Thousand, for Miloat tho
College, or will bo mailed on receipt 6f
J. GROESBEOK, Principal.
Don't delay to buy a bond of tho IN
Don't compare It wltha Lottcry;bear
In mind that tho Capital Invested Is al
ways secured. .
Every Bond purchased beforo April
5th will, participate In the Fourth Series
Drawjog,, to,bo held publicly! In lie
City of .New, York, oi JilpsDAv, Armii
5th, 873.
Bonds aro. 20 oacli, ,
This oan l'g Issued on a novel plan,
and is authorized by special Act ot he
Legislature of thp Stato or New Yoi 1.
Capital Promium, SlOO.OCfc)
Clrcrilars giving liill explanatlon,wll
bo sent freo'ot' cltargo, on application
t i
For UomU a'nd full Information, id-
dress'wlthout delay,
Financial Aobnts,
3 I'ork now, New Yolk.
Komlt by draft on Now York dfy
JJanks, ..iteglstered Letter, or P.O.
Money Order. Deo. 10, 4m'.
AUtiitnlittr(itoi'f Xotlce.
Whereas letters ot nrlmlnUtrnllnn
upon tjio estate of Harvey E. Fat.lnj;eri
mm ui lAruigiiiuu, uaroon county, J a.i
Uec'd, bavo been granted to the subserN
ber, all ptrboni having claims against
bald fkLltil ullt nn-tnnr ttintn.
111 fined to said estata lll make imineH
dlatd paymont.
W. II. HOMIO. Administrator
Lcldilton, Mar h 2J, 1873. wU
t t -
A tljotiriicd Orphans' Court
-CX) , Sale. ,
By virtuo of an order pf tio Orphans'
Court of Carbon County, tho following
real estato, lato the property of ELIAS
SHIVE, dco'd.wlll'bu offered for nalo at
tho EXCHANGE tho .0011.
Pa., on
.Saturday, March, 27, 1875,
at loVcIock- A., SI;
2 Lots or Pieces of Ground
All that certain lot or piece of
ground sltuato on tho 'north sldo
of 'North street In tlio borough of
Lcljlgfvton nforesald, numbered In a
plan or plot of said Borough, No. 3, be
glnnlugat a corner otorth and Lehigh
streets, thenco aloni Lehigh street,
North 85 feet to a Private Alley.thence
nlong said Alley East UO feet to a lot of
Georgo Itapp, thenco along said lot
South 75 feet to North Street, thenco
along said North Street West 30 feet to
tho placo of beginning. Also, all that
certain tract or piece of
sltuato ln Mauch Chunk Township, and
partly in Mahoning Township, county
aforesaid, bounded by lands of the lato
John Strawbrtdgc,i Anthony Butler,
John Kuster, et. al. containing 180
ACHES, bo tlio samo more or' less.
Tonus of sale One-third ofnllphr.
chases cash on day of sale, ono third
In six months an remaining one-third
In nine months, pec,ured Jjy Judgment
Bond or Mortgage.
Lelilfthton, Match'Oth, 1873.
Nu OTHEll PMNO-FOIiTE has at
tained tho samo popularity. KTSnnd
stamp for Chcular.' D. F BEATTY,
Washington, New Jersey.
jcsspools anil SlnZtst
Cleaned and repaired by the under
signed on short notlco nnd at low rates.
Jan. CO, 1875. Lehlgliton, Pa.
Thq undersigned respectfully Informs
tho citizens of Carbon and adjoining
comities, that ho 'is now prepared to
supply them with
Dressed or Live Hogs
at all times, at prices fully as low a.i
they can bo bought' for elsewhere. Also,
Smoked Hams, llologno and Saussage,
at Wholesalo and Itetall.
EZ" Ordeis will bo promptly filled,
nud'Hngs shipped to any point at tlio
shortest notlco.
Hank Street, Lehlgliton, Pa.
Sept.J0i87-t yl
i J.
ii' i r . . t
i iuiururiieuiiuir
iv annouiico io
his f i lends nnd
tho publlo in general, that ho has open
ed a fltst-class
Livery & Sale Stable,
and that he can furnish Horses.Buggles
and Carriages of tlio best description,
for pleasure, Business or Funeral pur
poses nt very Iteasonablo Oharges,
and on slioit notlco. HAULING done
at short notlco nud at low prices,'
Cornor ot Bank and Iron Street,
Lehlgliton, Pa'.
Jan. 0,1873.
Contractor 8c Builder,
IMans untl Spoclflcatlons
For all kinds of Buildings mado at tho
shortest notice.
Mado for Plans and Specifications when
the contract is awarded to tho under
signed. A. W. EA01IES.
Juno 14, 1873-yl
irv nir wnv ..tti
i V with that Couch or Cold? when
relief may bj had immediately by using
ui;l,imu' compound syrup or Tar
Wild Cherry and Horabound.
ROSE GLYCERINE for Roughness of
tho Skin, Chapped Hands, c, only 25
cents a bottle. 'may
FOIt Coughs, Colds, Cramp?, Asthma,
Intluenza, Hoarseness, .Bronchitis,
and Incipient call Lentz's Drug Moro.
B ETTT Y A'.'M01
THE BEST liVUSE. tarSciirt stamp
for Circular. DANIEL F. BEATTY,
Washington, New Jersey.
rnOBAOCO and Cigars, a specialty
-L at the Drug Store of 0. W. JLoutz,
Bank Street, Lehlgliton.
CHOICE Liquors, for Jlwllced pur
poses at 0. W. Lenti's "Drujj Storo
Bank Street, -
MOTHERS, Look at that Child, It
has Worms. Go or send sitonco
to DURLING'S Drug Store, and gi.' a
bottlo of his WORM SYRUP, so pleas
ant and yet so "ire. ' mayO
A dmlnlistraior'M A'utlco.
xX Whereas letters of ndpilulntratlou
upon the estate ot Elizabeth ltenhel
mer, late ot Jfahoniiig towushlj), Car
bon Co.,dtc'd, have hW-'il grantod to the
subscriber, all persoiH having claims
against said estato will please piesent
them, and thoso Indebted to tho said
estata will make immediate payment.
V cifspcrt, Mar h 0 IhT'i
Bread Bakers,
Bank Street, LeliiglitQn,Pa.,
Near tho Exchange Hotel.
Wo aro also prepared to supply our
friends nnd tho citizens In general with
Bread and Oakes,
ot Superior Quality, Fresh every Day.
Wo malco a Specialty of
"Wedding and Fancy Cakes.
Wo.havo always on hand a fine sfock or
Purd Gaudies aud Confections,
which wo sell at tljp very lowest prices
Oysters in overy .style.
Fres,h COUNTRY BUTTER nt ,tho
egular makret prices. ' ''
BANK Street, Lehlgliton, ,Pa.
Deo 13 yl
fnast III
Is "now offering Bargains In
Look at the following Prices
Remnants 6c, formerly 12
cts. per yard,
Calico 10c., formerly 12-lc.,
Muslins, formerly 12 &14c,
now 10 and 12-J-c. "
Fancy and all other Dress &
Dry Goods in proportion.
Three Cents Per yard.
Remember the Placo 1
Opposite Eagle Hotol, Bank
Street, Loljigliton.
I ft
S P3
& W
8 B
3 &
CO g-
a a
5 O
n e
a 2.
t al
otlce It, hereby glycu
to tho Stockholders of Tho Lehigh Val
ley Emery-Wheel Co. that a meeting
will bo held at the Company's Office, lu
Weissporr, Pa., pn Saturday, April 17,
,1875, tetweon tho liours or threo and
five o'clock p. m. for the purpose of In
creasing the Capital Stock of said Com
pany. By order of Uie Board of Directors. ,
Feb. 13, 1375-t. d.
In tba United States aelt
Briggs & Bro's Sqeds
ADtl tbo uolrerral Terdlct la that tbej
' 3-Tlio Quarterly Illnatrated Floral Work itnt
ono year for 25 centa. Trice llati end Clreulara
sent free ou appltcatloa to
Itocheater, N. Y. or Cblcaf p, l
IVumbcr Four,
rated to lio Free, Jean Ipge
'' low's great Story, price. n book form,
Twenty Short Stories, a rich
variety ot miscellaneous readlngjover
sixty largo pages splendidly Illustra
ted. Ten Steel Reproductions! fac
similes of famous pictures; original
engravings worth $15. OQ.
All the above seut post-paid with
HbAhiii and Home the grcjat lllustra
trated weekly magazine, two month on
trial, for only ccutN, Object;
to Introduce the paper to new subscrlj
bers. Price reduced to only $2.50 per
year, Single number, six oents none
free. At news stands or Uy mall. Great
Inducements to agents aud clubs, Tim
CitArillO CosirANV, Publishers, 89-41
Par Placo, .Now York, Please state
In what paper you saw this advertise
ment. Starch, 20-0w.
GALL at LenU's Drug Storo and get
a liottlcof c 'ipayrnp. No cute,
' 1
New Advertisements.
w as S 2 Mi Iwtii
ri i r
yn)i Q s 2 his trl a
i SiiiiiiifLbi
1875. Where Now P'lgfiB.
TnHtinniniV. nn. r i ..."
.BdViWiutaV """""
To buy a f AR JI out of Ihe . '
million Acres
of fine farmlhi? landa for aata by tbo GRAND
Sttsns.Eolli. lteady rnarkela. Stirs, cropa. Good
achooia. Jl..It.una through center of grant. Set
tlementa all along. All klnda of produrta ralnoJ.
Plenty of water, timber and building materlala:
Prlco from H o ,810 jer acre; one fourth down,
balance on time: ' ' "
43-Sendforlltnatra'edtiampbIat, full of facta
and Sgurea, and be rontihced. Addrua
W. A. UOWAJID, Oomm'r.
Grand Itaplda, Mlcb.
P. It, L. PE1RCE. 6w'j.Land Pep't. -
J-Hpthearfrt AVrttcr-lt baji'eatorad tbou-
nMu. iiuiu 41. UI1UIV U. iUQ KrOTH, glTtQ DBajtn
.. c.ii.u iuvpu uvcutou uejuuuiut reacn OK
ail medical Science, and turned the path of alee;
..wu w una v. uap,ut: ,u tue uiepiinga Wlinia
Us virtuea. It.curea tho deadly iSrlgbVa dlaeaao
and niabeteieradcateaalrdIaeae'ao'ttbe Undeya;
restoreB ihe urinary orfana to atr,ength and pow
er In a, word, It la a naiural restorer of health
and baa performed tho moat wondaf al &nd mine
uloua curea of any known apecUlconuJhs globed
Addreta, for clreulara, 4c, -'
OA1T. EUaENmi. IIENDnr. WaokMtia, ffli.
Sharps Rifle Co.,
Manufacturera of Patent Dreech-loadlng, Military,
Sportlnit and Creedmoor Itlflef. Tho Bait lu
the World. Winner at ' International nd
nearly all other principal matches at Greedfnoor.
(See Official lteccrd.l
OportltJ BUM, .... ,JvJ.t)$3.
.neaBocr.uaei, vu. fiimuoBl, IB 1307X01., ISO
aalfi;.. ' "
'Seud'forlUtutrated Catalogue.
AnOBT jsDOrnci. e. 6. WESTCOTT,
llARironD, Cosx. ' 1 " Pmldtnt.
ttHKA WISER toAgenUto aall anartlelo
V JiaUtblt at. flour. I'roflta' Immenat. Pack
age free. Addets BL'CKl.VE Jt'F'Q CO, Marlon,
Ohio. ' ' , , 1
A DVISUTISINO; ChtnpriQood: SiIc:
"matic- AU'persona who contemplate quaking
contracta with newspaper for thelntertlon'tif ad.
tertlromenta, ahould aVodUS cent toOercP.
Howell A Co, 41 Varfc Itow New York, for their
PAMl'flLKT.llOOK tnfeetyKwntA cdM), con
taining llsta or over 200 newapapersandestlnutea,
showing the coat. AdTerllaementa taken for lead
ing paer$ lu many atates at a tremendoua reduc.
Hon frorq' p'ubllshera rates. Qit Tn book.
(SjC o l50n rer day at home. Terms free
vPU H i)iiU Addresa Ojuisoi Btuson k Co.
I'ortlinil." MalMB. ' r
-A- W'EI'JC guaranteed to Male and Fo
IS7v nialo" Agents, (a tbi'lr locality. Ooatt
HJf NOTIIINU to try It. Vartlculara Free.
- P. O. VICKKRV t Oo, Angusta, Ma.
-aTUow either sex may fasctu&a and galq bo
lore and affections or nay person they cbooee,' In
stantly. 'Tills art all ran possess, Tree, by mallor
25 cebts; together vltU a,Ma-rlage Qnlde, grpt
Ian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladles', etci 1,000.
000 sold. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM!
& CO., l'.ub's. Philadelphia.
TKjs prlen.did Piano Porte couiblnes
every Jninroy.ctn'en Jn tone wjth' power
and gieat durability, nnd hare received
tho unqualified codorseinepfs of the
highest Musical authorities for fts Mar
vellous extraordinary richness of Tone,
having w DrijBion' IS the
W.OULI?, Largo size, TA Octaves,
overstrung pa'is.fujl Iron Frame.Frencli
Grand aclfon, Fret Desk.Cnrved Pedal,
Solid ItosawpoiJ Mouldings, yory' Key
Front,' (Tbapped 'Harnmcrp, p Grafta
Treble, c &c, Weight when boxed
over ppo Thqusand Pounds, Liberal
discount tofhe'fradp. Agents Wanted
(raalopr jemJo.) '
tSfend stamp- for Circular. A&
'dress' the Inventor and Proprletor,'D AN.
Vt'. lJEAT'y( 'iVjblngton, New Jer
sV, " ,
WASTCO-A respectable GIRL,
tq grj tp yie cify of Phlladelpnla,
to do general housework. Apply Im
mediately to
Bank street, Lehlghton, Pa.
March 6. 1875-3w.
tba aiknowledted
Wtket, br. popnUr
ferdlct; tba best pamp
for the least uoneyi AUentloa Is In-
tne urop L&eeiti jure, iruica an oe
wlthdriwrf -without dlstnrblni- tb
jolntf, iii tho copper cbamber which
nerer rratks, scales or rusts, will last
a lifetime. Vor'Ma by deabua and
tha trada iranaraljr. In OrdSB to bo
sure'that yon get Dlatchley'a Pump, be careful
and see that It ha mj- trdi mark abors. If
you do not (sow where lo Imy, descriptiT tircu
lars, toj!elherjr)t tbenameand aijdfeaa. of the
n-ent neareat you, wllib prom pity fpfclhd by
addresalng, with stamp,
tOO Commerce Bt-.PhU-,
March S.S-Om
MUSICAL authorities as THE BEST.
D. F. BE ATT r, Proprietor, Washing
ton, N. J.
Pure Concentrated Pqtashi
Ot douhlo the strength ot apy other
I have recently perfected sv newietb
od of pucklug my Potash, or Lye, and
am now packing It only in Ballj, the
coating of which will saponWiiand
does. not ln6re the Soap, t Is t'ttbked
containing S4 and 48 lb. one Ibfella,
and In no other way. Directions In
English and German for ruaktng bard
and soft soap with ths Fotasl Tkccem
pauylng each backagfl. ' "
01 to OS Vaah) Bt.VY ff
Jnn. 18, lurs-lutiW. ' ' 5V'